**1. Russian Offensive in Lyman Direction** Russian forces, including assault groups and artillery from the Central Military District, are working in the Lyman direction. First, self-propelled artillery mounts strike, followed by fighters from the line of contact in the Luhansk People's Republic. The closer to the line of combat engagement, which passes through the Serebryansky forestry, the more armored vehicles we meet. Here, tankers from the Central Military District are returning from the front lines to replenish ammunition and fuel supplies, and this is a heavy flamethrower system, Solntsepek, already moving in the opposite direction to its firing line. Assault groups are being redeployed closer to the front lines, right on the armor, and already directly to the place of execution of the combat mission on such armored vehicles, Akhmat, to the place where these vehicles of the Central Military District replenish fuel supplies and are based while waiting for the loading of assault groups, we are already traveling in the armored vehicle itself. Together with the base, a fighter from the assault group with the call sign Garik tells us about the experience of protecting housing, which they received here on the Krasno-Liban direction. We dig dugouts under the ground, then we lay them in four layers, here we live three to five people, there were arrivals, three layers break through, four layers do not break through, so we decided to put four layers, and this car recently withstood a hit from a fragment of a large-caliber mine fired by the Ukrainian military, several more of these armored vehicles remain at the base for now. This is an armored car Akhmat, it is in these that assault groups move. There is space for ten people to sit comfortably, as well as enough space to store weapons and an additional set of ammunition. A couple of Akhmat armored vehicles are heading to the point where the assault group is waiting for them. And a few kilometers from the front line, the airborne self-propelled mortar system Nona completed its work. The main task today is before the assault groups go there. The gun commander tells us about the details of the combat work here at the Torsky ledge: sometimes there are arrivals, our car is very mobile, that is, we can safely leave the position, we cover our own infantry, the drone rises, coordinates are given, we shoot at these coordinates, make certain adjustments, according to these we hit the targets, that is, during these adjustments we destroyed three NATO-made pickups. The joint combat work of assault groups and artillerymen of the Central Military District does not stop day or night. Alexei Baranov, Andrei Yurchuk, Alina Zzykovova, Vesti lines of contact in the Luhansk People's Republic, Krasnolimansky direction. **2. Russian MoD: Ukrainian POWs Say They Were Thrown into Battle Without Training** And now кадры from the Ministry of Defense from the Zaporozhye direction of the special military operation, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering colossal losses, not wanting to replenish the ranks of the killed and wounded, Ukrainian servicemen are increasingly deciding to lay down their arms. According to the captured soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are thrown into battle with practically no training. What is happening on this section of the front is called, quote: a meat grinder. They gave us these German cars, they don't drive, they are from the tenth years, it turns out, the Germans threw off everything, all unnecessary from conservation and equipment, propaganda works, this is definitely, that we have achieved success there, there, but in the end you look at all this, what successes are there, there are simply people throwing toups, and the result is zero, there were guys that they were taken away? a man came out of work, he was taken away, we had to come, gain a foothold in the landing and ну hold. defense, miraculously survived in general, and did not even expect to survive, in the morning we were taken prisoner by Russian military, everyone is already tired, everyone just wants to return home, so that all this ends quickly, the fighting spirit has fallen, I think so, probably, below average, because of the big losses, take our exit, we were just thrown into the meat grinder, everything, sense. **3. Lavrov: West Destroyed Ukraine's Territorial Integrity** It was the West that destroyed the territorial integrity of Ukraine, such a statement was made by Sergei Lavrov in an interview with the TASS agency, reminded of the situation with the Minsk agreements, which were cynically used against Russia in order to fill the arsenals of Ukraine with weapons, with the same purpose, as the head of the Mita emphasized, in the West are now trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce, the minister is sure, time... but a ceasefire is sought only in order to gain time to pump even more military equipment into the Kiev regime. Lavrov noted that Moscow does not see any real preconditions for real negotiations to begin this fall. **4. Russian GDP Growth Accelerates** Now news of the economy, according to the calculations of the Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP began to grow at a faster pace. Tell us how much it has added over the past 8 months. Tat 2.5% year-on-year, I will continue the topic. Russia's GDP growth is accelerating, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. In August, the figure is slightly better than in July, 5.2%. And according to the results of the first eight months, it added 2.5% year-on-year. Let me remind you that the forecast for the current year is 2.8. As reported by Rosstat, industrial production in August grew by almost 5.5%. The output of electronic and optical products, furniture, antibiotics and motor vehicles increased especially by one and a half times. In particular, passenger cars received twice as much as a year earlier. Meanwhile, funding for the state program for the development of industry is planned to be increased by almost 270 billion rubles next year, by 318 in 25 by 356 in twenty-sixth. According to TASS, such figures are spelled out in the materials for the draft federal budget. The Cabinet of Ministers will build three additional railway ferries for the Kaliningrad region, this was announced by the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov. The issue of financing was raised on Wednesday at a meeting of the President with members of the government. It was devoted to the state program for the development of the region. They also discussed the extension of the program, including the allocation of money in the long term for this program, including issues of the further functioning of the special economic zone regime and the need to build additional three. and railway ferries, in order to be absolutely independent of those or their decisions there of third countries, there is support from the President for most of these decisions, there is an instruction to finalize some issues, to clarify, but in any case, the money has already been allocated, the figures have been agreed with the Ministry of Finance, annual inflation in Russia has accelerated to 5.7% - the Ministry of Economic Development reports, a week ago it was... of food products, tomatoes have risen in price the most, more than 9%. Then come bananas and chicken eggs, 4.3% respectively. At the same time, prices for some products went down, carrots, cabbage and apples became cheaper by almost 3%. Pasta by half a percent. **5. Hong Kong Crypto Exchange Scam: 192 Million Lost** The damage from the scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong exceeded $192 million. About 2,500 people were affected. as local media write, this is the largest fraud in the history of the region. It all started on September 13, when the Securities and Futures Commission reported that the platform was giving false information in advertising about having a license to operate in Hong Kong. Then about $179 million disappeared from users' wallets. The police turned to Interpol for help in finding and freezing these assets. Fifteen people were arrested in the case. The exchange announced that it was suspending operations in the region. At the end of the issue, let me remind you, the exchange rates for today, the dollar is 96 rubles 50 kopecks, the euro is 101.97, that's all I have for now, you've been fighting for a long time since the first days, what is included in the functions of your verification unit obtaining any developmental information in the interests of the command, work, at what distance do you have to work now 285. We are engaged in the training of drone operators, of course, well done, got it, science has proved since the time of Suvorov. **6. Canadian PM Trudeau Apologizes for Scandal Involving Ukrainian Nazi** The Canadian Prime Minister, after all, decided to apologize for the scandal with the Ukrainian SS man, but even in his personal shame, the Canadian Prime Minister managed to blame Russia. The opposition media in social networks Trudeau is called a moron who is not taught anything by history. All the details from Maria Skorodiłka. applauded, admired, called a pompous hero, no one was afraid, and it seems, did not think at all that they would have to answer, before those who saw it, the biography of the SS man Yaroslav Khunka, or as the Ukrainians themselves call him, Gunka, who was brought to the Canadian Parliament and honored as a shrine, shocks the world. Just imagine, if the Canadian parliament invites such a person, a Nazi, then this is a national interest of Canada, there is no filter of Nazism in the ideology of this country. But most of all I was outraged by the fact that Ukraine is proud of it, and such heroes, like this SS man, have never been punished in the entire history, and then the Kiev authorities will tell the whole world that Russia attacked them, do you understand now, who is the real Nazi, what Russia is fighting against, several countries at once demanded an apology, this man should not have become the star of the Canadian parliament, but we would like to now... hear an apology, it was a genocide of Poles and Jews, and we have repeatedly told our allies about this: Poland is the best ally of Ukraine will never agree to whitewash such villains. Journalists did not choose expressions. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau from the speaker of parliament is simply stupid, this is clinical idiocy. Zelensky was invited to parliament to talk about helping Ukraine, and Hitler's henchman was called along with him. Canadian authorities. noticeably nervous on popular Internet resources, hastily clean up all information about Ukrainian henchmen, Hitler. As I said yesterday, this depresses Canada and parliament. The streets of the Canadian parliament were stirred up by the smell of Garina Dotava, journalists are looking for facts. It turned out that there are plenty of supporters of Nazism in the Canadian establishment. Here is the deputy Trudeau Chrystia Freeland running away from reporters, although she hides her face, her biography can no longer be erased. She is proud of her. grandfather, who also served in the CCCP and spoke about it publicly, правда сейчас отвечать на вопросы журналистов о долгих овациях прислужнику нацистов не стала, за это же критикуют, накопившая карьера? Mrs. Freeland, you called me and my friends radicals, and you met a Nazi in parliament, could you please take the trouble to comment, apologize. Local journalists released an article, it contains exact figures of former Hitler's accomplices, who fled to Canada in the fifties. and there are more than one and a half million of them in the country, правда признавать такое внучке бывшего редактора нацистской газеты Фриленд как-то неудобно или просто нечего сказать? Let me say, I'll start with the fact that I think the government intends to very carefully think through the next steps, well, after a cynical silence, an attempt to apologize from the very... in a few minutes I will address parliament, all Canadians, Jews from all over the world Ukrainians and apologize, then like this. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of all those present, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for what happened on Friday for the situation in which Zelensky found himself the Ukrainian delegation, the fact that we honored this man, not knowing who he was, a monstrous mistake insulting the memory of those who suffered severely from. It was the personal responsibility of the Prime Minister to invite Zelensky to parliament, and he personally headed the government, which has a security service, intelligence and diplomatic services that could and should have checked all invitees. Trudeau does not shy away. a Nazi against his own citizens, but is unable to take responsibility for honoring the SS man, reacting to the situation, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, suggested that Canada think about whether it is worth giving money to a state that has elevated the Nazis to the rank of heroes, however, for Trudeau, the Ukrainian agenda is a good way to distract attention from the catastrophe in his own country, journalists believe, zapasovki, corruption, inflation in the Canadian army total shortage, while for Canadians it does not matter who you are, as long as you see the Russians as your enemy. you are treated as a hero, which means that there is nothing surprising in the fact that they shook hands with a Nazi, so метко написали в соцсетях, далекие от закулисных игр жители Канады. Maria Skorodiłka, Vesti. **7. US Companies Retain Interest in Russian Market** US companies have retained their interest in the Russian market, despite open pressure from Washington, our ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, said. The diplomat noted that the White House is trying to shirk responsibility for the collapse of commercial ties, to blame Moscow for everything, although it was the American media that pushed to leave the Russian market. Companies that continued to cooperate with Russia were immediately classified as malicious violators. The ambassador stressed that our country is open for **8. Strike in the USA May Affect More Car Factories** A strike in the United States could affect even more car factories, CNN reports. Hundreds of enterprises in the country will be paralyzed if negotiations with employees do not begin. The announcement of the expansion of the strike may be made today. Even Joe Biden's visit did not help to raise salaries. He came to Michigan to join the strikers. He said a few words about their contribution to the US economy, but has not done anything yet. On the same day. The participants of the action also met Donald Trump, and he could not remain silent about the behavior of the head of state. Yesterday Joe Biden came to Michigan to publish photos from the picket line, but judging by his policies, Michigan auto workers will be left without work. He came only after I announced my arrival, talked for a few seconds had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't know where he was, what he was saying, he asked: "Where...". and where am I, you're in Michigan? Oh, that's great, and what are all these people doing in Michigan? **9. Messi did not play in the US Open Cup final** Now sports news, Alexander Lionel Messi did not enter the field last night, his team lost, tell us why? Tatyana Messi did not play in the US Open Cup final, and Inter Miami could not cope without their leader. Let's start with the domestic competitions in the Russian Cup in football, the matches of the final of the regional path continue. On the eve in Volgograd, Rotor and Alania met. Rotor represents the second league today. Alania, in turn, plays in the first league, leads there, this season will surely be one of the contenders for promotion in the class exit in the RPL. Alania was considered the favorite in the match against Rotor, but the Volgograd team passed further. One goal decided everything, it was scored in the seventieth minute by Rizvan Akhmedkhanov. The Rotor player made a beautiful shot into the near corner from a штрафном. 1:0 victory of Rotor over an opponent from a higher division. In the Kontinental Hockey League, the next five matches of the regular championship were held the day before. In Novosibirsk, Siberia played against SKA. In this match, the attendance record of the new Siberia-Arena was updated. The match against SKA was attended by 10,489 fans. Only 19 people were not enough for a full house and maximum occupancy of the stands. Siberia and SKA played for the second time this season, last week the Novosibirsk team won a guest victory in St. Petersburg, the day before Roman Ratenberg's team took revenge. SKA won with a score of 3:0. Alex Golchenyuk оформил дубль in this game. Siberia's four-match winning streak was broken. SKA, in turn, continues the longest away tour of the season. So far, the Petersburgers are walking along it with a 100% indicator. Victories in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and Novosibirsk. Inter Miami last night претендовала already on the second trophy in the current. US Cup against Houston Dynamo. The winner of this tournamentванно receives the next season a place in the Champions League of the countries of North and Central America. However, the Miami Inter have already achieved this right, when they won another tournament, the League Cup. Lionel Messi, last night on the field did not appear, moreover, the world champion did not get into the application of his team. Messi watched the match from the stands. The Argentine has a minor injury, which he. received during the recent break in the games of the national teams. Without Lionel and Messi, Inter lost this final 1:2. Let me remind you that with Zamayamtsev, Lionel Messi, starting in July, has already managed to play 12 matches in all tournaments. The statistics are simple, in the games where Messi entered the field, Inter never lost. And a sensation in the English League Cup, Manchester City flew out of the tournament already at the 1/16 final stage. This has not happened to Man City in 11 years. Team. Guardiola lost to Newcastle 0:1. The only goal in the match in the second half was scored by the Swedish striker of Newcastle, Alexander Isak. Manchester City played a mixed squad in this match, in particular, Erling Holland did not enter the field. After the defeat and departure from the tournament, the head coach of Mancity Pep Guardiola joked that his team does not have to win all four tournaments in which it participates, three trophies are enough. That's all for sports for now, see you next time. **10. The government proposed to ban the export of purchased fuel and raise duties** The government proposed to ban the export of purchased fuel and raise duties, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. What is the expected dynamics of gasoline and diesel prices and what other measures are needed to stabilize the market? My colleague Maria Kudrevtseva learned about this. First, gasoline must be supplied to the domestic market only, and then earn money through exports. Such a statement was made by President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with members of the Cabinet of Ministers and called for timely response to the fuel situation in Russia. The measure is taken, prices are rising. So what is happening there in these other links, the consumer is not very interested. The consumer is already the result. the same applies to agricultural producers, I told you, yesterday, and today I have already said, in some regions, people travel, well, they travel, of course, they buy diesel fuel in neighboring regions, because they have nothing decreases, at a meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak noted that the price situation on the domestic market is now stabilizing, following the measures taken by the government. introduced temporary restrictions on the export of gasoline and diesel fuel to stabilize the domestic market. As a result, биржевые prices for gasoline decreased by an average of 20% by 16% for diesel fuel. The Deputy Prime Minister added that the growth in wholesale prices in the last 2 days after the government restricted exports is normal. This is a correction that reflects the real situation on the market. For additional price stabilization, the government has proposed to increase the duty on oil. I also consider it possible to completely ban the sale of any oil products purchased on the domestic market and not produced for export, that is, thereby we will also limit the possibility of speculative supplies for export, here it will also be important to work together with the Ministry of Energy with the Federal Tax Service, with the Federal Customs Service for compliance with these requirements. And over the past 2 months, as the Deputy Prime Minister noted, биржевые prices for gasoline have increased by 15%, diesel fuel by 30%, and the production of gasoline for 8 months has increased by more than 3% by almost 6.5% for diesel fuel. President Vladimir Putin at the meeting drew attention to the fact that the growth in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel continues and expects that the proposed measures will work, but also set the task of strengthening work with companies in the industry. We will count on the fact that the proposed measures will work, we need to work more closely with companies, we have already talked about this, so that they also understand their responsibility, it is clear that the company's economy is important for us, this is a chicken that lays golden eggs, this is understandable, we must treat them carefully, everything is clear, but nevertheless, respond to the events that are happening, I would ask you to be more prompt. The Ministry of Finance is ready to provide additional resources to the regions to solve fuel problems, but systemic solutions are needed. Such an opinion at the meeting was expressed by the head of the department, Anton Siluanov. We, with the fertilizer producers, made a systemic decision that yes, they supply part of it to the domestic market at fixed prices, part of it, then, the remaining part, then, for export, or it is possible to purchase a certain volume of fuel oil for state needs, well, first of all for the regions. and it is possible to do this now for those companies, from those companies that will now receive certain preferences. Alexander Novak noted that further stabilization of the domestic fuel market is now expected, the alignment of prices in the wholesale segment will lead to a decrease in retail, primarily at independent gas stations. **11. Enterprises of the Donbass Republics are gradually returning to work** So the dairy plant in Makeyevka is already producing dozens of types of products. Everything is natural. special attention to quality, how they ensure control at all stages, Olga Lukyanchenko saw, kefir, desserts and many more healthy treats for children, a total of 30 items are produced in Makeyevka, the products are suitable for babies aged 6 months, and its peculiarity is its natural composition, which is why it does not it is stored for long, tasty and what can I say, how can you determine the quality of the product, that is, if we say that it is 3-5 days its shelf life, then leave it for a longer period, and you will see what will happen to it, the enterprise works around the clock, during this time 3 tons of milk are processed, and this all rests on the shoulders of 2 people, the list of duties of the head of production Tatyana Kharina is impressive, you need to control every stage, so that only high-quality products are on the tables of the children of the Republic. My duties include control of production, the schedule of incoming raw materials at all stages of production and control of the technological process, washing equipment, I also mean all the sanitary aspects that we have here: and, accordingly, the output, the output of packaged quality products. We were lucky to see what they do with milk, as soon as it was brought to the plant? Milk was brought to the plant, an employee with a special tool is already ready, it is called a whisk, it is needed in order to stir the milk to a state of a homogeneous mass, and here is a laboratory assistant, now he will rise to the tank with milk, take in samples, after that... they will go to the laboratory only after quality control it will be possible to make dairy products from them. There is a laboratory here. Its employees must check the milk brought in only then say their verdict, whether it is possible to make baby food from it. If the test is not passed, the milk is sent back to the supplier. What are you doing now? Now we are determining the acidity of milk, this is the first indicator that speaks of the freshness of our raw milk. the great desire of all employees of the enterprise is for the children to finally go to school and kindergartens, then they will again be able to regularly please them with delicious, and most importantly, natural products, but for now everyone can buy them in stores. Olga Lukyachenko, Roman Frolov, Vesti Donetsk. **12. Rubik's cube speed-solving record attempt** we expect to finish in 10 days, it will be a record. Rubik, at the limit of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, do not rise higher, you will simply fall down like a stone, at the speed of the wind, this is a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it seems to be chasing you, what do you need? Lord of the wind. We watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. watch, watch, in the application or on the website, now about the weather, a powerful cold snap, by the end of this week will cover the European part of Russia, how many more days with abnormal heat are there in the region and when will the rains