**Story 1: Putin Meets with Regional Leaders** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected heads of Russian regions, including those in the recently annexed regions of Donbas and Novorossiya. Summary: - Putin emphasizes the importance of developing the economies of the new regions and providing support to businesses and enterprises. - Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin stresses the need to help the country during the special military operation in Ukraine. - The elected heads of the regions express their support for Putin and their commitment to working for the development of their regions. **Story 2: Kadyrov Meets with Putin** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov meets with Putin and reports on the success of the special military operation in Ukraine. Summary: - Kadyrov praises the performance of Chechen fighters and expresses his support for Putin. - Putin commends Kadyrov for his leadership and the success of the Chechen units in Ukraine. - Kadyrov assures Putin that Chechnya will continue to support the special military operation and achieve victory. **Story 3: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft** Description: The Russian military shoots down a Ukrainian Su-2 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic and destroys several drones. Summary: - Russian artillery prevents Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Kleshcheevka area. - The Ukrainian Armed Forces suffer heavy losses in failed attacks, with over 200 casualties and equipment losses. - The Russian military continues to improve its position along the front line and repel Ukrainian assaults. **Story 4: Canada Accused of Lying About Nazi Collaborator** Description: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accuses Canadian authorities of lying about their knowledge of Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunko's invitation to parliament. Summary: - Zakharova claims that Gunko's biography was known to intelligence services and that his visit would have been impossible without thorough checks. - She criticizes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his apology, calling it insufficient and insincere. - Zakharova highlights the presence of a Ukrainian lobby in Canada and suggests that the visit was approved at the highest levels. **Story 5: Germany: Nazi Salute at Oktoberfest** Description: A video emerges showing German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest and performing Nazi salutes. Summary: - The incident takes place in Saxony, Germany, and causes outrage and condemnation. - German police launch an investigation to identify and prosecute the participants and organizers of the event. - Nazi salutes are a criminal offense in Germany and can result in fines or prison sentences. **Story 6: Armenia-Russia Tensions over International Criminal Court** Description: Armenia invites Russia to sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, but Russia rejects the proposal. Summary: - Russia criticizes Armenia's decision to ratify the Rome Statute, which issued arrest warrants for Russian leaders. - Moscow proposes a compromise option, but Yerevan does not accept it. - Russia warns of negative consequences for bilateral relations and urges Armenia to reconsider its decision.