**Story 1: Putin Meets with Regional Leaders** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with regional leaders who were recently elected. Summary: - Putin commends the regional leaders for their work in integrating the new regions into Russia. - Putin emphasizes the importance of developing the regional economies and creating new jobs. - Putin calls on the regional leaders to support the special military operation in Ukraine. **Story 2: Kadyrov Meets with Putin** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov meets with Putin and reports on the success of the special military operation in Ukraine. Summary: - Kadyrov reports that the Chechen fighters are doing well and have no problems with equipment or supplies. - Kadyrov says that the Chechen people are united in their support for Putin and the special military operation. - Putin thanks Kadyrov for his support and praises the Chechen fighters for their bravery. **Story 3: Putin Meets with South Sudan President** Description: Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir and discusses ways to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries. Summary: - Putin and Kiir note the good relations between their two countries and express a desire to further develop economic ties. - Putin says that Russia is one of the first countries to recognize the sovereignty and independence of South Sudan. - Kiir says that South Sudan needs strong and influential friends like Russia and that there is no alternative to friendship with Russia. **Story 4: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft** Description: The Russian military shoots down a Ukrainian Su-2 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic. Summary: - The Russian Defense Ministry reports that the Ukrainian aircraft was shot down near the town of Kleshcheevka. - The Russian military also destroys 26 Ukrainian drones in the past 24 hours. - The Ukrainian military continues to suffer heavy losses in the Donbas region. **Story 5: Russian Nuclear Arsenal** Description: Russia's nuclear missile shield reliably protects the country and makes the dreams of some Western politicians about the strategic defeat of Russia absurd. Summary: - The Russian nuclear arsenal is a result of the country's historical path, brilliant fundamental discoveries, and technological developments. - The Soviet scientists Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov and Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov played a key role in the development of Russia's nuclear program. - Russia's nuclear arsenal is a deterrent to any potential aggression against the country. **Story 6: Canada Knew About Nazi Collaborator** Description: Canadian authorities are lying when they say that they did not know about the fact that Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gnok was invited to parliament. Summary: - The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says that Canada knew about Gnok's Nazi past and that his visit to parliament would have been impossible without a thorough check by intelligence services. - Zakharova says that Gnok's granddaughter posted photos of him waiting for a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on social media. - Trudeau has apologized for the incident, but he has been criticized for not apologizing on behalf of the Canadian government. **Story 7: German Oktoberfest Scandal** Description: A video has appeared on the Internet in which German admirers of Hitler are celebrating Oktoberfest. Summary: - The video shows drunken visitors to a beer hall listening to Eric's March of the Second World War at maximum volume and raising their hands in a Nazi salute. - The incident is being investigated by the German police. - Raising one's hand in a Nazi salute is a criminal offense in Germany and is punishable by a fine and up to 3 years in prison. **Story 8: Armenia and the Rome Statute** Description: Armenia has invited Russia to sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of an International Criminal Court. Summary: - Russia has emphasized that it is unacceptable for Armenia to ratify the Rome Statute, as this structure has issued arrest warrants for the top leadership of Russia. - Moscow has proposed a compromise option, but Yerevan has not taken it into account. - Moscow notes that Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute will have the most negative consequences for bilateral relations.