**Story 1: Putin congratulates regional leaders on election victories** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated regional leaders on their recent election victories and urged them to focus on economic development, infrastructure, and social welfare. * **Summary:** Putin said that the high level of trust shown by voters in the recent elections entails a high level of responsibility for the regional leaders. He called on them to work effectively and efficiently, and to always be open to direct and honest dialogue with the people. Putin also emphasized the importance of supporting the military and their families, as well as helping the economy and the defense industry. **Story 2: Moscow mayor vows to support the country amid special military operation** * **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin thanked President Putin for his support and said that the high election results were a result of the consolidation of society and the national spiritual подъёме. He pledged to work with full responsibility and efficiency, and to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. Sobyanin said that Moscow will continue to implement its development programs and focus on key sectors of the economy, such as microelectronics, photonics, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and construction of plants for the defense industry. **Story 3: Donetsk People's Republic leader thanks Putin for support** * **Description:** Denis Pushilin, the leader of the Donetsk People's Republic, thanked President Putin for his support and said that the high turnout in the recent elections was a sign of approval for the course taken by the republic. He also expressed gratitude to the people of the Donetsk People's Republic for their courage and resilience.