**Story 1: Ukrainian Armed Forces Attacking on Foot** * Description: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are attacking on foot, without armor or heavy equipment, due to the high cost of the war and the destruction of their equipment by Russian forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering heavy losses and are unable to advance due to the lack of armor and heavy equipment. **Story 2: Russian Factories Blow Up Large Weapons Warehouse** * Description: Russian factories have blown up a large weapons warehouse inside an elevator in the Kherson region. * Summary: The destruction of the weapons warehouse is a significant blow to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and will further hamper their ability to conduct offensive operations. **Story 3: Ukraine Putting Grain Infrastructure at Risk** * Description: Ukraine is putting its grain infrastructure at risk by storing military equipment in grain elevators. * Summary: The Ukrainian government is risking the lives of its citizens and the destruction of its grain infrastructure by using it for military purposes. **Story 4: Ukrainian Nazi Gunka Glorified** * Description: Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunka was glorified by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Western leaders during a visit to the Canadian Parliament. * Summary: The glorification of Ukrainian Nazis by Western leaders is a slap in the face to the victims of the Holocaust and a betrayal of the values of democracy and freedom. **Story 5: Ukrainian Kulibins Compete in Handicrafts** * Description: Ukrainian Kulibins are competing in handicrafts, creating homemade mobile artillery for use by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian people are resourceful and resilient, and are doing everything they can to defend their country from Russian aggression. **Story 6: Old Anti-Aircraft Guns Installed on Trucks** * Description: Old anti-aircraft guns from the forties are being installed on trucks and used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are using outdated and ineffective equipment, which is often self-destructing, in their fight against Russia.