1. **Budget Priorities and Spending:** The 2023-2025 federal budget draft will prioritize ensuring victory in the ongoing conflict, with significant funding allocated to the military and defense. The budget also emphasizes domestic production and capacity, including machine tool building and aircraft manufacturing, as well as new technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced communications systems. 2. **Taxes and Fiscal Policy:** Despite the challenging economic situation, the government is not planning to raise taxes in order to stimulate business activity and investment. The Central Bank will maintain relatively high interest rates to manage inflation, but the government aims to keep money in the hands of businesses to support job creation and development in key sectors. 3. **National Welfare Fund:** The National Welfare Fund will continue to be utilized as a source of investment in infrastructure and key breakthrough industries. The government has allocated over 4 trillion rubles from the fund for these purposes, while maintaining a budget reserve of over 3 million rubles. 4. **Budget Rule and Oil Revenues:** The budget rule, which determines the amount of oil and gas revenues that can be spent, has been revised. The new rule is based on a fixed oil price of $60 per barrel, with any additional revenue directed to the National Welfare Fund. This approach aims to maintain budget stability and ensure sustainable revenue streams. 5. **Tax System and Predictability:** The government acknowledges the importance of predictability and stability in the tax system for businesses. While numerous tax amendments have been made in recent years, the government is committed to minimizing changes and providing a more predictable environment for businesses to operate. 6. **Financial System Stability and Development:** The financial system has demonstrated resilience and stability despite the challenges posed by Western sanctions. Banks are now able to finance economic growth, with loans to the corporate sector increasing by 22% over the past 12 months. The government aims to continue developing the financial system and promote structural reforms to support economic transformation. 7. **Structural Restructuring:** The Russian economy is undergoing significant structural changes, with a shift in focus from Europe to Asia as the primary trading partner. The government is investing in new sectors and technologies, such as shipbuilding, to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. Structural reforms are recognized as challenging but necessary to achieve long-term success. 8. **Financial Sovereignty:** The financial sovereignty of the country has strengthened over the past year, with the government taking steps to reduce reliance on Western financial systems. The development of domestic financial instruments and technologies is seen as crucial for maintaining stability and independence. 9. **Challenges and Optimism:** The coming year is expected to be challenging, with the budget facing increased demands and uncertainties. However, the government remains optimistic about the prospects for economic growth and development. By continuing to implement structural reforms and invest in key sectors, the government aims to overcome challenges and achieve long-term success. 10. **Humanitarian Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh:** The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, with the president signing a decree to disband all state bodies by January 1, 2024. The region is facing a humanitarian crisis, with thousands of refugees fleeing to Armenia. The situation remains tense, with concerns over the detention of Armenians by Azerbaijani forces and the potential for further displacement and violence.