Statistics: 4311 / 5996 (71.90%) words changed

Detecting									Detecting
language									language
using										using
up										up
to										to
the										the
first										first
30										30
seconds										seconds
Use										Use
`--language`									`--language`
to										to
specify										specify
the										the
language									language
Detected									Detected
language									language
French										French
At										At
the										the
time										time
in										in
the										the
game										game
of										of
seeing										seeing
it										it
because										because
when										when
we										we
started										started
in										in
the										the
streets										streets
there										there
were										were
traffic										traffic
accidents									accidents
but										but
now										now
there										there
are										are
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
people										people
who										who
can										can
circulate									circulate
for										for
food										food
in										in
the										the
tranquillity									tranquillity
If										If
there										there
is										is
less										less
you										you
can										can
take										take
less										less
open										open
your										your
mouth										mouth
you										you
arrive										arrive
it's										it's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
It's										It's
because										because
in										in
the										the
villages									villages
there										there
is										is
a										a
little										little
bit										bit
of										of
clove										clove
People										People
will										will
have										have
difficulties									difficulties
There										There
were										were
difficulties									difficulties
to										to
come										come
back										back
to										to
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
but										but
now										now
when										when
you										you
go										go
back										back
there										there
is										is
the										the
facility									facility
there										there
is										is
the										the
facility									facility
of										of
the										the
city										city
of										of
Rontre										Rontre
the										the
Marchondiza									Marchondiza
that										that
is										is
at										at
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
that										that
is										is
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
streets										streets
We										We
need										need
the										the
streets										streets
how										how
is										is
that										that
We										We
have										have
to										to
go										go
to										to
the										the
island										island
when										when
there										there
is										is
a										a
island										island
because										because
there										there
is										is
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
it										it
Point										Point
of										of
view										view
Brazil										Brazil
is										is
there										there
But										But
we										we
have										have
a										a
good										good
way										way
to										to
walk										walk
to										to
walk										walk
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
coast										coast
To									  |	This
the									  |	road
island									  |	we
									  >	spend
									  >	our
									  >	time
and										and
to										to
									  >	spend
the										the
water									  |	entire
While									  |	neighborhood
you									  |	as
									  >	long
									  >	as
									  >	we
walk										walk
you're									  <
on									  <
the									  <
plank									  <
street									  <
and										and
you									  |	we
sit									  |	come
People									  |	back
									  >	and
in										in
									  >	this
									  >	tiny
									  >	town
									  >	I
									  >	ask
the										the
middle									  |	anyone
of									  |	who
									  >	knows
the										the
river									  |	teacher
can									  |	He
feel									  |	will
									  >	go
									  >	over
									  >	there
									  >	he
									  >	is
									  >	dressed
									  >	up
									  >	at
the										the
trees									  |	pool
Know									  |	at
what									  |	the
you									  |	beach
want									  <
The										The
trees									  |	mayor
are									  |	is
still									  |	great
Greek									  |	to
Even									  |	sit
natives									  |	to
are									  |	the
all									  |	pool
Greek									  |	and
Even									  |	nobody
a									  |	see
Lean									  |	it
with									  |	He
theepherds								  |	is
also									  |	beautiful
a									  |	One
Little									  |	right
P									  <
marble									  <
Yes									  <
I									  <
am									  <
a									  <
Bare									  <
Dank									  <
An									  <
android									  <
for										for
example										example
was										was
debatized									debatized
by										by
the										the
chauffeur									chauffeur
L'Oba										L'Oba
Verité										Verité
It									  |	which
was									  |	is
literally									literally
the										the
truth										truth
L'Oba										L'Oba
Verité										Verité
the										the
expression									expression
and										and
the										the
fact										fact
of										of
difficulty									difficulty
was										was
understood									understood
by										by
the										the
author										author
of										of
my										my
book										book
for									  |	to
									  >	escalate
this										this
moment									  |	mountain
He										He
was									  |	had
to										to
say										say
the										the
truth										truth
if									  |	If
you										you
would										would
like										like
to										to
be										be
a										a
real										real
or										or
a										a
real										real
father									  |	ghost
above									  |	then
my									  |	a
gift									  |	real
									  >	ghost
That										That
must										must
be										be
the										the
image										image
that										that
									  >	that
in										in
order									  |	fact
to									  |	remains
restore									  <
his										his
assistance									assistance
that										that
in										in
order									  |	fact
to									  |	has
change									  |	changed
his										his
life										life
The										The
story										story
is									  |	was
commanded									commanded
to									  |	by
conduct									  <
the										the
challenge								  |	conductor
									  >	of
									  >	Ralantir
here										here
of										of
the									  <
truth									  <
and									  <
that									  <
in									  <
order									  <
to									  <
restore									  <
his										his
assistance								  |	arrival
									  >	And
									  >	this
									  >	reason
									  >	sometimes
									  >	to
									  >	descend
									  >	to
									  >	receive
									  >	the
									  >	ballant
to										to
adjust										adjust
the										the
cost										cost
He										He
must										must
be									  |	have
alerted									  |	had
by									  |	to
									  >	go
									  >	to
the										the
order									  |	army
of										of
coup										coup
durs										durs
to										to
conduct									  |	conduit
all										all
his									  |	the
life									  |	night
to									  |	conduit
conduct									  <
all										all
his									  |	the
life									  |	day
to										to
take										take
back									  |	the
									  >	ballant
all										all
his									  |	the
life									  |	night
and										and
all										all
his									  |	the
life									  |	day
again										again
We										We
must										must
really										really
see									  |	be
him									  <
in										in
a										a
possible									possible
way										way
So									  |	Before
we										we
could										could
do									  |	make
									  >	a
									  >	point
									  >	of
the										the
night										night
về									  <
That									  <
is									  <
why									  <
we									  <
need									  <
this									  <
year									  <
We									  <
have									  <
to										to
ship									  |	take
the										the
same									  |	ballant
as									  |	all
the										the
next									  <
year									  <
So									  <
for									  <
me									  <
there									  <
is									  <
no									  <
problem									  <
I									  <
am									  <
Geoffrey								  <
I									  <
am									  <
making									  <
this									  <
video									  <
Geoffrey								  <
is									  <
late									  <
at									  <
night										night
I									  |	to
aproveified								  |	take
It									  <
is									  <
rampant									  <
for									  <
the										the
chauffeur								  |	ballant
when									  |	all
theஙlishans								  <
must									  <
respect									  <
his									  <
stepfather								  <
until									  <
you									  <
mount									  <
your									  <
transaction								  <
during									  <
the										the
19th									  |	night
century									  <
Tonight									  <
you									  <
must									  <
de									  <
HARA									  <
in									  <
happiness								  <
He									  <
wants									  <
us									  <
electronic								  <
equipment								  <
Agribide								  <
to										to
pass									  |	take
									  >	the
									  >	ballant
all										all
the										the
Su									  |	night
castments								  |	to
before									  |	take
I									  |	the
citizen									  |	ballant
of									  |	all
L'Eurke									  |	the
I									  |	night
have									  |	I'm
your									  |	sure
knowledge								  |	I'll
about									  |	do
diversity								  |	the
and									  |	same
you									  |	thing
shall									  |	I'll
be										be
honoured								  |	very
I									  |	well
									  >	I'm
									  >	sure
									  >	we'll
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
do										do
one									  |	the
									  >	night
									  >	We
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	respect
									  >	the
									  >	ballant
									  >	so
									  >	that
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	transport
									  >	your
									  >	sport
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	power
of										of
my									  |	the
tricksש									  |	destination
As									  |	There
So									  |	is
I									  <
have									  <
not									  <
passed									  <
any									  <
ranks									  <
I									  <
have									  <
already									  <
because									  <
I									  <
did									  <
not									  <
understand								  <
what									  <
it									  <
must									  <
have									  <
been									  <
What									  <
was									  <
was									  <
a										a
Day									  |	very
of									  |	good
Chords									  |	explanation
and									  |	that
you										you
test									  |	are
out									  |	proposed
it									  <
at									  <
2									  <
pm									  <
Yeah									  <
I									  <
do									  <
it									  <
by										by
the										the
Pyは									  |	university
holes									  |	It
toda									  |	was
life									  |	their
has									  |	draft
resulted								  |	coordinator
									  >	and
there										there
									  >	won't
									  >	be
									  >	any
									  >	assuming
									  >	he
									  >	has
									  >	for
									  >	grades
									  >	but
									  >	it's
									  >	about..
									  >	If
									  >	no
									  >	it
									  >	does't
									  >	make
									  >	sense
									  >	for
									  >	example
									  >	It's
									  >	about
									  >	going
									  >	into
									  >	the
									  >	taxi
									  >	but
I										I
have									  |	don't
not									  |	patch
afraid									  |	an
									  >	amendment
									  >	that
									  >	highlights
									  >	the
									  >	Mingisan'sㅠㅠ
									  >	I
									  >	introduce
									  >	myself
to										to
do									  |	the
it									  |	university
									  >	because
I										I
didn't									  |	am
even									  |	very
surf									  |	proposed
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	you
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	build
									  >	upwhat
									  >	you
									  >	word
									  >	for
									  >	tomorrow
									  >	Read
									  >	the..
									  >	We'll
									  >	ρ
									  >	a
									  >	protestaffe
									  >	You
									  >	can't
									  >	just
do										do
									  >	three
									  >	hours
									  >	after
									  >	but
you										you
know									  |	have
what									  <
to										to
do										do
L'Aloud									  |	that
was									  |	you
really									  |	can
🐰									  |	do
difficult								  |	your
that's									  |	clean
									  >	Only
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	thing
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	good
									  >	thing
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	say
									  >	that
									  >	this
									  >	is
what										what
we										we
thought										thought
We're									  |	We
									  >	are
going										going
to										to
do										do
this										this
beautiful									beautiful
road									  |	route
here									  |	that
Maybe									  <
we										we
can										can
do										do
it									  <
at										at
least										least
20										20
years										years
later										later
but										but
it's										it's
that										that
I										I
wanted										wanted
to										to
ask										ask
you										you
about										about
the										the
political									political
authority									authority
and										and
what										what
is										is
the										the
answer										answer
to									  |	What
you									  |	is
That's									  |	the
why									  |	answer
it's									  <
for										for
the										the
work										work
									  >	What
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	list
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	treaty
									  >	It's
that										that
lets									  <
you										you
understand								  |	are
That's									  <
what									  <
you're									  <
going										going
to										to
do										do
the									  |	that
road									  |	The
									  >	route
is										is
but									  |	much
it's									  |	better
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	work
									  >	It's
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
work										work
We're									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
I										I
do										do
the										the
road									  |	route
to									  <
the									  <
point									  <
of										of
view									  |	the
									  >	appointment
I										I
do										do
it										it
at										at
least										least
									  >	3
									  >	hours
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	or
30										30
to									  |	hours
30									  |	a
of									  |	day
the									  |	and
point									  <
of									  <
view									  <
I										I
do										do
it										it
at										at
the									  |	least
point									  |	3
of									  |	hours
view									  |	a
									  >	day
I										I
do										do
it										it
at										at
the									  |	least
point									  |	3
of									  |	hours
view									  |	a
									  >	day
The										The
road									  |	route
is										is
very										very
good										good
and										and
it's										it's
good										good
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
It										It
makes										makes
me										me
feel										feel
like										like
I'm										I'm
in										in
the										the
road									  |	route
At										At
									  >	least
the										the
point									  |	route
of									  <
view									  <
the									  <
road									  <
is										is
not										not
still									  |	in
good									  |	the
									  >	corner
I										I
like									  |	eat
the										the
experience									experience
of										of
the										the
									  >	route
									  >	the
road										road
I'm									  |	What
going									  |	I
									  >	would
									  >	like
to										to
ask									  |	appreciate
you									  |	is
the										the
road										road
is									  |	and
									  >	the
good										good
I'm									  |	fact
going									  |	I
									  >	have
to										to
say									  |	start
that									  <
the										the
answer									  |	adventure
to									  |	with
my										my
colleagues									colleagues
is									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
It's										It's
the										the
road										road
of										of
this										this
man										man
I										I
already										already
have										have
been										been
there									  |	doing
for									  <
three									  <
years									  <
of									  <
this										this
man									  <
who									  <
has									  <
been									  <
working									  <
for									  <
35									  <
kilometers								  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to									  <
tell									  <
you									  <
I've									  <
built									  <
many									  <
accidents								  <
in										in
the										the
road									  |	long
We're									  |	distance
going									  |	which
									  >	is
									  >	clear
to										to
the									  |	me
road									  |	which
and									  |	is
the									  |	35km
end									  |	away
									  >	I
									  >	live
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	built
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
									  >	accidents
									  >	in
the										the
road										road
and										and
the										the
end									  <
of									  <
the									  <
road										road
is										is
to									  |	still
the									  |	short
point									  |	and
of									  |	noisy
view									  <
I										I
can									  |	can't
do										do
it										it
Without									  |	It's
any									  |	100
problem									  |	60km
									  >	away
it's										it's
simple									  |	100km
We									  |	away
									  >	but
									  >	we
can't										can't
even										even
go										go
to										to
the									  |	two
second									  <
or										or
third									  |	three
of									  |	hours
the									  <
road									  <
But										But
we										we
need										need
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
materials									materials
I									  |	to
respect										respect
the										the
passage									  |	passengers
We									  |	so
									  >	we
need										need
to										to
do									  |	be
it									  <
at									  <
30										30
to									  |	30
go									  |	for
I'm									  |	the
going									  |	rest
to									  |	of
tell									  <
you									  <
We're									  <
going									  <
to									  <
the										the
road										road
We're										We're
going										going
to										to
be									  |	the
ready									  |	right
I'm									  |	we're
going										going
to										to
show									  |	reach
you									  <
the										the
good									  |	right
work									  <
of										of
the										the
Republic									Republic
This										This
day										day
is										is
our										our
day										day
Our									  |	we're
day									  <
is									  <
our									  <
day									  <
Our									  <
day									  <
is									  <
our									  <
day									  <
Our									  <
day									  <
is									  <
our									  <
day									  <
We're									  <
going										going
to										to
the										the
day									  |	right
We									  |	we're
need									  |	going
to										to
respect									  <
the										the
day									  |	left
									  >	we're
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	and
									  >	there's
									  >	a
									  >	chance
We										We
need										need
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
journey									  |	right
We									  |	we
need										need
to										to
stand									  |	respect
up									  <
to									  <
see									  <
the										the
road									  |	trip
Thewroteer								  |	so
met									  |	you
venir									  |	can
orphanage								  |	do
									  >	it
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
and										and
									  >	then
									  >	we're
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	have
the										the
man									  |	impression
of										of
the										the
road										road
The										The
apology									  |	difficulty
met									  |	was
									  >	found
by										by
the										the
many									  |	ouvriers
Fabriys									  |	and
footballers								  |	engineers
									  >	and
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	the
									  >	one
who										who
felt									  |	created
such									  |	it
a									  |	which
crazy									  |	was
person									  |	the
									  >	author
									  >	or
									  >	the
									  >	reason
to										to
watch									  |	see
seeing									  |	clearly
product									  |	what
and									  |	happened
try									  <
to										to
give									  |	the
them									  |	mountain
money									  |	genius
of									  |	On
their									  |	this
supermarket								  |	road
It'sbreaking								  |	this
This									  |	genius
Chinese									  |	would
Movement								  |	have
was									  |	been
required								  |	able
to										to
Protocol								  |	apply
to										to
prevent									  |	the
									  >	first
									  >	event
a										a
bet									  |	battle
									  >	of
									  >	100
to										to
the									  |	find
USA									  |	its
XLT									  |	own
They									  |	land
were									  |	A
following								  |	few
the									  |	days
USA									  |	ago
proposal								  |	this
									  >	genius
									  >	was
									  >	able
to										to
introduce								  |	apply
to										to
them									  <
the										the
what-related								  |	future
that									  |	of
the										the
									  >	world
This										This
whole										whole
field									  |	sense
of										of
									  >	the
ritual										ritual
is									  <
organized									organized
on										on
the										the
streets										streets
of										of
Monzolo									  |	Monzololo
of									  |	in
the										the
Gennigarzen									Gennigarzen
of										of
									  >	Tehrouard
									  >	to
									  >	allow
									  >	us
									  >	to
									  >	work
									  >	together
									  >	and
									  >	to
									  >	reach
									  >	the
									  >	accidents
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	long
									  >	time
									  >	in
the										the
									  >	city
of										of
									  >	Chantier
the										the
Léleus									  |	first
de									  |	day
Léloir									  |	of
de									  |	the
Léloir									  |	work
de									  |	The
Léloir									  |	greatest
de									  <
Léloir									  <
de									  <
Léloir									  <
topèrmettre								  <
aux									  <
chinois									  <
de									  <
travail									  <
sans									  <
complication								  <
et									  <
d'enrayer								  <
les									  <
accidents								  <
présente								  <
dans									  <
la									  <
zone									  <
du									  <
chantier								  <
et									  <
les									  <
premiers								  <
jours									  <
d'être									  <
avance									  <
Le									  <
plus									  <
grand									  <
obstacle									obstacle
est									  |	is
ce									  <
fut									  <
une									  <
grosse									  <
pierre									  <
uniforme								  <
qui									  <
t'aillé									  <
pour									  <
les									  <
besoins									  <
de									  <
la									  <
cause									  <
se									  <
recomposaix								  <
immédiatement								  <
au									  <
matin									  <
du									  <
jour									  <
suivant									  <
au									  <
blision									  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
à									  <
reprendre								  <
plusieurs								  <
fois									  <
et									  <
plusieurs								  <
jours									  <
la									  <
même									  <
opération								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
de									  <
l'étravagheur								  <
It's									  <
up									  <
to										to
us									  |	have
									  >	a
									  >	great
									  >	hope
									  >	but
to										to
believe									  |	have
that									  |	the
hardly									  |	opportunity
any									  <
of									  <
these									  <
people									  <
is									  <
meant									  <
to										to
live									  <
in									  <
itself									  <
Even									  <
though									  <
I									  <
have										have
come									  <
since									  <
the										the
crisis									  |	opportunity
									  >	to
									  >	meet
									  >	immediately
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	morning
of										of
the										the
reconstruction								  |	day
we									  |	to
have									  |	work
nothing									  |	together
									  >	to
									  >	meet
									  >	again
and										and
will									  |	to
generate								  |	have
sp间ankind								  |	the
									  >	same
									  >	operation
									  >	as
									  >	Penelope
									  >	or
									  >	Sisyph
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	in
									  >	its
									  >	place
									  >	The
									  >	report
in										in
									  >	this
									  >	huge
									  >	landscape
the										the
land									  |	risk
About									  |	of
									  >	learning
									  >	from
									  >	promenades
									  >	in
									  >	all
									  >	parameters
									  >	and
									  >	to
									  >	have
									  >	an
									  >	interrogation
									  >	and
									  >	reflexion
									  >	curiosity
									  >	and
									  >	envy
									  >	Rien
									  >	would
									  >	have
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	yes
									  >	discipline
the										the
white									  |	mystery
blueumb									  |	The
plant									  |	scientific
or									  |	researcher
									  >	will
									  >	give
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	of
									  >	response
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	question
									  >	In
									  >	attendant
									  >	a
									  >	researcher
									  >	of
									  >	Néan
									  >	Moi
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	Denis
									  >	Sassong
									  >	who
									  >	comes
									  >	from
the										the
ardance									  |	20th
Suele									  |	century
How									  |	in
									  >	this
									  >	natural
									  >	world
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
play									  |	have
									  >	a
									  >	route
									  >	to
									  >	live
									  >	in
the										the
dog									  |	French
To									  |	and
Write									  <
the										the
Tips									  |	legendary
Everyone								  |	irreducible
believes								  |	mountainous
his									  |	mountains
power									  |	The
Who									  |	route
knows									  |	the
what									  |	object
he									  <
can									  <
become									  <
of										of
the										the
best									  |	fire
of										of
the										the
best									  |	Congolet
He's									  |	is
really									  |	asked
czę									  |	to
Of									  |	send
all									  |	orders
Mike									  |	to
Murland									  <
Raskat									  <
Approach								  <
My									  <
friend									  <
Grace									  <
Or									  <
discover								  <
and									  <
add									  <
My									  <
friend									  <
really									  <
blessed									  <
the										the
country									  |	Brasaville
Because									  |	which
Reload									  |	will
I'm									  |	attend
afraid									  |	after
									  >	a
									  >	few
									  >	years
									  >	only
									  >	This
									  >	requires
									  >	the
									  >	exaggeration
of										of
									  >	the
									  >	saying
									  >	Of
									  >	course
									  >	not
									  >	Indeed
									  >	this
									  >	enchanted
that										that
But									  |	there
to									  |	was
achieve									  |	with
what									  |	the
									  >	difficulty
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	particular
									  >	proximity
									  >	An
									  >	enchanted
									  >	on
									  >	which
									  >	the
									  >	body
									  >	could
									  >	crack
									  >	at
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	or
									  >	another
I										I
see									  |	thank
for									  |	him
patients								  |	He
who									  |	had
don't									  |	a
lose									  |	lot
twice									  |	of
rather									  |	difficulty
than									  <
to										to
Garcia									  |	increase
Daugh									  |	But
Why									  |	at
have									  <
you									  <
noticed									  <
that									  <
you've									  <
seen									  <
the										the
accident								  |	same
this									  <
time										time
through									  |	we
									  >	were
									  >	determined
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	interest
									  >	of
what										what
you're									  |	we
seeing									  |	did
and										and
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	feeling
									  >	that
what										what
we										we
all									  |	did
sell									  |	had
is									  |	an
									  >	importance
									  >	To
									  >	do
this										this
young									  |	all
man									  |	was
who									  |	convinced
tends									  <
to									  <
that										that
he										he
doesn't									  |	would
give									  |	never
him									  |	be
									  >	able
to										to
restrain								  |	talk
his									  <
friends									  <
or									  <
anyone									  <
I									  <
think									  <
we									  <
have									  <
completed								  <
beyond									  <
the									  <
risk									  <
of									  <
It's									  <
necessary								  <
to									  <
carry									  <
it									  <
with									  <
you									  <
it									  <
makes									  <
us									  <
today									  <
You									  <
get									  <
to									  <
carry									  <
yourself								  <
to										to
the										the
Japanese								  |	Bison
Museum									  <
You									  <
can									  <
carry									  <
it									  <
together								  <
Thank									  <
you									  <
Thank									  <
you									  <
Nice									  <
meeting									  <
you									  <
We're									  <
really									  <
eagerly									  <
immensely								  <
to									  <
make									  <
and									  <
show									  <
that									  <
we're									  <
all									  <
tired									  <
because										because
we're									  |	in
all									  |	its
tired									  |	well-being
together								  <
My									  <
children								  <
are									  <
proud									  <
of									  <
us									  <
They're									  <
expressing								  <
that									  <
we										we
can										can
keep									  <
you									  <
in									  <
touch									  <
You									  <
will									  <
be									  <
heartless								  <
tomorrow								  <
We									  <
must									  <
realise									  <
this									  <
metre									  <
that									  <
we're									  <
reallyów								  <
from									  <
a									  <
relationship								  <
last									  <
year									  <
That									  <
cannot									  <
be									  <
achieved								  <
by									  <
the									  <
reality									  <
And									  <
interact								  <
with									  <
our									  <
population								  <
by									  <
our									  <
excessive								  <
grapewears								  <
What									  <
do										do
we									  |	it
see									  <
in									  <
other									  <
countries								  <
in									  <
Africa									  <
in									  <
France									  <
how									  <
the									  <
photoshoot								  <
is									  <
and										and
we									  |	resist
are									  |	to
we									  |	that
are									  |	charge
									  >	For
the										the
same									  |	most
it's									  |	part
the										the
same									  |	end
it's									  |	of
the										the
									  >	work
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	of
									  >	very
									  >	great
									  >	emotion
									  >	The
same										same
and									  |	thing
									  >	that
									  >	was
									  >	happening
									  >	It's
the										the
time									  |	end
is									  |	of
long									  |	my
we									  |	way
have									  <
to									  <
focus									  <
on									  <
everything								  <
and										and
we									  |	it's
will									  |	a
now									  |	sound
find									  |	It's
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	of
									  >	my
									  >	time
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	of
									  >	my
									  >	time
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	of
									  >	charge
									  >	The
									  >	exigeant
									  >	person
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	deployment
									  >	of
									  >	each
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	collective
that										that
									  >	each
									  >	is
									  >	very
									  >	marked
									  >	for
the										the
components								  |	course
are									  |	of
put									  <
on									  <
the										the
frame									  |	environment
we									  |	and
do									  <
not									  <
always									  <
wait									  <
for									  <
the										the
system									  |	environment
unfortunately								  <
it									  <
is										is
common									  |	an
									  >	inexperienced
									  >	environment
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	organization
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	work
									  >	they
									  >	need
to										to
see										see
it									  <
in									  <
our									  <
country									  <
actually								  <
everything								  <
can									  <
be									  <
done									  <
but									  <
we									  <
don't									  <
think									  <
how										how
									  >	he
									  >	is
									  >	working
									  >	how
									  >	he
									  >	is
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	initiative
to										to
say									  |	make
it's									  |	sure
not									  <
the									  <
sun									  <
not									  <
the										the
sun									  |	controllers
but									  |	are
it									  |	appreciated
is									  |	In
often									  <
that										that
									  >	case
the										the
sun									  |	machines
is									  |	will
like									  |	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	make
the										the
sun									  |	machines
and									  |	to
it									  |	be
makes									  |	able
me									  |	to
it's									  |	be
true									  |	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	through
									  >	the..
									  >	예-
									  >	Prepare
									  >	for
									  >	freight
									  >	from
									  >	Piacch
									  >	to
									  >	German
									  >	Thank
									  >	you
									  >	sir
									  >	Because
									  >	Ana
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	man
									  >	who
									  >	has
									  >	revealed
									  >	that
we										we
have									  |	are
the									  |	going
route									  |	to
									  >	see
									  >	this
									  >	group
but										but
									  >	today
it										it
is										is
not									  |	me
going									  |	who
									  >	comes
to										to
be									  |	see
enough									  |	this
for									  |	group
the									  |	We
people									  <
in									  <
France									  <
and									  <
the									  <
people									  <
work										work
for									  |	to
example									  |	make
not									  <
always									  <
always									  <
always									  <
for									  <
the										the
culture									  |	presentation
in									  <
a									  <
while									  <
we									  <
will									  <
come									  <
here									  <
for										for
a									  <
certain									  <
visit									  <
the										the
population								  |	presentation
									  >	And
									  >	who
is										is
full									  |	it
									  >	It
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	this
									  >	great
									  >	project
of										of
									  >	Mayan
									  >	so
									  >	we
									  >	can
									  >	say
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	have
a										a
lot									  |	very
									  >	good
									  >	relationship
									  >	with
									  >	all
of										of
the									  |	us
routes									  |	We
to									  |	play
the									  |	in
roads									  |	Mayan
to									  |	who
the									  |	dreams
roads									  <
to										to
									  >	become
									  >	a
									  >	member
									  >	of
									  >	is
the										the
roads									  |	second
to									  |	group
									  >	We
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	graduate
									  >	from
the										the
mountains								  |	society
and										and
									  >	today
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	we
									  >	see
									  >	it
									  >	several
									  >	days
									  >	later
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	doing
									  >	this
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	only
to										to
produce									  |	perform
a										a
lot									  |	Junior
of									  |	SBB
money									  |	and
but									  |	doing
you									  |	yoga
can									  |	today
not									  |	We
be									  |	teach
able									  <
to									  <
earn									  <
a										a
lot									  |	different
									  >	way
of										of
money									  |	doing
not									  |	yoga
just									  |	And
because									  |	in
									  >	myself
									  >	we
									  >	can
									  >	again
									  >	do
									  >	other
									  >	things
we										we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	see
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	group
									  >	We
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
money									  |	satisfaction
but										but
									  >	to
									  >	say
									  >	thank
									  >	you
we										we
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
money									  |	satisfaction
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	happy
but										but
									  >	it's
									  >	the
									  >	reality
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	congratulations
									  >	congratulations
we										we
will									  |	have
also									  |	to
find									  |	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	Thank
									  >	you
									  >	for
									  >	this
									  >	work
									  >	But
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	But
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	We
									  >	had
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	image
									  >	We
									  >	don't
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	much
									  >	anymore
									  >	Things
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	don't
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	done
									  >	things
that										that
									  >	weren't
									  >	necessary
									  >	And
									  >	above
									  >	all
									  >	we
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	But
									  >	anyway
									  >	what
									  >	makes
									  >	me
									  >	happy
									  >	so
									  >	much
									  >	Now
									  >	knowing
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	out
									  >	of
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	and
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	others
									  >	must
									  >	think
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	do
the										the
sun									  |	work
is									  |	and
put									  |	these
									  >	work
									  >	within
									  >	that
									  >	exact
									  >	fashion
									  >	So
on										on
									  >	now
									  >	we
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	and
the										the
frame									  |	market
as									  |	continues
for									  <
the										the
use									  |	11th
of									  |	ofuth
more									  |	sense
									  >	and
									  >	will
									  >	now
									  >	see
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	stressed
									  >	we
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	anymore
									  >	at
									  >	all
									  >	In
									  >	a
									  >	solution
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	happy
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	changed
									  >	actually
									  >	everything
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	attracted
									  >	But
									  >	report
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	solution
									  >	a
									  >	means
to										to
make									  |	be
life									  |	enough
it's									  |	The
life									  |	scenario
									  >	answers
									  >	us
									  >	but
we										we
think									  |	are
that									  |	not
it									  |	worried
will									  |	As
be									  |	a
less									  |	isn't
than									  |	a
the									  |	good
sun									  |	example
of										of
the									  |	studies
sun									  |	Be
the									  |	polite
sun									  |	if
that									  |	you
will									  |	can'tusal
be									  |	The
installed								  |	level
because									  |	is
the									  |	a
route									  |	large
will									  |	number
increase								  <
it									  <
will									  <
increase								  <
it									  <
will									  <
increase								  <
the									  <
other									  <
structure								  <
which									  <
will									  <
be									  <
the									  <
sun									  <
of										of
the									  |	studies
rest									  |	Moving
in									  |	on
their									  |	up
village									  <
On									  <
the									  <
way									  <
60									  <
km									  <
from									  <
route									  <
to										to
the									  |	67-kilometer
city									  |	China-
of									  |	nor
Bittume									  |	GPS
the									  |	After
Chinese									  <
company									  <
China									  <
City									  <
Construction								  <
Engineering								  <
Corporation								  <
has									  <
been									  <
intervening									intervening
for									  |	from
the										the
future									  |	south-east
of										of
technical								  |	Maintain
power									  <
to										to
build									  |	bathe
the										the
best									  |	walls
of										of
the										the
future									  |	south-east
to									  <
reduce										reduce
the									  |	millions
half-metre-cube								  |	of
									  >	meters
of										of
the									  <
land										land
bring									  |	break
the										the
aboulement								  |	buildings
and										and
the										the
background								  |	lands
of										of
the										the
terrain									  |	land
to									  |	When
control									  <
the										the
south									  |	south-east
of									  |	and
the										the
trees									  |	south-east
and										and
the										the
south									  |	south-east
									  >	are
									  >	surrounded
									  >	by
									  >	millions
of										of
the									  |	meters
sun									  <
to									  <
reduce									  <
the									  <
half-metre-cube								  <
of										of
the									  |	land
valley									  <
and										and
reach										reach
the										the
edges									  |	walls
of										of
the										the
roads									  |	south-east
and										and
other									  |	the
roads									  |	south-east
In										In
total										total
299									  |	two
441,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000					  |	hundred
It									  |	four
was									  |	twenty-nine
a									  |	billion
great									  |	four
opportunity								  |	hundred
for									  |	forty-a-million
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Francés-Fa
									  >	were
									  >	engaged
									  >	in
the										the
first										first
300									  |	three
									  >	hundred
Yes										Yes
well										well
the										the
first										first
300									  |	three
was									  |	hundred
									  >	is
finished									finished
so										so
it									  |	they
was									  <
already										already
on									  |	left
the										the
circulation									circulation
because										because
the									  |	they
years									  <
were										were
finally									  |	just
over									  |	at
and									  |	the
									  >	beginning
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Lisi
									  >	And
then										then
a										a
little										little
year										year
ago									  |	later
we										we
started										started
mobilisation									mobilisation
on										on
the										the
transition									transition
of										of
									  >	Lisi
the										the
islands										islands
the									  <
trees									  <
and										and
the										the
south									  |	islands
of									  |	and
the										the
mountains								  |	islands
and										and
the										the
south									  |	islands
of									  <
the										the
east									  |	islands
and										and
the										the
construction								  |	islands
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	place
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	the
									  >	Shafdolo
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	control
of										of
the										the
trees									  |	islands
between										between
the										the
north									  |	north-east
and										and
									  >	Maintain
									  >	So
the										the
south									  |	transfer
of										of
the										the
south									  |	fifty-four
and									  <
they									  <
put									  <
it									  <
into									  <
the									  <
transition								  <
thirty-four								  <
kilometres								  <
once									  <
a									  <
thousand								  <
or									  <
thirty-six								  <
kilometers									kilometers
per									  |	more
site									  |	than
for									  |	three
a									  |	hundred
exact									  |	meters
voyage									  |	on
we									  |	the
assume									  |	RN6
to										to
									  >	make
the										the
									  >	other
passage										passage
of										of
Passage									  |	passage
so									  |	We
									  >	are
									  >	on
the										the
passage										passage
composed								  <
of										of
8									  |	passage
fingers									  |	So
									  >	the
									  >	passage
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	south-east
four										four
fingers									  |	times
in										in
a										a
hundred									  |	sense
four										four
fingers									  |	times
in										in
the										the
other										other
One										One
finger									  |	time
on									  |	to
the										the
extremelyitated								  |	extreme
extremly								  <
which									  <
makes									  <
it									  <
similar									  <
to										to
the										the
Fourth									  |	north-east
Next									  |	which
anywhere								  |	makes
and									  |	more
thanks									  |	than
									  >	four
									  >	hundred
									  >	fifty
									  >	dollars
to										to
all									  |	have
									  >	a
									  >	bit
									  >	of
the										the
users									  |	adventurers
									  >	of
the										the
negative								  |	north-east
platform								  |	It
is										is
big									  <
but									  <
fairly									  <
small									  <
To									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
get									  <
the										the
first									  |	most
grenade									  |	powerful
strikes									  |	passage
for									  |	of
one-four								  |	three
meters										meters
It's									  |	for
even									  |	the
better									  |	Lisi
when									  |	vehicles
you									  |	Each
press									  |	post
hities									  <
width									  <
is										is
30-60									  |	a
meters									  |	bit
and									  |	of
10									  |	a
meters									  |	semi-automatised
									  >	it
is										is
idealistic								  |	said
when									  |	that
the									  <
grip									  <
will									  <
proxib									  <
the									  <
shootingpoints								  <
to									  <
the									  <
left									  <
with									  <
the									  <
attribution								  <
between									  <
the										the
Final									  |	barrier
Madrid									  |	and
									  >	automatic
									  >	barrier
									  >	The
									  >	return
									  >	of
the										the
system									  |	south-east
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	bit
of										of
a										a
100D									  |	semi-automatic
system									  |	It
plus									  |	is
the									  <
non-alimentation							  <
system									  <
the									  <
public									  <
toilets									  <
Here									  <
we									  <
have									  <
a										a
passage									  |	part
of										of
passage									  |	6
for									  |	meters
									  >	With
the										the
Poloor									  |	administrative
									  >	equipment
									  >	a
									  >	pump
									  >	boat
with										with
the										the
events									  |	boat
on									  |	for
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	hundred-and-a-half
									  >	system
the										the
Gabbari									  |	highest-system
									  >	of
the										the
events									  |	north-east
on									  |	this
									  >	area
									  >	is
									  >	placed
									  >	from
the										the
Poloor									  |	north-east
									  >	Furtheres
									  >	touch
									  >	the명
									  >	περιngerings
									  >	Above
the										the
Poloor									  |	north-east
which									  |	the
will									  |	sidewalk
be									  |	boats
on									  <
charge									  <
will										will
be										be
directed								  |	destroyed
towards									  |	if
the										the
parkingway								  |	situation
to									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
charge									  <
The									  <
installation								  <
is										is
tricky									  <
to									  <
do									  <
The									  <
Nuit									  <
which									  <
is									  <
the									  <
best										best
function								  |	to
of									  |	stop
the									  |	it
Poloor									  |	I
The									  |	like
works									  |	to
of									  |	share
									  >	with
the										the
barrels									  |	staff
the										the
uses									  |	directions
of									  <
this									  <
kind									  <
of									  <
route									  <
which									  <
is									  <
but									  <
it's									  <
not									  <
it									  <
was									  <
not									  <
used									  <
by									  <
the										the
Poloor									  |	essential
and									  |	variables
what									  |	But
is									  <
it										it
called									  |	wasn't
a									  <
bit									  <
the									  <
installation								  <
of									  <
this									  <
For									  <
a										a
long									  |	car
time									  |	that
									  >	no
									  >	dogs
									  >	had
									  >	experienced
									  >	so
									  >	it
									  >	more
									  >	caused
									  >	gaming
									  >	But
									  >	for
									  >	now
									  >	sometimes
it										it
has									  <
never										never
worked										worked
really									  <
for										for
the										the
vehicles								  |	Viveqs
but									  |	But
I										I
think										think
that									  <
we										we
will									  |	still
do									  |	have
all									  <
the										the
work									  |	feeling
that									  |	of
									  >	prodigy
the										the
people										people
it's									  <
nice									  <
So									  <
it's									  <
true									  <
that										that
there									  |	have
is									  |	been
									  >	So
									  >	there's
a										a
little									  |	bit
space									  |	of氣
there									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	front
									  >	There
are										are
already									  <
two										two
parts									  |	keys
that									  |	and
exist									  <
so									  <
people									  <
start									  <
to									  <
understand								  <
the										the
system										system
of										of
									  >	barriers
									  >	and
the										the
barrels									  |	security
to									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to										to
reach										reach
the										the
tax										tax
for										for
the										the
Poloor									  |	road
For										For
me										me
there									  |	it
will										will
									  >	not
be										be
no									  |	a
problem										problem
There									  |	It
will										will
be										be
a										a
little									  <
bit										bit
of										of
a										a
passage									  |	protest
but									  |	right
									  >	But
it's										it's
a										a
space									  |	phase
that										that
will										will
not										not
be									  |	last
too										too
long										long
At										At
the										the
PECA										PECA
137									  |	137th
the									  |	Pre-Denvouti
route									  |	it
was										was
built										built
a										a
bridge										bridge
of										of
50										50
meters										meters
long									  |	of
									  >	land
with										with
three									  |	3
tracks										tracks
The									  |	Vouti
route									  |	a
one									  <
of									  <
the									  <
great										great
localities								  |	locality
worked									  |	traversed
by										by
the										the
national									national
route										route
number										number
1										1
which									  |	tireré
was									  |	sans
decided									  |	nom
by									  |	de
the									  |	d'Ivouti
route									  |	a
number									  |	very
1									  |	cool
being									  |	tree
this									  |	in
route									  <
will									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
LINKE									  <
the									  <
hotel									  <
the									  <
website									  <
repleting								  <
your									  <
access									  <
to									  <
the										the
Poloorños								  |	region
and									  |	On
the										the
Pencil									  |	outskirts
property								  |	of
the										the
museum									  |	Mediterranean
shelves									  |	a
The									  |	harbour
people									  <
although								  <
it									  <
is									  <
just									  <
this									  <
hour									  <
plan									  <
of										of
friendship,樣								  |	influencers
2									  |	friend
we									  |	goats
									  >	opting
									  >	with
									  >	L'Oаюсь
									  >	That
									  >	tree
									  >	looks
									  >	worth
all										all
have									  |	live
to									  |	here
be									  <
in									  <
the									  <
place									  <
where									  <
it's									  <
Today										Today
the										the
Petit										Petit
Voutille									Voutille
is										is
just									  |	simply
as									  |	a
happy									  |	singer
as									  |	it's
it									  <
is									  <
It's									  <
a										a
great										great
day										day
to										to
have									  |	become
a										a
look									  |	singer
at									  |	of
the									  |	reference
references								  <
on										on
the										the
Schmeldfair								  |	Schmeld
									  >	Fair
Congo										Congo
with										with
its										its
4,000										4,000
inhabitants									inhabitants
But										But
Voutille									Voutille
is										is
also										also
									  >	a
part										part
of										of
the										the
passage									  |	path
of										of
the										the
route										route
of										of
the										the
Brasaville									Brasaville
Here										Here
the										the
Ancien										Ancien
Batiment									Batiment
is										is
the										the
one										one
that										that
has										has
been										been
arrested								  |	invited
from									  |	to
the										the
District								  |	services
Council									  |	of
at									  <
the										the
time									  |	district
									  >	initiative
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	world
At										At
the										the
place										place
the										the
President									President
of										of
the										the
Republic									Republic
has									  |	to
									  >	bathe
a										a
research									research
of										of
its										its
own										own
effects									  |	future
There										There
is										is
also										also
the										the
fact									  |	special
									  >	thing
that										that
as										as
you										you
have									  |	can
said									  |	see
									  >	is
for										for
the										the
Constitution								  |	construction
of									  <
the									  <
Eccles									  <
of										of
the									  |	schools
Center									  |	The
									  >	Centre
of										of
Santé										Santé
Antique									  |	Intéque
and										and
we										we
also										also
have										have
the										the
obligation									obligation
of										of
what										what
we										we
all										all
see										see
that										that
there										there
is										is
virtually								  |	a
nothing									  |	maximum
to									  |	of
say									  |	18,000
In									  |	inhabitants
the									  <
end									  <
in										in
the										the
route										route
of										of
the										the
Brasaville								  |	route
									  >	in
the										the
Ancien									  |	region
Batiment								  |	of
is									  |	the
									  >	Basimans
									  >	and
of										of
the										the
Council										Council
of										of
Annotes										Annotes
It's										It's
like										like
in										in
Voutille									Voutille
You									  |	and
									  >	you
will										will
see										see
the										the
perfect										perfect
route										route
of										of
Voutille									Voutille
The										The
Basement								  |	Basimans
of									  <
the									  <
Ancien									  <
Batiment								  <
is									  <
of										of
the										the
Ancien									  |	route
Batiment								  <
and									  <
the									  <
Ancien									  <
Batiment								  <
connects								  <
yourself								  <
To									  <
deliver									  <
the									  <
Ancien									  <
Batiment								  <
ancien									  <
Batiment								  <
for									  <
the									  <
section									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Ancων									  <
We									  <
can									  <
only									  <
place									  <
29									  <
minutes									  <
of									  <
passage									  <
above									  <
theолов									  <
For									  <
this									  <
way									  <
you									  <
can									  <
awaits									  <
one									  <
of									  <
the									  <
lifted									  <
Mari									  <
Voyave									  <
The									  <
papers									  <
from									  <
the									  <
Skull-Turstra								  <
initially								  <
ahramaot's								  <
two-step								  <
greeting								  <
Don									  <
Gabrieloo								  <
The									  <
Basement								  <
of										of
the										the
Ancien									  |	route
Batiment								  <
is									  <
known									  <
for									  <
his									  <
throughout								  <
the									  <
country									  <
As									  <
one									  <
of										of
the										the
prata									  |	route
									  >	and
									  >	I
									  >	was
									  >	obliged
to										to
									  >	seek
									  >	an
									  >	another
									  >	project
									  >	to
									  >	build
									  >	a
									  >	newañet
									  >	to
									  >	present
the										the
media									  |	perfect
the									  |	route
leader									  |	Ministry
of										of
									  >	jobs
									  >	may
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	help
									  >	you
									  >	Don't
									  >	repeat
									  >	this
									  >	question
									  >	In
the										the
Basement								  |	route
of										of
									  >	Lés
									  >	Delta
									  >	our
									  >	population
									  >	I
									  >	indicated
									  >	their
									  >	route
									  >	at
the										the
Ancien									  |	measure
Batiment								  |	because
You									  <
see									  <
that									  <
on									  <
the									  <
way									  <
because										because
the										the
route										route
is										is
visible										visible
you									  |	To
can									  |	arrive
go									  |	at
back									  <
to									  <
the										the
point										point
of										of
the										the
night										night
and										and
here										here
it										it
was										was
really..									really..
It										It
was										was
a										a
crash										crash
it									  |	It
was										was
a										a
crash										crash
it									  |	In
was									  <
in									  <
the										the
time										time
before										before
the										the
route										route
It									  |	it
was										was
really										really
difficult									difficult
Tell									  |	It
me									  |	said
									  >	that
the										the
route										route
in										in
the										the
C										C
it's									  |	is
an										an
important									important
factor										factor
of										of
development									development
Here										Here
in										in
you									  |	the
									  >	route
how										how
do										do
you										you
contribute									contribute
to										to
the										the
development									development
of										of
									  >	the
Congo										Congo
to									  |	through
bring									  <
back									  <
these										these
routes										routes
that										that
pass										pass
by										by
the										the
routes									  |	route
Yes										Yes
the										the
development								  |	development..
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
In										In
our										our
contribution									contribution
it's										it's
the										the
route									  |	future
of									  |	In
the									  <
route									  <
First									  <
what									  <
is									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
It's									  <
the										the
route									  |	first
of									  |	place
									  >	it's
the										the
route									  |	future
because										because
today										today
we										we
don't										don't
have										have
it										it
We										We
have										have
the										the
forest										forest
We										We
have										have
the										the
eyes										eyes
We										We
can										can
all									  <
use										use
									  >	it
									  >	for
the										the
route									  |	front
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of										of
the										the
route									  |	country
of									  |	For
the										the
route										route
or									  |	Or
it's										it's
the										the
route									  |	forest
of									  |	In
the									  |	fact
route									  |	it's
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
the										the
images									  |	future
What										What
do										do
you										you
do										do
here										here
precisely								  |	Precisely
in									  <
the									  <
route									  <
Well										Well
I'm										I'm
doing										doing
the										the
agriculture									agriculture
Do									  |	You
you									  <
even									  <
do										do
what										what
No									  |	Yes
I										I
do										do
									  >	the
agriculture									agriculture
and									  <
I									  <
do..									  <
I										I
do										do
the										the
artisanal								  |	seasonal
research									research
I										I
try										try
the										the
next										next
thing										thing
Because										Because
the										the
people										people
of										of
you										you
too										too
they										they
feel									  |	also..
like									  |	How
you									  |	do
									  >	you..
Yes										Yes
we										we
feel									  |	are
like									  |	number
we're									  <
hungry									  <
We									  <
feel									  <
like									  <
we're									  <
hungry									  <
We										We
feel									  |	are
like									  |	numbering
we're									  |	to
hungry									  |	do
That's									  |	everything
all									  <
the										the
research									research
The										The
orientation								  |	presentation
because										because
we										we
have										have
a										a
bit										bit
of										of
difficulty									difficulty
To										To
transport								  |	answer
you									  |	there
can									  |	are
have									  |	yes
the									  |	to
routes									  |	have
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the										the
route									  |	future
of										of
the										the
route										route
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
the									  |	work
route									  |	everything
But										But
I										I
think										think
that										that
									  >	in
									  >	fact
the										the
route										route
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
the									  <
route									  <
is									  <
going									  <
to									  <
work										work
But										But
now										now
we										we
are										are
young										young
We										We
are										are
hungry									  |	numbering
to										to
make									  |	do
artisanal								  |	the
research									research
The										The
route										route
is										is
so										so
visible										visible
today										today
It										It
allows										allows
you										you
to										to
find										find
easily										easily
your										your
product									  |	products
So									  |	And
									  >	so
your										your
feelings									feelings
will									  <
be									  <
for										for
sure									  |	the
									  >	forest
Or										Or
are										are
you										you
happy										happy
for										for
a									  |	the
journey									  |	forest
or										or
a									  |	the
journey									  |	forest
We're									  |	Everything
all									  |	is
hungry									  |	healthy
we're									  |	We
hungry									  |	are
We're									  <
so										so
hungry									  |	happy
We're									  |	We
									  >	are
so										so
hungry									  |	happy
We're									  |	I'm
hungry									  |	on
That's									  <
what									  <
we									  <
do									  <
Usually									  <
the									  <
route									  <
we									  <
have									  <
into									  <
the										the
									  >	way
									  >	In
									  >	fact
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	success
									  >	The
route										route
									  >	today
is										is
making									  |	done
us									  <
faster									  <
For										For
us										us
the									  |	it's
route									  <
is									  <
very									  <
hard									  <
It									  <
can't									  <
say									  <
that									  <
our									  <
village									  <
may									  <
not									  <
have									  <
installed								  <
a										a
building								  |	good
									  >	game
									  >	Because
									  >	it's
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	pass
									  >	Directly
in										in
our										our
village										village
So									  |	In
for									  |	our
us									  |	village
it's									  |	In
been									  |	our
									  >	village
									  >	In
									  >	fact
									  >	it
									  >	was
a										a
relief									  |	dream
from									  |	It
becoming								  |	became
a										a
village									  |	reality
today										today
It's									  |	Well
still									  |	it
not									  |	doesn't
because									  |	even
									  >	matter
									  >	Because
I'm										I'm
old									  |	a
enough									  |	native
I'm										I'm
a										a
nurse									  |	native
You'll									  <
be									  <
out									  <
with									  <
me									  <
in									  <
future									  <
I										I
didn't									  <
think										think
about									  |	it's
that									  |	a
in									  |	game
the									  <
past									  <
so									  <
quickly									  <
that									  <
you're									  <
very									  <
old									  <
enough									  <
Did									  <
you									  <
hear									  <
that										that
I									  |	we
don't									  |	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
see										see
you're									  |	I'm
wrong									  <
in									  <
Ed									  <
at									  <
home									  <
So									  <
what									  <
if									  <
they									  <
were									  <
doing									  <
such									  <
a										a
mistake									  |	native
today									  |	In
									  >	your
									  >	life
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	dream
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	dream
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	dream
									  >	Well
									  >	whatever
									  >	So
									  >	at
									  >	least
I										I
felt									  |	say
									  >	we
									  >	must
									  >	go
									  >	We
									  >	must
									  >	pray
									  >	I'll
									  >	be
									  >	here
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	At
									  >	last
									  >	I'll
									  >	be
									  >	crying
									  >	When
									  >	we
									  >	go
									  >	to
									  >	revenue
									  >	farming
									  >	let
									  >	me
									  >	come
									  >	to
									  >	revenue
									  >	Because
when										when
I										I
was									  |	came
									  >	to
									  >	my,-
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	work
on										on
track									  |	folic
I									  |	fields
felt									  |	We
at									  |	do
the									  |	not
moment									  |	say
that										that
already									  <
came									  <
out									  <
It									  <
was									  <
the									  <
shift									  <
I										I
was									  |	wonder
so									  |	myself
impressed								  |	Is
									  >	it
									  >	tall
									  >	or
									  >	tall
I										I
think									  |	don't
									  >	know
I										I
saw									  |	will
that									  <
meeting									  <
has									  <
led									  <
to									  <
the									  <
snap									  <
back									  <
here									  <
fate									  <
flies									  <
Neither									  <
would									  <
we									  <
have										have
double									  |	good
strikes									  |	luck
Today									  |	I
in									  |	have
relation								  |	not
to									  |	seen
the									  |	children
city									  |	when
of									  <
Yeras									  <
there									  <
is									  <
a									  <
bit									  <
of									  <
Yeras									  <
I										I
think									  |	go
									  >	to
									  >	Videojak
									  >	There's
a										a
lot									  |	little
Yeras									  |	rain
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	take
									  >	care
									  >	of
									  >	it
									  >	There's
the										the
population									population
had									  |	with
cyclists									cyclists
for										for
this										this
place										place
Today										Today
with										with
the										the
presence									presence
of										of
the										the
road										road
the										the
inhabitants									inhabitants
of										of
Miami										Miami
who										who
had										had
									  >	the
cyclists									cyclists
for										for
this										this
place										place
today										today
it's										it's
a										a
very										very
easy										easy
place										place
For									  |	Especially
all									  |	for
the										the
commercial								  |	commerce
the										the
areas										areas
of										of
the										the
road									  |	lake
I'm										I'm
very										very
happy										happy
about										about
everything									everything
that										that
happens										happens
Everything								  |	I'm
									  >	very
									  >	happy
									  >	about
									  >	what
									  >	we
									  >	can
									  >	do
									  >	I'm
									  >	happy
									  >	about
									  >	everything
that										that
happens										happens
is									  |	I
a									  |	think
lot									  |	that
of									  |	today
realising								  <
how									  <
to									  <
manage									  <
in									  <
other									  <
countries								  <
Today									  <
the										the
population									population
this									  |	is
place									  |	the
better									  |	best
than									  |	for
before									  |	the
									  >	people
but										but
there's										there's
also										also
the										the
way										way
to										to
do										do
it										it
so									  |	So
it's										it's
not										not
really										really
the										the
population									population
What										What
do										do
you										you
want										want
									  >	to
									  >	do
We										We
can't										can't
criticize									criticize
because										because
we										we
don't									  <
criticize								  <
the									  <
old									  <
man									  <
because									  <
we									  <
have										have
the										the
new										new
one									  |	news
but									  |	We're
this									  |	going
is									  <
for									  <
the									  <
people									  <
who									  <
want									  <
to										to
do										do
it										it
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	people
I										I
don't										don't
know										know
if										if
the										the
people										people
who									  |	are
want									  |	going
to										to
do										do
it										it
will									  |	I'm
live									  |	going
in									  |	to
front									  |	do
of									  |	it
us									  |	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	it
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	people
After										After
the										the
years										years
when										when
we										we
came										came
to									  |	we
the									  |	had
streets									  <
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
trains										trains
in									  |	we
Europe									  |	went
like									  |	to
them									  <
a									  <
permanently								  <
different								  <
way									  <
until									  <
today									  <
the										the
fire									  |	lake
									  >	and
									  >	we
									  >	were
									  >	really
									  >	lucky
									  >	Today
									  >	the
									  >	lake
is										is
drying									  |	really
up									  |	hot
it's									  |	It's
									  >	really
									  >	hot
									  >	It's
not										not
about									  |	even
changing								  |	a
clothes									  |	little
I'm									  |	hot
									  >	anymore
									  >	In
									  >	my
									  >	childhood
									  >	when
									  >	I
									  >	was
									  >	watching
									  >	the
									  >	lake
									  >	there
									  >	was
									  >	the
									  >	very
									  >	low
									  >	It
									  >	was
really										really
glad									  |	hot
that工									  |	The
has									  |	lake
been									  <
damaged									  <
There									  <
is										is
nothing									  |	really
to									  |	hot
expect									  |	I
from									  |	was
them									  |	really
here									  |	happy
Yeras									  |	with
									  >	the
									  >	lake
									  >	The
									  >	lake
									  >	is
									  >	really
									  >	hot
									  >	You
see										see
									  >	it
									  >	and
									  >	it
									  >	looks
									  >	like
									  >	a
									  >	fire
Yes										Yes
the										the
land										land
of										of
									  >	the
300										300
This										This
land									  |	place
of									  <
Masséca									  <
on										on
the										the
way									  |	past
to									  <
the										the
south									  |	support
side									  <
of										of
the										the
SFCO									  |	CFCO
was										was
executed									executed
at										at
the										the
Gabbari										Gabbari
de										de
Choumè									  |	Chumet
de										de
Faire										Faire
with										with
the										the
possibility									possibility
to									  |	of
allow									  |	helping
the										the
double									  |	government
of										of
the										the
river									  |	lake
The										The
Tragéroutier								  |	strategic
de									  |	route
									  >	of
									  >	the
plusieurs									plusieurs
heures									  <
is										is
also										also
the										the
occasion								  |	opportunity
to										to
establish									establish
the										the
contact										contact
with										with
the										the
population									population
where									  |	to
there									  |	the
is									  |	group
a									  <
number									  <
of										of
localities									localities
in										in
the										the
Parcou									  |	park
and										and
where									  |	to
there									  |	discuss
									  >	what
will										will
be									  |	happen
									  >	to
a										a
large										large
part										part
of										of
the										the
habitat									  |	lake
This										This
village										village
for										for
Masséca									  |	example
									  >	in
									  >	Massica
									  >	you
the										the
Saira									  |	Sarah
the										the
Banda									  |	Bonda
Jean-Oblé-Force								  |	Jean-Obley
									  >	for
									  >	this
									  >	month
At										At
the										the
time										time
of										of
the										the
tap										tap
the										the
transit										transit
will										will
be										be
interrupted									interrupted
at										at
the										the
point										point
of										of
doing										doing
the										the
treatment								  |	T.A
of									  |	to
									  >	deal
									  >	with
a										a
large										large
animation									animation
Family									  |	Families
									  >	are
men										men
will									  <
go										go
to										to
the										the
fruits										fruits
such									  |	like
as									  <
Anana										Anana
Banan										Banan
Noah									  |	Nua
de										de
Corcoro									  |	Koko
quantitique								  |	quantité
de										de
Manioque								  |	manioques
papay										papay
Meng									  |	mong
Safou									  |	safou
and									  |	et
other									  |	autres
products								  |	produits
of									  |	au
the									  |	détail
Thai									  |	ou
or									  |	encore
even									  |	des
local									  |	produits
products								  |	de
									  >	l'artisanat
									  >	locale
At										At
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
our										our
population									population
in										in
the										the
village										village
which									  |	côté
is									  |	de
from									  |	la
the									  |	circulation
population								  |	et
is									  |	des
from									  |	occasions
the									  |	et
occasion								  |	de
and									  |	faire
it									  |	sortir
is									  |	nos
made									  |	produits
out									  <
of									  <
our									  <
products								  <
No										No
there									  |	we
are									  |	have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
advantages								  |	advantage
because										because
									  >	at
the										the
double									  |	brudel
of									  <
the									  <
river									  <
as										as
it									  |	we
does									  |	don't
not									  <
pass										pass
because									  |	we
the									  |	can't
double									  <
of									  <
the									  <
river									  <
even									  <
at									  <
the									  <
same									  <
time									  <
the									  <
people									  <
pass										pass
We										We
see										see
that										that
we									  |	men
live									  |	are
here									  |	Mountains
it									  |	II
gives									  |	Air
the									  |	To
same									  |	win
benefits								  |	France
It									  |	win
									  >	which
is										is
a										a
year									  |	runway
or									  |	as
less									  |	well
15,000									  |	I
people									  |	am
in									  |	sorry
the									  <
youth									  <
of									  <
the									  <
very									  <
young									  <
It									  <
is									  <
for									  <
me									  <
to										to
have									  |	ask
been									  <
15									  <
years									  <
old									  <
which									  <
is									  <
in									  <
the									  <
forest									  <
which									  <
is									  <
in									  <
the									  <
forest									  <
And									  <
do									  <
you										you
see									  |	about
the									  |	thatcasual
beauty									  |	condition
of									  |	Do
									  >	you
									  >	sell
									  >	Bonda
									  >	Crabbiat
									  >	de
Saq										Saq
Parcho									  |	Perjou
Yes										Yes
it									  |	I
is									  |	will
150									  |	be
years									  |	a
old									  |	sunset
Today									  |	of
it									  <
is									  <
like									  <
that									  <
to									  <
make									  <
the									  <
pleasure								  <
to									  <
take									  <
the										the
road										road
that										that
is									  |	the
not									  |	guys
so									  |	are
much									  |	doing
different								  |	So
because									  |	that's
it									  |	how
is									  <
like									  <
that									  <
it										it
									  >	really
is										is
very									  |	It's
much									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
pleasure									pleasure
Because										Because
I										I
can									  |	can't
even										even
tell										tell
you										you
that									  <
if									  <
you									  <
live									  <
here									  <
I										I
can									  |	can't
even										even
see									  |	tell
the									  |	you
river									  |	There
Here									  <
it										it
is										is
It									  |	It's
is									  <
a										a
great										great
honor										honor
for										for
you										you
but									  |	But
sometimes								  |	when
it									  |	it's
makes									  |	done
you									  |	it's
easily									  |	easy
									  >	to
use										use
this										this
route										route
what									  |	What
do										do
you										you
say										say
to									  |	about
this										this
person										person
Thank										Thank
you										you
very									  |	so
much										much
for										for
this										this
person										person
It									  |	It's
is									  <
a									  <
thousand								  <
years									  <
old									  <
it									  <
is									  <
a										a
great									  |	very
pleasure								  |	surprising
It									  |	situation
is									  |	It's
a										a
good										good
pleasure								  |	thing
for										for
the										the
road										road
It									  |	The
is									  |	road
a									  |	It's
very									  <
good									  <
pleasure								  <
It									  <
is									  <
a									  <
very									  <
good									  <
pleasure								  <
It									  <
is									  <
not									  <
a									  <
bad									  <
place									  <
to									  <
make									  <
it									  <
because									  <
there									  <
are									  <
many									  <
of									  <
the									  <
people									  <
who									  <
pass									  <
here									  <
at									  <
the									  <
corner									  <
and									  <
the									  <
river									  <
is									  <
not									  <
to									  <
make									  <
it									  <
there									  <
It									  <
is									  <
not									  <
to									  <
make									  <
it									  <
there									  <
but									  <
you									  <
must									  <
get									  <
the									  <
same									  <
way									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
It									  <
is									  <
a									  <
bit									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
too									  <
much									  <
It									  <
is									  <
a										a
lot									  |	very
too									  |	good
much									  |	one
too									  |	To
much									  |	eat
									  >	the
									  >	Congo's
									  >	food
									  >	guns
									  >	It's
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	memorable
									  >	thing
Because										Because
we										we
have									  |	tried
									  >	it
a										a
lot										lot
of									  |	in
work									  |	Pazelo
and									  |	gets
of									  |	with
the										the
short-term								  |	Congo
care									  |	They
									  >	didn't
									  >	give
									  >	you
									  >	this
									  >	in
									  >	order
									  >	It's
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	in
									  >	Pazelo
									  >	There's
									  >	a
									  >	serious
									  >	crisis
									  >	here
									  >	But
									  >	this
									  >	was
									  >	not
									  >	as
									  >	confusing
									  >	but
									  >	not
									  >	as
									  >	difficult
									  >	as
									  >	such
									  >	I'm
									  >	surprised
									  >	that
									  >	it's
									  >	important
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	counted
									  >	only
									  >	in
									  >	Pazelo
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	hand
									  >	Everybody
									  >	has
									  >	to
									  >	learn
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	Mardou
and										and
									  >	the
									  >	heart
of										of
the										the
									  >	parents
									  >	And
music										music
as									  |	is
always									  |	like
you									  |	that
can									  |	even
make									  |	if
									  >	it's
the										the
harmony										harmony
									  >	you
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	yourself
									  >	You
									  >	can
									  >	only
									  >	be
									  >	a
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	heart
You										You
didn't									  <
even										even
calm									  |	have
At									  |	a
least									  |	girlfriend
you									  <
format									  <
some									  <
time									  <
during									  <
civil									  <
war									  <
But									  <
then									  <
you									  <
see									  <
you										you
both									  |	can
Table									  |	only
Fuji									  |	be
about									  |	a
this									  |	part
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	heart
You										You
always									  |	can
approach								  |	only
you									  |	be
with									  <
a										a
distances								  |	part
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	heart
									  >	You
									  >	have
to										to
get									  |	be
that									  |	a
money									  |	part
money									  |	of
To									  |	your
ask									  |	heart
for									  |	You
the									  |	have
job									  |	to
at									  |	be
Ferroq									  |	a
in									  |	part
Denies									  |	of
Station									  |	your
really									  |	heart
that's									  |	Really
									  >	It's
all										all
That's									  <
what									  <
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
there									  |	Here
So										So
if										if
you										you
have										have
another										another
question									question
you										you
can										can
ask										ask
yourself								  |	No
Unless									  |	I
									  >	want
									  >	you
									  >	to
									  >	answer
									  >	another
									  >	question
									  >	No
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	answer
									  >	I
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	answer
									  >	Thank
									  >	you
									  >	Good
									  >	morning
									  >	Hello
									  >	Hello
									  >	It's
									  >	Vélène
									  >	Satou
									  >	You
									  >	are
									  >	here
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	supermarket
									  >	You
									  >	sell
									  >	tickets
									  >	It's
									  >	worth
									  >	two
									  >	weeks
									  >	If
									  >	you
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	buy
									  >	it
									  >	there
									  >	are
									  >	two
									  >	tickets
									  >	pounders
									  >	already
									  >	There
									  >	are
									  >	two
									  >	not
									  >	our
									  >	set
									  >	but
									  >	our
									  >	products
									  >	But
									  >	worse
									  >	it's
									  >	quite
									  >	cheaper
									  >	Must
									  >	have
									  >	long
									  >	ahead
									  >	It's
									  >	one
									  >	of
									  >	my
									  >	favorite
									  >	places
									  >	There's
									  >	one
									  >	Here
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	fair
									  >	place
									  >	These
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	oldest
									  >	places
									  >	your
									  >	favorite
									  >	unusual
									  >	places
									  >	which
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	unloaded
									  >	all
									  >	Of
									  >	course
									  >	You
									  >	can
									  >	place
									  >	this
									  >	place
									  >	You're
									  >	good
									  >	at
									  >	that
									  >	I'll
									  >	use
									  >	it
									  >	and
									  >	make
									  >	it
									  >	first
									  >	If
									  >	I
									  >	go
									  >	there
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	you
									  >	I
									  >	ask
									  >	you
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	right
									  >	How
									  >	do
you										you
want									  |	do
another									  <
choice									  <
No									  <
I									  <
don't									  <
have									  <
a									  <
chance									  <
to									  <
say									  <
it										it
I									  <
don't									  <
have									  <
a									  <
chance									  <
to										to
say									  |	your
it									  |	vision
Thank									  |	There
									  >	there
									  >	there
									  >	there
									  >	Well
you										you
very									  |	have
much									  <
Good									  <
morning									  <
Have									  <
a										a
nice									  |	friend
day									  |	who
It's									  |	has
worth									  |	commanded
it									  <
You're									  <
here									  <
in									  <
this									  <
supermarket								  <
Do									  <
you										you
sell									  |	Excuse
tickets									  |	me
									  >	Tell
									  >	me
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	was
									  >	made
It's										It's
worth									  |	advantage
two									  |	for
weeks									  |	us
If									  |	Tell
you										you
ever									  |	what
sell									  <
it									  <
there's									  <
only									  <
one									  <
It's									  <
worth									  <
two									  <
years									  <
Yes									  <
it's									  <
worth									  <
it									  <
And									  <
so									  <
it									  <
was									  <
said									  <
that									  <
this									  <
supermarket								  <
was									  <
created									  <
after									  <
the									  <
construction								  <
of									  <
the									  <
road									  <
which									  <
takes									  <
three									  <
months									  <
to										to
catch									  <
or									  <
not									  <
What									  <
advantage								  <
do										do
you									  <
rent									  <
here									  <
Four									  <
years									  <
But									  <
there's									  <
no									  <
Tommy's									  <
넣er									  <
in										in
									  >	three
									  >	of
the										the
fridge									  |	initiatives
there									  <
And									  <
will									  <
look									  <
at									  <
them									  <
a									  <
little									  <
and									  <
see									  <
their									  <
nurture									  <
Where									  <
they									  <
rent									  <
where									  <
they									  <
go									  <
can									  <
you									  <
read									  <
it									  <
Like									  <
they									  <
come									  <
from									  <
I'm									  <
the									  <
owner									  <
of										of
the										the
Concolaquate								  |	project
which									  |	But
									  >	yes
we										we
reach									  |	demand
in									  <
the									  <
are									  <
It's									  <
wasteless								  <
There									  <
they									  <
know									  <
how									  <
to										to
build									  |	thank
a									  |	you
path									  <
for									  <
museumist								  <
performing								  <
He's									  <
like									  <
a									  <
new									  <
man									  <
and									  <
we're									  <
finding									  <
You									  <
can									  <
make番bonne								  <
ветre									  <
de									  <
Romande-Leix								  <
que									  <
l'enெ									  <
est									  <
pas									  <
possible								  <
You										You
									  >	don't
have										have
a									  <
chance									  <
to										to
learn									  |	thank
Lorouteon								  |	me
has									  |	It's
said									  |	the
it									  |	one
is									  <
advantage								  <
for									  <
us									  <
–									  <
Do									  <
you									  <
say									  <
that										that
you									  |	has
have									  |	to
telling									  |	do
									  >	with
the										the
III									  |	project
The									  |	It's
exam									  |	better
will									  <
bring									  <
me									  <
out									  <
right									  <
–									  <
We									  <
want									  <
you									  <
to										to
play									  |	do
»									  |	this
–									  |	route
You									  |	It's
have									  |	better
to										to
do										do
it									  |	this
well									  |	route
»									  |	It's
»									  |	better
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	It's
									  >	better
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	It's
									  >	better
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	It's
									  >	better
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	route
In										In
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
company									  |	journey
this										this
route										route
of										of
the										the
P.A.E.E.E.E.E.E								  |	project
respectively								  |	was
									  >	directed
									  >	Perspective
in										in
the									  <
Mingo										Mingo
in										in
the									  <
Kuylo										Kuylo
and										and
Moucono										Moucono
in										in
									  >	Lénière
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	disposed
									  >	of
									  >	each
									  >	other
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	sort
									  >	of
									  >	landscape
									  >	to
									  >	control
									  >	the
									  >	height
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	vehicle
									  >	The
									  >	construction
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	at
									  >	Brasaville
									  >	has
									  >	already
									  >	made
									  >	an
									  >	engine
									  >	in
the										the
last									  |	main
They									  |	village
dispose									  <
each									  <
of										of
a									  |	Traversie
passage									  |	We
post									  |	also
									  >	planned
to										to
find									  |	go
									  >	to
									  >	Ponga
									  >	at
									  >	44
									  >	km
									  >	from
									  >	Ponga
									  >	or
the										the
place									  |	President
of										of
the										the
vehicles								  |	Republic
The									  |	to
construction								  |	reach
of									  <
the										the
route									  |	centre
of										of
the										the
P.A.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E						  |	centre
in									  |	Destined
									  >	to
									  >	dispense
									  >	of
									  >	quality
									  >	to
the										the
first									  |	local
village									  |	population
village									  |	this
A									  |	dispense
									  >	of
									  >	a
medical										medical
block										block
and										and
an									  |	a
administrative									administrative
building									building
In										In
the										the
village										village
village									  |	Ponga
particularly									particularly
a										a
new										new
building									building
came									  |	was
to									  |	reinforced
force									  |	with
the										the
capacity									capacity
of										of
the										the
first										first
school									  |	meetingner
They									  |	Il
understand								  |	entered
three									  |	into
classes									  |	the
in									  |	Class
									  >	belle
which										which
it									  |	does
helps									  |	place
									  >	itself
									  >	from
									  >	inside
									  >	concentrating
									  >	solely
									  >	on
the										the
entire									  |	match
city									  |	Yes
They									  |	it's
are									  <
a										a
little									  |	meeting
further									  |	in
the										the
company									  |	W카�ngue
									  >	ел
is										is
in									  |	a
charge									  |	lack
of										of
the									  |	knowledge
route									  |	A
									  >	reputation
of										of
the										the
P.A.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E			  |	height
in									  |	they
the									  |	will
first									  <
village									  <
village									  <
village									  <
village.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E						  <
We									  <
have									  <
to									  <
be									  <
careful									  <
not										not
									  >	be
									  >	allowed
to										to
let									  |	do
you									  |	their
go									  |	job
We									  <
have									  <
to									  <
go									  <
to									  <
another									  <
side									  <
We									  <
have									  <
to									  <
go									  <
to									  <
the									  <
street									  <
We										We
have									  |	pay
to									  |	attention
go									  <
to										to
									  >	what
the										the
street									  |	old
The									  |	people
street									  |	asked
is									  |	us
very									  |	as
busy									  <
because									  <
it's									  <
a									  <
busy									  <
city									  <
in									  <
the									  <
city									  <
of									  <
Nias									  <
And									  <
it's									  <
a										a
busy									  |	mat
city									  |	for
									  >	them
We										We
have									  |	should
to									  |	give
go									  |	them
to									  <
the									  <
street									  <
I									  <
promise									  <
we									  <
can									  <
go									  <
to									  <
the										the
street									  |	very
Finally									  |	same
after									  |	feedback
two									  |	toward
hours									  |	Ontario
of									  <
travel									  <
we									  <
have									  <
to									  <
go									  <
to										to
the										the
end									  |	third적으로
of									  <
the										the
street									  |	And
									  >	now
I'm										I'm
going										going
to										to
miss									  |	show
Tatiola									  |	you
the										the
coordinator									coordinator
of										of
the										the
street									  |	Russian
of									  |	Guard
the									  <
street									  <
You										You
are										are
the										the
coordinator									coordinator
of										of
the										the
street									  |	Russian
So									  |	Guard
									  >	so
you										you
have										have
to									  |	a
go									  |	lot
to									  |	of
									  >	time
									  >	of
the										the
street									  |	volunteers
People									  |	with
									  >	people
who										who
take										take
care										care
of										of
the										the
street									  |	route
What									  |	what
do										do
you										you
tell										tell
them										them
now										now
									  >	No
I										I
don't										don't
know										know
									  >	why
									  >	You
									  >	see
I'm										I'm
going										going
to										to
tell									  |	the
you									  |	Russian
I'm									  |	Guard
going									  <
to									  <
tell									  <
you									  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to									  <
tell									  <
you									  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to									  <
tell									  <
you									  <
I'm										I'm
going									  |	telling
to									  <
tell									  <
you										you
Our									  |	that
presentation								  |	our
									  >	presence
is										is
in										in
the									  <
front										front
of										of
the										the
big									  |	great
effort										effort
The									  |	of
big									  |	the
									  >	great
effort										effort
Because									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	great
									  >	effort
									  >	because
we										we
have										have
three										three
cases										cases
By									  |	for
the										the
way									  |	pleasure
									  >	of
									  >	making
									  >	the
									  >	route
I										I
put									  |	don't
it									  |	know
in									  |	what's
their									  |	not
great									  |	possible
professor's								  |	before
desk									  <
That's									  <
why									  <
it's									  <
impossible								  <
for									  <
me									  <
So										So
if									  |	as
I									  <
say									  <
what									  <
I										I
was									  |	said
particularly								  |	before
excited									  |	we
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	opportunity
to										to
come									  |	come
here									  |	here
because									  |	I
as									  |	think
my									  |	that
friends									  <
doing									  <
the										the
big									  |	presence
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	great
effort										effort
and									  |	Because
when									  |	even
I									  |	I'm
arrive									  |	here
it's										it's
our										our
pride									  |	duty
who									  <
is									  <
in									  <
clear									  <
that									  <
we									  <
have									  <
to										to
go									  |	conquer
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	see
So										So
we										we
don't									  |	also
discuss									  |	have
in									  |	a
front									  |	lot
of										of
direction								  |	ways
or									  |	to
afternoon								  |	come
It's									  |	with
because									  |	us
we									  |	We
have										have
some									  <
big									  <
plans									  <
It's									  <
a										a
big									  |	lot
deal									  |	of
									  >	great
									  >	work
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	great
									  >	work
and										and
it's									  <
a										a
big									  |	lot
deal									  |	of
for									  |	courage
me									  |	Because
because									  |	as
there's									  |	I
already										already
									  >	have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
work										work
to									  |	for
give									  |	the
us									  |	countries
a									  <
chance									  <
I										I
think										think
it's										it's
a										a
bit										bit
that									  |	different
I									  <
can									  <
say									  <
It's										It's
a									  |	great
big									  <
deal									  <
for										for
the										the
president								  |	presence
and									  |	And
we're									  |	we
also										also
giving									  |	have
our									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
information									information
to									  |	about
the										the
population									population
as									  |	with
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	What
									  >	do
you										you
can									  |	want
see									  <
It's									  <
going									  <
to									  <
be									  <
free									  <
to										to
come									  |	tell
and									  |	me
discover								  |	about
the										the
way									  |	future
									  >	of
									  >	discovering
									  >	the
									  >	region
of										of
the										the
world										world
The										The
city										city
is										is
									  >	located
in										in
the										the
Valley										Valley
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
the									  |	at
19									  |	3609
kilometers								  |	km
east									  |	away
of									  |	from
Brazil										Brazil
									  >	The
third										third
of										of
the										the
country										country
because									  |	is
it's									  |	an
important									important
for									  |	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
economic									economic
and										and
economic									economic
growth									  |	demographic
the									  |	The
view									  |	city
of										of
									  >	Boa
									  >	is
									  >	from
the										the
forest										forest
Dolisi										Dolisi
is										is
also										also
the										the
city										city
where										where
it										it
was										was
built										built
the									  |	The
island										island
of										of
Excellency									Excellency
of										of
the										the
Mbundas									  |	Mounda
and									  |	It's
is									  <
obviously									obviously
in										in
which										which
it										it
will										will
accelerate								  |	access
the										the
levels										levels
of										of
the									  <
most									  <
maritime								  <
of									  <
our										our
country										country
Mbundas									  |	Mounda
this									  <
is										is
also										also
the										the
school									  |	head
that									  |	of
the										the
president									president
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
is									  |	It's
facing									  |	not
At									  |	that
this									  <
time									  <
the										the
Mbundas									  |	levels
is									  |	of
created									  <
to									  <
the										the
Central									  |	Mounda
Assembly								  |	are
to									  |	created
									  >	at
the										the
State									  |	end
of										of
the										the
State									  |	symbolic
									  >	prison
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	end
									  >	of
									  >	this
									  >	prison
									  >	which
									  >	seems
to										to
have										have
for									  |	resisted
themselves								  |	time
quisying								  <
This										This
big										big
tree									  |	prison
can									  |	is
be									  |	made
felt									  |	to
here									  <
pleasant								  <
and									  <
indifferent								  <
towards									  <
the										the
climate									  |	sky
									  >	heavy
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	different
									  >	kind
of										of
									  >	code
									  >	It's
the										the
continent								  <
The									  <
historical									historical
harvest									  |	part
scenes									  |	of
the										the
Mbondas									  |	Brazil
culturel								  |	the
can									  |	Mounda
now									  |	on
reach									  |	which
the										the
Caliph									  |	11th
									  >	and
									  >	11th
of										of
salt									  <
as									  <
being									  <
answers									  <
to									  <
the										the
ground									  |	Mounda
hard									  |	recorded
day									  |	their
									  >	name
on										on
the										the
State									  |	name
									  >	of
									  >	Osobriquel
									  >	The
									  >	president
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
The									  |	then
señ									  |	he
of									  |	was
									  >	also
									  >	at
the										the
word									  |	Mounda
go									  |	or
to									  |	the
									  >	best
									  >	but
									  >	in
the										the
Kingdom									  |	top
of										of
Rome									  <
and									  <
the										the
world									  |	ecology
The									  <
product									  <
in										in
Italy									  |	the
swim									  |	schools
chaes									  |	he
from									  |	was
hunting									  |	still
machines								  |	alive
tea									  |	It's
for									  |	a
people									  |	cycle
it's									  <
only									  <
proof									  <
that										that
there's									  |	the
no									  |	United
envelop									  |	States
									  >	has
									  >	inscribed
on										on
the										the
trees									  |	arms
We									  |	without
are									  |	arresting
substituting								  <
the										the
most										most
Thanks									  |	precious
									  >	acts