**1. Russian news story: "The powerful cold snap will cover the European part of Russia by the end of this week."** * Description: A powerful cold snap is expected to cover the European part of Russia by the end of this week, bringing with it unseasonably cold temperatures and a risk of frost. * Summary: The cold snap is expected to last for several days, with temperatures dropping to as low as -5°C (23°F) in some areas. This is significantly colder than the average temperature for this time of year, which is typically around 15°C (59°F). The cold snap is also expected to bring with it a risk of frost, which could damage crops and vegetation. **2. Russian news story: "The salaries of Russian citizens are growing, as noted in Rosstat."** * Description: The average monthly salary in Russia increased by 9% in July compared to the same month last year, according to Rosstat, the country's statistics agency. * Summary: The average monthly salary in Russia is now 71,419 rubles ($970). This is up from 65,365 rubles ($880) in July 2021. The increase in salaries is being driven by strong economic growth, which is expected to continue in the coming months. **3. Russian news story: "The production of petroleum products in Russia is growing."** * Description: The production of petroleum products in Russia is growing, with output increasing by 3.5% in the first eight months of the year compared to the same period last year. * Summary: The increase in production is being driven by strong demand for petroleum products, both domestically and internationally. Domestic demand is being driven by the country's growing economy, while international demand is being driven by the recovery of the global economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. **4. Russian news story: "Lukoil may be banned from processing Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year."** * Description: The economic commission of the Bulgarian People's Assembly has proposed banning Lukoil from processing Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year. * Summary: The proposal is in response to concerns that Lukoil is profiting from the war in Ukraine by processing Russian oil. Lukoil has warned that the ban would disrupt the work of its refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria, and could lead to a sharp increase in fuel prices in the country. **5. Russian news story: "The German chemical industry is in danger, as the Bild newspaper writes."** * Description: The German chemical industry is in danger, as the Bild newspaper writes, with companies from fourteen states asking Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to save them from massive layoffs. * Summary: The chemical industry is facing a number of challenges, including rising energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and the war in Ukraine. These challenges have led to a sharp decline in production and a loss of orders, which is threatening the jobs of millions of workers in the industry. **6. Russian news story: "Shares of Rosseti rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange."** * Description: Shares of Rosseti, the Russian power grid company, rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange on Wednesday. * Summary: The rise in share price was driven by positive financial reporting. Rosseti reported a net profit of 202 billion rubles ($2.7 billion) for the first half of the year, which was 6.5 times higher than the same period last year. The strong financial results were attributed to increased electricity demand and higher tariffs.