**Story 1: Karabakh Armenians Face Uncertain Future** * **Description:** The article discusses the uncertain future of Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh, with some analysts predicting that they will soon be forced to leave the region. * **Summary:** The article cites a recent statement by the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, in which he said that there was no threat to Armenians from Azerbaijan. However, the article also notes that Azerbaijan has been making aggressive statements and actions towards Karabakh, including the arrest of former Karabakh leader Ruben Vardanyan. The article concludes by saying that the future of Karabakh Armenians is uncertain, and that the situation remains tense. **Story 2: Ukrainian Official Defects to Russia** * **Description:** The article discusses the defection of David Babayan, an adviser to the President of the Republic of Artsakh, to Russia. * **Summary:** The article says that Babayan made the decision to surrender to Russian authorities voluntarily, and that he believes his loved ones will understand his decision. The article also notes that the situation in Karabakh remains difficult, with a severe shortage of fuel and transportation making it difficult for people to leave the region. **Story 3: Russian Peacekeepers Evacuate Civilians from Stepanakert** * **Description:** The article discusses the evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert, the capital of Karabakh, by Russian peacekeepers. * **Summary:** The article says that over 500 civilians, including nearly 300 children, were evacuated from Stepanakert to medical facilities in Armenia. The article also notes that Russian helicopters have been used to evacuate the wounded. **Story 4: Humanitarian Aid Arrives in Karabakh** * **Description:** The article discusses the arrival of humanitarian aid in Karabakh from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. * **Summary:** The article says that the aid is being collected in Yerevan and sent to Karabakh by volunteers. The article also notes that the aid includes food, hygiene products, and warm clothing. **Story 5: Ukrainian Defense Minister Makes Bold Claims** * **Description:** The article discusses the recent statements by Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, in which he expressed confidence that Kyiv will make service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) a prestigious job. * **Summary:** The article notes that Reznikov's statements have been met with skepticism, with many people pointing out the poor living and working conditions in the AFU. The article also notes that Reznikov's predecessor, Andriy Taran, made similar claims, but that the reality on the ground has not changed. **Story 6: Ukrainian Forces Resort to Guerrilla Tactics** * **Description:** The article discusses the use of guerrilla tactics by Ukrainian forces, including the use of improvised weapons and hit-and-run attacks. * **Summary:** The article says that Ukrainian forces are using these tactics in an attempt to compensate for their lack of heavy weapons and artillery. The article also notes that the use of guerrilla tactics has been effective in slowing down the Russian advance. **Story 7: Western Support for Ukraine Wanes** * **Description:** The article discusses the growing doubts among Western countries about the effectiveness of their support for Ukraine. * **Summary:** The article says that Western countries have already spent a significant amount of money on Ukraine, but that there is little to show for it. The article also notes that the Ukrainian military is reluctant to use heavy NATO weapons, and that the US and UK have warned that Ukraine's window of opportunity for a counteroffensive is closing. **Story 8: Biden Impeachment Hearings Begin** * **Description:** The article discusses the start of impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden in the House of Representatives. * **Summary:** The article says that the hearings were initiated by Republicans, who accuse Biden of abusing his position to enrich his family. The article also notes that Democrats are trying to block the process. **Story 9: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin Signs with Casting Agency** * **Description:** The article discusses the decision by former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin to sign with a casting agency, sparking speculation that she may be considering a career in show business. * **Summary:** The article says that Marin has been praised for her progressive leadership, but that she has also been criticized for her party lifestyle. The article also notes that Marin's decision to leave politics has been met with mixed reactions.