{ "predictions": [ { "citationMetadata": { "citations": [] }, "safetyAttributes": { "scores": [ 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8, 0.2 ], "blocked": false, "categories": [ "Death, Harm & Tragedy", "Derogatory", "Finance", "Firearms & Weapons", "Health", "Illicit Drugs", "Insult", "Legal", "Politics", "Profanity", "Public Safety", "Religion & Belief", "Toxic", "Violent", "War & Conflict" ] }, "content": " 1. **Title**: All participants in the mass shootout in Dagestan were detained \n**Description**: On September 21, a conflict occurred between local residents on the outskirts of the village of Levashi, Dagestan. During a fight, one of the participants took out a pistol and another took out a saiga, from which he opened fire on the crowd. Four people were wounded and two were killed, including a policeman. All wanted persons involved in the shootout have been identified, delivered and transferred to the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan. \n\n2. **Title**: A measure of restraint is being chosen for the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory\n**Description**: Oleg Volynkin, the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory, has been detained. He is suspected of abuse of power committed two years ago. The details of the criminal case are not being disclosed by investigators. Volynkin was detained during a business trip. \n\n3. **Title**: The Yaroslavl police seized a motor boat full of roach pike perch, 10 fishing nets and two cars from a couple of poachers\n**Description**: The Yaroslavl police have seized a motor boat full of roach pike perch, 10 fishing nets and two cars from a couple of poachers. The poachers have caused more than 2,800,000 rubles in damages. \n\n4. **Title**: The case of a former police officer who allegedly sold information about political scientist Daria Dugina is being considered in court\n**Description**: A former traffic police officer, Ivan Rybin, is accused of selling information about political scientist Daria Dugina from closed databases for money. Rybin allegedly entered the database using his password and sold the information to a certain Daniil Chouthuri for 3,350 rubles. Chouthuri then passed on Dugina's data to unknown people. \n\n5. **Title**: The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Alexander Kurenkov, assessed the readiness of Kuzbask fire rescuers to perform official tasks\n**Description**: Alexander Kurenkov, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, visited the Kemerovo region and assessed the readiness of Kuzbask fire rescuers to perform official tasks. He paid special attention to the mine rescue service, which specializes in the most complex work. \n\n6. **Title**: The specialists of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are able to follow the trail of the villain\n**Description**: The specialists of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are able to follow the trail of a criminal even if they have seemingly covered their tracks. They analyze telephone conversations, text messages, and social media posts to identify criminals. \n\n7. **Title**: The State Duma adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code, which provides for up to 5 years in prison for public justification and propaganda of extremism\n**Description**: The State Duma has adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code, which provides for up to 5 years in prison for public justification and propaganda of extremism. According to parliamentarians, this will help to cool the ardor of various radicals, for example, those who propagate the ideas of the Columbine terrorist movement among young people. \n\n8. **Title**: Shocking footage from Ufa, where two visiting illegal immigrants tried to burn the nightclub security guards alive because they were not allowed into the establishment\n**Description**: Two visiting illegal immigrants in Ufa tried to burn the nightclub security guards alive because they were not allowed into the establishment. One of the pyromaniacs sneaked up on the bouncers and poured gasoline on them, then made a large puddle on the floor. One security guard managed to escape, but the second slipped on the wet tiles and was engulfed in flames. The pyromaniacs escaped and booked a plane to Moscow, but they are now facing charges of attempted murder. \n\n9. **Title**: Three daring hooligans have been detained in a criminal case for jumping with knives in Moscow\n**Description**: Three hooligans have been detained in Moscow for jumping with knives in a criminal case. They attacked a married couple who did not allow them to squeeze in without waiting in line at a road service. The hooligans are facing up to 5 years in prison. \n\n10. **Title**: A travel agent from Bashkiria risks getting a ticket to a pre-trial detention center\n**Description**: A travel agent from Bashkiria is facing charges of fraud after dozens of tourists accused her of taking their money for vacations abroad and then not providing the services. The travel agent, Ekaterina Khakimova, allegedly lured travelers with last-minute tours, picturesque pictures, and a bright slogan. She is accused of drawing up agreements for the provision of tourist services, taking a fee for them, but not providing services. The preliminary amount of damage is more than 6 million rubles. \n\n11. **Title**: Vladimir Putin signed a law that establishes the day of reunification with Russia, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions\n**Description**: Vladimir Putin has signed a law that establishes the day of reunification with Russia, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The date is September 30. The document has already entered into force since it was published." } ], "metadata": { "tokenMetadata": { "inputTokenCount": { "totalTokens": 6170, "totalBillableCharacters": 24187 }, "outputTokenCount": { "totalTokens": 1156, "totalBillableCharacters": 4656 } } } }