1. Moscow's Role in the Russian Economy: The head of Moscow's financial department discusses the city's role in the Russian economy, emphasizing that Moscow contributes significantly to the federal budget and that the city's income has grown significantly over the past 12 years. He also highlights the importance of stable and predictable rules for businesses and individuals. 2. The Future of Globalization: The panel discusses the impact of globalization and the recent shift towards deglobalization. They note that countries are now more focused on protecting their own industries and technologies, and that this trend is likely to continue. 3. The Importance of Structural Reforms: The panel emphasizes the importance of structural reforms in the Russian economy, particularly in light of the current geopolitical and economic challenges. They discuss the need to reorient the economy towards more sustainable and healthy sectors, and to reduce reliance on imports. 4. The Role of the Central Bank: The head of the Central Bank discusses the bank's role in ensuring financial stability and supporting the economy. He emphasizes the importance of responsible financial policy and the need to adapt to changing economic conditions. 5. The Impact of Sanctions: The panel discusses the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and the importance of import substitution. They note that sanctions have created challenges, but have also led to opportunities for domestic producers. 6. The Outlook for the Russian Economy: The panel discusses the outlook for the Russian economy, noting that the country has weathered past crises and is likely to overcome the current challenges. They emphasize the need for continued structural reforms and investment in key sectors. 7. The Role of Forecasts in Budget Planning: The panel discusses the role of socio-economic forecasts in budget planning and the importance of realistic forecasts. They note that the budget is strong and includes parameters that take into account potential changes in the economy. 8. The Weakening of the Ruble: The panel discusses the reasons for the weakening of the ruble and the advantages and disadvantages of a weak ruble. They note that the ruble has been affected by a number of factors, including the global economic slowdown and the impact of sanctions.