1. **New Russian regions take steps towards integration into Russian legal space:** Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected heads of Russian regions, emphasizing the importance of their role in the integration of the new regions into the Russian legal space. These regions, including Donbass and Novorossiya, voted in elections for the first time under Russian laws. Putin stresses the significance of this step in their journey towards full entry into Russia's legal and state space. 2. **Importance of regional development for Russia's well-being:** Putin highlights the crucial role of regional economies in improving the well-being of Russian families and addressing social and demographic issues. He emphasizes the need for developing regional economies, strengthening their personnel, educational, and technological base, and creating new jobs. Putin sees this as an opportunity for growth and overcoming external pressures, unlocking Russia's own potential in various areas. 3. **Support for the special military operation and the defense industry:** Putin calls on regional authorities and citizens to support the special military operation in Ukraine. He emphasizes the importance of providing humanitarian aid and supporting the defense industry, as well as creating new industrial capacities. Putin stresses that this is not only about social support for soldiers and their families but also for the economy and the country as a whole. 4. **High voter turnout in the new regions reflects support for the reunification:** Putin notes the high voter turnout in the new regions during the recent elections and sees it as an indication of the people's support for the reunification with Russia. He praises the elected heads of these regions for their commitment and assures them of his support. Putin emphasizes the need to address the issues faced by the regions and utilize the available resources effectively. 5. **Vladimir Putin meets with Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Haftar:** The meeting between Putin and Haftar is announced by Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. The discussions focus on the situation in Libya and regional issues. No further details are provided. 6. **Russian military personnel and medical specialists awarded for bravery:** In Rostov-on-Don, Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova presents state awards to military personnel and medical specialists who showed courage and professionalism during a special operation. They were involved in a small encirclement and managed to save lives under difficult circumstances. 7. **Authorities in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh region announce dissolution:** The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic signs a decree stating that from January 1, 2023, the republic will cease to exist. Government agencies and organizations will be dissolved, and armed formations will surrender their weapons. Over 78,000 people have already left Karabakh for neighboring Armenia, despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. 8. **Concerns over the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh:** The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is described as difficult, with a shortage of fuel and transportation. The Russian peacekeeping contingent has provided food and medicine to over 500 civilians, including children. Humanitarian aid is being collected and sent from Yerevan to the border, where refugees are located. Volunteers are working to meet the needs of those leaving their homes. 9. **Historical background of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Karabakh:** The historical context of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Karabakh region is explained. Both sides have different interpretations of history and consider the region as their own. The conflict escalated in the 1990s, resulting in the Armenian victory and the establishment of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. 10. **Recent developments in the conflict and the role of international actors:** The recent forty-four-day war in 2020 led to significant territorial gains for Azerbaijan, including the city of Shushi. Peace negotiations facilitated by Moscow have faced challenges, with accusations of violating agreements. The involvement of Western countries and their push for Armenia to break relations with Russia has further complicated the situation. The signing of the Almaat Declaration by Armenia, recognizing Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, has led to the current developments. 11. **Azerbaijan's efforts to restore constitutional order and reintegrate the Armenian population:** The Azerbaijani authorities express their readiness to engage in the reintegration of the Armenian population in Karabakh. They claim that they are committed to providing normal living conditions and ensuring the safety of the people. The goal is to restore constitutional order in the region, which has been disputed for decades. 12. **Vladimir Putin attends a gala concert dedicated to Rasul Gamzatov:** Putin attends a concert at the State Kremlin Palace in honor of the centenary of Rasul Gamzatov, a renowned poet from Dagestan. Putin praises Gamzatov's contributions to Russian culture and highlights his role in inspiring the people during challenging times. He draws parallels between the current challenges faced by Russia and the resilience shown by the people in the past. 13. **Exhibition on the history of the Russian nuclear industry:** An exhibition showcasing the history and achievements of the Russian nuclear industry opens at the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. The exhibit features rare pre-war photos, documents, and artifacts related to the development of nuclear technology in the country. The role of scientists and engineers in shaping the industry is highlighted, along with the challenges they faced. 14. **Discussion on the transformation of the Russian economy:** The seventh financial forum in Moscow addresses the topic of transforming the Russian economy in a global context. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin emphasizes the country's ability to adapt to new challenges and achieve economic growth. The focus is on attracting foreign investment, including through the use of digital assets. The need for economic incentives and the attractiveness of ruble savings are discussed. Different perspectives on exchange rate policy and the use of administrative measures are presented. The importance of regional development and support for the special military operation is reiterated.