1. **Title**: All participants in the mass shootout in Dagestan were detained **Description**: All wanted persons involved in the shootout that occurred the night before in the village of Levashi, including the main suspect, a thirty-five-year-old resident of this village, were identified, delivered and transferred to the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan. **Summary**: The suspect fully admitted guilt in committing these crimes, spoke in detail about the circumstances of the incident, the issue of choosing punishment in the form of detention is being considered. 2. **Title**: A measure of restraint is being chosen for the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory **Description**: It is not known where the preventive measure will be chosen for the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory, Oleg Valunkin, in Krasnodar or in Moscow. **Summary**: Investigators do not disclose details of the criminal case to journalists. The official wording on suspicion of abuse of power, but it is unclear what specific episode he is charged with. It is only noted that the violation was committed two years earlier. 3. **Title**: The Yaroslavl police had a big catch **Description**: The Yaroslavl police had a big catch; they seized a motor boat full of roach pike perch, 10 fishing nets and two cars from a couple of poachers. **Summary**: The suspects mercilessly devastated the waters of the Sogazhi River, first a thousand caught fish were confiscated from them, and then during the search found three times more in their houses, this is only the catch that the poachers did not manage to sell. 4. **Title**: The case of a former employee of the traffic police, who may be involved in the murder of political scientist Daria Dugina, is being considered **Description**: In the corridors of the Nagatinsky court in Moscow, the attention of journalists is riveted on the high-profile case of a former police officer who, according to investigators, sold information about political scientist Daria Dugina from closed databases for money. **Summary**: The investigation considers Ribino to be a so-called burglar; the former police officer allegedly traded in the personal data of citizens, having access to the federal information system of the state traffic inspectorate. 5. **Title**: The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Alexander Kurenkov, assessed the readiness of Kuzbask fire rescuers to perform official tasks **Description**: The minister paid special attention to the mine rescue service, which specializes in the most complex work. Alexander Kurenkov visited a unique training center, went down into the training shaft and assessed the unit’s equipment. **Summary**: The material and technical equipment of vanized rescue units is being improved every year. Today, specialists have unique models of equipment in their arsenal. 6. **Title**: To understand the most complex crime bit by bit, to detain a suspect, the specialists of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are able to follow the trail of the villain if he , it would seem, has foreseen everything **Description**: Surrounded by monitors, surrounded by dictionaries from... An employee of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dasia Rostovskaya, identifies signs of a crime in a recording of a telephone conversation. **Summary**: Specialists in the field of linguistic expertise analyze such records every day. Finally It is not yet possible to defeat telephone scammers. 7. **Title**: The State Duma adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code, which provides for up to 5 years in prison for public justification and propaganda of extremism **Description**: According to parliamentarians, this is. chills the ardor of various radicals, for example, those who propagate the ideas of the Columbine terrorist movement among young people. **Summary**: The film tells about the criminal case of the former head of the Tyumen Region State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Alexander Silunin, who went to prison for accepting bribes. 8. **Title**: Shocking footage from Ufa, where two visiting illegal immigrants tried to burn the nightclub security guards alive because they were not allowed into the establishment **Description**: One of the pyromaniacs sneaks up on the bouncers and pours gasoline on the men, then makes a large puddle on the floor, one security guard manages to escape, and the second keeps slipping. on the wet tiles, and a moment later the room is drowning in fire , visitors rush to the exit in panic, the arsonists escaped and in the morning they booked a plane to Moscow with tickets, but for them now the weather is not suitable for flying for a long time. **Summary**: Employees of police department number three of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Ufa, In the shortest possible time, the identities of the suspects were established and a search report was issued. 9. **Title**: Three daring hooligans have been detained in a criminal case for jumping with knives in Moscow **Description**: Right on the road, they decided to deal with a married couple who did not allow them to squeeze in without waiting in line at the road service **Summary**: The spouses got scared and had to call the police. The police quickly found and detained the hooligans. 10. **Title**: A travel agent from Bashkiria risks getting a ticket to a pre-trial detention center **Description**: The lady is considered a fraud by dozens of tourists. Each of which he transferred to her hundreds of thousands of rubles for a vacation abroad. **Summary**: The travel agent, Ekaterina Khakimova, allegedly collected money from new tourists and used it to send previous tourists on vacation. This is a type of pyramid scheme. The police have opened a criminal case against Khakimova. 11. **Title**: Vladimir Putin signed a law that establishes the day of reunification with Russia, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions **Description**: The date is September 30. The document has already entered into force since it was published. **Summary**: Integration of new regions was one of the main topics at the meeting President with the heads of elected subjects of the federation, it was held via video conference.