**Fierce Battles Continue in Zaporozhye Region:** -Kiev is sending its last reserves into an assault in the Zaporozhye region. -The 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, one of the last combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Airborne Troops, has suffered huge losses. -Many soldiers in the SSU surrender, and they report that they were abandoned and that the morale is low. -Western equipment, including German armored vehicles and English tanks, has not helped the Ukrainian forces. **Russian Forces Strike Militant Positions in Krasnolimansk Direction:** -The Russian military used the Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system to strike militant positions in the Krasnolimansk direction. -The system employs thermobaric shells against manpower and military targets, exposing them to fragments, high temperatures, and increased pressure. -The Russian forces work quickly and efficiently to carry out their任務s. **Rally in Support of Niger Held in Nigeria:** -A rally in support of neighboring Niger was held in Nigeria, with several political movements calling for people to take to the streets. -The aim of the rally was to show support for African independence and to demand the withdrawal of French troops from Niger. -The protesters believe that the French army should leave when the African people demand it, and that Africa belongs to the Africans. **Coup Attempt Fails in Burkina Faso:** -The Burkina Faso authorities reported that a coup attempt had been started by the military to attack the institutions of the Republic. -Citizens were called to take to the streets to supposedly restore justice in the country. -The action was stopped by security and intelligence forces, and four of the instigators were arrested while two more are on the run. **Fifth Nuclear Reactor Vessel Shipped to Turkey:** -The fifth nuclear reactor vessel for the Turkish nuclear power plant Akkuyu was shipped to Ulgodonski. -The vessel, built at the Rusatom plant, weighs 320 tons and has a length of almost 13 meters. -It will be delivered to the customer via a combined method, first by specialized road transport and then by water journey. -The vessel is part of the third power unit under construction at the Akkuyu nuclear power plant. **Russia's GDP Growth Accelerates:** -According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP growth is accelerating. -In August, the figure was slightly better than in July, at 5.2%. -For the first 8 months of the year, GDP growth has reached 2.5%. -Industrial production increased by almost 5.5% in August, with significant growth in the production of electronic optical products, furniture, antibiotics, and vehicles. **Funding for Industrial Development Program to Increase:** -The Russian government plans to increase funding for the state program for industrial development by almost 270 billion rubles next year. -The additional funding will be used to support the development of various industries, including the automotive, electronics, and chemical sectors. **Three Additional Railway Ferries for Kaliningrad Region Under Discussion:** -The Cabinet of Ministers is discussing the construction of three additional railway ferries for the Kaliningrad region. -The ferries are needed to ensure that the region is independent from the decisions of third countries. -The issue of funding for the ferries was raised at a meeting between the president and members of the government. **Annual Inflation in Russia Accelerates to 5.7%:** -Annual inflation in Russia has accelerated to 5.7%, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. -A week ago, the inflation rate was 5.5%. -Food prices have increased significantly, with tomatoes, bananas, and chicken eggs seeing the largest price increases. -However, some food prices have decreased, including carrots, cabbage, and apples. **Scam on JPEX Crypto Exchange in Hong Kong Results in $192 Million Loss:** -The scam on the JPEX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has resulted in a loss of over $192 million, affecting nearly 2,500 people. -This is the largest fraud in the history of the region. -The exchange gave false information in advertising about having a license to operate in Hong Kong. -Approximately $179 million has disappeared from users' wallets. -The police have sought the help of Interpol to freeze these assets. -15 people have been arrested in connection with the case. -The exchange has announced that it is suspending operations in the region. **Mass Exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh:** -More than 50,000 residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have left their homes and moved to Armenia. -Former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan tried to leave the region along with other internally displaced persons but was detained. -There is an endless flow of cars through the Zlochin corridor from Yes in Armenia. -Registration of people is accepted day and night, but only 6,000 people have been resettled so far. -Many people are exhausted and under extreme stress. -Ambulances and sanitary aviation are being used to transport the most seriously ill patients to clinics in Armenia. **Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent, Uzbekistan:** -A powerful explosion followed by a fire occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. -The emergency occurred at a large warehouse in the area. -Cars and batteries were stored in the warehouse, which detonated from a lightning strike and burst into flames. -The fire spread rapidly and covered about 3,000 km. -The fire has now been localized. -Several dozen fire brigades are working on the spot, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations laboratory and police are establishing the exact causes. -There are victims, who have been taken to the Republican emergency medicine center. -The international airport, near which the fire occurred, is operating normally, and flights have not been canceled. **Two Small Missile Ships Launched at Amur Shipyard:** -Two small missile ships, Arzhev and Udomlya, were launched at the Amur Shipyard. -The ships are equipped with artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, and cruise missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 2,000 km. -The ships will be transferred to the Pacific Fleet after final testing. -The construction of these ships is part of Russia's import substitution policy. -The ships will be used to protect Russia's maritime borders and interests. **Kholva 24-Month Installment Plan:** -Kholva offers a 24-month installment plan for purchases from partners or for paying off credit card debts. -Customers can open a VTB current account to access over thirty business services. **Protests and Strikes in the United States:** -The strike in the United States could spread to even more auto factories, with hundreds of enterprises potentially paralyzed if employees do not begin negotiations. -An extension of the strike could be announced today. -Joe Biden's visit to Michigan did not help raise wages, and Donald Trump also criticized the president's behavior. **Looting and Riots in Philadelphia:** -Stores in Philadelphia were looted by African Americans who rushed in with the crowd, raking up smartphones. -The stolen iPhones were disabled and could not be used, so the thieves threw them away. -The police arrived late, and the looters took advantage of the situation. -The authorities imposed restrictions on looting, allowing people to take up to a thousand dollars worth of goods, but this has not helped to combat crime. -The progressive prosecutors refuse to open criminal cases against the looters, and car theft is no longer prosecuted. -Conservative people are leaving big cities due to the rise in crime.