Statistics: 4660 / 22698 (20.53%) words changed

Detecting									Detecting
language									language
using										using
up										up
to										to
the										the
first										first
30										30
seconds										seconds
Use										Use
`--language`									`--language`
to										to
specify										specify
the										the
language									language
Detected									Detected
language									language
Russian										Russian
With										With
a										a
triple										triple
loop										loop
I										I
know										know
it										it
was										was
I										I
know										know
it										it
will										will
be										be
This										This
is										is
with										with
me										me
Hello										Hello
dear										dear
friends										friends
ladies										ladies
and										and
gentlemen									gentlemen
comrades									comrades
Hello										Hello
On										On
the										the
air										air
a										a
special										special
issue										issue
of										of
the										the
program										program
60										60
minutes										minutes
about										about
the										the
most										most
important									important
Some										Some
nuclear										nuclear
evening										evening
today										today
Sveta										Sveta
who										who
is										is
a										a
European									European
diplomat									diplomat
Borel										Borel
said										said
that										that
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
attack										attack
against										against
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
not										not
cause										cause
a										a
counter										counter
nuclear										nuclear
attack										attack
on										on
Russia										Russia
Instead										Instead
there										there
will										will
be										be
such										such
a										a
powerful									powerful
military									military
response									response
that										that
the										the
entire										entire
Russian										Russian
army										army
will										will
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
About										About
the										the
same										same
thing										thing
the										the
French										French
president									president
said										said
Macron										Macron
said										said
that										that
France										France
will										will
not										not
respond										respond
to										to
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
strike										strike
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
personally									personally
he										he
is										is
against										against
the										the
world										world
war										war
However										However
no										no
one										one
asks										asks
Macron										Macron
The										The
entire										entire
Western										Western
press										press
is										is
already										already
writing										writing
a										a
plan										plan
for										for
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
Reuters										Reuters
reports										reports
that										that
NATO										NATO
is										is
preparing									preparing
for										for
a										a
physical									physical
response									response
to										to
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
strike										strike
from										from
Russia										Russia
The										The
American									American
Newsweek									Newsweek
is										is
also										also
opening										opening
up										up
The										The
closer										closer
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
to										to
victory										victory
the										the
closer										closer
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
is										is
Former										Former
director									director
of										of
the										the
CIA										CIA
and										and
ex-head										ex-head
of										of
the										the
US										US
Department									Department
of										of
Defense										Defense
Panetta										Panetta
calls										calls
on										on
the										the
Pentagon									Pentagon
to										to
be										be
ready										ready
to										to
use										use
all										all
military									military
means										means
against										against
Russia										Russia
Well										Well
the										the
Alliance									Alliance
Agency										Agency
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
today										today
announced									announced
the										the
study										study
of										of
Stoikiy										Stoikiy
Polgin										Polgin
These										These
studies										studies
on										on
the										the
development									development
of										of
the										the
scenario									scenario
of										of
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
With										With
whom										whom
it										it
is										is
not										not
difficult									difficult
to										to
guess										guess
The										The
essence										essence
of										of
NATO										NATO
nuclear										nuclear
maneuvers									maneuvers
is										is
to										to
work										work
out										out
the										the
use										use
of										of
American									American
nuclear										nuclear
bombs										bombs
B61										B61
located										located
in										in
European									European
bases										bases
on										on
the										the
border										border
territory									territory
of										of
Russia										Russia
This										This
is										is
up										up
to										to
170										170
kilograms									kilograms
per										per
second										second
in										in
the										the
Trotilov									Trotilov
equivalent									equivalent
Thirteen									Thirteen
times										times
more										more
powerful									powerful
than										than
nuclear										nuclear
bombs										bombs
dropped										dropped
on										on
Hiroshima									Hiroshima
Before										Before
that										that
the										the
allies										allies
and										and
the										the
US										US
Army										Army
will										will
learn										learn
fast										fast
transportation									transportation
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
from										from
their										their
territories									territories
and										and
their										their
attachment									attachment
to										to
the										the
bomber										bomber
fighters									fighters
It										It
is										is
noteworthy									noteworthy
that										that
the										the
application									application
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
strikes										strikes
on										on
Russia										Russia
is										is
being										being
worked										worked
out										out
including									including
the										the
German										German
Luftwaffe									Luftwaffe
Madness										Madness
Putin										Putin
is										is
saying										saying
that										that
he										he
is										is
not										not
bluffing									bluffing
But										But
we										we
are										are
not										not
bluffing									bluffing
either										either
The										The
European									European
Union										Union
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
NATO										NATO
We										We
will										will
respond										respond
to										to
any										any
nuclear										nuclear
strike										strike
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
We										We
will										will
respond										respond
with										with
non-nuclear									non-nuclear
weapons										weapons
Our										Our
troops										troops
will										will
respond										respond
so										so
powerfully									powerfully
that										that
the										the
entire										entire
Russian										Russian
army										army
will										will
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
NATO										NATO
Secretary									Secretary
General										General
Jens										Jens
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
called										called
Russia's									Russia's
nuclear										nuclear
threat										threat
excessive									excessive
and										and
irresponsible									irresponsible
But										But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
next										next
week										week
will										will
be										be
the										the
exercise									exercise
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
forces										forces
of										of
NATO										NATO
countries									countries
How										How
to										to
understand									understand
this										this
at										at
all										all
Yes										Yes
this										this
is										is
the										the
response									response
of										of
NATO										NATO
to										to
the										the
threats										threats
of										of
Putin										Putin
Putin's										Putin's
threats										threats
In										In
these										these
exercises									exercises
it										it
will										will
indeed										indeed
be										be
worked										worked
out										out
the										the
use										use
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
in										in
the										the
event										event
of										of
an										an
escalation									escalation
For										For
half										half
a										a
day										day
Germany										Germany
and										and
13										13
other										other
countries									countries
of										of
the										the
alliance									alliance
will										will
take										take
part										part
in										in
the										the
exercise									exercise
of										of
the										the
preparation									preparation
for										for
the										the
launch										launch
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
missiles									missiles
from										from
underground									underground
mines										mines
and										and
bunkers										bunkers
In										In
addition									addition
bomber										bomber
fighters									fighters
will										will
be										be
involved									involved
capable										capable
of										of
carrying									carrying
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
on										on
board										board
as										as
well										well
as										as
reconnaissance									reconnaissance
planes										planes
and										and
refueling									refueling
planes										planes
We										We
are										are
talking										talking
about										about
American									American
nuclear										nuclear
missiles									missiles
and										and
bombs										bombs
from										from
the										the
US										US
arsenal										arsenal
At										At
the										the
moment										moment
they										they
are										are
located										located
in										in
Europe										Europe
Turkey										Turkey
Northern									Northern
Italy										Italy
Belgium										Belgium
and										and
the										the
Netherlands									Netherlands
We										We
do										do
not										not
forget										forget
that										that
they										they
are										are
of										of
course										course
also										also
located										located
in										in
Germany										Germany
To										To
be										be
precise										precise
on										on
the										the
military									military
airbase										airbase
Bühel										Bühel
in										in
the										the
federal										federal
land										land
of										of
Rheinland-Pfalz									Rheinland-Pfalz
It										It
is										is
there										there
that										that
the										the
33rd										33rd
German										German
Luftwaffe									Luftwaffe
aviation									aviation
regiment									regiment
is										is
located										located
It										It
has									  |	counts
1,900										1,900
soldiers									soldiers
at										at
once										once
There										There
are										are
four										four
special										special
hangars										hangars
on										on
the										the
Bühel										Bühel
airbase										airbase
from										from
where										where
the										the
bombers									  |	bombers-tornado
of									  |	fighters
the									  <
Tornado									  <
will									  <
start										start
But										But
since										since
they										they
were										were
put										put
into									  |	on
service									  |	the
									  >	arms
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Bundeswehr
in										in
1981										1981
they										they
are										are
gradually									gradually
replaced									replaced
by										by
the										the
new										new
American									American
F-35										F-35
These										These
bombers									  |	bombers-tornado
									  >	fighters
are										are
much										much
more										more
modern										modern
and										and
will										will
allow										allow
Germany										Germany
									  >	if
									  >	necessary
to										to
strike										strike
with										with
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
if									  <
necessary								  <
Berlin										Berlin
continues									continues
to										to
buy										buy
the										the
US										US
F-35										F-35
and										and
soon										soon
all										all
the										the
Tornadoes								  |	Tornado
will										will
be										be
replaced									replaced
on										on
them										them
Let's									  |	Moving
go									  |	on
further									  |	the
Bomber									  |	bombers-tornado
fighters									fighters
on										on
the										the
Bühel										Bühel
airbase										airbase
are										are
also										also
capable										capable
of										of
carrying									carrying
B61										B61
hydrogen									hydrogen
bombs										bombs
The										The
peculiarity									peculiarity
of										of
these										these
bombs										bombs
is										is
that										that
their										their
explosive									explosive
power										power
can										can
be										be
set										set
at										at
will										will
from										from
0.3										0.3
to										to
170										170
kg										kg
in										in
a										a
tractive									tractive
equivalent									equivalent
That										That
is										is
the										the
most										most
powerful									powerful
such										such
hydrogen									hydrogen
bomb										bomb
will										will
be										be
13										13
times										times
more										more
powerful									powerful
than										than
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
bomb										bomb
dropped										dropped
on										on
Hiroshima									Hiroshima
Now									  |	And
									  >	now
attention									attention
to										to
the										the
screen										screen
This										This
is										is
the										the
cover										cover
of										of
the										the
									  >	newspaper
									  >	The
New										New
Statesman									Statesman
magazine								  <
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
is										is
on										on
it										it
The										The
sign										sign
of										of
									  >	the
radiation									radiation
threat										threat
is									  <
embedded								  <
made										made
in										in
red-black									red-black
tones										tones
									  >	is
									  >	placed
apparently									apparently
for										for
greater										greater
fear										fear
and										and
signature									signature
Will										Will
Putin										Putin
start										start
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
This										This
is										is
it										it
seems										seems
the										the
main										main
question									question
that										that
worries										worries
the										the
entire										entire
collective									collective
West										West
Let's									  |	No
answer									  <
no									  <
he										he
will										will
not										not
start									  <
With										With
such										such
a										a
rush										rush
we										we
were										were
interested									interested
in										in
the										the
sabotage								  |	diversions
of									  |	and
the									  <
terrorist									terrorist
attacks										attacks
that										that
the										the
enemies										enemies
of										of
our										our
country										country
are										are
already									  |	making
doing									  <
almost										almost
every										every
day										day
After										After
the										the
sabotage								  |	diversion
on										on
the										the
northern									northern
streams										streams
Putin										Putin
reported									reported
that										that
the										the
entire									  <
Turkish										Turkish
stream									  |	streams
was									  |	were
trying										trying
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
And										And
here										here
is										is
the										the
most										most
important									important
news										news
The										The
saboteurs									saboteurs
who										who
wanted										wanted
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
stream										stream
detained									detained
reported									reported
today										today
from									  <
Pskov									  <
The										The
terrorists									terrorists
were										were
going										going
to										to
make										make
an										an
explosion									explosion
on										on
									  >	the
land										land
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Russia										Russia
In										In
general										general
the										the
value										value
of										of
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
stream										stream
has										has
now										now
grown									  |	increased
significantly									significantly
This										This
is										is
the										the
only										only
reliable									reliable
route										route
for										for
the										the
supply									  |	supplies
of										of
Russian										Russian
energy										energy
to										to
Europe										Europe
Therefore									Therefore
Putin										Putin
offered									  |	suggested
to										to
create										create
a										a
new										new
gas										gas
hub										hub
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Turkey										Turkey
The										The
President									President
of										of
Russia										Russia
discussed									discussed
his										his
idea										idea
with										with
Erdogan										Erdogan
in										in
Astana										Astana
today										today
Well										Well
this									  |	the
Turkish										Turkish
leader										leader
as										as
reported									reported
in										in
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
took										took
the										the
initiative									initiative
with										with
great										great
interest									interest
Of										Of
course										course
it										it
can										can
be										be
understood									understood
Putin										Putin
and										and
Erdogan										Erdogan
have										have
already										already
given									  |	been
the									  |	instructed
order									  <
to										to
work										work
out										out
the										the
issue										issue
For									  |	In
									  >	these
									  >	shots
									  >	for
example										example
the										the
President									President
is										is
discussing									discussing
something									something
with										with
Miller										Miller
Erdogan										Erdogan
will										will
come										come
in										in
a										a
minute										minute
The										The
negotiations									negotiations
themselves								  <
began										began
with										with
a										a
long										long
hand										hand
shake										shake
									  >	from
									  >	Erdogan
Although									Although
he										he
already										already
congratulated									congratulated
Putin										Putin
on										on
his									  |	the
anniversary									anniversary
on										on
the										the
phone										phone
he										he
decided										decided
to										to
do										do
it										it
again										again
personally									personally
And										And
he										he
lived										lived
a										a
long										long
life										life
This										This
year										year
the										the
leaders										leaders
met										met
almost										almost
every										every
month										month
The										The
presidents									presidents
spoke										spoke
on										on
the										the
phone										phone
13										13
times										times
when										when
the										the
delegations									delegations
left										left
the										the
hall										hall
Putin										Putin
and										and
Erdogan										Erdogan
communicated									communicated
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
alone										alone
The										The
conversation									conversation
lasted										lasted
for										for
about										about
an										an
hour										hour
and										and
a										a
half										half
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
contrary									contrary
to										to
the										the
forecasts									forecasts
of										of
everyone									everyone
without										without
the										the
exception									exception
of										of
the										the
Western										Western
media										media
and										and
Erdogan										Erdogan
himself										himself
the										the
issue									  |	topic
of										of
Russian-Ukrainian								Russian-Ukrainian
regulation									regulation
was										was
not										not
discussed									discussed
at										at
all										all
said										said
the										the
press										press
secretary									secretary
of										of
Peskov									  |	PISKO
Erdogan										Erdogan
expressed									expressed
hope										hope
for										for
strengthening									strengthening
the										the
continuation									continuation
of										of
the										the
food										food
deal										deal
Ankara										Ankara
promised									promised
to										to
help										help
with										with
the										the
delivery									delivery
of										of
Russian										Russian
grain										grain
where										where
necessary									necessary
not										not
as										as
it										it
was										was
before										before
in										in
Europe										Europe
After										After
all										all
we										we
remember									remember
that										that
it										it
was										was
for										for
the										the
salvation									salvation
of										of
starving									starving
Africans									Africans
that										that
the										the
West										West
asked										asked
to										to
bring										bring
grain										grain
from										from
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
ports										ports
As										As
a										a
result										result
what										what
did										did
they										they
get										get
They										They
brought										brought
explosives									explosives
that										that
blew										blew
up										up
our										our
Crimean										Crimean
bridge										bridge
with										with
you										you
Let's										Let's
watch										watch
In										In
a										a
few										few
hours										hours
on										on
Thursday									Thursday
in										in
Astana										Astana
the										the
capital										capital
of										of
the										the
former										former
Soviet										Soviet
republic									republic
these										these
two										two
leaders										leaders
Vladimir								  |	will
									  >	meet
Putin										Putin
the										the
President								  |	president
of										of
Russia										Russia
who										who
occupied									occupied
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
Tayyip										Tayyip
Erdogan										Erdogan
the										the
President								  |	president
of										of
Turkey										Turkey
who										who
seeks										seeks
to										to
be										be
a										a
peaceful									peaceful
negotiator									negotiator
an										an
intermediary									intermediary
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
What										What
does										does
Erdogan										Erdogan
want										want
To										To
solve										solve
this										this
crisis										crisis
He										He
is										is
trying										trying
to										to
convince									convince
Putin										Putin
to										to
approach									approach
the										the
signing										signing
of										of
a										a
complex										complex
peace										peace
agreement									agreement
Erdogan										Erdogan
who										who
claims										claims
that										that
he										he
is										is
a										a
person										person
who										who
remained									remained
neutral										neutral
throughout									throughout
this										this
conflict									conflict
and										and
can										can
equally										equally
take										take
into										into
account										account
Russian										Russian
and										and
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
demands										demands
to										to
abandon										abandon
the										the
war										war
Turkey										Turkey
which										which
is										is
a										a
member										member
of										of
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Treaty										Treaty
Organization									Organization
which									  <
is									  <
now									  <
better										better
known										known
as										as
NATO										NATO
maintained									maintained
a										a
neutral										neutral
role										role
and										and
maintained									maintained
good										good
relations									relations
with										with
its										its
two										two
Black										Black
Sea										Sea
neighbors									neighbors
throughout									throughout
the										the
conflict									conflict
On										On
the										the
other										other
hand										hand
it										it
also										also
avoided										avoided
the										the
use										use
of										of
Western										Western
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Moscow										Moscow
Turkey										Turkey
has										has
become										become
the										the
most										most
reliable									reliable
route										route
today										today
for										for
sending									  <
gas										gas
to									  |	supplies
Europe									  <
Thanks										Thanks
to										to
your										your
position									position
Mr										Mr
President									President
a										a
firm										firm
position									position
on										on
the										the
construction									construction
of										of
this										this
gas										gas
transport									transport
system										system
and										and
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
flow										flow
Although									Although
as										as
you										you
have									  <
heard										heard
it										it
was										was
also										also
tried										tried
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
on										on
the									  <
territory								  <
of									  <
the									  <
Russian										Russian
Federation								  |	territory
									  >	three
									  >	times
But										But
thank										thank
God										God
this										this
did										did
not										not
happen										happen
and										and
it										it
is									  |	works
working									  <
successfully									successfully
There										There
is										is
an									  <
interest									interest
in										in
Turkey										Turkey
and										and
our										our
possible									possible
buyers										buyers
in										in
other										other
countries									countries
could										could
consider									consider
the										the
possibility									possibility
of										of
building								  |	the
									  >	construction
									  >	of
another										another
gas										gas
pipeline									pipeline
and									  <
creating								  <
a									  <
gas									  <
hub									  <
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Turkey										Turkey
for										for
the										the
sale										sale
to									  |	of
									  >	gas
									  >	in
other										other
countries									countries
to									  |	especially
these									  <
countries								  <
first									  <
of									  <
all									  <
of									  <
course									  <
in										in
Europe										Europe
If										If
they										they
are										are
interested									interested
in										in
this										this
of										of
course										course
And										And
in										in
the										the
course										course
of										of
the										the
work										work
of										of
this										this
hub									  |	pipeline
which										which
we										we
could										could
have									  |	create
created									  <
together									together
of										of
course										course
it										it
would										would
be										be
a										a
platform									platform
not										not
only										only
to									  |	for
supply									  |	supplies
but										but
also										also
to									  |	for
determine								  |	determining
the									  |	prices
price									  |	because
Because									  <
this										this
is										is
a										a
very										very
important									important
issue										issue
the									  |	a
issue									  |	matter
of										of
education									education
Today									  |	These
these									  <
prices										prices
are										are
cloudy										cloudy
									  >	today
and										and
we										we
could										could
calmly										calmly
regulate									regulate
									  >	them
at										at
a										a
normal										normal
market										market
level										level
without										without
any										any
political									political
discontent									discontent
Foreign										Foreign
Minister									Minister
of										of
Russia										Russia
Sergey										Sergey
Lavrov										Lavrov
noted										noted
that										that
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
side										side
can										can
offer										offer
to										to
start										start
direct										direct
negotiations									negotiations
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
he										he
mentioned									mentioned
that										that
in										in
addition									addition
to										to
the										the
general										general
statements									statements
specific									specific
proposals									proposals
have										have
not										not
yet										yet
been										been
passed									  |	submitted
As										As
far										far
as										as
we										we
understand									understand
Mr										Mr
Putin										Putin
wants										wants
to										to
conclude									conclude
a										a
new										new
big										big
deal										deal
a										a
new										new
deal										deal
with										with
the										the
West										West
Part										Part
of										of
this										this
without										without
a										a
doubt										doubt
concerns									concerns
Ukraine										Ukraine
But										But
in										in
fact										fact
the										the
more										more
important									important
problem										problem
is										is
a									  |	the
new										new
deal										deal
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
the										the
Western										Western
world										world
There										There
is										is
a										a
new										new
reality										reality
and										and
they										they
want										want
to										to
conclude									conclude
a										a
new										new
agreement									agreement
Today										Today
it										it
became										became
known										known
that										that
NATO										NATO
is										is
developing									developing
a										a
plan										plan
to										to
restore										restore
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
air									  |	GDP
defense									  |	in
system									  <
with									  <
a									  <
term									  <
of									  <
10										10
years										years
The										The
first										first
meeting										meeting
with										with
the										the
representatives									representatives
of										of
the										the
Zelensky									Zelensky
regime										regime
will										will
take										take
place										place
next										next
week										week
They										They
will										will
discuss										discuss
the										the
transfer									transfer
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	from
Soviet										Soviet
weapons										weapons
and										and
equipment									equipment
to										to
the										the
West										West
the										the
Politico									Politico
report									  |	reports
says									  |	As
According								  <
to									  <
the										the
newspaper									newspaper
									  >	writes
this										this
will										will
allow										allow
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
become										become
a										a
NATO										NATO
country										country
by										by
default										default
if										if
not										not
according								  |	by
to									  <
the									  <
facts										facts
As										As
is										is
well									  <
known										known
in										in
the										the
West										West
the										the
operator									operator
of										of
the										the
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
Druzhba										Druzhba
excluded									excluded
the										the
diversion									diversion
as										as
the										the
reason									  |	cause
for									  |	of
the										the
leak										leak
at										at
the										the
Polish										Polish
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
The										The
Pern										Pern
company										company
did										did
not										not
reveal										reveal
signs										signs
of										of
the										the
third									  |	third-person
person's								  <
involvement								  <
in									  <
the									  <
leak										leak
Once										Once
the										the
hermitization									hermitization
occurred									occurred
on										on
one										one
of										of
the										the
two										two
lines										lines
70										70
kilometers									kilometers
from										from
the										the
city										city
of										of
Plotsk										Plotsk
in										in
the										the
central										central
part										part
of										of
the										the
country										country
According									According
to										to
this										this
plot										plot
coincidentally									coincidentally
the										the
oil										oil
comes										comes
to										to
Germany										Germany
The										The
damaged										damaged
thread										thread
was										was
immediately									immediately
turned										turned
off										off
the										the
second										second
one										one
seems										seems
to										to
work										work
normally									normally
as										as
well										well
as										as
the										the
rest										rest
of										of
the										the
company's									company's
infrastructure									infrastructure
But										But
the										the
Polish										Polish
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
has										has
already										already
conducted									conducted
his										his
own										own
investigation									investigation
collected									collected
some										some
evidence									evidence
which										which
again										again
points										points
to										to
the										the
Kremlin's									Kremlin's
hand										hand
The										The
Serbian										Serbian
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
called										called
the										the
leak										leak
a										a
continuation									continuation
of										of
what										what
happened									happened
to										to
the										the
two										two
threads										threads
of										of
the										the
Northern									Northern
Stream										Stream
She										She
called										called
for										for
ensuring									ensuring
the										the
security									security
of										of
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
Stream										Stream
That										That
is										is
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
is										is
to										to
blame										blame
but										but
no										no
one										one
knows										knows
how										how
we										we
do										do
it										it
There										There
is										is
no										no
evidence									evidence
at										at
all										all
Once										Once
again										again
Europe										Europe
shows										shows
its										its
so-called									so-called
solidarity									solidarity
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
the										the
entire										entire
capitalist									capitalist
West										West
as										as
a										a
whole										whole
The										The
Russian										Russian
President									President
said										said
that										that
Europe										Europe
itself										itself
is										is
to										to
blame										blame
for										for
the										the
energy										energy
crisis										crisis
but										but
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
noted										noted
that										that
the										the
gas										gas
can										can
still										still
be										be
supplied									supplied
through										through
the										the
non-damaged									non-damaged
gas										gas
pipeline									pipeline
of										of
the										the
Northern									Northern
Stream										Stream
Putin										Putin
gave										gave
a										a
long										long
speech										speech
during										during
his										his
speech										speech
at										at
the										the
Russian										Russian
Energy										Energy
Week										Week
forum										forum
The										The
President									President
said										said
that										that
energy										energy
should										should
be										be
kept										kept
away										away
from										from
politics									politics
and										and
that										that
Europeans									Europeans
should										should
make										make
sure										sure
that										that
there									  |	without
will									  |	proper
simply									  |	security
be									  <
no									  <
continuation								  <
of									  <
the										the
supply									  |	continuation
of										of
energy										energy
									  >	supplies
from										from
Russia										Russia
to										to
other										other
countries									countries
without									  |	will
proper									  |	simply
security								  |	not
									  >	happen
The										The
Russian										Russian
leader										leader
called									  |	calls
									  >	on
Poland										Poland
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	to
									  >	be
the										the
main										main
benefactors									benefactors
of									  |	after
the										the
North										North
Stream										Stream
after									  <
the									  <
gas										gas
pipeline								  |	pipelines
attacks									  <
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
has										has
enough										enough
gas										gas
to										to
sell										sell
it										it
all										all
over										over
the										the
world										world
and										and
he										he
is										is
clearly										clearly
not										not
pleased										pleased
with										with
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
Europe										Europe
is										is
looking										looking
for										for
alternative									alternative
suppliers									suppliers
of										of
raw										raw
materials									materials
in										in
the										the
spring										spring
and										and
winter										winter
In										In
fact										fact
this										this
is										is
a										a
threat										threat
to										to
the										the
existence									existence
of										of
a										a
number										number
of										of
European									European
countries									countries
The										The
establishment									establishment
of										of
the										the
price										price
ceiling										ceiling
is										is
a										a
measure										measure
that										that
many										many
do										do
not										not
want										want
to										to
be										be
considered									considered
even										even
among										among
the										the
EU										EU
countries									countries
As										As
he										he
noted										noted
no										no
one										one
is										is
going										going
to										to
force										force
anyone										anyone
									  >	in
Russia										Russia
will									  <
not									  <
act									  <
to										to
									  >	act
									  >	at
the										the
detriment								  |	expense
of										of
its									  |	their
own										own
interests									interests
Right										Right
now										now
raw										raw
oil										oil
is										is
pumped										pumped
from										from
the										the
damaged										damaged
									  >	Polish
part										part
of										of
the										the
Polish									  |	Druzhba
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
Druzhba									  <
through										through
which										which
oil										oil
is										is
transported									transported
from										from
Russia										Russia
to										to
Germany										Germany
The										The
cause										cause
of										of
the										the
damage										damage
is										is
not										not
yet										yet
known										known
The										The
Polish									  <
operator									operator
of										of
the										the
									  >	Polish
part										part
of										of
the										the
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
reported									reported
that										that
the										the
leak										leak
occurred									occurred
about										about
70										70
kilometers									kilometers
from										from
the										the
large										large
oil										oil
processing									processing
plant										plant
He										He
noted										noted
that										that
Druzhba										Druzhba
is										is
the										the
main										main
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
transporting								  |	that
									  >	transports
raw										raw
oil										oil
to										to
Germany										Germany
The										The
leak										leak
occurred									occurred
during										during
a										a
period										period
of										of
increased									increased
tension										tension
in										in
the										the
field										field
of										of
energy										energy
security									security
in										in
Europe										Europe
due										due
to										to
the										the
war										war
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
I										I
regularly									regularly
receive										receive
information									information
about										about
the										the
causes										causes
of										of
this										this
failure										failure
We										We
cannot										cannot
make										make
hasty										hasty
conclusions									conclusions
from										from
every										every
failure										failure
We										We
do										do
not										not
know										know
exactly										exactly
who										who
is										is
behind										behind
this										this
and										and
whether										whether
it										it
is										is
a										a
coincidence									coincidence
or										or
an										an
act										act
of										of
sabotage									sabotage
The										The
same										same
can										can
be										be
said										said
about										about
the										the
situation									situation
of										of
trains										trains
in										in
Germany										Germany
The										The
failure									  <
of									  <
the									  <
cable										cable
									  >	failure
between										between
Bornholm									Bornholm
and										and
Sweden										Sweden
The										The
corresponding									corresponding
services									services
are										are
studying									studying
everything									everything
Many										Many
evidence									evidence
points										points
to										to
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
But										But
we										we
want										want
to										to
be										be
completely									completely
sure										sure
and										and
only										only
then										then
confirm										confirm
all										all
assumptions									assumptions
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
NATO										NATO
is										is
terribly									terribly
hopeful										hopeful
that										that
Russia										Russia
has										has
spent										spent
a										a
significant									significant
part										part
of										of
its										its
highly									  |	high-precision
accurate								  <
guided										guided
missiles									missiles
and										and
all										all
its										its
ammunition									ammunition
Reuters										Reuters
writes										writes
about										about
this										this
with									  |	This
									  >	is
a										a
reference									reference
to										to
a										a
well-established								well-established
representative									representative
of										of
the										the
Alliance									Alliance
That									  |	In
is									  |	other
									  >	words
the										the
missiles									missiles
we										we
have										have
with										with
you										you
have										have
already										already
run										run
out										out
again									  <
They									  <
are									  <
with									  <
us									  <
Either										Either
we										we
have										have
run										run
out										out
or										or
we										we
are										are
showing										showing
weakness									weakness
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
by										by
launching									launching
missile										missile
strikes										strikes
or										or
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
have										have
successfully									successfully
shot										shot
down										down
all										all
our										our
missiles									missiles
This										This
is										is
also									  <
what										what
Zelenskiy								  |	Zelensky
									  >	usually
tells										tells
us										us
It										It
is										is
not										not
clear										clear
why										why
									  >	there
									  >	is
an										an
air										air
alarm										alarm
has									  |	in
been									  <
announced								  <
all									  <
over									  <
the										the
									  >	entire
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	But
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	air
									  >	alarm
right										right
at										at
this										this
very										very
moment										moment
The										The
missiles									missiles
are										are
spotted										spotted
above									  |	over
Kiev										Kiev
as										as
well										well
as										as
in										in
Odessa										Odessa
Nikolaev								  |	Nikolaevskaya
and										and
Vinnytsia								  |	Vinnytsky
regions									  |	Oblast
Drones										Drones
of									  |	Kamikadze
the									  <
Kamikaze								  <
Geran-2										Geran-2
have									  <
also										also
flown									  |	flew
over										over
the									  |	Vinnytsky
Vinnytsia								  |	Oblast
region									  |	It
There									  |	is
are									  |	reported
reports									  |	that
of									  |	there
									  >	were
several										several
explosions									explosions
that									  <
took									  <
place									  <
in										in
the									  <
Lvov										Lvov
region									  |	Oblast
This									  |	at
									  >	once
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	likely
									  >	that
									  >	this
is										is
probably								  <
another										another
arrival										arrival
in									  |	to
Tensk									  |	Tens
Three										Three
more										more
explosions									explosions
have									  |	were
been									  <
recorded									recorded
in										in
Ternopil									Ternopil
There									  |	It
are									  |	is
also										also
reports									  |	reported
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	hits
of										of
missiles									missiles
hitting									  |	in
the									  <
Rovinsk										Rovinsk
and										and
Volynsk									  |	Volynsky
regions									  |	Oblast
Once										Once
again										again
now										now
the									  |	there
alarm									  <
is										is
									  >	an
									  >	air
									  >	alarm
in										in
Kiev										Kiev
Russian										Russian
missiles									missiles
fly										fly
over										over
Chernivtsi									Chernivtsi
that										that
is										is
40										40
kilometers								  |	km
from										from
the										the
Romanian									Romanian
border										border
which										which
means										means
from										from
the										the
border										border
with										with
NATO										NATO
As									  |	According
for									  |	to
the									  <
unconfirmed									unconfirmed
so									  |	data
far									  |	there
the									  <
strikes									  <
are										are
being									  |	strikes
carried									  |	on
out									  <
along									  <
the									  <
railway										railway
crossing								  |	crossings
from										from
Romania										Romania
from									  <
where										where
the										the
supplies									supplies
of										of
Western										Western
weapons										weapons
are									  |	come
coming									  <
from										from
At										At
the										the
moment										moment
it										it
is										is
also										also
known										known
that										that
after										after
the									  <
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
the									  |	a
third										third
									  >	of
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
energy										energy
system										system
has										has
been										been
damaged										damaged
or										or
destroyed									destroyed
In										In
the										the
capital										capital
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
the										the
windmills								  |	wind
									  >	turbines
continue									continue
to										to
be										be
turned										turned
off										off
If										If
yesterday									yesterday
the										the
local										local
authorities									authorities
called										called
on										on
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
not										not
to										to
use										use
energy-consuming								energy-consuming
appliances									appliances
only										only
in										in
the										the
evening										evening
then										then
now										now
such										such
a										a
ban										ban
has										has
been										been
in										in
effect										effect
for										for
almost										almost
a										a
day										day
A										A
critical									critical
situation									situation
with										with
electricity									electricity
remains										remains
in										in
the										the
city										city
of										of
Lvov										Lvov
The										The
mayor										mayor
of										of
the										the
city										city
of										of
Sadovo										Sadovo
announced									announced
an										an
emergency									emergency
situation								  <
The										The
head										head
of										of
the										the
city										city
calls										calls
on										on
citizens									citizens
to										to
stock										stock
up										up
on										on
firewood									firewood
and										and
									  >	already
now										now
to									  <
equip										equip
heating										heating
points										points
in										in
their										their
own										own
houses										houses
Moreover									Moreover
to									  <
freeze									  <
and									  <
warm									  <
up									  <
with									  <
firewood								  <
for									  <
the										the
descendants									descendants
of										of
the									  |	Banderovets
Bandera									  <
people									  <
will										will
now										now
have										have
to										to
wait									  |	freeze
									  >	and
									  >	warm
									  >	themselves
									  >	with
									  >	firewood
until										until
									  >	they
									  >	succeed
									  >	in
									  >	pushing
the										the
bear										bear
is									  <
pushed									  <
back										back
into										into
the										the
taiga										taiga
as										as
he										he
said										said
That										That
is										is
you										you
will										will
always										always
have										have
to										to
freeze										freeze
In										In
the										the
morning										morning
Russia										Russia
thrice										thrice
hit									  |	struck
the										the
Kamakarovo								  |	Pamakarovo
municipality								  |	commune
of										of
the										the
Kyiv									  |	Kiev
region										region
This										This
was										was
reported									reported
by										by
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
municipality								  |	community
Vadim										Vadim
Tokar										Tokar
According									According
to										to
him										him
there										there
are										are
no										no
dead										dead
and										and
injured										injured
According									According
to										to
the										the
deputy										deputy
head										head
of										of
the										the
Office									  |	office
of										of
the										the
President									President
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
Kyriya									  |	Kirill
Timoshenko									Timoshenko
the										the
enemy										enemy
hit										hit
the										the
Kamikaze									Kamikaze
drones										drones
on										on
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
The										The
rescuers									rescuers
work										work
at									  |	on
the									  <
site									  <
of									  <
the										the
attack									  |	spot
In										In
the										the
morning										morning
the										the
Kyiv									  |	Kiev
region										region
was										was
attacked									attacked
by										by
Kamikaze									Kamikaze
drones										drones
On										On
social										social
networks									networks
they										they
report										report
at										at
least										least
three										three
explosions									explosions
The										The
eyewitnesses									eyewitnesses
say										say
that										that
they										they
saw										saw
shahids										shahids
in										in
the										the
sky										sky
Also										Also
at										at
night										night
Russia										Russia
was										was
heavily										heavily
shelled										shelled
by										by
Nikolaev									Nikolaev
Russian										Russian
occupied									occupied
troops										troops
were										were
shelled										shelled
all										all
night										night
by										by
heavy										heavy
artillery									artillery
in										in
the										the
Dnepropetrovsk									Dnepropetrovsk
region										region
Nikopol										Nikopol
was										was
attacked									attacked
most										most
of										of
all										all
reported									reported
by										by
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
regional									regional
administration									administration
Valentin									Valentin
Ryznychenko									Ryznychenko
Now										Now
we										we
know										know
for										for
sure										sure
that										that
when										when
there										there
is										is
a										a
negative									negative
temperature									temperature
they										they
will										will
destroy										destroy
the										the
Tets										Tets
substations									substations
all										all
objects										objects
of										of
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
because										because
they										they
enjoy										enjoy
creating									creating
trouble										trouble
How										How
can										can
it										it
be										be
You										You
understand									understand
that										that
we										we
can										can
be										be
without										without
light										light
without										without
heat										heat
without										without
water										water
for										for
days										days
or										or
weeks										weeks
Russia's									Russia's
punitive									punitive
missile										missile
shelling									shelling
this										this
week										week
was										was
recorded									recorded
on										on
video										video
recorders									recorders
and										and
on										on
other										other
cameras										cameras
across										across
the										the
country										country
Proof										Proof
of										of
Russia's									Russia's
mortality									mortality
and										and
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
vulnerability									vulnerability
in										in
an										an
attempt										attempt
to										to
stop										stop
it										it
The										The
brutal										brutal
retaliation									retaliation
for										for
the										the
blast										blast
on										on
the										the
bridge										bridge
connecting									connecting
Russia										Russia
to										to
Crimea										Crimea
Russia										Russia
has									  |	was
taken									  |	hit
on									  <
this									  <
attack									  <
by										by
long-range									long-range
missiles									missiles
The										The
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
side										side
is										is
still										still
weak										weak
Ukraine										Ukraine
still										still
can't									  |	cannot
do										do
it										it
Therefore									Therefore
the										the
Russian										Russian
side										side
still										still
has										has
enough									  |	a
									  >	sufficient
air										air
superiority									superiority
Forced										Forced
to										to
work										work
with										with
candles										candles
is										is
what										what
the										the
residents									residents
of										of
Lvov										Lvov
do										do
30%										30%
of										of
the										the
city										city
without										without
light										light
due										due
to										to
missile										missile
strikes										strikes
by										by
Russia										Russia
aimed										aimed
at										at
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
infrastructure									infrastructure
Some										Some
compared									compared
bombing										bombing
with										with
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
world										world
Since										Since
Monday										Monday
Russian										Russian
missiles									missiles
have										have
hit										hit
about										about
a										a
third										third
of										of
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
infrastructure									infrastructure
And										And
as										as
winter										winter
approaches									approaches
there										there
is										is
a										a
fear										fear
that										that
the										the
country										country
will										will
not										not
cope										cope
with										with
the										the
cold										cold
weather										weather
Here										Here
in										in
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
second										second
largest										largest
city										city
									  >	Ukraine
there										there
was										was
an										an
air										air
strike										strike
as										as
in										in
many										many
other										other
cities										cities
of										of
the										the
country										country
including									including
the										the
capital										capital
Kiev										Kiev
Russia										Russia
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
cities										cities
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
for										for
the										the
second										second
time									  |	day
in										in
a										a
row										row
damaging									damaging
mainly										mainly
									  >	the
infrastructure									infrastructure
and										and
especially									especially
thermal									  |	the
power										power
plants										plants
Again										Again
it										it
attacks										attacks
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
Zaporozhye									Zaporozhye
which										which
caused										caused
the										the
worst										worst
fire										fire
in										in
the										the
city										city
Also										Also
under										under
the										the
blows										blows
of										of
Teca										Teca
Lvov										Lvov
and										and
Vinnitsa									Vinnitsa
to										to
the										the
south										south
of										of
Kiev										Kiev
This										This
remains										remains
a										a
big										big
problem										problem
for										for
people										people
and									  <
many										many
in										in
horror										horror
Well										Well
Kiev										Kiev
apparently									apparently
one										one
terrorist									terrorist
attack										attack
on										on
the										the
Crimean										Crimean
bridge										bridge
is										is
not										not
enough										enough
Therefore								  |	so
Zelensky									Zelensky
openly										openly
began										began
to										to
prepare										prepare
the										the
ground										ground
for										for
new										new
terrorist									terrorist
attacks										attacks
on										on
the										the
gas										gas
and										and
transport									transport
systems										systems
in									  |	To
order									  |	then
to									  <
accuse										accuse
Russia										Russia
The									  |	Information
information								  <
preparation									preparation
for										for
new										new
explosions									explosions
on										on
the										the
GTS										GTS
was									  |	began
started									  <
by										by
Zelensky									Zelensky
in										in
an										an
interview									interview
with										with
the										the
German										German
newspaper									newspaper
CD										CD
He										He
stated										stated
that										that
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
attention									attention
specifically								  |	deliberately
blew										blew
up										up
the										the
Nord									  |	Northern
Stream-1								  |	Stream
									  >	1
Right										Right
now										now
Russian										Russian
specialists								  |	spies
are										are
preparing									preparing
a										a
whole										whole
series										series
of										of
strikes										strikes
on										on
their										their
gas										gas
and										and
transport									transport
infrastructure									infrastructure
in										in
order										order
to										to
accuse										accuse
Ukraine										Ukraine
of										of
this										this
After									  |	And
									  >	after
that										that
Moscow										Moscow
will										will
untie										untie
its										its
hands										hands
and										and
it										it
will										will
strike										strike
on										on
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
GTS										GTS
blocking									blocking
the										the
gas										gas
supply										supply
to										to
Europe										Europe
After										After
that										that
Zelensky									Zelensky
continues									continues
Germany										Germany
will										will
have										have
no										no
choice										choice
but										but
to										to
launch										launch
the										the
Nord									  |	Northern
Stream-2								  |	Stream
									  >	2
and										and
remove										remove
the										the
sanctions									sanctions
In										In
such										such
insolence									insolence
Zelensky									Zelensky
spoke										spoke
in										in
Russian										Russian
apparently								  |	Apparently
to										to
throw										throw
the										the
idea										idea
into										into
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
If									  |	if
so									  |	they
then									  |	have
such									  <
nonsense								  <
has									  <
not										not
been									  <
thought									  <
out									  <
yet										yet
									  >	come
									  >	up
									  >	with
									  >	such
									  >	nonsense
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
why										why
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
pipe										pipe
if										if
Russia										Russia
can										can
just										just
block										block
the										the
gas										gas
for										for
example										example
relying										relying
on										on
technical									technical
work										work
or										or
without										without
referring									referring
to										to
anything									anything
Zelensky									Zelensky
did									  |	cannot
not									  <
explain										explain
this										this
But										But
he										he
continued									continued
to										to
avoid										avoid
his										his
own										own
statement									statement
about										about
a										a
preventive									preventive
nuclear										nuclear
strike										strike
on										on
Russia										Russia
It										It
was										was
said										said
just										just
a										a
few										few
days										days
ago										ago
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
in										in
Russia										Russia
no										no
one										one
from										from
the										the
high										high
tribunes									tribunes
talked									  |	spoke
about										about
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
strikes										strikes
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
is										is
called										called
a										a
sick										sick
head										head
for										for
health										health
And										And
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the										the
head										head
is										is
sick										sick
there										there
is										is
no										no
doubt										doubt
about										about
it										it
The										The
environment									environment
of										of
Putin										Putin
the										the
President									President
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
was										was
called										called
drinking									drinking
puppies										puppies
demanding									demanding
the										the
use										use
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
Is									  |	It
it									  |	is
possible								  |	surprising
of										of
course										course
for									  <
the										the
talent										talent
of										of
the										the
clown										clown
to										to
blame									  |	accuse
others										others
for									  |	of
their										their
own										own
sins										sins
I										I
can										can
now										now
describe									describe
the										the
picture										picture
to										to
you										you
and										and
then										then
you										you
will										will
see										see
if										if
it										it
is										is
likely										likely
or										or
not										not
So										So
they										they
blew										blew
up										up
the										the
basement									basement
path										path
1										1
And										And
half										half
of										of
the										the
second										second
Yes										Yes
they									  |	They
blew										blew
it										it
up										up
What										What
for										for
Then										Then
they										they
will										will
strike										strike
on										on
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
gas										gas
transport									transport
system										system
So										So
that										that
they										they
are										are
not										not
accused										accused
they										they
will										will
make										make
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
attack										attack
on										on
their										their
territory									territory
Because										Because
if										if
they										they
strike										strike
on										on
our										our
gas										gas
transport									transport
system										system
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
they										they
did										did
it										it
and										and
they										they
will										will
have										have
big										big
criminal									criminal
sanctions									sanctions
they										they
owe										owe
gas										gas
to										to
Europe										Europe
and										and
so										so
on										on
They										They
blew										blew
up										up
the										the
basement									basement
path										path
1										1
Then										Then
they										they
will										will
blow										blow
up										up
something									something
They										They
don't										don't
care										care
at									  <
all									  <
This										This
is										is
their										their
style										style
They										They
will										will
blow										blow
up										up
something									something
They										They
will										will
accuse										accuse
us										us
in										in
order										order
to										to
strike										strike
on										on
our										our
gas										gas
transport									transport
system										system
Because										Because
in										in
this										this
case										case
they										they
will										will
say										say
we										we
reacted										reacted
We										We
just										just
reacted										reacted
After										After
that										that
he										he
will										will
tell										tell
Europe										Europe
that										that
look										look
there										there
is										is
no										no
possibility									possibility
We										We
urgently									urgently
need										need
to										to
launch										launch
the										the
North										North
Stream										Stream
2										2
which										which
you										you
do										do
not										not
launch										launch
By										By
the										the
way										way
you										you
are										are
Germans										Germans
He										He
will										will
say										say
you										you
are										are
Germans										Germans
You										You
have										have
to										to
give										give
us										us
this										this
opportunity									opportunity
Because										Because
you										you
have										have
to										to
lobby										lobby
for										for
sanctions									sanctions
to										to
be										be
lifted										lifted
Why										Why
will										will
Europe										Europe
remain										remain
without										without
gas										gas
Because										Because
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
will										will
be										be
the										the
step										step
And										And
here										here
we										we
need										need
to										to
know										know
about										about
this										this
We										We
need										need
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
this										this
to										to
everyone									everyone
now										now
Talk										Talk
to										to
journalists									journalists
about										about
this										this
Now									  |	But
									  >	now
we										we
need										need
a										a
clear										clear
position									position
That										That
if										if
Russia										Russia
explodes								  |	blows
									  >	up
will										will
continue									continue
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
energy										energy
system										system
of										of
Europe										Europe
and										and
the										the
European									European
continent									continent
Russia										Russia
is										is
Ukraine										Ukraine
specifically									specifically
provoking									provoking
we										we
will										will
not										not
let										let
you										you
the										the
North										North
Stream										Stream
2										2
and										and
we										we
will										will
not										not
remove										remove
the										the
sanctions									sanctions
Do										Do
not										not
do										do
this										this
We										We
know										know
that										that
you										you
will										will
do										do
this										this
But										But
it										it
should										should
be										be
clearly										clearly
said										said
dear										dear
citizens									citizens
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
you										you
are										are
headed										headed
by										by
a										a
person										person
who										who
speaks										speaks
about										about
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
His										His
surroundings									surroundings
his										his
puppies										puppies
They										They
are										are
not										not
even										even
dogs										dogs
They										They
are										are
just										just
puppies										puppies
Each										Each
of										of
them										them
will										will
drink										drink
50										50
grams										grams
of										of
vodka										vodka
and										and
shout										shout
we										we
will										will
use										use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
tomorrow									tomorrow
What										What
is										is
this										this
He										He
got										got
into										into
the										the
role										role
caught										caught
comrade										comrade
Zvezda										Zvezda
and										and
pay										pay
attention									attention
how										how
artistically									artistically
he										he
seems										seems
to										to
forget										forget
Russian										Russian
Although									Although
recently									recently
we										we
remember									remember
he										he
tried										tried
to										to
learn										learn
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
at										at
least										least
somehow										somehow
And										And
once										once
again										again
if										if
someone										someone
did										did
not										not
understand									understand
the										the
drug										drug
addict										addict
accuses										accuses
us										us
of										of
drunkenness									drunkenness
They										They
say										say
the										the
cap										cap
is										is
on										on
fire										fire
or										or
who										who
									  >	is
									  >	talking
about										about
what										what
and										and
in										in
general										general
Zelensky									Zelensky
finally										finally
bragged										bragged
Although									Although
it										it
would										would
seem										seem
where										where
further										further
But										But
the										the
West										West
does										does
not										not
bother										bother
at									  |	the
all									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
militants									militants
									  >	at
									  >	all
									  >	They
continue									continue
to										to
arm										arm
Another										Another
meeting										meeting
took										took
place										place
in										in
the										the
NATO										NATO
headquarters									headquarters
in										in
Brussels									Brussels
in									  |	In
the										the
so-called									so-called
Ramstein								  |	Rammstein
format										format
Traditionally									Traditionally
the										the
Soviet										Soviet
Union										Union
promised									promised
new										new
weapons										weapons
The										The
German										German
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
in										in
particular									particular
stated									  |	They
									  >	said
that										that
Berlin										Berlin
would									  |	in
soon									  |	the
									  >	near
									  >	future
									  >	will
hand										hand
over										over
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
self-propelled									self-propelled
howitzers									howitzers
PCH-2000									PCH-2000
and									  |	Reactive
missile									  <
systems										systems
									  >	of
Mars-2										Mars-2
The										The
Netherlands									Netherlands
promised								  |	promises
the										the
Kiev										Kiev
regime										regime
a										a
rocket-pro									rocket-pro
and										and
PVO										PVO
worth									  |	With
									  >	a
									  >	cost
									  >	of
more										more
than										than
15										15
million										million
euros										euros
But										But
the										the
main										main
result										result
of										of
Ramstein								  |	Rammstein
perhaps										perhaps
was										was
voiced										voiced
by										by
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
Pentagon									Pentagon
Austin										Austin
In										In
the										the
near										near
future										future
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
receive										receive
modern										modern
anti-aircraft								  |	air
defense										defense
systems										systems
from										from
the										the
United										United
States										States
The										The
entry										entry
as										as
it										it
was										was
said										said
depends										depends
only										only
on										on
the										the
time										time
of										of
delivery									delivery
from										from
the										the
United										United
States										States
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
Armed									  |	They
with									  |	arm
Kiev										Kiev
and										and
Paris										Paris
Macron										Macron
announced									announced
that										that
France										France
would									  |	will
hand										hand
over										over
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
six										six
more										more
howitzers									howitzers
in									  |	In
addition									addition
to										to
the										the
previous									previous
18										18
set										set
earlier										earlier
The										The
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
came										came
in									  |	to
a										a
completely									completely
inadequate									inadequate
furious										furious
delight										delight
and									  |	And
recorded									recorded
an										an
idiotic										idiotic
as										as
it										it
seems										seems
to										to
them										them
romantic									romantic
video										video
with										with
gratitude									gratitude
to										to
the										the
French										French
Chocolate									Chocolate
roses										roses
champagne									champagne
French										French
howitzers									howitzers
The										The
very										very
thing										thing
that										that
can										can
melt										melt
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
hearts										hearts
Therefore									Therefore
give										give
more										more
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
are										are
talking										talking
about										about
the									  <
Caesars										Caesars
in									  |	In
which										which
the										the
head-cutters								  |	head
of										of
Zelensky									Zelensky
are									  |	is
shelling								  |	shelled
									  >	by
Donetsk										Donetsk
and									  |	And
killing									  |	kill
civilians									civilians
At										At
least										least
16										16
people										people
torn										torn
to										to
pieces										pieces
were										were
killed										killed
Remember									Remember
they										they
were										were
lying										lying
on										on
the										the
bus										bus
stop										stop
									  >	for
the										the
									  >	past
week										week
before									  <
last									  <
The										The
unhealthy									unhealthy
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
creativity									creativity
was										was
not										not
appreciated									appreciated
even										even
in										in
France										France
Ukraine										Ukraine
is									  <
directly									directly
recognized								  |	recognizes
for									  <
its									  <
help									  <
in									  <
the										the
love										love
of										of
France										France
									  >	for
									  >	its
									  >	help
We										We
saw										saw
one										one
of										of
the										the
tweets										tweets
with										with
a										a
confession									confession
of										of
love										love
with										with
a										a
request										request
to										to
deliver										deliver
rockets										rockets
as									  |	As
a										a
romantic									romantic
gesture										gesture
and										and
one										one
of										of
many										many
forms										forms
of										of
love										love
which									  |	said
was									  |	and
published									published
by										by
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
and									  |	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
in									  |	and
the									  <
video										video
At										At
the										the
moment										moment
we										we
are										are
working										working
on										on
supplies									supplies
of										of
additional									additional
Caesars									  <
systems										systems
									  >	of
									  >	Caesars
We										We
have										have
already										already
put										put
18										18
of										of
them										them
Together									Together
with										with
Denmark										Denmark
we										we
are										are
going										going
to										to
put										put
another										another
6										6
Why										Why
Because										Because
in										in
fact										fact
these										these
systems										systems
produced									produced
by										by
us										us
were										were
intended									intended
by										by
the										the
Danish										Danish
army										army
At									  |	And
									  >	at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
are										are
trying										trying
to										to
produce										produce
and										and
immediately									immediately
supply									  |	put
them										them
to										to
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
Also										Also
only										only
we									  |	from
depend									  |	us
									  >	depends
on										on
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
radars										radars
as										as
well										well
as										as
the										the
systems										systems
of										of
rockets										rockets
that									  |	protecting
protect									  |	from
against									  <
blows										blows
Anti-air									Anti-air
missiles									missiles
Yes										Yes
exactly										exactly
We										We
have										have
already										already
increased									increased
these										these
supplies									supplies
These										These
									  >	systems
									  >	and
anti-air									anti-air
missile										missile
systems									  |	defense
									  >	rockets
will										will
help										help
to										to
protect										protect
against									  |	themselves
									  >	from
drones										drones
and										and
missiles									missiles
We										We
will										will
deliver										deliver
all										all
this										this
in										in
the										the
coming										coming
weeks										weeks
And										And
in										in
parallel									parallel
with										with
the										the
supplies									supplies
we										we
are										are
teaching									teaching
them										them
to										to
use										use
them										them
Can										Can
we										we
supply									  |	deliver
them									  <
with									  <
more										more
weapons										weapons
									  >	to
									  >	them
without										without
putting										putting
ourselves									ourselves
in										in
danger										danger
This										This
is										is
exactly										exactly
the										the
question									question
that										that
I										I
ask										ask
myself										myself
all										all
the										the
time										time
Can										Can
we										we
supply									  |	deliver
everything									everything
that										that
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
and										and
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
ask										ask
for									  <
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
as										as
President									President
Zelensky									Zelensky
asks										asks
me										me
to										to
supply									  |	put
more										more
weapons										weapons
I										I
have										have
to										to
supply									  |	leave
a										a
little										little
for										for
ourselves									ourselves
in									  <
order									  <
to										to
protect										protect
our										our
eastern										eastern
flank										flank
This										This
is									  <
the									  <
government								  <
This									  <
video										video
was										was
made										made
by										by
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
government									government
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
They										They
said										said
thank										thank
you										you
to									  <
France										France
thank										thank
you										you
for										for
Bordeaux									Bordeaux
thank										thank
you										you
for										for
Sophie										Sophie
Marceau										Marceau
and										and
thank										thank
you..										you..
...for									  |	For
the										the
Cezars										Cezars
Speaking									Speaking
of										of
the										the
Cezars										Cezars
I										I
am										am
not										not
talking										talking
about										about
the									  |	movies
cinema									  <
but										but
about										about
artillery									artillery
systems										systems
I										I
have										have
one										one
question									question
Will										Will
they										they
make										make
such										such
a										a
video										video
for										for
the										the
Americans									Americans
thanks										thanks
to										to
									  >	them
									  >	for
Bruce										Bruce
Springsteen									Springsteen
and										and
asking										asking
for										for
more										more
Heimers										Heimers
as									  |	And
well									  |	also
as									  |	for
the										the
English										English
for										for
the									  <
Spice										Spice
Girls										Girls
and										and
for										for
the										the
anti-missile								  |	anti-air
									  >	missile
systems										systems
So										So
yes										yes
I										I
was										was
extremely									extremely
surprised									surprised
by										by
this										this
advertising									advertising
campaign									campaign
The										The
idea										idea
was										was
to										to
attack										attack
ordinary									ordinary
people										people
and										and
not										not
only										only
Emmanuel									Emmanuel
Macron										Macron
or										or
Sebastiano									Sebastiano
Licornio									Licornio
the										the
Minister									Minister
of										of
Defense										Defense
Yes										Yes
and										and
we										we
have										have
the										the
right										right
to										to
laugh										laugh
a										a
little										little
in										in
this										this
dramatic									dramatic
situation									situation
While										While
they										they
are										are
there									  <
in										in
Paris										Paris
									  >	they
									  >	are
laughing									laughing
like										like
horses										horses
people										people
in										in
Donbass										Donbass
continue									continue
to										to
die										die
from										from
French										French
howitzers									howitzers
and									  |	And
Zelensky									Zelensky
boasts										boasts
that										that
the										the
French										French
president									president
Macron										Macron
allowed										allowed
him										him
to										to
call										call
on										on
WhatsApp									WhatsApp
Here										Here
they										they
are										are
the										the
achievements									achievements
of										of
European									European
democracy									democracy
which									  |	Oh
for										for
some										some
reason										reason
is									  |	they
called									  |	call
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	by
									  >	misunderstanding
The										The
Parliamentary								  |	General
Assembly									Assembly
of										of
the										the
Council										Council
of										of
Europe										Europe
from										from
which									  |	where
Russia										Russia
came										came
out										out
on										on
March										March
15										15
is									  |	adopted
the									  |	a
resolution									resolution
in										in
which										which
our										our
country										country
was										was
recognized									recognized
by										by
the										the
state										state
as										as
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
and									  |	And
									  >	they
called										called
for										for
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
an										an
international									international
tribunal									tribunal
for										for
Russia										Russia
for										for
its										its
actions										actions
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
Moreover									Moreover
the										the
resolution									resolution
also										also
notes										notes
that										that
Russia's									Russia's
stay										stay
in										in
the										the
UN										UN
is										is
illegal										illegal
And										And
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
why										why
On									  |	The
the									  <
eve									  <
of									  <
the									  <
UN										UN
General										General
Assembly									Assembly
it									  <
did										did
not										not
recognize									recognize
the										the
referendums									referendums
of										of
the										the
DPR										DPR
LPR										LPR
Zaporozhye								  |	Zaporozhsk
and										and
Kherson										Kherson
regions										regions
as										as
part										part
of										of
Russia										Russia
37									  |	137
countries									countries
voted										voted
against										against
the										the
referendums									referendums
5										5
supported									supported
Russia										Russia
35										35
resisted									resisted
On									  <
the									  <
part									  <
of									  <
Russia									  <
Belarus										Belarus
North										North
Korea										Korea
Nicaragua									Nicaragua
and										and
Syria										Syria
were										were
scared									  |	on
									  >	the
									  >	side
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	They
									  >	were
									  >	afraid
of										of
sanctions									sanctions
but										but
they										they
did										did
not										not
want										want
to										to
get										get
dirty										dirty
in										in
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Nazism										Nazism
including									including
China										China
Armenia										Armenia
Kazakhstan									Kazakhstan
and										and
a										a
number										number
of										of
other										other
countries									countries
This										This
led										led
the										the
main										main
European									European
diplomat									diplomat
to										to
madness										madness
The										The
UN										UN
is										is
now										now
concerned									concerned
with										with
the										the
number										number
of										of
those										those
who										who
resisted									resisted
at										at
the										the
general										general
assembly									assembly
Indeed										Indeed
the										the
UN										UN
was										was
created										created
to										to
vote										vote
only										only
unilaterally									unilaterally
as										as
in										in
the										the
White										White
House										House
or										or
Brussels									Brussels
they										they
say										say
A										A
good										good
example										example
is										is
the										the
new										new
PACE										PACE
resolution									resolution
It										It
was										was
adopted										adopted
almost										almost
unilaterally									unilaterally
Only										Only
one										one
deputy										deputy
resisted									resisted
Before									  |	And
									  >	before
the										the
vote										vote
in										in
the										the
assembly									assembly
of										of
course										course
ZEA										ZEA
spoke										spoke
and									  |	And
the										the
EU										EU
deputies									deputies
were										were
not										not
shy										shy
in										in
their										their
statements									statements
As										As
they										they
say										say
the										the
masks										masks
have										have
been										been
abandoned									abandoned
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
They										They
called										called
for									  |	to
judging									  |	judge
every										every
Russian										Russian
ordinary									ordinary
person										person
who										who
is										is
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
It										It
was										was
not										not
possible									possible
without										without
the										the
traditional									traditional
clown's										clown's
speech										speech
of										of
Gancharenko								  |	Goncharenko
He										He
again										again
told										told
about										about
									  >	the
allegedly									allegedly
stolen										stolen
toiletries								  |	toilet
and										and
called										called
on										on
Europe										Europe
to										to
make										make
Ukraine										Ukraine
a										a
real										real
super										super
power										power
Among										Among
other										other
measures									measures
of										of
support										support
that										that
we										we
can										can
provide										provide
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	this
is										is
our										our
competence									competence
to									  |	in
attract									  |	attracting
all										all
participants									participants
of										of
this										this
war										war
to										to
responsibility									responsibility
Every										Every
ordinary									ordinary
every										every
commander									commander
as										as
well										well
as										as
the										the
president									president
the										the
government									government
and										and
the										the
parliament									parliament
of										of
the										the
aggressor									aggressor
country										country
It										It
is										is
our										our
obligation									obligation
Mr										Mr
President									President
to										to
do										do
everything									everything
in										in
our										our
power										power
so										so
that										that
no										no
one										one
avoids										avoids
responsibility									responsibility
We										We
will										will
help										help
to										to
create										create
an										an
international									international
justice										justice
system										system
in										in
cooperation									cooperation
with										with
many										many
other										other
participants									participants
including									including
the										the
International									International
Criminal									Criminal
Court										Court
of										of
the										the
UN										UN
This										This
is										is
an										an
issue										issue
here										here
related										related
to										to
the										the
attack										attack
on										on
a										a
democratic									democratic
country										country
by										by
a										a
nationalist									nationalist
regime										regime
This										This
regime										regime
is										is
connected									connected
with										with
terrorism									terrorism
and										and
the										the
forces										forces
are										are
taking										taking
away										away
other										other
people's									people's
land										land
Russia										Russia
which										which
is										is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
there										there
rules										rules
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
regime										regime
attacks										attacks
our										our
values										values
and										and
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
give									  |	die
up									  |	for
the										the
human										human
rights										rights
of										of
the										the
Council										Council
of										of
Europe										Europe
Our										Our
common										common
values										values
make										make
us										us
stop										stop
the										the
atrocities									atrocities
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
terrorist									terrorist
regime										regime
as										as
quickly										quickly
as										as
possible									possible
We										We
must										must
do										do
everything									everything
in										in
our										our
power										power
to										to
stop										stop
Putin's										Putin's
military									military
vehicle										vehicle
Russia										Russia
shows										shows
that										that
the										the
civilized									civilized
dialogue									dialogue
that										that
we										we
offer										offer
is										is
not										not
a										a
valuable									valuable
tool										tool
for										for
them										them
It									  |	This
makes										makes
us										us
defend									  |	protect
the										the
world										world
order										order
based										based
on										on
the										the
rules										rules
with										with
other										other
means										means
and										and
do										do
everything									everything
in										in
our										our
power										power
to										to
make										make
Putin										Putin
lose										lose
the										the
war										war
This										This
is										is
the										the
only										only
way										way
left									  <
to										to
the										the
world										world
Ukraine										Ukraine
must										must
win										win
this										this
war										war
and										and
Russia										Russia
must										must
lose										lose
No										No
other										other
solution									solution
is										is
possible									possible
I										I
think										think
it										it
is										is
necessary									necessary
to										to
write										write
the										the
following									following
words										words
and										and
put										put
them										them
before									  |	in
									  >	front
									  >	of
you										you
Long										Long
live										live
the										the
world										world
Why										Why
should										should
Europe										Europe
simply										simply
rely										rely
on										on
the										the
United										United
States										States
This										This
is										is
not										not
fair										fair
and										and
unfair										unfair
We										We
must										must
be										be
strong										strong
on										on
our										our
own										own
We										We
are										are
talking										talking
about										about
great										great
powers										powers
superpowers									superpowers
This										This
is										is
the										the
United										United
States										States
this										this
is										is
China										China
Russia										Russia
tried										tried
to										to
be										be
a										a
great										great
power										power
but										but
from										from
the										the
great										great
they										they
have										have
only										only
the										the
ego										ego
of										of
their										their
emperor										emperor
Because										Because
we										we
saw										saw
how										how
their										their
soldiers									soldiers
stole										stole
blenders									blenders
and										and
toilet										toilet
seats										seats
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
Because										Because
in										in
their										their
cities										cities
and										and
villages									villages
they										they
did										did
not										not
see										see
anything									anything
from									  |	of
this										this
So										So
the										the
time										time
has										has
come										come
when										when
Europe										Europe
should										should
become										become
a										a
new										new
super										super
power										power
We										We
must									  |	should
become										become
a										a
super										super
power										power
We										We
will										will
now										now
proceed										proceed
to										to
the										the
voting										voting
on										on
the										the
resolution									resolution
which										which
is										is
described									described
in										in
the										the
document									document
The										The
vote										vote
is										is
open										open
The										The
vote										vote
is										is
closed										closed
The										The
voting										voting
is										is
over										over
You										You
can										can
see										see
the										the
results										results
The										The
resolution									resolution
is										is
adopted										adopted
unanimously									unanimously
Thank										Thank
you										you
									  >	very
									  >	much
This										This
is										is
an										an
absolutely									absolutely
useless										useless
company										company
For										For
some										some
reason										reason
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
we										we
									  >	have
spent										spent
our										our
bloodily									bloodily
earned										earned
money										money
on									  <
it									  <
Thank										Thank
God										God
we										we
do										do
not										not
spend										spend
any										any
more										more
We										We
are										are
moving										moving
to										to
Donbass										Donbass
									  >	with
Alexander									Alexander
Sladkov										Sladkov
our										our
military									military
corps										corps
is									  |	on
in									  <
direct										direct
contact									  |	communication
with									  <
you									  <
Sasha										Sasha
hello										hello
We										We
have										have
									  >	received
some										some
pieces									  |	data
of									  <
information								  <
about									  <
the									  <
fact									  <
that										that
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
reserves									reserves
are										are
being										being
transferred									transferred
to										to
the										the
conflict									conflict
zone										zone
or										or
at										at
least										least
to										to
the										the
regions										regions
of										of
the										the
conflict									conflict
Bloomberg									Bloomberg
writes										writes
that										that
Russia										Russia
has										has
increased									increased
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
fuel										fuel
to										to
our										our
regions										regions
which										which
are										are
at									  |	fighting
war									  <
right										right
now										now
What										What
do									  |	can
you										you
want									  <
to									  <
say										say
about										about
this										this
without									  |	not
revealing								  |	giving
the									  |	out
military									military
secrets										secrets
									  >	of
									  >	course
Hello										Hello
I										I
cannot										cannot
know										know
the									  <
military									military
secrets										secrets
because										because
I										I
do										do
not										not
have										have
a										a
permit										permit
for										for
secret										secret
documents									documents
Secondly									Secondly
we										we
have										have
learned										learned
logistics									logistics
which									  |	that
does									  |	do
not										not
attract										attract
much										much
attention									attention
from										from
the										the
intelligence									intelligence
of										of
the										the
enemy										enemy
or										or
the										the
population									population
Today										Today
we										we
are										are
able										able
to										to
deliver										deliver
everything									everything
that										that
is										is
necessary									necessary
for										for
the										the
troops										troops
to										to
act										act
within										within
the										the
framework									framework
of										of
the										the
Soviet									  |	SVO
Union									  <
without										without
attracting									attracting
attention									attention
I										I
want										want
to										to
tell										tell
you										you
that										that
the										the
ammunition									ammunition
is										is
constantly									constantly
coming										coming
but										but
we										we
do										do
not										not
have										have
any										any
traffic										traffic
jams										jams
no										no
columns										columns
no										no
gathering									gathering
of										of
equipment									equipment
The										The
enemy										enemy
has										has
learned									  |	taken
us										us
									  >	away
from										from
this										this
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
It										It
was										was
at										at
the										the
first										first
stage										stage
and										and
all										all
this										this
was										was
filled										filled
with										with
tragedy										tragedy
human										human
sacrifices									sacrifices
Today										Today
we										we
are										are
able										able
to										to
build										build
a										a
process										process
of										of
providing									providing
troops										troops
in										in
a										a
completely									completely
different									different
way										way
But										But
what										what
is										is
going										going
on										on
in										in
the										the
GCC										GCC
and										and
what										what
is										is
going										going
on										on
in										in
the										the
ammunition									ammunition
means										means
that										that
we										we
must									  |	should
move										move
forward										forward
soon										soon
I										I
want										want
to										to
tell										tell
you										you
that										that
today										today
we										we
are										are
moving										moving
but										but
this										this
cannot										cannot
be										be
called										called
the										the
movement									movement
that										that
in										in
the										the
end										end
interests									interests
us										us
and										and
to										to
which										which
we										we
are										are
going										going
I										I
say										say
that										that
this										this
is										is
active										active
defense										defense
If										If
we										we
stop										stop
maneuvering									maneuvering
along										along
the										the
front										front
line										line
along										along
the										the
entire										entire
width										width
of										of
the										the
front										front
line										line
then										then
we										we
and									  <
the									  <
invaders								  <
will										will
turn										turn
									  >	from
									  >	invaders
into										into
a									  |	savages
game									  <
and										and
then										then
the										the
initiative									initiative
will										will
go										go
to										to
the										the
enemy										enemy
Today										Today
we										we
have										have
the										the
initiative									initiative
the									  |	The
enemy										enemy
is										is
trying										trying
to										to
intercept									intercept
it										it
but										but
the									  |	there
presence								  |	is
of									  <
a										a
large										large
stream										stream
of										of
messages									messages
about										about
the										the
concentration									concentration
of										of
forces										forces
in										in
the										the
Kharkov										Kharkov
direction									direction
in										in
the										the
Zaporozhian								  |	Zaporozhsk
direction									direction
But										But
today										today
we										we
have										have
built										built
our										our
defense										defense
sufficiently									sufficiently
competently									competently
so										so
as										as
not										not
to										to
transfer									transfer
reserves									reserves
according									according
to										to
the										the
slightest									slightest
message										message
about										about
the										the
emergence									emergence
of										of
danger										danger
and										and
the										the
accumulation									accumulation
of										of
troops										troops
This										This
is										is
one										one
thing										thing
and										and
the										the
second										second
is										is
the										the
accumulation									accumulation
of										of
troops										troops
This										This
is										is
always										always
a										a
group										group
goal										goal
that										that
is										is
greeted										greeted
by										by
our										our
artillerymen									artillerymen
rocket										rocket
operators									operators
If										If
right										right
now										now
we										we
are										are
applying								  |	making
a										a
rather										rather
serious										serious
defeat										defeat
to									  |	in
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
which										which
is										is
the										the
basis										basis
of										of
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
combat										combat
capabilities									capabilities
then										then
we										we
can										can
also										also
accurately									accurately
concentrate									concentrate
all										all
our										our
firepower									firepower
in										in
a										a
certain										certain
direction									direction
in										in
order										order
to										to
leave										leave
a										a
big										big
gap										gap
for										for
those										those
troops										troops
that										that
are										are
now										now
concentrated									concentrated
in										in
Zaporozhia								  |	Zaporozhye
and										and
in										in
Kharkov										Kharkov
So										So
far										far
in										in
general										general
we										we
are										are
here										here
exactly										exactly
we										we
feel										feel
confident									confident
I										I
drive										drive
along										along
the										the
front										front
line										line
talking										talking
to										to
people										people
with										with
my										my
bosses										bosses
Well										Well
in										in
general										general
quite										quite
high										high
confidence									confidence
in										in
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
we										we
will										will
not										not
only										only
hold										hold
the										the
defense										defense
but										but
also										also
continue									continue
our										our
active										active
activity									activity
on										on
the										the
front										front
line										line
Of										Of
course										course
there										there
are										are
problems									problems
The										The
problems									problems
today										today
are										are
related										related
to										to
one										one
This										This
is										is
a										a
counter-battery									counter-battery
fight										fight
and										and
reconnaissance									reconnaissance
technologies									technologies
that										that
need										need
to										to
be										be
applied										applied
Today										Today
we										we
can										can
talk										talk
about										about
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
Kamikaze									Kamikaze
unmanned									unmanned
aerial										aerial
vehicles									vehicles
entered										entered
the										the
battle										battle
This										This
is										is
the										the
Lancet										Lancet
I										I
have										have
just										just
watched										watched
the										the
results										results
of										of
its										its
actions										actions
In										In
general										general
it										it
is										is
great										great
super										super
Moreover									Moreover
we										we
can										can
perform										perform
objective									objective
control										control
for										for
parallel									parallel
filming									  |	shooting
of										of
the										the
Lancet										Lancet
Well										Well
of										of
course										course
the										the
Shahids										Shahids
I										I
mean										mean
the										the
name										name
of										of
the										the
Iranian										Iranian
unmanned									unmanned
strike										strike
systems										systems
and										and
the										the
Geran-2										Geran-2
please										please
everything									everything
is										is
there										there
everything									everything
works										works
Today										Today
for										for
the										the
first										first
time										time
in										in
a										a
long										long
time										time
Pushilin									Pushilin
said										said
that										that
the										the
strikes										strikes
in										in
Donetsk										Donetsk
were										were
slightly									slightly
weakened									weakened
In										In
particular									particular
he										he
connected									connected
this										this
with										with
our										our
missile										missile
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
in										in
particular									particular
in										in
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
capital										capital
in										in
the										the
city										city
of										of
Kiev										Kiev
What										What
do										do
you										you
know										know
about										about
the										the
change										change
of										of
our										our
tactics										tactics
Today										Today
is										is
not										not
the										the
second										second
or										or
third										third
but										but
the										the
fourth										fourth
day										day
as										as
we										we
apply										apply
massive										massive
strikes										strikes
on										on
Tets										Tets
and										and
Tes										Tes
What										What
kind										kind
of										of
help										help
does										does
this										this
give										give
us										us
on										on
the										the
ground										ground
How										How
does										does
it										it
help										help
our										our
fighters									fighters
The									  |	We
									  >	the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
said										said
that										that
they										they
counterattacked									counterattacked
in										in
three										three
directions									directions
It										It
seems										seems
that										that
everything									everything
was										was
beaten										beaten
off										off
What										What
are										are
you										you
talking										talking
about										about
Well										Well
the										the
long										long
stage										stage
of										of
the										the
fire										fire
strike										strike
on										on
the										the
entire										entire
area										area
of										of
​​Ukraine									  |	Ukraine
says										says
that										that
this										this
is										is
not										not
a										a
revenge										revenge
it									  <
is									  <
not										not
a										a
one-minute								  |	minute-long
response									response
This										This
is										is
a										a
well-thought								  |	well-thought-out
plan										plan
all										all
the										the
points										points
of										of
which										which
we										we
carry									  |	are
out									  |	constantly
unabashedly								  <
gradually								  <
moving										moving
towards										towards
one										one
goal										goal
–										–
the										the
victory										victory
of										of
Russia										Russia
over										over
the										the
militarism									militarism
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
Western										Western
Europe										Europe
What									  |	The
									  >	fact
									  >	that
we										we
strike										strike
on									  |	now
cannot										cannot
be									  |	immediately
urgently								  |	affect
affected								  |	the
by									  <
the									  <
situation									situation
on										on
the										the
front										front
line										line
This										This
is										is
objective									objective
We										We
strike										strike
on										on
warehouses									warehouses
we										we
strike										strike
on										on
communications									communications
we										we
strike										strike
on										on
energy										energy
facilities									facilities
All										All
this										this
complicates									complicates
the										the
action										action
not										not
on										on
a										a
tactical									tactical
level										level
In										In
other										other
words										words
we										we
do										do
not										not
set										set
a										a
foot										foot
for										for
each									  |	every
soldier										soldier
with										with
its									  |	our
own									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
rocket									  |	missile
which										which
then									  <
can										can
not										not
go										go
									  >	to
									  >	Kovalyay
									  >	later
No										No
we										we
									  >	are
globally									globally
violate									  |	violating
the										the
entire										entire
system										system
of										of
resistance								  <
of									  <
the									  <
Russian										Russian
army										army
and									  |	counteraction
there									  |	There
will										will
be										be
a										a
momentary									momentary
effect										effect
from										from
this										this
But									  |	but
this										this
is										is
not										not
a										a
tactical									tactical
level										level
but										but
an										an
operational									operational
level										level
We										We
are										are
already										already
going									  |	reaching
to									  <
the										the
operational									operational
level										level
of										of
pressure									pressure
on										on
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
									  >	military-military
apparatus									apparatus
the									  <
combat									  <
military								  <
the									  <
force									  <
one									  <
in										in
order										order
to										to
then										then
continue									continue
our										our
movement									movement
forward										forward
at										at
the										the
operational									operational
level										level
That										That
is										is
it										it
is										is
not										not
a										a
struggle									struggle
for										for
the										the
village										village
which										which
is										is
now										now
taking										taking
place										place
and										and
									  >	a
praise										praise
to										to
those										those
soldiers									soldiers
who										who
are										are
now									  <
fighting									fighting
									  >	now
in										in
Bakhmati									Bakhmati
in										in
the										the
same										same
Artyomovsk									Artyomovsk
in										in
Pervomaisk									Pervomaisk
in										in
Pervomaisk									Pervomaisk
and										and
in										in
the										the
direction									direction
of										of
Kurakhov									Kurakhov
in										in
Marinka										Marinka
in										in
Mayorsk										Mayorsk
The										The
soldiers									soldiers
are										are
fighting									fighting
but										but
globally									globally
we										we
are										are
waiting										waiting
for										for
something									something
completely									completely
different									different
from										from
the										the
plan										plan
of										of
our										our
war										war
Of										Of
course										course
it										it
already										already
exists										exists
and										and
we										we
need										need
to										to
move										move
forward										forward
powerfully									powerfully
Look										Look
at										at
how										how
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
during										during
their										their
counterattack									counterattack
during										during
our										our
weakened									weakened
defense										defense
weakened									weakened
not										not
by										by
the										the
potential									potential
but										but
by										by
the										the
actions										actions
and										and
mistakes									mistakes
that										that
we										we
in										in
general										general
allowed										allowed
which										which
we										we
mentally								  |	immediately
corrected									corrected
And										And
30										30
kilometers									kilometers
a										a
day										day
40										40
why										why
is										is
it									  |	this
available									available
to										to
us										us
and										and
we										we
will										will
do										do
so										so
and										and
we										we
did										did
so										so
Our										Our
air										air
and										and
landing										landing
troops										troops
are										are
not										not
yet										yet
involved									involved
Today										Today
there									  <
is									  <
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
disappointment									disappointment
									  >	is
heard										heard
about										about
why										why
they										they
do										do
not										not
land										land
why										why
they										they
do										do
not										not
crash										crash
the										the
missile										missile
shafts										shafts
as										as
they										they
sing										sing
in										in
their										their
songs										songs
Listen										Listen
									  >	but
the										the
conditions									conditions
for										for
the										the
action										action
of										of
the										the
troops										troops
will										will
be										be
created										created
and										and
the										the
air										air
and										and
landing										landing
troops										troops
are										are
ready										ready
the										the
air										air
and										and
landing										landing
troops										troops
are										are
ready										ready
but										but
this										this
is										is
an										an
element										element
in										in
general										general
of										of
the										the
complex										complex
of										of
action										action
Therefore									Therefore
unexpected									unexpected
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
initiative									initiative
actions										actions
generation									generation
of										of
some										some
new										new
steps										steps
and										and
new										new
methods										methods
of										of
leading										leading
the										the
war										war
everything									everything
is										is
available									available
to										to
us										us
and										and
even									  |	especially
more									  <
so									  <
Surovikin									Surovikin
I										I
think										think
									  >	that
he										he
will										will
tell										tell
us										us
how										how
to										to
act										act
Sasha										Sasha
today										today
Belgorod									Belgorod
was										was
shelled										shelled
by										by
American									American
missiles									missiles
and									  |	And
these										these
are										are
not										not
CZO										CZO
these										these
are										are
not										not
Heimers										Heimers
these										these
are										are
anti-radar									anti-radar
missiles									missiles
And										And
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
in										in
addition									addition
to										to
us										us
our										our
opponent									opponent
has										has
new										new
means										means
of										of
defeat										defeat
Is										Is
it										it
felt										felt
at										at
the										the
front										front
Have										Have
we										we
learned										learned
will										will
we										we
learn										learn
to										to
fight										fight
them										them
Well										Well
these										these
missiles									missiles
are										are
intended									intended
for									  |	to
the									  |	build
construction								  <
of									  <
those										those
radar										radar
stations									stations
objects										objects
that										that
actually								  <
feed										feed
information									information
to										to
our										our
air										air
defense										defense
system										system
Well										Well
they										they
were										were
shot										shot
down										down
and										and
there										there
is										is
no										no
mention										mention
of										of
any										any
global										global
violations									violations
of										of
our										our
PVO										PVO
system										system
in										in
the										the
Belgorod									Belgorod
direction									direction
On										On
the										the
contrary									contrary
I										I
myself										myself
was										was
surprised									surprised
and										and
we										we
receive										receive
data										data
not										not
only										only
from										from
the										the
press										press
but										but
we										we
communicate									communicate
with										with
the										the
military									military
I										I
was										was
surprised									surprised
that										that
they										they
are										are
so										so
subject										subject
to										to
our										our
counteraction									counteraction
from										from
the										the
ground										ground
Therefore									Therefore
the										the
devil										devil
is										is
not										not
as										as
scary										scary
as										as
his										his
little										little
one										one
And										And
we										we
probably									probably
can										can
not										not
say										say
that										that
we										we
are										are
learning									learning
We										We
are										are
not										not
boys										boys
here										here
for										for
beating										beating
We										We
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
know-how									know-how
ourselves									ourselves
and										and
we										we
actively									actively
use										use
it										it
scare										scare
the										the
enemy										enemy
with										with
it										it
Starting									Starting
from										from
some										some
thugs										thugs
on										on
the										the
battlefield									battlefield
from										from
the										the
minimum										minimum
level										level
ending										ending
with										with
those										those
global										global
things										things
that									  |	about
									  >	which
again										again
it										it
is										is
impossible									impossible
to										to
talk										talk
about									  <
but										but
we										we
turn										turn
new										new
means										means
of										of
defeat										defeat
operatively-tactically								operatively-tactically
into										into
our										our
help										help
in										in
the										the
exact										exact
situation									situation
in										in
which										which
we										we
exist										exist
There									  |	Some
are									  <
some									  <
improvements									improvements
									  >	are
required									required
and										and
we										we
will										will
receive										receive
very										very
serious										serious
weapons										weapons
including									including
long-range									long-range
weapons										weapons
Thank										Thank
you										you
very										very
much										much
Sasha										Sasha
Our										Our
military									military
correspondent									correspondent
reporter									reporter
frontman									frontman
Alexander									Alexander
Sladkov										Sladkov
live										live
from										from
Donetsk										Donetsk
Donbass										Donbass
Urgent										Urgent
news										news
for										for
understanding									understanding
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
was										was
also										also
brought										brought
into										into
the										the
feeling										feeling
God										God
forbid										forbid
Of										Of
course										course
we										we
always										always
come									  |	start
out									  <
only										only
from										from
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
from										from
the										the
position									position
of										of
power										power
they										they
are										are
so										so
clear										clear
when										when
we										we
speak									  |	talk
to										to
them										them
more										more
strictly									strictly
After										After
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
president									president
that										that
we										we
will										will
go										go
to										to
protect										protect
our										our
own										own
territories									territories
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
stated										stated
that										that
if										if
the										the
conflict									conflict
begins										begins
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
NATO										NATO
then										then
we									  <
will									  <
of										of
course										course
									  >	we
									  >	will
apply										apply
the										the
fifth										fifth
article										article
But										But
as										as
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
not										not
a										a
member										member
of										of
NATO										NATO
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
says										says
Why										Why
did										did
you										you
take										take
it										it
We										We
are										are
not										not
going										going
to										to
apply										apply
the										the
fifth										fifth
article										article
in										in
relation									relation
to										to
official									official
Kiev										Kiev
Where										Where
are										are
we										we
helping										helping
We										We
help										help
Ukraine										Ukraine
but										but
no										no
more										more
We										We
never										never
plan										plan
to										to
enter										enter
into										into
an										an
armed										armed
conflict									conflict
with										with
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
because										because
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
Direct										Direct
quote										quote
from										from
the										the
General										General
Secretary									Secretary
of										of
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Alliance									Alliance
They										They
print										print
out										out
their										their
nuclear										nuclear
warheads									warheads
begin										begin
to										to
prepare										prepare
including									including
for										for
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
Armageddon									Armageddon
Andrey										Andrey
Konstantinovich									Konstantinovich
we										we
are										are
starting									starting
with										with
you										you
Excuse										Excuse
me										me
are										are
you										you
entering									entering
into									  <
Putin's										Putin's
closest										closest
circle										circle
We										We
will										will
consider									consider
that										that
all										all
deputies									deputies
are										are
entering									entering
so										so
50										50
grams										grams
Listen									  <
50										50
grams										grams
is										is
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
because										because
they										they
are										are
stealing									stealing
intendants									intendants
there										there
we										we
have										have
100										100
grams										grams
in										in
front										front
right									  <
And										And
on										on
the										the
button										button
Well										Well
as										as
Zelensky									Zelensky
said										said
a										a
complete								  |	fool
moron									  |	is
									  >	the
									  >	fullest
Yes										Yes
but										but
if										if
we										we
speak										speak
seriously									seriously
then										then
these										these
shuffling								  |	shenanigans
that										that
we										we
are										are
now										now
observing									observing
such										such
reflective									reflective
twitches								  |	flinching
of										of
the									  <
Western										Western
leaders										leaders
they										they
cannot										cannot
but										but
implement								  |	instill
restrained									restrained
optimism									optimism
Well										Well
let's										let's
analyze									  |	take
for									  |	an
example										example
									  >	of
this										this
slogan									  |	famous
which									  |	and
caused										caused
such										such
a										a
discussion									discussion
									  >	of
resolutions									resolutions
of										of
the										the
General										General
Assembly									Assembly
of										of
the										the
United										United
Nations										Nations
The										The
matter										matter
is										is
completely									completely
empty										empty
First										First
									  >	of
									  >	all
let's										let's
start										start
with										with
the										the
content										content
The										The
fact										fact
is										is
that										that
Western										Western
ideology									ideology
consists									consists
of										of
many										many
such										such
pious									  |	positive
but										but
contradictory									contradictory
positions									positions
to									  <
each									  <
other									  <
Well										Well
for										for
example										example
the										the
right										right
of										of
the										the
people										people
to										to
revolt										revolt
and										and
the										the
duty										duty
of										of
the										the
state										state
to										to
suppress									suppress
any										any
illegitimate									illegitimate
methods										methods
of										of
seizure										seizure
of										of
power										power
especially									especially
armed										armed
Or										Or
democracy									democracy
is										is
the										the
power										power
of										of
the										the
majority									majority
democracy									democracy
is										is
expressed									expressed
in										in
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
the										the
greatest									greatest
preferences									preferences
for										for
the										the
minority									minority
In										In
this										this
case										case
the									  |	a
sweet										sweet
couple										couple
is										is
on										on
the										the
one										one
hand										hand
the										the
principle									principle
of										of
self-determination								self-determination
of										of
the										the
nation										nation
up										up
to										to
separation									separation
on										on
the										the
other										other
hand										hand
sovereignty									sovereignty
and										and
territorial									territorial
integrity									integrity
of										of
the										the
state										state
Well										Well
if										if
they										they
have										have
everything									everything
so										so
launched									launched
they										they
are										are
constantly									constantly
claiming									claiming
some										some
rules										rules
Well										Well
it										it
would										would
actually									actually
be										be
nice										nice
if										if
they										they
really										really
wrote										wrote
down										down
in										in
the										the
rules										rules
where										where
territorial									territorial
integrity									integrity
ends										ends
under										under
what										what
circumstances									circumstances
and										and
the										the
right										right
of										of
the										the
nation										nation
to										to
self-determination								self-determination
begins										begins
or										or
vice										vice
versa										versa
That										That
is										is
it										it
was										was
clearly										clearly
recorded									recorded
In										In
this										this
case										case
one										one
principle									principle
is										is
important									important
in										in
another										another
case										case
another										another
Of										Of
course										course
they										they
did									  |	didn't
not									  <
do										do
this									  |	it
Why										Why
Because										Because
when										when
									  >	it's
all										all
this									  <
is									  <
not										not
written										written
down										down
it									  |	it's
is									  <
easier										easier
to										to
manipulate									manipulate
Let's										Let's
say										say
in										in
Donbass										Donbass
two										two
referendums									referendums
took									  |	were
place									  |	held
in										in
eight									  |	8
years										years
The										The
highest										highest
expression									expression
is										is
the										the
most										most
direct										direct
people's									people's
democracy									democracy
You										You
said										said
no										no
you										you
can't										can't
Why										Why
And										And
this										this
is										is
a										a
violation									violation
of										of
the										the
principle									principle
of										of
territorial									territorial
integrity									integrity
of										of
the										the
state										state
In									  <
Kosovo										Kosovo
in									  <
fact									  <
there									  <
is										is
									  >	essentially
a										a
municipal									municipal
council										council
that										that
has										has
no										no
rights										rights
to										to
this										this
It									  |	He
was										was
not										not
chosen										chosen
for										for
this										this
it									  |	he
should									  |	was
have									  |	supposed
been									  |	to
									  >	be
engaged										engaged
in										in
canalization									canalization
and										and
it									  |	he
declared									declared
itself									  |	himself
an										an
independent									independent
state										state
Normally									Normally
this										this
is										is
the										the
right										right
of										of
the										the
nation										nation
to										to
self-determination								self-determination
up										up
to										to
separation									separation
Thus										Thus
there										there
is										is
no										no
real										real
legal										legal
ideological									ideological
basis										basis
for										for
this										this
resolution									resolution
This										This
is										is
a										a
matter										matter
of										of
taste									  |	common
									  >	sense
Do										Do
you										you
like										like
the										the
referendums									referendums
Do										Do
you										you
not										not
like										like
the										the
referendums									referendums
So									  |	This
									  >	is
									  >	how
I										I
vote										vote
so									  |	this
									  >	is
									  >	how
I										I
vote										vote
Okay										Okay
God										God
be										be
with										with
him										him
The									  |	Second
second									  <
point										point
What										What
is										is
the										the
benefit										benefit
of										of
this										this
resolution									resolution
I										I
can										can
honestly									honestly
say										say
that										that
I										I
deeply										deeply
sympathize									sympathize
with										with
all										all
the										the
employees									employees
of										of
the										the
United										United
Nations										Nations
everyone								  |	all
both									  |	of
our									  |	us
and										and
their										their
employees								  |	people
who										who
were										were
engaged										engaged
in										in
this										this
Well										Well
our										our
employees								  |	people
because										because
they										they
had										had
to										to
throw										throw
the										the
beads										beads
in										in
front										front
of										of
the										the
pigs										pigs
once										once
again										again
But										But
I										I
also										also
sympathize									sympathize
with										with
them										them
Why										Why
Because										Because
we										we
were										were
told										told
about										about
the										the
incredible									incredible
labor									  |	work
with									  <
which									  <
they										they
collected								  |	were
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	with
these										these
143										143
countries									countries
They										They
were										were
watching									watching
									  >	over
someone										someone
blackmailing									blackmailing
someone										someone
turning										turning
them										them
out										out
The									  |	Barel
barrel									  <
says										says
we										we
fought										fought
so										so
hard										hard
that										that
we										we
had										had
more										more
than										than
140										140
We										We
fought										fought
we										we
voted										voted
What's										What's
next										next
Justice										Justice
for										for
									  >	the
									  >	sake
									  >	of
this										this
record										record
									  >	this
is										is
the										the
third										third
anti-Russian									anti-Russian
resolution									resolution
The									  |	the
first										first
time										time
140										140
The									  |	the
second										second
time										time
141										141
They									  |	the
									  >	countries
are										are
going										going
up										up
Did									  |	And
we									  |	you
miss									  |	and
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	missed
Brazil										Brazil
This									  |	this
is										is
our										our
ally										ally
Afghanistan									Afghanistan
Taliban										Taliban
it										it
would										would
seem										seem
They									  |	and
									  >	they
are										are
also										also
against										against
Russia										Russia
We										We
didn't									  |	have
miss									  |	not
anything								  |	missed
									  >	it
This										This
resolution									resolution
does										does
not										not
matter										matter
It									  |	at
									  >	all
									  >	it
has										has
a										a
recommended									recommended
nature										nature
And										And
all										all
the										the
countries									countries
that										that
they										they
have										have
bent										bent
at										at
the										the
moment										moment
for										for
voting										voting
what										what
kind										kind
of										of
relations									relations
did									  <
they										they
have									  |	had
with										with
Russia										Russia
They									  |	they
will										will
continue									continue
to										to
have									  |	do
such									  |	the
relations								  |	same
If									  |	The
									  >	question
									  >	is
									  >	if
they										they
bent										bent
why										why
didn't										didn't
we										we
bend										bend
We										We
can't									  |	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
bend										bend
And										And
why										why
should										should
we										we
bend										bend
Well										Well
they										they
have										have
done										done
this										this
dirty										dirty
work										work
They									  |	forced
made									  <
us										us
									  >	to
vote										vote
for										for
the										the
resolution									resolution
After									  |	after
that									  |	which
the										the
Hungarians									Hungarians
will										will
agree										agree
with										with
us										us
on										on
gas										gas
in									  <
the									  <
same									  <
way									  <
Most										Most
									  >	of
									  >	the
Serbs										Serbs
they										they
did										did
not										not
support										support
our										our
position									position
but										but
most										most
									  >	of
									  >	the
Serbs										Serbs
will										will
continue									continue
to										to
support										support
Russia										Russia
We										We
will										will
develop										develop
economic									economic
relations									relations
with										with
Brazil										Brazil
But									  |	but
nothing										nothing
has										has
happened									happened
since										since
the										the
voting										voting
of										of
this										this
resolution									resolution
There									  <
is									  <
a									  <
bit									  <
left									  <
No										No
Then									  |	then
I										I
will										will
say										say
why										why
they									  <
did										did
									  >	they
									  >	do
it										it
They										They
did										did
it										it
for										for
e										e
I										I
will										will
explain										explain
Psychologists								  |	There
say									  |	is
that									  |	such
									  >	a
									  >	thing
									  >	psychologists
									  >	say
									  >	that
some										some
people										people
say										say
that									  |	and
when										when
they										they
have										have
a										a
pause										pause
between										between
words										words
they										they
are										are
subconsciously									subconsciously
afraid										afraid
to										to
give										give
out										out
this										this
pause										pause
and										and
they										they
say										say
e										e
to										to
fill										fill
the										the
sound										sound
This										This
resolution									resolution
is										is
e										e
That									  |	In
is									  <
in									  <
this										this
case										case
there										there
is										is
no										no
next										next
move										move
but										but
something									something
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
done										done
And										And
it										it
seems										seems
to										to
me										me
that										that
for										for
us										us
it										it
is										is
a										a
very										very
good										good
sign										sign
that										that
these										these
e										e
are										are
becoming									becoming
more										more
and										and
more										more
recently									recently
Here										Here
they										they
claim										claim
that										that
Yermak										Yermak
and										and
Stolberg									Stolberg
are										are
preparing									preparing
a										a
new										new
agreement									agreement
on										on
guarantees									guarantees
of										of
security									security
from										from
NATO										NATO
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
They										They
say										say
the										the
truth										truth
This										This
new										new
agreement									agreement
will										will
fix										fix
what										what
is										is
already										already
being										being
done										done
Why										Why
That										That
is										is
conditionally									conditionally
speaking									speaking
we										we
understand									understand
with										with
you										you
that										that
you										you
can										can
sign										sign
as										as
many										many
papers										papers
as										as
you										you
want										want
But										But
then										then
a										a
simple										simple
question									question
arises										arises
on										on
which										which
we										we
have										have
just										just
received									received
an										an
answer										answer
Dear										Dear
friends										friends
the										the
fundamental									fundamental
question									question
is										is
not										not
in										in
the										the
signing										signing
of										of
papers										papers
not										not
in										in
the										the
new										new
status										status
not										not
in										in
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
considered								  <
or									  <
not									  <
actually									actually
considered									considered
a										a
member										member
of										of
NATO										NATO
The										The
question									question
is										is
one										one
Are										Are
you										you
ready										ready
to										to
enter										enter
into										into
a										a
direct										direct
military									military
confrontation									confrontation
with										with
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
for										for
the										the
sake										sake
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
what										what
we										we
have										have
just										just
heard										heard
from										from
Borrell										Borrell
is										is
that										that
Russia										Russia
has										has
never										never
threatened									threatened
to										to
strike										strike
any										any
nuclear										nuclear
strikes										strikes
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
is										is
just										just
their										their
own										own
imagination									imagination
But										But
if										if
Russia										Russia
suddenly									suddenly
strikes										strikes
then										then
we										we
will										will
destroy										destroy
									  >	the
Russian										Russian
troops										troops
Well										Well
this										this
is										is
one										one
approach									approach
Then										Then
we										we
have										have
already										already
analyzed									analyzed
what										what
happens										happens
after										after
that										that
Well										Well
you										you
strike										strike
on										on
Russian										Russian
troops										troops
Russia										Russia
of										of
course										course
immediately									immediately
strikes										strikes
a										a
missile-bomb									missile-bomb
strike										strike
on										on
NATO										NATO
bases										bases
in										in
Europe										Europe
Then										Then
there										there
are										are
a										a
few										few
minutes										minutes
left										left
to										to
immediately									immediately
make									  |	reconcile
up									  <
for									  <
everything								  <
agree										agree
and										and
disperse									disperse
Well									  |	Or
either									  <
a										a
full-fledged									full-fledged
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
I										I
think										think
that										that
since										since
the										the
elites										elites
of										of
Europe										Europe
are										are
extremely									extremely
life-loving									life-loving
we										we
constantly									constantly
see										see
something									something
like										like
this										this
from									  |	at
parties										parties
it									  <
is									  <
unlikely								  <
that									  <
they										they
are										are
									  >	unlikely
									  >	to
									  >	be
so										so
focused										focused
on										on
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
Therefore									Therefore
most										most
likely										likely
all										all
this										this
they										they
took										took
out										out
weapons										weapons
hooked										hooked
up										up
bombs										bombs
put										put
bombs										bombs
in										in
place										place
This										This
is										is
in										in
many										many
ways										ways
a										a
bluff										bluff
What										What
is										is
not										not
a										a
bluff										bluff
and										and
what										what
represents									represents
a										a
certain										certain
danger										danger
for										for
us										us
is										is
that										that
they										they
promised									promised
to										to
supply										supply
new										new
stronger									stronger
types										types
of										of
weapons										weapons
That										That
is										is
they										they
will										will
practically									practically
act										act
within										within
the										the
framework									framework
of										of
the										the
same										same
given									  |	set
paradigm									paradigm
of										of
intelligence									intelligence
instructors									instructors
mercenaries									mercenaries
and										and
weapons										weapons
Of										Of
this										this
paradigm									paradigm
the										the
most										most
dangerous									dangerous
for										for
us										us
is									  <
of										of
course										course
									  >	is
weapons										weapons
But										But
they										they
said										said
we										we
will										will
form										form
new										new
additional									additional
capabilities									capabilities
of										of
air										air
defense										defense
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
Well										Well
by										by
tomorrow									tomorrow
they										they
are										are
unlikely									unlikely
to										to
do										do
it										it
Well									  <
they									  <
will									  <
do									  <
it									  <
the										the
day										day
after										after
tomorrow									tomorrow
I										I
think										think
they										they
will										will
not										not
do										do
it										it
the										the
day										day
after										after
tomorrow									tomorrow
But										But
									  >	does
this										this
means									  |	mean
that										that
everything									everything
that										that
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
now										now
must										must
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
now										now
This										This
is										is
a									  |	the
pure									  <
truth										truth
The										The
day										day
after										after
tomorrow									tomorrow
the										the
day										day
after										after
tomorrow									tomorrow
									  >	Now
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
is										is
now									  <
speaking									speaking
in										in
Brussels									Brussels
who										who
has										has
already										already
managed										managed
to										to
say										say
that										that
we										we
are										are
officially									officially
beginning									beginning
to										to
supply										supply
warm										warm
winter										winter
clothes										clothes
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
because									  |	due
we									  |	to
assume									  |	the
									  >	fact
that										that
the										the
war										war
will										will
last										last
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
and										and
will										will
not										not
end										end
in										in
the										the
coming										coming
months										months
And									  |	Once
once									  <
again										again
this										this
is										is
a										a
direct										direct
statement								  |	quote
In										In
the									  |	general
rest									  <
I										I
agree										agree
with										with
all										all
your										your
theses										theses
but									  |	But
the										the
limit										limit
of										of
acceptable									acceptable
cowardice									cowardice
in										in
relation									relation
to										to
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
is										is
obviously									obviously
expanding									expanding
We										We
are										are
forced										forced
to										to
swallow										swallow
something									something
not									  |	without
responding									responding
in										in
a										a
decent										decent
way										way
I										I
mean										mean
at										at
least										least
those										those
143										143
countries									countries
that										that
voted										voted
against										against
us										us
Why									  |	They
could									  |	voted
we									  |	against
announce								  |	us
the									  |	And
PACE									  |	that
as									  |	is
a									  |	absolutely
terrorist								  |	correct
organization								  |	We
Absolutely								  <
right									  <
we									  <
can										can
announce								  |	declare
the									  |	it
PACE									  <
but										but
pay										pay
attention									attention
to										to
how										how
filigree									filigree
it									  |	was
has									  <
already										already
been									  <
thrown										thrown
in										in
and									  |	The
the									  <
term										term
that										that
we										we
are										are
such										such
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
seems										seems
to										to
have										have
been										been
voted										voted
for									  |	out
somewhere									somewhere
It										It
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
the										the
organization									organization
does										does
not										not
owe										owe
anything									anything
to										to
anything									anything
									  >	the
documents									documents
do										do
not										not
owe										owe
anything									anything
to										to
anything									anything
but										but
nevertheless									nevertheless
the										the
fact										fact
is										is
that										that
someone										someone
									  >	in
									  >	Europe
has										has
already										already
voted										voted
for									  |	on
this										this
topic										topic
somewhere								  <
in									  <
Europe									  <
As										As
for										for
Sabarelli								  |	Borel
listen										listen
the										the
poor										poor
unfortunate									unfortunate
suffer										suffer
that										that
35										35
states										states
in										in
the										the
end										end
resisted									resisted
The										The
states										states
are										are
big										big
such										such
as										as
India										India
respected									respected
economically								  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	economic
									  >	sense
and										and
China										China
including									including
As										As
for										for
the										the
world										world
system										system
based										based
on										on
rules										rules
Putin										Putin
constantly									constantly
asks										asks
who										who
decides										decides
what										what
these										these
rules										rules
will										will
be										be
and										and
challenges									challenges
the										the
system										system
directly									directly
But									  |	I
									  >	think
the										the
system									  |	UN
									  >	yesterday
reacted										reacted
well										well
to										to
this										this
yesterday								  <
at									  <
the									  <
vote									  <
of									  <
the									  <
UN									  <
More										More
than										than
140										140
countries									countries
rejected									rejected
the										the
illegal										illegal
annexation									annexation
of										of
the										the
part										part
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
the									  |	its
introduction								  |	entry
of									  <
it									  <
into										into
Russia										Russia
I										I
am										am
happy										happy
with										with
this										this
result										result
There										There
is										is
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
work										work
behind										behind
this										this
Communication									Communication
with										with
people										people
aims										aims
to										to
make										make
sure										sure
that										that
we										we
exceed										exceed
the										the
threshold									threshold
of										of
140										140
votes										votes
But										But
I										I
can										can
say										say
that										that
I										I
am										am
worried										worried
about										about
a										a
very										very
large										large
number										number
of										of
people									  |	those
who										who
resisted									resisted
Plus										Plus
or										or
minus										minus
20%										20%
of										of
the										the
world										world
community									community
decided										decided
not										not
to										to
condemn										condemn
the										the
Russian										Russian
annexation									annexation
For										For
me										me
this										this
is										is
too										too
much										much
too										too
much										much
Yes										Yes
we										we
are										are
happy										happy
because										because
the										the
bottle										bottle
is										is
full										full
but										but
still										still
a										a
bit										bit
empty										empty
We										We
must										must
continue									continue
to										to
work										work
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
reduce										reduce
this										this
number										number
and										and
for										for
those										those
who										who
resisted									resisted
to										to
say										say
clearly										clearly
that										that
they										they
reject										reject
the										the
annexation									annexation
of										of
the										the
part										part
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
Russia										Russia
We										We
must										must
continue									continue
to										to
do										do
our										our
diplomatic									diplomatic
work										work
There										There
are										are
also										also
black										black
squares										squares
against										against
the										the
countries									countries
as										as
beautiful									beautiful
as										as
Turkmenistan									Turkmenistan
which										which
did										did
not										not
vote										vote
Venezuela									Venezuela
which										which
did										did
not										not
vote										vote
or										or
is										is
simply										simply
not										not
allowed										allowed
by										by
its										its
diplomats									diplomats
now										now
in										in
New										New
York										York
because										because
they										they
do										do
not										not
recognize									recognize
Maduro										Maduro
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
they										they
are										are
trying										trying
to										to
negotiate									negotiate
with										with
them										them
Dmitry										Dmitry
Gavriyevich									Gavriyevich
									  >	No
I										I
think										think
that										that
if										if
140										140
countries									countries
voted										voted
for										for
annexation									annexation
of										of
the										the
territory									territory
it										it
would										would
be										be
a										a
serious										serious
support										support
for										for
the										the
position									position
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
It										It
is										is
a										a
very										very
serious										serious
assumption									assumption
Despite									  |	In
									  >	spite
									  >	of
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
at										at
about										about
140										140
countries									countries
we										we
provide										provide
a										a
certain										certain
degree										degree
of										of
activity									activity
we										we
influence									influence
the										the
economy										economy
of										of
at										at
least										least
this										this
amount										amount
of										of
countries									countries
The										The
question									question
is										is
									  >	different
									  >	The
									  >	interesting
									  >	thing
									  >	is
that										that
the										the
countries									countries
that										that
resisted									resisted
are										are
not										not
a										a
significant									significant
part										part
of										of
the										the
population									population
in										in
the										the
world										world
India										India
is										is
China										China
The									  |	But
									  >	the
question									question
is										is
that										that
the										the
international									international
composition								  |	component
is										is
very										very
original									original
You										You
said										said
it										it
softly										softly
I										I
always										always
speak										speak
softly										softly
Because										Because
if										if
everyone									everyone
worked										worked
together									together
everything									everything
would										would
be										be
fine										fine
There										There
are										are
such										such
suspicions									suspicions
The									  |	But
									  >	the
situation									situation
is										is
that										that
most									  <
likely									  <
we										we
will										will
not										not
pull										pull
this										this
part										part
either										either
The										The
military									military
will										will
not										not
go										go
soon										soon
either										either
The									  |	So
main									  <
problem									  <
is									  <
the										the
economy									  |	main
									  >	task
									  >	is..
Sorry										Sorry
not										not
soon										soon
When										When
is										is
that										that
When										When
Slavkov										Slavkov
says										says
that									  <
he										he
went										went
then										then
he										he
went										went
There										There
are										are
such										such
suspicions									suspicions
Well									  |	If
if									  <
accordingly								  <
there									  <
are									  <
suspicions									suspicions
									  >	are
									  >	stored
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	corresponding
									  >	clothes
there										there
are										are
									  >	such
suspicions									suspicions
Let's										Let's
hope										hope
that										that
tomorrow									tomorrow
									  >	will
									  >	say
Very										Very
unlikely									unlikely
No										No
matter										matter
how										how
we										we
hope										hope
In										In
the										the
second										second
part										part
we										we
will										will
take										take
it										it
somewhere									somewhere
Cool										Cool
We										We
are									  |	will
taking									  |	take
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
things										things
We									  |	The
were									  <
getting									  <
volunteers									volunteers
									  >	have
									  >	collected
									  >	it
somewhere									somewhere
The										The
question									question
is										is
different									different
The										The
question								  <
is									  <
that									  <
the									  <
problem										problem
is										is
the										the
following									following
There										There
is										is
an										an
objective									objective
strategy								  |	theory
Objectively								  |	You
									  >	just
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	understand
it										it
is									  |	analyze
calculated								  <
it										it
is									  |	You
viewed									  |	can
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	satellites
									  >	If
									  >	someone
									  >	lacks
									  >	military
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	private
									  >	ones
The										The
question									question
is										is
that									  <
the										the
									  >	following
									  >	The
main										main
task										task
now										now
is										is
the										the
preparation									preparation
of										of
the										the
catapult									catapult
component									component
These										These
countries									countries
voted										voted
not										not
because										because
we										we
have										have
some									  |	great
wonderful								  <
results										results
Not										Not
because										because
India										India
thinks										thinks
that										that
they										they
will										will
vote										vote
now									  <
God									  <
forbid									  <
some									  <
military								  <
operations								  <
will									  <
begin									  <
No										No
they									  <
did									  <
it									  <
all									  <
because										because
of										of
the										the
economy										economy
									  >	they
									  >	did
									  >	it
Naturally									Naturally
As										As
practice									practice
shows										shows
this										this
does										does
not										not
affect										affect
Hungary										Hungary
and										and
Serbia										Serbia
voted										voted
against									  |	against..
it									  <
I										I
remind										remind
you										you
that										that
Serbia										Serbia
when										when
before									  |	I
this									  <
resolution								  <
voted										voted
against										against
it									  |	the
									  >	resolution
									  >	before
									  >	that
									  >	I
came										came
and										and
said										said
that										that
they										they
turned										turned
their										their
hands										hands
Because									  <
Croatia										Croatia
I										I
remind										remind
you										you
blocked										blocked
the										the
access										access
to										to
energy										energy
To										To
oil										oil
first										first
of										of
all										all
After										After
the										the
restrictions									restrictions
We										We
stretch										stretch
a										a
new										new
thread										thread
Well									  <
Hungary										Hungary
does										does
By									  |	It
the									  <
way									  <
it									  <
should										should
be										be
noted										noted
that										that
we										we
are										are
the										the
largest										largest
oil										oil
company										company
in										in
Serbia										Serbia
So									  <
by									  <
the									  <
way									  <
More										More
than										than
150										150
percent										percent
Therefore								  |	This
this									  <
is										is
a										a
deep										deep
question									question
									  >	Where
									  >	are
									  >	we
									  >	going
To										To
yourself								  |	ourselves
in									  |	The
fact									  <
Therefore								  <
the									  <
story									  <
is									  <
as									  <
follows									  <
Now									  <
the									  <
main										main
task										task
									  >	now
is										is
that										that
the										the
economic									economic
component									component
does										does
not										not
occur										occur
If										If
everything									everything
that										that
is										is
happening									happening
now										now
would										would
happen										happen
with										with
Iran										Iran
with										with
the										the
DPRK										DPRK
with										with
anything									anything
there										there
would										would
be										be
the										the
same										same
consequences									consequences
We										We
are									  |	stand
here										here
thanks										thanks
to										to
these										these
countries									countries
with										with
which										which
work										work
was										was
carried									  |	done
out									  <
And										And
thanks										thanks
to										to
our										our
long-suffering									long-suffering
economy										economy
Let's										Let's
help										help
it										it
The										The
point										point
is										is
as									  |	the
follows									  |	following
Will										Will
we										we
redirect									redirect
gas										gas
through										through
Turkey										Turkey
Will										Will
it										it
work										work
We										We
are										are
already										already
redirecting									redirecting
this									  <
gas										gas
through										through
Turkey										Turkey
in									  <
fact									  <
We										We
									  >	initially
planned										planned
to										to
build										build
several										several
branches									branches
And									  |	there
initially								  |	Initially
it										it
was										was
assumed										assumed
that										that
Turkey										Turkey
would										would
become										become
a										a
hub										hub
Will										Will
this										this
completely									completely
close										close
the										the
problems									problems
of										of
the										the
northern								  <
flows									  <
Northern									Northern
flows									  |	Streams
									  >	The
									  >	Northern
									  >	Streams
work										work
on										on
the										the
northern									northern
part										part
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
which										which
is										is
the										the
most										most
energy-intensive								energy-intensive
component									component
That									  |	The
is									  <
the									  <
main										main
part										part
of										of
production									production
is										is
located										located
there										there
There									  |	The
of									  <
course									  <
the									  <
heart										heart
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
beats									  <
That									  <
is										is
it									  |	beating
is									  |	You
possible								  |	can
of									  <
course									  <
to									  <
do										do
this										this
through										through
the										the
southern									southern
perimeter									perimeter
And										And
all										all
the										the
same										same
of									  <
course									  <
it										it
will										will
be										be
supported									supported
But										But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
Germany										Germany
will										will
have										have
to										to
transfer									transfer
these										these
volumes										volumes
through										through
									  >	Austria
for										for
example										example
the									  <
same									  <
Austria									  <
Now										Now
for										for
example										example
we										we
have										have
a										a
gas										gas
contract									contract
with										with
Hungary										Hungary
Some										Some
of										of
them										them
received									received
the										the
northern								  |	Northern
flow									  |	Stream
1										1
									  >	from
									  >	Germany
Now										Now
of									  <
course									  <
they										they
receive										receive
everything									everything
directly									directly
from										from
the										the
Balkan										Balkan
route										route
That									  |	The
is									  <
the									  <
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
this										this
will										will
increase									increase
the										the
possibility								  <
of									  <
an									  <
economic									economic
country									  |	potential
									  >	of
									  >	countries
that										that
is									  |	are
closer										closer
to										to
this										this
route										route
That									  |	This
is									  <
this									  <
is										is
the										the
Balkans										Balkans
first										first
of										of
all										all
This										This
is										is
Eastern										Eastern
Europe										Europe
And										And
it										it
will										will
complicate									complicate
the										the
end										end
of										of
this										this
route										route
which										which
will										will
be										be
based										based
in										in
Germany										Germany
And									  <
Turkey										Turkey
is										is
a										a
new										new
Germany										Germany
Goodbye										Goodbye
German										German
industry									industry
Turkey										Turkey
is										is
actually									actually
more										more
cunning										cunning
First										First
of										of
all										all
in									  <
Turkey									  <
there										there
will										will
be										be
a									  <
German										German
industry									industry
Because									  <
this									  <
is									  <
the									  <
most									  <
powerful								  <
country									  <
in										in
the									  |	Turkey
world									  <
And									  <
there									  <
will									  <
be									  <
a									  <
German									  <
industry								  <
Because										Because
this										this
is										is
the										the
closest										closest
part										part
of										of
this										this
hub										hub
will										will
be										be
located										located
Plus									  <
Turkey										Turkey
is										is
a										a
member										member
of										of
the										the
economic									economic
space										space
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
It										It
is										is
all										all
so										so
worried										worried
about										about
the										the
fact										fact
that..										that..
It										It
is										is
associated									associated
with										with
Europe										Europe
right										right
Yes										Yes
it										it
supplies									supplies
it										it
without										without
problems								  |	a
									  >	portion
Why										Why
would										would
you										you
									  >	be
a										a
member										member
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
if										if
something								  |	the
is									  |	European
									  >	Union
imposed										imposed
									  >	something
on										on
you										you
									  >	and
God										God
forbid										forbid
the									  |	it
Euro									  <
will									  <
still										still
lead									  |	leads
you										you
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	Euro
If										If
you										you
can										can
be										be
in										in
the										the
same										same
perimeter									perimeter
have										have
your										your
Lira..										Lira..
So										So
that										that
the										the
Euro										Euro
does										does
not										not
interfere									interfere
with										with
the										the
inflation									inflation
that										that
the										the
Lira										Lira
is										is
worried										worried
about										about
No										No
in										in
fact										fact
from										from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
the										the
economy										economy
from										from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
export										export
it										it
is										is
very										very
profitable									profitable
Because										Because
it										it
is										is
very										very
difficult									difficult
for										for
the										the
population									population
for									  |	and
inflation								  <
for									  <
everything								  <
else									  <
And									  <
from										from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
production									production
you										you
produce										produce
in										in
a										a
cheap										cheap
currency									currency
The										The
same										same
thing										thing
for										for
example										example
did										did
Poland										Poland
in										in
its										its
time										time
It										It
purposefully									purposefully
weakened									weakened
its										its
evil									  |	currency
in									  |	so
order									  |	that
to									  |	being
be									  <
in										in
the										the
EU									  |	European
perimeter								  |	Union
and									  |	it
calmly									  |	could
									  >	easily
produce										produce
From										From
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
Germany										Germany
it										it
is										is
easier										easier
for										for
her									  |	it
to										to
go										go
to										to
some									  <
Turkey										Turkey
there									  |	and
to									  <
turn										turn
production									production
									  >	there
and										and
sell										sell
to									  <
produce										produce
cheap										cheap
paying										paying
for										for
it										it
all										all
in										in
Lira										Lira
than										than
to										to
be										be
in										in
a										a
deficit										deficit
which										which
is										is
20%										20%
every									  |	reduction
time									  |	in
									  >	production
									  >	God
									  >	forbid
									  >	in
Germany										Germany
and										and
there									  <
to									  <
produce										produce
at									  |	anything
least									  |	there
something								  <
This									  <
is									  <
the									  <
problem									  <
The										The
problem										problem
is										is
that									  |	not
Turkey									  |	this
won									  <
it									  <
The										The
question								  |	problem
is										is
that										that
Turkey										Turkey
									  >	has
always										always
wanted										wanted
to										to
be										be
a										a
hub										hub
She									  |	for
									  >	this
									  >	It
									  >	has
always										always
had									  |	been
problems								  |	controlled
with									  |	from
production									production
She									  |	It
									  >	has
always										always
pulled										pulled
all										all
the										the
gas										gas
pipelines									pipelines
It										It
was										was
she										she
who										who
laid										laid
the										the
first										first
Baku-Tbilisi-Jihang								Baku-Tbilisi-Jihang
which										which
of										of
course										course
									  >	was
carried										carried
									  >	by
									  >	the
oil										oil
from									  |	of
Azerbaijan									Azerbaijan
Baku-Tbilisi-Azeri-Gaza							  |	Baku-Tbilisi-Azeri-Gaz
from									  |	of
Azerbaijan									Azerbaijan
She										She
of									  |	accordingly
course									  |	was
held									  |	negotiating
talks									  <
about										about
the										the
origin									  |	passage
of										of
the										the
Iranian										Iranian
perimeter									perimeter
Through										Through
her									  |	it
by										by
the										the
way										way
									  >	the
Kurdish										Kurdish
oil										oil
is										is
also										also
pumped									  |	rocking
in										in
the										the
direction									direction
of										of
Skanderbeg									Skanderbeg
That										That
is										is
she										she
									  >	has
always										always
wanted										wanted
to										to
be										be
this										this
hub										hub
And										And
Europe										Europe
was										was
more									  |	most
afraid										afraid
of										of
it										it
in										in
fact										fact
And										And
at										at
one										one
time										time
when										when
the										the
decision									decision
was										was
made										made
to										to
torpedo										torpedo
the										the
South										South
Stream										Stream
which										which
by										by
the										the
way										way
was										was
torpedoed									torpedoed
by										by
Boyko										Boyko
Borisov										Borisov
in										in
many									  <
cases									  <
in									  <
Bulgaria									Bulgaria
then										then
the										the
idea										idea
was										was
that										that
if										if
you										you
do										do
not										not
want										want
to										to
directly									directly
interact									interact
directly									directly
lay										lay
the										the
branches									branches
get										get
acquainted									acquainted
here										here
is										is
your										your
intermediary									intermediary
the										the
Kurdagan								  |	Kurdogan
And										And
he										he
will										will
use										use
this..										this..
For										For
the										the
sake										sake
of										of
justice										justice
at										at
that										that
time										time
the										the
USA										USA
was										was
torpedoed									torpedoed
and										and
Boyko										Boyko
Borisov										Borisov
was										was
not										not
lucky										lucky
to										to
be										be
the										the
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
of										of
the										the
country										country
in										in
this										this
sad										sad
era									  |	time
of									  |	I
Bulgaria								  |	would
It									  |	like
should									  |	to
be									  |	note
noted									  <
that										that
Boyko										Boyko
Borisov										Borisov
himself										himself
signed										signed
the										the
decision									decision
of									  <
torpedoing								  <
the									  <
South									  <
Stream									  <
and										and
torpedoing								  |	from
									  >	Arperdin
									  >	to
Baku										Baku
Do										Do
you										you
want										want
the										the
Americans									Americans
to										to
come										come
and										and
sign										sign
on									  |	for
them										them
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
that										that
they									  |	both
pressed									  |	in
on									  <
Hungary										Hungary
and										and
									  >	in
Serbia										Serbia
and									  <
they										they
had										had
enough										enough
economic									economic
goals									  |	integrity
it									  |	this
was									  |	was
very										very
softly										softly
expressed									expressed
not									  <
calling									  <
specific								  <
bodies									  <
to										to
defend										defend
their										their
position									position
So										So
Zelensky									Zelensky
is										is
now										now
fighting									fighting
with										with
Russia										Russia
himself										himself
just										just
like										like
Boyko										Boyko
Borisov										Borisov
well										well
done										done
If										If
countries									countries
make										make
									  >	some
decisions									decisions
they										they
take										take
the									  <
consequences									consequences
for										for
it										it
If										If
he										he
manages										manages
to										to
fight										fight
if									  <
he									  <
allows									  <
economic								  <
assistance								  <
he										he
takes										takes
such										such
a										a
decision									decision
But										But
the										the
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
after										after
that										that
in										in
Bulgaria									Bulgaria
there										there
were										were
mass										mass
protests									protests
against										against
the										the
GKH										GKH
After									  |	after
that										that
Boyko										Boyko
Borisov										Borisov
himself										himself
repented									repented
four										four
times										times
Moreover									Moreover
he										he
actively									actively
lobbied										lobbied
the										the
same										same
Balkan										Balkan
stream										stream
after										after
saying									  |	which
									  >	he
									  >	said
that										that
we										we
made										made
a										a
very										very
serious										serious
mistake										mistake
The										The
problem										problem
will									  |	is
be									  <
in									  <
the										the
following									following
In										In
the										the
best										best
case..										case..
God										God
forbid										forbid
God									  <
forbid									  <
Erdogan									  <
will									  <
pass									  <
his									  <
parliamentary								  <
presidential								  <
elections								  <
Then										Then
we									  |	Erdogan
will										will
have										have
to										to
agree									  |	make
									  >	a
									  >	deal
with										with
the									  |	a
person										person
who										who
will										will
have										have
Iranian										Iranian
oil										oil
in										in
the										the
future										future
									  >	and
Azerbaijani									Azerbaijani
oil										oil
and										and
gas										gas
And									  |	This
this									  <
whole										whole
situation									situation
will										will
have										have
to										to
be										be
agreed									  |	arranged
with										with
him										him
This										This
is										is
a										a
person										person
who										who
									  >	can
									  >	supply
									  >	baraktars
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
can									  <
supply									  <
baroktars								  <
of									  <
course									  <
engage										engage
in										in
conflicts									conflicts
Ustad									  |	and
Tarakan									  |	so
as									  |	on
he									  <
was									  <
called									  <
in									  <
his									  <
youth									  <
a									  <
cheerful								  <
Volodymyr								  <
Zelensky								  <
I										I
would										would
not										not
insult										insult
any									  |	some
of										of
these										these
politicians									politicians
I										I
would										would
not										not
insult										insult
either										either
Please										Please
appeal										appeal
to										to
Zelensky									Zelensky
He										He
can										can
now										now
insult										insult
anyone										anyone
even										even
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin's										Putin's
entourage									entourage
whom									  |	who
I										I
will										will
tell										tell
									  >	you
again										again
									  >	is
									  >	considered
50										50
grams										grams
are									  <
counted									  <
by									  <
Vladimir								  <
and										and
a									  <
nuclear										nuclear
strike									  |	weapons
So									  <
imagine									  <
something								  <
here									  <
I									  <
think									  <
he									  <
will									  <
stop									  <
doing									  <
it									  <
The										The
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
now										now
such										such
a										a
situation									situation
is										is
being										being
drawn										drawn
when										when
your										your
negotiators									negotiators
will									  <
become										become
very										very
original									original
Your										Your
negotiator									negotiator
is										is
the										the
heir										heir
to										to
the										the
prince									  |	throne
who										who
has										has
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
such..									  |	such
The									  |	in
king									  <
and									  <
the										the
sultans									  |	book
are									  |	insults
our									  |	Negotiators
negotiators								  |	Some
now									  <
It's									  <
just									  <
some									  <
kind										kind
of										of
Shekhrizade									Shekhrizade
Look										Look
we										we
have										have
lived										lived
through										through
this										this
We									  |	thousands
have									  |	and
lived									  |	one
through									  |	nights
this									  <
in									  <
fact									  <
And										And
this										this
is										is
not										not
bad										bad
This										This
is										is
not										not
bad										bad
because										because
there										there
is										is
a										a
replacement									replacement
for										for
these										these
proud										proud
people										people
who										who
are										are
called										called
the									  |	Prime
prime									  |	Minister
minister								  <
or										or
rather										rather
the									  <
Chancellor									Chancellor
of										of
Germany										Germany
and										and
the									  <
President									President
of										of
France										France
If									  |	In
									  >	fact
									  >	if
you										you
look										look
closely..								  |	closely
Their									  |	their
functions									functions
are										are
performed									performed
by										by
the									  <
monarchs									monarchs
The									  <
heir									  <
But										But
the										the
problem										problem
is										is
the									  |	that
following								  |	if
If									  <
you										you
look										look
closely										closely
NASA									  |	these
is									  |	are
those									  |	the
people										people
who										who
have										have
gone										gone
through										through
very										very
original									original
stories										stories
These										These
stories										stories
have										have
determined									determined
their										their
position									position
What										What
did										did
Erdogan										Erdogan
go										go
through										through
Nothing									  |	His
he									  |	helicopter
had									  <
a									  <
military								  <
base									  <
He									  <
was										was
shot										shot
by									  <
a									  <
helicopter								  <
from										from
his										his
residence									residence
by									  <
the									  <
way									  <
In										In
any										any
case										case
									  >	in
									  >	which
he										he
considered									considered
his										his
residence									residence
And										And
he										he
went										went
through										through
it										it
and										and
									  >	he
remembers									remembers
it										it
When									  |	Accordingly
they									  |	Muhamad
were									  |	bin
									  >	Salman
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	person
									  >	who
									  >	went
									  >	through
									  >	the
									  >	situation
									  >	when
									  >	he
									  >	was
going										going
to										to
put										put
him										him
in										in
jail										jail
									  >	and
he										he
was										was
considered									considered
to										to
be										be
frozen										frozen
Sodo-Skaraev								  |	They
by									  <
the									  <
way									  <
wanted										wanted
to										to
officially									officially
show										show
a										a
whole										whole
volume										volume
of										of
such										such
demands										demands
on										on
September									September
1										1
When										When
he										he
was										was
cut									  |	fired
off									  |	from
by									  <
the										the
same										same
Yemeni										Yemeni
campaign									campaign
and										and
there										there
are										are
many										many
such										such
stories										stories
There										There
is										is
the										the
same										same
modi									  |	fashion
He										He
takes										takes
a										a
moderate									moderate
position									position
but										but
he										he
also										also
remembers									remembers
how										how
they										they
cut										cut
out									  |	off
the									  |	1,400
1400s									  <
how										how
Pakistan									Pakistan
was										was
supported									supported
by										by
the										the
way										way
for										for
a										a
very										very
long										long
time										time
That										That
is										is
from										from
these										these
people										people
from										from
these										these
personalities									personalities
the										the
fabric										fabric
of										of
this										this
future										future
is										is
collected									collected
And										And
these										these
mistakes									mistakes
themselves								  |	that
should									  |	were
not									  <
be									  <
made										made
by									  |	they
us									  |	need
That									  |	to
is									  |	be
for									  |	collected
example									  |	correctly
									  >	The
									  >	same
Venezuela									Venezuela
which										which
was										was
supported									supported
for										for
a										a
very										very
long										long
time										time
and										and
									  >	in
which										which
by										by
the										the
way										way
was									  |	they
saved										saved
by										by
the										the
way										way
And									  <
we									  <
are									  <
still									  <
saving									  <
it									  <
Our										Our
Locoel										Locoel
is										is
there										there
and										and
it										it
is										is
beautifully									beautifully
building									building
houses										houses
But										But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
it										it
is										is
necessary									necessary
to										to
understand									understand
that										that
accordingly									accordingly
there..										there..
They									  |	Pulling
took									  <
people										people
out										out
of										of
poverty										poverty
Rosneft										Rosneft
was										was
put										put
under										under
sanctions									sanctions
in									  |	partly
part									  <
for										for
Venezuela									Venezuela
and									  |	And
after										after
that										that
Maduro										Maduro
had									  |	conducts
									  >	negotiations
									  >	separately
									  >	with
									  >	Chevron
									  >	Our
									  >	task
									  >	is
to										to
keep										keep
his									  |	our
own										own
This										This
is										is
the										the
most										most
important									important
thing										thing
not										not
to										to
lose										lose
them										them
Because									  |	It
it									  <
will										will
be										be
possible									possible
to										to
acquire										acquire
new									  |	them
ones									  |	later
Afghanistan									Afghanistan
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
disassembled									disassembled
from									  <
its										its
alien										alien
Taliban										Taliban
like										like
the										the
first										first
state										state
in										in
the										the
world										world
I										I
mean										mean
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
which										which
began										began
to										to
establish									establish
relations									relations
									  >	Actually
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	diplomatic
									  >	relations
									  >	with
									  >	Chevron
I										I
am										am
talking										talking
about										about
it										it
The										The
Taliban										Taliban
government									government
is										is
not										not
very										very
unambiguous									unambiguous
They										They
come										come
and										and
vote										vote
against										against
us										us
As										As
you										you
said										said
correctly									correctly
from										from
these										these
materials									materials
the										the
fabric										fabric
is										is
collected									collected
They										They
have										have
their										their
own										own
materials									materials
there										there
It									  |	Show
is									  |	us
necessary								  |	who
									  >	we
									  >	now
									  >	have
to										to
be										be
friends										friends
with										with
Macron										Macron
We										We
know										know
that										that
he										he
used										used
to										to
like										like
to										to
call										call
Putin										Putin
Apparently									Apparently
Putin										Putin
was										was
also										also
offered										offered
by									  |	to
									  >	use
WhatsApp									WhatsApp
									  >	Putin
I										I
suppose										suppose
first										first
he										he
was										was
surprised									surprised
then										then
he										he
refused										refused
But										But
thank										thank
you										you
for										for
having										having
Zelensky									Zelensky
Attention									Attention
Of										Of
all										all
these										these
world										world
leaders										leaders
who										who
will										will
help										help
you										you
Who										Who
is										is
closer										closer
to										to
you										you
Closer										Closer
Or										Or
who										who
can										can
help										help
more										more
Help									  |	Well
									  >	help
on										on
a										a
human										human
level										level
									  >	On
									  >	a
									  >	human
									  >	level
Not										Not
financially									financially
of									  |	Of
course										course
this										this
is										is
the										the
strongest									strongest
country										country
that										that
can										can
help										help
you										you
more										more
But										But
on										on
a										a
human										human
level										level
are									  <
there										there
people									  <
who									  <
are										are
									  >	people
									  >	with
									  >	whom
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
closer										closer
to									  |	relationship
you									  <
I										I
really										really
had										had
close										close
relations									relations
with										with
Johnson										Johnson
He									  |	Close
was									  <
close									  <
With									  <
Johnson										Johnson
with									  <
Duda										Duda
I									  |	Yamuh
was									  |	and
able									  <
to									  <
call									  <
Latvia										Latvia
Lithuania									Lithuania
and										and
Gitanas									  |	Gitanos
These										These
are										are
the										the
people										people
I										I
was									  |	could
able									  <
to									  <
call										call
Emmanuel									Emmanuel
Macron										Macron
always										always
tells										tells
me										me
									  >	to
call										call
me										me
on										on
WhatsApp									WhatsApp
And										And
we										we
really										really
talk										talk
a										a
lot										lot
with										with
these										these
presidents									presidents
not										not
by									  |	according
									  >	to
									  >	the
protocol									protocol
but										but
quickly										quickly
Of										Of
course										course
there										there
are										are
diplomatic									diplomatic
relations									relations
with									  |	between
									  >	the
									  >	presidents
									  >	of
the										the
United										United
States										States
with									  |	and
Olaf										Olaf
Scholz										Scholz
and										and
so										so
on										on
These										These
relations									relations
are										are
as										as
strong										strong
as										as
with										with
these										these
countries									countries
that										that
I										I
mentioned									mentioned
I									  |	I'm
just										just
say									  |	saying
that										that
this										this
iPhone										iPhone
diplomacy									diplomacy
helped										helped
me										me
a										a
lot										lot
in										in
the										the
first										first
days										days
of										of
the										the
war										war
I										I
talked										talked
to										to
Duda										Duda
at										at
night										night
Please									  <
At										At
least										least
we										we
know										know
what									  |	that
phone									  <
President									President
Zelensky									Zelensky
uses										uses
when									  |	the
talking									  <
about									  <
iPhone										iPhone
diplomacy									diplomacy
He										He
doesn't										doesn't
work										work
on									  |	for
Android									  |	Andrew
But										But
									  >	going
back										back
to										to
the										the
question									question
of										of
voting										voting
in										in
the										the
UN										UN
What									  |	what
how										how
									  >	and
why										why
Everything									Everything
that										that
happens										happens
in										in
the										the
world										world
arena										arena
is										is
tied										tied
to										to
values										values
What										What
does										does
one										one
or										or
another										another
country										country
offer										offer
to										to
other										other
countries									countries
When									  |	Because
to									  |	international
some									  |	relations
extent									  |	are
it									  |	always
is									  <
based										based
either									  <
on										on
equality									equality
or									  |	according
then									  |	to
I									  <
am									  <
a									  <
hegemon									  <
and									  <
you									  <
act									  <
in									  <
my										my
paradigm									paradigm
Now										Now
we										we
see										see
that										that
the										the
hegemon										hegemon
who									  |	that
is										is
leaving										leaving
the										the
United										United
States										States
is										is
tensed									  |	strained
Where										Where
does										does
he									  |	it
go										go
Any									  |	Sooner
hegemon									  <
leaves									  <
sooner									  <
or										or
later										later
									  >	any
									  >	hegemon
									  >	leaves
This										This
is										is
a										a
story										story
that										that
never										never
stops									  |	ends
Look										Look
how										how
fast										fast
he									  |	it
runs										runs
I									  |	Mrs
agree									  |	Kukuyama
with									  |	talked
you									  |	about
									  >	the
									  >	end
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	story
Your										Your
end										end
of										of
the										the
story										story
runs									  |	is
As									  |	running
soon									  |	When
as									  <
it										it
falls										falls
there										there
will										will
be										be
no										no
hegemon										hegemon
So									  |	When
hegemon									  |	it
does									  |	doesn't
not									  |	go
leave									  |	the
hegemon										hegemon
runs										runs
away										away
Today										Today
we										we
quoted										quoted
Joseph										Joseph
Borrell										Borrell
and										and
he										he
said										said
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
interesting									interesting
things										things
Today										Today
he										he
said										said
a										a
wonderful									wonderful
thing										thing
At										At
the										the
press										press
conference									conference
he										he
said										said
that										that
Europe										Europe
is										is
a										a
garden										garden
that										that
we										we
built										built
and										and
around									  <
it									  <
there										there
are										are
jungles										jungles
									  >	around
									  >	it
that										that
									  >	are
now										now
invade									  |	invading
this									  |	the
garden										garden
that										that
we										we
built										built
for									  |	and
ourselves								  |	when
of									  <
course									  <
When									  <
he										he
said										said
this									  |	that
I										I
was										was
inspired								  |	amazed
by										by
some										some
keypling								  <
some									  <
colonial									colonial
plots										plots
when										when
they										they
said										said
that										that
there										there
is										is
a									  <
white										white
Europe										Europe
and										and
there									  <
are									  <
all										all
the									  <
other										other
racial										racial
and										and
other										other
theories									theories
of										of
underdeveloped									underdeveloped
peoples										peoples
that										that
need										need
to										to
be										be
pulled										pulled
out										out
somewhere								  |	Maybe
Or									  <
maybe									  <
not										not
pull									  |	to
									  >	be
									  >	pulled
out										out
but									  |	maybe
									  >	to
									  >	leave
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	Belgian
									  >	emperor
									  >	who
									  >	pulled
									  >	out
									  >	the
									  >	Congolese
									  >	in
									  >	Kiev
									  >	No
he										he
cut										cut
his										his
hands										hands
off									  |	with
because									  |	a
he									  |	knife
was									  |	of
not									  <
given									  <
rubber									  <
bands									  <
And									  <
this									  <
is									  <
what									  <
the										the
19th										19th
century										century
was									  <
like									  <
And										And
then										then
comrade									  <
Borrell										Borrell
said										said
a										a
wonderful									wonderful
thing										thing
My										My
Eastern										Eastern
European									European
friends										friends
as									  <
he									  <
said									  <
we									  <
are										are
now										now
fighting									fighting
with										with
Russia										Russia
and										and
we										we
cannot									  |	can't
tell										tell
the										the
whole										whole
truth										truth
We									  |	You
should									  |	shouldn't
not									  <
lie										lie
but										but
we									  |	you
should									  |	shouldn't
not									  <
tell										tell
the										the
whole										whole
truth										truth
of									  |	about
what										what
is										is
happening									happening
in										in
the										the
East										East
You									  |	What
know									  <
what									  <
we										we
are										are
saying										saying
is									  |	here
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	studio
that										that
the										the
West										West
is										is
a										a
civilization									civilization
of										of
lies										lies
a										a
civilization									civilization
of										of
hypocrisy									hypocrisy
exchange								  <
of										of
values										values
and										and
double										double
standards									standards
All									  |	is
this									  <
has									  <
already										already
been									  <
said										said
by										by
the										the
head										head
of										of
European									European
diplomacy									diplomacy
And									  <
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
my										my
personal									personal
impression									impression
Yesterday									Yesterday
I										I
was									  |	talked
talking									  <
with										with
German										German
and										and
American									American
energy										energy
experts										experts
about										about
Putin's										Putin's
speech										speech
on										on
the										the
energy										energy
week										week
when										when
the										the
friendly									friendly
hand										hand
of										of
this									  <
equal										equal
cooperation									cooperation
									  >	was
									  >	once
									  >	again
									  >	stretched
when										when
we										we
give										give
you										you
resources									resources
and									  |	that
receive									  |	are
at									  <
least									  <
respect									  <
But									  <
here									  <
is									  <
not										not
a									  <
friendly									friendly
hand									  <
but										but
a									  <
pragmatic									pragmatic
one									  <
Yes										Yes
but										but
an									  |	of
equal										equal
cooperation									cooperation
when										when
it										it
is										is
said										said
that										that
we										we
agree										agree
to										to
return										return
to										to
cooperation									cooperation
but										but
under										under
the										the
guarantee									guarantee
of										of
security									security
under										under
the										the
guarantee									guarantee
of										of
some										some
normal										normal
relations									relations
in										in
the										the
future										future
They										They
told										told
me										me
no										no
we										we
are										are
talking										talking
again									  <
about										about
values										values
									  >	again
I										I
said										said
well										well
what										what
are										are
your										your
values										values
They									  |	Our
									  >	values
									  >	they
answered									answered
me										me
this									  |	are
is									  |	technologies
technology								  |	We
Tomorrow								  |	call
we									  <
will									  <
give									  <
some									  <
new									  <
technological								  <
layout									  <
we									  <
will									  <
sell									  <
it										it
to									  |	a
new										new
countries								  |	country
Of										Of
course										course
this										this
is										is
green										green
energy										energy
which										which
they										they
are										are
still										still
wandering									wandering
about										about
And										And
after										after
that										that
all										all
your										your
oil										oil
gas										gas
coal										coal
deposits									deposits
become										become
approximately									approximately
like										like
the										the
19th										19th
century										century
I										I
said									  |	say
well										well
did									  |	have
you										you
look									  |	looked
at										at
your										your
own										own
program										program
when										when
you										you
adopted										adopted
it										it
in										in
2030										2030
in									  |	to
									  >	have
									  >	45%
									  >	of
green										green
energy										energy
Now									  |	and
									  >	now
they										they
have										have
gradually									gradually
corrected									corrected
put										put
30									  |	30%
Why									  |	It
Because									  <
it									  <
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
without										without
Russia										Russia
it										it
is										is
impossible									impossible
to										to
build										build
a									  |	some
									  >	kind
									  >	of
stable										stable
society										society
at									  <
all									  <
It										It
turns										turns
out										out
like										like
this										this
Stop										Stop
mobile									  |	cell
phone										phone
stop										stop
refrigerator									refrigerator
stop										stop
boiler										boiler
stop										stop
freezer										freezer
highlight									highlight
Well										Well
this										this
is										is
still										still
a										a
road										road
with										with
two-way										two-way
traffic										traffic
because										because
we										we
can't									  |	cannot
do										do
much										much
without										without
them										them
at										at
all										all
For										For
example										example
in										in
the										the
same										same
coal-fired									coal-fired
sphere										sphere
we										we
can't									  |	cannot
develop										develop
SPGs										SPGs
without										without
Western										Western
technologies									technologies
But									  |	And
here										here
is										is
an										an
interesting									interesting
case										case
What									  |	Today
is									  |	Plumber
Blumberg								  |	writes
writing									  |	that
about									  <
today									  <
No									  <
what									  <
is									  <
Blumberg								  <
writing									  <
about									  <
today									  <
That									  <
the										the
first										first
tankers									  <
from									  <
the									  <
SPG									  <
from									  <
the									  <
SPG										SPG
terminal								  |	tankers
in									  |	who
									  >	left
the										the
Baltic										Baltic
Sea										Sea
begin									  |	terminal
									  >	began
to										to
come										come
to										to
the										the
Mediterranean									Mediterranean
coast										coast
Moreover								  |	and
in									  |	to
Africa										Africa
in									  |	to
Greece										Greece
and										and
in									  |	to
other										other
countries									countries
They									  |	Maybe
can									  |	maybe
they									  |	Evgeny
can									  |	maybe
This										This
is										is
French										French
technology									technology
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	our
									  >	technology
And										And
today										today
the										the
same										same
conversation									conversation
with										with
Erdogan										Erdogan
is										is
a									  <
conversation								  <
about										about
the										the
launch										launch
of										of
the										the
first										first
tanker									  |	battery
									  >	block
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
plant										plant
Once										Once
again										again
we										we
have										have
our										our
own										own
path										path
of										of
technological									technological
improvement									improvement
that									  |	which
differs										differs
from										from
Western										Western
solar										solar
batteries									batteries
differs									  <
from										from
Western										Western
wind										wind
turbines									turbines
I										I
mean										mean
business									business
as										as
usual										usual
That										That
is										is
we										we
will										will
not										not
be										be
able										able
to										to
intercept									intercept
the										the
initiative									initiative
of										of
the										the
Americans									Americans
in										in
terms										terms
of										of
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
SPGs										SPGs
If										If
they										they
begin									  |	start
to									  |	supplying
supply									  <
SPGs										SPGs
then										then
we										we
will										will
not										not
be										be
able										able
to										to
If										If
they										they
begin									  |	start
to									  |	supplying
supply									  <
SPGs										SPGs
then										then
we										we
will										will
not										not
be										be
able										able
to										to
supply									  |	If
the									  |	they
same									  |	start
volumes									  |	supplying
At									  |	SPGs
lower									  |	then
prices									  <
we										we
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	We
do										do
not										not
have										have
such										such
a										a
number										number
of										of
tankers										tankers
no									  |	we
SPG									  |	do
technology								  |	not
									  >	have
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	number
									  >	of
									  >	SPGs
They										They
are										are
being										being
built										built
for										for
a										a
year									  |	long
									  >	time
They										They
are										are
being										being
built										built
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
They									  |	We
have										have
not										not
started										started
to									  |	building
build									  |	them
Once										Once
again										again
look										look
we										we
understand									understand
that										that
the										the
last										last
8										8
years										years
we										we
have										have
been										been
preparing									preparing
for										for
exactly										exactly
the										the
conflict									conflict
that										that
is										is
now										now
going										going
on										on
We									  |	Because
realized								  |	we
									  >	understood
that										that
sooner										sooner
or										or
later										later
we										we
will										will
face										face
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
block										block
and										and
we										we
will										will
face										face
the									  |	an
most									  <
unpleasant									unpleasant
situation									situation
for										for
ourselves									ourselves
I										I
must										must
say										say
that										that
the										the
economic									economic
block										block
which										which
can										can
now										now
be										be
criticized									criticized
it										it
can										can
be										be
said										said
that										that
it										it
has										has
not										not
finished								  |	finalized
something									something
but										but
in									  |	compared
comparison								  |	to
with									  <
our										our
									  >	other
spheres										spheres
in										in
particular									particular
									  >	let's
									  >	say
as										as
we										we
have									  <
discussed									discussed
now										now
our										our
economists									economists
have										have
worked										worked
100										100
percent										percent
									  >	Our
									  >	economists
									  >	have
									  >	worked
									  >	100
									  >	percent
And										And
here										here
the										the
question									question
arises										arises
I									  |	There
just									  |	is
remembered								  |	another
that									  |	approach
									  >	The
									  >	economists
									  >	have
									  >	worked
									  >	normally
									  >	and
everyone									everyone
else										else
has										has
worked									  |	Well
well									  <
Good									  <
And										And
for										for
me										me
this										this
coat										coat
that										that
Putin										Putin
gave										gave
to										to
Mohammed									Mohammed
bin										bin
Zaid										Zaid
the										the
president									president
of										of
the										the
EU									  |	UAE
and										and
when										when
the										the
Europeans									Europeans
wrote										wrote
why										why
doesn't										doesn't
Putin										Putin
give										give
us										us
millions									millions
of										of
coats										coats
This									  |	So
									  >	this
is										is
a										a
new										new
world										world
that										that
is										is
coming										coming
when										when
Russia										Russia
will										will
cooperate									cooperate
And										And
we									  |	it
can										can
say									  |	be
									  >	said
that										that
Iranian										Iranian
drones										drones
are										are
moped									  |	mopeds
or										or
balalaika									balalaika
but										but
they										they
fly										fly
									  >	and
									  >	fly
to										to
their									  |	the
goals									  |	goal
And										And
nothing										nothing
sorry									  |	excuse
until									  |	me
									  >	while
the										the
PVO									  <
praised										praised
									  >	PVO
including									including
the										the
									  >	one
									  >	supplied
									  >	by
PZRK										PZRK
can									  |	can't
do										do
it										it
And										And
therefore									therefore
once										once
again										again
we										we
must										must
believe										believe
in										in
our										our
strength									strength
we										we
must										must
look										look
for										for
allies										allies
And										And
we										we
already										already
have										have
allies										allies
look										look
even										even
									  >	here
I										I
agree										agree
here									  <
India										India
and										and
China										China
this									  |	excuse
is									  |	me
									  >	are
not										not
half										half
of										of
the										the
world										world
but										but
this										this
is										is
an										an
important									important
part										part
of										of
the										the
world										world
which									  |	that
is										is
not										not
yet										yet
set										set
up										up
You										You
can										can
call										call
them										them
allies										allies
Partners									Partners
yes										yes
but										but
not										not
allies										allies
Just										Just
all										all
their										their
allies										allies
									  >	and
the										the
entire									  |	whole
European									European
Union										Union
the										the
entire									  |	whole
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Alliance									Alliance
voted										voted
against										against
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
And										And
those										those
people										people
whom										whom
you										you
call										call
our										our
allies										allies
did										did
not										not
vote										vote
for										for
the										the
support										support
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
everything								  |	Everything
									  >	that
they										they
could										could
so										so
far										far
resist										resist
We										We
will										will
write										write
this									  |	it
down										down
that										that
if										if
there										there
is										is
and										and
there										there
will										will
be										be
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
new										new
world										world
order										order
it										it
will										will
be										be
formed										formed
and										and
their										their
positions									positions
are										are
not										not
yet									  <
so										so
strong										strong
									  >	yet
although									although
it										it
would										would
seem										seem
that										that
China										China
may										may
be										be
afraid										afraid
of										of
something									something
And									  |	About
then									  |	the
									  >	coat
Peskov										Peskov
said										said
if										if
they									  |	he
don't									  |	doesn't
give										give
it										it
back									  <
it's										it's
okay										okay
but									  <
it									  <
seems									  <
that									  <
he									  <
did									  <
not									  <
give									  <
it									  <
back									  <
he									  <
has									  <
already									  <
left									  <
and										and
is									  |	he
not									  |	doesn't
planning								  |	plan
to										to
give										give
it										it
back										back
And									  |	Then
then									  <
he										he
will										will
set									  |	put
									  >	it
up										up
									  >	in
a										a
museum										museum
Certainly									Certainly
And									  |	and
as										as
for										for
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
President's									President's
press										press
secretary									secretary
he										he
is										is
here										here
finally										finally
we										we
have										have
been										been
waiting										waiting
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
there										there
will										will
probably									probably
be										be
some										some
details										details
about										about
the										the
diversion									diversion
on										on
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
stream										stream
if										if
Putin										Putin
announced								  <
soon										soon
									  >	announced
that										that
they										they
were										were
preparing									preparing
finally										finally
they									  <
told										told
us										us
everything									everything
that									  |	People
they									  |	who
wanted										wanted
to										to
build									  |	make
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
attack										attack
Soon									  |	are
									  >	detained
we										we
will										will
probably									probably
see										see
them										them
with										with
you										you
Attention								  |	soon
They										They
were										were
already									  <
on										on
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
stream									  |	side
there									  |	they
were										were
some									  |	taken
									  >	as
saboteurs									saboteurs
several									  |	a
									  >	few
people										people
were										were
arrested								  |	risky
soon									  <
but										but
they										they
wanted										wanted
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
on									  <
our										our
territory									territory
on									  |	and
Susha									  |	our
									  >	country
And										And
they										they
are										are
already									  <
on										on
the										the
stream									  |	side
actually								  |	of
standing								  |	those
									  >	who
									  >	are
in										in
a										a
functional									functional
state										state
completely								  |	who
busy									  |	are
									  >	fully
									  >	engaged
working										working
as										as
part										part
of										of
the										the
route										route
March									  |	We
Music									  |	will
Up									  |	be
to									  |	back
Sunday									  |	soon
at									  |	We
5.20									  |	will
on									  |	be
the									  |	back
«Russia»								  <
channel…								  <
Music									  <
All										All
together									together
The									  |	A
long-awaited									long-awaited
new										new
season										season
Watch									  |	We
it									  |	are
all									  |	watching
together								  |	All
									  >	Together
Tomorrow									Tomorrow
at										at
21.30										21.30
Cogg									  <
utilizoo								  <
has									  <
been									  <
starting								  <
since									  <
the									  <
start									  <
of									  <
requirements								  <
to									  <
reduce									  <
the									  <
strongly								  <
detected								  <
In									  <
the									  <
heart									  <
of									  <
Parma									  <
Already									  <
in									  <
the									  <
cinema									  <
3-Krizan								  <
3-Krizan								  <
It									  <
helps									  <
to									  <
treat									  <
RV									  <
strengthen								  <
immunity								  <
and									  <
restore									  <
strength								  <
3-Krizan								  <
Be									  <
healthy									  <
Happy										Happy
birthday									birthday
Russian										Russian
youth										youth
Live										Live
for										for
a										a
billion										billion
rubles										rubles
Did										Did
you										you
buy										buy
Dalgit									  |	Dolgit
cream										cream
I										I
bought										bought
another										another
one										one
I										I
use										use
only										only
Dalgit									  |	Dolgit
cream										cream
from										from
the										the
pain										pain
in										in
the										the
wrists										wrists
Yellow										Yellow
packaging									packaging
Dalgit									  |	Dolgit
Available									Available
packaging									packaging
for									  |	from
149										149
rubles										rubles
Совкомбанк								  |	Sovkom
									  >	Bank
In										In
three										three
minutes										minutes
In									  |	in
two										two
clicks										clicks
On									  |	on
one										one
call										call
To									  |	to
make									  |	provide
a										a
deposit										deposit
of										of
8.5%										8.5%
per										per
annum									  |	year
Совкомбанк								  |	Sovkom
									  >	Bank
Closer										Closer
to										to
people										people
Nobazid									  |	At
attacks									  <
the										the
viruses									  |	base
of									  <
the										the
flu										flu
and										and
RV									  |	ARV
already									  |	will
									  >	be
									  >	tested
									  >	for
two										two
hours										hours
after										after
receiving								  |	the
									  >	treatment
acting										acting
on										on
the										the
cause										cause
of										of
the										the
disease										disease
Nobazid									  |	At
Start									  |	the
									  >	base
									  >	start
treatment									treatment
on										on
time										time
Protect										Protect
yourself									yourself
and										and
your										your
loved										loved
ones										ones
Happy										Happy
birthday									birthday
Russian									  <
youth									  <
Two										Two
tickets										tickets
are									  |	out
won									  |	of
from									  <
three										three
									  >	win
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	lottery
									  >	Are
									  >	you
									  >	trying
									  >	to
									  >	guess
									  >	if
									  >	the
									  >	bank
									  >	will
									  >	approve
									  >	your
									  >	credit
									  >	Compare
									  >	will
									  >	help
									  >	you
									  >	to
									  >	know
									  >	for
									  >	sure
									  >	Check
									  >	your
									  >	credit
									  >	rating
									  >	Apply
									  >	and
									  >	find
									  >	out
									  >	which
									  >	bank
									  >	will
									  >	approve
									  >	the
									  >	credit
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	following
									  >	conditions
									  >	If
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	credit
									  >	then
									  >	compare
									  >	Choose
									  >	the
									  >	best
Open										Open
the										the
M-Video									  |	M-video
app									  |	application
and										and
get										get
500										500
bonus									  |	donation
rubles										rubles
Sounds										Sounds
profitable									profitable
We										We
have										have
to										to
choose										choose
with										with
pasta										pasta
or										or
with									  <
mashed										mashed
potatoes									potatoes
But										But
we										we
know										know
for										for
sure										sure
that									  |	The
the									  <
cutlets										cutlets
are										are
only										only
from										from
Cherkizov									Cherkizov
from									  |	From
the										the
meat										meat
of										of
our									  |	their
own										own
farms										farms
Cherkizov									Cherkizov
With									  |	with
pasta										pasta
and										and
mashed										mashed
potatoes									potatoes
The										The
best										best
natural										natural
purifier									purifier
in										in
the										the
world										world
is										is
nature									  |	natural
It									  |	purification
can									  |	of
naturally								  <
cleanse									  <
water										water
and										and
air										air
Therefore									Therefore
we									  <
recommend								  <
the									  <
LIV-52									  <
drug									  <
for										for
natural										natural
									  >	purification
									  >	of
									  >	the
liver										liver
cleansing								  |	we
									  >	recommend
LIV-52										LIV-52
cleans									  |	LIV-52
									  >	purifies
restores									restores
and										and
protects									protects
the										the
liver										liver
LIV-52										LIV-52
is										is
an										an
expert										expert
in										in
cleansing								  |	the
									  >	purification
and										and
restoring								  |	restoration
									  >	of
the										the
liver										liver
We										We
will										will
see										see
and										and
show										show
more										more
of									  |	than
the										the
rest										rest
Moscow										Moscow
Kremlin										Kremlin
Putin										Putin
Every										Every
Sunday										Sunday
at										at
22.00										22.00
Hello										Hello
this									  |	This
is										is
a										a
special										special
broadcast									broadcast
from										from
VestiFak								  |	VestiF
radio									  <
station									  <
Wherever									Wherever
you										you
may									  |	are
be									  <
All										All
the										the
latest										latest
information									information
about										about
the										the
Russian										Russian
military									military
and										and
special										special
military									military
operations									operations
Round									  |	The
the									  |	exporters
clock									  |	have
Export									  <
companies								  <
are									  <
obliged									  <
to										to
sell										sell
80%										80%
of										of
the										the
currency								  |	money
The										The
situation									situation
changes										changes
every										every
second										second
From										From
the										the
latest										latest
information									information
which									  |	that
few										few
people										people
know										know
we										we
have										have
moved										moved
forward										forward
To										To
find										find
out										out
first										first
and										and
foremost									foremost
We										We
have										have
found										found
a									  <
place									  <
where									  <
we									  <
can									  <
predict									  <
the										the
general									  |	points
									  >	of
									  >	common
position									position
Get										Get
ready										ready
for										for
VestiFa-STFM								  |	VestiF
									  >	and
									  >	STFM
I										I
need										need
to										to
talk										talk
to										to
you										you
I										I
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
need										need
to									  <
We										We
have										have
to										to
find										find
out										out
what										what
happened									happened
then										then
Why										Why
It's									  |	Everything
all									  |	is
in										in
the										the
past										past
We									  |	we
are										are
in										in
the										the
past										past
The										The
Ninth										Ninth
Wave										Wave
Premieres									Premieres
on										on
Saturday									Saturday
at										at
21.00										21.00
on									  |	On
the										the
Russian										Russian
channel									  |	Channel
									  >	The
									  >	Ninth
									  >	Wave
Now										Now
about										about
the									  <
sanctions									sanctions
The									  |	What
fact									  <
that									  <
they										they
got										got
everyone									everyone
and									  |	The
the									  <
truth									  <
We									  <
remember								  <
well									  <
the									  <
first										first
one										one
									  >	we
									  >	remember
									  >	well
Roger										Roger
Waters										Waters
broke										broke
down									  |	He
This									  <
is										is
the										the
bass										bass
guitarist									guitarist
of										of
Pink										Pink
Floyd										Floyd
Now										Now
the										the
founder										founder
of										of
Modern										Modern
Talking										Talking
broke									  <
down									  <
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen									  |	Bolling
									  >	broke
									  >	He
criticized									criticized
the										the
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
From										From
which										which
the										the
Russians									Russians
are										are
not										not
cold										cold
not									  <
hot									  <
but										but
the										the
Germans										Germans
are										are
cold										cold
And										And
very										very
cold										cold
And									  |	Now
now									  <
they										they
are										are
afraid										afraid
to										to
freeze										freeze
in										in
winter										winter
and									  |	They
are										are
forced										forced
to										to
warm										warm
up										up
Which									  |	What
is										is
characteristic									characteristic
The									  |	the
audience								  |	public
met										met
the										the
words										words
in									  |	with
a									  <
stormy										stormy
and										and
long									  |	continuous
applause									applause
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen									  |	Bolling
unexpectedly									unexpectedly
criticized									criticized
the										the
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
From									  <
which									  <
the									  <
Russians								  <
are									  <
not									  <
cold									  <
not									  <
hot									  <
but									  <
the									  <
Germans									  <
are									  <
cold									  <
I										I
support									  |	agree
									  >	with
the										the
following									following
opinion										opinion
And										And
you										you
can										can
whistle										whistle
at									  <
me										me
now										now
I										I
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
care										care
I									  |	But
think									  <
that									  <
if										if
we										we
didn't									  |	did
									  >	not
introduce									introduce
the									  <
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
and										and
politely								  |	reasonably
would									  <
sit										sit
at										at
the										the
									  >	negotiating
table										table
of									  <
negotiations								  <
the										the
Germans										Germans
would										would
not										not
have										have
enough										enough
for										for
their									  |	the
heads									  |	head
now									  <
and										and
would										would
not										not
shout										shout
that										that
now										now
we										we
will										will
freeze										freeze
And									  |	and
so										so
on										on
But										But
this										this
is										is
all										all
complete									complete
shit										shit
I										I
think										think
so										so
We										We
are										are
told										told
that										that
we										we
supposedly								  |	should
need									  |	be
to									  |	treated
treat									  <
it									  <
with										with
understanding									understanding
After										After
all										all
there										there
is										is
a										a
war										war
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
What									  |	This
do									  |	is
									  >	just
									  >	what
we										we
have										have
in										in
the										the
end										end
Russia										Russia
is										is
now										now
simply										simply
selling										selling
gas										gas
to										to
Asia										Asia
for										for
much										much
more										more
money										money
I										I
can't									  |	do
get									  |	not
									  >	have
it										it
all										all
in										in
my										my
head										head
As										As
you										you
understand									understand
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen									  |	Bolling
refuses										refuses
to										to
understand									understand
why										why
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
are										are
needed										needed
During										During
this										this
speech										speech
the										the
audience								  |	public
literally									literally
shook										shook
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen's								  |	Bolling
hand									  <
He										He
expressed									expressed
his										his
opinion										opinion
and										and
earned										earned
approval									approval
in										in
the										the
hall										hall
for									  |	of
this									  |	many
Unfortunately									Unfortunately
we										we
hear										hear
similar										similar
statements									statements
in										in
Germany										Germany
more										more
and										and
more										more
often										often
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen									  |	Bolling
did										did
not										not
remain										remain
silent										silent
in										in
his										his
speech										speech
He									  |	Yes
goes									  |	more
									  >	and
									  >	more
									  >	Germans
									  >	go
to										to
protests									protests
and										and
discussions									discussions
on									  |	about
the										the
purposefulness									purposefulness
of										of
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
It's									  |	are
getting									  |	burning
hot									  <
in										in
Germany										Germany
It's									  |	more
									  >	and
									  >	more
									  >	hot
									  >	It
									  >	was
not										not
in										in
vain										vain
that										that
I										I
bought										bought
a										a
record										record
of										of
Modern										Modern
Token										Token
in										in
the										the
third										third
grade										grade
Here									  |	Please
you									  <
go									  <
In										In
the										the
United										United
States										States
an										an
exhibition									exhibition
of										of
weapons										weapons
and										and
special										special
equipment									equipment
was										was
held										held
under										under
the										the
guise										guise
of										of
the										the
Association									Association
of										of
Land										Land
Forces										Forces
It										It
was										was
held										held
under										under
the										the
informal									informal
division									division
of										of
Weapons										Weapons
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
The									  |	There
									  >	the
US										US
Armed									  |	military
Forces									  |	and
									  >	armed
									  >	forces
began										began
to										to
draw										draw
conclusions									conclusions
on									  |	from
the										the
results										results
of										of
special										special
military									military
operations									operations
Here										Here
are										are
some										some
conclusions									conclusions
they										they
came										came
to										to
The									  |	First
first									  |	of
weapon									  |	all
should									  |	the
be									  |	use
without									  |	of
unnecessary								  |	weapons
attachments								  <
That									  <
is									  <
it									  <
should										should
be										be
simple										simple
convenient									convenient
to									  |	in
use										use
convenient									convenient
for									  |	in
combat										combat
use										use
That									  |	It
is									  <
it									  <
should										should
be										be
mastered									mastered
by										by
a										a
middle-class									middle-class
fighter										fighter
in										in
a										a
fairly										fairly
short										short
time										time
That										That
is										is
									  >	let
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
should									  |	take
collect									  <
stones										stones
and										and
go										go
to										to
war										war
with										with
the										the
Russians									Russians
As										As
for										for
the									  <
artillery									artillery
the									  <
artillery									artillery
confirmed									confirmed
that										that
it										it
is										is
the										the
god										god
of										of
war										war
in										in
combination									combination
with										with
the									  <
corrective									corrective
ammunition									ammunition
and										and
unmanned									unmanned
aerial										aerial
vehicles								  |	weapons
designed								  |	intended
to									  |	for
correct									  <
fire										fire
									  >	correction
Against										Against
this										this
background									background
the										the
Americans									Americans
decided										decided
to										to
resume										resume
the										the
Syrian									  <
production									production
of										of
the										the
Gaubez									  <
M3-7										M3-7
									  >	howitzers
which										which
did									  |	proved
well									  |	to
during									  |	be
									  >	good
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	course
									  >	of
the										the
conflict									conflict
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
In										In
this										this
regard										regard
sometimes									sometimes
you									  |	I
want										want
to										to
tear										tear
your									  |	my
hair										hair
on										on
your									  |	my
head										head
In										In
this									  |	what
regard									  |	sense
our									  |	Our
promising									promising
Gaubez									  |	howitzer
the										the
									  >	S.V
coalition									coalition
of									  <
the									  <
Soviet									  <
Union									  <
has										has
been										been
working										working
on										on
it										it
for										for
more										more
than										than
10										10
years										years
The										The
money										money
for										for
this										this
project										project
was										was
spent									  |	there
then										then
it										it
was										was
closed										closed
for									  <
a									  <
while									  <
because										because
the										the
funds										funds
were										were
running										running
out										out
But										But
									  >	here
I										I
would									  |	want
like									  <
to										to
say										say
that										that
we										we
did										did
not										not
have										have
enough										enough
money										money
for										for
this										this
period										period
of										of
time										time
But										But
for										for
such										such
a										a
promising									promising
weapon										weapon
for										for
the										the
means										means
of										of
correction..									correction..
Tell										Tell
me										me
Mikhail										Mikhail
Mikhailovich									Mikhailovich
what										what
did										did
you									  |	we
spend									  |	have
on									  <
This										This
is										is
no										no
longer										longer
in										in
my										my
department								  |	field
Mikhail										Mikhail
Mikhailovich									Mikhailovich
it									  |	apparently
seems									  <
that									  <
we										we
really										really
shot										shot
down										down
more										more
rockets										rockets
that										that
were										were
launched								  |	released
by										by
the										the
Belgorod									Belgorod
region									  |	authorities
and										and
Belgorod									Belgorod
American									American
missiles								  |	rockets
were									  |	what
shot									  <
down									  <
apparently								  <
What									  <
kind										kind
of										of
rocket									  |	rockets
is									  <
it									  <
and										and
how										how
did										did
we										we
manage										manage
to										to
do										do
it										it
Did									  |	That
									  >	is
									  >	did
you										you
win										win
									  >	in
this										this
air										air
battle										battle
It										It
is										is
still										still
very										very
difficult									difficult
to										to
judge										judge
now									  <
because										because
as										as
they										they
say										say
we										we
need										need
to										to
carefully									carefully
examine										examine
									  >	all
the										the
results										results
of										of
									  >	the
objective									objective
control										control
It									  |	But
is									  |	the
clear									  |	fact
that										that
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
side										side
was									  |	clearly
planning								  |	planned
to										to
cause										cause
much										much
more										more
destruction									destruction
to										to
this										this
regional									regional
center										center
This									  <
is										is
obvious										obvious
And										And
it										it
is										is
obvious										obvious
that										that
the										the
PVO										PVO
system										system
again									  <
they									  <
clearly										clearly
did										did
not										not
want										want
to										to
go										go
out									  |	beyond
on									  <
this										this
result										result
									  >	and
to										to
damage									  |	destroy
one										one
building									building
there										there
Since									  |	In
in									  <
this										this
regard										regard
it										it
can										can
already										already
be										be
said										said
that										that
the										the
means										means
of										of
anti-aircraft									anti-aircraft
missile										missile
cover										cover
radar										radar
reconnaissance									reconnaissance
control										control
means										means
in										in
general										general
have									  <
fulfilled									fulfilled
their										their
task										task
in										in
the										the
reflection									reflection
of										of
this										this
blow										blow
that									  |	by
they									  |	the
have									  |	air
done									  |	attack
This										This
is										is
what										what
I										I
say										say
as										as
a										a
specialist									specialist
Again										Again
at										at
the										the
end										end
of										of
this									  |	the
									  >	lighting
									  >	of
									  >	this
exhibition									exhibition
what										what
are										are
they										they
planning									planning
to										to
put										put
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
the										the
near										near
future										future
Again									  |	The
it									  <
has									  <
been									  <
confirmed								  <
that									  <
the									  <
unmanned									unmanned
aerial										aerial
vehicles									vehicles
are										are
of										of
great										great
importance									importance
especially									especially
in										in
the										the
tactical									tactical
link										link
including									including
barraging									barraging
ammunition									ammunition
They										They
are										are
going										going
to										to
put										put
the										the
Switchblade-600									Switchblade-600
the										the
Puma										Puma
unmanned									unmanned
aerial										aerial
vehicles									vehicles
and										and
the										the
Phoenix										Phoenix
Ghost										Ghost
It									  |	This
									  >	unmanned
									  >	aerial
									  >	vehicle
is										is
so										so
secretive									secretive
that										that
it										it
was										was
not										not
even										even
at										at
the										the
exhibition									exhibition
The										The
representative									representative
of										of
the										the
industrial									industrial
enterprise									enterprise
was										was
there									  <
the										the
apparatus									apparatus
was										was
not										not
there									  |	Well
And									  <
what										what
should										should
be										be
said										said
at										at
the										the
end										end
Again									  |	That
measures									measures
are										are
being									  <
taken										taken
from										from
the										the
American									American
side										side
And									  |	and
it									  |	it's
is									  <
probably									probably
time										time
for										for
us										us
to										to
think										think
about										about
it										it
that										that
we										we
still										still
need										need
to										to
strengthen									strengthen
the										the
protection									protection
of										of
armored										armored
vehicles									vehicles
from										from
the										the
upper										upper
hemisphere									hemisphere
The										The
most										most
vulnerable									vulnerable
part										part
the										the
thinnest									thinnest
armor										armor
is										is
easily										easily
affected									affected
by										by
kamikaze								  |	both
weapons									  |	unmanned
									  >	aerial
									  >	vehicles
and										and
anti-tank									anti-tank
missile										missile
complexes									complexes
That										That
is										is
we									  |	it
need									  |	is
									  >	necessary
to										to
strengthen									strengthen
the										the
upper										upper
hemisphere									hemisphere
in										in
some										some
way										way
As										As
for										for
the										the
more										more
large-scale									large-scale
conclusions									conclusions
from										from
what										what
has									  |	is
been									  <
said										said
there										there
and									  |	the
not									  |	United
only									  |	Kingdom
there									  <
Again									  <
Great									  <
Britain									  <
has										has
									  >	just
completed									completed
the										the
preparation									preparation
of										of
another									  <
10,000										10,000
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
servicemen									servicemen
already										already
20,000										20,000
two										two
divisions									divisions
And									  |	and
Canada										Canada
is										is
preparing									preparing
500										500
sets										sets
of										of
winter										winter
uniforms									uniforms
for										for
sending										sending
500									  |	to
sets									  |	the
									  >	Armed
									  >	Forces
of										of
winter									  |	Ukraine
uniforms								  |	They
									  >	are
									  >	going
to										to
war									  |	fight
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
And										And
in										in
Kiev										Kiev
right										right
now										now
a										a
new										new
air										air
strike										strike
has										has
been										been
announced									announced
									  >	We
									  >	cannot
									  >	be
									  >	silent
									  >	We
									  >	choose
									  >	our
									  >	own
									  >	path
									  >	And
									  >	we
									  >	stand
									  >	back
									  >	from
									  >	our
									  >	choice
									  >	Our
									  >	will
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	to
									  >	break
									  >	We
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	truth
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	eyes
									  >	Don't
									  >	miss
									  >	every
									  >	evening
The										The
evening										evening
with										with
Vladimir									Vladimir
Soloveyev									Soloveyev
									  >	New
									  >	times
									  >	at
									  >	22.20
Today										Today
on										on
the										the
Russian										Russian
Channel										Channel
Hooligan									Hooligan
Ivan										Ivan
Semyonov									Semyonov
always										always
creates										creates
problems									problems
for										for
adults										adults
but										but
entertains									entertains
children									children
Already										Already
in										in
the										the
cinema										cinema
I										I
just										just
bought										bought
milk										milk
at										at
five										five
At										At
a										a
very										very
low										low
price										price
Where										Where
was										was
she										she
stopped									  |	I
in									  |	will
Kolyazat								  |	stand
									  >	back
How										How
to										to
keep										keep
									  >	the
joy										joy
when										when
we										we
keep										keep
low										low
prices										prices
for										for
one										one
and										and
a										a
half										half
thousand									thousand
goods										goods
Behave										Behave
profitably									profitably
value									  |	Value
low										low
prices										prices
Milk										Milk
with									  |	from
									  >	the
milk										milk
sanction								  |	station
for										for
59.99										59.99
The										The
VTB										VTB
team										team
will										will
offer										offer
a										a
solution									solution
Prove									  |	Order
a										a
free										free
card										card
from										from
VTB										VTB
Get										Get
a									  |	1000
thousand								  <
rubles										rubles
Cashback									Cashback
2%										2%
on									  |	for
everything									everything
you're									  |	we
									  >	are
used										used
to										to
And										And
the										the
payment										payment
of										of
the										the
VKH										VKH
without										without
commission									commission
Prove									  |	Order
a										a
free										free
card									  <
from									  <
VTB										VTB
									  >	card
right										right
now										now
Get									  |	Go
									  >	to
									  >	VTB
									  >	What
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	profitable
									  >	drug
									  >	for
									  >	insomnia
									  >	Your
									  >	birthday
									  >	A
									  >	discount
									  >	of
									  >	10%
									  >	on
									  >	purchases
									  >	with
a										a
thousand								  |	magnet
rubles									  |	application
									  >	card
The										The
VKH									  |	HALVA
									  >	card
is										is
not									  |	surprising
									  >	keeping
a										a
big									  |	free
deal									  |	fee
									  >	for
									  >	10
									  >	months
									  >	HALVA
									  >	still
									  >	weighs
									  >	nothing
									  >	for
									  >	you
Still										Still
0%										0%
on										on
the										the
fee										fee
And										And
there										there
is										is
no										no
service										service
fee										fee
either										either
Halva									  |	HALVA
is										is
not										not
a										a
heavy									  |	weighty
fee										fee
but										but
a										a
heavy									  |	weighty
advantage									advantage
KGTsel										KGTsel
									  >	already
from										from
the										the
first										first
days										days
of										of
reception									reception
begins										begins
to										to
reduce										reduce
the										the
severity									severity
of										of
the										the
flu										flu
									  >	symptoms
and										and
ORV										ORV
symptoms								  |	regardless
Regardless								  <
of										of
the										the
type										type
of										of
virus										virus
Therefore									Therefore
KGTsel										KGTsel
is										is
the										the
highest										highest
antiviral								  |	anti-virus
measure										measure
Care									  |	Take
from									  |	care
									  >	of
									  >	the
five										five
Discounts									Discounts
for										for
you										you
Horma									  |	HURMA
1.6990									  |	1
Horma									  |	kg
1.6990									  |	69.90
Horma									  |	KGTsel
1.6990									  |	KGTsel
At									  |	with
									  >	voice
									  >	control
									  >	for
									  >	23,999
									  >	rubles
									  >	El
									  >	Dorado
									  >	Who
									  >	am
									  >	I
									  >	Urga
									  >	bro
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	for
									  >	God
									  >	You
									  >	fool
									  >	half
									  >	of
									  >	Moscow
									  >	knows
									  >	the
									  >	face
									  >	Captain
									  >	Sazonov
									  >	The
									  >	best
									  >	employee
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	department
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	fight
									  >	against
									  >	banditry
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	on
									  >	an
									  >	urgent
									  >	task
									  >	every
									  >	day
									  >	Today
									  >	he
									  >	turned
									  >	away
									  >	Aren't
									  >	you
									  >	happy
									  >	I'm
									  >	happy
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	understand
									  >	why
									  >	you
									  >	follow
									  >	me
									  >	Honestly
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	understand
									  >	myself
									  >	Premiere
									  >	on
									  >	Monday
									  >	at
21.20										21.20
on										on
the										the
									  >	Russian
channel										channel
Russia									  |	So
President								  <
Biden									  <
informed								  <
the									  <
Congress								  <
about									  <
the										the
fact									  |	Chinese
									  >	Global
									  >	Times
									  >	notes
that										that
his									  <
administration								  <
sees									  <
a									  <
major									  <
threat									  <
to									  <
the										the
national								  |	statement
security								  <
of										of
the										the
United									  |	Stoltenberg
									  >	alliance
									  >	to
									  >	carry
									  >	out
									  >	the
									  >	exercise
									  >	of
									  >	nuclear
									  >	deterrence
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	manifestation
									  >	of
									  >	fear
									  >	and
									  >	unwillingness
									  >	to
									  >	seem
									  >	weak
									  >	They
									  >	say
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	North
									  >	Atlantic
									  >	alliance
									  >	with
									  >	its
									  >	games
									  >	leads
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	to
									  >	self-destruction
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	American
									  >	economic
									  >	policy
									  >	leads
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	destruction
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	European
									  >	Union
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	EU
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
									  >	they
									  >	seem
									  >	to
									  >	begin
									  >	to
									  >	understand
									  >	something
									  >	to
									  >	worry
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	Global
									  >	Times
									  >	observers
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	building
									  >	indicate
									  >	that
									  >	Berlin
									  >	and
									  >	Paris
									  >	have
									  >	started
									  >	openly
									  >	to
									  >	show
									  >	dissatisfaction
									  >	with
									  >	Washington
									  >	and
									  >	call
									  >	this
									  >	awakening
									  >	a
									  >	harsh
									  >	reality
									  >	President
									  >	Biden
									  >	informed
									  >	the
									  >	Congress
									  >	about
									  >	who
									  >	his
									  >	administration
									  >	sees
									  >	as
									  >	a
									  >	major
									  >	threat
									  >	to
									  >	national
									  >	security
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	United
States										States
in									  |	In
the										the
new										new
national									national
security									security
strategy									strategy
Biden										Biden
believes									believes
that										that
the										the
invasion									invasion
of										of
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
to									  |	on
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
not										not
the										the
biggest										biggest
geopolitical									geopolitical
challenge									challenge
for										for
America										America
such									  |	This
a									  <
role										role
is										is
played										played
by										by
China										China
The										The
idea										idea
here										here
is										is
that										that
everything									everything
is										is
interconnected									interconnected
Russia										Russia
and										and
China										China
have										have
established									established
very										very
close										close
relationships								  |	relations
the									  |	The
Russians									Russians
use										use
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
Chinese										Chinese
weapons										weapons
systems										systems
and										and
vice										vice
versa										versa
Russia										Russia
supplied									supplied
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
weapons										weapons
to										to
China										China
and									  <
in									  <
terms									  <
of									  <
the									  <
tactics									  <
used									  <
China										China
closely										closely
observes									observes
what									  |	the
									  >	tactics
									  >	used
									  >	by
the										the
Russians									Russians
are									  |	on
doing									  <
in									  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
potentially								  <
can										can
									  >	potentially
use										use
the										the
same										same
tactics										tactics
and										and
methods										methods
to										to
invade										invade
Taiwan										Taiwan
In										In
addition									addition
it									  <
can									  <
be									  <
said									  <
that									  <
there										there
is										is
an										an
axis										axis
that									  |	formed
									  >	by
President									President
Xi										Xi
and										and
President									President
Putin										Putin
formed									  <
in										in
fact									  |	order
to										to
oppose										oppose
the										the
countries									countries
that										that
want										want
to										to
preserve									preserve
the										the
current										current
world										world
order										order
The										The
failure										failure
of										of
Russia										Russia
itself										itself
will										will
not										not
save										save
the										the
world										world
order										order
based										based
on										on
the									  <
rules										rules
because										because
the										the
									  >	Kremlin's
revisionism									revisionism
of										of
the										the
Kremlin									  |	world
									  >	order
is										is
not										not
the										the
only										only
and										and
not										not
the										the
most										most
serious										serious
threat										threat
to									  <
the									  <
order									  <
based										based
on										on
the										the
rules										rules
									  >	of
									  >	order
The										The
so-called									so-called
No									  |	no-limit
Limit									  |	partnership
Partnership								  <
declared									declared
by										by
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
and										and
Xi										Xi
Jinping										Jinping
is										is
also										also
a										a
clear										clear
challenge									challenge
to										to
the										the
post-war									post-war
order										order
built										built
on										on
the										the
core									  |	main
values										values
of										of
the										the
UN										UN
Charter										Charter
and									  |	And
of										of
course										course
we										we
are										are
observing									observing
the										the
consequences									consequences
of										of
the										the
20th										20th
Congress									Congress
of										of
the										the
									  >	20th
									  >	Congress
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Chinese
Communist									Communist
Party										Party
of									  <
China									  <
to										to
see										see
any										any
changes										changes
to										to
China's										China's
international									international
posture										posture
Independent									Independent
of										of
this										this
we										we
need										need
to										to
counter										counter
this										this
global										global
challenge									challenge
and										and
we										we
must										must
build										build
trust										trust
in										in
our										our
global										global
goals										goals
The									  <
chief									  <
intelligence								  <
officer									  <
of									  <
the									  <
United									  <
Kingdom									  <
Sir									  <
Jeremy									  <
Fleming									  <
the									  <
head									  <
of									  <
the									  <
so-called								  <
Center									  <
for									  <
Governmental								  <
Relations								  <
voiced									  <
a									  <
great									  <
foresight								  <
of									  <
China									  <
its									  <
values									  <
and									  <
influence								  <
China										China
intends										intends
and									  <
patiently								  <
seeks									  <
to										to
obtain									  |	get
a										a
strategic									strategic
advantage									advantage
by										by
forming										forming
global										global
technological									technological
ecosystems									ecosystems
They									  <
consider								  <
nations									  <
either									  <
as									  <
potential								  <
opponents								  <
or									  <
as									  <
potential								  <
states									  <
of									  <
clients									  <
who									  <
are									  <
threatened								  <
by									  <
bribery									  <
or									  <
compulsion								  <
The										The
only										only
good										good
thing										thing
that										that
this										this
war										war
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
can										can
give										give
									  >	in
									  >	Ukraine
is										is
that										that
I										I
think										think
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
would										would
be										be
surprised									surprised
by										by
the										the
Western										Western
unity										unity
the									  |	by
volume									  <
of									  <
economic								  <
assistance								  <
that									  <
is									  <
coming									  <
to									  <
Ukraine									  <
the										the
superiority									superiority
of										of
Western										Western
military									military
technologies									technologies
I									  |	Hopefully
hope									  |	that's
this									  |	causing
will									  <
make									  <
them										them
									  >	to
think										think
The										The
Russian										Russian
army										army
is										is
making										making
massive										massive
strikes										strikes
on										on
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
infrastructure									infrastructure
in										in
all										all
parts										parts
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
Air									  <
alarm									  <
The										The
missiles									missiles
find										find
and										and
strike										strike
new										new
targets										targets
									  >	of
military									military
and									  <
energy										energy
facilities									facilities
In										In
the										the
Lvov										Lvov
region										region
the										the
TESS										TESS
missile-launched							  |	missile
wing									  <
is										is
on									  |	fired
fire									  <
According									According
to										to
the									  <
Lvov										Lvov
Gauly									  |	GAU-Lite
a										a
certain										certain
military									military
facility									facility
in										in
the										the
Zlachevsky								  |	Zlachev
district								  |	region
is										is
also										also
hit										hit
by									  <
the									  <
TESS									  <
missile									  <
In										In
addition									addition
to										to
the										the
missile										missile
the									  <
Kamikaze-2									Kamikaze-2
drone									  |	drones
the									  |	are
drone-less								  |	also
this									  |	hit
									  >	This
morning										morning
struck									  |	the
									  >	UAVs
									  >	hit
									  >	the
targets										targets
in										in
the										the
Kyiv										Kyiv
region										region
Nikolaev									Nikolaev
and										and
Odessa										Odessa
In										In
Ukraine										Ukraine
for										for
the										the
first										first
time										time
a										a
reduced									  |	smaller
version										version
of										of
the									  |	Kamikaze-2
Gerani-2								  <
similar										similar
to										to
the										the
Iranian										Iranian
drone									  <
Kamikaze									Kamikaze
									  >	drone
Shahed-131									Shahed-131
was										was
lit									  |	launched
up									  <
Perhaps										Perhaps
this										this
is										is
the										the
Gerani-1								  |	Kamikaze-1
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
addition									addition
to										to
NATO										NATO
should										should
help										help
you										you
will									  |	won't
not									  <
believe										believe
									  >	it
Mark										Mark
Hamill										Hamill
an										an
actor										actor
who										who
played										played
Luke										Luke
Skywalker									Skywalker
in										in
Star									  |	the
Wars									  |	film
He									  |	he
collects									collects
money										money
for										for
the										the
army										army
of										of
drones										drones
for									  <
the									  <
Soviet									  <
Union									  <
and										and
calls										calls
Russia										Russia
the										the
empire										empire
of										of
evil										evil
Well										Well
as										as
in										in
the										the
film										film
he										he
dreams										dreams
of										of
defeating									defeating
it										it
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
refer										refer
to										to
the										the
sounds									  |	shells
of									  |	that
the									  |	make
									  >	this
									  >	sound
									  >	as
flying										flying
lawn										lawn
mowers										mowers
of										of
death										death
This										This
video										video
captures									captures
a										a
deadly										deadly
addition									addition
to										to
Putin's										Putin's
arsenal										arsenal
of										of
long-range									long-range
weapons										weapons
At										At
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
war										war
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	production
drones									  <
of										of
the									  <
Turkish									  <
manufacturer								  <
Bayraktar									Bayraktar
dominated									dominated
the										the
battlefield									battlefield
even										even
inspiring									inspiring
a										a
patriotic									patriotic
song										song
But										But
then										then
there										there
were										were
more										more
formidable								  |	menacing
Iranian										Iranian
drones										drones
It										It
is										is
reported									reported
that										that
Iran										Iran
has										has
put										put
at										at
least										least
hundreds								  |	a
									  >	hundred
of										of
its										its
combat									  |	military
drones										drones
in									  |	into
Russia									  |	operation
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
say										say
that										that
Russia										Russia
has										has
ordered										ordered
about										about
2,400										2,400
Iranian										Iranian
drones										drones
and										and
they										they
are										are
used										used
by										by
Russia										Russia
to									  |	for
strike									  |	strikes
all										all
over										over
Ukraine										Ukraine
The										The
great										great
military									military
chief									  |	leader
who										who
in									  |	actually
fact									  <
never										never
existed										existed
Mark									  <
Hamill									  <
an									  <
actor									  <
who										who
played										played
Luke										Luke
Skywalker									Skywalker
who										who
never										never
existed										existed
who										who
led									  |	waged
the									  <
war										war
against										against
the										the
empire										empire
of										of
evil										evil
which									  |	who
never										never
existed										existed
But									  |	but
he									  <
apparently									apparently
									  >	he
is										is
the										the
ambassador									ambassador
of										of
drones										drones
in										in
real										real
life										life
and										and
in										in
a									  |	the
deadly										deadly
war										war
In										In
these										these
shots										shots
he										he
talks									  |	speaks
and										and
makes										makes
a										a
small										small
circle										circle
of										of
honors										honors
in										in
his										his
honor										honor
at									  |	on
MSNBC										MSNBC
No										No
it's										it's
not										not
the										the
army										army
of										of
droids									  |	drones
it's										it's
the										the
army										army
of										of
drones										drones
									  >	and
I										I
was										was
very										very
surprised									surprised
when										when
the									  |	President
president								  <
of									  <
Zelensky									Zelensky
contacted									contacted
me										me
I									  |	He
didn't									  |	asked
ask									  <
why									  <
but									  <
I									  <
think									  <
they									  <
saw									  <
my									  <
support									  <
for										for
									  >	the
									  >	support
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
on										on
my										my
Twitter										Twitter
But										But
you										you
know										know
I'm										I'm
not										not
used										used
to										to
world										world
leaders										leaders
contacting									contacting
me										me
I									  |	I'm
can									  |	just
say									  |	joking
a									  <
court									  <
joke									  <
here									  <
Drones										Drones
determine									determine
the										the
outcome										outcome
of										of
the										the
war										war
They										They
are										are
necessary									necessary
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
protect										protect
its										its
borders										borders
and										and
to										to
protect										protect
its										its
citizens									citizens
Luke										Luke
Skywalker									Skywalker
wasn't									  |	is
									  >	not
real										real
His										His
uprising									uprising
was									  |	is
also										also
not										not
real										real
as										as
was									  |	is
the										the
force										force
he										he
used										used
to										to
destroy										destroy
the										the
Death										Death
Star										Star
I'm									  |	I
sure									  |	have
the									  |	more
Ukrainian								  |	experience
president								  |	than
has									  <
something								  <
to									  <
do									  <
except									  <
to									  <
continue								  <
to										to
talk									  |	keep
									  >	talking
to										to
celebrities								  |	famous
									  >	people
In										In
general										general
if										if
the										the
force									  |	power
									  >	is
									  >	not
with										with
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
does									  <
not									  <
arrive									  <
and										and
the										the
Jedi										Jedi
do									  |	will
not										not
help										help
Kiev										Kiev
will										will
engage									  |	be
									  >	engaged
in										in
occultism									occultism
and										and
this										this
is										is
not										not
a										a
joke										joke
									  >	The
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Minister								  |	minister
of										of
Defense									  |	defense
Reznikov									Reznikov
asked									  |	on
a									  |	the
journalist								  |	question
									  >	of
									  >	journalists
									  >	about
when										when
the										the
war										war
will										will
end										end
He									  <
said										said
that										that
he										he
had										had
forgotten									forgotten
the										the
Tarot										Tarot
cards										cards
in										in
his									  |	the
room										room
so										so
he									  |	we
couldn't								  |	cannot
promise										promise
her										her
anything									anything
He									  <
is									  <
laughing								  <
at									  <
the									  <
president								  <
who										who
									  >	has
learned										learned
from										from
his										his
clown									  |	clone
He									  |	president
									  >	he
is										is
laughing									laughing
but									  |	while
									  >	in
									  >	Ukraine
there										there
is										is
a										a
war										war
in										in
Ukraine									  |	principle
In									  |	in
general										general
for										for
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
there										there
is										is
nothing										nothing
strange										strange
about										about
it									  |	this
Hitler										Hitler
was										was
also										also
involved									involved
in										in
occultism									occultism
Everything								  |	everything
is										is
the										the
same										same
Reznikov									Reznikov
Apparently								  |	apparently
by										by
laying										laying
out										out
the										the
cards										cards
he										he
said										said
that										that
the										the
Kiev										Kiev
regime										regime
had									  |	has
already										already
de										de
facto										facto
joined										joined
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Alliance									Alliance
He									  |	This
shared									  <
this									  <
revelation									revelation
									  >	he
									  >	shared
									  >	with
									  >	himself
on										on
Twitter										Twitter
after										after
meeting										meeting
with										with
the										the
Secretary								  <
General										General
									  >	Secretary
of										of
NATO										NATO
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
He										He
said										said
to										to
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
thank										thank
you										you
for										for
the										the
support										support
from										from
the										the
Western										Western
military									military
bloc										bloc
Today									  |	Well
									  >	today
this										this
GenSec									  |	very
									  >	General
									  >	Secretary
put										put
Reznikov									Reznikov
in										in
his										his
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
position								  |	place
He									  |	he
said										said
that										that
if										if
NATO									  |	they
members									  |	attack
are									  |	a
attacked								  |	member
									  >	of
the										the
Alliance								  |	NATO
									  >	alliance
									  >	he
will										will
follow										follow
the										the
5th									  |	fifth
article										article
and										and
will										will
protect										protect
its									  |	his
partner										partner
while									  |	Well
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
only										only
help										help
and										and
will									  |	absolutely
									  >	definitely
not										not
fight										fight
for										for
it										it
That										That
is										is
once										once
again										again
no										no
one										one
wants										wants
to										to
fight										fight
for										for
his									  |	their
as										as
Reznikov									Reznikov
said										said
de										de
facto										facto
member										member
The										The
head										head
of										of
the										the
United										United
Committee									Committee
of										of
Chiefs										Chiefs
of										of
Staff										Staff
of										of
the										the
US										US
Army										Army
Mark										Mark
Milley										Milley
spoke										spoke
even										even
cooler										cooler
and										and
more										more
offensively									offensively
for										for
Zelensky									Zelensky
He										He
said										said
that										that
Kiev										Kiev
should									  |	must
be										be
helped										helped
because										because
Kiev										Kiev
fights										fights
for										for
us										us
or										or
rather										rather
Kiev										Kiev
fights										fights
instead										instead
of										of
us										us
defending									defending
our										our
American									American
interests									interests
and										and
dying										dying
instead										instead
of										of
American									American
soldiers									soldiers
They										They
are										are
here										here
to										to
increase									increase
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
weapons										weapons
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
is										is
the										the
question									question
that										that
stands										stands
before										before
the										the
Defense									  |	defense
Ministers								  |	ministers
at									  |	of
the										the
NATO										NATO
headquarters									headquarters
in										in
Brussels									Brussels
on										on
Wednesday									Wednesday
after										after
Russian									  |	the
airstrikes								  |	air
on									  |	strikes
									  >	in
									  >	Russia
									  >	and
Ukraine										Ukraine
They										They
have										have
destroyed									destroyed
critical									critical
energy										energy
infrastructure									infrastructure
The										The
main										main
focus									  |	attention
is										is
on									  |	paid
									  >	to
									  >	the
air										air
defense										defense
systems										systems
The										The
Defense									  |	defense
Ministers								  |	ministers
of										of
about										about
50										50
Western										Western
countries									countries
meet										meet
at										at
the										the
NATO										NATO
headquarters									headquarters
in										in
Brussels									Brussels
They										They
have									  |	were
pledged									  |	obliged
to										to
continue									continue
sending										sending
military									military
equipment									equipment
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
with									  |	With
their										their
words										words
									  >	it
									  >	will
									  >	take
as										as
long										long
as										as
it										it
takes										takes
So										So
this									  |	these
is									  |	are
the										the
last										last
of										of
the										the
G7										G7
countries									countries
a									  |	of
group									  |	groups
of										of
existing									existing
countries									countries
And										And
now										now
let's										let's
listen										listen
to										to
Secretary									Secretary
Austin										Austin
									  >	The
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
armed									  |	Armed
forces									  |	Forces
used										used
systems										systems
like										like
the										the
Heimers										Heimers
to										to
change										change
the										the
dynamics									dynamics
of										of
the										the
war										war
that										that
Putin										Putin
started										started
And										And
this										this
helped										helped
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
forces										forces
to										to
intercept									intercept
the										the
initiative									initiative
during										during
their										their
counter-offensive							  |	counteroffensive
So									  |	Therefore
we										we
will										will
continue									continue
to										to
build										build
up									  <
the									  <
opportunities									opportunities
to										to
help										help
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
the										the
current										current
struggle									struggle
And										And
I										I
owe									  |	give
it									  |	credit
to										to
the										the
members										members
of										of
the										the
contact										contact
group										group
who										who
did										did
everything									everything
possible									possible
to										to
get										get
the										the
weapons										weapons
and										and
equipment									equipment
into										into
the										the
hands										hands
of										of
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
forces										forces
This										This
international									international
aid										aid
is									  |	varies
strongly								  |	greatly
varied									  <
among										among
the										the
members										members
of										of
the										the
G7										G7
The										The
United										United
States										States
has										has
made										made
the										the
biggest										biggest
contribution									contribution
by										by
providing									providing
27										27
billion										billion
euros										euros
of										of
military									military
aid										aid
Great										Great
Britain										Britain
has									  <
also										also
sent										sent
aid										aid
for										for
a										a
sum										sum
of										of
4										4
billion										billion
euros										euros
since										since
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
conflict									conflict
more									  |	More
than										than
Poland										Poland
Germany										Germany
and										and
especially									especially
France										France
It									  |	She
is										is
accused										accused
of										of
not										not
doing										doing
enough										enough
sacrificing									sacrificing
only										only
233										233
million										million
euros										euros
Recently									Recently
French									  |	the
President									President
									  >	of
									  >	France
Emmanuel									Emmanuel
Macron										Macron
promised									promised
to										to
increase									increase
the										the
support										support
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
France										France
intends										intends
to										to
send										send
another										another
six										six
Gaubitz-Caesars								  |	Gaubis
									  >	Cezars
in										in
addition									addition
to										to
the										the
18										18
already										already
existing									existing
ones										ones
Also										Also
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
receive										receive
the										the
German										German
air										air
defense										defense
system										system
Iris-T									  |	IRIS-T
Now										Now
Vladimir									Vladimir
Zelensky									Zelensky
asks										asks
for										for
something									something
special										special
He										He
wants										wants
to										to
get										get
a										a
larger										larger
air										air
defense										defense
system										system
for										for
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
an										an
air										air
shield										shield
That's										That's
what										what
he										he
calls										calls
it										it
The										The
first										first
batch										batch
from										from
Germany										Germany
has										has
already										already
arrived										arrived
today										today
This										This
system										system
is										is
only										only
advanced									advanced
and										and
the										the
German										German
army										army
itself										itself
still										still
has										has
no										no
access										access
to										to
it										it
The										The
delivery									delivery
from										from
the										the
United										United
States										States
is										is
expected									expected
next										next
month										month
and										and
the										the
rest										rest
of										of
the										the
countries									countries
will										will
probably									probably
follow										follow
their										their
example										example
and										and
help										help
with										with
their										their
own										own
air										air
defense										defense
systems										systems
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
officials									officials
believe										believe
that										that
their										their
air										air
defense										defense
system										system
will									  |	prevents
prevent									  <
even										even
more										more
serious										serious
attacks										attacks
Germany										Germany
has										has
delivered								  |	deployed
to									  <
Ukraine									  <
the										the
most										most
modern										modern
									  >	air
defense										defense
system										system
									  >	in
									  >	Ukraine
This										This
is										is
a										a
very										very
important									important
support										support
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
its										its
fight										fight
against										against
missile										missile
bombings									bombings
and										and
terror										terror
that										that
the										the
population									population
is										is
subjected									subjected
to										to
This										This
is										is
only										only
one										one
system										system
so										so
far										far
We										We
will										will
send										send
three										three
of										of
these										these
in									  <
the										the
									  >	same
next										next
year										year
We										We
expect										expect
to										to
hear										hear
more										more
military									military
announcements									announcements
this										this
week										week
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
only										only
in										in
the										the
last										last
hour										hour
we										we
received									received
a										a
message										message
from										from
France										France
President									President
Macron										Macron
promised									promised
Ukraine										Ukraine
radar										radar
systems										systems
and										and
missiles									missiles
In										In
addition									addition
the										the
Netherlands									Netherlands
promised									promised
missiles									missiles
worth										worth
more										more
than										than
14									  |	$14
million										million
dollars									  <
Earlier										Earlier
today										today
we										we
heard										heard
from										from
									  >	the
Canadians									Canadians
that										that
they										they
are										are
going										going
to										to
send										send
winter										winter
hats										hats
shoes										shoes
and										and
gloves										gloves
just										just
so										so
that										that
the										the
soldiers									soldiers
have										have
the										the
appropriate									appropriate
equipment									equipment
that										that
they										they
may										may
need										need
this										this
winter										winter
as									  |	because
the										the
conflict									conflict
is										is
entering									entering
a										a
new										new
phase										phase
The										The
countries									countries
are										are
potentially									potentially
preparing									preparing
for										for
									  >	the
long-term									long-term
supply										supply
of										of
weapons										weapons
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
fight										fight
is										is
not										not
just										just
in										in
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
interests									interests
It										It
is										is
in										in
the										the
interests									interests
of										of
the										the
whole										whole
world										world
to										to
protect									  |	defend
the										the
international									international
order										order
based										based
on										on
the										the
rules										rules
The										The
head										head
of										of
the										the
American									American
General										General
Staff										Staff
Amelia										Amelia
essentially									essentially
repeats										repeats
Stoltenberg's									Stoltenberg's
thesis										thesis
that										that
Russia's								  |	the
victory										victory
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
and										and
the										the
defeat										defeat
of										of
the										the
West										West
are										are
already										already
being									  <
said										said
without										without
hesitation									hesitation
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
it										it
is										is
hoped										hoped
that										that
the										the
Russian										Russian
army										army
will										will
									  >	soon
run										run
out										out
of										of
high-precision									high-precision
missiles									missiles
in									  |	And
a									  |	the
little									  <
while									  <
The									  <
rest										rest
of										of
the										the
supplies									supplies
will									  <
be									  <
there									  <
and										and
in										in
general										general
Russia										Russia
will										will
soon										soon
be									  |	run
over									  |	out
They									  <
will										will
not										not
wait										wait
Reuters										Reuters
is										is
now										now
writing										writing
about										about
this										this
with										with
a										a
reference									reference
to										to
a										a
high-ranking									high-ranking
NATO										NATO
member										member
In										In
July										July
the										the
adviser										adviser
to										to
Zelenskiy								  |	Zelensky
Orestovich									Orestovich
discussed									discussed
this										this
topic										topic
He										He
claimed									  |	said
that										that
Moscow										Moscow
would									  |	will
never										never
never										never
be										be
able										able
to										to
launch										launch
48										48
missiles									missiles
with										with
one										one
strike										strike
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
Only										Only
this										this
Monday										Monday
more										more
than										than
70										70
missiles									missiles
were										were
launched									launched
at									  |	on
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
infrastructure									infrastructure
military									military
facilities									facilities
They										They
									  >	have
hit										hit
their										their
targets										targets
Energy										Energy
terror										terror
For										For
three										three
days										days
in										in
a										a
row										row
the										the
Russians									Russians
attacked								  |	have
									  >	been
									  >	attacking
the										the
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
The										The
day										day
before										before
they										they
struck									  |	again
at									  |	hit
the										the
energy										energy
supply										supply
facilities									facilities
in										in
three										three
regions										regions
of										of
Lvov										Lvov
Vinnitsa									Vinnitsa
and										and
Dnepropetrovsk									Dnepropetrovsk
Due									  |	Because
to									  |	of
serious										serious
damage										damage
a										a
strict										strict
energy										energy
saving										saving
regime										regime
is										is
introduced									introduced
there										there
As										As
a										a
result										result
of										of
massive										massive
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	work
									  >	on
more										more
than										than
a										a
hundred										hundred
energy										energy
									  >	facilities
and										and
water										water
supply										supply
facilities								  |	has
have									  <
been										been
violated								  |	broken
									  >	out
The										The
statistics									statistics
are										are
provided									provided
by										by
Ukr-Vodokanal								  |	Ukr
									  >	Vodokanal
High-precision									High-precision
missiles									missiles
were										were
launched								  |	broken
									  >	out
in										in
20										20
cities										cities
Among									  |	among
them										them
are									  |	Kyiv
Kiev									  <
Lvov										Lvov
Rovno										Rovno
Zhitomir									Zhitomir
Ternopol									Ternopol
Khmelnitsky									Khmelnitsky
Ivano-Frankivsk									Ivano-Frankivsk
Vinnitsa									Vinnitsa
Kharkov										Kharkov
Kremenshchuk								  |	Kremenchuk
Dnepropetrovsk									Dnepropetrovsk
Krivoy										Krivoy
Rok										Rok
Nikolaev									Nikolaev
Odessa										Odessa
According									According
to										to
									  >	the
									  >	head
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	energy
									  >	department
Galushchenko									Galushchenko
a										a
third										third
of										of
the										the
country's									country's
energy										energy
infrastructure									infrastructure
is									  |	has
									  >	been
damaged										damaged
At										At
least										least
12										12
power										power
plants										plants
thermal										thermal
power										power
plants										plants
as									  |	and
well									  <
as									  <
19										19
substations									substations
with										with
a										a
voltage										voltage
of										of
330-110										330-110
kilovolts									kilovolts
were										were
destroyed								  |	hit
									  >	They
									  >	hit
									  >	me
									  >	they
									  >	hit
									  >	me
									  >	Hit
									  >	him
									  >	hit
									  >	him
									  >	hit
									  >	him
									  >	Come
									  >	on
									  >	come
									  >	on
									  >	come
									  >	on
									  >	They
									  >	didn't
									  >	hit
									  >	me
									  >	They
									  >	didn't
									  >	hit
									  >	me
									  >	again
In										In
Kyiv										Kyiv
high-precision									high-precision
strikes									  |	rockets
have									  |	hit
struck									  <
Tets-5										Tets-5
Tets-6										Tets-6
Tets-Darnitsky								  |	Tets-6
Tets									  |	Darnitsky
substation								  |	Tets-6
in									  |	Vaksalna
Vakhanivka								  |	and
In									  |	Tets-6
the									  |	Tripol
									  >	The
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
capital										capital
an									  |	was
hour-long								  |	given
electric								  |	a
									  >	time-worn
power										power
supply										supply
was									  <
introduced								  <
The										The
power										power
is										is
turned										turned
off										off
from										from
8										8
to										to
12										12
in									  |	a.m
the									  <
morning									  <
and										and
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
in										in
the										the
evening										evening
There										There
are										are
105										105
settlements								  |	inhabited
left									  |	areas
without										without
electricity									electricity
In									  |	that
total									  |	all
there									  |	the
have									  |	interruptions
been									  |	were
strikes									  |	recorded
in										in
3,800										3,800
settlements								  |	inhabited
									  >	areas
said										said
the										the
deputy										deputy
head										head
of										of
the										the
office										office
of										of
Zelensky									Zelensky
Timoshenko									Timoshenko
A										A
fan										fan
shutdown									shutdown
throughout									throughout
the										the
country										country
was									  <
ordered									  <
by									  <
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
Shmygal										Shmygal
									  >	ordered
to										to
lower										lower
the										the
temperature									temperature
of										of
heating										heating
in										in
residential									residential
buildings									buildings
to										to
16										16
degrees										degrees
After										After
turning										turning
on										on
the										the
heating										heating
we										we
urge										urge
the										the
economy										economy
to										to
use										use
gas										gas
and										and
coal										coal
Yes										Yes
this										this
will										will
mean										mean
a										a
decrease									decrease
in										in
									  >	the
temperature									temperature
in										in
									  >	the
apartments									apartments
The										The
minimum										minimum
acceptable									acceptable
value										value
will										will
be										be
16										16
degrees										degrees
and										and
the										the
average										average
is										is
18										18
degrees										degrees
This										This
is										is
a										a
necessity									necessity
and										and
our										our
contribution									contribution
to										to
victory										victory
because										because
it										it
depends										depends
on										on
each										each
of										of
us										us
how										how
we										we
will										will
pass										pass
this										this
winter										winter
The										The
analysis									analysis
of										of
the										the
target									  |	goals
indicates									indicates
that										that
the										the
strikes									  |	blows
were										were
so									  <
far									  <
only										only
a										a
warning										warning
Russia										Russia
attacked									attacked
Tets									  |	tests
with										with
a										a
voltage										voltage
of										of
330										330
kilovolts									kilovolts
maximum										maximum
There										There
are										are
several										several
generators									generators
on									  |	for
each										each
of										of
them										them
at										at
once										once
and										and
in										in
order										order
to										to
completely									completely
destroy										destroy
the										the
station										station
they										they
will										will
need										need
to										to
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
all										all
of										of
them										them
including									including
the										the
steam										steam
boiler										boiler
Powerful									Powerful
substations									substations
with										with
a										a
voltage										voltage
of										of
750										750
kilovolts									kilovolts
AES										AES
and										and
GES									  |	gas
on										on
which										which
the										the
country's								  <
energy										energy
system										system
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	country
is										is
being										being
built										built
Russia										Russia
has										has
not										not
yet									  <
touched										touched
									  >	yet
The										The
strikes									  |	blows
on									  |	to
them										them
will										will
lead										lead
to										to
the										the
disorganization									disorganization
of										of
the										the
entire										entire
energy										energy
system										system
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
The										The
situation									situation
in										in
Kiev										Kiev
and										and
the										the
central										central
regions										regions
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
has									  <
managed										managed
to										to
stabilize									stabilize
said										said
									  >	Ukraenergo
Zelensky									Zelensky
speaking									speaking
at										at
the										the
conference									conference
of										of
the										the
World										World
Bank										Bank
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
He									  <
addressed									addressed
the										the
Western										Western
countries									countries
with										with
a										a
request										request
to										to
provide										provide
a										a
loan										loan
to									  |	for
restore									  |	the
									  >	restoration
									  >	of
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
We										We
need										need
target										target
loans										loans
of										of
2										2
billion										billion
dollars										dollars
to									  |	for
restore									  |	the
									  >	restoration
									  >	of
the										the
electrical								  |	electric
infrastructure									infrastructure
after										after
the										the
destruction									destruction
and										and
to									  |	for
expand									  |	the
									  >	expansion
									  >	of
exports										exports
to										to
Europe										Europe
Also										Also
taking										taking
into										into
account										account
the										the
crisis										crisis
situation									situation
created										created
by										by
Russia										Russia
on										on
the										the
entire										entire
continent									continent
we										we
need										need
loan									  |	credit
limits										limits
for										for
gas										gas
purchase									purchase
coal										coal
purchase									purchase
and										and
for										for
the										the
next										next
heating										heating
season										season
Several										Several
major										major
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
factories									factories
are										are
announcing									announcing
a									  |	the
stop									  |	suspension
to									  |	of
their										their
activities									activities
or										or
a									  |	the
reduction									reduction
in									  |	of
									  >	the
production									production
scales										scales
Among										Among
them										them
are										are
Poltavsky									Poltavsky
and										and
Morganetsky									Morganetsky
mining										mining
and										and
mining										mining
plants										plants
and										and
Krivoroshe								  |	Krivorosha
metallurgical									metallurgical
plant										plant
In										In
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Internal									Internal
Affairs										Affairs
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
an									  |	the
automated									automated
information									information
system										system
has										has
been									  <
stopped										stopped
the										the
production									production
of										of
driver's									driver's
licenses									licenses
and										and
registration									registration
of										of
cars										cars
has										has
been										been
stopped										stopped
The										The
propagandists									propagandists
from										from
the										the
German										German
BILD										BILD
have									  |	came
come									  <
up										up
with										with
the										the
name										name
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
strike										strike
on										on
the									  <
infrastructure									infrastructure
of									  |	Operation
the									  |	Ice
operation								  |	Winter
of									  <
the									  <
icy									  <
winter									  <
where										where
Putin										Putin
is										is
wearing										wearing
a										a
fur										fur
coat										coat
and										and
a										a
hat										hat
earplugs									earplugs
against										against
the										the
background									background
of										of
snow										snow
and										and
ice										ice
What										What
we										we
see										see
is										is
a									  |	the
strategy									strategy
to									  |	of
achieve									  |	achieving
peace										peace
under										under
the										the
Russian										Russian
dictatorship									dictatorship
and										and
prevent									  |	the
									  >	prevention
									  >	of
the										the
resumption									resumption
of										of
the										the
winter									  |	Winter
war									  |	War
says										says
a									  <
45-year-old									45-year-old
researcher									researcher
of										of
Eastern										Eastern
Europe										Europe
Andreas										Andreas
Umland										Umland
80										80
years										years
ago										ago
Stalingrad									Stalingrad
became										became
a										a
deadly										deadly
trap										trap
for										for
the										the
Germans										Germans
Historians									Historians
consider									consider
the										the
battle										battle
for										for
the										the
industrial									industrial
center										center
of										of
Stalingrad									Stalingrad
a										a
turning										turning
point										point
in										in
the										the
Second										Second
World										World
War										War
Despite										Despite
the										the
great										great
losses										losses
the										the
Red										Red
Army										Army
managed										managed
to										to
surround									surround
the										the
soldiers									soldiers
of										of
the										the
Hitler										Hitler
Wehrmacht									Wehrmacht
At										At
a										a
temperature									temperature
of										of
up										up
to										to
minus										minus
30										30
degrees										degrees
tens										tens
of										of
thousands									thousands
of										of
people										people
froze										froze
to										to
death										death
or										or
died										died
of										of
hunger										hunger
Due										Due
to										to
the										the
lack										lack
of										of
their									  |	its
own										own
resources									resources
Ukraine										Ukraine
is									  |	stops
stopping								  <
the										the
export										export
of										of
electricity									electricity
to										to
Poland										Poland
Moldova										Moldova
and										and
Romania										Romania
According									According
to										to
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Economy										Economy
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
September									September
the										the
revenue										revenue
from										from
the										the
export										export
of										of
electricity									electricity
was										was
									  >	$
150										150
million										million
dollars									  |	twice
two									  |	as
times									  |	much
more									  |	as
than									  <
in										in
August										August
Official									Official
Warsaw										Warsaw
reminded									reminded
Zelensky									Zelensky
that										that
the										the
obligations									obligations
on									  |	under
									  >	the
contracts									contracts
must										must
be										be
fulfilled									fulfilled
no										no
matter										matter
what										what
It										It
is										is
possible									possible
to										to
repair										repair
the										the
gas										gas
pipelines									pipelines
that										that
pass										pass
through										through
the										the
bottom										bottom
of										of
the										the
Baltic										Baltic
Sea										Sea
but										but
this										this
will										will
only										only
make										make
sense										sense
in										in
the										the
case									  |	event
of										of
their										their
further										further
economically									economically
justified									justified
operation								  |	exploitation
The										The
ball										ball
as										as
they										they
say										say
is										is
on										on
the										the
side										side
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
They									  |	If
									  >	they
want										want
it									  <
let										let
them										them
just										just
open										open
the										the
cranes										cranes
and										and
everything									everything
The										The
resource									resource
that										that
comes										comes
to										to
the										the
euro										euro
market										market
is										is
literally								  <
sold										sold
in										in
trillions								  |	literally
The									  |	three
									  >	times
									  >	as
									  >	much
									  >	The
population									population
like										like
in										in
the										the
Middle										Middle
Ages										Ages
began										began
to										to
stock										stock
up										up
on										on
firewood									firewood
for										for
the										the
winter										winter
What										What
does										does
Russia										Russia
have										have
to										to
do										do
with										with
it										it
And									  |	They
they									  <
constantly									constantly
try										try
to										to
blame									  |	get
someone									  |	rid
for									  |	of
their										their
own										own
mistakes									mistakes
									  >	on
									  >	someone
In										In
this										this
case										case
it									  <
is									  <
Russia										Russia
The										The
proposal									proposal
to										to
open										open
the										the
cranes										cranes
was										was
rejected									rejected
immediately									immediately
by										by
Germany										Germany
German										German
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
Hoffmann									Hoffmann
commented									commented
on										on
Putin's										Putin's
speech										speech
saying										saying
that										that
it										it
was										was
a										a
good										good
attempt										attempt
The										The
prices										prices
of										of
firewood									firewood
in										in
the										the
country										country
are										are
breaking									breaking
records										records
Now										Now
the										the
cost										cost
of										of
wooden										wooden
pallets										pallets
is										is
760										760
euros										euros
per										per
ton										ton
three										three
times										times
more										more
than										than
a										a
year										year
ago										ago
In										In
just										just
a										a
few										few
days										days
the										the
prices										prices
of										of
electricity									electricity
in										in
Denmark										Denmark
have										have
increased									increased
by										by
10										10
times										times
from										from
30										30
euros										euros
per										per
megawatt								  |	megawatt-hour
hour									  <
to										to
240										240
In										In
Italian										Italian
Rome										Rome
the										the
battery										battery
life										life
is										is
reduced										reduced
to										to
11										11
hours										hours
a										a
day										day
Eco-activist									Eco-activist
Katunberg									Katunberg
advises										advises
not										not
to										to
close										close
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
plants										plants
Personally									Personally
I										I
think										think
it									  |	it's
is									  <
a										a
bad										bad
idea										idea
to										to
bet										bet
on										on
coal										coal
when										when
there										there
is										is
already										already
another										another
source										source
But										But
of										of
course										course
this										this
is										is
a										a
very										very
contagious									contagious
discussion									discussion
But										But
as										as
for										for
climate										climate
problems									problems
are										are
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
plants										plants
the										the
best										best
choice										choice
at										at
the										the
moment										moment
It										It
depends										depends
on										on
whether										whether
we										we
have										have
started									  |	launched
them										them
at										at
the										the
moment										moment
I										I
believe										believe
that										that
it										it
would										would
be										be
a										a
mistake										mistake
to										to
turn										turn
them										them
around									  |	over
to										to
focus										focus
on										on
coal										coal
The										The
economy										economy
of										of
Germany										Germany
is										is
waiting										waiting
for										for
another										another
									  >	and
already										already
the										the
third										third
fall										fall
since										since
the										the
times									  |	time
of										of
the										the
financial									financial
crisis										crisis
and										and
a										a
higher										higher
level										level
of										of
inflation									inflation
									  >	says
Bloomberg									Bloomberg
writes									  <
The										The
GDP										GDP
of										of
the										the
country										country
will										will
decrease									decrease
by										by
0.5										0.5
percent										percent
The										The
Minister									Minister
of										of
Economy										Economy
Habeck										Habeck
warns										warns
about										about
the										the
upcoming									upcoming
economic									economic
and										and
social										social
crisis										crisis
The										The
number										number
of										of
dissatisfied									dissatisfied
in										in
the										the
country										country
according									according
to										to
a										a
survey										survey
by										by
the										the
channel									  <
ARD										ARD
									  >	TV
									  >	channel
has										has
grown										grown
to										to
80										80
percent										percent
Thousands									Thousands
of										of
people										people
throughout								  |	from
									  >	all
									  >	over
Eastern										Eastern
Germany										Germany
continue									continue
to										to
come										come
to										to
the										the
streets										streets
for										for
protests									protests
on										on
Mondays										Mondays
In										In
the										the
midst										midst
of										of
hundreds									hundreds
of										of
thousands									thousands
of										of
people										people
who										who
fear										fear
and										and
worry										worry
about										about
the										the
future										future
they									  <
are										are
taken										taken
out										out
on										on
the										the
streets										streets
Will										Will
Europe										Europe
survive										survive
the										the
upcoming									upcoming
winter										winter
with										with
the										the
gas										gas
reserves									reserves
that										that
it										it
has										has
accumulated									accumulated
The										The
gas										gas
in										in
Germany's									Germany's
underground									underground
reserves									reserves
is										is
enough										enough
for										for
two										two
maximum										maximum
two										two
and										and
a										a
half										half
months										months
But										But
there										there
are										are
of										of
course										course
both										both
optimistic									optimistic
and										and
very										very
pessimistic									pessimistic
forecasts									forecasts
And										And
very										very
pessimistic									pessimistic
forecasts									forecasts
say										say
that										that
there									  |	in
will									  <
be									  <
about									  <
5									  <
percent									  <
of									  <
European									European
gas									  <
reserves									reserves
at										at
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
gas										gas
selection									selection
period										period
in										in
March										March
2023										2023
									  >	there
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	about
									  >	5
									  >	percent
									  >	left
Now										Now
the										the
urgent										urgent
news										news
is										is
coming										coming
NATO										NATO
does										does
not										not
pose										pose
a										a
threat										threat
to										to
Russia										Russia
									  >	and
does										does
not										not
seek										seek
you										you
will										will
not										not
believe										believe
confrontation									confrontation
said										said
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
Pentagon									Pentagon
comrade										comrade
Austin										Austin
									  >	and
									  >	in
									  >	parallel
									  >	so
									  >	that
									  >	you
									  >	understand
NATO										NATO
which										which
does										does
not										not
pose										pose
a										a
threat										threat
to										to
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
and										and
does										does
not										not
seek										seek
from										from
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
and										and
has										has
never										never
sought										sought
any										any
confrontation									confrontation
will										will
conduct										conduct
its										its
strategic									strategic
nuclear										nuclear
exercises									exercises
at										at
a										a
distance									distance
of										of
600										600
miles										miles
from										from
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
But									  |	NATO
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
they									  |	does
do									  <
not										not
plan										plan
to										to
use										use
real										real
nuclear										nuclear
weapons									  |	ammunition
For										For
this										this
we										we
bow										bow
our										our
heads										heads
Apparently									Apparently
they										they
will										will
use										use
empty										empty
ones									  <
And										And
at									  |	in
the									  |	parallel
same									  <
time									  <
the										the
fire										fire
is										is
huge										huge
									  >	Again
Belgorod									Belgorod
again									  <
The									  <
Oktyabrsky									Oktyabrsky
district									district
									  >	Something
is										is
burning										burning
strongly									strongly
in										in
the										the
area										area
of										of
the										the
sugar										sugar
factory										factory
We										We
are										are
waiting										waiting
for										for
official									official
information									information
explanations									explanations
of										of
what										what
happened									happened
This										This
morning										morning
the										the
armed									  |	Armed
forces									  |	Forces
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
have									  |	has
already										already
struck										struck
the										the
city										city
center										center
The										The
blow										blow
came										came
on									  |	from
the										the
multi-apartment									multi-apartment
building									building
Look										Look
The										The
sound										sound
of										of
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
glow										glow
and										and
that's										that's
it										it
And										And
I										I
jumped										jumped
out									  |	into
of									  <
the										the
window										window
It									  <
seems									  <
to									  <
be									  <
right									  <
on									  <
the									  <
roof									  <
Run										Run
here										here
The										The
house										house
shrunk									  |	was
very										very
much									  |	shaky
Everything									Everything
was										was
in										in
smoke										smoke
The										The
multi-apartment									multi-apartment
residential									residential
building									building
received									received
significant									significant
damage										damage
Part										Part
of										of
the										the
roof										roof
was										was
destroyed									destroyed
Apparently									Apparently
one										one
of										of
the										the
residential									residential
apartments									apartments
It										It
became										became
dark										dark
in										in
the										the
apartment									apartment
The										The
dust										dust
the										the
windows										windows
rang										rang
We										We
got										got
hit										hit
Oh										Oh
my										my
Rocket										Rocket
Rocket										Rocket
Damn										Damn
the										the
house										house
collapsed									collapsed
there										there
It's										It's
very										very
scary										scary
for										for
the										the
children									children
The										The
child										child
was										was
scared										scared
She										She
already										already
knew										knew
									  >	that
she										she
said									  |	would
I'll									  <
run										run
to										to
the										the
bathroom									bathroom
grandma									  <
to										to
sit										sit
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	grandmother's
									  >	toilet
Typical										Typical
tactics										tactics
of										of
the										the
Nazis									  |	Nazi
The									  <
Kiev									  <
regime										regime
									  >	in
									  >	Kiev
They										They
beat										beat
as										as
we										we
see										see
in										in
peaceful									peaceful
neighborhoods									neighborhoods
a									  |	Peaceful
peaceful								  <
city										city
without										without
pursuing									pursuing
any										any
military									military
goals										goals
Only										Only
the									  <
victims										victims
among										among
the									  |	peaceful
civilians								  |	residents
are										are
achieved								  |	being
									  >	killed
Please										Please
Actually									Actually
nothing										nothing
new										new
I'm										I'm
just										just
curious										curious
Considering									Considering
that										that
the										the
armed									  |	Armed
forces									  |	Forces
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
have										have
a										a
large										large
resupply								  |	resumption
and										and
are										are
practically									practically
exhausted									exhausted
from										from
the										the
reserves									reserves
of										of
Soviet										Soviet
ammunition									ammunition
it										it
is										is
obvious										obvious
that										that
									  >	in
									  >	Belgorod
they										they
are										are
already										already
shooting									shooting
									  >	with
Western										Western
weapons										weapons
And										And
what										what
did										did
the										the
Western										Western
politicians									politicians
tell										tell
us										us
there										there
That										That
there										there
are										are
some										some
restrictions									restrictions
on										on
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Russia										Russia
And									  |	By
by									  <
the										the
way										way
there										there
is										is
a										a
very										very
wonderful									wonderful
story										story
about										about
how										how
they										they
do									  |	are
not										not
seek									  |	looking
									  >	for
conflict									conflict
with										with
Russia										Russia
how										how
they										they
do										do
not										not
pose										pose
a										a
threat										threat
to										to
Russia										Russia
All										All
this										this
reminds										reminds
God										God
forbid										forbid
it										it
seems										seems
to										to
be										be
1999										1999
the										the
Hollywood									Hollywood
comedy										comedy
Mars										Mars
Attacks										Attacks
You										You
know										know
there										there
is										is
a										a
parody										parody
of										of
all										all
these										these
fantastic									fantastic
films										films
where										where
those										those
who										who
came									  |	hit
to									  |	the
Earth									  |	ground
									  >	come
from										from
Mars										Mars
run										run
with										with
blasters									blasters
after										after
the										the
earthlings									earthlings
who										who
are										are
in										in
panic										panic
and										and
say										say
we										we
are										are
your										your
friends										friends
do										do
not										not
run										run
away										away
And									  |	Well
they										they
shoot										shoot
everyone									everyone
What										What
NATO										NATO
is										is
doing										doing
now										now
what										what
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
is										is
doing										doing
now										now
by										by
the										the
way										way
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
is										is
also										also
beautiful								  |	wonderful
You										You
see										see
when										when
Mr										Mr
Barrell									  |	M
									  >	Barel
let										let
me										me
remind										remind
you										you
if										if
he										he
himself										himself
may										may
have										have
forgotten									forgotten
the										the
head										head
of										of
diplomacy									diplomacy
discusses									discusses
what										what
kind										kind
of										of
destructive									destructive
blow										blow
will										will
be										be
inflicted									inflicted
on										on
the										the
Russian										Russian
army										army
I										I
somehow										somehow
missed										missed
it									  <
And										And
when										when
did										did
he										he
get										get
the										the
general										general
position								  |	rank
That									  |	Apparently
is									  <
apparently								  <
now										now
the										the
head										head
of										of
diplomacy									diplomacy
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
is										is
already										already
in									  |	commanded
command									  |	by
of									  <
the										the
armed										armed
forces										forces
But										But
here										here
what										what
is										is
characteristic									characteristic
all										all
the										the
time										time
everything									everything
is										is
reversed									reversed
upside										upside
down										down
For										For
example										example
the										the
reasoning									reasoning
that										that
Russia										Russia
is										is
threatening									threatening
someone										someone
with										with
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
It										It
has										has
been										been
repeated									repeated
many										many
times										times
Under										Under
what										what
circumstances									circumstances
can										can
Russia										Russia
use										use
its										its
weapons										weapons
in										in
accordance									accordance
with										with
the									  <
nuclear										nuclear
doctrine									doctrine
If										If
figuratively									figuratively
speaking									speaking
it										it
is										is
not										not
clear										clear
what										what
Soviet										Soviet
and										and
then										then
Russian										Russian
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
are										are
then										then
here										here
is										is
the										the
image										image
You										You
know										know
experienced									experienced
fighters									fighters
when										when
they										they
fight										fight
with										with
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
not										not
wanting										wanting
to										to
be										be
captured									captured
they										they
keep										keep
a										a
grenade										grenade
with										with
them										them
which										which
is										is
not										not
intended									intended
for										for
combat										combat
This										This
is										is
such										such
a										a
grenade										grenade
which										which
in										in
the										the
extreme										extreme
case										case
you										you
will										will
blow										blow
up										up
to										to
blow										blow
yourself									yourself
up										up
along										along
with										with
the										the
enemies										enemies
So										So
our										our
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
are										are
intended									intended
exactly										exactly
for										for
the										the
same										same
purpose										purpose
And										And
all										all
that										that
they										they
are										are
shouting									shouting
now										now
is										is
intended									intended
to										to
achieve										achieve
only										only
one										one
thing										thing
Come										Come
on										on
we										we
will										will
beat									  |	defeat
you										you
you										you
will										will
admit										admit
defeat										defeat
and										and
in										in
no										no
case										case
will										will
you										you
bury										bury
us										us
Although									Although
they										they
certainly									certainly
deserve										deserve
it										it
completely									completely
and										and
completely									completely
But										But
here										here
what										what
is										is
interesting									interesting
									  >	here
in										in
all										all
this										this
background									background
quite										quite
threatening									threatening
especially									especially
with										with
the										the
news										news
about									  |	of
the										the
implementation									implementation
of										of
NATO										NATO
nuclear										nuclear
exercises									exercises
Well									  |	well
this									  |	it
is										is
really										really
in										in
fact										fact
the										the
case										case
in										in
such										such
a										a
situation									situation
to										to
conduct										conduct
nuclear										nuclear
exercises									exercises
it										it
means										means
to									  |	that
step									  |	you
outside									  |	are
the									  |	stepping
next									  |	into
									  >	another
turn										turn
of										of
the									  <
escalation									escalation
What										What
is										is
it										it
for										for
Well										Well
apparently									apparently
someone										someone
wants										wants
to										to
play										play
this									  <
game									  <
This										This
is										is
a										a
threat										threat
from										from
NATO										NATO
to										to
Russia										Russia
Direct									  |	a
									  >	direct
									  >	one
And										And
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
hear										hear
statements									statements
that										that
sound										sound
like										like
from										from
room										room
number										number
six									  |	6
Because									  |	because
well										well
excuse									  |	forgive
me										me
what										what
Mr										Mr
Barel										Barel
says										says
I										I
have										have
already										already
said										said
Our										Our
beautiful								  |	wonderful
sleepy									  |	son
Joe										Joe
who										who
once										once
again										again
got										got
lost										lost
in										in
the										the
history										history
of										of
his										his
own										own
family										family
tells										tells
that										that
his										his
son										son
died										died
in										in
Iraq										Iraq
apparently									apparently
forgetting									forgetting
how										how
it										it
really										really
was										was
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
Well										Well
and										and
the										the
wonderful									wonderful
speech									  |	performance
of										of
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
who										who
apparently									apparently
either										either
consuming									consuming
something									something
or										or
constantly									constantly
consuming									consuming
something									something
carried										carried
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
wheel										wheel
starting									starting
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
it									  <
turns									  <
out									  <
that									  <
there										there
are										are
some									  |	certain
puppies										puppies
in										in
Putin's										Putin's
circle										circle
who										who
threaten									threaten
with										with
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
after										after
50										50
grams										grams
Well										Well
here										here
of										of
course										course
it										it
is										is
necessary									necessary
to										to
bring										bring
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
himself										himself
at										at
least										least
on									  |	in
the									  |	2014
14th									  <
year									  <
as										as
he										he
promised									promised
to										to
kneel										kneel
before										before
Vladimir									Vladimir
Vladimirovich									Vladimirovich
But										But
nevertheless									nevertheless
you										you
know										know
									  >	I
									  >	know
as										as
far										far
as										as
I										I
remember									remember
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
and										and
I										I
have										have
an										an
academic									academic
family										family
His										His
father										father
is										is
a										a
professor									professor
at										at
the										the
university									university
Perhaps										Perhaps
that										that
is										is
why										why
he										he
does										does
not										not
know										know
some									  |	certain
concepts									concepts
that										that
existed										existed
for										for
people										people
from										from
the										the
work										work
force										force
There										There
is										is
one										one
such										such
concept										concept
you										you
have										have
to										to
answer										answer
for										for
your										your
words										words
Of										Of
course										course
I										I
would										would
very									  |	really
much									  <
like										like
to										to
see										see
how										how
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
would										would
say										say
all										all
this										this
to										to
those										those
people										people
whom										whom
he										he
called										called
puppies										puppies
Because										Because
as										as
a										a
puppy										puppy
he										he
behaves										behaves
himself										himself
None										None
of										of
his										his
speeches									speeches
are										are
really										really
a										a
speech										speech
of										of
the										the
head										head
of										of
state										state
Look										Look
at										at
all										all
his										his
speeches									speeches
Well										Well
what										what
is										is
it										it
Give										Give
me										me
that										that
give										give
me										me
that										that
A										A
person										person
who										who
even										even
in										in
his										his
speeches									speeches
does										does
not										not
say										say
that										that
he										he
is										is
able										able
to										to
defend										defend
the										the
independence									independence
of										of
his										his
own										own
state										state
with										with
his										his
own										own
forces										forces
This									  |	There
is										is
simply										simply
not									  |	no
the									  |	such
case									  |	thing
The										The
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
being										being
an										an
instrument									instrument
of										of
politics								  |	the
									  >	policy
									  >	of
those										those
who										who
want										want
to										to
use										use
it										it
it										it
									  >	does
not										not
only										only
imposes									  |	set
itself										itself
not									  |	up
									  >	Not
only										only
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
people										people
but										but
those										those
very										very
Europeans									Europeans
who										who
are										are
involved									involved
in										in
this										this
Well									  |	When
when									  <
we										we
are										are
told										told
today										today
that										that
in										in
no										no
case										case
look										look
the										the
same										same
Bildt									  |	belt
is										is
speaking									speaking
how										how
come									  <
there									  <
are										are
									  >	there
people										people
who										who
ask										ask
questions									questions
like										like
Dieter										Dieter
Bolin										Bolin
And										And
what										what
is										is
going										going
on										on
around										around
us									  <
And										And
why										why
are										are
we										we
suffering									suffering
and										and
freezing									freezing
here										here
The										The
question									question
is										is
									  >	do
you										you
must									  |	have
									  >	to
suffer										suffer
There										There
are										are
comparisons									comparisons
with										with
Stalingrad									Stalingrad
This										This
is										is
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
madness										madness
Where										Where
does										does
it										it
come										come
from										from
You										You
need										need
to										to
come										come
up										up
with										with
something									something
do										do
you										you
understand									understand
They										They
are										are
trying										trying
to										to
come										come
up										up
with										with
something									something
to										to
convince									convince
their										their
people										people
that										that
they										they
are										are
acting										acting
right										right
The										The
problem										problem
is										is
one										one
thing										thing
By										By
putting										putting
everything									everything
upside										upside
down										down
in										in
the										the
end										end
you										you
yourself									yourself
lead										lead
yourself									yourself
to										to
the										the
point										point
of										of
no										no
return										return
And										And
when										when
you										you
again										again
first										first
allow										allow
the									  |	Ukraine
Ukrainians								  <
to										to
carry										carry
out										out
terrorist									terrorist
acts										acts
and										and
as										as
we										we
already										already
know										know
the										the
official									official
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
people										people
are										are
openly										openly
recognized									recognized
for									  |	in
this										this
At										At
first										first
they										they
are										are
happy										happy
then										then
in										in
other										other
speeches									speeches
then										then
they										they
take										take
their										their
voice									  |	word
back										back
but									  |	But
everyone								  <
understands								  <
everything									everything
absolutely								  |	is
									  >	clear
									  >	to
									  >	everyone
									  >	Absolutely
Today										Today
is										is
an										an
important									important
circumstance									circumstance
It										It
just										just
matters										matters
We										We
need										need
to										to
show										show
Kuleba's									Kuleba's
statement									statement
He										He
									  >	does
not										not
understanding								  |	understand
who										who
he										he
is										is
talking										talking
to										to
									  >	He
declared									declared
to										to
our										our
pranksters								  |	prankers
in										in
Ivano-Lexus									Ivano-Lexus
but									  |	that
Kuleba										Kuleba
is										is
the										the
most									  <
real										real
one									  <
The									  <
Minister									Minister
of										of
Foreign										Foreign
Affairs										Affairs
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
said									  |	who
that									  <
Ukraine									  <
is										is
behind										behind
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
attacks										attacks
in										in
both										both
Crimea										Crimea
and										and
Belgorod									Belgorod
Here										Here
is										is
a										a
pure										pure
and										and
sincere										sincere
confession									confession
If										If
there										there
is										is
some									  |	any
kind									  <
of									  <
protocol									protocol
somewhere									somewhere
please										please
bring									  |	report
it										it
in									  |	We
we									  <
are										are
watching									watching
If										If
for										for
example										example
you										you
ask										ask
me										me
who										who
explodes									explodes
something									something
in										in
Crimea										Crimea
or										or
Belgorod									Belgorod
then									  <
in										in
private										private
communication									communication
how									  |	as
private									  |	much
									  >	as
it										it
can										can
be										be
									  >	private
in										in
Zoom										Zoom
I										I
will										will
tell										tell
you										you
that										that
it										it
is										is
us										us
First										First
of										of
all										all
Crimea										Crimea
is										is
a										a
source										source
of										of
ammunition									ammunition
for										for
the										the
Russian										Russian
army										army
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
an										an
air										air
base										base
for										for
their										their
aircraft									aircraft
from										from
which										which
they										they
strike										strike
Accordingly									Accordingly
the										the
destruction									destruction
of										of
ammunition									ammunition
and										and
aviation									aviation
warehouses									warehouses
in										in
Crimea										Crimea
has										has
a										a
direct										direct
effect										effect
on										on
Russia's									Russia's
combat										combat
readiness									readiness
									  >	and
									  >	combat
									  >	capability
on										on
the										the
mainland									mainland
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
is										is
an										an
overbearing								  |	outstanding
monster										monster
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
and										and
a										a
killer										killer
Kuleba										Kuleba
who										who
brought									  |	took
children									children
abroad										abroad
his										his
wife										wife
a										a
dog										dog
as										as
he										he
admitted									admitted
himself										himself
is									  |	sits
sitting									  <
in										in
an										an
expensive									expensive
T-shirt										T-shirt
and										and
McFaul									  <
tells										tells
									  >	McFaul
with										with
pleasure									pleasure
how										how
he										he
explodes									explodes
Russia										Russia
Think										Think
again										again
This										This
is										is
the										the
official									official
face										face
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
who										who
claims										claims
that										that
it										it
is										is
legal										legal
to										to
drive										drive
a										a
truck										truck
with										with
explosives									explosives
to										to
the										the
bridge										bridge
where										where
there										there
was										was
not										not
a										a
single										single
military									military
object										object
and										and
									  >	to
blow										blow
up										up
people										people
Ordinary									Ordinary
people										people
peaceful									peaceful
population									population
this									  |	are
is									  |	crimes
a									  <
crime									  <
according									according
to										to
the										the
laws										laws
of										of
any										any
state										state
but									  |	But
it										it
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
Europe										Europe
									  >	is
									  >	legitimizing
today										today
legitimizes								  <
Moreover									Moreover
it										it
claims										claims
that										that
those										those
who										who
are										are
bombed										bombed
are										are
terrorists									terrorists
And										And
how										how
to										to
talk										talk
to										to
such										such
people										people
And										And
it										it
is										is
necessary									necessary
to										to
understand									understand
gentlemen									gentlemen
to										to
count										count
on										on
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the										the
answer										answer
does										does
not										not
follow										follow
in										in
vain										vain
Every										Every
shell										shell
that										that
flies										flies
through										through
Belgrade								  |	Belgorod
will										will
come									  |	return
back									  <
to										to
you										you
But										But
I										I
will										will
remind										remind
you										you
									  >	once
again										again
when										when
you										you
raise										raise
bets									  |	the
									  >	stakes
I										I
am										am
guided										guided
by										by
a										a
person										person
who										who
discusses									discusses
the										the
state										state
of										of
cocaine										cocaine
and										and
things										things
in										in
which										which
he										he
never										never
understood									understood
anything									anything
at										at
all										all
It									  |	it
is										is
									  >	not
necessary									necessary
to										to
count										count
on										on
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
Russia										Russia
will										will
not										not
be										be
able										able
to										to
stand										stand
up										up
for										for
itself										itself
in										in
the										the
end										end
You										You
take										take
away										away
the										the
main										main
thought										thought
from										from
people										people
that										that
this										this
price										price
will										will
be										be
high										high
for										for
everyone									everyone
including									including
for									  |	the
Europeans									Europeans
There									  |	And
									  >	there
will										will
be										be
no									  |	a
more									  |	speech
talk									  <
about										about
									  >	neither
									  >	heating
									  >	nor
heating										heating
not									  <
about									  <
warmth									  <
and										and
not										not
a									  |	the
loss										loss
of										of
any										any
comfort										comfort
Let's										Let's
move										move
to										to
the										the
United										United
States										States
today										today
Our										Our
chief										chief
of										of
the										the
American									American
Bureau										Bureau
is										is
in										in
direct										direct
contact										contact
with										with
Marion										Marion
This									  |	this
is										is
a										a
town										town
in										in
Illinois									Illinois
where										where
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
there										there
has										has
been										been
an										an
illegally									illegally
appointed									appointed
punishment									punishment
The									  |	the
hostage										hostage
of										of
the										the
American									American
regime										regime
our										our
citizen										citizen
is									  <
a										a
wonderful									wonderful
absolutely									absolutely
Victor										Victor
Buddha										Buddha
He									  |	and
									  >	he
was										was
visited										visited
by										by
the										the
Russian										Russian
ambassador									ambassador
to										to
the										the
United										United
States										States
the										the
day										day
before										before
yesterday									yesterday
Hello									  <
Valentin									Valentin
									  >	hello
It										It
is										is
not										not
very										very
clear										clear
how										how
to										to
evaluate									evaluate
the									  |	Biden's
latest										latest
statement									statement
by									  |	about
Biden									  <
the										the
White										White
House										House
about										about
the										the
negotiations									negotiations
You									  |	then
									  >	you
come										come
to										to
me										me
									  >	then
I										I
will										will
not										not
come										come
to										to
you										you
myself										myself
If										If
it										it
is										is
about										about
Greiner										Greiner
then										then
we										we
will										will
talk										talk
We									  |	we
will										will
not										not
talk										talk
about										about
Ukraine										Ukraine
In									  |	but
									  >	in
general										general
we										we
will										will
see										see
And									  |	and
then										then
the										the
White										White
House										House
itself										itself
says									  |	declares
that										that
no										no
no										no
we										we
do										do
not										not
plan										plan
any										any
negotiations									negotiations
at										at
the										the
G20										G20
summit										summit
in										in
Bali										Bali
Valentin									Valentin
Good										Good
evening										evening
Evgeny										Evgeny
Olga										Olga
Well										Well
how										how
to										to
evaluate									evaluate
them										them
Yes									  |	yes
like									  |	as
everything									everything
that										that
is										is
happening									happening
now										now
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
through										through
the										the
prism										prism
of										of
intermediate									intermediate
elections									elections
You										You
see										see
behind										behind
my										my
back										back
the										the
whole										whole
set										set
Here									  |	here
they										they
choose										choose
both										both
members										members
of										of
the										the
House										House
of										of
Representatives									Representatives
and										and
senators									senators
and										and
so										so
on										on
We										We
are										are
as										as
you										you
said										said
in										in
southern									southern
Illinois									Illinois
This										This
is										is
a										a
rare										rare
place										place
in										in
Illinois									Illinois
in										in
general										general
in										in
a										a
democratic									democratic
state										state
where										where
they										they
vote										vote
for										for
Republicans									Republicans
But									  |	but
to									  <
Biden										Biden
of										of
course										course
									  >	now
									  >	has
any										any
opportunity									opportunity
is									  <
now									  <
important								  <
in									  <
order									  <
to										to
improve										improve
the										the
position									position
of										of
his										his
party										party
before										before
the										the
elections									elections
And										And
of										of
course										course
									  >	the
talks										talks
about										about
exchanging									exchanging
prisoners									prisoners
they										they
go										go
through										through
the										the
context										context
of										of
these										these
elections									elections
Yesterday									Yesterday
indeed									  <
we										we
are									  |	really
									  >	in
15										15
kilometers									kilometers
from										from
there										there
there										there
is										is
the										the
Marriott								  |	Marion
prison										prison
Supermax									Supermax
as										as
the										the
Americans									Americans
call										call
such										such
prisons										prisons
Especially								  |	especially
guarded										guarded
you										you
can't										can't
even										even
come										come
a										a
kilometer									kilometer
not										not
to										to
shoot										shoot
We									  |	we
were										were
waiting										waiting
for										for
our										our
ambassador									ambassador
Anatoly										Anatoly
Antonov										Antonov
He									  |	he
came										came
out										out
and										and
told										told
us										us
									  >	about
how										how
he										he
feels										feels
Victor									  |	Viktor
Booth									  |	Bud
									  >	he
feels										feels
despite										despite
everything									everything
cheerfully								  |	cheerful
He									  <
teaches										teaches
by										by
the										the
way										way
									  >	the
Chinese										Chinese
language									language
he									  |	I
has									  |	have
already										already
learned										learned
500										500
hieroglyphs									hieroglyphs
But									  |	but
of										of
course										course
I										I
could										could
not										not
help										help
but										but
ask										ask
the										the
head										head
of										of
our										our
dip										dip
mission										mission
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
about										about
the										the
prospects									prospects
of										of
possible								  <
exchange									exchange
and										and
in										in
general										general
about										about
at										at
what										what
stage										stage
everything									everything
is										is
now										now
He									  |	Anatoly
									  >	Antonov
was										was
very										very
restrained									restrained
from									  |	he
Anatoly									  <
Antonov									  <
He									  <
said										said
that										that
in										in
general										general
special										special
services									services
are										are
engaged										engaged
in										in
these									  |	this
issues									  |	issue
There									  |	there
is										is
no										no
need										need
to										to
run										run
ahead										ahead
of										of
the										the
locomotive									locomotive
Our									  |	our
country										country
unlike										unlike
the										the
United										United
States										States
is										is
not										not
engaged										engaged
in										in
speculation									speculation
Therefore								  |	no
									  >	one
									  >	on
									  >	this
									  >	political
									  >	point
									  >	of
									  >	view
									  >	wants
									  >	to
									  >	earn
									  >	immediately
									  >	so
the										the
process										process
is										is
going										going
we										we
will										will
find										find
out										out
everything									everything
in										in
due										due
time										time
Our									  |	Of
									  >	course
									  >	our
ambassador									ambassador
commented									commented
of									  |	on
course									  |	Biden's
a									  <
very										very
rude										rude
statement									statement
of									  <
Biden									  <
about										about
what										what
he										he
is										is
waiting										waiting
for										for
that										that
Putin										Putin
himself									  <
will										will
approach								  |	come
									  >	to
him										him
Moreover								  |	himself
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	this
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	happen
									  >	moreover
as										as
Anatoly										Anatoly
Antonov										Antonov
said										said
quite									  |	it
rightly									  <
there									  <
is										is
no									  |	absolutely
need									  |	fair
to									  |	it
communicate								  |	is
									  >	not
									  >	worth
									  >	communicating
with										with
us										us
in										in
this									  |	such
									  >	a
tone										tone
at									  |	and
all									  <
And									  <
of										of
course										course
there										there
will										will
be										be
no										no
positive									positive
reaction									reaction
if										if
they										they
continue									continue
to										to
communicate									communicate
in										in
this									  |	such
									  >	a
tone										tone
We										We
talked									  |	were
with									  |	talking
you									  <
about										about
the										the
elections									elections
Of									  |	of
course										course
this										this
is										is
very										very
felt										felt
here										here
When									  |	when
you										you
are										are
in										in
New										New
York										York
for										for
example										example
you										you
see										see
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
flags										flags
everywhere									everywhere
I										I
have										have
traveled									traveled
about										about
200										200
miles										miles
here										here
over										over
the										the
last									  |	past
two										two
days										days
I										I
have										have
not										not
seen										seen
a										a
single										single
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
flag										flag
It									  |	it
is										is
due										due
to										to
the										the
people										people
who										who
will										will
come										come
and										and
vote										vote
for										for
one									  |	someone
of									  |	from
these										these
candidates									candidates
And									  |	and
this										this
statistic									statistic
is										is
formed									  |	determined
based									  |	by
on									  <
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the										the
number										number
of										of
people										people
who										who
would										would
be										be
concerned									concerned
about										about
the										the
defeat										defeat
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
falling										falling
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
There									  |	in
									  >	May
									  >	there
were										were
55									  |	55%
percent									  <
of									  <
them									  <
and									  <
now										now
there										there
are										are
38									  |	already
									  >	38%
This										This
is										is
the										the
American									American
depth										depth
which										which
is										is
									  >	becoming
more										more
and										and
more										more
difficult									difficult
to										to
explain										explain
to										to
Biden										Biden
And									  |	but
why										why
is										is
such										such
money										money
allocated									allocated
to										to
military									military
aid										aid
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
And									  |	Why
why									  <
is									  <
it									  <
that									  <
now										now
in										in
the										the
coming										coming
days										days
									  >	a
									  >	bitter
									  >	irony
the										the
world										world
is									  |	celebrates
celebrating								  <
the										the
60th										60th
anniversary									anniversary
of										of
the										the
Caribbean									Caribbean
crisis										crisis
and										and
again										again
nuclear										nuclear
escalation									escalation
and									  <
again										again
we										we
hear										hear
that										that
									  >	in
									  >	Europe
the										the
United										United
States										States
is										is
going										going
to										to
conduct										conduct
some										some
exercises									exercises
in									  |	there
Europe									  <
There									  <
is										is
also									  |	another
such									  <
a									  <
very										very
									  >	it
									  >	seems
									  >	to
									  >	me
funny										funny
moment										moment
It									  |	it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
they										they
are										are
scared										scared
and										and
afraid										afraid
of										of
the									  |	Russia's
response									response
of									  <
Russia									  <
and									  <
they										they
say										say
that										that
they										they
will										will
be										be
produced									produced
without										without
biocharges									biocharges
Will									  |	whether
they										they
									  >	will
use										use
empty										empty
nuclear										nuclear
charges										charges
Empty									  |	but
									  >	empty
nuclear										nuclear
charges										charges
probably									probably
sound										sound
as										as
funny										funny
as										as
non-alcoholic									non-alcoholic
vodka										vodka
Well									  |	well
something									something
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
done										done
something									something
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
forced									  |	somehow
into									  |	you
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	push
the										the
situation									situation
something								  |	somehow
needs									  |	you
									  >	need
to										to
be									  |	earn
earned									  <
points										points
for										for
these										these
elections									elections
And									  |	and
yes										yes
of										of
course										course
they										they
have									  |	became
become									  <
the									  <
hostages									hostages
of									  |	completely
the									  |	fair
people										people
on										on
whom										whom
the										the
bet										bet
was										was
once										once
made										made
and									  <
these										these
people										people
in										in
particular									particular
Zelensky									Zelensky
without									  |	strongly
much									  <
understanding									understanding
in										in
general										general
how										how
for										for
example										example
nuclear										nuclear
escalation									escalation
can										can
occur									  |	take
									  >	place
how										how
a										a
global										global
conflict									conflict
can										can
occur									  |	take
									  >	place
in										in
general										general
they										they
make										make
statements									statements
they										they
drive										drive
themselves									themselves
into										into
the									  |	a
corner										corner
Well									  |	moreover
									  >	I
									  >	would
									  >	compare
									  >	here
									  >	but
once										once
they										they
said										said
that										that
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
waging										waging
a										a
war										war
of										of
trust										trust
Well									  |	well
the										the
Kiev										Kiev
authorities									authorities
are										are
now										now
acting										acting
like										like
black										black
such									  |	realtor
realtors								  |	they
They									  <
have										have
reformed									reformed
this										this
trust										trust
on										on
their									  |	themselves
own									  <
and										and
									  >	they
are										are
already										already
trying										trying
to										to
pull									  |	drag
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
Europe										Europe
from									  |	into
their									  <
own									  <
names									  <
of									  <
course									  <
in									  <
a										a
very										very
serious										serious
global										global
conflict									conflict
									  >	on
									  >	their
									  >	own
									  >	behalf
Thank										Thank
you										you
very										very
much										much
Valentin									Valentin
Bogdanov									Bogdanov
the										the
head										head
of										of
our										our
American									American
bureau										bureau
As										As
for										for
the										the
negotiations									negotiations
show										show
us										us
the										the
latest										latest
									  >	one
from										from
the										the
last									  |	latest
statement									statement
by										by
Karin									  |	Karine
Jean-Pierre									Jean-Pierre
where										where
she										she
refuses										refuses
to										to
negotiate									negotiate
with										with
Putin										Putin
as										as
if										if
Putin										Putin
is										is
trying										trying
to										to
persuade									persuade
her										her
As										As
for										for
Britney										Britney
Greiner										Greiner
did										did
the										the
White										White
House										House
communicate									communicate
with										with
Moscow										Moscow
about										about
the									  |	an
possible								  |	opportunity
meeting									  |	to
									  >	meet
to										to
discuss										discuss
Britney										Britney
Greiner										Greiner
on										on
G20										G20
Is										Is
there										there
any										any
promotion								  |	progress
on										on
this										this
issue										issue
or										or
can										can
you										you
say										say
something									something
about										about
it										it
President									President
Biden										Biden
said										said
he										he
did										did
not										not
intend										intend
to										to
meet										meet
with										with
President									President
Putin										Putin
and										and
he										he
is										is
firmly										firmly
convinced									convinced
that										that
the										the
Russians									Russians
should										should
take										take
this										this
serious										serious
offer									  |	proposal
which										which
we										we
put										put
on										on
the										the
table										table
or										or
make										make
a										a
serious										serious
meeting										meeting
proposal									proposal
about										about
negotiations									negotiations
but										but
in										in
the										the
spirit										spirit
of										of
goodwill									goodwill
He										He
does										does
not										not
intend										intend
to										to
meet										meet
with										with
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
We										We
have									  <
said										said
this										this
many										many
times										times
before										before
Britney										Britney
Greiner										Greiner
and										and
Paul										Paul
Whelan										Whelan
were										were
arrested									arrested
by										by
mistake										mistake
and										and
we										we
believe										believe
that										that
they										they
should										should
be										be
released									released
immediately									immediately
And										And
it										it
has										has
always										always
been										been
it										it
has										has
always										always
been										been
our										our
position									position
Well										Well
it										it
seems										seems
to										to
me										me
that										that
the										the
last										last
two										two
days										days
have										have
shown										shown
several										several
very										very
important									important
things										things
The									  |	First
first									  <
Finally									  <
the										the
collapse									collapse
of										of
the										the
so-called									so-called
economic									economic
logic										logic
will										will
									  >	finally
be										be
understood									understood
Look										Look
at										at
yesterday's									yesterday's
vote										vote
at									  |	for
the										the
General										General
Assembly									Assembly
How										How
much										much
noise										noise
									  >	did
we										we
had									  |	have
from										from
certain										certain
experts										experts
Ah									  |	Oh
since										since
China										China
is										is
the										the
second										second
economy										economy
in										in
the										the
world										world
he										he
can										can
say										say
what										what
he										he
wants										wants
And										And
how										how
He										He
took										took
a										a
risk										risk
Well									  |	The
the									  <
same										same
									  >	thing
How										How
many									  |	much
									  >	did
we										we
had									  |	have
what									  |	What
wonderful									wonderful
connections									connections
we										we
have										have
with										with
Arab										Arab
economic									economic
countries									countries
with										with
European									European
business									business
I										I
remember									remember
very										very
well										well
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
2014										2014
Our										Our
experts										experts
never										never
said										said
that										that
Europe										Europe
would										would
not										not
introduce									introduce
any									  |	a
sanctions								  |	single
									  >	sanction
against										against
Russia										Russia
German										German
business									business
will										will
not										not
allow										allow
this										this
to										to
be									  |	happen
done									  <
We										We
are										are
so										so
economically									economically
dependent									dependent
on										on
each										each
other										other
Well										Well
here										here
is										is
the										the
proof										proof
The										The
end										end
of										of
economic									economic
thinking									thinking
The										The
end										end
of										of
thinking									thinking
where										where
everything									everything
is										is
determined									determined
by										by
the									  |	economics
economy									  |	which
This									  <
is									  <
what									  <
some										some
experts										experts
like										like
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
It										It
does										does
not										not
determine									determine
the										the
entire									  |	whole
economy										economy
absolutely								  |	at
									  >	all
It										It
determines									determines
political									political
will										will
and										and
political									political
calculation									calculation
Hence										Hence
the										the
second										second
point										point
We										We
like										like
it										it
or										or
not										not
but										but
we										we
are										are
entering									entering
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
war										war
Before										Before
that										that
we										we
lived										lived
in										in
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
the										the
world										world
We									  |	At
									  >	least
									  >	we
convinced									convinced
ourselves									ourselves
at									  <
least									  <
that										that
we										we
live										live
in										in
it										it
although									although
the										the
wars										wars
were										were
boiling										boiling
What									  |	Where
did										did
our										our
let's									  <
say									  <
defeat										defeat
of										of
the										the
strategic									strategic
Soviet										Soviet
Union										Union
begin										begin
with									  |	With
The									  |	the
war									  |	slogan
that									  |	of
was									  |	the
hanging									  |	world
all									  |	to
over									  |	the
									  >	world
									  >	which
									  >	hung
									  >	everywhere
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	to
the										the
world										world
And										And
once										once
the										the
world										world
died									  |	to
firstly									  |	the
									  >	world
									  >	first
									  >	of
									  >	all
you										you
can										can
surrender									surrender
under										under
certain										certain
conditions									conditions
And										And
secondly									secondly
is										is
there										there
a										a
plan										plan
B										B
if										if
they										they
still										still
start										start
the										the
war										war
It										It
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
those										those
elites										elites
who										who
are										are
focused										focused
only										only
on										on
the										the
economy										economy
they										they
do										do
not										not
have										have
a										a
plan										plan
B										B
And										And
those										those
elites										elites
who										who
are										are
focused										focused
on										on
a										a
tough										tough
forceful									forceful
hostile									  <
confrontation									confrontation
they										they
turn										turn
out										out
to										to
be										be
winners										winners
And									  |	Let
they									  <
have									  <
let									  <
them										them
be										be
tactical									tactical
and										and
situational									situational
but										but
they										they
have										have
such										such
a										a
plan										plan
And										And
even										even
B										B
and										and
even										even
C										C
Because										Because
they										they
have										have
no										no
restrictions									restrictions
that									  |	Ah
ah									  <
some										some
finances									finances
will										will
be									  |	suffer
damaged									  <
ah										ah
some										some
connections									connections
They										They
do										do
not										not
build										build
illusions									illusions
And									  |	The
the									  <
third										third
point										point
no										no
less										less
important									important
In										In
fact										fact
I									  <
say									  <
why										why
is										is
Ukraine										Ukraine
so										so
impudent									impudent
and										and
why										why
is										is
the										the
White										White
House										House
so										so
impudent									impudent
Because										Because
they										they
believe										believe
that										that
we										we
have										have
already										already
conceded								  |	given
									  >	them
several										several
times										times
This										This
is										is
the										the
logic										logic
with										with
the										the
grain										grain
deal										deal
Ah										Ah
the										the
main										main
economy										economy
we									  |	We
need										need
to										to
concede										concede
to										to
the										the
European									European
partners									partners
and									  |	And
now										now
there										there
will										will
be										be
a										a
layer										layer
of										of
the										the
elite										elite
who										who
will										will
offer										offer
a										a
compromise									compromise
Here										Here
get										get
an										an
answer										answer
to									  |	in
the									  <
search										search
for									  |	of
a										a
compromise									compromise
Why										Why
is										is
Biden										Biden
so										so
impudent									impudent
And									  |	Because
because									  <
he										he
believes								  |	considers
in									  <
our										our
recent										recent
statements									statements
that										that
we										we
are										are
ready										ready
waiting										waiting
for										for
Turkey										Turkey
to										to
offer										offer
a										a
peaceful									peaceful
settlement									settlement
Oh										Oh
you										you
scared										scared
the										the
guys										guys
Are										Are
you										you
ready										ready
to										to
retreat									  |	concede
Well										Well
then										then
we										we
increase									increase
the										the
pressure									pressure
									  >	We
conduct										conduct
training									training
									  >	We
conduct										conduct
something									something
else										else
We										We
are										are
the										the
winners										winners
This										This
is										is
the										the
logic										logic
he										he
wants										wants
to										to
impose										impose
This									  |	You
is									  <
what									  <
you									  <
have										have
lost										lost
Putin's										Putin's
assistant									assistant
Shakov										Shakov
according									according
to										to
the										the
results										results
of										of
the										the
one										one
and										and
a										a
half										half
hour										hour
negotiations									negotiations
with										with
Radagan										Radagan
said										said
that										that
the										the
word										word
Ukraine										Ukraine
was										was
never										never
pronounced									pronounced
And									  |	Ah
it										it
doesn't									  |	does
									  >	not
matter										matter
									  >	Already
									  >	in
the										the
media										media
has									  |	they
already									  |	threw
introduced								  |	it
this									  |	in
They										They
have										have
already										already
created										created
an										an
illusion									illusion
that										that
it										it
was										was
which									  |	What
is										is
the										the
essence										essence
of										of
their										their
information									information
company										company
And										And
the										the
rest										rest
was										was
in										in
fact										fact
not										not
As										As
they										they
say										say
either										either
he										he
stole										stole
or										or
he									  |	they
was									  |	stole
stolen									  |	from
									  >	him
But										But
what										what
do										do
you										you
want										want
from										from
the										the
world										world
we										we
have									  <
already										already
felt										felt
it										it
Here's										Here's
a										a
blow										blow
to										to
Belgorod									Belgorod
Now										Now
the										the
next										next
point										point
no										no
less										less
important									important
I									  |	It
think									  |	seems
									  >	to
									  >	me
									  >	that
now										now
we										we
need										need
to										to
make										make
a										a
very										very
simple										simple
logical										logical
step										step
for										for
all										all
these										these
nuclear										nuclear
answers										answers
and										and
teachings									teachings
of										of
NATO										NATO
which									  |	Which
									  >	could
									  >	make
our										our
State										State
Duma										Duma
could									  <
do									  <
Get										Get
out										out
of										of
the										the
agreement									agreement
on										on
the										the
comprehensive									comprehensive
prohibition									prohibition
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
tests										tests
which									  |	Which
we										we
will									  <
constitute									constitute
After									  |	Look
all									  <
see									  <
what										what
our									  <
benefit									  <
will										will
be										be
First									  |	our
									  >	benefit
									  >	Firstly
we										we
can										can
calmly										calmly
conduct										conduct
training									training
with										with
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
Diodically								  |	For
for									  <
example										example
closer										closer
to										to
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
Let										Let
it										it
be										be
on										on
underground									underground
sites										sites
in										in
the										the
Far										Far
East										East
somewhere									somewhere
The										The
second										second
point										point
									  >	is
more										more
interesting									interesting
this									  |	This
agreement									agreement
has										has
a										a
global										global
monitoring									monitoring
system										system
of										of
the										the
entire										entire
Earth										Earth
The										The
stations									stations
have										have
entangled									entangled
the										the
entire										entire
Earth										Earth
mostly										mostly
American									American
Russia's									Russia's
participation									participation
in										in
it										it
gives										gives
a										a
complete									complete
encirclement									encirclement
of										of
these										these
stations									stations
which										which
give										give
the										the
appropriate									appropriate
information									information
to										to
the										the
center										center
of									  |	in
Vienna										Vienna
Imagine									  |	Let's
									  >	imagine
for										for
a										a
moment										moment
that										that
Russia										Russia
is										is
leaving										leaving
There										There
is										is
no										no
encirclement									encirclement
of										of
the										the
Earth										Earth
Billions									Billions
and										and
billions									billions
that										that
the										the
United										United
States										States
has										has
invested									invested
in										in
these										these
stations									stations
are									  |	go
going									  <
nowhere										nowhere
They										They
simply									  |	just
become										become
unnecessary									unnecessary
Then										Then
I										I
would										would
see										see
what										what
the										the
President									President
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
would										would
look										look
like										like
in										in
front										front
of										of
his										his
Congress									Congress
for										for
such										such
an										an
empty										empty
waste										waste
With										With
the										the
right										right
approach									approach
our										our
counter-sanctions								counter-sanctions
can										can
be										be
very										very
painful										painful
and										and
cost										cost
us										us
very										very
little										little
We										We
just										just
need										need
to										to
understand									understand
for										for
ourselves									ourselves
that										that
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
the										the
world										world
is									  |	has
over									  |	come
									  >	to
									  >	an
									  >	end
The										The
logic										logic
of										of
trade										trade
is									  |	has
over									  |	come
the									  |	to
									  >	an
									  >	end
									  >	The
logic										logic
of										of
economic									economic
benefits									benefits
and										and
preferences									preferences
is									  |	has
over									  |	come
									  >	to
									  >	an
									  >	end
We										We
have										have
entered										entered
a										a
civilization									civilization
where										where
a									  |	the
limited										limited
war										war
is									  |	becomes
becoming								  <
the										the
norm										norm
We										We
take										take
out										out
the										the
sarmatas								  |	sarmas
and										and
start										start
to										to
dismantle									dismantle
them										them
Sarmatas								  |	Sarmas
will										will
not										not
believe										believe
That's									  |	Olga
									  >	this
									  >	is
the										the
trouble										trouble
They										They
will										will
not										not
believe										believe
in										in
sarmatas								  |	the
									  >	sarmas
But										But
they										they
will										will
believe										believe
in										in
the										the
destruction									destruction
of										of
the										the
energy										energy
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
The										The
threat										threat
as										as
some									  |	the
American								  |	Americans
says									  |	say
should										should
be										be
creditable									creditable
They										They
should										should
believe										believe
in										in
it										it
As										As
Zelensky									Zelensky
says										says
but										but
first										first
we										we
will										will
drink										drink
									  >	to
50										50
If										If
possible									possible
this										this
is										is
an										an
amazing										amazing
statement									statement
To										To
be										be
clear										clear
dear										dear
citizens									citizens
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
you										you
have										have
a										a
person										person
in										in
charge										charge
who										who
speaks										speaks
about										about
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
His										His
surroundings									surroundings
his										his
puppies										puppies
they										they
are										are
not										not
even										even
dogs										dogs
They										They
are										are
just										just
puppies										puppies
Each										Each
of										of
them										them
will										will
drink										drink
50										50
grams										grams
of										of
vodka										vodka
and										and
shout										shout
we										we
will										will
use										use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
tomorrow									tomorrow
What										What
is										is
this										this
Literally									Literally
he										he
drank										drank
smelled										smelled
at										at
that										that
moment										moment
Did									  |	Was
									  >	it
he										he
promise									  |	who
									  >	promised
us										us
preventive									preventive
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
Is										Is
it										it
the										the
same										same
person										person
or										or
maybe										maybe
some										some
other										other
Show										Show
us									  |	the
a									  <
fragment									fragment
Do										Do
you										you
believe										believe
in										in
the										the
probability									probability
of										of
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
from										from
Russia										Russia
And										And
what										what
would										would
you										you
like										like
NATO										NATO
to										to
do										do
to										to
deprive									  |	keep
Russia										Russia
of									  |	from
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
The									  |	What
only									  |	should
thing									  |	NATO
									  >	do
									  >	What
NATO										NATO
should										should
do										do
is										is
to										to
exclude										exclude
the										the
possibility									possibility
of										of
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
from										from
Russia										Russia
Preventive									Preventive
strikes										strikes
so										so
that										that
they										they
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	know
									  >	what
									  >	will
									  >	happen
									  >	to
									  >	them
									  >	Preventive
									  >	strikes
									  >	so
									  >	that
									  >	they
know										know
what										what
will										will
happen										happen
to										to
them										them
if										if
they										they
use										use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
They									  |	And
									  >	not
on										on
the										the
contrary									contrary
wait										wait
for										for
nuclear										nuclear
strikes										strikes
from									  |	in
Russia										Russia
to										to
then										then
say										say
oh										oh
you're										you're
right										right
well										well
here										here
we										we
are										are
Review										Review
the										the
use									  |	application
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	own
									  >	Review
									  >	the
									  >	application
of										of
your										your
									  >	own
pressure									pressure
This										This
is										is
what										what
I										I
think										think
NATO										NATO
should										should
do										do
Review										Review
the										the
									  >	application
order										order
of									  <
use									  <
Listen										Listen
well										well
about										about
the										the
puppies										puppies
you										you
know										know
as										as
our										our
president									president
says										says
who									  |	whoever
calls										calls
himself									  |	it
so										so
he										he
calls										calls
himself									  |	it
so										so
Puppies										Puppies
have										have
an										an
imperialist									imperialist
tendency									tendency
to										to
imitate										imitate
alpha										alpha
dogs										dogs
in										in
everything									everything
There									  |	Alpha
has									  |	dog
never									  |	in
been									  |	this
									  >	case
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	West
									  >	which
									  >	behaves
									  >	like
									  >	the
									  >	Kingdom
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Curved
									  >	Mirrors
									  >	Never
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	side
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	was
									  >	there
a										a
threat										threat
of										of
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
on									  |	in
Ukraine										Ukraine
from									  <
Russia									  <
Russia										Russia
consistently									consistently
explains									explains
that										that
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
can										can
be										be
used										used
in										in
the										the
event										event
of										of
a										a
threat										threat
to										to
us										us
to										to
our										our
country										country
And										And
now										now
the										the
same										same
thing										thing
continues									continues
At										At
the										the
moment										moment
when										when
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
wave										wave
is										is
growing										growing
on									  |	from
the										the
part									  |	side
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
it										it
is										is
at										at
this										this
moment										moment
in										in
the										the
West										West
that										that
the									  |	screams
shouting								  |	begin
begins									  <
that										that
Russia										Russia
is										is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
Russia										Russia
is										is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
Okay									  |	It
									  >	is
									  >	clear
									  >	from
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
this										this
pick-pick									pick-pick
club										club
									  >	PASSE
But										But
there										there
are										are
resolutions									resolutions
in										in
Congress									Congress
and										and
in										in
the										the
Senate										Senate
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
of										of
America										America
Let's										Let's
look										look
									  >	at
									  >	it
normally									normally
and										and
calmly										calmly
During										During
all										all
the										the
time										time
of										of
military									military
clashes										clashes
Russia										Russia
has										has
committed									committed
at										at
least										least
one										one
terrorist									terrorist
act										act
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
At										At
least										least
one										one
diversion									diversion
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
If										If
it										it
were										were
we										we
would										would
have										have
already										already
heard										heard
about										about
this									  |	it
from										from
every									  |	each
iron										iron
Now										Now
									  >	there
									  >	are
serious										serious
strikes										strikes
are									  |	by
being									  |	Russia
made									  <
on										on
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
that										that
has										has
a										a
double										double
purpose										purpose
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
even										even
according									according
to										to
									  >	the
official									official
statements									statements
of										of
the										the
officials									officials
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
unfortunately									unfortunately
much										much
less										less
peaceful									peaceful
people										people
died										died
than										than
forgive										forgive
me										me
the										the
tragic										tragic
but										but
already										already
tired										tired
									  >	after
									  >	a
									  >	series
of										of
the									  <
regular									  <
shelling									shelling
of										of
Donetsk										Donetsk
And										And
in										in
this										this
situation									situation
Russia										Russia
is										is
accused										accused
of										of
being										being
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
In										In
fact										fact
this										this
is										is
the										the
kingdom									  |	Kingdom
of										of
crooked									  |	the
mirrors									  |	Curved
									  >	Mirrors
The										The
situation									situation
is										is
turned										turned
upside										upside
down										down
Because										Because
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
and										and
now										now
the										the
public										public
opinion										opinion
of										of
the										the
West										West
begins										begins
to										to
realize										realize
more										more
and										and
more										more
that										that
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
engaged										engaged
in										in
terror										terror
then										then
let's										let's
declare										declare
that										that
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
is										is
Russia										Russia
In										In
fact										fact
a										a
very										very
important									important
point										point
The										The
President									President
analyzing									analyzing
what										what
Ukraine										Ukraine
has										has
been										been
doing										doing
lately										lately
called										called
it										it
in										in
fact										fact
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
and										and
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
organization									organization
But										But
for										for
us										us
it										it
seems										seems
to										to
me										me
it										it
is										is
very										very
important									important
to										to
understand									understand
This										This
is										is
not										not
just										just
an										an
additional									additional
scolding									scolding
that										that
we										we
put										put
there										there
Nazi										Nazi
authoritarian									authoritarian
let's										let's
call										call
it										it
terrorist									terrorist
No										No
this									  |	This
changes										changes
the										the
quality										quality
of										of
our										our
confrontation									confrontation
The										The
fascist									  <
Nazi										Nazi
organization									organization
the									  |	is
									  >	a
country										country
									  >	It
may										may
not										not
be										be
									  >	a
terrorist									terrorist
									  >	organization
Spain										Spain
was										was
a										a
fascist										fascist
but										but
it										it
was										was
not										not
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
If										If
we										we
come									  |	faced
across									  <
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
this										this
terrorist									terrorist
organization									organization
is										is
in										in
fact										fact
other									  |	a
approaches								  |	different
									  >	approach
									  >	a
life										life
approaches								  |	approach
This										This
means										means
that										that
we										we
need										need
to										to
seriously									seriously
strengthen									strengthen
the										the
internal									internal
security									security
of										of
the										the
work										work
of										of
our										our
special										special
services									services
internal								  |	which
alertness								  <
This									  <
means										means
that										that
we										we
get										get
additional									additional
opportunities									opportunities
and										and
additional									additional
rights										rights
to										to
strike										strike
not										not
only										only
on										on
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
but										but
also										also
on										on
the										the
individual									individual
characters									characters
who										who
deserve										deserve
it										it
Let's										Let's
go										go
back										back
If										If
you										you
ever										ever
make										make
me										me
an										an
offer										offer
I'll										I'll
think										think
about										about
it										it
a										a
hundred										hundred
more										more
times										times
									  >	Chalks
									  >	Final
This										This
week										week
of										of
the										the
BigFest										BigFest
is										is
dedicated									dedicated
to										to
those										those
who										who
were										were
chosen										chosen
as										as
the										the
wedding										wedding
host										host
Now										Now
you										you
choose										choose
Two										Two
French									  |	potatoes
fries									  |	for
									  >	free
or										or
two										two
potatoes									potatoes
in									  |	for
the										the
village										village
at										at
the										the
price										price
of										of
one										one
Millions									Millions
of										of
people										people
choose										choose
Fetalax										Fetalax
a										a
diet										diet
pill										pill
based										based
on										on
fruits										fruits
Try										Try
the										the
novelty										novelty
Fetalax										Fetalax
marmalade									marmalade
berries										berries
Just									  |	Only
one										one
									  >	for
									  >	the
night										night
for										for
a										a
comfortable									comfortable
relief										relief
in										in
the										the
morning										morning
It										It
does										does
not										not
cause										cause
spasms										spasms
and										and
swelling									swelling
Fetalax										Fetalax
from										from
Evalar										Evalar
Fetalax									  |	Hello
from									  |	Alla
Evalar									  |	You
Fetalax									  |	will
from									  |	fall
Evalar									  |	now
Fetalax									  |	Five
from									  |	again
Evalar									  |	A
Fetalax									  |	draw
from									  |	The
Evalar									  <
Fetalax									  <
from									  <
Evalar									  <
Fetalax									  <
from									  <
Evalar									  <
Fetalax									  <
from									  <
Evalar									  <
Fetalax									  <
from									  <
Evalar									  <
Fetalax									  <
from									  <
Evalar									  <
News									  <
of									  <
the									  <
week									  <
For									  <
those									  <
who									  <
want									  <
to									  <
know									  <
the									  <
main										main
thing									  |	prize
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	kitchen
is										is
to									  <
put									  <
together								  <
a										a
complete								  |	million
picture									  |	And
									  >	also
									  >	a
									  >	refrigerator
									  >	a
									  >	coffee
									  >	machine
									  >	an
									  >	electric
									  >	grill
									  >	There
									  >	are
									  >	a
									  >	thousand
									  >	prizes
									  >	A
									  >	thousand
									  >	Yes
									  >	If
									  >	you
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	win
									  >	run
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	five
									  >	Register
									  >	checks
and										and
make									  |	participate
									  >	Wait
									  >	for
									  >	guests
									  >	Every
									  >	day
									  >	Happy
									  >	Birthday
									  >	Ruska
									  >	Volotova
									  >	wins
									  >	two
									  >	tickets
									  >	out
									  >	of
									  >	three
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	know
									  >	that
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	apply
									  >	for
a										a
reliable								  |	loan
decision								  <
News									  <
of										of
the									  |	0%
week									  |	online
with									  |	and
Dmitry									  |	immediately
Kiselev									  <
on										on
Sunday									  |	the
									  >	card
									  >	Do
									  >	you
									  >	think
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	possible
									  >	Choose
									  >	a
									  >	loan
at										at
20.00									  |	a
News									  |	favorable
of									  |	condition
									  >	on
the										the
week									  |	comparison
News									  |	If
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	loan
									  >	then
									  >	compare
									  >	Choose
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	Banker
									  >	Roo
									  >	picks
									  >	up
									  >	profitable
									  >	loans
									  >	and
									  >	loans
									  >	All
									  >	online
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	three
									  >	approvals
									  >	And
									  >	the
									  >	bet
									  >	is
									  >	great
									  >	Banks
									  >	bring
									  >	everyone
									  >	profit
									  >	Eldorado
									  >	guarantees
									  >	a
									  >	low
									  >	price
									  >	for
									  >	everything
									  >	I
									  >	saw
									  >	lower
									  >	Most
									  >	likely
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	duck
									  >	And
									  >	if
									  >	it's
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	duck
									  >	we'll
									  >	throw
									  >	you
									  >	prices
									  >	even
									  >	lower
									  >	than
									  >	you
									  >	saw
									  >	Realme
									  >	C30
									  >	smartphone
									  >	for
									  >	11,999
									  >	rubles
									  >	Eldorado
									  >	What
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	profitable
									  >	drug
									  >	for
									  >	insomnia
									  >	Melatonin
									  >	Evalar
									  >	Benefits
									  >	up
									  >	to
									  >	60%
									  >	New
									  >	Glycine
									  >	plus
									  >	melatonin
									  >	in
									  >	one
									  >	pill
									  >	Reduces
									  >	anxiety
									  >	and
									  >	speeds
									  >	up
									  >	sleep
									  >	Glycine
									  >	plus
									  >	melatonin
									  >	Evalar
									  >	Double
									  >	action
									  >	Movie
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	weekend
									  >	Tell
									  >	me
									  >	What
									  >	is
									  >	your
									  >	script
									  >	about
									  >	The
									  >	main
									  >	character
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	worry
									  >	about
									  >	everything
									  >	And
									  >	love
									  >	And
									  >	the
									  >	betrayal
of										of
the										the
week									  |	beloved
									  >	She
									  >	goes
									  >	through
									  >	all
									  >	the
									  >	circles
									  >	Yes
									  >	Well
									  >	then
									  >	the
									  >	beloved
									  >	returns
									  >	She
									  >	forgives
									  >	him
									  >	With
									  >	a
									  >	beautiful
									  >	fairy
									  >	tale
									  >	She
									  >	has
									  >	always
									  >	preferred
									  >	psychological
									  >	drama
									  >	She
									  >	should
									  >	not
									  >	forgive
									  >	him
									  >	She
									  >	should
									  >	revenge
									  >	him
									  >	Insomnia
									  >	Saturday
									  >	and
									  >	Sunday
									  >	At
									  >	12.55
									  >	On
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	Channel
									  >	You
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	know
									  >	how
									  >	hard
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	for
									  >	me
									  >	to
									  >	live
									  >	without
									  >	you
									  >	I
									  >	cry
									  >	Amazing
									  >	movie
									  >	I
									  >	really
									  >	liked
									  >	it
									  >	I
									  >	touched
									  >	my
									  >	soul
									  >	You
									  >	live
									  >	physically
									  >	that's
									  >	all
									  >	they
									  >	feel
									  >	SuperSkate
									  >	movie
									  >	Cool
									  >	shot
									  >	Really
									  >	mesmerizing
									  >	Cool
									  >	effects
									  >	The
									  >	final
									  >	battle
									  >	is
									  >	especially
									  >	very
									  >	effective
									  >	Amazing
									  >	Heart
									  >	of
									  >	Barma
Today										Today
we										we
have										have
shown										shown
video									  |	the
footage										footage
of										of
the										the
use										use
of										of
barrage									  |	land
									  >	set
ammunition									ammunition
Lonset									  <
The									  <
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
Concern									  |	concert
a									  |	The
famous										famous
arms										arms
company										company
that									  |	which
probably									probably
bears										bears
the										the
name										name
of										of
one										one
of										of
the										the
most										most
famous										famous
Soviet										Soviet
people										people
Mikhail										Mikhail
Timofeevich									Timofeevich
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
demonstrated									demonstrated
what										what
means									  |	weapons
of									  <
armed									  <
struggle								  <
the										the
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
Concern									  |	Concert
supplies									supplies
to										to
the										the
Russian										Russian
Armed										Armed
Forces										Forces
We										We
need										need
a										a
state										state
defense										defense
order										order
for										for
thousands									thousands
of										of
such										such
controlled									controlled
Kamikaze									Kamikaze
drones										drones
We										We
will										will
solve										solve
the										the
problems									problems
not									  <
with										with
just									  |	not
Geran-2									  |	one
									  >	but
									  >	two
and										and
Geran-1									  |	one
Thank									  |	Thanks
you									  <
to										to
our										our
colleagues									colleagues
but										but
we										we
also										also
have										have
our										our
own										own
developments									developments
Let's										Let's
finance										finance
them										them
as										as
much										much
as										as
possible									possible
launch										launch
and										and
supply										supply
troops										troops
The										The
upgraded									upgraded
AK-12										AK-12
machine										machine
guns										guns
are										are
also										also
what										what
our										our
armed										armed
forces										forces
receive										receive
today										today
From										From
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
ergonomics								  <
all									  <
the										the
necessary								  |	ergonomics
									  >	of
									  >	today's
equipment									equipment
the										the
Picatinny									Picatinny
plan										plan
and										and
night										night
vision										vision
devices										devices
this									  |	This
is										is
what										what
is										is
needed										needed
today										today
for										for
effective									effective
combat										combat
And										And
most										most
importantly									importantly
this										this
is										is
high-precision									high-precision
weapons										weapons
Managed										Managed
ammunition									ammunition
both										both
for										for
artillery									artillery
systems										systems
and										and
for										for
our										our
military									military
aircraft									aircraft
helicopters									helicopters
All										All
this										this
is										is
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
one									  |	One
company										company
that										that
is										is
capable										capable
of										of
giving										giving
everything									everything
it										it
needs										needs
today										today
including									including
for										for
the										the
success										success
of										of
special										special
military									military
operations									operations
100%										100%
advance										advance
state										state
defense										defense
order										order
and										and
all										all
this										this
weapons										weapons
should										should
go										go
to										to
the										the
troops										troops
and										and
be										be
effectively									effectively
used										used
in										in
the										the
same										same
way										way
as										as
we										we
saw										saw
it										it
today										today
And										And
most										most
importantly									importantly
this										this
is										is
a										a
good										good
picture										picture
for										for
an										an
information									information
war										war
because									  |	Because
the									  |	Lancet
Landsat									  <
transmits									transmits
the										the
image										image
live										live
until										until
the										the
moment										moment
of										of
defeat										defeat
of										of
a										a
specific									specific
target										target
As										As
for										for
the										the
strike										strike
on										on
Belgorod									Belgorod
there										there
should										should
be										be
a										a
retribution								  |	revenge
The										The
attack										attack
and										and
strike										strike
on										on
Belgorod									Belgorod
is										is
a										a
continuation									continuation
of										of
the										the
attack										attack
and										and
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
Crimean										Crimean
bridge										bridge
Therefore									Therefore
there									  <
is									  <
a										a
need									  |	revenge
for									  |	is
retribution								  |	necessary
We										We
must										must
conduct										conduct
a										a
war										war
combat										combat
actions									  |	operations
a										a
special										special
military									military
operation									operation
taking									  |	meaning
into									  <
account									  <
that										that
any										any
object										object
in										in
the										the
form										form
of										of
a										a
structure									structure
that										that
the										the
Zelensky									Zelensky
regime										regime
weakens										weakens
is										is
a										a
legitimate									legitimate
target										target
including								  |	Including
the										the
banking										banking
system										system
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
national									national
processing									processing
centers										centers
All										All
this										this
scum										scum
that										that
fights										fights
against										against
us										us
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
their										their
cards										cards
must										must
be										be
zeroed										zeroed
out									  <
This										This
is										is
done										done
with										with
the									  |	a
strike										strike
of										of
high-precision									high-precision
weapons										weapons
on										on
the										the
corresponding									corresponding
processing									processing
centers										centers
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
Well										Well
I										I
will										will
support										support
Isaev										Isaev
Uleba									  |	He
must										must
answer										answer
for										for
his										his
words										words
specifically									specifically
Let's										Let's
go										go
back										back
Why									  |	What
am										am
I										I
									  >	going
									  >	through
									  >	as
a										a
witness										witness
What									  |	Well
do									  |	as
you									  |	a
mean									  |	personal
by									  |	witness
what									  <
In									  <
person									  <
Svetlana									Svetlana
Akimova										Akimova
a									  |	A
librarian									librarian
Are										Are
you										you
Captain										Captain
Sazonov										Sazonov
several										several
girls										girls
at										at
once										once
as									  <
you									  <
called									  <
She										She
is										is
my										my
informant									informant
You										You
have										have
good										good
informants									informants
This									  |	And
is									  |	who
the									  |	are
anniversary								  |	you
of									  |	And
									  >	who
									  >	are
									  >	you
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	a
									  >	commissioner
									  >	Show
									  >	me
									  >	a
									  >	free
									  >	VTB
									  >	card
									  >	right
									  >	now
									  >	Go
									  >	to
									  >	VTB
									  >	everything
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	fine
									  >	Compact
									  >	dishwasher
									  >	with
									  >	Wi-Fi
									  >	Electric
									  >	grill
									  >	Laser
									  >	navigation
									  >	robot
									  >	from
									  >	Midea
									  >	With
									  >	discounts
									  >	up
									  >	to
									  >	50%
									  >	Navalberes
									  >	Among
the										the
premiere								  |	flowers
on									  <
Monday									  <
at									  <
21.20									  <
on									  <
the										the
Russian									  |	best
channel									  |	is
									  >	her
									  >	Galina
									  >	Kirieva
This										This
week										week
of										of
the									  <
BigFest										BigFest
is										is
dedicated									dedicated
to										to
those										those
who										who
were										were
chosen										chosen
as										as
the										the
wedding										wedding
host										host
Now										Now
you										you
choose										choose
Two										Two
French									  |	potatoes
fries									  |	for
									  >	free
or										or
two										two
potatoes									potatoes
in										in
the										the
village										village
at										at
the										the
price										price
of										of
one										one
									  >	Happy
									  >	Birthday
Buy										Buy
an										an
energy										energy
drink										drink
Tornado										Tornado
and										and
win										win
millions									millions
of										of
rubles										rubles
Magnet										Magnet
celebrates									celebrates
dreams										dreams
come										come
true										true
The									  |	Happy
day									  |	Birthday
of									  |	Happy
the									  |	birthday
birth									  <
of									  <
the										the
Russian										Russian
hammer										hammer
to									  |	Live
live									  <
for										for
a										a
billion										billion
rubles										rubles
Millions									Millions
of										of
people										people
choose										choose
Fetalax										Fetalax
to									  |	Relieving
relax									  <
the									  <
digestive									digestive
pills										pills
									  >	based
on										on
the									  <
basis									  <
of									  <
fruits										fruits
Try										Try
a										a
novelty										novelty
Fetalax										Fetalax
marmalade									marmalade
berries										berries
Just										Just
one										one
for									  |	per
the									  <
night										night
for										for
a										a
comfortable									comfortable
relief										relief
in										in
the										the
morning										morning
It										It
does										does
not										not
cause										cause
spasms										spasms
and										and
swelling									swelling
Fetalax										Fetalax
from										from
Evalar										Evalar
									  >	Banker
Roo										Roo
banks									  |	offers
make									  |	asaga
									  >	with
a										a
profit										profit
of										of
up										up
to										to
74									  |	74%
percent									  <
Banks										Banks
bring										bring
everyone									everyone
									  >	a
profit										profit
and									  |	And
give									  |	gives
a										a
thousand									thousand
rubles										rubles
for										for
fuel										fuel
And										And
you										you
know										know
that										that
you										you
can										can
apply									  |	make
for									  <
a										a
loan										loan
of										of
0									  |	0%
percent									  <
online										online
and										and
immediately									immediately
on										on
the										the
card										card
Do										Do
you										you
think										think
this										this
is										is
impossible									impossible
It										It
is										is
possible									possible
Choose										Choose
a										a
loan										loan
on										on
favorable									favorable
conditions									conditions
by									  |	but
comparison								  |	compare
If										If
you									  <
have									  <
a										a
loan										loan
then										then
compare										compare
Choose										Choose
the										the
best										best
Valdorado								  |	Eldorado
is									  |	guarantees
a									  <
guarantee								  <
of									  <
a										a
low										low
price										price
for										for
everything									everything
I										I
saw										saw
it									  |	lower
below									  <
Most										Most
likely										likely
This										This
is										is
a										a
duck										duck
And										And
if										if
not										not
a										a
duck										duck
we										we
will										will
send										send
you										you
prices										prices
even										even
lower										lower
than										than
you										you
have										have
seen										seen
Realme										Realme
C35										C35
smartphone									smartphone
for										for
11,999										11,999
rubles										rubles
Eldorado									Eldorado
We										We
know									  |	are
each									  |	acquainted
other									  <
Zhenya										Zhenya
We										We
studied										studied
in										in
the										the
same										same
class										class
									  >	Weekend
									  >	movie
Once										Once
I										I
was										was
betrayed									betrayed
by										by
a										a
man										man
I										I
loved										loved
very										very
much										much
I										I
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
understand									understand
what										what
you're									  |	you
									  >	are
talking										talking
about										about
He										He
went										went
to										to
Moscow										Moscow
Together									Together
with										with
Vera										Vera
There										There
they										they
will										will
get										get
married										married
									  >	Olga
									  >	Arntgoltz
Why										Why
can't									  |	can
we									  |	not
									  >	you
return										return
the										the
past										past
Alexey										Alexey
Fateev									  |	Fatiyev
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	real
									  >	one
But										But
we										we
have										have
a										a
real										real
one										one
Your										Your
husband										husband
is										is
cheating									cheating
on										on
you										you
I'm									  |	I
									  >	am
pregnant									pregnant
You										You
can't									  |	can
go									  |	not
into									  |	enter
the										the
same										same
water										water
twice										twice
I										I
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
love										love
her										her
And										And
the										the
child										child
should										should
have										have
a										a
father										father
and										and
a										a
mother										mother
The										The
ninth										ninth
fall									  |	wave
Zhenya										Zhenya
I've									  <
made									  <
up									  <
my									  <
mind									  <
I										I
don't									  |	decided
want									  |	everything
to									  <
be									  <
without									  <
you									  <
anymore									  <
I										I
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
want										want
to										to
be										be
without										without
you										you
anymore										anymore
On									  |	The
									  >	premiere
									  >	on
									  >	Saturday
									  >	at
									  >	21.00
									  >	on
the										the
									  >	Russian
channel										channel
of									  |	Watch
Russia									  <
during									  <
the									  <
main									  <
news									  <
of									  <
the									  <
day									  <
on									  <
the										the
air									  <
big									  <
news										news
Judge									  |	It
Igor									  |	was
Kozhevin								  |	60
Hello									  |	minutes
Here									  |	Bye
things									  |	Thank
are									  |	you
called									  |	very
by									  |	much
									  >	They
									  >	call
									  >	their
									  >	names
									  >	They
									  >	call
their										their
names										names
There									  <
is									  <
a									  <
real									  <
threat									  <