1. Moscow's Role in the Russian Economy: The head of Moscow's Finance Department discusses the city's role in the Russian economy, emphasizing that Moscow's budget is largely dependent on federal funding. He argues that Moscow's financial stability is crucial for the entire country and that the city's budget should be used to support key industries and technologies. 2. The Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Economy: The head of the Central Bank of Russia discusses the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy. He argues that sanctions have forced Russia to reorient its economy away from the West and towards the East, but that this has also led to a number of challenges, including a shortage of goods and higher prices. He emphasizes the need for Russia to develop its own domestic industries and technologies in order to become more resilient to future sanctions. 3. The Future of the Russian Economy: The head of the Ministry of Finance discusses the future of the Russian economy. He argues that Russia needs to focus on structural reforms in order to become more competitive in the global economy. He emphasizes the need for increased investment in infrastructure, education, and technology, as well as the importance of creating a more favorable business environment. He also discusses the need for Russia to reduce its reliance on oil and gas exports and to diversify its economy. 4. The Role of Forecasts in Economic Planning: The head of the Ministry of Finance discusses the role of forecasts in economic planning. He argues that forecasts are essential for making informed decisions about the future, but that they should not be taken too seriously. He emphasizes the need for flexibility and adaptability in the face of changing circumstances. 5. The Weakening of the Ruble: The head of the Central Bank of Russia discusses the recent weakening of the ruble. He argues that the ruble has weakened due to a number of factors, including the global economic slowdown, the trade war between the United States and China, and the sanctions imposed on Russia. He emphasizes that the ruble is still a strong currency and that there is no need to panic.