1. **Title: The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist** * Description: The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh officially ceases to exist. The decree was signed by the president of the unrecognized state. * Summary: The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist after the president of the unrecognized state signed a decree to that effect. The decision was made due to the difficult military and political situation in the region. 2. **Title: Russian economy in a period of transformation** * Description: The Moscow Financial Forum discusses the Russian economy during a period of transformation. * Summary: The Moscow Financial Forum is discussing the Russian economy during a period of transformation. The participants are saying that the most difficult period has passed and that the economy is recovering at a rate higher than previously predicted. 3. **Title: Ukrainian military surrender to Russian forces** * Description: A group of Ukrainian military members surrender to Russian forces in the Zaporozhye direction in the Rabotina Pyatikhatki area. * Summary: A group of Ukrainian military members have surrendered to Russian forces in the Zaporozhye direction in the Rabotina Pyatikhatki area. The surrender was filmed and released by the Russian Ministry of Defense. 4. **Title: Firefighting continues after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent** * Description: A fire has been raging for twelve hours after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent. Firefighting continues and more than 160 people have been injured, including one teenager who died. * Summary: A fire has been raging for twelve hours after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent. Firefighting continues and more than 160 people have been injured, including one teenager who died. The cause of the explosion is still unknown. 5. **Title: DDoS attack on Moscow airports** * Description: A powerful DDoS attack is carried out on the check-in system for passengers from abroad at Domodedovo airport. * Summary: A powerful DDoS attack is carried out on the check-in system for passengers from abroad at Domodedovo airport. The attack caused large queues, non-functioning check-in counters, and delayed flights. 6. **Title: Russian airlines switch to domestic reservation system** * Description: Russian airlines switch to the domestic Leonardo reservation system after Aeroflot reported difficulties with passenger check-in. * Summary: Russian airlines switch to the domestic Leonardo reservation system after Aeroflot reported difficulties with passenger check-in. The switch was made to eliminate difficulties with check-in at airports. 7. **Title: Former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh surrenders to Azerbaijan** * Description: The former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, David Babayan, surrenders to Azerbaijan. * Summary: The former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, David Babayan, surrenders to Azerbaijan. Babayan said that he made the decision after being blacklisted and demanded to arrive in Baku. 8. **Title: Criminal case opened regarding explosion at industrial warehouse in Tashkent** * Description: The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan has opened a criminal case regarding the explosion of a fire at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent. * Summary: The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan has opened a criminal case regarding the explosion of a fire at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent. The fire caused extensive damage and more than 160 people were injured. 9. **Title: Russian citizen charged with financing terrorism in Azerbaijan** * Description: A Russian citizen is charged with financing terrorism in Azerbaijan after he was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence. * Summary: A Russian citizen is charged with financing terrorism in Azerbaijan after he was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence. The man collected and transmitted information about fortifications in Crimea. 10. **Title: Moscow Financial Forum discusses the Russian financial and economic system** * Description: The Moscow Financial Forum discusses the Russian financial and economic system in a period of global transformation. * Summary: The Moscow Financial Forum discusses the Russian financial and economic system in a period of global transformation. The participants are discussing how the system should be structured and what challenges it faces.