**Title:** Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Putin Signs Law on Integration of New Regions *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The document has already entered into force as it has been published. *Summary:* The integration of the new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting between Putin and the heads of the elected subjects of the federation. The meeting was held via video conference. Putin stated that the victories in the elections, including in the new regions of the country, were dignified and convincing. He emphasized that for the first time, elections were held in accordance with Russian law in the new regions, confirming the incumbent heads of the subjects of the federation. Putin noted that this was a significant event and an important step towards the full integration of the new regions into the legal and state space of Russia. **Title:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin: We Must Do Everything Possible to Help the Country *Description:* Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has stated that it is necessary to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. He emphasized that support for the elections in the new regions was of particular importance for several reasons, including the integration of the regions into Russia and the confirmation of the correctness of the course chosen by the residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. *Summary:* Sobyanin noted that a high level of trust has been demonstrated by the residents through voting, which entails even greater responsibility. He expressed confidence that the elected officials understand this and are determined to justify the hopes of the voters for positive changes and an improvement in the quality of life. **Title:** Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Meets with Putin, Reports on Success in Special Operation Zone *Description:* Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and reported on the successes of Chechen fighters in the special operation zone. Kadyrov praised the high morale of the fighters and reported that they have purchased over 1,100 vehicles, including 100 armored vehicles, since the beginning of the operation. He emphasized that they are helping not only their own republic, but also other regions, and that they are all working together to win. *Summary:* Kadyrov assured Putin that the Chechen fighters will not let him down and that he fully trusts them. He also noted that the fighters have established good relations with other units and that the overall atmosphere is one of solidarity and mutual support. **Title:** Putin Meets with South Sudan President, Discusses Economic Cooperation *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit in Moscow. Putin noted that there is still much to be done in terms of developing economic cooperation between the two countries, but that there are already some good achievements, particularly in the energy sector. He expressed Russia's commitment to working together with South Sudan to further develop their relations. *Summary:* Kiir Mayardit acknowledged the importance of strong and influential friends, stating that South Sudan considers Russia to be one of those friends. He emphasized that they do not see any alternative to friendship with Russia and expressed his appreciation for Russia's support. **Title:** Russian Military Conducts Combat Operations in Krasny Liman Direction *Description:* Russian military units, including assault groups and artillery from the Central Military District, are conducting combat operations in the Krasny Liman direction of the special operation zone. Self-propelled artillery units are delivering strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces fortifications. *Summary:* The report highlights the importance of coordinating the actions of assault groups and artillery units in order to effectively carry out combat tasks. It also emphasizes the need for careful planning and execution of operations in order to minimize casualties and achieve success. **Title:** Kremlin Comments on Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Calls for Protection of Civilians *Description:* The Kremlin has commented on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in light of the unrecognized republic's announcement that it will cease to exist from January 1. The Russian peacekeeping forces continue to assist the local population, with many people expressing their desire to move to Armenia. The statement emphasizes the need to ensure normal living conditions for those who have made the decision to leave Karabakh, and expresses concern for the humanitarian aspect of the issue. *Summary:* The decree signed by President Samvel Shakhramanyan dissolves all state institutions in Nagorno-Karabakh and offers the population the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the conditions for reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. The statement also calls for the protection of the rights of those who choose to leave the region, and for efforts to ensure their safety and well-being. **Title:** Russian Peacekeepers Complete Evacuation of Injured from Stepanakert Fuel Tank Explosion *Description:* Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those injured in the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh. A total of 258 people, including patients from the republican medical center who required intensive care, were airlifted to safety. The operation involved 42 medical flights. *Summary:* The statement emphasizes that around 500 civilians, more than half of whom are children, remain in the area under the protection of the Russian peacekeeping contingent. The Russian aviation group has also been involved in transporting civilians from Stepanakert to medical facilities in Armenia. **Title:** Over 70,000 Displaced People from Nagorno-Karabakh Arrive in Armenia *Description:* According to the press secretary of the Armenian Prime Minister, over 70,000 displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh have arrived in Armenia. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has called on Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh not to leave their homes and to become part of the Azerbaijani community. *Summary:* The statement from the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry emphasizes that if any segment of the Armenian population does not wish to live within the framework of Azerbaijani law and does not want to obey it, Baku cannot force them to do so. The statement also calls on Yerevan to remove obstacles to the process of reintegration of Armenians in order to establish peace and security in the region. **Title:** Armenian Opposition Announces Protest in Yerevan, Accuses Azerbaijan of Ethnic Cleansing *Description:* The Armenian opposition has announced a protest in central Yerevan on Saturday. Protests erupted in the Armenian capital on September 19, when the situation in Karabakh escalated. The protesters in Yerevan have been demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. Clashes and scuffles between protesters and police have occurred periodically. In recent days, the police have begun mass detentions of protest leaders and participants. *Summary:* The statement accuses Azerbaijan of carrying out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and expresses concern that there will be no Armenian population left in the region in the near future. It calls for international action to protect the rights of Armenians and to prevent further displacement and violence. **Title:** Russian Foreign Ministry Accuses Canada of Lying about Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament *Description:* The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused Canadian authorities of lying about not knowing that Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka had been invited to the parliament. The ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, emphasized that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. Zakharova pointed out that Canada accepted many former SS members after World War II and that participants in the Ukrainian SS Galicia division, as well as radical OUN-UPA members and their descendants, still have a lobby in Canada. *Summary:* Zakharova argued that such a high-level visit would not have been possible without thorough vetting by the intelligence services of several countries, and that Gunka's biography was not a secret. She criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his apology, stating that it was insincere and only served to further anger Canadians. **Title:** German Police Investigate Nazi Celebration at Oktoberfest *Description:* German police have launched an investigation after a video emerged showing German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest. The footage, taken in Saxony, shows intoxicated visitors to a beer tent listening to the Nazi-era march "Erika" at maximum volume and raising their arms in the Hitler salute. Such actions are considered a criminal offense in Germany and are punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to three years. *Summary:* The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation, with many calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. The police are working to identify and apprehend those involved in the incident.