**Story 1: Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment** * **Description:** The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, according to the Ministry of Defense. Additionally, 26 drones were destroyed in the SSU. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making significant progress in the conflict, destroying Ukrainian equipment and achieving air superiority. **Story 2: Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender En Masse** * **Description:** Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering en masse, citing poor conditions and a lack of support from their commanders. * **Summary:** The Ukrainian military is facing low morale and a lack of motivation, leading to widespread surrenders. **Story 3: Russian Artillery Destroys Militants in Donetsk** * **Description:** Russian artillerymen in the Donetsk region prevented VSSU soldiers from launching an attack, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. * **Summary:** The Russian military is effectively countering Ukrainian attacks and inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. **Story 4: Russian Advances in the Donetsk Front** * **Description:** The Vostok group of troops improved their position along the front line in the southern Donetsk direction, repelling two attacks by Ukrainian army assault groups. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making steady progress in the Donetsk region, pushing back Ukrainian forces and improving their own positions. **Story 5: Russian Air Force Destroys Foreign Equipment** * **Description:** Russian airstrikes destroyed a Polish self-propelled gun Krab and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. * **Summary:** The Russian Air Force is effectively targeting and destroying foreign equipment supplied to Ukraine, demonstrating its dominance in the air. **Story 6: Russian Military Receives New Aircraft** * **Description:** The Russian Air Force has been replenished with a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets, which have passed all necessary tests. * **Summary:** The Russian military is strengthening its air power with the addition of advanced fighter jets, enhancing its capabilities in the skies. **Story 7: Nuclear Missile Shield Protects Russia** * **Description:** The nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia, making dreams of a nuclear attack absurd, according to a statement made at the opening of an exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of nuclear power in Russia. * **Summary:** Russia's nuclear missile shield ensures the country's security and deters potential adversaries from considering a nuclear attack. **Story 8: Rossotrudnichestvo Presents Report on Foreign Influence** * **Description:** Rossotrudnichestvo presented an overview of the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space, highlighting trends in political influence and the volume of foreign aid received by various countries. * **Summary:** The report provides insights into the geopolitical dynamics in the post-Soviet region, revealing the extent of foreign involvement and influence. **Story 9: Development of the Russian Economy** * **Description:** The development of the Russian economy in a global transformation is being discussed at the seventh financial forum in Moscow, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin emphasizing the country's adaptation to challenges and a projected economic growth of more than 2.5%. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is showing resilience and is on track to achieve positive growth, despite facing significant challenges. **Story 10: The Future of the Ruble and Exchange Rate Policy** * **Description:** The Central Bank of Russia reaffirms its position against additional bans and restrictions on the ruble and exchange rate policy, emphasizing the need for economic incentives and the attractiveness of ruble savings. * **Summary:** The Central Bank is committed to maintaining a flexible exchange rate policy and believes that administrative measures are costly and ineffective, opting instead for economic incentives to stabilize the ruble. **Story 11: Transformation of the Russian Economy** * **Description:** Presidential aide Maxim Moreshkin describes the transformation process of the Russian economy as painful but successful, highlighting the importance of reorienting towards the healthy part of the global economy. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is undergoing a structural transformation, which involves challenges but also presents opportunities for stability and growth. **Story 12: Moscow Mayor's Speech on Globalization** * **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin emphasizes the need to learn from globalization and not rely solely on it, recognizing that eastern markets are tougher and have their own preferences. * **Summary:** Moscow Mayor stresses the importance of diversifying economic partnerships and acknowledges the challenges of relying solely on globalization. **Story 13: Investment Diamonds** * **Description:** The abolition of the mineral extraction tax (MDS) on the purchase of investment diamonds by individuals has led to increased demand, and further measures are being considered to make investment in diamonds more accessible. * **Summary:** The Russian government is exploring options to promote investment in diamonds, including the abolition of VAT and the introduction of digital financial assets for diamonds. **Story 14: Humanitarian Activities of Foreign States** * **Description:** The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo project group, Alexander Sidorov, discusses the report on the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space, highlighting trends and factors of influence. * **Summary:** The report provides insights into the humanitarian policies and activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet region, shedding light on their objectives and strategies. **Story 15: September Weather in Moscow** * **Description:** September in Moscow is likely to become the driest and warmest in over 150 years of meteorological observation, according to the scientific director of the hydrometeorological center, Roman Vilfand. * **Summary:** Moscow is experiencing exceptionally warm and dry weather in September, with temperatures reaching record highs and an absence of significant rainfall. **Story 16: Games of the Future** * **Description:** The first-ever international multi-sport competitions, the Games of the Future, will take place in Kazan, Russia, starting on February 23, 2024. * **Summary:** The Games of the Future will combine physical and digital sports disciplines, offering a unique experience for athletes and showcasing the latest advancements in technology.