1. **Russian regions take another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework.** * Vladimir Putin met with the winners of the recent regional elections. * He noted that the elections were held in a number of regions, including for the first time under Russian law, in the so-called new, or more precisely, historical lands of Donbass and Novorossiya. * Putin said that this is an important step towards their integration into a single, including legal, space of the country. 2. **Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft.** * The Ministry of Defense also reported that over the past day, Russian troops have destroyed 26 drones. * The latest data on the progress of the special operation from our correspondent Denis Alekseev. 3. **At least three people were killed in two shooting incidents in Rotterdam.** * The perpetrator opened fire first in a residential building and then in the auditorium of the medical center at Erasmus University. * As a result, the 39-year-old neighbor of the shooter, her 14-year-old daughter and a teacher were killed. * The identity of the suspect has been established, he is a student at this university, but the motive for the crime has not yet been established. 4. **Russian President Vladimir Putin visited a festive concert dedicated to the centenary of Rasul Gamzatov.** * The President noted that the people's poet of Dagestan remains the brightest star of Russian culture, and his work still carries the light of goodness, creation and love. 5. **Russian passport was presented to Yan Taksyur, a writer who is also known for his principled support of the canonical UOC.** * In the spring, the Kyiv regime found him guilty of alleged high treason. * Prior to that, Taksyur spent almost six months in a Ukrainian pre-trial detention center, where he was placed despite serious health problems. * The writer was released and included in the lists for the exchange of prisoners of war with the active assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church. 6. **Vladimir Putin congratulated the workers of the nuclear industry on their professional holiday.** * He separately noted the merits of the Rosatom State Corporation team, which works in a variety of areas, from energy and nuclear medicine to the space sector and the modernization of the icebreaker fleet. 7. **The Atom pavilion is preparing to open at VDNKh as part of the international exhibition of the Russia Forum.** * There are no more secrets in the Atom pavilion, a scientific and educational center at VDNKh. * As part of the international exhibition of the Russia Forum, you can find almost everything about one of the most closed industries. 8. **Heavy rain hit Turkey, some streets turned into lakes, shops and metro flooded.** * Firefighters evacuate children from schools. 9. **More than 3,000 projects of the grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives were evaluated by the expert council.** * The works were evaluated by 142 professionals from various industries: music, theater, exhibition and others. * The competition was held in five thematic areas. 10. **The Russian Leonardo booking system was attacked by hackers from abroad.** * The failure was short-term, of the unpleasant consequences - only queues for registration. 11. **Nizhny Novgorod has been declared the cultural capital of Russia in 2024.** * The results of the competition were summed up in Moscow. * The honorary title is awarded annually to one of the cities of our country with a population of more than 2500 inhabitants. 12. **Police in the English county of North Vimberland have announced the arrest of a 16-year-old teenager who may be linked to an act of vandalism.** * On the eve of the unknown cut down the tree-gude from ... the landmark of Great Britain. * The plant was several hundred years old. 13. **Peaceful Atom is advanced technologies, special people who devote their whole lives to their work, creative, responsible and confident in the significance of a huge industry that makes Russia a leading nuclear power.** * On the Day of the Atomic Industry Worker, a special report.