{ "predictions": [ { "safetyAttributes": { "blocked": false, "categories": [ "Death, Harm & Tragedy", "Derogatory", "Finance", "Firearms & Weapons", "Health", "Insult", "Politics", "Profanity", "Public Safety", "Toxic", "Violent", "War & Conflict" ], "scores": [ 0.6, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5 ] }, "citationMetadata": { "citations": [] }, "content": " 1. **Title: Seventh Financial Forum Opens**\n* Description: The seventh financial forum opens, the business program includes more than a dozen thematic sessions, Prime Minister Mikhailmesti will speak at the plenary session. \n* Summary: The seventh financial forum has opened, with more than a dozen thematic sessions and a speech by Prime Minister Mikhailmesti scheduled for the plenary session. \n\n2. **Title: Russian Forces Destroy Loitering Horn Munition**\n* Description: The crew of the Russian Tor2 complex of the West group of troops destroyed the loitering horn munition in the Kupinsky direction of the special operation. \n* Summary: Russian forces have destroyed a loitering horn munition in the Kupinsky direction of the special operation. \n\n3. **Title: Fire at Tashkent Airport**\n* Description: As a result of a fire near Tashkent airport, one person died and another 162 were injured - reports nazdravliki. The emergency occurred at night at a large electric vehicle warehouse. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. By this moment, the fire has been localized, but helicopters and dozens of rescuers are now working on the site. \n* Summary: A fire at Tashkent airport has left one person dead and 162 injured. The fire broke out at a large electric vehicle warehouse and was caused by a lightning strike. \n\n4. **Title: More Than Half of Nagorno-Karabakh Residents in Armenia**\n* Description: More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh are already in ... Armenia, the country's authorities reported this , Russian peacekeepers are helping to evacuate, according to information from our Ministry of Defense, 258 victims of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert were taken out by helicopter, more than 40 flights were made. \n* Summary: More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have been evacuated to Armenia, with Russian peacekeepers assisting in the evacuation. \n\n5. **Title: First Snow Falls in Varkuta**\n* Description: It started snowing again in the Russian north, meanwhile, the day before, heat records were recorded in the European part of the country. We’ll talk more about this with our meteorologist Ekaterina Gregora Kat, good morning, well, on social networks they are already actively discussing the information that women’s summer is ending, is this true? The Babilet will still have time to set several temperature records in the coming days, but we will start now with fresh and, I would even say, refreshing footage from the Russian North. So, the first snow fell today in the very In the eastern city of Europe, for reference this is Varkuta, a temporary snow cover formed; snow removal machines even had to be brought out on the street, and yet on Monday there was an anomaly in Varkuta. warm and the record for maximum temperature was updated, however, northerners prefer snow and cold rather than warmth and dampness, winter has come in Barkut, the first day of snow, the dampness has finally ended, but I think that the snow will still melt, but I hope that they will frosts, it is interesting that before the snowfall begins , thick fog envelops Irkutau with worsening visibility, up to 200 m. and before that the sky cleared late in the evening, local residents managed to admire the northern lights. At the beginning of the night, the northern Urals were under the influence of an anticyclone, but by dawn the Atlantic cyclone reached here, it moves very quickly, slides along the periphery of the anticyclone and very soon will end up in Siberia, with it pulling arctic cold into the northern Urals. Another cyclone is circling over the northern sea, but it will not be able to bypass the anticyclone. High pressure for some time. will block the stormy whirlwind, resulting in this cyclone will only increase the influx of warm air onto the Russian plain, the effect of its influence will be very noticeable today, before you is the forecast of the maximum temperature, look at how the isotherm is +25, it stretches from the Volgograd region to the Kaliningrad region, and this is about 1.00 km to the north. The +20 isotherm passes through the Gulf of Finland , warm air remains in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, although the weather there in the atmospheric front zone is... damp, in the northeast of European Russia it is much cooler, there during the day it is only +5 +10. well in In central Russia, the weather now is what it should be at this time in the Black Sea resorts, while the Black Sea is as warm as the Mediterranean Sea. In Anapia, yesterday the air temperature was a record + 28.8. In Kalining, the air warmed up to 26 yesterday. In Smolensk it was +22.2, in the Murmansk region the thermometers rose higher from. 15-17°. In Pskov the day before it was only 2° short of updating the temperature record, but today there is every chance for this. At the height of the day the air will warm up to +24, the daily maximum for this day is +22.6 and it belongs to 1981. Saturday will also be warm +21:23, but the record for this day is a couple of degrees higher, well, on Sunday it will rain and get colder until... in Moscow today it is clear and sunny, the thermometer will reach +22, tomorrow it will be even warmer and quite it is possible to set a new heat record, it was set back in 1900, just as in Obskve Baba summer will end on Sunday, how this will happen and what will follow, we will definitely tell you tomorrow, thank you, Gregorova with a story about the proximity of Indian summer and winter V the European part, our country and other topics: oil prices are rising, what are the reasons and what forecasts do experts make, now I will tell you all the details. \n* Summary: The first snow has fallen in Varkuta, Russia, marking the end of summer in the region. The temperature has dropped and there is a chance of frost. \n\n6. **Title: Oil Prices Rise**\n* Description: So, the cost of November brand oil futures rose to more than $96, this is the maximum since November 14 last year, now there has been a slight adjustment. Experts believe there are two main reasons. Firstly, the supply of raw materials to the market remains limited ahead of the winter, and secondly, investors are concerned about the declining volume of reserves at Cushing Hub, where largest oil storage facility in the USA. Let me remind you that the OPEC Plus deal has been extended until the end of the twenty-fourth year, but voluntary additional reductions will remain in effect. until December of this year. As part of it, Russia is reducing supplies to the market by 300,000 barrels per day, and Saudi Arabia by 1 million. Experts believe that by the end of the year we may see three-digit oil prices. \n* Summary: Oil prices have risen to their highest level since November 2021, with experts citing limited supply and declining reserves as the main reasons. \n\n7. **Title: Second Republican Presidential Debate**\n* Description: The second debate of Republican presidential candidates has begun in the United States. Seven candidates shared their views on the problems of American society. Moreover, each of the participants openly admitted. there was not enough Trump in their company, my colleague Valentin Bogdanov will tell you why. \n* Summary: The second Republican presidential debate has begun in the United States, with seven candidates sharing their views on the problems of American society. \n\n8. **Title: Biden's Potential Government Shutdown**\n* Description: America is on the verge of a shutdown; the budget has not been adopted, just a little more and the money will run out. Do you think it's inevitable potential government shutdown? I don't think anything is inevitable in politics. Can anything be done to avoid a shutdown? If I had known this, I would have done it already. \n* Summary: The United States is on the verge of a government shutdown as the budget has not been adopted. \n\n9. **Title: Impeachment Hearing Against Biden Begins**\n* Description: In short, neither from scrip, nor from prison, a process that can be called mechanically. the equivalent of a criminal case against Biden begins today. In the House Oversight Committee, the first impeachment hearing, three witnesses have been invited, including a former assistant to the US attorney general. \n* Summary: An impeachment hearing against Biden has begun in the House Oversight Committee, with three witnesses invited to testify. \n\n10. **Title: Nagorno-Karabakh to Dissolve Government**\n* Description: So, so what's on our minds now? one benefit. The head of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Shahraman signed a decree on the termination of the existence of the unrecognized Republic from January 1 next year, the Armenian media reported this with reference to the head of the republic, I quote: lower all government agencies and organizations. The signed decree contains a proposal to consider the possibility for the population to remain on the territory of Nagorno- Karabakh and accept the terms of reintegration proposed by Baku. \n* Summary: The head of Nagorno-Karabakh has signed a decree to dissolve the government and all government organizations, and has proposed that the population accept the terms of reintegration proposed by Baku. \n\n11. **Title: Russian Football Cup Matches**\n* Description: Now to the sports news. The next matches in the Russian Football Cup. \n* Summary: The next matches in the Russian Football Cup will be played. \n\n12. **Title: Lionel Messi's Inter Miami Fails to Win Second Trophy**\n* Description: Lionel Messi's Inter Miami failed to win a second trophy. \n* Summary: Lionel Messi's Inter Miami failed to win a second trophy. \n\n13. **Title: Russian Olga Mikheva Wins World Sambo Cup Without a Fight**\n* Description: And at the World Sambo Cup stage , Russian Olga Mikheva won without a fight. \n* Summary: Russian Olga Mikheva won the World Sambo Cup without a fight. " } ], "metadata": { "tokenMetadata": { "inputTokenCount": { "totalBillableCharacters": 22722, "totalTokens": 5830 }, "outputTokenCount": { "totalBillableCharacters": 8205, "totalTokens": 2202 } } } }