**Title**: Russian State TV discusses recent news and events **Description**: The hosts discuss a range of topics including the war in Ukraine, the downing of a missile in Poland, and the recent scandal involving a Ukrainian veteran of the SS. **Summary**: 1. The hosts discuss the war in Ukraine and the recent Ukrainian counteroffensives, which they claim are futile and will not succeed. 2. The hosts discuss the downing of a missile in Poland and accuse Ukraine of being responsible for the attack. 3. The hosts discuss the recent scandal involving a Ukrainian veteran of the SS who was honored by President Zelensky. They claim that this shows that Ukraine is a Nazi state and that Zelensky is a Nazi sympathizer. 4. The hosts discuss the recent plan by the United States to provide financial aid to Ukraine in exchange for reforms. They claim that this plan is a form of colonization and that it will lead to the destruction of Ukraine. 5. The hosts discuss the recent decision by the United States to create a new anti-corruption task force in Ukraine. They claim that this is a violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and that it will not be effective in fighting corruption.