Statistics: 8870 / 24598 (36.06%) words changed

Detecting									Detecting
language									language
using										using
up										up
to										to
the										the
first										first
30										30
seconds										seconds
Use										Use
`--language`									`--language`
to										to
specify										specify
the										the
language									language
Detected									Detected
language									language
Russian										Russian
I										I
know										know
it										it
was										was
I										I
know										know
it										it
will										will
be										be
this										this
is										is
with										with
me										me
Hello										Hello
dear										dear
friends										friends
and										and
gentlemen									gentlemen
hello										hello
in										in
the										the
live										live
broadcast									broadcast
of										of
the										the
program										program
60										60
minutes										minutes
about										about
the										the
most										most
important									important
some										some
nuclear										nuclear
evening										evening
today										today
the										the
light										light
of										of
European									European
diplomacy									diplomacy
My										My
mother										mother
Borrel										Borrel
said										said
that										that
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
attack										attack
against										against
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
not										not
cause										cause
the										the
response									response
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
attack										attack
on										on
Russia										Russia
instead										instead
there										there
will										will
be										be
so										so
powerful									powerful
military									military
answers										answers
that										that
the										the
entire										entire
Russian										Russian
army										army
will										will
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
About										About
the										the
same										same
thing										thing
the										the
French										French
president									president
said										said
Macron										Macron
said										said
that										that
the										the
answer										answer
to										to
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
attack										attack
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
not										not
be										be
France										France
and										and
personally									personally
he										he
is										is
against										against
the										the
world										world
war										war
However										However
no										no
one										one
asks										asks
Macron										Macron
the										the
entire										entire
Western										Western
press										press
is										is
already										already
writing										writing
a										a
plan										plan
for										for
the										the
case										case
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
Reuters										Reuters
reports										reports
that										that
NATO										NATO
is										is
preparing									preparing
attention									attention
to										to
a										a
physical									physical
response									response
to										to
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
attack										attack
from										from
Russia										Russia
There										There
is										is
also										also
an										an
opening										opening
of										of
the										the
US										US
Newsweek									Newsweek
which										which
is										is
closer										closer
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
victory										victory
and										and
closer										closer
to										to
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
The										The
former										former
director									director
of										of
the										the
CERU										CERU
and										and
the										the
exploration									exploration
of										of
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
of										of
NATO										NATO
calls										calls
for										for
the										the
Pentagon									Pentagon
to										to
be										be
ready										ready
to										to
use										use
all										all
the										the
military									military
means										means
against										against
Russia										Russia
Well										Well
the										the
Genesek										Genesek
of										of
the										the
Allianz										Allianz
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
has										has
already										already
announced									announced
the										the
study										study
of										of
the										the
Cold										Cold
War										War
The										The
study										study
is										is
based										based
on										on
the										the
development									development
of										of
the										the
scenario									scenario
of										of
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
It										It
is										is
not										not
difficult									difficult
to										to
guess										guess
with										with
whom										whom
The										The
essence										essence
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
maneuvers									maneuvers
of										of
NATO										NATO
is										is
the										the
use										use
of										of
the										the
US										US
nuclear										nuclear
bomb										bomb
B61										B61
which										which
is										is
located										located
in										in
the										the
European									European
border										border
This										This
is										is
a										a
second										second
to										to
170										170
kilograms									kilograms
of										of
trotilla									trotilla
equivalent									equivalent
13										13
times										times
more										more
powerful									powerful
the										the
bomb										bomb
is										is
dropped										dropped
to										to
Russia										Russia
Before										Before
this										this
the										the
United										United
Nations										Nations
and										and
the										the
US										US
Army										Army
will										will
study										study
the										the
rapid										rapid
transportation									transportation
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
from										from
their										their
undergrounds									undergrounds
and										and
their										their
attachment									attachment
to										to
the										the
fighter-bomber									fighter-bomber
It										It
is										is
remarkable									remarkable
that										that
the										the
launch										launch
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
strikes										strikes
against										against
Russia										Russia
is										is
working										working
out										out
including									including
the										the
German										German
Luftwaffe									Luftwaffe
Insane										Insane
Putin										Putin
is										is
saying										saying
that										that
he										he
is										is
not										not
bluffing									bluffing
Putin										Putin
is										is
sure										sure
that										that
he										he
is										is
not										not
bluffing									bluffing
But										But
we										we
are										are
not										not
bluffing									bluffing
The									  |	the
European									European
Union										Union
and										and
NATO										NATO
We										We
will										will
respond									  |	answer
to									  <
any										any
nuclear										nuclear
strike										strike
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	answer
									  >	no
									  >	nuclear
									  >	weapons
Our										Our
troops										troops
will										will
respond									  |	answer
so										so
strongly									strongly
that										that
the										the
entire										entire
Russian										Russian
army										army
will										will
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
Genesek									  <
Nath									  <
Jens										Jens
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
called										called
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
threats										threats
of										of
Russia										Russia
to									  <
be									  <
excessive									excessive
and										and
irresponsible									irresponsible
But										But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
next										next
week										week
the										the
study										study
of										of
the										the
NATO									  <
nuclear										nuclear
forces										forces
									  >	of
									  >	NATO
will										will
be									  |	take
carried									  |	place
out									  <
How										How
do									  |	does
you									  |	it
									  >	even
understand									understand
this									  <
at									  <
all									  <
Yes										Yes
this										this
is										is
the									  |	NATO's
answer										answer
to										to
the										the
NATO									  <
threat										threat
									  >	of
									  >	Putin
At										At
these										these
studies										studies
the										the
use										use
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
will										will
really										really
be										be
carried									  |	worked
out										out
in										in
the									  <
case										case
of										of
escalation									escalation
In										In
the										the
studies										studies
of										of
Stolk									  |	Stoltenberg
and									  <
Polden									  <
the										the
participation									participation
of										of
Germany										Germany
and										and
another										another
13										13
countries									countries
of										of
the										the
alliance									alliance
will										will
be										be
carried										carried
out										out
The										The
preparation									preparation
for										for
the										the
launch									  |	start
of										of
the										the
									  >	launch
									  >	of
nuclear										nuclear
missile									  |	rockets
from										from
underground									underground
mines										mines
and										and
bunkers										bunkers
will										will
be										be
carried									  |	worked
out										out
In										In
addition									addition
the										the
bombers									  |	fighter-bombers
will										will
be										be
able									  |	affected
to									  |	capable
carry									  |	of
									  >	carrying
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
on										on
board										board
as										as
well										well
as										as
aircraft								  |	planes
carriers								  |	of
									  >	reconnaissance
and										and
refueling									refueling
aircraft									aircraft
We										We
are										are
talking										talking
about										about
the										the
American									American
nuclear										nuclear
missiles									missiles
and										and
bombs										bombs
from										from
the										the
US										US
arsenal										arsenal
At										At
the										the
moment										moment
they										they
are										are
placed										placed
in										in
Europe										Europe
in										in
Turkey										Turkey
in										in
northern									northern
Italy										Italy
in										in
Belgium										Belgium
and										and
in										in
Ireland										Ireland
We										We
do										do
not										not
forget										forget
that										that
they										they
are										are
placed										placed
of									  <
course									  <
in										in
Germany										Germany
It									  |	of
is									  |	course
necessary								  |	If
									  >	we
									  >	are
to										to
be										be
exact										exact
on										on
the										the
military									military
air									  |	airbase
base									  |	Büchel
Buechel									  <
in										in
the										the
Federal										Federal
Land										Land
of										of
Rheinland-Falz									Rheinland-Falz
It									  |	it
is										is
there										there
that										that
the										the
33th									  |	33rd
aviation								  |	airfield
regiment								  <
of										of
the										the
German										German
Luftwaffe									Luftwaffe
is										is
located										located
It									  <
is									  <
estimated								  <
that									  <
there									  <
are									  <
1,900									  <
soldiers								  <
at									  <
once									  <
At										At
the										the
beginning								  |	airbase
of									  |	Büchel
the									  |	there
war									  |	are
									  >	immediately
									  >	four
									  >	special
									  >	hangars
									  >	from
									  >	where
the										the
fighter-bombers									fighter-bombers
of										of
the									  <
Tornado										Tornado
but									  |	start
									  >	But
since										since
they										they
were										were
placed										placed
on										on
the										the
arms										arms
of										of
the										the
Bundeswehr									Bundeswehr
in										in
1981										1981
they										they
are										are
gradually									gradually
replaced									replaced
by										by
the										the
new										new
American									American
F-35										F-35
These										These
fighter-bombers									fighter-bombers
are										are
much										much
more										more
modern										modern
and										and
will										will
allow										allow
Germany										Germany
in										in
case										case
of										of
need										need
to										to
carry										carry
out										out
									  >	a
									  >	target
									  >	of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
strikes									  <
Berlin										Berlin
continues									continues
to										to
buy										buy
the										the
US										US
F-35										F-35
and										and
soon										soon
they										they
will										will
be										be
replaced									replaced
by										by
all										all
the									  <
Tornado										Tornado
Moving										Moving
on										on
the										the
fighter-bombers									fighter-bombers
of										of
the										the
Buechel									  |	airbase
Air									  |	Büchel
Base									  <
are										are
also										also
able										able
to										to
carry										carry
out										out
									  >	the
									  >	B-61
hydrogen									hydrogen
bombs										bombs
B-61									  <
The										The
peculiarity									peculiarity
of										of
these										these
bombs										bombs
is										is
that										that
their										their
explosive									explosive
power										power
can										can
be										be
set										set
at										at
will										will
from										from
0.3										0.3
to										to
170										170
kilograms								  |	kg
of										of
tractive									tractive
equivalent									equivalent
That										That
is										is
the										the
most										most
powerful									powerful
such										such
hydrogen									hydrogen
bomb										bomb
will										will
be										be
in										in
13										13
times										times
the										the
most										most
powerful									powerful
atomic										atomic
bomb										bomb
dropped										dropped
on										on
Hiroshima									Hiroshima
But										But
now										now
attention									attention
to										to
the										the
screen										screen
this										this
is										is
the										the
cover										cover
of										of
the										the
newspaper									newspaper
New										New
Statesman									Statesman
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
is										is
on										on
it										it
The										The
sign										sign
of										of
radiation									radiation
threat										threat
is										is
placed										placed
in										in
red-black									red-black
tones										tones
apparently									apparently
for										for
greater										greater
fear										fear
and										and
signature									signature
Will										Will
the									  |	Putin
									  >	start
									  >	a
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
begin									  <
This										This
seems										seems
to										to
be										be
the										the
main										main
question									question
that										that
worries										worries
the										the
entire										entire
collective									collective
west										west
Let's										Let's
answer										answer
no										no
it										it
will										will
not										not
start										start
With										With
such										such
a										a
rage										rage
we										we
were										were
interested									interested
in										in
the										the
diversion									diversion
of										of
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
attacks										attacks
which										which
our										our
country's									country's
enemies										enemies
are										are
almost										almost
daily										daily
After										After
the										the
diversion									diversion
on										on
the										the
northern									northern
streams										streams
of										of
Putin										Putin
he										he
reported									reported
that										that
he										he
was										was
trying										trying
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
entire										entire
Turkish										Turkish
stream										stream
And										And
here										here
is										is
the										the
most										most
important									important
news										news
from										from
the										the
Diversants								  |	divers
who										who
wanted										wanted
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
stream										stream
Today										Today
the									  |	he
Diversants								  <
reported									reported
The									  |	that
									  >	the
terrorists									terrorists
were										were
going										going
to										to
make									  |	blow
an									  |	up
explosion								  <
on									  <
Asusha										Asusha
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Russia										Russia
In										In
general										general
the										the
importance									importance
of										of
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
stream										stream
is										is
now										now
significantly									significantly
increased									increased
This										This
is										is
the										the
only										only
reliable									reliable
route										route
for										for
the										the
delivery									delivery
of										of
Russian										Russian
energy										energy
carriers									carriers
to										to
Europe										Europe
so										so
Putin										Putin
suggested									suggested
creating									creating
a										a
new										new
gas										gas
hub										hub
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Turkey										Turkey
His										His
idea										idea
of										of
​​the										​​the
President									President
of										of
Russia										Russia
discussed									discussed
with										with
Erdogan										Erdogan
in										in
Astana										Astana
today										today
Well									  |	The
the									  |	Soviet
Turkish									  <
leader										leader
as										as
reported									reported
in										in
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
accepted									accepted
the										the
initiative									initiative
with										with
great										great
interest									interest
Of										Of
course										course
it										it
can										can
be										be
understood									understood
Putin										Putin
and										and
Erdogan										Erdogan
have										have
already										already
given										given
instructions									instructions
to										to
work										work
on										on
these										these
frames									  |	shots
For										For
example										example
the										the
President								  |	president
is									  |	discusses
discussing								  <
something									something
with										with
Miller										Miller
Erdogan										Erdogan
will										will
come										come
in										in
a										a
minute										minute
The										The
negotiations									negotiations
began										began
to										to
take										take
place										place
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
Erdogan									  |	Although
although								  <
already									  <
congratulated								  <
Putin										Putin
on									  |	congratulated
his									  |	us
anniversary								  <
on										on
the										the
phone										phone
									  >	he
decided										decided
to										to
do										do
it										it
again										again
personally								  <
And										And
wished										wished
him									  <
a										a
long										long
life										life
This										This
year										year
the										the
leaders										leaders
met										met
practically									practically
every									  |	in
month									  |	a
									  >	monthly
									  >	mode
The										The
presidents									presidents
spoke										spoke
on										on
the										the
phone										phone
13										13
times										times
when										when
the										the
delegations									delegations
left										left
the										the
hall										hall
Putin										Putin
and										and
Erdogan										Erdogan
talked										talked
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
together									together
The										The
conversation									conversation
lasted										lasted
									  >	for
an										an
hour										hour
and										and
a										a
half										half
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
in										in
contrast									contrast
to										to
the										the
forecast									forecast
of										of
all										all
without										without
									  >	the
exception									exception
									  >	of
Western										Western
media										media
and										and
Erdogan										Erdogan
himself										himself
did									  <
not									  <
discuss									  <
the										the
topic										topic
of										of
Russian-Ukrainian								Russian-Ukrainian
regulation									regulation
									  >	was
									  >	not
									  >	discussed
at										at
all										all
Erdogan										Erdogan
expressed									expressed
hope										hope
for										for
strengthening									strengthening
the										the
continuation									continuation
of										of
the										the
product										product
deal										deal
Ankara										Ankara
promised									promised
to										to
help										help
with										with
the										the
delivery									delivery
of										of
Russian										Russian
grain										grain
wherever								  |	Where
necessary								  |	is
not									  <
as									  <
it										it
									  >	necessary
									  >	How
was										was
									  >	it
before										before
in										in
Europe										Europe
After										After
all										all
we										we
remember									remember
that										that
in										in
order										order
to										to
save										save
the										the
hungry										hungry
Africans									Africans
the										the
West										West
asked										asked
to										to
bring									  |	take
									  >	the
grain										grain
from									  |	out
									  >	of
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
ports										ports
as									  |	As
a										a
result										result
What									  <
did									  <
they										they
get									  |	took
They									  |	out
brought									  <
an										an
explosion									explosion
that										that
blew									  |	exploded
up									  <
our										our
Crimean										Crimean
bridge										bridge
with										with
you										you
Let's										Let's
watch									  |	take
									  >	a
									  >	look
In										In
a										a
few										few
hours										hours
on									  <
Thursday								  <
in										in
Astana									  |	the
									  >	4th
									  >	of
									  >	October
the										the
capital										capital
of										of
the										the
former										former
Soviet										Soviet
Republic									Republic
these										these
two										two
leaders										leaders
will										will
meet										meet
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
the										the
president									president
of										of
Russia										Russia
who										who
occupied									occupied
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
Tayyip										Tayyip
Erdogan										Erdogan
the										the
president									president
of										of
Turkey										Turkey
who										who
wants									  |	is
									  >	looking
to										to
be										be
a										a
peaceful									peaceful
negotiator									negotiator
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
What										What
does										does
Erdogan										Erdogan
want										want
Decide									  |	To
									  >	solve
this										this
crisis										crisis
He									  |	he
is										is
trying										trying
to										to
convince									convince
Putin										Putin
to										to
approach									approach
the										the
signing										signing
of										of
a										a
complex										complex
peace										peace
agreement									agreement
Erdogan										Erdogan
who										who
claims										claims
that										that
he										he
is										is
a										a
person										person
who										who
has										has
remained									remained
neutral										neutral
throughout									throughout
this										this
conflict									conflict
and										and
can										can
in										in
equal									  |	the
terms									  |	same
									  >	way
take										take
into										into
account										account
the										the
Russian										Russian
demands									  |	requirements
and										and
the									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
demands									  |	requirements
for										for
refusal									  |	the
									  >	withdrawal
from										from
the										the
war										war
Turkey										Turkey
Turkey										Turkey
which									  |	who
is										is
a										a
member										member
of										of
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Organization									Organization
is									  |	a
more										more
known									  |	famous
as									  |	cognate
NATO									  <
has										has
maintained									maintained
a										a
neutral										neutral
role										role
and										and
has										has
supported									supported
a										a
good										good
relationship									relationship
with										with
two										two
of										of
its										its
Black										Black
Sea										Sea
neighbors									neighbors
throughout									throughout
the										the
entire										entire
conflict									conflict
On										On
the										the
other										other
hand										hand
it										it
has										has
also										also
avoided										avoided
the										the
use										use
of										of
Western										Western
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Moscow										Moscow
Turkey										Turkey
has										has
become									  |	turned
									  >	out
									  >	to
									  >	be
the										the
most										most
reliable									reliable
route										route
									  >	today
for										for
the										the
signing									  |	withdrawal
of										of
a									  |	the
complex									  |	Russians
peace									  <
agreement								  <
Thank										Thank
you										you
									  >	very
									  >	much
for										for
your										your
position									position
Mr										Mr
President									President
It									  |	A
is									  <
a									  <
firm										firm
position									position
to									  |	in
build									  |	building
a									  <
transport								  <
system									  <
of									  <
the										the
Turkish									  |	Transproportistema
people									  |	Transproportistema
although								  |	Although
it									  <
as										as
you										you
may										may
have										have
heard										heard
has									  |	it
									  >	is
also										also
been									  <
trying										trying
to										to
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
the									  |	Russia
Turkish									  |	But
government								  |	thank
If									  |	God
Turkey									  |	this
and									  |	has
other									  |	not
									  >	happened
									  >	and
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	working
									  >	successfully
									  >	There
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	interest
									  >	in
									  >	Turkey
									  >	and
									  >	in
									  >	our
									  >	perhaps
									  >	buyers
									  >	of
									  >	other
countries									countries
were									  |	could
able									  |	look
to									  |	at
build									  |	the
a									  |	capabilities
transport								  <
system									  <
of										of
the										the
Turkish									  |	government
people									  |	of
it									  |	another
would									  |	gas-producing
be									  |	system
possible								  |	and
to									  |	create
build									  <
a										a
gas										gas
hub										hub
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Turkey										Turkey
for										for
the										the
sale									  |	buyers
of										of
oil									  <
in									  <
other										other
countries									countries
									  >	third
									  >	countries
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	in
									  >	Europe
If										If
they										they
are										are
interested									interested
in										in
this										this
of										of
course										course
and										and
when									  |	in
it									  |	the
comes									  |	course
to									  |	of
the										the
work										work
of										of
this										this
hub										hub
which										which
we										we
could										could
have										have
created										created
together									together
of										of
course										course
it										it
would										would
be										be
a										a
platform									platform
not										not
only										only
to										to
set										set
up										up
but										but
also										also
to										to
determine									determine
the										the
price										price
because									  |	Because
this										this
is										is
a										a
very										very
important									important
question									question
a										a
question									question
of										of
education									education
Today										Today
these										these
prices										prices
are										are
clouded										clouded
and										and
we										we
could										could
calmly										calmly
regulate									regulate
at									  |	on
a										a
normal										normal
market										market
level										level
without										without
any										any
political									political
paint										paint
The										The
Minister									Minister
of										of
Foreign										Foreign
Affairs										Affairs
Sergei										Sergei
Lavrov										Lavrov
noted										noted
that										that
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
country										country
on										on
negotiations									negotiations
can										can
offer									  |	propose
									  >	to
									  >	start
direct										direct
negotiations									negotiations
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
he										he
mentioned									mentioned
that										that
in										in
addition									addition
to										to
the										the
general										general
statements									statements
									  >	the
specific									specific
proposals									proposals
were										were
not										not
yet										yet
given										given
As										As
far										far
as										as
we										we
understand									understand
Mr										Mr
Putin										Putin
wants										wants
to										to
close										close
a										a
new										new
big										big
deal										deal
a										a
new										new
deal										deal
with										with
the										the
West										West
and									  |	Part
part									  <
of										of
this										this
without										without
a										a
doubt										doubt
concerns									concerns
Ukraine										Ukraine
But										But
in										in
fact										fact
the									  |	a
most									  |	more
important									important
problem										problem
is										is
the										the
new										new
deal										deal
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
the										the
Western										Western
world										world
There										There
is										is
a										a
new										new
reality										reality
and										and
they										they
want										want
to										to
close										close
a										a
new										new
agreement									agreement
Today										Today
it										it
has										has
become										become
known										known
that										that
NATO										NATO
is										is
developing									developing
a										a
plan										plan
to										to
restore										restore
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
GDP										GDP
for										for
									  >	the
									  >	next
10										10
years										years
The										The
first										first
meeting										meeting
with										with
representatives									representatives
of										of
the										the
Green									  |	Zelensky
regime										regime
on									  <
this									  <
topic									  <
will										will
be									  |	take
held									  |	place
next										next
week										week
They										They
will										will
discuss										discuss
the										the
transfer									transfer
of										of
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Soviet										Soviet
equipment									equipment
to										to
the										the
West										West
									  >	The
									  >	political
									  >	news
reports										reports
the									  <
Politico								  <
As										As
the										the
newspaper									newspaper
writes										writes
it										it
will										will
allow										allow
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
become										become
a										a
country									  <
of									  <
NATO										NATO
silence									  |	country
if									  |	without
there									  |	any
are									  <
no									  <
facts										facts
The										The
fact										fact
is									  <
as										as
known										known
in										in
the										the
West										West
that									  |	is
the									  |	selective
									  >	The
oil										oil
and										and
fuel										fuel
operator									operator
of										of
the										the
friendship									friendship
excluded									excluded
the										the
diversion									diversion
as										as
a										a
reason										reason
for										for
the										the
leak										leak
on										on
the										the
Polish										Polish
oil										oil
and										and
fuel										fuel
site										site
The										The
Pern										Pern
company										company
did										did
not										not
reveal										reveal
the										the
signs										signs
of										of
the										the
third										third
leak										leak
Once										Once
the										the
germination								  |	hermeticization
occurred									occurred
on										on
one										one
of										of
the										the
two										two
threads										threads
in										in
70										70
kilometers									kilometers
from										from
the										the
city										city
of										of
Plotsk										Plotsk
in										in
the										the
central										central
part										part
of										of
the										the
country										country
According								  |	Therefore
to									  <
the									  <
coincidence								  <
the									  <
oil										oil
comes										comes
from									  |	to
Germany										Germany
									  >	by
									  >	coincidence
The										The
damaged										damaged
thread										thread
was										was
immediately									immediately
disconnected									disconnected
The										The
second										second
one										one
seems									  |	works
to									  |	as
work									  |	normal
fine									  <
as										as
well										well
as										as
the										the
rest										rest
of										of
the										the
company's									company's
infrastructure									infrastructure
But										But
the										the
Polish										Polish
Premier									  |	Prime
									  >	Minister
has										has
already										already
conducted									conducted
his										his
own										own
investigation									investigation
									  >	He
									  >	has
collected									collected
some										some
evidence									evidence
which										which
again										again
indicates								  |	indicate
the										the
hands										hands
of										of
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
The									  |	After
former									  |	the
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
of										of
Serbia										Serbia
called										called
for										for
a										a
continuation									continuation
of										of
what										what
happened									happened
with										with
the										the
two										two
threads										threads
of										of
the										the
North										North
Stream										Stream
									  >	he
									  >	called
to										to
ensure										ensure
the										the
security									security
of										of
the										the
Turkish										Turkish
Stream										Stream
That										That
is										is
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
is										is
guilty										guilty
but										but
no										no
one										one
knows										knows
how										how
we										we
do										do
it										it
No										No
evidence									evidence
at										at
all										all
Once										Once
again										again
Europe										Europe
shows										shows
its										its
so-called									so-called
solidarity									solidarity
to									  |	Ukraine
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
to									  <
the										the
entire									  |	whole
capitalist									capitalist
West										West
in										in
general										general
The										The
President									President
of										of
Russia										Russia
has									  <
stated										stated
that										that
Europe										Europe
is										is
the										the
most										most
guilty										guilty
of										of
an									  |	the
energy										energy
crisis										crisis
but									  |	However
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
has									  <
noticed										noticed
that										that
gas										gas
can										can
still										still
be										be
supplied									supplied
by										by
the										the
damaged										damaged
thread										thread
of										of
the										the
North										North
Stream										Stream
Putin										Putin
has									  |	spoke
made									  |	for
a										a
long										long
speech									  |	time
during										during
his										his
speech										speech
at										at
the										the
Russian										Russian
Energy										Energy
Week										Week
Forum										Forum
The										The
President									President
has									  <
stated										stated
that										that
energy										energy
should										should
be										be
kept										kept
away										away
from										from
politics									politics
and										and
that										that
Europeans									Europeans
should										should
be										be
sure									  |	convinced
that										that
there										there
will									  |	is
be									  <
no										no
need										need
for										for
security									security
There										There
will										will
be										be
no										no
continuation									continuation
of										of
energy									  |	the
supply										supply
									  >	of
									  >	energy
from										from
Russia										Russia
and									  |	to
other										other
countries									countries
The										The
main										main
benefits									benefits
to										to
the										the
buyers										buyers
are									  <
that									  <
after										after
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
attacks										attacks
on										on
the										the
North										North
Stream										Stream
									  >	are
the										the
Russian										Russian
leader									  |	leaders
calls									  |	calling
Poland										Poland
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
Ukraine										Ukraine
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
has										has
									  >	gas
									  >	Vladimir
									  >	Putin
									  >	has
enough										enough
gas										gas
to										to
sell										sell
it										it
all										all
over										over
the										the
world										world
and										and
it									  <
clearly										clearly
does										does
not										not
make									  |	like
sense									  |	the
									  >	fact
that										that
Europe										Europe
is										is
looking										looking
for										for
alternative									alternative
suppliers									suppliers
of										of
raw										raw
materials									materials
in									  |	at
the										the
front									  <
door										door
of										of
the										the
winter										winter
All									  |	In
									  >	fact
this										this
is										is
a										a
threat										threat
to										to
the										the
existence									existence
of										of
several									  |	a
									  >	number
									  >	of
European									European
countries									countries
The										The
establishment									establishment
of										of
the										the
Central										Central
Bank										Bank
is										is
a										a
measure										measure
that										that
many										many
people										people
do										do
not										not
want										want
to										to
consider									consider
even										even
among										among
the										the
EU										EU
countries									countries
As										As
he										he
noted										noted
no										no
one										one
is										is
going										going
to										to
force										force
Russia										Russia
to										to
act										act
in										in
the										the
context									  |	face
of										of
their										their
own										own
interest								  |	interests
Right										Right
now										now
the										the
raw										raw
oil										oil
is										is
									  >	being
pumped										pumped
from										from
the										the
Polish										Polish
damaged										damaged
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
									  >	through
which										which
the										the
oil										oil
is										is
transported									transported
from										from
Russia										Russia
to										to
Germany										Germany
The										The
European								  |	reason
Union									  |	for
has									  <
not									  <
yet									  <
known									  <
the										the
damage										damage
									  >	is
									  >	unknown
									  >	yet
The										The
Polish										Polish
oil									  <
parts									  <
operator									operator
has									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	oil
									  >	pipeline
reported									reported
that										that
the										the
leak										leak
happened								  |	took
									  >	place
about										about
70										70
km									  |	kilometers
from										from
a									  |	the
large										large
oil										oil
processing									processing
plant										plant
and									  |	He
noted										noted
that										that
the										the
oil										oil
is										is
the										the
main										main
oil										oil
pipeline									pipeline
that										that
was									  |	is
transported								  |	transporting
									  >	the
raw										raw
oil										oil
to										to
Germany										Germany
The										The
leak										leak
occurred								  |	took
									  >	place
during										during
the										the
period										period
of										of
high									  |	increased
tension										tension
in										in
the										the
energy										energy
security								  |	sector
sphere									  <
in										in
Europe										Europe
and									  |	due
									  >	to
the										the
war										war
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
I										I
regularly									regularly
receive										receive
information									information
about										about
the										the
reasons										reasons
for										for
this										this
conflict								  |	damage
You									  |	It
can't									  |	is
									  >	impossible
									  >	to
make										make
hasty									  |	successful
conclusions									conclusions
from										from
every										every
failure										failure
We										We
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
know										know
for										for
sure										sure
who										who
is										is
behind										behind
it									  |	this
and										and
whether										whether
it									  |	this
is										is
a										a
coincidence									coincidence
or										or
a										a
sabotage									sabotage
act										act
The										The
same										same
can										can
be										be
said										said
about										about
the										the
situation									situation
of										of
the										the
trains									  |	train
movement									movement
in										in
Germany										Germany
The										The
exit										exit
of										of
									  >	the
three										three
cables										cables
between										between
Bornholm									Bornholm
and										and
Sweden										Sweden
The										The
corresponding									corresponding
services									services
study									  |	are
									  >	studying
everything									everything
Many										Many
of									  <
the									  <
evidences									evidences
indicate									indicate
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
But									  |	but
we										we
want										want
to										to
be										be
fully										fully
confident									confident
and										and
only										only
then										then
confirm										confirm
all										all
assumptions									assumptions
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
really									  <
hope										hope
that										that
Russia										Russia
has										has
taken										taken
a										a
significant									significant
part										part
in										in
the										the
high-precision									high-precision
control										control
of										of
the										the
missiles									missiles
and										and
all										all
its										its
ammunition									ammunition
This									  <
is									  <
what									  <
the									  <
Traders										Traders
write									  |	are
									  >	writing
									  >	about
									  >	this
The										The
link										link
to										to
the										the
newly									  |	Russian-established
established								  |	Alianz
representative									representative
of									  |	that
the									  <
Alliance								  <
That									  <
is										is
the										the
missiles									missiles
we										we
have										have
with										with
you										you
are									  |	have
over									  |	ended
again										again
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	already
									  >	over
They										They
have										have
already										already
finished								  |	ended
If									  |	We
we									  |	are
show									  |	showing
the									  <
weakness									weakness
of									  |	in
Ukraine										Ukraine
by									  |	but
launching								  |	after
									  >	the
missile										missile
strikes									  |	strike
if									  <
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
have										have
successfully									successfully
knocked									  |	beaten
down									  <
all										all
our										our
missiles									missiles
as									  |	The
Zelensky								  |	Green
usually									  |	one
tells									  |	is
									  >	also
									  >	telling
us										us
it									  |	It
is										is
not										not
clear										clear
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
why										why
in										in
all										all
of									  <
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
there									  <
is									  <
an									  <
air										air
tremor										tremor
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	announced
									  >	again
right										right
in										in
these										these
specific									specific
minutes										minutes
The										The
missiles									missiles
are										are
noticed										noticed
in										in
Kiev										Kiev
as										as
well										well
as										as
in										in
Odessa										Odessa
Nikolaevskaya									Nikolaevskaya
and										and
									  >	in
									  >	the
Vinnitskaya									Vinnitskaya
regions									  |	region
Drone										Drone
Kamikadze									Kamikadze
Geraint-2									Geraint-2
									  >	has
also										also
									  >	been
flew										flew
over										over
the										the
Vinnitskaya									Vinnitskaya
region										region
It										It
is										is
reported									reported
that										that
there										there
are									  |	were
several										several
explosions									explosions
at										at
once										once
which										which
were										were
in										in
the										the
Lvov										Lvov
region										region
Probably									Probably
this										this
is										is
another										another
flight										flight
to										to
Tetsk										Tetsk
There										There
are										are
three										three
more										more
explosions									explosions
in										in
Ternopil									Ternopil
It										It
is										is
also										also
reported									reported
that										that
the										the
missile										missile
hit										hit
the										the
Vrovinskaya									Vrovinskaya
and										and
Valynskaya								  |	Valenskaya
regions										regions
Once										Once
again										again
now										now
there										there
are										are
three										three
gods										gods
in										in
Kiev										Kiev
Russian										Russian
missiles									missiles
fly									  |	are
									  >	flying
over										over
the										the
Chernovts									Chernovts
that									  <
is									  <
40										40
km										km
from										from
the										the
Roman										Roman
border										border
which										which
means										means
from										from
the										the
border									  <
with									  <
NATO										NATO
									  >	border
According									According
to										to
the										the
unconfirmed									unconfirmed
while									  |	data
the										the
missile										missile
strikes									  |	hit
are									  |	the
carried									  |	railway
out									  |	crossing
by									  <
railways								  <
from										from
Romania										Romania
from									  <
where										where
the										the
supply									  |	Western
of									  <
western									  <
weapons										weapons
is									  |	are
going									  |	being
									  >	delivered
At										At
the										the
moment										moment
it										it
is										is
also										also
known										known
that										that
after										after
the										the
strikes									  |	strike
on										on
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
the										the
third										third
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
energy										energy
system										system
is										is
damaged										damaged
or										or
destroyed									destroyed
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
capital										capital
continues									continues
to										to
be										be
turned									  |	disabled
off									  <
If										If
yesterday									yesterday
the										the
local										local
authorities									authorities
called										called
the									  |	for
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
not										not
to										to
use										use
energy-saving								  |	energy
									  >	waste
devices										devices
only										only
in										in
the										the
evening										evening
then										then
such										such
a										a
ban										ban
is										is
currently									currently
taking										taking
place										place
practically								  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	course
									  >	of
									  >	almost
today										today
The										The
critical									critical
situation									situation
with										with
electricity									electricity
remains										remains
in										in
the										the
city										city
of										of
Lvov										Lvov
the										the
mayor										mayor
of										of
the										the
city										city
of										of
Sadovo										Sadovo
The										The
situation									situation
has										has
been										been
announced									announced
The										The
head										head
of										of
the										the
city										city
calls										calls
on									  |	for
the									  <
citizens									citizens
to										to
save										save
themselves								  |	their
from									  |	wood
the									  |	It
firewood								  |	is
to									  <
now										now
									  >	time
									  >	to
equip										equip
the										the
pumps									  <
of									  <
heating										heating
									  >	points
in										in
their										their
own										own
houses										houses
Moreover									Moreover
the									  |	it
firewood								  |	is
will									  |	better
be									  |	to
heated									  |	warm
									  >	up
with										with
firewood								  |	wood
and										and
then										then
the									  |	with
banderovs									banderovs
									  >	Now
									  >	we
will										will
have										have
to										to
come									  |	wait
to									  <
the									  <
city									  <
until										until
the										the
bear										bear
will										will
be										be
able										able
to										to
catch										catch
up										up
with										with
it									  |	the
									  >	bear
as										as
he										he
expressed								  |	said
back										back
to										to
the										the
taiga										taiga
as										as
he										he
said										said
That										That
is										is
it									  |	you
will										will
always										always
have										have
to										to
be									  |	freeze
cold									  <
In										In
the										the
morning										morning
three										three
times										times
in										in
the										the
morning										morning
Makarovskaya									Makarovskaya
oblast										oblast
Kyiv									  <
oblast									  <
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
community								  |	oblast
Vadim										Vadim
Tokar										Tokar
according									according
to										to
his										his
words										words
there										there
are										are
no										no
dead										dead
and										and
injured										injured
According									According
to										to
the										the
deputy									  <
head										head
of										of
the										the
Ukrainian								  <
president's								  <
office										office
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	president
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
Kirill										Kirill
Timoshenko									Timoshenko
the										the
enemy										enemy
was									  |	hit
given									  |	the
a									  <
drone										drone
commutation								  |	with
									  >	a
									  >	kamikaze
on										on
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
The										The
rescuers									rescuers
are										are
working										working
in									  |	at
the										the
place										place
of										of
the										the
attack										attack
Oh										Oh
Did										Did
they										they
kill										kill
him										him
or									  <
not									  <
Did										Did
they										they
kill										kill
him										him
Kill										Kill
him										him
kill									  |	Kill
him									  <
kill									  <
him										him
Come										Come
on										on
come										come
on										on
come										come
on										on
F**k									  |	Damn
									  >	it
They										They
didn't										didn't
kill										kill
him										him
In										In
the										the
morning										morning
Kyiv									  |	the
									  >	Kievan
oblast										oblast
attacked									attacked
the										the
drone										drone
commutation								  |	with
The									  |	a
									  >	kamikaze
									  >	In
									  >	the
social										social
networks									networks
report									  <
at										at
least										least
three										three
explosions									explosions
The									  |	are
officials								  |	reported
say									  |	which
that									  |	are
they									  |	said
saw									  |	to
the									  |	have
bishahid								  |	been
									  >	seen
in										in
the										the
sky										sky
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	Shahids
They										They
didn't										didn't
kill										kill
him										him
again										again
The									  |	At
same									  <
night										night
the									  |	Russia
Russian									  <
mass									  <
was										was
shooting									shooting
Nikolayev								  |	at
the										the
regiments								  |	mass
									  >	Nikolayev
									  >	Grads
and										and
									  >	the
heavy										heavy
artillery									artillery
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
occupied									occupied
troops										troops
were									  |	shot
shooting								  <
the										the
Dnieper-Petrovsk								Dnieper-Petrovsk
region									  |	Oblast
all										all
night										night
long										long
Most										Most
of										of
all										all
Nikolayev									Nikolayev
was									  |	said
attacked								  |	that
by									  <
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
Volentino-Reznichenko							  |	oblast
regional								  <
administration									administration
									  >	was
									  >	Valentin
									  >	Riznichenko
Now										Now
we										we
know										know
for										for
sure										sure
that										that
when										when
there										there
is										is
a										a
negative									negative
temperature									temperature
they										they
will										will
destroy										destroy
the										the
tests										tests
at										at
the										the
station										station
all										all
the										the
objects										objects
of										of
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
because										because
they										they
get										get
pleasure									pleasure
by										by
creating									creating
trouble										trouble
How									  |	As
to									  |	it
									  >	may
be										be
You									  |	you
understand									understand
that										that
we										we
can										can
be										be
without									  |	in
light									  |	winter
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	whole
									  >	day
or										or
without									  |	a
water									  |	week
without										without
heat										heat
without										without
light									  |	water
without										without
heat										heat
without										without
water										water
Russia's								  |	The
anti-aircraft								  |	Russian
missile										missile
shooting								  |	shell
was										was
shot										shot
this										this
week										week
by										by
video-registrators								video-registrators
and										and
other										other
cameras										cameras
all										all
over										over
the										the
country										country
The										The
evidence									evidence
of										of
Russia's									Russia's
death										death
and										and
the										the
humiliation								  |	vulnerability
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
the									  |	trying
attempt									  <
to										to
stop										stop
it										it
is									  |	The
the									  <
brutal										brutal
retaliation									retaliation
for										for
the										the
explosion									explosion
on										on
the										the
bridge										bridge
connecting								  |	led
Russia									  |	to
with									  <
Crimea									  <
Russia									  <
carried									  <
out									  <
long-range								  <
air									  <
strikes									  <
in									  <
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	Russian
cities									  |	launch
									  >	of
									  >	long-range
									  >	missiles
On										On
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
side										side
it									  |	Ukraine
is										is
still										still
weak										weak
Ukraine										Ukraine
still										still
cannot									  |	can't
do										do
it										it
and									  |	That's
so									  |	why
the										the
Russian										Russian
side										side
still										still
has										has
enough										enough
air										air
superiority									superiority
What									  |	It
is										is
required								  |	forced
to										to
work										work
at										at
the										the
switches									switches
									  >	This
is										is
what										what
the										the
residents									residents
of										of
Lviv										Lviv
are										are
dealing										dealing
with										with
30%										30%
of										of
the										the
city										city
without										without
light										light
because									  |	from
of									  <
the									  <
missile										missile
strikes										strikes
in									  <
Russia									  <
aimed										aimed
at										at
the									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
infrastructure									infrastructure
Some										Some
of										of
them										them
compared									compared
the										the
bombing										bombing
with										with
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
world										world
In									  |	On
the									  |	Monday
weekend									  <
the										the
Russian										Russian
rockets									  |	missiles
struck										struck
about										about
three									  |	the
									  >	third
infrastructure									infrastructure
structures								  <
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
as										as
the									  |	quickly
									  >	as
									  >	possible
									  >	in
winter										winter
passes									  <
there										there
is										is
a										a
fear										fear
that										that
the										the
country										country
will										will
not										not
cope										cope
with										with
cold										cold
weather										weather
Here										Here
in										in
the										the
second										second
half										half
of										of
the										the
city										city
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
there									  |	the
									  >	air
									  >	tremor
was										was
a									  |	heard
heavy									  <
rain									  <
as										as
well										well
as										as
in										in
many										many
other										other
cities										cities
in										in
the										the
country										country
including									including
again										again
in										in
the										the
capital										capital
Kyiv										Kyiv
Russia										Russia
carries									  |	is
out									  |	attacking
strikes									  <
in									  <
the										the
cities										cities
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	by
									  >	attacking
									  >	people
in										in
the									  |	a
second									  |	row
half									  |	damaging
of									  <
the									  <
city									  <
It									  <
damages									  <
the										the
main										main
infrastructure									infrastructure
and										and
especially									especially
the										the
heat										heat
of										of
the										the
power										power
plant										plant
Again										Again
it									  <
attacks									  <
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
of									  |	is
Zaporizhia								  |	attacking
									  >	the
									  >	walls
which										which
caused										caused
the										the
strongest									strongest
fire										fire
in										in
the										the
city										city
Also										Also
under										under
the										the
attacks										attacks
of										of
Tetsylev								  |	Tetsalov
and										and
Vinnytsia									Vinnytsia
to										to
the										the
south										south
of										of
Kyiv										Kyiv
it									  |	there
remains									  |	is
a										a
big										big
problem										problem
for										for
people										people
Many										Many
									  >	people
are										are
in										in
fear										fear
Well										Well
in										in
terms										terms
of										of
Kyiv										Kyiv
one										one
terrorist									terrorist
attack										attack
on										on
the										the
Crimean										Crimean
bridge										bridge
is										is
not										not
enough										enough
but									  |	So
Zelensky									Zelensky
began										began
to										to
prepare										prepare
a										a
base										base
for										for
new									  <
terrorist								  <
attacks									  <
on									  <
the										the
gas-transport									gas-transport
system										system
to										to
then										then
accuse									  |	blame
Russia										Russia
The										The
information									information
preparation									preparation
for										for
the										the
new										new
explosion									explosion
on										on
the										the
GTS										GTS
began										began
in										in
Zelensky									Zelensky
in										in
an										an
interview									interview
with										with
the										the
German										German
edition									  <
of									  <
the									  <
CDF									  <
He										He
stated									  |	said
that										that
the										the
Kremlin										Kremlin
									  >	the
attention									attention
specially								  |	was
exploded								  |	especially
									  >	to
the										the
northern								  |	north
line									  |	of
1									  |	Ukraine
Right										Right
now										now
the										the
Russian										Russian
special										special
forces										forces
are										are
preparing									preparing
a										a
whole										whole
series										series
of										of
strikes									  |	attacks
on										on
their										their
gas-transport									gas-transport
infrastructure									infrastructure
in									  <
order									  <
to									  <
accuse									  <
Ukraine									  <
of									  <
this									  <
After									  <
that									  <
Moscow's								  <
hands									  <
will									  <
be									  <
untied									  <
and									  <
it									  <
will									  <
strike									  <
on									  <
the									  <
Ukrainian								  <
GTS									  <
by									  <
covering								  <
the									  <
gas									  <
supply									  <
in									  <
Europe									  <
After									  <
that									  <
Zelensky								  <
will									  <
continue								  <
Germany									  <
will									  <
not									  <
have									  <
another									  <
choice									  <
except									  <
to									  <
launch									  <
the									  <
northern								  <
line									  <
2									  <
and										and
remove									  |	most
the									  |	important
sanctions								  <
Zelensky								  <
told									  <
such									  <
a									  <
nonsense								  <
in									  <
Russian									  <
It									  <
seems									  <
that									  <
to									  <
put									  <
the									  <
idea									  <
in									  <
the									  <
Kremlin									  <
if									  <
there									  <
is									  <
such										such
a									  |	stupidity
nonsense								  <
they									  <
have										have
not										not
yet										yet
									  >	been
thought										thought
about									  |	over
it									  <
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
why										why
blow										blow
up										up
the										the
pipe										pipe
if										if
Russia										Russia
can										can
simply										simply
cover										cover
the										the
gas										gas
for										for
example										example
with										with
regard										regard
to										to
technical									technical
work										work
or										or
									  >	do
not										not
to									  |	send
anything									anything
Zelensky									Zelensky
will										will
not										not
explain										explain
this										this
However									  |	but
he										he
continued									continued
to										to
mock									  |	be
									  >	lubricated
									  >	from
his										his
own										own
statement									statement
about										about
the										the
preventive									preventive
nuclear										nuclear
strike										strike
in										in
Russia										Russia
It										It
was										was
said										said
several									  |	it
									  >	was
									  >	literally
									  >	a
									  >	few
days										days
ago										ago
but									  |	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
no										no
one										one
in										in
Russia										Russia
spoke									  |	he
									  >	did
									  >	not
									  >	talk
about										about
the										the
strikes										strikes
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
This									  |	it
is										is
called										called
the									  |	with
									  >	a
sick										sick
head										head
of									  |	for
health										health
And									  |	and
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the										the
head										head
is										is
sick										sick
there										there
is										is
no										no
doubt										doubt
about									  |	the
it									  |	circle
President								  |	of
									  >	Putin
									  >	the
									  >	president
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
called										called
Putin's									  |	the
environment								  |	drinking
drinkers								  |	men
demanding								  |	the
									  >	required
to										to
use									  |	apply
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
Surprisingly								  |	is
of										of
course										course
									  >	surprising
									  >	the
									  >	talent
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	clone
to										to
accuse										accuse
others										others
of										of
their										their
own										own
sins										sins
I										I
can										can
now										now
describe									describe
the										the
picture										picture
to										to
you										you
									  >	now
and										and
then										then
you										you
will										will
see										see
whether										whether
it										it
is										is
possible									possible
or										or
not										not
So										So
they										they
blew										blew
up										up
the										the
Pivnichny								  |	basement
way									  |	of
alone									  |	the
Yes									  |	road
Yes									  |	1
they										they
blew										blew
it										it
up										up
For									  |	for
what										what
Then										Then
they										they
produced								  |	make
the									  <
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
gas-transport								  |	gas
									  >	transport
system										system
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
So									  |	so
that										that
they										they
are										are
not										not
accused										accused
they										they
will										will
make										make
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
attack										attack
on										on
their										their
territory									territory
Because									  |	because
if										if
they										they
are									  |	hit
beaten									  <
by									  <
our										our
gas-transport								  |	gas
									  >	transport
system										system
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
they										they
did										did
it										it
And									  |	and
they										they
will										will
have										have
big									  |	a
									  >	large
penalty										penalty
sanctions									sanctions
They									  |	they
will									  |	should
blow									  <
up									  <
the									  <
gas										gas
in										in
Europe										Europe
and										and
so										so
on										on
They									  |	they
blew										blew
up										up
the										the
Pivnichny								  |	basement
way									  |	of
alone									  |	the
Then									  |	road
									  >	1
									  >	then
they										they
will										will
blow										blow
up										up
something									something
on									  |	for
their									  |	themselves
own									  |	they
They									  <
absolutely									absolutely
do										do
not										not
care										care
This									  |	this
is										is
their										their
style										style
They									  |	they
									  >	will
									  >	blow
									  >	up
									  >	something
									  >	for
									  >	themselves
									  >	they
will										will
accuse										accuse
us										us
of									  |	in
hitting									  |	order
									  >	to
									  >	hit
our										our
gas-transport								  |	gas
									  >	transport
system										system
Because									  |	because
in										in
this										this
case										case
they										they
will										will
say										say
we										we
reacted										reacted
We									  |	we
just										just
reacted										reacted
After									  |	after
that										that
he										he
will										will
say										say
in									  |	about
Europe										Europe
									  >	that
look										look
									  >	well
there										there
is										is
no										no
way									  |	opportunity
We									  |	we
need										need
to										to
									  >	urgently
start										start
the										the
North									  |	northern
Stream									  |	flow
2										2
on										on
which										which
you										you
									  >	you
do										do
not										not
start										start
By									  |	by
the										the
way										way
you										you
are										are
Germans										Germans
He									  |	he
will										will
say										say
you										you
are									  <
Germans										Germans
We									  |	you
need									  |	should
									  >	give
									  >	us
this										this
opportunity									opportunity
Because									  |	because
you										you
have									  |	should
to									  <
lobby										lobby
to										to
remove										remove
sanctions									sanctions
Why									  |	why
will										will
Europe										Europe
be									  |	become
left									  <
without										without
gas										gas
because										because
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
This									  |	there
will										will
be										be
the									  |	such
case									  |	a
And									  |	chess
									  >	and
here										here
we									  |	it
need									  |	is
									  >	necessary
to										to
know										know
about										about
									  >	this
it										it
We									  |	is
need									  |	necessary
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
it										it
now										now
We									  |	to
need									  |	everyone
to										to
talk										talk
to										to
									  >	the
journalists									journalists
about										about
it										it
And									  |	and
now										now
we										we
need										need
a										a
clear										clear
position									position
What									  |	that
if										if
Russia										Russia
explodes									explodes
									  >	it
will										will
continue									continue
to										to
explode										explode
The									  |	the
energy										energy
system										system
is										is
already										already
Europe										Europe
and										and
in									  <
the									  <
European									European
continent								  |	content
Russia										Russia
									  >	is
Ukraine										Ukraine
specially									specially
provoking									provoking
we										we
will										will
not										not
start										start
the										the
North									  |	northern
Stream									  |	flow
2										2
and										and
we										we
will										will
not										not
remove										remove
sanctions									sanctions
We									  |	do
									  >	not
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	we
know										know
that										that
you										you
will										will
do										do
so										so
To									  |	but
be									  |	on
									  >	a
clear										clear
									  >	note
we										we
respect										respect
the										the
citizens									citizens
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
You									  |	you
have										have
in									  <
mind									  <
a										a
person										person
									  >	in
									  >	your
									  >	head
who										who
is										is
talking										talking
about										about
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
his										his
surroundings									surroundings
his										his
dogs									  |	gills
They									  |	they
are										are
not										not
even										even
dogs										dogs
They									  |	they
are										are
every									  |	just
one									  |	gills
									  >	each
of										of
them										them
They									  |	will
drink										drink
50										50
grams										grams
of										of
vodka										vodka
and										and
shout										shout
we										we
will										will
use										use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
tomorrow									tomorrow
What									  |	what
is										is
it										it
He									  |	in
									  >	general
									  >	he
lived										lived
in										in
a										a
role										role
and									  <
caught										caught
a										a
comrade										comrade
star										star
Pay									  |	pay
attention									attention
									  >	to
how										how
artistically									artistically
he										he
									  >	kind
									  >	of
forgets										forgets
the										the
Russian										Russian
language									language
Although								  |	although
recently									recently
we										we
remember									remember
he										he
tried										tried
to										to
									  >	somehow
learn										learn
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
somehow									  |	and
And									  <
once										once
again										again
									  >	if
someone										someone
did										did
not										not
understand									understand
The									  |	the
drug										drug
team										team
accuses										accuses
us										us
of										of
drunkenness									drunkenness
It									  |	this
is										is
as										as
they										they
say										say
the										the
hat										hat
burns										burns
on										on
the										the
stove										stove
Or									  |	or
who										who
is										is
talking										talking
about										about
the									  |	what
Mavshiv									  |	in
probanya								  <
In									  <
general										general
the										the
Zelensky								  |	green
									  >	one
is										is
completely									completely
burned									  |	brandy
Although								  |	although
it										it
would										would
seem										seem
further										further
away										away
But									  |	but
the										the
West										West
does										does
not										not
bother										bother
at										at
all										all
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
militants									militants
continue									continue
to										to
arm										arm
The									  |	the
headquarters									headquarters
of										of
the										the
Quarternat								  |	apartment
in										in
Brussels								  |	brucella
has										has
passed										passed
another										another
step									  |	course
They									  |	the
									  >	so-called
									  >	ramstein
									  >	format
									  >	is
									  >	traditionally
promised									promised
a									  |	by
									  >	the
new										new
weapon										weapon
in									  <
the									  <
defense									  <
of										of
Germany									  |	the
They									  |	German
									  >	Defense
									  >	Ministry
									  >	in
									  >	particular
									  >	they
said										said
that										that
in										in
the										the
near										near
future										future
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
self-propelled									self-propelled
									  >	Gaubez
PCH-2000									PCH-2000
will										will
be										be
given										given
Reactive								  |	a
fire									  |	reactive
systems									  |	system
of									  |	of
the										the
Netherlands								  |	hall
They									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	fire
									  >	of
									  >	mars
									  >	2
									  >	netherlands
									  >	they
promise										promise
the										the
Kiev									  |	kiv
regime										regime
of										of
the										the
Pro									  |	rocket
									  >	pro
and										and
PVO									  |	pvo
rockets									  |	with
The									  |	a
cost										cost
is									  |	of
more										more
than										than
15										15
million										million
euros										euros
But									  |	but
the										the
main										main
result									  |	outcome
is									  |	of
that									  |	ramstein
Kramstein								  |	perhaps
is									  |	voiced
the										the
head										head
of										of
									  >	pentagon
									  >	ostin
									  >	in
the										the
Pentagon								  |	very
									  >	near
									  >	future
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
receive										receive
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
modern										modern
anti-aircraft								  <
defense									  <
systems										systems
The									  |	against
									  >	air
									  >	defense
									  >	the
offensive									offensive
depends									  |	as
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	said
									  >	will
									  >	depend
exclusively									exclusively
on										on
the										the
time										time
of										of
delivery									delivery
from										from
the										the
United										United
States										States
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
In									  <
the										the
arms									  |	weapon
of										of
the									  |	kiv
Kiev									  |	in
and									  |	paris
Paris									  |	macron
Macron									  |	has
announced									announced
that										that
France										France
will										will
give									  |	transfer
Ukraine									  |	six
another									  |	more
6									  <
equipment								  <
accessories									accessories
in									  |	to
									  >	the
addition									addition
to										to
those										those
in										in
the									  <
previous									previous
18										18
delivered									delivered
earlier										earlier
Ukraine's								  |	the
military								  <
defense										defense
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
came										came
									  >	in
									  >	a
completely									completely
inadequate									inadequate
They									  |	mad
									  >	delight
									  >	and
recorded									recorded
an										an
idiotic										idiotic
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	seems
									  >	to
									  >	them
romantic									romantic
video										video
with										with
French									  <
gratitude									gratitude
Chocolate								  |	to
roses									  |	the
									  >	French
									  >	chocolate
									  >	rose
champagne									champagne
French										French
pigeons									  |	gaubez
The									  |	are
									  >	the
same										same
as										as
you										you
can										can
melt										melt
the									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
heart									  |	hearts
So									  |	so
give										give
me										me
more										more
At									  |	at
the										the
same										same
time										time
there									  |	the
is									  |	speech
a									  |	comes
talk									  |	from
about									  |	the
caesars										caesars
who									  |	in
shoot									  |	which
at									  <
the										the
Donetsk									  |	head
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	greenery
									  >	is
									  >	shot
									  >	down
and										and
kill									  |	killed
									  >	by
peaceful									peaceful
residents									residents
At									  |	at
least										least
16										16
people									  |	broken
torn									  <
into									  <
pieces										pieces
									  >	of
									  >	people
were										were
killed										killed
Remember								  |	remember
they										they
were										were
lying										lying
on										on
the										the
									  >	bus
stop										stop
for										for
the										the
past										past
week										week
Unhealthy								  |	unhealthy
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
creativity								  |	creatives
was									  |	did
not										not
even										even
appreciated								  |	appreciate
in										in
France										France
Ukraine										Ukraine
directly									directly
admits										admits
the										the
love										love
of										of
France										France
for										for
its									  |	her
help										help
We									  |	and
saw										saw
one										one
of										of
the										the
tweets										tweets
with										with
the										the
recognition									recognition
of										of
love										love
with										with
the										the
request										request
for									  |	of
a									  <
rocket									  <
delivery									delivery
									  >	of
									  >	rockets
as										as
a										a
romantic									romantic
gesture										gesture
and										and
one										one
of										of
many										many
forms										forms
of										of
love										love
was									  |	said
published								  |	in
by									  <
the										the
									  >	published
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
in									  |	and
the										the
last									  <
video										video
At									  |	at
the										the
moment										moment
we										we
are										are
working										working
on										on
the										the
delivery									delivery
of										of
additional									additional
caesars									  |	systems
We									  |	we
have										have
already										already
delivered								  |	put
18										18
such									  |	of
We									  |	these
									  >	we
are										are
going										going
to										to
deliver									  |	put
six										six
more										more
together									together
Why									  |	why
Because									  |	because
in										in
fact										fact
these										these
systems										systems
were									  |	produced
made									  <
by										by
us										us
They									  <
were										were
appointed								  |	assigned
by										by
the										the
Soviet										Soviet
Army									  |	army
At									  |	and
									  >	at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
are										are
trying										trying
to										to
make									  |	produce
and										and
immediately									immediately
deliver									  |	put
them										them
to									  |	in
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
Also									  |	also
only										only
one										one
of										of
us										us
depends										depends
on										on
the										the
delivery									delivery
of										of
radars										radars
as										as
well										well
as										as
the										the
system										system
of										of
the									  |	missiles
missile									  |	protecting
defense									  |	from
system									  |	blows
Yes									  |	against
exactly									  |	air
We									  |	rockets
									  >	yes
									  >	these
									  >	deliveries
have										have
already										already
									  >	been
increased									increased
these										these
deliveries								  <
These									  <
air										air
defense										defense
									  >	missile
systems										systems
will										will
help										help
protect										protect
ourselves								  |	themselves
from										from
drones										drones
and										and
rockets										rockets
We									  |	we
will										will
deliver										deliver
all										all
this										this
in										in
the										the
next										next
weeks									  |	week
and										and
at									  |	parallel
the									  |	with
same									  |	deliveries
time									  <
we										we
will									  |	are
teach									  |	learning
them									  <
how									  <
to										to
use										use
them										them
Can									  |	can
we										we
deliver									  |	supply
them										them
									  >	with
more										more
weapons										weapons
without									  |	not
causing									  |	allowing
us									  |	ourselves
any									  |	to
									  >	be
									  >	in
danger										danger
This									  |	this
is										is
exactly										exactly
the										the
question									question
that										that
I										I
ask										ask
myself										myself
constantly									constantly
Can									  |	can
we										we
deliver									  |	supply
everything									everything
that										that
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
and									  |	are
Ukrainians								  |	asking
ask									  <
for										for
At									  |	at
the										the
same										same
time										time
as										as
President									President
Zelensky									Zelensky
asks										asks
me										me
to										to
deliver									  |	supply
a										a
certain										certain
amount									  |	number
of										of
weapons										weapons
I										I
have										have
to										to
leave										leave
a										a
little										little
									  >	bit
for										for
ourselves									ourselves
to										to
protect										protect
our										our
eastern										eastern
plan									  |	flanks
This									  |	this
is										is
the										the
government									government
This									  |	this
video										video
was										was
made										made
by										by
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
government									government
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
They									  |	they
said										said
thank										thank
you										you
									  >	to
France										France
thank										thank
you										you
									  >	to
Bordeaux									Bordeaux
thank										thank
you										you
									  >	to
Sophie										Sophie
Marceau										Marceau
and										and
thank										thank
you										you
Zyoth									  |	to
									  >	César
									  >	for
									  >	César
									  >	speaking
									  >	of
									  >	César
I										I
am										am
talking									  <
about									  <
César									  <
not										not
									  >	talking
about										about
cinema										cinema
but										but
about										about
artillery									artillery
systems									  |	installations
I										I
have										have
one										one
question									question
Will									  |	will
they										they
make										make
such										such
a										a
video										video
for										for
Americans									Americans
thanks										thanks
to										to
them										them
for										for
Bruce										Bruce
Springsteen									Springsteen
and										and
asking										asking
for										for
more										more
Heimers										Heimers
And									  |	as
also									  |	well
for									  |	as
the										the
British									  |	Englishman
for										for
Spice										Spice
Girls										Girls
and										and
for										for
the									  |	anti-racket
anti-missile								  <
systems										systems
So									  |	so
yes										yes
I										I
was										was
very									  |	extremely
surprised									surprised
by										by
this										this
advertising									advertising
campaign									campaign
The									  |	the
idea										idea
was										was
to										to
touch										touch
on										on
									  >	ordinary
									  >	people
									  >	not
									  >	only
Emmanuel									Emmanuel
Macron										Macron
or										or
Sebastian									Sebastian
Le									  |	Lycornyu
Corneu									  <
the										the
Minister									Minister
of										of
Defense										Defense
Yes									  |	yes
and										and
we										we
have										have
the										the
right										right
to										to
laugh										laugh
a										a
little										little
in										in
this										this
dramatic									dramatic
situation									situation
While									  |	while
they										they
are										are
in										in
Paris										Paris
they									  |	I
are									  |	was
laughing									laughing
like										like
horses									  |	a
People									  |	horse
									  >	people
in										in
Donbass										Donbass
continue									continue
to										to
die										die
from										from
									  >	the
French										French
galleau									  |	gaubits
									  >	and
Zelensky									Zelensky
is										is
delighted									delighted
that										that
until										until
the										the
President								  |	president
of										of
France										France
Macron										Macron
allowed										allowed
him										him
to										to
call										call
on										on
WhatsApp									WhatsApp
Here									  |	here
they										they
are										are
the										the
achievements									achievements
of										of
the									  <
European									European
democracy									democracy
Oh									  <
for										for
some										some
reason										reason
they										they
call										call
									  >	it
Ukraine										Ukraine
The									  |	the
Parliamentary									Parliamentary
Assembly									Assembly
of										of
the										the
Council										Council
of										of
Europe										Europe
from									  |	where
which									  <
Russia										Russia
came										came
out										out
on										on
									  >	the
									  >	15th
									  >	of
March										March
15									  <
took										took
a										a
resolution									resolution
in										in
which										which
our										our
country										country
was										was
recognized									recognized
by										by
the										the
terrorist								  <
state										state
									  >	as
									  >	a
									  >	terrorist
and										and
called										called
for										for
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
the									  |	an
International								  |	international
Tribunal								  |	tribunal
for										for
Russia										Russia
to										to
act										act
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
Moreover								  |	moreover
in										in
the										the
resolution									resolution
it										it
is										is
also										also
noted										noted
that										that
the										the
presence								  |	existence
of										of
Russia										Russia
in									  <
the									  <
UN									  <
is										is
illegal										illegal
And									  |	and
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
why										why
On									  |	on
the										the
eve										eve
of										of
the										the
Assembly									Assembly
of									  |	it
the									  <
Council									  <
of									  <
Europe									  <
the									  <
UN									  <
did										did
not										not
recognize									recognize
the										the
referendum									referendum
of									  |	to
									  >	enter
the										the
DPR-LPR-Zaporizhstan-Kerson						  |	DPR-LPR
									  >	Zaporozhskaya
									  >	Kherson
region										region
as										as
part									  |	a
									  >	member
of										of
Russia										Russia
137										137
countries									countries
voted										voted
against										against
it									  |	the
									  >	referendums
5										5
of									  <
them									  <
supported									supported
Russia										Russia
35										35
of									  <
them									  <
supported									supported
Russia									  <
On									  <
the										the
side									  |	country
of										of
Russia										Russia
Belarus										Belarus
North										North
Korea										Korea
Nicaragua									Nicaragua
and										and
Syria										Syria
They									  <
were										were
afraid									  |	scared
of										of
sanctions									sanctions
but										but
they										they
did										did
not										not
want										want
to										to
deal										deal
with										with
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Nazism										Nazism
including									including
China										China
Armenia										Armenia
Kazakhstan									Kazakhstan
and										and
a										a
									  >	whole
number										number
of										of
other										other
countries									countries
This									  |	this
led										led
to										to
the										the
main										main
European									European
diplomat									diplomat
in										in
a										a
rage									  |	frenzy
The									  |	the
UN									  |	Orel
is										is
now										now
concerned								  |	worried
with									  |	too
a									  |	much
large									  |	about
									  >	the
number										number
of										of
those										those
who									  |	held
supported								  |	up
the									  <
General									  <
Assembly								  <
when										when
voting										voting
Indeed									  |	for
the										the
UN									  |	General
									  >	Assembly
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	true
									  >	that
									  >	he
was										was
created										created
									  >	to
									  >	vote
only										only
by									  |	one
the									  |	vote
UN									  |	as
like									  <
in										in
the										the
White										White
House										House
or										or
in									  <
Brussels									Brussels
for									  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	said
									  >	an
example										example
as									  |	of
									  >	how
once										once
such										such
a										a
new										new
resolution									resolution
was										was
taken									  |	adopted
by									  |	it
the									  |	was
UN									  |	accepted
by									  |	almost
the									  |	unilaterally
UN									  |	only
Only									  <
one										one
deputy										deputy
was										was
held										held
									  >	up
before										before
voting										voting
in										in
the										the
Assembly									Assembly
of										of
course										course
ZEA									  <
And									  <
the										the
European								  |	zea
deputies								  |	appeared
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	euro-deputies
were										were
not										not
ashamed										ashamed
of										of
the										the
expression									expression
as										as
									  >	they
									  >	say
the										the
masks										masks
say									  |	were
abandoned									abandoned
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
They									  |	they
called										called
to										to
judge										judge
every									  |	each
Russian										Russian
official									official
who										who
is										is
in										in
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
There									  |	it
was									  |	did
no									  |	not
									  >	work
									  >	without
									  >	the
traditional									traditional
cloning									  |	Kloonsky
speech										speech
about									  |	of
the										the
Gencherenko								  |	Goncharians
He									  |	he
said									  <
again										again
									  >	told
about										about
the									  <
allegedly									allegedly
stolen										stolen
UNitaz									  |	UNITAS
and										and
called										called
Europe										Europe
to										to
make										make
from									  |	the
Ukraine									  <
a									  <
real										real
superpower									superpower
Amongst									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	from
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	Among
the										the
support										support
we										we
can										can
give										give
among										among
other										other
things										things
the									  <
support										support
that										that
we										we
can										can
provide										provide
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
our										our
expertise								  |	competence
in									  |	to
attracting								  |	attract
all										all
the										the
participants									participants
of										of
this										this
war										war
to										to
responsibility									responsibility
Every									  |	each
leader										leader
every									  |	each
commander									commander
as										as
well										well
as										as
the										the
president									president
the										the
government									government
and										and
									  >	the
parliament									parliament
of										of
the										the
country										country
of										of
the										the
aggressor									aggressor
Our									  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	our
obligation									obligation
Mr										Mr
President									President
is									  <
to										to
do										do
everything									everything
in										in
our										our
power										power
so										so
that										that
no										no
one										one
escapes										escapes
responsibility									responsibility
We									  |	we
will										will
help										help
create										create
a										a
system										system
of										of
international									international
justice										justice
in										in
cooperation									cooperation
with										with
many										many
other										other
participants									participants
including									including
the										the
UN										UN
court									  |	International
The									  |	Criminal
UN									  |	Court
is									  |	and
a									  |	the
matter									  |	United
of									  |	Nations
									  >	an
									  >	issue
									  >	here
									  >	related
									  >	to
									  >	the
attack										attack
on										on
the									  |	a
democratic									democratic
country										country
on									  |	in
the										the
nationalistic									nationalistic
regime										regime
This									  |	by
									  >	a
									  >	nationalist
									  >	regime
									  >	this
regime										regime
is										is
connected									connected
with										with
terrorism									terrorism
and										and
the										the
power									  |	force
is									  |	selects
taking									  |	foreign
away									  |	lands
the									  |	and
alien									  |	attacks
									  >	to
									  >	take
									  >	their
land										land
Russia										Russia
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	terrorist
									  >	state
									  >	Russia
which										which
is										is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
there										there
is									  |	rules
a										a
rule									  |	terrorist
of									  |	regime
terrorism								  <
that									  <
attacks										attacks
our										our
values										values
And									  |	and
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
									  >	will
die										die
for										for
the										the
standards									standards
of										of
									  >	human
									  >	rights
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Council
									  >	of
Europe										Europe
Our									  |	our
									  >	common
									  >	values
									  >	leave
									  >	no
									  >	one
									  >	in
									  >	our
common										common
values										values
force										force
us										us
to										to
stop										stop
the										the
Russian										Russian
terrorist									terrorist
regime										regime
as										as
soon									  |	quickly
as										as
possible									possible
We									  |	we
have									  |	must
to									  <
do										do
everything									everything
in									  |	that
our										our
power									  |	forces
to										to
stop										stop
Putin's									  |	the
military									military
car										car
									  >	of
									  >	Putin
from										from
day										day
to										to
day										day
hour										hour
to										to
hour										hour
Russia										Russia
shows										shows
that										that
the										the
civilized									civilized
dialogue									dialogue
that										that
we										we
offer									  |	propose
is										is
not										not
									  >	for
									  >	them
a										a
valuable									valuable
tool										tool
for									  |	it
them									  <
It									  <
forces										forces
us										us
to										to
protect										protect
the										the
world										world
order										order
based										based
on										on
									  >	the
rules										rules
and									  |	of
other										other
means										means
and										and
do										do
everything									everything
in									  <
our									  <
power									  <
so									  <
that										that
									  >	our
									  >	forces
									  >	want
Putin										Putin
loses									  |	to
									  >	lose
the										the
war										war
This									  |	this
is										is
the										the
only										only
way										way
to										to
the										the
world										world
Ukraine										Ukraine
has									  |	should
to									  <
win										win
this										this
war										war
Russia										Russia
has									  |	should
to									  <
lose										lose
There									  |	there
is										is
no										no
other										other
way										way
I										I
think										think
it										it
is										is
necessary									necessary
to										to
write										write
the										the
following									following
words										words
and										and
put										put
them										them
in										in
front										front
of										of
us									  |	me
Why									  |	hello
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	why
should										should
Europe										Europe
just										just
rely										rely
on										on
the										the
United										United
States										States
It									  |	this
is										is
unfair										unfair
and										and
unfair										unfair
We									  |	we
have									  |	must
to									  <
be										be
strong										strong
in									  |	ourselves
our									  |	we
own									  |	say
way									  <
We									  <
speak									  <
of									  <
great										great
powers										powers
These									  |	from
are									  |	above
the									  |	this
United										United
States										States
and									  |	is
China										China
Russia										Russia
tried										tried
to										to
be										be
a										a
great										great
state										state
but										but
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	great
									  >	they
only										only
its									  |	have
emperors								  |	an
									  >	ego
and										and
emperors								  |	an
We									  |	emperor
									  >	because
									  >	we
saw										saw
that									  |	how
their										their
soldiers									soldiers
were										were
stealing									stealing
blenders									blenders
and										and
unitazes									unitazes
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
because										because
they									  <
didn't									  <
see									  <
anything								  <
in										in
their										their
own										own
cities										cities
and										and
villages									villages
So									  |	they
it									  |	did
									  >	not
									  >	see
									  >	anything
									  >	from
									  >	this
									  >	so
									  >	there
is										is
time									  |	a
									  >	moment
when										when
the										the
new										new
super									  |	top
									  >	of
									  >	the
state										state
should										should
become										become
Europe										Europe
We									  |	you
should										should
become										become
a										a
superpower								  |	top
We									  |	of
will									  |	the
									  >	state
now										now
proceed									  |	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
to										to
vote										vote
on										on
the										the
resolution									resolution
									  >	project
that										that
is										is
described									described
in										in
the										the
document									document
As									  |	6
									  >	3
									  >	1
									  >	as
amended										amended
the										the
vote										vote
is										is
open										open
The									  <
vote										vote
is										is
closed										closed
The									  |	you
vote									  <
is									  <
over									  <
You									  <
can										can
see										see
the										the
results										results
of										of
the										the
resolution									resolution
agreed									  |	accepted
on									  |	unanimously
It									  |	thank
is									  |	you
absolutely								  |	very
									  >	much
useless										useless
Sharashkin's								  |	absolutely
office									  |	shorashkin
									  >	contour
									  >	on
which										which
for										for
some										some
reason										reason
has									  |	we
lost									  |	have
its									  |	been
newly-worked								  |	spending
									  >	a
									  >	long
									  >	time
									  >	our
									  >	blood-saving
money										money
Thank									  |	but
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	thank
God										God
									  >	that
we										we
won't									  |	no
lose									  |	longer
it									  |	spend
any									  |	we
more									  |	are
We									  |	moving
will									  <
move									  <
on									  <
to										to
the									  |	donbas
Donbass									  |	alexander
Alexander								  |	slatkov
Slatkov									  <
our										our
anchor										anchor
on										on
direct										direct
communication								  |	connection
Hello									  <
Sasha										Sasha
The									  |	hello
data									  |	are
is									  <
coming										coming
from										from
the										the
market										market
									  >	while
									  >	the
									  >	data
that										that
massive										massive
reserves									reserves
are										are
being									  <
transferred									transferred
to										to
the										the
conflict								  |	area
zone									  |	of
									  >	​​the
									  >	collision
or										or
at										at
least										least
in										in
the										the
regions										regions
of										of
the										the
conflict								  |	collision
zone									  |	Bloomberg
It									  |	writes
is									  <
said									  <
that										that
Russia										Russia
has										has
repeatedly									repeatedly
increased									increased
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
fuel										fuel
in										in
our										our
regions										regions
which									  |	that
are										are
fighting									fighting
right										right
now										now
What									  |	what
can										can
you										you
say										say
about										about
this										this
Not									  |	not
giving										giving
up										up
military								  <
secrets									  <
of										of
course										course
Hello									  |	military
I									  |	secrets
can't									  |	hello
tell									  |	I
them									  |	can't
									  >	know
military									military
secrets										secrets
because										because
I										I
don't									  <
have										have
a									  |	no
permit									  |	permission
for									  |	to
a									  <
secret										secret
document								  |	documents
This									  |	this
is										is
the										the
second										second
time									  |	we
We									  <
have									  <
learned										learned
logistics									logistics
that										that
don't									  |	do
attract									  |	not
much									  |	draw
									  >	special
attention									attention
from									  |	to
									  >	neither
the										the
enemy's									  <
intelligence									intelligence
and									  |	of
from									  |	the
									  >	opponent
									  >	nor
the										the
population									population
And									  |	and
we										we
are										are
able										able
to										to
deliver										deliver
all									  |	everything
the									  |	today
									  >	that
									  >	is
necessary									necessary
									  >	to
									  >	the
troops										troops
									  >	for
									  >	action
within										within
the										the
framework									framework
of										of
our										our
own										own
and									  <
our									  <
own										own
									  >	I
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	draw
attention									attention
I										I
want										want
to										to
tell										tell
you										you
that										that
the										the
supplies									supplies
are										are
going									  |	constantly
on									  |	coming
but										but
we										we
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
have										have
any										any
probes										probes
in									  |	here
our									  |	there
region									  |	are
We									  |	no
don't									  |	columns
have									  |	there
a									  |	is
column									  |	no
We									  |	accumulation
don't									  <
have									  <
a									  <
collection								  <
of										of
equipment									equipment
The									  |	the
enemy										enemy
has									  <
taught										taught
us										us
about									  |	from
this										this
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
It									  |	it
was										was
at										at
the										the
first										first
stage										stage
and										and
all										all
this										this
was										was
pouring										pouring
out										out
from									  |	of
the										the
tragedy										tragedy
of										of
									  >	the
human										human
victims									  |	sacrifices
Today									  |	today
we										we
are										are
able										able
to										to
build										build
a										a
									  >	process
									  >	of
									  >	safe
									  >	transport
									  >	in
									  >	a
completely									completely
different									different
supply									  |	way
process									  |	but
But									  <
what										what
is									  |	goes
going									  |	to
on									  <
with									  <
the										the
GSM									  |	gcm
and										and
what										what
is										is
going										going
on										on
with									  <
the										the
military								  <
supplies									supplies
is									  |	mean
not									  |	that
going									  |	we
									  >	will
									  >	soon
									  >	have
to										to
work									  |	move
But									  |	forward
it									  |	I
is									  |	want
impossible								  <
to										to
call									  |	tell
									  >	you
									  >	that
									  >	today
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	moving
									  >	but
									  >	this
									  >	cannot
									  >	be
									  >	called
									  >	by
the										the
movements									movements
that										that
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	end
interest									interest
us										us
and										and
that									  |	which
we										we
are										are
going										going
to										to
I										I
say										say
that										that
this										this
is										is
an										an
active										active
defense										defense
If									  |	if
we										we
stop										stop
maneuvering									maneuvering
on										on
the										the
front										front
line										line
along										along
the										the
entire										entire
width										width
of										of
the										the
front										front
line										line
then										then
we										we
will										will
turn										turn
from										from
the										the
infantry								  |	hunters
troops									  |	into
									  >	the
									  >	ditch
and										and
then										then
the										the
initiative									initiative
will										will
be									  |	already
transferred								  |	move
to										to
the										the
enemy										enemy
Today									  |	today
we										we
have									  |	are
an									  |	the
									  >	authorities
									  >	of
									  >	the
initiative									initiative
									  >	the
									  >	enemy
									  >	is
									  >	trying
to										to
intercept									intercept
it										it
with									  |	but
the									  |	we
presence								  |	have
of									  <
a										a
large										large
stream									  |	flow
of										of
messages								  |	communication
about										about
the										the
concentration									concentration
of										of
force										force
on										on
Kharkov's								  |	the
									  >	Kharkov
direction									direction
on										on
Zaporozhsk's								  |	the
									  >	Zaporozhye
direction									direction
But									  |	but
today										today
we										we
have										have
built										built
enough									  |	our
defense										defense
									  >	enough
so										so
as										as
not										not
to										to
transfer								  |	overthrow
									  >	the
reserves									reserves
to									  |	on
the										the
smallest								  |	slightest
messages								  |	message
about										about
the										the
emergence									emergence
of										of
danger										danger
and										and
the										the
accumulation									accumulation
of										of
troops										troops
This									  |	this
is									  |	time
the										the
second										second
accumulation									accumulation
of										of
troops										troops
Which									  |	is
are									  |	always
greeting								  |	a
									  >	group
									  >	goal
									  >	that
									  >	welcomes
our										our
artillery									artillery
and										and
missiles									missiles
If									  |	if
									  >	now
at										at
this									  |	the
moment										moment
we										we
are										are
putting										putting
a									  |	quite
rather									  <
serious										serious
destruction								  |	damage
of									  |	to
the										the
infrastructure									infrastructure
which										which
is										is
the										the
basis										basis
of										of
Ukraine's								  |	Ukrainian
combat										combat
capability								  |	capabilities
then										then
we										we
can										can
									  >	also
concentrate									concentrate
all										all
its									  |	our
firepower									firepower
on										on
a										a
certain										certain
direction									direction
to										to
put										put
a										a
huge									  |	large
burden									  |	fence
from										from
the									  |	those
troops										troops
that									  |	who
are										are
concentrating								  |	concentrated
While									  |	today
									  >	there
									  >	Zaporozhye
									  >	Kharkov
									  >	while
									  >	in
									  >	general
we										we
are										are
here										here
									  >	exactly
we										we
feel										feel
confident									confident
I										I
pass									  |	am
									  >	passing
									  >	along
the										the
front										front
line										line
to									  |	talking
talk									  <
to										to
people										people
to									  |	with
my										my
bosses										bosses
We									  |	well
are									  |	in
confident								  |	general
enough									  |	quite
									  >	high
									  >	confidence
that										that
we										we
will										will
not										not
only										only
keep									  |	hold
the										the
defense										defense
but										but
also									  |	we
									  >	will
continue									continue
our										our
active										active
activity									activity
on										on
the										the
front										front
line										line
Of									  |	of
course										course
there										there
are										are
problems									problems
and									  |	problems
today										today
we									  <
are										are
connected								  |	associated
with										with
one										one
This									  |	this
is										is
a										a
counter-battery								  |	counter
									  >	battery
fight										fight
and										and
intelligence									intelligence
technologies									technologies
that										that
need									  |	are
									  >	necessary
to										to
be									  |	apply
applied									  |	today
Today									  <
we										we
can										can
talk										talk
about										about
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the									  |	a
kamikaze									kamikaze
									  >	was
									  >	introduced
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	fight
									  >	a
unmanned									unmanned
aircraft									aircraft
kamikaze									kamikaze
and										and
Lancet									  |	lancet
have									  <
entered									  <
the									  <
fight									  <
I										I
have									  <
just										just
looked										looked
at										at
the										the
results										results
of										of
its										its
actions										actions
In									  |	in
general										general
it									  <
is									  <
great										great
Moreover								  |	super
we									  |	not
									  >	only
can										can
									  >	we
perform										perform
objective									objective
control										control
for										for
parallel									parallel
shooting									shooting
									  >	actions
of										of
the										the
Lancet									  |	lancet
									  >	but
									  >	also
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	Shakida
									  >	and
I										I
have										have
the										the
name										name
of										of
the										the
UAV									  |	unmanned
									  >	air
									  >	strikes
									  >	that
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	system
of										of
Iran										Iran
and										and
Iran-2									  |	Iran
Please									  |	2
									  >	please
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	everything
everything									everything
works										works
Today									  |	today
for										for
the										the
first										first
time										time
in										in
a										a
long										long
time										time
Pushilin									Pushilin
said										said
that										that
he									  <
was									  <
a										a
little										little
weaker										weaker
than									  |	blows
Donetsk									  |	to
He									  |	the
									  >	Danes
									  >	he
in										in
particular									particular
connected									connected
it									  <
with										with
our										our
missile										missile
strikes										strikes
according								  |	in
to									  <
the									  <
infrastructure									infrastructure
in										in
particular									particular
in										in
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
capital										capital
city										city
of										of
Kiev										Kiev
What									  |	what
do									  |	is
									  >	known
									  >	to
you										you
know									  <
about										about
the										the
change										change
of										of
our										our
tactics										tactics
Today									  |	today
is									  |	neither
not									  <
the										the
second										second
not									  |	nor
the										the
third										third
but									  <
the										the
fourth										fourth
day										day
As									  |	as
we										we
apply										apply
mass-produced								  |	massed
hits									  |	blows
on									  |	to
									  >	the
Tets										Tets
and										and
Tess										Tess
what									  |	which
kind									  |	gives
of									  <
help									  <
does									  <
it									  <
give									  <
us										us
									  >	this
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	help
on										on
the										the
ground										ground
How									  |	how
does									  <
it										it
help									  |	helps
our										our
fighters									fighters
We									  |	we
the										the
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Defense										Defense
said										said
that										that
they										they
counterattacked									counterattacked
in										in
three										three
directions									directions
It									  |	it
seems										seems
that										that
everything									everything
has									  |	was
been									  |	knocked
defeated								  |	off
What									  |	what
is										is
the									  |	going
point									  |	on
of									  |	well
talking									  |	a
about									  |	long
Well									  |	stage
the									  <
long-term								  <
application								  <
of										of
the									  |	applying
fire										fire
defeat									  |	damage
across									  |	throughout
the										the
entire										entire
square									  |	area
of										of
Ukraine									  |	​​Ukraine
says										says
that										that
this										this
is										is
not										not
a										a
place										place
not										not
a										a
minute										minute
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
response								  |	responsible
This									  |	reaction
									  >	this
is										is
a										a
thought-out								  |	planned
plan										plan
All									  |	gradually
									  >	all
the										the
points										points
that										that
we										we
carry										carry
out										out
are										are
									  >	inculcated
gradually									gradually
moving										moving
towards										towards
one										one
goal										goal
–									  <
the										the
victory										victory
of										of
Russia										Russia
over										over
the										the
militarism									militarism
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
Western										Western
Europe										Europe
What									  |	in
									  >	fact
									  >	what
we										we
apply										apply
to										to
the										the
strikes									  |	blows
cannot									  |	can
be									  |	not
									  >	now
urgently									urgently
mentioned								  |	say
on										on
the										the
situation									situation
on										on
the										the
front										front
line										line
This									  |	this
is										is
objective									objective
We									  |	we
are									  |	hit
fighting								  <
according								  <
to									  <
the										the
warehouses									warehouses
we										we
are									  |	hit
fighting								  |	the
according								  |	communications
to									  <
communication								  <
we										we
are									  |	hit
fighting								  |	the
according								  <
to									  <
energy										energy
objects										objects
All									  |	all
this										this
complicates									complicates
the										the
action										action
not										not
on										on
a										a
tactical									tactical
level										level
That									  |	well
									  >	that
is										is
we										we
do										do
not										not
put										put
a										a
foot										foot
under										under
each										each
soldier										soldier
their										their
own									  <
rocket										rocket
to										to
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
one										one
which										which
then									  <
can										can
not										not
go										go
We									  |	later
									  >	no
									  >	we
globally									globally
violate										violate
the										the
entire										entire
system										system
of										of
the										the
									  >	resistance
									  >	of
									  >	the
Russian										Russian
Army's									  |	army
counteraction								  |	and
And									  <
the										the
momentary									momentary
effect										effect
from										from
this										this
it										it
will										will
be										be
but										but
this										this
is										is
not										not
a										a
tactical									tactical
level										level
but										but
an										an
operational									operational
level										level
We									  |	we
are										are
already										already
going										going
to										to
the										the
operational									operational
level										level
of										of
pressure									pressure
on										on
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
apparatus									apparatus
									  >	of
the										the
military								  |	military-military
the									  |	force
military								  <
the									  <
forces									  <
in										in
order										order
to										to
then										then
continue									continue
moving									  |	their
forward									  |	movement
on										on
the										the
operational									operational
level										level
That									  |	forward
is									  |	that
there									  <
is										is
no									  |	not
									  >	the
struggle									struggle
for										for
the										the
village										village
which									  |	that
is										is
happening									happening
now										now
and										and
the									  <
praise										praise
for									  <
those										those
soldiers									soldiers
who										who
are										are
fighting									fighting
now										now
in										in
this										this
second										second
and										and
in										in
Bakhmati									Bakhmati
in										in
the										the
same										same
Artyomovsky								  |	Artemovsky
in										in
the										the
first										first
May										May
in										in
the										the
first										first
May										May
and										and
in										in
the										the
direction									direction
of										of
Kurakhov									Kurakhov
in										in
									  >	the
Marinka										Marinka
in										in
Mayorsk									  |	the
That									  |	Major
									  >	that
is										is
the										the
soldiers									soldiers
are										are
fighting									fighting
but										but
globally									globally
we										we
are										are
waiting										waiting
for										for
a										a
completely									completely
different									different
plan										plan
of										of
our										our
war										war
Of									  |	by
course									  |	the
									  >	way
it										it
already										already
exists										exists
and										and
we										we
need										need
to										to
move										move
forward										forward
powerfully									powerfully
Look									  |	see
at									  <
how										how
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
went									  |	passed
through									  <
during										during
their										their
counterattack									counterattack
during										during
our										our
weakened									weakened
defense										defense
weakened									weakened
not										not
by										by
									  >	the
potential									potential
but										but
by										by
those									  |	the
actions										actions
and										and
mistakes									mistakes
that										that
we										we
in										in
general										general
allowed										allowed
which										which
we										we
mentally									mentally
fixed										fixed
And									  |	and
after									  <
30										30
kilometers									kilometers
a										a
day										day
after									  <
40										40
why										why
is										is
it										it
available									available
to										to
us										us
and										and
we										we
will										will
do										do
so									  |	this
and									  <
we										we
did										did
so										so
We									  |	we
still										still
do									  <
not									  <
have										have
air-to-air									air-to-air
landing										landing
troops										troops
Today									  |	today
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
disappointment									disappointment
is										is
heard										heard
about										about
why										why
they										they
do										do
not										not
land										land
why										why
they										they
do									  |	are
not										not
rumble									  <
there										there
									  >	there
									  >	are
rocket										rocket
launchers									launchers
how									  |	there
									  >	as
they										they
sing										sing
in										in
their										their
songs										songs
Listen									  |	listen
there										there
will										will
be										be
created										created
conditions									conditions
for										for
the										the
action										action
of										of
the										the
troops									  |	army
and										and
the										the
VDV										VDV
is										is
ready										ready
the										the
VDV										VDV
is										is
ready										ready
but										but
this										this
is										is
an										an
element										element
in										in
general										general
of									  <
the										the
action									  <
complex										complex
Therefore								  |	of
									  >	actions
									  >	therefore
unexpected									unexpected
some										some
initiative									initiative
actions										actions
the									  <
generation									generation
of										of
some										some
new										new
steps										steps
and										and
new										new
methods										methods
of										of
war										war
Everything								  |	everything
is										is
available									available
to										to
us										us
and										and
even									  |	moreover
more									  |	Sorovkin
so									  <
Sorovikin								  <
I										I
think										think
									  >	that
he										he
will										will
tell										tell
us										us
how										how
to										to
act										act
Sasha										Sasha
today										today
Belgrade									Belgrade
was										was
shot										shot
by										by
American									American
rockets										rockets
and										and
this										this
is										is
not										not
the										the
USSR										USSR
this										this
is										is
not										not
the										the
Heimers										Heimers
these										these
are										are
anti-radiolocation							  |	anti-radio-action
rockets										rockets
And									  |	and
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
in										in
addition									addition
to										to
us										us
our										our
enemy										enemy
has										has
new										new
means										means
of										of
defeat										defeat
Do									  |	do
you										you
feel										feel
this									  |	it
at									  |	on
the										the
front										front
Have									  |	did
we										we
learned									  |	learn
have									  |	did
we										we
learned									  |	learn
have									  |	did
we										we
fought									  |	fight
with										with
them										them
Well									  |	but
these										these
rockets										rockets
are										are
designed									designed
to										to
carry										carry
out										out
the										the
construction									construction
of										of
those										those
radio-location									radio-location
stations									stations
and										and
objects										objects
which										which
in										in
fact										fact
feed										feed
the										the
information									information
of										of
our										our
system										system
against										against
air										air
defense										defense
Well									  |	but
they										they
were										were
shot										shot
down										down
And									  |	and
there										there
is										is
no										no
more										more
talk										talk
about										about
any										any
global										global
violations									violations
of										of
our										our
air										air
defense										defense
system										system
in										in
the										the
Belgrade									Belgrade
direction									direction
On									  |	on
the										the
contrary									contrary
I										I
myself										myself
was										was
surprised									surprised
and										and
we										we
get										get
data										data
not										not
only										only
from										from
the										the
press										press
but										but
we										we
communicate									communicate
with										with
the										the
military									military
I										I
was										was
surprised									surprised
that										that
they										they
are										are
so										so
committed								  |	subject
to										to
our										our
									  >	actual
counter-action									counter-action
from										from
the										the
ground										ground
Therefore								  |	therefore
I										I
am										am
not										not
as										as
scared										scared
as										as
									  >	so
									  >	to
									  >	speak
his										his
little										little
boy									  |	girl
And									  |	yes
									  >	and
we										we
can									  <
probably									probably
									  >	can
not										not
say										say
that										that
we										we
are										are
learning									learning
We									  |	we
are										are
not										not
boys										boys
here										here
for										for
beating										beating
We									  |	we
have										have
a										a
huge										huge
number										number
of										of
new									  |	Naukhaos
haus									  <
themselves									themselves
and										and
we										we
are										are
actively									actively
using										using
it									  |	them
we										we
are										are
scaring										scaring
the										the
enemy										enemy
with										with
it									  |	this
We									  <
are									  <
starting									starting
									  >	from
some										some
kind									  |	tulips
of									  <
coups									  <
on										on
the										the
battlefield									battlefield
at										at
a										a
minimum										minimum
level										level
ending										ending
with										with
those										those
global										global
things										things
about										about
which										which
well										well
									  >	to
									  >	speak
again										again
it										it
is										is
									  >	possible
									  >	it
									  >	is
impossible									impossible
to									  |	but
say									  <
impossible								  <
But									  <
we										we
are										are
new										new
means										means
of										of
defeat										defeat
operatively								  |	operationally
tactical									tactical
We									  |	we
are									  |	turn
turning									  |	for
our										our
support										support
into									  |	that
									  >	is
									  >	in
the										the
situation									situation
in										in
which										which
we										we
exist										exist
There									  |	there
are										are
some										some
improvements									improvements
required									required
and										and
we										we
will										will
get										get
									  >	a
very										very
serious										serious
weapons									  |	weapon
Including								  |	including
long-range									long-range
weapons										weapons
Thank									  |	thank
you									  <
very									  <
much									  <
Sasha									  <
Thank									  <
you										you
very									  |	sasha
much									  |	a
Our									  |	huge
military									military
correspondent									correspondent
									  >	a
reporter									reporter
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	front
Alexander									Alexander
Slatkov									  |	Slotkov
Danesk									  |	but
Donbass									  |	direct
Urgent									  |	connection
									  >	to
									  >	a
									  >	few
									  >	donbass
									  >	urgent
news										news
for										for
understanding									understanding
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
also									  |	too
seemed									  |	it
									  >	would
									  >	seem
to										to
have									  |	be
been									  |	in
given									  <
the										the
feeling									  |	sense
of										of
God										God
Of									  |	of
course										course
we										we
always										always
come									  |	leave
									  >	only
from										from
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
with										with
the										the
position									position
of										of
power									  |	force
they										they
are										are
so										so
clearer										clearer
when										when
we										we
talk										talk
to										to
them										them
more										more
closely										closely
After									  |	after
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
president									president
that										that
for										for
the										the
protection									protection
of										of
our										our
own										own
territories									territories
we										we
will										will
go										go
to										to
everything									everything
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
said										said
That									  |	that
if										if
the										the
conflict									conflict
starts										starts
with									  <
Russia										Russia
and										and
NATO										NATO
then										then
of										of
course										course
we										we
will										will
apply										apply
the										the
fifth										fifth
article										article
But									  |	but
as										as
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
not										not
a										a
member										member
of										of
NATO										NATO
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
says										says
Why									  |	why
did										did
you										you
take										take
it										it
We									  |	we
are										are
not										not
going										going
to										to
apply										apply
the										the
fifth										fifth
article										article
in										in
relation									relation
to										to
official									official
flour									  |	Kiev
When									  |	yes
we										we
help										help
Ukraine										Ukraine
we										we
help										help
but										but
not										not
more										more
we										we
never										never
plan										plan
to										to
enter										enter
the										the
armed										armed
conflict									conflict
									  >	because
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
with										with
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
because									  |	a
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
A									  <
direct										direct
quote										quote
by									  |	from
the										the
General										General
Secretary									Secretary
of										of
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Alliance									Alliance
On									  |	on
the										the
one										one
hand										hand
it									  <
is									  <
the									  <
same									  <
and										and
on										on
the										the
other										other
hand										hand
you										you
saw										saw
it										it
They									  |	they
print										print
out										out
their										their
nuclear										nuclear
warheads									warheads
start									  |	they
preparing								  |	begin
									  >	to
									  >	prepare
including									including
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
armageddon									armageddon
Andrey									  |	andrey
Konstantinovich								  |	konstantinich
we										we
start									  |	begin
with									  <
you										you
You									  <
excuse									  <
me									  <
are										are
you									  |	sorry
entering								  |	to
									  >	enter
the										the
closest										closest
circle										circle
of										of
Putin										Putin
We									  |	we
will										will
believe										believe
that										that
all										all
the										the
deputies									deputies
are									  |	enter
entering								  |	so
so..									  |	if
If									  <
we									  <
believe									  <
that									  <
all										all
the										the
deputies									deputies
are										are
entering..								  <
50										50
grams										grams
Well									  |	that
									  >	is
50										50
grams										grams
									  >	this
is										is
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
because										because
there										there
are										are
lieutenants								  |	intendants
we										we
have										have
front										front
100										100
grams										grams
right										right
That's									  |	that's
why..									  |	why
And									  |	and
on										on
the										the
button										button
Yes									  |	but
yes									  <
Well									  <
as										as
Zelensky									Zelensky
said										said
the										the
fool										fool
is										is
full										full
Yes									  |	yes
but										but
if										if
you										you
are									  |	say
serious									  |	seriously
then										then
these										these
balls									  |	are
									  >	the
									  >	sharracks
that										that
we										we
are										are
watching								  <
now										now
									  >	watching
such										such
a										a
reflective								  |	reflection
pull									  <
of										of
the										the
									  >	withdrawal
									  >	of
Western										Western
leaders										leaders
they										they
can't									  |	cannot
stop									  |	contain
the										the
restrained									restrained
optimism									optimism
Well									  |	well
let's										let's
take									  |	analyze
a									  |	for
look									  <
at									  <
the									  <
example										example
of									  <
this										this
proverb									  |	quote
and										and
calling										calling
for										for
such										such
a										a
discussion									discussion
Resolutions								  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	resolution
of										of
the										the
General										General
Assembly									Assembly
and									  |	of
the										the
Organization									Organization
of										of
the										the
United										United
Nations										Nations
The									  |	the
case										case
is										is
completely									completely
empty										empty
First									  |	first
									  >	of
									  >	all
let's										let's
start										start
with										with
the										the
content										content
The									  |	the
fact										fact
is										is
that										that
the									  <
Western										Western
ideology									ideology
consists									consists
of										of
many										many
									  >	of
such										such
noble										noble
but										but
each										each
other										other
opposing									opposing
positions									positions
Well									  |	well
for										for
example										example
the										the
right										right
of										of
the										the
people										people
to									  |	of
the										the
uprising								  |	new
									  >	state
and										and
the										the
obligation									obligation
of										of
the										the
state										state
to										to
suppress									suppress
any										any
illegitimate									illegitimate
ways										ways
of										of
capture										capture
of										of
power										power
especially									especially
armed										armed
Or									  |	or
the									  <
democracy									democracy
is										is
the										the
power										power
of										of
majority									majority
The									  <
democracy									democracy
is										is
expressed									expressed
in										in
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
the										the
greatest									greatest
preferences									preferences
for										for
									  >	the
minority									minority
In									  |	in
this										this
case										case
the										the
sweet										sweet
couple										couple
is										is
on										on
the										the
one										one
hand										hand
the										the
principle									principle
of										of
self-determination								self-determination
of										of
the										the
nation										nation
to										to
the										the
extent										extent
of										of
separation									separation
on										on
the										the
other										other
hand										hand
sovereignty									sovereignty
and										and
territorial									territorial
integrity									integrity
of										of
the										the
state										state
Well									  |	but
if										if
									  >	they
									  >	have
everything									everything
is									  <
launched									launched
in									  |	like
this									  |	that
way									  <
they										they
will									  <
constantly									constantly
assure										assure
us										us
of									  |	about
some										some
rules										rules
Well									  <
it										it
would										would
actually									actually
be										be
good										good
for										for
them										them
to										to
really										really
write										write
in										in
the										the
rules										rules
									  >	but
where										where
the									  |	does
									  >	it
									  >	end
									  >	let's
									  >	suppose
									  >	at
									  >	what
									  >	circumstances
territorial									territorial
integrity									integrity
ends									  <
and										and
the										the
right										right
of										of
the										the
nation										nation
to										to
self-determination								self-determination
begins										begins
or										or
vice										vice
versa										versa
That									  |	that
is										is
it										it
was										was
clearly										clearly
fixed										fixed
In									  |	here
									  >	in
this										this
case										case
one										one
principle									principle
is										is
important									important
in										in
another										another
case										case
another									  <
Of									  <
course									  <
they										they
									  >	certainly
did										did
not										not
do										do
it										it
Why									  |	why
Because									  |	because
when										when
everything								  |	all
									  >	this
is										is
not										not
written										written
it										it
is										is
easier										easier
to										to
manipulate									manipulate
Let's									  |	let's
say										say
in										in
Donbass										Donbass
									  >	for
									  >	8
									  >	years
two										two
referendums									referendums
have										have
passed										passed
in									  |	the
8									  <
years									  <
The									  <
highest										highest
expression									expression
									  >	of
the										the
most										most
direct										direct
people's									people's
democracy									democracy
They									  |	you
said										said
no										no
you										you
can't										can't
Why									  |	why
And									  |	and
this										this
is										is
a										a
violation									violation
of										of
the										the
principle									principle
of										of
territorial									territorial
integrity									integrity
of										of
the										the
state										state
In									  |	in
Kosovo										Kosovo
there										there
is										is
a										a
municipal									municipal
council										council
that										that
does										does
not										not
have										have
any										any
rights										rights
There									  |	to
was									  |	it
no									  |	it
referendum								  |	is
They									  <
did									  <
not										not
choose									  <
him									  <
for										for
this										this
He									  <
was									  <
supposed								  <
to										to
do									  |	be
channelization								  |	chosen
									  >	it
									  >	should
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	channeled
and										and
he										he
declared									declared
himself										himself
independent									independent
									  >	of
									  >	the
state										state
Normally								  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	normal
this										this
is										is
the										the
right										right
of										of
the										the
nation										nation
to										to
self-determination								self-determination
and									  |	to
territorial								  |	the
integrity								  |	extent
Thus									  |	of
there									  |	separation
is									  |	so
no										no
real										real
legal										legal
and									  <
ideological									ideological
basis										basis
for										for
this										this
resolution									resolution
This									  |	this
is										is
a										a
question									question
of										of
taste										taste
Do									  <
the									  <
referendums								  <
like										like
it									  <
Do									  <
the										the
referendums									referendums
									  >	do
not										not
like										like
it									  |	the
So									  |	referendums
									  >	so
I										I
vote										vote
for									  <
this										this
vote										vote
Okay									  |	well
									  >	okay
God										God
is									  <
with										with
him										him
The									  |	the
second										second
point									  |	moment
What									  |	what
is										is
the										the
benefit										benefit
of										of
this										this
resolution									resolution
									  >	here
I										I
can										can
say										say
a									  |	the
honest										honest
word										word
I										I
									  >	can
									  >	say
									  >	I
deeply										deeply
sympathize									sympathize
with										with
all										all
the										the
employees									employees
of										of
the										the
United									  |	organizations
Nations									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	united
									  >	nations
all										all
of										of
us										us
and										and
them										them
who										who
were										were
engaged										engaged
in										in
this										this
matter									  |	business
Well									  |	but
to									  |	ours
us									  <
because										because
there										there
is										is
no									  |	a
gasoline								  |	lack
in									  |	of
the									  |	money
head									  |	because
Because									  <
the										the
next										next
time										time
I										I
had										had
to										to
throw										throw
the										the
beads										beads
in										in
front										front
of										of
the										the
pigs										pigs
But									  |	but
I										I
also									  |	feel
sympathize								  <
with									  <
them										them
Why									  |	too
Because									  |	why
									  >	because
we										we
were										were
told										told
about										about
incredible									incredible
efforts										efforts
									  >	with
which										which
they										they
were										were
going										going
to										to
put									  |	climb
together								  <
these										these
143										143
countries									countries
Some									  <
were									  <
watching								  <
someone									  <
some										some
were									  |	for
shantying								  |	whom
turning									  |	it
around									  |	was
Borrel									  |	followed
									  >	someone
									  >	somehow
									  >	chanted
									  >	turned
									  >	the
									  >	barrel
says										says
									  >	that
we										we
fought									  |	were
so										so
									  >	fought
that										that
we									  |	there
had									  |	were
more										more
than										than
140										140
We									  |	of
									  >	us
fought										fought
We									  <
voted										voted
What's									  |	what
									  >	is
next										next
The									  <
justice										justice
for										for
this										this
record										record
									  >	this
is										is
the										the
third										third
anti-Russian									anti-Russian
resolution									resolution
Yes									  |	for
The									  |	the
first										first
time										time
140										140
I									  |	the
have									  <
a									  <
question								  <
The									  <
second										second
time										time
141										141
The									  |	are
first									  |	going
time									  |	up
in									  |	and
1915									  <
we										we
hadushing								  |	with
the									  <
whole									  <
international								  <
elite									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Soviet									  <
Union									  <
I									  <
have									  <
a									  <
question								  <
When									  <
you										you
were									  |	brazil
saying									  |	are
									  >	let
									  >	down
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	our
									  >	ally
									  >	I
									  >	think
that										that
									  >	in
									  >	Afghanistan
									  >	Taliban
									  >	but
									  >	it
									  >	would
									  >	seem
									  >	that
									  >	Olga
									  >	is
									  >	nothing
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	also
									  >	against
									  >	Russia
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	not
									  >	let
									  >	down
									  >	this
									  >	resolution
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	matter
									  >	it
									  >	applies
									  >	to
									  >	a
									  >	recommended
									  >	character
									  >	and
									  >	all
the										the
revolution								  |	countries
eigentlich								  |	that
epICKed									  <
up									  <
Yes									  <
We									  <
were									  <
pulling									  <
out									  <
the									  <
power									  <
you									  <
were									  <
saying									  <
Yes									  <
Well									  <
they										they
did									  |	have
									  >	bent
									  >	at
this										this
moron's									  |	moment
job									  |	for
They									  |	voting
									  >	they
									  >	have
									  >	relations
									  >	with
									  >	Russia
									  >	such
									  >	will
									  >	continue
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	and
									  >	if
									  >	they
									  >	have
									  >	bent
									  >	why
									  >	have
									  >	we
									  >	not
									  >	bent
									  >	we
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	bend
									  >	and
									  >	why
									  >	bend
									  >	us
									  >	but
									  >	they
									  >	have
									  >	done
									  >	this
									  >	hammering
									  >	work
									  >	that
									  >	is
									  >	they
forced										forced
them									  <
to										to
vote										vote
for										for
the										the
resolution									resolution
after										after
which										which
the										the
Vengors									  |	vengors
will										will
also										also
agree										agree
with										with
us										us
on										on
the										the
gas										gas
Most									  |	most
of										of
the										the
Serbs										Serbs
they										they
									  >	voted
									  >	they
did										did
not										not
support										support
our										our
position									position
but										but
most										most
of										of
the										the
Serbs										Serbs
will										will
continue									continue
to										to
support										support
Russia										Russia
We									  |	we
will										will
develop										develop
economic									economic
relations									relations
with										with
Brazil										Brazil
and									  <
nothing									  <
will									  <
happen									  <
from										from
the										the
vote										vote
of										of
this										this
resolution									resolution
The									  |	nothing
ambush									  <
is										is
left										left
									  >	no
									  >	then
I										I
will										will
tell									  |	say
you									  <
why										why
they										they
did										did
it										it
They									  |	they
did										did
it										it
for										for
the									  |	e
E									  |	I
Psychologists								  |	explain
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	psychologist
									  >	they
say										say
that										that
some									  <
people										people
say										say
that									  |	some
									  >	and
when										when
there									  |	they
is									  |	have
a										a
pause										pause
between										between
the									  <
words										words
they										they
are									  <
subconsciously									subconsciously
afraid									  |	fear
to										to
give										give
out									  |	this
the									  <
pause										pause
and										and
they										they
say										say
the									  |	e
E									  <
to										to
fill										fill
the										the
sound										sound
This									  |	this
resolution									resolution
is										is
the									  |	e
E									  |	that
In									  |	is
									  >	in
this										this
case										case
there										there
is										is
no										no
next										next
move										move
but										but
									  >	to
									  >	do
something									something
must									  |	and
be									  <
done									  <
And									  <
it										it
seems										seems
to										to
me										me
that										that
for										for
us										us
it									  <
is										is
a										a
very										very
good										good
sign										sign
that										that
these										these
E									  |	and
									  >	they
have										have
more										more
and										and
more										more
time									  |	recently
Here									  |	become
									  >	more
									  >	and
									  >	more
									  >	here
they										they
declare										declare
that										that
Yermak										Yermak
together									together
with										with
Stolberg									Stolberg
is										is
preparing									preparing
a									  |	some
new										new
agreement									agreement
on									  |	about
the										the
guarantees									guarantees
of										of
the									  <
security									security
of									  <
NATO									  <
from										from
									  >	the
									  >	NATO
									  >	side
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
Truthfully								  <
they										they
say									  |	really
that									  |	agree
this										this
new										new
agreement									agreement
is										is
fixed										fixed
by									  <
what										what
is										is
already										already
being										being
done										done
Why									  |	why
We									  |	that
									  >	is
									  >	conditionally
									  >	speaking
									  >	we
understand									understand
									  >	with
									  >	you
that										that
you										you
can										can
sign										sign
as										as
many										many
papers										papers
as										as
you										you
want										want
but										but
then										then
there									  <
is									  <
a										a
simple										simple
question									question
that									  |	arises
									  >	on
									  >	which
we										we
have										have
just										just
received									received
an										an
answer										answer
to									  |	dear
Dear									  <
friends										friends
the										the
question									question
is										is
fundamental									fundamental
Not									  |	not
in										in
signing										signing
papers										papers
not										not
in										in
new										new
statuses									statuses
not										not
in										in
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
Ukraine									  |	it
is										is
considered									considered
to									  |	or
be									  |	not
									  >	considered
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	is
									  >	actually
a										a
member										member
of										of
NATO										NATO
The									  |	the
question									question
is										is
in									  |	the
one									  |	same
Are									  <
you										you
									  >	are
ready										ready
to										to
step									  |	enter
forward									  <
for										for
the										the
sake										sake
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
in									  |	into
									  >	a
direct										direct
military									military
contact									  |	clash
with										with
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
And									  |	and
that's									  |	that
									  >	is
what										what
we										we
heard										heard
from										from
Borrel									  |	Borel
now										now
If									  |	like
									  >	if
									  >	Russia
									  >	suddenly
									  >	never
									  >	threatened
Russia										Russia
									  >	it
never										never
threatened									threatened
to										to
impose									  |	carry
									  >	out
									  >	any
nuclear										nuclear
strikes										strikes
on									  |	in
Ukraine										Ukraine
this										this
is										is
just										just
their										their
own										own
fantasy										fantasy
But									  |	but
if										if
Russia										Russia
suddenly									suddenly
strikes										strikes
then										then
we										we
will										will
destroy										destroy
the										the
Russian										Russian
troops										troops
Well									  |	but
this										this
is										is
one										one
approach									approach
Then									  |	yes
									  >	then
we										we
have										have
already										already
understood								  |	figured
									  >	out
what										what
happened								  <
after										after
that										that
Well									  |	well
you										you
are									  |	put
putting									  <
a										a
blow										blow
on										on
the										the
Russian										Russian
troops										troops
Russia										Russia
of										of
course										course
will										will
immediately									immediately
put										put
a										a
rocket-bomb								  |	missile
blow									  |	bomb
on									  |	strike
NATO									  |	based
bases									  |	on
									  >	NATO
in										in
Europe										Europe
then										then
it										it
remains										remains
a										a
few										few
minutes										minutes
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
immediately									immediately
agree										agree
on										on
everything									everything
and										and
get										get
out										out
but										but
either										either
a										a
full-fledged									full-fledged
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
I										I
think										think
that										that
since										since
the										the
elites									  |	elite
of										of
Europe										Europe
are									  |	is
extremely									extremely
unloving									unloving
and									  <
we										we
see									  |	are
									  >	constantly
									  >	seeing
something									something
like									  <
this									  <
all									  <
the									  <
time									  <
from										from
parties									  |	the
									  >	party
									  >	so
it										it
is										is
unlikely									unlikely
that										that
they										they
are										are
so										so
									  >	much
aimed										aimed
at										at
a										a
nuclear										nuclear
war										war
Therefore								  |	therefore
most										most
likely										likely
all										all
this										this
was										was
brought										brought
out										out
by									  |	the
weapons										weapons
									  >	were
attached									attached
									  >	the
bombs										bombs
									  >	were
put										put
bombs									  |	on
in									  |	the
place										place
This									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	bombs
									  >	this
is										is
									  >	largely
a										a
lot									  <
of									  <
bluff										bluff
What									  |	what
is										is
not										not
a										a
bluff										bluff
Not									  |	not
a										a
bluff										bluff
and										and
what										what
is										is
a										a
certain										certain
danger										danger
for										for
us										us
									  >	this
is										is
that									  |	what
they										they
promised									promised
to										to
supply										supply
new										new
more									  |	stronger
powerful								  <
types										types
of										of
weapons										weapons
That									  |	that
is										is
they										they
will										will
practically									practically
act										act
within										within
the										the
framework								  <
of									  <
the									  <
same										same
assigned								  |	ordered
paradigms									paradigms
intelligence									intelligence
of										of
this										this
instructor									instructor
									  >	and
mercenaries									mercenaries
and										and
weapons										weapons
Of									  |	from
this										this
paradigms									paradigms
									  >	for
									  >	us
the										the
most										most
dangerous									dangerous
for									  <
us									  <
of										of
course										course
is									  <
weapons										weapons
But									  |	but
they										they
said										said
									  >	that
we										we
will										will
form										form
new										new
additional									additional
capabilities								  |	opportunities
in									  |	for
Ukraine										Ukraine
against									  |	anti-aircraft
air									  <
defense										defense
Well									  |	well
they										they
are									  <
unlikely								  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
tomorrow								  <
They									  <
will										will
									  >	hardly
do										do
it										it
after									  <
tomorrow									tomorrow
I										I
think										think
they										they
will										will
not										not
do										do
it										it
after										after
tomorrow									tomorrow
But									  |	but
it										it
means										means
that										that
everything									everything
that										that
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
now										now
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
now										now
This									  |	this
is										is
a										a
clear										clear
truth										truth
After									  |	after
tomorrow									tomorrow
after										after
tomorrow									tomorrow
It									  <
is									  <
now										now
									  >	appears
in										in
Brussels-Totenberg							  |	brisseli
which									  |	stotenberg
									  >	who
has										has
already										already
managed										managed
to										to
say										say
that										that
we										we
are										are
officially									officially
starting									starting
to										to
supply										supply
warm										warm
winter										winter
clothes										clothes
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
due										due
to										to
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
we										we
are										are
leaving										leaving
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	fact
that										that
the										the
war										war
will										will
not										not
end										end
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
in										in
the										the
coming										coming
months										months
And									  <
once									  <
again										again
this										this
is										is
a										a
direct										direct
state										state
I									  |	in
agree									  |	the
with									  |	rest
									  >	according
									  >	to
all										all
of										of
your										your
conclusions								  |	thesis
but										but
the										the
limit										limit
is									  <
let's									  <
say									  <
in									  <
favor									  <
of									  <
the									  <
attitude								  <
of										of
									  >	allowed
									  >	fraud
									  >	in
									  >	relation
									  >	to
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
Obviously								  <
it									  <
is										is
expanding								  |	obviously
We									  |	expanded
									  >	we
are										are
forced										forced
to										to
do										do
something									something
about									  |	that
it									  |	does
									  >	not
									  >	swallow
I										I
have									  |	mean
in									  <
mind									  <
at										at
least										least
those										those
143										143
countries									countries
that										that
voted										voted
against										against
us										us
and										and
are									  <
absolutely									absolutely
right									  |	correctly
about										about
the										the
pass									  |	post
We									  |	we
can										can
do									  |	declare
something								  <
about									  <
it									  <
but										but
pay										pay
attention									attention
to										to
how										how
the										the
filigree									filigree
has										has
already										already
been										been
abandoned									abandoned
It									  |	it
seems										seems
that										that
even										even
a									  |	somewhere
									  >	the
term										term
has										has
been										been
voted										voted
somewhere								  |	on
about									  <
the									  <
fact									  <
that										that
we										we
are										are
such										such
a										a
state										state
terrorist									terrorist
It									  |	it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
there									  <
is									  <
nothing										nothing
									  >	is
									  >	obligatory
to										to
do									  <
with									  <
the										the
organization									organization
nothing										nothing
									  >	is
									  >	obligatory
to										to
do									  <
with									  <
the										the
documents									documents
but										but
nevertheless									nevertheless
the									  |	in
fact										fact
that									  <
someone										someone
had									  <
already									  <
voted									  <
somewhere									somewhere
in										in
Europe										Europe
									  >	has
									  >	already
									  >	voted
on										on
this										this
topic										topic
As									  |	as
far										far
as										as
Borel									  |	the
									  >	barelian
is										is
concerned									concerned
it									  |	listen
is									  |	the
unfortunate								  |	poor
									  >	are
									  >	unhappy
and										and
sad									  |	suffer
to									  <
hear									  <
that										that
35										35
countries								  |	states
in										in
the										the
end										end
had									  |	stood
a									  |	out
large									  |	the
state										state
									  >	is
									  >	large
such										such
as										as
India										India
which										which
is										is
respected									respected
in										in
the										the
economic									economic
sense										sense
and										and
China										China
as									  |	including
well									  |	the
As									  |	rules
for									  |	based
									  >	system
									  >	about
the										the
world										world
system										system
which									  <
is									  <
based										based
on										on
the										the
rules										rules
Putin									  |	putin
constantly									constantly
asks										asks
who										who
will									  |	decides
decide									  <
what										what
these										these
rules										rules
will										will
be										be
And									  |	and
he									  <
throws										throws
the									  |	a
challenge									challenge
into									  |	in
the										the
system										system
directly									directly
But									  |	but
the										the
system										system
reacted										reacted
well										well
to										to
this										this
yesterday									yesterday
at									  |	on
the										the
vote										vote
of									  |	on
the									  |	more
UN									  <
More									  <
than										than
140										140
countries									countries
rejected									rejected
the										the
illegal									  |	legal
annexation									annexation
of										of
									  >	the
									  >	part
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
its									  |	the
entry									  |	introduction
into									  |	of
									  >	it
									  >	to
the										the
composition									composition
of										of
Russia										Russia
I										I
am										am
happy									  |	glad
with									  |	for
this										this
result										result
There									  |	there
is										is
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
work										work
behind										behind
it										it
The									  <
communication									communication
with										with
the									  <
people										people
is									  |	in
									  >	order
to										to
make										make
sure										sure
that										that
we										we
exceed										exceed
the										the
threshold									threshold
of										of
140										140
votes										votes
But									  |	but
I										I
can										can
say										say
that										that
I										I
am										am
very									  <
worried										worried
about										about
the									  |	a
very										very
large										large
number										number
of										of
those										those
held										held
up										up
Plus									  |	plus
or										or
minus										minus
20%									  |	20
									  >	percent
of										of
the										the
world										world
society									  |	community
decided										decided
not										not
to										to
condemn									  |	judge
the										the
Russian										Russian
annexation									annexation
For									  |	for
me										me
this									  |	it
is										is
too										too
much										much
Too									  |	too
much										much
Yes									  |	yes
we										we
are										are
happy									  |	glad
because									  |	since
the										the
bottle										bottle
is										is
full										full
but										but
still										still
a										a
little										little
empty										empty
We									  |	we
have										have
to										to
continue									continue
the										the
work										work
in										in
order										order
for										for
this										this
number										number
to										to
decrease									decrease
And									  |	and
so										so
that										that
those										those
who										who
were									  |	resisted
held									  <
up									  <
clearly										clearly
said										said
that										that
they										they
reject										reject
the										the
annexation									annexation
of										of
the										the
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
Russia										Russia
We									  |	we
have										have
to										to
continue									continue
to										to
do										do
our										our
diplomatic									diplomatic
work										work
There									  |	there
are										are
also										also
black										black
squares										squares
									  >	beautiful
against										against
countries									countries
as									  |	such
beautiful									beautiful
as										as
Turkmenistan								  |	the
which									  |	Turkish
									  >	ministers
									  >	who
did										did
not										not
vote										vote
Venezuela									Venezuela
which									  |	who
did										did
not										not
vote										vote
or										or
simply									  |	just
do										do
not										not
allow										allow
its									  |	her
diplomats									diplomats
to									  |	now
go									  <
to										to
New										New
York										York
now									  <
because										because
they										they
do										do
not										not
recognize									recognize
Maduro										Maduro
At									  |	and
									  >	at
the										the
same										same
time										time
they									  |	try
are									  <
trying									  <
to										to
negotiate									negotiate
with										with
them										them
Dmitry										Dmitry
Gavitich									Gavitich
No									  <
I										I
think										think
that										that
if										if
									  >	the
140										140
countries									countries
voted										voted
for										for
the										the
annexation									annexation
of										of
the										the
territory									territory
it										it
would										would
be										be
a										a
serious										serious
support										support
for										for
the										the
position									position
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
The									  |	the
situation								  |	position
is										is
very										very
serious										serious
Despite									  |	and
the									  |	with
fact									  |	all
									  >	in
									  >	mind
that										that
we									  <
have									  <
put									  <
about										about
140									  |	one
countries								  |	hundred
									  >	and
									  >	forty
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	putting
in										in
a									  |	the
certain									  |	same
level										level
in									  |	the
a									  |	same
certain									  |	kind
form									  |	of
									  >	kind
of										of
activity									activity
let's										let's
say										say
and									  |	so
influence								  |	to
									  >	speak
									  >	but
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
									  >	affect
the										the
economy										economy
as										as
a										a
minimum										minimum
of										of
									  >	course
this										this
									  >	is
									  >	the
volume										volume
of										of
countries								  |	the
The									  |	country
									  >	the
question									question
is										is
									  >	included
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	other
									  >	that
of										of
course										course
that									  <
the										the
interest									interest
of										of
the										the
situation									situation
is										is
in									  <
the									  <
fact									  <
that										that
countries								  |	the
									  >	country
that										that
do									  |	preserves
not									  |	it
represent								  |	represents
a										a
significant									significant
part										part
of										of
the										the
population									population
in										in
the										the
world										world
by										by
the										the
way										way
China									  |	here
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	India
of										of
course										course
feels									  |	China
									  >	is
									  >	worth
it										it
The									  |	but
									  >	the
question									question
is										is
									  >	included
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
of										of
course										course
that									  <
the										the
international									international
component									component
									  >	of
									  >	us
is										is
very										very
original									original
It's									  |	here
									  >	it
									  >	is
better										better
to										to
say										say
it										it
softly										softly
I										I
always										always
say										say
it										it
softly										softly
									  >	here
because										because
									  >	as
if										if
everyone								  |	all
works									  |	the
for									  |	work
									  >	of
the										the
economy										economy
everything								  |	was
is									  |	great
fine									  |	there
There									  <
are										are
									  >	such
suspicions									suspicions
But									  |	here
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	but
the										the
situation									situation
in									  |	is
the										the
next									  |	following
one									  |	the
									  >	situation
is										is
that										that
most										most
likely										likely
we										we
will										will
not										not
be										be
pulling										pulling
this										this
part										part
either										either
The									  |	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
									  >	the
military									military
will										will
also										also
not									  <
go										go
soon										soon
That's									  |	so
why									  <
the										the
question								  |	main
is									  |	task
about									  |	of
the										the
economy										economy
The									  |	is
question								  |	not
									  >	soon
									  >	this
is										is
when										when
When									  |	when
Slavkov										Slavkov
says										says
that										that
he										he
went										went
then										then
he										he
went										went
There									  |	there
are										are
									  >	such
suspicions									suspicions
Well									  |	but
if										if
the										the
funds										funds
are										are
saved										saved
according									according
to										to
my										my
clothes										clothes
there									  <
are									  <
suspicions								  <
I										I
hope										hope
that										that
he									  |	tomorrow
will										will
say										say
tomorrow								  |	very
Very									  <
unlikely									unlikely
How									  |	how
would										would
we										we
hope									  |	do
In									  |	it
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	in
the										the
second										second
part										part
we										we
will										will
drive										drive
									  >	it
somewhere									somewhere
Class									  |	we
We									  |	will
drive										drive
									  >	it
a										a
lot										lot
We									  |	we
have										have
this									  |	a
choice									  |	lot
We									  |	of
got									  |	volunteers
it									  |	we
somewhere								  |	have
The									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	volunteers
									  >	the
question									question
is										is
different								  |	included
The									  |	in
									  >	another
									  >	one
									  >	the
question									question
is										is
									  >	included
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	fact
that										that
the										the
problem										problem
									  >	is
in										in
the										the
next										next
one									  |	as
is									  <
objective								  <
If									  <
it										it
									  >	were
									  >	there
is										is
									  >	an
objective									objective
then									  |	reality
you										you
									  >	just
need										need
to										to
understand									understand
how										how
to										to
analyze										analyze
it										it
Objectively								  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	directly
									  >	well
									  >	objectively
it										it
is										is
calculated									calculated
it										it
									  >	looks
									  >	through
									  >	everything
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	directly
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	satellites
									  >	if
									  >	there
is										is
considered								  <
If									  <
someone										someone
									  >	who
is										is
missing									  |	not
									  >	enough
in										in
the										the
military									military
then									  <
you										you
can										can
									  >	be
									  >	honest
look										look
at										at
it									  |	the
The									  |	Mahara
									  >	the
question									question
is										is
									  >	included
in										in
the										the
next									  |	following
one									  |	the
The									  |	fact
									  >	that
									  >	the
main										main
task										task
for									  <
us									  <
now									  <
is										is
									  >	now
of										of
course										course
that									  |	the
everything								  |	preparation
is									  |	goes
prepared								  <
according								  <
to										to
the										the
fuel										fuel
component									component
These									  |	these
countries									countries
voted										voted
not										not
because										because
we										we
have										have
some										some
wonderful									wonderful
results										results
but									  |	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
									  >	not
because										because
they										they
do										do
not										not
think										think
									  >	oh
									  >	now
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	talking
about										about
the										the
economy									  |	vote
Naturally								  |	I
This									  |	will
									  >	not
									  >	let
									  >	you
									  >	start
									  >	your
									  >	operation
									  >	no
									  >	it
is										is
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	economy
									  >	they
									  >	will
									  >	do
									  >	everything
									  >	naturally
									  >	so
									  >	on
									  >	this
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	the
									  >	topic
									  >	needs
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	further
									  >	and
how										how
									  >	it
									  >	shows
the										the
practice									practice
does										does
not										not
affect										affect
Hungary										Hungary
and										and
Serbia										Serbia
voted										voted
against										against
I										I
remind										remind
you										you
that										that
Serbia									  <
when										when
it									  |	I
was									  <
voted										voted
against										against
									  >	it
again										again
before										before
this										this
resolution									resolution
									  >	I
came										came
and									  |	I
said										said
that										that
they									  |	I
turned										turned
their									  |	my
hands										hands
because										because
they									  <
were									  <
torn									  <
I										I
remind										remind
you									  |	them
and									  |	I
covered									  |	closed
									  >	the
access										access
to										to
the										the
fuel										fuel
component								  <
first										first
of										of
all										all
Now									  |	after
									  >	the
									  >	resolution
									  >	now
we										we
have										have
a										a
new										new
thread										thread
But									  |	to
									  >	stretch
									  >	but
									  >	this
									  >	is
Hungary										Hungary
will									  <
pull									  <
it										it
By									  |	will
									  >	stretch
									  >	but
									  >	by
the										the
way										way
if										if
you										you
note										note
that										that
in										in
general										general
we										we
are										are
the										the
largest										largest
in										in
the										the
country										country
let's									  |	so
say									  |	to
									  >	speak
in										in
the										the
company										company
of										of
Vladimir									Vladimir
in										in
Serbia										Serbia
									  >	so
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	here
									  >	is
more										more
than										than
50%									  |	50
That's									  |	percent
why									  |	so
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
still										still
a										a
deep										deep
question									question
where										where
we										we
are										are
still										still
pulling										pulling
To									  |	to
yourself								  |	ourselves
in										in
fact										fact
That's									  |	that's
why										why
the										the
story										story
is										is
connected									connected
to										to
the										the
next										next
one									  |	the
The									  <
main										main
task										task
for									  <
us									  <
now									  <
is										is
									  >	connected
to										to
ensure									  |	the
									  >	fact
that										that
the										the
fuel									  |	economic
component									component
does									  |	has
not										not
happen									  |	occurred
economically								  |	yet
If									  |	if
everything									everything
that										that
is										is
happening									happening
now										now
would										would
happen										happen
with										with
Iran										Iran
with										with
NDR									  |	the
with									  |	help
anything								  |	of
there									  |	everything
would									  |	as
be									  |	it
									  >	were
the										the
same										same
result										result
We									  |	was
									  >	we
are										are
standing									standing
here									  <
thanks										thanks
to										to
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
									  >	the
									  >	corresponding
									  >	to
these										these
countries									countries
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	system
with										with
which										which
the										the
									  >	right
									  >	to
work										work
was									  |	is
done									  <
and										and
thanks										thanks
to										to
our										our
rich									  <
economy										economy
Let's									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	suffering
									  >	here
									  >	let's
help										help
her										her
The									  |	the
meaning										meaning
is										is
connected								  <
to										to
									  >	succeed
									  >	in
the										the
next										next
one										one
We									  |	we
will										will
send										send
gas										gas
across									  |	through
Turkey										Turkey
We									  |	we
									  >	will
									  >	get
									  >	it
									  >	we
will										will
send										send
									  >	this
gas										gas
across									  |	through
Turkey										Turkey
anyway									  <
in										in
fact										fact
We									  |	we
originally								  |	are
									  >	there
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	initially
planned										planned
to										to
build										build
several									  |	a
cells									  |	few
there									  |	branches
Initially								  |	initially
it										it
was										was
assumed										assumed
that										that
Turkey										Turkey
would										would
become										become
a										a
hub										hub
But									  <
it										it
will										will
completely								  |	already
cover									  |	close
									  >	completely
the										the
problems								  |	problem
of										of
the										the
northern									northern
streams										streams
The									  |	the
northern									northern
streams										streams
work										work
on										on
the										the
northern									northern
part										part
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
which										which
is										is
the										the
most										most
energy-efficient								energy-efficient
part									  |	component
That									  |	that
is										is
the										the
main										main
part										part
of										of
the										the
production									production
is										is
there										there
Naturally								  |	of
									  >	course
the										the
heart										heart
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
is										is
beating									  |	broken
That									  |	that
is										is
it										it
can									  |	is
be									  |	possible
done									  |	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
through										through
the										the
southern									southern
perimeter									perimeter
And									  |	and
still										still
									  >	of
									  >	course
it										it
will										will
be										be
									  >	kind
									  >	of
a										a
support										support
but										but
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
Germany										Germany
will										will
have										have
to										to
throw										throw
these										these
volumes										volumes
through										through
for										for
example										example
the										the
same										same
Austria										Austria
Now									  |	now
for										for
example										example
in										in
Hungary										Hungary
a									  |	the
gas									  <
contract									contract
was										was
signed										signed
Partly									  |	on
they									  |	gas
									  >	some
									  >	of
									  >	them
received									received
the										the
northern									northern
flow										flow
of										of
1									  |	one
respectively									respectively
from										from
Germany										Germany
Now									  |	now
they										they
get									  |	receive
everything									everything
directly									directly
									  >	in
									  >	fact
from										from
the										the
Balkan										Balkan
route										route
The									  |	that
									  >	is
									  >	the
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
this										this
will									  |	increases
increase								  <
the										the
possibility								  |	opportunity
of										of
									  >	the
economic									economic
countries								  |	state
that										that
are									  |	is
closer										closer
to										to
this										this
route										route
That									  |	that
is										is
it										it
is										is
the										the
Balkans										Balkans
first										first
of										of
all										all
This									  |	it
is										is
Eastern										Eastern
Europe										Europe
And									  |	and
the										the
end										end
of										of
this										this
route										route
will										will
be										be
complicated									complicated
which										which
will										will
operate										operate
in										in
Germany										Germany
									  >	that
									  >	is
									  >	go
									  >	there
Turkey										Turkey
is										is
a										a
new										new
Germany										Germany
Goodbye									  |	say
									  >	goodbye
									  >	to
									  >	the
German										German
industry									industry
First									  |	in
									  >	fact
									  >	in
									  >	Turkey
									  >	first
of										of
all										all
									  >	in
									  >	Turkey
there										there
will										will
be										be
a									  <
German										German
industry									industry
in									  |	because
Turkey									  <
Because									  <
this										this
is										is
the										the
closest										closest
part										part
of										of
this										this
hub										hub
Plus									  |	it
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	located
									  >	plus
									  >	to
									  >	all
Turkey										Turkey
is									  |	and
									  >	so
									  >	you
									  >	are
a										a
member										member
of										of
the										the
economic									economic
space										space
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
It									  |	it
is										is
									  >	still
so										so
worried										worried
about										about
the									  |	what
fact									  <
that									  <
it									  <
is									  <
not..									  <
It									  <
is										is
associated									associated
with										with
Europe										Europe
yes										yes
Yes									  <
it										it
makes									  |	is
no									  |	without
sense									  |	a
Why									  |	delay
									  >	why
would										would
you										you
be										be
a										a
member										member
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
That									  |	that
the									  |	you
European								  |	still
Union									  |	have
is									  <
doing									  <
something									something
wrong									  |	to
									  >	do
									  >	with
									  >	Europe
God										God
forbid										forbid
Euro									  |	Europe
is									  |	will
still										still
leading									  |	lead
you										you
If									  |	if
you										you
can										can
be										be
in										in
the										the
same										same
perimeter									perimeter
and									  <
have										have
your										your
own									  |	lyra
lira..									  |	if
If									  |	the
Euro									  |	euro
did										did
not										not
interfere								  |	prevent
with									  <
the										the
inflation									inflation
that										that
lira									  |	the
									  >	lyra
is										is
experiencing									experiencing
No									  <
in										in
fact										fact
from										from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
the										the
economy										economy
this									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	point
									  >	of
									  >	view
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	export
									  >	it
is										is
very										very
profitable									profitable
Because									  |	because
it										it
is										is
very										very
difficult									difficult
for										for
the										the
population									population
for										for
inflation									inflation
for										for
everything									everything
else										else
And									  |	and
from										from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
production									production
									  >	then
you										you
produce										produce
in									  <
a									  <
cheap										cheap
currency									currency
The									  |	the
same										same
thing										thing
happened								  |	for
									  >	example
									  >	made
									  >	in
									  >	its
									  >	time
in										in
Poland										Poland
It									  |	it
deliberately									deliberately
relaxed										relaxed
its										its
gold										gold
in										in
order										order
to										to
be									  |	find
in									  <
the										the
perimeter									perimeter
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
and									  |	calmly
then									  <
produce										produce
From									  |	it
									  >	because
									  >	from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
some										some
Germany										Germany
it										it
is										is
easier										easier
for										for
it										it
to										to
go										go
to										to
some										some
kind									  <
of									  <
Turkey										Turkey
									  >	there
to										to
develop										develop
production									production
there									  <
to									  <
sell										sell
									  >	produce
cheap										cheap
pay										pay
for										for
it										it
all										all
pay										pay
with										with
liras									  |	lyra
than										than
to										to
be										be
in										in
a									  |	the
									  >	energy
deficit										deficit
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	20
									  >	percent
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	reducing
									  >	production
									  >	God
									  >	forbid
									  >	in
									  >	Germany
and										and
to									  <
produce										produce
at										at
least										least
something									something
there										there
The									  |	the
problem										problem
is										is
in										in
this										this
The									  |	the
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
Turkey										Turkey
wins										wins
The									  |	the
question									question
is										is
that										that
Turkey										Turkey
									  >	has
always										always
wanted										wanted
to										to
be										be
a										a
hub										hub
It									  |	it
always									  <
had										had
a										a
problem										problem
with										with
production									production
but										but
it										it
									  >	has
always										always
pulled										pulled
all										all
the										the
gas										gas
pipelines									pipelines
It									  |	on
									  >	itself
									  >	this
is										is
she										she
who									  |	put
laid									  <
the										the
first										first
Bakut-Belisit									Bakut-Belisit
Jihang										Jihang
which										which
of										of
course										course
brought										brought
us										us
oil										oil
from										from
Azerbaijan									Azerbaijan
Bakut-Belisit									Bakut-Belisit
Azir-Gas									Azir-Gas
from									  <
Azerbaijan									Azerbaijan
She									  |	she
accordingly								  |	respectively
made										made
negotiations									negotiations
about									  |	on
the										the
transition									transition
of										of
the										the
Iranian										Iranian
perimeter									perimeter
In									  |	through
									  >	it
									  >	by
the										the
meantime								  |	way
the										the
Kurdish										Kurdish
oil										oil
is										is
also										also
being									  <
pumped										pumped
towards									  |	in
the										the
direction									direction
of										of
the										the
Scandinavian								  |	direction
That									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	skander
									  >	that
is										is
she										she
always										always
wanted										wanted
to										to
be										be
this										this
hub										hub
because									  |	and
she									  |	Europe
was										was
afraid										afraid
in									  |	of
									  >	it
									  >	in
fact										fact
And									  |	and
in										in
her									  |	its
time										time
when										when
there										there
was										was
a										a
decision									decision
to										to
torpedo										torpedo
the										the
southern									southern
flow									  |	stream
which										which
was									  <
torpedoed									torpedoed
by									  |	Bojko-Borisov
Boyko									  <
Borisov									  <
here										here
to									  <
many									  <
of									  <
you									  <
in										in
Bulgaria								  |	many
									  >	Bulgarians
then										then
the										the
idea										idea
was										was
in										in
this										this
concluded									concluded
that										that
if										if
you										you
do										do
not										not
want										want
to										to
directly									directly
interact									interact
but									  <
directly									directly
of										of
course										course
lay									  |	spread
the										the
branches									branches
get										get
acquainted									acquainted
here										here
is										is
your										your
accordingly								  |	respectively
the									  <
middleman								  <
the										the
Kurdish									  |	last
And									  |	cardigan
he									  |	and
									  >	it
will										will
use										use
this										this
At									  |	for
									  >	the
									  >	sake
									  >	of
									  >	justice
									  >	at
that										that
time									  |	moment
the										the
United										United
States										States
torpedoed									torpedoed
Boyko									  |	Bojko-Borisov
Borisov									  <
it										it
would										would
not										not
have										have
been										been
lucky										lucky
to										to
									  >	be
									  >	the
									  >	prime
									  >	minister
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	sad
									  >	moment
									  >	I
									  >	wanted
									  >	to
note										note
that									  |	Bojko-Borisov
Boyko									  <
Borisov									  <
himself										himself
signed										signed
the										the
decision									decision
and										and
torpedoed									torpedoed
the										the
AES									  |	IS
and										and
torpedoed									torpedoed
by									  |	Bojko-Borisov
Boyko									  <
Borisov									  <
himself										himself
I									  |	and
want									  |	accordingly
									  >	God
									  >	willing
the										the
Americans									Americans
to									  <
have										have
already										already
come										come
and										and
signed										signed
the									  |	it
agreement								  <
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
that										that
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
that										that
they									  |	David
pressed									  <
on									  <
Hungary									  <
and									  <
Serbia									  <
and										and
									  >	Naveen
									  >	Grinna-Serbia
they										they
had										had
enough										enough
as										as
it										it
were										were
of										of
economic									economic
purposes									purposes
it										it
is										is
very										very
soft										soft
expressed									expressed
called									  |	by
									  >	the
									  >	so-called
specific									specific
bodies										bodies
to									  |	so
									  >	that
accordingly									accordingly
stand									  <
their										their
position									position
So									  |	stands
									  >	as
you										you
and										and
Zelensky									Zelensky
are										are
now										now
fighting									fighting
with										with
Russia										Russia
as										as
well										well
as										as
Boyko									  |	Bojko-Borisov
Borisov									  |	is
a										a
great										great
good										good
boy										boy
The									  |	if
Americans								  |	countries
take									  |	make
some										some
decisions									decisions
they										they
take										take
consequences								  <
for									  <
this										this
If									  |	as
he									  |	a
manages									  |	consequence
									  >	if
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
to										to
fight										fight
if										if
accordingly									accordingly
he									  |	it
provides								  |	will
									  >	help
									  >	the
economic									economic
assistance									assistance
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
of										of
course										course
he										he
makes										makes
such										such
a										a
decision									decision
But									  |	but
the										the
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
after										after
that										that
there										there
were										were
a									  |	massive
lot									  <
of									  <
protests									protests
in										in
Bulgaria									Bulgaria
against										against
the										the
GK										GK
After									  |	after
that										that
Boyko									  |	Bojko-Borisov
Borisov									  <
himself										himself
fought										fought
four										four
times										times
in									  |	he
the									  |	was
fact									  |	upset
that										that
he..									  <
Moreover								  <
he										he
actively								  |	was
labelled								  <
the										the
same										same
Balkan										Balkan
flow										flow
After									  |	and
that									  |	actively
									  >	labored
									  >	after
he										he
said										said
that										that
we										we
are									  |	were
very										very
serious										serious
about									  <
our									  <
mistakes								  <
and										and
the										the
problem										problem
will										will
be										be
the										the
following									following
In									  |	are
the									  |	there
best									  |	already
case									  |	5-6
in									  |	cases
fact..									  |	if
God										God
forbid									  |	gives
									  >	then
Erdogan										Erdogan
will										will
pass									  |	go
									  >	through
his										his
parliamentary								  |	presidential
elections									elections
then										then
he									  |	you
will										will
have										have
to										to
agree										agree
with										with
a										a
person										person
who										who
will										will
have										have
the									  |	an
image										image
of										of
									  >	an
Iranian										Iranian
oil										oil
in										in
the										the
perspective								  |	future
of									  |	respectively
accordingly								  <
Azerbaijan									Azerbaijan
oil										oil
and										and
gas										gas
And									  |	and
this										this
whole										whole
country										country
will										will
have										have
to										to
agree										agree
with										with
him										him
A									  |	this
									  >	is
									  >	a
person										person
who										who
can										can
supply									  <
barricades								  <
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
									  >	supply
									  >	barakhtar
of										of
course										course
will									  |	take
have									  |	care
to									  |	of
deal									  |	everything
with									  <
conflicts								  <
as									  <
everyone								  <
else									  <
sees									  <
The									  <
old									  <
cockroach								  <
as										as
he									  |	a
									  >	young
									  >	man
called										called
it									  |	him
in									  <
his									  <
youth									  <
was									  <
a										a
funny										funny
Volodymyr									Volodymyr
Zelensky									Zelensky
And									  |	I
the									  |	would
									  >	not
									  >	offend
									  >	one
									  >	of
									  >	these
politicians									politicians
just..									  |	just
									  >	as
									  >	if
I										I
would										would
also									  <
not										not
offend										offend
you										you
Please									  |	either
									  >	please
appeal										appeal
to										to
Zelensky									Zelensky
He									  |	he
can										can
now										now
offend										offend
anyone										anyone
even										even
if										if
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin's										Putin's
circle										circle
which										which
I										I
will										will
tell										tell
you										you
again										again
is									  |	50
considered								  |	grams
to									  |	Volodymyr
be									  <
Volodymyr's								  <
and										and
nuclear										nuclear
									  >	oil
									  >	are
									  >	considered
									  >	respectively
									  >	imagine
									  >	something
									  >	here
I										I
think										think
he										he
will										will
stop										stop
acting										acting
The									  |	the
problem										problem
is										is
the										the
following									following
The									  |	the
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
right										right
now										now
									  >	just
such										such
a										a
situation									situation
is										is
drawn										drawn
out										out
When									  |	when
you										you
have										have
interlocutors									interlocutors
you									  |	who
become									  |	are
very										very
original									original
You									  |	you
have										have
a										a
interlocutor									interlocutor
the										the
next										next
prince										prince
and									  |	who
accordingly									accordingly
									  >	he
									  >	has
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	such
									  >	respectively
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
									  >	these
in										in
the										the
book									  |	Bible
he									  |	books
is									  |	the
offended								  <
The									  <
king										king
and									  |	of
the										the
sultan									  |	sultans
are									  |	is
now										now
interlocutors								  |	the
It's									  |	king
just									  <
some									  <
kind									  <
of										of
chess									  |	the
Well									  |	interlocutor
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	question
									  >	of
									  >	just
									  >	some
									  >	kind
									  >	of
									  >	sheikh
									  >	rizad
									  >	well
look										look
we've									  |	we
									  >	have
been										been
through									  |	here
this									  |	a
									  >	thousand
									  >	and
									  >	one
									  >	nights
before										before
We've									  <
been									  <
through									  <
this										this
before									  |	we
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	here
in										in
fact										fact
And									  |	the
this									  |	situation
is										is
not										not
bad										bad
It's									  |	well
									  >	it's
not										not
bad										bad
because										because
there										there
is										is
a										a
replacement									replacement
for										for
these										these
people										people
who										who
are										are
appointed								  |	called
by										by
the										the
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
or										or
rather										rather
Chancellor									Chancellor
of										of
Germany										Germany
who									  |	and
are									  |	President
appointed								  |	of
by									  |	France
the									  |	in
Prime									  <
Minister								  <
In									  <
fact										fact
if										if
you										you
look										look
closely										closely
these									  |	their
functions									functions
are										are
performed									performed
by										by
monarchies								  |	monarchs
The									  |	but
									  >	the
problem										problem
is										is
the										the
following									following
If									  |	that
									  >	the
									  >	nose
									  >	if
you										you
look										look
closely										closely
these										these
are										are
the										the
people										people
who										who
happened									happened
through										through
a									  <
very										very
original									original
story									  |	history
These									  |	these
stories										stories
in										in
fact										fact
defined									  |	determined
themselves									themselves
in										in
a										a
position									position
What									  <
did									  <
Radhagan								  <
go									  <
through										through
He									  |	which
									  >	Rodogan
									  >	passed
									  >	they
									  >	have
									  >	nothing
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	with
									  >	it
									  >	he
was										was
									  >	practically
a										a
revolver									revolver
in									  <
fact									  <
with										with
the									  |	a
military									military
base										base
He									  |	he
was										was
shot										shot
by										by
a										a
helicopter									helicopter
and									  |	with
									  >	a
									  >	military
									  >	base
so										so
on									  |	by
In									  |	the
short									  |	way
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	case
in										in
which										which
he										he
									  >	was
considered									considered
his									  |	a
residence								  |	resident
He									  |	a
went									  |	resident
									  >	and
									  >	he
									  >	passed
through										through
									  >	it
									  >	and
									  >	remembers
									  >	it
									  >	respectively
									  >	Mukhan
									  >	Minsalman
									  >	is
a										a
									  >	person
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	who
									  >	went
									  >	through
									  >	the
situation									situation
when										when
he										he
was										was
going										going
to										to
ban									  |	take
his									  |	the
property								  |	money
He									  |	to
									  >	the
									  >	bank
									  >	and
									  >	think
									  >	he
wanted										wanted
to										to
freeze										freeze
it									  <
so										so
									  >	to
									  >	speak
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
he										he
wanted										wanted
									  >	of
									  >	course
to										to
officially									officially
show										show
the										the
entire										entire
volume										volume
of										of
such										such
									  >	a
									  >	kind
									  >	of
demand										demand
on										on
the									  <
11th									  <
of									  <
September									September
He									  |	11
had									  |	when
									  >	he
									  >	was
									  >	killed
									  >	by
the										the
same										same
property								  |	military
as									  <
the									  <
German									  <
company										company
and										and
there										there
are										are
many									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
such										such
stories										stories
There									  |	there
is										is
accordingly									accordingly
the										the
same										same
fashion										fashion
He									  |	he
takes									  |	is
									  >	engaged
									  >	in
a										a
moderate									moderate
position									position
but										but
he										he
also										also
remembers									remembers
how										how
the									  <
400										400
rubles										rubles
supported								  |	were
									  >	cut
									  >	off
									  >	as
									  >	a
									  >	result
									  >	of
									  >	how
Pakistan									Pakistan
									  >	was
									  >	supported
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
for										for
a										a
very										very
long										long
time										time
That									  |	that
is										is
because										because
of										of
these										these
people										people
because										because
of										of
these										these
personalities									personalities
they									  |	in
were									  |	fact
taken									  |	the
care									  |	fabric
of										of
They									  |	this
									  >	future
									  >	is
									  >	assembled
									  >	and
									  >	these
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	mistakes
									  >	that
									  >	were
									  >	made
									  >	they
need										need
to										to
be										be
properly								  <
assembled									assembled
									  >	right
and										and
these										these
mistakes									mistakes
									  >	themselves
are										are
not										not
									  >	to
									  >	be
made										made
by										by
us										us
For									  |	that
									  >	is
									  >	for
example										example
the										the
same										same
Venezuela									Venezuela
which										which
was									  |	they
supported									supported
for										for
a										a
very										very
long										long
time										time
and										and
in										in
which										which
by										by
the										the
way										way
they										they
were									  <
saved										saved
									  >	each
									  >	other
by										by
the										the
way										way
And									  |	we
saved										saved
in									  |	them
the									  |	they
middle									  |	still
Our									  |	feed
Locoil									  |	them
gets									  |	our
									  >	locale
									  >	is
there										there
and										and
perfectly								  |	the
builds									  <
houses										houses
But									  |	are
									  >	perfectly
									  >	built
									  >	but
you										you
need										need
to										to
understand									understand
that										that
accordingly								  |	respectively
there										there
are..									  |	is
Taking									  |	a
people									  |	lot
out									  <
of										of
poverty									  <
The									  <
oil										oil
was									  <
put										put
under										under
									  >	the
sanctions									sanctions
including									including
partially									partially
for										for
Venezuela									Venezuela
And									  |	and
accordingly								  |	after
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	Maduro
									  >	will
									  >	make
									  >	negotiations
									  >	with
									  >	some
									  >	separatist
									  >	shavrons
									  >	that
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	problem
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	solved
									  >	next
our										our
task										task
is										is
to										to
protect									  |	keep
our										our
people									  |	own
This									  |	this
is										is
the										the
most										most
important									important
thing										thing
not										not
to										to
lose										lose
them										them
Because									  |	because
if									  <
you									  <
buy									  <
new									  <
ones									  <
then									  <
it										it
will										will
be										be
possible									possible
We									  |	to
									  >	buy
									  >	new
									  >	ones
									  >	later
									  >	in
									  >	Afghanistan
									  >	we
need										need
to										to
figure									  |	disassemble
out									  <
our										our
foreign										foreign
Taliban										Taliban
in									  |	like
Afghanistan								  <
It									  <
seems									  <
that									  <
the										the
first										first
state										state
in										in
the										the
world										world
I										I
mean									  |	have
									  >	the
									  >	view
									  >	of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
which										which
was									  |	has
established..								  |	become
In									  |	a
general									  |	national
we									  |	enemy
have									  <
diplomatic								  <
ties									  <
and									  <
they									  <
have..									  <
I										I
am										am
talking										talking
about										about
this										this
Now									  |	with
									  >	the
									  >	government
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Taliban
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	not
									  >	very
									  >	unambiguously
									  >	they
									  >	come
									  >	and
									  >	vote
									  >	against
									  >	us
									  >	as
									  >	you
									  >	rightly
									  >	said
									  >	and
									  >	from
									  >	these
									  >	materials
									  >	the
									  >	fabric
									  >	is
									  >	folded
									  >	they
									  >	have
									  >	their
									  >	own
									  >	materials
									  >	there
									  >	show
									  >	us
									  >	who
we										we
have										have
to										to
be										be
friends										friends
with										with
Macron									  |	now
We									  |	we
know										know
that										that
he										he
used										used
to										to
like									  |	love
to										to
call										call
Putin										Putin
It									  |	it
is										is
clear										clear
that										that
Putin										Putin
also										also
suggested								  |	proposed
to										to
WhatsApp								  |	putin
I										I
believe									  |	think
that									  <
Putin									  <
at										at
first										first
									  >	I
was										was
surprised									surprised
and									  <
then										then
									  >	I
refused										refused
But									  |	but
thank										thank
you										you
that										that
there										there
is										is
a										a
green										green
one										one
Attention								  |	attention
From									  |	from
all										all
these										these
world										world
leaders										leaders
who										who
will										will
help										help
you										you
Who									  |	who
will									  |	is
help									  |	closer
you									  |	to
Who									  <
will									  <
help									  <
you										you
closer										closer
Closer									  <
or										or
who										who
can										can
help										help
more										more
Who									  |	but
can									  <
help									  <
more									  <
Well									  <
to									  <
help									  <
on										on
a										a
human										human
level										level
On									  |	of
what									  <
level									  <
Not									  <
on									  <
finance									  <
not									  <
on..									  <
Of									  <
course										course
this									  |	it
is										is
the										the
strongest									strongest
country										country
that										that
can										can
help										help
you										you
more										more
But									  |	but
on										on
a										a
human										human
level										level
are									  <
there										there
									  >	are
people										people
with										with
whom										whom
there										there
are										are
closer										closer
relations									relations
I										I
really										really
had										had
close										close
relations									relations
with										with
Johnson										Johnson
Close									  |	he
He..									  |	and
Johnson										Johnson
Duda										Duda
I										I
could..									  |	could
And..									  |	call
And									  |	them
									  >	both
Latvia										Latvia
Lithuania									Lithuania
and										and
Gitanos									  |	Gitana
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	those
									  >	who
I										I
could										could
call										call
Who									  |	and
could									  <
I									  <
call									  <
And									  <
Emmanuel									Emmanuel
Macron										Macron
always										always
tells										tells
me										me
to									  |	you
call										call
									  >	me
on										on
WhatsApp									WhatsApp
And									  |	and
we										we
really										really
have										have
a										a
lot										lot
with										with
these										these
presidents									presidents
whom									  |	which
I										I
said										said
we										we
are										are
talking										talking
not										not
on									  |	about
the										the
protocol									protocol
but										but
quickly										quickly
Of									  |	of
course										course
there										there
are										are
diplomatic									diplomatic
relations									relations
with										with
the										the
									  >	president
									  >	of
									  >	the
United										United
States										States
									  >	and
with										with
Olof									  |	Olaf
with									  <
Schultz										Schultz
and										and
so										so
on										on
And..									  |	and
These									  |	these
relations									relations
are										are
as									  |	the
									  >	same
strong										strong
as										as
with										with
these										these
countries									countries
that									  |	about
									  >	which
I										I
said										said
I										I
just										just
say										say
that										that
this										this
is									  <
the									  <
iPhone										iPhone
of										of
diplomacy									diplomacy
It									  |	has
									  >	just
									  >	appeared
									  >	it
helped										helped
me										me
a										a
lot										lot
in										in
the										the
first										first
days										days
of										of
the										the
war										war
I										I
spoke										spoke
with										with
Duda										Duda
									  >	and
at										at
night										night
Please									  |	please
At									  |	at
least										least
we										we
know										know
what										what
kind										kind
of										of
phone										phone
									  >	is
									  >	used
									  >	by
President									President
Zelensky									Zelensky
uses									  |	if
If									  <
he										he
says									  |	is
									  >	talking
about										about
the									  <
iPhone										iPhone
of										of
diplomacy									diplomacy
it										it
doesn't									  |	does
									  >	not
work										work
on										on
Andrew									  |	Andrey
Yes									  <
but										but
back									  |	returning
to										to
the										the
question									question
of										of
voting										voting
in										in
general										general
what										what
how										how
why										why
Everything								  |	everything
that										that
happens									  |	is
in									  |	happening
									  >	on
the										the
world									  |	global
arena										arena
in										in
that										that
or										or
the										the
other										other
level										level
is										is
tied										tied
to										to
values									  <
What									  <
offers									  <
the									  <
other									  <
or									  <
the										the
other									  |	value
									  >	which
									  >	offers
									  >	another
									  >	country
									  >	another
country										country
to									  <
other									  <
countries								  <
because										because
international									international
relations									relations
are										are
always										always
based										based
on									  |	in
equal									  |	that
rights									  <
or										or
then									  |	the
I									  |	other
am									  |	level
									  >	or
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
									  >	or
									  >	then
									  >	I
									  >	am
a										a
hegemon										hegemon
and										and
you										you
excuse									  |	sorry
me									  <
act										act
in										in
my										my
paradigm									paradigm
Right									  |	it
									  >	is
now										now
									  >	that
we										we
see										see
that										that
the										the
hegemon										hegemon
leaving									  <
the										the
									  >	outgoing
United										United
States										States
he										he
is										is
on									  |	in
the									  |	a
verge									  |	hurry
of									  |	where
leaving									  |	does
Sooner									  <
or									  <
later									  <
he										he
leaves									  |	go
									  >	whether
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	early
									  >	or
									  >	late
any										any
hegemon										hegemon
This									  |	goes
									  >	this
is										is
a										a
story										story
that										that
never										never
stops										stops
If									  |	if
we										we
remember..								  |	remember
Look									  |	look
how										how
fast										fast
he										he
is										is
running										running
You									  |	well
don't									  <
agree									  <
with									  <
me									  <
I										I
told									  |	spoke
you									  <
about										about
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
story										story
That's									  |	here
it									  |	is
As									  |	the
soon									  |	end
as									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	story
									  >	here
									  >	is
									  >	how
it										it
falls									  |	will
									  >	fall
									  >	so
there										there
will										will
be										be
no										no
hegemon										hegemon
That									  |	that
is										is
the										the
hegemon										hegemon
does										does
not										not
leave									  |	go
									  >	away
the										the
hegemon										hegemon
runs										runs
away										away
Yes									  |	yes
and										and
today										today
									  >	quote
several										several
times										times
Joseph										Joseph
Borell									  |	Joseph
									  >	of
									  >	Borel
and										and
he										he
said										said
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
interesting									interesting
things										things
He									  |	he
said										said
									  >	today
a										a
wonderful								  |	great
thing										thing
today									  |	he
At									  |	is
									  >	at
									  >	this
									  >	same
									  >	at
this										this
very									  <
exit										exit
to										to
the										the
press										press
									  >	and
he										he
said										said
that										that
Europe										Europe
is										is
a										a
garden										garden
which										which
									  >	means
									  >	that
we										we
built										built
and										and
the									  <
jungle									  <
is									  <
around										around
it										it
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	jungle
which										which
is										is
now										now
located									  |	traded
in										in
this										this
garden										garden
which										which
we										we
built										built
for										for
ourselves									ourselves
And									  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	clear
									  >	and
when										when
he										he
said										said
it										it
I										I
just										just
somehow										somehow
believed									believed
									  >	in
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
kippling									kippling
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
colonial									colonial
stories										stories
when										when
they										they
told										told
there									  <
that										that
there										there
is										is
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	there
									  >	is
white										white
Europe										Europe
and										and
there										there
are										are
all										all
the										the
others										others
									  >	there
									  >	are
these										these
racial										racial
and										and
other										other
theories									theories
not										not
to									  <
the									  <
developed									developed
people										people
who										who
need										need
to										to
pull										pull
out										out
somewhere									somewhere
or										or
maybe										maybe
not										not
pull										pull
out										out
maybe										maybe
leave										leave
									  >	you
									  >	there
the										the
same										same
Belgian										Belgian
emperor										emperor
but									  |	he
no									  |	is
									  >	there
									  >	he
									  >	pulled
									  >	out
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	congolese
he										he
cut										cut
off										off
his										his
hands										hands
for										for
not										not
giving										giving
it									  |	him
to									  |	congolese
the									  |	and
hegemon									  <
And									  <
this										this
									  >	is
									  >	what
believed									believed
exactly										exactly
in									  |	to
the										the
very										very
cold										cold
of										of
the										the
19th										19th
century										century
And									  |	and
then										then
comrade										comrade
Borell									  |	Borel
said										said
a									  |	generally
wonderful									wonderful
thing									  |	here
My									  |	are
Eastern									  |	my
									  >	eastern
European									European
friends										friends
as										as
he										he
said										said
we										we
are										are
now										now
fighting									fighting
with										with
Russia										Russia
and										and
we										we
cannot										cannot
speak										speak
the										the
whole										whole
truth										truth
You									  |	you
should										should
not										not
lie										lie
but										but
you										you
do										do
not										not
need										need
to										to
speak										speak
the										the
whole										whole
truth										truth
									  >	of
what										what
is										is
happening									happening
now										now
in										in
the										the
East									  |	east
That									  |	that
is										is
you										you
already										already
know										know
what										what
we										we
are										are
talking										talking
about										about
here										here
in										in
this										this
studio										studio
this									  |	that
									  >	the
									  >	west
is										is
the										the
LG									  <
civilization									civilization
									  >	of
									  >	lies
this										this
is										is
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
hypocrisy									hypocrisy
changes										changes
of									  |	in
values										values
and										and
double									  |	dual
standards									standards
this										this
is										is
all										all
already										already
said										said
here										here
is									  |	please
the										the
head										head
of										of
the									  <
European									European
diplomat								  |	diplomacy
And									  |	and
well										well
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
my										my
personal									personal
impression									impression
									  >	yesterday
I										I
talked										talked
yesterday								  |	to
with									  <
the										the
German										German
and										and
American									American
experts										experts
of										of
energy										energy
about										about
the										the
performance									performance
of										of
Putin										Putin
on										on
									  >	an
energy										energy
week										week
when										when
it										it
was										was
the										the
next										next
time										time
									  >	well
									  >	let's
									  >	say
a										a
friendly									friendly
hand										hand
of										of
this										this
equal										equal
cooperation									cooperation
when										when
we										we
give										give
you										you
resources									resources
and										and
									  >	we
get										get
at										at
least										least
respect										respect
It's									  |	but
									  >	it
									  >	is
not										not
friendly									friendly
it's									  |	the
a									  <
pragmatic								  <
hand										hand
A									  |	is
									  >	still
									  >	pragmatic
pragmatic									pragmatic
one									  <
yes										yes
but										but
an									  <
equal										equal
interaction									interaction
when										when
it										it
is										is
said										said
that										that
we										we
agree										agree
to										to
return										return
to										to
cooperation									cooperation
but										but
under										under
the										the
guarantee									guarantee
of										of
security									security
under										under
the										the
guarantee									guarantee
of										of
some										some
normal										normal
relationships									relationships
in										in
the										the
future										future
they										they
did									  |	told
not									  |	me
say									  |	no
we										we
are										are
talking										talking
about										about
values										values
again										again
They									  |	I
said									  |	say
well										well
what										what
are										are
your										your
values										values
We									  |	our
are									  |	values
talking									  |	they
about									  |	answered
									  >	me
									  >	this
									  >	is
technology									technology
We									  |	tomorrow
									  >	we
will										will
give										give
a									  |	some
new										new
technological									technological
contribution								  |	warehouse
tomorrow								  <
we										we
will										will
sell										sell
it										it
to										to
new										new
countries									countries
well										well
of									  |	it
course									  |	is
									  >	clear
									  >	that
									  >	the
green										green
energy										energy
and									  |	is
what										what
are									  <
they										they
They									  <
are										are
still										still
nonsense								  |	bragging
And									  |	about
									  >	and
after										after
that										that
all										all
your										your
oil-gas									  |	oil
									  >	gas
coal										coal
deposits									deposits
will									  <
become										become
well										well
approximately									approximately
as										as
I										I
do										do
not										not
know										know
the									  |	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
19th										19th
century										century
									  >	there
I										I
say										say
well										well
and										and
you										you
looked										looked
at										at
your										your
own										own
program										program
when										when
you										you
took										took
it										it
in										in
and									  |	2030
corrected								  |	to
it									  |	have
put									  |	45
30									  |	percent
why									  |	of
Because									  |	the
									  >	green
									  >	energy
									  >	and
									  >	now
									  >	the
									  >	clock
									  >	corrected
									  >	30
									  >	put
									  >	why
									  >	because
it										it
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
without										without
Russia										Russia
to										to
build										build
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
stable										stable
society										society
									  >	at
									  >	all
well										well
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
impossible									impossible
it										it
turns										turns
out										out
as									  |	like
a										a
stop-mobile								  |	stop
stop-colder								  |	mobile
stop-colder								  |	a
stop-colder								  |	stop
high-light								  |	refrigerator
Well									  |	a
it's									  |	stop
									  >	heater
									  >	a
									  >	stop
									  >	freezer
									  >	but
									  >	it
									  >	is
still										still
a										a
road										road
with										with
									  >	a
double-sided									double-sided
movement									movement
because										because
without									  <
them									  <
we										we
can't									  |	cannot
do										do
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
things										things
									  >	without
									  >	them
at										at
all										all
For									  |	for
example										example
in										in
the										the
same										same
coal-fired									coal-fired
sphere										sphere
it									  |	we
is									  |	cannot
impossible								  <
to									  <
develop										develop
SPG									  |	spg
without										without
western									  |	Western
technologies									technologies
And									  |	but
here										here
is										is
an										an
interesting									interesting
case										case
because										because
what										what
can't									  |	can
we									  |	not
learn									  |	be
today									  <
We									  <
learned										learned
about									  |	today
the									  <
SPG									  <
No									  <
what										what
does									  |	is
it									  |	written
say									  <
today										today
That									  |	is
									  >	a
									  >	lumber
									  >	that
the										the
first										first
SPG									  <
tankers										tankers
									  >	of
									  >	spg
out										out
of										of
the									  |	spg
SPG									  |	terminal
Terminal								  <
in										in
the										the
Baltic										Baltic
Sea									  |	sea
begin										begin
to										to
come										come
to										to
the										the
Mediterranean									Mediterranean
coast										coast
Moreover								  |	and
in										in
Africa										Africa
									  >	and
in										in
Greece										Greece
and										and
in										in
other										other
countries									countries
They									  |	they
can										can
It's									  |	be
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	sea
									  >	it
									  >	is
French										French
technology									technology
We									  |	it
have									  |	is
									  >	not
									  >	our
									  >	technology
									  >	today
the										the
same										same
conversation									conversation
with										with
Erdogan										Erdogan
this										this
conversation									conversation
about										about
the										the
launch										launch
of										of
the										the
first										first
block										block
of										of
the									  |	Akkuyu
Akkuya									  <
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
plant										plant
Once									  |	once
again										again
we										we
have										have
our										our
own										own
path									  |	way
We									  <
can									  <
do									  <
it										it
The									  |	is
									  >	logical
									  >	the
perfection									perfection
that										that
differs									  |	is
									  >	different
from										from
the									  <
western										western
solar										solar
batteries									batteries
differs									  |	is
									  >	different
from										from
the									  <
western										western
windmills									windmills
I										I
mean										mean
business									business
as										as
usual										usual
conditionally								  <
yes										yes
that										that
is										is
we										we
can't									  |	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
intercept									intercept
the										the
initiative									initiative
of									  |	from
the										the
Americans									Americans
from										from
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
SPG									  |	spg
If									  |	if
they										they
start										start
to										to
supply										supply
SPG									  |	spg
then										then
we										we
can't									  |	will
If									  |	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	if
they										they
start										start
to										to
supply										supply
SPG									  |	spg
then										then
we										we
won't									  |	will
									  >	not
be										be
able										able
to										to
supply										supply
the										the
same										same
amount									  |	volume
of									  |	there
									  >	at
low										low
prices										prices
We									  |	we
don't									  |	do
									  >	not
have										have
									  >	any
									  >	tankers
									  >	of
such										such
a										a
number										number
of									  <
tankers									  <
in									  <
SPG									  <
technology									technology
They									  |	and
									  >	spg
									  >	they
are										are
being										being
built										built
for										for
a									  |	years
year									  |	they
They									  <
are										are
being										being
built										built
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
Once									  |	they
again									  |	are
									  >	being
									  >	built
									  >	differently
look										look
									  >	again
we										we
perfectly									perfectly
understand									understand
that										that
the										the
last										last
8										8
years										years
have										have
been										been
									  >	prepared
									  >	for
exactly										exactly
the									  |	that
conflict									conflict
that										that
is										is
going										going
on										on
now										now
In									  |	because
the									  |	we
last									  |	understood
10									  |	that
years									  |	sooner
or										or
so									  |	later
we										we
have									  |	will
faced									  |	face
the										the
North									  |	northern
Atlantic									Atlantic
									  >	block
and										and
faced									  |	face
the										the
most										most
unpleasant									unpleasant
situation									situation
for										for
ourselves									ourselves
									  >	and
I										I
must										must
say										say
that										that
the										the
economic									economic
block										block
that										that
can										can
									  >	now
be										be
scolded										scolded
now									  |	it
can										can
be										be
said										said
that										that
it										it
did										did
not										not
work									  |	achieve
									  >	something
but										but
in										in
comparison									comparison
with										with
other										other
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	were
									  >	our
spheres										spheres
in										in
particular									particular
as									  <
we									  <
have									  <
discussed								  <
now									  <
economists									economists
have										have
worked										worked
100									  |	on
percent									  |	100%
And									  |	and
here										here
the										the
question									question
arises										arises
I										I
will										will
									  >	now
remind										remind
you										you
now									  |	of
We									  |	the
have									  |	other
									  >	approach
									  >	the
									  >	economy
									  >	has
worked										worked
normally									normally
and										and
all										all
the										the
others										others
have										have
worked										worked
We									  |	well
									  >	we
respect										respect
everything									everything
For									  |	come
									  >	on
									  >	and
									  >	for
me										me
this										this
coat										coat
that										that
Putin									  |	putin
gave										gave
to										to
President								  |	muhammed
U.S									  |	bin
President								  |	zaid
									  >	the
									  >	president
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	oe
and										and
when										when
Europeans								  |	the
									  >	europeans
wrote										wrote
why									  |	and
does									  |	what
Putin									  |	is
not									  |	it
give									  |	that
									  >	putin
									  >	gives
us										us
millions									millions
of										of
coats									  |	pelton
This									  |	so
									  >	this
is										is
a										a
new										new
world										world
that										that
comes										comes
when										when
Russia									  |	russia
will										will
cooperate									cooperate
You									  |	and
									  >	you
can										can
say										say
that										that
Iranian										Iranian
drones										drones
are										are
Moped									  |	amapeds
or										or
Balalaiki								  |	balalaika
but										but
they										they
do										do
not										not
fly										fly
and										and
									  >	fly
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	goal
									  >	and
nothing										nothing
sorry										sorry
									  >	while
									  >	the
									  >	pvo
is										is
yet									  <
praised										praised
by									  <
the									  <
PVO									  <
including									including
those										those
who										who
supplied								  |	put
the									  |	pzrk
PZRK									  |	it
It									  <
cannot										cannot
be										be
done										done
Therefore								  |	and
once									  |	therefore
again										again
we									  |	you
need										need
to										to
believe										believe
in										in
our									  |	your
power									  |	strength
We									  |	you
need										need
to										to
look										look
for										for
allies										allies
And									  |	and
we										we
already										already
have										have
allies										allies
									  >	look
I										I
									  >	even
agree										agree
here										here
India									  |	india
and										and
China										China
are									  |	is
									  >	excuse
									  >	me
not										not
half										half
the										the
world										world
but										but
this										this
is										is
an										an
important									important
part										part
of										of
the										the
world										world
that									  |	which
is										is
not										not
yet										yet
set									  |	tuned
up									  <
there									  <
It									  <
is									  <
difficult								  <
to										to
call									  |	the
them									  |	burden
									  >	it
									  >	can
									  >	be
									  >	called
allies										allies
partners									partners
but										but
not										not
allies										allies
The									  |	just
European								  |	all
Union									  |	their
									  >	allies
									  >	are
									  >	united
in										in
the									  |	front
North									  |	of
Atlantic								  |	a
Alliance								  |	whole
									  >	european
									  >	union
									  >	a
									  >	whole
									  >	northeastern
									  >	alliance
voted										voted
against										against
the										the
Russian									  |	russian
Federation								  |	federation
and										and
those										those
people										people
									  >	who
you										you
call										call
our										our
allies										allies
did										did
not										not
vote										vote
for										for
support										support
of										of
the										the
Russian									  |	russian
Federation								  |	federation
We									  |	everything
									  >	that
									  >	could
									  >	be
									  >	held
									  >	up
									  >	for
									  >	now
									  >	we
will										will
write										write
it									  |	this
down										down
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	fact
that										that
if										if
there										there
is										is
and										and
									  >	there
will										will
be										be
a									  |	some
new										new
order										order
it										it
will										will
be										be
formed										formed
and										and
their										their
positions									positions
are										are
not										not
so										so
strong										strong
yet										yet
although									although
it										it
seems										seems
that										that
									  >	what
China										China
may										may
be										be
afraid										afraid
of										of
it									  |	about
If									  |	paltopiskov
it									  |	said
does									  |	if
not									  |	he
it									  <
will										will
be									  |	not
fine									  |	give
									  >	anything
									  >	scary
but										but
									  >	he
									  >	did
									  >	not
									  >	seem
									  >	to
									  >	give
it										it
seems									  |	away
that									  |	he
it									  <
has										has
already										already
left										left
and										and
is									  <
not									  <
planning								  <
to									  <
give										give
it										it
away										away
Then									  |	and
									  >	then
the										the
museum										museum
will										will
be										be
exhibited									exhibited
As									  |	probably
									  >	and
									  >	as
for										for
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
the										the
Russian									  |	secretary
President								  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	russian
									  >	president
he										he
is										is
here										here
We									  |	at
									  >	the
									  >	end
									  >	we
have										have
been										been
waiting										waiting
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
There									  |	there
will										will
									  >	probably
be										be
some										some
details										details
about										about
the										the
diversion									diversion
on										on
the										the
Turkish									  |	turkish
flow										flow
Soon									  |	soon
Putin									  |	putin
announced									announced
that										that
they										they
were										were
ready										ready
Finally									  |	here
we										we
were									  |	finally
told										told
that									  |	everything
the									  |	to
terrorist								  |	people
attack									  |	who
is									  |	wanted
delayed									  |	to
Soon									  |	build
									  >	a
									  >	tyrant
									  >	detained
									  >	soon
									  >	probably
we										we
will										will
see										see
them										them
with										with
you										you
Attention								  |	attention
They									  |	they
have										have
already										already
besieged								  |	been
the									  |	sent
Turkish									  <
They									  <
were									  <
taken									  <
to										to
the										the
diversion								  |	turkish
If									  |	if
there									  <
was									  <
a										a
risk									  |	person
									  >	was
									  >	rescued
									  >	although
they										they
would									  |	were
want									  |	blown
to									  <
blow									  <
up										up
									  >	on
our										our
territory									territory
They									  |	and
will									  <
besiege									  <
us									  <
in									  <
a									  <
functional								  <
state									  <
fully									  <
armed									  <
working									  <
as									  <
a									  <
unit									  <
of									  <
the									  <
machine									  <
We									  <
will									  <
be									  <
back									  <
soon									  <
Let's									  <
get									  <
started									  <
Well									  <
everyone								  <
is									  <
together								  <
Long-awaited								  <
new									  <
season									  <
We									  <
look									  <
at									  <
everyone								  <
together								  <
tomorrow								  <
at									  <
21.30									  <
Kagacel									  <
has									  <
already									  <
since									  <
the									  <
first									  <
days									  <
of									  <
the										the
reception								  |	market
began									  <
to										to
reduce									  <
the										the
symptoms								  |	networks
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	quiet
									  >	recently
									  >	why
									  >	does
									  >	he
									  >	think
of										of
flu									  |	this
and									  |	as
ORV									  |	a
									  >	hard
									  >	fight
									  >	for
									  >	Investigation
									  >	well
									  >	very
									  >	reasoning
									  >	I
									  >	would
									  >	like
									  >	to
									  >	tell
									  >	the
									  >	truth
									  >	what
									  >	a
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	major
									  >	The
									  >	film
									  >	is
									  >	almost
									  >	all
									  >	of
									  >	them
									  >	Major
									  >	Yefimov
									  >	the
									  >	head
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	department
									  >	is
									  >	fighting
									  >	for
									  >	his
									  >	children
									  >	The
									  >	dead
									  >	head
									  >	is
									  >	his
									  >	handwriting
									  >	Portraits
									  >	quick
									  >	shots
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	chest
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	certain
									  >	type
									  >	of
									  >	victim
									  >	Artist
									  >	premier
									  >	Sunday
									  >	at
									  >	21.20
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	channel
									  >	Russia
									  >	21.20
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	channel
									  >	Russia
									  >	All
									  >	together
									  >	long-awaited
									  >	new
									  >	season
									  >	We
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	all
									  >	together
									  >	tomorrow
									  >	at
									  >	21.30
									  >	Kagatzel
									  >	has
									  >	already
									  >	started
									  >	to
									  >	reduce
									  >	the
									  >	symptoms
									  >	of
									  >	flu
									  >	and
									  >	ORV
regardless									regardless
of										of
the										the
type										type
of										of
the										the
virus										virus
Therefore									Therefore
Kagacel									  |	Kagatzel
is										is
the										the
highest										highest
against										against
the										the
virus										virus
Maybe									  <
less									  <
people									  <
The										The
heart										heart
of										of
Parma									  |	parma
is									  |	Already
already									  <
in										in
the										the
movie									  |	cinema
Tricryzan								  |	3
Tricryzan								  |	krizzan
									  >	3
									  >	krizzan
Helps										Helps
with										with
the										the
treatment									treatment
of										of
the										the
ORV										ORV
strengthening									strengthening
immunity									immunity
and										and
recovery									recovery
of										of
the										the
strength									strength
Tricryzan								  |	3
									  >	krizzan
Be										Be
healthy										healthy
This									  |	The
is									  |	whole
the									  <
birth										birth
of										of
a									  |	the
Russian										Russian
baby									  |	palm
									  >	tree
									  >	lives
under										under
a										a
billion										billion
rubles										rubles
Did										Did
you										you
buy										buy
a										a
dolgit									  <
cream										cream
									  >	of
									  >	Dolgit
I										I
bought										bought
another										another
one										one
I										I
use										use
only										only
the										the
dolgit									  <
cream										cream
from									  |	of
the									  <
pain									  <
in									  <
my									  <
wrist									  <
Yellow									  <
packaging								  <
Dolgit										Dolgit
is									  |	in
an									  |	yellow
affordable								  <
packaging									packaging
of									  |	It
									  >	costs
149										149
rubles										rubles
Sovkumbang									Sovkumbang
In										In
three									  |	3
minutes										minutes
in										in
two									  |	2
clicks										clicks
on									  <
one										one
call										call
									  >	In
									  >	order
to										to
provide									  |	form
an									  |	a
amount									  |	layer
of										of
8.5%									  |	8
per									  |	and
									  >	5%
									  >	of
									  >	the
year										year
Sovkumbang									Sovkumbang
Closer									  |	is
									  >	closer
to										to
people										people
On										On
the										the
basis										basis
of										of
the										the
attack										attack
of										of
the										the
virus										virus
and										and
the										the
ORV										ORV
flu									  |	already
two									  |	in
									  >	2
hours										hours
after										after
the										the
reception									reception
acting										acting
for										for
the										the
cause										cause
of										of
the										the
disease										disease
on										on
the										the
basis										basis
of										of
the									  |	starting
start									  <
of									  <
the									  <
treatment									treatment
in										in
time										time
protect										protect
yourself									yourself
and										and
your										your
loved										loved
ones										ones
It's									  |	The
									  >	day
									  >	of
the										the
birthday								  |	birth
of										of
a									  |	the
Russian										Russian
baby									  |	palm
We									  |	tree
win									  |	wins
two									  |	2
tickets										tickets
out										out
of										of
three									  |	3
									  >	We
									  >	know
									  >	for
									  >	sure
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	summer
									  >	is
									  >	only
									  >	in
									  >	Cherkizov
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	meat
									  >	of
									  >	our
									  >	own
									  >	farm
									  >	Cherkizov
The										The
best										best
									  >	natural
									  >	cleaner
in										in
the										the
world										world
of									  <
natural									  <
cleaning								  <
is										is
nature										nature
It										It
can										can
									  >	naturally
clean										clean
									  >	the
water										water
and										and
air										air
naturally								  <
Therefore									Therefore
for										for
natural										natural
cleaning									cleaning
of										of
the										the
liver										liver
we										we
recommend									recommend
the										the
LIF-52									  |	LiV-52
medicine									medicine
LIF-52									  |	LiV-52
cleans										cleans
recovers								  |	restores
and										and
protects									protects
the										the
liver										liver
LIF-52									  |	LiV-52
is										is
an										an
expert										expert
in										in
cleaning									cleaning
and										and
recovery									recovery
of										of
the										the
liver										liver
We										We
will										will
see										see
and										and
show										show
									  >	you
more										more
of										of
the										the
others									  |	rest
Moscow										Moscow
Kremlin										Kremlin
Putin										Putin
Every										Every
Sunday										Sunday
at										at
22.00										22.00
Hello										Hello
this									  |	This
is										is
a										a
special										special
broadcast									broadcast
from									  |	for
the										the
Vestipov									Vestipov
station										station
Where										Where
would									  |	are
you										you
be									  |	from
All										All
the										the
latest										latest
information									information
about										about
the										the
U.S									  |	DNA
and									  |	of
									  >	the
Russian										Russian
military									military
special										special
military									military
operations									operations
Round									  |	Every
days									  <
The									  <
company									  <
of									  <
exporters								  <
is									  <
obligated								  <
to									  <
sell									  <
80%									  <
of									  <
the									  <
currency								  <
The									  <
situation								  <
changes									  <
every									  <
second										second
From										From
the										the
latest										latest
information									information
that										that
few										few
people										people
know										know
we										we
have										have
moved										moved
forward										forward
To										To
find										find
out										out
the										the
main										main
thing										thing
first										first
We										We
have										have
found										found
the										the
dots										dots
which									  |	that
can										can
be										be
recognized								  |	predicted
in									  |	In
general										general
									  >	the
									  >	positions
									  >	are
									  >	set
Set										Set
up									  <
Set									  <
up									  <
at										at
200										200
FM										FM
I										I
need										need
to										to
talk										talk
to										to
you										you
I										I
don't										don't
need										need
to										to
We										We
have										have
to										to
find										find
out										out
what										what
happened									happened
then										then
Why										Why
Everything									Everything
is										is
in										in
the										the
past										past
we									  |	We
are										are
in										in
the										the
past										past
The									  <
ninth									  <
wave									  <
of									  <
the									  <
premiere								  <
on									  <
Saturday								  <
at									  <
21.00										21.00
On										On
the										the
Russian									  <
channel										channel
									  >	Russia
Now										Now
about										about
the										the
sanctions									sanctions
What										What
they										they
really										really
got										got
First										First
we										we
remember									remember
									  >	it
well										well
Roger										Roger
Waters										Waters
broke										broke
down										down
The									  |	He
bassist									  |	is
of									  |	a
the									  |	bass
Pink									  <
Floyd									  <
guitarist									guitarist
Now										Now
the										the
founder										founder
of										of
Modern										Modern
Talking										Talking
broke										broke
down										down
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen										Bohlen
criticized									criticized
the									  <
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
From										From
which										which
the										the
Russians									Russians
are										are
not										not
cold										cold
not										not
hot										hot
But									  |	but
the										the
Germans										Germans
are										are
cold										cold
And										And
very										very
cold										cold
Now										Now
they										they
are										are
afraid										afraid
of										of
the									  |	cold
frozen									  <
winter										winter
They									  |	and
need										need
to										to
get										get
warm										warm
What										What
is										is
the										the
character									character
of										of
the										the
audience									audience
She										She
met										met
the										the
words										words
of										of
the										the
bourgeois									bourgeois
And									  |	and
continued								  |	the
to									  |	permanent
applaud									  |	gladiators
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen										Bohlen
suddenly									suddenly
criticized									criticized
the									  <
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
But									  <
I									  <
am									  <
the									  <
opinion									  <
I										I
hold										hold
the										the
next									  |	following
opinion										opinion
And										And
can										can
you										you
tell										tell
me										me
now										now
I										I
still									  |	don't
think									  |	care
									  >	I
									  >	think
that										that
if										if
we										we
did									  |	didn't
not									  |	have
take									  <
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
And									  |	and
									  >	we
would										would
have										have
sat										sat
reasonably								  |	on
for									  |	the
a									  <
table										table
of									  |	the
negotiations								  <
The									  <
Germans										Germans
would										would
not										not
have										have
enough										enough
now									  |	for
They									  |	their
would									  |	heads
not									  |	Now
shout									  <
that									  <
now									  <
we										we
are										are
cold										cold
and										and
so										so
on										on
But									  |	It's
that's									  <
all										all
Full									  |	bullshit
shit									  <
I										I
think										think
so										so
They									  |	We
tell									  |	are
us									  |	told
that										that
it									  |	we
is									  |	need
necessary								  <
to										to
understand									understand
After									  <
all									  <
at									  <
the									  <
end									  <
of									  <
the									  <
war									  <
in									  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
That's									  |	war
all									  |	But
we										we
have										have
in									  <
the										the
end									  |	result
I									  |	Russia
have									  |	is
a									  |	selling
lot									  |	gas
of									  |	to
money									  |	Asia
									  >	and
I										I
have										have
it										it
all										all
in										in
my										my
head										head
As										As
you										you
understand									understand
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen										Bohlen
refuses										refuses
He									  |	to
understands								  |	understand
why										why
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
are										are
needed										needed
During										During
this										this
speech										speech
The									  |	the
public									  |	audience
literally									literally
handed									  |	shook
over									  <
Dieter										Dieter
Bohlen										Bohlen
He										He
expressed									expressed
his										his
opinion										opinion
And									  |	and
deserved								  |	served
for										for
it									  |	this
Unfortunately								  <
in										in
									  >	the
									  >	hall
									  >	of
									  >	approval
									  >	of
									  >	many
									  >	Unfortunately
									  >	we
									  >	hear
such										such
statements									statements
We									  <
hear									  <
in										in
Germany										Germany
more										more
									  >	and
									  >	more
often										often
He									  |	Dieter
									  >	Bohlen
did										did
not										not
keep									  |	become
silent										silent
Dieter									  |	in
Bohlen									  <
In									  <
his										his
speech										speech
Yes										Yes
more										more
and										and
more										more
Germans										Germans
go										go
to										to
protests									protests
As									  |	and
a									  |	discussions
result									  |	about
of									  <
the										the
sanctions								  |	lack
against									  |	of
Russia									  |	power
It									  <
burns									  <
in										in
Germany									  |	Ukraine
It's									  <
hotter									  <
It's										It's
not										not
in									  |	a
vain									  |	coincidence
in									  |	that
the										the
third										third
class										class
I									  <
bought										bought
a										a
plastic										plastic
in										in
a										a
modern										modern
token										token
Please										Please
In										In
the										the
United										United
States										States
Exhibition								  |	a
of									  <
weapons									  <
And									  <
special										special
equipment									equipment
									  >	and
									  >	special
									  >	equipment
									  >	was
									  >	introduced
Under										Under
the										the
guise									  |	guidance
of										of
the										the
association								  |	Association
of										of
armed									  |	Armed
forces									  |	Forces
It										It
can									  |	was
be									  <
said									  <
She									  <
went									  <
under										under
the										the
informal									informal
division									division
Weapons									  |	of
									  >	weapons
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
there									  <
already									  <
military								  <
Armed									  <
forces									  <
of									  <
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
The									  <
conclusions								  <
on									  <
the										the
results									  |	US
Special									  <
military									military
operation								  |	had
Some									  |	some
conclusions									conclusions
The										The
first										first
weapon										weapon
It									  <
should										should
be										be
without										without
any										any
excesses									excesses
That										That
is										is
Simple									  |	a
Comfortable								  |	simple
exploitation								  |	convenient
Comfortable								  |	operation
									  >	convenient
combat										combat
application									application
That										That
is										is
It									  |	it
should										should
be										be
developed								  |	equipped
The									  |	with
									  >	a
									  >	medium-quality
fighter										fighter
of									  |	in
the									  <
average									  <
qualification								  <
In									  <
a										a
fairly									  |	rather
short										short
period										period
									  >	of
									  >	time
That										That
is										is
Let									  |	let
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
collect										collect
stones										stones
And									  |	and
go										go
fight									  |	to
									  >	war
with										with
the										the
Russians									Russians
This									  <
is									  <
a									  <
cult									  <
As										As
for										for
the										the
artillery									artillery
The									  |	the
artillery									artillery
In									  |	in
fact										fact
Confirmed								  |	confirmed
that										that
she									  |	it
is									  |	was
a										a
god									  |	God
of										of
war										war
Of									  |	with
course									  <
With									  <
the										the
correct										correct
ammunition									ammunition
And									  |	and
									  >	the
unmanned									unmanned
aircraft									aircraft
For									  |	for
the									  <
correct										correct
fire										fire
In									  |	On
this										this
background									background
The									  |	the
Americans									Americans
decided										decided
To									  |	to
renew										renew
Serial									  |	serial
production									production
Gaubitz									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	Gaubez
M3-7										M3-7
Which									  |	which
well										well
Showed									  |	showed
In									  |	themselves
the									  |	during
course									  <
of									  <
the										the
conflict									conflict
In									  |	in
Ukraine										Ukraine
In										In
this										this
regard										regard
Sometimes								  |	sometimes
I										I
want										want
to										to
tear										tear
									  >	my
hair										hair
on										on
the									  |	my
head										head
In										In
which										which
regard										regard
Here									  <
is									  <
our										our
perspective									perspective
Gaubitz									  |	Gaubez
He									  |	the
was									  |	coalition
developed								  |	of
After									  |	the
all									  |	Soviet
More									  |	Union
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	developing
									  >	it
									  >	for
									  >	more
than										than
10										10
years										years
The										The
money									  <
on									  <
this									  <
project										project
Who									  <
was										was
Who									  |	there
closed									  |	and
this									  |	the
project										project
Time									  |	was
Because									  |	closed
									  >	for
									  >	time
									  >	because
the										the
money									  |	funds
is									  |	were
over									  |	running
									  >	out
Well										Well
									  >	here
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
What									  |	that
we										we
									  >	did
									  >	not
have										have
In									  |	enough
									  >	money
									  >	in
this										this
period										period
The									  |	of
time										time
and									  <
money									  <
Was									  <
not									  <
But										But
on										on
such										such
a										a
perspective									perspective
The									  <
weapon										weapon
On									  |	of
the									  |	medium-sized
average									  |	weapons..
Tell										Tell
me										me
Mikhail										Mikhail
Mikhailovich									Mikhailovich
What									  |	what
was									  |	did
									  >	you
									  >	find
This										This
is										is
no										no
longer										longer
My									  |	my
coffee									  |	cafe
Mikhail										Mikhail
Mikhailovich									Mikhailovich
Apparently								  |	apparently
Indeed									  |	we
We									  |	are
More									  |	more
The									  |	than
rocket									  |	a
Which									  |	number
									  >	of
									  >	rockets
									  >	that
were										were
released									released
In									  |	in
Belgrade								  <
Belgrade									Belgrade
American									American
rockets										rockets
Stuck									  |	were
Judging									  |	shot
by									  |	apparently
everything								  <
What										What
kind										kind
of										of
rocket									  |	rockets
And									  |	did
how									  |	you
we									  |	manage
managed									  |	to
To									  <
do										do
it									  |	Did
That									  |	you
is									  |	win
Won									  <
in										in
this										this
air										air
battle										battle
Now									  <
It										It
is										is
still										still
very										very
difficult									difficult
to										to
judge										judge
About									  |	because
Because									  |	as
again									  |	they
Need									  <
to									  <
say										say
Carefully								  |	it
To									  |	is
look									  |	necessary
at									  |	to
									  >	carefully
									  >	examine
all										all
the										the
results										results
Objective								  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	objective
control										control
But										But
what									  |	the
Obviously								  |	fact
									  >	that
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
side										side
Planed									  |	planned
To									  |	to
apply									  |	bring
Much									  |	much
more										more
destruction									destruction
To									  |	to
this										this
regional									regional
center										center
And									  <
it									  <
is										is
obvious										obvious
Still									  <
That									  <
the									  <
system									  <
Again										Again
But									  <
clearly									  <
they										they
did										did
not										not
want										want
Not									  |	to
on									  <
this									  <
result									  <
To									  <
come										come
out										out
To									  |	to
harm									  |	damage
there									  |	one
One									  <
building									building
Because									  |	there
In										In
this										this
plan									  |	regard
Already									  |	we
Can									  |	can
be									  |	already
said									  |	say
That									  |	that
The									  |	the
means										means
The									  |	of
rocket									  |	the
To									  |	anti-aircraft
cover										cover
Reduction								  |	reduction
									  >	of
reconnaissance									reconnaissance
The									  <
means										means
Control									  |	of
In									  |	control
									  >	in
general										general
Your									  |	they
									  >	fulfilled
									  >	their
task										task
When									  |	when
reflecting									reflecting
This									  |	this
blow										blow
The									  |	of
means									  |	the
Air									  |	air
attack										attack
Filled									  |	This
That's									  |	is
what										what
I										I
say									  |	am
As									  |	talking
									  >	about
									  >	as
a										a
specialist									specialist
What									  |	Again
they									  |	in
plan									  <
In									  <
the										the
near									  |	end
future									  |	it
To									  |	is
									  >	very
									  >	important
									  >	to
put										put
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	near
									  >	future
Again										Again
It									  |	it
is										is
confirmed									confirmed
That									  |	that
the										the
huge										huge
importance									importance
There									  |	of
are									  |	the
unmanned								  |	anti-aircraft
aircraft									aircraft
Especially								  |	especially
in										in
the										the
tactical									tactical
In									  |	sphere
Including								  |	including
Barrage									  |	the
Barrepas								  |	barrages
They									  <
are										are
going										going
To									  |	to
put										put
Switchblade								  |	the
									  >	switchblade
600										600
Unmanned								  |	the
									  >	anti-aircraft
aircraft									aircraft
Puma									  |	PUMA
And									  |	and
Phoenix									  |	PhoenixGhost
Ghost									  <
This										This
Unmanned								  |	anti-aircraft
aircraft									aircraft
Such									  |	is
a									  |	so
secret									  |	secretive
That									  |	that
it										it
was										was
not										not
even										even
at										at
the										the
exhibition									exhibition
The										The
representative									representative
of										of
the										the
enterprise								  |	company
About									  |	of
the										the
industry									industry
There									  <
was										was
That									  |	there
Again									  |	that
The									  |	again
									  >	the
measures									measures
From									  |	are
									  >	taken
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	American
									  >	side
									  >	And
									  >	we
									  >	probably
									  >	just
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	think
									  >	about
									  >	it
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	still
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	strengthen
									  >	the
									  >	protection
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	armored
									  >	vehicles
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	upper
									  >	hemisphere
									  >	The
									  >	most
									  >	vulnerable
									  >	part
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	thin
									  >	armor
									  >	is
									  >	easily
									  >	defeated
									  >	by
									  >	unmanned
									  >	aircraft
									  >	kamikaze
									  >	and
									  >	anti-aircraft
									  >	missile
									  >	complexes
									  >	That
									  >	is
									  >	we
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	strengthen
									  >	the
									  >	upper
									  >	hemisphere
									  >	in
									  >	some
									  >	way
									  >	As
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	more
									  >	large-scale
									  >	conclusions
									  >	from
									  >	what
									  >	was
									  >	said
									  >	there
									  >	and
									  >	not
									  >	only
									  >	there
									  >	again
									  >	the
									  >	Great
									  >	Britain
									  >	has
									  >	completed
									  >	the
									  >	preparation
									  >	of
									  >	another
									  >	10,000
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	servicemen
									  >	already
									  >	20,000
									  >	two
									  >	divisions
									  >	and
									  >	Canada
									  >	is
									  >	preparing
									  >	to
									  >	send
									  >	to
the										the
American								  |	enemy
side									  |	forces
And									  |	of
we									  |	Ukraine
probably								  |	500
It's									  |	sets
									  >	of
									  >	winter
									  >	armament
									  >	They
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	fight
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	long
time										time
To									  |	And
think									  |	in
about									  |	Kiev
it									  |	right
That									  |	now
Still									  |	a
Need									  |	new
To									  |	air
To									  |	triangle
To									  |	has
To									  |	been
To									  |	announced
To									  |	Let's
To									  |	begin
To									  |	We
To									  |	cannot
To									  |	be
To									  |	left
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
To									  <
You									  <
can't									  <
make									  <
us									  <
keep									  <
silent										silent
We										We
choose										choose
our										our
own										own
path										path
ourselves									ourselves
And										And
we										we
give										give
up										up
our										our
choice										choice
Our										Our
will										will
is										is
not										not
to										to
break										break
We										We
are										are
looking										looking
at										at
the										the
truth										truth
in										in
our									  |	the
eyes										eyes
Don't									  |	Every
									  >	evening
									  >	Do
									  >	not
miss										miss
every									  |	it
									  >	The
evening										evening
Now									  <
with										with
Vladimir									Vladimir
Soloviev									Soloviev
New										New
time										time
at										at
20.20										20.20
Today										Today
on										on
the										the
channel										channel
of									  <
Russia										Russia
									  >	The
									  >	care
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	five
									  >	The
									  >	discounts
									  >	for
									  >	you
									  >	Christmas
									  >	cookies
									  >	64.90
									  >	And
									  >	me
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	me
									  >	and
									  >	you
									  >	and
									  >	everyone
									  >	Credit
									  >	for
									  >	cash
									  >	with
									  >	a
									  >	fixed
									  >	rate
									  >	of
									  >	8.9
									  >	per
									  >	person
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	opening
									  >	Three
									  >	krizzan
									  >	Three
									  >	krizzan
									  >	Helps
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	treatment
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	URV
									  >	strengthening
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	immunity
									  >	and
									  >	recovery
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	strength
									  >	Three
									  >	krizzan
									  >	Be
									  >	healthy
Hooligan									Hooligan
Ivan										Ivan
Semyonov									Semyonov
Always										Always
creates										creates
problems									problems
with										with
adults										adults
but									  |	But
entertains								  |	to
									  >	entertain
children									children
Already										Already
in										in
the										the
movie										movie
I										I
just										just
bought										bought
milk										milk
in										in
five										five
At										At
a										a
very										very
low										low
price										price
Where										Where
did									  |	was
she										she
stop									  |	She
									  >	stayed
									  >	in
									  >	Kulazat
How										How
to										to
keep										keep
the										the
joy										joy
when										when
we										we
keep										keep
low										low
prices										prices
for										for
one										one
and										and
a										a
half										half
thousand									thousand
dollars										dollars
Be									  |	Take
									  >	yourself
comfortable									comfortable
appreciate								  |	The
low									  <
prices									  <
Milk									  <
milk										milk
station										station
for										for
59.99										59.99
The										The
VTB										VTB
team										team
will									  |	offers
propose									  <
a										a
meeting										meeting
We									  |	Order
will									  <
order									  <
a										a
free										free
card										card
from										from
the										the
VTB										VTB
You										You
will										will
get										get
a										a
thousand									thousand
rubles										rubles
cashback								  |	Each
									  >	back
2%										2%
for										for
everything									everything
you										you
are										are
used										used
to										to
And										And
the										the
payment										payment
is										is
already										already
without										without
commission									commission
You									  |	Order
will									  <
order									  <
a										a
free										free
card										card
from										from
the										the
VTB										VTB
right										right
now										now
Go										Go
to										to
the										the
VTB										VTB
everything								  <
will									  <
work									  <
out									  <
What										What
kind										kind
of										of
medicine									medicine
is										is
the										the
most									  |	best
profitable								  <
for										for
the										the
price										price
Melatonin								  <
Evalar									  <
Available								  <
up									  <
to									  <
60%									  <
Novinka									  <
Glicin									  <
plus									  <
melatonin								  <
in									  <
one									  <
pill									  <
Reduce									  <
the									  <
anxiety									  <
and									  <
accelerate								  <
the									  <
fall									  <
Glicin									  <
plus									  <
melatonin								  <
Evalar									  <
Double									  <
action									  <
Your										Your
birthday									birthday
is									  <
a									  <
discount								  <
of									  <
10%										10%
									  >	discount
on										on
									  >	the
purchase									purchase
with										with
a										a
card										card
from										from
the										the
magnet										magnet
application									application
The										The
									  >	Helps
card										card
HALVA									  <
is										is
surprised								  |	surprising
by									  |	Keeping
keeping									  <
a										a
free										free
discount									discount
for										for
10										10
months										months
HALVA									  |	The
									  >	Helps
still										still
does										does
not										not
weigh									  |	weigh
you									  |	you
It									  |	Also
is									  |	0%
also									  |	on
0%									  |	the
									  >	discount
									  >	And
									  >	the
									  >	payment
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	service
									  >	Also
									  >	no
									  >	The
									  >	Helps
									  >	card
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	weightless
									  >	discount
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	weightless
									  >	advantage
									  >	The
									  >	Kogadzel
									  >	is
									  >	already
									  >	starting
									  >	to
									  >	reduce
									  >	the
									  >	symptoms
									  >	of
									  >	flu
									  >	and
									  >	ORV
									  >	It
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	depend
on										on
the										the
discount								  |	type
and									  |	of
the										the
payment									  |	virus
for									  |	Therefore
service									  |	the
									  >	Kogadzel
is										is
also									  |	the
not									  |	highest
HALVA									  |	against
does									  |	the
not									  |	virus
weigh									  |	Take
									  >	care
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	five
									  >	The
									  >	discounts
									  >	are
									  >	for
you										you
It									  |	1
is									  |	kg
a									  |	69.90
weight									  |	MEN
advantage								  <
Millions									Millions
of										of
people										people
choose										choose
FITALAX									  |	the
a									  |	Phytolux
relaxing								  |	Enjoying
food										food
									  >	in
									  >	a
tablet										tablet
based										based
on										on
fruits										fruits
Try										Try
Novinka									  |	the
FITALAX									  |	new
with									  |	one
marmalade								  |	Phytolux
									  >	mormilada
berries										berries
Only									  |	Just
one										one
at									  |	per
night										night
for										for
a									  |	the
comfortable								  |	comfort
entertainment								  |	summary
in										in
the										the
morning										morning
It									  |	Does
does									  <
not										not
cause										cause
spasms										spasms
and										and
influx									  |	air
FITALAX									  |	Phytolux
from										from
									  >	the
Evalar										Evalar
Valderad								  |	The
									  >	Buldorado
is										is
a										a
guarantee									guarantee
of										of
low										low
price										price
for										for
everything									everything
I										I
saw										saw
lower										lower
Most									  |	Maybe
likely									  |	it's
it									  |	not
is									  <
a										a
duck									  |	grass..
And										And
if										if
it									  <
is									  <
not										not
a										a
duck									  |	grass
we									  |	It's
will									  <
throw									  <
you									  <
the									  <
prices									  <
even										even
lower										lower
than										than
you									  |	you've
saw									  |	ever
The									  |	seen
smart									  |	Smart
TV										TV
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	artel
with										with
									  >	a
voice										voice
control										control
for										for
23,999										23,999
rubles										rubles
Eldorado									Eldorado
Who										Who
am										am
I										I
Gurga										Gurga
Froyerok								  |	Friarok
Yes									  |	Adam
there									  |	Bota
is									  <
I										I
forgot										forgot
How									  |	Good
are									  |	for
you										you
Sasha										Sasha
You									  |	You're
are									  <
a										a
fool										fool
The									  |	Pol-Moscow
half									  |	You
of									  |	know
Moscow									  <
knows									  <
everything									everything
Captain										Captain
Sazonov									  |	Zonov
The										The
best										best
employee									employee
of										of
the										the
bandit's								  |	case
fighting								  |	on
department								  |	the
									  >	fight
									  >	against
									  >	banditism
I										I
have										have
a										a
task										task
for										for
you										you
every										every
day										day
I									  |	I'm
returned								  |	back
today										today
I'm										I'm
not										not
happy										happy
I'm										I'm
glad										glad
I										I
don't										don't
understand									understand
why										why
you're										you're
following									following
me										me
To										To
be										be
honest										honest
I										I
don't										don't
understand									understand
myself										myself
Art									  |	The
Coordinator								  |	artel
On									  |	The
Monday									  |	premiere
at									  |	of
20.21.20								  |	this
									  >	week
									  >	on
									  >	21.20
on										on
the										the
channel										channel
Russia										Russia
This										This
is										is
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
Global										Global
Times										Times
It										It
is										is
noted										noted
that										that
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
the										the
Genesek									  |	UN
Alianzo									  |	of
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
in									  |	to
									  >	conduct
the										the
study										study
of										of
the										the
force										force
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
maintenance									maintenance
is										is
a										a
manifestation									manifestation
of										of
fear										fear
and										and
a										a
desire										desire
to										to
show										show
weakness									weakness
The										The
building									building
indicates									indicates
that										that
the										the
North										North
Atlantic									Atlantic
Alianzo									  |	Alliance
with										with
its										its
games										games
leads										leads
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
self-destruction								self-destruction
And									  |	and
the									  <
American									American
economic									economic
policy										policy
leads										leads
to										to
the										the
destruction									destruction
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
it										it
seems										seems
that										that
they										they
are										are
starting									starting
to										to
understand									understand
something									something
They										They
are										are
worried										worried
They										They
are										are
writing										writing
the										the
same										same
Global										Global
Times										Times
The										The
spectators									spectators
of										of
the										the
building									building
indicate									indicate
that										that
Berlin-Paris									Berlin-Paris
has									  |	began
begun									  <
to										to
openly										openly
show										show
displeasure									displeasure
in										in
Washington									Washington
And									  |	and
they									  <
call										call
it										it
a										a
awakening									awakening
of										of
a										a
serious										serious
reality										reality
President									President
Biden										Biden
has										has
held										held
a										a
congress									congress
on									  |	in
who									  |	which
his										his
administration									administration
sees										sees
the										the
largest										largest
threat										threat
of										of
national									national
security									security
for										for
the										the
United										United
States										States
In										In
the										the
new										new
strategy									strategy
of										of
national									national
security									security
Biden										Biden
believes									believes
that										that
the										the
invasion									invasion
of										of
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
not										not
the										the
largest										largest
geopolitical									geopolitical
challenge									challenge
for										for
America										America
This										This
is										is
the										the
role										role
of										of
China										China
Here									  |	The
the									  <
idea										idea
									  >	here
is										is
that										that
everything									everything
is										is
interconnected									interconnected
Russia										Russia
and										and
China										China
have										have
established									established
very										very
close										close
relations									relations
Russians									Russians
use										use
many										many
Chinese										Chinese
weapons										weapons
systems										systems
And									  |	and
vice									  <
versa									  <
Russia									  <
has									  <
supplied								  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
weapons									  <
to									  <
China									  <
And									  <
in										in
terms										terms
of										of
the										the
useable										useable
tactics										tactics
China										China
is										is
constantly									constantly
watching									watching
what										what
the										the
Russians									Russians
are										are
doing										doing
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
it									  |	potentially
is									  |	they
possible								  |	can
to									  <
use										use
the										the
same										same
tactics										tactics
and										and
methods										methods
to										to
enter										enter
Taiwan										Taiwan
Plus										Plus
here										here
you									  |	we
can										can
say										say
there										there
is										is
an										an
axis										axis
that										that
									  >	was
									  >	formed
									  >	by
President									President
Xi										Xi
and										and
President									President
Putin										Putin
have									  |	in
formed									  <
In									  <
fact										fact
for										for
the										the
confrontation									confrontation
with										with
the										the
country										country
that										that
wants										wants
to										to
save									  |	preserve
the										the
current										current
world										world
order										order
Russia's									Russia's
failure										failure
alone										alone
won't										won't
save										save
the										the
rules										rules
based										based
on..									  |	on
									  >	law
Russia's									Russia's
failure										failure
alone										alone
won't										won't
save										save
the										the
world										world
order										order
based										based
on										on
the										the
rules										rules
itself									  <
Because										Because
the									  <
revisionism									revisionism
of									  <
the									  <
Kremlin									  <
is										is
not										not
the										the
only										only
and										and
not										not
the										the
most										most
serious										serious
threat										threat
based										based
on										on
the										the
rules										rules
of									  <
order									  <
The										The
so-called									so-called
no-limit									no-limit
partnership									partnership
declared									declared
by										by
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
and										and
Xi										Xi
Jinping										Jinping
and									  |	is
the									  |	also
so-called								  |	an
no-limit								  |	obvious
partnership								  |	challenge
declared								  |	for
by									  <
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
and										and
Xi										Xi
Jinping										Jinping
are									  <
also									  <
a									  <
clear									  <
challenge								  <
after										after
the										the
military									military
order										order
built										built
on										on
the										the
main										main
values										values
of										of
the										the
Pacific										Pacific
Ocean										Ocean
And										And
of										of
course										course
we										we
are										are
closely									  |	also
observing								  |	very
									  >	careful
									  >	about
the										the
consequences									consequences
of										of
the										the
20th										20th
Communist									Communist
Party										Party
in										in
China										China
to										to
see										see
any										any
changes										changes
in										in
the										the
international									international
policy										policy
of										of
China										China
To									  <
see									  <
any									  <
changes									  <
to									  <
China's									  <
international								  <
posture									  <
Regardless									Regardless
of										of
									  >	the
									  >	fact
that										that
we										we
must									  |	have
									  >	to
resist										resist
this										this
global										global
challenge									challenge
We									  |	we
need									  |	have
to										to
counter									  |	restore
this									  |	our
global									  |	trust
challenge								  |	in
with									  <
our										our
global										global
goals										goals
and										and
our										our
global										global
rules										rules
Trust									  <
in									  <
our									  <
global									  <
goals									  <
The										The
main										main
developer								  |	intelligence
of									  |	officer
the									  |	in
Great										Great
Britain										Britain
Sergei									  |	Sergeant
Remy									  |	Jeremy
Fleming									  |	Flamin
the									  |	called
head									  |	the
of									  |	Center
the									  |	for
so-called								  |	Governmental
government-related							  |	Connection
center									  <
voiced										voiced
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
concern										concern
about										about
China										China
and										and
its										its
value										value
and										and
influence									influence
China										China
and									  <
its									  <
values									  <
and									  <
influence								  <
China									  <
is										is
deliberately									deliberately
patient										patient
and									  |	in
wants									  |	trying
to										to
get										get
a										a
strategic									strategic
advantage									advantage
by										by
forming										forming
a										a
global										global
technological									technological
ecosystem									ecosystem
They										They
consider									consider
nations										nations
either										either
as										as
potential									potential
opponents									opponents
or										or
as										as
potential									potential
state-of-the-art								state-of-the-art
clients										clients
									  >	that
									  >	threaten
									  >	buying
or										or
as									  |	forcing
the									  <
only									  <
good									  <
thing									  <
to									  <
come									  <
up									  <
with									  <
The										The
only										only
good										good
thing										thing
that										that
can										can
give										give
this										this
war										war
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
									  >	the
									  >	fact
that										that
I										I
think										think
									  >	that
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
would										would
be										be
surprised									surprised
by										by
the										the
West's										West's
unity										unity
the										the
volume										volume
of										of
economic									economic
aid									  |	assistance
that										that
is										is
being										being
offered										offered
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
with										with
respect									  <
to									  <
the										the
									  >	influence
									  >	of
Western										Western
military									military
technologies									technologies
I										I
hope										hope
it										it
will										will
make										make
them										them
think										think
The										The
Russian										Russian
Army										Army
is										is
making									  |	putting
									  >	a
massive										massive
strikes									  |	blow
on										on
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
infrastructure									infrastructure
in										in
all										all
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
authorities									authorities
The										The
rockets										rockets
find									  |	are
									  >	finding
and										and
destroy									  |	destroying
									  >	the
new										new
targets										targets
of										of
									  >	the
military									military
and										and
energy										energy
objects										objects
in										in
the										the
Lvov										Lvov
region										region
of										of
Gorit										Gorit
the										the
destroyed									destroyed
wing									  |	winged
of									  <
the									  <
rocket										rocket
Tess									  |	TESS
According									According
to										to
Lvov's										Lvov's
Gaul										Gaul
the									  |	it
Rakhazian								  <
one									  <
is										is
also										also
destroyed									destroyed
by										by
a										a
certain										certain
military									military
object										object
in										in
the										the
Zlochev										Zlochev
region										region
In										In
addition									addition
the									  <
rocket									  <
in									  <
addition								  <
to										to
the										the
missile									  |	rocket
was									  <
hit									  <
by									  <
the										the
Geran-2									  <
drone										drone
and									  |	Kamikaze-Geran-2
the										the
drones									  |	UAV
of										of
this										this
morning										morning
were									  |	was
hit										hit
by										by
the									  |	a
target										target
in										in
the										the
Kyiv										Kyiv
region										region
of									  |	Nikolay
Nikolaev								  |	Vyadesyev
and									  <
Odessa									  <
For										For
the										the
first										first
time										time
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
the									  |	a
smaller										smaller
version										version
of										of
the										the
Geran-2										Geran-2
which									  |	was
is									  |	spotted
similar										similar
to										to
the										the
Iranian										Iranian
drone										drone
Kamikaze-Shahed-131								Kamikaze-Shahed-131
									  >	Perhaps
									  >	this
is										is
probably								  |	also
the									  |	a
Geran-1										Geran-1
									  >	In
Ukraine										Ukraine
in									  |	besides
addition								  <
to									  <
NATO										NATO
has									  |	you
to									  |	should
help										help
Mark										Mark
Kamil									  |	Kamel
the										the
actor										actor
who										who
played										played
Luke									  |	Luka
Skywalker								  |	Skivoker
in										in
the									  <
Star										Star
Wars										Wars
He										He
takes										takes
money										money
to									  |	from
the										the
army										army
of										of
drones										drones
for										for
the										the
Soviet									  |	UAV
Union									  <
and										and
calls										calls
Russia									  |	it
the										the
									  >	Russian
Empire										Empire
of										of
Evil										Evil
But									  |	And
as										as
in										in
the										the
movie										movie
he										he
dreams										dreams
of										of
winning										winning
it										it
The									  <
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
call										call
the										the
shells										shells
that										that
produce										produce
this										this
sound										sound
flying										flying
through										through
the										the
airfields									airfields
of										of
death										death
On									  |	In
this										this
video										video
a									  |	we
									  >	will
record										record
of									  |	a
the									  <
deadly										deadly
addition									addition
to										to
the										the
Putin's									  |	Putin
arsenal										arsenal
of										of
long-range									long-range
weapons										weapons
At									  |	In
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
war										war
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
UAVs										UAVs
									  >	of
									  >	Turkish
									  >	production
dominated									dominated
the										the
battlefield									battlefield
by									  <
dominating								  <
the									  <
battlefield								  <
even										even
inspired									inspired
by										by
the									  |	a
erotic									  |	derogatory
song										song
Then										Then
there										there
were										were
more										more
dangerous									dangerous
Iranian										Iranian
UAVs										UAVs
It										It
is										is
reported									reported
that										that
Iran										Iran
has										has
put									  |	set
									  >	up
at										at
least										least
hundreds									hundreds
of										of
its										its
former										former
UAVs										UAVs
in										in
Russia										Russia
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
say										say
that										that
Russia										Russia
ordered										ordered
about										about
2,400										2,400
Iranian										Iranian
UAVs										UAVs
and										and
they										they
use										use
Russia										Russia
for									  |	to
strikes									  |	strike
all										all
over										over
Ukraine										Ukraine
The									  |	A
great										great
warrior									  |	military
									  >	leader
who										who
									  >	actually
never										never
existed										existed
									  >	is
Mark										Mark
Kamil									  |	Hemmel
the									  |	an
actor										actor
who										who
played										played
Luke									  |	Luka
Skywalker								  |	Skivoker
who										who
never										never
existed										existed
who										who
led										led
the										the
war										war
against										against
the										the
Empire										Empire
of										of
Evil										Evil
who										who
never										never
existed										existed
but										but
									  >	apparently
he										he
is										is
apparently								  <
the										the
ambassador									ambassador
of										of
drones										drones
in										in
a									  <
very									  <
real										real
life										life
and										and
a										a
deadly										deadly
war										war
On									  |	He
									  >	talks
									  >	on
these										these
shots										shots
he									  <
talks									  <
and										and
makes										makes
a										a
small										small
group										group
of										of
reports										reports
to										to
be										be
honest										honest
on										on
MSNBC										MSNBC
No										No
it's										it's
not										not
the										the
army										army
of										of
droids										droids
No									  <
it's										it's
not									  <
the									  <
army									  <
of									  <
droids									  <
It's									  <
the										the
army										army
of										of
drones										drones
and									  <
I										I
was										was
very										very
surprised									surprised
when										when
the										the
president									president
of										of
Zelensky									Zelensky
contacted								  |	asked
me										me
I									  <
didn't									  <
ask									  <
why										why
but										but
I										I
think										think
they										they
saw										saw
my										my
support										support
of										of
the									  <
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
in										in
my										my
Lent										Lent
in									  |	on
Twitter										Twitter
But										But
you										you
know										know
I'm										I'm
not										not
used										used
to										to
talking									  |	being
about									  |	associated
drones									  |	with
									  >	world
									  >	leaders
I										I
can										can
say										say
that										that
it's										it's
a										a
pre-war										pre-war
shoot										shoot
Drones										Drones
are										are
determined									determined
from									  |	through
the									  <
course									  <
of									  <
the									  <
war										war
They										They
are										are
necessary									necessary
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
protect										protect
its										its
borders										borders
and										and
to										to
protect										protect
its										its
citizens									citizens
Luke									  |	Luka
Skywalker								  |	Skivoker
wasn't									  |	is
real									  |	not
Luke									  <
Skywalker								  <
isn't									  <
real										real
His										His
uprising									uprising
is										is
also										also
not										not
real										real
like										like
the										the
force										force
he										he
used										used
to										to
destroy									  |	kill
the										the
star									  |	Ukrainian
of									  |	president
death									  |	Of
For									  |	course
sure									  <
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
president									president
has										has
something								  |	more
to										to
do										do
									  >	than
to										to
keep									  |	continue
talking									  <
to										to
famous									  |	talk
people									  |	with
									  >	celebrities
In										In
general										general
if										if
the										the
force										force
with										with
the										the
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
won't									  |	does
									  >	not
come										come
and										and
the										the
Jews										Jews
won't									  |	do
									  >	not
help										help
the									  <
Kiev										Kiev
will										will
do										do
acultism								  |	it
									  >	with
									  >	occultism
and										and
this										this
is										is
not										not
a										a
joke										joke
The										The
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Minister									Minister
of										of
Defense										Defense
Ryaznikov									Ryaznikov
on									  |	asked
the									  |	a
issue									  |	journalist
of									  <
journalists								  <
said									  <
that									  <
when										when
the										the
war										war
was									  |	will
over									  |	end
he										he
forgot									  |	said
the									  |	that
tarot									  <
card									  <
in									  <
his									  <
number									  <
so									  <
he										he
can't									  |	had
promise									  |	forgotten
anything								  |	that
Hehehe									  |	he
hehehe									  |	could
while									  |	not
									  >	protect
									  >	her
									  >	He-he-he
									  >	who
									  >	taught
									  >	his
									  >	clone
									  >	president
									  >	he-he-he
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
there										there
is										is
a										a
war										war
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
In										In
general									  |	principle
for										for
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
there										there
is										is
nothing										nothing
strange										strange
about										about
it									  |	this
Hitler										Hitler
was										was
also										also
interested									interested
in										in
acultism								  |	occultism
Everything									Everything
is										is
the										the
same										same
Ryaznikov									Ryaznikov
Apparently									Apparently
he										he
put										put
it										it
on										on
the										the
map										map
He										He
said										said
that										that
the										the
Kiev										Kiev
regime										regime
									  >	has
de										de
facto										facto
joined										joined
the										the
North-Atlantic								  |	North
alliance								  |	Atlantic
									  >	Alliance
He										He
shared										shared
this										this
information								  |	revelation
on										on
Twitter										Twitter
after										after
meeting										meeting
with										with
the										the
secretary								  |	General
									  >	Secretary
of										of
NATO										NATO
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
He										He
said										said
to										to
Stoltenberg									Stoltenberg
there									  |	thank
is									  |	you
no									  |	for
									  >	your
support										support
from										from
the										the
west									  |	western
of									  <
the									  <
military									military
block									  |	unit
but										but
today										today
this										this
very										very
Gensek										Gensek
put										put
Ryaznikov									Ryaznikov
in										in
his										his
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
place										place
He										He
said										said
that										that
if										if
NATO										NATO
members										members
attack										attack
the										the
alliance								  |	Alliance
									  >	he
will										will
follow										follow
the										the
5th									  |	fifth
article										article
and										and
will										will
protect										protect
the										the
partner										partner
Well										Well
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
only									  <
help										help
and										and
absolutely									absolutely
not										not
fight										fight
for										for
it										it
That										That
is										is
once										once
again										again
fighting								  |	fight
for										for
its										its
as										as
Ryaznikov									Ryaznikov
expressed									expressed
de										de
facto										facto
member										member
no										no
one										one
wants										wants
it									  <
The										The
head										head
of										of
the										the
United										United
Committee									Committee
of										of
the										the
Headquarters									Headquarters
of										of
the										the
U.S									  |	US
Army										Army
Mark										Mark
Miller										Miller
performed								  |	spoke
even										even
cooler										cooler
and										and
more										more
offensive									offensive
for										for
Zelensky									Zelensky
He										He
said										said
that										that
Kiev										Kiev
should										should
help									  |	be
									  >	helped
because										because
Kiev										Kiev
is										is
fighting									fighting
for										for
us										us
More									  |	rather
precisely								  <
Kiev										Kiev
is										is
fighting									fighting
instead										instead
of										of
us										us
Returning									Returning
									  >	to
our										our
									  >	American
interests									interests
and										and
dying										dying
instead										instead
of										of
American									American
soldiers									soldiers
They										They
are										are
here										here
to										to
increase									increase
the										the
supply										supply
of										of
weapons										weapons
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
is										is
the										the
question									question
that										that
is										is
before										before
the										the
ministers								  |	Ministry
									  >	of
									  >	Defense
of										of
defense									  <
in									  <
the										the
headquarter								  |	United
									  >	States
of										of
NATO									  <
in									  <
Brussels									Brussels
After										After
the										the
air										air
strikes										strikes
of										of
Russia										Russia
in									  |	and
Ukraine										Ukraine
they										they
destroyed									destroyed
the										the
critical									critical
structure								  |	energy
									  >	infrastructure
The										The
main										main
attention									attention
is										is
on										on
									  >	the
air										air
defense										defense
systems									  |	system
Ministers								  |	The
									  >	Ministry
of										of
defense									  |	Defense
about										about
50										50
Western									  |	western
countries									countries
meet										meet
in									  |	at
the										the
headquarter								  |	headquarters
of										of
NATO										NATO
in										in
Brussels									Brussels
They										They
are										are
obliged										obliged
to										to
continue									continue
to										to
send										send
military									military
equipment									equipment
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
From										From
their										their
words										words
as										as
long										long
as										as
it										it
is										is
needed										needed
So										So
these										these
are										are
the										the
last										last
of										of
the										the
countries									countries
of										of
the										the
G7										G7
group										group
of										of
existing									existing
countries									countries
And									  |	We
now									  |	are
let's									  |	listening
listen									  <
to										to
Secretary								  |	the
Ostenov									  |	secretary
									  >	Ostinov
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Armed										Armed
Forces										Forces
are									  |	used
trying									  |	the
									  >	Haimars
									  >	type
									  >	system
to										to
change										change
the										the
dynamics									dynamics
of										of
the										the
war										war
that										that
Putin										Putin
started										started
And										And
it										it
helped										helped
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
Armed										Armed
Forces										Forces
to										to
take										take
over										over
the										the
initiative									initiative
during										during
their										their
counter-attack									counter-attack
Therefore								  |	So
we										we
									  >	will
continue									continue
to										to
increase									increase
the										the
opportunity									opportunity
to										to
help										help
Ukraine										Ukraine
in										in
the										the
current										current
struggle									struggle
And										And
I										I
give									  |	am
									  >	giving
the										the
duty									  |	right
to										to
the										the
members										members
of										of
the										the
KTAC										KTAC
group										group
who									  |	that
did									  <
everything								  <
possible								  <
to									  <
get									  <
the									  <
weapons									  <
and									  <
equipment								  <
in									  <
the									  <
hands									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Ukrainian								  <
Armed									  <
Forces									  <
This									  <
international									international
aid										aid
is									  |	very
greatly									  |	strongly
varied									  |	varies
among										among
the										the
members										members
of										of
the										the
KTAC									  |	big
group									  |	family
The										The
United									  |	US
States									  <
has										has
certainly									certainly
brought										brought
the										the
largest										largest
contribution									contribution
of										of
27										27
billion										billion
Euro										Euro
military									military
aid										aid
Great										Great
Britain										Britain
has									  <
also										also
sent										sent
aid										aid
to										to
a									  |	the
sum										sum
of										of
4										4
billion										billion
Euro										Euro
at										at
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
conflict									conflict
More										More
than										than
more										more
Germany										Germany
and										and
especially									especially
France										France
accuse										accuse
it										it
of										of
doing									  |	making
not									  |	it
enough									  |	insufficient
By									  |	For
									  >	the
sacrifice									sacrifice
of										of
only										only
233										233
million										million
Euro										Euro
Recently									Recently
the										the
president									president
of										of
France										France
Emmanuel									Emmanuel
Macron										Macron
promised									promised
to										to
increase									increase
the										the
amount									  |	support
of										of
aid									  |	Ukraine
									  >	France
									  >	intends
									  >	to
									  >	send
									  >	six
									  >	more
									  >	Gaubits
									  >	César
									  >	An
									  >	addition
to										to
18										18
already										already
members									  |	available
of									  <
the									  <
KTAC									  <
group									  <
Also										Also
Ukraine										Ukraine
will										will
receive									  |	get
the										the
German										German
									  >	PBO
system										system
of									  |	or
the									  |	ST
air									  <
defense									  <
system									  <
Now										Now
Vladimir									Vladimir
Zelensky									Zelensky
is									  |	asks
asking									  <
for										for
something									something
special										special
He										He
wants										wants
to										to
get										get
more										more
of										of
the										the
air									  |	PBO
defense									  <
system										system
for										for
the									  |	creating
creation								  |	an
of									  <
the									  <
air										air
defense									  |	shield
system									  <
That's										That's
how										how
he										he
calls										calls
it										it
The									  <
first									  <
part									  <
of									  <
Germany										Germany
has										has
already										already
arrived										arrived
today										today
This										This
system										system
is										is
only										only
advanced									advanced
that										that
the										the
German									  <
army										army
									  >	of
									  >	Germany
									  >	still
									  >	has
									  >	no
									  >	access
									  >	to
									  >	it
									  >	The
									  >	US
									  >	supply
is										is
waiting									  |	expected
for									  |	to
the										the
next										next
month										month
And									  |	and
the										the
rest										rest
of										of
the										the
countries									countries
will										will
probably									probably
follow										follow
their										their
example										example
and										and
will										will
help										help
with									  <
their										their
own										own
air										air
defense										defense
systems										systems
The										The
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
officials									officials
believe										believe
that										that
they									  |	the
will									  |	PBO
be									  |	provides
given									  |	them
									  >	with
even										even
more										more
serious										serious
attacks										attacks
Germany										Germany
has										has
put										put
Ukraine										Ukraine
the										the
most										most
modern										modern
air									  <
defense										defense
system										system
This										This
is										is
very										very
important									important
for										for
Ukraine										Ukraine
support									  <
In									  <
its									  <
fight									  <
against										against
missile										missile
bombs									  |	bombings
and										and
terror										terror
which									  |	that
is										is
being										being
attacked									attacked
by										by
the										the
population									population
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	only
									  >	one
									  >	system
									  >	three
									  >	of
									  >	which
we										we
will										will
send										send
it									  |	in
									  >	the
next										next
year										year
We										We
are									  |	expect
expecting								  <
to										to
hear										hear
more										more
about										about
									  >	the
									  >	announcement
									  >	of
military									military
obligations									obligations
this										this
week										week
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
just									  |	only
in										in
the										the
last										last
hour										hour
we										we
received									received
news										news
from										from
France										France
									  >	that
President									President
Macron										Macron
promised									promised
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	a
radar										radar
systems									  |	system
and										and
rockets									  |	missiles
In										In
addition									addition
the										the
Netherlands									Netherlands
promised									promised
more										more
than										than
14										14
million										million
dollars										dollars
for										for
the									  |	missiles
missile									  <
Earlier										Earlier
today										today
we										we
heard										heard
from										from
the										the
Canadians									Canadians
that										that
they										they
are										are
going										going
to										to
send										send
winter										winter
hats										hats
shoes										shoes
and										and
gloves										gloves
just										just
to									  |	so
make									  |	that
the										the
soldier									  |	soldier's
									  >	front
									  >	has
a										a
long-term								  |	long
equipment									equipment
that										that
they										they
may										may
need										need
this										this
winter										winter
because									  |	since
the										the
conflict									conflict
is										is
entering									entering
a										a
new										new
phase										phase
The										The
countries									countries
are										are
potentially									potentially
preparing									preparing
for										for
a										a
long-term									long-term
delivery									delivery
of										of
weapons										weapons
to										to
Ukraine										Ukraine
This										This
fight										fight
is										is
not										not
just										just
in										in
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
interests									interests
It										It
is										is
not										not
only										only
in										in
the										the
interests									interests
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
but										but
in										in
the										the
interests									interests
of										of
the										the
entire										entire
world										world
to										to
defend										defend
the										the
international									international
order										order
and									  |	that
the									  <
rules									  <
That									  <
is										is
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
U.S									  |	American
General										General
Staff										Staff
Emilie									  |	Emil
in										in
fact										fact
repeats										repeats
the										the
thesis										thesis
of										of
									  >	Stoltenberg
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	victory
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	defeat
									  >	of
the										the
West										West
They										They
say										say
this										this
without										without
hesitation									hesitation
At										At
the										the
same										same
time										time
I										I
hope										hope
that										that
the									  |	the
Russian									  |	army
Army									  |	of
									  >	Russia
will										will
end										end
up										up
with									  |	in
a									  |	the
high-precision								  |	airsoft
missile										missile
and										and
the										the
rest										rest
of										of
the										the
supplies								  |	ammunition
and										and
Russia										Russia
will										will
end										end
up										up
soon										soon
They										They
will										will
not										not
wait										wait
									  >	Now
Reuters										Reuters
is									  |	writes
now									  <
writing									  <
about										about
this										this
with										with
a										a
link										link
to										to
the										the
high-precision								  |	high-ranking
NATO										NATO
									  >	man
In										In
July										July
									  >	this
									  >	topic
									  >	was
									  >	discussed
									  >	by
the										the
Soviet										Soviet
Council									  |	Union
of										of
the									  |	Green
Zelenkov								  |	Arrests
Arrestovich								  |	They
was									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
this									  <
He									  <
said										said
that										that
Moscow										Moscow
will										will
never										never
will										will
never										never
be										be
able										able
to										to
release									  |	launch
									  >	a
48										48
missiles								  |	missile
to									  |	with
									  >	one
									  >	attack
									  >	on
Ukraine										Ukraine
Only										Only
in										in
this										this
Monday									  |	week
the									  <
Ukrainian								  <
infrastructure								  <
project									  <
was									  <
released								  <
by									  <
more										more
than										than
70										70
missiles									missiles
									  >	were
									  >	launched
									  >	according
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	infrastructure
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	military
									  >	object
Their										Their
goal										goal
is										is
to										to
defeat									  |	strike
them									  <
Energy										Energy
terror										terror
Three										Three
days										days
in										in
a										a
row										row
the									  <
Russians									Russians
attacked									attacked
the										the
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
At									  |	In
the									  <
end									  <
of									  <
the									  <
day									  <
they									  <
again									  <
hit									  <
the										the
energy									  |	Russian
supply									  |	region
projects								  <
in									  <
three									  <
areas									  <
Lvovsky										Lvovsky
Vinnytsky									Vinnytsky
and										and
Dnepropetrovsky									Dnepropetrovsky
Due										Due
to										to
serious										serious
damage										damage
there										there
is										is
a										a
strict										strict
control									  <
over									  <
the									  <
economy									  <
of									  <
electric								  <
energy										energy
									  >	saving
									  >	mode
As										As
a										a
result										result
of										of
the										the
mass									  |	massed
attacks									  |	strikes
on										on
the										the
critical									critical
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
more										more
than										than
100									  |	600
energy										energy
									  >	objects
and										and
water										water
supply										supply
projects								  |	are
have									  |	damaged
been									  <
launched								  <
The										The
statistics									statistics
are									  |	lead
brought									  <
to										to
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
water										water
channel										channel
High-precision								  |	In
missiles								  |	the
have									  |	high-ranking
exploded								  |	airsoft
									  >	missile
in										in
20										20
cities										cities
in										in
the										the
middle										middle
of										of
Kyiv									  |	Kiev
Lvov									  |	Vov
Zhitomir								  |	is
Ternopol								  |	exactly
Khmelnitsky								  |	the
Ivano-Francovsky							  |	same
Vinnytsky								  |	as
									  >	Tomer
Kharkov										Kharkov
Krymenchuk									Krymenchuk
Dnepropetrovsky									Dnepropetrovsky
Krivoy										Krivoy
Rog									  |	Rok
Nikolay										Nikolay
Podessa										Podessa
According									According
to										to
the										the
headlines									headlines
the										the
energy										energy
of										of
Golushchenko									Golushchenko
is										is
									  >	damaged
									  >	by
the										the
third										third
energy										energy
infrastructure									infrastructure
of										of
the										the
country										country
among										among
the										the
affected									affected
targets										targets
of									  <
at										at
least										least
12										12
power										power
stations									stations
and										and
heat										heat
power										power
stations									stations
And										And
									  >	also
19										19
power										power
stations									stations
with										with
a										a
voltage										voltage
of										of
330										330
and										and
110										110
kV										kV
Did									  |	Are
they										they
									  >	going
									  >	to
kill										kill
me										me
Did									  |	Are
they										they
									  >	going
									  >	to
kill										kill
me										me
Kill										Kill
him										him
									  >	Kill
									  >	him
Come										Come
on										on
come										come
on										on
									  >	come
									  >	on
Damn										Damn
it										it
They										They
didn't										didn't
kill										kill
me									  |	him
They										They
didn't										didn't
kill										kill
me									  |	him
again										again
Tets									  |	In
5									  |	Kiev
Tets									  |	the
6									  |	high-ranking
Darnitskaya								  |	hits
Tets									  <
were										were
hit										hit
in									  <
Kyiv									  <
by										by
a									  |	Tets-5
high-precision								  |	Tets-6
blow									  |	Darnitskaya
under									  |	Tets-6
the									  |	Vokzalny
station									  <
of									  <
a									  <
train									  <
station									  <
and										and
a									  |	Tripultskaya
triple									  |	stations
test									  <
In										In
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
capital										capital
electric								  |	the
energy									  |	electricity
light									  |	is
was									  |	turned
supplied								  |	off
from										from
8										8
									  >	a.m
to										to
12										12
a.m										a.m
									  >	and
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	time
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	evening
There										There
are										are
105										105
power										power
stations									stations
left										left
without										without
electricity									electricity
Only										Only
three										three
thousand									thousand
eight										eight
hundred										hundred
power										power
stations									stations
were										were
recorded									recorded
The									  |	A
head									  |	faithful
office									  |	decision
of									  |	by
Zelensky								  <
Timoshenko								  <
stated									  <
that									  <
the									  <
country's								  <
Prime										Prime
Minister									Minister
Shmygal										Shmygal
had									  |	was
									  >	made
to										to
lower										lower
the										the
									  >	temperature
									  >	of
heating										heating
in										in
residential									residential
houses										houses
to										to
16										16
degrees										degrees
									  >	Celsius
After										After
the										the
heating										heating
is									  |	was
turned										turned
on									  |	off
we										we
call									  |	called
on									  <
the										the
economy										economy
to										to
use										use
gas										gas
and										and
coal										coal
Yes										Yes
it										it
will										will
mean										mean
									  >	reducing
the										the
temperature									temperature
in										in
the									  |	residential
apartments								  |	houses
The									  |	Minimum
minimum									  |	permissible
acceptable								  <
value										value
will										will
be										be
16										16
degrees										degrees
									  >	Celsius
and										and
the										the
average										average
is										is
18										18
degrees										degrees
									  >	Celsius
This										This
is										is
the									  |	a
need									  |	necessity
and										and
our										our
contribution									contribution
to										to
victory										victory
Because									  |	because
each										each
of										of
us										us
depends										depends
on										on
how										how
we										we
will										will
pass										pass
this										this
winter										winter
The										The
analysis									analysis
of										of
the										the
goals										goals
indicates									indicates
that										that
the										the
blows									  |	hits
were										were
only										only
a									  <
warning										warning
Russia										Russia
attacked									attacked
Tets									  |	Tets-5
with										with
a										a
voltage										voltage
of										of
330										330
kV										kV
maximum									  |	and
Each									  <
of									  <
them									  <
has									  <
several										several
generators									generators
and									  |	In
									  >	order
to										to
completely									completely
remove										remove
the										the
									  >	power
station										station
from										from
the									  |	construction
train									  |	they
station									  |	will
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	destroyed
by										by
turning									  |	all
on									  |	of
									  >	them
									  >	including
the										the
steam										steam
boiler										boiler
Powerful									Powerful
power										power
stations									stations
with										with
a										a
voltage										voltage
of										of
750										750
kV										kV
of										of
gas										gas
on										on
which										which
the										the
energy										energy
system										system
of										of
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	is
									  >	built
Russia										Russia
has										has
not										not
yet										yet
been									  |	touched
affected								  |	it
The										The
blows									  |	hits
will										will
lead										lead
to										to
the										the
disorganization									disorganization
of										of
all										all
the										the
energy										energy
systems										systems
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
The										The
situation									situation
in										in
Kyiv									  |	Kiev
and										and
the										the
central										central
regions										regions
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
managed										managed
to										to
stabilize									stabilize
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
Zelensky								  <
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
On									  <
the										the
conference								  |	Ukrainian
									  >	Energy
									  >	Agency
of										of
the										the
World										World
Bank										Bank
of										of
the										the
Ministry								  |	IMF
of									  |	It
Internal								  <
Affairs									  <
the									  <
country									  <
turned										turned
to										to
the										the
west									  |	countries
to									  |	of
pay									  <
the										the
									  >	West
									  >	asking
									  >	to
									  >	provide
credit										credit
for										for
restoring								  <
the										the
									  >	restoration
									  >	of
infrastructure									infrastructure
We										We
need										need
to									  |	full
restore									  |	credit
									  >	a
									  >	volume
									  >	of
									  >	$
									  >	2
									  >	billion
									  >	for
the										the
electricity								  |	restoration
of										of
the										the
									  >	electrical
infrastructure									infrastructure
for									  |	after
two									  <
billion									  <
dollars									  <
After									  <
the										the
destruction									destruction
and										and
expansion									expansion
of										of
the										the
export										export
in									  |	to
Europe										Europe
Also										Also
considering									considering
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
the									  |	Russia's
Russian									  <
crisis										crisis
situation									situation
on										on
the										the
entire										entire
continent									continent
we										we
need										need
credit										credit
limits										limits
for										for
the										the
purchase									purchase
of										of
gas										gas
coal										coal
and										and
for										for
the										the
next										next
heating										heating
season										season
Several										Several
major									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	largest
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
factories									factories
announced								  |	declare
that									  |	this
									  >	when
they										they
would									  <
stop										stop
their										their
activities									activities
by									  |	and
reducing								  |	reduce
the										the
production									production
scale										scale
Among										Among
them										them
									  >	are
									  >	the
Poltava										Poltava
and										and
Morganetsky-Gorno-Abogatitelnoy						  |	the
									  >	Morganetsky-Gorn
									  >	wealth-efficient
and										and
Krivorozhsky-Metallurgical						  |	the
									  >	Krivoroshki-Metallurgical
Combination									Combination
The									  |	In
automatic								  |	the
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	Ministry
									  >	of
									  >	Internal
									  >	Affairs
									  >	an
									  >	automated
information									information
system										system
was									  |	has
									  >	been
stopped										stopped
in									  |	a
Ukraine									  |	confirmation
The									  |	of
car									  |	the
registration								  <
and									  <
registration									registration
of										of
the										the
car										car
was									  |	has
									  >	been
stopped										stopped
The									  |	and
									  >	the
propagandists									propagandists
of										of
the										the
German										German
build									  |	bill
came										came
up										up
with										with
the										the
name										name
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
blow									  |	hit
on										on
the									  <
infrastructure									infrastructure
of									  |	for
the										the
operation								  |	restoration
of										of
the										the
ice										ice
winter										winter
where										where
Putin										Putin
put									  |	in
									  >	a
									  >	fur
									  >	coat
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	hat
									  >	on
his										his
ears										ears
on									  |	in
the										the
background									background
of										of
the									  <
snow										snow
									  >	and
									  >	ice
What										What
we										we
see										see
is										is
the										the
strategy									strategy
of										of
reaching								  |	achieving
the									  |	peace
world									  <
under										under
the										the
Russian										Russian
dictatorship									dictatorship
and										and
preventing									preventing
the										the
recovery								  |	restoration
of										of
the										the
winter										winter
war										war
The										The
45-year-old									45-year-old
researcher									researcher
of										of
Eastern										Eastern
Europe										Europe
Andreas										Andreas
Umland										Umland
									  >	said
80										80
years										years
ago										ago
Stalingrad									Stalingrad
became										became
a										a
deadly										deadly
trap										trap
for										for
the										the
Germans										Germans
The										The
battle										battle
for										for
the										the
industrial									industrial
center										center
of										of
Stalingrad									Stalingrad
is										is
considered									considered
to										to
be										be
a										a
breakthrough									breakthrough
in										in
the										the
Second										Second
World										World
War										War
Despite										Despite
the										the
great										great
losses										losses
									  >	of
the										the
Red									  |	Soviet
Army									  |	Union
managed									  |	it
									  >	was
									  >	possible
to										to
surround									surround
the										the
soldiers									soldiers
of										of
the										the
Hitler's									Hitler's
Wermacht									Wermacht
At										At
a										a
temperature									temperature
of										of
50,000									  |	minus
									  >	30
									  >	degrees
									  >	tens
									  >	of
									  >	thousands
									  >	of
people										people
they									  <
were										were
frozen										frozen
to										to
death										death
or										or
died										died
from										from
hunger										hunger
Due										Due
to										to
the										the
lack										lack
of										of
their										their
own										own
power									  |	powers
Ukraine										Ukraine
stops										stops
the									  <
export										export
of										of
electricity									electricity
in										in
Poland										Poland
Moldova										Moldova
and										and
Romania										Romania
According									According
to										to
the										the
									  >	Ukrainian
Ministry									Ministry
of										of
Economy										Economy
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
in										in
September									September
the										the
export										export
of										of
electricity									electricity
cost										cost
150										150
million										million
dollars										dollars
twice										twice
as									  |	more
much									  |	than
as									  <
in										in
August										August
The										The
official								  <
Warsaw										Warsaw
was									  |	official
reminded									reminded
of									  <
Zelensky									Zelensky
that									  |	not
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	anything
									  >	despite
the										the
obligation								  |	fact
									  >	that
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
to										to
contract								  <
should									  <
be									  <
fulfilled								  <
no									  <
matter									  <
what									  <
To									  <
repair										repair
the										the
gas										gas
pipeline									pipeline
that									  <
passes									  <
under										under
the										the
Baltic										Baltic
Sea										Sea
									  >	Of
									  >	course
									  >	it
is										is
possible									possible
of									  <
course									  <
but										but
it										it
will										will
only										only
make										make
sense										sense
in										in
case										case
of										of
their										their
further										further
economic-based								  |	economic
operation								  |	exploitation
The										The
ball										ball
as										as
they										they
say										say
is										is
on										on
the										the
side										side
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
They									  |	Although
want									  |	let's
to									  <
let									  <
them									  <
just										just
open										open
all										all
the										the
windows										windows
The										The
resource									resource
that										that
comes										comes
to										to
the										the
euro										euro
market										market
is										is
sold										sold
in										in
a										a
small										small
way										way
in										in
a										a
trider									  |	trident
like										like
a										a
chain										chain
inflates								  <
the									  <
inflation								  <
The									  <
population								  <
as										as
in										in
the										the
Middle										Middle
Ages									  |	East
began										began
to										to
run									  |	be
wild									  |	filled
									  >	with
									  >	wood
in										in
the										the
winter										winter
There									  |	Russia
is										is
a									  |	at
problem									  |	fault
here										here
And										And
their									  |	its
own										own
mistakes									mistakes
are										are
constantly									constantly
trying										trying
to										to
get										get
rid										rid
of										of
someone										someone
In										In
this										this
case										case
Russia										Russia
The										The
proposal									proposal
to										to
open										open
the										the
crane										crane
in										in
Germany										Germany
was										was
immediately									immediately
rejected									rejected
The										The
head										head
of										of
the										the
German										German
government									government
Hofmann										Hofmann
commented									commented
on										on
Putin's										Putin's
speech										speech
on										on
the										the
words										words
of										of
a										a
good										good
attempt										attempt
The										The
prices										prices
for										for
wood										wood
in										in
the										the
country										country
are										are
hitting									  |	beating
the									  |	records
record									  |	The
Now									  |	current
the									  <
cost										cost
of										of
wood									  |	wooden
pallets										pallets
is										is
760										760
euros										euros
per										per
ton										ton
three									  |	and
times									  |	several
more									  <
than									  <
a									  <
year									  <
ago									  <
In									  <
just									  <
a									  <
few									  <
days										days
the									  |	The
total									  |	price
cost									  |	for
of									  |	electricity
wood									  <
in										in
Germany									  |	Denmark
is									  |	has
20									  |	grown
									  >	10
									  >	times
									  >	from
									  >	30
euros										euros
per										per
megawatt									megawatt
per									  |	an
hour										hour
up									  <
to										to
240										240
euros										euros
In										In
Italian										Italian
Rome										Rome
the									  |	up
time									  <
of									  <
the									  <
battery									  <
operation								  <
is									  <
reduced									  <
to										to
11										11
o'clock										o'clock
per									  |	in
day									  |	the
Eco-activist								  |	morning
									  >	eco-activist
Tomberg										Tomberg
advises										advises
not										not
to										to
close										close
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
plants									  |	plant
Personally									Personally
I										I
think										think
it's										it's
a										a
bad										bad
idea										idea
to										to
make										make
a										a
bet										bet
on										on
the										the
wooden										wooden
corner										corner
when										when
there										there
is										is
already										already
another										another
source										source
But										But
of										of
course										course
this									  |	there
is										is
a										a
very									  |	different
serious									  <
discussion									discussion
Do									  |	As
you									  |	far
think									  |	as
									  >	climate
									  >	problems
									  >	are
									  >	concerned
									  >	is
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
plants									  |	plant
are									  <
the										the
best										best
choice										choice
at										at
the										the
moment										moment
It										It
depends										depends
on										on
whether										whether
we										we
have										have
launched								  |	let
them										them
									  >	down
at										at
the										the
moment										moment
I										I
think										think
it										it
would										would
be										be
a										a
mistake										mistake
to										to
turn										turn
them										them
									  >	around
to										to
concentrate									concentrate
on										on
									  >	the
coal										coal
The										The
									  >	German
economy										economy
of									  <
Germany									  <
is										is
waiting										waiting
for										for
another										another
third										third
fall										fall
since									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	time
									  >	of
the										the
financial									financial
crisis										crisis
and										and
a										a
higher										higher
level										level
of										of
inflation									inflation
Bloomberg									Bloomberg
has									  |	says
come									  |	that
to									  |	the
									  >	GDP
									  >	in
the										the
VVP									  <
country										country
to									  |	will
reduce									  |	decrease
by										by
0.5										0.5
percent										percent
The										The
Minister									Minister
of										of
Economy										Economy
Habig										Habig
warns									  |	talks
about										about
the										the
rising									  |	financial
economic								  <
and									  <
social									  <
crisis										crisis
The										The
A.R.D									  |	number
TV									  |	of
									  >	dissatisfied
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	according
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	request
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	ARD
channel										channel
has										has
grown									  |	increased
to										to
80										80
percent										percent
In										In
all										all
eastern										eastern
Germany										Germany
thousands									thousands
of										of
people										people
continue									continue
to										to
come										come
to										to
the										the
streets										streets
to									  |	for
protest									  |	protests
on										on
Monday										Monday
There										There
are										are
thousands									thousands
of										of
people										people
here									  <
who										who
are										are
afraid										afraid
and										and
worried										worried
about										about
the										the
future										future
on									  |	Will
the									  <
streets									  <
Europe										Europe
is									  |	survive
going									  <
through									  <
the										the
upcoming									upcoming
winter										winter
with										with
the										the
supply									  <
of									  <
gas										gas
									  >	supply
that										that
									  >	it
has										has
accumulated									accumulated
Gas										Gas
in										in
the										the
underground									underground
storage										storage
									  >	of
									  >	Germany
is										is
enough										enough
for										for
two										two
months									  |	maximum
to									  <
two										two
and										and
a										a
half										half
months										months
However									  |	But
there										there
are										are
prognoses								  |	of
									  >	course
									  >	forecasts
both										both
optimistic									optimistic
and										and
very										very
pessimistic									pessimistic
Very										Very
pessimistic									pessimistic
prognoses								  |	forecasts
say										say
that										that
during									  |	European
the									  |	storage
period									  |	at
of									  <
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
gas										gas
selection									selection
									  >	period
in										in
March										March
2023										2023
there									  <
will										will
be									  |	remain
only									  <
about										about
5										5
percent										percent
left									  <
Now										Now
the									  <
urgent										urgent
news										news
is										is
coming										coming
NATO										NATO
is									  |	does
not										not
threatening								  |	represent
									  >	the
									  >	threat
									  >	to
Russia										Russia
It										It
is										is
not										not
looking										looking
for										for
you										you
to										to
believe										believe
that									  <
the										the
confrontation									confrontation
was									  |	This
made									  |	is
by									  <
the									  <
Pentagon								  <
head									  <
comrade										comrade
Osten										Osten
									  >	and
									  >	in
									  >	parallel
so										so
that										that
you										you
understand									understand
NATO										NATO
which										which
is									  |	does
not										not
threatening								  |	represent
the										the
Russian									  |	threat
Federation								  |	to
and									  <
is									  <
not									  <
looking									  <
for									  <
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
and										and
has									  <
never										never
sought										sought
a									  |	any
confrontation									confrontation
will										will
conduct										conduct
its										its
strategic									strategic
nuclear										nuclear
training									training
at										at
a										a
distance									distance
of										of
600										600
miles										miles
from										from
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
but									  |	But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
they										they
are									  |	do
not										not
planning								  |	plan
to										to
act										act
									  >	on
real										real
nuclear										nuclear
ammunition									ammunition
We									  |	For
are									  |	this
bowing									  |	we
									  >	bow
to										to
you										you
In										In
the										the
legs									  |	leg
apparently									apparently
they										they
will										will
be									  |	use
used									  |	nails
cold									  <
and										and
in										in
parallel									parallel
The										The
fire										fire
is										is
huge										huge
in									  <
Belgrade									Belgrade
again										again
The										The
October										October
region										region
is										is
burning										burning
a										a
lot										lot
in										in
the										the
area										area
of										of
the										the
sugar										sugar
plant									  |	factory
We										We
are										are
waiting										waiting
for										for
official									official
information									information
to										to
explain										explain
what										what
happened									happened
This										This
morning										morning
the										the
Armed										Armed
Forces										Forces
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
have										have
already										already
launched								  |	attacked
a									  <
strike									  <
in									  <
the										the
center										center
of										of
the										the
city										city
The										The
strike									  |	blow
took									  |	came
place									  |	on
at									  <
the										the
multi-quarty								  |	multi-party
house									  |	building
Look										Look
There										There
is										is
a										a
hole										hole
in										in
the									  |	some
									  >	kind
									  >	of
candle										candle
at									  |	and
									  >	that's
									  >	it
									  >	And
									  >	I'll
									  >	take
									  >	it
									  >	out
									  >	of
the										the
second									  |	window
door									  |	Go
Don't									  |	straight
go									  |	to
anywhere								  |	the
Don't									  |	roof
go									  |	please
									  >	Run
away										away
The										The
house										house
collapsed								  |	was
									  >	damaged
very										very
severely								  |	strongly
Everything									Everything
was										was
pitch									  |	in
black									  |	the
									  >	smoke
The										The
multi-quarty								  |	multi-party
house									  |	residential
was									  |	building
damaged									  |	received
by									  <
a									  <
significant									significant
damage										damage
and									  |	The
apparently								  |	part
only									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	roof
									  >	is
									  >	destroyed
									  >	by
one										one
of										of
the										the
housing									  |	residential
									  >	apartments
The										The
apartment									apartment
was									  |	became
dark										dark
The									  |	There
glass									  <
was										was
blown									  |	dust
away									  |	in
She's									  |	the
mine									  |	glass
The									  |	My
rocket									  |	wife
									  >	got
									  >	hit
The										The
rocket										rocket
Damn										Damn
it's									  |	the
breaking								  |	rocket
down									  |	will
									  >	break
the										the
house										house
It's										It's
very										very
scary										scary
for										for
the										the
children									children
The										The
child										child
was									  |	got
scared										scared
She										She
already										already
knew										knew
She									  |	that
said									  |	she
I'll									  |	would
run										run
to										to
the										the
bathroom								  |	toilet
and										and
sit									  |	she
with									  |	would
my									  |	run
grandmother								  |	away
The										The
typical										typical
tactics									  |	tactic
of										of
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
in										in
the										the
Kiev										Kiev
regime										regime
are									  |	is
to										to
beat										beat
them										them
as										as
we										we
									  >	can
see										see
in										in
the										the
peaceful									peaceful
quarters								  |	quarter
of									  |	The
the									  <
peaceful									peaceful
city										city
without									  |	doesn't
pursuing								  |	follow
any										any
military									military
goals										goals
									  >	The
									  >	victims
									  >	are
exclusively									exclusively
to									  <
make									  <
sacrifices								  <
among										among
the										the
peaceful									peaceful
residents									residents
Please										Please
No										No
well									  <
actually								  <
nothing										nothing
new										new
I'm									  |	Considering
just									  <
curious									  <
considering								  <
that										that
Ukraine's									Ukraine's
armed										armed
forces										forces
have										have
a										a
large										large
surplus										surplus
of										of
almost									  |	the
1000									  <
Soviet										Soviet
weapons									  |	military
									  >	supplies
it's										it's
obvious										obvious
that										that
									  >	the
Belgrade									Belgrade
is										is
already										already
shooting									shooting
at										at
									  >	the
Western										Western
weapons									  |	armed
And									  |	forces
what									  |	What
did										did
the										the
Western										Western
politicians									politicians
tell										tell
us										us
That										That
there										there
are										are
some										some
restrictions									restrictions
on									  |	in
the									  <
strikes									  <
on									  <
the										the
									  >	Russian
territory									territory
of									  |	By
Russia									  <
And									  <
by									  <
the										the
way										way
this									  |	it's
background								  <
is									  <
very									  <
wonderful								  <
There									  <
is									  <
a										a
									  >	great
story										story
about										about
how										how
they										they
are										are
not										not
looking										looking
for										for
a										a
conflict									conflict
with										with
Russia										Russia
how										how
they										they
do									  |	are
not										not
represent								  |	threatening
the									  <
threat									  <
to									  <
Russia										Russia
It										It
all									  <
reminds										reminds
me										me
God									  <
bless									  <
it									  <
seems									  <
that										that
in										in
1999										1999
the										the
Hollywood									Hollywood
Committee								  |	Commissar
of									  <
March									  <
attacked									attacked
You									  |	It's
know									  |	a
there									  <
are									  <
all									  <
these									  <
fantastic									fantastic
films									  |	movie
where										where
the										the
people									  |	Germans
who									  <
got									  <
to									  <
the									  <
ground									  <
came										came
from										from
March									  |	Mars
running									  |	and
									  >	ran
with										with
blasters									blasters
behind										behind
the										the
ground										ground
who									  |	We
are									  <
wearing									  <
pants									  <
saying									  <
we									  <
are									  <
your									  <
friends									  <
don't										don't
									  >	have
									  >	to
run										run
away									  |	They
Well									  |	are
they									  |	shooting
shoot									  <
at										at
each										each
other										other
What										What
NATO										NATO
is										is
doing										doing
now										now
									  >	and
what										what
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
is										is
doing										doing
now										now
by									  <
the									  <
way									  <
the									  <
European								  <
Union									  <
is										is
also										also
beautiful								  |	great
Do									  |	If
you									  <
understand								  <
when									  <
Mr									  <
Mbarel									  <
if									  <
I									  <
remember								  <
correctly								  <
if									  <
he										he
himself									  |	forgets
maybe									  |	that
forgot									  <
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
diplomat									diplomat
discusses								  |	is
what									  |	talking
destructive								  |	about
blow									  |	the
									  >	offensive
									  >	by
the										the
Russian										Russian
army										army
will									  <
have									  <
I										I
missed										missed
something									something
and									  |	When
when									  <
did										did
he										he
get										get
the										the
general's									general's
call										call
That									  |	It
is									  <
it									  <
seems										seems
now									  |	that
we									  <
have									  <
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
diplomat									diplomat
of										of
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
									  >	is
already										already
commanding									commanding
									  >	the
armed										armed
forces										forces
But										But
what										what
is										is
									  >	the
character									character
here										here
All										All
the										the
time										time
everything									everything
is										is
transferred								  |	upside
from									  |	down
head									  |	For
to									  <
toe									  <
Here									  <
for									  <
example										example
a									  |	the
discussion									discussion
about										about
the									  <
fact									  <
that										that
Russia										Russia
threatens								  |	is
someone									  |	threatening
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	military
with										with
nuclear									  <
weapons									  <
Many									  <
times									  <
it									  <
was									  <
repeated								  <
at									  <
what										what
circumstances									circumstances
Russia										Russia
can										can
use										use
its										its
weapons										weapons
in										in
accordance									accordance
with										with
nuclear										nuclear
doctrine									doctrine
If										If
the										the
image										image
to									  <
put									  <
it									  <
bluntly									  <
is										is
not										not
clear										clear
what										what
									  >	is
the										the
Soviet										Soviet
and										and
then										then
Russian										Russian
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
are									  <
then										then
here										here
is										is
my										my
image										image
You									  |	These
know									  <
experienced									experienced
fighters								  |	soldiers
when										when
they										they
fight										fight
with										with
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
who									  <
do										do
not										not
wish									  |	want
to										to
get										get
into										into
the										the
captivity									captivity
they										they
hold										hold
a										a
grenade										grenade
for										for
themselves									themselves
which									  |	that
is										is
not										not
intended									intended
for										for
the									  |	combat
battle									  <
It										It
is										is
such									  <
a										a
grenade										grenade
that									  |	for
in									  <
the									  <
least									  <
case									  <
you									  <
will									  <
blow									  <
up									  <
to									  <
blow									  <
up									  <
together								  <
with									  <
the									  <
enemy									  <
Our									  <
nuclear										nuclear
weapon									  |	weapons
is									  <
definitely								  <
for										for
									  >	exactly
the										the
same										same
purpose										purpose
And										And
all										all
the									  |	that
things									  <
they										they
are										are
now										now
yelling									  |	shouting
it									  <
is										is
called										called
to										to
achieve										achieve
only										only
one										one
thing										thing
Come										Come
on										on
we										we
will										will
defeat										defeat
you										you
you										you
will										will
admit										admit
defeat										defeat
and										and
in										in
no										no
case									  |	way
will									  <
you										you
									  >	will
bury										bury
us										us
Although									Although
they										they
certainly									certainly
deserve										deserve
this									  |	it
completely								  <
completely									completely
But										But
here									  <
what										what
is										is
interesting									interesting
									  >	here
on										on
all									  <
this										this
									  >	whole
background									background
									  >	is
quite										quite
threatening									threatening
especially									especially
with										with
news										news
about										about
the									  |	conducting
conduct									  <
of									  <
NATO									  <
nuclear										nuclear
studies									  |	NATO
but									  |	training
this									  <
is									  <
really									  <
in										in
fact										fact
the									  |	it
case									  |	is
in										in
such									  |	this
a									  <
situation									situation
to										to
conduct										conduct
nuclear										nuclear
studies									  |	training
it										it
means										means
to									  |	that
enter									  |	they
									  >	are
									  >	entering
the										the
next										next
step										step
of										of
escalation									escalation
What										What
is									  |	does
it										it
needed									  |	need
for									  <
Well										Well
apparently									apparently
it										it
is										is
a										a
threat										threat
from										from
NATO										NATO
to									  <
Russia										Russia
And										And
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
hear										hear
a										a
statement									statement
that										that
sounds										sounds
as									  |	like
if									  <
from										from
the									  |	room
ward									  <
number										number
6										6
because										because
well										well
forgive										forgive
me										me
what										what
Mr										Mr
Barrel									  |	Barely
says									  <
I									  <
have									  <
already										already
said										said
Our									  |	our
beautiful									beautiful
dream									  |	son-in-law
of									  <
Joe									  <
who										who
once									  |	got
again									  <
confused									confused
himself									  |	again
in										in
the										the
history										history
of										of
his										his
own										own
family										family
									  >	and
tells										tells
that										that
his									  |	he
son									  |	has
died									  |	forgotten
in									  <
Iraq									  <
seeing									  <
him									  <
forgetting								  <
how										how
it										it
was										was
in										in
fact										fact
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
nuclear										nuclear
state										state
well									  |	Well
and										and
beautiful								  |	wonderful
speeches								  |	performances
of										of
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
which									  |	who
apparently									apparently
either										either
by									  <
consuming									consuming
something									something
or										or
constantly									constantly
consuming									consuming
something									something
he									  |	brought
realized								  |	some
something								  |	kind
at									  |	of
all									  |	an
about									  |	escalation
the									  <
wheel									  <
starting									starting
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
it										it
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
there									  |	Putin's
are									  |	encirclement
									  >	is
									  >	located
									  >	in
some										some
rags									  |	shackles
around									  <
Putin									  <
rags									  <
that										that
threaten									threaten
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
after										after
50										50
grams										grams
Well										Well
									  >	here
of										of
course										course
you										you
have										have
to										to
bring									  |	lead
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
himself										himself
at										at
least										least
in									  |	14
2014									  |	years
as									  <
he									  <
promised								  <
to									  <
stand									  <
on									  <
his									  <
knees									  <
before										before
Vladimir									Vladimir
Vladimirovich									Vladimirovich
But										But
nevertheless									nevertheless
you										you
know										know
I										I
know									  |	so
									  >	to
									  >	speak
as										as
far										far
as										as
I										I
remember									remember
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
and										and
I										I
have									  |	are
an									  |	concerned
									  >	with
									  >	the
academic									academic
family										family
His									  |	his
father										father
is										is
a										a
teacher										teacher
in										in
Uzov									  |	Uzovo
maybe									  |	perhaps
that's									  |	that
									  >	is
why										why
he										he
doesn't									  |	does
									  >	not
know										know
any									  |	some
concepts									concepts
that										that
for										for
example										example
existed										existed
for										for
people									  |	workers
from									  |	and
working									  |	workers
conditions								  <
There										There
is										is
one										one
such										such
concept										concept
you									  |	You
have									  |	need
to										to
answer										answer
for										for
your										your
own										own
words										words
Of										Of
course										course
I										I
really									  |	would
wanted									  |	like
to										to
see										see
how										how
Mr										Mr
Zelensky									Zelensky
would										would
say										say
all										all
this										this
to										to
those										those
people										people
whose										whose
name										name
he										he
was										was
called										called
a										a
pig										pig
Because									  |	But
as									  <
a									  <
pig									  <
he										he
behaves									  |	leads
himself										himself
Not										Not
one										one
of										of
his										his
speeches								  |	performances
is										is
really									  |	actually
the										the
head										head
of										of
the										the
state										state
Look										Look
at										at
all										all
his										his
speeches								  |	performances
Well										Well
what										what
is										is
it										it
Give										Give
me										me
that										that
give									  |	Give
me										me
that									  |	this
A										A
person										person
who										who
even										even
in										in
his										his
speeches								  |	performances
does										does
not										not
say										say
that										that
he										he
is										is
able										able
to										to
withstand								  |	resist
the										the
independence									independence
of										of
his										his
own										own
state										state
with										with
his										his
own										own
forces										forces
This										This
is										is
simply										simply
not										not
the									  |	possible
case									  <
The										The
problem										problem
is										is
that										that
being									  |	the
an									  |	future
instrument									instrument
of										of
politics									politics
those										those
who										who
want										want
to										to
use										use
it										it
they									  |	does
not										not
only										only
support									  |	represent
themselves								  |	itself
they									  <
are									  <
not										not
only										only
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
people										people
but										but
									  >	also
the										the
same										same
Europeans									Europeans
who										who
are										are
involved									involved
in										in
this										this
Well									  |	When
when									  |	we
they									  |	are
tell									  |	told
us									  <
today										today
that										that
in										in
no										no
case										case
look										look
the										the
same										same
bill										bill
is										is
being										being
presented									presented
how										how
do										do
people										people
who										who
are										are
asked										asked
questions									questions
like										like
Dieter										Dieter
Bolin										Bolin
and									  |	are
what									  |	located
									  >	What
is										is
going									  |	happening
on									  <
around										around
And										And
why										why
are										are
we										we
suffering									suffering
									  >	here
and										and
freezing									freezing
here									  <
The										The
question									question
is										is
do									  |	should
you										you
have									  <
to									  <
suffer										suffer
There										There
are										are
demonstrations									demonstrations
with										with
Stalingrad									Stalingrad
that										that
this										this
is										is
some										some
kind										kind
of										of
madness										madness
Where										Where
does										does
it										it
come										come
from										from
You										You
have										have
to										to
think										think
about										about
something									something
you										you
know										know
They										They
are										are
trying										trying
to										to
think									  |	come
									  >	up
									  >	with
something									something
out									  <
to										to
convince									convince
their										their
people										people
that										that
they										they
are										are
acting										acting
correctly									correctly
The										The
problem										problem
is										is
in										in
one										one
By									  |	thing
turning									  |	Replace
everything									everything
upside									  |	with
down									  |	your
									  >	head
in										in
the										the
end										end
you										you
yourself									yourself
will										will
get										get
to										to
the										the
point										point
of										of
no										no
return										return
And										And
when										when
you										you
again										again
first										first
allow										allow
Ukrainians									Ukrainians
to										to
commit									  |	make
terrorist									terrorist
acts										acts
and										and
as										as
we										we
already										already
know										know
the										the
official									official
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
people									  |	person
with										with
a										a
flat									  |	plate
next									  |	is
to									  |	already
it									  |	openly
will									  <
be									  <
recognized									recognized
as									  <
open									  <
First										First
they										they
are										are
happy										happy
then										then
in										in
other										other
demonstrations									demonstrations
then										then
they										they
take										take
their										their
balance									  |	power
									  >	back
then										then
everything									everything
is										is
clear										clear
to										to
everyone									everyone
absolutely									absolutely
Today									  |	It
the									  <
important								  <
circumstance								  <
it									  <
just									  <
matters									  <
it									  <
is										is
necessary								  |	important
to										to
show										show
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
Kuleba										Kuleba
understanding								  |	today
									  >	He
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	understand
who										who
he										he
is										is
talking										talking
to										to
he									  |	He
announced								  |	said
to										to
our										our
prankers									prankers
to									  |	in
Ovan										Ovan
and										and
Lexus										Lexus
well										well
Kuleba										Kuleba
is										is
the									  <
most									  <
what									  <
is									  <
not										not
									  >	the
real										real
Minister									Minister
of										of
Foreign										Foreign
Affairs										Affairs
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
what									  |	he
is										is
behind									  |	talking
the									  |	about
terrorist									terrorist
attacks									  |	acts
both										both
in										in
Crimea										Crimea
and										and
in										in
Belgrade									Belgrade
									  >	This
is										is
Ukraine										Ukraine
Here										Here
is										is
a										a
clear										clear
heart										heart
confession									confession
if									  |	If
there										there
is										is
a										a
protocol									protocol
somewhere									somewhere
please										please
bring										bring
it										it
we									  |	in
look									  <
If										If
for										for
example										example
you										you
ask										ask
me										me
whether									  |	who
I									  |	explodes
will									  |	in
go									  <
to									  <
Crimea										Crimea
or										or
									  >	in
Belgrade									Belgrade
then										then
in										in
private										private
in									  <
private									  <
communication									communication
how									  |	as
much									  |	long
									  >	as
it										it
can										can
be										be
private										private
in									  <
Zoom									  <
I										I
will										will
tell										tell
you										you
that										that
yes										yes
this										this
is										is
us										us
Well									  |	First
first									  <
of										of
all										all
Crimea										Crimea
is										is
the										the
source										source
of										of
ammunition									ammunition
for										for
the										the
Russian										Russian
army										army
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
the										the
air										air
base										base
for										for
their										their
planes										planes
from										from
which										which
they										they
carry										carry
the										the
blows										blows
Accordingly									Accordingly
the										the
destruction									destruction
of										of
the									  <
bases									  <
of									  <
ammunition									ammunition
and										and
aviation									aviation
									  >	warehouses
in										in
Crimea										Crimea
has										has
a										a
direct										direct
direct									  <
effect										effect
on										on
our										our
combat										combat
readiness								  <
combat									  <
capability									capability
of										of
Russia										Russia
on										on
the										the
motherland									motherland
of										of
the									  |	Ukraine
territory								  |	This
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
Here									  <
is									  <
this									  <
extraordinary									extraordinary
monster										monster
									  >	is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
and										and
a										a
killer										killer
Kuleba										Kuleba
who										who
has										has
taken										taken
the										the
children									children
									  >	and
									  >	wife
									  >	abroad
a										a
dog										dog
as										as
he										he
himself										himself
admitted									admitted
to									  |	sits
									  >	in
the										the
dear										dear
motherland								  |	mother
and										and
tells										tells
Mokfolu									  |	Makfolu
with										with
pleasure									pleasure
how										how
he										he
blows									  |	explodes
up									  <
Russia										Russia
Think									  |	This
again									  <
this									  <
is										is
the										the
official									official
face										face
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
which									  |	that
shows									  |	states
that										that
it										it
is										is
legal										legal
to										to
catch										catch
the									  |	up
furus									  <
with										with
explosives								  |	the
									  >	explosion
on										on
the										the
bridge										bridge
where										where
there									  <
was									  <
not										not
one									  |	a
									  >	single
military									military
object										object
to									  |	was
									  >	and
blow										blow
up										up
people										people
ordinary									ordinary
people										people
a									  <
peaceful									peaceful
population									population
this										this
is										is
a										a
crime										crime
according									according
to										to
the										the
laws										laws
of										of
any										any
state										state
but									  |	But
it										it
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
Europe										Europe
today									  <
legitimizes									legitimizes
									  >	today
moreover									moreover
it										it
states										states
that										that
those										those
who										who
blow									  |	explode
up									  <
and									  <
there									  <
are										are
terrorists									terrorists
and									  |	It
how									  |	is
to									  <
talk									  <
to									  <
such									  <
people									  <
do									  <
not										not
need									  |	necessary
to										to
understand									understand
gentlemen									gentlemen
to										to
count										count
on										on
what										what
the										the
answer										answer
does										does
not										not
follow										follow
immediately								  |	directly
every									  |	Every
time										time
your										your
shell										shell
that									  <
flies										flies
over									  |	through
Belgrade									Belgrade
									  >	it
will										will
return										return
to										to
you										you
but									  |	But
I										I
will										will
remind										remind
you										you
again										again
when										when
you										you
increase									increase
the										the
stakes										stakes
I										I
will									  <
focus										focus
on										on
a									  |	the
person										person
who										who
discusses								  |	is
									  >	discussing
the										the
condition									condition
of										of
cocaine									  |	the
									  >	Kakainov-Pakhmelya
and										and
things										things
in										in
which										which
he										he
has									  |	did
nothing									  |	not
									  >	understand
									  >	anything
at										at
all										all
in									  |	It
principle								  |	is
never									  <
understood								  <
do									  <
not										not
need									  |	necessary
to										to
count										count
on									  <
that										that
Russia										Russia
will										will
not										not
be										be
able										able
to										to
stand										stand
for										for
itself										itself
in										in
the										the
end										end
You										You
take										take
away										away
the										the
main										main
idea										idea
from										from
people										people
that										that
this										this
price										price
will										will
be										be
high										high
for										for
everyone									everyone
including									including
for										for
Europeans									Europeans
there									  |	There
will										will
be										be
no										no
heating										heating
no										no
warmth									  |	heat
and										and
no										no
loss										loss
of										of
some										some
comfort										comfort
Let's										Let's
bring										bring
to									  <
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
our										our
chief										chief
of										of
the										the
American									American
bureau									  |	Bureau
on									  |	directly
direct									  <
connection								  <
from										from
Merion										Merion
this										this
city										city
in										in
Illinois									Illinois
where										where
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
there										there
has										has
been										been
									  >	a
illegal										illegal
punishment									punishment
the										the
hostage										hostage
of										of
the										the
American									American
regime										regime
a									  |	our
wonderful								  |	citizen
absolutely									absolutely
Victor										Victor
Butto										Butto
and										and
he										he
was										was
appointed									appointed
as										as
a									  |	the
ambassador									ambassador
to										to
Russia										Russia
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
Valentin									Valentin
hello										hello
It										It
is										is
not										not
very										very
clear										clear
how										how
to										to
evaluate								  |	respond
									  >	to
the										the
latest									  |	last
statement									statement
of										of
Biden										Biden
about									  |	on
the										the
White										White
House										House
about										about
negotiations									negotiations
then									  |	If
you										you
come										come
to										to
me										me
then									  <
I										I
will										will
not										not
come										come
to										to
you										you
myself										myself
if									  |	If
we										we
are									  |	talk
talking									  <
about										about
a									  |	Griner
foreigner								  <
then									  <
we										we
will										will
									  >	not
talk										talk
about										about
Ukraine										Ukraine
									  >	In
									  >	general
									  >	we
									  >	will
									  >	see
and										and
then										then
the										the
White										White
House										House
states										states
that										that
no										no
no										no
we										we
do										do
not										not
plan										plan
in									  |	any
NABAL									  |	negotiations
at									  |	on
the										the
G20									  |	G-20
summit									  |	itself
Valentin									Valentin
Good										Good
evening										evening
Evgeny										Evgeny
Olga										Olga
									  >	but
how										how
to										to
evaluate									evaluate
them										them
and									  <
how										how
									  >	and
everything									everything
that										that
is										is
happening									happening
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
now										now
through										through
the										the
prism										prism
of										of
intermediate									intermediate
elections									elections
you										you
see										see
behind										behind
my										my
back										back
									  >	the
									  >	whole
									  >	set
									  >	is
									  >	chosen
here										here
they									  |	and
choose									  <
members										members
of										of
the										the
House										House
of										of
Representatives									Representatives
and										and
senators									senators
and										and
so										so
on										on
We										We
are										are
as										as
you										you
said										said
in										in
the									  |	southern
Southern								  <
Illinois									Illinois
this										this
is										is
a										a
rare										rare
place										place
in										in
Illinois									Illinois
in										in
general										general
in										in
the										the
Democratic									Democratic
State										State
where									  |	for
the									  <
Republicans									Republicans
vote									  <
but										but
Biden										Biden
of										of
course										course
is										is
important									important
now										now
any										any
opportunity									opportunity
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
improve										improve
the										the
position									position
of										of
his										his
party										party
before										before
the										the
elections									elections
and										and
of										of
course										course
talks										talks
about										about
the										the
exchange									exchange
of										of
prisoners									prisoners
they										they
go										go
through										through
the										the
context										context
of										of
these										these
elections									elections
Yesterday									Yesterday
we										we
are										are
really										really
15										15
kilometers									kilometers
from										from
there										there
there										there
is										is
a									  |	the
prison									  <
called									  <
Merion										Merion
									  >	prison
Supermax									Supermax
as										as
Americans									Americans
call										call
it										it
special										special
guards										guards
you									  |	it
can't									  |	is
even									  |	impossible
get									  |	to
there									  |	find
for									  <
a										a
kilometer									kilometer
not										not
to										to
shoot										shoot
we										we
were										were
waiting										waiting
for										for
our										our
ambassador									ambassador
Anatoly										Anatoly
Antonov										Antonov
he										he
came										came
out										out
and										and
told										told
us										us
how										how
he										he
feels										feels
									  >	how
he										he
feels										feels
despite										despite
learning								  |	what
									  >	he
									  >	teaches
by										by
the										the
way										way
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
language									language
he										he
									  >	has
already										already
learned										learned
500										500
hieroglyphs									hieroglyphs
but										but
									  >	I
of										of
course										course
I									  |	could
couldn't								  |	not
ask										ask
the										the
head										head
of										of
our										our
deep										deep
mission										mission
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
about										about
the										the
prospects									prospects
of										of
possible									possible
exchange									exchange
and									  |	at
generally								  |	such
about									  |	a
what									  <
stage										stage
everything									everything
is										is
now										now
It									  <
was									  <
very										very
restrained									restrained
Anatoly										Anatoly
Antonov										Antonov
he										he
said										said
that										that
in										in
general										general
these										these
issues										issues
are										are
engaged										engaged
in										in
special										special
services									services
you									  |	it
don't									  |	is
need									  |	not
									  >	necessary
to										to
run										run
here										here
in										in
front										front
of										of
the										the
steam										steam
locomotive									locomotive
our										our
country										country
unlike										unlike
the										the
United										United
States										States
is										is
not										not
engaged										engaged
in										in
speculations									speculations
therefore								  |	we
									  >	have
									  >	no
									  >	one
									  >	on
									  >	this
political									political
points										points
do									  |	wants
not									  <
want									  <
to										to
work										work
at									  |	immediately
the									  <
moment									  <
therefore									therefore
the										the
process										process
is										is
going										going
we										we
will										will
find										find
out										out
everything									everything
in										in
its										its
time										time
Of									  <
course									  <
our									  <
ambassador								  <
commented									commented
on										on
									  >	our
									  >	ambassador
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	and
a										a
very										very
rude										rude
statement									statement
by									  <
Biden									  <
about										about
that									  |	what
he										he
is										is
waiting										waiting
for										for
									  >	that
Putin										Putin
to									  |	himself
									  >	will
come										come
to										to
him										him
himself									  <
of										of
course										course
this										this
will										will
not										not
happen										happen
moreover									moreover
as										as
Anatoly										Anatoly
Antonov										Antonov
said										said
it										it
is										is
absolutely									absolutely
fair										fair
it										it
is										is
not										not
worth										worth
									  >	at
									  >	all
talking										talking
to										to
us										us
in										in
such										such
a										a
tone										tone
and										and
of										of
course										course
there										there
is									  |	will
a									  |	be
									  >	no
positive									positive
reaction									reaction
if										if
they										they
continue									continue
to										to
communicate									communicate
in										in
such										such
a										a
tone										tone
We									  |	Well
talked									  |	we
about									  |	would
the									  |	like
elections								  |	to
of									  |	talk
course									  |	about
it									  |	elections
is									  |	of
very									  |	course
noticeable								  |	here
here									  |	it
when									  |	feels
you									  |	very
are									  |	like
in									  |	a
New									  |	flag
York									  <
you									  <
for									  <
example									  <
see									  <
Ukrainian								  <
flags									  <
everywhere									everywhere
I										I
drove										drove
here										here
about										about
200										200
miles										miles
for										for
the										the
last										last
two										two
days										days
I										I
have										have
not										not
seen										seen
any										any
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
flag										flag
precisely									precisely
due										due
to										to
the										the
people										people
who										who
will										will
come										come
and										and
vote										vote
for										for
someone										someone
from										from
these										these
candidates									candidates
and										and
this										this
statistics									statistics
is										is
formed										formed
by										by
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the										the
number										number
of										of
people										people
who										who
would										would
have									  |	worry
worried									  <
about										about
the										the
defeat										defeat
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
falls										falls
in										in
the										the
United										United
States										States
in										in
May										May
there										there
were										were
55										55
percent										percent
now										now
38										38
percent									  <
this										this
is										is
the										the
American									American
depth										depth
which										which
is										is
increasingly									increasingly
difficult									difficult
to										to
explain										explain
to										to
Biden										Biden
and										and
why										why
such										such
money										money
is										is
allocated									allocated
to										to
the										the
military									military
aid										aid
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
why										why
now										now
in										in
the										the
coming										coming
days										days
									  >	the
bitter										bitter
irony										irony
of										of
the										the
third									  |	world's
									  >	60th
									  >	anniversary
									  >	of
									  >	the
Caribbean									Caribbean
crisis										crisis
and										and
again										again
nuclear										nuclear
escalation									escalation
									  >	and
again										again
we										we
hear										hear
that										that
in										in
Europe										Europe
the										the
United										United
States										States
are										are
going										going
to										to
conduct										conduct
some										some
studies										studies
there										there
is										is
also										also
a										a
very										very
funny										funny
moment										moment
it									  |	in
is									  |	which
clear									  <
that									  <
they										they
are										are
scared									  <
and									  <
afraid										afraid
of										of
the										the
response								  |	reaction
of										of
Russia										Russia
and										and
									  >	they
say										say
that										that
they										they
will										will
be										be
produced									produced
without										without
biocharges								  |	a
									  >	single
									  >	charge
well										well
what										what
are										are
the										the
cold										cold
nuclear										nuclear
charges										charges
will										will
be										be
used										used
well									  |	but
the										the
cold										cold
nuclear										nuclear
charges										charges
will										will
probably									probably
sound										sound
as										as
funny										funny
as										as
									  >	an
									  >	unalcoholic
vodka										vodka
well										well
something									something
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
done										done
something									something
needs										needs
to										to
be										be
somehow									  |	done
need									  |	something
									  >	needs
to										to
ignite									  |	be
the									  |	done
situation								  <
somehow										somehow
									  >	you
need										need
to										to
earn										earn
points										points
on									  |	for
these										these
elections									elections
and										and
yes										yes
of										of
course										course
they										they
became										became
employees									employees
of										of
absolutely								  |	the
fair									  |	Soviet
people									  |	Union
who									  |	but
									  >	in
									  >	some
									  >	cases
									  >	it
									  >	was
once										once
made										made
a										a
bet										bet
									  >	and
these										these
people										people
in										in
particular									particular
Zelensky									Zelensky
									  >	do
not										not
really										really
understanding								  |	understand
how										how
for										for
example										example
there										there
can										can
be										be
nuclear										nuclear
escalation									escalation
how										how
can										can
there										there
be										be
a										a
global										global
conflict									conflict
									  >	at
									  >	all
they										they
make										make
statements									statements
they										they
themselves									themselves
chase									  |	drive
the										the
corner										corner
moreover									moreover
I										I
would										would
compare										compare
here										here
but										but
once										once
they										they
said										said
that										that
Ukraine										Ukraine
leads									  |	is
the									  |	leading
war									  <
on									  <
trust									  <
well									  <
the									  <
Kievan									  <
authorities								  <
are									  <
now									  <
acting									  <
so									  <
black									  <
so									  <
real									  <
they									  <
reaffirmed								  <
this									  <
trust									  <
on									  <
themselves								  <
and										and
already										already
from										from
their									  |	its
own									  <
name										name
are										are
trying										trying
to										to
attract										attract
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
Europe										Europe
of										of
course										course
a										a
very										very
serious										serious
global										global
conflict									conflict
Thank										Thank
you										you
very										very
much										much
Valentin									Valentin
Bogdanov									Bogdanov
the										the
head										head
of										of
our										our
American									American
bureau									  |	office
as									  |	As
for										for
									  >	the
negotiations									negotiations
									  >	show
									  >	us
the										the
latest										latest
statement									statement
of										of
Karin										Karin
Jean-Pierre									Jean-Pierre
where										where
she										she
is									  |	refuses
refusing								  <
negotiations									negotiations
with										with
Putin										Putin
as										as
if										if
Putin										Putin
is										is
trying										trying
to										to
negotiate									negotiate
As										As
for										for
the										the
Breitner-Greiner								Breitner-Greiner
did										did
									  >	the
White										White
House										House
talk										talk
with									  |	to
Moscow										Moscow
about										about
the										the
possibility									possibility
to										to
discuss									  |	meet
the										the
Breitner-Greiner								Breitner-Greiner
on										on
the										the
G20										G20
Is									  |	are
there										there
any										any
movement								  |	updates
on										on
this										this
issue									  |	matter
or										or
can										can
you										you
say										say
something									something
about										about
it										it
President									President
Biden										Biden
said										said
he										he
was										was
not										not
intended								  |	going
to										to
meet										meet
									  >	President
Putin										Putin
and										and
he										he
is										is
firmly									  <
sure										sure
that										that
the										the
Russians									Russians
should										should
accept										accept
this										this
serious										serious
proposal									proposal
which										which
we										we
put										put
on										on
the										the
table										table
or										or
make										make
a										a
serious										serious
meeting										meeting
proposal								  <
about										about
negotiations									negotiations
but										but
in										in
the										the
spirit										spirit
of										of
good										good
will										will
He									  |	Let's
is									  |	start
not									  |	with
intended								  <
to									  <
meet									  <
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
We										We
have										have
said										said
this										this
many										many
times										times
before										before
Breitner-Greiner								Breitner-Greiner
and										and
Paul										Paul
Willan										Willan
were										were
mistaken									mistaken
and										and
we										we
believe										believe
that										that
they										they
should										should
be										be
									  >	released
immediately									immediately
liberated								  |	And
and									  <
it										it
has										has
always										always
been										been
it										it
has										has
always										always
been										been
our										our
position									position
Well										Well
I										I
think										think
the										the
last										last
two										two
days										days
have										have
shown										shown
a									  |	several
few									  <
important									important
things										things
First									  |	The
it									  |	first
									  >	one
will										will
finally										finally
be										be
clear									  |	understood
what									  |	by
the										the
so-called									so-called
economic									economic
logic										logic
is									  |	Look
Take									  <
a									  <
look									  <
at										at
yesterday's									yesterday's
general										general
assembly								  |	elections
voting									  |	at
									  >	the
									  >	UN
									  >	General
									  >	Assembly
How										How
much										much
noise										noise
did									  <
we										we
have									  |	had
from										from
certain										certain
experts										experts
Ah										Ah
once										once
China										China
									  >	and
the										the
second										second
economy										economy
of										of
the										the
world										world
he										he
can										can
say										say
what										what
he										he
wants										wants
And										And
how										how
Did										Did
he										he
risk										risk
it										it
The										The
same										same
thing										thing
How										How
much										much
did									  <
we										we
have										have
and									  |	said
what										what
are									  |	great
our									  <
beautiful								  <
connections									connections
									  >	we
									  >	have
with										with
the										the
Arab										Arab
economic									economic
countries									countries
with										with
the										the
European									European
business									business
I										I
remember									remember
perfectly									perfectly
from										from
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
2014										2014
Yes										Yes
our										our
experts										experts
have										have
never										never
said										said
that										that
Europe										Europe
will										will
not										not
enter										enter
any										any
sanctions									sanctions
against										against
Russia										Russia
									  >	The
German										German
business									business
will										will
not										not
allow										allow
this									  <
to										to
be									  |	do
done									  |	it
We										We
are										are
economically									economically
interdependent								  |	independent
and										and
so										so
much										much
Well										Well
here										here
are										are
the										the
evidence									evidence
The										The
end										end
of										of
									  >	the
economic									economic
thinking									thinking
The										The
end										end
of										of
thinking									thinking
where										where
everything									everything
determines									determines
the										the
economy										economy
About									  |	What
what									  <
some										some
experts										experts
like										like
to										to
say										say
It									  |	about
does									  |	us
									  >	Does
not										not
determine									determine
the									  |	everything
whole									  <
economy									  <
absolutely									absolutely
It										It
determines									determines
political									political
will										will
and										and
political									political
calculation									calculation
From										From
here										here
the										the
second										second
moment										moment
We										We
like										like
it										it
we										we
don't										don't
like										like
it										it
but										but
we										we
enter										enter
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
war										war
Before										Before
that										that
we										we
lived										lived
in										in
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
the										the
world										world
At									  |	We
least									  <
we									  <
convinced									convinced
ourselves									ourselves
									  >	at
									  >	least
that										that
									  >	we
									  >	live
									  >	in
									  >	it
									  >	although
the										the
war										war
is									  |	was
over									  |	boiling
How									  |	What
did									  |	started
									  >	in
									  >	general
our										our
									  >	let's
									  >	say
									  >	the
									  >	defeat
									  >	of
									  >	the
strategic									strategic
Soviet										Soviet
Union										Union
lose									  |	The
									  >	slogan
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	world
the										the
world										world
that										that
was										was
everywhere									everywhere
If									  |	and
									  >	if
the										the
world										world
is										is
a									  |	the
world										world
we									  |	first
									  >	of
									  >	all
									  >	you
can										can
give										give
up										up
									  >	on
certain										certain
conditions									conditions
Secondly								  |	And
									  >	secondly
									  >	and
there										there
is										is
a										a
plan										plan
B										B
if										if
									  >	they
									  >	still
									  >	start
the										the
war										war
will									  <
start									  <
It										It
turns										turns
out										out
that										that
those										those
elites										elites
who										who
are										are
only										only
focused										focused
on										on
the										the
economy										economy
have										have
no										no
plan										plan
B										B
And										And
those										those
elites										elites
who										who
are										are
in									  |	focused
									  >	on
a										a
tough										tough
powerful								  |	power-to-power
knock-off								  <
confrontation									confrontation
they										they
are									  |	turn
defeated								  |	out
They									  |	to
									  >	be
									  >	winners
									  >	and
have										have
a									  <
tactical									tactical
situation								  |	situations
but										but
they										they
have										have
such										such
a										a
plan										plan
And										And
even										even
B										B
and										and
even										even
C										C
They									  |	There
have									  |	is
no										no
restrictions								  |	restriction
that										that
some										some
finances									finances
will									  <
suffer										suffer
some										some
connections									connections
They										They
do										do
not										not
build										build
illusions									illusions
The										The
third										third
moment										moment
is										is
not										not
less										less
important									important
Actually								  |	because
									  >	in
									  >	fact
I										I
say										say
why										why
does										does
Ukraine										Ukraine
look										look
at									  <
it									  <
that										that
way										way
And									  |	and
why										why
does										does
the										the
White										White
House										House
look										look
at									  <
it									  <
that										that
way										way
We									  |	Because
									  >	they
									  >	think
									  >	that
									  >	we
have										have
already										already
said									  |	retreated
this									  |	several
a									  <
few									  <
times										times
This										This
is										is
the										the
logic										logic
with										with
the										the
grain										grain
deal										deal
Ah										Ah
the										the
main										main
economy										economy
we										we
need										need
to										to
go										go
to										to
the										the
decline									  |	retreat
of									  |	with
the									  |	a
European									European
partners								  |	partner
And									  <
now									  <
there										there
will										will
be										be
an									  |	a
elite									  <
layer										layer
that									  |	of
									  >	elite
									  >	there
									  >	who
will										will
propose										propose
a										a
compromise									compromise
Here										Here
is									  |	get
the									  |	an
answer										answer
for									  |	on
the										the
search										search
for										for
compromise									compromise
Why										Why
is									  |	does
Biden										Biden
so									  |	look
angry									  |	that
									  >	way
Because										Because
he										he
considers									considers
our										our
recent										recent
statements									statements
that										that
we										we
are										are
ready										ready
to										to
wait										wait
for										for
Turkey										Turkey
for									  |	to
									  >	propose
a										a
compromise								  |	peaceful
And									  |	regulation
									  >	Oh
you										you
are										are
angry									  |	in
									  >	a
									  >	hurry
guys										guys
but									  |	Yes
you										you
are										are
ready										ready
to										to
retreat										retreat
Well										Well
then										then
we										we
are									  |	strengthen
strengthening								  <
the										the
pressure									pressure
we									  |	We
are									  |	conduct
teaching								  |	training
we									  |	We
are									  |	conduct
doing									  <
something									something
else										else
We										We
are										are
the										the
winners										winners
This									  |	That's
is									  <
the										the
logic										logic
he										he
wants										wants
to										to
impose										impose
And										And
you										you
have										have
lost										lost
The										The
results									  |	result
of										of
the									  |	one
1.5-hour								  |	and
									  >	a
									  >	half
									  >	hour
negotiations									negotiations
by									  |	with
Putin										Putin
and										and
Radogan										Radogan
said										said
that										that
the										the
word										word
Ukraine										Ukraine
has									  |	did
not										not
been									  |	happen
pronounced								  |	not
several									  |	once
times									  |	It
And									  <
it									  <
doesn't										doesn't
matter										matter
they										they
have										have
already										already
thrown										thrown
it										it
into										into
the										the
media										media
They										They
have										have
already										already
created										created
an										an
illusion									illusion
that										that
it										it
was										was
what										what
is										is
the										the
essence										essence
of										of
the										the
information									information
company										company
And										And
the										the
rest										rest
was										was
actually									actually
not										not
how									  |	As
to									  |	they
say										say
whether										whether
he										he
stole										stole
it										it
or										or
he										he
stole										stole
it										it
But										But
what										what
do										do
you										you
want										want
									  >	in
the										the
world										world
we									  |	We
already										already
felt										felt
it										it
Here										Here
is										is
the									  |	a
blow										blow
to										to
Belgrade									Belgrade
Now										Now
at										at
the										the
next										next
moment										moment
at										at
least										least
this										this
is										is
important									important
I										I
think										think
now										now
on										on
all										all
these										these
nuclear										nuclear
answers									  |	response
and										and
the									  |	training
teaching								  <
of										of
NATO										NATO
is									  |	we
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	make
a										a
very										very
simple										simple
logical										logical
step										step
that										that
could										could
make										make
our										our
state										state
opinion									  |	think
get									  |	Get
out										out
of										of
the										the
contract									contract
about										about
all										all
the										the
extensive									extensive
prohibitions									prohibitions
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
tests										tests
that									  |	Which
we										we
are									  |	stand
in									  |	for
After										After
all										all
look										look
what										what
our										our
benefits									benefits
will										will
be										be
First										First
of										of
all										all
we										we
can										can
calmly										calmly
teach									  |	conduct
									  >	training
with										with
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
Where									  |	Diodna
is									  <
one									  <
for										for
example										example
closer										closer
to										to
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
let										let
it										it
be										be
on										on
									  >	the
underground									underground
polygons									polygons
in										in
the										the
Far										Far
East										East
somewhere									somewhere
The										The
second										second
interesting									interesting
moment										moment
of										of
this										this
contract									contract
is										is
the										the
entire									  |	global
system									  <
of									  <
monitoring									monitoring
									  >	system
of										of
the										the
entire										entire
land										land
The										The
stations									stations
have										have
confused									confused
the										the
entire										entire
land										land
mostly									  |	for
									  >	example
									  >	the
American									American
ones										ones
The										The
Russian										Russian
participation									participation
gives										gives
									  >	a
full										full
attention								  |	understanding
to									  |	of
the										the
rings										rings
of										of
these										these
stations									stations
which									  <
are									  <
given									  <
in									  <
the									  <
center									  <
of										of
Vienna									  <
corresponding								  <
to									  <
the										the
information								  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	in
									  >	Vienna
Let's										Let's
imagine										imagine
that										that
Russia										Russia
is										is
leaving										leaving
There									  |	What
are									  |	about
no									  |	the
rings										rings
of										of
the										the
land										land
Billions								  |	The
									  >	billions
and										and
billions									billions
of									  |	that
which									  <
have									  <
been									  <
invested								  <
by									  <
the										the
United										United
States										States
									  >	have
									  >	invested
in										in
these										these
stations									stations
go									  |	are
									  >	going
nowhere										nowhere
They										They
just										just
don't										don't
need										need
it										it
Then										Then
I										I
would										would
look										look
at									  |	like
the										the
									  >	US
President									President
of									  <
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
in										in
front										front
of										of
his										his
congress									congress
for										for
such										such
an										an
empty										empty
waste										waste
With										With
the										the
right										right
approach									approach
our									  |	we
counter-sanctions							  |	don't
can									  |	have
be									  |	much
very									  |	money
painful									  <
and										and
cost									  |	we
us									  |	don't
very									  |	have
little									  |	much
									  >	to
									  >	spend
We										We
just										just
need										need
to										to
understand									understand
that										that
the										the
civilization									civilization
of										of
the										the
world										world
has									  |	is
ended									  |	over
The										The
logic										logic
of										of
trade										trade
has									  |	is
ended									  |	over
The										The
logic										logic
of										of
economic									economic
benefits									benefits
and										and
preferences									preferences
has									  |	is
ended									  |	over
We										We
have										have
entered										entered
									  >	into
the										the
civilization									civilization
and									  |	where
the										the
									  >	border
war										war
has									  |	becomes
become									  |	a
normal									  |	norm
We									  |	Let's
take										take
away									  <
the										the
sarmats										sarmats
and										and
start										start
to									  |	the
destroy									  |	world
them									  |	war
The										The
sarmats										sarmats
won't										won't
believe										believe
Olga										Olga
what's										what's
the										the
problem										problem
They									  |	The
									  >	sarmats
won't										won't
believe										believe
in									  |	They
the									  <
sarmats									  <
But									  <
they									  <
will										will
believe										believe
in									  <
the									  <
destruction								  <
of									  <
the									  <
energy									  <
infrastructure								  <
of									  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
The										The
threat										threat
of										of
some										some
American									American
should										should
be										be
credit-able									credit-able
As										As
Zelensky									Zelensky
says										says
we										we
will										will
drink										drink
50										50
If										If
possible									possible
this										this
is										is
an										an
amazing										amazing
statement									statement
Dear										Dear
citizens									citizens
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
you										you
have										have
in									  <
mind									  <
a										a
man									  |	person
who										who
talks									  |	is
									  >	talking
about										about
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
His										His
surroundings									surroundings
his										his
sarmats									  |	shoes
They									  |	they
are										are
not										not
even										even
dogs										dogs
They										They
are										are
just										just
sarmats									  |	shoes
Each										Each
of										of
them										them
will										will
drink										drink
50										50
grams										grams
of										of
vodka										vodka
and										and
shout										shout
we										we
will										will
use										use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
tomorrow									tomorrow
What										What
is										is
it										it
He										He
literally									literally
drank										drank
smelled										smelled
at										at
that										that
moment										moment
He										He
promised									promised
us										us
preventive									preventive
									  >	and
nuclear										nuclear
weapons									  |	Is
Or									  |	he
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	person
									  >	or
maybe										maybe
some										some
other										other
Show										Show
us										us
the										the
fragment									fragment
Do										Do
you										you
believe										believe
in									  |	or
									  >	do
									  >	you
									  >	believe
the										the
possibility									possibility
of										of
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
by										by
Russia										Russia
And									  |	What
what									  <
would										would
you										you
like										like
NATO										NATO
to										to
do										do
to										to
stop										stop
Russia										Russia
from										from
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
What										What
should										should
NATO										NATO
do										do
What										What
NATO									  <
should										should
									  >	NATO
do										do
									  >	It
is										is
									  >	to
exclude										exclude
the										the
possibility									possibility
of										of
using										using
									  >	Russian
									  >	nuclear
									  >	weapons
									  >	What
									  >	should
									  >	NATO
									  >	do
									  >	They
									  >	should
									  >	use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
by									  <
Russia									  <
Preventive									Preventive
strikes										strikes
so										so
that										that
they										they
know										know
what										what
will										will
happen										happen
to										to
them										them
Preventive									Preventive
strikes										strikes
so										so
that										that
they										they
know										know
what										what
will										will
happen										happen
to										to
them										them
if										if
they										they
use										use
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
They									  |	On
on									  <
the										the
contrary									contrary
									  >	they
are										are
waiting										waiting
for										for
nuclear										nuclear
strikes										strikes
in										in
Russia										Russia
to										to
be										be
said										said
later										later
Oh										Oh
and									  |	you
so									  |	are
it									  |	right
turns									  |	Well
out									  |	here
To									  |	we
review									  |	are
their									  |	Look
									  >	over
									  >	the
use										use
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	own
To										To
review										review
their									  |	the
use										use
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	pressure
									  >	That's
									  >	what
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	NATO
									  >	should
									  >	do
To										To
review										review
their									  |	the
									  >	order
									  >	of
use										use
Listen										Listen
about										about
the										the
Shchinka								  |	tank
As									  |	You
									  >	know
									  >	as
our										our
president									president
says										says
Shchinka								  |	the
									  >	tank
is										is
an									  |	called
empiric									  |	the
									  >	tank
									  >	is
									  >	the
property									property
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	empire
The										The
aim										aim
is										is
to										to
shake										shake
the										the
alpha-dogs								  |	alpha-dog
in										in
everything									everything
Alpha-dogs								  |	The
									  >	alpha-dog
in										in
this										this
case										case
is										is
the										the
West										West
which										which
behaves										behaves
like									  |	as
a									  |	the
kingdom										kingdom
that									  |	of
has									  |	the
never									  |	crooked
been									  |	mirrors
threatened								  |	Never
by									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	side
									  >	of
Russia										Russia
									  >	the
									  >	threat
									  >	of
using										using
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
Russia										Russia
subsequently									subsequently
explains									explains
that										that
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
can										can
be										be
used										used
if									  |	In
there									  |	the
is									  |	case
a									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	emergence
									  >	the
threat										threat
									  >	is
directly									directly
on										on
our										our
country										country
And										And
now										now
the										the
same										same
goes										goes
on										on
At										At
that										that
moment										moment
when										when
the										the
terrorist									terrorist
wave										wave
from										from
									  >	the
									  >	side
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
begins									  |	is
to									  |	growing
sound									  |	it
exactly									  |	is
at										at
that									  |	this
moment										moment
that										that
Russia										Russia
is										is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
Russia										Russia
is										is
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
Okay										Okay
the										the
statement									statement
of										of
this										this
PIKFIK									  |	Pikviksky
club										club
									  >	Passe
there										there
are										are
									  >	these
resolutions									resolutions
in										in
the										the
Congress									Congress
in										in
the										the
Senate										Senate
let's									  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	of
									  >	America
									  >	Let's
look										look
at										at
it										it
calmly										calmly
During										During
all										all
the										the
									  >	time
									  >	of
									  >	the
military									military
clashes										clashes
Russia										Russia
has										has
made										made
at										at
least										least
one										one
terrorist									terrorist
act										act
in										in
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
At										At
least										least
one										one
diversion									diversion
in										in
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
If										If
that										that
were										were
the										the
case										case
we										we
would										would
have										have
already										already
heard										heard
about										about
it										it
from										from
every										every
threat										threat
Now										Now
serious										serious
strikes										strikes
of										of
Russia										Russia
on										on
infrastructure									infrastructure
have										have
double										double
let's										let's
say										say
importance									importance
on										on
Ukraine										Ukraine
And										And
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
even										even
according									according
to										to
the									  <
official									official
statements									statements
of										of
the										the
Ukrainian								  <
officials									officials
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
unfortunately									unfortunately
									  >	much
									  >	less
									  >	peaceful
									  >	people
than										than
to									  |	excuse
forgive									  |	me
them									  |	the
tragically								  |	tragic
									  >	ones
who										who
have										have
already										already
been									  <
shot										shot
in									  |	Donetsk
the									  <
head									  <
And										And
in										in
this										this
situation									situation
Russia										Russia
is										is
accused										accused
of										of
being										being
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
In										In
fact										fact
this										this
is										is
a									  |	the
cruel									  |	king
mirror									  |	of
The									  |	the
									  >	crooked
									  >	mirrors
									  >	the
situation									situation
is										is
turned										turned
upside										upside
down										down
because									  |	Because
it										it
is										is
clear										clear
and										and
now										now
the										the
public										public
opinion										opinion
of										of
the										the
West										West
begins									  |	starts
to										to
be									  |	become
more										more
and										and
more										more
realize									  |	aware
that										that
Ukraine										Ukraine
is										is
engaged										engaged
in										in
terror										terror
then										then
let's										let's
declare										declare
that										that
in									  |	the
									  >	terrorist
									  >	state
									  >	is
									  >	Russia
									  >	In
fact										fact
									  >	it
									  >	is
a										a
very										very
important									important
moment										moment
President								  |	to
analyzing								  |	realize
what										what
is										is
happening									happening
lately										lately
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
called										called
it										it
in										in
fact										fact
the										the
case										case
of										of
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
and										and
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
organization									organization
But										But
for										for
us										us
it									  |	I
seems									  |	think
to									  <
me									  <
it										it
is										is
very										very
important									important
to										to
understand									understand
This										This
is										is
not										not
just										just
an									  <
additional									additional
punishment								  |	cursing
that										that
we										we
have										have
put										put
there										there
Nazi										Nazi
authoritarian									authoritarian
let's										let's
still										still
call										call
it										it
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
No										No
it									  |	this
changes									  |	is
									  >	changing
the										the
quality										quality
of										of
our										our
interaction									interaction
The										The
Nazi									  <
organization								  <
of									  <
the									  <
country										country
may										may
not										not
be										be
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
Spain										Spain
was										was
a									  <
fascist										fascist
but										but
it										it
was										was
not										not
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
If										If
we										we
have										have
faced										faced
a										a
terrorist									terrorist
state										state
this										this
									  >	is
									  >	a
terrorist									terrorist
organization									organization
									  >	This
is										is
essentially								  |	in
									  >	fact
the										the
case										case
of										of
other										other
approaches									approaches
life										life
approaches									approaches
This										This
means										means
that										that
we										we
need										need
to										to
seriously									seriously
strengthen									strengthen
the										the
internal									internal
security									security
the										the
work										work
of										of
our										our
special										special
services									services
this									  |	internal
									  >	stability
									  >	This
means										means
that										that
we										we
will									  <
get										get
additional									additional
opportunities									opportunities
and									  <
additional								  <
rights									  <
to										to
strike									  |	apply
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	to
									  >	attack
not										not
only										only
according								  |	on
to									  <
the									  <
infrastructure									infrastructure
but										but
also										also
according								  |	on
to									  <
a										a
separate									separate
character									character
who										who
deserves									deserves
it										it
Let's										Let's
go										go
back										back
If										If
you										you
ever										ever
make										make
me										me
an										an
application								  |	offer
									  >	then
I										I
will										will
feel										feel
like										like
a										a
man										man
Final										Final
Today										Today
is									  |	at
the									  |	20.21
20th									  <
Donisimo									Donisimo
a									  |	A
collection									collection
of										of
unrecognizable									unrecognizable
tastes										tastes
cottage										cottage
cheese										cheese
such									  |	Such
a										a
different									different
pleasure									pleasure
Magnit										Magnit
buy									  |	Buy
cheaper										cheaper
									  >	Among
									  >	the
									  >	vegetables
									  >	it's
									  >	better
This										This
week										week
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	Big
									  >	Festa
is										is
dedicated									dedicated
to										to
the										the
one										one
for									  |	who
whom									  |	was
you									  |	chosen
chose									  |	by
the										the
wedding										wedding
host										host
Now										Now
you										you
choose										choose
Two										Two
potatoes								  <
free										free
									  >	potatoes
or										or
two										two
									  >	wooden
potatoes									potatoes
for										for
the									  |	one
village									  <
for									  <
the									  <
price										price
									  >	Millions
of										of
one									  |	people
									  >	choose
Fetalax										Fetalax
a										a
relaxing									relaxing
food										food
tablet										tablet
									  >	based
on										on
the									  <
basis									  <
of									  <
fruits										fruits
Try									  |	To
the									  |	be
new										new
one									  <
Fetalax										Fetalax
									  >	with
marmalade									marmalade
berries										berries
Only										Only
one										one
for									  |	at
a									  <
night										night
for										for
a										a
comfortable									comfortable
entertainment									entertainment
in										in
the										the
morning										morning
Fetalax									  |	It
from									  <
Evalar									  <
does										does
not										not
cause										cause
spasms										spasms
and										and
air										air
									  >	Fetalax
									  >	from
									  >	Evalar
Hello										Hello
Al										Al
You										You
are									  |	will
going									  <
to									  <
fall										fall
									  >	right
now										now
Fetiora									  |	Feters
you									  <
will									  <
play									  <
again										again
The										The
main										main
prize									  |	dish
is									  |	of
the										the
kitchen										kitchen
And										And
also										also
the									  |	cold
fridge									  <
coffee										coffee
machine									  <
electric									electric
grill										grill
there									  |	There
are										are
thousands									thousands
of										of
presents									presents
Thousands								  |	Do
Yes									  |	you
Sign									  |	want
up									  |	to
register								  |	win
your									  |	Fetalax
cheque									  |	Fetalax
and									  |	Fetalax
participate								  |	I
Wait									  |	am
for									  |	born
the									  |	in
guests									  |	Russia
Wait									  |	I
for									  |	win
the									  <
guests									  <
Wait									  <
for									  <
the									  <
guests									  <
The									  <
day									  <
of									  <
the									  <
birth									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Russian									  <
team									  <
wins									  <
two										two
tickets										tickets
out									  |	from
of									  <
three										three
Do										Do
you										you
know										know
what										what
you									  <
can										can
arrange									  |	be
									  >	done
for										for
0%										0%
online										online
and										and
immediately									immediately
on										on
the										the
map										map
Do										Do
you										you
think										think
this										this
is										is
impossible									impossible
It									  |	Maybe
is									  <
possible								  <
Choose									  <
an									  <
order									  <
on									  <
the									  <
favorable								  <
conditions								  <
to									  <
compare									  <
Choose										Choose
									  >	a
									  >	ticket
									  >	for
									  >	free
									  >	If
									  >	you
									  >	choose
									  >	a
									  >	ticket
									  >	then
									  >	choose
the										the
best										best
Bankers									  |	Banker
choose										choose
the									  |	free
profitable								  |	ticket
loan									  |	for
and									  |	free
loan									  |	Everything
All									  |	is
online										online
I										I
have									  |	am
three									  |	very
options									  |	pleased
Bankers									  |	The
									  >	price
									  >	is
									  >	excellent
									  >	Banker
									  >	will
bring										bring
everyone									everyone
In									  |	You
Eldorado								  |	are
guarantee								  |	ready
of									  <
low									  <
price									  <
for									  <
everything								  <
I										I
saw										saw
									  >	it
lower										lower
Most										Most
likely										likely
This										This
is										is
a										a
duck										duck
And										And
if										if
it										it
is										is
not										not
a										a
duck										duck
we										we
will										will
throw										throw
you										you
the										the
price										price
even										even
lower										lower
than										than
you										you
saw										saw
Smartphone									Smartphone
Realme										Realme
C30										C30
for										for
11,999										11,999
rubles										rubles
Eldorado								  |	El
									  >	Dorado
									  >	What
									  >	medicine
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	bison
The										The
most									  |	best
profitable								  |	is
price									  <
Melatonin								  <
Evalar									  <
Available								  <
up										up
to										to
60%										60%
Novinka										Novinka
Glycyn										Glycyn
plus										plus
melatonin									melatonin
in										in
one										one
tablet									  |	pill
Reduce									  |	It
the									  |	reduces
anxiety										anxiety
and										and
speed									  |	speeds
									  >	up
									  >	the
									  >	fall
Glycyn										Glycyn
plus										plus
melatonin									melatonin
Evalar										Evalar
Double										Double
action										action
On									  |	Movie
									  >	on
weekends									weekends
Tell										Tell
me										me
What									  |	about
is									  <
your										your
scenario								  |	script
The										The
main										main
heroine										heroine
experiences									experiences
everything									everything
Love									  <
And										And
love										love
									  >	And
									  >	the
									  >	gift
									  >	of
									  >	love
She										She
goes										goes
through										through
all										all
the										the
circles										circles
Yes									  <
And										And
then										then
Do									  |	when
you									  |	she
return									  |	comes
your									  |	back
love									  |	she
She									  <
forgives									forgives
him										him
Beautiful									Beautiful
fairy										fairy
tale										tale
She										She
always										always
preferred									preferred
psychological									psychological
drama										drama
She										She
should										should
not										not
forgive										forgive
him										him
She										She
should										should
let									  |	forgive
him										him
go									  |	She
									  >	should
									  >	forgive
									  >	him
									  >	Shut
									  >	up
On										On
Saturday									Saturday
and										and
Sunday										Sunday
At									  |	at
12.55										12.55
On									  |	on
the										the
channel										channel
of									  <
Russia										Russia
200										200
weeks										weeks
For										For
those										those
who										who
want										want
to										to
know										know
the										the
main										main
thing										thing
is										is
to										to
make										make
a										a
full										full
picture										picture
and										and
make										make
a										a
reliable									reliable
decision									decision
200										200
weeks										weeks
With									  |	with
Dmitry										Dmitry
Kiselyov								  |	Kiselev
Sunday										Sunday
at										at
20.00										20.00
Dmitry									  <
Kiselyov								  <
You										You
don't										don't
know										know
how										how
I										I
feel									  |	live
without										without
you										you
I										I
cry										cry
Amazing										Amazing
movie										movie
I										I
really										really
liked										liked
it										it
It										It
touched										touched
my										my
soul										soul
Do										Do
you										you
live									  <
physically									physically
Everything								  |	experience
									  >	everything
they										they
feel										feel
Are									  |	Super
you									  |	movie
crazy									  |	Hands
									  >	off
The										The
effects										effects
are										are
cool										cool
Goliubov								  <
is									  <
breathing								  <
The										The
final									  |	effects
battle									  |	are
is									  |	really
very									  |	cool
effective								  <
Today										Today
I										I
was										was
shown										shown
									  >	the
video										video
footage										footage
of										of
the										the
combat									  |	weaponry
ammunition								  <
Lancet										Lancet
Concert									  |	The
									  >	concert
of										of
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
A									  <
well-known								  <
arms									  <
company									  <
The										The
									  >	famous
									  >	company
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	probably
									  >	the
name										name
of										of
one										one
of										of
the										the
most										most
famous										famous
Soviet										Soviet
people										people
Mikhail										Mikhail
Timofeevich									Timofeevich
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
demonstrated								  |	showed
the									  |	what
means									  |	kind
of										of
armed									  |	weaponry
fighting								  |	the
The									  |	concert
Concert									  <
of										of
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
presents								  |	puts
to									  |	in
the										the
armed									  |	weaponry
forces									  <
of										of
									  >	all
Russia										Russia
We										We
need										need
a										a
thousand								  |	foreign
									  >	defense
									  >	order
									  >	for
									  >	thousands
									  >	of
such										such
controlled									controlled
kamikaze									kamikaze
drones									  |	drones
Not									  <
just									  <
one									  <
but									  <
two									  <
We										We
will										will
solve									  |	decide
the										the
problem									  |	task
Thanks									  |	with
to									  |	the
									  >	help
									  >	of
our										our
colleagues									colleagues
but									  |	We
we									  <
have										have
our										our
own										own
developments									developments
Let's										Let's
fund										fund
them										them
as										as
much										much
as										as
possible									possible
									  >	to
launch										launch
them									  <
and										and
add									  |	equip
them									  <
to									  <
the										the
army									  |	weapons
The										The
automatic									automatic
automatic								  <
AK-12										AK-12
is										is
also									  |	the
what									  |	same
									  >	that
our										our
armed										armed
forces										forces
receive									  |	get
today										today
From										From
the										the
point										point
of										of
view										view
of										of
ergonomics									ergonomics
development								  |	the
Today									  |	necessary
we									  <
need									  <
weight										weight
picatinny								  <
and									  <
night										night
vision										vision
devices										devices
That's									  |	is
what										what
we										we
need										need
today										today
for										for
effective									effective
combat										combat
And										And
									  >	the
most										most
importantly								  |	important
									  >	is
this										this
high-precision									high-precision
weapon										weapon
controlled									controlled
									  >	by
ammunition									ammunition
For									  |	both
									  >	for
artillery									artillery
systems										systems
as									  |	and
well									  <
as									  <
for										for
our										our
aircraft								  <
helicopters									helicopters
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	army
									  >	aviation
All										All
this										this
is										is
Kalashnikov									Kalashnikov
Today									  |	One
we									  |	company
are									  |	which
									  >	in
									  >	one
									  >	concert
									  >	is
able										able
to										to
give										give
everything									everything
we									  |	that
need									  |	is
especially								  |	needed
for									  |	including
the										the
success										success
of										of
									  >	a
special										special
military								  |	operation
operations								  <
100%										100%
advancements								  |	advance
the									  <
defense									  <
of										of
the										the
									  >	defense
order										order
and										and
all										all
this										this
									  >	the
weapons										weapons
must										must
go										go
to										to
the										the
army										army
Effectively								  |	and
									  >	effectively
apply										apply
the										the
same										same
way										way
as										as
we										we
saw										saw
it										it
today										today
And										And
most										most
importantly									importantly
this										this
is										is
a										a
good										good
picture										picture
for										for
the										the
information									information
war										war
Because										Because
Lancet										Lancet
transmits								  |	is
									  >	transmitting
images										images
live										live
until										until
the										the
moment										moment
of										of
the										the
final									  |	defeat
goal									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	specific
									  >	target
As										As
for										for
the										the
strike									  |	strikes
on									  <
Belgrade								  <
there									  <
must									  <
be									  <
a									  <
threat									  <
The									  <
attack									  <
and									  <
the									  <
strike									  <
on										on
Belgrade									Belgrade
									  >	this
is										is
a										a
continuation									continuation
of										of
the										the
attack									  |	attacks
and										and
strikes										strikes
on										on
the										the
Crimean										Crimean
bridge										bridge
That's									  |	That
									  >	is
why										why
we										we
need										need
a									  <
threat									  <
We									  <
have									  <
to										to
									  >	take
									  >	action
									  >	We
									  >	must
lead										lead
the										the
war										war
Special									  |	combat
military								  |	action
operations								  |	special
means									  |	war
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	operation
									  >	having
									  >	in
									  >	mind
that										that
any										any
object										object
in										in
the										the
form										form
of										of
a										a
system									  |	structure
that										that
weakens										weakens
the										the
regime										regime
is									  |	of
a									  |	Zelensky
legitimate									legitimate
goal										goal
Including								  |	including
the										the
bank										bank
system										system
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
National								  |	national
processing									processing
centers										centers
All									  <
this										this
is										is
a										a
swamp										swamp
that										that
is										is
fighting									fighting
against										against
us										us
Nazis										Nazis
Their									  |	their
maps										maps
must										must
be										be
zeroed										zeroed
This									  |	it
is										is
done										done
with										with
a										a
strike									  |	blow
on									  |	of
the									  <
high-precision									high-precision
weapon									  |	weapons
according									according
to										to
the										the
corresponding									corresponding
processing									processing
center									  |	centers
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
And									  |	Well
I										I
support										support
Saeva									  |	Isaev
Kuleba										Kuleba
must										must
answer										answer
for										for
his										his
words										words
We'll									  |	specifically
be									  |	Let's
right									  |	go
back										back
What										What
is										is
the										the
matter									  |	case
I'll									  |	I
go									  |	pass
through									  <
the										the
witnesses								  |	witness
Which									  |	What
one									  |	is
									  >	the
									  >	case
Svetlana									Svetlana
Akimova									  |	Akimov
The									  <
library										library
You									  |	Are
are									  |	you
the										the
captain										captain
of										of
the										the
area										area
There									  |	How
are									  |	many
several									  <
girls										girls
at									  |	did
once									  |	you
									  >	call
She										She
is										is
my										my
informant									informant
You									  |	Good
have									  <
a									  <
good									  <
informant									informant
The									  <
first									  <
premiere								  <
of										of
the									  |	you
week									  <
on									  <
the									  <
channel									  <
Russia									  <
In										In
Magnit									  |	the
									  >	magnet
you										you
win										win
prizes										prizes
and										and
a										a
certificate									certificate
for										for
the										the
party										party
									  >	organization
Buy										Buy
the										the
products									products
of										of
the										the
part										part
of										of
the										the
action										action
at									  |	from
299										299
rubles										rubles
download									download
the										the
mobile										mobile
application									application
and										and
participate									participate
in										in
the										the
giveaway								  |	distribution
Magnit									  |	The
									  >	magnet
marks										marks
dreams										dreams
and										and
fulfills									fulfills
them										them
The										The
VTB										VTB
team										team
offers										offers
a									  |	permission
decision								  |	to
Order									  |	order
a										a
free										free
map									  |	card
from										from
VTB										VTB
You									  <
get										get
1000									  |	a
									  >	thousand
rubles										rubles
What									  |	cashback
are									  |	2%
									  >	for
									  >	everything
									  >	that
you										you
									  >	are
used										used
to										to
And									  |	and
the									  |	pay
payment									  <
is									  <
already									  <
free									  <
Show									  <
the										the
									  >	GKH
									  >	without
									  >	commission
									  >	order
									  >	a
free										free
map									  |	card
to									  |	from
the									  <
VTB										VTB
right										right
now										now
Come									  |	go
to										to
the									  <
VTB										VTB
Everything								  |	everything
will										will
work										work
out										out
Compact									  |	a
									  >	compact
dishwasher									dishwasher
with										with
Wi-Fi									  |	wi-fi
Electric								  |	electric
grill										grill
Laser									  <
navigation								  <
robot										robot
									  >	with
									  >	laser
									  >	navigation
from										from
Medea										Medea
With									  |	with
discounts									discounts
up										up
to										to
50%										50%
No									  |	come
									  >	on
									  >	let's
									  >	go
In										In
the										the
middle										middle
of										of
the										the
world										world
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
the										the
best										best
Galina										Galina
Kirillovna									Kirillovna
This										This
week										week
of										of
the										the
Big										Big
Festa										Festa
is										is
dedicated									dedicated
to										to
the										the
one										one
who									  |	for
was									  |	whom
chosen									  |	you
by									  |	chose
the										the
wedding										wedding
host										host
Two									  |	now
									  >	you
									  >	choose
									  >	two
free										free
potatoes								  |	cards
or										or
two										two
potatoes								  |	wooden
from									  |	cards
the									  <
village									  <
One									  <
for										for
the										the
price										price
									  >	of
									  >	one
									  >	Happy
									  >	birthday
Buy										Buy
energy										energy
drinks										drinks
from										from
Tornado										Tornado
and										and
you									  <
win										win
millions									millions
of										of
rubles										rubles
Magnit									  |	VTB
marks									  |	is
									  >	celebrating
dreams										dreams
and										and
fulfills									fulfills
them										them
									  >	Happy
									  >	birthday
									  >	Happy
									  >	birthday
Millions									Millions
of										of
people										people
are										are
choosing									choosing
Fetalax										Fetalax
a										a
relaxing									relaxing
food										food
tablet										tablet
									  >	based
on										on
the									  <
basis									  <
of									  <
fruits										fruits
Try									  |	try
a									  |	the
new										new
one										one
Fetalax										Fetalax
marmalade									marmalade
berries										berries
Only									  |	only
one										one
									  >	at
									  >	night
for										for
									  >	a
									  >	comfortable
									  >	entertainment
									  >	in
the										the
night									  |	morning
It									  |	does
doesn't									  |	not
cause										cause
spasms										spasms
and										and
air										air
Fetalax										Fetalax
from										from
Evalar									  |	Evolar
Bankeru									  <
is										is
equipped									equipped
with										with
Asaga										Asaga
With									  |	with
a										a
profit										profit
of										of
up										up
to										to
74%										74%
Bankeru									  |	the
									  >	bank
brings										brings
everyone									everyone
out									  |	a
And									  |	profit
gives									  |	of
1000									  |	1,000
rubles										rubles
for										for
fuel										fuel
Do									  |	do
you										you
know										know
what										what
									  >	you
can										can
be									  |	do
equipped								  |	to
with									  |	get
a										a
0%										0%
discount									discount
Online									  |	online
and										and
immediately									immediately
on										on
the										the
map										map
Do									  |	do
you										you
think										think
it's									  |	this
									  >	is
impossible									impossible
It's									  |	maybe
possible								  |	choose
Choose									  <
a										a
design									  |	discount
for									  <
comfortable								  <
conditions								  <
on										on
the										the
comparison								  |	profitable
If									  |	conditions
									  >	if
you										you
choose										choose
a										a
design									  |	discount
then										then
compare										compare
Choose									  |	choose
the										the
best										best
In									  <
Eldorado								  <
the									  <
guarantee								  <
of									  <
low									  <
price									  <
for									  <
everything								  <
I										I
saw										saw
									  >	it
lower										lower
Most									  |	and
likely									  |	most
This									  |	importantly
									  >	this
is										is
a										a
duck										duck
And									  |	and
if										if
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
not										not
a										a
duck										duck
we'll									  |	we
throw									  |	will
you									  |	remove
the									  |	it
price									  <
even										even
lower										lower
than										than
you										you
saw										saw
Realme										Realme
C35										C35
smartphone									smartphone
for										for
11,999										11,999
rubles										rubles
Eldorado									Eldorado
We										We
know									  |	met
each									  |	already
other									  |	after
Movie									  |	one
on									  |	fall
weekends								  |	weekend
When									  |	cinema
									  >	when
I										I
was										was
betrayed									betrayed
by										by
a										a
person										person
I										I
loved										loved
I										I
don't										don't
understand									understand
What									  |	what
are										are
you										you
talking										talking
about										about
He									  |	he
left									  |	went
us									  |	to
Together								  |	Moscow
with									  |	where
Vera									  |	did
									  >	he
									  >	go
Olga										Olga
Arndt-Golz								  |	Arngoltz
Why									  |	why
don't									  |	can't
we										we
turn										turn
to									  |	back
the										the
past										past
Alexey										Alexey
Fatiev										Fatiev
We									  |	we
have										have
a										a
real										real
one										one
Your									  |	your
husband										husband
is										is
changing								  |	cheating
you									  <
He									  <
loves									  <
you										you
I'm									  |	and
pregnant									pregnant
You									  |	you
can't										can't
go										go
to									  |	twice
									  >	into
the										the
same										same
house									  |	stomach
twice									  <
That's									  <
it									  <
I										I
don't										don't
love										love
her										her
There									  |	and
									  >	the
									  >	child
should										should
be										be
a									  |	your
father										father
for									  |	9th
the									  |	of
baby									  |	August
Episode									  |	9th
9									  |	of
Jack									  |	August
									  >	Zhenya
I've										I've
decided										decided
I										I
don't										don't
want										want
to										to
stay										stay
without										without
you										you
anymore										anymore
On									  |	Primeval
									  >	on
									  >	Saturday
									  >	at
									  >	21.00
									  >	on
the										the
Russian										Russian
channel									  |	Channel
of									  |	on
the									  <
most									  <
important								  <
news									  <
of									  <
the										the
day									  |	Russian
in									  |	Channel
									  >	on
the										the
air									  |	Russian
of									  |	Channel
									  >	on
the										the
big									  |	Russian
news									  |	Channel
									  >	200
									  >	views
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	60
									  >	minutes
									  >	bye
									  >	thank
									  >	you
									  >	you
									  >	are
									  >	very
									  >	welcome
									  >	講
									  >	How
									  >	can
									  >	I
									  >	continue
									  >	Say
									  >	goodbye
in										in
the									  |	a
studio									  |	moment
of									  |	friends
Igor									  |	if
Kazhevin								  |	you
Hello									  |	are
Here									  |	not
things									  |	we
									  >	will
									  >	ask
									  >	each
									  >	other
									  >	also
									  >	Things
are										are
called										called
by										by
their										their
									  >	own
names										names
It's									  |	There
									  >	is
a										a
real										real
threat										threat