**Title:** Russian regions hold elections, integrate into Russia **Description:** The regions of Russia that were recently integrated into the country, such as Donetsk and Luhansk, held elections to confirm their new status. The elections were seen as a way to legitimize the regions' integration into Russia and to show the support of the local population for the move. **Summary:** The elections in the new regions of Russia were seen as a way to legitimize their integration into the country and to show the support of the local population for the move. The elections were also seen as a way to further isolate Ukraine from the international community and to pressure the Ukrainian government to accept the loss of these territories. **Title:** Putin meets with regional leaders, discusses economic development **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin met with regional leaders to discuss economic development and the challenges facing the regions. Putin emphasized the importance of regional economies to the overall health of the Russian economy and called on the leaders to work together to overcome the challenges they face. **Summary:** Putin met with regional leaders to discuss economic development and the challenges facing the regions. Putin emphasized the importance of regional economies to the overall health of the Russian economy and called on the leaders to work together to overcome the challenges they face. Putin also discussed the importance of supporting the military and the defense industry, as well as providing social support to the families of those who are fighting in Ukraine. **Title:** Russia accuses Canada of lying about Nazi collaborator **Description:** Russia accused Canada of lying about its knowledge of a Nazi collaborator being invited to the Canadian parliament. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, said that the Canadian government must have known about the man's background and that his presence at the parliament was a disgrace. **Summary:** Russia accused Canada of lying about its knowledge of a Nazi collaborator being invited to the Canadian parliament. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, said that the Canadian government must have known about the man's background and that his presence at the parliament was a disgrace. Zakharova also said that the incident showed that Canada was harboring Nazi sympathizers and that the country's reputation was being damaged as a result. **Title:** Armenia-Russia relations strained over International Criminal Court **Description:** Armenia's decision to sign the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has strained relations with Russia. Russia has said that it will not ratify the statute because it believes the ICC is biased against Russia. Armenia has said that it is committed to the ICC and that it believes the court is important for ensuring justice. **Summary:** Armenia's decision to sign the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has strained relations with Russia. Russia has said that it will not ratify the statute because it believes the ICC is biased against Russia. Armenia has said that it is committed to the ICC and that it believes the court is important for ensuring justice. The disagreement over the ICC is likely to further complicate relations between the two countries. **Title:** Russian military destroys Ukrainian equipment, advances in Donbas **Description:** The Russian military has destroyed a number of Ukrainian military equipment and has advanced in the Donbas region. The Russian Defense Ministry said that it had destroyed 26 Ukrainian drones and a Su-25 attack aircraft. The ministry also said that Russian forces had taken control of the village of Kleshcheyevka in the Donetsk region. **Summary:** The Russian military has destroyed a number of Ukrainian military equipment and has advanced in the Donbas region. The Russian Defense Ministry said that it had destroyed 26 Ukrainian drones and a Su-25 attack aircraft. The ministry also said that Russian forces had taken control of the village of Kleshcheyevka in the Donetsk region. The advances in the Donbas region are part of Russia's ongoing military operation in Ukraine.