1. **Title:** Mass Shooting in Dagestan: All Suspects Detained **Description:** A mass shooting incident occurred in the village of Levashi in Dagestan, resulting in four people injured and two killed, including a police officer. All the suspects involved in the incident have been identified, apprehended, and handed over to the Investigative Committee of Russia. The investigation is ongoing, and measures are being taken to ensure the safety of the local population. 2. **Title:** Former Traffic Police Officer Charged with Selling Personal Data **Description:** A former traffic police officer, Ivan Rybin, has been charged with selling personal data of individuals, including the address and phone number of political scientist Daria Dugina, from closed databases. The case is being investigated, and Rybin has been released on bail. The investigation aims to uncover the extent of the data breach and identify any potential accomplices involved. 3. **Title:** Head of EMERCOM in Krasnodar Region Charged with Abuse of Power **Description:** The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) in the Krasnodar Region, Oleg Volyankin, has been charged with abuse of power. The details of the criminal case are not yet fully disclosed, but it is alleged that the incident occurred two years ago. Volyankin has been detained and is currently under investigation. 4. **Title:** Large Haul of Fish Seized from Poachers in Yaroslavl **Description:** Police in Yaroslavl have seized a large haul of fish from a pair of poachers. The catch included судаки (zander), плотвы (roach), and other species, as well as fishing nets and two vehicles. The poachers had been illegally depleting the waters of the Sozha River, and a significant amount of fish was recovered from their homes. Criminal cases have been initiated for illegal добыча (extraction) of aquatic biological resources, and the ущерб (damage) caused is estimated to be over 2.8 million rubles. 5. **Title:** Trial Begins for Former Police Officer Accused of Selling Daria Dugina's Data **Description:** The trial has begun for Ivan Rybin, a former police officer accused of selling the personal data of political scientist Daria Dugina to a third party. The case is being heard in the Nagatinsky Court in Moscow, and Rybin has pleaded not guilty. The investigation alleges that Rybin used his access to the Federal Information System of the State Traffic Inspectorate to obtain Dugina's personal information and then sold it for 3,350 rubles. The case has drawn significant attention due to the high-profile nature of the crime and the ongoing investigation into Dugina's murder. 6. **Title:** EMERCOM Minister Visits Kemerovo Region, Praises Firefighters and Rescue Teams **Description:** The Minister of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM), Alexander Kurenkov, visited the Kemerovo Region as part of a working visit. During his visit, he assessed the readiness of the region's firefighters and rescue teams, with a particular focus on the mine rescue service. Kurenkov visited a training center and a training mine, where he observed the equipment and skills of the personnel. He also met with спасатели (rescuers) from a local unit that has been recognized as one of the best among the fire and rescue units. 7. **Title:** Experts Shed Light on Solving Complex Crimes **Description:** The Expert-Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) plays a crucial role in solving complex crimes by analyzing evidence and identifying perpetrators. The center's specialists, including linguists and forensic experts, assist in investigations by examining phone records, text messages, and other forms of communication. They also analyze handwriting, documents, and currency to detect forgeries. The center's work has contributed to solving numerous high-profile cases, including the recent arrest of a suspect in a 20-year-old murder. 8. **Title:** Duma Passes Bill to Punish Public Justification of Extremism **Description:** The State Duma has passed a bill in the first reading that proposes a sentence of up to 5 years in prison for publicly justifying or promoting extremism. The bill aims to combat radicalism, including the dissemination of terrorist ideologies among young people. The legislation will be further discussed and voted on in subsequent readings. 9. **Title:** Investigation into Former Head of Tyumen Traffic Police for Bribery **Description:** An investigation is underway into the former head of the Tyumen Traffic Police, Alexander Silyunin, who is accused of accepting bribes in exchange for issuing driver's licenses. The scheme involved intermediaries who would arrange for individuals to pass the driving test, despite their lack of qualifications. The licenses were then issued illegally. The investigation is ongoing, and efforts are being made to identify and bring to justice all those involved in the corruption scheme. 10. **Title:** Attempted Murder Charges for Nightclub Arsonists in Ufa **Description:** Two foreign nationals have been charged with attempted murder after they attempted to burn alive the security guards of a nightclub in Ufa. The incident occurred when the suspects were denied entry to the club. One of the suspects threw gasoline on the security guards and set the floor on fire, while the other blocked the exit. The guards managed to escape, but the club sustained significant damage. The suspects fled the scene but were later apprehended at the airport. A criminal case has been возбуждено (initiated) under the article of покушении (attempted) murder committed with особая жестокость (particular cruelty) and общеопасным способом (in a publicly dangerous manner) by a group of persons by prior agreement. 11. **Title:** Three Hooligans Detained for Knife Attack in Moscow **Description:** Three men have been detained in Moscow after they attacked a couple with knives on a road. The incident occurred when the couple refused to let the suspects cut in line. The suspects chased the couple's car, threatened them with a gun, and attempted to force their way into the vehicle. The couple managed to escape and call the police, who launched a search for the suspects. The suspects were eventually apprehended and face charges of хулиганство (hooliganism), which carries a sentence of up to 5 years in prison. 12. **Title:** Travel Agent in Bashkortostan Accused of Fraud **Description:** A travel agent in Bashkortostan is facing charges of fraud after allegedly scamming dozens of tourists out of hundreds of thousands of rubles. The agent, identified as Ekaterina Hakim