**Story 1: Putin Meets with Regional Leaders** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected heads of Russian regions, emphasizing the importance of developing regional economies and supporting the country's special military operation. Summary: - Putin stresses the need for regional authorities to work closely with the federal government to support the military operation and the defense industrial complex. - The President highlights the importance of solving demographic and social problems, creating new jobs, and developing infrastructure in the regions. - Putin expresses confidence in the success of the elected leaders and their ability to strengthen the country. **Story 2: Kadyrov Reports on Special Operations** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov meets with President Putin and provides an update on the success of the special military operation. Summary: - Kadyrov reports that Chechen fighters are performing well and have no problems with communications or equipment. - He emphasizes the importance of supporting the families of soldiers fighting on the front lines. - Kadyrov expresses his gratitude to Putin for his support and praises the strong working relationships between different units involved in the operation. **Story 3: Putin Meets with South Sudan President** Description: President Putin holds a meeting with South Sudan President Salva Kiir, discussing cooperation in the energy sector and the need for further economic development. Summary: - Putin notes that much remains to be done in terms of economic cooperation between Russia and South Sudan. - The leaders discuss the potential for increased trade and investment, particularly in the energy sector. - President Kiir emphasizes the importance of strong relations with Russia and expresses his appreciation for Putin's support. **Story 4: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft** Description: The Russian military reports shooting down a Ukrainian Su-2 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic, while also destroying numerous drones. Summary: - The Russian Defense Ministry announces the successful downing of a Ukrainian Su-2 aircraft and the destruction of 26 drones within 24 hours. - Ongoing Ukrainian counter-offensives are described as unsuccessful, with the Ukrainian military suffering heavy losses. - Russian artillery groups prevent Ukrainian forces from advancing in the Donetsk region, inflicting significant casualties and equipment losses. **Story 5: New Fighter Jets Join Russian Air Force** Description: The Russian military receives a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets, which have undergone rigorous testing and are ready for deployment. Summary: - The Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets are state-of-the-art aircraft with advanced capabilities. - The addition of these jets to the Russian Air Force will enhance its combat capabilities and provide a significant boost to the country's defense. - The Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter that will allow Russia to carry out more complex tasks and increase its air superiority. **Story 6: Canada Accused of Lying About Nazi Collaborator** Description: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accuses Canadian authorities of lying about their knowledge of Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunko's invitation to parliament. Summary: - Zakharova claims that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the Canadian-Ukrainian Congress, which sponsored Gunko's visit. - She emphasizes that Canada has a history of accepting former SS soldiers after World War II and that Ukrainian SS Galicia division members still have an influential lobby in the country. - Zakharova argues that Gunko's visit would have required thorough background checks by multiple intelligence agencies, suggesting that his Nazi past was known to Canadian authorities. **Story 7: German Oktoberfest Attendees Perform Nazi Salute** Description: A video emerges online showing German attendees at Oktoberfest celebrating and performing the Nazi salute while listening to a World War II-era march. Summary: - The incident takes place in Saxony, Germany, where drunken visitors at a beer hall are seen raising their hands in a Nazi salute. - The act is considered a criminal offense in Germany and is punishable by a fine and up to three years in prison. - The Saxony police initiate a search for the participants and organizers of the party. **Story 8: Armenia-Russia Tensions Over International Criminal Court** Description: Armenia invites Russia to sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, despite Russia's concerns about the court's issuance of arrest warrants for Russian leaders. Summary: - Russia rejects Armenia's invitation, stating that it had previously informed Armenia of its opposition to the country's ratification of the Rome Statute. - Moscow proposes a compromise option, but Yerevan does not accept it and proceeds with the ratification process. - Russia warns that Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute will have negative consequences for bilateral relations and expresses hope that sober-minded forces in the Armenian National Assembly will prevent such a decision.