**Title:** Putin signs law on reunification with Russia of Donbas republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law on the reunification with Russia of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The document has already entered into force, as it has been published. **Summary:** The integration of the new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting between the President and the heads of the elected subjects of the federation. It was held via videoconference. 26 people - those who won victories on a single voting day. According to Putin, these victories are worthy and convincing, including in the new regions of the country. **Title:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin: We must do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that today it is necessary to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. **Summary:** We must do everything. to help the country during the conduct of a special military operation, and not only social support for our soldiers, their families, but also for the economy, for the defense industry complex, for those guys who are fighting at the front today, creating new industrial capacities, providing them with direct support for the supply of necessary things, food, humanitarian aid, this is very important, this is just creating a platform for the consolidation of our society, a sense of its cohesion. **Title:** Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov reported to Putin on the successes in the special operation zone **Description:** Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the successes in the special operation zone. **Summary:** Today the fighters are in good spirits, I sometimes look in, but as if there are no problems, they have no connection, equipment, we have bought 1,100 cars from the beginning to the present day, of which 100 are armored cars, well, not even from the republic, we also help others, this is our common ... uh, business, so we must win together, the whole people support you, and we are the only region, I can say that we have created five regiments and three battalions, during this time the republic and they are all engaged in SVO today, guys, the best wishes are passed on to their families, the best wishes, I know that you personally deal with all the time. including the support of the families of our guys who are fighting on the front lines, fighting confidently, well, courageously, heroically, very good, I am very glad that very good contacts have been established with other units, I know the relationship of the commanders, including the higher echelon, I think I already said, one asked, how are the guys from Chechnya fighting there, the answer was right there and then. will not let you down, I am completely on them, I am completely confident in them, you understand, this is still about a lot, this is an assessment of the commanders who actually take part in the hostilities, so all the best wishes to them and their family members, we, if your order is not executed, then we will not live, the state, we will fulfill 100%, and today the president met in Moscow with the head. South Sudan noted that there is still much to be done to develop cooperation in the economy, but there are already good practices, for example, in the energy sector. **Title:** Russian Defense Ministry: Russian troops in Krasny Liman direction advance closer to the front line **Description:** Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian troops in Krasny Liman direction advance closer to the front line. **Summary:** The closer the combat engagement, which passes through the Serebryansky forestry, the more armored vehicles we meet. Here, to replenish ammunition and fuel supplies, tankers of the Central Military District are returning from the front line, and this is a heavy flamethrower system "Solntsepek", is already moving in the opposite direction to its firing line. The troops are being redeployed closer to the front line, right on the armor, and already directly to the place of execution of the combat mission on such armored vehicles "Akhmat", to the place where these vehicles of the Central Military District replenish fuel supplies and are based in anticipation of the loading of assault groups, we are already going on the armored vehicle itself. At the place of deployment, a fighter of the assault group with the call sign "Garik" tells us about the experience. protecting housing, which they received here in the Krasnolibansky direction. We dig dugouts underground, then we lay them in four layers, here we live three to five people, there were arrivals, three layers break through, four layers do not break through, so we decided to put four layers, and this car recently withstood a hit from a fragment of a large-caliber mine fired by the Ukrainian military, together with the deployment base, there are still a few of these armored vehicles. This is the Akhmat armored car. It is in these that the assault groups move. There is space for ten people to sit comfortably, as well as enough space to store weapons and an additional set of ammunition. A couple of Akhmat armored vehicles are heading to the point where the assault group is waiting for them. And a few kilometers from the front line, the self-propelled one has completed its work. installation "Nona". The main task today is to deliver a massive blow to the fortified area of the enemy, before the assault groups enter there. The gun commander tells us about the details of the combat work here, at the Torsky ledge. Sometimes there are arrivals, our car is very mobile, that is, we can safely leave the position. We cover our own infantry, a drone rises. coordinates are given, we shoot at these coordinates, we make certain adjustments according to these adjustments, we hit the targets, that is, during these adjustments, we destroyed three NATO-made pickups. **Title:** Kremlin comments on situation around Nagorno-Karabakh **Description:** Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in connection with the decree of the unrecognized republic. **Summary:** Our peacekeepers continue to provide assistance to people, many people are now expressing a desire to move to the territory of Armenia, all those who wish are supported, well, it is probably also noteworthy that in this published text, also in the second paragraph, it is about the need to familiarize yourself with the existing agreements on the subject of reintegration of the population already into the new ... coordinate system, people express a desire to leave the territory of Karabakh, some of them may want to do this forever, some of them temporarily, the main thing is that those who made such a decision were provided with normal living conditions, that is, the purely humanitarian aspect of this problem is what worries us the most. **Title:** Russian peacekeepers complete evacuation of those affected by fuel tank explosion in Stepanakert **Description:** Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those affected by the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert. **Summary:** Helicopters evacuated 258 people, including 15 percent of the republican medical center, who needed resuscitation. 42 medical flights were completed. I note that about 500 civilians, more than half of them children, still remain in the location of the Russian contingent in the region. By the forces of the aviation group of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the transportation of civilians from the city of Stepanakert to medical institutions of the Republic of Armenia was carried out. The task set before the Army Aviation and the Russian peacekeeping contingent was completed in full. **Title:** Over 70,000 IDPs from Nagorno-Karabakh have already arrived in Armenia **Description:** More than 70,000 internally displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh have already arrived in Armenia. **Summary:** This was announced at a briefing by the press secretary of the Prime Minister of Armenia. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, in turn, called on the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh not to leave their places of residence and become part of the Azerbaijani community. The agency emphasized this, while emphasizing that if some segment of the Armenian. does not want to live within the framework of the legislation of the Azerbaijani authorities and does not want to obey them, then Baku, quote, cannot force them to do so. Baku also called on Yerevan to remove obstacles to the process of reintegration of Armenians in order to establish peace and security in the region and quote to focus on the successful completion of negotiations on a peace agreement based on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the two countries. Yerevan, in turn, accused Baku of carrying out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh. Pashinyan. expressed the opinion that in the coming days there will be no Armenian population left in Karabakh. He stated that this is a direct action of ethnic cleansing and deportation. During the movement of residents of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia at the checkpoint and before passing it, the Azerbaijani side arbitrarily detains citizens. Our state structures must take steps to protect them, their rights must be protected in international arenas. **Title:** Canada lied about not knowing about inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament - Russian MFA **Description:** Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Canada lied about not knowing about the fact that Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka had been invited to parliament. **Summary:** She stressed: Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian Ukrainian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. The diplomat recalled that after the Second World War, Canada accepted many former SS men. Zakharova stressed that members of the Ukrainian division of the CCC Glichina, as well as radical OUN. UPA and their descendants still have a lobby in Canada. In addition, a visit of such a level would have been. carried out without careful verification by the special services of several states at once, so Gunka's biography was not a secret to anyone. Before getting abroad as an honorary guest at an event with Zelensky's participation, it is necessary to be checked by the special services from A to Z, moreover, not only Ukraine and Canada, but also the USA, Britain and a number of other countries. Zakharova drew attention to the footage of how the Nazis. Yaroslav Gunko is waiting for a meeting with Trudeau and Zelensky in the reception room, that is, in a room where you can only get after a thorough verification of the biography, Gunka's granddaughter posted on social networks, then deleted, but these photos have already managed to fly around the Internet, the Canadian prime minister after that managed to apologize, but did it in such a way that he began to be criticized even more, the Russian ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov, told our channel about this. This is essentially not an apology, for this Justin Trudeau is already being heavily criticized here, because he did not apologize himself and not on behalf of the Canadian government, as if on behalf of parliament, and he apologized it is not clear to whom, uh, therefore, well, and he did it forcedly, well, it looks a little funny from our point of view. **Title:** German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest **Description:** A video has surfaced online showing German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest. **Summary:** The footage was filmed at the end of last week in Saxony, and it shows drunk visitors to the beer hall not only listening to the march of Eric from the Second World War at maximum volume, but also throwing up their hands in a Nazi salute. The latter is a criminal offense in Germany and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to 3 years. The Saxon police. have started searching for the participants and organizers of the scandalous party. **Title:** Russian airline booking system Leonardo briefly goes down due to cyberattack **Description:** The Russian airline booking system Leonardo was subjected to a massive DDoS attack from abroad. **Summary:** The failure was short-term, and specialists managed to quickly restore the system's operation. Nevertheless, due to hacker attacks, there were no delays in flights at Moscow airports, the only unpleasant consequences were queues for check-in. Let me remind you that Leonardo, the domestic booking system, was recently switched to by Russian airlines in order to get away from foreign services and the transfer of personal information of Russian tourists to them. From 10:10 Moscow time, a global failure was observed - in the registration system Aleondo, Sirena Travel, and, accordingly, there were delays in servicing passengers, the airlines Russia and the group. Aeroflot, by 11 am Moscow time the situation began to normalize by 12 noon Moscow time the system's performance was restored, and about eight flights of the airline were delayed, ah, the delay, the delay is no more than two hours. At the moment, all difficulties, the functioning of services, online registration, booking of tickets and services and registration at the airport. eliminated, Vnukovo International Airport is operating normally. Domodedovo Airport is operating normally after a short-term technical failure in the passenger registration system, during which partner airlines were offered alternative check-in options. As Rostec said, large-scale cyberattacks on the Leonardo system are not news, they happen regularly. Obviously, a real cyber war is being waged against our country today. Its goal is to damage the Russian IT infrastructure and disrupt the work of critically important industries. One of which is undoubtedly air transportation. Like any cybercrime, it is enough. a wide, ramified network covering a large number of countries, but we already see certain traces and it is clear that all this is within the framework of a large global and information war. Indeed, the Russian supervision recently stated that since the end of May of this year alone, more than 6,000 sites in the Runet have been subjected to massive cyberattacks. Infected resources, attackers committed DDoS attacks on the infrastructure of state transport facilities, banking and other important ... sectors, attackers also used hacked sites to obtain personal data of users. In addition, experts note that almost every enterprise of the Russian defense industry complex has faced hacker attacks since 2022. Denial of service attacks, distributed DDoS attacks, in the past few years, and have changed in terms of approach from one-time actions to massive carpet bombings, one might say so, now they have acquired the form of pre-planned companies on specific industries of business or state activity. Attackers focus, as a rule, on a specific industry, in a unit of time, or one large company, the market leader, or a section of state infrastructure, in order to try to cause maximum damage in a series of diverse attacks. There is a class of stress protection, which allows you to block DDoS attacks, respectively, the nodes from which these attacks are made are detected, they are blocked, or the site itself can simply move there or the system, yes, move to other addresses.