**Story 1: Ruben Vardanyan's arrest and the exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh** Description: Ruben Vardanyan, a wealthy businessman and former government minister, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities. He had given up his Russian citizenship to become a citizen of Armenia and had worked to improve the lives of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. The region has seen an exodus of Armenians following the 44-day war in 2020, and Vardanyan's arrest has added to the sense of crisis. Summary: Ruben Vardanyan, a wealthy businessman and former government minister, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities. He had given up his Russian citizenship to become a citizen of Armenia and had worked to improve the lives of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. The region has seen an exodus of Armenians following the 44-day war in 2020, and Vardanyan's arrest has added to the sense of crisis. **Story 2: The need to update Russia's nuclear doctrine** Description: The war in Ukraine and the possibility of a wider conflict have raised concerns about the use of nuclear weapons. Dr. Sergei Karaganov argues that Russia's nuclear doctrine is outdated and needs to be revised. He believes that Russia should adopt a "no first use" policy and that the West should recognize that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if its vital interests are threatened. Summary: Dr. Sergei Karaganov argues that Russia's nuclear doctrine is outdated and needs to be revised. He believes that Russia should adopt a "no first use" policy and that the West should recognize that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if its vital interests are threatened. **Story 3: The need for a new Russian ideology** Description: Dr. Karaganov also argues that Russia needs a new ideology to replace the current one, which he believes is no longer effective. He believes that the new ideology should be based on traditional Russian values and should emphasize the importance of the state and the nation. Summary: Dr. Karaganov argues that Russia needs a new ideology to replace the current one, which he believes is no longer effective. He believes that the new ideology should be based on traditional Russian values and should emphasize the importance of the state and the nation. **Story 4: The need to purge the comprador bourgeoisie** Description: Dr. Karaganov believes that Russia needs to purge the "comprador bourgeoisie," a class of people who have become wealthy through their connections with the West. He believes that these people are not loyal to Russia and that they must be replaced by a new class of patriotic entrepreneurs. Summary: Dr. Karaganov believes that Russia needs to purge the "comprador bourgeoisie," a class of people who have become wealthy through their connections with the West. He believes that these people are not loyal to Russia and that they must be replaced by a new class of patriotic entrepreneurs.