1. **Title:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist **Description:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh officially ceases to exist. The decree was signed by the president of the unrecognized state. The region becomes part of Azerbaijan. **Summary:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist after the president of the unrecognized state signed a decree to that effect. The region will now become part of Azerbaijan. 2. **Title:** Firefighting continues after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent **Description:** A fire has been raging for twelve hours after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent. More than 160 people were injured and one teenager died. Firefighting efforts are ongoing. **Summary:** A massive fire broke out at a warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, leaving more than 160 people injured and one teenager dead. Firefighting efforts are still ongoing after twelve hours. 3. **Title:** Large queues and flight delays at Moscow airports due to cyberattack **Description:** Large queues, non-functioning check-in counters, and delayed flights are causing chaos at Moscow airports due to a powerful DDoS cyberattack on the passenger check-in system. Rostec, the company responsible for the system, has stated that they are working to repel the attack. Aeroflot has also reported difficulties with passenger check-in, but has since announced that the operation of the Leonard reservation system has been restored. **Summary:** Moscow airports are experiencing significant disruptions, including long queues, non-functioning check-in counters, and flight delays, due to a cyberattack on the passenger check-in system. Rostec, the company responsible for the system, is working to repel the attack. Aeroflot has also been affected, but has announced that its reservation system has been restored. 4. **Title:** Russian financial and economic system in a period of transformation **Description:** The Moscow Financial Forum is discussing the transformation of the Russian financial and economic system in the face of global challenges. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin emphasizes the importance of financial sovereignty and ensuring economic sustainability. The government is implementing measures to strengthen the technological and personnel sovereignty of the country, including the creation of a unified base of startups and the revitalization of venture funds. **Summary:** The Moscow Financial Forum is addressing the need to transform the Russian financial and economic system in response to global challenges. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stresses the significance of financial sovereignty and economic sustainability. The government is taking steps to bolster the country's technological and personnel sovereignty, such as establishing a unified database of startups and revitalizing venture funds. 5. **Title:** Ukrainian military personnel surrender near Zaporizhzhia **Description:** A group of Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces in the Zaporizhzhia region. The footage shows the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. **Summary:** Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces near Zaporizhzhia, as seen in footage showing the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. 6. **Title:** Russian businessman Ruben Vardanyan arrested in Baku **Description:** Well-known businessman and former head of the government of Nagorno-Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan, has been detained in Baku and charged with financing terrorism on the territory of Azerbaijan. **Summary:** Ruben Vardanyan, a prominent businessman and former head of the government of Nagorno-Karabakh, has been arrested in Baku and accused of financing terrorism in Azerbaijan. 7. **Title:** Former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh surrenders to Azerbaijan **Description:** The former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, David Babayan, has announced his decision to surrender to Azerbaijan. He claims that he was blacklisted and that the Azerbaijani side demanded his arrival in Baku. **Summary:** David Babayan, the former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, has made the decision to surrender to Azerbaijan. He states that he was blacklisted and that the Azerbaijani side requested his presence in Baku. 8. **Title:** Criminal case opened after explosion at industrial warehouse in Tashkent **Description:** The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan has opened a criminal case regarding the explosion and fire at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent. The fire area was 10,000 km and the shock wave damaged several residential buildings. A fifteen-year-old teenager died and the total number of victims is 163, with 24 hospitalized. A government commission has been created to address the consequences of the incident. **Summary:** The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan has initiated a criminal investigation into the explosion and fire that occurred at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent. The incident resulted in extensive damage, affecting an area of 10,000 km and causing harm to nearby residential buildings. Tragically, a fifteen-year-old teenager lost their life, bringing the total number of victims to 163, with 24 individuals requiring hospitalization. To address the aftermath of this incident, a government commission has been established. 9. **Title:** Russian national charged with treason for providing information to Ukrainian intelligence **Description:** A Russian national has been charged with treason for allegedly providing information to Ukrainian intelligence. The man, who was working for Ukrainian intelligence, was recruited in 2022 and collected and transmitted sensitive information about Russian fortifications in Crimea. **Summary:** A Russian national has been accused of treason for allegedly supplying information to Ukrainian intelligence. The individual, who was employed by Ukrainian intelligence, was recruited in 2022 and engaged in gathering and transmitting sensitive data about Russian fortifications in Crimea.