**Story 1: Ukrainian POWs Allege War Crimes** - Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) have alleged that the Kyiv regime was committing war crimes, including the shelling of civilian areas and the use of banned weapons. - The POWs also apologized for giving a standing ovation to a Nazi collaborator during a visit to the Canadian parliament. **Story 2: Canadian Prime Minister Apologizes for Scandal** - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to the Canadian parliament and honoring him as a hero. - The incident has sparked outrage, with opposition media calling Trudeau a fool who has learned nothing from history. **Story 3: French Army Will Not Leave When Macron Decides** - The French army will not leave Niger when President Emmanuel Macron decides, but when the African people demand it, according to protesters in Niger. - The protests come amid growing anti-colonial sentiment in Africa. **Story 4: New Nuclear Reactor Vessel Sent to Akkuyu NPP** - A new nuclear reactor vessel has been sent to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Turkey. - The vessel is part of a project to build Turkey's first nuclear power plant, which is being constructed by Russia. **Story 5: Kyiv Throws Last Reserves into Zaporozhye Assault** - Kyiv is throwing its last reserves into an assault in the Zaporozhye region, but the Ukrainian forces are suffering heavy casualties. - Even Western equipment is not helping the Ukrainian troops, and many soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces. **Story 6: Fierce Battles Underway in Zaporozhye** - Fierce battles are underway in Zaporozhye, as Ukrainian troops abandon and throw their soldiers into meat assaults. - The last large-scale attempt by Ukraine to break through Russian defenses failed, and the battlefield is littered with corpses. **Story 7: Lavrov: West Seeking to Speculate on Truce** - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of seeking to speculate on the possibility of a truce in Ukraine. - Lavrov said that there are no real prerequisites for negotiations to begin this fall. **Story 8: Trudeau Apologizes for Scandal with Ukrainian Investigator** - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for the scandal involving a Ukrainian investigator who was invited to the Canadian parliament. - Trudeau said that he was personally responsible for inviting the investigator, and he apologized for the mistake. **Story 9: Stocking in the United States May Cover Even More Automobile Plants** - Stocking in the United States may cover even more automobile plants, according to reports. - Hundreds of enterprises in the country could be paralyzed if negotiations with employees are not started. **Story 10: American Business Remains Interested in Russian Market** - American business remains interested in the Russian market, despite open pressure from the US authorities, according to Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov. - Antonov said that the White House is trying to blame Moscow for the collapse of commercial ties, but Western companies were pushed to leave Russia by Washington. **Story 11: Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent** - A powerful explosion followed by a fire occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. - The accident occurred at a large warehouse near the airport, and the shock wave broke glass in nearby houses and buildings. **Story 12: Fire Engulfs Large Market in Indonesia** - A fire engulfed a large market in Indonesia, destroying many buildings. - The situation is complicated by the weather, as the country is experiencing record heat and frequent thunderstorms with lightning. **Story 13: Over 50,000 Residents Leave Nagorno-Karabakh** - More than 50,000 residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have left their homes and moved to Armenian territory. - The exodus comes after the region was blockaded for 9 months, leaving it almost without food. **Story 14: Karabakh State Minister Detained at Lochin Corridor** - Karabakh State Minister Ruben Vardanyan was detained at the Lochin corridor while trying to leave the region. - The Azerbaijani border service confirmed the information, adding that Vardanyan was taken to Baku. **Story 15: Rally in Support of Niger to Be Held in Nigeria** - A rally in support of neighboring Niger will be held in Nigeria, as Nigerians demand an end to French influence in Africa. - The protest is part of a growing movement for African independence from European powers. **Story 16: Coup Attempt Fails in Burkina Faso** - A coup attempt has failed in Burkina Faso, according to the authorities. - The conspirators were planning an attack on state institutions and called on citizens to take to the streets to restore justice. **Story 17: Russia's GDP Growth Accelerating** - Russia's GDP growth is accelerating, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. - The country's GDP grew by 2.5% in annual terms in the first 8 months of the year. **Story 18: Three Additional Railway Ports to Be Built for Kaliningrad Region** - The construction of three additional railway ports for the Kaliningrad region is being discussed by the Russian government. - The issue of financing the project was raised at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. **Story 19: Volkswagen Halts Production at Several Factories Due to IT Failure** - Volkswagen has halted production at several factories in Germany due to a failure in IT systems. - The problem has been declared a priority and all efforts are being made to resolve it. **Story 20: Damage from Scam on JPX Crypto Exchange Exceeds $192 Million** - The damage from a scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has exceeded $192 million. - About 2,500 people were affected by the fraud, which is the largest in the history of the region.