**Story 1: Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment** * **Description:** The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, according to the Ministry of Defense. Additionally, 26 drones were destroyed in the SSU. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making significant progress in the conflict, with recent victories including the downing of a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and the destruction of 26 drones. **Story 2: Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender En Masse** * **Description:** Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering en masse, with footage showing them emerging from the darkness with their hands raised. They complain of poor conditions and lack of support from their commanders. * **Summary:** The Ukrainian military is facing low morale and a high rate of desertion, with many soldiers choosing to surrender to Russian forces. **Story 3: Russian Artillery Prevents VSSU Attack** * **Description:** Russian artillerymen prevented a VSSU attack near Artyomovsk, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. This was the second failed attack in the area that day. * **Summary:** The Russian military is successfully repelling VSSU attacks, with recent victories including the destruction of 30 militants and their equipment near Artyomovsk. **Story 4: Russian Advances on the Donetsk Front** * **Description:** Russian forces improved their position along the front line in the Donetsk region, repelling two attacks by Ukrainian army assault groups. They also destroyed enemy equipment and personnel. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making steady progress on the Donetsk front, with recent victories including the repulsion of two Ukrainian army assault groups and the destruction of enemy equipment and personnel. **Story 5: Russian Air Force Destroys Foreign Equipment** * **Description:** Russian aircraft destroyed a Polish self-propelled gun Krab and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. The strikes were carried out in the Kupinsk and Seversk directions, respectively. * **Summary:** The Russian Air Force is successfully destroying foreign equipment in Ukraine, with recent victories including the destruction of a Polish self-propelled gun Krab and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. **Story 6: Russian Military Receives New Aircraft** * **Description:** The Russian military has received a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. The aircraft have passed all necessary tests and are ready for deployment. * **Summary:** The Russian military is bolstering its air power with the addition of new Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. These aircraft are among the most advanced in the world and will give the Russian military a significant edge in combat. **Story 7: Russia's Nuclear Shield is Reliable** * **Description:** The head of the Kurchatov Institute spoke at an exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary of the institute and the 120th anniversary of nuclear power in Russia. He emphasized the importance of nuclear energy and the reliability of Russia's nuclear shield. * **Summary:** Russia's nuclear shield is reliable and protects the country from threats. The country's nuclear energy program is a source of national pride and a testament to the brilliance of Soviet and Russian scientists. **Story 8: Rossotrudnichestvo Presents Report on Foreign Influence** * **Description:** Rossotrudnichestvo presented a report on the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The report analyzes trends in political influence and estimates the volume of foreign aid received by post-Soviet republics. * **Summary:** Rossotrudnichestvo's report provides valuable insights into the political influence of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The report highlights the role of China, the US, and the EU in the region, as well as the importance of resources, minerals, and digitalization. **Story 9: Russian Economy Discussion in Moscow** * **Description:** The seventh financial forum in Moscow discussed the development of the Russian economy in a global transformation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and other speakers highlighted the country's resilience and adaptation to new challenges. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is adapting to new challenges and is expected to grow by more than 2.5% by the end of the year. The government is taking steps to attract foreign investment, including through the use of digital assets. **Story 10: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin's Speech** * **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin gave a speech at the financial forum, emphasizing the need for Russia to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on globalization. He also highlighted the importance of developing the domestic financial market and creating new tools for preserving and increasing capital for citizens. * **Summary:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called for Russia to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on globalization. He also emphasized the importance of developing the domestic financial market and creating new tools for preserving and increasing capital for citizens. **Story 11: Humanitarian Policies of Foreign States** * **Description:** The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo project group discussed the main goals and findings of the report on the humanitarian policies of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The report highlights trends in political influence and the use of humanitarian tools by foreign actors. * **Summary:** The report on the humanitarian policies of foreign states in the post-Soviet space provides insights into the political influence and activities of foreign actors in the region. It highlights the use of humanitarian tools and the importance of understanding the motivations and strategies of these actors. **Story 12: September Weather Forecast** * **Description:** September in Moscow is likely to be the driest and warmest in over 150 years of meteorological observation. The weather will remain warm and sunny until the end of the month, with only the most northwestern regions experiencing a change in weather. * **Summary:** September in Moscow is expected to be exceptionally warm and dry, with temperatures reaching record highs. The weather will remain pleasant until the end of the month, with only minor changes expected in the northwestern regions. **Story 13: Presentation of the Games of the Future** * **Description:** The Games of the Future, an international multi-sport tournament combining physical and digital dimensions, was presented in Moscow. The first competitions will start in Kazan on February 23, with 2,000 athletes from over 100 countries participating in 21 innovative disciplines. * **Summary:** The Games of the Future, a new international multi-sport tournament combining physical and digital dimensions, was presented in Moscow. The first competitions will start in Kazan on February 23, with 2,000 athletes from over 100 countries participating in 21 innovative disciplines. **Story 14: Interview with a South African Entrepreneur** * **Description:** A South African entrepreneur discusses his experience living and working in Russia. He praises the opportunities available in Russia and the strong partnership between Russia and South Africa. * **Summary:** A South African entrepreneur shares his positive experiences living and working in Russia, highlighting the opportunities available and the strong partnership between the two countries. **Story 15: New Russian Regions Integrated into Legal Space** * **Description:** President Vladimir Putin spoke with the newly elected heads of regions in Russia. He emphasized the importance of integrating the new regions into the country's legal space and set tasks for them to accomplish. * **Summary:** President Vladimir Putin met with the newly elected heads of regions in Russia, emphasizing the importance of integrating the new regions into the country's legal space and setting tasks for them to accomplish.