{ "predictions": [ { "citationMetadata": { "citations": [] }, "safetyAttributes": { "blocked": false, "categories": [ "Derogatory", "Finance", "Firearms & Weapons", "Illicit Drugs", "Insult", "Legal", "Politics", "Profanity", "Public Safety", "Toxic", "War & Conflict" ], "scores": [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.9 ] }, "content": " **Russian regions hold elections, integrate into Russia**\n\n*Russian regions have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework, President Vladimir Putin said. \n*Putin met with the winners of the recent regional elections. \n*He emphasized the importance of developing regional economies, creating new jobs, and improving infrastructure. \n*Putin also noted the high level of voter turnout and support for the elected officials, which he said was a sign of trust and confidence in their ability to bring about positive changes.\n\n**Russian forces destroy Ukrainian military equipment**\n\n*Russian forces in the Donetsk People's Republic have shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, the Defense Ministry reported. \n*Over the past day, Russian troops have also destroyed 26 Ukrainian drones. \n*The latest data on the progress of the special operation and the situation on the fronts from our correspondent Denis Alekseev. \n*There is a feeling that the Ukrainian military, and a considerable part of them, are waiting for another meat grinder offensive, so that they can surrender under the noise, they can't stand it, here are fresh кадры from the area of that area, where the Kiev command, at the cost of several hundred soldiers daily, continues to try to turn the contour attack, work on the five, those who are sent to the assault, already know what the outcome can be, and therefore such a picture is now not uncommon, with their hands up, throwing down their weapons, strictly one by one they come out of the darkness, and what is characteristic, the prisoners, as if on the spirit, lay out the situation in their units, Western equipment, they say, fails, the commanders do not stand on ceremony for failure to carry out the order to go to certain death, every now and then they threaten with reprisals, but tales about Russian captivity, without this in no way, they said that here they beat there or something else do, well, they mock, but as if there is no such treatment, propaganda works, this is unambiguous, that we have achieved success there, there, there, but in the end you look at all this, what successes are there, there are simply throws people in droves, but the result is zero. \n*On the Donetsk front near Artemovsk, Russian artillerymen of the Yug group did not allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to go on the attack in the Kleshcheevka area, the result of the meat grinder assault there was 30 destroyed militants and equipment. \n*In total, over the past day in this direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed at least two attacks, losing almost 200 people. \n*Equipment, as always, is a расходный материал, one howitzer more, one howitzer less, while the curators are bringing up, it is necessary to use, пусть in ущерб. \n*The intensified attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack, as in the last time, are explained by the approaching rainy season. \n*The militants want to gain a foothold in their positions and stay there for the winter. \n*Otherwise, the thaw will become a serious obstacle, but our military is confusing all their cards. \n*On the southern Donetsk front, over the past day, the Vostok group has improved its position along the front line. \n*Units of the Vostok group of forces in the southern Donetsk direction, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, improved their position along the front line and repelled two attacks by AFU assault groups in the area of Priyutnoye. \n*The enemy's losses amounted to 105 servicemen, two armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. \n*The activities of a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th brigade of the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area north of Priyutnoye were suppressed. \n*Today, fresh кадры of the destruction of foreign equipment appeared. \n*A Polish self-propelled howitzer Krab was liquidated with a precise strike, another hit was recorded at a strong point in Severesk. \n*On Kupyansky, the militants have noticeably reduced their counteroffensive activity, losses, which day are not so big, but after all, reserves are not rubber, the defense of Kupyansk rests against the Oskol River, our military is confidently pressing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the east. \n*Counterbattery fighting also does not stop. \n*Russian missilemen walked well through the field depots, the day before the ammunition depots of the first special-purpose brigade were destroyed in the Kharkiv region. \n*The arsenal of ammunition in the Kirovograd region, too, our pilots sent to the Utyil Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, here, by the way, about the pilots, our fleet of military aircraft was replenished with another batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters, all machines прошли full cycle of factory tests, tested in different modes and are ready to perform tasks, here it is important to add that the Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter, the tasks for the pilots of these aircraft will be set even more complex and the increase in the number of Su-57s in the sky over the fronts is very good news for our army and very bad, if not terrible, for the Kiev command, despite the fact that even now the air superiority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is zero. \n*Denis Alekseev, Vesti.\n\n**Sbermarket cares about your profitable purchases**\n\n*Pay 99% of your order with Beri bonuses in any stores and restaurants in Bermarket. \n*Order profitably. \n*Hello, I can't talk, I'm in the feed, on the feed, downloaded the sbpay app, tied the account, pay in one touch, go for the cashback, yes, I know that I called myself, with SBB in the 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I remember these legendary syrniki, let the bright moments remain in the memory, and not on things, trust Percy with Deep Clean Plus technology, its enzymes work not only on the surface, but also from the inside of the fabric, once Persil, always Persil, I could become anyone, a musician, a restaurateur, a presenter, a producer, a husband, otson, and I became, because I was always free, for smart free. \n*The authorities are лукавят when they say that they did not know about the fact of the invitation to parliament of the Nazi accomplice, Yaroslav Gunka, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said. \n*She stressed that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian Ukrainian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. \n*The diplomat recalled that after the Second World War, Canada accepted many former SS men. \n*Zakharova stressed that participants in the Ukrainian division of the CCC Galicia, as well as the radical OUN UPA and their descendants still have an influential lobby in Canada. \n*In addition, such a high-level visit would not have been possible without a thorough check by the special services of several countries at once, so Gunka's biography was not a secret to anyone. \n*Before getting abroad as an honorary guest at an event with Zelensky's participation, one must be checked by the special services from A to Z, причем not only Ukraine and Canada, but also the United States, Britain. \n*and a number of other countries. \n*Zakharova drew attention to the кадры of how the Nazi Yaroslav Gunko is waiting for a meeting with Trudeau Zelensky in the reception room, that is, in a room where you can only get after a thorough check of the biography, Gunka's granddaughter herself posted on social networks, then deleted, but these photos have already managed to облететь the Internet. \n*The Canadian Prime Minister, after managed to apologize, but did it in such a way that he began to be criticized even more. \n*Our channel was told about this by the Russian ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov. \n*This, in fact, is not, not an apology, for this Justin Trudeau is already strongly criticized here, because he did not apologize himself and not on behalf of the Canadian government, as if on behalf of parliament, here he apologized it is not clear to whom, e, therefore, forcedly did it, well, it looks a little. \n*so funny from our point of view, well, and another similar scandal is now flaring up in Germany, a video has appeared on the Internet in which German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest. \n*These кадры were filmed at the end of last week in Saxony. \n*On them, drunken visitors to the beer hall not only listen at maximum volume to the march of Eric from the times of the Second World War, but throw up their hands in a Nazi salute. \n*The latter in Germany is a criminal offense on... \n*Armenia has proposed that Russia sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. \n*The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the Armenian partners were initially informed of the position of the inadmissibility of Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute. \n*In conditions when this structure issued arrest warrants for the Russian Federation. \n*Moscow proposed a compromise option, but Yerevan did not take it into account. \n*Instead, the Armenian authorities made a political decision in favor of ratification. \n*Moscow notes that this will have the most negative consequences for bilateral relations. \n*The thesis that joining the ICC will якобы not affect relations between the countries, does not correspond to reality. \n*And in Moscow they hope that there will be sober-minded forces in the National Assembly of Armenia who will not become, I quote: \n*Ukraine will not receive anything from the EU budget until Hungary is paid the funds due to it from the European funds, the country's government said, will Western allies continue to provide assistance to Kiev, разобралась Natalia Goncharova. \n*Real losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are very large and few people know the exact figures. \n*Kiev has classified statistics, the Mysl Polska publication notes that hundreds have been killed since the beginning of the conflict. \n*thousands, everyone is being taken to the front now, and under sixty with tuberculosis and even свичинфекцией. \n*The New York Times notes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are at an impasse and this will weaken Kiev's support from Washington. \n*Ukraine has achieved minimal success in its counteroffensive, dense Russian minefields and fortifications have made every attack extremely costly. \n*It was France and Germany, the guarantors of the Minsk agreements, who are responsible for the destruction of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, stressed the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Lavrov. \n*Berlin and Paris admitted that they were dragging out time to give the Kiev regime time to prepare for war, and now there are a lot of people who want to make money on the conflict. \n*Actually, in the States, this is not hidden. \n*The Senate directly stated that 90% of aid to Ukraine is loans. \n*And sooner or later Kiev will pay these billions. \n*American journalists believe that this is why no one in the US ruling circles wants reconciliation. \n*Here's how it works. \n*The Democrats sent. \n*to Ukraine a lot of taxpayers' money so that it would blow up everything that was possible, and then sent a lot more of your money to fix what they blew up, and of course, they got a taste for it. \n*What a great scheme, right? \n*Restoration, destruction, restoration, and Democrats get money both times. \n*Former US Army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer is confident that the White House has long since lost touch with reality and simply does not want to admit defeat. \n*They have the John McCain syndrome, I will pretend until it works, or until I die, примерно to such a thesis everything is reduced, in my opinion, this is exactly how they look at the situation, they just do not believe that this can be so, with my. \n*point of view, this is such a form of narcissism, they are simply unable to accept reality and will continue to portray an alternative version of events that is not based on facts, on emotions. \n*The United States seriously miscalculated by deciding to impose sanctions on Russia and thus turned too many people against itself, political scientist John Mearsheimer pointed out. \n*I think that they thought that we would be able to defeat the Russians, the key to success was in two things: first, in the Ukrainians. \n*whom we trained and armed, we hoped that they would fight at the level, but most importantly, we expected that the sanctions would quickly put the Russians in their place, it was a mistake. \n*The French указывает, due to the failure in Ukraine and ill-considered policy, the West is rapidly losing its positions all over the world. \n*Runs away from military political fronts. \n*Natalia Goncharova, Vesti. \n*More than 3,000 projects of the grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives have been evaluated. \n*The submitted works were considered by 142 professionals from various industries, musical, theatrical, exhibition and others, the competition was held in five thematic areas, the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives summed up the results of a special competition. \n*397 applications were submitted for the competition from all corners of our country, 303 projects won for a total of more than 1.6 billion rubles. \n*These are projects related to our traditions, with our heroes, with the integration of new regions. \n*cultural space, as a result of the initiatives of creative people, new books, new productions, new films will appear, because it is culture that unites us all. \n*The Russian economy in search of a new balance, how to find it, is being discussed at the Moscow Financial Forum. \n*The most difficult period of transformation has been passed, but there are still many challenges ahead. \n*More details about everything, Alena Loginova. \n*The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation. \n*The most difficult period has been passed, the forecasts of foreign. \n*experts who predicted a large decline in GDP did not come true, Mikhail Mishustin said at the Moscow Financial Forum. \n*The restoration of business activity is going faster than everyone expected. \n*The government's actions are focused on solving six priority tasks. \n*This is the deepening of foreign economic interaction with promising partners from friendly states, the improvement of the necessary mechanisms, including transport, payment components. \n*Strengthening our. \n*financial sovereignty, outstripping the construction of transport, communal and other social infrastructure, well, increasing the well-being of citizens and ensuring national savings, this is the protection of motherhood, childhood, support for families with children, for the first 8 months of the year, the Russian economy added 2.5% according to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, following the results of 2023 will grow by 2.8%. \n*And inflation will be in the region of 7.5%, while the state will fulfill all its obligations, regardless of the situation and external pressure. \n*Actually, this is what our entire budget structure is aimed at, the whole logic with the NWF, with accumulation, with oil and gas revenues, with basic incomes, and so on, it assumes that, regardless of what the forecast will be, the state will fulfill in full all the obligations that it has assumed. \n*According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the multiplicity of exchange rates is destroying the Russian economy and new methods of ruble control are needed, while the head of the Central Bank believes that валютном регулировании one must behave very carefully, if the Central Bank had kept the key rate at 7.5%, the ruble exchange rate would have been weaker, to change the inflation target, the regulator is not going to. \n*I cannot but react to attempts to change the inflation target, here the worst thing is to change the inflation target, then, then the landmarks disappear altogether not... not not inflation, why is more than 4% bad? \n*the higher the inflation, the greater the spread of prices, the more prices can rise, specifically for milk, for bread, the lower the inflation, the more affordable the loan rates will be. \n*The ruble should not be strong or weak, it should be predictable, such a point of view was expressed by the Minister of Finance, the department is working to stabilize the exchange rate, while everyone wants to see a balanced sustainable... budget. \n*Following the results of 2023, its deficit will be at the level of 2% of GDP, this is a planned indicator. \n*The Ministry of Finance decided to reduce the program of domestic loans for this year by 1 trillion rubles. \n*we are not raising taxes, yes, it is clear, in these conditions, somewhere the central bank is still holding high, as it were, interest rates, but we are going to not raise taxes, so that money remains with businesses, and this is also our priority, since businesses have opportunities to use this money to create работих places, so that businesses can develop and invest in those areas that are supported by the state. \n*the issue of privatization of large companies was also touched upon at the forum, the head of VTB, Kostin, said that it was a quote that died, later he explained what exactly was meant. \n*the time has not come, maybe, yes, even, therefore I think that this will happen sooner or later, because not because there is something now, but simply over the past decade, objectively, in the life of the crisis, which was in the eighth year. \n*and the role of state structures of the state it gradually intensified here, although today the private sector continues to play a very important role, I would not go to extremes here, but not today, then the time will come, maybe tomorrow. \n*And another important issue: expanding settlements in national currencies with friendly countries. \n*Russia will seek more active use of the ruble. \n*In the near future, we can launch cross-border settlements based on blockchain using digital assets. \n*I would very much like our family to adapt to the new realities of life, felt-tip pens calendars for the ninety-fourth year, which is just around the corner, to work on space in the past life, colleague, has long increased, your dad works as, turtle and ninja, also saves the world, also lives in the sewer, but Evgeny Tsyganov, here, according to the mind, the entire system needs a major overhaul, according to the mind, the whole country needs a major overhaul, but where is the money? \n*Aleksandrok, I am for private property, and I am too, Ekaterina Vilkova, how can I open my own business, Maxim Logashin, capitalism is the system of the future, oil has fallen again, the film by Alexander Velikinsky. \n*nothing depends on us at all, depends, Seryoga, should depend, ninety-third, you will tell your grandchildren later, this is history, soon. \n*Dear friends, I am pleased to invite you to our. \n*New issue of the author's program besagon TV, which will be called Mil-pardon under the covers, I think it will be interesting, I look forward to our meeting. \n*What is the pin code? \n*If a simple question has become a viikorin, naapept can help. \n*It helps to restore memory attention. \n*Naapt, so that the head works. \n*And we are flying, and we are panting, I am in the dungeon, and I am a snout, and we are in the luft, and we are waiting for you. \n*Not a second without each other. \n*That's a continuous connection. \n*How reliable." } ], "metadata": { "tokenMetadata": { "outputTokenCount": { "totalTokens": 4773, "totalBillableCharacters": 17439 }, "inputTokenCount": { "totalTokens": 6080, 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