**1. Budget priorities and spending** * The 2023-2025 federal budget will be submitted to the State Duma tomorrow. * The budget will prioritize defense spending, as well as social obligations and economic development. * The government is committed to not raising taxes and will continue to provide financial support to businesses. * The budget will be sustainable and will not deplete the National Welfare Fund. **2. Financial system stability** * The financial system has become more resilient and is now able to finance economic growth. * Banks have increased lending to the corporate sector by 22% over the past 12 months. * The government is working to ensure that the financial system continues to be stable and supports economic development. **3. Structural changes in the economy** * The Russian economy has undergone significant structural changes in recent years. * The country has shifted its focus from Europe to Asia in terms of trade partners. * The government is working to develop new technologies and industries, such as shipbuilding. * Structural changes are painful but necessary for the long-term success of the economy. **4. Financial sovereignty** * The financial sovereignty of the country has been strengthened over the past year. * The government is committed to reducing its reliance on foreign borrowing and increasing its self-sufficiency. * The financial system is now more resilient and able to withstand external shocks. **5. Challenges and opportunities** * The Russian economy faces a number of challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Western sanctions. * However, there are also a number of opportunities for growth, such as the development of new markets and technologies. * The government is committed to overcoming the challenges and seizing the opportunities to ensure the long-term prosperity of the country.