**Russian Economy Undergoing Large-Scale Transformation:** * The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation, with the most difficult period having passed, according to Mikhail Mishustin, speaking at the Moscow financial forum. * The government is placing special emphasis on the development of domestic production, encouraging both development and advanced solutions on the territory of Russia. * Priority attention is being given to the electronics industry, radio industry, chemical industry, machine tool industry, transport, and power engineering, strengthening the technological and personnel sovereignty of the country. **Fierce Fighting in Zaporozhye Region:** * Fierce fighting continues in the Zaporozhye region, with Ukrainian forces suffering heavy losses despite being equipped with Western armored vehicles and trained in Germany. * Many Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are surrendering, citing low morale and heavy casualties. * Captured soldiers describe their experiences and the lack of training and support they received. **Nagorno-Karabakh Peacekeepers and Reintegration:** * Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those injured in the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert, with over 250 people airlifted to safety. * The Russian peacekeeping contingent continues to assist people in the region, with over 70,000 internally displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh arriving in Armenia. * The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan has called on Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh not to leave their place of residence and become part of the Azerbaijani community. * The Armenian opposition has announced a rally for Saturday in the center of Yerevan, protesting against the recognition of Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. **Russian Ruble to Strengthen, GDP Forecast:** * The ruble is expected to trade below 94.5 per dollar by the end of the year, with the strengthening of the Russian currency being influenced by import dynamics. * The GDP is forecast to increase by 2.8% this year, according to the head of the Ministry of Economy, Maxim Reshetnikov. **Cyberattacks on Russian Reservation System:** * The Russian reservation system Leonardo experienced a massive cyberattack from abroad, causing delays and disruptions at Moscow airports. * The system has been restored, and all difficulties in the functioning of online services have been eliminated. * Russian authorities state that large-scale cyberattacks on the Leonardo system are not new and that they are part of a global information war against Russia. **International Parliamentary Conference in Moscow:** * Representatives from more than half of the countries in Latin America will participate in the international parliamentary conference Russia-Latin America, which opens tomorrow in Moscow. * The conference will discuss topical issues on the international parliamentary agenda, with a focus on cooperation between Russia and Latin American countries. **New Regions' Political Integration:** * The election campaign in new regions of Russia ended with a stunning turnout and victory for candidates from United Russia. * Experts discussed the development of these regions after the elections and the importance of forming working public institutions. * The political integration of new regions continues, with a focus on developing a people's program. **Unseasonably Warm Weather in Russia:** * September in Moscow is likely to become the driest and warmest season in the history of meteorological observation, with temperatures reaching June values. * Southern regions of Russia are experiencing abnormal heat and drought, leading to natural fires and the blooming of plants out of season. * The warm weather is expected to continue until the end of September, with some cooling expected on Saturday. **Games of the Future 2024 in Kazan:** * The presentation of the Games of the Future 2024 took place in Moscow, showcasing a new international multi-sport tournament combining physical and digital dimensions. * The first-ever international multi-sport competitions will start in Kazan on February 23, featuring 21 innovative disciplines and 2,000 athletes from over 100 countries. * The organizers aim to create a new movement that unites sports, digital, and scientific achievements, promoting a philosophy of growth and development. **New Russian Regions' Integration:** * Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with the newly elected regional heads, emphasizing the importance of observing the Constitution and fulfilling military duties. * The new regions have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal space, with Putin setting tasks for the elected leaders.