**Russian Regions Take Steps Towards Integration Into Country's Legal Framework** *Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the newly elected heads of several regions in Russia, praising their work and emphasizing the importance of their role in the country's development. *Putin noted that these regions, including those in the Donbas and Novorossiya, have taken an important step towards integration into Russia's legal framework by holding elections in accordance with Russian law. *He stressed that the situation in these regions is unique and requires special attention, but expressed confidence that with the support of the entire country, they will be able to overcome challenges and successfully integrate into Russia's legal and state system. **Putin Meets with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar** *Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar to discuss the situation in Libya and regional issues. *The meeting was held in Moscow and attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other officials. **Russian Defense Minister Visits Military Hospital, Presents State Awards** *Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited a military hospital in Rostov-on-Don and presented state awards to six servicemen and 10 medical specialists who showed courage and professionalism during a special operation. *The minister praised their bravery and noted that their actions saved lives and helped to achieve mission objectives. **Unrest in the South Caucasus: Nagorno-Karabakh Hands Over Weapons, Civilians Evacuate** *The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh region signed a decree to disband the republic's armed forces and hand over their weapons. *More than 78,000 people have already left Karabakh for neighboring Armenia, despite calls from Azerbaijan for integration. *The situation in the region remains tense, with a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transportation leaving many people stranded. *Russian peacekeepers are providing assistance to civilians and ensuring their safe passage out of the region. **Russian Economy Adapting to Global Transformation, Finance Forum Discusses** *The 7th Financial Forum opened in Moscow, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin addressing the plenary session. *Mishustin highlighted the resilience of the Russian economy in the face of global challenges, noting that it is expected to grow by more than 2.5% this year and maintain a growth rate of 2% over the next three years. *He attributed this positive outlook to the implementation of presidential directives and the government's flexible and prompt actions in coordination with the Central Bank of Russia. *The forum also discussed the future of the ruble and the exchange rate policy, with Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina reiterating the regulator's opposition to additional restrictions and prohibitions. *Other speakers, including Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov and VTB Bank Chairman Andrei Kostin, called for more radical measures, such as temporary restrictions on capital movement, to support the economy and achieve the goals set by the central bank and the government.