**Story 1: The End of Modernity and the Rise of Postmodernity** Description: The speaker discusses the idea that modernity is coming to an end and being replaced by postmodernity. He argues that this shift is characterized by the destruction of traditional values and beliefs and the rise of relativism and individualism. Summary: The speaker argues that modernity is coming to an end and being replaced by postmodernity. He claims that this shift is characterized by the destruction of traditional values and beliefs and the rise of relativism and individualism. He also argues that this shift is not limited to the West, but is happening all over the world. **Story 2: The Future of the World Order** Description: The speaker discusses the future of the world order and argues that it will be characterized by a multipolar world in which no single country is dominant. He also argues that the global balance of power is shifting towards Asia. Summary: The speaker argues that the future of the world order will be characterized by a multipolar world in which no single country is dominant. He claims that the global balance of power is shifting towards Asia and that the United States is no longer the dominant power it once was. He also argues that the world is becoming more complex and that there is no longer a single, universal ideology that can be applied to all countries. **Story 3: The United States and Its Global Strategy** Description: The speaker discusses the United States' global strategy and argues that it is aimed at maintaining its dominance in the world. He claims that the United States is using various methods, such as military alliances, economic sanctions, and regime change, to achieve its goals. Summary: The speaker argues that the United States is pursuing a global strategy aimed at maintaining its dominance in the world. He claims that the United States is using various methods, such as military alliances, economic sanctions, and regime change, to achieve its goals. He also argues that the United States is working to prevent the rise of any other country that could challenge its dominance. **Story 4: The Importance of Soft Power** Description: The speaker discusses the importance of soft power and argues that it is a key tool for achieving national interests. He claims that Russia needs to develop its soft power in order to counter the influence of the United States and its allies. Summary: The speaker argues that soft power is a key tool for achieving national interests. He claims that Russia needs to develop its soft power in order to counter the influence of the United States and its allies. He also argues that Russia needs to invest in its own culture and values and to promote them to the world. **Story 5: The Role of the Army in Russian History** Description: The speaker discusses the role of the army in Russian history and argues that it has often been a source of instability and weakness. He claims that the army has often been used to suppress dissent and to protect the interests of the ruling elite. Summary: The speaker argues that the army has often been a source of instability and weakness in Russian history. He claims that the army has often been used to suppress dissent and to protect the interests of the ruling elite. He also argues that the army has often been poorly led and equipped, which has contributed to its failures. **Story 6: The Collapse of the Soviet Union** Description: The speaker discusses the collapse of the Soviet Union and argues that it was caused by a combination of factors, including economic problems, political instability, and ethnic conflict. He also argues that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy for the Russian people. Summary: The speaker argues that the collapse of the Soviet Union was caused by a combination of factors, including economic problems, political instability, and ethnic conflict. He claims that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy for the Russian people and that it led to a decline in their living standards and a loss of national pride. He also argues that the collapse of the Soviet Union created a power vacuum that has led to instability and conflict in the region. **Story 7: The Future of Russia** Description: The speaker discusses the future of Russia and argues that it needs to focus on developing its own unique path and not trying to copy the West. He also argues that Russia needs to strengthen its military and its economy in order to protect its interests. Summary: The speaker argues that Russia needs to focus on developing its own unique path and not trying to copy the West. He claims that Russia has a rich history and culture that it can draw on to build its own future. He also argues that Russia needs to strengthen its military and its economy in order to protect its interests.