Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: French [00:00.000 --> 00:06.000] We are really in the joy of seeing, because when we went to the train, there were tight tracks, [00:06.000 --> 00:11.000] when now we have a lot of routes, people can really climb in the tranquility. [00:11.000 --> 00:16.000] If you have a way, you can take a way to Brazzaville, you arrive, it's a good thing. [00:16.000 --> 00:22.000] For me, it's because in the villages a little enclave, people really have difficulties, [00:22.000 --> 00:27.000] there were difficulties to come and sell here in Pointe-Nord, but now when there are roads, [00:27.000 --> 00:33.000] there is the ease, there is the ease of entering the merchandise, either in Pointe-Nord or in Brazzaville. [00:33.000 --> 00:37.000] It's a good thing for the roads, we need roads, how is that? [00:37.000 --> 00:46.000] We are in the village of Nizila, we have to go to Manisa, Pointe-Nord, Brazzaville. [00:46.000 --> 00:58.000] When we went to the village of Camigno, we had to go through the city of Nizila, [00:58.000 --> 01:02.000] we had to go through the village of Camigno, so we went to the village of Mambo, [01:02.000 --> 01:06.000] we went to the village of Nizila, we went to Pointe-Nord, we went to the village of Mambo. [01:06.000 --> 01:12.000] she's a dramatic man, it's true [01:11.000 --> 01:15.000] I don't change my way of thinking [01:14.000 --> 01:18.000] but she's beautiful [01:16.000 --> 01:18.000] so she's like a boy [01:18.000 --> 01:20.000] she's afraid of a boy [01:20.000 --> 01:31.000] she just fears of a boy [01:24.000 --> 01:30.000] joy [01:27.000 --> 01:28.000] very, very [01:28.000 --> 01:32.000] a place where will be debated by equality [01:33.000 --> 01:35.000] be it literally [01:35.000 --> 01:40.720] the truth, the truth, the expression was born from the difficulties encountered by the [01:40.720 --> 01:45.780] motorists to escalate this mountain, it was necessary to say the truth if your [01:45.780 --> 01:53.080] excuse was a true or a true false, following my gaze, that of damaged vehicles, [01:53.080 --> 01:59.600] that of sick people left without assistance, that of damaged goods. The wisdom [01:59.600 --> 02:06.040] commanded the driver to slow down here, to stop there and sometimes to go down to [02:06.040 --> 02:11.400] tighten the bolts, adjust the tires, it was necessary to be healed at the time of [02:11.400 --> 02:18.640] hard cuts to drive all night, drive all day, take the steering wheel all night and all [02:18.640 --> 02:25.840] day again, we really traveled in impossible conditions to believe. Before we could do the [02:25.840 --> 02:32.720] black point of view, we could take at least 7 hours of time, now even if it rains, [02:32.720 --> 02:37.920] there is really no problem. I am a driver, I made this road from a black point of view, I drove very well, [02:37.920 --> 02:45.000] except the driver's behavior, we have to respect the tire a bit so that you [02:45.000 --> 02:51.040] transport, you do your transport very well from the start to the destination. There are customers [02:51.040 --> 02:55.280] who are very pressed, they have to drive a little quickly, there are people who say no, we are going to [02:55.280 --> 03:00.200] slow down, otherwise at maximum, if you respect everything, it is 3 hours of taxi time, but if you do not [03:00.200 --> 03:04.400] respect it, you will drive a little faster, you can do 2 hours with it. I have the ambition to do [03:04.400 --> 03:08.320] at least 2 things because I am not too pressed for the car, you have to try to keep the [03:08.320 --> 03:15.640] material for 2 months. I do the return trip in one day. I can also sometimes do 3 [03:15.640 --> 03:20.000] turns, but I do not want to do that to keep all the material. The road is very well done, [03:20.000 --> 03:25.560] very well done, thank you very much for your excellence Denis Sasunga, that's what he thought of us, [03:25.560 --> 03:31.760] to make this beautiful road that he will maybe do at least 20 years later, but [03:31.760 --> 03:36.480] except that what I wanted to ask the political authorities and those who saw the [03:36.480 --> 03:43.360] Gontavo, that he, after that, for the work, that he leaves a maintenance service, that's what he [03:43.360 --> 03:48.080] will do, that the road can take a lot of time. Without maintenance, we have to [03:48.080 --> 03:55.560] do nothing. I take the road from Olisi Pointe-Noir, I leave, I take less than 3 hours of [03:55.560 --> 04:01.440] time at 3 hours 30 minutes from Olisi Pointe-Noir, I transport the passenger in my RAV4. [04:01.440 --> 04:09.880] The road is very good, it is well done, it makes me so full of what I am in the road, [04:09.880 --> 04:17.160] when the road is not yet good, I still have the experience of the road. What I really [04:17.160 --> 04:23.320] appreciate about the road is that it is well done, I just have to attract the attention of my colleagues, [04:23.320 --> 04:29.520] drivers, it is to drive slowly. I have already done in the long distance, [04:29.520 --> 04:37.720] Kishasaba-Kongo, which is 365 km, I have seen a lot of accidents in the road, [04:37.720 --> 04:42.920] also us, the road is still short from Olisi Pointe-Noir, I think it can do [04:42.920 --> 04:51.240] 160 km, it is a road, we can even drive at 2.30 am, but we have to respect the [04:51.240 --> 04:57.120] material, respect the passengers, so we have to do 3 hours 30 minutes to arrive in Olisi. [04:57.120 --> 05:02.920] We are happy, we are happy, I appreciate the good work of the President of the Republic. [05:02.920 --> 05:10.560] We drive freely, we drive freely, there is one thing, we have to respect the road, [05:10.560 --> 05:17.440] we have to respect the turn, there you can even do 20 years, and then we ask the question in the road. [05:17.440 --> 05:22.360] The difficulties encountered by the workers and engineers were as they believed, [05:22.360 --> 05:28.480] sometimes wrong or right, to have gravely displeased the genius of the mountain. On this [05:28.480 --> 05:32.680] track, these geniuses would be dressed to remind the first arrival that a beast of [05:32.680 --> 05:38.000] blood was buying its owner. Some royalties were fulfilled in order to appease the geniuses [05:38.000 --> 05:43.440] and ask them to be able to defeat the lion. This is the whole sense of the ritual organized [05:43.440 --> 05:47.840] on the fall of Monsololo, asking the guardian geniuses of the terroir to free the places, [05:47.840 --> 05:54.040] to allow the Chinese to work without complications and to erase the accidents very intense in the [05:54.040 --> 05:59.440] area of ​​the field, the first days of work. The biggest obstacle was a large stone, [05:59.440 --> 06:04.160] a shape that was cut for the needs of the cause, it was immediately recomposed in the morning [06:04.160 --> 06:09.800] of the next day, forcing the workers to resume several times and several days the same operation, [06:09.800 --> 06:17.200] like Penelope, who is his canvas, or Sisyphus, who is in his bridge. The reportage in this [06:17.200 --> 06:22.480] astonishing landscape runs the risk of taking the hallways of the promenade, both by mystery and [06:22.480 --> 06:28.440] attracting unnecessarily interrogation and reflection, curiosity and envy. Nothing should [06:28.440 --> 06:33.120] say that the mystery can be dissipated. Researchers and scientists will one day [06:33.120 --> 06:39.840] think of these questions. In the meantime, a certainty is at least that Denis Sasungesso [06:39.840 --> 06:44.080] has just overcome this natural temerity, by building a road heavy within the [06:44.080 --> 06:49.560] path that crosses the legendary and redoubtable mountains of the Mayan. The road, object of the [06:49.560 --> 06:54.520] pride of the Congolese, now serpents proudly towards Brasaville, which she will reach [06:54.520 --> 07:02.000] after a few years only. Would he be exaggerating to say so? Surely not. Indeed, it is a [07:02.000 --> 07:08.120] field that has had with difficulty a particular proximity, a field on which the body could crack [07:08.120 --> 07:14.080] at one point or another. Thank God, there were many difficulties to overcome, it is true, [07:14.080 --> 07:19.960] but at the same time, we were stimulated by the interest of what we did and by the feeling that what we [07:19.960 --> 07:26.040] did had an importance. To do this, everyone was convinced that we should never let ourselves be [07:26.040 --> 07:33.040] captured by the crowd, because by organizing well, we can face and resist its charge. For the [07:33.040 --> 07:39.560] most part, among them, the end of work is a moment of great emotion, the same as leaving [07:39.560 --> 07:44.240] this site. It is the end of a moment where they have lived together, they have lived from [07:44.240 --> 07:51.400] moments so intense, there have been so many charges of personal demand, of deployment of [07:51.400 --> 07:58.040] everyone, of your collective work that everyone is very marked. For them, of course, the Mayom will remain [07:58.040 --> 08:03.480] an unforgettable experience. In the daily organization of work, it was necessary to see at what [08:03.480 --> 08:09.120] pace the workers worked, at what cadence the engineers activated, at what speed the [08:09.120 --> 08:14.400] controllers were pressing, at what measure the machines would go around monumental tasks, [08:14.400 --> 08:20.520] at what speed the machine workers were digging, digging or rumbling. With what enthusiasm [08:20.520 --> 08:24.680] each body of work provided, all the measurement of its talent, with what hard work, [08:24.680 --> 08:30.200] engine driver and manager, put to work and to work, if employed without relaxation, [08:30.200 --> 08:35.400] two days and two nights, under the scorching sun or under the burning sun, to unhook the [08:35.400 --> 08:41.000] trap, to dismantle the goal, each of its forces as much as possible to give the best of [08:41.000 --> 08:43.160] himself. It was really necessary to see. [08:43.160 --> 08:51.240] I want to return to the first place thanks to God, frankly, to have come here to see us [08:51.240 --> 08:57.680] realize these things. Really, I thank God because there are so many who have dreamed [08:57.680 --> 09:02.880] and who have thought to see this wheel, but today it is me who comes to see this wheel [09:02.880 --> 09:13.640] thanks to the work carried out by the President of the United States of America. And who has thought to defeat [09:13.640 --> 09:18.440] this huge mountain chain of Mayans, so that we can say, mission accomplished, because we [09:18.440 --> 09:27.200] will arrive very soon in Bolivia. And who has thought, frankly, to not write [09:27.200 --> 09:33.280] a story in this country. And I believe that in several states, we also dream of making [09:33.280 --> 09:41.040] such a great work. We have always thought that it was a way to do it, but today [09:41.040 --> 09:45.560] we have it. Tomorrow, it may be on other roads, which you will see in this country. [09:45.560 --> 09:52.520] And obviously, there is a little to have a feeling of satisfaction and to say thank you [09:52.520 --> 09:57.400] to the President of the United States of America. In this way, he came, but he realized it. [09:57.400 --> 10:04.640] And for the people, the Congolese must really give us this tribute, to thank him for [10:04.640 --> 10:10.120] this work. He has thought a lot, but he needs a number of courage. And to have a team, [10:10.120 --> 10:16.120] of course, there is not only him, but there is all the team he supported, who was behind [10:16.120 --> 10:23.320] and also our Chinese brothers, who thought they could do it. I am very happy and I am [10:23.320 --> 10:29.360] here the first to be on this trip. He will say, but how did it happen? A lot, it's [10:29.360 --> 10:34.600] so good on all eyes, you will write on this road. And here we have a trip. As we see in [10:34.600 --> 10:39.560] other countries in Africa, advanced like the South Africa, and we are better. We will [10:39.560 --> 10:44.040] advise him to put his pride on us. At the same time, he is the man, he is always at the center of everything. [10:44.040 --> 10:50.040] He will have to let the Congolese submit to work, not always waiting for the assistant. [10:50.040 --> 10:55.040] Unfortunately, this is what we see in our country, and currently, everything must be free. [10:55.040 --> 11:02.040] But we think that, as we say, there is no submission. There is no submission, as we always say. [11:02.040 --> 11:08.040] And indeed, it is true, we have the road, but we will have to let people work. And young people [11:08.040 --> 11:15.040] do not always speak, always and always of agriculture. As long as we come here, for a certain [11:15.040 --> 11:23.040] visit, the population is complaining of the lack of the road. The Sahara, the Waiers, the Banda, [11:23.040 --> 11:29.040] they produced a lot, a lot, a lot of bananas, but they could not listen to their bananas until they [11:29.040 --> 11:35.040] had a point of view or a point of view. Now we have the road, but we will also have to [11:35.040 --> 11:40.040] let young people submit to work, as they produce more to make these cities live. [11:40.040 --> 11:45.040] We also think that there will be fewer exoduses, there will be young people who will settle down, [11:45.040 --> 11:50.040] because the road will lead to a lot of work, it will lead to other structures that will make [11:50.040 --> 11:53.040] young people stay in their villages. [11:53.040 --> 11:59.040] On the 60 kilometers of road today in Bichume, the Chinese company China State [11:59.040 --> 12:05.040] Construction Engineering Corporation has done to intervene from its technical means to build [12:05.040 --> 12:10.040] the walls of support, mulled over a million cubic meters of land, braved the landslides [12:10.040 --> 12:16.040] and landslides, controlled the fall of trees and the movement of the soil, terraced a million cubic [12:16.040 --> 12:23.040] meters of tally, erected bridges, dams and other works of art. In total, 299 [12:23.040 --> 12:29.040] billion, 441 million of French people have been engaged in nothing but the first transfer. [12:29.040 --> 12:34.040] Yes indeed, the first transfer is finished, so it is already under circulation [12:34.040 --> 12:38.040] since the embankments have ended up in Olisi and since a small year, we have started [12:38.040 --> 12:42.040] the mobilization on the transfer of Olisi to the city and the works have started [12:42.040 --> 12:44.040] for about six months. [12:44.040 --> 12:51.040] I am Eddie Pryos, I am the head of water, of the control mission of the works [12:51.040 --> 12:57.040] between Pointe-Noire and Malélé, so the transfer of 54 kilometers plus [12:57.040 --> 13:00.040] another 1300 meters on the IRN6 to make the other post of weight. [13:00.040 --> 13:05.040] We are there on the post of weight. [13:05.040 --> 13:12.040] So the post is composed of eight voids, four voids in one direction, four voids in the other. [13:12.040 --> 13:20.040] One way to the extreme for heavy weights, which is more than 4.5 meters wide [13:20.040 --> 13:27.040] to keep in mind a bit of heavy weights, plus three rows of three meters [13:27.040 --> 13:29.040] for light vehicles. [13:29.040 --> 13:35.040] Each post is about semi-automated, that is to say that the barrier is automatic. [13:35.040 --> 13:46.040] The height under the pavilion is about 6 meters, with the administrative building, [13:46.040 --> 13:51.040] a pump building with the upper floor for a fire system, [13:51.040 --> 13:54.040] plus the water supply system, public toilets. [13:54.040 --> 14:03.040] Here we have a post of weight for the loaders, with the loaders on the loaders [14:03.040 --> 14:08.040] which will be directed towards the parking post to be unloaded. [14:08.040 --> 14:13.040] I tell you, the electrical installation is done, the night, all the lights work, [14:13.040 --> 14:16.040] the barriers work. [14:16.040 --> 14:22.040] The users of this route that yesterday did not exist, they were not used to the post of weight. [14:22.040 --> 14:26.040] Does it bother you a bit with the installation of this big jewel? [14:26.040 --> 14:33.040] For the moment, it has never really worked for vehicles. [14:33.040 --> 14:39.040] But I think we will have done all the signalling so that people get used to it. [14:39.040 --> 14:42.040] So it's true that there will be a small learning phase, there are already two weights that exist. [14:42.040 --> 14:51.040] So people start to understand the barrier system and to stop to fix the tax for the driving. [14:51.040 --> 14:53.040] For me, there will be no problem. [14:53.040 --> 14:58.040] There will be a bit of learning, certainly, but it's a phase that will not last very long. [14:58.040 --> 15:05.040] At the P437 near N'Voutie was built a 50-metre-long bridge with three tracks. [15:05.040 --> 15:10.040] N'Voutie, one of the largest places crossed by the National Route 1, [15:10.040 --> 15:14.040] would draw his name from N'Voutie, a very famous tree in the region. [15:14.040 --> 15:23.040] Under this tree, the maintenance would be carried out between the colonial explorer and the fancier owner, the old Manzimbou. [15:23.040 --> 15:29.040] The legend adds that this tree, full of mysteries, which cut the veil, was completely reconstructed the next day. [15:29.040 --> 15:37.040] It was the old Émile Makoso, originally from Madingocay, who, depending on the column, would have indicated that he was talking under N'Voutie. [15:37.040 --> 15:42.040] On what? The white man concluded that the village that visited him was called N'Voutie. [15:42.040 --> 15:52.040] Today, the small N'Voutie, yesterday simply as a hunter, has grown up, becoming a reference station on the way to the Congo Ocean with its 4,000 inhabitants. [15:52.040 --> 15:57.040] But N'Voutie is also now the passage of the route to Pointe-Noire-Brasa-Ville. [15:57.040 --> 16:04.040] Here, the old building and the houses that opened the administrative services of the district have been demolished. [16:04.040 --> 16:09.040] Instead, the President of the Republic has built a new undercarriage seat. [16:09.040 --> 16:19.040] There is also the social that, as you said, for the construction of schools, centers, integrated centers. [16:19.040 --> 16:26.040] We also have the obligation, when we find that there is even an administrative building that is located in addition to the road, [16:26.040 --> 16:30.040] we have to break this building and build another. [16:30.040 --> 16:34.040] It is like N'Voutie. You have seen the construction of N'Voutie. [16:34.040 --> 16:42.040] The construction of N'Voutie is in our hands and we are obliged to do another project to build a new building for the construction of N'Voutie. [16:42.040 --> 16:52.040] We go at least 5 meters, 3 meters from the water, to make a construction where there will be paths that will pass to value. [16:52.040 --> 17:02.040] There are not many comments to make. The route is well there. We, the people of Mayan, are very relieved, [17:02.040 --> 17:05.040] really very relieved because the route is visible. [17:05.040 --> 17:10.040] To get to Pointe-Noire here, it was really a crash. [17:10.040 --> 17:17.040] It was a crash, it was in the time, before the road, it was really difficult. [17:17.040 --> 17:24.040] Tell me, on the road, we know that it is an important factor in development here in N'Voutie. [17:24.040 --> 17:32.040] How do you hear about the development of the Congo through this route that is now going through N'Voutie? [17:32.040 --> 17:39.040] Yes, development. Our contribution is agriculture. [17:39.040 --> 17:47.040] In the first place, it is agriculture because today we do not think we have the forest, we have water, [17:47.040 --> 17:52.040] we can use everything for the development of the country in relation to the road, it is the forest. [17:52.040 --> 17:54.040] In fact, it is agriculture, livestock. [17:54.040 --> 17:56.040] What do you do here precisely in N'Voutie? [17:56.040 --> 17:58.040] Well, here we do agriculture. [17:58.040 --> 18:00.040] What do you do yourself? [18:00.040 --> 18:05.040] I do agriculture and I do the artisanal siege. I try the board. [18:05.040 --> 18:09.040] Do the youth of N'Voutie also do as you do? [18:09.040 --> 18:13.040] Yes, we are many. We are many to do, especially the siege. [18:13.040 --> 18:19.040] Well, the plantations, because we had a little difficulty. [18:19.040 --> 18:26.040] To transport, you can have the seeds of banana, etc. [18:26.040 --> 18:29.040] But I think that with the road, it will work. [18:29.040 --> 18:34.040] But now, we are young, we are many to do the artisanal siege. [18:34.040 --> 18:39.040] The road is visible today, it allows you to easily remove your products. [18:39.040 --> 18:45.040] And so, your feeling about that, are you happy about that, relieved? [18:45.040 --> 18:47.040] In any case, the feelings are huge. [18:47.040 --> 18:50.040] We are so happy, we are young in N'Voutie. [18:50.040 --> 18:52.040] In fact, that's what they think. [18:52.040 --> 18:55.040] The road today is done. [18:55.040 --> 19:02.040] For us, it is a jewel because it passes directly in our village. [19:02.040 --> 19:10.040] So in our village, for us, it was a dream to become a reality today. [19:10.040 --> 19:13.040] We didn't even know because I was born in N'Voutie. [19:13.040 --> 19:15.040] I was born in N'Voutie. [19:15.040 --> 19:19.040] We didn't even think that we would see the road in N'Voutie. [19:19.040 --> 19:23.040] In N'Voutie, it was really a dream. [19:23.040 --> 19:24.040] It was really a dream. [19:24.040 --> 19:28.040] So that's why I say that we must think. [19:28.040 --> 19:36.040] First of all, in the first place, I support the project of President Denis Sasongueso. [19:36.040 --> 19:38.040] The path of the future. [19:38.040 --> 19:46.040] Because with the path of the future, our populations seem to be a little underage. [19:46.040 --> 19:47.040] In principle, underage. [19:47.040 --> 19:54.040] Because today, compared to yesterday's life, there is a change. [19:54.040 --> 20:00.040] Yesterday, the population had difficulties to move. [20:00.040 --> 20:09.040] Today, with the presence of the road, the inhabitants of Mayombes who had difficulties to move. [20:09.040 --> 20:12.040] Today, it is easy to move. [20:12.040 --> 20:16.040] Especially for the trade, the men of business. [20:16.040 --> 20:18.040] I am very happy with everything that is happening. [20:18.040 --> 20:25.040] Everything that the President is doing as a project in our country. [20:25.040 --> 20:30.040] Do you say that today, the populations move better than before, but there was also the way to do it? [20:30.040 --> 20:33.040] So it wasn't really the population. [20:33.040 --> 20:35.040] What do you want? [20:35.040 --> 20:43.040] We can't criticize the old woman because we saw the news. [20:43.040 --> 20:46.040] But for the way to do it, I have concerns. [20:46.040 --> 20:51.040] I don't know if the way to do it will revive as before. [20:51.040 --> 21:00.040] After the 80s, where there was the creation of blue trains, sunsets and so on. [21:00.040 --> 21:05.040] Really, especially today, the traveler doesn't even care about the train. [21:05.040 --> 21:15.040] Because in my childhood, when we traveled with the ABJ train, A1, A2, really, the Congo was traveling freely. [21:15.040 --> 21:22.040] Today, with the route, the traveler decides when he wants and he travels freely. [21:22.040 --> 21:25.040] Yes, PAN has been erected along the train. [21:25.040 --> 21:31.040] The one of Maseka on the upper pass of the Sefseio has been executed at the Ghabarit de Chemin de Ferre [21:31.040 --> 21:35.040] with the possibility of allowing the doubling of the ferry. [21:35.040 --> 21:40.040] The route of several hours is also the opportunity to establish contact with the populations [21:40.040 --> 21:47.040] at the top of the number of places that travel and on the borders of which a large part of the city will be concentrated. [21:47.040 --> 21:54.040] These villages in Purno, Maseka, Vouti, Lesara, Les Bandas, I will surely forget about them. [21:54.040 --> 21:57.040] As much as the stage where the transit will be uninterrupted, [21:57.040 --> 22:00.040] to the point of doing the daily theater of a great animation. [22:00.040 --> 22:12.040] Women and men will sell fruits and vegetables like bananas, bananas, coconut nuts, manioc, papaya, mango, saffou and other products in detail [22:12.040 --> 22:15.040] or local artisanal products. [22:15.040 --> 22:22.040] The point of view of our evolution in the village, [22:22.040 --> 22:30.040] next to the circulation and the opportunity to make our products come out. [22:30.040 --> 22:38.040] There are many advantages because there is the control, the calm passes, no matter what time you can sell until tomorrow morning. [22:38.040 --> 22:40.040] People pass. [22:40.040 --> 22:45.040] The car can arrive here, it looks there, the wind passes. [22:45.040 --> 22:50.040] If you earn less than 15,000 in the day, it's already a lot. [22:50.040 --> 22:56.040] It's for the summer, less than 15 bags per day. [22:56.040 --> 22:58.040] How many bags per day do you sell? [22:58.040 --> 23:01.040] Less than 250. [23:01.040 --> 23:07.040] Today, it's starting to make me happy because of the road that the Chinese are about to take. [23:07.040 --> 23:10.040] So it really makes me happy. [23:10.040 --> 23:15.040] Because I can even take the diacatrisis, I can even go back. [23:15.040 --> 23:18.040] It's a great honor for you. [23:18.040 --> 23:22.040] But for someone who made you easily use this road. [23:22.040 --> 23:25.040] What do you say to the place of this person? [23:25.040 --> 23:28.040] Thank you very much for this person. [23:28.040 --> 23:31.040] He is our president, Denis Sasungesso. [23:31.040 --> 23:33.040] He did a good job on the road. [23:33.040 --> 23:37.040] He is a very good president. [23:37.040 --> 23:40.040] He really deserves to command the Congo. [23:40.040 --> 23:44.040] It doesn't matter who can do that because there are many presidents who have passed here in Congo. [23:44.040 --> 23:48.040] They can't do that. [23:48.040 --> 23:51.040] But we have to make our president Sasungesso. [23:51.040 --> 23:54.040] We have to make our president Sasungesso. [23:54.040 --> 23:57.040] Before, we didn't have a road here. [23:57.040 --> 23:59.040] There were a lot of roads. [23:59.040 --> 24:02.040] There were a lot of mud roads. [24:02.040 --> 24:05.040] It's like that, it makes harmony. [24:05.040 --> 24:07.040] Look at yourself. [24:07.040 --> 24:10.040] From a black point of view, you can take your diacatrisis. [24:10.040 --> 24:13.040] You even put your girlfriend or your wife behind. [24:13.040 --> 24:16.040] It's very easy to make a road here. [24:16.040 --> 24:20.040] We have to make our president Sasungesso. [24:20.040 --> 24:26.040] That's all I wanted to say. [24:26.040 --> 24:30.040] If you have another question, you can ask. [24:30.040 --> 24:34.040] No, I don't have anything else to say. [24:34.040 --> 24:37.040] I don't have anything to say. [24:37.040 --> 24:39.040] Thank you very much. [24:39.040 --> 24:43.040] Hello. Your name? [24:43.040 --> 24:46.040] You've been here since when? [24:46.040 --> 24:49.040] It's been two weeks. [24:49.040 --> 24:52.040] Tell me, has this market existed for a long time? [24:52.040 --> 24:55.040] It's been six months already. [24:55.040 --> 24:57.040] Six months already. [24:57.040 --> 25:01.040] It means that this market has been created after the construction of the road [25:01.040 --> 25:05.040] that is being made between Pointe Noire and Brasaville. [25:05.040 --> 25:08.040] What advantages will you have here? [25:08.040 --> 25:11.040] You can walk there now. [25:11.040 --> 25:14.040] There are also the old people from Pointe Noire. [25:14.040 --> 25:17.040] When they come here, they buy the things here. [25:17.040 --> 25:21.040] It's not an advantage for this road. [25:21.040 --> 25:24.040] What do you do to provide you with this? [25:24.040 --> 25:30.040] I don't have anything else to say. [25:30.040 --> 25:33.040] Tell me, has the road been made? [25:33.040 --> 25:35.040] It's an advantage for all of us. [25:35.040 --> 25:39.040] What do you say to the place of the project's initiator? [25:39.040 --> 25:42.040] Yes, we want to thank him. [25:42.040 --> 25:46.040] The one who had the project in addition to improving this road. [25:46.040 --> 25:51.040] We really want to thank the head of state for what he did [25:51.040 --> 25:54.040] in addition to keeping the road. [25:54.040 --> 25:56.040] We really want to thank him. [25:56.040 --> 25:58.040] It makes us very happy. [25:58.040 --> 26:00.040] In order to maintain this road, [26:00.040 --> 26:02.040] two potholes have been erected. [26:02.040 --> 26:06.040] They are all made of wood and wood from the wood. [26:06.040 --> 26:11.040] Each of them has a pothole to control the toning of the vehicle. [26:11.040 --> 26:14.040] The construction of the road, Pointe Noire-Brasaville, [26:14.040 --> 26:18.040] is already being made of the indigenous elements in the main villages. [26:18.040 --> 26:20.040] In particular, Pondila and Panga, [26:20.040 --> 26:22.040] 44 km from Pointe Noire, [26:22.040 --> 26:25.040] where the President of the Republic has built a health center. [26:25.040 --> 26:29.040] Designed to provide quality care for the local population, [26:29.040 --> 26:34.040] dispensers have a medical unit and an administrative building. [26:34.040 --> 26:36.040] In the village of Punga, [26:36.040 --> 26:40.040] a new building reinforces the capacity to welcome the primary school. [26:40.040 --> 26:42.040] They understand three classroom rooms [26:42.040 --> 26:44.040] in which they add a health unit. [26:44.040 --> 26:46.040] A huge relief. [26:46.040 --> 26:51.040] Yes, it is a meeting between the government and the Chinese company [26:51.040 --> 26:54.040] who are trying to keep the road. [26:54.040 --> 26:58.040] They want to make this new day for the development. [26:58.040 --> 27:01.040] I am very happy. [27:01.040 --> 27:03.040] The students are also very happy. [27:03.040 --> 27:06.040] We really have to look at our building. [27:06.040 --> 27:10.040] We do not have to destroy it. [27:10.040 --> 27:12.040] It is a beautiful jewel. [27:12.040 --> 27:14.040] We did not expect that. [27:14.040 --> 27:16.040] We have a beautiful jewel. [27:16.040 --> 27:17.040] We can not despair. [27:17.040 --> 27:19.040] I thank the President of the Republic. [27:19.040 --> 27:23.040] Finally, after two hours of travel, [27:23.040 --> 27:26.040] the vehicle reaches Olisi. [27:26.040 --> 27:28.040] My name is Mr. Tatyola. [27:28.040 --> 27:31.040] I am the coordinator of the Olisi Road War. [27:31.040 --> 27:33.040] You are the coordinator of the Olisi Road War. [27:33.040 --> 27:38.040] You have sometimes interviews with people [27:38.040 --> 27:40.040] who often take the road. [27:40.040 --> 27:42.040] What do they tell you now? [27:42.040 --> 27:46.040] Now, compared to the passengers who travel to Olisi, [27:46.040 --> 27:48.040] Cai, Sibiti, no matter where. [27:48.040 --> 27:53.040] It is said that our President is doing great efforts. [27:53.040 --> 27:56.040] Even great efforts. [27:56.040 --> 27:59.040] Before, we had tracasseries. [27:59.040 --> 28:01.040] In Olisi, you can do a return. [28:01.040 --> 28:05.040] Something that was not possible before. [28:05.040 --> 28:09.040] We are told that with the help of the road to the future, [28:09.040 --> 28:12.040] I think the President is doing great efforts. [28:12.040 --> 28:14.040] Because even with us here, [28:14.040 --> 28:18.040] it is a guarantee that the road will compete. [28:18.040 --> 28:20.040] We also pronounce ourselves as [28:20.040 --> 28:23.040] the road to the future Congo in advance. [28:23.040 --> 28:25.040] We give big congratulations. [28:25.040 --> 28:29.040] Big congratulations and great encouragement [28:29.040 --> 28:33.040] so that tomorrow, as there is already a launch of work [28:33.040 --> 28:35.040] for Olisi in Cai, [28:35.040 --> 28:38.040] I think that this is what I can say. [28:38.040 --> 28:40.040] And big thanks to the President. [28:40.040 --> 28:44.040] And I also give information to the Congolese people [28:44.040 --> 28:46.040] who want to travel freely, [28:46.040 --> 28:49.040] to discover the road to the future. [28:49.040 --> 28:51.040] The city located in the valley of Nihari [28:51.040 --> 28:54.040] is 379 km west of Brazzaville. [28:54.040 --> 28:56.040] Third of the country by its importance [28:56.040 --> 28:58.040] demographic and economic. [28:58.040 --> 29:00.040] The city of wood and forest. [29:00.040 --> 29:03.040] Olisi is also the city where the [29:03.040 --> 29:05.040] excellence of Umbunda was built, [29:05.040 --> 29:07.040] which will access the most deserving students [29:07.040 --> 29:09.040] of our country. [29:09.040 --> 29:11.040] Umbunda is also the school [29:11.040 --> 29:14.040] that frequented the President of Nisa Sungesso. [29:14.040 --> 29:16.040] At that time, the students of Umbunda [29:16.040 --> 29:19.040] were created in precise symbolic places [29:19.040 --> 29:22.040] to the extent of this tree that seems to have resisted so much. [29:22.040 --> 29:25.040] This large tree is dressed here in front of the sky, [29:25.040 --> 29:28.040] peaceful and indifferent to the mood of the day. [29:28.040 --> 29:30.040] It is the historic tree of Debraza, [29:30.040 --> 29:33.040] the mucondo on which the old students of Umbunda [29:33.040 --> 29:37.040] engraved their names, surnames or sobriquets. [29:37.040 --> 29:39.040] The President of Nisa Sungesso, [29:39.040 --> 29:41.040] then student in this establishment, [29:41.040 --> 29:44.040] was also at fashion or better, [29:44.040 --> 29:46.040] in the terminology we see in schools, [29:46.040 --> 29:48.040] he was added. [29:48.040 --> 29:50.040] This is how he does not hesitate to sign [29:50.040 --> 29:53.040] his name on the tree that he loved the most. [29:53.040 --> 30:15.040] Prince.