Statistics: 24440 / 28891 (84.59%) words changed

Detecting									Detecting
language									language
using										using
up										up
to										to
the										the
first										first
30										30
seconds										seconds
Use										Use
`--language`									`--language`
to										to
specify										specify
the										the
language									language
Detected									Detected
language									language
Russian										Russian
Go									  |	The
the									  |	best
rules									  |	dream
and									  <
go									  <
My									  <
thoughts								  <
are									  <
all									  <
over									  <
me									  <
My										My
thoughts								  |	dream
And									  |	is
there									  |	flying
morning									  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	dream
									  >	CREDIED
									  >	CHATHHВ
Hello										Hello
dear									  |	Get
									  >	everyone
									  >	new
friends										friends
I									  <
am									  <
Gospodar								  <
and										and
I									  |	people
welcome									  <
you									  <
to									  <
the									  <
program									  <
of									  <
the									  <
60th									  <
year									  <
of									  <
the									  <
year									  <
The									  <
main									  <
thing									  <
is									  <
that									  <
the									  <
Yadir									  <
and										and
the									  |	come
evening									  |	with
of									  |	us
the									  |	with
whole									  |	wonderful
world									  |	greetings
of									  |	Here
European								  |	you
diplomacy								  |	are
in										in
Israel									  |	a
I									  |	living
say									  |	village
that									  |	in
the									  |	a
Yadir									  |	wild
is									  |	jungle
not									  <
the									  <
cause									  <
of									  <
the									  <
war									  <
the									  <
Yadir									  <
is									  <
the									  <
cause									  <
of									  <
the										the
war									  |	green
									  >	Taiwan
									  >	community
									  >	rpmization
									  >	wasn't
									  >	easy
									  >	for
									  >	us
Instead										Instead
of										of
this										this
there										there
will										will
be										be
a										a
powerful									powerful
and										and
military									military
answer										answer
that										that
all										all
the									  <
Russian										Russian
army										army
will										will
be										be
destroyed									destroyed
For									  |	It
example									  |	is
									  >	also
the										the
same										same
is									  |	as
said									  <
to									  <
the										the
French										French
president								  |	President
									  >	The
Macron										Macron
									  >	has
said										said
that										that
the									  |	he
Yadir									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Yadir									  <
is										is
									  >	responsible
									  >	for
the										the
cause									  |	nuclear
of									  |	blow
the									  |	in
war									  |	Ukraine
the									  |	The
Yadir									  |	French
is									  |	do
not										not
the									  |	stand
cause									  |	there
of									  <
the									  <
war									  <
but										but
he										he
is										is
the										the
cause									  |	enemy
of										of
the										the
war									  |	World
Moreover								  |	War
									  >	Why
									  >	the
Macron										Macron
is									  |	does
not										not
the									  |	ask
cause									  |	anyone
of									  |	and
the									  |	does
war									  |	not
All									  |	ask
the									  |	for
									  >	anything
									  >	The
									  >	whole
Western										Western
press										press
has										has
already										already
been										been
planned										planned
for										for
the										the
case										case
of										of
the										the
Yadir									  |	nuclear
of									  |	war
the									  <
Yadir									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Yadir									  <
The										The
rumor									  |	editor
is										is
									  >	noted
that										that
NATO									  <
is									  <
ready									  <
to										to
be									  |	prepare
prepared								  |	for
									  >	a
									  >	climate
									  >	shock
									  >	in
									  >	fact
									  >	is
									  >	considered
to										to
be										be
									  >	a
									  >	nuclear
									  >	unsuspectacle
									  >	By
the										the
cause									  |	way
									  >	prison
									  >	programs
of										of
the									  |	The
Yadir									  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	stable
									  >	in
									  >	Russia
									  >	The
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	military
									  >	coup
									  >	The
									  >	United
									  >	게
									  >	match
									  >	with
									  >	Russia
									  >	In
									  >	expression
									  >	ofай
									  >	and
of										of
the										the
Yadir									  |	OSU
									  >	and
of										of
the									  |	course
Dars									  |	not
									  >	that
									  >	many
									  >	parts
of										of
									  >	UIS
									  >	recently
									  >	present
									  >	an
									  >	explosion
									  >	over
									  >	Russia
									  >	and
									  >	all
the										the
country									  |	military
Against									  |	threats
change									  |	there
to									  |	But
the									  |	one
Lucianian								  <
Union									  <
a									  <
example									  <
of										of
the										the
Yadir									  |	onlyops
Yadir									  |	Serious
									  >	activists
in										in
which									  <
the										the
Yadir									  |	US
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	experimented
									  >	with
									  >	in
									  >	shredding
									  >	missiles
									  >	in
									  >	real
									  >	life
									  >	And
									  >	users
of										of
									  >	these
									  >	activities
									  >	painted
the										the
Yadir									  |	head
of										of
									  >	pirouettes
									  >	at
									  >	night
									  >	Gentlemen
									  >	people
									  >	work
									  >	now
									  >	night
									  >	at
									  >	night
									  >	They
									  >	make
									  >	up
									  >	their
									  >	lives
									  >	in
									  >	forth
									  >	and
									  >	will
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	change
									  >	in
the										the
State									  |	council
Ukraine									  <
the									  <
winner									  <
of										of
the										the
Yadir									  |	one
metre									  <
Yadir									  <
of										of
the										the
Yadir									  |	spells
of										of
the										the
city									  |	US
a									  |	impermanence
party									  <
thatMüzik								  <
the									  <
Yadir									  <
of										of
France									  |	$0
in									  |	by
which									  |	Rurasia
all									  <
military								  <
democracy								  <
ended									  <
The									  <
Yadir									  <
of										of
Czech									  <
Republic								  <
will									  <
be									  <
involved								  <
today									  <
And									  <
then									  <
we									  <
will									  <
speak									  <
about									  <
the										the
dynamics								  |	US
in									  |	Pirates
Catalia									  <
New									  <
Republic								  <
of										of
Russia									  |	thebs
For									  |	BB-641
our									  |	found
cooperation								  <
our									  <
relations								  <
with									  <
the										the
eight									  |	object
organizations								  <
Council									  <
of										of
other									  <
republics								  <
have									  <
now									  <
exceeded								  <
protection								  <
In									  <
the										the
end									  |	European
there									  |	forces
are									  |	This
120,000									  |	is
lesser									  |	actually
members									  |	a
									  >	unit
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	dozen
of										of
the										the
republic								  |	AGAYE
With									  |	equipment
equal									  |	of
deficiencies								  |	the
supporting								  |	Th
peoples									  |	Mikwan
women									  |	We
women									  |	humans
women									  |	produce
and									  <
children								  <
are									  <
protected								  <
This									  <
company									  <
is										is
a										a
joint									  |	very
army									  |	powerful
									  >	message
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	lions
									  >	Throughout
									  >	this
									  >	use
									  >	of
									  >	sweat
and										and
there									  |	dirt
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	fast
									  >	trying
									  >	The
									  >	best
									  >	is
									  >	with
									  >	Prosperthri
									  >	Jan
									  >	12
									  >	and
									  >	his
									  >	past
									  >	has
									  >	started
									  >	their
									  >	prepồiability
									  >	with
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	manages
									  >	to
									  >	travel
									  >	on
									  >	Saturday
									  >	Let
									  >	me
									  >	tell
									  >	you
									  >	what
									  >	they
									  >	aren't
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	die
									  >	on
									  >	holidays
									  >	or
									  >	jobs
									  >	on
									  >	a
									  >	new
									  >	nuestro
									  >	they'll
									  >	get
									  >	rid
									  >	of
									  >	such
									  >	new
									  >	German
									  >	electrophysic
									  >	The
									  >	party
will										will
be										be
It's									  |	decided
a									  |	at
shame									  |	the
that									  <
there's									  <
no									  <
place										place
to									  <
live									  <
Putin										Putin
believes									believes
that										that
he										he
doesn't										doesn't
fly										fly
but										but
doesn't										doesn't
fly										fly
And									  |	and
we										we
and										and
the										the
European									European
Union										Union
with										with
the										the
United										United
States										States
we										we
believe									  |	answer
that									  <
any										any
nuclear										nuclear
power										power
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
we									  |	We
believe									  |	answer
that									  |	no
we									  <
don't									  <
have									  <
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
Our									  |	our
troops										troops
believe									  |	will
									  >	answer
									  >	only
									  >	powerful
that										that
everything								  |	all
in									  |	Russia's
Russia									  |	armed
									  >	forces
will										will
be									  |	as
destroyed								  |	well
This									  |	as
doesn't									  |	ours
become									  |	Now
ours…									  |	a
Theborne								  |	strikes
Rosekton								  |	that
won									  |	can
									  >	serve
									  >	as
									  >	a
									  >	Q&A
									  >	officer
									  >	just
									  >	as
									  >	it's
									  >	Exactly
the										the
attack									  |	European
test									  |	Union
The									  |	I
attack									  |	realised
gets									  |	that
turned									  |	decision
on									  <
last									  <
year									  <
The									  <
Russian									  <
economy									  <
is									  <
one										one
									  >	night
									  >	was
									  >	made
									  >	because
									  >	it's
									  >	nice
									  >	to
									  >	understand
									  >	Efforties
									  >	are
									  >	part
of										of
the										the
biggest									  |	party
But									  |	The
still									  |	judges
theifiers								  |	final
appointed								  |	coverage
President								  |	of이드
Secretary								  |	licenses
But									  |	So
how									  |	the
does									  |	order
this									  |	to
BMW									  |	find
do									  |	out
It									  |	the
is									  |	cutscene
a									  <
private									  <
bus									  <
stop									  <
very									  <
shut									  <
It									  <
is									  <
today's									  <
bus									  <
which									  <
will									  <
Tokyo									  <
will										will
be										be
sorted									  |	done
around									  |	for
the										the
market									  |	modern
within									  |	nuclear
very									  |	organisms
short									  |	located
decades									  |	on
The									  |	such
market									  |	fields
used									  |	These
									  >	successors
									  >	may
									  >	be
									  >	able
to										to
have									  |	participate
global									  |	across
ND									  |	a
culture									  |	huge
They									  |	industry
also									  |	polish
added									  <
the										the
demand									  |	Buildings
from									  <
lands									  <
to									  <
2440									  <
reports									  <
of										of
foreign									  |	Ireland
countries								  |	We're
The									  |	looking
big									  |	to
oilworks								  |	prove
are									  |	that
working									  |	he
really									  |	is,க
well									  |	exactly
It									  |	what
feels									  |	he
really									  |	is
nice									  <
Charrons								  <
here										here
are									  |	so
also									  <
easily									  <
reproduced								  <
in										in
a									  |	Germany
zinc									  |	if
component								  |	something
Bromets									  |	during
are									  <
almost									  <
completely								  <
covered									  <
In									  <
the										the
US									  |	militaryahr
The									  <
Finnish									  <
which									  <
is									  <
not									  <
in									  <
Europe									  <
are									  <
being									  <
announced								  <
on									  <
social									  <
media									  <
In									  <
Turkey									  <
everywhere								  <
Italy									  <
Belgium									  <
and									  <
Netherlands								  <
What									  <
is									  <
surprising								  <
If									  <
you									  <
are									  <
aigner									  <
visit									  <
Bifelford								  <
for										for
North									  |	a
America									  |	budget
local									  |	signed
Germany									  |	by
or									  |	reynland
Germany									  |	FALTH
vs									  |	went
Fat									  |	there
There									  |	gather
is									  |	kit
3rd									  |	13
of									  |	companies
the第									  |	heinous
									  >	men
of										of
38,bag									  <
now									  <
the										the
Mets									  |	time
They									  |	with
additionally								  |	the付
Method									  |	trade
180									  |	field
years									  |	Let
The									  |	us
national								  |	share
sí									  |	one
wedding									  |	thousand
will									  |	fifty
take									  |	scores
place									  |	at
in									  <
the										the
city									  |	Haaz
of									  |	economy
Khasnabo								  |	with
The									  |	a
only									  |	budget
part									  |	destroyed
									  >	euros
									  >	and
									  >	tons
of										of
									  >	money
									  >	destroyed
the										the
Euro									  |	border
Olympics								  |	estarbed
is									  |	by
the									  <
village									  <
of									  <
Yadiv									  <
Andora									  <
in									  <
my									  <
opinion									  <
That									  <
war									  <
would										would
bring									  |	tell
									  >	them
									  >	that
									  >	they
									  >	wasıyoruz
									  >	throwing
									  >	over
									  >	their
									  >	classify
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	Теперь
									  >	The
									  >	European
									  >	Union
									  >	has
									  >	changed
									  >	to
a										a
full									  <
new										new
victory									  |	American
from									  |	F-35
a									  |	These
long									  |	are
period									  |	the
of									  |	fighters
thehold									  <
to									  <
refugees								  <
이었ed									  <
forces									  <
of										of
Yadiv									  |	the
matter									  |	Bombarders
under									  |	race
government								  <
law									  <
in										in
									  >	Germany
									  >	And
the										the
north									  |	Germany
of									  <
Patokhputin								  <
In									  <
fact									  <
in										in
order									  <
to									  <
save									  <
the										the
Petal									  |	case
of										of
the									  |	Germany
Situ-Retsky								  <
Petokhputin								  <
it									  <
is										is
									  >	not
									  >	in
the										the
most									  |	country
important								  |	But
news									  |	they
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	fighters
of										of
the										the
Divercent								  |	Zara
who									  |	and
wanted									  |	nuclear
									  >	weapons
									  >	The
									  >	Berlin
									  >	continues
to										to
save									  |	occupy
the										the
Situ-Retsky								  |	USA
Petokhputin								  |	F-35
for									  |	And
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	end
									  >	of
the										the
first									  <
time										time
									  >	they
									  >	will
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	change
									  >	everything
									  >	Let's
									  >	go
									  >	further
									  >	The
									  >	fighters
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Bombarders
									  >	race
in										in
the										the
whole									  |	Netherlands
world									  |	is
Terrorists								  |	also
gathered								  <
to									  <
build									  <
a										a
cave									  |	capable
on									  |	fighter
the									  <
south									  <
of										of
the										the
Situ-Retsky								  |	Bomb
Petokhputin								  <
In									  <
general									  <
at									  <
the									  <
beginning								  <
of										of
the										the
Situ-Retsky								  |	B-61
Petokhputin								  |	Especially
will									  |	in
begin									  |	the
to									  |	Bomb
develop									  |	They
a									  |	can
single									  |	be
reliable								  |	installed
and									  |	in
									  >	their
									  >	arms
									  >	Only
									  >	13-18
									  >	kg
									  >	per
									  >	year
									  >	from
									  >	universal
									  >	land
									  >	Then
									  >	they
will										will
continue								  |	have
to										to
go									  |	hold
									  >	this
									  >	closest
									  >	space
									  >	upon
									  >	a
									  >	box
									  >	So
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	powerfulline
									  >	of
									  >	such
									  >	an
									  >	American
									  >	Bomb
									  >	is
									  >	literally
									  >	aamped
									  >	fight
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	eliminated
									  >	during
									  >	its
									  >	differences
									  >	against
									  >	combing
to										to
									  >	see
									  >	more
									  >	fear
									  >	and
									  >	sadness
									  >	The
									  >	beginning
									  >	of
the										the
Gandhisruh								  |	journey
since									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	nuclear
									  >	war
it										it
									  >	seems
									  >	to
									  >	me
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	main
									  >	question
									  >	is
									  >	which
is										is
									  >	the
									  >	absolute
									  >	goal
of										of
the										the
state									  |	nuclear
									  >	war
									  >	The
									  >	answer
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	the
									  >	beginning
									  >	At
									  >	that
									  >	time
									  >	in
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	situation
									  >	we
									  >	were
									  >	drawn
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	9th
of										of
Chastien								  |	May
and									  |	who
saw									  |	in
									  >	our
									  >	country
									  >	decided
									  >	not
									  >	to
									  >	live
									  >	After
the										the
course									  |	9th
of										of
									  >	May
									  >	in
the										the
survivors								  |	7th
of										of
									  >	May
the										the
Situ-Retsky								  |	fact
Petokhputin								  |	that
Today									  |	in
									  >	order
									  >	to
									  >	take
the										the
Kurs									  |	territory
									  >	this
is										is
known									  |	the
an									  |	greatest
experiment								  |	news
of										of
our									  <
new									  <
Gazava-ماjan								  <
will									  <
be									  <
Creative								  <
power									  <
player									  <
But									  <
how									  <
is									  <
the										the
recursive								  |	9th
story									  <
improved								  <
and									  <
of										of
Garada									  |	May
Maguri									  |	which
Yes									  <
How									  <
would									  <
you									  <
advise									  <
us									  <
so									  <
far									  <
about									  <
this									  <
region									  <
today									  <
For									  <
one									  <
Java									  <
population								  <
Cinharous								  <
kgs									  <
A									  <
few									  <
minutes									  <
later									  <
we									  <
started									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
a									  <
long									  <
time									  <
ago									  <
I										I
wanted									  |	would
to									  |	like
congratulate								  <
Putin									  <
We									  <
decided									  <
to										to
do									  |	give
it									  |	Turkish
again									  |	support
and									  |	from
again									  <
I									  <
wish									  <
him									  <
a									  <
long									  <
life									  <
In									  <
this									  <
year									  <
we									  <
met									  <
practically								  <
in									  <
the									  <
same									  <
month									  <
We									  <
talked									  <
about									  <
Putin									  <
on									  <
the										the
13th									  |	1st
									  >	of
									  >	May
									  >	The
									  >	whole
day										day
When									  |	The
the									  |	terrorists
delegation								  |	gathered
was									  <
on										on
the										the
line									  |	Russian
Putin									  |	territory
Erdogan									  <
had									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
fun									  <
There									  <
was									  <
a									  <
total									  <
of									  <
2,6									  <
years									  <
ago									  <
In										In
									  >	general
									  >	at
the										the
same									  |	beginning
year									  <
we									  <
met									  <
all									  <
the									  <
challenges								  <
of										of
the										the
Western									  |	Turkish
world									  |	attack
And									  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	now
									  >	starting
									  >	to
									  >	develop
the										the
same									  |	only
year									  |	reliable
Erdogan									  |	and
The									  |	reliable
topic									  |	Marshal
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	rest
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
Ukrainian								  |	population
regulation								  |	in
did									  |	Europe
not									  |	Therefore
exist									  |	the
In									  |	Putin
general									  |	continued
it									  <
did									  <
not									  <
exist									  <
It									  <
did									  <
not									  <
exist									  <
at									  <
all									  <
Erdogan									  <
had									  <
to										to
wait									  |	create
for									  |	the
a									  |	territory
long									  <
time									  <
The									  <
production								  <
of										of
the										the
product									  |	new
is									  |	gas
done									  |	station
An									  |	In
Ankara									  |	his
									  >	day
									  >	the
									  >	President
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	today
									  >	the
									  >	Syrian
									  >	leader
									  >	as
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	in
									  >	Crimea
was										was
promised								  |	taken
to										to
help									  <
the										the
Russian									  |	United
land									  |	States
of									  |	with
Pudonada								  |	a
They									  |	large
were									  |	interest
like									  <
in										in
Europe									  |	him
We									  |	of
remember								  |	course
that									  |	can
									  >	be
									  >	understood
									  >	Putin's
									  >	attack
									  >	already
									  >	before
									  >	working
									  >	on
									  >	this
									  >	contract
for										for
									  >	example
the										the
sake									  |	President
									  >	what
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	aim
of										of
the										the
state-of-the-art							  |	world
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	few
									  >	minutes
of										of
the										the
Western									  |	attack
African									  |	but
countries								  |	in
we									  <
asked									  <
you									  <
to									  <
return									  <
to									  <
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	beginning
ports									  |	of
What									  |	the
did									  |	negotiations
you									  |	for
learn									  <
You									  <
took									  <
a										a
look									  |	long
at									  |	time
									  >	the
									  >	attack
									  >	although
it										it
So									  |	already
that									  |	helped
you									  |	Putin
may									  |	with
not									  <
understand								  <
the										the
fact									  |	U.S
you									  <
are									  <
the										the
Russian�er								  |	phone
in									  |	decided
Europe									  <
but									  <
if									  <
there									  <
are									  <
some									  <
term30									  <
in									  <
Europe									  <
We									  <
want									  <
to										to
see									  |	do
									  >	this
									  >	more
									  >	and
									  >	more
									  >	I
									  >	wish
									  >	a
									  >	long
									  >	time
									  >	to
									  >	live
									  >	In
									  >	this
									  >	year
the										the
actions									  |	leaders
of									  |	have
Northern-April								  |	met
which									  |	practically
would									  |	in
not									  <
last									  <
longer									  <
The									  <
most									  <
popular									  <
version									  <
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
is									  <
the										the
talkey									  |	months
of										of
Alexander								  <
Lovskoy									  <
–									  <
Erdogan									  <
It									  <
is									  <
the										the
part									  |	regime
of									  <
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	President
city									  |	told
Ryuk									  <
Авmil									  <
Is									  <
the										the
last									  |	President
chance									  |	about
to									  |	the
form									  |	situation
									  >	when
									  >	the
									  >	delegation
									  >	died
									  >	Putin
									  >	Erdogan
									  >	died
a										a
peaceful�								  |	long
kayak									  |	time
War									  |	in
Camp									  |	the
between									  |	United
									  >	States
Russia										Russia
									  >	continued
									  >	to
									  >	fight
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	time
									  >	Therefore
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	everything
									  >	without
									  >	the
									  >	exception
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Western
									  >	world
and										and
Ukraine									  <
Is									  <
the										the
equal									  |	same
Saudi									  <
Erdogan										Erdogan
It'sotted								  |	the
by									  |	topic
millions								  <
of										of
ex-wrestlingivers							  |	the
Erdogan									  |	Russian
attempts								  |	Ukrainian
men									  |	rule
to									  |	does
design									  |	not
a									  |	exist
complex									  |	in
fashion									  |	general
system									  |	As
for									  <
now									  <
Erdogans								  <
who									  <
expect									  <
that									  <
he									  <
wellbeing								  <
a										a
stretch									  |	result
									  >	President
									  >	Erdogan
									  >	had
									  >	decided
									  >	to
									  >	continue
									  >	to
									  >	produce
									  >	the
									  >	work
of										of
control									  |	Ankara
can									  |	promised
respond									  <
during									  <
civil									  <
war									  <
They									  <
can									  <
make									  <
amen									  <
to										to
move									  |	help
via									  |	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	President
									  >	Pudonada
									  >	in
Russia										Russia
and										and
Ukraine									  |	how
And									  |	it
with									  |	was
respect									  |	in
									  >	Europe
									  >	In
									  >	my
									  >	opinion
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	will
									  >	remember
									  >	that
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
comprehensive								  |	help
drug									  <
rights									  <
plans									  <
all									  <
the										the
pl									  |	Americans
kunt									  |	to
are									  |	ask
launched								  |	the
by									  |	foreign
Line-Wave								  |	Foreign
It									  |	Ministry
requires								  <
security								  <
The									  <
population								  <
of										of
Taiwan									  <
is									  <
currently								  <
with									  <
1,500									  <
families								  <
on									  <
seven									  <
generations								  <
and									  <
young									  <
people									  <
and									  <
on									  <
6,15									  <
years									  <
suffering								  <
from									  <
the										the
loss									  |	U.S
we									  |	what
priority								  |	happened
in										in
the										the
army									  |	United
Also									  |	States
it									  |	which
began									  |	caused
with									  |	our
tomarown								  |	Ukrainian
and									  |	forces
primary									  |	The
education								  |	order
In									  |	has
Moscow									  |	been
you									  |	too
are									  |	prisoners
against									  |	around
the										the
Murad's									  |	Azerbaijani
sewage									  |	Russianvia
to									  |	penetrated
date									  |	the
it									  |	problem
									  >	for
									  >	U.S
									  >	Deputy
									  >	Secretary
									  >	President
is										is
practically								  |	working
because									  |	at
they									  |	Her
were									  |	Majesty's
killed									  |	authorities
by									  <
NOOT									  <
The									  <
most									  <
amazing									  <
sphere									  <
in										in
Spain									  |	December
was									  |	who
done									  |	escaped
during									  |	in
the									  |	open
1960s									  |	countries
But									  |	from
not									  <
because									  <
they									  <
hadn't									  <
aligned									  <
still									  <
with									  <
the										the
Pope									  |	ally
book									  <
The									  <
people									  <
of										of
Germany									  |	the
									  >	Koreans
who										who
kept									  |	educated
the										the
work									  |	Ukraine
and										and
mounted									  |	an
on									  |	esta
their									  <
own									  <
in									  <
other									  <
countries								  <
could									  <
buy									  <
materials								  <
for									  <
the										the
tomb									  |	S.B.R.R
or									  |	Dagan
not									  |	The
you									  |	reason
can									  |	is
see									  <
that										that
the										the
existing								  |	events
remote									  |	of
system									  |	the
bonded									  |	P.S.R.Dagan
directly								  |	are
with									  |	trying
									  >	to
									  >	stop
									  >	the
									  >	projects
									  >	be
									  >	according
									  >	to
the										the
resource								  |	mission
of										of
which									  |	the
									  >	dead
									  >	A
									  >	strike
									  >	they
									  >	claim
									  >	that
it										it
was										was
to									  |	the
check									  |	human
it									  |	that
before									  |	was
this									  |	being
test									  |	neutral
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	Good
									  >	morning
									  >	and
									  >	thank
									  >	you
for										for
sure									  |	your
if									  |	attention
they									  |	Before
									  >	the
									  >	weather
									  >	there
are										are
theseита								  |	two
interested								  |	kicks
and									  |	on
the										the
rest									  |	seaside
									  >	With
									  >	the
									  >	top
									  >	cosmos
									  >	a
									  >	shape
of										of
thishow									  |	a
it									  |	Ну
is									  |	through
called									  <
the										the
In									  |	baton
fact									  |	sky
it									  <
is										is
important								  <
that									  <
the										the
military想								  |	bestучing
is									  |	position
directly								  |	of
related									  <
to									  <
all									  <
states									  <
that									  <
we									  <
can									  <
personally								  <
legalize								  <
the										the
political								  |	girls
Russia									  |	now
economy									  |	a
also									  |	strong
partlyemente								  |	possession
gestured								  |	of
									  >	fear
the										the
minder									  |	task
of										of
foreign									  |	�urrep
countries								  |	Bizim
and									  |	tasty
Sergey									  |	food
Lavrov									  |	while
pocketed								  |	he
that									  |	had
									  >	never
									  >	stopped
									  >	looking
									  >	through
the										the
Turkish									  |	elevator
countries								  <
and									  <
they									  <
in										in
									  >	a
									  >	bad
									  >	condition
the										the
end									  |	word
									  >	was
									  >	discovered
									  >	it
									  >	alsoory
									  >	works
									  >	if
									  >	complain
of										of
									  >	Toksy
									  >	is
									  >	ours
									  >	in
									  >	relation
									  >	to
									  >	k
									  >	holding
the										the
war									  |	door
There									  |	to
was									  |	look
no									  |	at
time									  |	the
How									  |	goods
many									  |	domestic
									  >	safety
of										of
us									  |	organisations
understand								  |	We
									  >	found
									  >	here
									  >	an
									  >	abandoned
									  >	Nagrykashosovilativ
									  >	Oh
									  >	that's
									  >	hibernation
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	people
									  >	of
									  >	Chinathea
									  >	before
									  >	3
									  >	Hey
									  >	employers
									  >	like
									  >	me
									  >	move
									  >	to
									  >	but
									  >	because
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	large
									  >	gap
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	plant
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	important
									  >	to
									  >	drowned
									  >	in
									  >	conduct
									  >	of
									  >	all
									  >	the
									  >	existence
									  >	and
									  >	bad
									  >	conditions
									  >	In
									  >	fact
									  >	these
									  >	conditions
									  >	farmers
									  >	And
									  >	in
									  >	Italy
									  >	lads
									  >	a
									  >	good
									  >	precedent
									  >	that
									  >	to
									  >	avoid
									  >	Bad
									  >	Festions
									  >	they
									  >	cannot
									  >	stop
									  >	stability
									  >	any
									  >	longer
									  >	As
we										we
want									  |	understand
									  >	Mad
									  >	Festions
									  >	may
to										to
fight									  |	Uh-ai
a										a
new										new
big										big
deal										deal
but										but
a									  |	here-a
new										new
business								  |	deal
And									  |	we
the									  |	made
									  >	and
part										part
of										of
this										this
									  >	association
is										is
the									  |	a
feeling									  |	small
									  >	deal
of										of
the									  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
But									  |	We
in									  |	could
fact									  |	take
the									  <
most										most
important									important
problem									  |	issues
is									  |	but
									  >	it's
a										a
new										new
business								  |	deal
between										between
Russia										Russia
and										and
the										the
Western									  |	future
world									  |	Now
There									  |	there's
is									  <
a										a
new										new
reality										reality
and									  |	that
they										they
want									  |	may
to										to
fight									  |	create
a									  <
new										new
business								  |	Ignitionation
No									  <
Today									  <
it									  <
has									  <
become									  <
clear									  <
that									  <
NATO									  <
has									  <
developed								  <
a									  <
plan									  <
in									  <
the									  <
United									  <
Kingdom									  <
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
In										In
the										the
past										past
10									  |	two
									  >	days
									  >	Strengthening
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	Bk-S
									  >	rock
									  >	on
									  >	ten
years										years
it's									  |	The
legislature								  |	first
again									  |	three
has									  |	representatives
advantages								  <
and									  <
disadvantages								  <
There									  <
is									  <
also									  <
an									  <
arena									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Ukraine									  <
which									  <
the									  <
Kyiv									  <
leader									  <
of										of
new									  <
currency								  <
should									  <
not									  <
be									  <
very									  <
clear									  <
As									  <
I									  <
told									  <
you									  <
the									  <
Ukraine									  <
was									  <
flying									  <
in									  <
time									  <
in									  <
the										the
air									  |	original
of									  |	Zelensky
Mumbai									  <
batches									  <
in										in
many									  <
cases									  <
It									  <
seems									  <
to									  <
the										the
standards								  |	summer
of										of
the										the
NATO									  |	UK
directed								  |	At
by									  |	first
the									  |	Beijing's
fight									  |	Maketov
with									  |	is
the									  |	fighting
drivers									  <
and									  <
controllers								  <
for										for
The									  <
British									  <
الجanta									  <
was									  <
exhausted								  <
with									  <
the										the
«									  |	project
frig									  |	as
eatery»									  |	well
The									  <
aircolors								  <
were									  <
added									  <
adjusted								  <
to									  <
2-0									  <
Normally								  <
a									  <
stable									  <
infrastructure								  <
company									  <
But									  <
most									  <
of									  <
all									  <
that									  <
China									  <
states									  <
that									  <
the									  <
engineering								  <
industry								  <
because									  <
they									  <
don't									  <
know									  <
them									  <
They									  <
as										as
they									  <
will									  <
have									  <
an									  <
answer									  <
gaming									  <
together								  <
comes									  <
from										from
a										a
block									  |	far
out									  |	more
									  >	intense
									  >	atmosphere
									  >	The
									  >	city
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	alive
									  >	through
									  >	Hungary
									  >	for
									  >	several
									  >	hours
									  >	The
									  >	idea
of										of
the									  |	О000
factory									  <
You									  <
have									  <
to										to
say									  |	get
that									  <
the									  <
business								  <
will									  <
thrive									  <
Of									  <
course									  <
there									  <
will									  <
come									  <
to									  <
an									  <
end									  <
of									  <
June									  <
We									  <
hope									  <
this									  <
time									  <
too									  <
You									  <
have									  <
to										to
depend									  |	Spain
on									  |	in
the										the
business								  |	summer
with									  |	Guazeta
an									  |	the
identical								  |	next
Co-operationimi								  <
Only									  <
Vladimir								  <
Putinо									  <
noticeable								  <
so									  <
all									  <
that									  <
is										is
all									  <
mankind'sGetて								  <
can									  <
simply									  <
leave									  <
Japan									  <
on									  <
the										the
contrary								  |	one
as									  |	to
									  >	fall
									  >	if
the										the
poison									  |	much
works									  |	returns
Vladimir								  |	An
PutinGoor								  |	important
continues								  |	point
									  >	in
the										the
decision								  |	changes
overtakes								  |	for
									  >	alongside
the										the
enemy									  |	EU
after									  <
his									  <
wonderful								  <
anonymous								  <
What									  <
are									  <
you									  <
afraid									  <
of									  <
Ryan									  <
Vladimir								  <
Putin									  <
is										is
going									  <
to										to
scold									  |	DuVerse
a									  |	when
little									  |	cambio
so									  |	against
									  >	Poland
									  >	Certainly
									  >	in
									  >	Italy
									  >	but
									  >	simplement
									  >	despite
that										that
he									  |	Voloking
will									  |	tune
still									  |	Well
gift									  <
his									  <
to									  <
his									  <
best									  <
friend									  <
Because									  <
In									  <
the										the
European								  |	companies
team									  |	recently
gets									  |	reflected
completely								  |	that
different								  <
like									  <
In-American								  <
guitarist								  <
Vladimir								  <
Putin									  <
will									  <
develop									  <
drinking								  <
bouranna								  <
As									  <
a									  <
result									  <
of									  <
this									  <
he									  <
is									  <
a									  <
highugarling								  <
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
He									  <
started									  <
to									  <
make									  <
us									  <
full									  <
When									  <
the										the
release									  |	price
calls									  |	of
are									  |	American
very									  |	trading
difficult								  |	trading
									  >	Despite
									  >	their
									  >	number
									  >	of
									  >	inflation
and										and
he									  |	perhaps
has									  |	half
it									  |	or
completely								  |	$3.22
disabled								  |	hypotheses
On									  |	of
the									  |	USD's
other									  |	parameters
hand									  <
he									  <
haven't									  <
missed									  <
the									  <
fanх									  <
yet									  <
When									  <
he									  <
gets									  <
blacked									  <
with									  <
new									  <
ideas									  <
the										the
amount									  |	central
									  >	part
of										of
money									  <
he									  <
は									  <
lost									  <
is									  <
unknown									  <
We've									  <
not									  <
doubt									  <
the										the
Ministers								  |	country
whatippist								  |	therefore
Italy									  <
did									  <
not									  <
repeat									  <
after									  <
the										the
corona									  |	China
crisis									  |	posting
was									  |	itself
aimed									  <
at									  <
a									  <
government								  <
that									  <
doesn't									  <
participate								  <
in									  <
social									  <
businesses								  <
The									  <
Government								  <
does										does
not										not
fear									  |	exist
to									  |	anymore
explain									  |	Excl
everything								  |	된
in									  |	at
the										the
world									  |	media
has									  |	poll
been									  |	is
of									  |	prettyays
mass									  |	things
arrests									  |	mentally
25									  |	a
km									  |	regular
of									  |	infrastructure
civil									  |	company
activists								  |	is
did									  <
not									  <
train									  <
as									  <
far									  <
as									  <
the									  <
criminal								  <
They									  <
had									  <
failed									  <
to									  <
support									  <
the									  <
government								  <
The									  <
government								  <
research								  <
had									  <
runs									  <
out									  <
of									  <
150									  <
km									  <
of									  <
high										high
screaming								  |	which
I									  |	already
recognize								  |	caused
that									  |	problems
the									  |	with
government								  |	great
borne									  |	intelligence
the									  <
copyright								  <
To									  <
me									  <
the									  <
regulations								  <
print									  <
pretty									  <
updating								  <
these									  <
offer										offer
They									  |	me
could									  |	a
be									  |	hand
constantly								  |	cream
developing								  |	for肉y
doubts									  |	cream
by									  |	For
Bhagava									  |	example
City's									  |	aоваault
analysis								  |	case
But									  |	starting
we're									  |	with
not									  |	two
sure									  |	weeks
that									  |	of
what									  |	me
it's									  |	April
worth									  |	year
									  >	stopped
to										to
do									  |	woke
									  >	up
									  >	early
									  >	after
									  >	a
									  >	patrol
									  >	journey
									  >	That
is										is
to									  |	understandable
hear									  |	But
things									  |	who
from									  |	knows
blows									  <
or									  <
cyclists								  <
for										for
									  >	example
									  >	which
									  >	even
									  >	more
									  >	has
									  >	no
									  >	point
									  >	in
									  >	deceitlly
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	honor
									  >	that
									  >	Europe
									  >	can
									  >	prove
									  >	its
									  >	own
									  >	independence
									  >	Painless
									  >	and
									  >	resilient
									  >	with
									  >	everything
									  >	democratized
									  >	in
the										the
тоже									  |	end
Through									  <
the									  <
turns									  <
of										of
the										the
stone									  |	Earth
andocking								  |	The
zone									  |	gang
of									  |	also
authenticity								  |	gave
we									  <
get									  <
extremely								  <
explosive								  <
pressure								  <
between									  <
the										the
stone									  |	last
and									  |	picture
turtled									  <
This									  <
sights									  <
are									  <
both									  <
worthy									  <
of										of
эllo-detставs								  <
but									  <
the										the
Hide									  |	Europe
Office									  |	with
of									  <
the										the
Ec像ies									  |	most
portray									  |	NATO-american
the舉									  |	criticize
carbum									  |	However
but									  |	Vladimir
we									  |	Putin
want									  |	gave
to									  <
have									  <
large									  <
quantities								  <
and									  <
to									  <
find									  <
it										it
once									  |	his
in									  |	speech
their									  <
lives									  <
This									  <
lives									  <
now									  <
lt's									  <
been									  <
decided									  <
that									  <
Russia									  <
came									  <
out									  <
of										of
different								  <
countries								  <
from									  <
neighboring								  <
main									  <
West									  <
Coast									  <
villages								  <
known									  <
as									  <
Akretsk									  <
Here's									  <
a									  <
question								  <
for									  <
the										the
state-devices								  |	Soviet
									  >	period
									  >	over
									  >	the
									  >	century
									  >	Putin
									  >	created
									  >	Russia's
									  >	leadingüssel
									  >	troops
									  >	forces
									  >	in
									  >	Russia's
									  >	proactive
									  >	affairs
of										of
our									  |	themost
									  >	critical
									  >	conscious
									  >	of
									  >	the
country										country
that									  |	like
everything								  |	the
Ukrainian								  |	President
radio									  |	Minister
is									  |	of
about									  |	Defense
We									  |	and
previously								  |	employment
lifetime								  <
rail									  <
crossing								  <
on									  <
a									  <
rapidly									  <
narrow									  <
piece									  <
ofítary									  <
this									  <
year									  <
The										The
purpose									  |	U.S
									  >	troops
									  >	have
									  >	identified
									  >	this
									  >	tournament
									  >	to
									  >	promote
									  >	his
									  >	deputyłbym��도you
									  >	which
									  >	might
									  >	take
									  >	a
									  >	couple
of										of
our									  |	months
development								  <
is									  <
to										to
conduct									  |	make
official's								  |	sure
facts									  |	they
At									  |	have
that									  <
time									  <
in									  <
Moscow									  <
the									  <
1939									  <
military								  <
unit									  <
as									  <
organised								  <
by									  <
national								  <
police									  <
andifyingопs								  <
in									  <
Egypt									  <
said									  <
that									  <
the									  <
US									  <
had									  <
a										a
situation								  |	newRemail
abducted								  |	The
by									  |	troop
									  >	of
the										the
Russian									  |	exits
military								  <
planes									  <
Patent									  <
Spassingman								  <
is										is
of									  |	for
the										the
main									  |	rise
characteristic								  <
of										of
Syria									  <
in									  <
the										the
UK									  |	travel
and									  |	exercises
the									  <
Saudi									  <
area									  <
They										They
also									  |	are
disappeared								  <
from									  <
Syria									  <
as									  <
soon									  <
as									  <
possible								  <
they									  <
were									  <
discovered								  <
Finishing								  <
severalaciones								  <
on									  <
the									  <
road									  <
Fighters								  <
in									  <
Valh									  <
sat									  <
in										in
order									  |	a
to									  |	relationship
see									  |	who
									  >	We
									  >	wonder
									  >	if
									  >	Russia
									  >	doesn't
									  >	have
									  >	100%
									  >	of
the										the
most									  |	year
obvious									  |	We've
by									  |	seen
bearing									  <
in									  <
turn									  <
economic								  <
efficiency								  <
and									  <
the										the
seat									  |	Sim-God
of									  |	Bank
this									  |	Council
man									  |	and
should									  |	now
									  >	Tsuraya
									  >	won't
be										be
									  >	hitchhiking
									  >	through
									  >	theUBC
									  >	due
									  >	to
the										the
president								  |	kind
									  >	of
									  >	Germany
									  >	in
									  >	V
									  >	эксп
									  >	Motherly
									  >	production
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	quant
									  >	with
									  >	strikes
									  >	an
									  >	infinite
									  >	amount
of										of
									  >	mines
									  >	after
									  >	all
									  >	with
									  >	overpowering
									  >	and
									  >	fleet
									  >	designs
									  >	wherever
									  >	land
									  >	The
									  >	home
									  >	Well
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	share
									  >	our
									  >	opportunities
									  >	and
									  >	wait
									  >	all
									  >	of
									  >	that
									  >	for
the										the
United									  |	later
Republic								  |	lives
Standing								  |	That's
									  >	it
for										for
Regions									  |	our
until									  |	lives
Zebra									  |	Today
army									  <
to									  <
be									  <
consizing								  <
at									  <
times									  <
as									  <
this									  <
claim									  <
is										is
not									  |	our
logical									  |	exercise
This									  |	We
claim									  <
will										will
save									  |	introduce
his									  |	everything
system									  |	in
									  >	our
									  >	Foundation
or										or
reaction								  |	on
to									  |	behalf
the									  |	of
results									  <
if									  <
he's									  <
detained								  <
The									  <
needs									  <
to									  <
keep									  <
paying									  <
attention								  <
to									  <
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	members
government								  |	of
which									  <
the										the
anos									  |	Он
for									  |	Spiritual
it									  |	Committee
is									  |	Something
recognized								  |	happens
by									  <
landing									  <
frontal									  <
location								  <
is									  <
applied									  <
at										at
a									  |	their
time									  |	separate
It									  |	condition
took									  |	but
two									  <
days									  <
to									  <
얼굴ize									  <
At									  <
the									  <
same									  <
moment									  <
there									  <
was									  <
a									  <
striking								  <
sound									  <
That									  <
suffocates								  <
all										all
									  >	these
									  >	hadn't
									  >	been
									  >	announced
									  >	Life
									  >	that
the										the
way									  |	world
here									  |	who
Do									  |	once
you									  |	done
									  >	This
									  >	year
									  >	we
have										have
anything								  |	conquered
that									  |	30
and									  |	countries
I									  |	We
would									  |	have
like									  |	earned
to									  |	so
thank									  |	much
my									  |	surf
lieutenant								  <
from										from
his									  <
motherland								  <
to									  <
his									  <
motherland								  <
to									  <
support									  <
Feva									  <
the										the
Sh社									  |	Area
to									  |	neat
									  >	Derit
all										all
									  >	our
									  >	missiles
									  >	This
									  >	year
									  >	even
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	talking
									  >	very
									  >	retard
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	understand
									  >	why
									  >	we
									  >	made
									  >	it
									  >	so
									  >	far
									  >	on
the										the
officials								  |	whole
									  >	equator
									  >	and
									  >	the注意able
of										of
the										the
Sulay									  |	positiverimony
wedding									  |	inspection
any									  |	So
of									  |	that's
official								  |	all
threads									  |	it's
for									  |	just
									  >	a
									  >	complete
									  >	century
									  >	The
									  >	missile
									  >	замgrets
									  >	are
									  >	carried
									  >	out
									  >	with
the										the
government								  |	generatingzhmen
In									  |	Also
151									  |	the
he									  |	water
									  >	station
									  >	Nikolaevsky
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	federal
									  >	sector
									  >	On
									  >	the
									  >	12th
									  >	of
									  >	April
									  >	there
is										is
a										a
single									  |	drone
Coag									  |	of
refrigerator								  |	Kobyka
has									  |	Zegyerań
been									  |	2
emptied									  |	It
and									  |	is
built									  |	generally
over									  <
there									  <
in										in
winter									  |	the
But									  |	middle
we									  |	of
used									  |	several
to									  |	places
have									  |	which
무조cott								  |	were
in										in
									  >	the
									  >	forest
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	east
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	It
									  >	is
a										a
spring									  |	completely
world									  |	different
a									  |	place
farm									  |	In
									  >	the
back										back
to									  |	of
back-roaring								  |	the
when									  |	building
she									  |	there
comes									  |	is
home									  |	also
trying									  |	a
to									  |	3rd
build									  |	floor
some									  |	It
schauen									  |	is
merging									  |	also
goods									  <
in										in
three									  <
weeks									  <
at									  <
the										the
place									  |	middle
of										of
food									  <
for									  <
an									  <
apartment								  <
Is									  <
the										the
crew									  |	city
asleep									  |	It
Is									  |	is
									  >	generally
									  >	in
the										the
crew									  |	middle
sleeping								  |	of
Who									  <
am									  <
I									  <
Where									  <
are									  <
the										the
boats									  |	city
νοY									  |	of
He's									  |	Kobyka
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	also
									  >	in
the										the
main									  |	middle
Generistic								  <
of										of
Stockholm								  |	the
That's									  |	city
what									  <
we									  <
have									  <
been									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
for									  <
a									  <
moment									  <
Forget									  <
it									  <
The									  <
17th									  <
of										of
October									  |	Kobyka
was									  <
done									  <
The										The
missingwhere								  |	Russian
do									  |	market
we									  |	is
have									  |	located
that									  |	on
									  >	the
									  >	Chirna
in										in
the										the
21st									  |	city
and									  |	It
making】								  |	is
spendered								  <
Russianova								  <
Avils									  <
headwind								  <
steadfast-blowing							  <
traitor's								  <
Manuel									  <
but									  <
on									  <
perfectly								  <
different								  <
directions								  <
You									  <
should									  <
know									  <
about										about
									  >	40
									  >	kilometers
									  >	away
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	border
									  >	It
									  >	means
									  >	that
it										it
When									  <
there									  <
will									  <
be									  <
minutes									  <
of									  <
ice									  <
sleep-ficket								  <
they									  <
will									  <
be									  <
APTAGYAT								  <
trying									  <
to									  <
convince								  <
GFILG									  <
these									  <
vehicles								  <
Do									  <
you									  <
understand								  <
this									  <
is										is
your									  |	a
test									  |	border
and									  |	of
you									  <
can									  <
examine									  <
all									  <
the										the
Wendyser's								  |	Snot
Those									  |	It
takes									  |	is
									  >	not
									  >	suitable
									  >	for
a										a
whole									  |	long
million									  |	period
and									  <
thousands								  <
of										of
people									  |	time
They									  |	The
dá									  |	modern
victory									  |	model
without									  |	is
water									  |	located
Rashes									  |	in
									  >	a
									  >	difficult
									  >	period
of										of
utilis									  |	time
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	about
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	somewhere
and										and
credit									  |	go
built									  |	to
in									  |	the
Russia									  |	west
Na-de-nought								  |	of
40									  |	the
years									  |	west
ago									  |	of
There									  |	the
									  >	region
									  >	At
									  >	this
									  >	moment
									  >	it
is										is
others									  |	also
on									  |	known
and									  |	that
two									  |	after
									  >	the
									  >	U.S.
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	end
of										of
the										the
people									  |	30th
of										of
other									  <
countries								  <
And									  <
other									  <
cameras									  <
across									  <
the										the
country									  |	Ukrainian
좋									  |	energy
Accept									  |	system
									  >	In
the										the
cost									  |	middle
of										of
the										the
I-wi-I'm-nought								  |	island
A-�니다-								  <
dies									  <
here									  <
it										it
is										is
Right									  |	located
you									  |	in
understand								  <
already									  <
back									  <
to									  <
Moscow									  <
And									  <
creating								  <
a									  <
big									  <
conspiracy								  <
with									  <
theapers								  <
Yes									  <
absolutely								  <
And									  <
Scum									  <
will									  <
have									  <
next									  <
slide									  <
We									  <
do									  <
not									  <
need									  <
any									  <
other									  <
countries								  <
That's									  <
why									  <
Malik									  <
has									  <
reformed								  <
the									  <
Luxor									  <
with									  <
war									  <
It's									  <
about									  <
about									  <
130									  <
adjustment								  <
angle									  <
and									  <
joint									  <
speeds									  <
over									  <
all									  <
the										the
Romaéquivalese								  |	capital
antibacterial								  |	of
scenarios								  |	Ukraine
The									  |	It
same									  |	is
									  >	located
									  >	in
the										the
rotating								  |	eastern
rate									  |	part
Let's									  |	of
try									  <
some									  <
insurgents								  <
This									  <
would									  <
fit									  <
only									  <
from									  <
the										the
normal									  |	city
200									  <
years									  <
bangles									  <
to									  <
inf									  <
Ramagov's								  <
forces									  <
If										If
we									  |	in
still									  |	the
want									  |	Chirna
to									  |	the
stop									  |	local
we									  |	authorities
have									  |	were
									  >	taken
to										to
deal									  |	the
with									  |	Ukrainian
it									  |	people
Unfortunately								  <
this									  <
horse									  <
was									  <
not									  <
playing									  <
against									  <
Floyd's									  <
But									  <
he									  <
still									  <
clouts									  <
He									  <
was									  <
much									  <
taller									  <
and										and
different								  |	the
It									  |	energy
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
is										is
very									  |	only
simple									  |	exclusively
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	evening
It										It
begins									  |	is
									  >	now
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	surprise
to										to
be										be
prepared								  |	able
for									  <
new									  <
companies								  <
It									  <
is									  <
particularly								  <
surprising								  <
to										to
have									  |	do
a									  |	this
settlement								  |	in
An									  <
information								  <
program									  <
that									  <
has									  <
really									  <
begun									  <
Arturen									  <
for									  <
the										the
теперь									  |	current
grasp									  |	almost
									  >	every
									  >	day
									  >	The
									  >	critical
									  >	situation
of										of
the										the
island									  |	Slyak-Prettyom
it									  |	is
was									  |	located
interim									  |	in
열�現ce									  <
called									  <
Nargasca								  <
met									  <
insurgents								  <
from									  <
Russia									  <
In									  <
my									  <
opinion									  <
this									  <
group									  <
actively								  <
wants									  <
territory								  <
to									  <
become									  <
part									  <
of									  <
this									  <
creatively								  <
And									  <
the										the
armed									  |	city
remains									  <
for									  <
all									  <
this									  <
lasts									  <
until									  <
these									  <
26%									  <
of										of
Ukrainian								  |	Delvof
refugees								  <
are									  <
finished								  <
Finally									  <
before									  <
the										the
attack									  |	city
of										of
									  >	Sadavoj
									  >	The
									  >	city
									  >	of
									  >	Sadavoj
									  >	is
									  >	located
									  >	in
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	city
dialects								  |	of
Germany									  |	Sadavoj
legalised								  |	The
and									  |	city
									  >	of
									  >	Sadavoj
									  >	is
									  >	located
									  >	in
the										the
most									  |	city
popular									  |	of
elections								  |	Sadavoj
so-called								  |	The
Klimanian								  |	city
states									  |	of
antecedents								  |	Sadavoj
were									  |	is
									  >	located
in										in
a									  <
crowd									  <
since									  <
then									  <
On									  <
the										the
video									  |	city
You									  |	of
can									  |	Sadavoj
see									  |	Most
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	roofs
									  >	as
									  >	they
									  >	go
									  >	down
									  >	Now
that										that
there									  |	people
are									  |	find
no									  |	parked
problems								  |	places
in										in
the										the
Crimea									  |	building
if									  |	don't
there									  |	let
									  >	tourists
									  >	climb
									  >	inside
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	square
									  >	How
									  >	they
									  >	deserve
									  >	that
									  >	whole
									  >	frame
									  >	I
									  >	must
									  >	say
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	earthquake
is										is
such									  |	done
a									  |	VIEWS
stupidity								  |	In
									  >	Russia
there										there
is									  |	was
nothing									  <
else									  <
to									  <
think									  <
about									  <
Therefore								  <
why									  <
do									  <
we									  <
need									  <
to									  <
develop									  <
If									  <
Russia									  <
can									  <
just									  <
open									  <
gas									  <
for									  <
example									  <
with									  <
the									  <
conditions								  <
of									  <
the									  <
technical								  <
work									  <
or									  <
not									  <
what									  <
does									  <
not									  <
work									  <
Zelensky								  <
is									  <
not									  <
a										a
business								  |	drop-out
It									  |	post
is									  <
necessary								  <
to									  <
promote									  <
its									  <
development								  <
to									  <
prevent									  <
nuclear									  <
power									  <
in										in
Russia									  |	short
It									  |	killed��nedetts
seems									  |	and
to									  <
me									  <
that										that
there									  |	he
was										was
									  >	at
a										a
few									  |	distance
days									  |	of
ago									  |	tcker's
in									  |	position
Russia									  |	The
no									  |	flight
one									  |	arrived
in									  |	before
the									  |	Tokyo
Soviet									  |	There
Union									  <
was										was
talking									  |	nothing
about									  |	like
									  >	a
									  >	present-gr�
									  >	Three
									  >	pilots
									  >	succeeded
									  >	in
the										the
Saudi									  |	search
nuclear									  |	of
weapons									  |	criminals
in										in
Ukraine									  |	the
This									  |	dass
									  >	лそれは
									  >	kh
									  >	dorm
									  >	with
									  >	police
									  >	officers
									  >	and
									  >	They
									  >	would
									  >	be
									  >	killed
									  >	like
									  >	this
									  >	who
									  >	doesn't
									  >	live
									  >	without
									  >	any
									  >	cops
									  >	踪行
									  >	Where
									  >	are
									  >	we
									  >	manage
									  >	for
									  >	six
									  >	soldiers
									  >	wars
									  >	There
is										is
called									  |	nobody
									  >	equilibrium..
									  >	I
									  >	see
									  >	in
the										the
Cold									  |	future
War									  |	we
And									  |	come
									  >	along
									  >	These
									  >	countries
									  >	at
the										the
fact									  |	time
that									  |	In
the										the
head									  |	middle
of										of
the										the
war									  |	night
is									  <
not									  <
there									  <
is									  <
not									  <
there										there
According								  |	are
to									  |	no
Putin									  |	perpetrators
President								  |	in
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
called									  <
the										the
Russian									  |	forest
Communist								  |	Most
Party									  <
to									  <
promote									  <
nuclear									  <
weapons									  <
It									  <
is									  <
surprising								  <
that									  <
of										of
course									  |	them
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	attacked
									  >	as
									  >	if
									  >	they
									  >	were
									  >	in
the										the
talent									  |	forest
of									  |	but
									  >	there
									  >	were
									  >	no
									  >	perpetrators
									  >	in
the										the
country									  |	forest
is									  |	We
to									  |	know
promote									  |	about
other									  |	that
countries								  |	Now
its									  |	we
history									  |	know
I									  |	about
can									  <
now									  <
write									  <
a									  <
picture									  <
and									  <
you									  <
then									  <
look									  <
it										it
is									  |	When
true									  <
or									  <
not									  <
So									  <
they									  <
took									  <
the									  <
technical								  <
support									  <
Yes									  <
Yes									  <
They									  <
took									  <
it										it
Why									  |	will
Next									  |	be
they									  |	a
took									  |	minute
the									  <
task									  <
of										of
the										the
nuclear									  |	temperature
weapons									  <
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
so									  <
that									  <
they										they
could									  |	will
not										not
win									  |	be
and									  |	able
they									  |	to
made									  |	protect
a									  |	the
mistake									  |	fire
on									  |	All
territory								  |	objects
									  >	are
									  >	critical
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	structure
Because										Because
if									  <
they										they
kill									  |	will
our									  |	get
task									  |	out
of										of
the										the
nuclear									  |	state
weapons									  |	of
was									  <
clear									  <
that									  <
they									  <
did									  <
it									  <
They									  <
and									  <
they									  <
were									  <
the										the
most									  |	hospital
powerful								  |	How
sanctions								  |	to
in									  |	get
Europe									  |	out
should									  |	of
be									  <
gas									  <
and									  <
so									  <
on									  <
They									  <
took									  <
the										the
technical								  |	hospital
support									  |	How
Next									  |	to
they									  |	get
took									  |	out
it									  |	of
what									  <
is									  <
it									  <
They									  <
are									  <
absolutely								  <
right									  <
This									  <
is									  <
their									  <
style									  <
They									  <
took									  <
the										the
task									  |	hospital
									  >	Calm
									  >	down
									  >	kill
									  >	them
									  >	or
									  >	not
									  >	take
									  >	away
									  >	let
									  >	your
									  >	world
									  >	jump
									  >	clean
									  >	Run
									  >	away
									  >	The
									  >	arrest
of										of
the										the
nuclear									  |	lost
weapons									  |	fire
									  >	actively
									  >	groups
and										and
they									  <
took									  <
the										the
task									  |	video
									  >	officers
									  >	arrested
									  >	by
									  >	people
									  >	on
									  >	healthcare
									  >	Well
									  >	there's
									  >	the
									  >	eye
of										of
the										the
nuclear									  |	force
weapons									  |	of
because									  |	Russia
in									  |	It's
such									  |	the
cases									  |	komt
they									  |	National
said									  |	River
we									  |	Ukraine's
just									  |	discourses
reacted									  |	It
After									  <
this									  <
he									  <
said										said
Europe									  |	you
look									  |	have
but									  |	to
it									  |	be
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	least
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	T-Safe
									  >	It
is										is
not									  <
possible									possible
We									  |	that
need									  |	people
to									  |	are
get									  |	engaged
									  >	in
									  >	voting
									  >	or
									  >	even
a										a
safe									  |	free
approach								  |	election
									  >	they
									  >	will
									  >	powerful
									  >	candidate
for										for
two									  |	10%
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	entire
									  >	world
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	infrastructure
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
									  >	Some
									  >	of
									  >	them
									  >	were
									  >	kidnapped
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	bomber
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	end
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	The
									  >	f***ing
									  >	apocalypse
									  >	The
									  >	Round
									  >	of
									  >	Spaniards
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
and										and
you									  <
do									  <
not									  <
allow									  <
it									  <
By									  <
the										the
way									  |	city
you									  |	of
do									  <
not									  <
He									  <
said									  <
you									  <
do									  <
not									  <
You									  <
must									  <
give									  <
us									  <
this									  <
opportunity								  <
Because									  <
you									  <
must									  <
choose									  <
to									  <
take									  <
the										the
sanctions								  |	third
									  >	infrastructure
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	Monday
and										and
why									  |	the
Europe									  |	Winter
									  >	Palace
									  >	And
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	quickly
									  >	there
is										is
									  >	an
									  >	episode
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	does
not										not
without									  |	cope
gas									  |	with
and									  |	the
									  >	cold
									  >	weather
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	cold
									  >	weather
									  >	Yes
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	episode
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
This									  |	there
is									  |	was
what									  |	a
it									  |	significant
will									  |	difference
be									  |	So
And									  |	many
here									  |	other
we									  |	cities
need									  |	there
									  >	were
									  >	only
									  >	new
									  >	cities
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	capital
									  >	of
									  >	Kiev
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	rest
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	Kiev
									  >	were
									  >	already
									  >	trained
									  >	However
									  >	those
									  >	who
									  >	went
to										to
know									  |	Turkey
about									  |	became
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	while
									  >	they
									  >	were
									  >	not
									  >	healthcare
									  >	services
									  >	considered
									  >	as
									  >	colleagues
									  >	in
									  >	jail
									  >	Parents
									  >	King
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	Yugazkivopol
									  >	they
									  >	were
									  >	with
									  >	them
									  >	at
									  >	least
									  >	a
									  >	huge
									  >	number
									  >	of
									  >	people
									  >	and
									  >	many
									  >	Net
									  >	and
									  >	Ultimately
									  >	we
									  >	also
									  >	had
									  >	an
									  >	advanced
									  >	principle
									  >	system
									  >	to
									  >	bring
									  >	the
									  >	Russia
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	information
									  >	that
									  >	was
									  >	built
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	year-AM's
									  >	state
									  >	it
									  >	began
									  >	a
									  >	way
									  >	to
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	control
									  >	from
									  >	German
									  >	speakers
									  >	sets
									  >	It
									  >	became
									  >	into
									  >	the
									  >	dream
									  >	fast
									  >	Agricultural
									  >	suffer
									  >	the
									  >	violence
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Soviet
									  >	governments
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	meantime
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	special
									  >	company
									  >	is
									  >	sent
									  >	to记者
									  >	or
									  >	have
									  >	found
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	are
									  >	suitable
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	slaves
									  >	to
									  >	clean
									  >	the
									  >	cigars
									  >	during
									  >	the
									  >	time
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	year
									  >	if
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	such
									  >	motive
									  >	it
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	give
									  >	anything
									  >	to
									  >	local
									  >	people
									  >	reach
									  >	Therefore
									  >	why
									  >	should
									  >	I
									  >	raise
									  >	the
									  >	prices
									  >	if
									  >	Russia
									  >	can
									  >	be
									  >	just
									  >	under
									  >	funds
									  >	Does
									  >	that
									  >	mean
									  >	that't
									  >	the
									  >	ability
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	used
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	broads
									  >	of
									  >	sanctions
									  >	to
									  >	a
									  >	certain
									  >	extent
									  >	or
									  >	not
									  >	to
									  >	make
									  >	a
									  >	research
									  >	of
									  >	their
									  >	businessvordanists
									  >	make
									  >	Sweden
									  >	proven?
									  >	They
									  >	are
									  >	convinced
									  >	it's
									  >	impeccable
									  >	The
									  >	main
									  >	teaching
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	creative
									  >	army
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	it
									  >	seemed
									  >	to
									  >	Campbell
									  >	in
									  >	many
									  >	other
									  >	reasons
									  >	Russia
									  >	did
									  >	no
									  >	to
									  >	whom
									  >	the
									  >	military
									  >	nation
									  >	gainYODE
									  >	the
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	people
									  >	They
									  >	tied
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	army
									  >	Their
									  >	age
									  >	has
									  >	become
									  >	more
									  >	teary
									  >	and
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	truly
									  >	hard
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	gay
									  >	people
									  >	to
									  >	watch
									  >	out
									  >	I
									  >	would
									  >	subscribe
									  >	to
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	and
									  >	serve
									  >	my
									  >	rival's
									  >	life
									  >	here
									  >	Behind
									  >	his
									  >	petroleum
									  >	equation
									  >	hides
									  >	something
									  >	far
									  >	I
									  >	could
									  >	now
									  >	describe
									  >	the
									  >	picture
									  >	and
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	it
									  >	literally
									  >	right
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	corner
									  >	so
									  >	they
									  >	captured
									  >	the
									  >	back
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	opponent
									  >	Yes
									  >	Yes
									  >	Yes
									  >	Yes
									  >	They
									  >	took
									  >	it
									  >	Why
									  >	Next
									  >	they
									  >	take
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	regime
									  >	To
									  >	avoid
									  >	them
									  >	they
									  >	do
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	territory
									  >	Because
									  >	if
									  >	they
									  >	kill
									  >	our
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	clear
									  >	that
									  >	they
									  >	did
it										it
									  >	And
									  >	they
									  >	would
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	powerful
									  >	sanctions
									  >	in
									  >	Europe
									  >	They
									  >	were
									  >	forced
									  >	to
									  >	attack
									  >	They
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	And
									  >	they
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	They
									  >	also
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	They
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	They
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	And
									  >	they
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	And
									  >	they
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	Because
									  >	in
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	case
									  >	they
									  >	said
									  >	we
									  >	reacted
									  >	We
									  >	just
									  >	reacted
									  >	After
									  >	this
									  >	he
									  >	said
									  >	in
									  >	Europe
									  >	that
									  >	look
									  >	no
									  >	you
									  >	can't
We										We
need										need
to										to
talk									  |	be
about									  |	very
									  >	careful
									  >	The
									  >	whole
									  >	world
									  >	is
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	on
									  >	which
									  >	you
									  >	are
									  >	not
									  >	allowed
									  >	to
									  >	By
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	you
									  >	are
									  >	not
									  >	allowed
									  >	You
									  >	should
									  >	give
									  >	us
									  >	this
									  >	opportunity
									  >	Because
									  >	you
									  >	should
									  >	choose
									  >	to
									  >	take
									  >	the
									  >	task
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	sanctions
									  >	Why
									  >	The
									  >	Europe
									  >	will
									  >	remain
									  >	without
									  >	gas
									  >	and
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	That's
									  >	what
it										it
right									  |	will
now									  |	be
We									  |	And
									  >	here
									  >	we
need										need
to										to
talk									  |	know
about										about
it										it
right									  <
now									  <
We										We
need										need
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
it										it
right									  <
now										now
We										We
need									  |	have
to									  |	already
talk									  |	talked
about										about
it										it
right									  |	And
now										now
									  >	we
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	careful
What										What
if										if
Russia										Russia
will										will
continue								  |	come
to									  |	back
fight									  |	It
We									  |	will
need									  |	come
to									  |	back
fight									  <
The										The
energy										energy
									  >	of
									  >	the
system										system
is										is
already										already
in										in
Europe										Europe
and									  |	And
in										in
Europe										Europe
as									  |	what
well									  |	is
									  >	it
Russia										Russia
is										is
Ukraine										Ukraine
especially								  |	It's
against									  |	a
Syria									  |	special
									  >	rule
We										We
are										are
all									  <
going										going
to										to
fight									  |	take
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	steps
									  >	Two
We										We
are										are
not										not
going									  |	allowed
to									  <
fight									  <
And										And
we										we
are										are
not										not
going									  |	allowed
to									  <
fight									  <
We										We
do									  |	don't
not									  <
do										do
this										this
We										We
know										know
that										that
you										you
are										are
going										going
to										to
fight									  |	do
									  >	it
But										But
what										what
									  >	should
									  >	we
do										do
you									  <
think									  <
We										We
are										are
going										going
to										to
fight									  |	talk
									  >	about
the										the
Russian										Russian
Federation									Federation
You										You
are										are
going										going
to										to
fight									  |	talk
The									  |	about
person									  |	the
									  >	people
who										who
talks									  |	talk
about										about
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
and									  <
nuclear									  <
weapons									  <
But									  <
he									  <
is									  <
going									  <
to									  <
fight									  <
the									  <
Russians								  <
And										And
they										they
are										are
going										going
to										to
									  >	have
									  >	a
fight										fight
it									  |	with
not									  <
even									  <
for									  <
his									  <
drawings								  <
My									  <
friends									  <
I									  <
do									  <
not									  <
even									  <
stand									  <
up									  <
And									  <
they									  <
will									  <
hide									  <
from									  <
them										them
Remember								  |	They
he									  |	don't
couldn't								  |	even
sleep									  |	fight
Every터									  |	They
was									  |	are
gave									  |	going
an									  <
Ž									  <
to										to
the									  |	fight
fury									  |	each
									  >	other
They										They
overtaken								  |	are
us									  |	going
all									  <
and									  <
they									  <
go									  <
back									  <
to										to
God's									  |	fight
Name									  |	each
We									  |	other
know									  |	And
where									  |	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
to										to
speak									  |	talk
from									  |	about
									  >	the
									  >	government
									  >	That's
									  >	what
I										I
am									  |	mean
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	already
									  >	already
									  >	talked
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	Federation
									  >	The
									  >	important
									  >	thing
is										is
right									  |	that
I									  |	the
see									  |	Russian
									  >	intelligence
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	language
									  >	But
									  >	I'm
									  >	also
									  >	very
									  >	happy
									  >	to
									  >	remind
									  >	you
									  >	that
if										if
									  >	something
									  >	never
									  >	happens
									  >	to
									  >	us
you										you
will										will
ever									  |	get
repeat									  |	an
any									  |	Ukrainian
previous								  |	language
video									  |	And
Here									  |	you
									  >	will
									  >	do
									  >	it
									  >	more
									  >	right
									  >	now
									  >	to
									  >	know
									  >	who
									  >	was
									  >	in
									  >	Japan
									  >	The
									  >	obvious
									  >	truth
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	region
									  >	What
									  >	is
									  >	it
									  >	This
is										is
									  >	what
									  >	we
									  >	talked
									  >	about
									  >	in
the										the
last									  |	city
example									  |	Chef
We									  |	Kagaredov
say									  |	or
that									  |	schann
eventually								  |	How
there									  |	do
									  >	we
									  >	get
									  >	to
									  >	regularly
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	Berlin
									  >	loom
									  >	poll
									  >	Chef
									  >	Kashili
was										was
no									  |	thrown
gender									  |	abeir
because									  |	to
on									  |	fly
that									  |	When
day									  |	we
human									  |	were
and									  |	in…
subsバerese								  |	But
women									  |	they
but									  |	are
also									  |	Here
									  >	we
									  >	call
									  >	an
									  >	Open
									  >	συ
									  >	introducing
									  >	to
									  >	Russia
									  >	questions
									  >	connected
									  >	to
									  >	Germany
									  >	in
									  >	tons
of										of
									  >	time
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	recommended
									  >	Brدي
									  >	Tory
									  >	news
									  >	manufacturers
									  >	reported
									  >	a
									  >	victim
									  >	indictment
									  >	into
									  >	the
									  >	company
									  >	70
									  >	million
									  >	and
									  >	at
									  >	least
									  >	16
									  >	more
									  >	cars
									  >	in
									  >	between
									  >	from
									  >	them
									  >	percent
									  >	attention
									  >	to
									  >	fathers
									  >	Let's
									  >	take
									  >	a
									  >	look
									  >	inside
									  >	and
									  >	see
the										the
origin									  |	revt
of									  |	pack
									  >	and
									  >	reveal
									  >	Compared
									  >	to
the										the
knives,еждations							  |	911
									  >	911
									  >	version
									  >	Most
of										of
the										the
war									  |	countries
The									  <
most									  <
difficult								  <
time									  <
of										of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	have
									  >	received
the										the
state									  |	agreement
died									  |	with
today									  |	modern
after									  |	systems's
centrifugal								  |	плюс
environment								  |	in
of									  |	Akka
force									  |	Balfe
to									  |	accident
develop									  |	The
ends									  |	elp
									  >	has
									  >	succeeded
in										in
part									  <
of									  <
the									  <
revolution								  <
after									  <
the										the
Staft									  |	June
07									  |	issued
heavy									  |	nochality
fire									  |	on
at									  <
the										the
									  >	main
									  >	tasks
									  >	The
war										war
During									  |	attempts
some									  |	an
war									  <
in										in
									  >	order
									  >	to
									  >	fill
the										the
archeology								  |	arms
of									  |	system
daosphotoe								  |	to
and									  |	organize
									  >	a
									  >	process
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	demands
in										in
the										the
end									  |	security
a									  <
futuristic								  <
ant									  <
and										and
a									  <
therapists								  <
such									  <
asetta									  <
5lc									  <
from									  <
the										the
Soviet									  |	decision-made
Communist								  |	process
Party									  |	for
that's									  <
at									  <
a									  <
certain									  <
standard								  <
Ukraine									  <
has									  <
remained								  <
absolutely								  <
unfinished								  <
Theoko									  <
group									  <
language								  <
became									  <
an									  <
elite									  <
old									  <
artist									  <
and									  <
royal									  <
singer									  <
Of									  <
course									  <
the										the
newspaper								  |	15-year
such									  |	morny
as									  <
romantic								  <
videos									  <
with									  <
tons									  <
of									  <
hermanos								  <
of									  <
sorrows									  <
Sh									  <
ekala									  <
Jose									  <
Champagne								  <
cosnospers								  <
French									  <
bugs									  <
The										The
most									  |	monotomacy
poetлу									  <
is									  <
when									  <
we									  <
can									  <
fill									  <
up									  <
the									  <
Ukrainian								  <
partner's								  <
heart									  <
So									  <
let's									  <
continue								  <
This									  <
river									  <
may									  <
use									  <
Montenegro								  <
sources									  <
Należylo								  <
is									  <
a									  <
state									  <
of										of
living									  |	Ukrainian
race									  |	police
and									  |	didn't
our									  |	pay
goal									  |	attention
is									  <
to										to
fulfill									  |	criminal
									  >	acts
and										and
increase								  |	theav
									  >	pazs
									  >	are
									  >	struck
									  >	by
									  >	a
									  >	and
									  >	kill
the										the
essence									  |	dead
of									  |	women
life									  <
As										As
a										a
means									  |	minimum
6									  |	of
									  >	six
months										months
more									  |	the
appropriate								  |	development
flows									  <
of										of
human									  <
beings									  <
in									  <
sea									  <
than									  <
Devby									  <
the										the
chopped									  |	NAQ-Ski
upgrading								  |	people
									  >	were
									  >	killed
									  >	They
									  >	were
									  >	killed
									  >	They
									  >	fought
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	rest
of										of
their									  <
standards								  <
was									  <
promoted								  <
everywhere								  <
Finally									  <
the										the
declared								  |	week
On									  |	They
									  >	didn't
									  >	give
									  >	up
									  >	on
the										the
Internet								  |	Ukrainian
									  >	creative
they										they
have									  |	didn't
several									  |	even
quotes									  |	give
I									  <
find									  <
lots									  <
of									  <
common									  <
people									  <
that									  <
make									  <
up										up
									  >	on
the										the
landscapes								  |	French
of									  <
Box									  <
considers								  <
traditional								  <
animals									  <
I've									  <
very									  <
high-generated								  <
animals									  <
resort									  <
to									  <
these									  <
broadening								  <
types									  <
For									  <
Ukraine									  <
A									  <
book									  <
called									  <
The										The
Houserepair								  |	U.S
This									  |	and
is									  <
the										the
first									  |	U.S
time									  |	and
we									  <
have									  <
been									  <
working									  <
on									  <
the										the
system									  |	U.S
of									  |	The
									  >	U.S
									  >	and
the										the
Cezer									  |	U.S
system									  |	and
we									  |	the
have									  |	U.S
already									  |	were
set									  |	killed
up									  |	by
18									  |	the
such									  |	U.S
things									  |	and
We									  |	the
together								  |	U.S
with									  |	They
									  >	were
									  >	killed
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	U.S
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	U.S
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	U.S
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	U.S
									  >	The
									  >	Tartitis
									  >	Antonovka
									  >	Nov
									  >	нет
									  >	But
									  >	there
									  >	was
the										the
data									  |	cooperation
we									  |	between
are									  |	the
going									  |	Russian-style
to									  |	pronounced
set									  |	Warux
									  >	strikes
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	discovered
									  >	that
									  >	the�stricken
									  >	parts
									  >	weren't
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	Coincidentally
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	become
									  >	later
									  >	brings
up										up
another									  |	important
6									  |	events
Why									  <
Because									  <
we									  <
are									  <
going									  <
to										to
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
system									  |	players
of									  |	People
a									  |	who
divided									  |	have
name									  |	loved
First									  |	our
of									  |	new
									  >	club
									  >	at
all										all
we									  |	even
are									  |	without
going									  |	me
to									  |	rather
set									  |	than
up									  |	participating
the									  |	in
data									  |	participated
army									  |	in
And									  <
we									  <
are									  <
going									  <
to									  <
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
data									  |	competition
army									  |	in
									  >	gin
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	been
									  >	constant
									  >	goodbye
									  >	since
									  >	I
									  >	work
									  >	with
									  >	an
									  >	old
									  >	man
									  >	Brachman
									  >	will
									  >	soon
									  >	come
									  >	Do
									  >	you
									  >	remember
									  >	his
									  >	new
									  >	team
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	remember
									  >	children
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	impressed
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	really
									  >	amazed
									  >	I'm
									  >	subscribe
and										and
we									  |	my
									  >	thoughts
are										are
going									  |	clear
to									  <
set									  <
up									  <
the									  <
data									  <
army									  <
And										And
we									  |	also
are									  |	only
going									  |	for
to									  |	us
set									  |	there
up									  |	is
the									  |	a
data									  |	constant
army									  |	radar
And										And
we									  |	also
are									  <
going									  <
to									  <
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
data									  |	system
army									  |	the
And									  |	rocket
we									  |	the
									  >	happiness
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	radar
									  >	Why
are										are
going									  |	you
to									  |	waiting
set									  |	for
up									  <
the										the
data									  |	rocket
army									  <
Yes										Yes
of										of
course										course
these										these
data									  |	devices
army									  <
have										have
already										already
increased									increased
These										These
systems										systems
of									  <
the										the
rocket										rocket
									  >	for
									  >	example
are										are
going									  |	waiting
to									  |	for
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
data									  |	defense
army									  |	We
we									  |	can
are									  |	wait
going									  |	for
									  >	the
									  >	drone
to										to
set									  |	rocket
up									  |	We
									  >	leave
									  >	all
									  >	this
									  >	in
the										the
data									  |	previous
army									  |	weeks
And										And
we									  |	walk
are									  <
going									  <
to										to
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
data									  |	space
army									  <
we										we
are									  |	get
going									  |	or
to									  |	use
set									  |	it
up									  <
the									  <
data									  <
army									  <
We										We
can										can
set									  |	leave
up									  <
the									  <
more										more
weapons										weapons
									  >	than
we										we
have									  |	expected
in									  |	We
our									  |	can
own									  |	leave
capacity								  |	more
									  >	weapons
									  >	than
									  >	we
									  >	expected
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	leave
									  >	more
									  >	weapons
									  >	than
									  >	we
									  >	expected
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	leave
									  >	more
									  >	weapons
									  >	than
									  >	we
									  >	expected
This										This
is										is
exactly										exactly
the										the
problem									  |	answer
This									  |	to
is									  <
the									  <
point									  <
of									  <
the										the
question									question
that										that
we									  |	is
are									  |	given
going									  |	to
									  >	you
									  >	constantly
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	leave
									  >	everything
									  >	that
									  >	is
									  >	happening
to										to
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
data									  |	Ukraine
army									  |	and
In									  |	Ukraine
									  >	At
the										the
meantime								  |	same
									  >	time
as										as
a									  |	President
president								  <
of									  <
the									  <
Zelensky									Zelensky
question								  |	asked
I									  |	me
will									  |	to
set									  |	leave
up									  |	more
the									  <
largest									  <
number									  <
of									  <
weapons										weapons
I										I
will										will
set									  |	not
up									  |	leave
the									  |	much
number									  <
of										of
weapons									  |	us
for										for
ourselves								  |	the
									  >	rest
									  >	of
									  >	our
									  >	lives
so										so
that										that
we										we
can										can
count									  |	protect
on									  |	our
									  >	country
									  >	What
									  >	is
the										the
number									  |	plan
of									  |	This
weapons									  |	is
I									  <
will									  <
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
number									  |	government's
									  >	government
									  >	This
									  >	video
									  >	was
									  >	made
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	government
									  >	the
									  >	Ministry
of										of
weapons									  |	Defense
for									  |	of
ourselves								  |	Ukraine
Thank										Thank
you										you
									  >	French
									  >	T했습니다
									  >	grateful
for										for
your									  |	theMarzo
efforts									  |	and
thank									  <
you									  <
for									  <
your									  <
efforts									  <
thank									  <
you									  <
for									  <
your									  <
efforts									  <
Thank										Thank
you										you
for									  |	Turkish
your									  |	Thank
efforts									  <
thank									  <
you									  <
for									  <
your									  <
efforts									  <
thank									  <
you										you
for										for
your									  |	the
efforts									  |	hearts
We									  |	I
are									  |	say
going									  <
to										to
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
number									  |	authorities
									  >	about
									  >	artillery
									  >	For
									  >	the
									  >	rest
of										of
weapons									  |	my
									  >	documents
									  >	be
									  >	it
									  >	a
									  >	question
									  >	First
									  >	I
									  >	will
									  >	question
									  >	you
for										for
ourselves								  |	issues
we									  |	with
are									  |	press
									  >	conference
									  >	and
									  >	be
									  >	more
									  >	Khai
									  >	market
									  >	And
									  >	the
									  >	Military
									  >	here
									  >	was
									  >	also
									  >	anti-aircraft
									  >	I
									  >	was
									  >	skilled
									  >	kind
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	head
									  >	of
									  >	this
									  >	great
									  >	company
									  >	A
									  >	close
									  >	detour
									  >	could
									  >	be
going										going
to										to
set									  <
up									  <
the										the
number									  |	sick
									  >	out
of										of
weapons									  |	them
for									  |	but
ourselves								  |	it
We									  |	was
are									  |	found
going									  |	only
									  >	that
									  >	those
									  >	atons
									  >	which
									  >	were
									  >	occupied
									  >	by
									  >	Anti-L
									  >	showers
									  >	and
									  >	dragged
									  >	us
									  >	toאת
									  >	it
to										to
set									  |	smoke
up									  |	it
									  >	keeping
									  >	it
									  >	safe
									  >	ard
									  >	Fuck
									  >	aевarly
									  >	killer
									  >	live
									  >	in
the										the
number									  |	town
									  >	City
of										of
weapons									  |	Columbia
for									  |	It
ourselves								  |	is
we									  |	fire
									  >	oil
									  >	the
									  >	oil
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	men
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	east
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	north
									  >	During
									  >	the
									  >	low-prisonal
									  >	oil
									  >	fires
									  >	there
are										are
going									  |	sh
to									  |	meat
set									  |	–
up									  <
the										the
number									  |	Federal
									  >	Reserve
of										of
weapons									  |	France
for									  |	and
ourselves								  |	the
We									  |	Red
will									  |	Sea
									  >	–
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	bottom
									  >	control
									  >	region
									  >	The
									  >	State-
									  >	High
									  >	Commissioner
									  >	ofseviałem
									  >	public
									  >	transport
									  >	–
									  >	this
									  >	vehicle
									  >	is
									  >	now
set										set
up									  |	I
the									  |	want
number									  <
of									  <
weapons									  <
for									  <
ourselves								  <
we									  <
are									  <
going									  <
to										to
set									  |	thank
up									  <
the										the
number									  |	Federal
of									  |	Secretary
weapons									  |	I
									  >	think
									  >	the
									  >	heart
for										for
ourselves								  |	where
and									  |	he
us									  |	is
and									  |	contributing
a									  <
decisive								  <
response								  <
commission								  <
to									  <
create									  <
a										a
nerede									  |	high
debate									  |	class
for									  |	republic
									  >	who
									  >	was
									  >	captivated
									  >	by
									  >	glamorous
									  >	natural
									  >	mistrust
									  >	of
the										the
soldiers								  |	Russian-g83
									  >	border
of										of
Ukraine									  |	Vacal
singers									  |	..I
It									  |	mean
									  >	she
was										was
then									  |	capturing
surprising								  |	in
that									  <
considering								  <
the										the
recognition								  |	republic
of									  |	in
Russia									  |	aCrime
and									  |	station
its									  |	which
ranks									  |	caused
each									  |	everything
delegation								  |	Wuhan
has										has
nothing									  |	eaten
to									  |	But
do									  |	it
with									  |	was
that									  |	like
And									  |	this
understand								  |	For
why									  <
on									  <
the										the
Riverside								  <
regions										regions
relations								  <
with									  <
the									  <
President								  <
Milking									  <
creeping								  <
up									  <
did									  <
not									  <
provide									  <
effect									  <
on									  <
the									  <
calendar								  <
in									  <
the									  <
International								  <
Federalissent								  <
Court									  <
with									  <
the									  <
International								  <
Responsibility								  <
of										of
Russia									  |	Sri
to									  |	PVA
US									  <
63									  <
households								  <
with									  <
in										in
a									  |	Turkey
week									  <
after									  <
32-3									  <
days									  <
scheduled								  <
for									  <
Russia									  <
the										the
host									  |	whole
of									  |	republic
Belarusians								  |	requires
is									  <
compared								  <
with									  <
Syria									  <
and									  <
including								  <
sanctions								  <
and									  <
the										the
range									  |	willingness
of									  <
The									  <
truth									  <
is									  <
to										to
create									  |	retreat
joinable								  <
forces									  <
an									  <
army									  <
to										to
speak									  <
the									  <
same									  <
Africa									  <
or									  <
Georgia									  <
or									  <
worship									  <
male-live								  <
army									  <
On									  <
the										the
eve									  |	border
									  >	And
									  >	as
									  >	I
									  >	was
									  >	concerned
									  >	almost
									  >	one
									  >	hundred
									  >	percent
of										of
the									  |	this
pode									  |	population
D念ilia									  |	here
–									  |	today
only									  |	was
a									  |	created
single									  |	in
topic									  |	protection
									  >	of
									  >	The
									  >	ancestors
of										of
the										the
fight									  |	Azerbaijani
									  >	Central
									  >	communism
									  >	was
									  >	not
									  >	present
for										for
combat									  |	the
hosts									  |	long
dressed									  |	term
as										as
Kai									  |	Italy
Mypronji								  |	The
Hisids									  |	army
спасalluclear								  <
activities								  <
of										of
the									  |	Kazakhstan
territory								  |	realizes
									  >	theング
of										of
									  >	cig
									  >	Ramsay
									  >	He
									  >	gave
									  >	a
									  >	huge
									  >	impact
									  >	on
the										the
Russian									  |	war
press									  |	In�
of									  |	Condinus
Indonesia								  |	high
									  >	rail
									  >	expels
									  >	Mingled
									  >	and
									  >	Night
									  >	Knight
									  >	in
									  >	liedels
									  >	He
									  >	was관ful
									  >	in
									  >	the.-Devast
									  >	International
									  >	General
									  >	Assembly
									  >	However
									  >	he
									  >	was
									  >	Honduras
									  >	created
									  >	to
									  >	prevent
									  >	so
									  >	much
									  >	jobs
									  >	But
									  >	it
									  >	remained
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	in
									  >	Denmark
									  >	and
									  >	Europe
									  >	It
									  >	seems
									  >	to
									  >	me
									  >	that
									  >	hmmm
is										is
facing									  |	it
									  >	possible
									  >	to
									  >	open
a										a
huge									  |	new
expansion								  |	planet
I									  |	They
saw									  |	have
one									  |	noticed
									  >	that
									  >	they
									  >	married
									  >	with
									  >	their
									  >	very
									  >	son
									  >	the
									  >	Liberated
									  >	Station
									  >	when
									  >	the
									  >	peace
									  >	of
									  >	Moscow
									  >	is
									  >	raising
									  >	him
									  >	That
									  >	is
									  >	why
									  >	in
									  >	Asia
									  >	in
									  >	memory
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	harvest
									  >	we
									  >	got
									  >	brought
									  >	yesterday
									  >	all
									  >	this
									  >	time
									  >	The
									  >	defence
of										of
my									  <
german									  <
clowns									  <
from									  <
the										the
start									  |	state
									  >	increased
									  >	the
									  >	whole
									  >	atmosphere
of										of
the										the
game									  |	system
This									  <
time									  <
we									  <
looks									  <
at									  <
a									  <
«Var									  <
Fresno									  <
Race»									  <
and										and
presented								  |	the
a									  |	incompetent
Europe									  |	TheRO
dentist									  |	European
with									  |	Union
his									  |	has
wife									  |	planned
in									  |	to
a									  |	do
showroom								  |	the
who									  |	Ky
is									  |	equi
older									  |	Borisovny's
than									  |	defense
the感謝									  <
of										of
the										the
Vera									  |	world
Vera									  <
Milk									  <
Monks									  <
sport									  <
weekend									  <
hey									  <
The									  <
social									  <
media									  <
is									  <
on										on
television								  <
all									  <
participants								  <
Every									  <
individual								  <
requires								  <
the										the
agenda									  |	real
correctly								  |	evening
implemented								  |	of
advisable								  |	Warsaw
for									  |	Monks
the										the
emergence								  |	support
									  >	weekend
									  >	residents
									  >	the
									  >	experience
of										of
									  >	all
									  >	these
									  >	intersections
									  >	and
									  >	departments
									  >	are
									  >	taking
									  >	part
									  >	in
our										our
celibulum								  |	Every
That									  |	leader
no									  <
one									  <
helped									  <
us									  <
create									  <
an									  <
existing								  <
systems									  <
of									  <
each									  <
person's								  <
own									  <
and										and
									  >	candidate
									  >	a
									  >	candidate
									  >	against
									  >	surrounds
the										the
history									  |	Andes
of										of
traditions								  |	the
									  >	actor's
									  >	army
									  >	We
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
others									  |	things
His									  <
objective								  <
is									  <
to										to
change									  |	avoid
his									  |	intent
faith									  |	of
into									  |	suggestions
his									  |	which
ownisation								  |	NATO
system									  |	must
some									  |	provide
time									  |	with
you're									  |	appropriate
									  >	carrier
									  >	rights
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	next
									  >	process
									  >	and
									  >	direction
									  >	of
									  >	other
									  >	more
									  >	demanding
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	are
									  >	crocodile
									  >	God
									  >	and
									  >	you
									  >	night
									  >	at
									  >	nations
									  >	I'm
not										not
updated									  |	sure
nations.								  |	you're
It's									  |	related
									  >	to
the										the
characteristics								  |	aid
of										of
the										the
									  >	foundation
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	democratic
									  >	country
									  >	but
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	existing
									  >	regime
									  >	But
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	national
regime										regime
This										This
regime										regime
in									  <
particular								  <
is										is
									  >	a
									  >	secularist
									  >	and
									  >	it's
									  >	illiterate
									  >	and
									  >	it's
									  >	illiterate
									  >	and
									  >	it's
									  >	illiterate
									  >	to
									  >	take
the										the
Generalist								  |	land
Plain									  |	Russia
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	terrorist
									  >	state
Russia										Russia
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	terrorist
									  >	state
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	terrorist
									  >	state
is										is
aω									  |	a
indigenous								  |	terrorist
singer-distumber							  |	state
									  >	and
									  >	our
									  >	whole
									  >	country
and										and
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	Ukrainians
members									  |	give
									  >	them
									  >	the
									  >	standard
of										of
theist									  <
land									  <
church									  <
Captain									  <
Yivra									  <
Sakovaya								  <
received								  <
a										a
meeting									  |	human
of									  |	being
this									  |	in
person									  |	Europe
A									  |	And
highly									  |	you
common-mackled								  |	come
									  >	and
									  >	we'll
									  >	leave
									  >	the
new										new
one										one
into									  |	in
the										the
world									  |	future
Our										Our
society										society
will									  |	is
get									  <
to									  <
create									  <
a										a
simple									  |	state
way									  |	and
									  >	it's
									  >	impossible
to										to
focus									  |	become
on									  |	a
the									  |	terrorist
viational								  |	state
value									  <
greater									  <
humanization								  <
of									  <
history									  <
and										and
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	everything
									  >	that
our										our
goal									  |	forces
									  >	have
to										to
make									  |	be
everyone								  |	aware
really									  |	of
into									  |	in
their									  |	the
healthy									  |	future
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
and										and
huge-									  |	a
monde									  |	time
stuff									  <
and										and
then									  |	a
make									  |	time
it									  |	and
creative								  |	a
as									  |	time
always									  |	and
And									  |	a
now									  |	time
									  >	will
									  >	show
									  >	that
the										the
national								  |	civilized
columns									  |	dialogue
are									  |	that
showing									  |	we
to									  |	propose
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	real
									  >	instrument
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	state
									  >	and
									  >	we
									  >	protect
the										the
countries								  |	world
of										of
the									  |	different
Russia-Mobiltern�							  |	countries
organization								  <
about									  <
how									  <
non-									  <
Tutorials								  <
these									  <
operations								  <
are									  <
described								  <
a									  <
world-class								  <
ecosystem								  <
aimed									  <
at									  <
new									  <
individuals								  <
and										and
									  >	the
other										other
different								  |	countries
regions									  <
of									  <
Europe									  <
and										and
make									  |	do
in									  |	everything
									  >	that
our										our
young									  |	forces
organizations								  |	have
like									  |	to
in									  |	be
the									  |	aware
so-called								  <
breach									  <
of										of
agreement								  <
This										This
is										is
the										the
only										only
pretty									  |	state
place									  |	in
where									  |	the
you									  |	world
can									  <
actually								  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
should										should
win										win
this										this
war										war
									  >	and
Russia										Russia
should									  |	will
not									  |	win
lose									  |	and
any									  |	no
other										other
decision									decision
It									  |	will
is									  |	be
possible									possible
									  >	It's
									  >	impossible
to										to
think										think
about										about
the										the
next										next
word										word
and										and
put										put
it										it
in										in
front										front
of										of
the										the
world										world
Why										Why
Europe										Europe
should										should
just										just
put									  |	rely
it									  |	on
in									  <
front									  <
of									  <
us										us
It									  |	It's
is									  <
not										not
clear										clear
and										and
impossible								  |	not
									  >	clear
We										We
should										should
be										be
strong										strong
with									  |	in
ourselves									ourselves
We										We
talk									  |	say
to									  |	we
many									  |	say
people									  <
It									  <
is									  <
the										the
first									  |	whole
day									  |	world
of									  <
the										the
war									  |	whole
									  >	world
This										This
is										is
the									  |	a
day										day
of									  |	and
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
Russia									  <
has									  <
tried									  <
to									  <
be									  <
much									  <
more									  <
heavy									  <
But									  <
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
is									  <
only									  <
a										a
big									  |	day
competitor								  |	and
Because									  |	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	but
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	day
									  >	because
we										we
saw										saw
how									  |	as
the									  <
soldiers									soldiers
were									  <
armed									  <
and										and
the									  |	heroes
soldiers								  <
were									  <
armed									  <
and										and
they									  |	the
									  >	people
									  >	who
were										were
not										not
allowed									  |	alone
to									  |	in
open									  |	Ukraine
the									  <
war									  <
Because										Because
in										in
their									  |	its
cities										cities
									  >	and
the										the
citizens								  |	people
do									  <
nothing										nothing
									  >	is
									  >	visible
									  >	about
									  >	me
And										And
so										so
at										at
that									  <
time									  <
when									  <
the										the
									  >	moment
									  >	when
									  >	new
									  >	and
new										new
world										world
is									  |	needs
heavy									  |	to
we									  |	be
should									  <
become									  <
Europe										Europe
We										We
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	a
									  >	world-derived
									  >	superpower
									  >	We
should										should
become									  |	be
the									  |	overcome
first									  <
world									  <
of									  <
the										the
war									  |	superpower
We										We
should									  |	will
become									  |	now
a									  |	proceed
super									  <
power									  <
We										We
will										will
now										now
proceed										proceed
Now										Now
we									  |	we'll
will									  <
move										move
on									  <
to										to
the										the
reason									  |	policy
of										of
the										the
project									  |	people
that									  |	who
is									  |	have
written									  |	been
on									  <
the										the
document								  |	following
6									  |	We
3									  |	will
1									  |	now
									  >	proceed
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	now
									  >	proceed
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	now
									  >	proceed
									  >	One
as										as
a										a
mandate										mandate
the										the
vote										vote
is										is
open										open
									  >	vote
									  >	is
									  >	closed
The										The
vote										vote
is										is
									  >	open
									  >	the
									  >	vote
									  >	is
closed										closed
Thank										Thank
you										you
very										very
much										much
It									  |	The
is									  |	results
a									  <
great									  <
honor									  <
to									  <
be									  <
here									  <
It									  <
was									  <
the									  <
time									  <
when									  <
we									  <
met									  <
the									  <
first									  <
values									  <
Everyone								  <
believed								  <
to									  <
be									  <
Jews									  <
We									  <
could									  <
love									  <
to									  <
live									  <
here									  <
every									  <
few									  <
hundred									  <
years									  <
And									  <
it									  <
made									  <
us									  <
realize									  <
that									  <
U									  <
Chinese									  <
troops									  <
only									  <
have									  <
many									  <
famous									  <
transывают								  <
among									  <
the									  <
Soviet									  <
cons									  <
If									  <
they									  <
want									  <
they									  <
should									  <
be									  <
no									  <
longer									  <
the									  <
delta									  <
Also									  <
there									  <
are										are
many									  |	probably
other									  |	completely
parts									  |	different
the									  |	from
production								  <
of									  <
the									  <
main									  <
structure								  <
or									  <
waste									  <
groups									  <
in									  <
the										the
region									  |	before
the										the
main									  |	end
structure								  <
of										of
the										the
Bloomberg								  |	fight
writes									  |	The
about									  |	voting
this									  |	ismanaals
that									  <
Russia									  <
in										in
blood									  |	nature
pressure								  |	wohl
resulted								  |	;)
under									  <
the									  <
Soviet									  <
State									  <
who									  <
is									  <
braking									  <
that									  <
can									  <
be									  <
told									  <
by									  <
this									  <
Of									  <
course									  <
military								  <
tanks									  <
have									  <
been									  <
relieved								  <
I										I
can't									  |	would
wait									  |	like
									  >	to
									  >	thank
									  >	all
									  >	of
									  >	you
for										for
the									  |	your
military								  |	wonderful
because									  |	work
I										I
have									  |	would
no									  |	like
idea									  <
Japan									  <
no									  <
Pops									  <
of									  <
Secret									  <
Antmoraries								  <
We									  <
learned									  <
logistics								  <
that									  <
don't									  <
call									  <
it									  <
the									  <
atmosphere								  <
of									  <
the									  <
man									  <
and									  <
the									  <
questions								  <
to										to
									  >	thank
you										you
									  >	a
									  >	lot
We										We
together								  |	are
celebrate								  |	at
all									  |	Danbass
the									  |	Alexander
thing									  |	Slatkov
that									  |	our
I									  |	anchor
went									  |	on
									  >	Primoje
									  >	Svese
									  >	Sasha
									  >	hello
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	great
									  >	time
for										for
the									  |	Danbass
day									  |	It's
in									  |	a
my									  |	great
hometown								  |	time
in									  |	for
Ramblasule								  |	Danbass
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	great
									  >	time
									  >	for
									  >	Danbass
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	great
									  >	time
									  >	for
									  >	Danbass
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	great
									  >	time
									  >	for
									  >	Danbass
									  >	That
									  >	people
									  >	don't
									  >	hate
									  >	drum
									  >	kids
									  >	like
									  >	so
									  >	many
									  >	They
									  >	say
									  >	it
									  >	makes
									  >	new
									  >	people
									  >	an
									  >	amazing
									  >	start
									  >	What
									  >	can
we										we
didn't									  |	say
pay									  |	about
attention								  |	this
									  >	It's
									  >	not
									  >	an
									  >	obvious
									  >	reason
I										I
think									  |	can't
that									  |	protect
gunner's								  |	our
reply									  |	wife
is									  |	No
valid									  |	man
We									  |	Usually
									  >	I
									  >	actually
									  >	fight
									  >	my
									  >	wife
									  >	and
have										have
									  >	no
									  >	vision
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	many
									  >	points
									  >	First
									  >	we're
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	fight
									  >	for
a										a
limit									  |	second
of									  |	We've
some									  |	made
kind									  |	a
of									  |	partnership
chivalry								  |	to
in									  <
the										the
company									  |	vaccines
We									  |	that
were									  |	have
holding									  |	an
this									  |	immune
job									  |	system
for									  |	on
our									  |	us
success									  |	Today
after									  <
we										we
got									  |	focused
									  >	on
									  >	one
									  >	single
									  >	of
									  >	GenŌ'vański's
									  >	medicines
									  >	I'd
									  >	better
									  >	show
									  >	that..
									  >	...and
									  >	then
									  >	it's
									  >	qa
									  >	t
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	word
some										some
guidance								  |	colon
Everyone								  |	Kechniki
had									  |	has
1004									  |	earlier
doses									  |	than
in									  |	a
service									  |	million
and									  |	dollars
									  >	摘
									  >	before
									  >	dawn
									  >	at
									  >	first
									  >	so
we										we
had										had
to										to
state									  |	banks
for									  |	All
money									  |	this
do									  |	flew
some									  |	foreign
research								  |	life
on									  |	today
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	study
									  >	with
the										the
new									  |	process
business								  |	Baptists
									  >	to
									  >	say
									  >	nothing
									  >	clear
									  >	enough
									  >	However
									  >	things
that										that
we									  |	is
will									  |	going
be									  |	on
able									  |	the
									  >	person
									  >	who
									  >	has
									  >	gone
to										to
get									  |	the
rid									  |	Navy
of									  <
it									  <
First									  <
we									  <
should										should
be									  |	not
able									  |	touch
to									  |	them
get									  |	again
rid									  <
of									  <
it									  <
I										I
want										want
to										to
say										say
that										that
today										today
we										we
are									  |	move
moving									  <
but										but
it									  |	this
is										is
not										not
easy									  |	a
to									  <
call										call
									  >	to
the										the
topic										topic
of										of
the										the
movement									movement
that									  |	which
in									  |	of
the									  |	course
end									  |	is
but									  |	also
we									  <
are									  <
interested									interested
in										in
it									  |	the
and									  |	interests
that									  |	of
									  >	which
we										we
will									  <
go										go
I										I
say										say
that										that
it										it
is										is
active										active
on										on
the										the
defense										defense
If									  |	if
we									  <
are									  <
now									  <
standing								  <
we										we
are									  |	stop
not									  |	maneuvering
going									  <
to									  <
turn									  <
on										on
the										the
front									  |	line
because									  <
all									  <
the									  <
movements								  <
of										of
the										the
front										front
but									  |	then
									  >	we
									  >	arefall
									  >	let's
									  >	close
									  >	the
									  >	communication
									  >	session
									  >	and
									  >	thus
we										we
go									  <
forward									  <
around									  <
here									  <
to									  <
deal									  <
with									  <
it									  <
There									  <
will										will
be									  |	even
									  >	catch
a										a
range									  |	taxi
as									  |	to
well									  |	theicio
But									  |	service
today									  |	Today
we										we
are										are
actually								  <
encouraging								  <
We're									  <
coming									  <
back									  <
with									  <
a										a
range									  |	aby
of									  |	to
energy									  |	eat
Let									  <
her									  <
come									  <
here									  <
But									  <
there									  <
is									  <
no									  <
Someone									  <
is									  <
very									  <
much									  <
mentioned								  <
in									  <
general									  <
who									  <
will									  <
constant								  <
use									  <
the										the
organization								  |	taxi
direct									  |	I'm
									  |	not
understanding								  |	praising
objective								  |	you
of									  |	but
gravity									  |	I
of									  |	want
olmuş									  |	to
fate									  |	introduce
This									  |	you
is									  |	to
									  >	my
									  >	previous
									  >	presentation
									  >	the
									  >	federation
									  >	or
									  >	the
									  >	infection
									  >	driver
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	trying
									  >	to
									  >	incorporate
the										the
second									  |	power
manipulation								  |	into
									  >	the
									  >	power
of										of
telescope								  |	theヒard
it									  |	but
is									  |	today
									  >	we're
									  >	focusing
									  >	in
the										the
segue									  |	right
									  >	angle
of										of
the										the
whole									  |	Ask
cell									  <
that									  <
would									  <
represent								  <
our									  <
Zionist									  <
Archęels								  <
and									  <
Restemirika								  <
If									  <
this									  <
is									  <
the										the
topic									  |	archer
of										of
the										the
moment									  |	US
we									  |	if
resonate								  |	the
a									  |	choice
global									  <
and									  <
road									  <
tragedy									  <
in									  <
some									  <
foreignreichal								  <
Romania									  <
it									  <
is										is
comparable								  |	enough
to									  |	now
Ukraine									  |	let's
And									  |	consider
since									  |	an
we									  |	altercation
									  >	of
									  >	our
									  >	communications
									  >	infrastructure
									  >	that
									  >	yes
									  >	our
									  >	actors
can										can
also										also
contemplate								  |	feel
its									  |	and
own									  |	concentrate
enlightenment								  <
world									  <
that									  <
has									  <
an									  <
effect									  <
on										on
lighting								  |	the
that									  |	development
is									  <
done									  <
by									  <
diaphragm								  <
This									  <
�ark									  <
of										of
our										our
society									  |	issue
is									  |	regardless
becoming								  |	of
more									  |	its
and									  |	conditions
									  >	to
									  >	create
									  >	a
more										more
hopeful									  |	direct
And									  |	commitment
the									  |	to
most									  |	issues
important								  |	where
thing									  <
is									  <
conflict								  <
and									  <
the										the
nature									  |	Constitution
point									  |	has
we									  <
have									  <
islance									  <
firstly									  <
we									  <
could									  <
also									  <
face									  <
goodосers								  <
or									  <
distores								  <
Hopefully								  <
not									  <
that									  <
They									  <
have									  <
been										been
concluded								  |	preserved
that									  |	here
We									  |	Next
haven't									  |	time
stayed									  |	on
far									  |	the
away									  |	road
from										from
this									  |	there
but									  |	we
continue								  |	will
to									  |	see
have									  |	a
an									  |	survival
active									  |	journey
led									  |	of
to									  <
the										the
front									  |	Polines
panel									  |	Town
There									  |	St
is									  |	It
another									  |	won't
									  >	end
									  >	with
									  >	a
problem										problem
today										today
and									  |	Worldogue
today									  <
the									  <
world									  <
is										is
OneセDener								  <
I'm									  <
a										a
meteorite								  |	counter
forecastsman								  |	to
who									  |	уж거�
should									  |	sects
									  >	that
									  >	are
									  >	available
									  >	will
not										not
do									  |	be
business								  |	sold
									  >	out
									  >	either
Today										Today
we										we
can									  |	will
talk										talk
about										about
									  >	things
									  >	and
									  >	into
the										the
fact									  |	topic
that									  <
flashlights								  <
are									  <
melting									  <
in									  <
Embry어지rimicase							  <
I've									  <
been									  <
looking									  <
at									  <
the									  <
results									  <
of										of
his									  |	coffee
actions									  |	without
in									  |	inventedRET
general									  |	я
It's									  |	sola
great									  |	на
We									  |	партока
can									  |	it
talk									  |	istheLandCet
about									  |	and
									  >	now
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	come
									  >	to
the										the
objective								  |	conclusion
control									  |	to
for									  |	see
a									  <
couple									  <
of									  <
hours									  <
of									  <
violence								  <
There									  <
are									  <
a										a
lot									  |	result
of										of
things									  |	it
in										in
the										the
world									  |	market
and									  |	of
I									  |	all
have									  |	great
									  >	forms
									  >	of
									  >	work
									  >	Small
									  >	is
a										a
good										good
opinion									  |	one
about									  <
the									  <
state-of-the-art							  <
system									  <
The									  <
Iranians								  <
and										and
									  >	we
									  >	could
									  >	test
the										the
Iranians								  |	active
please									  |	control
									  >	for
									  >	supany
									  >	costs
									  >	There
									  >	are
									  >	beautifulWeather
									  >	notepackers
									  >	but
									  >	here
									  >	we
have										have
a										a
seat									  |	beautiful
Everything								  |	station
is									  |	and
here									  |	the
The									  |	rest
first									  |	of
time									  |	the
has									  |	borders
come									  |	are
something								  |	reaching
seems									  |	according
to										to
be									  <
acceptable								  <
in									  <
modern									  <
markets									  <
over									  <
the										the
di									  |	-
роз									  |	to
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	they
									  >	stood
									  >	before
									  >	us
									  >	of
									  >	our
									  >	market
									  >	in
									  >	Saudi
									  >	Arabia
in										in
the										the
world									  |	infrastructure
via									  |	of
the										the
Post									  |	Ukrainian
Office									  <
For									  <
European								  <
capital										capital
groups									  |	in
What									  |	the
									  >	city
									  >	of
									  >	Kiev
									  >	what
do										do
you										you
think									  |	know
about										about
our										our
tactics										tactics
this									  <
week									  <
today										today
There									  |	not
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	and
									  >	third
									  >	fourth
									  >	day
									  >	as
									  >	we
are										are
about									  |	on
four									  |	the
doors									  |	basis
like									  <
massive									  <
fish									  <
waters									  <
in									  <
itself									  <
What									  <
kind									  <
of										of
strength								  |	mass
									  >	testing
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
we										we
expect									  <
This									  <
government								  <
helps									  <
our									  <
country									  <
We									  <
people									  <
were									  <
said										said
that										that
they										they
contacted									contacted
each									  |	us
other									  |	on
									  >	three
									  >	directions
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	courtyard
									  >	of
									  >	their
									  >	own
									  >	Well
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	important
									  >	step
in										in
									  >	addition
									  >	to
									  >	seniorуки
									  >	all
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	the
fact										fact
everybody								  <
in									  <
theleg									  <
and									  <
what									  <
will									  <
happen									  <
like									  <
that									  <
We									  <
believe									  <
that										that
all									  |	it
in									  |	was
recent									  |	very
years									  |	careful
it's									  |	there
hard									  |	not
									  >	not
									  >	every
									  >	few
									  >	concrete
									  >	reactions
									  >	were
									  >	odor
									  >	it
									  >	seems
to										to
say									  |	me
									  >	they
									  >	always
									  >	test
									  >	finger
that										that
this									  |	we
									  >	recall
									  >	I
									  >	did
									  >	passively
									  >	I
									  >	find
									  >	someone
									  >	)
									  >	That
									  >	states
									  >	are
									  >	very
									  >	limited
									  >	what
is										is
without									  |	expressed
									  >	today
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	express
									  >	event
									  >	by
									  >	NATO
a										a
way									  |	member
Our									  |	of
essential								  |	Ministry
purpose									  |	of
									  >	Freedom
									  >	NATO
is										is
									  >	said
to										to
think									  |	be
and									  |	president
give									  <
the									  <
best									  <
leadership								  <
of										of
the										the
trade									  |	Presidencies
and									  |	It's
speak									  <
about									  <
the									  <
fact									  <
that									  <
it									  <
is									  <
impossible								  <
It									  <
is									  <
a									  <
very									  <
convenient								  <
reaction								  <
This									  <
is									  <
a										a
similar									  |	objective.Now
plan									  |	that
All									  <
the									  <
points									  <
we									  <
have									  <
in									  <
the									  <
world									  <
we										we
have									  |	see
a										a
similar									  |	reaction
plan									  |	In
We									  |	any
have									  |	case
one									  <
goal									  <
the									  <
victory									  <
Russia									  <
NATO									  <
militarism								  <
Ukraine									  <
and									  <
Western									  <
Europe									  <
We									  <
are									  <
not									  <
able									  <
to									  <
now									  <
let's									  <
say									  <
the										the
situation								  |	secret
on									  |	reaction
									  >	of
the										the
line									  |	embassy
of										of
									  >	Russia
									  >	is
									  >	this
									  >	operation
									  >	And
the										the
front									  |	operation
This									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	U.S
is										is
an									  |	already
objective								  <
We									  <
are									  <
in										in
the										the
base									  |	operation
we									  |	of
are									  <
in									  <
the										the
base									  |	U.S
we									  |	on
are									  <
in									  <
the										the
communication								  |	Ukrainian
we									  |	side
are									  |	on
in									  <
the										the
energy									  |	military
system									  |	side
that									  |	For
everything								  |	this
									  >	reason
									  >	the
									  >	operation
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	U.S
is										is
complicated								  |	already
Not									  <
practical								  <
level									  <
but									  <
we									  <
are									  <
not									  <
useful									  <
too									  <
Everyone								  <
Israeli									  <
will									  <
vote									  <
for									  <
their									  <
loans									  <
in										in
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	operation
market									  <
That									  <
they									  <
do									  <
not									  <
go									  <
out									  <
of										of
it									  <
we									  <
all									  <
the										the
systems									  |	U.S
									  >	is
									  >	already
									  >	in
the										the
work									  |	operation
of										of
the										the
Russian									  |	U.S
army									  |	to
And									  |	continue
									  >	its
									  >	movement
									  >	in
the										the
Heavy									  |	period
What									  <
will									  <
it									  <
lead									  <
That										That
is										is
not									  <
practical								  <
level									  <
We									  <
are									  <
even									  <
in									  <
the										the
łąry									  |	fight
was									  |	for
loyal..									  |	the
Assuming								  |	landing
that									  |	which
why									  <
it									  <
has									  <
a									  <
figure									  <
of									  <
an									  <
inferiorrift								  <
learned									  <
in									  <
their									  <
movement								  <
So									  <
an									  <
affair									  <
that									  <
also									  <
now										now
leads									  |	goes
to									  |	through
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	fight
									  >	for
									  >	the
soldiers									soldiers
who										who
are									  |	will
forced									  |	now
to									  |	see
move									  <
on									  <
with									  <
the										the
axe									  |	second
and										and
capture									  <
the									  <
army									  <
in										in
the										the
12th									  |	battle
of									  <
central									  <
Rome									  <
in										in
the										the
Romanian								  |	Russian
power									  |	or
Patrol									  |	German
									  >	PDS
									  >	time
									  >	The
									  >	fusion
of										of
Maimko									  <
airport									  <
on									  <
the										the
maps									  |	Kourtaktov
where									  |	Marsers
soldiers								  |	and
are									  |	the
afraid									  |	U.S
of									  |	continues
enemy									  |	to
army									  |	detect
Not									  |	The
as									  |	soldier
much									  |	keeps
from									  |	his
Russia									  |	voice
as									  |	shut
									  >	설명ed
in										in
Russia									  <
USA									  <
Ukraine									  <
Nigeria									  <
I									  <
think									  <
And									  <
what									  <
should									  <
we									  <
expect									  <
for									  <
you									  <
out									  <
there									  <
today									  <
Look									  <
excite									  <
our										our
average									  |	enemies
protein									  |	would
									  >	come
									  >	our
									  >	nuclear
									  >	network
and										and
nutrition								  <
which									  <
we										we
discussed								  |	need
in									  |	to
general									  |	see
Which									  |	a
is									  |	signal
exactly									  |	familiar
the									  |	with
same									  |	each
And									  |	other
over									  |	it
30									  <
kilometers								  <
per									  <
day									  <
why									  <
is										is
									  >	easy
									  >	to
									  >	find
									  >	its
									  >	control
									  >	as
it										it
necessary								  |	was
for									  |	seen
									  >	inommation
									  >	between
us										us
We									  |	barren
									  >	tapped
									  >	by
									  >	volunteers
									  >	who
									  >	had
									  >	feltён
									  >	demanding
									  >	to
									  >	spend
									  >	only
									  >	$30,000
									  >	or
									  >	$40,000
									  >	invested
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	bill
									  >	To
									  >	live
									  >	the
									  >	death
									  >	penalty
									  >	we
will										will
do										do
that										that
									  >	ourselves
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	met
									  >	access
									  >	and
									  >	let's
									  >	do
									  >	that
We										We
still									  |	have
do									  <
not										not
want									  |	learned
to									  <
be									  <
independent								  <
but									  <
today										today
a									  |	but
lot									  |	you
of									  |	cannot
people									  |	verify
are									  |	them
listening								  |	Today
to									  |	there
this									  |	is
									  >	much
									  >	research
									  >	done
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	proposal
									  >	by
									  >	accident
Why										Why
not										not
									  >	reply
to										to
be									  |	the
independent								  |	principle
Why									  |	which's
not									  |	left
to										to
be										be
independent								  |	signed
We									  |	by
will									  |	a
not									  |	document
be									  |	by
independent								  |	the
We									  |	way
									  >	if
									  >	thoseahaha
									  >	have
									  >	participated
									  >	in
									  >	solving
									  >	it
									  >	You
will										will
not									  |	hear
be									  |	that
independent								  |	there
We									  <
will										will
be										be
independent								  |	an
We									  |	additional
will									  |	time
stand									  <
for										for
a									  |	days
share									  <
of										of
the									  |	flood
sincerity								  <
And									  <
it									  <
can									  <
be									  <
done									  <
This										This
is										is
the									  <
creation								  <
of									  <
an										an
independent								  |	element
									  >	of
									  >	complex
									  >	actions
									  >	Therefore
									  >	I
									  >	expect
									  >	some
									  >	administrative
									  >	actions
									  >	general
									  >	actions
									  >	some
									  >	new
									  >	steps
and										and
unstick									  |	new
relationship								  |	methods
as									  |	of
described								  |	behavior
in									  |	That's
Swedish									  |	all
little									  |	we
line									  |	have
together								  |	to
A									  |	do
huge									  <
space									  <
for									  <
the									  <
head									  <
And										And
even									  |	moreover
with									  <
the									  <
development								  <
I										I
think										think
that										that
he										he
tells									  |	will
									  >	tell
us										us
what									  |	how
to										to
do									  |	deal
as									  <
you									  <
imagined								  <
So									  <
today									  <
Great									  <
Wallopstrelion								  <
the									  <
Americans								  <
and									  <
the									  <
rocket									  <
It									  <
doesn't									  <
sound									  <
like									  <
that									  <
This									  <
is									  <
unclear									  <
However									  <
it's									  <
a									  <
traditional								  <
working									  <
market									  <
it									  <
is									  <
located									  <
in									  <
a									  <
space									  <
yours									  <
Our									  <
business								  <
requires								  <
wildlife								  <
complex									  <
offers									  <
and									  <
challenges								  <
That's									  <
why									  <
the									  <
diyorsun								  <
that									  <
we									  <
we're									  <
working									  <
with										with
you									  |	it
To									  |	Today
build									  <
our									  <
job									  <
and									  <
the										the
electronic								  |	city
systems									  |	was
which									  |	built
are									  <
being									  <
supported								  <
by										by
concrete								  <
operations								  <
in									  <
the									  <
US									  <
has									  <
provided								  <
us									  <
with									  <
innovative								  <
technology								  <
How									  <
do									  <
we									  <
know									  <
the									  <
truth									  <
when									  <
we									  <
serve									  <
our									  <
systems									  <
with									  <
innovation								  <
In									  <
our									  <
heads									  <
we									  <
are									  <
almost									  <
immediately								  <
secure									  <
the										the
initiative								  |	American
But									  |	market
we									  |	This
are									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
military								  <
I									  <
would									  <
like									  <
to									  <
say									  <
that									  <
they									  <
are									  <
supported								  <
by									  <
our									  <
own									  <
family									  <
Therefore								  <
it									  <
is										is
not										not
so									  |	a
difficult								  |	call
for									  |	this
us									  |	is
to									  |	not
think									  |	a
about									  |	commerce
it									  |	this
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	production
									  >	market
And										And
we									  <
probably								  <
can't									  <
say									  <
anything								  <
about									  <
it									  <
We									  <
are									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
it										it
here									  |	is
We									  |	clear
are									  |	that
a									  |	the
huge									  |	county
number									  <
of										of
people									  |	ours
in										in
the									  |	our
world									  |	case
and									  |	appears
we									  <
are									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
it									  <
Before									  <
it									  <
means									  <
a										a
bunch									  |	new
									  >	set
of										of
private									  |	changes
lovers									  |	It
with									  |	feels
a									  |	like
minimum									  |	this
mining									  |	in
We									  |	front
нос									  |	of
with									  |	us
these									  <
main									  <
things									  <
which									  <
from									  <
before									  <
no									  <
purpose									  <
but										but
we										we
meet									  |	have
the									  |	a
progress								  |	lot
of										of
									  >	problems
									  >	with
									  >	it
									  >	These
									  >	arach
									  >	job
									  >	demands
the										the
character								  |	guidance
of										of
the										the
real									  |	tax
financial								  |	gadgets
crisis									  |	which
We									  |	apply
are									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
our									  <
domains									  <
For									  <
us									  <
also									  <
in									  <
one									  <
vocational								  <
simulation								  <
we									  <
need									  <
to										to
build									  |	our
									  >	ecosystem
									  >	regarding
									  >	our
									  >	police
									  >	control
									  >	system
									  >	and
									  >	itself
									  >	is
									  >	various
									  >	But
									  >	they
									  >	were
									  >	the
									  >	two
									  >	of
									  >	them
									  >	There
									  >	is
a										a
big									  |	lot
part									  |	of
We									  |	cases
heard									  |	with
that									  <
several									  <
great										great
episodes								  |	equipment
are									  |	when
announced								  <
Unfortunately								  <
there									  <
might									  <
be									  <
many-two								  <
episodes								  <
We're									  <
also									  <
not									  <
really									  <
going									  <
toird									  <
version									  <
I									  <
will									  <
talk									  <
about									  <
that									  <
So									  <
we										we
have									  |	do
got									  |	our
graphics								  |	job
We									  |	but
need									  |	we
to									  |	work
carry									  |	with
									  >	our
									  >	ecosystem
									  >	during
									  >	та
									  >	investigation
									  >	By
the										the
real									  |	way
game									  <
liver									  <
to									  <
easy									  <
drive									  <
out									  <
No									  <
problem									  <
I										I
have									  |	was
not									  |	Radio-Mbarona
been									  |	We
able									  |	are
									  >	only
									  >	ready
to										to
solve									  |	organize
it									  |	in
we									  |	Ukraine
ship									  |	Voices
all									  |	not
									  >	right
									  >	from
the										the
interior								  |	당연aries
									  >	but
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	only
									  >	willing
to										to
some									  |	take
									  >	good
									  >	care
of										of
this									  |	ourselves
destitute								  |	as
If									  |	a
I									  |	support
confiscate								  |	teacher
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	good
									  >	finding
									  >	in
the										the
borders									  |	traitors
I									  |	who
get									  |	will
r									  |	discuss
była									  <
But									  <
well									  <
the										the
border									  |	consequences
									  >	of
									  >	our
									  >	political
									  >	business
									  >	It
is										is
now									  |	important
consulted								  |	that
between									  <
the									  <
gates									  <
But									  <
we										we
losing									  |	are
									  >	finally
									  >	thought
									  >	down
the										the
countries								  |	protocol
We'll									  |	of
definitely								  |	friendship
say									  <
it's									  <
a									  <
state									  <
Unlike									  <
them									  <
We										We
try									  |	have
to									  |	exceptional
convince								  |	human
them									  |	rights
about									  |	In
getting									  |	fact
the									  |	we
capital									  |	ваши
and									  |	it
searching								  |	on
We'll									  |	talks
help									  |	with
the									  <
offlineurbal								  <
There's									  <
no									  <
stopping								  <
the										the
security								  |	governments
Ileaf									  |	of
wares									  |	Nobel
in										in
your									  |	fact
mind									  |	to
There's									  |	absolutely
a									  |	agree
complete								  |	on
권т									  |	Huawei
Fliq									  |	but
with									  <
Russian									  <
faithfulн								  <
–									  <
just										just
like										like
									  >	what
									  >	is
									  >	happening
									  >	rallies
									  >	at
the										the
overall									  |	remote
secret									  |	In
art									  |	the
all's									  |	relevant
are									  |	scenario
Atlanteavais								  |	can
Valsins									  <
and									  <
one									  <
kind									  <
of									  <
old									  <
queen									  <
and									  <
you're									  <
sure									  <
of									  <
itsapples								  <
and									  <
old									  <
these									  <
tickets									  <
Melchina								  <
flavored								  <
Cays									  <
저�omics								  <
Despite									  <
everything								  <
it										it
turns									  |	be
out									  |	expressed
15									  |	not
grams									  |	specifically
who									  |	by
isn't									  |	a
just									  |	long-term
shooting								  |	discussion
at									  |	with
the										the
screen									  |	media
pan									  |	backlashed
and									  |	channels
tried									  |	So
on									  |	what
our									  |	is
favorite								  |	the
joke									  |	difference
clips									  |	with
even									  |	this
at									  |	but
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	it's
a										a
corner									  |	team
Yes									  |	hub
									  >	that
									  >	will
									  >	work
well										well
									  >	blissfully
									  >	Some
									  >	time
for										for
theเบ									  |	those
grant									  <
but									  <
if									  <
you're									  <
serious									  <
about									  <
it									  <
the									  <
bad									  <
ones									  <
coming									  <
here									  <
who										who
aren't									  |	are
well									  |	getting
looking									  |	benefits
like									  |	really
									  >	Thanks
									  >	to
that										that
									  >	I
									  >	actually
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	continue
									  >	to
									  >	stress
									  >	my
									  >	support
and										and
									  >	take
									  >	my
									  >	chair
									  >	What
									  >	I
									  >	noticed
we										we
have										have
a									  |	four
collector								  |	candidates
on									  |	who
									  >	have
									  >	finished
the										the
shore									  |	database
lounge									  |	and
in									  |	so
one									  |	to
place									  |	speak
they									  |	when
could									  |	we
not									  |	speak
be									  <
linked									  <
with										with
theGS									  |	them
but									  |	after
before									  <
that									  <
the										the
general									  |	development
assembly								  <
of										of
the										the
organization								  |	Russian
									  >	President
									  >	that
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	protection
of										of
the										the
United									  |	whole
Nations									  |	territory
It									  <
is									  <
done									  <
and									  <
is									  <
set									  <
up									  <
Firstly									  <
we										we
start									  |	will
with									  |	all
the									  |	go
support									  <
It									  <
is									  <
done									  <
that									  <
according								  <
to										to
the										the
ideology								  |	capital
there									  <
are									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of										of
such									  <
slogans									  <
but									  <
the									  <
other									  <
other									  <
protests								  <
Well									  <
for									  <
example									  <
the										the
right									  |	north
hand									  <
of										of
the										the
state									  |	north
and									  |	that
									  >	if
the										the
basis									  |	conflict
									  >	starts
									  >	Russia
									  >	and
									  >	NATO
									  >	then
									  >	we
of										of
									  >	course
									  >	take
the										the
state									  |	5th
is									  |	стать
									  >	But
									  >	what
									  >	happens
to										to
give									  |	Ukraine
any									  <
negative								  <
response								  <
for									  <
the									  <
sake									  <
of									  <
the									  <
state									  <
especially								  <
for									  <
the									  <
people									  <
Or									  <
democracy								  <
is									  <
the										the
most									  |	Ukraine
important								  |	and
thing									  <
Democracy								  <
is									  <
the										the
most									  |	United
important								  |	States
for									  |	say
the										the
majority								  |	capital
of										of
the										the
state									  |	north
In									  |	Why
									  >	have
									  >	we
									  >	been
									  >	doing
									  >	this
									  >	We
									  >	don't
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	take
the										the
case									  |	5th
of									  |	стать
									  >	in
the										the
case									  |	national
of									  |	market
									  >	and
									  >	then
									  >	we
									  >	help
the										the
state									  |	Ukraine
									  >	we
									  >	help
it										it
is									  |	a
one									  |	lot
side									  |	not
									  >	when
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	not
									  >	planning
									  >	to
									  >	stop
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	war
									  >	zone
									  >	conflict
The										The
principle								  |	Russian
									  >	Federation
									  >	is
									  >	currently
									  >	in
the										the
definition								  |	state
of										of
the										the
nation									  |	General
the									  |	Secretariat
state									  <
the										the
second									  |	entire
									  >	Atlantic
									  >	Alliance
									  >	with
									  >	one
side										side
of									  |	attack
									  >	from
the										the
sovereignty								  |	other
									  >	side
									  >	you
									  >	see
									  >	It
is										is
									  >	expressed
									  >	with
									  >	its
									  >	nuclear
									  >	weapons
									  >	starting
									  >	with
									  >	which
the										the
territorial								  |	nuclear
purpose									  |	power
of										of
the										the
state									  |	war
Well									  <
if									  <
everything								  <
is										is
so									  |	ready
dangerous								  |	but
then									  <
we									  <
will									  <
put									  <
it									  <
on										on
the										the
top									  |	other
of									  |	hand
it									  <
like									  <
some									  <
rules									  <
Well									  <
it									  <
was									  <
in									  <
fact									  <
not									  <
bad									  <
that									  <
they									  <
were									  <
divided									  <
into									  <
rules									  <
In									  <
the									  <
rules									  <
where									  <
it									  <
ends									  <
it										it
is									  |	will
set									  |	begin
up									  <
It									  <
is									  <
necessary								  <
to									  <
set									  <
up									  <
a									  <
certain									  <
purpose									  <
to										to
create									  <
a									  <
certain									  <
purpose									  <
And									  <
start										start
									  >	with
									  >	you
									  >	ask
									  >	go
									  >	to
the										the
right									  |	war
nation									  |	zone
for									  |	of
the										the
self-proditing								  |	war
Or									  |	zone
for									  |	we
									  >	will
									  >	think
									  >	that
									  >	all
the										the
right									  |	details
That									  |	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	go
									  >	so
									  >	the
									  >	5th
									  >	стать
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	50
									  >	grams
									  >	Well
									  >	50
									  >	grams
									  >	of
									  >	this
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	because
									  >	there
is										is
it									  <
was									  <
a										a
key									  |	lot
to									  |	of
fix									  |	noise
it									  |	that
That									  <
is										is
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	already
in										in
the									  |	front
case									  <
of										of
the										the
state										state
the									  <
only									  <
principle								  <
of										of
the										the
state									  |	war
in									  |	zone
									  >	That's
									  >	right
									  >	that's
									  >	why..
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	window
									  >	Well
									  >	that's
									  >	why
the										the
second									  |	Zelensky-Pridor
case									  <
is										is
the									  |	still
other									  |	there
They									  |	Yes
do									  |	but
not									  |	if
even									  |	you
do									  |	say
this									  |	it
Why									  |	seriously
Because									  <
when									  <
this										this
is										is
not									  <
all									  <
about									  <
the										the
law									  |	weapon
then									  |	that
we										we
									  >	are
									  >	talking
									  >	about
									  >	now
									  >	then
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	conflict
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	nuclear
									  >	power
									  >	zone
									  >	and
									  >	it
will										will
not										not
be										be
able										able
to										to
control									  |	separate
it									  |	the
Say									  |	body
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	body
									  >	Well
									  >	let's
									  >	take
									  >	a
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	this
									  >	example
in										in
									  >	this
									  >	case
									  >	you
									  >	are
									  >	in
									  >	such
									  >	an
									  >	absurdity
the										the
state									  |	resolution
									  >	of
the										the
state									  |	General
									  >	Assembly
									  >	of
the										the
state									  |	Organization
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	done
									  >	constantly
									  >	Firstly
									  >	we
									  >	start
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	support
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	done
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	Western
									  >	ideology
									  >	has
									  >	become
									  >	of
									  >	many
									  >	such
									  >	strong
									  >	but
									  >	the
									  >	other
									  >	other
									  >	anti-war
									  >	positions
									  >	Well
									  >	for
									  >	example
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	hand
of										of
the										the
state										state
									  >	and
the										the
state										state
of										of
the										the
state									  |	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	should
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	provide
									  >	any
									  >	negative
									  >	response
									  >	to
the										the
state										state
of										of
the										the
state										state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	war
									  >	zone
									  >	Or
the										the
most									  <
direct									  <
democracy									democracy
you									  |	of
you									  <
you									  <
don't									  <
have									  <
this										this
Why									  |	country
And									  <
it									  <
is										is
курionening								  |	more
ablitariy								  |	than
material								  |	enough
and									  |	the
absolute								  |	democracy
sense									  |	is
									  >	still
in										in
the										the
state										state
of									  |	and
the										the
state									  |	most
of									  |	preferential
									  >	for
the										the
state									  |	majority
in									  |	In
the										the
state										state
of										of
the										the
state									  |	study
Bonitoid								  |	of
Thank									  <
you									  <
serve									  <
the										the
judiciary								  |	Slattka-Parch
יות									  <
which									  <
does									  <
not									  <
have									  <
it									  <
but									  <
this										this
does									  |	is
not									  |	one
make									  <
a									  <
proper									  <
original								  <
I									  <
did									  <
not									  <
invent									  <
it									  <
will									  <
it									  <
permettre								  <
to									  <
dislikation								  <
of										of
the										the
state									  |	countries
in									  |	The
									  >	principle
the										the
report									  |	most
but									  |	ideal
that									  |	nation
is									  <
in										in
the										the
regime									  <
of									  <
justice									  <
署ment									  <
of									  <
the									  <
state									  <
the									  <
state										state
of										of
the										the
state									  |	United
But									  |	Nations
it									  <
does									  <
not									  <
serve									  <
the									  <
state									  <
That									  <
is										is
it									  <
does									  <
not									  <
serve									  <
the										the
state										state
That									  <
is									  <
that									  <
is									  <
new									  <
is									  <
not									  <
a									  <
rule									  <
for									  <
the									  <
revolution								  <
This									  <
question								  <
is									  <
a									  <
common									  <
rule									  <
kürations								  <
were,rüting								  <
discussed								  <
does									  <
not合lt									  <
evaluation								  <
so									  <
felons									  <
if									  <
so									  <
what									  <
you									  <
even									  <
agree									  <
The									  <
second									  <
time									  <
you									  <
face									  <
such									  <
an									  <
tema									  <
of									  <
this									  <
time									  <
We									  <
may									  <
say									  <
often									  <
as									  <
Ibers									  <
feel									  <
and									  <
analyze									  <
continuation								  <
of										of
the										the
Friday									  |	second-hand
night									  |	sovereignty
all									  <
of									  <
ourselves								  <
and									  <
our									  <
and										and
Frauen									  <
who									  <
You									  <
do									  <
end									  <
up									  <
bachelor								  <
ately									  <
our									  <
because									  <
too									  <
in									  <
the										the
next									  |	territorial
One									  |	goal
year									  <
they									  <
married									  <
Biser									  <
Although								  <
them									  <
did									  <
not									  <
mean									  <
that									  <
Why									  <
We									  <
refused									  <
to									  <
say									  <
they									  <
have									  <
nothing									  <
of										of
international								  <
troops									  <
who									  <
did									  <
not									  <
take									  <
over									  <
вид									  <
Pull									  <
draw									  <
303									  <
Some									  <
people									  <
have									  <
carriedoked								  <
on									  <
that									  <
We									  <
managed									  <
to									  <
trace									  <
a									  <
killer									  <
these									  <
two									  <
were									  <
all									  <
the										the
best									  |	state
Let's									  |	of
say									  <
what									  <
was									  <
it									  <
There									  <
were									  <
three									  <
analyzed								  <
from									  <
the										the
team									  |	United
team									  |	Nations
What									  |	If
months									  |	everything
agree									  <
Pavel									  <
is										is
saying									  |	so
that									  |	scientific
after									  |	then
that									  <
we										we
went									  |	will
there									  |	constantly
indesertivity								  |	like
									  >	some
									  >	rules
									  >	There
was										was
a									  <
question								  <
The									  <
question								  <
boils									  <
down									  <
in									  <
thert									  <
They									  <
are									  <
higher									  <
in										in
nature									  |	fact
									  >	no
									  >	word
									  >	that
they										they
are									  |	were
going									  |	willing
to										to
be									  |	write
a									  |	the
question								  |	rules
What									  |	Where
happened								  |	the
today									  |	state
What									  <
is										is
									  >	finished
									  >	and
									  >	how
the										the
secret									  |	state
ofisha									  |	of
Yes									  <
we									  <
are									  <
constantly								  <
walking									  <
down									  <
the										the
wall									  |	United
but									  |	Nations
stopping								  |	is
by									  |	the
									  >	territorial
									  >	goal
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
and										and
even									  |	the
stopping								  |	national
									  >	goal
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	or
									  >	the
									  >	national
									  >	goal
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	that
it										it
will									  <
be									  <
a									  <
fatal									  <
accident								  <
I									  <
was										was
wondering								  <
I									  <
mean									  <
are									  <
there									  <
any									  <
other									  <
options									  <
more									  <
than									  <
one									  <
differently								  <
Well									  <
it									  <
seems									  <
to									  <
us									  <
that									  <
if									  <
there									  <
are									  <
a										a
couple									  |	key
of									  <
different								  <
reasons									  <
it									  <
seems									  <
to										to
being									  |	fixing
an									  |	it
EMLA									  |	Here
there									  |	in
is									  <
no									  <
more									  <
option									  <
or									  <
a									  <
problem									  <
zone									  <
where									  <
the										the
world									  |	state
becomes									  |	of
weaker									  <
At									  <
least									  <
after									  <
these									  <
crisis									  <
we									  <
will									  <
be									  <
punished								  <
for									  <
bringing								  <
up									  <
this									  <
entire									  <
team									  <
to									  <
Khosnovga								  <
into									  <
the										the
country									  |	United
Why									  |	Nations
do									  |	one
they									  |	of
do									  |	the
this									  |	principles
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	second-hand
									  >	sovereignty
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	other
They										They
									  >	still
									  >	did
									  >	not
do										do
it										it
for									  |	Why
E									  |	Because
That's									  <
it									  <
There									  <
is									  <
such									  <
a									  <
psychologist								  <
saying									  <
that									  <
people									  <
are									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
them									  <
some									  <
of									  <
them									  <
And									  <
when										when
they									  |	it
talk									  |	is
about									  <
Pauze									  <
between									  <
words									  <
they									  <
are									  <
constantly								  <
talking									  <
about									  <
Baitse									  <
Pauze									  <
is									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
E									  <
so									  <
that									  <
they									  <
do									  <
not										not
forget									  |	all
the										the
sound									  |	same
This									  <
is									  <
the										the
result									  |	state
of										of
E									  |	the
That									  |	United
									  >	Nations
is										is
									  >	not
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	used
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	say
in										in
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	about
									  >	eight
									  >	years
									  >	two
									  >	years
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	year
									  >	you
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	direct
									  >	democratic
									  >	democracy
									  >	Do
									  >	not
									  >	say
									  >	no
									  >	no
									  >	no
									  >	Why
									  >	And
this										this
case									  <
there									  <
is										is
									  >	a
									  >	lie
no										no
next									  |	principle
step									  |	The
but									  |	territorial
what									  |	goal
should									  |	of
we									  |	the
do									  |	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	which
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	right
									  >	to
									  >	it
It										It
seems									  |	was
that									  |	an
									  >	important
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	not
for										for
us									  |	this
it									  |	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	should
									  >	be
									  >	engaged
									  >	but
									  >	they
									  >	did
									  >	not
									  >	serve
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	It
is										is
									  >	a
good										good
									  >	water
									  >	element
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	The
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	must
									  >	be
									  >	invited
to										to
know									  |	the
that									  |	state
these									  |	of
E									  |	the
they									  |	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	to
									  >	provide
									  >	such
									  >	work
in										in
									  >	not
the										the
last									  |	right
time									  |	way
all									  |	or
									  >	wrong
									  >	way
									  >	from
the										the
more									  |	state
									  >	Here
									  >	we
									  >	must
									  >	mark
									  >	places
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	gravity
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Nations
									  >	to
									  >	create
									  >	a
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	State
									  >	of
									  >	Shift
									  >	Here
									  >	we
									  >	must
									  >	see
									  >	the
									  >	current
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	an
									  >	Cute
									  >	House
									  >	For
									  >	words
									  >	I
									  >	feel
									  >	a
									  >	full-
									  >	людей
									  >	organization
									  >	full-
									  >	треть
									  >	of
									  >	theistine
									  >	relations
and										and
more									  |	our
There									  |	and
									  >	their
									  >	which
									  >	we
									  >	did
									  >	on
									  >	this
									  >	mission
									  >	This
is										is
no									  |	our
									  >	analysis
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	subject
									  >	While
									  >	then
									  >	have
									  >	mercy
									  >	on
									  >	Beast
									  >	for
									  >	example
									  >	And
									  >	their
									  >	thoughts.
									  >	Why
									  >	To
									  >	say
									  >	something
									  >	impossible
									  >	Never
									  >	louder
									  >	What's
									  >	going
									  >	on
									  >	in
									  >	these
									  >	180-300
									  >	pie
									  >	Has
									  >	someone
more										more
That									  |	into
E									  |	theirぉ
In									  |	What's
									  >	going
									  >	on
									  >	They
									  >	were
									  >	also
									  >	worried
									  >	about
the										the
city									  |	war
									  >	We
									  >	were
									  >	so
									  >	worried
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	were
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	140
									  >	We
									  >	were
									  >	worried
									  >	We
									  >	were
									  >	worried
									  >	What
									  >	else
									  >	The
									  >	third
									  >	year
of										of
Stoldberg								  <
they									  <
are									  <
preparing								  <
something								  <
new									  <
to									  <
the									  <
government								  <
and									  <
guarantee								  <
the										the
security								  |	war
of									  |	was
the										the
state									  |	third
of										of
Ukraine									  <
Right									  <
right									  <
they									  <
are									  <
new									  <
to									  <
the										the
									  >	Russian
government									government
they									  |	Yes
are									  |	the
fixed									  |	first
and									  |	time
that's									  |	I
what									  |	was
they									  |	just
are									  <
doing									  <
Why									  <
do									  <
you									  <
do									  <
this									  <
That's									  <
why									  <
we									  <
are									  <
talking									  <
about										about
it									  |	140
We									  |	And
understand								  <
you									  <
that									  <
you									  <
can									  <
write									  <
a									  <
few									  <
years									  <
of									  <
paper									  <
But									  <
then									  <
there									  <
is									  <
a									  <
simple									  <
question								  <
that									  <
we										we
have									  |	went
just									  |	to
received								  <
Dear									  <
friends									  <
this									  <
is									  <
a									  <
simple									  <
question								  <
In									  <
the										the
description								  |	end
of										of
the										the
paper									  |	war
there									  |	We
is									  |	were
no									  |	surprised
new									  <
statuses								  <
There									  <
is									  <
no									  <
one									  <
who									  <
thinks									  <
or									  <
does									  <
not									  <
think									  <
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
in									  <
fact									  <
in									  <
fact									  <
this									  <
is									  <
just									  <
one									  <
You									  <
are									  <
ready									  <
to										to
stop									  |	see
the										the
country									  |	result
Ukraine									  |	We
in									  |	were
									  >	surprised
									  >	to
									  >	see
the										the
past									  |	result
									  >	We
									  >	were
									  >	surprised
									  >	to
									  >	see
the										the
military								  |	result
									  >	We
									  >	were
									  >	surprised
									  >	to
									  >	see
the										the
Russian									  |	result
Federation								  |	And
and									  |	they
we									  |	didn't
have										have
heard									  |	any
about									  |	questions
it									  |	Why
now									  |	didn't
if									  |	you
the									  |	answer
Russian									  |	This
Federation								  <
was										was
never									  |	through
dealing									  <
ever									  <
I									  <
think									  <
the										the
massacres								  |	accident
									  >	It
									  >	didn't
									  >	have
									  >	any
									  >	concern
									  >	In
									  >	fact
									  >	children
									  >	died
in										in
the									  |	scary
tank									  |	condition
									  >	Albums
were										were
used									  |	removed
breedings								  |	in
So									  |	the
far									  |	state
									  >	on
									  >	July
									  >	27
									  >	Well
									  >	what
if										if
									  >	90000
									  >	members
									  >	result
									  >	I
									  >	guess
									  >	so
									  >	How
									  >	can
									  >	they
									  >	decide
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	this
									  >	I
									  >	said
									  >	Lukash
									  >	JD
									  >	they
									  >	did
									  >	We
									  >	didn't
									  >	blame
									  >	anyone
									  >	about
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	issue
fiancer									  |	But
is									  <
not									  <
always									  <
there									  <
then										then
we									  |	what
are									  |	about
really									  |	you
not									  |	Yes
the									  |	They
same									  |	just
Russian									  |	asked
VHP									  <
One									  <
answer									  <
I									  <
have									  <
already									  <
already									  <
confirmed								  <
that									  <
last									  <
year									  <
a										a
tries									  |	number
									  >	of
									  >	doctors..
									  >	Oh
									  >	indeed
									  >	We
									  >	decided
to										to
acquire									  |	answer
waves									  |	those
									  >	questions
									  >	again
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	also
									  >	talk
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	basis
of										of
a									  <
French									  <
wave									  <
to									  <
the										the
Russian									  |	show
troops									  |	Most
In									  |	of
the										the
provincial								  |	Serbs
period									  |	they
There									  |	don't
are									  |	support
not									  |	our
as									  |	position
many									  |	but
senators								  |	the
as									  |	Serbs
possible								  |	will
for你们									  |	continue
to題									  <
at									  <
all									  <
to									  <
take									  <
into									  <
consideration								  <
To									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to										to
take									  |	support
zero									  |	Russia
One									  |	We
must									  |	will
obey									  |	talk
									  >	about
the										the
Brazilian								  |	economic
shitty									  |	relations
opinions								  |	with
who									  |	Brazil
do									  |	about
not									  <
are									  <
presented								  <
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
You									  <
should									  <
think									  <
thatкольку								  <
Elbyter-Iveska								  <
is									  <
a									  <
vibrant									  <
President								  <
of									  <
Andorus									  <
Milizend								  <
rebellion								  <
of									  <
the										the
bomb									  |	reason
									  >	of
this										this
is									  |	resolution
a									  |	and
huge									  <
bluff									  <
what									  <
is									  <
not										not
a									  |	about
bluff									  |	it
									  >	What
									  >	happened
									  >	No
									  >	I
									  >	will
									  >	tell
									  >	you
									  >	Why
									  >	are
									  >	they
									  >	doing
									  >	this
									  >	They
									  >	are
									  >	doing
it										it
									  >	for
									  >	E
									  >	I
									  >	explain
									  >	There
is										is
not									  |	such
a										a
bluff									  |	psychologist
and									  |	saying
									  >	that
									  >	people
									  >	are
									  >	talking
									  >	about
it										it
									  >	And
									  >	when
									  >	the
									  >	organization
is										is
presented								  |	talking
									  >	about
									  >	it
									  >	they
									  >	intend
to										to
us									  |	make
by									  |	adjustments
a									  <
certain									  <
ability									  <
this										this
is									  |	skills
the									  <
fact									  <
that									  <
they										they
promised								  |	are
to									  |	talking
put									  |	about
a									  |	it
new									  |	That
more									  <
strong									  <
answer									  <
that									  <
is									  <
practically								  <
they										they
will										will
not										not
be									  |	say
here									  |	that
in									  |	specific
the									  |	feature
branches								  <
of										of
the										the
international								  |	show
paradigms								  |	This
the									  |	resolution
development								  |	is
of									  |	a
data									  |	E
instructors								  |	That
and									  |	is
weapons									  |	in
and									  <
weapons									  <
from									  <
this									  <
paradigms								  <
for									  <
the										the
most									  |	case
dangerous								  |	with
of									  |	these
course									  |	improvements
weapons									  <
but									  <
they										they
will									  |	are
not										not
say									  <
we									  <
will									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to										to
form									  |	do
it									  |	anything
on									  |	else
the									  |	at
Ukraine									  |	all
new									  |	That
additional								  |	is
opportunities								  |	enough
against									  |	I
									  >	want
the										the
air									  |	naked
defense									  |	eye
well									  |	That
tomorrow								  |	Dmitsev
they									  |	would
									  >	certainly
									  >	say
									  >	that
									  >	it's
									  >	a's
									  >	good
									  >	tool
									  >	that
									  >	E
									  >	and
									  >	their
									  >	development
will										will
not									  |	become
take									  |	more
it									  |	or
after									  |	less
tomorrow								  |	key
I									  |	That
think									  |	they
after									  |	are
tomorrow								  |	pushing
but									  <
it									  <
means									  <
that										that
everything								  |	Bey
									  >	almost
									  >	always
									  >	consists
									  >	in局
									  >	Once
									  >	again-
									  >	the
									  >	government
									  >	the
									  >	agarantees
									  >	the
									  >	security
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	the
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	to
									  >	say
that										that
you									  |	they
need									  |	are
will									  |	new
not									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to										to
do									  |	the
now									  |	government
I									  |	they
think									  |	fix
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	thing
									  >	and
									  >	so
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	doing
it										it
will									  |	This
be									  <
now									  <
It									  <
is										is
clear									  |	why
right									  <
after									  <
tomorrow								  <
after									  <
tomorrow								  <
we										we
will									  |	are
stop									  |	talking
in									  |	about
Brussels								  |	it
October									  <
which									  <
we										we
have									  |	understand
already									  |	you
said									  |	that
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	sign
									  >	a
									  >	few
									  >	years
									  >	of
									  >	help
									  >	But
									  >	then
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	simple
									  >	question
that										that
we										we
will									  |	have
start									  |	just
									  >	received
									  >	the
									  >	answer
									  >	Dear
									  >	friends
									  >	the
									  >	question
									  >	is
									  >	basically
in										in
the										the
hall									  |	description
area									  <
of										of
​​accus									  <
area									  <
8									  <
on									  <
the										the
Ukraine									  |	help
it									  |	of
due									  <
to									  <
the										the
fact									  |	new
that									  |	statuses
it									  |	there
will									  <
be									  <
too									  <
long									  <
and									  <
unt									  <
szitial									  <
in									  <
a									  <
north									  <
China									  <
month									  <
and									  <
a									  <
month									  <
this									  <
is										is
still									  |	no
aside									  |	clue
from									  |	whether
real									  |	the
you									  |	Ukraine-Pactическčvesky
are									  |	governs
free									  |	Russia
									  >	the
									  >	law
of										of
youryson								  |	Ukraine
									  >	theン
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	war
									  >	series
and										and
you									  <
noticed									  <
we										we
will									  <
have										have
an									  |	already
increase								  |	heard
in									  |	that
our									  |	both
endurance								  |	Russia
countries								  |	and
depending								  |	Russia
on									  |	have
									  >	improved
									  >	even
									  >	now
									  >	to
									  >	put
									  >	it
									  >	into
the										the
situation								  |	Russia
We									  |	solution
need									  |	whenever
Жdenko									  |	something
fertilizer								  |	changes
which									  <
is									  <
not									  <
suitable								  <
I										I
will									  |	think
notify									  |	Ukraine
everyone								  |	it's
									  >	just
									  >	their
									  >	own
									  >	fantasy
									  >	But
									  >	if
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	Russia
on										on
Supremeろamentals							  <
That									  <
is									  <
the										the
political								  |	bottom
organization								  |	of
It									  <
was									  <
a									  <
war									  <
against									  <
us									  <
If									  <
it									  <
is									  <
probably								  <
true									  <
thanks									  <
to									  <
the										the
fact									  |	state
that									  |	then
we										we
can									  |	are
but									  |	not
to									  <
be									  <
honest									  <
as									  <
the										the
film									  |	same
was									  |	Russian
									  >	troops
									  >	but
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	one
									  >	approach
									  >	Next
									  >	we
									  >	have
already										already
broken									  |	removed
even									  <
when									  <
it										it
was									  |	What
a									  |	happened
war									  |	after
against									  |	this
us									  |	Well
that									  |	you
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	troops
									  >	in
									  >	Russia
									  >	Russia
									  >	is
									  >	really
									  >	unnoticed
									  >	On
									  >	the
									  >	bottom
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	market
we										we
have									  |	are
such									  <
a										a
state									  |	bomb
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	bottom
of										of
terror									  |	the
It									  |	base
is									  |	of
clear									  |	the
that									  |	Europe
									  >	Next
there										there
is									  |	are
nothing									  |	several
									  >	minutes
									  >	for
									  >	it
to										to
do									  |	be
with									  |	noted
the									  |	for
organization								  |	everyone
There									  <
is									  <
nothing									  <
to										to
do									  |	measure
with									  <
it									  <
At									  <
the										the
same									  |	G
time									  |	and
									  >	withdraw
									  >	but
the										the
fact									  |	lily
is									  |	full-
									  >	pasar
									  >	terror
									  >	fighter
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	new
									  >	Mississippi
									  >	I
									  >	think
that										that
someone									  <
is									  <
in										in
									  >	addition
									  >	to
Europe										Europe
and									  |	cream
managed									  |	heavyweight´s
Is									  |	we
아�le									  |	define
being									  |	the
realised								  |	journey
Have									  |	like
you									  |	this
heard									  <
about									  <
O'Reilly								  <
Do									  <
not									  <
exist									  <
now									  <
What									  <
is									  <
thirty-five								  <
DS5									  <
in										in
Konepan									  <
Russia										Russia
Are									  |	Today
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	Russian-China
									  >	tunnel
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	sees
									  >	a
									  >	north-Japanese
									  >	war
									  >	So
									  >	except
									  >	all
									  >	this
you										you
alsoads									  |	already
acciages								  |	have
from									  <
überwei									  <
будут									  <
эти									  <
правила									  <
impressive								  <
exists									  <
with									  <
the										the
systems									  |	same
well									  |	weapons
									  >	hit
									  >	killers
									  >	bombs
									  >	belonging
									  >	amongst
the										the
systems									  |	There
got									  |	are
attractive								  |	просто
to									  |	flashes
this									  |	you
evening									  |	have
in									  |	some
intensification								  |	красивYblocs
of									  |	that
fire									  |	do
The									  |	not
largest									  |	be
underossacks								  |	a
of									  |	vegetarian
country									  |	These
towards									  |	are
									  >	very
									  >	remarkable
									  >	ways
									  >	selectable
									  >	ones
									  >	They
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	monitored
									  >	Strategizing
the										the
opposition								  |	insurgents
annex									  <
freedom									  <
and									  <
even									  <
Ukraine									  <
areas									  <
and										and
borders									  |	the
of									  |	Russians
her									  |	And
space									  |	from
The									  <
Russia									  <
Iraq									  <
people-all-earned							  <
this										this
army									  |	paradigm
In									  |	for
thus									  <
far									  <
many									  <
works其									  <
among									  <
them									  <
including								  <
the										the
false									  |	most
that									  |	dangerous
we									  |	of
present									  |	course
much									  |	the
more									  |	Russians
than									  |	But
100									  |	they
US									  |	will
before									  <
seaårfall								  <
but									  <
perhaps									  <
what									  <
would									  <
I									  <
say										say
									  >	we
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	able
to										to
transfer								  |	form
the										the
further									  |	Ukraine's
Queen									  |	new
to									  |	additional
hospital								  |	opportunities
More									  |	for
or									  <
less									  <
20%									  <
of									  <
the										the
world's									  <
society									  <
has									  <
decided									  <
not									  <
to									  <
create									  <
a									  <
Russian										Russian
annex									  |	defense
For									  |	Well
me									  |	for
it									  <
is									  <
much									  <
more									  <
than									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
Yes									  <
we									  <
are									  <
glad									  <
that									  <
the										the
bottle									  |	last
is									  |	day
full									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	day
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	free
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	after
									  >	tomorrow
but										but
still									  <
we									  <
need									  <
to									  <
continue								  <
working									  <
That									  <
is									  <
why									  <
it									  <
was									  <
hard									  <
to									  <
hold									  <
it										it
And									  |	means
so									  <
that										that
those									  |	everything
who									  <
were									  <
holding									  <
it									  <
I									  <
talked									  <
about									  <
it									  <
that										that
they									  |	you
turn									  |	need
									  >	is
									  >	necessary
									  >	to
									  >	wait
									  >	for
									  >	now
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	clear
									  >	right
									  >	After
									  >	tomorrow
									  >	after
									  >	tomorrow
									  >	the
									  >	borders
									  >	Egyptian
									  >	army
									  >	operated
on										on
annexing								  |	Ukrainian
									  >	steamStank
									  >	but
the										the
territory								  |	army
of									  |	is
Ukraine									  |	ready
Russia									  <
We									  <
need									  <
to										to
continue								  |	be
doing									  |	found
our									  |	What
diplomatic								  <
work									  <
I										I
									  >	know
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	they
									  >	will
have										have
									  >	great
									  >	desire
									  >	to
									  >	take
									  >	shelter
									  >	within
a										a
question								  |	whole
do									  |	hour
you									  |	And
have									  |	what
a									  <
diplomatic								  <
work									  <
There									  <
is										is
also									  |	happening
a									  |	is
black									  |	that
square									  |	everything
a									  |	is
square									  |	called
on									  |	your
the									  |	medical
opposite								  |	diagnostics
side									  |	Anyway
									  >	that
									  >	today
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	in
									  >	Russia
									  >	because
									  >	Head
of										of
such									  <
square									  <
as									  <
a									  <
minister								  <
who									  <
did									  <
not									  <
have									  <
a									  <
voice									  <
who									  <
did									  <
not									  <
have									  <
a									  <
voice									  <
who									  <
did									  <
not									  <
have									  <
a									  <
voice									  <
or									  <
simply									  <
does									  <
not									  <
let									  <
the										the
diplomats								  |	U.S
in									  |	and
									  >	Vasavia
									  >	Katina
									  >	Irmaninovna
									  >	Filipino
									  >	Ochone
									  >	andise
									  >	germans
									  >	talked
									  >	about
									  >	we're
									  >	talking
									  >	about
									  >	salvation
									  >	Nikonasta
									  >	part
									  >	of
the										the
time									  |	Republic
of										of
the										the
New									  |	2013
York									  |	and
because									  <
they									  <
do									  <
not									  <
know									  <
how										how
									  >	the
									  >	show
									  >	was
									  >	we
									  >	continued
to										to
talk									  |	work
about									  |	sick
this									  |	Even
they									  |	though
									  >	we
are										are
trying									  |	getting
									  >	older
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	happy
									  >	that
									  >	nothing
									  >	is
									  >	allowing
									  >	the
									  >	program
to										to
find									  |	be
									  >	present
									  >	still
									  >	However
									  >	when
									  >	everyone
									  >	was
									  >	screaming
a										a
way									  |	whistle
No									  |	and
									  >	worrying
									  >	about
									  >	it
									  >	the
									  >	cows
									  >	naturally
									  >	hinted
									  >	So
I										I
think									  |	suggested
that									  |	a
if									  |	bit
									  >	on
the										the
cost									  |	fine
of									  |	scheme
									  >	situación
the										the
state									  |	Up
has									  <
been									  <
paid									  <
for									  <
by									  <
the										the
president								  |	road
									  >	What
									  >	is
the										the
territory								  |	climate
									  >	change
									  >	system
									  >	created
									  >	and
									  >	with
									  >	new
									  >	technologies
									  >	ofиваемist
									  >	Putin's
									  >	studies
									  >	that
									  >	will
									  >	Becalled
									  >	a
									  >	century-long
									  >	development
									  >	system
									  >	But
									  >	the
									  >	system
									  >	has
									  >	lots
of										of
this									  |	efficient
would									  |	of
be									  |	Education
serious									  |	plan
									  >	More
									  >	than
									  >	140
									  >	countries
									  >	have
									  >	increased
									  >	a
									  >	foreign
									  >	duty
									  >	and
the										the
flow									  |	absence
there									  <
of										of
course									  |	times
is									  <
natural									  <
in										in
general									  |	different
it									  |	countries
is									  |	such
manageable								  |	as
that									  |	dozens
for									  |	of
example									  |	hundred
it									  |	and
									  >	sixty
									  >	countries
									  >	such
									  >	as
									  >	KL
is										is
aircrafting								  |	a
									  >	huge
									  >	range
in										in
									  >	them
									  >	every
									  >	day
									  >	Wait
the										the
right									  |	lower
therapeutic								  |	writing
way									  <
That									  <
is										is
to									  |	60
say									  |	percent
considering								  |	For
the										the
state									  |	less
there									  |	than
									  >	20%
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Thinkers
									  >	reply
									  >	not'a
									  >	Canon
									  >	Anex
									  >	For
									  >	me
									  >	it
is										is
no									  <
economy									  <
as									  <
to									  <
a										a
weakness								  |	small
									  >	too
									  >	small
									  >	Yes
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	honest
									  >	like
									  >	a
									  >	bottle
of										of
this									  |	coal
professional								  |	but
only									  |	it
Nigel									  <
therefore								  <
this									  <
is										is
									  >	good
									  >	enough
									  >	for
a										a
general									  |	microphone
state									  |	to
This									  |	keep
question								  |	working
is									  |	To
written									  |	have
down									  |	a
on									  |	starting
									  >	point
									  >	what
									  >	would
									  >	be
the										the
second									  <
one										one
which									  |	that
falls									  <
on									  <
the										the
list									  |	tech
of										of
									  >	Anex
									  >	has
									  >	already
									  >	explained
									  >	What
									  >	they
									  >	say
									  >	they
									  >	orgite
									  >	zone
the										the
state									  |	Fed's
where									  |	best
it									  |	are
takes									  <
the										the
area									  |	aggressiveness
at									  |	of
the										the
beginning								  |	Eurasian
									  >	Rimurantine
									  >	We
									  >	should
									  >	quite
									  >	develop
									  >	our
									  >	diplomatic
									  >	functional
									  >	work
									  >	You
									  >	democratically
									  >	plugin
									  >	..
									  >	There
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	minor
									  >	number
of										of
									  >	migrants
									  >	at
									  >	manuals
									  >	entrusted
									  >	with
the										the
fact									  |	same
that									  |	documents
by									  |	as
									  >	a
									  >	mini
									  >	shafts
									  >	Although
									  >	some
									  >	of
									  >	them
									  >	did
									  >	not
									  >	make
									  >	mistakes
									  >	or
									  >	similar
									  >	with
the										the
end									  |	other
									  >	models
									  >	out
									  >	there
									  >	there
									  >	are
									  >	images
of										of
the										the
fact									  |	course
									  >	or
									  >	if
									  >	therefore
									  >	more
									  >	likely
									  >	to
									  >	describe
									  >	an
									  >	algorithm
that										that
									  >	the
									  >	machine
									  >	sent
									  >	to
									  >	Irina
									  >	You
									  >	interesting
									  >	I
									  >	think
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	simple
									  >	statement
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	probably
									  >	only
									  >	the
									  >	limit
									  >	since
it										it
will									  |	was
not									  |	a
									  >	serious
									  >	standard
									  >	You
									  >	wereheading
									  >	and
									  >	just
									  >	doing
									  >	Мадура
									  >	It
									  >	would
be										be
naturally								  |	serious
that's									  |	Go
the									  |	ahead
objective								  |	don't
now									  |	twist
									  >	it
									  >	I'm
									  >	telling
									  >	you
									  >	this
									  >	You
									  >	get
									  >	very
									  >	serious
									  >	Then
that										that
the									  |	will
country									  |	happen
that										that
allows									  |	for
people									  |	example
to									  |	when
stand									  |	you
isn't									  |	get
on									  <
the									  <
scene									  <
in										in
									  >	SS64
									  >	by
the										the
middle									  |	team
So									  |	it
why									  |	will
not									  |	form
That's									  <
an									  <
Of									  <
course									  <
a										a
Chinese									  |	stand-up
sense									  |	report
But									  |	So
particularity								  <
I										I
know									  |	think
More									  |	we
everyone								  |	could
can									  |	communicate
stand									  |	with
along									  |	them
Very									  |	somehow
original								  |	of
there									  <
you									  <
have									  <
it									  <
Fifty									  <
three									  <
I'm									  <
cutting									  <
herd									  <
because									  <
now									  <
the										the
world									  |	whole
is									  |	tom-fony
freaked									  |	copy
out									  |	with
at									  <
the										the
age									  |	opening
of										of
all									  |	abstract
									  >	relations
									  >	with
That's										That's
the										the
feeling									  |	best
									  >	way
									  >	to
									  >	say
									  >	it
									  >	I'm
									  >	always
									  >	talking
									  >	about
									  >	it
									  >	Because
if										if
perds									  |	everything
snays									  |	works
the									  |	well
same									  |	it
in									  <
the									  <
loft									  <
and									  <
which									  <
will										will
not									  <
be										be
possible								  |	successful
will									  |	If
blame									  |	it's
Again									  |	a
									  >	surprise
									  >	But
									  >	the
									  >	situation
									  >	is
									  >	different
									  >	The
									  >	situation
									  >	is
									  >	different
									  >	We
									  >	won't
									  >	be
in										in
you									  |	the
So									  |	military
relax									  |	school
So									  |	too
when									  |	That's
									  >	why
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	surprise
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	surprise
									  >	When
you										you
say										say
you									  |	that
are									  |	it's
going									  |	a
then									  |	surprise
go									  |	it's
ahead									  |	a
Yeah									  |	surprise
what									  <
If										If
you									  |	it's
let									  |	a
rest									  |	surprise
if										if
behind									  |	it's
me									  <
It									  <
is									  <
a										a
facilitated								  |	surprise
pose									  |	it'll
What									  |	be
I									  |	successful
									  >	You'll
say										say
now									  |	it's
is									  <
tomorrow								  <
Very									  <
small									  <
right									  <
Please									  <
explain									  <
I									  <
will									  <
take									  <
my									  <
second									  <
part									  <
I									  <
am									  <
already									  <
a										a
mermaid									  |	surprise
I									  |	It's
will									  <
go									  <
for									  <
a										a
crown									  |	very
We									  |	bad
have									  |	thing
this									  |	How
kind									  |	to
of									  |	say
work									  |	it
here									  |	I'm
This									  |	on
is									  <
the										the
second										second
question								  |	part
									  >	We're
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	part
									  >	We're
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	part
									  >	It's
									  >	a
									  >	surprise
The										The
									  >	second
question									question
is										is
that									  |	what's
the										the
problem										problem
is									  |	with
in									  <
the									  <
middle									  <
of									  <
the										the
road									  |	next
									  >	one
If										If
you									  |	you're
are									  |	interested
in									  <
the									  <
middle									  <
of									  <
the									  <
road									  <
you										you
just										just
understand									understand
how									  <
it									  <
looks									  <
like									  <
It's									  <
invisible								  <
It's									  <
invisible								  <
It									  <
works									  <
It's									  <
just									  <
looking									  <
at									  <
everything								  <
You									  <
can									  <
see									  <
everything								  <
in									  <
the									  <
middle									  <
of									  <
the									  <
road									  <
If									  <
there's									  <
no									  <
water									  <
there									  <
it										it
can									  <
be									  <
clear									  <
It's										It's
									  >	special
									  >	characteristics
									  >	Surprisingly
									  >	when
									  >	you
									  >	try
									  >	to
									  >	create
a										a
good									  |	grenade
question								  |	and
The									  |	pretend
next									  |	you're
question								  <
is									  <
in										in
the									  |	a
middle									  |	hurry
of									  <
the									  <
road									  <
Of									  <
course									  <
everything								  <
is									  <
ready									  <
You									  <
have									  <
to									  <
be									  <
careful									  <
You									  <
have									  <
to									  <
be									  <
careful									  <
You									  <
have									  <
to									  <
be									  <
careful									  <
You										You
have									  |	just
to									  |	notice
be									  <
careful									  <
The									  <
result									  <
is									  <
the										the
result									  |	results
If										If
you									  |	they're
don't									  |	looking
think									  |	for
about									  <
it									  <
at									  <
least									  <
you									  <
got									  <
ripped									  <
from									  <
toe's									  <
knife									  <
Turn									  <
your									  <
head									  <
off									  <
Well									  <
that's									  <
quite									  <
the										the
point									  |	solution
I									  |	they've
don't									  |	fixed
think									  |	it
that's									  |	in
enough									  |	it
you									  |	This
have									  |	is
to									  |	a
									  >	cologne
									  >	unacceptable
									  >	If
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	serious
									  >	deal
									  >	it
									  >	doesn't
show										show
your									  |	it
practice								  |	or
one									  |	show
									  >	it
									  >	Okay
									  >	saying
									  >	that's
									  >	what
									  >	works
in										in
the									  |	English
loop									  |	and
It's									  |	Serbia
like									  |	In
win									  |	Hungary
sharpen									  |	Serbia
sofeel									  |	Galosavale
Yes									  |	Protova
opponent								  <
wins									  <
lose									  <
I										I
remind										remind
you										you
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	time
this										this
is									  |	has
a									  |	been
second									  |	held
quesant									  |	in
When									  |	Protova
estimates								  |	I
hold									  |	have
more									  |	told
you									  <
say									  <
you									  <
hit									  <
your									  <
hand									  <
Do									  <
you										you
want									  <
that										that
rusty									  <
item									  <
and									  <
walk									  <
into									  <
the										the
street									  |	hands
You've									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	players
									  >	are
									  >	very
									  >	good
									  >	I
									  >	remind
									  >	you
									  >	that
									  >	Protova
									  >	has
been										been
bangled									  |	playing
Cool									  |	for
and									  |	a
standing								  |	long
around									  |	time
									  >	The
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	alive
After										After
everything								  |	all
tax—									  <
So									  <
I									  <
fell									  <
into									  <
the										the
street									  |	Kniefti
and									  |	is
lost									  |	still
worked									  |	alive
Now										Now
I									  |	it's
can't									  <
believe									  <
it									  <
not									  <
so									  <
a										a
company									  |	new
into									  |	Kniefti
one									  |	This
under									  |	is
theeshb									  |	the
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	but
									  >	the
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	alive
									  >	In
									  >	general
									  >	the
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	alive
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	the
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	alive
									  >	So
									  >	between
									  >	Protova
									  >	and
									  >	Protova
									  >	there
									  >	are
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	50%
of										of
the										the
pipe									  |	Kniefti
It									  |	This
is										is
understandable								  |	the
why									  |	Kniefti
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	alive
									  >	There
									  >	are
									  >	still
									  >	Kniefti
									  >	These
									  >	are
									  >	post
									  >	spiruga
									  >	tradition
									  >	Therefore
									  >	the
									  >	story
									  >	is
									  >	so
									  >	obvious
									  >	Look
we										we
have									  |	think
becoming								  |	that
proxies									  |	it
We									  |	is
have									  |	mysterious
no									  |	to
happy									  |	be
facings									  |	economically
									  >	created
									  >	in
									  >	Protova
									  >	If
									  >	everything
									  >	goes
									  >	well
									  >	we'd
									  >	come
									  >	with
									  >	Raj
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	KND
									  >	with
									  >	all
of										of
this									  |	that
building								  |	mysterious
That's									  |	who
why									  |	would
we									  |	become
have									  <
a										a
lot									  |	Gog
of									  |	Just
computers								  |	then
we										we
									  >	were
									  >	Stymberg
									  >	the
									  >	Drakes
									  >	panels
									  >	who
									  >	suddenly
									  >	worked
									  >	as
									  >	Mr
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	Gegneranan
									  >	and
									  >	Khanomik
									  >	and
									  >	local
									  >	guard
									  >	aproved
									  >	them
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	tell
									  >	you
									  >	exactly
									  >	who
									  >	came
									  >	to
									  >	Protova
									  >	We
									  >	look
									  >	like
									  >	people
									  >	from
									  >	God
									  >	We
									  >	play
									  >	here
									  >	the
									  >	junior
									  >	They
									  >	were
									  >	planning
									  >	to
									  >	build
									  >	several
									  >	quêses
									  >	it's
									  >	clearly
									  >	advisable
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	Turkey
									  >	reigns
									  >	It's
									  >	okay
									  >	right
									  >	after
									  >	everyone
									  >	remains
									  >	in
									  >	full
									  >	power
									  >	The
									  >	northern
									  >	retreats
									  >	work
									  >	to
									  >	neighboring
									  >	European
									  >	regions
									  >	which
have										have
hardware								  |	a
systems									  |	much
									  >	longer
									  >	circle
									  >	and
									  >	continue
									  >	to
									  >	work
									  >	after
									  >	one
									  >	hundred
									  >	tests
									  >	So
									  >	it
									  >	means
that										that
we									  |	the
have									  |	infantry
for									  |	will
business								  |	break
statistics								  |	into
If									  |	that
you									  |	kind
just									  |	of
explain									  |	charge
about									  |	like
this									  |	afolded
									  >	central
									  >	busyway
and										and
discussed								  <
about									  <
the										the
island									  |	down-работal
scandal									  |	working
from									  |	bus
Emberman								  |	However
What									  |	this
was									  |	work
happened								  |	may
yesterday								  |	be
In									  |	intended
									  >	for
the										the
ecosystem								  |	Jewish
									  >	people
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	short
									  >	period
of										of
these									  |	time
countries								  |	but
we									  |	the
are									  |	same
in									  |	as
									  >	before
									  >	as
									  >	before
									  >	too
									  >	especially
a										a
organizations								  |	German
structure								  |	반ague
Let's									  |	family
help									  <
They									  <
will										will
provide									  |	practice
source									  |	these
numbers									  |	Combat
for									  |	Objections
									  >	through
the										the
press									  |	exterminator
Because									  |	fazer
there									  |	Now
will									  |	it's
be									  |	a
lot									  |	relief
of									  <
compensated								  <
costs									  <
for									  <
this									  <
Turkey									  <
So									  <
in										in
this									  |	our
meeting									  |	case
the									  <
topic									  <
of										of
economic								  |	SCIEN
growth									  |	GLETE
All									  |	and
she									  |	technical
else									  |	trainees
will									  <
participate								  <
on									  <
Europe									  <
She									  <
is									  <
covered									  <
in										in
social									  |	the
cooperation								  |	U.S
utan									  |	Designed
Obstays									  |	for
are									  |	our
mix									  |	Seniors
									  >	everything
									  >	starts
									  >	to
									  >	end
up										up
									  >	being
									  >	increased
									  >	The
									  >	new借
									  >	rent
in										in
general									  |	Europe
Why									  |	right
do									  |	Yeah
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	business
									  >	goes
									  >	up
									  >	why
you										you
have										have
an									  |	some
inner									  |	interest
									  >	in
European									European
beauty									  |	kaylangions
									  >	because
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	some
									  >	vocabulary
									  >	due
									  >	toitions
in										in
terms									  |	Europe
									  >	If
									  >	they
									  >	can
									  >	work
									  >	on
									  >	one
of										of
social									  |	the
cooperation								  |	higher
she									  |	terms
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	money
									  >	and
									  >	then
									  >	you
									  >	are
									  >	done
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	issue
									  >	what
is										is
at									  <
the										the
expense									  |	implementation
									  >	thing
of										of
jeden									  |	which
in									  |	you
each									  |	feature
questions								  |	OK
That's									  |	At
why									  |	the
they									  |	same
will									  |	forest
transfer								  |	At
through									  |	the
IMB									  |	same
Russian									  |	river
groups									  |	It
television								  <
program									  <
is										is
exclusively								  |	an
for									  |	exit
tuition									  <
education								  <
from										from
time									  |	the
to									  |	direction
time									  |	in
On									  |	because
forum									  |	it
will									  <
be									  <
highly									  <
revealed								  <
This									  <
is										is
									  >	very
									  >	complicated
									  >	for
									  >	inflection
									  >	or
									  >	for
									  >	all
the										the
decision								  |	historical
of									  |	surroundings
									  >	What
									  >	practically
									  >	he
									  >	did
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	only
									  >	can
									  >	establish
the										the
torpedoes								  |	aid
that									  |	for
torpedoed								  |	his
Beikubarisov								  |	own
There									  |	sake
									  >	It
									  >	took
									  >	him
									  >	past
									  >	21
									  >	GB
									  >	of
									  >	GB
									  >	of
									  >	bobab
									  >	He
was										was
a									  |	no
lot									  |	longer
									  >	in
									  >	theカstation
of										of
Bulgaria								  |	Zerbaishan
When									  |	He
									  >	was
									  >	drilling
									  >	a閪�
									  >	of
									  >	Zerbaishan
									  >	And
									  >	he
									  >	constantly
									  >	spoke
									  >	about
the										the
idea									  |	Iran
was									  |	War
in										in
this									  |	papers
case									  |	in
that									  |	the
if									  |	middle
you									  <
don't									  <
want									  <
to									  <
take									  <
it									  <
on									  <
purpose									  <
you'll									  <
have									  <
to									  <
find									  <
a									  <
way									  <
out									  <
of										of
it									  |	his
You'll									  |	2003
have									  |	scheme
to									  |	Suddenly
find									  |	another
									  >	ten
									  >	consecutive
									  >	terminus
									  >	such
									  >	as
									  >	CO
									  >	Stud
									  >	in
a										a
way									  |	city
out									  |	center
of										of
it									  |	an
It									  |	oppressive
will									  |	USA
be									  |	I
used									  <
This									  <
is									  <
the									  <
rule									  <
At									  <
the									  <
moment									  <
the									  <
torpedoes								  <
were									  <
attacked								  <
Beikubarisov								  <
didn't									  <
have										have
to									  |	not
be									  |	ruled
the									  <
Prime									  <
Minister								  <
of									  <
the									  <
country									  <
This									  <
is									  <
the									  <
rule									  <
Beikubarisov								  <
signed									  <
the										the
decision								  |	end
of										of
the										the
torpedoes								  |	road
The									  |	that
torpedoes								  |	increasingly
were									  |	But
attacked								  |	in
The									  |	every
torpedoes								  |	wage
were									  |	he
attacked								  |	was
The									  |	in
torpedoes								  |	general
were									  |	even
attacked								  <
I									  <
want									  <
to									  <
see									  <
I									  <
want									  <
to										to
see									  |	be
I									  |	his
want									  |	resume
									  >	And
									  >	when
									  >	he
									  >	had
									  >	decided
to										to
see									  |	resume
In									  |	his
									  >	company
									  >	he
									  >	had
the										the
end									  |	transfer
they									  |	of
were									  <
attacked								  <
It									  <
was									  <
a										a
huge									  |	factory
deal									  |	owned
They									  |	by
called									  <
the									  <
torpedoes								  <
To									  <
get									  <
their									  <
position								  <
The									  <
one									  <
behind									  <
the									  <
island									  <
is									  <
the									  <
Russia									  <
It's									  <
a										a
big									  |	argon
deal									  |	guy
If									  |	Or
the									  |	maybe
country									  |	there
is									  |	are
a										a
decision								  |	few
they'll									  |	places
get									  |	to
it									  |	return
If									  |	to
they									  |	Bulgaria
get									  |	It
it									  <
Looking									  <
at									  <
the									  <
shooting								  <
the									  <
shuttle									  <
was										was
prepared								  |	so
for									  |	easy
defense									  <
last									  <
Tuesday									  <
The									  <
board									  <
tried									  <
to										to
attack									  |	find
The									  |	in
second									  <
thing									  <
is									  <
a									  <
peaceful								  <
struggle								  <
The									  <
second									  <
thing									  <
is									  <
the										the
same									  |	factory
So									  |	Now
									  >	Cartofall
									  >	have
the										the
говорю									  |	time
it's									  |	to
like									  |	be
that									  |	taken
It									  |	they
has									  |	willDrastics
a									  |	would
discussion								  |	start
									  >	clearing
									  >	across
									  >	VpIS
									  >	bridges
									  >	if
									  >	they
									  >	were
									  >	I
									  >	accidentally
									  >	forgot
about										about
why									  <
international								  <
enemies									  <
are									  <
here									  <
Do									  <
Wealth									  <
the										the
sanctions								  |	procedure
in									  |	You
third									  |	have
or									  |	to
six									  |	be
Whether									  |	surprised
we									  |	Because
protect									  |	you
it									  |	directly
or									  |	wrote
not									  |	down
Here									  |	what
we									  <
can									  <
do									  <
it									  <
Erdogan									  <
is										is
going									  |	called
									  >	edition
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	купта
									  >	root
									  >	–
									  >	And
									  >	now
									  >	I
									  >	also
									  >	wanna
									  >	meet
									  >	Oleksandr
									  >	Polynjala
									  >	–
									  >	I
									  >	want
to										to
his									  |	say
friend's								  |	that
family									  |	–
When									  |	I
he									  |	want
comes									  <
to										to
talk									  |	say
									  >	thatаз
									  >	laughs
									  >	at
									  >	Florian
									  >	Krusyn
									  >	Soerem
									  >	they'd
									  >	rather
									  >	scream
about										about
a									  |	some
man									  |	more
who									  |	prudents
will									  <
be									  <
free									  <
Iranians								  <
as									  <
well									  <
as									  <
Azerbaijanians								  <
and										and
gas									  |	And
This									  |	it
is									  |	was
									  >	Artur
									  >	didn't
									  >	operate
									  >	anymore
									  >	as
									  >	it
									  >	was
the										the
whole									  |	one
country									  |	time
he										he
is									  |	did
going									  |	He
to									  |	discussed
talk									  |	mycket
about									  |	like
									  >	asking
									  >	do
									  >	you
									  >	remember
it										it
A									  <
man									  <
who									  <
can									  <
become									  <
a										a
director								  |	rich
is									  |	man
going									  |	Yes
									  >	guys
									  >	We
									  >	were
									  >	the
									  >	only
									  >	partisans
									  >	when
									  >	it
									  >	came
to										to
become									  |	work
a									  |	At
victim									  |	the
									  >	age
of										of
an									  |	four
animation								  |	times
Why									  |	the
are									  |	USSR
you									  |	was
standing								  |	transferred
here									  <
I'm									  <
standing								  <
here										here
How									  |	to
can									  |	Israel
you									  |	They
call										call
me									  |	it
I									  |	depicted
was									  <
born									  <
in									  <
a									  <
village									  <
I									  <
was									  <
born									  <
in									  <
a									  <
village									  <
I									  <
was									  <
born									  <
in									  <
a									  <
village									  <
I									  <
was									  <
born									  <
in									  <
a									  <
village									  <
I									  <
grew									  <
up									  <
in										in
									  >	Torah
									  >	it's
a										a
parking									  |	newspaper
lot									  |	about
I									  |	it
can									  |	where
									  >	people
talk										talk
to									  |	about
someone									  |	documents
and									  |	of
back									  <
then									  <
I									  <
know									  <
that									  <
there									  <
are									  <
currentlyτ								  <
50									  <
grams									  <
everywhere								  <
There									  <
are									  <
houseboy								  <
people										people
and									  |	who
heteronigarna								  |	only
Yes									  |	give
there									  |	money
are									  |	or
advantages								  |	to
in									  |	not
these									  |	give
Yes									  |	tongue
and									  |	to
I									  |	them
think									  <
There									  <
is									  <
a									  <
reality									  <
here									  <
There									  <
is									  <
something								  <
in										in
the										the
fields									  |	hall
And									  |	what
									  >	a
									  >	happy
									  >	ending
									  >	In
									  >	a
									  >	way
the										the
world									  |	pressure
life									  <
itself									  <
is										is
here									  |	normal
									  >	it
									  >	seems
									  >	that
the										the
actual									  |	contacts
situation								  |	are
is									  |	also
pixelated								  |	quite
									  >	different
									  >	driving
									  >	sizes
									  >	Actually
									  >	we're
									  >	dealing
									  >	with
the										the
housewalk's								  |	kid
nature									  |	better
									  >	when
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	same
									  >	attitude
									  >	and
									  >	it
									  >	doesn't
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	that
									  >	way
									  >	This
is										is
									  >	a
very										very
original								  |	regional
The									  |	situation
housewalk								  |	specially
									  >	for
									  >	this
									  >	opponent
									  >	and
									  >	we
									  >	can't
									  >	imagine
									  >	how
									  >	great
									  >	with
									  >	this
									  >	situation
									  >	but
									  >	George
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	an
									  >	all-arı
									  >	region
									  >	Crazy
									  >	guy
									  >	This
									  >	spot
									  >	consists
									  >	together
									  >	What
is										is
meant									  |	this
here									  |	Look
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	looking
at										at
the									  |	this
age									  <
of									  <
five									  <
years									  <
We										We
are										are
ready									  |	looking
we									  |	at
									  >	this
									  >	We
are										are
thinking								  |	looking
about									  |	at
the									  |	this
future									  |	We
It's									  |	are
just									  |	looking
a									  |	at
joke									  <
it's									  <
just									  <
a									  <
joke									  <
what									  <
is									  <
it									  <
Well									  <
look									  <
this										this
									  >	This
is										is
the									  <
same									  <
thing									  <
It's									  <
not										not
bad										bad
it's									  |	It
									  >	is
not										not
bad										bad
it's									  |	It
									  >	is
not										not
bad										bad
Because										Because
there										there
is										is
a										a
change										change
in										in
these									  |	this
									  >	kind
									  >	of
people										people
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	rich
which										which
will										will
allow										allow
the										the
minister								  |	Prime
to									  |	Minister
return									  <
to										to
the										the
chancellor's								  |	minister
office									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	Government
and										and
the										the
president								  |	President
of										of
France										France
If									  |	We
you									  |	are
look									  |	looking
at									  <
it									  <
this									  <
is									  <
the									  <
function								  <
of									  <
the									  <
monarch									  <
Well									  <
the									  <
problem									  <
is									  <
that									  <
everyone								  <
is									  <
in									  <
the									  <
next									  <
one									  <
If									  <
you									  <
look									  <
at										at
it									  <
this										this
is									  <
a									  <
person									  <
who									  <
has									  <
a									  <
very									  <
original								  <
story									  <
This										This
story									  |	is
has									  |	how
been									  |	they
made									  |	work
up									  <
of									  <
opposition								  <
What									  <
happened								  <
to									  <
Erdogan									  <
They										They
were									  |	are
not									  |	calling
in									  <
favor									  <
of									  <
his									  <
base									  <
And									  <
if									  <
he									  <
returned								  <
to									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
the									  <
president								  <
of									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
then									  <
the									  <
president								  <
of									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
And									  <
he									  <
came									  <
to									  <
this									  <
point									  <
The									  <
chancellor								  <
of									  <
the									  <
chancellor								  <
of									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
who									  <
came									  <
to									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
who									  <
came									  <
to									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
he									  <
came									  <
to									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
who									  <
came									  <
to									  <
the									  <
chancellor's								  <
office									  <
it									  <
seems									  <
to									  <
me									  <
A									  <
building								  <
and									  <
some									  <
foreign									  <
property								  <
he									  <
represents								  <
liberal									  <
thinking								  <
but									  <
his									  <
communication								  <
was									  <
extensive								  <
He									  <
reminded								  <
himself									  <
of									  <
The									  <
director								  <
of									  <
the									  <
chancellor								  <
because									  <
he									  <
delivered								  <
the									  <
papers									  <
to									  <
the									  <
party									  <
John									  <
Boreaus									  <
and									  <
Professor								  <
of									  <
the										the
Committee								  |	monarchs
of									  |	We
Justice									  <
for									  <
this									  <
legal									  <
occasion								  <
for									  <
Yalmy									  <
K									  <
festival								  <
of									  <
this									  <
knowledge								  <
and									  <
their									  <
nature									  <
And									  <
to									  <
keep									  <
on									  <
showing									  <
themselves								  <
why									  <
are										are
you									  |	looking
trying									  |	at
to									  |	this
harm									  <
us									  <
But										But
completely								  |	the
so									  |	problem
that									  |	is
everything								  <
goes									  <
to									  <
you									  <
with									  <
your									  <
experience								  <
with									  <
that										that
you									  <
are									  <
to									  <
reverse									  <
time									  <
and									  <
it's									  <
worth									  <
it										it
									  >	is
									  >	all
									  >	in
the										the
most									  |	future
And									  |	If
even									  <
that									  <
it										it
is										is
near									  |	possible
you									  |	to
We									  |	see
left									  |	a
everything								  |	child
									  >	who
									  >	can
									  >	survives
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	original
									  >	history
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	history
									  >	is
									  >	humour
									  >	What
									  >	led
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	reklam
									  >	policy
									  >	Trust
in										in
the块									  |	its
light									  |	own
when									  |	basin
we									  |	The
were									  |	party
here									  |	wasست
lage									  |	expected
second									  |	of
only									  |	the
And									  |	president
now									  |	Since
then										then
after										after
that									  |	four
it									  |	years
starts									  |	of
									  >	his
									  >	presidency
									  >	he
									  >	has
									  >	a
									  >	peculiar
									  >	issue
									  >	The
									  >	number
									  >	of
									  >	people
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	head
									  >	in
									  >	2015
									  >	had
									  >	gotten
to										to
flow									  |	see
straight								  |	all
that										that
you'll									  <
come									  <
back									  <
There										There
									  >	was
									  >	no
									  >	representation
									  >	each
									  >	time
									  >	of
									  >	his
									  >	population
									  >	And
									  >	now
									  >	they
are										are
major									  |	lying
									  >	May
									  >	be
									  >	2
									  >	pashes
									  >	di
									  >	gostes
									  >	There's
									  >	a
									  >	town
									  >	nearby
									  >	where
									  >	the
									  >	D
									  >	Button
									  >	are
									  >	opened
and										and
no									  |	then
losses									  |	the
Because									  |	Divine
Eushapedon								  |	Spruce
won't									  |	opens
hurt									  |	automatically
us									  |	But
right									  |	what
									  >	does
									  >	it
									  >	mean
									  >	that
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	road
									  >	trip
It										It
was										was
very									  |	actually
difficult								  |	not
									  >	Pictureshots
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	particular
									  >	Mine
									  >	Recently
									  >	the
									  >	model
									  >	tried
to										to
get									  |	demerize
lost									  |	some
You									  |	similar
need									  |	choice
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	understand
									  >	that
									  >	Germany
									  >	tries
to										to
take									  |	buy
out									  |	their
yourар									  |	own
nor									  |	paintings
anderenjs								  |	even
kicking									  |	even
psi									  |	some
									  >	напたions
									  >	Their
									  >	new
									  >	paintings
									  >	will
									  >	decide
									  >	that
									  >	you're
									  >	ready
									  >	to
									  >	bring
									  >	a
									  >	special
									  >	diamond
									  >	First
									  >	year
									  >	in
									  >	that
									  >	world
I										I
have									  |	will
Russian									  |	continue
Federation								  |	living
operatingидors								  |	from
with									  |	Viktor
me									  |	And
We									  |	as
haven't									  |	soon
got									  |	as
any									  |	we
									  >	were
									  >	born
									  >	to
									  >	imagine
I										I
am									  |	will
									  >	not
									  >	But
									  >	he's
									  >	overthinking
but										but
I									  |	they're
don't									  |	personally
get									  |	considered
it									  |	coward
By									  |	As
the									  |	main
way									  |	Koreans
1400L									  |	say
Р									  |	this
줄ой									  |	is
не									  |	tired
сельна									  |	and
однозначно								  |	impossible
приходит								  |	to
ты									  |	solve
голосует								  |	between
против									  |	them
нас									  <
как									  <
вы									  <
ayrленно								  <
сказали									  <
butterfly								  <
fights									  <
within									  <
the									  <
atomone									  <
They										They
are									  |	will
									  >	try
									  >	to
									  >	balance
									  >	our
									  >	interest
									  >	and
									  >	improve
their										their
mass									  |	säger
mukeri									  |	You're
show									  |	in
us									  <
what									  <
aPhone									  <
Unforgettable								  <
has									  <
And									  <
I									  <
believe									  <
that									  <
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	center
military								  |	but
wants									  |	you
									  >	didn't
									  >	want
to										to
establish								  |	go
profitable								  |	again
exchange								  <
in									  <
a									  <
country									  <
I										I
find									  |	was
it									  |	born
worse									  |	in
first									  |	the
and									  |	beginning
foremost								  |	of
unite									  |	the
									  >	19th
									  >	century
									  >	but
									  >	thanks
to										to
victimize								  |	the
violence								  |	fact
as									  |	that
a									  |	there
symbol									  |	are
of									  |	children
violence								  |	in
With									  |	the
									  >	world
									  >	And
all										all
these										these
compJim									  |	world
leaders										leaders
who										who
can										can
									  >	help
you										you
seek									  |	Who
out									  |	can
from									  |	help
Why									  |	you
for									  |	Who
move									  |	can
to									  |	help
refugees								  |	you
It's									  |	or
a									  |	who
very									  |	can
important								  |	help
thing									  |	you
Yes									  |	Of
it's									  |	course
a									  |	of
very									  |	course
important								  <
thing									  <
In										In
the										the
end										end
in										in
the										the
end										end
it's									  |	it
a									  |	is
very									  <
strong									  <
country									  <
In									  <
the										the
end									  |	most
it's									  |	important
a									  <
very									  <
strong									  <
country										country
In									  |	in
the									  |	which
end									  |	you
									  >	can
									  >	help
									  >	you
									  >	Well
in										in
the										the
end									  |	beginning
it's									  |	of
a									  |	the
very									  |	19th
important								  |	century
thing									  |	there
There									  <
are										are
people										people
who										who
are										are
responsible								  <
for									  <
our									  <
lives									  <
In									  <
my									  <
opinion									  <
there									  <
were									  <
people									  <
who									  <
were									  <
responsible								  <
for									  <
our									  <
lives									  <
Damn									  <
it's									  <
a									  <
very										very
important								  |	close
thing									  |	to
But									  |	us
I									  <
could									  <
also									  <
come									  <
and									  <
talk									  <
about									  <
it									  <
track									  <
also									  <
talents									  <
that									  <
I										I
could									  |	was
talk									  |	born
about…									  |	in
And									  |	the
lors									  |	beginning
of										of
the										the
club									  |	19th
I've									  |	century
told									  |	In
you									  |	the
that									  |	beginning
I									  <
called									  <
myself									  <
to									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of										of
followers								  |	the
and									  |	19th
bastards								  |	century
And									  |	there
we									  <
are										are
very									  |	people
close									  |	who
to									  |	can
my									  |	help
account									  |	you
and									  |	Who
not									  |	can
just									  |	help
a									  |	you
single									  |	And
Of									  |	in
course									  |	the
									  >	end
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	end
there										there
are										are
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	can
									  >	help
									  >	you
									  >	There
									  >	is
									  >	a
diplomatic									diplomatic
relations								  |	relationship
and									  |	between
the									  <
presence								  <
of									  <
the										the
United										United
States										States
and										and
with									  |	all
the									  |	of
Olafum									  |	them
Sholtsam									Sholtsam
and										and
so										so
on										on
And									  |	and
they										they
these									  <
are										are
the									  |	so
steps									  |	close
of									  |	to
this									  |	these
country									  |	countries
that										that
I										I
said										said
I										I
just										just
said										said
that										that
there										there
was									  |	is
more										more
that									  |	to
									  >	see
									  >	exactly
this										this
									  >	is
iPhone										iPhone
diplomacy								  |	Diplomate
which									  |	She
helped										helped
me										me
a									  |	a
lot									  |	lot
in									  <
the									  <
first									  <
day									  <
And									  <
I									  <
I									  <
said									  <
and									  <
nothing									  <
Well									  <
we									  <
know									  <
how									  <
the									  <
iPhone									  <
is									  <
using									  <
the									  <
same									  <
language								  <
The									  <
iPhone									  <
diplomacy								  <
doesn't									  <
work									  <
Yes									  <
but									  <
in										in
the										the
future									  |	first
the									  |	day
voice									  <
of									  <
the									  <
voice									  <
of										of
the										the
voice									  |	war
what									  |	Well
what									  |	that's
what									  |	it
what									  |	In
what									  <
happens									  <
to									  <
the									  <
world									  <
The									  <
arena									  <
the									  <
arena									  <
the										the
world									  |	end
									  >	in
the										the
world									  |	end
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	relationship
									  >	between
the										the
world									  |	United
									  >	States
and										and
then									  <
the									  <
other									  <
side									  <
then									  <
the										the
other									  |	United
side									  |	States
Because									  |	and
the										the
majority								  |	United
of									  |	States
diverse									  |	In
relationships								  <
are									  <
always									  <
aware									  <
But									  <
all									  <
the										the
deputies								  |	end
are									  <
remembered								  <
in										in
A									  |	the
rule									  |	end
And									  |	there
also									  |	is
as									  <
a										a
joke									  |	relationship
and									  |	between
ask									  <
the										the
children								  |	United
									  >	States
and										and
ask									  <
the									  <
parents									  <
at									  <
my									  <
side									  <
at									  <
their									  <
at									  <
present									  <
Now									  <
we									  <
see									  <
that									  <
the										the
Protestant								  |	United
indicating								  |	States
									  >	and
the										the
situation								  |	United
he									  |	States
can									  |	In
somewhere								  <
could									  <
get									  <
own									  <
It									  <
will									  <
be									  <
a									  <
kind									  <
of									  <
170									  <
But									  <
we									  <
see									  <
that									  <
as									  <
a									  <
person									  <
is									  <
chewed									  <
up									  <
but									  <
I									  <
was									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
the										the
end										end
story									  |	there
but									  <
you									  <
have									  <
no									  <
story									  <
about									  <
your									  <
story									  <
It									  <
will									  <
be									  <
like									  <
this									  <
and									  <
it									  <
will									  <
not									  <
be									  <
like									  <
that									  <
That									  <
is									  <
Gegemon									  <
is									  <
not									  <
going									  <
anywhere								  <
Gegemon									  <
is										is
running									  <
away									  <
And									  <
today									  <
in									  <
the									  <
past									  <
several									  <
times									  <
Gegemon									  <
was									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
Gegemon									  <
and									  <
he									  <
said									  <
a										a
lot									  |	relationship
of									  |	between
interest								  <
he									  <
said									  <
that									  <
he									  <
is									  <
not									  <
involved								  <
in									  <
it									  <
Well									  <
it									  <
is									  <
the									  <
same									  <
thing									  <
in									  <
the										the
past									  |	United
he									  |	States
said									  |	and
that									  <
the										the
Europe									  |	United
this									  |	States
is									  |	and
the										the
site									  |	United
									  >	States
and										and
it									  <
is									  <
the										the
site									  |	United
of									  |	States
									  >	In
the										the
site									  |	end
that									  <
we									  <
built									  <
but									  <
in										in
the										the
end										end
it									  |	there
is									  <
Gegemon									  <
That									  <
is										is
now									  |	a
									  >	relationship
									  >	between
the										the
site									  |	United
that									  |	States
we									  <
built									  <
for									  <
you									  <
and									  <
when									  <
it									  <
was									  <
said									  <
I									  <
just									  <
wanted									  <
to									  <
say									  <
some									  <
kind									  <
of									  <
kiplin									  <
some									  <
kind									  <
of									  <
colonial								  <
plot									  <
and										and
when									  |	the
it									  |	United
was									  |	States
told									  |	and
that									  |	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	end
there										there
is										is
a										a
white									  |	relationship
Europe									  |	between
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
and										and
there									  <
are									  <
all									  <
the										the
remains									  |	United
of									  |	States
these									  <
traces									  <
and										and
some									  |	the
kind									  |	United
of									  |	States
theory									  <
and										and
some									  |	the
kind									  |	United
of									  |	States
different								  <
kind									  <
of									  <
people									  <
who									  <
need									  <
to									  <
take									  <
care									  <
of									  <
it									  <
and										and
maybe									  <
they									  <
will									  <
not									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
remain									  <
there									  <
even									  <
the										the
most									  |	United
Belgian									  |	States
Emperor									  |	In
which									  <
is									  <
a									  <
strong									  <
the										the
Gegemon									  |	end
they									  |	there
will									  <
not									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
They									  <
did									  <
not									  <
like									  <
it									  <
they									  <
did									  <
not									  <
like									  <
it									  <
they									  <
did									  <
not									  <
like									  <
it									  <
they									  <
did									  <
not									  <
like									  <
it									  <
And									  <
that									  <
is									  <
this									  <
is										is
the									  |	a
most									  |	problem
popular									  |	with
place									  |	Israel
in									  |	Russia
the									  |	France
19th									  |	Russia
century									  |	Russia
									  >	Russia
and										and
									  >	Europe
									  >	together
									  >	And
then										then
you									  |	it
will									  |	seems
have									  <
to										to
tell									  |	me
the									  |	it
truth									  |	seems
that									  |	to
is									  |	me
my									  |	it's
									  >	a
									  >	wonderful
									  >	thing
									  >	My
great										great
European									European
friend										friend
as										as
he										he
said										said
we										we
are										are
now										now
meeting										meeting
with										with
Russia										Russia
and										and
we										we
do									  |	are
not										not
want									  |	talking
to									  <
talk									  <
about										about
truth										truth
We										We
do									  |	don't
not									  <
need										need
to										to
talk										talk
about										about
truth										truth
that									  |	That
is									  <
that									  <
it									  <
is										is
happening								  |	we
right									  |	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	talk
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	truth
now										now
that									  |	That
is										is
you										you
know										know
that									  <
we										we
are										are
talking									  |	going
									  >	to
									  >	talk
about										about
this										this
study										study
that										that
the										the
fact									  |	purpose
that									  |	of
this										this
civilization									civilization
is									  <
in									  <
life									  <
this										this
civilization									civilization
the										the
Lithuania								  |	power
the									  <
changes									  <
of									  <
the										the
whole									  |	power
of									  <
the										the
world									  |	values
the										the
value									  |	values
of									  <
the										the
two									  |	values
countries								  <
the										the
standard								  |	standards
is									  |	and
all										all
									  >	this
									  >	is
already										already
said										said
that									  |	this
is										is
perhaps									  |	just
the									  |	a
main									  |	word
									  >	in
European									European
diplomacy									diplomacy
And										And
									  >	well
I										I
will									  |	would
									  >	like
									  >	to
say										say
my										my
great										great
impression								  |	opinion
I										I
have										have
now									  <
been										been
									  >	discussing
with										with
the										the
German									  |	German-American
American								  |	experts
									  >	of
the										the
European								  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	and
the										the
European								  |	development
									  >	of
the										the
European								  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
									  >	when
									  >	there
									  >	was
									  >	a
									  >	war
									  >	between
									  >	one
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	other
									  >	well
									  >	we
									  >	will
									  >	say
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	friendly
									  >	hand
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	truth
									  >	right
									  >	in
									  >	front
									  >	of
									  >	you
the										the
European								  |	truth
									  >	when
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
the										the
European								  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	and
									  >	we
									  >	get
									  >	to
the										the
European								  |	end
									  >	of
the										the
European								  |	war
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	difficult
									  >	thing
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	pragmatic
									  >	thing
									  >	but
									  >	right
									  >	in
the										the
European								  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	when
									  >	we
									  >	talk
									  >	about
the										the
European								  |	truth
well									  |	that
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	return
									  >	to
the										the
European								  |	reality
									  >	but
									  >	according
									  >	to
the										the
European								  |	guarantee
									  >	of
the										the
European								  |	safety
and										and
the										the
European								  |	guarantee
well									  <
the									  <
European								  <
a									  <
good									  <
relationship								  <
with									  <
Russia									  <
going									  <
towards									  <
a									  <
hope									  <
of										of
May									  |	some
or									  |	normal
defeating								  |	relationship
									  >	between
the										the
biennature								  |	United
of									  |	States
Russia									  <
and										and
that's									  <
whenting								  <
down									  <
What									  <
normal									  <
relationships								  <
in									  <
the										the
future									  |	United
I									  |	States
would									  |	we
									  >	will
									  >	not
say										say
we										we
are									  |	will
talking									  |	talk
about										about
the										the
price									  |	truth
we									  |	well
are									  <
good									  <
at									  <
what										what
is										is
your										your
price									  |	truth
Our										Our
price									  |	truth
is										is
technology								  |	not
We									  |	about
									  >	these
									  >	technologies
									  >	we
are										are
in										in
the										the
future										future
There									  |	but
									  >	there
is										is
a										a
new										new
technology								  |	technological
a									  |	class
product									  |	we
of									  |	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	ask
this										this
new										new
country										country
well										well
it									  |	of
is									  |	course
clear									  |	this
that									  <
it									  <
is										is
a										a
green										green
energy										energy
as									  |	what
they										they
are									  |	come
coming									  |	closer
to										to
us									  <
again									  <
And									  <
after									  <
all									  <
this									  <
all									  <
your									  <
unique									  <
and										and
gas-free								  |	after
gas-free								  |	all
distance								  <
is									  <
more									  <
than									  <
eleven									  <
percent									  <
as									  <
I									  <
don't									  <
know									  <
from									  <
another									  <
21									  <
years									  <
Thank									  <
you									  <
hurray									  <
And									  <
68%									  <
how									  <
many									  <
kilo									  <
250.2									  <
percent									  <
per									  <
40%									  <
What									  <
number									  <
get									  <
a									  <
average									  <
premium									  <
price									  <
in									  <
the									  <
price									  <
of									  <
3.5									  <
percent									  <
What									  <
it									  <
went									  <
on									  <
Why									  <
Because									  <
the									  <
females									  <
consider								  <
the									  <
radiance								  <
in									  <
material								  <
politics								  <
Not									  <
possible								  <
it's									  <
possible								  <
to									  <
achieve									  <
a									  <
full									  <
one									  <
crop									  <
so									  <
takersop								  <
Teenry									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
things									  <
to									  <
do									  <
with									  <
the									  <
second									  <
movement								  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
things									  <
to									  <
do									  <
with									  <
them									  <
In									  <
general									  <
for									  <
example									  <
in									  <
the									  <
same									  <
level									  <
of									  <
the									  <
level									  <
of									  <
the									  <
sphere									  <
we									  <
can't									  <
develop									  <
the									  <
SPEG									  <
without									  <
additional								  <
technologies								  <
But									  <
this										this
is										is
interesting								  |	not
What									  |	all
do									  |	of
we									  |	your
have									  |	gas-free
to									  |	gas-free
do									  <
with									  <
it										it
What									  |	becomes
do									  |	well
									  >	well
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	know
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	19th
									  >	century
we										we
have									  |	are
to									  |	talking
do									  |	about
with									  <
it										it
We									  |	well
have									  |	well
a									  |	and
lot									  |	you
of									  |	look
things									  |	at
to									  |	your
do									  |	own
with									  |	program
									  >	when
									  >	you
									  >	took
it										it
What									  |	in
do									  |	2013
we									  |	when
									  >	you
have										have
to									  |	45%
do									  <
with									  <
it									  <
The									  <
first									  <
tanks									  <
of										of
the										the
SPEG									  |	green
higher									  |	energy
than									  |	I
									  >	think
the										the
SPEG									  |	technical
The									  |	project
SPEG									  |	was
has									  |	corrected
changed									  |	30
The									  |	times
Baltic									  |	why
Sea									  |	because
Music									  |	it
is									  |	turns
out										out
there									  |	that
They									  |	without
start									  |	Russia
mid-									  |	exists
selct									  |	all
nail									  |	sorts
on									  <
the									  <
butcher's								  <
In然後									  <
the									  <
hostages								  <
the									  <
Henry's									  <
At									  <
the									  <
Gretzo's								  <
in									  <
the									  <
second									  <
page									  <
of										of
the									  |	static
Association								  |	space
the									  |	well
Ashleeenich								  <
In									  <
the									  <
Gretzo's								  <
the									  <
French									  <
branch									  <
This									  <
is									  <
our									  <
technology								  <
Today									  <
it										it
also									  |	doesn't
causesowan								  |	have
in									  |	power
									  >	like
									  >	a
									  >	100
									  >	hitch
									  >	strike
									  >	100
									  >	hitch
									  >	100
									  >	hitch
									  >	triple-oppal
									  >	let's
									  >	say
									  >	But
the										the
Academy									  |	problem
of									  <
Rights									  <
which									  <
is										is
belongs									  |	we
to									  |	are
									  >	not
									  >	expecting
									  >	all
the										the
first									  |	long
cloud									  |	lines
of									  |	but
									  >	beyond
									  >	that's
the										the
current									  |	very
identity								  |	earlier
Now									  |	stage
we										we
are									  |	cannot
involved								  |	evaluate
in									  |	SVG
									  >	but
this										this
TMNT's									  <
The									  <
Zheng									  <
Times									  <
who									  <
sounds									  <
accessible								  <
by									  <
electronic								  <
batteries								  <
is										is
from									  |	interesting
agricultural								  |	reality
posters									  |	And
I									  |	then
									  >	we
have										have
a										a
business								  |	comment
with									  |	about
users									  |	which
right									  |	is
We									  <
can't									  <
move									  <
the										the
initiative								  |	part
to									  |	of
the										the
American								  |	TV
side									  |	conference
									  >	end
									  >	I
									  >	forgot
									  >	so
									  >	that
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	like
									  >	life
									  >	in
									  >	a
									  >	nation
									  >	I
									  >	forgot
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	call
									  >	it
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	point
									  >	Someone's
									  >	deadillance
									  >	office
If										If
they										they
start										start
to										to
put										put
the										the
SPEG									  |	SPG
then										then
we										we
can't									  |	won't
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
put										put
									  >	such
									  >	a
									  >	thing
									  >	there
									  >	on
the										the
SPEG									  |	price
Then									  |	of
we									  <
can't									  <
put									  <
the										the
SPEG									  |	lower
then									  |	one
									  >	It's
									  >	an
									  >	anchor
									  >	that's
									  >	what
we										we
can't									  |	call
put									  |	it
the									  |	We
SPEG									  |	don't
We									  |	have
can't									  |	an
put									  |	anchor
the									  |	They're
SPEG									  |	getting
									  >	bigger
									  >	They're
									  >	getting
									  >	bigger
									  >	They're
									  >	getting
									  >	bigger
									  >	Let's
									  >	take
									  >	a
									  >	look
We										We
can't									  <
put									  <
the									  <
SPEG									  <
They									  <
are									  <
all									  <
the									  <
same									  <
They									  <
are									  <
all									  <
the									  <
same									  <
They									  <
are									  <
all									  <
the									  <
same									  <
Now									  <
we									  <
understand									understand
that										that
in									  <
the										the
last										last
eight									  |	8-8
years										years
we									  <
have										have
been									  |	passed
talking									  |	That's
about									  |	exactly
the									  |	what
SPEG									  |	we're
There									  <
are									  <
also									  <
some									  <
conflicts								  <
that									  <
are									  <
going										going
on									  |	to
									  >	do
now										now
We										We
understand									understand
that										that
the										the
country									  |	last
or									  |	8-8
the									  |	years
SPEG									  |	have
is									  |	passed
not									  <
the									  <
same									  <
The									  <
SPEG									  <
is									  <
the									  <
same									  <
The										The
SPEG									  |	last
is									  |	8-8
not									  |	years
									  >	have
									  >	passed
									  >	We
									  >	don't
									  >	have
									  >	a
pleasant									pleasant
for									  |	situation
you									  <
I										I
should										should
say										say
that										that
the										the
economic									economic
block										block
that										that
we									  |	we're
can									  |	going
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
run										run
can't									  |	can
do									  |	be
something								  |	said
that										that
doesn't									  |	it's
work									  |	not
But									  |	working
									  >	but
the										the
development									development
of										of
other										other
countries									countries
the									  |	like
									  >	in
									  >	our
sphere										sphere
as									  |	We've
we									  <
have									  <
discussed									discussed
before									  |	how
we									  |	we've
have									  |	discussed
a									  |	it
different								  |	We're
sphere									  |	talking
in									  |	about
the									  |	other
United									  |	spheres
States									  |	We've
We									  <
worked										worked
on										on
100%										100%
									  >	There's
									  >	a
									  >	question
here										here
I'm									  |	I'll
sure									  |	tell
there									  |	you
are									  |	Can
some									  |	we
									  >	create
									  >	alguma
problems									problems
here									  |	We've
The									  <
other									  <
side									  <
is									  <
normal									  <
Everything								  <
is									  <
fine									  <
We									  <
worked										worked
well									  |	on
All									  |	this
right									  |	OK
									  >	отк
Let's										Let's
go										go
For									  |	To
me										me
									  >	because
this										this
is									  |	politok
a									  <
field									  <
that										that
was									  <
used										used
									  >	to
									  >	sell
									  >	from
									  >	Dalham
in										in
the									  |	Bangkok
Dal									  |	Non-Mental
Muchami									  <
the									  <
President								  <
of									  <
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
and										and
when										when
the									  |	Europe
European								  |	announced
wrote									  |	that
it									  |	this
what									  |	kind
is									  <
it									  <
called									  <
The									  <
millions								  <
of										of
people									  |	man
are									  |	sold
going									  |	off
there									  |	the
									  >	milyon
									  >	politon
This										This
is										is
a										a
new										new
world										world
that										that
comes									  |	personas
When									  |	go
Russia									  |	together
will									  <
be									  <
able									  <
to										to
talk									  |	race
about									  |	I
it									  <
you									  <
can										can
say										say
that										that
the									  <
Iranians									Iranians
this									  |	can
is									  |	be
a									  |	called
map									  |	monkey
or									  |	They
a									  |	gave
ballad									  |	it
but									  <
they									  <
don't									  <
fly									  <
and									  <
fly									  <
to										to
the										the
whole										whole
Why										Why
don't										don't
you										you
take										take
a										a
look										look
at										at
the										the
ballad									  |	volume
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	volume
In										In
that										that
case										case
the									  |	some
people									  |	of
who									  |	which
were									  |	I've
standing								  |	put
on										on
the										the
ground									  |	mirror
can't										can't
do										do
it										it
And										And
so									  |	then
we										we
still									  <
need										need
to										to
believe									  |	know
in									  |	what's
it									  |	going
									  >	on
You										You
need										need
to										to
look										look
at										at
it										it
and										and
look										look
at										at
it										it
Listen									  |	Even
here									  |	if
Look									  |	I
over									  |	look
									  >	at
									  >	it
here										here
This									  |	India
building								  |	and
									  >	China
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	But
									  >	this
is										is
nowhere									  <
It's									  <
important									important
to									  |	part
find									  |	of
a									  |	the
brand									  <
and									  <
a									  <
world										world
that									  |	For
all									  |	example
appears									  |	the
in									  |	temperature
Asia									  |	is
it's									  |	low
a									  |	Not
lot									  |	on
more									  |	the
reliable								  |	side
You									  |	On
need									  |	the
to									  |	floor
look									  |	On
at									  |	the
yourself								  |	floor
									  >	On
									  >	the
									  >	floor
									  >	On
									  >	the
									  >	floor
Yes										Yes
Just										Just
all										all
its赤									  |	of
art									  |	them
exists									  |	And
The									  |	on
European								  <
Union									  <
the										the
L									  |	floor
and									  |	In
the										the
이거를ars								  |	European
full-iate								  |	Union
from									  |	In
the										the
Soviet										Soviet
Union										Union
came									  |	Rel
full-iate								  |	Firstly
from									  <
the										the
Russia									  |	question
Federation								  |	is
The									  <
people									  <
who									  <
call									  <
our									  <
townn									  <
farms									  <
are										are
									  >	you
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	sir
									  >	the
									  >	European
									  >	Union
									  >	The
									  >	Poltopekov
									  >	told
									  >	me
									  >	that
									  >	if
not										not
so									  |	enough
beautiful								  <
it									  <
is									  <
just									  <
feedback								  <
we									  <
will									  <
be									  <
doing									  <
it									  <
this									  <
way									  <
if										if
there										there
will									  |	was
be									  |	nothing
someone									  |	international
new									  |	he
world									  |	didn't
by									  |	allow
the									  |	his
hands									  |	or
									  >	her
									  >	leave
									  >	and
									  >	you're
									  >	coming
									  >	And
you										you
will									  |	say,I
face									  |	don't
if									  |	have
there									  |	plans
									  >	The
									  >	museum
is										is
a									  |	in
new									  |	the
world									  |	list
that									  |	It
is										is
formed									  |	probably
I									  |	possible
need									  |	that
to									  |	even
call									  |	before
you									  |	these
one									  |	youtubers
more									  |	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	language
									  >	will
									  >	allowfor
									  >	some
									  >	kind
									  >	of
									  >	laziness
									  >	this
time										time
by									  |	to
your									  |	expose
thinking								  |	the
									  >	audience
									  >	otherwise
									  >	they
									  >	would
									  >	face
									  >	There
									  >	is
									  >	no
									  >	mark
on										on
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	KFC
									  >	competitions
									  >	are
									  >	done
									  >	and
									  >	it's
									  >	amazing
									  >	and
									  >	it's
									  >	amazing
									  >	to
									  >	have
									  >	them
									  >	Good
									  >	play
									  >	Participants
									  >	for
									  >	April
									  >	closing
									  >	was
									  >	at
									  >	revigorating
									  >	the
									  >	training
									  >	center
									  >	in
a										a
group									  |	major
									  >	factory
									  >	But
									  >	half
of										of
tennis									  |	everyone
teamers									  |	wore
I									  |	similar
am									  |	shoes
sorry									  |	anda
									  >	leatherbags
									  >	and
									  >	walked
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	building
									  >	So
									  >	we'll
									  >	start
									  >	helping
									  >	each
									  >	other
									  >	The
									  >	merch
									  >	worth
									  >	a
									  >	sign
									  >	Pertr
									  >	inefficient
									  >	It's
									  >	nothing
									  >	for
									  >	me
									  >	Part
									  >	three
									  >	you's
									  >	on
									  >	sale
									  >	Iновongure
									  >	yourself
									  >	Where
									  >	Decided
									  >	to
									  >	release
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	shoe
									  >	Everybody
									  >	come
Please										Please
say										say
that									  |	goodbye
if									  |	and
not									  |	see
before									  |	you
there									  |	next
									  >	time
									  >	The
									  >	bank
									  >	in
									  >	Kcal
									  >	had
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	attack
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	فيer
									  >	and
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	Economium
									  >	My
									  >	question
is										is
anything								  |	that
else									  |	which
He									  |	one
does										does
not									  |	number
look									  |	two
either									  |	get
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
to										to
									  >	industrializes
the										the
top									  |	whole
Everyone								  |	zone
then									  |	The
will									  |	whole
come									  |	zone
									  >	with
									  >	all
									  >	those
									  >	concrete
									  >	buildings
and										and
I									  |	solid
Press									  |	plug-ups
down									  |	the
Don't									  |	others
do									  <
taboo									  <
Why									  <
are										are
you									  |	going
saying									  |	toluzy
such									  |	biodiversity
things									  |	Now
suddenly								  |	the
winter									  |	unit
and									  |	here
winter									  <
and									  <
winter									  <
The										The
Russian									  |	crowd
president								  |	is
he									  |	moving
waited									  |	around
for									  |	The
a									  |	crowd
long									  |	is
time									  |	moving
for									  |	around
five									  |	It
minutes									  <
to									  <
settle									  <
a									  <
ahorux									  <
date									  <
for									  <
their									  <
DRF									  <
train									  <
Chris									  <
came									  <
to									  <
school									  <
specially								  <
wanted									  <
to									  <
spend									  <
some									  <
money									  <
on									  <
something								  <
that									  <
was										was
stolen									  |	outdid
by									  |	I'll
people									  |	use
who									  |	a
would									  |	phone
try									  <
to									  <
catch									  <
Duck4									  <
and										and
get									  |	report
back									  |	participants
to										to
Spassin									  |	operate
mind									  |	achieving
for									  |	poultry-
free									  |	honeymoon
They									  |	And
took									  |	that
their									  <
knowledge								  <
and									  <
knowledge								  <
During									  <
winter-house								  <
in									  <
New									  <
York									  <
Zombie									  <
Where's									  <
my									  <
20-2120									  <
on									  <
the									  <
channel									  <
of									  <
Russia									  <
But									  <
in									  <
all									  <
places									  <
there									  <
is										is
									  >	all,agnet
									  >	Antanicti
									  >	One
									  >	thermostat..
a										a
long-term								  |	toothache
new									  |	a
season									  |	F
We									  |	Então
look									  |	We'd
									  >	need
									  >	40%
									  >	of
									  >	wholesale
									  >	income
									  >	5%
at										at
all									  |	the
places									  |	shoreline
for									  |	consumption
21-30									  |	slightly
years									  |	worse
KGZL									  |	slope
is										is
already									  |	also
									  >	in
									  >	case
									  >	of
a										a
first-class								  |	US
actress									  |	charge
She									  |	On
starts									  |	the
									  >	bottom
									  >	I'll
									  >	mark
									  >	the
									  >	depths
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	search
									  >	Chinese
									  >	etc
									  >	Beers
									  >	steny
									  >	quarterly
									  >	$6.02
									  >	Gluten
									  >	rolling
									  >	wart
									  >	into
									  >	the
									  >	top
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	meer
									  >	The
									  >	sooner
									  >	your
									  >	goal
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	Well
									  >	done
									  >	Just
									  >	look
									  >	forward
to										to
									  >	your
									  >	girl
									  >	and
									  >	you'll
get										get
married									  |	money
in										in
									  >	your
									  >	business
									  >	Do
									  >	not
									  >	anymore
									  >	Please
									  >	remember
									  >	to
									  >	know
									  >	about
									  >	yourself
									  >	that
									  >	you
									  >	both
									  >	like
									  >	and
									  >	how
									  >	to
									  >	make
									  >	your
									  >	wife21
									  >	all
									  >	over
the										the
same									  |	planet
team									  |	So
as									  |	it's
Griba									  |	time
									  >	to
									  >	have
									  >	your
									  >	offer
									  >	out
									  >	the
									  >	snuggled
									  >	her
and										and
Oervi									  |	you
She									  |	know
doesn't									  |	what
forget									  |	bank
about									  <
Russia									  <
Therefore								  <
KGZL									  <
is										is
									  >	good
									  >	for
the										the
largest									  |	best
enemy									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	people
in										in
the										the
world										world
She									  |	If
started									  |	you
to									  |	are
go									  |	good
to									  |	you
visit									  |	will
now									  |	choose
She									  <
was									  <
in									  <
prison									  <
three									  <
times									  <
and									  <
took									  <
a									  <
tour									  <
of									  <
her									  <
brother									  <
Despite									  <
the										the
help									  |	best
									  >	The
									  >	opening
of										of
the										the
two									  |	show
groups									  |	is
of									  |	not
Iran									  <
This									  <
will									  <
be									  <
a										a
long									  |	video
graduate								  |	And
As									  |	you
usual									  |	have
P									  |	500
59%									  |	tons
of										of
									  >	money
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	choose
the										the
years									  |	market
That									  |	We
in									  |	are
order									  |	going
to										to
cover									  |	choose
up									  <
about									  <
5%									  <
of									  <
the										the
end									  |	market
									  >	But
									  >	we
									  >	don't
									  >	know
									  >	how
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	But
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	choose
									  >	the
									  >	market
									  >	And
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	choose
									  >	the
									  >	market
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	choose
									  >	the
									  >	market
The										The
best										best
in										in
the										the
world										world
is										is
the										the
natural									  |	capital
part									  <
of										of
this										this
world										world
It										It
can										can
be										be
									  >	seen
									  >	in
the										the
natural									  |	capital
part									  <
of										of
the										the
water									  |	city
									  >	of
									  >	Goudur
and										and
the									  |	Wazuk
air									  <
Therefore									Therefore
in										in
order									  <
for									  <
the										the
natural									  |	capital
part									  <
of										of
the										the
world									  |	city
									  >	of
									  >	Goudur
we										we
recommend									recommend
the										the
preparation								  |	market
of										of
LIV-52									  <
LIV-52									  <
is									  <
the										the
final									  |	5th
part									  |	century
of									  |	The
									  >	5th
									  >	century
									  >	is
the										the
preparation								  |	capital
of										of
LIV-52									  |	Goudur
LIV-52									  |	The
									  >	5th
									  >	century
is										is
the										the
final									  |	capital
part									  <
of										of
									  >	Goudur
									  >	We
									  >	will
									  >	see
the										the
preparation								  |	bigger
of									  <
LIV-52									  <
and										and
the										the
final									  |	bigger
part									  |	The
of									  <
the									  <
preparation								  <
of									  <
LIV-52									  <
Let's									  <
see									  <
how									  <
much									  <
more									  <
remains									  <
Moscow										Moscow
									  >	The
Crimea										Crimea
									  >	The
Putin										Putin
Kasha									  |	Each
Gmitri									  |	in
F									  |	the
Kägeroushevna								  |	world
22ulnol									  |	is
I									  <
Hello									  <
i									  <
am									  <
the										the
governor								  |	two-year-old
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	end
of										of
LIV-52									  |	the
Good									  |	day
morning									  |	Hello
everyone								  |	this
Ho									  |	is
happens									  |	the
to									  <
be									  <
only									  <
in									  <
dorm									  <
without									  <
any									  <
special										special
concerns								  |	hero
and									  |	of
references								  |	the
									  >	Soviet
									  >	Union
									  >	Where
									  >	were
									  >	you
									  >	All
									  >	the
									  >	last
									  >	information
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	money
of										of
the										the
Russian										Russian
General									  |	military
Air									  |	and
Forces									  <
Quietly									  <
concerning								  <
resolve									  <
In									  <
the										the
winter									  |	special
camp									  |	military
Sporters								  |	operations
six									  |	A
Cr									  |	large
노�									  |	amount
warehouse								  |	of
800									  |	money
soldiers								  |	The
guarantors								  |	company
utilize									  |	of
to									  <
increase								  <
the										the
number									  |	sports
									  >	company
									  >	is
									  >	based
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	80%
of										of
soldiers								  |	the
Scal									  |	money
bends									  |	is
I									  |	in
need									  |	the
to									  |	world
talk									  |	When
to									  |	the
									  >	machine
									  >	is
									  >	changed
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	second
									  >	The
									  >	last
									  >	information
									  >	that
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	found
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	changed
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	What
									  >	do
you										you
									  >	mean
									  >	Our
									  >	daughter
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	organize
									  >	and
									  >	build
									  >	a
									  >	corporate
									  >	economy
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	build
									  >	a
									  >	company
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	build
									  >	a
									  >	company
									  >	We
									  >	can
									  >	build
									  >	a
									  >	company
I										I
need										need
to										to
talk										talk
to										to
you										you
We										We
need										need
to										to
find									  |	go
out									  <
what's									  <
going									  <
to									  <
happen									  <
Why									  <
did									  <
we									  <
all									  <
come									  <
in										in
the										the
past									  |	air
Look									  |	Why
In									  |	It
									  >	is
the										the
20th									  |	last
									  >	question
									  >	The
									  >	9th
of										of
December								  |	April
on									  |	The
Russia's								  |	3rd
official								  |	of
ID									  |	July
If									  |	The
you									  |	7th
									  >	of
									  >	April
									  >	The
									  >	21st
									  >	of
									  >	June
									  >	Our
									  >	viewers
were										were
									  >	very
									  >	happy
to										to
keep									  |	see
it									  |	the
up									  |	content
I									  <
had									  <
been									  <
a									  <
part									  <
of										of
mytimers								  |	this
But									  |	channel
I										I
also									  |	managed
wanted									  <
to									  <
introduce								  <
you									  <
to										to
Kharos									  |	understand
the									  |	it
new									  |	At
Glaciers								  |	work
Kharos									  |	it
is									  |	was
like									  |	difficult
a									  <
and									  <
the									  <
immigrants								  <
came									  <
to										to
force									  |	say
									  >	no
									  >	one
									  >	ever
									  >	followed
me										me
									  >	sides
									  >	With
									  >	this
									  >	channel
									  >	I
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	know
									  >	how
to										to
take									  |	bend
out告									  |	my
papers									  |	tongue
It's									  |	It
									  >	must
									  >	be
a										a
boom									  |	little
We're									  |	rolls
									  >	And
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	all
									  >	right
									  >	But
									  >	first
									  >	let's
									  >	start
									  >	to
									  >	remember
									  >	it
									  >	And
									  >	Hera
									  >	Kohlsek
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	in
									  >	arrests
									  >	they
									  >	were
									  >	sent
									  >	down
all										all
gonna									  <
fight									  <
Gramps									  <
make									  <
the										the
money									  |	time
crooks									  |	Now
									  >	they're
									  >	taking
									  >	certain
									  >	forms
and										and
bring									  |	patterns
cash									  |	because
A									  |	there's
debt									  |	no
of									  |	or
money									  |	outside
go									  <
takeout									  <
A									  <
debt									  <
of										of
money									  |	it
went									  |	Subway
put									  |	related
here									  <
on									  <
us									  <
and										and
asked									  |	forbidden
my									  |	authorities
hand									  |	Hi
Since									  |	I'm
in									  |	fromolesk
the									  |	France
family									  |	and
									  >	from
									  >	what
									  >	I'm
									  >	from
									  >	something
									  >	and
									  >	what
I										I
don't									  |	continue
think									  |	to
									  >	keep
									  >	up
									  >	my
									  >	secret
									  >	And
									  >	maybe
									  >	now
I										I
can										can
tell									  |	do
myself									  |	it
									  >	now
I										I
remember								  |	am
all									  |	completely
									  >	naïve
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	afraid
that										that
when									  |	if
scrambled								  |	we
eggs									  |	were
did									  |	not
the										the
packaged								  |	station
drinks									  |	of
at									  <
least									  <
after									  <
a									  <
month									  <
or									  <
after									  <
a									  <
wall									  <
was									  <
chopped									  <
and									  <
they辛苦ed								  <
them									  <
Now									  <
we're									  <
closed									  <
We									  <
open									  <
the										the
door									  |	canal
we									  <
are									  <
sent									  <
in										in
a									  |	Russia
camera									  |	ォa
then									  |	Rust-eel
Everybody								  |	could
remembers								  |	have
so									  |	stopped
well									  |	citizens
									  >	and
									  >	could
									  >	now
									  >	take
									  >	them
									  >	over
									  >	they
									  >	would've
									  >	taken
									  >	them
									  >	over
									  >	with
									  >	their
									  >	permission
									  >	So
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	probably
									  >	our
									  >	6th
									  >	stage
									  >	All
									  >	is
									  >	necessary
									  >	Everyone
									  >	is
									  >	safe
									  >	They
									  >	are
									  >	now
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	told
									  >	that
I										I
get									  |	might
									  >	not
									  >	fear
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	panic
									  >	at
all										all
trouble									  |	But
around									  |	at
when									  |	least
I									  |	there
repeat									  |	are
I'd									  <
inform									  <
everything								  <
with									  <
respect									  <
so										so
that									  |	many
there's									  |	patients
peace									  |	Russia
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
That's									  <
just										just
to									  |	passing
come									  |	through
Rossi									  <
now									  <
warning									  <
his									  <
встретex								  <
for									  <
a									  <
few									  <
years									  <
He's									  <
the										the
guardian								  |	gas
									  >	andio
									  >	will
									  >	take
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
the									  |	money
war									  |	Ms.athan
He									  |	Ferniew
thinks									  |	fae
									  >	oft
									  >	What
									  >	do
you										you
gotcame									  |	mean
that									  |	I've
strong									  |	already
in									  |	got
the									  |	to
Global									  <
Cold									  <
War									  <
I									  <
see										see
The									  <
public									  <
has									  <
been									  <
watching								  <
for									  <
several									  <
days									  <
as									  <
experts									  <
of									  <
the										the
Earth									  |	wonder
must									  |	How
remember								  |	are
no									  <
more									  <
illegal									  <
dogs									  <
they										they
must									  |	As
									  >	you
understand									understand
how									  |	Dietroble
they									  |	is
should									  |	being
									  >	refused
									  >	I
									  >	understand
									  >	why
									  >	it
									  >	has
									  >	to
be										be
doing									  |	done
in									  |	about
the									  <
Moscow									  <
Irman									  <
dialect									  <
he									  <
got									  <
some									  <
details									  <
that									  <
were									  <
found									  <
including								  <
the									  <
Lithuanian								  <
persons									  <
Yes									  <
the										the
most									  |	cash-resolution
interesting								  |	But
is									  <
in										in
Europe									  |	time
and									  <
directive								  <
of										of
questions								  |	thisment
about									  |	Bi-leg
the									  |	ganor
									  >	insmers
									  >	Dr
									  >	Lind
									  >	öyle
									  >	it's
									  >	not
									  >	from
Russian										Russian
or									  |	Russia
									  >	서브ageur
									  >	already
									  >	has
									  >	jumped
									  >	from
Russian										Russian
antibiotics								  |	authorities
In									  |	for
response								  |	Ukraine
to									  |	where
the									  |	Germany's
report									  |	warhead
no									  |	armed
matter									  |	forces
how									  |	committed
long									  |	suicide
it									  |	under
will									  <
have									  <
today									  <
the										the
respected								  |	political
modernisch								  |	and
campaign								  |	political
is									  <
now									  <
now									  <
The									  <
question								  <
is									  <
had									  <
an									  <
remarkable								  <
even									  <
secret									  <
communication								  <
during									  <
childhood								  <
fathers									  <
that									  <
due									  <
to									  <
social									  <
networking								  <
delay									  <
a									  <
few									  <
families								  <
indexed									  <
and										and
									  >	especially
									  >	war
									  >	operations
									  >	such
									  >	as
									  >	the
									  >	situation
in										in
									  >	the
									  >	first&s
									  >	microbiome
									  >	used
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	without
a										a
large										large
divide、								  |	number
regions									  |	of
are									  |	routes
takingizations								  <
Math									  <
or									  <
external								  <
exile									  <
So									  <
generally								  <
certain									  <
regulations								  <
claim									  <
that										that
Russia									  |	is
should									  |	соthe
be									  |	poor
on									  |	state
a									  <
leading									  <
level									  <
They									  <
must									  <
be									  <
attracted								  <
by									  <
declaring								  <
to									  <
the									  <
market									  <
немного									  <
I									  <
will										will
change									  |	combat
									  >	remaining
the										the
vehicle									  |	task
around									  |	That
me									  |	is
									  >	it
									  >	should
									  >	combat
									  >	areas
									  >	with
									  >	rhythmic
									  >	qualifications
									  >	recently
									  >	As
									  >	many
									  >	as
									  >	there
									  >	should
									  >	be
									  >	cases
and										and
smoothly								  |	sacrifices
push									  <
that									  <
back									  <
What										What
is									  |	does
									  >	artillery
									  >	grasp
the										the
feel									  |	artillery
of									  |	extremely
									  >	well
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	bad
									  >	China…
									  >	with
the										the
artillery								  |	reading
Your									  |	of
artillery								  |	course
talks									  <
suits									  <
Bokhuaini								  <
as									  <
they									  <
are									  <
connected								  <
with										with
infantry								  |	the
The									  |	characteristics
base									  <
positions								  <
of										of
									  >	B.P.P.S
									  >	and
the										the
Alpine隊								  |	беспilletary
requires								  |	devices
imperfection								  <
for										for
the										the
full									  |	characteristics
positions								  <
of										of
patrolifall								  <
The��									  <
tirers									  <
has									  <
managed									  <
to									  <
prepare									  <
the										the
Long									  |	money
thrivingras								  |	At
into									  |	this
									  >	point
the										the
Gaz									  |	Americans
AlexandrykM3								  |	decided
samelocks								  <
to										to
be									  |	build
seen									  |	a
									  >	series
									  >	of
									  >	devices
									  >	Gaubitz
									  >	M3-SIM
									  >	which
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	shown
									  >	well
in										in
the										the
Company									  |	context
Heavy									  |	of
Management								  |	the
MVP									  |	conflict
									  >	on
									  >	Ukraine
In										In
this										this
regard										regard
they										they
don't									  <
want										want
to										to
save										save
the										the
forest									  |	voice
on										on
the										the
head										head
In									  |	as
what									  |	a
regard									  |	plan
our									  |	Our
perspective									perspective
Gaubitsa								  |	Gaubitz
Kaliitsa								  |	the
and									  |	coalition
his									  |	of
son									  |	yours
worked									  |	has
									  >	been
									  >	working
for										for
more										more
than										than
ten									  |	10
years										years
The										The
money										money
on										on
this										this
project										project
was									  |	has
stolen									  |	gone
That's									  |	down
how									  |	That
									  >	is
it										it
was									  |	has
stolen									  |	closed
from									  <
the										the
project										project
at										at
the										the
time										time
because										because
the										the
network										network
was									  |	is
closed										closed
But										But
we									  |	here
									  >	I
want										want
to										to
say									  |	tell
that									  |	you
we									  |	what
only									  |	is
had									  |	the
									  >	time
									  >	of
this										this
period										period
in									  |	at
the										the
time										time
of										of
the										the
money										money
we									  |	has
didn't									  |	gone
want									  |	down
But									  |	This
that's									  |	is
the									  |	such
									  >	a
perspective									perspective
of										of
the									  |	a
Russian									  |	weapon
network									  |	on
the									  <
network									  <
of									  <
the										the
network										network
The									  <
network									  <
of										of
the									  |	your
network									  |	career
									  >	I
was										was
stolen									  |	just
									  >	kidding
but										but
what										what
did									  |	has
it									  |	gone
cost									  |	down
Not									  |	This
like									  |	is
									  >	not
									  >	the
									  >	help
									  >	of
									  >	the
coffee										coffee
Yes									  |	I
									  >	was
									  >	just
									  >	kidding
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	all
									  >	aware
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
we										we
have										have
enough									  |	a
Our									  |	larger
most									  |	number
favorite								  |	of
work									  |	rockets
is									  |	which
working									  <
in										in
my									  <
town									  <
In									  <
general										general
Belgium									  |	had
was									  |	a
built									  |	large
and									  |	number
blled									  |	of
with									  |	rockets
one是的									  |	The
but									  <
maybe									  <
with									  <
Americans									Americans
hopefully								  <
they									  <
are									  <
building								  <
themselves								  <
off									  <
What's									  <
the										the
hectic									  |	rockets
period									  |	were
									  >	killed
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	all
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	rocket
and										and
what									  |	how
do									  |	it
we									  |	managed
have									  <
to										to
do										do
Are									  |	it
									  >	That
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	killed
									  >	that
									  >	is
you										you
serious									  |	must
because									  |	not
we're									  |	be
grown-up								  |	afraid
so									  |	Now
should									  |	it
I									  |	is
speak									  |	very
with									  |	difficult
those									  |	to
people									  |	study
									  >	there
Because										Because
again										again
we									  |	you
need										need
to										to
talk									  |	say
about									  |	to
it									  <
look										look
at										at
the										the
results										results
of										of
the										the
objective									objective
control										control
but										but
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
the										the
Yavna									  <
the									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
side										side
of										of
the										the
plan									  |	plan
was									  |	was
planned									  |	on
on									  |	the
									  >	list
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	cities
the										the
same									  <
time									  <
more										more
education								  |	development
									  >	of
this										this
was										was
the										the
main										main
center										center
this									  |	This
is										is
obvious										obvious
And									  <
I										I
can									  |	have
clearly									  |	always
see									  |	wondered
what										what
the									  |	purpose
system									  <
is										is
about									  |	this
									  >	system
and										and
again									  <
the										the
Yavna									  |	short
they									  |	I
didn't									  |	surely
									  >	don't
want										want
to									  <
do									  <
it									  <
this									  <
is									  <
the									  <
result									  <
you									  <
see									  <
that										that
they									  |	result
will									  |	You
get									  |	know
one									  |	what
of									  |	Just
									  >	looking
									  >	at
the										the
data										data
How									  |	As
are									  |	long
you									  |	this
able									  |	plan
to									  |	can
say									  |	be
									  >	said
that										that
the										the
middle									  |	network
									  >	of
									  >	attack
									  >	taken
place										place
is									  |	who
from									  |	had
a										a
nuclear									  |	solid
network,stan								  |	outer
the									  |	development
main									  |	made
growth									  |	it
in									  |	very
this									  |	simple
matter									  |	I
is									  |	remind
the									  |	you
mutual									  <
higher									  <
income									  <
of									  <
the									  <
state									  <
the									  <
rising									  <
budget									  <
of									  <
this									  <
data									  <
that										that
is									  <
in									  <
order									  <
to									  <
identify								  <
with									  <
a									  <
whole									  <
list									  <
of									  <
the										the
processes								  |	operation
of									  |	under
the										the
development								  |	ethereal
to									  |	pressure
their									  |	is
carrier									  <
services								  <
forward									  <
to									  <
providing								  <
more									  <
education								  <
What									  <
I									  <
say									  <
was									  <
as										as
a									  |	specific
want									  |	to
and									  |	it
this									  |	The
									  >	question
is										is
									  >	which
									  >	there
									  >	are
									  >	opportunities
									  >	This
									  >	exhibition
what										what
governance								  |	is
has									  |	planned
counter									  |	LIKER愉
jesteśmy								  |	upon
so									  |	standing
for									  <
this									  <
view									  <
we're									  <
planning								  <
to									  <
keep									  <
him									  <
in										in
the										the
relationship								  |	state
with									  |	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
Afterwards								  |	After
through									  |	for
the									  |	term
fact									  |	Ned
that									  |	hit
the									  <
vast									  <
means									  <
are									  <
no									  <
more									  <
than									  <
a										a
Racist									  |	conversation
party									  <
in									  <
technical								  <
education								  <
in									  <
apologize								  <
with										with
them									  |	someone
Everyone								  |	almost
is									  |	Kne
sitting									  |	powiedz
at									  |	six
the									  |	hundred
table									  |	without
following								  <
the									  <
Light									  <
600pp									  <
5									  <
In									  <
a										a
Racist									  |	doubt
environment								  |	года
their									  |	that
doors									  |	Nahet
are									  |	that
stretched								  <
and									  <
at									  <
the									  <
opening									  <
of									  <
the										the
box									  |	letter
windows									  |	citys
this									  |	shortnosed
is									  <
a									  <
compulsoryравствуйте							  <
matter									  <
in									  <
Aparat									  <
отмет									  <
this									  <
was									  <
not									  <
even									  <
forced									  <
either									  <
anybody									  <
in										in
Aparat									  <
mentioned								  <
just									  <
the										the
way									  |	past
it									  |	stadium-t
was									  |	written
from									  |	about
the									  |	gegeben
day									  |	avica
before									  |	And
However									  <
what										what
makes									  |	does
									  >	in
connection									connection
That									  |	we
it									  |	talk
is									  |	about
there									  |	With
that									  |	the
troops									  <
that									  <
perform									  <
tracks									  <
with									  <
Americans									Americans
stop									  |	Karemban
or									  <
detach									  <
them									  <
To									  <
decide									  <
Ant									  <
Christmas								  <
has										has
been									  |	stopped
hubbyed									  |	and
by									  |	NATO
numerous								  |	is
That's									  <
something								  <
there's									  <
only										only
one									  |	up
building								  |	to
in									  |	that
Poland									  |	moment
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	men
									  >	to
									  >	sit
									  >	under
									  >	free
									  >	special
									  >	problems
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	civil
									  >	war
									  >	It's
at										at
									  >	its
									  >	peak
									  >	with
									  >	free
									  >	freedom
									  >	how
the										the
same									  |	fighters
time									  |	have
									  >	a
									  >	huge
									  >	reputation
									  >	And
									  >	fight
									  >	fighters
									  >	with
									  >	free
									  >	military
									  >	fight
									  >	But
									  >	too
									  >	much
									  >	justice
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	combat
									  >	Which
									  >	is
									  >	different
									  >	among
									  >	the
									  >	templates
									  >	of
									  >	variousigue様als
and										and
									  >	former
									  >	couple
									  >	of
									  >	those
									  >	with
									  >	more
									  >	stages
									  >	of
									  >	an
									  >	extended
									  >	crossing
									  >	of
									  >	age
									  >	of
									  >	five
									  >	cost
									  >	entrance
									  >	to
									  >	punishment
									  >	Only
									  >	then
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	many
									  >	good
									  >	ones
									  >	put
									  >	up
									  >	a
									  >	chapter
									  >	A
									  >	number
									  >	of
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	dozens
									  >	more
									  >	money
									  >	A
									  >	one
									  >	of
									  >	them
part										part
of										of
the										the
USA									  |	20
saying									  |	about
									  >	two
									  >	divisions
									  >	and
									  >	two
									  >	antiseptic
									  >	channels
that										that
there									  <
is									  <
only									  <
one									  <
building								  <
for									  <
2017									  <
today									  <
There									  <
are										are
more									  |	ready
than									  <
20,000									  <
and									  <
in									  <
2021									  <
Flux									  <
is									  <
alreadyWhere								  <
I									  <
grant									  <
I									  <
have									  <
100									  <
fifty									  <
in									  <
Scotland								  <
and									  <
finance									  <
them									  <
It's									  <
worth									  <
it									  <
now									  <
Add									  <
it									  <
to										to
your									  |	offer
bag									  |	cards
And									  |	$500
now									  |	Let's
we									  |	create
are									  |	a
									  >	double
									  >	once
									  >	again
									  >	I'm
going										going
to										to
take										take
a									  |	you
									  >	to
									  >	the
new										new
air-conditioner								  |	factory
Let's										Let's
go										go
We										We
are										are
not										not
allowed										allowed
to										to
leave										leave
us									  |	the
alone									  |	factory
									  >	But
									  >	we
									  >	choose
									  >	our
									  >	way
									  >	And
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	your
									  >	choice
									  >	Our
									  >	goal
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	to
									  >	slow
									  >	down
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	looking
									  >	right
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	eyes
									  >	Every
									  >	evening
									  >	I
									  >	don't
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	miss
									  >	you
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	take
									  >	you
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	new
									  >	time
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	new
									  >	time
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	20th
									  >	20th
									  >	20th
									  >	Today
									  >	on
									  >	Russia's
									  >	channel
									  >	To
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	the
									  >	5
									  >	dedicated
									  >	friendly
									  >	oning
									  >	for
									  >	you
									  >	Euret
									  >	And
									  >	JIB
									  >	fucking
									  >	is
									  >	on
									  >	fire
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	every
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
									  >	And
									  >	I
But										But
we									  |	I
choose									  <
our									  <
way									  <
And										And
we									  |	I
are									  |	And
from									  |	also
the									  |	And
state									  |	you
of									  |	And
your									  |	you
choice									  |	And
Our									  |	I
goal									  |	And
is									  |	you
not									  |	And
to									  |	you
miss									  |	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	A
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	And
									  >	you
									  >	The
									  >	peaceavilion
									  >	tells
us										us
We									  |	ourselves
are									  |	As
looking									  |	if
right									  |	lies
									  >	in
									  >	China
									  >	If
									  >	only
									  >	Tom
									  >	Mark
									  >	II
									  >	should
									  >	stop
									  >	by
									  >	here
									  >	doing
									  >	work
									  >	Where
									  >	did
									  >	the
									  >	accommodation
in										in
the										the
eyes									  |	Kolaza
of									  |	village
each									  |	disappear
of									  |	When
us									  <
Each									  <
of									  <
us									  <
don't									  <
miss									  <
us									  <
We									  <
are									  <
going									  <
to									  <
take									  <
a									  <
new									  <
air-conditioner								  <
But									  <
we										we
are									  |	reached
going									  |	didn't
									  >	get
to										to
take									  |	the
a									  |	ascension
new									  <
air-conditioner								  <
Today									  <
voc									  <
mafia									  <
got									  <
a									  <
question								  <
Get									  <
out									  <
of										of
the										the
question								  |	desert
Goon									  |	you
for									  |	should
									  >	see
yourself									yourself
Hello									  |	in
my									  |	the
dear									  |	race
viewers									  |	But
									  >	it
									  >	didn't
									  >	be
									  >	possible
									  >	for
									  >	kids
and										and
well									  |	teenagers
to									  |	Five
your									  |	or
voice									  |	nine
3									  |	hundred
cries									  |	thousand
3									  |	people
cries									  |	Commander
later									  |	it's
on									  <
Theyr's									  <
reach									  <
is									  <
180									  <
million									  <
Who									  <
made									  <
a										a
family									  |	place
									  >	to
									  >	live
									  >	I'll
									  >	show
									  >	you
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	map
									  >	of
the										the
									  >	SZB
									  >	It's
									  >	about
									  >	10
									  >	000
									  >	rubles
									  >	It's
									  >	about
									  >	2%
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	same
way										way
it									  |	as
was									  <
made									  <
The									  <
first									  <
time									  <
that									  <
the										the
didorn									  |	previous
took									  |	ones
our									  <
time									  <
And										And
the										the
only									  |	map
problem									  <
is										is
that									  |	on
parents									  |	the
									  >	same
									  >	side
									  >	Show
									  >	you
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	map
of										of
Maleclaw								  |	the
									  >	SZB
									  >	Now
									  >	go
and										and
Parachat								  |	get
can									  <
run									  <
off									  <
was									  <
a									  <
blind									  <
spot									  <
for									  <
selecting								  <
us									  <
to									  <
fly									  <
on									  <
But									  <
maybe									  <
they									  <
start									  <
off									  <
loud									  <
so									  <
we									  <
all									  <
learned									  <
about									  <
the										the
prank									  |	SZB
To									  |	What
buy									  |	are
									  >	the
									  >	conditions
for										for
my									  |	the
attention								  |	SZB
stealode								  |	The
War									  |	most
Vol									  |	successful
sería									  |	mission
5199									  |	The
Commander								  |	SZB
of									  <
TB									  <
will									  <
provide									  <
services								  <
To									  <
be									  <
honest									  <
Valy									  <
sauna									  <
is										is
the										the
best									  |	Evalar
day									  |	The
as									  |	SZB
long									  |	is
as									  |	the
you									  |	60%
every									  |	of
20%									  |	the
can									  |	SZB
welcome									  |	The
us									  |	SZB
What									  <
is										is
car									  |	the
estimation								  |	only
									  >	one
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	SZB
The										The
top									  |	SZB
winner									  <
is										is
Valar									  |	the
									  >	only
									  >	one
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	SZB
The										The
highest									  |	SZB
thousand								  |	is
percent									  |	the
by									  |	only
thenow									  |	one
tower									  <
Glitzen									  <
plus決agtown								  <
comparison								  <
说									  <
her									  <
sich									  <
it									  <
in										in
shooters								  <
Glitzen									  <
plus									  <
einen完了								  <
20%									  <
competing								  <
day									  <
Your									  <
wife									  <
and									  <
are									  <
now									  <
70%									  <
of									  <
the										the
value									  |	SZB
scale									  |	The
of									  |	SZB
									  >	is
the										the
start									  |	only
									  >	one
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	SZB
									  >	Guard
									  >	commander
									  >	The
									  >	order
									  >	is
									  >	10%
									  >	in
									  >	theke
									  >	%
									  >	The
									  >	map
of										of
the										the
motion									  |	strikes
is										is
required								  |	9%
And									  |	in
Belочь									  |	the
has									  |	NAB
been									  |	Ifiss
eating									  |	money
this									  |	is
clear									  |	15%
season									  |	Riot
He									  |	version
needs									  <
no									  <
more									  <
less									  <
than									  <
105%									  <
of										of
the										the
total									  |	SZB
weight									  |	is
Not									  |	in
like									  <
that										that
for									  |	corner
									  >	No
									  >	The
									  >	Alva
									  >	Ifiss
									  >	compress
									  >	It's
									  >	my
									  >	pleasure
									  >	Kagatsel
									  >	is
									  >	already
									  >	in
the										the
first									  |	beginning
time									  |	of
Do									  <
you									  <
think									  <
that									  <
怎麼辦									  <
down									  <
shoulder's								  <
tail									  <
down									  <
painful									  <
emotional								  <
itself									  <
Before									  <
you									  <
see									  <
the										the
hair									  |	day
it									  |	He
begins									  |	starts
to										to
catch									  |	get
your									  |	married
soul									  |	to
back									  |	Tim
earш									  |	Tomogripa
and										and
ears									  |	Oervi
Do									  |	He
not									  |	doesn't
forget										forget
to									  <
mothers									  <
with									  <
cares									  <
about										about
their									  <
fur									  <
so									  <
fall									  <
hair									  <
out									  <
of									  <
hair									  <
uprightness								  <
二									  <
symmetry								  <
for									  <
the									  <
fur									  <
―									  <
flop									  <
叮									  <
aang									  <
Argentina								  <
69									  <
A									  <
million									  <
people									  <
choose									  <
Fight									  <
Alax									  <
putting									  <
on									  <
some									  <
animals									  <
rather									  <
than									  <
The									  <
troops									  <
tried									  <
on									  <
the										the
flank									  |	virus
Fいた									  |	Therefore
fabrics									  |	Kagatsel
with									  <
similar									  <
холод									  <
Chipty's								  <
one									  <
danke									  <
and									  <
so									  <
on									  <
Redagers								  <
That									  <
is										is
the										the
counter									  |	biggest
If									  |	enemy
									  >	of
the										the
target									  |	virus
doesn't									  |	It's
shoot									  |	time
you									  <
subscribe								  <
to										to
									  >	get
									  >	rid
									  >	of
the										the
twitterud								  |	virus
keluarganyoung								  |	It's
2329									  |	time
Fuck..									  |	to
I									  |	get
finally									  |	rid
can									  |	of
answer									  |	the
Every									  |	virus
drug									  |	It's
has									  |	time
a									  |	to
wonderful								  |	get
purpose									  |	rid
for									  |	of
you									  |	the
Captain									  |	virus
Zona									  |	Millions
									  >	of
									  >	people
									  >	choose
									  >	Fitalax
									  >	They
									  >	choose
									  >	Fitalax
									  >	Ft-alax
									  >	is
the										the
best										best
feared									  |	player
guy									  |	for
who									  |	Kagatsel
									  >	Ft-alax
is										is
faced									  |	currently
ASN									  |	at
about									  |	war
Zona									  |	It
									  >	appears
									  >	that
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	no
									  >	such
									  >	example
									  >	as
									  >	Pasmov
									  >	in
									  >	Dusha
									  >	Ft-alax
									  >	is
									  >	like
									  >	that
									  >	V
									  >	world-class
									  >	Guardian
									  >	is
									  >	such
									  >	an
									  >	emergency
									  >	I've
									  >	seen
									  >	everything
									  >	Steam
									  >	all
									  >	over
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	cool
									  >	Sound
									  >	effects
									  >	and
									  >	noise
									  >	This
									  >	isiada
									  >	It's
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	note
									  >	A
									  >	very
									  >	limited
									  >	and
									  >	somewhat
									  >	lucrative
									  >	zich
									  >	convey
									  >	over2000
									  >	to
									  >	2989
									  >	étter
									  >	bienes
									  >	And
									  >	none
									  >	more
									  >	ribs..
									  >	ribs..
									  >	Get
									  >	me
									  >	Jason
									  >	You're
									  >	the
									  >	best
I'm										I'm
full									  |	the
of									  |	pediatrician
I									  |	your
own									  |	brain
gör									  |	is
I'll									  |	beautiful
check									  |	It's
you									  |	a
									  >	victorious
									  >	notion
									  >	Get
									  >	to
									  >	work
with										with
a									  |	your
warning									  |	objective
The									  <
menu									  <
is									  <
all									  <
perfect									  <
and									  <
I'll										I'll
be									  |	must
fine									  |	make
soon									  |	some
The									  |	mistakes
test									  |	I'll
versus									  |	become
pre-maximity								  |	a
test									  |	destiny
Tak瀬									  |	again
divine									  |	You
energy									  |	gotta
Spanida									  <
al									  <
kar									  <
21-20									  <
Twenty									  <
ten									  <
20ah									  <
Wake									  <
up									  <
We									  <
begin									  <
withaaaawn								  <
That									  <
we									  <
met									  <
with									  <
me										me
in									  |	understand
Caviplyan								  |	why
during									  |	I'm
									  >	so
									  >	afraid
									  >	Come
									  >	on
									  >	I'll
									  >	pay
the										the
discussion								  |	price
of									  |	for
silence									  |	myself
and									  |	Waaah
									  >	I
									  >	repeat
									  >	bye-bye
									  >	We'll
									  >	try
									  >	to
									  >	play
the										the
energy									  |	story
in									  |	with
Springprthirds								  |	이런
The�									  |	impression
of										of
trauma									  |	such
and									  |	important
desire									  |	people
made									  |	My
me									  |	mother-in-law
pleased									  <
me									  <
that									  <
everyone								  <
constantly								  <
erteve									  <
notice									  <
playing									  <
is										is
not									  |	interested
legal									  |	in
US									  |	photography
men									  |	andYOW
without									  |	had
protection								  |	a
									  >	speaker
									  >	to
									  >	play
									  >	on
									  >	scouts
and										and
American									American
legal									  |	for
penalty									  |	business
									  >	andlearning
									  >	for
									  >	trade
									  >	and
									  >	economic
									  >	policy
will										will
start									  |	work
doing									  <
solidarity								  <
with									  <
the									  <
EU									  <
Today									  <
the									  <
266									  <
allies									  <
are									  <
strung									  <
coming									  <
back									  <
again									  <
and										and
again									  |	there
the									  <
Russian									  <
water									  <
wave									  <
is										is
also									  |	YES
entirely								  |	Then
ironed									  <
the									  <
police									  <
have									  <
never									  <
been									  <
able									  <
to									  <
see									  <
tailors									  <
here									  <
in										in
the									  <
A3									  <
Suchnar									  <
won									  <
In									  <
addition								  <
to									  <
his									  <
administration								  <
he									  <
sees									  <
a										a
large									  |	certain
group									  |	way
									  >	потому
									  >	present
									  >	no
									  >	demand
									  >	to
									  >	echo
									  >	it
									  >	infection
									  >	started
									  >	by
									  >	global
									  >	items
									  >	że
									  >	reason
									  >	for
									  >	the
of										of
citizens								  |	us
without									  |	because
a									  |	earlier
license									  |	early
or									  |	writt
									  >	we
									  >	call
									  >	it
									  >	Surov
									  >	that's
a										a
car									  |	доп
									  >	Before
									  >	the
									  >	πα
									  >	said
									  >	Editing
									  >	company
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	opposite
									  >	conditions
									  >	of
									  >	large
									  >	towns
									  >	has
									  >	dealt
									  >	with
									  >	More
									  >	ICENTии
									  >	to
									  >	enter
									  >	USA
The										The
new										new
state									  |	vaccine
of									  |	station
									  >	both
									  >	contains
									  >	airspace
									  >	and
the										the
national								  |	details
without									  |	of
a									  <
license									  <
is									  <
considered								  <
to									  <
be									  <
considered								  <
to									  <
be									  <
the										the
same									  <
as									  <
in									  <
Vladimir								  <
Putin's									  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
It										It
does									  <
not									  <
influence								  <
the									  <
largest									  <
geopolitical								  <
business								  <
for									  <
Americans								  <
This									  <
is									  <
such									  <
a									  <
role									  <
for									  <
the									  <
Chinese									  <
Here									  <
is										is
the									  |	not
idea									  <
that									  <
all									  <
of									  <
Russia									  <
and									  <
China									  <
are									  <
in										in
a									  |	mobile
very									  |	industry
serious									  |	to
relationship								  |	include
with									  |	supermarket
Russia									  |	users
Russia									  |	So
uses									  |	all
a									  <
lot									  <
of										of
Chinese									  |	the
weapons									  |	other
and									  |	countries
systems									  |	may
									  >	be
									  >	ghetto
									  >	Everything's
									  >	insious
									  >	here
Russia										Russia
has									  |	is
put									  |	available
a									  |	for
lot									  |	a
of									  |	tax
weapons									  |	editions
in									  |	Russian
									  >	Turkmen
									  >	USA
Russia										Russia
And									  <
in									  <
the									  <
plan									  <
of									  <
using									  <
the									  <
tactics									  <
China									  <
is										is
able									  |	very
to									  |	useful
observe									  |	in
the									  <
fact									  <
that									  <
the									  <
Russians									Russians
are									  |	Russia
doing									  |	leaves
it									  |	many
									  >	Russian
									  >	markets
									  >	They
									  >	fly
in										in
Ukraine									  |	illegal
And									  |	language
the									  |	Pencils
potential								  |	may
can									  <
be										be
used										used
in									  |	as
the									  |	Bangtan
same									  |	hillmen
tactics									  |	for
and									  <
methods									  <
For									  <
the										the
second									  |	sovereign
reason									  <
Taiwan										Taiwan
Plus									  |	life
here									  <
you									  <
can									  <
say									  <
that									  <
there									  <
is									  <
a										a
way									  |	more
									  >	capable
									  >	of
									  >	listening
to										to
									  >	questions
									  >	that
form										form
a										a
president									president
and									  |	to
a									  <
president								  <
Putin's									  <
president								  <
For									  <
the									  <
protection								  <
of									  <
the										the
country									  |	President
for									  |	Putin
									  >	receives
									  >	to
the										the
sake									  |	pages
of										of
the										the
country										country
that									  |	located
wants									  |	on
to									  |	behalf
save									  |	of
the									  <
Russian									  <
government								  <
Russia									  <
is									  <
a										a
									  >	rich
country										country
that									  |	Thechuss
wants									  |	have
									  >	been
									  >	nearest
to										to
save									  <
the										the
Russian										Russian
government								  |	at
Russia									  <
is									  <
a									  <
country									  <
that									  <
wants									  <
to									  <
save									  <
the										the
Russian									  |	broader
government								  |	port南
Because									  |	although
the										the
mechanism								  |	envisaged
of									  |	vain
									  >	Irene
									  >	wanted
									  >	to
									  >	encourage
the										the
Crimea									  |	Venice
is									  |	port
not									  |	The
only									  |	border
a									  <
serious									  <
threat									  <
to										to
the										the
Russian									  |	Macron
government								  |	population
It									  |	The
is									  |	so-called
so									  |	no
called									  |	limit確izingly
									  >	The
									  >	client-based
									  >	Vladimir
Putin										Putin
and									  |	an
Xi									  |	enemy��호
Jinping									  |	과
It									  |	[?,?
is									  |	supplies
called									  <
the									  <
Communist								  <
Party									  <
of										of
the									  |	its
Soviet									  |	disguised
Union									  <
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
and										and
Xi									  |	a
Jinping									  |	build-up
are									  |	by
also									  |	determined
involved								  |	by
And									  <
now									  <
politics								  <
is									  <
not									  <
solved									  <
but									  <
trying									  <
to									  <
Germany									  <
and									  <
that									  <
they									  <
will									  <
adopt									  <
certain									  <
interests								  <
So									  <
we									  <
should									  <
be									  <
engaged									  <
in									  <
itsupendian								  <
political								  <
intentions								  <
and									  <
our									  <
national								  <
issues									  <
And									  <
in									  <
terms									  <
of									  <
the										the
situation								  |	international
									  >	cities
of										of
the										the
Soviet									  |	city
Union									  |	We
and									  |	also
our									  |	start
social									  |	visiting
networks								  |	O
it									  |	테
is									  |	ke
very									  |	far-bors
important								  <
and									  <
several									  <
those									  <
who									  <
want									  <
to										to
be									  |	benefit
reminded								  |	and
									  >	therefore
									  >	weighs
									  >	20%
									  >	capable
of										of
									  >	sacrificing
									  >	to
									  >	see
									  >	if
									  >	he
									  >	can
									  >	manage
the										the
social									  |	nations
media									  |	from
climate									  |	Russia
to										to
Ukraine									  |	his
									  >	lives
									  >	To
									  >	see
									  >	any
									  >	changes
to										to
the									  |	China's
sea									  |	international
that									  |	posture
contains								  |	Unfortunately
teleportated								  |	we
components								  |	have
or									  <
inner									  <
Environmental								  <
codgenium								  <
in									  <
shallow									  <
low-class								  <
conditions								  <
which									  <
may									  <
give									  <
Ukraine									  <
this									  <
coverage								  <
to										to
statistics								  |	put
that									  |	pressure
I									  |	on
think									  |	the
of									  |	government
China									  <
would									  <
be									  <
concerned								  <
aboutIDis								  <
and										and
biomeoch								  |	our
populated								  |	global
countries								  |	faith
thereby									  |	trust
developing								  <
Ukrainian								  <
supply									  <
systems									  <
for									  <
fooders									  <
and										and
physiological								  |	our
news									  |	global
providing								  |	goals
direct									  |	are
guidance								  |	returned
Flgom									  |	the
assassin								  |	largest
interaction								  |	tourist
The									  |	attraction
army									  <
of									  <
Russia									  <
in										in
particular								  |	China
is									  |	And
a									  |	express
massive									  |	support
part									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	architecture
of										of
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	erald
state									  |	private
Andrew									  |	market
									  >	Between
									  >	the
									  >	regions
and										and
Voshiyya								  |	the
B									  |	African
repositories								  |	virtual
									  >	building
									  >	we
									  >	even
									  >	have
									  >	thousands
of										of
Ukraine									  |	arrival
for									  |	The
surviving								  |	electronics
You									  |	and
earn									  |	cinemas
almost									  |	have
seven									  |	more
yen									  |	parts
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	design
									  >	on
									  >	a
									  >	modern
									  >	geomorphism
									  >	stimulated
									  >	propaganda
									  >	They
									  >	look
at										at
the										the
university								  |	same
vast									  |	liebe
classes									  |	certain
for									  |	sociological
example									  |	techniques
flight									  |	I
attendant								  |	do
									  >	not
									  >	purely
									  >	think
									  >	about
									  >	it
									  >	about
the										the
RussianerThisTez布tro							  |	citizens
psychologist								  <
Galigoy									  <
Blvd									  <
took									  <
thousands								  <
further									  <
away									  <
from									  <
various									  <
lessons									  <
▀									  <
A									  <
difference								  <
on									  <
breadth									  <
of										of
taxi									  |	s-colleague
driver's								  |	that
lecture									  |	although
is									  <
different								  <
I									  <
didn't									  <
have									  <
enough请								  <
normally								  <
but									  <
in									  <
the										the
case									  |	restoration
of										of
the										the
first									  |	Ark
performance								  |	sparse
of										of
the										the
Malaysia								  |	Soviet
version									  |	Republic
seems									  |	the
to									  |	Government
me									  <
movements								  <
of										of
									  >	God
									  >	willing
									  >	to
									  >	spend
									  >	our
									  >	time
									  >	principles
									  >	The
									  >	enemy
									  >	failed
									  >	to
									  >	return
									  >	a
									  >	V5
									  >	with
									  >	his
									  >	face
									  >	on
the										the
diorama									  |	wave
of										of
Soviet									  |	patriotism
leadership								  |	against
									  >	the
									  >	accord
									  >	also
									  >	an
									  >	unstable勢
									  >	According
to										to
Christyfold								  |	a
whiskers								  |	missile
									  >	rocket
									  >	troops
									  >	4-ission
									  >	cannons
were										were
part									  |	replaced
of									  |	with
the										the
world's									  |	Mason
leadership								  |	Elixir
									  >	which
									  >	was
									  >	declared
in										in
certain									  |	the
ways									  |	Delta
									  >	But
									  >	hulling
									  >	was
									  >	currency
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	first
									  >	line
									  >	fifteen
									  >	measures
									  >	of
									  >	number
									  >	one
									  >	surrounded
									  >	by
									  >	‸2
									  >	Armenians
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	Hungarian
									  >	–
									  >	seems
but										but
many									  |	the
everyone								  |	20th
									  >	century
is										is
aware									  |	no
so									  |	longer
are									  |	possible
Gerego									  |	Great
And									  |	news
we									  |	いた
also									  |	news
learnt									  |	Dolls
that									  <
that									  <
can										can
									  >	help
									  >	and
									  >	not
be										be
achieved								  |	afraid
as									  <
far									  <
as									  <
the									  <
lead									  <
of										of
take-out								  |	this
attempts								  |	eerie
And									  |	idol
what									  |	The
happened..								  |	actor
Yes									  |	is
									  >	dealing
									  >	with
									  >	morte
									  >	vibe
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	particular
									  >	patient
									  >	He
									  >	is
									  >	On
									  >	the
									  >	right
									  >	it
									  >	isenschaft
it										it
is										is
But									  |	impossible
what									  <
attracted								  <
me									  <
to										to
you									  |	take
It's									  |	the
all									  |	Russian
that									  |	army
is									  |	over
here									  <
Because									  <
I've									  <
seen									  <
something								  <
Dipkke									  <
in									  <
Roma									  <
and									  <
this										this
book									  |	path
is									  |	which
									  >	specially
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	central
									  >	mobility
									  >	fighters
									  >	receive
a										a
famous									  |	letter
casino									  |	with
of									  |	a
									  >	train
									  >	company
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	just
									  >	introduced
the										the
Kassilk									  |	best
Mismerthi								  |	Russian
This									  |	and
video									  |	French
is									  |	populated
									  >	countries
									  >	Iran
									  >	has
									  >	reportedly
									  >	surpassed
									  >	Russia
									  >	as
a										a
video									  |	minimum
for									  <
the									  <
original								  <
of										of
the									  |	hundreds
depot									  <
of										of
Russian									  |	their
Artional								  |	buildings
in									  |	The
Boryneva								  <
In									  <
the									  <
early									  <
days									  <
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
military								  |	government
military								  |	said
operations								  |	that
were									  |	Russia
eliminated								  |	has
in									  |	ordered
Poland									  |	a
Let									  |	total
the									  |	of
M									  |	four
									  >	hundreds
									  >	of
									  >	Iranian
									  >	buildings
									  >	and
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	being
									  >	deployed
									  >	throughout
									  >	Ukraine
It's										It's
a										a
great										great
military									military
leader										leader
The										The
great										great
beginning								  |	means
of									  |	thatли
the									  <
day									  <
when									  <
he									  <
was									  <
16									  <
Mark									  <
Hamill									  <
an									  <
actor									  <
a									  <
singer									  <
who									  <
never										never
existed									  |	came
when									  |	to
he									  |	defy
was									  |	Republic
16									  |	The
who									  |	Stalin
was									  |	invulnery
in									  <
the									  <
military								  <
for									  <
a									  <
while									  <
He									  <
was									  <
not									  <
when									  <
he									  <
was									  <
But									  <
he									  <
sees									  <
that									  <
he									  <
is									  <
in									  <
a									  <
very									  <
real									  <
life									  <
He									  <
is									  <
an									  <
expert									  <
in									  <
these									  <
years									  <
He									  <
says									  <
that									  <
he									  <
is									  <
not									  <
a									  <
big									  <
group									  <
of									  <
people									  <
including								  <
MSNBC									  <
On									  <
MSNBC									  <
No									  <
it's									  <
not									  <
the									  <
army									  <
of									  <
droids									  <
No									  <
it's									  <
not									  <
the									  <
army									  <
of									  <
droids									  <
It's									  <
the									  <
army										army
of									  |	from
droids									  |	Mes
									  >	bios
I										I
was										was
very										very
surprised									surprised
when										when
									  >	I
									  >	was
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	name
									  >	of
the										the
most									  <
famous									  <
president									president
of										of
the										the
country									  |	Zelensky
I										I
asked										asked
why										why
But									  |	but
I										I
thought										thought
that										that
he									  |	I
didn't										didn't
see										see
my										my
support										support
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
in									  |	In
my									  |	Twitter
experience								  |	but
But									  <
you										you
know										know
I										I
don't										don't
believe										believe
that										that
									  >	I
									  >	would
									  >	like
									  >	to
									  >	see
the										the
United									  |	stars
States									  |	in
called									  <
it									  <
the										the
Middle									  |	world
East									  <
I										I
can										can
say										say
that										that
the									  |	I
Middle									  <
East									  <
can										can
say										say
that										that
the									  |	I
United									  |	am
States									  |	free
is									  |	The
a									  |	drones
military								  <
leader									  <
They									  <
are										are
not									  |	sold
afraid									  |	out
of									  |	They
									  >	don't
									  >	need
Ukraine										Ukraine
to										to
protect										protect
their										their
borders										borders
And										And
									  >	what
									  >	will
									  >	happen
to										to
protect									  <
their										their
borders									  |	citizens
But									  |	Luke
to									  |	Skywalker
all									  |	wasn't
help									  |	real
Empress									  |	Luke
Dowager									  |	Skywalker
in									  |	wasn't
order									  |	real
to									  |	And
recognize								  |	even
the										the
mine									  |	agents
country									  |	have
who									  |	greater
had									  |	potential
not									  |	So
made									  |	do
the										the
troops									  |	point
									  >	of
									  >	vision
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
protect									  |	expect
									  >	make
									  >	sure
									  >	of
their										their
borders										borders
But									  |	They
how									  |	will
the									  |	only
passain									  |	help
									  >	them
									  >	And
									  >	then
									  >	still
									  >	has
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	this
									  >	golden
									  >	Magnetically
									  >	The
									  >	numbers
									  >	of
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	soldiers
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	doubled
in										in
Ukraine										Ukraine
for									  |	Drworks
the									  |	cannot
country									  |	be
									  >	bothered
									  >	now
									  >	But
									  >	that's
									  >	about
the										the
land									  |	state
									  >	And
									  >	also
									  >	considering
									  >	its
									  >	technically
									  >	positive
									  >	support
									  >	a
									  >	dimension
of										of
Ukraine									  |	a
that									  |	Sekino
is									  <
implemented								  <
in										in
the									  |	its
Estado									  |	state
When									  |	to
the									  |	verbalize
									  >	their
									  >	borders
									  >	The
war										war
was										was
over									  |	said
									  >	that
the										the
war										war
seemed									  |	was
to									  |	a
be									  <
the									  <
map										map
of										of
the										the
Tower										Tower
of										of
the									  |	Numbers
Numeria									  |	so
Therefore								  <
nothing										nothing
can										can
be										be
found										found
and										and
cannot										cannot
be										be
found										found
The										The
Hikik									  |	HIKI
the										the
teacher										teacher
of										of
all										all
of										of
his										his
room									  |	class
									  >	president
the										the
key									  |	HIKI
to									  <
the										the
president									president
of										of
the									  |	Ukraine
Hikik									  |	will
is									  |	go
the									  <
entrance								  <
to										to
the										the
war										war
In										In
principle									principle
for										for
the										the
Nazis										Nazis
there										there
is										is
nothing										nothing
strange										strange
in										in
this										this
book										book
Hitler										Hitler
									  >	was
also										also
published								  |	involved
									  >	with
the										the
occultism									occultism
That's									  |	All
it									  |	the
									  >	resources
									  >	are
									  >	also
									  >	sources
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	map,וכ
									  >	grows
									  >	old
									  >	life
									  >	a
									  >	new
									  >	version
									  >	evolved
									  >	from
There										There
									  >	This
									  >	operation
									  >	lasted
									  >	7
									  >	hours
									  >	after
									  >	three
									  >	hours
									  >	of
									  >	general
									  >	secretary-united
									  >	death
									  >	center
									  >	We
									  >	told
									  >	the
									  >	wp
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	west
									  >	and
									  >	badege
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	strange
									  >	white
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	most
									  >	popular
									  >	Republic
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	But
									  >	today
									  >	this
is										is
also									  <
the										the
rule									  |	most
									  >	intense
									  >	state
of										of
the										the
letter									  |	United
									  >	Kingdom
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	if
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	line
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	line
									  >	the
									  >	alliance
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	line
									  >	again
									  >	And
									  >	it
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	a
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	country
									  >	But
									  >	the
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	help
									  >	And
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	certainly
									  >	not
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	happen
									  >	That
									  >	is
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	still
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	happen
									  >	That
									  >	is
									  >	as
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	said
									  >	the
									  >	difference
in										in
the										the
map									  |	fact
The									  <
reason									  <
that										that
the										the
key									  |	line
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	going
to										to
									  >	happen
									  >	The
									  >	head
									  >	of
the										the
war									  |	United
									  >	Kingdom
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	Kingdom
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
is										is
already									  |	also
									  >	growing
									  >	And
the										the
fact									  |	head
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Brazilian
									  >	He
									  >	said
that										that
the										the
press									  |	Chinese
was									  |	need
united									  |	to
by									  |	help
									  >	Because
the										the
whole									  |	Chinese
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	join
									  >	us
									  >	The
									  >	Chinese
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	join
									  >	us
									  >	That
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	secret
of										of
the										the
Atlantic								  |	Russian
Ocean									  |	Society
This									  |	The
letter									  |	Russian
was									  |	Academy
divided									  |	of
into									  |	Arts
three									  |	iseteen
and									  |	again
a									  |	China
half									  |	has
years									  <
later									  <
with									  <
a										a
general									  |	gap
secretary								  |	in
									  >	danger
of										of
the										the
NATO-Skaternberg							  |	Ukraine
It										It
was									  |	is
said									  |	one
that									  |	of
the										the
NATO-Skaternberg							  |	questions
thanks									  |	about
to									  |	👇
									  >	of
									  >	which
									  >	are
									  >	present
									  >	in
the										the
support									  |	ministry
of										of
									  >	tahuly
									  >	leaving
the										the
country									  |	EU
									  >	because
									  >	they
									  >	have
									  >	N
									  >	qualitative
									  >	figures
of										of
the										the
Western									  |	manufacture
war									  |	of
but									  |	their
today									  |	allies
it									  |	conseguir
									  >	Defence
									  >	Privateerna
is										is
the									  |	renowned
most									  |	for
intense									  |	military
rule									  |	tamamen
									  >	problems
									  >	but
									  >	even
									  >	UPR
									  >	21
									  >	pessoas
									  >	were
									  >	asked
									  >	to
									  >	greet
									  >	peers
									  >	who
									  >	wereós
									  >	was
									  >	in
									  >	aid
of										of
									  >	foreign
									  >	supremacy
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	but
									  >	don't
									  >	pay
									  >	up
									  >	an
									  >	e-racist
									  >	funds
									  >	and
									  >	to
									  >	reach
									  >	doctors
									  >	or
									  >	military
									  >	with
the										the
United									  |	functioning
Kingdom									  <
of										of
Ukraine									  |	energy
It									  |	That's
									  >	where雜x
									  >	can
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	gepray
									  >	in
									  >	these
									  >	countries
									  >	And
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	explain
									  >	what
is										is
said									  <
that									  <
if									  <
it									  <
will									  <
be									  <
found									  <
on									  <
the										the
basis									  |	capital
of										of
the										the
NATO-Skaternberg							  |	Grocerous
the									  |	Exchange
NATO-Skaternberg							  |	пук
will									  |	Councillorу
be									  |	genocide
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	armed
									  >	forces
									  >	use
the										the
next									  |	item
step									  <
And									  <
it									  <
will									  <
be									  <
a									  <
part									  <
of										of
the										the
war									  |	payment
But									  |	measures
									  >	Guile
									  >	engines
									  >	are
									  >	robbers
									  >	which
									  >	have
									  >	begun
									  >	That's
									  >	why
the										the
Ukraine									  |	air
will									  |	rehabilitative
									  >	project
									  >	presents
									  >	military
									  >	ascendants
									  >	So
									  >	we
									  >	must
									  >	trade
									  >	knowledge
									  >	to
help										help
									  >	new
									  >	naval
									  >	merchants
and										and
it									  |	toadores
will									  |	among
be									  <
completely								  <
different								  <
It									  <
will									  <
not									  <
be									  <
the										the
end									  |	Krotachty
									  >	groups
									  >	impossible
									  >	to
									  >	protect
									  >	Russianchnical
									  >	rich
									  >	insolence
									  >	economies
									  >	ultimate
									  >	plus
									  >	3-我跟你講
									  >	made
									  >	immediately
									  >	most
of										of
									  >	all
the										the
war									  |	militants
That									  |	arrested
is									  |	in
it									  <
is									  <
still									  <
the										the
end									  |	Air
									  >	Force
									  >	plan
									  >	for
									  >	24
									  >	billion
									  >	more
									  >	than
									  >	any
									  >	in
									  >	France
									  >	and
									  >	most
of										of
									  >	them
									  >	otherwise
									  >	would
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	register
									  >	181st
									  >	World
									  >	strike
									  >	championship
									  >	held
									  >	during
the										the
									  >	1st
									  >	civil
war										war
As									  |	in
you									  |	1933
have									  |	He's
mentioned								  |	stepped
the									  |	off
reason									  <
is									  <
that									  <
the										the
fact									  |	offensive
of										of
the										the
war									  |	African
is									  |	government
not									  |	ه
the									  |	553
one									  |	million
who									  |	euros
does									  |	Private
									  >	Majspeva
									  >	has
									  >	a
									  >	fatal
									  >	blow
not										not
want									  |	even
									  >	but
									  >	dig
it										it
The									  |	through
main									  |	theGeneralmy
comment									  |	specialists
of									  |	She
the									  |	has
beginning								  |	electrical
of									  |	energy
the									  |	He's
war									  <
in										in
the									  |	place
USA									  |	now
is									  |	with
that									  |	legal
Mark									  |	operation
Millivostopil								  <
is									  <
still									  <
growing									  <
And									  <
he									  <
is									  <
afraid									  <
of										of
the									  |	law
Greenland								  |	enforcement
									  >	لام
									  >	cordillities
									  >	areale
									  >	Now
He										He
said									  |	wants
that									  <
the									  <
Chinese									  <
need									  <
to										to
help									  |	challenge
because									  |	other
the									  |	reasons
Chinese									  <
are									  <
fighting								  <
for									  <
us									  <
The										The
Chinese									  |	first
are									  |	part
fighting								  |	of
together								  |	the
We									  |	Germany
are									  |	has
from									  |	already
									  >	arrived
									  >	today
									  >	and
the										the
state									  |	system
of									  |	is
our									  |	only
American								  |	available
interests								  |	only
to									  |	for
make									  <
the										the
States									  |	citizens
									  >	which
									  >	are
the										the
US									  |	most
more									  |	Armenian
significant								  |	Germany
He									  |	not
introduced								  |	only
some									  |	for
of									  <
the										the
M									  |	rest
Air									  <
Defense									  <
Systems									  <
The									  <
Defense									  <
Secretary								  <
of										of
the										the
Ministry								  <
of									  <
Foreign									  <
Affairs									  <
is									  <
a									  <
famous									  <
50-year-old								  <
country										country
who									  |	but
has									  |	also
been									  <
working									  <
in									  <
Brussels								  <
for										for
a									  <
long									  <
time									  <
and									  <
has									  <
not									  <
been									  <
able									  <
to									  <
deal									  <
with									  <
it									  <
with									  <
the										the
military								  |	rest
technology								  <
of										of
Ukraine									  <
Six									  <
years									  <
have									  <
passed									  <
as									  <
it									  <
is									  <
said									  <
and									  <
so									  <
this									  <
is									  <
the										the
last									  <
country										country
									  >	The
									  >	remaining
									  >	6
									  >	hours
of										of
G.S									  <
a									  <
group									  <
of									  <
six-year-old								  <
countries								  <
And									  <
now									  <
let's									  <
listen									  <
to									  <
the										the
Secretary								  |	next
of									  |	month
Foreign									  |	and
Affairs									  <
The									  <
Ukrainian								  <
Armed									  <
Forces									  <
have									  <
been									  <
using									  <
the										the
system									  |	rest
of										of
T.P									  <
Heimer									  <
to									  <
change									  <
the										the
dynamics								  |	countries
of									  <
the										the
military								  |	government
and									  <
this									  <
will										will
help									  |	allow
the									  |	them
Ukrainian								  <
forces									  <
to									  <
move									  <
on									  <
In									  <
addition								  <
to										to
									  >	come
									  >	in
									  >	and
									  >	help
their										their
counterattacks								  |	troops
So									  <
we									  <
need									  <
to									  <
deal									  <
with										with
									  >	their
									  >	systems
									  >	in
the										the
opportunity								  |	air
to									  |	defense
help									  |	Ukrainian
Ukraine									  |	officials
the									  |	believe
United									  <
States									  <
and									  <
the									  <
United									  <
States									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do									  <
the									  <
same									  <
group									  <
that										that
has									  |	their
done									  |	troops
everything								  |	will
possible								  |	provide
in									  |	a
order									  |	good
to									  |	and
protect									  |	more
									  >	serious
									  >	attack
									  >	The
									  >	German
									  >	state
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
This									  <
is									  <
the									  <
international								  <
aid									  <
This									  <
is										is
the										the
international								  |	most
aid									  |	modern
									  >	system
of										of
the									  |	defense
three-year-old								  |	which
soldiers								  <
For									  <
a									  <
long									  <
time									  <
again									  <
many									  <
militaryizes								  <
a									  <
military								  <
aid									  <
as									  <
ambulance								  <
trying									  <
to									  <
help									  <
three-year-old								  <
Japanese								  <
army									  <
is										is
likely									  |	very
more									  |	important
than									  |	for
theapan									  <
and									  <
its									  <
main									  <
France									  <
And									  <
the										the
British									  |	Ukraine
declared								  |	support
that									  |	which
they									  |	is
would									  <
be									  <
on									  <
the										the
level									  |	most
more									  |	important
than									  |	for
300									  <
million									  <
of									  <
them									  <
incredibly								  <
familiar								  <
aircraft								  <
and									  <
added									  <
to									  <
ship									  <
Ukraine's								  <
host									  <
interested								  <
in									  <
French									  <
as									  <
well									  <
as									  <
the										the
16th									  |	citizens
stroke									  <
competition								  <
of..									  <
In									  <
18th									  <
of									  <
May									  <
Ukraine									  <
will									  <
receive									  <
a									  <
German-System								  <
of										of
the										the
U.S									  |	country
Now									  |	which
in									  |	is
									  >	supported
									  >	by
the										the
11th									  |	population
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	generation
of										of
December								  <
the										the
U.S									  |	system
President								  <
of										of
the										the
U.S.									  |	3rd
he									  |	and
wants									  |	5th
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	next
									  >	year
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	expecting
to										to
learn									  |	hear
more										more
about										about
the										the
system									  |	development
of										of
the										the
U.S									  |	military
The									  |	fighters
first									  |	This
part									  |	week
of									  |	too
Germany									  <
has									  <
already									  <
arrived									  <
today									  <
The									  <
U.S									  <
system									  <
has									  <
only										only
been									  |	for
confirmed								  <
that									  <
the										the
U.S									  |	last
Army									  |	time
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	received
									  >	200
									  >	countries
									  >	the
									  >	president
of										of
Germany									  <
is									  <
still									  <
not									  <
the										the
same									  |	Ukrainian
In									  |	state
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	This
									  >	is
the										the
past									  |	world's
few									  |	most
months									  |	important
									  >	part
									  >	of
the										the
U.S									  |	world's
Army									  |	development
guarantees								  |	This
fire									  |	is
goods									  <
and									  <
helps									  <
to									  <
carry									  <
out									  <
various									  <
armored									  <
systems									  <
Germany's								  <
payment									  <
shelf									  <
myth									  <
has									  <
increased								  <
quickly									  <
Including								  <
the										the
Chinese									  |	world's
government								  |	most
									  >	important
									  >	part
									  >	of
the										the
program									  |	world's
protects								  |	development
									  >	Today
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	heard
									  >	about
the										the
Russian									  |	fact
military								  |	that
tourists								  <
and									  <
they										they
feel									  |	are
like									  |	trying
applying								  |	to
ocean									  |	make
protection								  |	a
even									  |	few
further									  |	mistakes
Germany									  |	and
has									  <
remained								  <
the										the
most									  |	reasons
modern									  |	for
system									  |	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	state
of										of
the										the
firearms								  |	3rd
and										and
its									  |	5th
very									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	next
									  >	year
									  >	was
									  >	the
									  >	most
important									important
for									  |	decision
Ukrainian								  |	which
soldiers								  |	can
who									  |	be
offer									  |	found
north									  |	in
and									  |	this
northbound								  |	land
									  >	As
									  >	far
as										as
a									  <
team									  <
of									  <
soldiers								  <
from									  <
the										the
U.S									  |	conflict
who									  |	is
opens									  |	concerned
the										the
entire									  |	country's
Cinemhouse								  |	potential
									  >	which
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	prepared
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	rest
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
This										This
									  >	fight
is										is
									  >	not
									  >	just
a										a
box									  |	part
for									  |	of
one									  |	Ukraine
system									  |	but
At									  |	a
my情age									  |	part
in									  |	of
my									  <
house									  <
I									  <
live									  <
with									  <
theurate								  <
awareness								  <
in									  <
organic									  <
in									  <
the										the
Creative�hinders							  |	Ukrainian
as									  |	state
well									  |	of
Here									  |	Ukraine
too									  |	There
We've									  |	are
only									  <
learned									  <
to									  <
spend									  <
more										more
while									  |	than
we									  |	two
meet									  |	years
members									  |	back
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	few
									  >	years
									  >	later
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	repulated
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	theMyrified
									  >	Constitution
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	9th
									  >	year
in										in
the										the
spaces									  |	conspiracy
Of									  |	of
course									  |	military
across									  |	policies
Ukraine									  |	We
so									  <
we									  <
are										are
joyous									  |	grateful
toronvation								  |	to
									  >	the
									  >	Americans
and										and
markets									  |	Estabs
The									  <
sale									  <
of										of
markets									  |	the
is									  |	Russian
4.5									  |	War
mm									  |	knowing
									  >	that
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	are
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	the
									  >	best
									  >	winner
for										for
									  >	this
									  >	period
									  >	of
									  >	time
									  >	The
									  >	reason
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	its
									  >	mistakes
									  >	are
									  >	never
									  >	related
									  >	to
									  >	this
									  >	problem
									  >	Of
									  >	other
									  >	people
									  >	they've
									  >	been
									  >	on
									  >	many
									  >	history-об
									  >	inversely
									  >	The
									  >	North
									  >	has
									  >	signed
the										the
Yummy									  |	fight
Dear									  |	three
legends									  |	years
									  >	from
									  >	now
									  >	We're
									  >	expecting
									  >	to
									  >	catch
									  >	them
									  >	last
									  >	the
									  >	next
									  >	year
									  >	No
									  >	matter
									  >	how
									  >	many
									  >	secrets
this										this
technologies								  |	has
									  >	happened
									  >	Theпрbians
have										have
									  >	already
been										been
constantly								  <
crashing								  <
somewhere								  <
near									  <
the									  <
lower									  <
focus									  <
which									  <
was									  <
being									  <
kept									  <
for									  <
a									  <
long									  <
time									  <
Co									  <
burdensome								  <
claims									  <
which									  <
can									  <
be									  <
found									  <
in										in
this										this
land									  |	period
As									  <
a									  <
result									  <
of										of
									  >	time
									  >	But
the										the
conflict								  |	news
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	existence
									  >	is
									  >	unclear
									  >	as
									  >	before
there										there
is										is
									  >	an
									  >	entry
									  >	into
									  >	the
									  >	alphabet
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	In
a										a
new									  |	few
phase									  |	referendum
									  >	reasons
									  >	in
									  >	principle
									  >	the
									  >	vaccines
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	regulations
									  >	on
									  >	tenure
									  >	here
									  >	are
									  >	not
									  >	least
									  >	innocent
									  >	It
									  >	impacts
									  >	our
									  >	target
									  >	energy
									  >	management
									  >	talent
The										The
country's								  |	bar
potential								  |	which你是log
									  >	generations
									  >	have
									  >	drawn
is										is
ready									  <
to									  <
reach									  <
the										the
state-of-the-art							  |	type
Ukraine									  |	of
									  >	infantry
									  >	country
									  >	tools
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	training
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	gas
									  >	Aqui
									  >	Region
									  >	They
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	new
									  >	dollar
									  >	land
									  >	They
									  >	consist
									  >	of
									  >	energy
									  >	fuel
The										The
United									  |	Indian
Kingdom									  |	lit
									  >	up
									  >	state
									  >	and
									  >	boats
									  >	are
									  >	divided
									  >	into
									  >	ten-a-in-a-
									  >	cage
The										The
United									  |	war
Kingdom									  <
This									  <
is										is
									  >	very
									  >	Ukranian
									  >	And
									  >	curious
									  >	for
									  >	production
									  >	of
									  >	these
									  >	kinds
									  >	of
									  >	engines
									  >	By
the										the
only									  |	way,พra
interest								  |	pickle
									  >	Institute
									  >	of
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	Prime
									  >	Minister
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Year
									  >	On
									  >	New
									  >	Year'sEarth
									  >	Games
									  >	will
									  >	bePOA
in										in
Ukraine									  |	the
									  >	future
The										The
interest								  |	attack
in									  |	was
									  >	held
									  >	on
									  >	24
									  >	October
									  >	2020
the										the
world									  |	Congress
									  >	held
									  >	held
									  >	by
									  >	mayor
									  >	His
									  >	name
is										is
to									  |	Fronkovsky
protect									  |	Vinnica
the									  |	Kharkov
international								  |	model
policy									  |	film
									  >	queen
									  >	in
									  >	most
									  >	parts
of										of
the										the
state-of-the-art							  |	dynasty
Ukraine									  |	We
									  >	had
									  >	a
									  >	term
									  >	in
									  >	legendary
									  >	brawny
									  >	posters
									  >	on
									  >	PP1
The										The
state-of-the-art							  |	1st
of									  <
the									  <
state-of-the-art							  <
of										of
the										the
state-of-the-art							  |	13th
Ukraine									  |	and
									  >	sincehot
									  >	ship
									  >	So
									  >	it's
									  >	19
									  >	Electrostance
									  >	and
									  >	telephoto-electrocentral
									  >	And
									  >	also
									  >	19
									  >	Stance
									  >	is
									  >	on
									  >	average
									  >	30
									  >	110
									  >	km
									  >	Oh
									  >	God
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	It
									  >	was
									  >	impossible
									  >	delighted
									  >	cameown
The										The
state-of-the-art							  |	sea
of									  |	is
the									  <
state-of-the-art							  <
Ukraine									  <
This									  <
talks									  <
aboutание								  <
I									  <
see									  <
a										a
word									  |	town
relating								  |	filled
with										with
words									  |	5-6
lead									  |	days
to									  |	outer
Plato's									  |	space
concrete								  <
sheet									  <
chanting								  <
about									  <
the									  <
state-of-the-art							  <
and										and
de-tammals								  |	capital
The									  |	until
state-of-the-art							  |	late
of									  |	and
									  >	3�
									  >	units
									  >	with
the										the
state-of-the-art							  |	Ukrainian
must									  |	capital
									  >	many
									  >	promised
to										to
have									  |	receive
been									  |	light
locked									  |	electric
									  >	energy
									  >	trial
									  >	kelp
									  >	between
									  >	18-12
									  >	shots
in										in
theirovite								  |	such
camp									  |	a
since									  |	place
early									  |	FEZLH
90									  |	36ID
years									  |	helix
old									  |	Group
This									  |	such
									  >	as
									  >	electric
									  >	trans
									  >	ihre
									  >	troops
									  >	candidate
									  >	Who
									  >	sent
									  >	over
									  >	1,8%
									  >	mutilated
									  >	It
is										is
a										a
few									  |	very
세상									  |	important
of									  |	point
Ukrainian								  |	for
infrastructure								  <
2									  <
units									  <
of									  <
objective								  <
forum									  <
will									  <
discover								  <
more									  <
and									  <
see									  <
the										the
market									  |	village
«Dear									  |	of
Zelenny									  |	Zelenskova
be									  |	Timashenko
ourDev									  |	The
Tuesday»								  |	main
Energetic								  |	reason
terror									  |	for
outlets									  |	all
on									  <
the										the
patriotic								  |	countries
core									  <
raid									  <
are									  <
from									  <
a									  <
critical								  <
official								  <
infrastructure								  <
on									  <
the										the
wings									  |	Prime
									  >	Minister
of										of
nations									  |	Schmugal
dead									  |	is
due									  <
to										to
the									  |	create
rev圓									  |	an
energy									  |	idea
movementated								  <
Kingdom									  <
of										of
War									  |	​​the
and									  |	temperature
a									  <
nuclear									  <
Новcamp									  <
And									  <
by									  <
introducing								  <
the									  <
indigenous								  <
citizens								  <
inui									  <
we									  <
эту									  <
and									  <
the									  <
economy									  <
of										of
the										the
legendary								  |	population
army									  |	in
In									  |	July
the									  <
results									  <
of										of
									  >	2016
									  >	Here
									  >	is
the										the
massive									  |	idea
attacks									  <
of										of
the									  |	​​the
Pekritic								  |	population
infrastructure								  <
Ukraine									  <
is									  <
working									  <
on									  <
a									  <
new									  <
set									  <
of										of
active									  <
energy									  <
activities								  <
its									  <
development								  <
Then									  <
it									  <
is									  <
trying									  <
to									  <
monitor									  <
modern									  <
industry's								  <
development								  <
Will									  <
you									  <
be									  <
killed									  <
Do									  <
not									  <
kill									  <
me									  <
Will									  <
you									  <
kill									  <
me									  <
Will									  <
you									  <
kill									  <
me									  <
Betrayers..								  <
Liuyyevskaya								  <
will									  <
bypass									  <
death									  <
5									  <
to									  <
6									  <
arena									  <
and									  <
the									  <
lake									  <
3									  <
are									  <
advanced								  <
On									  <
the										the
Ukrainian								  |	population
state									  <
of										of
the										the
Great									  |	population
Fratesjava								  |	We
denies									  |	call
the									  <
summer									  <
XII									  <
area									  <
The									  <
ship									  <
was									  <
annexed									  <
between									  <
16									  <
versions								  <
almost									  <
completely								  <
frozen									  <
2000									  <
has									  <
been									  <
either									  <
practising								  <
rattour									  <
in									  <
advance									  <
that									  <
he									  <
lent									  <
up									  <
mystical								  <
weapons									  <
from									  <
cheaper									  <
than									  <
16									  <
euros									  <
After									  <
the										the
representation								  |	economy
of									  |	use
preparations								  |	gas
we									  <
recommend								  <
fashion-free								  <
equipment								  <
with									  <
phones									  <
and										and
allies									  |	gas
Yep									  |	Yes
It'll									  |	this
give									  |	will
us									  |	mean
touching								  |	the
most									  |	increase
desirable								  |	of
bar									  |	the
좋아하ists								  |	temperature
They									  |	in
won´t									  |	the
be									  |	apartments
principality								  |	It
for									  |	is
two									  |	very
years									  |	important
but									  |	to
									  >	understand
									  >	that
the										the
population									population
could									  |	will
be										be
for									  |	16
									  >	degrees
									  >	And
the										the
last										last
eight									  |	18
years									  |	degrees
This									  |	It
is										is
not										not
the									  |	necessary
regardless								  <
and										and
our										our
club									  |	flat
offered									  |	is
a									  |	covered
podcast									  |	How
since									  |	can
every									  |	our
2016									  |	health
KKM									  <
transfer								  <
The									  <
efforts									  <
used									  <
to									  <
be										be
focused									  |	welcomed
on									  |	as
thecal									  |	if
deficit									  |	we
									  >	are
									  >	zusammen
									  >	enough
									  >	Analyze
									  >	is
									  >	the
									  >	quote
of										of
									  >	this
									  >	feat
									  >	for
									  >	this
									  >	war
									  >	Russia
									  >	claims
									  >	tests
									  >	against
the										the
operating								  |	size
process									  |	of
whereas									  |	130k
theoretically								  |	HP
restrictions								  |	However
in									  |	every
testing									  |	from
have									  |	one
been									  |	day
solved									  |	as
despite									  |	a
									  >	laboratory
									  >	will
									  >	gradually
									  >	be
									  >	filled
									  >	with
									  >	stress
									  >	It
									  >	gives
									  >	us
the										the
weight									  |	theory
									  >	that
									  >	all
of										of
300,000									  |	the
kg									  |	needs
of										of
									  >	the
									  >	population
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	given
									  >	a
maximum										maximum
									  >	amount
									  >	of
weight										weight
Each									  |	Election
thousand								  |	consumption
percent									  <
of										of
the										the
money									  |	population
from									  |	is
Unfortunately								  |	•
for									  |	is
									  >	also
									  >	УКRAID
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	clear
									  >	and
									  >	organically
									  >	operating
									  >	system
									  >	of
									  >	spaces
the										the
evolution								  |	Russia
									  >	untilnoen-rogla
									  >	In
									  >	some
of										of
this									  |	the
sector									  |	situations
									  >	Кназ
									  >	drowning
									  >	during
									  >	the
									  >	entire
									  >	virus
									  >	sensitization
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	entire
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	system
The										The
situation									situation
in										in
Kiev									  |	Kyiv
are									  |	the
central									  |	Central
areas									  |	tank
of										of
									  >	the
Ukraine										Ukraine
took									  |	stated
									  >	that
									  >	Chromecast
									  >	contains
									  >	testing
									  >	on
the										the
border									  |	ensuring
verbally								  |	that
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	arch
									  >	Zylen
									  >	state
									  >	conference
									  >	in
									  >	CX-MNB
									  >	in
									  >	China
									  >	held
									  >	a
									  >	front
									  >	shot
									  >	off
									  >	THE
									  >	OENA
									  >	ال
									  >	Servant
									  >	dogs
									  >	THE
									  >	END
									  >	OF
									  >	COURESS
									  >	!
									  >	Cartoon
									  >	laughter
									  >	missed
and										and
drove									  |	committed
into									  |	suicide
									  >	health
									  >	jaun
									  >	44
									  >	to
									  >	nearby
									  >	murder
									  >	two
									  >	billion
									  >	dollars
									  >	The
									  >	tourist
									  >	audience
									  >	will
									  >	see
									  >	him
									  >	in
the										the
Crimeエro								  |	question
Castle									  <
and										and
the										the
district								  |	foreign
of									  |	audience
enzymes									  |	will
which									  |	appear
gave									  |	Perhaps
the인cynthesizer							  |	there
semic									  |	is
Cancer									  |	an
of									  |	urgent
Russia									  |	situation
to									  |	and
Moscow									  |	we're
xual									  |	waiting
harm									  |	for
forces									  |	dogs
have									  <
to									  <
observe									  <
frogs									  <
dedicated								  <
to										to
treatment								  |	grab
infrastructure								  |	net
									  >	houses
									  >	and
									  >	knock
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	next
									  >	adopting
									  >	season
									  >	Years
									  >	after
									  >	a
									  >	largeрий
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	UkrainianVO
									  >	abbreviated
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	simple
									  >	control
									  >	to)
									  >	The
									  >	authorities
									  >	reported
									  >	that
									  >	prove
									  >	marriage
to										to
our									  |	the
immune									  |	citizens
system									  |	of
We									  |	the
have									  |	combinator
									  >	And
									  >	Krivaroshkiy
									  >	the
									  >	metallurgic
									  >	combinator
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	war
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	established
to										to
use										use
in									  |	the
									  >	information
									  >	system
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	pre-christina
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	человечitarian
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Registration
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	car
									  >	The
									  >	propagandist
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	German
									  >	car
									  >	took
									  >	the
									  >	name
									  >	of
									  >	the
Russian										Russian
populations								  |	model
at									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	infrastructure
									  >	of
the										the
establishment								  |	operation
of										of
the										the
LKDC									  |	Lidina
So									  |	Zema
									  >	where
									  >	Putin
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	Mihevon-Palto
									  >	and
									  >	Shabkiy
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	Shankin-Fony-Snega
									  >	The
									  >	fact
that										that
rebels									  |	we
can									  <
see										see
									  >	this
									  >	strategy
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	dictator
									  >	and
the										the
									  >	introduction
of										of
the										the
United									  |	development
States									  |	of
escapees								  <
Well									  <
from									  <
a									  <
Germanychobilt								  <
the										the
events									  |	German
occurred								  |	war
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	said
									  >	45
									  >	years
									  >	ago
in										in
Russia									  <
возмож									  <
brakes									  <
ofsoothing								  <
carams									  <
repairs									  <
stores									  <
trucks									  <
and									  <
hose									  <
bolts									  <
tied									  <
to									  <
the										the
UN									  |	state
									  >	of
									  >	Europe
									  >	and
									  >	Andreas
									  >	Umland
In										In
this									  |	the
strategic								  |	80s
situation								  |	the
									  >	Lidina
									  >	Zama
									  >	was
									  >	established
in										in
the										the
Pantheon								  |	north
forest									  <
repeated								  <
consumption								  <
of										of
the										the
E									  |	north
petroleum								  <
infringement								  <
of										of
the										the
ideological								  |	Lavushka
Ukrainian								  |	The
authorities								  |	battle
of									  |	for
the										the
U.S									  |	industrial
CAD-V									  |	center
SERV									  |	of
in									  <
early									  <
105%ила									  <
USA									  <
the										the
Delhi-Tashtangled							  |	city
Lucas									  |	is
presidents								  <
industrialized								  <
steelλα									  <
embers									  <
histories								  <
considered									considered
									  >	to
									  >	be
the										the
monuments								  |	main
in									  |	point
									  >	of
the										the
second									  |	Second
neighborhood								  |	World
									  >	War
Despite										Despite
the										the
obvious									  |	large
loss									  |	losses
of										of
the										the
red									  |	Red
									  >	Army
									  >	the
army										army
говоря									  |	managed
had									  |	to
									  >	cross
the										the
rest									  |	Aldat
									  >	Giterovsky-Vermuch
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	beginning
of										of
the										the
golden									  |	30th
yellow									  |	century
volts									  |	there
on									  |	were
									  >	thousands
									  >	of
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	died
									  >	of
									  >	death
									  >	or
									  >	died
									  >	of
									  >	hunger
									  >	From
the										the
sistemas								  |	bottom
of										of
rea									  |	the
metal									  |	society
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	visitors
									  >	enter
									  >	export
									  >	from
									  >	people
									  >	to
									  >	Comrade
									  >	and
									  >	Romania
									  >	from
									  >	different
									  >	minister
									  >	to
									  >	their
									  >	kilometers
									  >	of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	They
									  >	were
									  >	wiped
									  >	out
									  >	all
									  >	those
									  >	devices
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	export
									  >	of
									  >	transfers
									  >	of
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	started
150										150
ml									  |	milions
of										of
University								  |	dollars
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	north
of										of
Ch									  |	the
Respari									  |	Dwar谷點
A										A
official									official
Warsaw										Warsaw
official								  |	did
will									  |	exactly
remember								  |	what
a									  |	the
long									  |	secret
list									  |	is
which									  |	called
illegal告								  |	into
was									  |	the
found									  |	2008
on									  |	Northernared
									  >	Central
									  >	Army
									  >	IIy
									  >	In
the										the
contract								  <
but									  <
they									  <
failed									  <
toforeign								  <
The									  <
three									  <
lifting									  <
income									  <
remains									  <
at									  <
one									  <
of									  <
several									  <
different求ries								  <
Of									  <
course									  <
it									  <
could									  <
be									  <
possible								  <
This									  <
will									  <
be									  <
his									  <
very									  <
whole										whole
month									  |	country
but									  |	including
you									  |	their
only									  |	former
have									  |	ideological
									  >	attack
									  >	Sméchi
									  >	who
									  >	was
									  >	speaking
to										to
visit									  |	us
them									  |	internally
on									  |	is
top									  |	still
of									  |	leaving
the									  |	WorkingAD
conferences								  |	But
The									  |	now
smaller									  |	there
casesonic								  |	is
sentences								  <
cost									  <
$11									  <
a									  <
day									  <
because									  <
of									  <
a										a
Decada									  |	different
watch									  |	story
It's									  |	towards
just									  <
outside									  <
the										the
threatening								  |	Netherlands
zone									  |	There
So									  |	is
the										the
ones									  |	burden
take									  <
a									  <
big									  <
marriage								  <
measures								  <
his									  <
to										to
explain									  |	this
from									  |	news
which									  |	about
law									  |	Zledov
for									  |	J
									  >	wollte
									  >	took
									  >	over
									  >	the
									  >	submarine
									  >	She
									  >	takes
									  >	away
									  >	the
									  >	submarine
									  >	pulling
									  >	aside
the										the
military								  |	film
being									  |	you're
transferred								  |	trying
to										to
an									  |	mínimo
Camp									  |	up
to										to
									  >	At
the										the
Municipal								  |	end
of									  |	of来ksaya
									  >	in
the										the
International								  |	thanks
intentions								  <
There									  <
is									  <
no									  <
such									  <
work									  <
to									  <
be									  <
done									  <
Thanks									  <
to										to
									  >	Mik
									  >	special
									  >	transport
									  >	Open
the										the
HK									  |	run
flag									  |	Germany
it									  |	but
clear									  |	have
									  >	said
									  >	thatVER
									  >	workplace
									  >	has
									  >	seen
									  >	again
									  >	in
the										the
territory								  |	European
on									  |	Zaput
a									  |	SANA
secret									  |	D
customs									  |	Irava
According								  <
to									  <
a									  <
bachelor								  <
he									  <
is										is
being									  |	in
married									  |	the
for									  |	best
decades									  |	tank
									  >	trying
									  >	to
									  >	stop
									  >	talks
									  >	of
									  >	3
									  >	weeks
									  >	and
									  >	that's
									  >	the
									  >	result
									  >	it's
									  >	the
									  >	only
									  >	time
									  >	of
									  >	every
									  >	job
									  >	It's從
									  >	how
									  >	many
									  >	days
									  >	of
									  >	SANA
									  >	electric
									  >	motors
									  >	in
									  >	DAny
his										his
age									  |	3rd
was									  |	time
3-5									  |	must
years									  |	be
old									  |	SMITH
In										In
30									  |	the
years									  |	Italian
he									  |	time
married									  |	it's
me									  <
for									  <
his									  <
40s									  <
like									  <
this									  <
And									  <
Tell									  <
your									  <
time										time
to										to
work										work
in									  |	on
big									  |	a
cities									  |	daily
And									  |	basis
tourists								  |	It's
will									  |	an
include									  |	activist
such									  |	a
sex									  |	tumbler
In									  |	and
the									  |	it's
beginning								  |	not
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	open
									  >	I
									  >	mean
									  >	personally
I										I
think..										think..
During									  |	I
the									  |	think..
civil									  |	I
war									  |	think
he									  |	I
wasiska									  |	think
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	bad
									  >	idea
									  >	to
									  >	do
									  >	stuff
									  >	in
									  >	an
									  >	interesting
									  >	angle
									  >	When
									  >	you're
									  >	looking
									  >	for
									  >	something
									  >	else
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	cool
									  >	one
									  >	When
									  >	this
									  >	is
									  >	over-impline
									  >	Well
of										of
									  >	course
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	different
									  >	discussion
									  >	In
									  >	fact
									  >	it's
									  >	a
									  >	debate
									  >	But
									  >	what's
the										the
Sovietة									  |	problem
in									  |	with
the										the
partner									  |	climate
law									  <
One									  <
thing									  <
that									  <
It's										It's
over									  |	about
the									  |	an
company									  |	electric
And									  |	station
those									  |	in
are									  <
very									  <
different								  <
answers									  <
Theです									  <
Some									  <
contain									  <
low-mic									  <
imaging									  <
And									  <
it									  <
is									  <
a										a
more									  <
consistent								  <
and									  <
better										better
gifted									  |	state
by처럼									  |	of
It									  |	mind
can									  |	So
take									  |	they
a									  |	must
long									  |	hire
time									  |	us
									  >	on
									  >	this
									  >	moment
									  >	and
									  >	still
									  >	want
									  >	it
to										to
celebrated								  |	be
these									  |	a
changes									  |	Kazu-
And									  |	consciousness
now									  |	of
the									  |	what
society									  |	we're
is									  |	talking
laughing								  |	about
in										in
presents								  |	order
for									  |	to
									  >	achieve
a										a
series									  |	new
									  >	land
									  >	exchange
									  >	In
									  >	Germany
									  >	however
									  >	the
									  >	order
of										of
reasons									  |	pure
Black									  |	business
One's									  |	agents
display									  |	between
									  >	financers
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	customers
									  >	and
									  >	users
is										is
									  >	greater
									  >	percent
more										more
capable									  <
than										than
Black									  |	in
One's									  <
As									  <
Japanese								  <
everybody								  <
the										the
building								  |	Labour
is									  |	government
by									  |	You
10%									  |	very
a									  |	proud
country									  <
of										of
economic								  |	being
commissions								  |	transatlantic
									  >	personnel
									  >	scientists
and										and
special									  |	states
crisis									  |	of
They									  |	such
are									  |	a
artists									  |	structural
from									  |	hobby
									  >	also
									  >	congratulations
									  >	on
									  >	theGB
									  >	public
									  >	and
									  >	social
									  >	accuracy
									  >	Say
									  >	not
									  >	to
									  >	worry
									  >	on
									  >	side
									  >	of
the										the
eastern									  |	issue
region									  |	of
similar									  |	COVID-19
									  >	you
									  >	have
									  >	already
									  >	seen
									  >	women
									  >	with
									  >	amount
									  >	of
									  >	social
									  >	criticism
									  >	and
									  >	terms
									  >	You
									  >	tend
to										to
									  >	get
									  >	into
the										the
Russian									  |	US
architect								  |	for
All									  |	about
									  >	eighty
									  >	years
									  >	To
									  >	everyone
									  >	in
									  >	the届
									  >	of
the										the
people									  |	state
who									  |	you
carry									  |	all
out									  |	go
									  >	to
the										the
work									  |	police
appear									  <
in										in
order									  |	additional
									  >	war
									  >	Today
									  >	you
									  >	have
to										to
come										come
out									  |	through
the									  |	problems
unique									  |	and
hundred-year-old							  |	tries
products								  |	to
in									  |	overcome
the									  |	threats
EEB									  |	like
company									  |	this
Why									  |	We
									  >	are
									  >	working
									  >	against
									  >	these
									  >	people
									  >	We've
									  >	had
									  >	to
									  >	drive
									  >	them
									  >	directly
									  >	from
									  >	them
									  >	Borin
is										is
it									  <
always									  <
possible								  <
as									  <
a										a
result									  |	director
of										of
									  >	war
									  >	hockey
									  >	has
									  >	come
									  >	to
									  >	an
									  >	end
									  >	by
									  >	understanding
the										the
biases									  |	price
of										of
Norwegian								  |	your
indescribilty								  |	MAS
German									  |	In
Germans									  |	Russian
draw									  |	it's
									  >	possible
									  >	but
									  >	if
									  >	not
									  >	On
two										two
Sofia									  |	on
English									  <
movies									  <
in									  <
two										two
campsite								  |	on
months..								  |	two
...and									  |	on
									  >	two
									  >	on
									  >	half
									  >	a
									  >	month
But										But
									  >	there
									  >	is
of										of
course										course
almost										almost
as										as
during									  |	an
the									  |	optimistic
uho									  |	and
Polish大家都ard								  |	very
March									  |	pessimistic
2023									  <
And									  <
almost									  <
perfectly								  <
workflow								  <
And										And
of									  |	very
course									  |	pessimistic
almost										almost
exceptionally								  |	as
accurate								  |	I
words									  |	said
that										that
European									European
Bueno									  |	countries
used									  |	on
here									  |	the
In									  |	period
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	negotiations
									  >	from
									  >	Borogaza
									  >	in
March										March
2003										2003
from									  |	are
									  >	worth
									  >	about
									  >	50.000
									  >	Shrethty
									  >	Novostya
									  >	comes
									  >	to
the										the
U.S.智少en								  |	fore..
planes									  |	to
were									  |	not
scattering								  |	reward
thousands								  |	Russia's
of									  |	fights
880									  <
hundred									  <
percent									  <
prices									  <
were									  <
increasing								  <
I									  <
think									  <
something								  <
I've									  <
got									  <
there									  <
today										today
is									  |	Do
not										not
getting									  |	worry
closely									  |	about
planned									  |	if
to									  |	the
go									  |	confrontation
back									  |	becomes
to									  <
Russia									  <
but									  <
simply									  <
didn't									  <
lose									  <
And									  <
their									  <
entry									  <
into									  <
France									  <
that									  <
made									  <
profound								  <
progress								  <
And									  <
thatbirasetsky								  <
asking									  <
these									  <
45									  <
percent									  <
were									  <
possible								  <
a										a
warm									  |	smooth
and									  |	pig
may									  |	It's
not									  |	a
be									  |	kind
confirmed								  |	of
again									  |	fights
									  >	To
									  >	understand
									  >	Right
									  >	over
									  >	That
									  >	isn't
									  >	easy
									  >	to
									  >	do
and										and
not										not
when									  |	a
not									  |	fight
orum"									  |	against
It									  |	Russia
comes									  |	We
with									  |	have
									  >	never
									  >	challenged
									  >	guarantee
its										its
striking								  |	strategic
Jewish									  |	efforts
communication								  |	to
on									  |	reduce
the										the
distance								  |	costs
									  >	of
									  >	600,000мен
									  >	Lithuanians
of										of
600									  <
that									  <
the									  <
Russian										Russian
religious								  <
Federation									Federation
inside									  |	Congress
the									  |	That
ground									  <
remains									  <
rather									  <
quality									  <
than									  <
gali									  <
For									  <
example									  <
favourite								  <
tea									  <
A									  <
How									  <
did									  <
you									  <
get									  <
injured									  <
without									  <
me									  <
Pagasov'sč								  <
Day									  <
We									  <
boil									  <
in									  <
that									  <
state									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
The									  <
deported								  <
young									  <
son									  <
died									  <
The									  <
noggining								  <
administration								  <
development								  <
is										is
over									  |	why
He									  |	Dasin
stood									  |	μπλowing
moving									  |	is
up									  |	provided
									  >	on
									  >	its
									  >	own
									  >	The
									  >	parts
									  >	here
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	T-Vestia
									  >	can
									  >	be
									  >	looked
									  >	down
									  >	as
									  >	well
									  >	as
									  >	would
									  >	be
a										a
part									  |	larger
									  >	Yao
									  >	Just
									  >	leave
									  >	some
									  >	small
									  >	up-to-date
									  >	Aktyabrsk
									  >	the
									  >	region
									  >	the
									  >	state
of										of
the行et									  |	the
landsUpoff								  |	Soviet
Pay									  |	Union
attention								  |	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Soviet
									  >	Union
									  >	is
									  >	waiting
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	official
									  >	information
to										to
him									  |	explain
He									  |	what
climbed									  |	happened
his									  |	today
feet									  |	in
That's									  <
the										the
power									  |	state
of										of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	today
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	already
									  >	on
the										the
enemy									  |	island
pluton									  |	of
goes									  |	Udar
away									  |	on
He									  <
won									  <
his									  <
soldiers								  <
victory									  <
here									  <
With									  <
a									  <
certain									  <
texan									  <
population								  <
the										the
event									  |	center
emphasis								  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	Udar
									  >	came
									  >	to
									  >	us
on										on
a										a
state									  |	long-awaited
economy									  |	house
effecting								  |	Look
international,..							  |	A
...we									  |	loud
will									  |	word
see									  |	From
if									  |	the
									  >	direction
we										we
									  >	turn
									  >	You
can										can
be									  |	say
sure									  |	she
									  >	listened
									  >	to
									  >	me
									  >	here
									  >	too
									  >	Decided
									  >	That
									  >	house
									  >	was
									  >	A
									  >	great
									  >	news
									  >	to
									  >	Astronaut
about										about
the										the
djp									  |	whole
només									  |	volume
won't									  |	of
decline									  |	cities
to									  |	vendor
its									  |	That's
own									  |	not
its									  <
ownouły									  <
이�									  <
것을									  <
is									  <
obviously								  <
providing								  <
the										the
current									  |	deal
society									  |	Take
to									  <
the										the
world									  |	music
fir									  |	or
tak-tsna								  |	not
é									  <
owned									  <
by									  <
the										the
Labour									  |	left-of
family									  <
No									  <
No									  <
I									  <
don't									  <
speak									  <
much									  <
it's									  <
very									  <
interesting								  <
and									  <
whoever									  <
speaks									  <
what									  <
is									  <
good									  <
will									  <
say									  <
to									  <
bring									  <
it									  <
these									  <
things									  <
into									  <
the										the
world									  |	feet
of..									  |	His
									  >	Fence-living
									  >	power
									  >	Careful
									  >	It's
									  >	far
									  >	closer
to										to
Israel									  |	my
									  >	hand
									  >	More
									  >	frightening
									  >	jokes
									  >	Hyunir
									  >	was
									  >	bitten
									  >	down
									  >	his
									  >	brain
									  >	It
									  >	gets
									  >	full
									  >	quickly
									  >	the
									  >	headând
									  >	has
									  >	hit
									  >	twice
									  >	Democracy
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	satisfaction
of										of
a									  |	the
large									  |	security
number									  |	policy
of										of
military								  |	TOC
structures								  <
practicallyêt								  <
popular									  <
compasses								  <
are									  <
the										the
attempts								  |	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Kyiv
									  >	System
									  >	Of
									  >	those
									  >	who
									  >	represent
									  >	Joe
									  >	Minivan
									  >	as
									  >	we
									  >	see
to										to
surface									  |	freedom
									  >	of
									  >	death
the										the
Earth's									  |	formerreme
halted									  |	are
complicated								  |	unwaverable
									  >	against
									  >	no
									  >	military
									  >	officers
and										and
that									  |	is
says									  |	having
									  >	restrictions
									  >	set
									  >	by
the										the
politicians								  |	bombardment
are									  |	judges
иичесers								  |	of
									  >	hard
									  >	works
									  >	I
									  >	We
									  >	have
									  >	officers
									  >	saw
									  >	Black
									  >	women
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	army
									  >	but
									  >	guess
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	new
									  >	Walsai
									  >	Soviet
									  >	missiles
									  >	were
									  >	arrested
									  >	But
									  >	on
									  >	this
									  >	basis
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	just
									  >	as
									  >	planned
									  >	They
									  >	did
									  >	not
									  >	say
									  >	a
									  >	weapon
to										to
discuss									  |	protect
with									  <
the										the
organizations								  |	Caucasus
around									  |	Unfortunately
Russia									  |	the
instead									  |	technology
of										of
that									  |	Alameda
company									  |	frequencies
is										is
helping									  |	when
stop									  <
Raskas									  <
can									  <
control									  <
Russia's								  <
view									  <
Russia									  <
and									  <
Russia									  <
Most									  <
of									  <
all										all
you									  |	this
also									  <
remind									  <
that									  <
spring									  <
vacation								  <
will									  <
就									  <
in									  <
the									  <
day									  <
29									  <
is										is
									  >	pumped
									  >	fastest
									  >	However
									  >	what
									  >	might
									  >	have
									  >	affected
the										the
concept									  |	percentage
of										of
the										the
gulf									  |	townality
									  >	It's
									  >	starting
									  >	to
									  >	happen
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	middle
of										of
a									  |	power
German									  |	and
gang									  <
I										I
think										think
will									  |	there's
be									  |	still
more									  |	a
expensive								  |	thousands
than									  |	of
someone									  |	devices
									  >	in판al
									  >	es
									  >	racism
									  >	Sergey
									  >	moved
									  >	to
									  >	sports
									  >	movement
									  >	with
									  >	PA습니다
who										who
talks									  |	however
about									  |	thanks
some									  |	to
modern									  <
fantasy									  <
찍leepy									  <
at									  <
the									  <
agreement								  <
relationship								  <
which									  <
could									  <
only									  <
solve									  <
the										the
language								  |	military
It's									  <
a									  <
fact									  <
that									  <
our										our
domestic								  |	friends
war									  |	shouldn't
has									  |	jump
never									  |	and
been									  |	scratch
given									  |	every他
									  >	He
									  >	could
									  >	do
									  >	everything
									  >	he
									  >	did
									  >	first
									  >	and
that										that
let's									  |	all
take									  |	of
part									  |	his
in									  |	team
									  >	did
it										it
There									  |	because
is									  <
a									  <
matter									  <
of										of
even									  |	our
some									  |	testing
good									  |	point
personality								  |	growth
The									  |	When
first									  <
step									  <
when、「								  <
I									  <
am									  <
a									  <
Russianman								  <
trying									  <
to									  <
work									  <
for									  <
like									  <
11									  <
years									  <
have									  <
you									  <
done									  <
I										I
can't									  |	thought
get									  |	about
off									  |	Barel
I										I
think									  |	remembered
I'm									  |	it
a									  |	himself
coach									  |	you
What									  |	know
does									  |	was
the									  |	Guava
financing								  |	Diplomate
industry								  |	For
want									  |	example
to									  <
do									  <
A									  <
TV									  <
program									  <
It's									  <
work									  <
for									  <
only									  <
3									  <
years									  <
Maybe									  <
from									  <
children								  <
It's									  <
not									  <
something								  <
like									  <
11									  <
years									  <
because									  <
there									  <
are									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
buildings								  <
to									  <
plant									  <
etc									  <
Here									  <
principle								  <
is									  <
just									  <
to									  <
be									  <
extended								  <
there's									  <
nothing									  <
in									  <
the									  <
Russian									  <
army									  <
when										when
they									  |	he
studied									  |	looks
childbirth								  |	well
									  >	and
									  >	was
									  >	scared
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	Kot
									  >	other
									  >	holidays
You										You
can									  <
see										see
our									  |	first
grandfather								  |	he
Palma									  |	looks
mentorship								  |	good
There									  |	again
is									  |	and
no									  <
voodDRAMATE								  <
The									  <
source									  <
ofретoba								  <
M									  <
CD									  <
So									  <
to									  <
put									  <
it									  <
carefully								  <
anyone									  <
uses									  <
pines									  <
to									  <
heal									  <
The									  <
priest									  <
also									  <
has										has
pines									  |	already
in									  |	been
spinal									  <
ulkes									  <
If									  <
a										a
human									  |	team
would									  |	to
argue									  |	certain
aboutане								  |	minimum
initiative								  |	But
and									  |	here
answer									  |	something
their									  <
own									  <
legal									  <
advantage								  <
that									  <
is										is
if									  |	fine
he									  |	And
was									  |	just
									  >	for
									  >	now
									  >	it's
									  >	about
a										a
legal									  |	significant
returnist								  |	impact
									  >	For
									  >	instance
									  >	this
									  >	is
the										the
government								  |	same
would									  |	question
say									  |	of
he									  |	the
									  >	Russia
									  >	yeah
									  >	or
									  >	Russian
									  >	food
									  >	in
									  >	Russia
									  >	It
was										was
aski									  |	very
Is									  |	clear
it										it
his									  |	was
definitive								  |	the
words									  |	airentes
									  >	it
									  >	could
									  >	have
									  >	entertained
									  >	itsets
									  >	and
									  >	also
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	Slia
									  >	BersnCo
If										If
a									  |	any
knight									  |	President
meets									  |	said
a									  |	anything
grσα									  |	than
at									  <
least									  <
he									  <
will									  <
be									  <
his									  <
auger									  <
that									  <
is									  <
why									  <
he									  <
came									  <
here									  <
And									  <
you									  <
can									  <
say									  <
something								  <
interesting								  <
He									  <
is									  <
the										the
king									  |	Soviet
									  >	and
									  >	social!)
									  >	from
									  >	Russia
									  >	I
									  >	certainly
									  >	א�
of										of
only									  |	it
one									  |	theseEnds
									  >	where
									  >	countries
									  >	should
									  >	absolutely
									  >	be
									  >	used
									  >	by
									  >	economic
									  >	assistance
									  >	to
									  >	accommodate
									  >	basically
									  >	This
kind										kind
of										of
group									  |	fin
B									  |	which
sent									  |	we
to									  |	will
									  >	write
									  >	means
									  >	that
									  >	in
									  >	order
									  >	for
you										you
and									  |	truly
									  >	facing
									  >	abuilder
									  >	from
									  >	trend
									  >	Are
									  >	we
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	win
									  >	anything
									  >	as
									  >	well
									  >	as
									  >	to
									  >	make
you										you
air									  |	calm
on									  |	down
a									  <
blind									  <
date									  <
and										and
									  >	leaving
you										you
never									  |	idle
heard									  |	something
a-swing									  |	told
at									  |	However
									  >	they
									  >	don't
									  >	includes
									  >	exclusive
									  >	laws
									  >	with
									  >	any
									  >	support
									  >	of
all										all
I									  |	kinds
was									  |	So
after									  |	what
that									  |	is
but									  |	interesting
									  >	Here
in										in
general									  |	the
it's									  |	whole
dangerous								  |	amph
									  >	vividing
									  >	areas
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	lack
									  >	of
									  >	information
									  >	A
									  >	real
									  >	study
									  >	comes
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	comprehensive
									  >	job
Of										Of
course										course
this									  <
phone									  <
is									  <
quite									  <
useful									  <
Most									  <
of									  <
the										the
time									  |	case
I'm									  <
afraid									  <
he'll									  <
miss									  <
another									  <
date									  <
first									  <
since									  <
he									  <
is										is
in									  |	under
the									  |	such
same									  |	a
situation									situation
and									  |	a
then									  |	serious
follow									  |	study
me									  |	is
I									  |	quite
know..									  |	noble
Wait									  |	Dichiverse
should									  |	must..
I									  |	Do
commit									  |	you
it									  |	see
–									  |	somewhere
And									  |	dark
that's									  |	een
why									  |	ra
we									  |	da
listened								  |	ra
to									  |	because
it									  |	its
jacket									  |	main
									  >	reason
for										for
example									  |	it
that									  |	is
turned									  |	to
out									  |	tell
									  >	because
									  >	he
									  >	is
									  >	asked
									  >	to
									  >	talk
to										to
be									  <
a										a
winery									  |	certain
of									  |	guy
16									  |	and
praises									  <
So									  <
it									  <
pretty									  <
much									  <
sounded									  <
like									  <
some									  <
of									  <
our									  <
Mexican									  <
sharpeners								  <
nervous									  <
about									  <
it									  <
At									  <
night									  <
we									  <
said										said
that										that
there									  |	the
are									  |	British
skaters									  |	Sche�리
that									  |	invented
a										a
unquote									  |	submarine
Drink									  |	ship
									  >	which
									  >	was
									  >	designed
									  >	to
									  >	show
									  >	its
									  >	potential
									  >	to
									  >	reveal
									  >	Did
the										the
urge									  |	British
for									  |	think
antigen									  |	that
50枚									  |	companionsetri
However									  |	Portal
nothing									  |	see
has									  <
been									  <
told									  <
villains								  <
Because									  <
at									  <
the										the
end									  |	Oct秒an
of										of
									  >	Pastaiana
									  >	Sure
the										the
month									  |	whole
you									  |	space
doesn't									  |	elderly
even									  |	soldiers
realize									  |	say
If									  |	it
you									  |	is
think									  |	the這種
it's									  |	that
true,oshopped								  |	jumps
you'll									  |	asleep
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	watching
									  >	room
									  >	after
									  >	5-10
									  >	grams年
									  >	After
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	she
									  >	should
									  >	come
									  >	up
									  >	with
									  >	some
									  >	Evgeny
									  >	thousandnd
									  >	blocks
									  >	because
									  >	the
									  >	forty
									  >	hour
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	year
									  >	people
have										have
to										to
teach									  |	run
VT									  |	away
He									  |	on
doesn't									  |	your
									  >	knee
									  >	but
									  >	nevertheless
									  >	you
know										know
anything								  <
about										about
his									  |	me
dad									  |	we
and									  <
his									  <
wife									  <
Maybe									  <
he									  <
doesn't									  <
know										know
anything								  |	that
about									  |	having
him									  |	got
He									  |	more
knows									  |	homogeneous
about									  |	and
									  >	spacing
									  >	of
									  >	six-
									  >	фан
									  >	Alfred
									  >	Barrett
									  >	can
									  >	be
									  >	detected
									  >	therefore
									  >	to
									  >	understand
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
he									  |	people
is									  |	are
									  >	working
									  >	hard
									  >	Here
									  >	if
									  >	you
									  >	understand
									  >	such
a										a
worker									  <
There									  <
is									  <
one									  <
thing										thing
to									  |	you
understand								  |	need
He									  <
has									  <
to										to
answer										answer
the									  |	it
word									  <
I										I
think										think
he									  |	it
wanted									  |	was
to									  |	very
go									  |	necessary
to										to
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	look
									  >	at
the										the
gym									  |	village
He									  |	and
told									  |	all
									  >	this
									  >	to
									  >	say
									  >	to
people										people
about									  |	who
him									  |	have
									  >	called
									  >	me
Because										Because
he									  |	as
is									  |	a
not									  |	result
alone									  |	it
He									  <
is										is
not										not
alone									  |	the
He									  |	same
									  >	One
									  >	of
									  >	his
									  >	performances
is										is
not										not
alone									  |	in
He									  |	the
is									  |	form
alone									  |	of
He									  |	a
is									  |	group
alone									  |	of
									  >	guests
Look										Look
at										at
him									  |	all
He									  |	his
is									  |	performances
alone									  |	Well
What									  |	that's
									  >	what
									  >	it
is										is
he									  |	Give
more									  |	it
likely									  <
to										to
do									  |	me
He									  |	Give
									  >	it
									  >	to
									  >	me
									  >	A
									  >	person
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	also
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	establishment
									  >	of
									  >	his
									  >	and
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	not
									  >	certain
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	fact
									  >	that
									  >	he
is										is
not										not
alone									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	form
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	group
									  >	of
									  >	guests
He										He
is										is
not										not
alone									  <
Let									  <
us									  <
try									  <
in										in
prostration								  |	the
Those									  |	form
people									  |	of
									  >	a
									  >	group
									  >	of
									  >	guests
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	just
									  >	a
									  >	question
									  >	The
									  >	problem
									  >	is
that										that
act									  |	the
									  >	government
									  >	is
in										in
this									  |	the
room									  |	form
polity									  |	of
chants									  |	a
									  >	group
									  >	of
									  >	guests
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	form
									  >	of
									  >	a
									  >	group
									  >	of
									  >	guests
									  >	Politicians
									  >	want
to										to
point									  |	use
US									  |	it
study									  |	They
He									  |	put
likes									  |	themselves
them									  |	in
have									  |	the
									  >	form
									  >	of
a										a
lot									  |	group
of										of
minds									  |	guests
He									  |	Not
is									  |	only
essential								  <
But									  <
like									  <
a										a
number									  |	Ukrainian
									  >	group
									  >	but
									  >	also
									  >	the
									  >	majority
of										of
voting									  |	the
professionals								  |	guests
that									  |	who
is									  |	are
if									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	family
									  >	Well
									  >	when
we										we
said									  |	talk
so									  |	about
that									  <
the										the
unfolding								  |	fact
Why									  |	that
do									  |	we
they									  |	are
lack									  |	not
									  >	in
the										the
link									  |	case
with									  |	of
the										the
euro-friendly								  |	case
specter									  |	look
It's									  |	at
a									  |	it
question								  |	as
what's									  |	if
									  >	it
									  >	is
going										going
on									  <
What									  <
sets									  <
us									  <
to										to
									  >	happen
									  >	to
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	are
									  >	giving
a										a
certain									  |	question
point									  |	as
几									  |	Hitler
م									  |	Bolin
Street									  <
and										and
a									  |	what
jersey									  |	kind
The									  <
real									  <
lack									  <
of										of
talent									  |	question
Why									  |	is
do									  |	going
you									  |	to
recognize								  |	happen
any									  |	And
consensus								  |	why
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	here
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	fear
									  >	of
									  >	death
									  >	You
									  >	just
									  >	have
									  >	to
									  >	fear
									  >	And
there										there
The									  |	is
ego									  |	a
should									  |	condition
be									  |	in
dec									  |	the
odd									  |	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	which
									  >	is
									  >	generally
									  >	some
									  >	kind
									  >	of
									  >	disease
									  >	Where
									  >	is
									  >	it
									  >	going
You										You
									  >	need
									  >	to
think										think
									  >	something
									  >	You
									  >	understand
They										They
									  >	are
									  >	trying
									  >	to
think										think
they									  <
must									  <
take									  <
their									  <
way									  <
into									  <
their									  <
Ørod									  <
that										that
Øis									  |	you
peacefully								  |	are
Problem									  |	going
									  >	to
									  >	kill
									  >	your
									  >	people
									  >	but
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	problem
									  >	The
									  >	problem
is										is
that										that
we									  |	it
protect									  |	turns
freedom									  |	out
Give									  |	to
									  >	be
the										the
gün									  |	same
you									  |	Now
have									  |	it
Finally									  |	is
you									  <
skip									  <
the움									  <
from									  <
the										the
hand									  |	same
									  >	thing
									  >	In
the										the
tip									  |	end
you										you
find									  |	still
doesnít									  <
have										have
									  >	to
									  >	think
									  >	about
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	not
									  >	in
the										the
borrower								  |	state
Between									  |	And
you									  |	when
and									  <
then									  <
you										you
By									  |	again
the									  |	at
way									  |	first
									  >	like
the										the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
list									  |	political
needs									  |	party
to									  |	and
be									  <
calculated								  <
And									  <
this									  <
price									  <
arises									  <
as										as
to									  |	we
where									  |	already
									  >	know
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
grocer									  |	political
rolls									  |	party
셨어요									  |	in
In									  <
this										this
case									  |	prison
a									  |	it
ب									  |	is
Иr									  |	already
Feyyitude								  |	open
crisis									  |	At
comes									  <
from									  <
the									  <
U.S.									  <
by									  <
the��									  <
dynasty									  <
By									  <
the										the
way									  |	same
									  >	time
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	happening
									  >	then
in										in
some									  |	other
form									  |	institutions
of									  |	then
consultation								  |	it
I									  |	is
have									  |	happening
a									  |	and
question								  |	then
for									  |	everything
all									  |	is
of									  |	clear
you									  |	But
of									  |	today
course									  <
Today									  <
it										it
is										is
important									important
									  >	for
									  >	me
that										that
we									  <
have									  <
to									  <
doze									  <
to									  <
some									  <
extent									  <
It									  <
is									  <
doesun-切ube								  <
by									  <
poor									  <
extent									  <
we									  <
have									  <
above-one								  <
in									  <
the									  <
cause									  <
which									  <
is										is
not									  <
we									  <
are									  <
on									  <
the										the
Left									  |	reason
neither									  |	I
									  >	hope
									  >	to
									  >	represent
the										the
truth									  |	American
will									  |	military
be									  <
members									  <
that									  <
and									  <
in									  <
these									  <
countries								  <
somebody								  <
else									  <
will									  <
understand								  <
that									  <
this									  <
is									  <
just									  <
religious								  <
понjamers								  <
Where									  <
are									  <
you									  <
going									  <
Let's									  <
see									  <
If										If
you										you
would										would
like										like
to										to
ask									  |	call
me										me
									  >	I
									  >	would
									  >	like
to										to
call										call
									  >	the
Crimea										Crimea
or										or
Belgor									  |	the
I									  |	Belgoradevich
hope									  |	But
so									  <
Well									  <
in										in
private										private
in										in
private										private
in										in
general										general
how										how
many										many
of										of
them										them
can										can
be										be
private										private
I										I
will										will
say										say
									  >	that
yes										yes
This									  |	this
is										is
my										my
first										first
Crimea										Crimea
This										This
is										is
a									  <
very..									  <
Russian									  <
army									  <
in									  <
Ukraine									  <
And									  <
I									  <
have									  <
a									  <
base									  <
for									  <
them									  <
and									  <
with									  <
which									  <
they									  <
are									  <
only									  <
here									  <
It									  <
is									  <
clear									  <
that									  <
there									  <
is									  <
a									  <
base									  <
for									  <
the									  <
Crimea									  <
This									  <
is									  <
the										the
									  >	first
Crimea										Crimea
It									  <
has									  <
a									  <
direct									  <
effect									  <
Our									  <
base									  <
is									  <
ready									  <
It									  <
is									  <
a									  <
special									  <
country									  <
It									  <
is									  <
on									  <
the									  <
territory								  <
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
This										This
is										is
a									  |	America's
clear									  |	apartment
clear									  <
terrorist								  <
and									  <
murder									  <
Koleba									  <
who									  <
is									  <
playing									  <
with									  <
children								  <
and										and
women									  |	all
with									  |	of
a									  |	them
fight									  |	went
as									  |	to
you									  |	one
know									  <
in									  <
May									  <
of										of
									  >	restaurants
									  >	And
the										the
Second									  |	famous
World									  |	sentiment
and									  |	about
Makpholo								  |	Kashmir-O
will									  |	이야기를
tell									  <
us									  <
how									  <
it									  <
is									  <
in										in
Russia									  |	North-Situdar
What									  |	Of
do									  |	course
you									  |	it's
think									  |	great
It									  |	for
									  >	the
									  >	Karimus
									  >	dolly
									  >	was
									  >	asked
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	Crimea
									  >	So
									  >	it
is										is
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	spread
									  >	the
									  >	effects
									  >	we've
									  >	got
									  >	really
									  >	unique
									  >	relationships
									  >	with
									  >	Audi
									  >	And
									  >	then
									  >	to
									  >	defeat
									  >	this
									  >	famous
									  >	theorist
									  >	Dargyün
									  >	with
									  >	rapids
									  >	whoesi
a										a
special									  |	normal
country									  |	female
									  >	Today
									  >	Zhyno
									  >	escaped
									  >	from
									  >	this
									  >	crisis
It										It
is									  |	takes
a										a
country									  |	lot
What									  |	of
									  >	time
									  >	to
									  >	re-enter
									  >	the
									  >	critic'sán
									  >	And
									  >	he
									  >	calculates
									  >	the
									  >	status
									  >	returns
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	defense
									  >	Cheers
									  >	It
									  >	would
									  >	be
									  >	uncommon
									  >	to
									  >	know
									  >	about
									  >	the
									  >	idealism
									  >	rather
									  >	than
									  >	the
									  >	artist
									  >	That
is										is
it										it
It									  <
is										is
illegal										illegal
to										to
queue									  |	commit
out									  |	suicide
of									  |	in
which									  |	the
									  >	village
on										on
the										the
way									  |	bridge
									  >	where
									  >	there
									  >	was
									  >	no
									  >	one
									  >	else
									  >	in
the										the
online									  |	military
public									  |	object
contact									  |	and
									  >	give
									  >	people
									  >	But
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	other
									  >	hand
									  >	people
of										of
the										the
EU									  |	world's
									  >	population
									  >	it
is										is
refused									  <
even									  <
a										a
computer								  |	settlement
And									  |	it
all									  <
the									  <
people									  <
all									  <
the									  <
people									  <
and									  <
one									  <
think									  <
should									  <
be									  <
given									  <
to									  <
people									  <
and									  <
usually									  <
this									  <
money									  <
is										is
used									  |	a
									  >	settlement
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	settlement
									  >	in
									  >	any
									  >	state
But										But
									  >	it
									  >	turns
									  >	out
									  >	that
in										in
Ab									  |	Europe
monitasiets								  |	today
									  >	it
is										is
better									  |	legitimizing
It									  |	it
is										is
more										more
logical									  |	than
is									  |	that
it										it
is										is
worth									  |	called
contacting								  |	that
the									  |	those
									  >	who
									  >	call
									  >	it
terrorists									terrorists
and										and
talk									  |	as
									  >	they
									  >	say
with										with
this									  |	such
people										people
And									  |	and
I									  |	you
have										have
to										to
clear									  |	understand
which									  |	it
is										is
suitable								  |	dangerous
falling									  |	to
into									  |	protect
details									  |	the
									  >	nature
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	environment
									  >	does
									  >	not
									  >	last
									  >	forever
Everyone									Everyone
is										is
turned									  |	looking
out									  |	for
									  >	you
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	trying
to										to
be									  |	get
									  >	rid
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	fear
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	environment
									  >	But
									  >	still
									  >	remember
									  >	when
									  >	you
									  >	come
									  >	to
									  >	these
									  >	cities
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	are
									  >	waiting
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	state
as										as
clear									  |	a
									  >	state
as										as
time									  |	a
was									  |	state
You									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	middle
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	people
									  >	who
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	understand
									  >	anything
									  >	when
									  >	they
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	understand
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	protect
									  >	the
									  >	nature
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	Russia
can										can
see									  |	not
									  >	be
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	but
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	end
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	just
									  >	trying
									  >	to
									  >	understand
									  >	You
									  >	in
									  >	your
									  >	opinion
									  >	are
the										the
main										main
thoughts								  <
of									  <
people										people
that									  |	what
									  >	is
this										this
scene									  |	Will
will									  |	it
be										be
released								  <
for										for
everyone								  |	all
In									  |	of
									  >	you
									  >	in
the										the
meantime								  |	sense
there									  |	that
will									  |	for
be									  |	Europe
no									  |	in
complaints								  |	the
No									  |	United
complaints								  |	States
And									  <
there										there
will										will
									  >	not
be										be
no									  |	any
									  >	kind
									  >	of
comfort										comfort
Let's										Let's
take										take
a										a
look										look
at										at
									  >	the
									  >	state
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
our										our
chef									  |	chief
									  >	of
the										the
American									American
player									  |	city
									  >	well
									  >	he
									  >	is
									  >	brought
									  >	up
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	market
									  >	this
									  >	cities
									  >	where
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	nothing
									  >	else
									  >	The
									  >	next
									  >	time
									  >	it
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	possible
									  >	remotely
on										on
the										the
famous									  |	island
star									  <
of										of
Mariana									  |	Zeus
this									  |	or
town									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
									  >	our
									  >	officialivan
									  >	cross
									  >	noisy
									  >	interests
in										in
Illinois								  |	the
									  >	Nicaragua
									  >	Region
									  >	and
									  >	there
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	report
									  >	Percients
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
in										in
the										the
history									  |	middle
of										of
Danube									  |	the
and									  |	city
									  >	Solidans
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	look
									  >	out
									  >	for
									  >	this
									  >	new
									  >	generation
									  >	I
									  >	hope
									  >	they
									  >	didn't
									  >	overstate
									  >	their
									  >	education
									  >	He
									  >	took
									  >	his
									  >	home
									  >	home
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	higher
									  >	room
									  >	As
it's										it's
supposed								  |	done
to									  |	now
									  >	I
									  >	won't
be										be
eye									  |	able
of									  |	to
a									  |	choose
public									  |	for
									  >	Valleant
									  >	they
									  >	are回來
									  >	I
									  >	hope
									  >	they
									  >	enjoy
									  >	it
									  >	So
									  >	I'll
									  >	not
									  >	play
									  >	all
									  >	day
for										for
the										the
Land									  |	first
Province								  |	time
archaeology								  <
and										and
									  >	in
the										the
future									  |	end
as									  |	all
many									  |	kinds
as									  <
possible								  <
It's									  <
about									  <
magnificence								  <
the									  <
American								  <
Régis									  <
version									  <
of									  <
our									  <
civil									  <
war									  <
was									  <
a									  <
totally									  <
different								  <
part									  <
of										of
it									  |	problems
and										and
in									  |	then
crudulation								  |	take
Soap									  <
fighters								  <
were									  <
selected								  <
as									  <
the										the
most									  |	call
respected								  |	out
—									  <
in										in
the										the
past									  |	new
recently								  |	way
My									  |	they
name									  |	deserve
is									  |	nothing
Domiao									  |	but
Add									  |	doing
in									  |	business
this									  |	Valentia
competition								  |	and
there									  |	Jiro鉄塔
is									  |	but
plenty									  |	how
of									  <
work									  <
to									  <
come									  <
to										to
You									  |	differentiate
In									  |	it
you									  <
where									  <
is									  <
people									  <
in									  <
Kashmir									  <
and										and
I									  |	how
have									  |	they
an									  |	all
interview								  |	are
									  >	familiar
with										with
you									  <
Vice									  <
versa									  <
although								  <
it										it
really									  |	You
feels									  |	can
like									  <
it's									  <
so									  <
cool									  <
to									  <
see										see
the									  |	all
interpretations								  |	his
and									  |	strengths
expressions								  |	draw
of									  <
organised								  <
accounts								  <
Covered									  <
by									  <
the									  <
I'm									  <
being									  <
charged									  <
with									  <
a									  <
very									  <
quick									  <
mistake									  <
But									  <
has									  <
a									  <
bigger									  <
plot									  <
I									  <
have									  <
to									  <
tell									  <
you									  <
but									  <
for									  <
other									  <
countries								  <
to									  <
get									  <
in									  <
general									  <
of									  <
your										your
departed								  |	eyebrows
equipment								  |	so
and									  |	it's
related									  |	worth
research								  |	winning
orders									  |	Everything
									  >	is
									  >	selected
									  >	Through
									  >	the
									  >	doors
of										of
course									  |	the
are									  |	audience
coveringrete								  |	we'd
Over									  |	like
13									  |	to
kilometers								  |	speak
									  >	with
									  >	theHello
									  >	a
									  >	star-d
									  >	members
									  >	from
									  >	Alidadanova
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	ancient
									  >	building
of										of
									  >	La
									  >	קТак
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	single
									  >	kilometer
									  >	not
that										that
Mate									  |	you
Ryун									  |	have
is									  <
sitting									  <
far									  <
super									  <
max									  <
familiar								  <
b3									  <
to										to
300									  |	deal
kV									  |	with
This									  |	it
is									  |	wait
what									  <
I									  <
call									  <
Even									  <
within									  <
the									  <
few									  <
kilometers								  <
don't									  <
just									  <
stop									  <
on									  <
whom									  <
we										we
found									  |	are
Antononov								  |	on
and									  |	our
that									  |	way
									  >	to
									  >	Antonov
he										he
left									  |	went
Scheuben								  |	and
told										told
us										us
									  >	about
how										how
you									  |	to
feel										feel
after									  <
the										the
victory										victory
He									  <
used									  <
to									  <
seance									  <
96									  <
years									  <
old									  <
catastrophe								  <
is									  <
that									  <
kktaiski								  <
is									  <
the										the
one									  |	victory
He's									  |	will
15yr									  <
old									  <
I									  <
won't									  <
be										be
able									  |	felt
to									  |	he
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	our
									  >	future
									  >	the
									  >	teacher
									  >	by
									  >	the
									  >	way
									  >	talks
									  >	about
									  >	Chinese
									  >	language
									  >	he
									  >	has
									  >	already
									  >	500
									  >	languages
									  >	but
									  >	I
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	can
									  >	not
ask										ask
for										for
your									  |	our
Excellency								  |	language
for									  |	in
him									  <
to									  <
present									  <
The									  <
perspective								  <
of									  <
the										the
development								  |	United
									  >	States
									  >	and
									  >	the
									  >	perspective
of										of
the										the
environment								  |	world
and										and
in										in
general										general
at										at
some										some
point										point
there									  |	now
									  >	everything
is										is
a									  |	on
lot									  |	the
of									  |	street
space									  |	very
behind									  |	very
it										it
It									  <
was										was
very										very
hard									  |	difficult
for										for
Antonov										Antonov
to										to
say										say
that										that
in										in
general										general
these										these
questions									questions
are										are
taking									  |	especially
place									  |	difficult
in									  |	do
the									  <
special									  <
service									  <
It									  <
does									  <
not										not
need										need
to										to
run										run
here										here
in										in
the										the
middle										middle
of										of
the										the
level									  |	road
Our									  |	our
country										country
is										is
in									  |	going
									  >	to
the										the
same									  |	United
state									  |	States
It									  |	do
does									  <
not										not
take										take
place									  |	into
in									  |	account
the									  |	we
speculations								  |	are
We									  <
have									  <
no										no
one										one
in										in
this										this
political									political
case										case
we										we
don't									  |	are
want									  |	mentally
									  >	not
									  >	going
to										to
work										work
on									  |	therefore
it									  <
Therefore								  <
the										the
process										process
goes										goes
on									  <
we										we
all										all
know										know
in										in
its										its
time										time
We									  |	we
have										have
mentioned								  |	commented
									  >	on
our										our
advice									  |	path
of										of
course										course
and										and
very									  |	well
much									  |	a
in									  |	lot
the									  <
case									  <
of										of
									  >	words
									  >	are
									  >	said
									  >	not
									  >	afraid
									  >	on
the										the
Biden									  |	fact
because									  |	that
he										he
is										is
waiting										waiting
for										for
the									  |	something
point									  |	to
itself									  |	be
									  >	with
									  >	him
he										he
will										will
be										be
there										there
Naturally								  |	of
there									  |	course
will									  |	not
be									  <
no									  <
more										more
than										than
Antonov's								  |	that
as										as
I										I
said										said
that									  <
Antonov										Antonov
is									  |	decided
a									  |	to
part									  |	check
of									  |	it
the									  <
business								  <
It									  <
is										is
not										not
worth										worth
it										it
in										in
general										general
to										to
communicate									communicate
with										with
us										us
in										in
such										such
a										a
way									  |	tone
Of									  |	and
									  >	of
course										course
there										there
will										will
be										be
no										no
such										such
a										a
positive									positive
reaction									reaction
if										if
in										in
such										such
a										a
way									  |	tone
they										they
will									  |	communicate
be									  |	with
completely								  |	each
continued								  |	other
Well									  |	well
we										we
have									  <
talked										talked
to										to
you										you
about									  |	in
the										the
elections									elections
of									  |	naturally
course									  <
here										here
it										it
is										is
very										very
clean										clean
When									  |	this
									  >	is
									  >	when
you										you
are										are
in										in
New										New
York										York
you										you
will									  |	take
see									  |	a
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	the
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
flags									  |	flag
									  >	in
									  >	fact
I										I
have										have
arrived										arrived
here										here
in										in
the										the
military								  |	United
For									  |	States
									  >	for
example										example
200										200
thousand									thousand
for										for
the										the
last										last
two										two
hundred										hundred
I										I
have										have
not										not
seen										seen
one										one
Ukrainian									Ukrainian
flag										flag
There									  |	exactly
are									  |	for
									  >	example
									  >	for
people										people
who										who
come										come
here									  <
to										to
talk										talk
about									  |	to
									  >	someone
									  >	for
these										these
candidates									candidates
And									  |	and
they									  <
form										form
this										this
statistic									statistic
to									  |	because
the									  <
fact									  <
that									  <
the										the
number										number
of										of
people										people
who										who
were									  |	are
exposed									  |	without
to									  |	a
Ukraine									  |	package
in									  |	of
the										the
middle									  |	supply
of										of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	they
									  >	sell
									  >	it
									  >	in
the										the
United										United
States										States
in										in
May										May
was									  <
55									  <
percent									  <
Now									  <
it										it
is									  |	was
									  >	55%
									  >	now
already										already
38										38
percent									  |	this
This									  <
is										is
the										the
American									American
government								  |	глубunka
which										which
is									  <
all										all
over									  |	unfortunately
the									  |	there
world									  <
There									  <
is										is
already										already
									  >	a
Biden										Biden
to										to
explain										explain
it									  |	and
And									  <
why										why
are									  |	such
these									  <
money										money
going									  |	is
									  >	made
on										on
in									  |	the
									  >	military
									  >	assistance
									  >	of
Ukraine										Ukraine
And									  |	and
why										why
are									  |	now
these									  <
money									  <
going									  <
on									  <
in										in
the										the
United									  |	last
States									  |	day
Britain									  |	the
Yes									  |	Górka
Bernie									  <
bear									  <
a									  <
sales									  <
rate									  <
ofochromitis								  <
on									  <
average									  <
and										and
again									  |	Iran
this									  |	yes
has									  |	the
come									  |	world
since									  |	of
the										the
80th									  |	6th
century										century
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Caribbean
									  >	crisis
and										and
again										again
in									  |	I
Europe									  |	am
state									  |	going
becomes									  |	to
super厄vis								  <
own									  <
so									  <
eyepiece								  <
becomes									  <
very									  <
careful									  <
but									  <
what									  <
people									  <
say										say
is									  |	again
poor									  |	we
If									  |	will
O									  |	listen
Zurich									  <
companies								  <
want									  <
them									  <
to										to
protect									  |	what
Russia									  |	in
–									  |	Europe
this									  |	with
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
									  >	they
									  >	collect
									  >	some
									  >	cases
									  >	here
									  >	there
is										is
true									  |	also
									  >	a
									  >	very
									  >	very
									  >	important
									  >	moment
									  >	because
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	afraid
of										of
the										the
law									  |	nuclear
and									  |	reaction
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	they
									  >	say
that										that
society									  <
is									  <
independent								  <
or									  <
they										they
bedeltry								  |	will
a									  <
funny									  <
mortal									  <
thing									  <
What									  <
should									  <
it									  <
be										be
									  >	introduced
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	United
									  >	States
									  >	well
									  >	what
									  >	are
									  >	the
									  >	holostes
									  >	nuclear
									  >	devices
									  >	are
									  >	used
									  >	well
									  >	the
									  >	holostes
									  >	nuclear
									  >	devices
									  >	probably
									  >	the
									  >	sound
									  >	is
									  >	also
									  >	mixed
									  >	like
									  >	a
									  >	crazy
									  >	vodka
									  >	well
what										what
should										should
it									  <
have									  <
to									  <
do										do
on									  |	You
a									  |	need
GitHub									  |	to
									  >	somehow
									  >	you
									  >	need
									  >	to
									  >	somehow
									  >	you
									  >	need
to										to
work										work
on										on
these										these
elections									elections
Yes									  |	and
									  >	yes
of										of
course										course
they										they
became									  |	were
a									  |	put
dependent								  |	out
person									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	fire
with										with
a									  |	the
certain									  |	power
desire									  |	of
to									  |	people
rule									  |	who
									  >	when
									  >	it
									  >	was
									  >	made
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	table
									  >	and
									  >	these
people										people
who									  |	well
had									  <
the										the
thing									  |	participants
like									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	Zelenskiy
									  >	I
									  >	am
									  >	sure
									  >	to
									  >	disassemble
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	fact
that										that
People									  <
via									  <
a									  <
license									  <
they									  <
play									  <
on									  <
it									  <
except									  <
for									  <
how									  <
for										for
example										example
you										you
can										can
go										go
to										to
a									  |	the
prison									  |	nuclear
and									  |	power
you									  |	station
									  >	how
can										can
									  >	you
go										go
to										to
a									  |	general
않아かな								  |	global
and									  |	conflict
look									  |	they
forLaughter								  |	do
People									  |	not
are									  |	do
leaving									  |	the
about									  |	education
half									  |	they
a									  |	do
million									  |	not
countries								  <
In									  <
this									  <
country									  <
there									  <
have										have
been									  |	any
forON									  |	obligation
LVDs									  <
at									  <
the										the
time									  |	google
You									  |	is
and									  |	higher
your									  |	tablets
people									  |	I
were									  |	turned
crop									  |	out
top									  |	well
									  >	when
									  >	I
									  >	when
									  >	I
									  >	said
									  >	that
									  >	the
									  >	Ukrainian
									  >	video
									  >	is
									  >	military-ен
									  >	redirects
									  >	well
									  >	this
									  >	Keevsky
in										in
a									  |	today
metal									  |	here
strip									  |	he
of									  |	is
course									  |	Turkey-y
So									  |	bij
what									  |	didn't
do									  |	enter
									  >	an
									  >	diarrhea
									  >	barrier
									  >	the
									  >	market
									  >	is
									  >	$100,000
									  >	in
									  >	exchange
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	independent
									  >	China
									  >	and
									  >	Europe
									  >	indeed
									  >	quite
									  >	seriousdled
									  >	odies
									  >	Thank
you										you
think									  |	very
Mr									  |	much
Stalin									  |	Valentin
went									  |	Baddanov
									  >	hello
									  >	our
									  >	She
									  >	chose
									  >	Israeli
									  >	Night
									  >	Philosophy
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	win
									  >	We
									  >	continue
to										to
that									  |	set
most									  |	an
researchers								  |	Atkazov
should									  |	axis
show									  |	There
us									  |	are
									  >	also
									  >	steps
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	Western
									  >	characters
									  >	into
the										the
latest									  |	enemy
before									  |	But
being									  |	we
a									  |	are
marine									  |	moving
gutter									  |	slowly
seen									  |	The
by									  |	subordinate
one									  <
of										of
them									  |	the
									  >	stripping
									  >	VS
The										The
researcher								  |	Mar
Griner									  |	frightening
paints									  |	attention
characters								  |	to
present									  |	his
at									  |	role
									  >	looks
									  >	less
									  >	poor-bathed
									  >	than
									  >	other
									  >	genesis
									  >	How
									  >	about
the										the
age									  |	trigonитесь
									  >	A
									  >	number
of										of
13									  |	boxes
Or									  |	He
방법's									  <
possession								  <
President								  <
Biden									  <
said									  <
that									  <
he									  <
is										is
not										not
allowed										allowed
to										to
meet										meet
									  >	with
President									President
Putin										Putin
and										and
he										he
is										is
									  >	probably
sure										sure
that										that
Russian										Russian
should										should
have									  |	take
a									  |	this
serious										serious
situation								  |	proposal
which										which
we										we
have										have
put										put
on										on
the										the
table										table
and									  |	or
made									  |	make
a										a
serious										serious
situation								  |	scary
in									  |	proposal
the									  <
middle									  <
of									  <
the									  <
talks									  <
but										but
in										in
the										the
air									  |	future
he										he
is										is
not										not
allowed										allowed
to										to
meet										meet
with										with
Vladimir									Vladimir
Putin										Putin
we									  |	We
talked										talked
about										about
this										this
a										a
lot										lot
earlier										earlier
Breitner								  |	Britain
Griner										Griner
and										and
Paul										Paul
Uylan										Uylan
were										were
detained									detained
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
and										and
we										we
believe										believe
that										that
they										they
should										should
not										not
be										be
afraid										afraid
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
and										and
this										this
was									  <
always										always
									  >	was
our										our
position									position
Well									  <
I										I
think										think
that										that
in									  <
the									  <
last										last
two										two
days										days
two										two
days										days
showed										showed
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
important									important
things										things
The										The
first										first
at										at
the										the
end										end
will										will
be										be
clear										clear
about										about
the										the
fact										fact
that										that
we										we
are									  |	call
called									  |	the
economic									economic
logic										logic
Look									  |	Here
									  >	look
at										at
the										the
fact									  |	impression
that										that
the										the
situation									situation
in										in
general										general
in										in
									  >	the
general										general
in									  |	assembly
general									  <
how										how
much										much
we										we
were										were
killed										killed
									  >	and
from										from
the										the
previous									previous
experts										experts
and									  |	Ahra
the									  |	China
Russian									  <
and										and
the										the
second										second
economy									  |	economic
of									  <
the									  <
world										world
he									  <
can										can
say									  |	be
what									  |	said
he									  |	that
wants									  |	they
and									  |	want
									  >	to
									  >	And
how										how
									  >	The
									  >	same
									  >	How
									  >	much
did										did
he									  <
risk									  <
The									  <
fact									  <
that									  <
we										we
have										have
talked									  |	What
about									  <
how									  <
we									  <
are										are
close									  |	our
to									  |	beautiful
the									  |	stars
world									  <
of									  <
the										the
Arab										Arab
economic									economic
countries									countries
the										the
European									European
business									business
and										and
I										I
remember								  |	would
that									  |	like
									  >	to
									  >	remind
									  >	you
in										in
2014										2014
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	beginning
									  >	for
									  >	a
									  >	long
									  >	time
when										when
our										our
experts										experts
said										said
that										that
Europe										Europe
will										will
not										not
be										be
									  >	one
									  >	of
the										the
same									  |	best
as									  |	in
the									  |	Russia
Russian									  <
the									  <
German										German
business									business
does										does
not										not
allow										allow
us									  <
to									  <
do									  <
this										this
we									  |	to
									  >	be
									  >	done
									  >	We
are										are
economic									economic
in										in
the										the
name									  |	West
									  >	and
									  >	we
									  >	have
									  >	as
									  >	many
of										of
the									  <
whole									  <
country									  <
but									  <
here									  <
you										you
are									  |	as
the									  |	you
									  >	as
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	see
									  >	The
end										end
of										of
the										the
economic									economic
movement									movement
the										the
end										end
of										of
the										the
movement									movement
where										where
everything									everything
comes									  |	is
									  >	offered
to										to
the										the
economy										economy
why									  |	and
									  >	what
we										we
are										are
not									  |	going
able									  <
to										to
talk										talk
to									  |	about
the									  |	is
experts									  |	not
Everything								  |	offered
comes									  <
to										to
the										the
economy										economy
absolutely									absolutely
and									  |	And
it										it
comes									  |	is
									  >	offered
to										to
the										the
political									political
volume										volume
and										and
the										the
political									political
reaction									reaction
And										And
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
do										do
not										not
like										like
the									  |	it
fact									  |	but
that									  <
we										we
are										are
in										in
the										the
capital										capital
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
that									  |	This
is										is
									  >	why
we										we
are										are
in										in
the										the
capital										capital
of										of
the										the
world									  |	United
we									  |	States
									  >	We
have										have
been										been
waiting										waiting
for										for
ourselves								  |	you
for									  |	to
a									  |	see
while									  <
that										that
we										we
live									  |	are
in										in
the										the
world									  |	most
									  >	difficult
									  >	time
although									although
we										we
have										have
never										never
lived									  |	been
in										in
the										the
world									  |	United
why									  |	States
did									  |	What
we									  |	happened
start									  <
in										in
general									  <
let's									  <
say									  <
the										the
situation								  |	United
of									  |	States
									  >	So
									  >	the
strategic									strategic
Soviet										Soviet
Union										Union
the										the
solution								  |	Soviet
to									  |	Union
the										the
									  >	world's
									  >	world's
									  >	world's
world										world
that									  <
was									  <
in									  <
the									  <
9th									  <
century									  <
the										the
									  >	world's
									  >	world's
world										world
and										and
the										the
									  >	world's
world										world
in									  |	can
									  >	be
									  >	given
									  >	to
the										the
first									  |	people
possible								  |	of
date									  <
with									  <
the										the
определен								  |	world
conditions								  |	And
and									  <
in										in
the										the
second										second
									  >	one
									  >	and
there										there
is										is
a										a
plan										plan
B										B
if										if
everything								  |	all
									  >	of
									  >	you
									  >	start
									  >	your
									  >	own
									  >	business
									  >	The
									  >	plan
									  >	B
is										is
starting								  |	limited
to										to
go									  <
on									  <
it									  <
turns									  <
out									  <
that									  <
the									  <
elite									  <
who									  <
are									  <
ranked									  <
only										only
on									  |	one
the									  <
economy										economy
they										they
are									  |	have
not									  |	no
a									  <
plan										plan
B										B
and									  |	The
the									  |	next
elite									  |	element
who									  |	that
are									  |	randomly
ranked									  |	civilized
on									  <
the									  <
tough									  <
the									  <
power									  <
of									  <
the									  <
national								  <
protest									  <
they									  <
are									  <
showing									  <
the									  <
game									  <
and									  <
they									  <
are									  <
in									  <
the										the
political								  |	crypto
situation								  |	market
but									  |	is
									  >	by
									  >	And
they										they
have									  |	tend
									  >	to
									  >	show
such										such
a									  <
plan										plan
and										and
even										even
B										B
and									  |	seems
even									  <
C									  <
because									  <
they									  <
do									  <
not									  <
have									  <
a									  <
limit									  <
to										to
the									  |	be
fact									  |	huge
that									  |	because
there									  <
are									  <
some									  <
financial								  <
difficulties								  <
there									  <
are									  <
some									  <
stars									  <
they										they
are									  |	have
not									  |	external
building								  |	restrictions
illusions								  |	between
At									  |	financials
the									  |	themselves
moment									  |	with
third									  |	no
it									  |	uncertainties
									  >	Why
is										is
not									  |	it
important								  |	so
									  >	hard
to										to
be									  |	explain
aware									  <
of									  <
why									  <
the									  <
Ukraine									  <
so-called								  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
and										and
why										why
the									  |	is
Ukraine									  |	it
so-called								  |	so
white									  |	hard
house									  |	to
because									  |	do
									  >	it
									  >	Because
they										they
are									  |	think
not									  <
that										that
we										we
are									  |	have
not									  |	several
in									  |	times
a									  <
hurry									  <
to										to
stop										stop
this									  |	it
									  >	This
is										is
the									  |	a
link									  |	long-term
to									  |	business
the									  |	The
green									  <
house									  <
the									  <
main										main
economic									economic
									  >	economy
we										we
need										need
to										to
go										go
to										to
the										the
									  >	capital
									  >	of
European									European
partners									partners
and									  |	And
now										now
there										there
will										will
be										be
your									  |	a
elite									  |	word
who									  |	for
									  >	it
									  >	which
will										will
come									  |	lead
to									  <
the									  <
company									  <
to										to
									  >	compromise
									  >	To
get										get
the										the
answer										answer
to										to
the										the
Polish									  |	compromise
company									  |	Why
why									  |	is
so-called								  |	it
									  >	so
									  >	hard
									  >	to
									  >	explain
Biden										Biden
Because										Because
it									  <
is									  <
believed								  <
in									  <
our										our
opinion									  |	subsidiaries
									  >	are
									  >	employees
that										that
we										we
are									  |	Prepare
ready									  <
to									  <
go									  <
to										to
Turkey									  |	Syrian
to									  |	players
come									  |	They
and									  <
to									  <
the									  <
peaceful								  <
gorgeur									  <
oh									  <
suddenly								  <
or									  <
World									  <
Parliament								  <
you									  <
are										are
ready										ready
to									  |	to礒
stop									  |	them
Well									  |	by
when									  |	pushing
Russia									  |	them
will									  |	It's
accept									  |	all
the									  |	about
autobiography								  |	proof
of										of
the										the
power									  |	problem
we									  <
will									  <
remember								  <
everything								  <
because									  <
we										we
will									  |	have
ensure									  |	filled
									  >	up
									  >	What
									  >	is
the										the
joint									  |	logic
of									  |	Why
a									  |	are
currency								  <
b									  <
Knowing									  <
that									  <
you										you
have									  |	going
won									  |	to
At									  |	play
times									  |	In
Ukrainian								  |	incentive
or									  |	building
Italian									  |	you
fry									  |	told
alguien									  <
will									  <
say									  <
that										that
the										the
country									  |	aquest
taxes									  |	rule
will									  |	didn't
not									  |	officially
even									  <
be									  <
found									  <
on									  <
the									  <
line									  <
And									  <
they									  <
were									  <
already									  <
in									  <
the									  <
world									  <
and										and
they									  |	the
were									  |	destruction
									  >	of
									  >	the沒有
									  >	was
									  >	made
									  >	They
									  >	have
already										already
created									  |	existed
for										for
the										the
reason									  |	museum
that										that
it									  |	this
was									  |	had
in									  |	to
which									  |	be
we									  |	as
were									  |	additional
in										in
the										the
information									information
company										company
And									  |	About
the									  <
rest									  <
of									  <
the									  <
world									  <
was									  <
not										not
the									  |	being
one									  |	able
who									  <
said									  <
that									  <
he									  <
was									  <
the									  <
king									  <
of									  <
the									  <
universe								  <
but									  <
that									  <
you									  <
want									  <
the									  <
world									  <
to										to
be									  |	understand
the									  |	in
king									  |	this
of									  |	museum
									  >	such
									  >	as
the										the
universe								  |	2001
									  >	Hydroluenewa
									  >	seal
									  >	came
									  >	back
									  >	but
that										that
you									  |	there
want									  |	must
the									  |	have
world									  |	been�
to									  |	a
be									  |	bunker
the									  |	down
king									  |	from
of									  |	this
									  >	way
									  >	each
									  >	Jew
									  >	and
									  >	a
									  >	young
									  >	one
									  >	were
									  >	riddled
									  >	At
the										the
world									  |	same
Now									  |	time
in									  |	we
									  >	don't
									  >	have
the										the
next									  |	same
moment									  |	importance
there									  <
is									  <
no									  <
important								  <
thing									  <
We										We
in										in
my										my
opinion										opinion
are										are
now										now
in									  |	all
the									  <
world									  <
of										of
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
power									  |	solutions
									  >	that
we										we
need										need
to										to
make									  |	do
a									  <
very										very
simple										simple
and										and
logical										logical
step									  |	steps
which										which
can										can
be										be
made										made
of										of
our										our
state-of-the-art								state-of-the-art
									  >	home
You										You
are										are
the									  |	a
king									  |	follower
of										of
the									  <
universe								  <
and									  <
all										all
the										the
members									  <
of									  <
the									  <
nuclear										nuclear
power									  |	solutions
in									  |	that
the									  <
state									  <
which									  <
we										we
will										will
remain									  |	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	understand
Look										Look
									  >	at
what										what
is									  |	we
									  >	will
									  >	see
									  >	in
our										our
view										view
Firstly									  |	First
									  >	of
									  >	all
we										we
can										can
spend									  |	find
on									  |	the
to									  |	solution
build									  <
an									  <
army									  <
of										of
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
weapons									  |	solution
useful									  |	But
for									  |	first
example									  |	in
a									  |	the
number									  |	talks
of										of
inscriptions								  |	Boris
associated								  |	Setup
with									  |	and
									  >	today
the										the
United									  |	headquarters
States									  |	of
So									  <
let's									  <
call									  <
for									  <
the										the
election								  |	regional
campaign								  |	allies
on									  |	will
December								  |	be
10									  |	under
Another									  |	the
									  >	authorization
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	Southern
									  >	cette
									  >	up
									  >	to
									  >	The
									  >	University
									  >	The
second										second
									  >	thing
									  >	about
the										the
more									  |	interests
interesting								  |	of
this									  <
is									  <
the										the
order									  |	United
–									  |	States
there									  |	and
									  >	this
is										is
									  >	worth
the										the
global									  |	globalitarian
system										system
on									  |	From
America									  |	all
called									  |	sciences
–									  |	and
the										the
official								  |	country
continent								  |	accepting
									  >	all
of										of
the									  |	the般
American								  <
states									  <
murder									  <
defenders								  <
themselves								  <
before									  <
its									  <
fighters								  <
in									  <
the									  <
US									  <
They									  <
are									  <
talking									  <
about									  <
these									  <
shots									  <
which									  <
conducts								  <
an									  <
derrière								  <
OF									  <
completely								  <
counter-attacks								  <
of										of
nation-dominers								  |	America
that									  <
have									  <
set									  <
the									  <
whole									  <
situation								  <
at									  <
their									  <
endurance								  <
They										They
generally								  |	came
provided								  |	up
that									  |	with
at									  |	a
									  >	clear
									  >	intervene
									  >	самыеント
									  >	in
the										the
e-ribal									  |	sciences
award									  |	and
ordered									  |	signature
that									  |	major引ads
									  >	programs
									  >	and
									  >	it末's
the										the
soldiers								  |	advantage
									  >	that
									  >	Russia
									  >	is
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	enter
									  >	Millions
of										of
Parliament								  |	millions
were									  |	of
all									  |	people
favourable								  |	who
									  >	lived
in										in
the										the
state									  |	United
									  >	States
of										of
his»									  |	the
they									  |	States
are									  |	of
just									  |	the
a									  |	United
horrific								  |	States
or									  |	go
sensational								  |	to
Putin									  |	nowhere
was									  <
insurmatied								  <
on									  <
people									  <
Bismun									  <
fell									  <
They										They
don't									  |	just
believe									  |	become
or									  |	unnecessary
desire									  |	Then
an									  |	when
energetic								  |	I
infrastructure								  |	looked
in									  |	as
Ukraine									  |	you
but									  |	saw
they									  |	President
trust									  |	Sasha
them									  |	through
The									  |	his
reason									  |	Congress
for										for
this									  |	such
theory									  |	a
is									  |	long
that									  |	time
this									  |	In
american								  |	the
should									  |	right
									  >	approach
									  >	our
									  >	contracts
									  >	can
be										be
composed								  |	very
for									  |	useful
a									  |	And
corporation								  |	we
									  >	are
									  >	very
									  >	young
									  >	We
									  >	just
									  >	understand
for										for
had									  |	ourselves
that									  |	we
green									  |	are
calcium									  |	private
as									  |	organizations
given									  <
but									  <
now									  <
we'll									  <
get									  <
closer									  <
to									  <
it									  <
Can									  <
this										this
									  >	morning
									  >	Where
									  >	We
									  >	need
									  >	to
be										be
made									  |	careful
external								  |	with
Yeah									  |	it
how									  |	It's
are									  |	not
									  >	necessary
									  >	As
									  >	I
									  >	said
we										we
looking									  |	started
blessly									  |	in
more									  |	the
serious									  |	past
You									  |	50
as									  |	years
									  >	And
									  >	if
									  >	you
									  >	can
									  >	it's
a										a
man									  |	great
I've									  |	pleasure
mentioned								  |	Well
against									  |	what
Guvorye									  |	should
and									  |	we
Yadian									  |	say
will									  |	about
hit									  |	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	Federation
									  >	You
									  >	in
the										the
wings									  |	head
									  >	have
									  >	a
									  >	person
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	talking
									  >	about
									  >	nuclear
									  >	weapons
									  >	And
									  >	he
									  >	has
									  >	a
									  >	lot
of										of
his									  |	weapons
respect									  |	They
his									  <
they									  <
are										are
even										even
investors								  |	not
anymore									  |	fighting
Your									  |	They
friends									  <
are										are
the									  |	fighting
way									  |	each
of										of
waiting									  |	them
for									  <
your									  <
birthday								  <
They										They
are										are
every个									  |	fighting
andевcept								  |	each
of										of
what									  |	them
the									  |	And
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	fighting
									  >	each
other										other
ones									  <
have									  <
And										And
eventually								  <
we										we
will									  |	are
talk									  |	fighting
about									  |	each
what									  |	other
									  >	What
is										is
here									  <
I									  <
guess									  <
that's									  <
what									  <
something..								  <
It's									  <
really									  <
nice									  <
telling									  <
me									  <
that										that
this									  |	It's
guy									  |	a
is!.									  |	lie
They									  |	He
									  >	was
									  >	caught
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	moment
									  >	It's
									  >	also
									  >	a
									  >	lie
									  >	We
are										are
waiting									  |	a
for									  |	preventive
someone									  |	nuclear
									  >	This
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	person
									  >	Or
									  >	maybe
									  >	something
else										else
									  >	Show
									  >	it
									  >	fragment
You										You
believe									  |	are
in									  |	a
the									  |	winner
government								  <
You										You
believe									  |	are
in									  |	a
									  >	winner
									  >	You
									  >	are
									  >	a
									  >	winner
									  >	I
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	assistant
									  >	to
the										the
government								  <
and									  <
use									  <
irresistible								  <
weapons									  <
Russian										Russian
We									  |	Federation
believed								  |	in
that									  |	west教th科
the									  |	Well
citizens								  |	I
intention								  |	mean
									  >	I
									  >	want
to										to
accuse									  |	do
NATO									  |	a
would									  |	17th
well									  |	degree
keeping									  |	to
the									  |	cut
relations								  |	Russia
of									  |	And
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	siitäing
the										the
equipment								  |	Russian
unmetting's..								  |	Federation
									  >	in
									  >	south教th科
What										What
should									  |	will
we									  |	you
do										do
This									  |	Do
is									  <
to									  <
say									  <
you										you
can									  |	need
change									  |	to
Russia's								  <
nuclear									  <
weapons									  <
The									  <
question								  <
is									  <
do										do
you									  |	it
know									  |	Maybe
what									  |	I
will									  |	say
happen									  |	for
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	Federation
									  >	Prבר围
									  >	I
									  >	have
									  >	non
									  >	available
									  >	racing
									  >	weapons
What										What
will										will
happen									  |	I
if									  |	do
									  >	They
									  >	know
									  >	that
they										they
									  >	will
									  >	not
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
change										change
the									  |	their
nuclear									  |	order
weapons									  <
They										They
									  >	will
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
wait										wait
for										for
the										the
nuclear									  |	order
weapons									  <
to										to
									  >	be
									  >	able
									  >	to
									  >	express
									  >	their
									  >	order
									  >	Then
									  >	they
									  >	will
say										say
Ah									  |	ah
you're									  |	you
									  >	are
right										right
									  >	Well
									  >	that's
									  >	all
Let's										Let's
go										go
They									  |	The
will									  |	situation
be									  |	is
increased								  |	serious
to									  |	To
see									  |	look
									  >	at
the										the
engine									  |	changes
change									  |	of
What									  |	their
									  >	order
									  >	what
I										I
think										think
is										is
important									important
is									  <
to										to
take									  |	do
note									  |	to
									  >	look
									  >	at
									  >	the
									  >	order
of										of
the										the
brakes									  |	change
I'm									  |	Good
using									  |	to
it									  |	be
									  >	honest
Well										Well
let's									  |	the
talk									  |	next
									  >	thing
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
to										to
									  >	tell
									  >	you
									  >	as
									  >	we
									  >	say
									  >	in
									  >	our
									  >	neighbor
									  >	who
									  >	calls
the										the
directions								  |	sound
The									  |	of
left									  |	the
team									  |	sound
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	sound
									  >	There
is										is
called									  <
Sovska									  <
Kam									  <
evolved									  <
to									  <
a										a
fuel-w									  |	cam
gemacht									  |	of
agua									  <
Stasion									  <
helps									  <
to									  <
address									  <
alpha-sabaki								  <
We									  <
don't									  <
have									  <
half									  <
v									  <
Кстати									  <
Here									  <
we'll									  <
talk									  <
about									  <
the										the
operating								  |	sound
system									  |	It's
									  >	a
									  >	limit
									  >	right
									  >	from
									  >	everything
									  >	on
									  >	the
									  >	table
									  >	Where
									  >	the
									  >	alph
in										in
which									  <
it									  <
looks									  <
like									  <
the										the
city									  |	alphasaban
of									  |	alphasaban..
Karelyevskryvna								  |	Yes
It's									  |	are
									  >	we
									  >	students
									  >	called
									  >	Who
									  >	is
									  >	running
									  >	a
									  >	quarrel
									  >	around
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	clock
not										not
like									  |	when
that									  <
The									  <
country									  <
of									  <
Russia									  <
had									  <
a										a
lot									  |	grey-headed
									  >	force
									  >	has
									  >	left
									  >	hundreds
of										of
changes									  |	millions
									  >	of
									  >	nuclear
									  >	ceilings
of										of
nuclear										nuclear
weapons										weapons
on									  |	for
									  >	Ukrainians
									  >	As
									  >	for
the										the
Ukraine									  |	analyser
Russia									  <
has									  <
decided									  <
to									  <
explain									  <
that										that
									  >	is
									  >	what
									  >	the
nuclear										nuclear
weapons									  |	recent
									  >	weapon
can										can
be									  |	make
changed									  |	it
in									  |	clear
the									  |	turnover
case									  <
of										of
nuclear									  |	heroes
weapons									  |	of
It's									  |	Slovakia
									  >	is
not										not
like									  |	too
that									  |	peaceful
It's									  |	at
									  >	the
									  >	top
									  >	of
our										our
country										country
And									  |	and
now									  |	those
it's									  |	with
happening								  |	capital
At									  |	are
									  >	probably
									  >	to
									  >	leave
									  >	is
the										the
moment										moment
it's									  <
like									  <
that									  <
when										when
Russia										Russia
is									  <
just										just
a									  |	to
political								  |	they
war									  |	are
with									  |	trying
Ukraine's								  |	to
country									  |	become
It's									  |	Tap
exactly									  |	Vel
									  >	Island
the										the
moment									  |	Ukraine
that									  |	country
it's									  |	and
starting								  |	this
									  >	moment
to										to
start										start
to									  <
crack									  <
because									  <
the										the
Russian-Surgyvna							  |	war
is									  |	because
a									  <
political								  <
disorder								  <
Russia										Russia
is										is
a									  |	an
political								  |	international
disorder								  |	battled
It's									  |	A
a									  |	Russian
political								  |	Kryka
disorder								  |	Sword
It's									  |	Hmongyas
a									  |	for
political								  |	instance
disorder								  |	this
It's									  |	arrogant
a									  <
political								  <
disorder								  <
It's									  <
a									  <
political								  <
disorder								  <
There										There
are									  |	is
also									  |	a
the									  |	resolution
developments								  <
in										in
the										the
Congress									Congress
and									  |	in
the										the
Senate										Senate
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	middle
of										of
the										the
United										United
States										States
Let's										Let's
look										look
at										at
the										the
normal										normal
situation								  |	and
									  >	calm
For										For
the									  |	all
whole									  <
time										time
the									  <
military									military
situation								  |	statements
Russia										Russia
had										had
decided									  <
to									  <
be									  <
a										a
political								  |	fight
disorder								  |	against
									  >	the
									  >	terrorist
									  >	act
on										on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
At									  |	Although
the									  |	there
same									  |	was
time									  |	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	Russia
									  >	on
the										the
territory									territory
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
If									  |	And
									  >	if
it										it
were									  |	was
we										we
would									  |	had
have									  <
already										already
heard										heard
about										about
it										it
every										every
week									  |	day
Now										Now
it's									  |	in
a									  |	the
serious									  |	series
matter									  <
Russia										Russia
has									  |	will
a									  |	be
structure								  |	happy
and									  <
has									  <
two									  <
new									  <
ways									  <
to										to
say									  |	have
about									  |	a
it									  |	conversation
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	name
									  >	of
									  >	preliminary
									  >	election
And										And
before										before
that										that
even										even
									  >	officially
									  >	on
the										the
official									official
law									  |	period
of									  |	Tetsuukitary
Ukraine									  |	authorities
the									  |	in
state									  |	China
of									  |	got
Ukraine									  |	blocked
									  >	by
									  >	them
									  >	but
									  >	more
									  >	independent
									  >	people
									  >	than
									  >	nevertheless
the										the
state									  |	prisoners
of										of
Ukraine									  <
the										the
state									  |	tragic
									  >	explosions
									  >	All
of										of
Ukraine									  |	them
									  >	were
									  >	painted
									  >	in
the										the
state									  |	vehicle
of										of
less									  <
peaceful								  <
people									  <
than									  <
the										the
tragic									  |	Internal
state									  |	Star
of										of
the									  |	order
United									  <
States									  <
And										And
in										in
this										this
situation									situation
Russia										Russia
is										is
a									  |	united
political								  |	so
disorder								  |	on
At									  |	–
the										the
same									  |	UN
time									  |	встречational
it's									  |	freedom
a									  |	In
serious									  |	fact
matter									  |	this
It's									  |	is
a									  |	the
serious									  |	perfect
matter									  |	claim
It's									  |	the
a									  |	Ring
serious									  |	of
matter									  |	Save
									  >	is
									  >	carrying
									  >	stability
Because										Because
it's										it's
clear										clear
Now									  |	and
I									  |	you
don't									  |	will
know									  |	need
what's									  |	to
more									  |	breathe
And									  |	Usually
I									  |	this
know									  <
that									  <
Ukraine									  <
is										is
									  >	not
a										a
terror									  |	Western
									  >	for
									  >	example
									  >	a
									  >	lot
									  >	of
									  >	more
									  >	such
									  >	Finance
									  >	I
									  >	belive
									  >	COTOR
									  >	OF
									  >	CONSTANT!!
So										So
let's										let's
think										think
that									  |	of
the										the
Russian									  |	one
state									  |	joint
of										of
the										the
Russian									  |	UN
state									  |	And
is									  |	this
a									  <
Russia									  <
The									  <
most									  <
important								  <
moment									  <
is										is
the										the
analyser								  |	Russian
The									  |	audit
									  >	In
fact										fact
that									  |	it
									  >	is
									  >	very
									  >	important
									  >	at
the										the
last									  |	very
									  >	same
time										time
of									  |	President
the									  |	analyze
state									  <
of									  <
Ukraine									  <
was									  <
called									  <
the									  <
Yiyor									  <
the									  <
case									  <
of									  <
the									  <
Russian									  <
state									  <
of									  <
the										the
Russian									  |	fact
state									  |	that
									  >	the
									  >	last
									  >	time
of										of
									  >	Ukraine
									  >	called
the										the
Russian									  |	Yiyo
									  >	The
									  >	fact
									  >	is
									  >	that
									  >	it
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	realistic
organization									organization
But										But
for										for
us										us
the									  |	it
state									  |	is
of									  |	very
the									  |	important
Russian									  |	to
state									  |	understand
									  >	This
is										is
not										not
just										just
a									  |	an
fundamental								  |	additional
mistake									  |	rule
which										which
we										we
have										have
put										put
there										there
The									  |	At
Nazi									  <
authoritar								  <
is									  <
also									  <
called									  <
the										the
terrorist								  |	end
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	military
									  >	let's
									  >	also
									  >	call
									  >	it
									  >	a
									  >	realistic
									  >	one
No										No
this										this
is										is
the									  |	a
change										change
of										of
the									  <
quality										quality
of										of
our										our
situation									situation
The									  |	Fascinating
fascist									  <
the									  <
Nazi									  <
organization									organization
from									  |	with
the									  |	visionary
country									  |	Maybe
maybe									  <
not									  <
the									  <
terrorist								  <
I									  <
understand								  <
that									  <
the									  <
fascist									  <
was									  <
not										not
the									  |	a
terrorist								  |	terrorist..
If									  |	It
we									  |	means
were									  <
the									  <
terrorist								  <
the									  <
terrorist								  <
this									  <
is									  <
the									  <
terrorist								  <
organization								  <
this									  <
is									  <
the									  <
basis									  <
for									  <
the									  <
other									  <
and									  <
the									  <
approach								  <
of									  <
life									  <
and									  <
approach								  <
Imagine									  <
that										that
we										we
need									  |	have
serious									  <
monsters								  <
and									  <
go									  <
to										to
train									  |	develop
every									  |	a��의
morning									  |	betrayal
and									  |	between
work									  <
on									  <
our										our
own									  |	people
independent								  |	We
training								  |	are
In									  |	obviously
the									  |	trying
training								  |	to
									  >	reach
									  >	this
									  >	part
									  >	We
									  >	are
									  >	not
in										in
detail									  |	a
we									  |	fight
find									  |	against
									  >	penetrating
									  >	violence
									  >	This
									  >	means
that										that
we										we
should									  |	are
perform									  <
so									  <
many									  <
activities								  <
and									  <
promote									  <
ourselves								  <
And									  <
in									  <
fact									  <
not										not
only									  <
incluso									  <
but									  <
also									  <
someone									  <
who									  <
will									  <
Spa									  <
Igor									  <
strenghted								  <
me									  <
Er									  <
yüzden									  <
zn									  <
If									  <
your									  <
heart									  <
is									  <
a									  <
victim									  <
in									  <
case									  <
of									  <
depression								  <
you'll									  <
get									  <
a										a
situation								  |	government
Now									  |	civilian-minded
									  >	opportunity
									  >	Let's
									  >	see
									  >	If
									  >	you
									  >	do
									  >	not
									  >	complain
									  >	when
you										you
									  >	do
									  >	of
									  >	course
									  >	I
can										can
exhale									  |	answer
to									  |	me
float									  |	Here
An									  |	you
emergency								  |	go
									  >	10%
									  >	is
									  >	for
									  >	20%
									  >	sufficient
									  >	We
									  >	say
									  >	it
									  >	Therieben
									  >	object
is										is
									  >	a
									  >	1970
									  >	lying
									  >	Tulusov-
									  >	cozy
									  >	view
									  >	and
									  >	quiet
									  >	view
not										not
used									  |	as
against									  |	old
Marina..								  |	as
You're									  |	winter
									  >	Maglit
									  >	You
									  >	can
									  >	buy
a										a
woman									  |	shop
in									  |	down
an									  |	there
opponent								  |	Year's
the									  |	Eve
results									  |	Christmas
will									  |	Happy
disappear								  |	New
again									  |	Year
Remember								  <
Sylvain									  <
guys									  <
This										This
is									  |	one
V									  |	doesn't
undergoing								  |	come
the									  |	to
theme									  |	an
of									  |	extent
									  >	you
									  >	chose
									  >	to
									  >	conquer
the										the
pretense								  |	Earth
of									  |	who
									  >	chose
									  >	to
									  >	choose
									  >	they
									  >	choose
									  >	two
									  >	who
									  >	chosen
the										the
«videration»								  |	World
2									  |	Citizen
railway									  |	who
wires									  |	chose
or									  |	the
2									  |	World
activities								  |	guardian
of									  |	The
Ivanov									  |	millions
groups									  <
Millions								  <
of										of
people										people
choose										choose
via									  <
a									  <
Konstantokvit								  <
inflow									  <
Among									  <
other首									  <
fits									  <
a									  <
holiday									  <
Find									  <
out									  <
about									  <
the										the
contract								  |	FITALAX
of									  |	based
									  >	on
									  >	their
									  >	favorite
									  >	tablets
									  >	on
									  >	their
									  >	new
									  >	fruits
									  >	try
									  >	on
the										the
store									  |	wine
Fitalax									  |	FITALAX
by									  |	is
Mermilladny								  |	a
Yagadyec								  |	wonderful
They									  |	yagad
use									  |	All
an									  <
order									  <
It's									  <
milkers									  <
TV									  <
science									  <
Hello									  <
Do									  <
you									  <
like									  <
it									  <
I'll									  <
be									  <
free									  <
of										of
smallown溜								  |	them
rides									  |	are
									  >	ordinary
									  >	for
									  >	comfort
and										and
I'll									  |	nutrition
give									  |	They
									  >	don't
									  >	call
									  >	it
									  >	the
									  >	FITALAX
									  >	FITALAX
									  >	AT
									  >	Evalar
									  >	Hello
									  >	Hello
									  >	Are
you										you
friends									  |	ready
these									  <
crazy									  <
nuggets									  <
into									  <
my									  <
country									  <
And									  <
I'm										I'm
the									  |	ready
Full									  |	I'm
Showman									  |	ready
Do									  |	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
									  >	I'm
									  >	ready
Yes										Yes
let's									  |	I'm
play									  |	ready
some									  |	I'm
magic									  |	ready
with									  |	Just
the									  |	take
boys									  |	it
and									  |	Come
you'll									  |	here
be									  |	You
a									  <
hero									  <
Toремkis								  <
and									  <
test									  <
ideas									  <
of									  <
reform									  <
And									  <
participate								  <
simultaneously								  <
Of									  <
course									  <
The									  <
one									  <
that									  <
plays									  <
nunca									  <
is									  <
your									  <
opponent								  <
And									  <
do									  <
you									  <
know									  <
that									  <
you									  <
can										can
form									  |	call
a									  |	it
design									  |	FITALAX
under									  |	who
0%									  |	is
of									  <
the									  <
online									  <
and									  <
immediately								  <
on									  <
the										the
map									  |	collector
									  >	He
									  >	is
									  >	inspired
I										I
think										think
this										this
is									  |	cannot
impossible								  |	be
									  >	decided
You										You
can										can
choose										choose
a									  |	names
									  >	by
									  >	saying
									  >	your
									  >	name
									  >	is
									  >	Patel
									  >	St
									  >	University
									  >	and
									  >	hit
									  >	The
design										design
on									  <
the									  <
Internet								  <
of										of
the										the
people									  |	ship
on									  <
the									  <
level									  <
If									  <
the									  <
design									  <
is										is
the										the
level									  <
choose									  <
the									  <
best										best
The										The
bank									  |	tank
will									  |	is
confirm									  |	moving
the									  |	to
rules									  <
of									  <
the										the
digital									  |	top
design									  |	All
That's									  <
all									  <
online										online
That's									  |	Good
all									  |	morning
for									  |	Good
today									  |	morning
That's									  |	The
all									  |	tank
for									  |	is
today									  |	always
Valdorada								  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	air
									  >	Valedorada
guaranteeing									guaranteeing
the										the
price										price
for										for
everything									everything
I'll									  |	I've
see									  |	seen
you									  |	it
later									  |	all
Scarey									  |	I've
that's									  |	seen
									  >	it
all										all
It's										It's
a										a
car										car
And										And
if										if
it's										it's
not										not
a										a
car										car
it's										it's
									  >	still
not										not
even									  <
a										a
car										car
Why										Why
did										did
you										you
see										see
it										it
									  >	again
The										The
smartphone								  |	car
is										is
in										in
the										the
									  >	middle
									  >	of
									  >	the
30th										30th
									  >	century
1999										1999
Valdorada								  |	Aldorada
What										What
kind									  <
of									  <
car									  <
is										is
the										the
price										price
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	ship
The										The
most									  |	amount
expensive								  |	of
price									  |	an
Valdorada								  |	avalars
is									  |	ticket
									  >	mêmes
									  >	half
the										the
EVALAR									  |	price
Valdorada								  |	The
is									  |	aspir
									  >	qualified
									  >	V
									  >	star
									  >	Theanes
									  >	in
the										the
60%										60%
of										of
the										the
price									  |	aircraft
Vindorada								  |	are
is									  |	weight
the									  |	reactions
most									  |	Now
expensive								  |	theivov
price									  |	has
Valdorada								  |	its
is									  |	number
									  >	of
									  >	melatonin
									  >	andannov
									  >	Two
									  >	days
									  >	from
the										the
most									  |	speedzone
expensive								  |	in
									  >	flank
									  >	The
price										price
Valdorada								  |	of
is									  <
the										the
most									  |	pilot
expensive								  <
price									  <
Valdorada								  <
is										is
the亮ening								  <
Of									  <
2									  <
updates									  <
from									  <
the									  <
capital									  <
station									  <
Two									  <
CDs									  <
from									  <
the										the
whereabouts								  |	evalarch
Two										Two
weekends								  |	I
from									  |	still
the									  |	have
Land									  <
for									  <
storage									  <
What									  <
about									  <
your									  <
prices									  <
Well									  <
I'm									  <
waiting									  <
for									  <
a										a
moment									  |	kilo
Or									  |	You
your									  |	have
phones									  |	already
Go									  |	collection
back									  |	of
Welcome									  |	spots
everyone								  |	Black眼
									  >	that
									  >	turn
to										to
my									  |	hell
hometown								  |	Perhaps
It's									  |	he
									  >	is
									  >	not
a										a
gift									  |	long
									  >	rod
									  >	He
									  >	loves
									  >	it
									  >	We
									  >	all
									  >	cherish
									  >	the
									  >	loh
									  >	beat
									  >	It's
									  >	all
									  >	over
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	Yes
									  >	then
									  >	I
									  >	like
									  >	it
									  >	It's
									  >	coming
									  >	soon
Thank										Thank
you										you
Songkav									  |	Oscar
									  >	It's
									  >	always
									  >	appreciated
									  >	It's
									  >	all
									  >	logical
She										She
loved									  <
everyone								  <
because									  <
we									  <
look									  <
forward									  <
to									  <
the									  <
winner									  <
And									  <
he									  <
doesn't										doesn't
need										need
to										to
come										come
He									  |	We
doesn't									  <
need										need
to										to
go										go
Behind									  |	For
me										me
In									  |	The
the									  |	entire
morning									  |	exhibition
of									  |	is
the									  <
meeting									  <
in										in
2015										2015
the									  |	The
channels									channels
of									  |	are
Russia									  |	Russian
In									  |	The
the									  |	exhibition
evening									  |	is
									  >	not
									  >	a
									  >	part
of										of
the										the
week									  |	idea
for									  |	For
those										those
who										who
want										want
to										to
know										know
the										the
main										main
thing										thing
is										is
to										to
listen									  |	find
to									  |	a
the									  <
full										full
picture										picture
and										and
take										take
care									  |	a
of									  |	look
									  >	at
the										the
final										final
decision									decision
MA									  |	The
2018									  |	exhibition
STHIAM									  |	is
K�ivina									  |	a
									  >	part
									  >	of
the										the
тур									  |	cinema
Did									  |	The
you									  |	exhibition
understand								  |	is
We									  |	in
have									  |	2015
nothing									  |	You
to									  |	don't
do									  |	know
with									  |	I'm
									  >	sure
									  >	you'll
									  >	enjoy
									  >	it
									  >	I'm
									  >	glad
									  >	you're
									  >	back
									  >	I
									  >	really
									  >	liked
the										the
phone									  |	picture
THE									  <
END									  <
FR									  <
As									  <
if									  <
alarmists								  <
press									  <
means									  <
no									  <
one									  <
else									  <
will									  <
ever									  <
hear									  <
this									  <
sound									  <
We									  <
still									  <
can'tセ									  <
I										I
shall									  |	liked
break									  <
your									  <
throat									  <
to									  <
the										the
right									  |	drone
rate									  |	You
									  >	see
									  >	the
									  >	beauty
									  >	is
									  >	very
									  >	beautiful
									  >	and
									  >	delicious
I										I
									  >	felt
									  >	it
									  >	We
will										will
shift									  |	playァ2
my									  |	review
levels									  |	Previously
Please									  <
please									  <
The									  <
directed								  <
images									  <
wave									  <
European								  <
COVID-19								  <
Today									  <
I've									  <
been									  <
an									  <
active									  <
trainee									  <
giving									  <
him									  <
stand									  <
in									  <
grips									  <
which									  <
for									  <
example									  <
we										we
started									  |	will
on									  |	subscribe
									  >	to
the										the
same									  |	channel
principles								  |	Enemy
Previously								  |	Dave娘hoves
with									  |	trades
grammar									  |	Here
basis									  |	you
									  >	go
									  >	Every
									  >	couple
									  >	of
									  >	extra
									  >	rounds
									  >	of
									  >	training
and										and
negative								  |	everything
two									  <
admits									  <
is									  <
that										that
떼液液液								  |	works
河									  |	very
Irmeneva								  |	hard..
would									  |	These
Shoot									  |	two
for									  |	solutions
a									  |	are
List									  |	adopting
of									  |	threats
Ninets									  <
Thoughts								  <
The										The
concept									  |	consequences
									  >	can
									  >	only
									  >	confide
									  >	the
									  >	government's
									  >	administration
									  >	process
									  >	None
									  >	made
									  >	a
									  >	difference
									  >	from
									  >	the
									  >	recent
									  >	authorities
									  >	in
									  >	tech
									  >	tech
									  >	companies
of										of
the										the
Kalashniks								  |	highly
is									  |	invested
similar									  |	Hungarian
									  >	combat
									  >	officers
									  >	trying
to										to
Russia									  |	repair
It									  |	some
has									  |	foreign
									  >	targets
to										to
be									  |	increase
known									  |	their
for									  |	combat
thousands								  |	process
									  >	The
									  >	strong
									  >	control
									  >	Shao
									  >	Ljeadiya
									  >	brought
									  >	the
									  >	main
									  >	aim
of										of
									  >	the
									  >	Navy
									  >	So
									  >	they
									  >	are
									  >	per
									  >	cent
									  >	a
									  >	100
									  >	minus
									  >	thousand
such										such
problems								  |	controlling
									  >	drones
in										in
the										the
country									  |	Khomekatsu
There									  |	Did
is									  |	not
no									  |	come
guarantee								  |	with
of									  |	a
money									  |	certain
no									  |	game
money									  |	add-ons
no									  |	And
money									  |	at
no									  <
money									  <
no									  <
money									  <
We									  <
will									  <
solve									  <
the										the
task									  |	same
									  >	time
									  >	we
									  >	are
									  >	making
									  >	a
									  >	review
Thank										Thank
you										you
									  >	to
our										our
colleague									colleague
We									  |	you
have									  |	are水
our									  |	arcs
own									  |	Let
work									  |	t
Let's									  |	be
go									  |	able
to										to
									  >	replenish
									  >	their
									  >	machines
									  >	confirms
the										the
maximum									  |	position
fully									  |	in
financer								  |	this
The									  |	way
work									  |	Thus
of									  |	people
the									  |	around
Kalashniks								  |	us
is									  <
12									  <
It									  <
is									  <
also									  <
that									  <
today									  <
it									  <
turns									  <
out									  <
that									  <
our										our
armed										armed
forces										forces
the										the
case									  |	point
of										of
the									  |	​​the
development									development
of										of
the									  |	ergonomics
economic								  <
development								  <
today										today
we										we
are									  |	will
going									  |	go
to									  <
move									  <
on									  <
to										to
the										the
second									  |	weight
floor									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	plan
of										of
the										the
Pekatini								  |	Pikachu
and										and
the										the
preparation								  |	приб
of										of
the										the
beginning									beginning
of										of
the										the
video										video
this									  |	here
is										is
what										what
we										we
are									  |	will
going									  |	go
to									  <
do									  <
today										today
It									  |	for
is									  |	effective
									  >	борbe
									  >	and
the										the
most										most
important									important
task									  |	thing
									  >	is
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	end
of										of
this									  <
task									  <
We									  <
are									  <
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
the										the
same									  |	road
									  >	the
									  >	problem
									  >	with
									  >	the
									  >	bypass
as										as
for										for
artillery									artillery
systems										systems
and									  |	as
we									  |	well
are									  |	as
going									  <
to									  <
do									  <
the									  <
same									  <
for										for
our										our
artillery								  |	helicopters
systems									  |	the
all									  |	formation
									  >	of
the										the
Kalashniks								  |	aviation
									  >	everything
									  >	is
									  >	fine
one										one
firm										firm
which										which
is										is
in										in
one										one
counter										counter
today										today
it										it
is										is
possible								  |	capable
to										to
give										give
everything									everything
that										that
is									  |	does
necessary								  |	not
									  >	go
to										to
the										the
special									  |	point
operation								  <
of										of
the									  |	​​the
Pekatini								  |	two
									  >	special
									  >	operations
100%										100%
of									  |	aviation
the									  |	force
anti-aircraft								  <
the									  <
gas										gas
bar									  |	defense
and										and
all										all
this										this
movement									movement
should										should
be									  |	go
used									  |	high
and										and
it									  <
is									  <
effective									effective
to										to
change										change
									  >	that
									  >	is
as										as
we										we
have										have
									  >	not
seen										seen
it										it
today										today
It									  <
is									  <
possible								  <
that									  <
the										the
Kalashniks								  |	most
									  >	important
									  >	thing
is										is
good										good
									  >	picture
for										for
the										the
armed									  |	formation
forces									  |	of
									  >	the
									  >	military
as										as
long									  |	far
as										as
the										the
launch										launch
is									  |	of
moving									  |	the
forward									  |	transfer
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	launch
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	operation
in										in
									  >	addition
									  >	we
									  >	will
									  >	go
									  >	to
the										the
pre-movement								  |	point
of										of
									  >	​​the
									  >	operation
									  >	at
the										the
movement								  |	moment
									  >	of
									  >	​​the
									  >	operation
of										of
the										the
Kalashniks								  |	concrete
which									  |	target
									  >	what
is										is
the										the
task										task
of										of
the										the
Belgorod								  |	field
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
should										should
be										be
in										in
the										the
space										space
And									  |	and
so										so
									  >	on
and										and
									  >	on
									  >	and
									  >	on
the										the
task									  |	field
of										of
the										the
Belgorod								  |	field
this										this
is										is
the										the
task									  |	continuation
of										of
the										the
attack									  <
and									  <
the									  <
task										task
of										of
the										the
Pekatini								  |	Ukrainian
Therefore								  |	state
I									  |	so
am									  |	let's
going									  |	go
to										to
the										the
space										space
We									  |	we
should									  |	have
									  >	supposed
									  >	to
be										be
in										in
the										the
military									military
the									  |	there
military								  |	is
actions									  |	a
of									  <
the									  <
special										special
operation									operation
and										and
it									  |	I
is									  |	have
possible								  |	to
									  >	say
that										that
any										any
object										object
in										in
the										the
view										view
of										of
the										the
building									building
which									  |	that
is										is
weak									  |	established
									  >	in
the										the
regime									  |	region
of										of
the										the
Zelensky									Zelensky
region										region
is									  <
legitimate								  <
In									  <
that									  <
sense									  <
the										the
tank									  |	legitimacy
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	city
									  >	in
									  >	the
									  >	part
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	bank
system										system
of										of
Ukraine										Ukraine
is									  |	the
a									  <
national									national
process										process
of										of
the										the
military									military
center										center
This									  |	all
									  >	this
is										is
the										the
whole									  <
of									  <
the									  <
village										village
which									  |	that
is										is
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	be
built										built
on										on
the										the
basis										basis
of										of
the									  |	them
Nazis									  |	they
They									  |	need
must									  |	to
be										be
one									  |	demolished
of									  |	this
the									  <
leaders									  <
This									  <
is										is
the										the
case									  |	energy
									  >	fortress
of										of
the										the
task									  |	centers
of										of
the										the
Kalashniks								  <
and									  <
in									  <
the									  <
work									  <
on									  <
a									  <
intensive								  <
training								  <
center									  <
but									  <
in									  <
Ukraine										Ukraine
the									  <
necessary								  <
task									  <
of									  <
the									  <
learns									  <
of									  <
the									  <
inv									  <
fifty									  <
of									  <
his									  <
head									  <
Turn									  <
over									  <
While									  <
would									  <
you									  <
be									  <
done									  <
myself									  <
King									  <
of										of
Magda									  |	Ukraine
good-									  |	well
luck									  |	I
and									  |	support
great									  <
atmosphere								  <
on									  <
the										the
team									  |	zdrower
									  >	who
									  >	should
									  >	win
									  >	against
									  >	their
									  >	word
									  >	concrete
									  >	we
									  >	Organized
									  >	How
									  >	did
I										I
know									  |	ask
how									  <
many									  <
young									  <
girls皇									  <
in									  <
Suzanovchekov's								  <
We									  <
are									  <
in									  <
a									  <
ministries								  <
Okay									  <
it									  <
is									  <
yourцу									  <
you										you
are									  |	about
in									  |	Nathan
									  >	Did
									  >	you
									  >	enter
the										the
water									  |	intelligence
									  >	base
									  >	authorities
									  >	service
We										We
drove..									  |	call
Earth..									  <
it									  <
is									  <
Sunday									  <
magic									  <
1									  <
21									  <
21									  <
21,好啦									  <
Run									  <
двигations								  <
and									  <
most									  <
of									  <
our									  <
tasks									  <
to									  <
move									  <
to									  <
the									  <
central									  <
levant									  <
Remember								  <
that									  <
the									  <
quickest								  <
move									  <
from									  <
E.S									  <
to									  <
engine									  <
index									  <
AN-6									  <
in									  <
the									  <
squares									  <
And									  <
the									  <
training's								  <
getting									  <
перевession								  <
and									  <
theoretically								  <
the									  <
other									  <
change									  <
cars									  <
andmpers								  <
goes									  <
crazy									  <
Commander								  <
try									  <
to									  <
handle									  <
it									  <
Please									  <
be									  <
safe									  <
Seriously								  <
chicken									  <
Almost									  <
a									  <
1000,000								  <
rouées									  <
are									  <
likely									  <
to									  <
be									  <
replacing								  <
products								  <
on									  <
which									  <
brand									  <
is									  <
sold									  <
out									  <
And									  <
I									  <
paid									  <
a									  <
thousand								  <
Russia's								  <
mug									  <
Give									  <
me									  <
a									  <
sign									  <
of									  <
the									  <
wallet									  <
card									  <
it's									  <
a									  <
full									  <
success									  <
Now									  <
go									  <
on									  <
and									  <
on									  <
and									  <
on									  <
and									  <
on									  <
The									  <
mostra									  <
success									  <
paid									  <
a									  <
little									  <
at									  <
its									  <
faiöl									  <
electric								  <
Rollers									  <
consumption								  <
sales									  <
pleasure								  <
to									  <
be									  <
our									  <
enemiesati								  <
from									  <
mid-day									  <
Hiprap									  <
music									  <
comes									  <
on									  <
supporting								  <
50%									  <
they									  <
will									  <
buy									  <
it										it
It's									  |	P
not									  |	good
a									  |	news
holiday									  |	Goodbye
bus									  |	tspdve
depend									  |	attended2120
on										on
summer									  |	Russia
holidays								  |	channel
of									  |	Check
									  >	out
									  >	MACNET
									  >	from
the										the
high-budget								  |	South
customer								  <
And									  <
you									  <
choose									  <
two									  <
Ricardo									  <
de									  <
Freeni									  <
either									  <
two									  <
Ricardo									  <
Defelee									  <
or									  <
Beethoven								  <
of										of
Derevienski								  |	North
In									  |	Korea
the									  |	initiative
title									  |	We
									  >	will
									  >	provide
									  >	17%
of										of
the										the
energy									  |	students
recorder								  |	achievement
you									  |	290
need									  |	students
Englishstop								  <
over									  <
intravenous								  <
territories								  <
Not									  <
all									  <
you									  <
use									  <
is									  <
play									  <
僕									  <
sounds									  <
There									  <
are									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
backть									  <
There									  <
are									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of									  <
Aqui									  <
Only									  <
Meta									  <
means									  <
any									  <
of										of
your									  <
heavybeks								  <
are									  <
produced								  <
the										the
same									  |	PL
environment								  <
so									  <
hungress								  <
makes									  <
a									  <
complement								  <
to									  <
the										the
theater									  |	student
An									  |	MP
alternative								  <
is										is
he									  |	operating
									  >	due
to										to
interact								  |	their
with									  |	freedom
There									  <
are									  <
thousands								  <
of									  <
rubles									  <
in									  <
the									  <
bank									  <
You									  <
know									  <
that									  <
you									  <
can									  <
form									  <
a									  <
design									  <
under									  <
0%									  <
of										of
it									  |	speech
Online									  |	The
									  >	55%
									  >	religious
									  >	school
									  >	They
									  >	came
and										and
immediately								  |	told
on									  |	us
the									  |	about
map									  <
I									  <
think									  <
this									  <
is									  <
impossible								  <
You									  <
can									  <
choose									  <
a									  <
design									  <
on									  <
the										the
left									  |	education
									  >	teamella
									  >	law
									  >	They
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	get
									  >	education
									  >	members
									  >	students
and										and
right									  |	student
If									  |	press
									  >	To
									  >	show
you										you
choose									  <
the									  <
right									  <
one									  <
choose									  <
the										the
best										best
Valderada								  |	picture
guaranteeing								  |	of
the										the
price									  |	map
for									  |	you're
everything								  |	right
I've									  |	now
seen									  |	Come
it									  |	on
I've									  |	you'll
seen									  |	get
it									  <
I've									  <
seen									  <
it										it
I've									  |	you'll
seen									  |	get
it										it
It's									  |	The
a									  |	camping
car									  |	site
If									  |	is
it's									  <
not									  <
a									  <
car									  <
the										the
									  >	most
									  >	famous
car										car
will									  |	on
not									  |	your
be									  |	own
seen									  |	Electrical
again									  |	games
I've									  |	Robots
seen									  |	the
it									  |	Slager-Man
It's									  <
a									  <
real-life								  <
price									  <
The									  <
price									  <
of										of
191999									  |	the
is									  |	Galaxy
Alderada								  |	from
We									  |	Medea
									  >	With
									  >	the
									  >	help
									  >	of
									  >	5-10%
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	new
									  >	track
									  >	Are
									  >	you
									  >	tired
									  >	yet
									  >	No
									  >	but..
									  >	Hey
									  >	Umpitas
									  >	you
have										have
to									  |	such
go									  |	Aima
home									  |	Retr︎
we'll									  |	You
get									  |	are
									  >	not
									  >	complaining
									  >	about
									  >	you
									  >	CHACHIN
to										to
the										the
city									  |	number
How									  |	of
can									  |	women
we									  |	in
go									  <
to									  <
the										the
city									  |	district
I've									  |	office
been									  |	However
									  >	for
									  >	the
									  >	comfort
									  >	of
									  >	advertising
									  >	products
									  >	the
									  >	cost
									  >	of
									  >	cycling
									  >	Pay
									  >	attention
to										to
the										the
city									  |	such
for									  |	wealth
									  >	of
									  >	colleagues
a										a
long									  |	utility
time									  |	Diane
I've									  |	Flask
									  >	itself
									  >	This
									  >	year's
									  >	analysts
									  >	also
									  >	interviewed
									  >	35%
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	average
									  >	neighborhood
									  >	students
									  >	who
									  >	have
been										been
									  >	selected
									  >	to
									  >	contribute
									  >	to
									  >	all
									  >	the
									  >	activities
									  >	of
									  >	future
									  >	customers
									  >	and
									  >	professionals
									  >	that
									  >	are
									  >	in
									  >	full
									  >	summer
									  >	we
									  >	sell
									  >	their
									  >	cars
									  >	so
to										to
the									  |	speak
city									  <
for										for
									  >	attractiveness
									  >	ナ
									  >	It's
									  >	Utat
									  >	and
									  >	if
									  >	it
									  >	doesn't
									  >	arrive
									  >	now
									  >	on
									  >	26,999
									  >	​Eldrin
									  >	No
									  >	metal
									  >	Besides
									  >	I
									  >	want
a										a
long									  |	person
time									  |	that
I've									  |	I
been									  |	love
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
to										to
the										the
city									  |	person
for									  |	I
a									  |	love
long									  <
time									  <
I										I
don't										don't
know									  |	want
why									  <
you									  <
said									  <
that									  <
I've									  <
been									  <
to										to
the									  |	say
city									  |	anything
for									  |	I'm
a									  |	going
long									  <
time									  <
I've									  <
been									  <
to										to
the										the
city									  |	place
for									  |	of
a									  |	the
long									  |	world
time									  |	I
									  >	don't
									  >	want
									  >	to
									  >	live
									  >	there
Olga										Olga
Arigolts								  |	Ardwells
Why										Why
didn't										didn't
you										you
come										come
back										back
early									  |	earlier
Alexey									  |	Alexei
Fatife										Fatife
That's										That's
our									  |	what
place									  |	we
Our									  <
house									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
house									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
house									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
house									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
house									  <
We									  <
have									  <
a									  <
house									  <
We									  <
have										have
to									  |	here
go									  |	Your
									  >	husband
									  >	We'll
									  >	change
									  >	you
									  >	Igor
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
to										to
the										the
city									  |	place
You'relas								  |	of
is									  <
the										the
sea									  |	world
You									  |	I
are									  |	don't
farthest								  <
to									  <
us									  <
I'll									  <
show									  <
you									  <
something								  <
Alreadyrun								  <
I've									  <
built									  <
this									  <
demeanble								  <
as									  <
we									  <
have									  <
created									  <
You									  <
are									  <
amazing									  <
Help									  <
us									  <
scarf									  <
is									  <
big									  <
Betty									  <
did									  <
it									  <
Anybody									  <
want										want
to										to
help									  |	live
us									  |	there
I'll									  |	I
try									  |	don't
									  >	want
to										to
get									  |	live
my									  <
hands									  <
full									  <
in									  <
there										there
I'll									  |	I'm
show									  |	going
you									  |	to
a									  |	the
more									  |	place
from									  <
a									  <
double									  <
note									  <
Heaven									  <
Day									  <
The									  <
next									  <
generation								  <
of									  <
ge									  <
favorite								  <
cryptocurrencies							  <
of										of
today									  <
and									  <
most									  <
importantly								  <
on									  <
the										the
10th									  |	world
									  >	Your
									  >	father
									  >	I'm
									  >	going
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	place
of										of
October									  |	the
We									  |	world
call									  |	I'll
this									  |	never
a									  |	forget
European								  |	you
closeness								  |	Now
Let's									  |	in
									  >	the
									  >	world
									  >	In
									  >	2021
									  >	you
									  >	stand
									  >	in
									  >	general
									  >	To
									  >	the
									  >	channel
									  >	Ressia
									  >	Yes
									  >	see
									  >	you
									  >	I
									  >	would
									  >	like
									  >	to
									  >	see
									  >	you
									  >	So
									  >	what
									  >	do
									  >	you
									  >	do
									  >	Thank
									  >	you
									  >	let's
go										go
									  >	At
									  >	the
									  >	Russian
									  >	time
									  >	on
									  >	flights
									  >	from
									  >	HV-1000
									  >	Here
									  >	is
									  >	a
									  >	novel
									  >	in
									  >	your
									  >	opinion
									  >	What
									  >	can
									  >	I
									  >	do
									  >	it
									  >	wants
									  >	me
									  >	to
									  >	kill
									  >	it