**Title: Russian regions hold elections, integrate into legal framework** Description: The regions that recently joined Russia held elections to confirm their integration into the country's legal framework. Acting heads of the regions were confirmed in their positions, and voter turnout was high. Summary: The elections were an important step in the integration of the new regions into Russia's legal framework. High voter turnout showed the support of the people for the process. **Title: Putin meets with heads of regions, discusses development and support** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the heads of regions who were recently elected. He emphasized the importance of regional economic development and providing support to the country during the special military operation. Summary: Putin discussed the challenges and opportunities facing the regions, and stressed the need for them to work closely with the federal government and municipal authorities to support the country during the special military operation. **Title: Chechnya leader Kadyrov meets with Putin, reports on special operation** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov met with Putin and reported on the progress of the special operation. Kadyrov praised the support provided by Russia and expressed confidence in victory. Summary: Kadyrov reported on the success of the special operation and expressed confidence in victory. He also thanked Putin for the support provided by Russia. **Title: South Sudan President Kiir visits Russia, discusses economic cooperation** Description: South Sudan President Salva Kiir visited Russia and met with Putin. They discussed the development of economic cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the energy sector. Summary: Kiir and Putin discussed the development of economic cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the energy sector. They noted the progress made in this area and expressed a desire to further strengthen ties. **Title: Russian military destroys Ukrainian aircraft, advances in Donbas** Description: The Russian military reported the destruction of a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and the elimination of 26 enemy drones. Russian artillery prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Artemovsk region, destroying 30 militants and equipment. Summary: The Russian military made significant progress in the Donbas region, destroying Ukrainian aircraft and advancing in the Artemovsk area. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the Russian military's operations and their ability to counter Ukrainian attacks. **Title: Russian nuclear shield protects the country, challenges Western dreams** Description: At the opening of an exhibition celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of the birth of academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov, it was stated that Russia's nuclear shield reliably protects the country and makes the dreams of some Western politicians about the strategic defeat of Russia absurd. Summary: Russia's nuclear shield effectively protects the country and deters potential adversaries. The achievements of Soviet scientists and the current state of the nuclear industry were highlighted, emphasizing the importance of nuclear energy in ensuring Russia's security and technological advancement. **Title: Canada accused of covering up knowledge of Nazi collaborator's invitation** Description: Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova accused Canadian authorities of covering up their knowledge of the invitation extended to Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to attend a parliamentary event. She emphasized that Canada has a history of accepting former SS members after World War II. Summary: Zakharova accused Canada of covering up their knowledge of Gunka's Nazi past and criticized the country for its history of accepting former SS members. She argued that such a high-level visit would not have been possible without thorough vetting by multiple countries' intelligence services. **Title: German authorities investigate Nazi salute incident at Oktoberfest** Description: German police have launched an investigation after a video surfaced online showing German Hitler admirers celebrating Oktoberfest. The incident, which took place in Saxony, involved intoxicated individuals listening to a World War II-era march and performing the Nazi salute. Summary: German authorities are investigating an incident at Oktoberfest where individuals performed the Nazi salute. The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation, and the police are working to identify and prosecute those involved. **Title: Armenia-Russia tensions rise over International Criminal Court statute** Description: Armenia's proposal to sign a bilateral agreement with Russia on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has caused tensions between the two countries. Russia has expressed its concerns about Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute, given that the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Russia's top leadership. Summary: Armenia's decision to ratify the Rome Statute, despite Russia's objections, has led to increased tensions between the two countries. Russia has warned of negative consequences for bilateral relations and called on Armenia's National Assembly to reject the ratification.