**Story 1: Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist** Description: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. Summary: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. The document instructs the dissolution of all government institutions and organizations, and the population is advised to familiarize themselves with the conditions of reintegration. **Story 2: Russian Economy in Context of Global Transformation** Description: The seventh financial forum has opened in Moscow, where the Russian economy in the context of global transformation will be discussed. Summary: The seventh financial forum has opened in Moscow, where the Russian economy in the context of global transformation will be discussed. The business program includes more than a dozen thematic sessions, and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. **Story 3: Fire at Tashkent Airport** Description: A fire has broken out at a large warehouse near Tashkent airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. Summary: A fire has broken out at a large warehouse near Tashkent airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. Helicopters have arrived to help firefighters. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. **Story 4: Republican Debates in California** Description: Republican presidential candidates have held debates in California, discussing the main problems facing the United States and challenging Donald Trump. Summary: Republican presidential candidates have held debates in California, discussing the main problems facing the United States and challenging Donald Trump. Trump did not attend the debate and received criticism from his opponents for this. **Story 5: Western Countries Fleeing Political and Military Fronts** Description: The newspaper Le Monde writes that Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts due to failures in Ukraine. Summary: The newspaper Le Monde writes that Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts due to failures in Ukraine. The withdrawal of French troops from Niger two years after the Americans left Afghanistan, according to journalists, only indicates that the US and the EU are simply losing ground in the diplomatic field. The Ukrainian conflict is aggravating the situation, and the rejection of global political forces is forcing the West to balance and always make concessions. **Story 6: Businessmen from the United States Still Want to Work with Russia** Description: Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov states that businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia, despite pressure from the American authorities. Summary: Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov states that businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia, despite pressure from the American authorities. Antonov emphasizes that Moscow is persistently blamed for the destruction of commercial ties, although Western partners were called upon precisely from Washington. **Story 7: West Destroyed Territorial Integrity of Ukraine, Says Lavrov** Description: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with the TASS news agency, accuses the West of destroying the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Summary: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with the TASS news agency, accuses the West of destroying the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He recalls the situation with the Minsk agreements, which were cynically used against Russia in order to fill Ukraine’s arsenals with weapons. For the same purpose, Lavrov emphasizes, the West is now trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce. The minister is confident that a temporary ceasefire is being sought only in order to gain time and further pump up the Kyiv regime with military equipment. Lavrov notes that Moscow does not see any real prerequisites for real negotiations to begin in the fall. **Story 8: Large Warehouse Near Tashkent Airport on Fire** Description: A large warehouse near Tashkent airport is on fire, with one person dead and over 160 injured. Summary: A large warehouse near Tashkent airport is on fire, with one person dead and over 160 injured. The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. Helicopters have arrived to help firefighters. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. **Story 9: Seventh Moscow Financial Forum Begins** Description: The seventh Moscow financial forum has begun its work in Manege, where participants will discuss options for balancing the economy in the context of global transformation. Summary: The seventh Moscow financial forum has begun its work in Manege, where participants will discuss options for balancing the economy in the context of global transformation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will traditionally speak at the plenary session. **Story 10: Russian Who Worked for Ukrainian Military Intelligence Detained in Sevastopol** Description: The FSB reports that a Russian citizen who worked for the military intelligence of Ukraine has been detained in Sevastopol. Summary: The FSB reports that a Russian citizen who worked for the military intelligence of Ukraine has been detained in Sevastopol. According to the department, in 2022, evading mobilization, the man went to one of the CIS countries and was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence. Carrying out an assignment from a foreign intelligence service, the Russian found a job in an organization that built fortified structures in Crimea, collected and transmitted the necessary information. Now he faces up to life imprisonment.