1. **Putin signs law on reunification with Russia of Donbas, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions** * On September 30, 2022, Vladimir Putin signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. * The document has already entered into force, as it has been published. * The integration of the new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting between the President and the heads of the elected subjects of the federation. * The meeting was held via videoconference. * 26 people - those who won the elections on a single voting day - according to Vladimir Putin, the results with which these victories were won are worthy and convincing, including in the new regions of the country. * For the first time, now according to Russian law, elections were held in our new, and as has been said more than once, in fact, our historical regions in the Donbas and Novorossiya, where, following the results of voting in the regional parliaments, the composition of which was also elected for the first time according to Russian laws, confirmed their full acting heads of the subject of the federation. * And this is certainly a significant event, an important step on the path of full integration of the new regions into the единое правовое, государственное пространство нашей большой страны. * The situation and tasks in these subjects of the federation are special, but I am convinced that the regional... authorities and, most importantly, people, our citizens feel the support that the whole of Russia gives them. * The elections in the new regions, of course, had a special significance for a number of reasons, firstly, the very political, economic and cultural integration that the President spoke about, and secondly, confirmation of the correctness of the course that the residents of the DPR, LPR, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions themselves chose. * About the high turnout of voters in the elections, I heard the phrase, Donbass never ceases to amaze, but you know, for us within the region, this is absolutely logical, it has become another confirmation, such activity, the correctness of the choice and reunification with the Russian Federation, I give you my word that I will not let you down, I will justify your... the results achieved, in my opinion, indicate that a fairly reliable, effective and, to a certain extent, professional team has been formed in the Luhansk People's Republic, which is capable of overcoming all the difficulties that will arise in our path and resisting the most difficult challenges of our time. * I assure you, уважаемый Владимир Владимирович, that we will continue our work as a single team, according to the President, such a high level of trust shown by residents during the voting means, first of all, even greater responsibility. * I am sure that you perfectly understand and are maximally aimed at justifying the hopes of voters for positive changes, for improving the quality of life - Vladimir Putin said. * As Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin noted: today it is necessary to do everything possible to help the country in the period. must do everything to help the country during the period of the special military operation, and not only social support for our soldiers, their families, but also for the economy, for the defense industry complex, for those guys who are fighting at the front today, creating new industrial capacities, providing them with direct support by supplying... necessary things, food, humanitarian aid, this is very important, it just gives a platform for the consolidation of our society, a sense of its cohesion, support in the elections is a big credit, of course, of trust, which now needs to be turned into a program of real actions, in this program to solve the pressing problems that concern the development of the economy, infrastructure, our social sphere, of course, support for the guys who are on the front lines today, their families, who are in the rear, and the development of our defense industry complex, I consider it fundamentally important, as it was during the elections, to focus on the opinion of the residents of the native land. 2. **Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov** * He reported to the President on the successes in the special operation zone. * Every day they take a trench, every day in general, today the fighters are in good spirits, sometimes I look in, but as if there are no problems with communications, equipment, from the beginning to the present day we have bought 1,100 or so cars, of which 100 or so armored cars. well, not even from the republic, we also help others, this is our common business, so we must win together, the whole people support you, and we are the only region, I can say that we have created five regiments and three battalions during this time republics, they are engaged in SVO today, guys. * The best wishes to their families, the best wishes, I know that you personally deal with these issues all the time, including supporting the families of our guys who are fighting on the front lines, fighting confidently, well, courageously and heroically, very good, I am very glad that very good contacts have been established with other units, I know the relationship of the commanders, including the higher level, I think I have already spoken, one asked, this is the assessment of the commanders who actually take part in the hostilities, so all the best wishes to everyone, and to their family members, if your order is not carried out, then we are not this state, in many media and telegram channels, fakes about the state of health of the Chechen leader have recently appeared, Ramzan Kadyrov stopped all speculation on this topic in a conversation with my colleague, the author and host of the Moscow Kremlin Putin program, Pavel Zarubin. They wrote about you in recent days of the week, what they just didn’t write, about your health, what could you answer to these people? * To Moscow. On an official visit, the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, arrived this morning he took part in the ceremony of laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden, and then the leader of South Sudan was received in the Kremlin by Vladimir Putin. * The President of Russia noted that there is still much to be done to develop cooperation in the economy, but there are already good practices, for example, in energy. * Relations between our countries are developing very intensively. were one of the first countries to recognize the sovereignty and independence of South Sudan, and I must say that we believe that much remains to be done, primarily in the sphere of economic development, last year we saw a certain decline in trade, this year, however, we are witnessing the fact that trade is growing, правда и это только... the very beginning, we will work together with you, with the Russian Federation, because today the situation in the world shows that no one can survive alone, not achieve success, our country is no exception, we are the youngest nation on the planet, we need to have strong influential friends, one of which is you. * We do not see any alternatives to friendship with you, 3. **QR codes can be numerous, thank you, of course, but ask for the SBP at the checkout, pay conveniently, get real benefits, pay for purchases in Lenta stores via the SBP, any convenient.** * If we postpone it now, it’s not too late, everything is fine, cut it, we are all with him, because he is the only one, the lord of the wind in the cinema from October 5, the super-clean base of Rolf Ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies GTL and Pao, provides maximum engine performance, Rolf Ultra is a new era of motor oils. 4. **Routine distracts the department? 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Take it on everyone and celebrate together, buy in branded stores on the Stoloto website. how to make your dream come true, renovation, wedding, car, it's approved for you, find out your credit rating, compare, we will help you choose a loan taking into account your credit history, payment load, if a loan, then compare on the website in the application, I'm in the dungeon, and I dug, and we're in the elevator, and we're waiting for you, not a second without each other, this is a continuous connection. how reliable mobile Internet Beeline is for continuous communication with loved ones on your side, daughter sang better than everyone again this is five action oralcept for bacterial fungal infection five actions of oralcept from sore throat - this is five, we invite specialists to the largest international exhibition of equipment and ingredients for the food industry in Russia, Agroprodmash, from October 9 to 13, Moscow Expocentre. 6. **I could become anyone. a musician, a restaurateur, a presenter, a producer, a husband, a father, and I became, because I was always free, Alfa-Bank for smart free people, ordered a package of kefir, looked back, hop, apartment, Place orders in Samokat, take part in the drawing of an apartment.** * Russian troops in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, the Ministry of Defense said. Also, over the past day, our VSKA destroyed 26 drones in the APU. The latest data on the course of the special operation and the situation on the fronts, according to our tradition. correspondent Denis Alekseev, Denis, greetings, here are the Ukrainians, they say, they continue, almost deliberately surrendering, is there such information? * Yes, greetings, indeed, one gets the feeling that Ukrainian servicemen, and a considerable part of them, are just waiting for another meat attack, in order to surrender under the noise, they can't stand it. * Here are fresh кадры from the area where the Kiev command, at the cost of several hundred soldiers, continues to try to carry out a counteroffensive, work on Pyatikhatka. who are sent to the assault, they already know what the outcome may be, and therefore such a picture is now not uncommon, with their hands up, having thrown down their weapons, strictly one by one, they come out of the darkness, and what is characteristic, the prisoners, as if on the spirit, lay out the situation in their units, Western equipment, they say, fails, the commanders do not stand on ceremony, for failure to carry out the order to go to certain death, every now and then they threaten with reprisals, but also bikes about Russian captivity, without this in no way, they said that they beat there or what? what are they doing, well, they mock, but as if, there is no such treatment, propaganda works, this is unambiguous, that we have achieved success there, there, but in the end you look at all this, what successes are there, people are simply being thrown, toupas, yes, the result is zero, on the Donetsk front, near Artemovsk... * Russian artillerymen of the Yug group did not allow the VSUшники to go on the attack in the Kleshcheevka area. The result of the meat assault there is 30 destroyed militants and equipment. And in just a day in this direction in the APU, at least two attacks failed, they lost under 200 people. Equipment, as always, is a расходный материал, more howitzers, less howitzers, while the curators are bringing up, it is necessary to use it, having allowed damage. The intensified attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack, as the last time, are explained by the approaching rainy season. they want to gain a foothold in their positions and stay on them in the winter, otherwise the thaw will become a serious obstacle, but our military is confusing all their cards, on the southern Donetsk front, during the day, the group... improved the position along the front edge. * A unit of the Vostok Troops group in the southern Donetsk direction, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, improved the position along the front edge and repelled two attacks by APU assault groups in the Priyutnoye area. * The enemy's losses amounted to 105 servicemen, two armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. * The activities of the sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th brigade of the territory were suppressed. * Today, fresh кадры of the destruction of foreign equipment appeared, the Polish self-propelled gun Krab was liquidated with an accurate strike, another arrival was recorded at a strong point in Severesk. * On the Kupyansk direction, the militants have noticeably reduced their counteroffensive activity, losses, which day are not so big, but after all, reserves are not unlimited, the defense of Kupyansk rests against the Oskol River, our military is confidently. does not stop, Russian missilemen walked well through the field warehouses, the day before the ammunition depot of the first special forces brigade was destroyed in the Kharkiv region, the ammunition depot in the Kirovograd region too, our pilots sent the Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft to the Junk, here, by the way, about the pilots, our fleet of military aircraft was replenished with another batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters, the vehicles прошли полный цикл заводских испытаний, протестированы в разных режимах и готовы к выполнению задач, вот тут важно добавить су-57 - это истребители пятого поколения задачи перед летчиками этих самолетов будут ставиться еще более комплексные и увеличение числа су5сят седьмых в небе над фронтами - это очень хорошая новость для нашей армии и очень плохая, если не сказать ужасная для киевского командования, при том, что даже сейчас уже воздушное... превосходство УВСУ нулевое. * The closer to the line of combat contact, which passes through the Serebryansky forestry, the more armored vehicles we meet. * Here, in order to replenish ammunition and fuel supplies, tankers of the Central Military District are returning from the front lines. * And this is a heavy flamethrower system. the sun is already moving in the opposite direction to its firing line. * Assault groups are being transferred closer to the front line, right on the armor, and already directly to the place of execution of the combat mission on such armored vehicles Akhmat. * To the place where these vehicles of the Central Military District replenish fuel supplies and are based in anticipation of the loading of assault groups, we are already driving in the armored vehicle itself. * Together with the base, a fighter of the assault group with the call sign Garik tells us about the experience of protecting housing, which they received here on the Krasnolimansky direction. * We dig dugouts underground, then we lay them in four layers, here we live three to five people, there were arrivals, three layers break through, four layers do not break through, so we decided to put four layers. * This car recently withstood a hit from a fragment of a large-caliber mine fired by the Ukrainian military. * At the place of basing, there are still several of these armored vehicles. * This is an armored car Akhmat, it is in such that the assault groups move. * Here there is space for comfortable размещения of ten people, as well as enough space for the protection of weapons and an additional set of ammunition. * A couple of armored vehicles Akhmat are sent to the point where an assault group awaits them. * And a few kilometers from the front line, the self-propelled mortar установка Нона completed its work. * The main task today is to inflict a massive blow to the enemy's fortifications, before the assault groups enter there. * The commander of the gun tells us about the details of the combat work here at Torsky. * arrivals happen sometimes, our car is very mobile, that is, we can safely leave the position, we cover our own infantry, a drone rises, coordinates are given, we shoot at these coordinates, we make certain adjustments according to these adjustments, we hit the targets, that is, during these adjustments we destroyed three NATO-made pickups. * The joint combat work of assault groups and artillerymen of the Central Military District does not stop... * Andrei Yurchuk Alina Zykova lead the line of contact in the Luhansk People's Republic Krasnolimanskaya 7. **Canadian authorities are лукавят when they say that they did not know about the fact of inviting the Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunko to parliament, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said, she stressed that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian-Ukrainian Congress, sponsored by Gonka. The diplomat recalled that after the Second World War, Canada accepted many former SS men. Zakharova. stressed that members of the Ukrainian division of the CCC Glichina, as well as the radical OUN UPA, and their descendants still have an influential lobby in Canada. In addition, such a high-level visit would not have been possible without a thorough check carried out by the special services of several states at once, so Gunko's biography was not a secret to anyone. Before getting abroad as an honorary guest at an event with Zelensky's participation, it is necessary to be checked by the special services. from A to Z, причем not only Ukraine and Canada, but also the USA, Britain and a number of other countries. Zakharova drew attention to the footage of how the Nazi Yaroslav Gunko is waiting for a meeting with Trudeau and Zelensky in the reception room, that is, in a room where you can only get after a thorough check of the biography, Gunko's granddaughter posted on social networks, then deleted, but these photos have already managed to облететь the Internet. The Canadian Prime Minister after that managed to apologize, but did... so that they began to criticize him even more, the Russian ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov, told our channel about this. This is, in fact, not, not an apology, for this already, Justin Trudeauo is strongly criticized here, because he apologized, not himself and not on behalf of the Canadian government, as if on behalf of parliament, here he apologized it is not clear to whom. therefore, he was forced to do this, well, it looks a little funny from our point of view, well, and another similar scandal is now flaring up in Germany, a video has appeared on the Internet in which German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest. These кадры were filmed at the end of last week in Saxony, on them, drunk visitors to the pub not only listen to the march at maximum volume. Erica of the Second World War, but throw up their hands in a Nazi salute. The latter in Germany is a criminal offense, punishable by a fine of imprisonment for up to 3 years. The Saxon police have started searching for the participants and organizers of the scandalous party. 8. **Ukraine will not receive anything from the EU budget until the funds due to it from the European funds are paid in Hungary. This was announced by the government of the country. Will Western allies continue. to provide assistance to Kiev, разобралась Наталья Гончарова. The real losses in the APU are very large and few people know the exact figures. Kyiv has classified statistics, the Polish Mysl edition notes that hundreds of thousands have been killed since the beginning of the conflict. Now everyone is being taken to the front, and under 60 with tuberculosis and even swine infection. The New York Times notes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are at an impasse and this will weaken Kyiv's support from Washington. Ukraine has achieved minimal success in its counteroffensive, making every attack extremely costly. It was France and Germany, the guarantors of the Minsk agreements, who are responsible for the destruction of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, stressed the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov. Berlin and Paris admitted that they were biding their time to give the Kyiv regime time to prepare for war. And now there are a lot of people who want to make money on the conflict. Actually, in the States, this is not hidden. The Senate directly stated that 90% of aid to Ukraine. believe that this is why no one in the US ruling circles wants reconciliation. This is how it works, the Democrats sent Ukraine a bunch of taxpayers' money, in order for it to blow up everything that is possible, and then sent another bunch of your money to fix what they blew up. And of course, they got a taste for it. What a great scheme, right? US Army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer is confident that the White House has long since lost touch with reality and simply does not want to admit defeat. They have John McCain syndrome, I will pretend until it works, or until I die. Approximately to such a thesis everything is reduced, in my opinion, this is exactly how they look at the situation, they simply do not believe that this can be so, from my point of view, this is such a form of narcissism, I think that they thought that we could defeat the Russians, the key to success was in two things: firstly, in the Ukrainians, whom we trained and armed, we hoped that they would fight at the level, but most importantly, we expected that the sanctions would quickly put the Russians in their place, it was a mistake. The French указывает, due to the failure in Ukraine and ill-considered policies, the West is rapidly losing its. all over the world runs from military and political fronts. 9. **The missile and nuclear shield reliably protects Russia, makes the dreams of some politicians in the West about the strategic defeat of our country absurd. Such a statement was made at the opening of the exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of the birth of academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov. The exposition is presented in the Museum of Modern History of Russia, the speakers spoke about the Soviet heritage and the current state of affairs in the nuclear industry. I want to say that this is an extremely important thing, today, retrospectively realizing that if it were not for Kurchatov, there is a very high probability that Alexandrov, then Kurchatov's business could have been smeared, disappeared, its significance and its sound would not have been the same, of course, not... the indisputable leadership of our country in nuclear energy is the result of a certain historical path, brilliant fundamental discoveries and technological developments, at the origins of which stood outstanding Soviet scientists, physicists, Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov and Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov. the messages that are coming to the news agency feeds these minutes with the lightning mark, Vladimir Putin поручил до 15 декабря определить источники финансирования национального центра исторической памяти, это сообщение со ссылкой на Кремль, ждем, какие детали будут появляться. 10. **Gazprombank became the new owner of Mega shopping centers in Russia. The deal included 14 objects with a total area of 2.3 million km. My colleague Maria Kudryavtseva discussed with