Statistics: 4374 / 6103 (71.67%) words changed

Detecting									Detecting
language									language
using										using
up										up
to										to
the										the
first										first
30										30
seconds										seconds
Use										Use
`--language`									`--language`
to										to
specify										specify
the										the
language									language
Detected									Detected
language									language
French										French
At										At
the										the
time										time
in										in
the										the
game										game
of										of
seeing										seeing
it										it
because										because
when										when
we										we
started										started
in										in
the										the
streets										streets
there										there
were										were
traffic										traffic
accidents									accidents
but										but
now										now
there										there
are										are
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
people										people
who										who
can										can
circulate									circulate
for										for
food										food
in										in
the										the
tranquillity									tranquillity
If										If
there										there
is										is
less										less
you										you
can										can
take										take
less										less
open										open
your										your
mouth										mouth
you										you
arrive										arrive
it's										it's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
It's										It's
because										because
in										in
the										the
villages									villages
there										there
is										is
a										a
little										little
bit										bit
of										of
clove										clove
People										People
will										will
have										have
difficulties									difficulties
There										There
were										were
difficulties									difficulties
to										to
come										come
back										back
to										to
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
but										but
now										now
when										when
you										you
go										go
back										back
there										there
is										is
the										the
facility									facility
there										there
is										is
the										the
facility									facility
of										of
the										the
city										city
of										of
Rontre										Rontre
the										the
Marchondiza									Marchondiza
that										that
is										is
at										at
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
that										that
is										is
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
streets										streets
We										We
need										need
the										the
streets										streets
how										how
is										is
that										that
We										We
have										have
to										to
go										go
to										to
the										the
island										island
when										when
there										there
is										is
a										a
island										island
because										because
there										there
is										is
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
it										it
Point										Point
of										of
view										view
Brazil										Brazil
is										is
there										there
But										But
we										we
have										have
a										a
good										good
way										way
to										to
walk										walk
to										to
walk										walk
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
island										island
to										to
the										the
coast										coast
We									  |	This
just									  |	road
didn't									  <
understand								  <
Even									  <
if									  <
we									  <
bother									  <
we										we
learn									  |	spend
how									  |	our
to									  |	time
walk									  <
and										and
when									  <
there									  <
is									  <
no									  <
point									  <
to										to
									  >	spend
									  >	the
									  >	entire
									  >	neighborhood
									  >	as
									  >	long
									  >	as
									  >	we
walk										walk
									  >	and
we										we
see									  |	come
it									  |	back
you									  |	and
say									  <
that									  <
you									  <
want									  <
to									  <
stay									  <
in										in
it									  |	this
This									  |	tiny
is									  |	town
one									  <
of									  <
the									  <
people									  <
we									  <
see									  <
here									  <
I										I
have									  |	ask
no									  |	the
idea									  |	anyone
why									  |	who
									  >	knows
									  >	the
									  >	teacher
									  >	He
									  >	will
									  >	go
									  >	over
there										there
									  >	he
is										is
one									  |	dressed
more									  |	up
What									  |	at
									  >	the
									  >	pool
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	beach
									  >	The
									  >	mayor
is										is
nut									  |	great
wood									  |	to
I									  |	sit
called									  <
it									  <
I									  <
use									  <
a									  <
tool									  <
to										to
touch									  <
the										the
top									  |	pool
smears									  |	and
									  >	nobody
									  >	see
									  >	it
									  >	He
									  >	is
									  >	beautiful
One										One
right										right
for										for
example										example
was										was
debatized									debatized
by										by
the										the
chauffeur									chauffeur
L'Oba										L'Oba
Verité										Verité
which										which
is										is
literally									literally
the										the
truth										truth
L'Oba										L'Oba
Verité										Verité
the										the
expression									expression
and										and
the										the
fact										fact
of										of
difficulty									difficulty
was										was
understood									understood
by										by
the										the
author										author
of										of
my										my
book										book
to										to
escalate									escalate
this										this
mountain									mountain
He										He
was									  |	had
going									  <
to										to
say										say
the										the
truth										truth
if									  |	If
you										you
would										would
like										like
to										to
be										be
a										a
real										real
person									  <
or										or
a										a
real										real
person									  |	ghost
especially								  |	then
a										a
real										real
guy									  |	ghost
That										That
must										must
be										be
called									  <
the										the
image										image
that										that
									  >	that
in										in
order									  |	fact
to									  |	remains
restore									  <
his										his
assistance									assistance
that										that
in										in
order									  |	fact
to									  |	has
change									  |	changed
his										his
life										life
The										The
story										story
is									  |	was
commanded									commanded
by										by
the										the
conductor									conductor
of										of
Ralantir									Ralantir
here										here
of										of
his										his
arrival										arrival
and									  |	And
that									  |	this
in									  |	reason
order									  |	sometimes
not									  <
to										to
descend										descend
to										to
receive										receive
the										the
ballant										ballant
to										to
adjust										adjust
the										the
cost										cost
He										He
was									  |	must
going									  |	have
									  >	had
									  >	to
									  >	go
to										to
be									  <
agitated								  <
by									  <
the										the
order									  |	army
of										of
coup										coup
d'ur									  |	durs
to										to
conduit										conduit
all										all
the										the
night										night
conduit										conduit
all										all
the										the
day										day
to										to
take										take
the										the
ballant										ballant
all										all
the										the
night										night
and										and
all										all
the										the
day										day
again										again
We										We
see									  |	must
it									  <
really										really
									  >	be
in										in
inconditions								  |	a
impossible								  |	possible
to									  |	way
believe									  <
Before										Before
we										we
can									  |	could
make										make
									  >	a
									  >	point
									  >	of
the										the
night										night
of									  |	to
									  >	take
the										the
day									  |	ballant
we									  |	all
have									  |	the
									  >	night
to										to
take										take
the										the
ballant										ballant
all										all
the										the
night										night
At									  |	to
									  >	take
the										the
same									  |	ballant
time									  |	all
even									  |	the
if									  |	night
									  >	to
									  >	take
the										the
ballant										ballant
has									  |	all
no									  |	the
problem									  |	night
I'm									  <
a									  <
chauffeur								  <
I'm										I'm
doing									  |	sure
									  >	I'll
									  >	do
the										the
same										same
thing										thing
I'm									  |	I'll
going									  <
to									  <
be										be
very										very
good									  |	well
I'm										I'm
going									  |	sure
									  >	we'll
									  >	be
									  >	able
to										to
make									  |	do
the									  <
chauffeur								  <
when									  <
the										the
guys									  |	night
have									  |	We
									  >	need
to										to
respect										respect
him									  |	the
a									  |	ballant
little									  |	so
bit									  |	that
Finally									  |	you
you're									  |	can
going									  |	transport
to									  |	your
be									  |	sport
very									  |	from
good									  |	the
at									  |	power
									  >	of
the										the
destination									destination
He's									  |	There
going									  |	is
to									  |	a
be									  <
very										very
good										good
He's									  |	explanation
going									  |	that
to									  |	you
									  >	are
									  >	proposed
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	university
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	their
									  >	draft
									  >	coordinator
									  >	and
									  >	there
									  >	won't
be										be
very									  |	any
good									  |	assuming
When									  <
we									  <
beat									  <
him									  <
he										he
has										has
to									  <
live									  <
there									  <
for										for
2									  |	grades
weeks									  |	but
and									  |	it's
that's									  |	about..
the									  <
goal									  <
of									  <
his									  <
last									  <
helicopter								  <
to									  <
relax									  <
him									  <
If										If
you're									  |	no
not									  |	it
done									  |	does't
with									  |	make
you									  |	sense
you									  |	for
can									  |	example
do									  |	It's
whatever								  |	about
you									  |	going
want									  |	into
By									  <
the										the
way									  |	taxi
									  >	but
I										I
also									  |	don't
amputated								  |	patch
everything								  |	an
									  >	amendment
									  >	that
									  >	highlights
									  >	the
									  >	Mingisan'sㅠㅠ
									  >	I
									  >	introduce
									  >	myself
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	university
because										because
I'm									  |	I
not									  |	am
too									  |	very
precise									  |	proposed
in									  <
잡le									  <
frames									  <
and									  <
mia									  <
HELPS									  <
for										for
two									  |	the
months									  |	way
I'll									  |	you
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	build
									  >	upwhat
									  >	you
									  >	word
									  >	for
									  >	tomorrow
									  >	Read
									  >	the..
									  >	We'll
									  >	ρ
									  >	a
									  >	protestaffe
									  >	You
									  >	can't
									  >	just
do										do
it									  |	three
stop									  |	hours
it									  |	after
I'm									  |	but
tired									  |	you
I									  <
have										have
to										to
continue								  <
on									  <
I'm									  <
not									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do										do
that										that
easily									  <
It									  <
is									  <
our									  <
fault									  <
It's									  <
very									  <
well									  <
done									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
very									  <
well									  <
done									  <
Thank									  <
you										you
									  >	can
									  >	do
									  >	your
									  >	clean
									  >	Only
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	thing
It's										It's
a										a
great									  |	very
experience								  |	good
It's									  |	thing
a									  |	to
great									  |	be
experience								  |	able
We're									  |	to
									  >	say
									  >	that
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	what
									  >	we
									  >	thought
									  >	We
									  >	are
going										going
to										to
do										do
this										this
beautiful									beautiful
route										route
There									  |	that
will									  |	we
be									  |	can
maybe									  |	do
two									  |	at
or									  |	least
three									  |	20
times									  |	years
more									  |	later
But									  |	but
I									  |	it's
know									  <
that										that
I										I
had									  |	wanted
to										to
ask										ask
you										you
to									  |	about
be									  |	the
a									  <
political									political
authority									authority
and										and
who									  |	what
is										is
the										the
account									  |	answer
of									  |	What
you									  |	is
He's									  |	the
going									  |	answer
to									  <
do									  <
that									  <
for										for
the										the
work										work
									  >	What
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	list
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	treaty
									  >	It's
that										that
he									  |	you
has									  |	are
to									  <
do									  <
He's									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
that									  <
He's									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
that									  <
He's									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
that									  <
He's									  <
going										going
to										to
do										do
that										that
But									  |	The
he's									  |	route
going									  |	is
to									  |	much
									  >	better
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	work
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	work
									  >	I
do										do
that									  |	the
He's									  |	route
going									  |	of
to									  |	the
									  >	appointment
									  >	I
do										do
that									  |	it
									  >	at
									  >	least
									  >	3
									  >	hours
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	or
									  >	30
									  >	hours
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
I										I
wanted									  |	do
to									  |	it
tell									  |	at
you									  |	least
something								  |	3
									  >	hours
									  >	a
									  >	day
I										I
want									  <
that									  <
route									  <
to									  <
do										do
that									  |	it
at										at
the									  |	least
other									  |	3
place									  |	hours
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	The
									  >	route
									  >	is
									  >	very
									  >	good
and										and
that									  |	it's
I									  |	good
did									  |	It
my									  |	makes
turn									  |	me
now									  |	feel
This									  |	like
journey									  |	I'm
was									  <
in										in
the										the
1st									  |	route
three									  |	At
after									  |	least
yesterday								  <
then									  <
3rd…									  <
I'll									  <
try									  <
again									  <
at									  <
the										the
third-of-one								  |	route
I									  |	is
want									  |	not
to									  |	in
tell									  <
you									  <
the									  <
throughout								  <
the										the
world									  |	corner
I										I
can't									  |	eat
concentrate								  <
on									  <
the									  <
marketing								  <
process									  <
Tell									  <
you									  <
that									  <
the										the
route									  |	experience
of										of
that									  <
route									  <
was									  <
very									  <
good									  <
And									  <
that's									  <
good21									  <
strike									  <
Which									  <
means									  <
that									  <
there's									  <
only									  <
6									  <
or									  <
in									  <
the										the
way									  |	route
which									  <
I'm									  <
in									  <
the										the
road										road
In									  |	What
my									  <
way									  <
it's									  <
at									  <
something								  <
like									  <
that									  <
When									  <
he									  <
does									  <
that									  <
rotation								  <
theうわ									  <
richest									  <
movement								  <
I										I
have									  |	would
a									  |	like
lot									  <
to										to
say									  |	appreciate
about									  |	is
the										the
route									  |	road
and										and
the										the
good										good
fact										fact
I										I
have										have
to										to
say									  |	start
that									  <
the										the
attention								  |	adventure
to									  |	with
my										my
colleague								  |	colleagues
I									  |	It's
have									  <
made									  <
is									  <
the										the
route									  |	road
of										of
this										this
man										man
I										I
have									  <
already										already
done									  |	have
									  >	been
									  >	doing
this										this
in										in
the										the
long										long
distance									distance
that									  |	which
I									  |	is
have									  |	clear
done									  |	to
three									  |	me
hundred									  |	which
and									  |	is
five									  |	35km
kilometers								  |	away
I										I
travel									  |	live
I										I
concentrate								  |	have
									  >	built
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
accidents									accidents
in										in
the										the
route									  |	road
and									  <
at									  <
the									  <
end									  <
we									  <
have									  <
the									  <
route									  <
and										and
the										the
encore									  |	road
court									  |	is
									  >	still
									  >	short
and										and
we									  |	noisy
have									  <
to									  <
go									  <
I										I
think									  |	can't
it									  <
can									  <
do										do
hundred									  |	it
									  >	It's
									  >	100
									  >	60km
									  >	away
									  >	it's
									  >	100km
									  >	away
									  >	but
									  >	we
									  >	can't
									  >	even
									  >	go
									  >	to
									  >	two
or										or
hundred									  |	three
of									  <
which									  <
who									  <
comes									  <
close									  <
We									  <
have									  <
been									  <
driving									  <
on									  <
several									  <
other									  <
hours										hours
but									  |	But
you									  |	we
have									  |	need
to										to
repeat									  |	respect
the										the
way									  |	materials
									  >	to
									  >	respect
									  >	the
									  >	passengers
									  >	so
									  >	we
									  >	need
to										to
change									  <
it									  <
and									  <
it									  <
will									  <
be										be
									  >	30
									  >	30
for										for
33									  |	the
venues									  |	rest
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	road
									  >	We're
									  >	going
to										to
Drive									  <
Astort									  <
wound									  <
We									  <
speak									  <
often									  <
hard									  <
times									  <
and									  <
sometimes								  <
nothing									  <
makes									  <
it									  <
we									  <
are									  <
doing									  <
the										the
right										right
job									  |	we're
									  >	going
to										to
be									  |	reach
able									  |	the
									  >	right
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Republic
									  >	This
									  >	day
									  >	is
									  >	our
									  >	day
									  >	we're
									  >	going
to										to
enter									  <
the										the
workflow								  |	right
You									  |	we're
have									  |	going
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	left
									  >	we're
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	and
									  >	there's
									  >	a
									  >	chance
									  >	We
									  >	need
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
panel									  |	right
you									  |	we
have									  |	need
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
virage									  |	trip
You									  |	so
									  >	you
can										can
also									  |	do
make									  |	it
me									  |	at
20									  |	the
years									  |	same
old									  |	time
And									  |	and
then										then
we									  |	we're
demand									  |	going
									  >	to
									  >	have
the										the
interest								  |	impression
in									  |	of
the										the
roads									  |	road
The										The
difficulties								  |	difficulty
were									  |	was
found										found
by										by
the										the
ouvriers									ouvriers
and										and
engineers									engineers
and										and
they									  |	it
were									  |	was
the										the
ones									  |	one
who										who
created										created
them									  |	it
They									  |	which
had									  |	was
to									  |	the
wait									  |	author
and									  |	or
see									  <
the										the
reason										reason
to										to
see										see
clearly										clearly
what										what
happened									happened
in									  |	to
the										the
mountains								  |	mountain
									  >	genius
On										On
this										this
route									  |	road
this										this
genius										genius
would										would
be									  |	have
interested								  |	been
									  >	able
to										to
apply										apply
to										to
the										the
first										first
event										event
a										a
battle										battle
of										of
the									  |	100
son									  <
of									  <
his									  <
father's								  <
father									  <
He									  <
had									  <
to										to
go									  |	find
									  >	its
									  >	own
									  >	land
									  >	A
									  >	few
									  >	days
									  >	ago
									  >	this
									  >	genius
									  >	was
									  >	able
to										to
the									  |	apply
company									  <
to										to
finish									  <
the									  <
genius									  <
and									  <
ask									  <
the										the
possibility								  |	future
of										of
becoming								  <
the										the
mayor									  |	world
This										This
whole										whole
sense										sense
of										of
the										the
ritual										ritual
organized									organized
on										on
the										the
streets										streets
of										of
Monzolo									  |	Monzololo
asking									  |	in
the									  <
genius									  <
of									  <
the										the
hero									  |	Gennigarzen
of										of
the									  |	Tehrouard
library									  <
to										to
allow										allow
us										us
to										to
work										work
together									together
and										and
to										to
enrich									  |	reach
the										the
accidents									accidents
for										for
instance								  |	a
									  >	long
									  >	time
in										in
the										the
city										city
of										of
Chantier									Chantier
the										the
first										first
day										day
of										of
the										the
work										work
The										The
greatest									greatest
obstacle									obstacle
is										is
to										to
have										have
a										a
great										great
hope										hope
									  >	but
to										to
have										have
a									  |	the
great									  |	opportunity
hope									  <
to									  <
have									  <
a									  <
great									  <
hope									  <
to										to
have										have
a									  |	the
great									  |	opportunity
hope									  <
to										to
have									  |	meet
a									  |	immediately
great									  |	in
hope									  |	the
									  >	morning
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	day
to										to
have									  |	work
a									  |	together
great									  <
hope									  <
to										to
have									  |	meet
a									  |	again
great									  |	and
hope									  <
to										to
have										have
a									  |	the
great									  |	same
hope									  |	operation
									  >	as
									  >	Penelope
									  >	or
									  >	Sisyph
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	in
									  >	its
									  >	place
									  >	The
									  >	report
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	huge
									  >	landscape
									  >	the
									  >	risk
									  >	of
									  >	learning
									  >	from
									  >	promenades
									  >	in
									  >	all
									  >	parameters
									  >	and
to										to
have										have
a									  |	an
great									  |	interrogation
hope									  |	and
to									  |	reflexion
									  >	curiosity
									  >	and
									  >	envy
									  >	Rien
									  >	would
have										have
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	yes
									  >	discipline
									  >	the
									  >	mystery
									  >	The
									  >	scientific
									  >	researcher
									  >	will
									  >	give
a										a
great									  |	day
hope									  |	of
									  >	response
to										to
have									  |	this
									  >	question
									  >	In
									  >	attendant
a										a
great									  |	researcher
hope									  |	of
									  >	Néan
									  >	Moi
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	Denis
									  >	Sassong
									  >	who
									  >	comes
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	20th
									  >	century
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	natural
									  >	world
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
have										have
a										a
great									  |	route
hope									  <
needed									  <
to										to
be									  |	live
quick									  <
that									  <
students								  <
will									  <
talk									  <
in										in
such									  <
discussions								  <
that									  <
the									  <
conversation								  <
During									  <
understanding								  <
near									  <
the									  <
town									  <
of									  <
Néanmuen								  <
known									  <
as									  <
the									  <
same-do									  <
river									  <
campaign								  <
association								  <
s									  <
revenge									  <
for									  <
these									  <
natural									  <
concrete								  <
fronts									  <
against									  <
thelamimod								  <
tetrasis								  <
when									  <
the									  <
short									  <
route									  <
of									  <
the										the
French										French
legend									  <
says									  <
fragrance								  <
of									  <
Montan									  <
and										and
the										the
sea									  |	legendary
									  >	irreducible
									  >	mountainous
									  >	mountains
The										The
route										route
region									  |	the
									  >	object
of										of
thehill									  |	the
									  >	fire
of										of
Singoly									  |	the
									  >	Congolet
is										is
asked										asked
to										to
write									  |	send
it									  |	orders
to										to
formation								  |	the
of									  |	Brasaville
several									  <
decades									  <
back									  <
in									  <
November								  <
Bevel									  <
which										which
is									  <
currently								  <
happening								  <
The									  <
leader									  <
from									  <
Hyperbeet								  <
will										will
comment									  |	attend
that									  |	after
									  >	a
									  >	few
									  >	years
									  >	only
									  >	This
									  >	requires
the										the
accumulator								  |	exaggeration
has									  |	of
taken									  |	the
									  >	saying
									  >	Of
									  >	course
									  >	not
									  >	Indeed
									  >	this
									  >	enchanted
that										that
there										there
was										was
with										with
the										the
difficulty									difficulty
of										of
a										a
particular									particular
proximity									proximity
A									  |	An
chance									  |	enchanted
on										on
which										which
the										the
body										body
could										could
crack										crack
at										at
a										a
moment										moment
or										or
another										another
I										I
thank										thank
him										him
He										He
had										had
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
difficulty									difficulty
to										to
increase									increase
it's									  <
true									  <
But										But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
were										were
determined									determined
by										by
the										the
interest									interest
of										of
what										what
we										we
did										did
and										and
by										by
the										the
feeling										feeling
that										that
what										what
we										we
did										did
had										had
an										an
importance									importance
To										To
do										do
this										this
everything								  |	all
was										was
convinced									convinced
that										that
he										he
									  >	would
never										never
had									  <
to									  <
be										be
able										able
to										to
talk										talk
to										to
the										the
person									  |	Bison
because										because
									  >	in
									  >	its
									  >	well-being
we										we
were									  |	can
organized								  |	do
well									  |	it
we									  <
could									  <
face									  <
and										and
resist										resist
to										to
that										that
charge										charge
For										For
the										the
most										most
part										part
of									  <
the									  <
time									  <
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
work										work
is										is
a										a
moment										moment
of										of
very										very
big									  |	great
emotion										emotion
even									  |	The
if									  |	same
it									  |	thing
									  >	that
was										was
this									  |	happening
site									  <
It's										It's
the										the
end										end
of										of
the									  <
moment									  <
where									  <
he									  <
invited									  <
us									  <
he									  <
invited									  <
us									  <
to									  <
my										my
point									  |	way
									  >	and
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	sound
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	of
									  >	my
									  >	time
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	moment
									  >	of
									  >	my
									  >	time
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	moment
of										of
view									  <
he									  <
invited									  <
us									  <
to									  <
charge										charge
personal								  |	The
									  >	exigeant
									  >	person
									  >	of
the										the
deployment									deployment
of										of
each										each
one									  <
of										of
your										your
collective									collective
									  >	that
each										each
one									  <
is										is
very										very
marked										marked
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	course
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	environment
and										and
									  >	the
									  >	environment
is										is
a									  |	an
act									  |	inexperienced
of									  |	environment
economic								  <
clarity									  <
In										In
our									  |	the
game									  |	organization
with										with
weeks									  |	the
of									  <
work										work
they										they
do									  |	need
a									  <
favor									  <
to									  <
the									  <
freedom									  <
to										to
work									  |	see
In									  |	how
a									  |	he
few									  |	is
years									  |	working
it's									  |	how
a									  |	he
tribute									  <
that									  <
it									  <
actually								  <
is										is
the									  <
followers								  <
which									  <
have�									  <
items									  <
in										in
the									  <
others									  <
for									  <
sure									  <
that									  <
their									  <
initial									  <
enemy									  <
cannot									  <
be									  <
easily									  <
threatened								  <
with									  <
this										this
tax									  |	initiative
in									  <
blackjack								  <
with									  <
the									  <
airconductor								  <
in									  <
January									  <
but									  <
at									  <
the									  <
same									  <
time									  <
I									  <
put									  <
it									  <
back									  <
if									  <
I									  <
put									  <
it									  <
back									  <
in									  <
the									  <
middle									  <
of									  <
the									  <
night									  <
on									  <
the									  <
water									  <
or									  <
on									  <
the									  <
other									  <
side									  <
of									  <
the									  <
garden									  <
to										to
enjoy									  |	make
									  >	sure
the										the
journey									  |	controllers
to									  |	are
feed									  |	appreciated
									  >	In
									  >	that
									  >	case
the										the
boat									  |	machines
each									  |	will
of									  |	be
these									  |	able
forces									  |	to
in									  |	be
order									  |	able
to										to
make										make
this									  <
little									  <
of									  <
the									  <
best									  <
of									  <
the										the
humans									  |	machines
They									  <
really									  <
have									  <
to										to
see									  |	be
it									  |	able
You									  <
know									  <
you									  <
don't									  <
have									  <
to										to
go									  |	be
back									  |	able
to										to
your									  |	be
place									  |	able
Fortunately								  |	to
we									  |	be
have									  |	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
to										to
go										go
back									  |	through
									  >	the..
									  >	예-
									  >	Prepare
									  >	for
									  >	freight
									  >	from
									  >	Piacch
to										to
see									  |	German
if									  |	Thank
we									  <
can									  <
see									  <
and									  <
realize									  <
these									  <
big									  <
things									  <
I									  <
thank									  <
you										you
very									  |	sir
much									  |	Because
because									  <
Ana										Ana
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	man
who										who
has										has
revealed									revealed
that										that
we										we
are										are
going										going
to										to
see										see
this										this
boat									  |	group
but										but
today										today
it										it
is										is
me										me
who										who
comes										comes
to										to
see										see
this										this
boat									  |	group
at									  |	We
the									  |	work
very									  <
same									  <
time									  <
at									  <
the									  <
very									  <
same									  <
time									  <
to										to
realize									  |	make
the										the
presence								  |	presentation
of									  |	for
the										the
animals									  |	presentation
and									  |	And
who										who
we									  |	is
are									  |	it
going									  |	It
to									  |	will
see									  |	be
this										this
giant									  |	great
boat									  |	project
that									  |	of
we									  |	Mayan
									  >	so
									  >	we
can										can
say										say
the									  |	that
mission									  |	we
of									  |	are
the									  |	going
boat									  |	to
will									  |	have
be									  |	a
very										very
good										good
									  >	relationship
									  >	with
									  >	all
									  >	of
									  >	us
									  >	We
									  >	play
in										in
order									  |	Mayan
									  >	who
									  >	dreams
to										to
propose									  |	become
that									  |	a
something								  |	member
that									  <
this									  <
giant									  <
octopus									  <
is									  <
really									  <
beautiful								  <
It									  <
can									  <
make									  <
this									  <
boat									  <
and									  <
even									  <
more									  <
beautiful								  <
such									  <
as									  <
animals									  <
the									  <
sea									  <
and									  <
nature									  <
of										of
									  >	is
the										the
sea									  |	second
									  >	group
									  >	We
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	graduate
									  >	from
the										the
trees									  |	society
too									  |	and
many									  |	today
here									  |	I
You									  |	think
will									  |	we
see										see
									  >	it
									  >	several
									  >	days
									  >	later
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	doing
this										this
boat									  |	We
									  >	have
									  >	only
									  >	to
									  >	perform
									  >	a
									  >	Junior
									  >	SBB
									  >	and
									  >	doing
									  >	yoga
									  >	today
									  >	We
									  >	teach
									  >	a
									  >	different
									  >	way
									  >	of
									  >	doing
									  >	yoga
									  >	And
									  >	in
									  >	myself
									  >	we
									  >	can
									  >	again
									  >	do
									  >	other
									  >	things
we										we
are										are
going										going
to										to
see										see
the									  |	in
sea									  |	this
towardsdegree								  |	group
We										We
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
satisfaction									satisfaction
but										but
to										to
say										say
thank										thank
you										you
we										we
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
satisfaction									satisfaction
We										We
have										have
to										to
be										be
happy										happy
but										but
it's										it's
the										the
reality										reality
We										We
have										have
congratulations									congratulations
congratulations									congratulations
we										we
have										have
to										to
go										go
back										back
to										to
this										this
image										image
Thank										Thank
you										you
for										for
this										this
work										work
but									  |	But
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	But
we										we
have										have
to										to
go										go
back										back
to										to
this										this
image										image
We										We
have										have
to										to
go										go
back										back
to										to
this										this
image										image
When									  |	We
I									  |	had
started									  |	to
it's									  |	go
not									  |	back
clear									  |	to
but									  <
he									  <
was									  <
born									  <
in									  <
the										the
middle									  |	image
									  >	We
									  >	don't
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	much
									  >	anymore
									  >	Things
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	don't
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	done
									  >	things
									  >	that
									  >	weren't
									  >	necessary
									  >	And
									  >	above
									  >	all
									  >	we
									  >	go
									  >	back
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	But
									  >	anyway
									  >	what
									  >	makes
									  >	me
									  >	happy
									  >	so
									  >	much
									  >	Now
									  >	knowing
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	out
of										of
									  >	this
									  >	image
									  >	and
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	others
									  >	must
									  >	think
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	do
the										the
career									  |	work
									  >	and
									  >	these
									  >	work
									  >	within
									  >	that
									  >	exact
									  >	fashion
So										So
I									  |	on
am									  |	now
very									  |	we
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	market
									  >	continues
									  >	the
									  >	11th
									  >	ofuth
									  >	sense
									  >	and
									  >	will
									  >	now
									  >	see
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	stressed
									  >	we
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	anymore
									  >	at
									  >	all
									  >	In
									  >	a
									  >	solution
									  >	we
									  >	are
happy										happy
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	changed
									  >	actually
									  >	everything
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	attracted
									  >	But
									  >	report
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	solution
									  >	a
									  >	means
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	enough
									  >	The
									  >	scenario
									  >	answers
									  >	us
but										but
first									  |	we
I									  |	are
see									  |	not
the									  |	worried
first									  |	As
impression								  |	a
in									  |	isn't
everybody								  |	a
This									  |	good
									  >	example
									  >	of
									  >	studies
									  >	Be
									  >	polite
									  >	if
									  >	you
									  >	can'tusal
									  >	The
									  >	level
is										is
truly									  <
a										a
very									  |	large
wide									  |	number
range									  <
of										of
clothes									  |	studies
that									  |	Moving
we									  |	on
have									  |	up
made									  |	to
in									  |	67-kilometer
summer									  |	China-
									  >	nor
									  >	GPS
									  >	After
									  >	intervening
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	south-east
of										of
soutenement								  |	Maintain
remuyé									  |	to
des									  |	bathe
millions								  |	the
de									  |	walls
mètres									  |	of
cubes									  |	the
de									  |	south-east
terre									  |	reduce
bravé									  <
les									  <
oboulements								  <
et									  <
les									  <
effondrement								  <
de									  <
terrain									  <
contrôlé								  <
les									  <
chutes									  <
d'arbre									  <
et									  <
les									  <
mouvements								  <
du									  <
sol									  <
téracées								  <
des									  <
millions									millions
de									  |	of
mètres									  |	meters
cubes									  |	of
de									  |	land
talu									  |	break
et									  |	the
rigé									  |	buildings
des									  |	and
panes									  |	the
des									  |	lands
d'alots									  |	of
et									  |	the
autres									  |	land
ouvrages								  |	When
d'air									  |	the
Au									  |	south-east
total									  |	and
299									  |	the
milliards								  |	south-east
441									  |	and
									  >	the
									  >	south-east
									  >	are
									  >	surrounded
									  >	by
millions									millions
de									  |	of
francs									  |	meters
éphas									  |	of
ont									  |	land
été									  |	and
engagés									  |	reach
rien									  |	the
que									  |	walls
pour									  |	of
le									  |	the
1er									  |	south-east
trançon									  |	and
Oui									  |	the
bah									  |	south-east
effectivement								  |	In
le									  |	total
1er									  |	two
trançon									  |	hundred
est									  |	four
terminé									  |	twenty-nine
donc									  |	billion
il									  |	four
est									  |	hundred
déjà									  |	forty-a-million
sous									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	Francés-Fa
									  >	were
									  >	engaged
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	three
									  >	hundred
									  >	Yes
									  >	well
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	three
									  >	hundred
									  >	is
									  >	finished
									  >	so
									  >	they
									  >	already
									  >	left
									  >	the
circulation									circulation
puisque									  |	because
que									  |	they
les									  |	were
envobes									  |	just
sont									  |	at
finis									  |	the
jusqu'à									  |	beginning
de									  |	of
l'isis									  |	the
Et									  |	Lisi
depuis									  |	And
une									  |	then
petite									  <
année									  <
on									  <
a										a
commencé								  |	little
la									  |	year
									  >	later
									  >	we
									  >	started
mobilisation									mobilisation
sur									  <
le									  <
trançon									  <
de									  <
l'isis									  <
vois-à-ils								  <
et									  <
les									  <
travonts								  <
débutés									  <
et									  <
environ									  <
6									  <
mois									  <
Je									  <
suis									  <
étup									  <
paraieuse								  <
je									  <
suis									  <
le									  <
chef									  <
de									  <
l'eau									  <
et									  <
de									  <
la									  <
mission									  <
de									  <
contrôle								  <
des									  <
travaux									  <
entre									  <
pointoirs								  <
et									  <
malélés									  <
Donc									  <
le									  <
trançon									  <
s'est									  <
des									  <
sur									  <
54									  <
km									  <
plus									  <
encore									  <
1,300									  <
mètres									  <
sur									  <
l'IRN6									  <
pour									  <
faire									  <
l'autre									  <
poste									  <
de									  <
pesage									  <
Nous									  <
sommes									  <
là									  <
sur									  <
le									  <
poste									  <
de									  <
pesage									  <
Donc									  <
le									  <
poste									  <
se									  <
compose									  <
de									  <
8									  <
voix									  <
4									  <
voix									  <
dans									  <
un									  <
sens									  <
4									  <
voix									  <
dans									  <
l'autre									  <
Une									  <
voix									  <
à									  <
l'extrémité								  <
pour									  <
les									  <
poelloirs								  <
qui									  <
fait									  <
plus									  <
de									  <
4									  <
mètres									  <
5									  <
ans									  <
de									  <
large									  <
pour									  <
tenir									  <
compte									  <
un									  <
peu									  <
des									  <
organes									  <
gabarides								  <
des									  <
éventuels								  <
des									  <
poelloirs								  <
plus									  <
3									  <
filles									  <
de									  <
3									  <
mètres									  <
pour									  <
les									  <
véhicules								  <
légers									  <
Chaque									  <
poste									  <
est									  <
à									  <
peu									  <
près									  <
est									  <
semi									  <
automatisé								  <
C'est-à-dire								  <
que									  <
la									  <
barrière								  <
est									  <
automatique								  <
La									  <
hauteur									  <
la									  <
hauteur									  <
sur									  <
le									  <
pavillon								  <
c'est									  <
à									  <
peu									  <
près									  <
c'est									  <
une									  <
hauteur									  <
de									  <
6									  <
mètres									  <
Avec									  <
le									  <
bâtiment								  <
administratif								  <
un									  <
bâtiment								  <
pompe									  <
avec									  <
la									  <
bachawla								  <
pour									  <
y									  <
avoir									  <
un									  <
système									  <
d'incendie								  <
plus									  <
le									  <
système									  <
d'alimentation								  <
en									  <
haut									  <
les									  <
toilettes								  <
publics									  <
Ici									  <
on										on
									  >	the
									  >	transition
									  >	of
									  >	Lisi
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	place
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	the
									  >	Shafdolo
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	control
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	islands
									  >	between
									  >	the
									  >	north-east
									  >	and
									  >	Maintain
									  >	So
									  >	the
									  >	transfer
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	fifty-four
									  >	kilometers
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	three
									  >	hundred
									  >	meters
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	RN6
									  >	to
									  >	make
									  >	the
									  >	other
									  >	passage
									  >	of
									  >	passage
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	passage
									  >	of
									  >	passage
									  >	So
									  >	the
									  >	passage
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	south-east
									  >	four
									  >	times
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	sense
									  >	four
									  >	times
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	other
									  >	One
									  >	time
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	extreme
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	north-east
									  >	which
									  >	makes
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	four
									  >	hundred
									  >	fifty
									  >	dollars
									  >	to
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	bit
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	adventurers
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	north-east
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	powerful
									  >	passage
									  >	of
									  >	three
									  >	meters
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	Lisi
									  >	vehicles
									  >	Each
									  >	post
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	bit
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	semi-automatised
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	barrier
									  >	and
									  >	automatic
									  >	barrier
									  >	The
									  >	return
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	south-east
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	bit
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	semi-automatic
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	6
									  >	meters
									  >	With
									  >	the
									  >	administrative
									  >	equipment
									  >	a
									  >	pump
									  >	boat
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	boat
									  >	for
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	hundred-and-a-half
									  >	system
									  >	the
									  >	highest-system
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	north-east
									  >	this
									  >	area
									  >	is
									  >	placed
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	north-east
									  >	Furtheres
									  >	touch
									  >	the명
									  >	περιngerings
									  >	Above
									  >	the
									  >	north-east
									  >	the
									  >	sidewalk
									  >	boats
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	destroyed
									  >	if
									  >	the
									  >	situation
									  >	is
									  >	best
									  >	to
									  >	stop
									  >	it
									  >	I
									  >	like
									  >	to
									  >	share
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	staff
									  >	the
									  >	directions
									  >	the
									  >	essential
									  >	variables
									  >	But
									  >	it
									  >	wasn't
									  >	a
									  >	car
									  >	that
									  >	no
									  >	dogs
									  >	had
									  >	experienced
									  >	so
									  >	it
									  >	more
									  >	caused
									  >	gaming
									  >	But
									  >	for
									  >	now
									  >	sometimes
									  >	it
									  >	never
									  >	worked
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	Viveqs
									  >	But
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	we
									  >	still
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	feeling
									  >	of
									  >	prodigy
									  >	the
									  >	people
									  >	that
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	So
									  >	there's
									  >	a
									  >	bit
									  >	of氣
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	front
									  >	There
									  >	are
									  >	two
									  >	keys
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	of
									  >	barriers
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	security
									  >	to
									  >	reach
									  >	the
									  >	tax
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	road
									  >	For
									  >	me
									  >	it
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	a
									  >	problem
									  >	It
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	a
									  >	bit
									  >	of
a										a
un									  |	protest
poste									  |	right
de									  |	But
pesage									  |	it's
de									  <
pesage									  <
pour									  <
les									  <
poelloirs								  <
avec									  <
les									  <
éventuels								  <
surgarbarides								  <
Les									  <
éventuels								  <
surcharge								  <
des									  <
poelloirs								  <
les									  <
poelloirs								  <
qui									  <
seront									  <
surcharge								  <
vont									  <
être									  <
dirigés									  <
vers									  <
le									  <
poste									  <
de									  <
parking									  <
pour									  <
se									  <
faire									  <
des									  <
charges									  <
Les									  <
judils									  <
l'installation								  <
est									  <
très									  <
quéfait									  <
La									  <
nuit									  <
de									  <
toutes									  <
les									  <
lumières								  <
fonctionnent								  <
Les									  <
barrières								  <
fonctionnent								  <
Les									  <
usagers									  <
de									  <
cette									  <
route									  <
qui									  <
n'est									  <
pas									  <
ils									  <
n'étaient								  <
pas									  <
habitués								  <
au									  <
poste									  <
du									  <
pH									  <
Est-ce									  <
qu'il									  <
s'a									  <
promôte									  <
d'un									  <
peu									  <
à									  <
vos									  <
connaissations								  <
de									  <
stockings								  <
Pour									  <
l'instant								  <
il									  <
n'a									  <
jamais									  <
fonctionné								  <
pour									  <
les									  <
véhicules								  <
Mais									  <
je									  <
pense									  <
qu'on									  <
aura									  <
fait									  <
toute									  <
la									  <
signification								  <
pour									  <
que									  <
les									  <
gens									  <
s'habituent								  <
C'est									  <
vrai									  <
qu'il									  <
y									  <
aura									  <
une									  <
petite									  <
phase									  <
d'apprentissage								  <
Il									  <
y									  <
a										a
deux									  <
pages									  <
qui									  <
existent								  <
comment									  <
ça									  <
comprenait								  <
le									  <
système									  <
d'abarrière								  <
et									  <
de									  <
s'arrêter								  <
pour									  <
régler									  <
la									  <
taxe									  <
pour									  <
le									  <
roulage									  <
Pour									  <
moi									  <
il									  <
n'y									  <
aura									  <
pas									  <
de									  <
problème								  <
Il									  <
y									  <
aura									  <
un									  <
peu									  <
d'apprentissage								  <
Certe									  <
Mais									  <
c'est									  <
une									  <
phase										phase
qui									  |	that
ne									  |	will
va									  |	not
pas									  |	last
durer									  |	too
très									  |	long
longtemps								  |	At
Au									  |	the
pH									  |	PECA
137									  |	137th
de									  |	Pre-Denvouti
près									  |	it
de									  |	was
Wouti									  |	built
a										a
été									  |	bridge
construit								  |	of
un									  <
point									  <
de									  <
50										50
m									  |	meters
de									  |	of
long									  |	land
avec									  |	with
3										3
travilles								  |	tracks
Wouti									  |	Vouti
une									  |	a
des									  |	great
grandes									  |	locality
localités								  |	traversed
traversées								  |	by
par									  |	the
la									  <
route									  <
national									national
numéro									  |	route
									  >	number
1										1
tirerait								  |	tireré
son									  |	sans
nom										nom
de										de
Wouti									  |	d'Ivouti
un									  <
arbre									  <
très									  <
célèbre									  <
dans									  <
la									  <
région									  <
sous									  <
cet									  <
arbre									  <
ce									  <
serait									  <
des									  <
roules									  <
et									  <
les									  <
entreprises								  <
entre									  <
l'explorateur								  <
colonial								  <
et									  <
le									  <
propriétaire								  <
foncié									  <
le									  <
vieux									  <
la									  <
légende									  <
ajoute									  <
que									  <
cette									  <
énerve									  <
plein									  <
de									  <
mystères								  <
qui									  <
coupait									  <
la									  <
veille									  <
se									  <
reconstitut								  <
intégralement								  <
le									  <
lendemain								  <
Ca									  <
le									  <
vieux									  <
émis									  <
le									  <
mapoço									  <
originaire								  <
de									  <
Madingokai								  <
qui									  <
repondante								  <
au									  <
colon									  <
aurait									  <
indiqué									  <
qu'il									  <
conversait								  <
sous									  <
le									  <
dibouti									  <
Sur									  <
quoi									  <
L'homme									  <
blanc									  <
qu'en									  <
plus									  <
que									  <
le									  <
village									  <
qu'il									  <
le									  <
visitait								  <
sa									  <
pêlene									  <
Wouti									  <
Aujourd'hui								  <
le									  <
pétime									  <
Wouti									  <
il									  <
y									  <
a										a
simple									  |	very
quantement								  |	cool
des									  |	tree
chasseurs								  |	in
c'est									  |	the
un									  |	region
grand									  |	On
dit									  |	the
devenant								  |	outskirts
une									  |	of
garde									  |	the
référence								  |	Mediterranean
sur									  |	a
le									  |	harbour
chemin									  |	of
de									  |	influencers
fer									  |	friend
									  >	goats
									  >	opting
									  >	with
									  >	L'Oаюсь
									  >	That
									  >	tree
									  >	looks
									  >	worth
									  >	all
									  >	live
									  >	here
									  >	Today
									  >	the
									  >	Petit
									  >	Voutille
									  >	is
									  >	simply
									  >	a
									  >	singer
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	great
									  >	day
									  >	to
									  >	become
									  >	a
									  >	singer
									  >	of
									  >	reference
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	Schmeld
									  >	Fair
Congo										Congo
c'est-an								  |	with
avec									  |	its
ces									  |	4,000
quatre									  |	inhabitants
mille									  |	But
habitants								  |	Voutille
Même									  |	is
Wouti									  |	also
c'est									  |	a
aussi									  |	part
desormens								  |	of
le									  |	the
passage									  |	path
de									  |	of
la									  |	the
route										route
du									  |	of
pointe									  |	the
nord-abrazavi								  |	Brasaville
Ici									  |	Here
l'ancien								  |	the
bâtiment								  |	Ancien
est									  |	Batiment
l'asse									  |	is
des									  |	the
huies									  |	one
qui									  |	that
arrêtait								  |	has
les									  |	been
									  >	invited
									  >	to
									  >	the
services									services
administratives								  |	of
du									  |	the
district									district
à									  |	initiative
été									  |	to
des									  |	the
mondies									  |	world
A									  |	At
la									  |	the
place										place
le									  |	the
président								  |	President
de									  |	of
la									  |	the
République								  |	Republic
									  >	to
									  >	bathe
a										a
bâtiss									  |	research
un									  |	of
rociage									  |	its
de									  |	own
sous-prefectures							  |	future
Y									  |	There
									  >	is
									  >	also
									  >	the
									  >	special
									  >	thing
									  >	that
									  >	as
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	see
									  >	is
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	construction
									  >	of
									  >	schools
									  >	The
									  >	Centre
									  >	of
									  >	Santé
									  >	Intéque
									  >	and
									  >	we
									  >	also
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	obligation
									  >	of
									  >	what
									  >	we
									  >	all
									  >	see
									  >	that
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	maximum
									  >	of
									  >	18,000
									  >	inhabitants
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	region
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Basimans
									  >	and
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Council
									  >	of
									  >	Annotes
									  >	It's
									  >	like
									  >	in
									  >	Voutille
									  >	and
									  >	you
									  >	will
									  >	see
									  >	the
									  >	perfect
									  >	route
									  >	of
									  >	Voutille
									  >	The
									  >	Basimans
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	and
									  >	I
									  >	was
									  >	obliged
									  >	to
									  >	seek
									  >	an
									  >	another
									  >	project
									  >	to
									  >	build
									  >	a
									  >	newañet
									  >	to
									  >	present
									  >	the
									  >	perfect
									  >	route
									  >	Ministry
									  >	of
									  >	jobs
									  >	may
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	help
									  >	you
									  >	Don't
									  >	repeat
									  >	this
									  >	question
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	of
									  >	Lés
									  >	Delta
									  >	our
									  >	population
									  >	I
									  >	indicated
									  >	their
									  >	route
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	measure
									  >	because
									  >	because
									  >	the
									  >	route
									  >	is
									  >	visible
									  >	To
									  >	arrive
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	point
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	night
									  >	and
									  >	here
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	really..
									  >	It
									  >	was
a										a
aussi									  |	crash
le									  |	It
social									  |	was
que									  <
quand									  <
vous									  <
avez									  <
bien									  <
dit									  <
pour									  <
la									  <
construction								  <
des									  <
écoles									  <
les									  <
centres									  <
de									  <
santé									  <
intègues								  <
et									  <
nous									  <
avons									  <
aussi									  <
l'obligation								  <
lorsque									  <
nous									  <
trouvons								  <
que									  <
il									  <
y									  <
a									  <
un									  <
bâtiment								  <
à									  <
dimens									  <
à									  <
ce									  <
qui									  <
se									  <
trouve									  <
dans									  <
la									  <
route									  <
on									  <
a										a
obligé									  <
de									  <
casser									  <
ce									  <
bâtiment								  <
et									  <
de									  <
construire								  <
un									  <
autre									  <
C'est									  <
comme									  <
un									  <
vouti									  <
Vous									  <
avez									  <
vu									  <
la									  <
sous-prefecture								  <
de									  <
Wouti									  <
le									  <
bâtiment								  <
de									  <
la									  <
sous-prefecture								  <
de									  <
sous-prefecture								  <
pour									  <
construire								  <
un									  <
nouveau									  <
bâtiment								  <
pour									  <
la									  <
sous-prefecture								  <
Nous									  <
passons									  <
à									  <
5									  <
m									  <
de									  <
la									  <
r									  <
coffee									  <
qui									  <
arrive									  <
à									  <
Pondauar								  <
si									  <
c'était									  <
un									  <
crash										crash
c'était									  |	In
qu									  |	the
opération								  |	time
que									  |	before
onvluvo									  |	the
It's									  |	route
very									  |	it
									  >	was
									  >	really
difficult									difficult
Tell									  |	It
me									  |	said
									  >	that
the										the
truth									  |	route
It's									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	C
									  >	is
an										an
important									important
factor										factor
of										of
development									development
Here										Here
in										in
you									  |	the
									  >	route
how										how
do										do
you										you
contribute									contribute
to										to
the										the
development									development
of										of
Congo									  <
to									  <
the										the
government								  |	Congo
of									  |	through
this									  |	these
route									  |	routes
that										that
passes									  |	pass
by										by
from									  |	the
you									  |	route
Yes										Yes
The									  |	the
development..									development..
Our									  |	In
									  >	our
contribution									contribution
is..									  |	it's
It's									  <
the										the
future										future
It's									  |	In
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	place
									  >	it's
the										the
future										future
Because									  |	because
today										today
we										we
don't										don't
have										have
it										it
We										We
have										have
it									  |	the
									  >	forest
We										We
have										have
it									  |	the
									  >	eyes
We										We
can										can
use										use
it										it
for										for
the										the
development								  |	front
of										of
the										the
country										country
For										For
the										the
route										route
Or										Or
it's										it's
the										the
									  >	forest
									  >	In
									  >	fact
									  >	it's
									  >	the
future										future
What										What
do										do
you										you
do										do
here										here
									  >	Precisely
Well										Well
I'm										I'm
doing										doing
the										the
agriculture									agriculture
Do									  |	You
you									  <
even									  <
do										do
what										what
No									  |	Yes
I										I
do										do
the										the
agriculture									agriculture
And									  <
I										I
do										do
the										the
artisanal								  |	seasonal
research									research
I										I
do									  |	try
the										the
work									  |	next
What									  |	thing
are									  |	Because
the										the
games									  |	people
of										of
you										you
too										too
									  >	they
									  >	also..
How										How
do										do
you									  |	you..
do									  <
it									  <
Yes										Yes
a									  |	we
									  >	are
number										number
We										We
									  >	are
									  >	numbering
									  >	to
do										do
it									  |	everything
all									  <
the										the
time									  |	research
The										The
presentation									presentation
Because									  |	because
we										we
have										have
it									  |	a
We									  |	bit
have									  |	of
it									  |	difficulty
We									  <
have									  <
it									  <
To										To
move									  |	answer
it									  <
There									  <
are									  <
yes									  <
there										there
are										are
									  >	yes
									  >	to
									  >	have
the										the
future										future
It's									  <
the									  <
back									  <
of										of
the										the
bananas									  |	route
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	work
									  >	everything
But										But
I										I
think										think
that										that
									  >	in
									  >	fact
the										the
route										route
is									  |	it's
going									  |	a
to									  |	lot
be									  |	of
marked									  |	work
Even									  |	But
now										now
we										we
have									  |	are
the									  |	young
game									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
number									  <
We										We
have									  |	are
it									  |	numbering
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	the
									  >	research
The										The
route										route
is										is
so										so
visible										visible
today										today
It										It
allows										allows
you										you
to										to
									  >	find
easily										easily
calculate								  <
your									  <
product									  <
You									  <
are									  <
going									  <
to									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
calculate								  <
your										your
product									  |	products
Or									  |	And
will									  |	so
you									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
calculate								  <
your										your
product									  |	feelings
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	forest
Or										Or
will									  |	are
you										you
be									  |	happy
able									  |	for
to									  <
calculate								  <
your									  <
product									  <
All									  <
the										the
people									  |	forest
are									  |	or
going									  <
to									  <
be									  <
in									  <
the										the
huge									  |	forest
amount									  |	Everything
									  >	is
									  >	healthy
We										We
are										are
so										so
happy										happy
We										We
are										are
going									  |	so
to									  |	happy
be									  |	I'm
on										on
the										the
way										way
In										In
fact										fact
it's										it's
a										a
good									  |	success
thing									  <
The										The
route										route
today										today
is										is
done										done
The									  |	For
way									  |	us
we									  |	it's
do									  <
it									  <
It's									  <
a										a
good										good
game										game
Because										Because
it's										it's
going										going
to										to
happen									  |	pass
It's									  |	Directly
going									  |	in
to									  |	our
happen									  |	village
In										In
our										our
village										village
In										In
our										our
village										village
I									  |	In
came									  |	fact
today									  |	it
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	dream
It										It
									  >	became
									  >	a
									  >	reality
									  >	today
									  >	Well
									  >	it
doesn't										doesn't
even										even
matter										matter
how									  |	Because
much									  <
I									  <
live									  <
in									  <
the									  <
future									  <
I'm										I'm
the									  |	a
one									  |	native
in									  |	I'm
the									  |	a
future									  |	native
We									  |	I
think										think
of									  |	it's
a										a
plan									  |	game
We're									  |	that
									  >	we
									  >	are
going										going
to										to
see										see
the									  <
other									  <
I'm										I'm
not									  |	a
sure									  |	native
In									  <
your									  <
village									  <
In										In
your										your
village									  |	life
you're									  |	it
going									  |	was
to									  <
be									  <
on									  <
the									  <
way									  <
It's									  <
a										a
good									  |	dream
thing									  |	It
Why									  |	was
am									  |	a
									  >	dream
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	dream
									  >	Well
									  >	whatever
									  >	So
									  >	at
									  >	least
I										I
saying									  |	say
that									  |	we
We									  |	must
need									  |	go
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
We										We
are									  |	must
going									  |	pray
to									  |	I'll
be										be
									  >	here
in										in
the									  <
middle									  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to									  <
be									  <
there									  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to									  <
have									  <
a										a
look									  |	moment
at									  |	At
the									  |	last
process									  |	I'll
I									  |	be
would									  |	crying
like									  |	When
									  >	we
									  >	go
to										to
									  >	revenue
									  >	farming
									  >	let
									  >	me
come										come
to										to
you									  |	revenue
because									  |	Because
									  >	when
I										I
would									  |	came
like									  <
to									  <
come									  <
to										to
you									  |	my,-
We										We
for									  |	will
example									  |	work
are									  |	on
simple									  |	folic
and									  |	fields
simple									  |	We
Are									  |	do
simple									  |	not
and									  |	say
simple									  |	that
are									  |	I
simple									  |	wonder
and									  |	myself
simple									  |	Is
Are									  <
simple									  <
and									  <
simple									  <
are									  <
simple									  <
and									  <
simple									  <
Today									  <
in									  <
relation								  <
to									  <
the									  <
life									  <
of									  <
the									  <
earth									  <
it										it
is									  |	tall
simple									  |	or
and									  |	tall
simple									  <
I										I
would									  |	don't
like									  |	know
									  >	I
									  >	will
									  >	have
									  >	good
									  >	luck
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	not
									  >	seen
									  >	children
									  >	when
									  >	I
									  >	go
to										to
thank									  |	Videojak
you									  |	There's
very									  |	a
much									  |	little
And									  |	rain
now									  |	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	take
									  >	care
									  >	of
									  >	it
									  >	There's
the										the
population									population
has									  |	with
difficulties								  |	cyclists
for										for
this										this
place										place
Today										Today
with										with
the										the
presence									presence
of										of
the										the
other									  |	road
the										the
inhabitants									inhabitants
of										of
my									  |	Miami
home									  <
who										who
have									  |	had
difficulties								  |	the
									  >	cyclists
for										for
this										this
place										place
Today									  |	today
it									  |	it's
is									  <
a										a
very										very
easy										easy
place										place
Especially									Especially
for										for
the										the
commerce									commerce
of									  <
the										the
areas										areas
of										of
the										the
earth									  |	lake
I									  |	I'm
am									  <
very										very
happy										happy
about										about
everything									everything
that										that
happens										happens
Everything								  |	I'm
that									  |	very
happens									  |	happy
									  >	about
									  >	what
									  >	we
									  >	can
									  >	do
									  >	I'm
									  >	happy
									  >	about
everything									everything
that										that
happens										happens
It									  <
is									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
realising								  <
me									  <
as									  <
a									  <
project									  <
in									  <
another									  <
country									  <
I										I
say									  |	think
that										that
today										today
the										the
population									population
of									  <
this									  <
place									  <
is										is
better									  |	the
compared								  |	best
to									  |	for
before									  |	the
									  >	people
but										but
there									  |	there's
was									  <
also										also
the										the
way										way
to										to
do										do
it										it
So										So
it									  |	it's
does									  <
not										not
last									  |	really
a									  |	the
long									  <
time									  <
The									  <
population									population
Well									  |	What
what									  <
do										do
you										you
want										want
									  >	to
									  >	do
We										We
can									  |	can't
not									  <
criticize									criticize
because										because
we										we
don't									  <
criticize								  <
We									  <
have										have
a									  |	the
new										new
year									  |	news
But									  |	We're
this									  |	going
year									  <
we									  <
have									  <
to										to
do										do
it										it
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	people
I										I
don't										don't
know										know
if										if
I'm									  |	the
									  >	people
									  >	are
going										going
to										to
do										do
it										it
I									  <
don't									  <
know									  <
if									  <
I'm										I'm
going										going
to										to
do										do
it										it
I'm										I'm
going										going
to										to
live									  |	do
with									  <
it										it
before									  |	for
And									  |	the
after									  |	people
									  >	After
the										the
years										years
when										when
we										we
came										came
									  >	we
									  >	had
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
trains										trains
or									  |	we
									  >	went
									  >	to
the										the
solar									  |	lake
and										and
so									  |	we
on									  |	were
really										really
especially								  |	lucky
today									  |	Today
the										the
fire									  |	lake
will									  <
be									  <
destroyed								  <
It									  <
is										is
									  >	really
									  >	hot
									  >	It's
									  >	really
									  >	hot
									  >	It's
									  >	not
even										even
more									  <
of									  <
a										a
chance									  |	little
in									  |	hot
									  >	anymore
									  >	In
my										my
childhood									childhood
when										when
I										I
see									  |	was
it									  |	watching
with									  |	the
									  >	lake
									  >	there
									  >	was
the										the
very										very
energy									  |	low
it									  |	It
									  >	was
									  >	really
									  >	hot
									  >	The
									  >	lake
is										is
to									  |	really
be									  |	hot
happy									  |	I
Really									  |	was
the									  |	really
fire									  <
will									  <
be									  <
free									  <
I'm									  <
happy										happy
with										with
the										the
road									  |	lake
the									  |	The
fire									  |	lake
will									  |	is
be									  |	really
able									  |	hot
to									  |	You
survive									  |	see
And									  <
it										it
will									  |	and
be									  <
free									  <
Yes									  <
it										it
was									  |	looks
not									  |	like
in									  |	a
charge									  |	fire
of									  |	Yes
the										the
year									  |	land
of										of
									  >	the
300										300
years									  <
This										This
year									  |	place
of									  <
massacres								  <
on										on
the										the
passage									  |	past
									  >	the
									  >	support
of										of
the										the
South									  |	CFCO
Sea									  <
was										was
executed									executed
at										at
the										the
Gabbari										Gabbari
de										de
Choumè									  |	Chumet
de										de
Faire										Faire
with										with
the										the
possibility									possibility
of										of
putting									  |	helping
the										the
fire									  |	government
into									  |	of
the										the
fire									  |	lake
The										The
tragedy									  |	strategic
was									  |	route
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	plusieurs
									  >	is
also										also
used									  <
in									  <
the										the
étabies									  |	opportunity
									  >	to
									  >	establish
the										the
contact										contact
with										with
populations								  |	the
where									  |	population
there									  |	to
is									  |	the
a									  |	group
number									  <
of										of
localities									localities
that									  <
are									  <
already									  <
in										in
the										the
park										park
and										and
where									  |	to
they									  |	discuss
will									  <
take									  <
what										what
will										will
be									  |	happen
									  >	to
a										a
great									  |	large
part										part
of										of
the										the
habitat									  |	lake
This										This
village										village
									  >	for
									  >	example
in										in
the									  |	Massica
way									  <
of									  <
massacres								  <
you										you
the										the
Sarah										Sarah
the										the
Banda									  |	Bonda
Jean-Oblie								  |	Jean-Obley
for										for
the									  |	this
Sun									  |	month
At										At
the										the
time										time
of										of
the										the
stage									  |	tap
the										the
transit										transit
will										will
be										be
interrupted									interrupted
at										at
the										the
point										point
of										of
making									  |	doing
the										the
site									  |	T.A
									  >	to
									  >	deal
									  >	with
a										a
great									  |	large
animation									animation
Family									  |	Families
									  >	are
men										men
will									  <
go										go
to										to
the										the
fruits										fruits
such									  |	like
as									  <
Anana										Anana
Banan										Banan
Nua										Nua
de										de
Coucourt								  |	Koko
quantité									quantité
de										de
Manoc									  |	manioques
Papay									  |	papay
Mong									  |	mong
Safou									  |	safou
et										et
autres										autres
produits									produits
au										au
détail										détail
or									  |	ou
also									  |	encore
de									  |	des
produits									produits
de										de
l'artisanal								  |	l'artisanat
au									  |	locale
cas									  <
At										At
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
our										our
population									population
in										in
the										the
village										village
which									  |	côté
is									  |	de
from									  |	la
the									  |	circulation
population								  |	et
and									  |	des
of									  <
occasions									occasions
and									  |	et
to									  |	de
make									  |	faire
our									  |	sortir
products								  |	nos
									  >	produits
No										No
we										we
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
advantages								  |	advantage
because										because
at										at
the										the
end									  |	brudel
of									  <
the									  <
road									  <
as										as
we										we
don't										don't
pass										pass
we										we
can									  |	can't
see									  <
that									  <
there									  <
are									  <
other									  <
people									  <
who									  <
are									  <
still									  <
waiting									  <
for									  <
us									  <
The									  <
people									  <
pass										pass
We										We
see										see
that										that
they									  |	men
are									  <
living									  <
here									  <
they									  <
are									  <
there									  <
they									  <
will									  <
pass									  <
If									  <
we									  <
see									  <
just									  <
15									  <
minutes									  <
are										are
here									  |	Mountains
It's									  |	II
for									  |	Air
me									  |	To
who									  |	win
was									  |	France
15									  |	win
and									  |	which
in									  |	is
the									  |	a
region									  |	runway
of									  |	as
San2									  |	well
How									  |	I
									  >	am
									  >	sorry
									  >	to
									  >	ask
									  >	you
									  >	about
									  >	thatcasual
									  >	condition
Do										Do
you										you
feel									  |	sell
when									  |	Bonda
the									  |	Crabbiat
бède									  |	de
is									  |	Saq
gone									  |	Perjou
In									  |	Yes
just									  |	I
10									  |	will
seconds									  |	be
уем									  |	a
array									  |	sunset
from									  |	of
the										the
road										road
is									  <
the									  <
north									  <
portrayed								  <
so									  <
for									  <
example									  <
that										that
I									  <
feel									  <
better									  <
with									  <
the										the
hospitality								  |	guys
The									  <
exceptions								  <
are										are
complicated								  |	doing
I'm									  |	So
sure									  |	that's
the									  |	how
rest									  |	it
might									  |	really
be									  |	is
heavier									  |	It's
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	pleasure
									  >	Because
									  >	I
									  >	can't
									  >	even
									  >	tell
									  >	you
									  >	I
									  >	can't
									  >	even
									  >	tell
									  >	you
									  >	There
									  >	it
									  >	is
It's										It's
a										a
great										great
honor										honor
for										for
you										you
but									  |	But
when										when
you									  |	it's
do									  |	done
it									  <
it's										it's
easy										easy
to										to
use										use
this										this
route										route
What										What
do										do
you										you
say										say
to									  |	about
the									  <
right									  <
of									  <
this										this
person										person
Thank										Thank
you										you
very									  |	so
much										much
for										for
this										this
person										person
It's										It's
a										a
very										very
									  >	surprising
									  >	situation
									  >	It's
									  >	a
good										good
opportunity								  |	thing
for										for
the										the
route									  |	road
									  >	The
									  >	road
It's										It's
a										a
very										very
good										good
opportunity								  |	one
He									  |	To
deserves								  |	eat
to									  <
recommend								  <
the										the
Congo									  |	Congo's
									  >	food
									  >	guns
It's										It's
not										not
an									  |	a
important								  |	memorable
thing										thing
to									  |	Because
do									  |	we
that									  |	tried
because									  |	it
there									  <
are									  <
a										a
lot										lot
of									  <
things									  <
that									  <
need									  <
to									  <
be									  <
passed									  <
here									  <
in										in
									  >	Pazelo
									  >	gets
									  >	with
									  >	the
Congo										Congo
it									  |	They
doesn't									  |	didn't
have									  |	give
to									  <
do									  <
that									  <
The									  <
same									  <
thing									  <
is									  <
but									  <
even									  <
when									  <
you									  <
do									  <
it									  <
you									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
too									  <
Even									  <
when									  <
you									  <
do									  <
it									  <
you									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
too									  <
Even									  <
when									  <
you									  <
do									  <
it									  <
too									  <
you										you
have									  |	this
to									  |	in
do									  |	order
it									  |	It's
too									  <
Because									  <
we've									  <
been									  <
on									  <
our									  <
way									  <
before									  <
before									  <
we									  <
got									  <
there									  <
It									  <
wasn't									  <
the										the
route									  |	best
There									  |	in
were									  |	Pazelo
									  >	There's
a										a
lot									  |	serious
of									  |	crisis
things									  |	here
you									  |	But
had									  |	this
many									  |	was
of									  |	not
									  >	as
									  >	confusing
									  >	but
									  >	not
									  >	as
									  >	difficult
									  >	as
									  >	such
									  >	I'm
									  >	surprised
									  >	that
									  >	it's
									  >	important
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	counted
									  >	only
									  >	in
									  >	Pazelo
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	hand
									  >	Everybody
									  >	has
									  >	to
									  >	learn
									  >	that
the										the
maps									  |	Mardou
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	heart
of										of
the										the
Chantets								  |	parents
The									  |	And
music										music
But									  |	is
when									  |	like
you									  |	that
do									  |	even
it									  |	if
too									  |	it's
									  >	the
									  >	harmony
you										you
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
too									  <
You									  <
look										look
at										at
yourself									yourself
The									  <
point									  <
is									  <
you									  <
just									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
You										You
can										can
even									  |	only
take									  |	be
the									  |	a
same									  |	part
time									  <
of										of
the									  |	your
map									  |	heart
You										You
even										even
have										have
to									  |	a
take									  |	girlfriend
the									  |	you
same									  |	can
time									  |	only
									  >	be
									  >	a
									  >	part
of										of
the									  |	your
map									  |	heart
You										You
can										can
take									  |	only
the									  |	be
same									  |	a
time									  |	part
of										of
the									  |	your
map									  |	heart
You									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
too									  <
You										You
have										have
to										to
do									  |	be
it									  |	a
At									  |	part
the									  |	of
same									  |	your
time									  |	heart
you									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
too									  <
You										You
have										have
to										to
do									  |	be
it									  |	a
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	heart
Really										Really
That's									  |	It's
it									  |	all
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
it									  |	Here
There									  <
So										So
if										if
you										you
have										have
a									  |	another
question									question
you										you
can										can
ask										ask
No										No
I										I
want										want
you										you
to										to
answer										answer
the									  |	another
answer									  |	question
No										No
I										I
don't										don't
know									  |	want
I									  |	to
don't									  <
have									  <
a									  <
answer										answer
I										I
have									  |	want
a									  |	to
question								  |	answer
Thank										Thank
you										you
Oco									  <
Good										Good
day									  |	morning
You									  |	Hello
Oco									  |	Hello
									  >	It's
									  >	Vélène
									  >	Satou
You										You
are										are
here										here
in										in
the									  |	this
Temple									  |	supermarket
of									  |	You
Paul									  |	sell
Who									  |	tickets
are									  |	It's
									  >	worth
									  >	two
									  >	weeks
									  >	If
you										you
but									  |	want
									  >	to
									  >	buy
									  >	it
									  >	there
are										are
you									  |	two
You									  |	tickets
									  >	pounders
									  >	already
									  >	There
are										are
here									  |	two
watching								  |	not
from									  |	our
here									  |	set
You									  |	but
									  >	our
									  >	products
									  >	But
									  >	worse
									  >	it's
									  >	quite
									  >	cheaper
									  >	Must
									  >	have
									  >	long
									  >	ahead
									  >	It's
									  >	one
									  >	of
									  >	my
									  >	favorite
									  >	places
									  >	There's
									  >	one
									  >	Here
are										are
here									  <
in									  <
the										the
Temple									  |	fair
of									  |	place
Paul									  |	These
Is									  |	are
									  >	the
									  >	oldest
									  >	places
									  >	your
									  >	favorite
									  >	unusual
									  >	places
									  >	which
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	unloaded
									  >	all
									  >	Of
									  >	course
									  >	You
									  >	can
									  >	place
									  >	this
									  >	place
									  >	You're
									  >	good
									  >	at
									  >	that
									  >	I'll
									  >	use
									  >	it
									  >	and
									  >	make
									  >	it
									  >	first
									  >	If
									  >	I
									  >	go
									  >	there
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	you
									  >	I
									  >	ask
									  >	you
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	is
that										that
right										right
On									  |	How
									  >	do
									  >	you
									  >	do
									  >	it
									  >	to
									  >	your
									  >	vision
									  >	There
									  >	there
									  >	there
									  >	there
									  >	Well
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	friend
									  >	who
									  >	has
									  >	commanded
									  >	you
									  >	Excuse
									  >	me
									  >	Tell
									  >	me
the										the
temple									  |	route
									  >	was
									  >	made
									  >	It's
									  >	advantage
									  >	for
									  >	us
									  >	Tell
									  >	you
									  >	what
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	in
									  >	three
of										of
Paul									  <
Orten									  <
Yes									  <
from									  <
here									  <
is									  <
the										the
Temple									  |	initiatives
of										of
Paul									  |	the
Yes									  |	project
from									  |	But
here									  |	yes
Can									  |	we
									  >	demand
									  >	to
									  >	thank
you										you
see									  |	You
									  >	don't
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	thank
me										me
there									  |	It's
Yes									  <
At									  <
the									  <
same									  <
time									  <
enter									  <
the									  <
Temple									  <
of									  <
Paul									  <
and									  <
the										the
Duke									  |	one
of									  <
Paul									  <
There									  <
are									  <
verses									  <
and									  <
I									  <
believe									  <
there's									  <
a									  <
kind									  <
of									  <
intent									  <
for									  <
that										that
II									  |	has
이야									  |	to
and									  |	do
I									  |	with
Are									  |	the
I									  |	project
									  >	It's
									  >	better
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	It's
									  >	better
									  >	to
do										do
Men									  |	this
and									  |	route
women									  |	It's
of									  |	better
the									  <
purpose									  <
but									  <
we									  <
have									  <
to										to
handle									  |	do
theção									  |	this
for									  |	route
the									  |	It's
first									  |	better
time									  <
At									  <
the									  <
time									  <
we									  <
have									  <
to										to
handle									  |	do
theção									  |	this
We									  |	route
have									  |	It's
									  >	better
to										to
deal									  <
with									  <
him									  <
but									  <
we									  <
do										do
a									  |	this
lot									  |	route
									  >	It's
									  >	better
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	route
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	beginning
of										of
environmental								  |	the
issues									  |	journey
We									  |	this
explore									  |	route
a									  <
stage									  <
where									  <
we									  <
can									  <
have									  <
a									  <
rather									  <
stay									  <
alert									  <
for									  <
his									  <
media									  <
and									  <
take									  <
care									  <
of										of
the										the
people									  |	project
Inspiration								  |	was
It									  |	directed
we									  |	Perspective
work									  |	in
Professor								  |	Mingo
more									  <
effectively								  <
in										in
Morocco									  |	Kuylo
말�ment									  <
and										and
we									  |	Moucono
do									  |	in
restoration								  |	Lénière
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	disposed
									  >	of
									  >	each
									  >	other
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	sort
									  >	of
									  >	landscape
to										to
control										control
the										the
vehicles								  |	height
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	vehicle
The										The
construction									construction
of										of
the										the
route										route
at										at
the									  |	Brasaville
time									  <
of									  <
April									  <
has										has
already										already
made										made
an										an
end									  |	engine
in										in
the										the
main										main
village										village
of										of
Traversy								  |	Traversie
We										We
also										also
found									  |	planned
the									  |	to
airport									  |	go
									  >	to
									  >	Ponga
at										at
44										44
km										km
from										from
the									  |	Ponga
north									  <
or										or
the										the
President									President
of										of
the										the
Republic									Republic
to										to
reach										reach
the										the
centre										centre
of										of
the										the
centre										centre
Destined									Destined
to										to
dispense									dispense
of										of
quality										quality
for									  |	to
									  >	the
local										local
population									population
this										this
dispense									dispense
of										of
a										a
medical										medical
block										block
and										and
a										a
administrative									administrative
building									building
In										In
the										the
village										village
of									  <
Ponga										Ponga
particularly									particularly
a										a
new										new
building									building
came									  |	was
to									  |	reinforced
force									  |	with
the										the
capacity									capacity
of										of
the										the
first										first
school									  |	meetingner
It									  |	Il
will									  |	entered
take									  |	into
three									  <
hours									  <
to									  <
reach									  <
the									  <
centre									  <
of									  <
the										the
city									  |	Class
It									  |	belle
will									  |	which
take									  |	does
place										place
									  >	itself
									  >	from
									  >	inside
									  >	concentrating
									  >	solely
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	match
Yes										Yes
it									  |	it's
is									  <
a										a
counter									  |	meeting
to									  |	in
the									  <
city									  <
of									  <
Ponga									  <
and									  <
the										the
company									  |	W카�ngue
Shinoz									  |	ел
who									  <
is										is
waiting									  |	a
for									  |	lack
the									  |	of
course									  |	knowledge
									  >	A
									  >	reputation
of										of
the										the
route									  |	height
They									  |	they
want									  |	will
us									  |	not
									  >	be
									  >	allowed
to										to
do										do
this									  |	their
move									  |	job
I									  |	We
don't									  |	pay
think									  |	attention
so									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
It's									  <
a									  <
shame									  <
I'm									  <
going									  <
to										to
ask									  |	what
you									  |	the
									  >	old
									  >	people
									  >	asked
									  >	us
									  >	as
a										a
story									  |	mat
									  >	for
									  >	them
We										We
will									  |	should
see									  |	give
each									  |	them
other									  <
Finally									  <
After									  <
two									  <
hours									  <
of									  <
travel									  <
the										the
vehicle									  |	very
will									  |	same
be									  |	feedback
in									  |	toward
									  >	Ontario
									  >	to
the										the
second									  |	third적으로
place									  |	the
I									  |	And
am									  <
now										now
									  >	I'm
going										going
to										to
be									  |	show
a									  |	you
man									  <
The									  <
coordinator								  <
of									  <
the									  <
city									  <
of									  <
the										the
city									  |	coordinator
of										of
the										the
city									  |	Russian
									  >	Guard
You										You
are										are
the										the
coordinator									coordinator
of										of
the										the
Agar									  |	Russian
Gutière									  |	Guard
so										so
you										you
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
time										time
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	volunteers
with										with
people										people
who										who
take										take
care										care
of										of
the										the
route										route
what										what
do										do
you										you
tell										tell
them										them
now										now
Now									  |	No
on									  |	I
the									  |	don't
way									  |	know
to									  |	why
the									  |	You
passage									  <
that									  <
you									  <
see										see
I'm										I'm
going										going
to										to
give									  |	the
you									  |	Russian
a									  |	Guard
visit									  <
to									  <
all									  <
of									  <
you									  <
I'm										I'm
telling										telling
you										you
that										that
our										our
question								  |	presence
is										is
in										in
front										front
of										of
the										the
great										great
effort										effort
of										of
the										the
great										great
effort										effort
of										of
the										the
great										great
effort										effort
because										because
we										we
have										have
three										three
cases										cases
The									  |	for
first									  <
case									  <
is									  <
in									  <
the									  <
right									  <
place									  <
in									  <
the										the
right									  |	pleasure
place									  |	of
in									  |	making
the										the
right									  |	route
place									  <
So									  <
I										I
don't										don't
know										know
what's										what's
going									  |	not
on									  |	possible
									  >	before
So										So
as										as
we									  |	I
said										said
									  >	before
we										we
had									  |	have
the										the
opportunity									opportunity
to										to
come										come
to									  |	here
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	that
the										the
front									  |	presence
of										of
the										the
great										great
effort										effort
Because										Because
even										even
if									  |	I'm
we									  <
are									  <
here										here
it's										it's
our										our
guarantee								  |	duty
that									  <
we									  <
will									  <
have									  <
the									  <
opportunity								  <
to									  <
come									  <
to										to
									  >	conquer
the										the
front									  |	world
of									  |	I
the									  |	don't
great									  |	want
effort									  |	to
									  >	see
So										So
we										we
don't									  |	also
know									  |	have
how									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	ways
to										to
come										come
to									  |	with
the									  |	us
front									  |	We
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
the									  <
great										great
effort									  |	work
And									  <
then									  <
a										a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
great										great
encouragement								  |	work
to									  |	and
me									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	courage
									  >	Because
as										as
I										I
already										already
have										have
a										a
message									  |	lot
to									  |	of
you									  |	work
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	countries
I										I
think										think
it's										it's
a										a
bit										bit
more									  |	different
than									  |	It's
I									  <
could									  <
say									  <
And									  <
the									  <
great										great
effort									  <
for										for
the										the
president								  |	presence
and									  |	And
we										we
also										also
give									  |	have
it									  |	a
to									  |	lot
you									  |	of
I									  <
give									  <
you									  <
information									information
to									  |	about
the										the
population									population
with										with
you									  |	the
									  >	country
What										What
do										do
you										you
want										want
to										to
read									  |	tell
dearly									  |	me
to									  |	about
come									  <
to									  <
discover								  <
the										the
way									  |	future
of										of
my									  |	discovering
life									  |	the
									  >	region
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	world
The										The
city										city
is										is
located										located
in										in
the										the
valley									  |	Valley
of										of
a									  |	the
year									  |	United
									  >	States
at										at
3609										3609
km										km
away										away
from										from
Brazil										Brazil
									  >	The
third										third
of										of
the										the
country										country
by									  |	is
its									  |	an
importance								  |	important
									  >	part
									  >	of
the										the
economic									economic
and										and
economic									economic
demographic									demographic
the									  |	The
view									  |	city
of										of
the									  |	Boa
forest									  |	is
and									  |	from
the										the
forest										forest
Dolisi										Dolisi
is										is
also										also
the										the
city										city
where										where
it										it
was										was
built										built
the									  |	The
island										island
of										of
Excellency									Excellency
of										of
the										the
Mbundah									  |	Mounda
and									  |	It's
is									  <
obviously									obviously
in										in
which										which
it										it
will										will
access										access
the										the
levels										levels
of										of
our										our
country										country
Mbundah									  |	Mounda
is										is
also										also
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
president									president
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
At									  |	It's
									  >	not
that										that
time									  <
the										the
students								  |	levels
of										of
the										the
Mbundah									  |	Mounda
were									  |	are
created										created
at										at
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
Mbundah's								  <
symbolic									symbolic
press									  |	prison
at										at
the										the
end										end
of										of
September								  |	this
									  >	prison
which										which
seemed									  |	seems
to										to
have										have
resisted									resisted
many									  |	time
times									  <
This										This
great									  |	big
interest								  |	prison
here									  <
is										is
almost									  |	made
as									  |	to
high									  |	the
as									  |	sky
possible								  |	heavy
and										and
there									  <
is									  <
a										a
difference								  |	different
in									  |	kind
climate									  |	of
change									  |	code
This									  |	It's
									  >	the
historical									historical
art									  |	part
of										of
									  >	the
Brazil										Brazil
the										the
Mbundah's								  |	Mounda
mother									  <
on										on
which										which
the										the
former									  |	11th
students								  |	and
									  >	11th
of										of
the										the
Mbundah									  |	Mounda
were									  |	recorded
born									  |	their
on									  |	name
the									  <
land									  <
or									  <
on										on
the										the
river									  |	name
									  >	of
									  >	Osobriquel
The										The
president									president
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
at									  |	then
the									  |	he
end									  <
of									  <
this									  <
establishment								  <
was										was
also										also
at										at
the										the
end									  |	Mounda
of									  <
the									  <
world									  <
or										or
the										the
best										best
only									  |	but
in										in
the										the
terminology								  |	top
we									  |	of
see									  |	the
									  >	ecology
in										in
the										the
schools										schools
it									  |	he
was										was
played									  |	still
It									  |	alive
is									  |	It's
also									  |	a
									  >	cycle
that										that
the										the
United										United
States										States
has										has
inscribed									inscribed
on										on
the										the
arms										arms
without										without
stopping								  |	arresting
in									  <
which									  <
the									  <
press									  <
provides								  <
a									  <
greater									  <
chance									  <
End									  <
of									  <
the										the
Revolution								  |	most
									  >	precious
									  >	acts