{ "predictions": [ { "safetyAttributes": { "blocked": false, "categories": [ "Death, Harm & Tragedy", "Derogatory", "Firearms & Weapons", "Insult", "Legal", "Politics", "Profanity", "Public Safety", "Religion & Belief", "Toxic", "Violent", "War & Conflict" ], "scores": [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.9 ] }, "content": " **Putin signs law on reunification with Russia of Donbas republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions**\n\n* **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. \n* **Summary:** The document has already entered into force, as it has been published. The integration of the new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting between the President and the heads of the elected subjects of the federation. \n\n**Putin: Elections in new Russian regions held in accordance with Russian law**\n\n* **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the elections in the new Russian regions were held in accordance with Russian law. \n* **Summary:** He noted that for the first time, elections were held in the new regions, which he referred to as Russia's historical regions, in accordance with Russian law. \n\n**Putin: High voter turnout in new regions shows support for reunification with Russia**\n\n* **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the high voter turnout in the new regions shows support for reunification with Russia. \n* **Summary:** He noted that the turnout in the regional parliaments, which were also elected for the first time in accordance with Russian laws, confirmed the legitimacy of the acting heads of the regions. \n\n**Putin: New regions face special challenges, but authorities and people feel support from all of Russia**\n\n* **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the new regions face special challenges, but the authorities and, most importantly, the people feel the support of all of Russia. \n* **Summary:** He noted that the elections in the new regions were of particular importance for a number of reasons, including the political, economic, and cultural integration with Russia, as well as the confirmation of the correctness of the course chosen by the residents of the DPR, LPR, and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. \n\n**Head of Luhansk People's Republic: High level of trust shown by residents in elections means even greater responsibility**\n\n* **Description:** The head of the Luhansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, has said that the high level of trust shown by residents in the elections means even greater responsibility. \n* **Summary:** He noted that the results achieved indicate that a fairly reliable, effective, and, to a certain extent, professional team has been formed in the Luhansk People's Republic, which is capable of overcoming all the difficulties that arise and resisting the most complex challenges of the modern world. \n\n**Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin: We must do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation**\n\n* **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has said that we must do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. \n* **Summary:** He noted that we must do everything we can to help the country during the special military operation, not only in terms of social support for our soldiers and their families, but also for the economy, the defense industry complex, and for those guys who are fighting at the front today, creating new industrial capacities, providing them with direct support by supplying the necessary things, food, humanitarian aid. \n\n**Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov reports to Putin on successes in special operation zone**\n\n* **Description:** Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the successes of the special operation in Ukraine. \n* **Summary:** He noted that every day they take prisoners, every day there is a general, today the morale of the soldiers is good, sometimes he looks in, but there are no problems with communications or equipment. \n\n**Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir**\n\n* **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir. \n* **Summary:** Putin noted that there is still much to be done to develop cooperation in the economy, but there are already good developments, for example, in the energy sector. \n\n**Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, 26 drones in past 24 hours**\n\n* **Description:** The Russian military has destroyed a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and 26 drones in the past 24 hours. \n* **Summary:** The latest data on the progress of the special operation and the situation on the fronts was provided by our correspondent Denis Alekseev. \n\n**Ukrainian prisoners of war say they were threatened with reprisals for refusing to carry out orders**\n\n* **Description:** Ukrainian prisoners of war say they were threatened with reprisals for refusing to carry out orders. \n* **Summary:** The footage shows Ukrainian servicemen, who, fearing for their lives, are surrendering to Russian forces. \n\n**Russian artillery prevents Ukrainian forces from launching attack near Kleshcheyevka**\n\n* **Description:** Russian artillery has prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack near the village of Kleshcheyevka. \n* **Summary:** As a result of the attack, 30 militants and a number of pieces of equipment were destroyed. \n\n**Russian Defense Ministry: Ukrainian forces suffer heavy losses in failed attacks**\n\n* **Description:** The Russian Defense Ministry has said that Ukrainian forces suffered heavy losses in failed attacks in the past 24 hours. \n* **Summary:** The ministry said that Ukrainian forces lost nearly 200 people in the attacks, which were carried out in the Donetsk and Kupyansk directions. \n\n**Russian military aviation destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft**\n\n* **Description:** Russian military aviation has destroyed a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. \n* **Summary:** The aircraft was destroyed in the Kharkiv region. \n\n**Russian air force receives new Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets**\n\n* **Description:** The Russian air force has received a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. \n* **Summary:** The aircraft have undergone a full cycle of factory tests, have been tested in various modes, and are ready to carry out their tasks. \n\n**Russian military personnel replenish ammunition and fuel supplies near Krasny Liman**\n\n* **Description:** Russian military personnel are replenishing ammunition and fuel supplies near Krasny Liman. \n* **Summary:** The footage shows tanks returning from the front lines, as well as a heavy flamethrower system moving towards its firing position. \n\n**Assault groups move closer to front lines in armored vehicles**\n\n* **Description:** Assault groups are moving closer to the front lines in armored vehicles. \n* **Summary:** The footage shows assault groups being transported in armored vehicles, as well as a fighter from the assault group talking about the experience of protecting housing. \n\n**Self-propelled mortar unit strikes enemy stronghold**\n\n* **Description:** A self-propelled mortar unit strikes an enemy stronghold. \n* **Summary:** The footage shows the unit firing at the enemy stronghold, as well as the commander of the unit talking about the details of the combat operation. \n\n**Canada lied about not knowing about invitation of Nazi collaborator to parliament, says Russian Foreign Ministry**\n\n* **Description:** The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that Canada lied about not knowing about the invitation of Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to parliament. \n* **Summary:** The ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, noted that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian-Ukrainian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. \n\n**German police search for participants and organizers of Nazi party at Oktoberfest**\n\n* **Description:** German police are searching for participants and organizers of a Nazi party at Oktoberfest. \n* **Summary:** The footage shows partygoers listening to a Nazi march and raising their arms in a Nazi salute. \n\n**Ukraine will not receive any money from the EU budget until Hungary is paid its due funds**\n\n* **Description:** Ukraine will not receive any money from the EU budget until Hungary is paid its due funds from European funds. \n* **Summary:** This was stated by the government of Hungary. \n\n**Western allies continue to provide assistance to Ukraine**\n\n* **Description:** Western allies continue to provide assistance to Ukraine. \n* **Summary:** The real losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are very large and few people know the exact figures. \n\n**Russia's nuclear shield reliably protects the country, says Sergei Lavrov**\n\n* **Description:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Russia's nuclear shield reliably protects the country. \n* **Summary:** He made the statement at the opening of an exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute. \n\n**Putin orders to determine sources of financing for National Center of Historical Memory by December 15**\n\n* **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered to determine the sources of financing for the National Center of Historical Memory by December 15. \n* **Summary:** The message was received from the Kremlin. \n\n**Gazprombank becomes new owner of Mega shopping malls in Russia**\n\n* **Description:** Gazprombank has become the new owner of the Mega shopping malls in Russia. \n* **Summary:** The deal includes 14 properties with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. ", "citationMetadata": { "citations": [] } } ], "metadata": { "tokenMetadata": { "outputTokenCount": { "totalTokens": 1977, "totalBillableCharacters": 7921 }, "inputTokenCount": { "totalBillableCharacters": 18784, "totalTokens": 5619 } } } }