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the first time under Russian law in the new regions of Donbass and Novorossiya, where, following the results of the vote in the regional parliaments, the incumbent heads of the subjects of the federation were confirmed. \n*This is a significant event and an important step towards the full integration of the new regions into the единое правовое, государственное пространство нашей большой страны. \n*The situation and tasks in these subjects of the federation are special, but Putin is convinced that both the regional authorities and, most importantly, the people, our citizens, feel the support that all of Russia gives them. \n*The high level of voters' trust is not only a great honor, but also a great responsibility, and it is important to justify citizens' hopes for positive changes in the social sphere and, of course, in the economy. \n*New times mean new challenges and new opportunities. \n*The key factor for the well-being of Russian families, increasing their incomes, solving demographic and social problems, is the development of regional economies, strengthening their personnel, educational, technological base, creating new jobs. \n*In this regard, now is certainly a time of new opportunities and new approaches, despite the plans of those who dreamed of strangling us with sanctions. \n*On the contrary, external pressure has ultimately become a powerful stimulus for the growth of our own production, the disclosure of our own potential in a wide variety of areas. \n*Of course, it is necessary to continue to work closely with the government, federal and municipal authorities to provide the necessary support to companies and enterprises that are ready to occupy the vacated niches, to offer projects and solutions, including those of a high-tech nature, that are in demand by the economy and meet our national goals and priorities. \n*In the current conditions, it is important not only to implement the regional powers that the heads of the subjects exercise constantly, housing and communal services, transport, current issues, as Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin noted, today it is necessary to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. \n*This is not only all-round support for the fighters. \n*We must do everything to help the country during the special military operation, and not only social support for our soldiers, their families, but also for the economy, for the defense industry complex, for those guys who are fighting at the front today, creating new industrial capacities, supporting the supply of necessary things, food, humanitarian aid. \n*This is very important, this is precisely what creates a platform for the consolidation of our society, a sense of its cohesion. \n*In the new regions, which are now at the forefront, the elections were of particular importance, since, in fact, they confirmed the correctness of the course chosen by the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as Zaporozhye and Kherson, already as part of Russia. \n*This is exactly how the head of the DPR expressed it. \n*When it became known about the high turnout of voters in the Donetsk People's Republic in the elections, I heard the phrase \"Donbass never ceases to amaze,\" but you know, for us within the region, this is absolutely logical, and this has become another confirmation of such activity, the correctness of the choice and reunification with the Russian Federation. \n*I give you my word that I will not let you down, I will justify your trust, but on my own behalf and on behalf of my fellow countrymen, I can say with confidence. \n*Donbass will not let you down, you can rely on us entirely, there are a lot of issues that the elected heads of the subjects will have to deal with, Putin dwelt on this separately, but I emphasize that all the necessary resources to solve them are there, it is important to распорядиться ими правильно. \n*The level of turnout, the level of support, it is indicative, it говорит о том, что люди нам, всем.... в данном случае вам конкретно верят, доверяют свою жизнь, свою судьбу в значительной степени, потому что проблем очень много, у нас есть все возможности для их решения, все, как это не покажется странным, кому-то со стороны, тем, кто ожидал, что у нас здесь всё рухнет, наоборот, экономика набирает темпы, промышленность работает так, как давно уже не работала, сельское хозяйство, темпами, которых не было в советское время, у нас есть всё для того, чтобы эффективно идти по избранному пути, укреплять страну, но в значительной степени её общие результаты будут зависеть от того, как вы работаете в регионах, решение демографических и социальных задач, создание новых рабочих мест, подготовка кадров, развитие инфраструктуры, далеко не полный перечень того, на что президент призвал обращать внимание в первую очередь, пожелал избранным главам субъектов успехов, ведь из успехов каждого из 89 регионов складывается успех большой страны. \n\n**Putin Meets with Libyan National Army Commander**\n\n*Vladimir Putin met with the commander of the Libyan National Army, Khalifa Haftar. \n*This was reported by the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. \n*According to him, the talks discussed the situation in Libya and regional issues in general. \n\n**State Awards Presented to Special Operation Participants**\n\n*In the Rostov-on-Don military hospital, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented state awards to special operation participants. \n*Medals for courage, courage and bows of the Crimean, six servicemen and 10 medical specialists who showed courage, professionalism and стойкость during the execution of the task are worthy. \n*They попали в небольшое окружение, была перестрелка, практически лоп-лоб 40 м... 50, ну с пожий помощи, так вот что вывели людей, короче, а 10 человек вывели, момент был один только, чтобы в первую очередь сохранить жизнь, угу, и себя всех ребят, кто были рядом. \n\n**Leader of Unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Signs Decree on Dissolution of Republic**\n\n*The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh signed a decree, from January 1 of next year the republic will no longer exist, the authorities are dissolved, the armed formations are surrendering their weapons. \n*More than 78,000 people have already left Karabakh, they have left for neighboring Armenia. \n*And this is despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. \n*Natalia Solovyova on historical events. \n*Thousands of refugees in cars, buses, in the bodies of dump trucks are traveling on everything that can move. \n*This path is only a few hundred kilometers, but it was this one that turned out to be the most difficult test in life. \n*I never in my life thought that I would have to leave Karabakh, I still don't believe it, as if it were all in a dream. \n*Now almost the entire unrecognized republic is leaving along the narrow Lachin corridor. \n*This is 12,000 people, more than half have already crossed the border, but such a forced return to their historical homeland is not welcome. \n*Those who put us in such a situation, they should be responsible for everything, everyone thinks about their own pockets, I don't believe any of them. \n*Yerevan, for 30 years, did not recognize the small republic, and today it is no longer there. \n*The decree on the abolition of Nagorno-Karabakh has already been signed. \n*To dissolve all state institutions and organizations that are in their departmental. \n*Nagorno-Karabakh Artsakh ceases to exist. \n*Representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan have already held two meetings on the issue of reintegration, but Yerevan is confident that the Armenians on their native land, which instantly became another state, will only face repression in Baku, on the contrary, they promise to finally put an end to the enmity. \n*In the course of the movement of the inhabitants of the People's Karabakh to Armenia at the checkpoint and its passage. \n*We must take steps to protect them, their rights must be protected in international arenas, the analysis shows that in the coming days there will be no Armenians left in Nagorno-Karabakh. \n*Such alarmist statements, in addition to contradicting the statement of the Prime Minister of Armenia on September 21, about the absence of a threat to Armenian residents from Azerbaijan, also undermine Azerbaijan's efforts towards humanitarian support and reintegration, and undermine the possible prospects for peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. \n*Belief in a common happy future was undermined by the arrest of the former head of the Karabakh government, Ruben Vardanyan. \n*He was detained in the Lachin corridor. \n*He was taken to Baku, where the court today remanded him in custody. \n*Vardanyan is accused of financing terrorism. \n*Under this article, he can spend 14 years behind bars. \n*Another official, adviser to the President of the Republic David Babayan, made a difficult decision to surrender to the Azerbaijani authorities voluntarily, adding that his relatives would understand him. \n*In the republic itself, the situation remains difficult, a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transport makes people hostages of the situation. \n*Many cannot leave Karabakh, more than 500 civilians, including almost 300 children, are in the location of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, they were provided with food and medicine, and Russian helicopter crews completed the evacuation of the wounded to Stepanok. \n*By the forces of the aviation group of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the transportation of civilians from the city of Stepanok to medical institutions of the Republic of Armenia was carried out, the task set before the army aviation and the Russian peacekeeping contingent was completed in full. \n*From all over the Republic, humanitarian aid is going to the border, where refugees are now mainly located, it is collected in Yerevan and sent in tons to forced переселенцам, забота о них практически всецело легла на плечи волонтёров. \n*People who are leaving their homes today need any help, to the question of volunteers, what exactly can be brought, they simply answer everything, these are cereals, these are средства... hygiene and of course warm clothes. \n*The Russian House in Yerevan sent to the cities of Goris and Vai, where the situation is now close to catastrophic. \n*Clothes and diapers for children, a warm blanket, and this cargo will definitely not be the last. \n*We conducted monitoring in hotels, Garisakh, where refugees are now located, children's shoes are very necessary, thirty-seventh-thirty-eighth size, warm sweaters, small electric kettles, coffee makers, clothes five, for girls and boys 5-6 years old. \n*And slippers for children 35, thirty-sixth size, as well as warm blankets, warm blankets are simply swept away. \n*In the near future, an airplane with humanitarian cargo will arrive in Gyumri, another 10 tons from the Dr. Lisa Foundation, essential items will also be delivered to Syunik. \n*Natalia Solovyova Ilya Novikov, Vesti Armenia. \n\n**What preceded these events will now be told by Elizaveta Khramtsova.**\n\n*Karabakh is one of... all translations black garden is a black cat of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. \n*Both sides consider the region their own, referring to different periods of history. \n*Armenians prefer to call this part of the Transcaucasus Artsakh by the name of the region that existed during the period of the ancient Armenian state. \n*When the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was formed in 1918, Karabakh ended up in its составе together with all the Armenians who lived there. \n*Well, yes, there was the Azerbaijani-Armenian war, 1618-1920. \n*Karabakh is a place where both Armenian and Azerbaijani populations lived, that is, Azerbaijanis there were more engaged in pasture cattle breeding, Armenians were engaged more in земледелием and no one really bothered anyone, but in the eighteenth year, nationalists came to power in Armenia, in Azerbaijan, and nationalists always have the task of dividing everything, but soon a completely different period of history began, the Soviet national country managed to maintain a relative balance: two peoples lived peacefully side by side, but when the Soviet Union began to shake, the republics in the Transcaucasus flared up again. \n*As a result, Armenia and Azerbaijan started a war for the disputed land. \n*That is, the very idea that it can belong to both of them, even in the head did not come. \n*And this is precisely what caused the armed conflict, which then, immediately after the collapse of the union, the Armenians won. \n*The situation in which the disputed region has lived since the ninety-fourth year can only be called peace with a big stretch. \n*Armenia itself. \n*Karabakh was in no hurry, the region remained the territory of Azerbaijan. \n*The first three presidents of Armenia built their careers largely on the fact that they were participants in the Karabakh war, victorious for Yerevan. \n*They inscribed this in the context of international actions, international peacekeeping negotiations, in which not only Russia, but also Western countries took part. \n*And against this background, they wanted to maintain such solidity, good manners. \n*And they did not dare to go all the way. \n*Having come to power, Nikol Pashinyan, in fact, did nothing to peacefully resolve this issue, while the West all the time pushed the leadership of Armenia to ensure that Yerevan broke off relations with Russia as soon as possible, too many people wanted to use Karabakh for this. \n*The concept that Karabakh should be handed over and live peacefully and peacefully, he promoted this concept even before coming to power, so we have an expert opinion in which they say that this is all нарошно done, everything is убушленно done. \n*In the fall of 2020, the so-called forty-four-day war happened, during which... repulsed significant territories, including the city of Shusha. \n*Moscow then seated the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia at the negotiating table, but the signing of a peace treaty was constantly postponed, the parties accused each other of violating the agreements reached at a meeting with Vladimir Putin, and only Russian peacekeepers prevented the conflict from flaring up again. \n*As a result, Pashinyan did not fight for the region and recognized in Prague the so-called Almaty declaration, which clearly states that Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan. \n*And since Armenia from the unrecognized republic. \n*in fact, refused, Azerbaijan began, as stated in Baku, to restore constitutional order. \n*The fighting lasted a day, and the authorities of the unrecognized republic agreed to a ceasefire. \n*The main thing is that those who made such a decision were provided with normal living conditions, that is, the purely humanitarian aspect of this problem is what worries us most of all. \n*The Azerbaijani authorities declare that they are ready to deal with the reintegration of the Armenian population. \n*In any case, Karabakh... will no longer be the same as it used to be seen for the past 30 years. \n*Elizaveta Khramtsova, Olga Alvukhina, lead. \n\n**Sberbank Presents Credit with Cashback**\n\n*Allow yourself more. \n*Every month, return 2.5% of the rate with Sber bonuses, thank you. \n*Have time to apply for a loan with increased cashback. \n*SberPrime is more profitable. \n*Rolf Ultra's clean base motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies GTL and Pao, provides maximum engine performance. \n*Rolf Ultra is a new era of motor oils. \n\n**Ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment.**\n\n*Place orders in the scooter, take part in the drawing of the apartment, your friends are our friends, recommend Alfa-Bank, receive 1,500 rubles for each recommendation, and do not forget about friends, they will also receive money, find out how to recommend earning on alfabank.ru, Alfa-Bank is the best mobile bank. \n\n**There are points of attraction for talent in the vast expanses of Russia.**\n\n*Where experience is combined with innovation, and breakthrough ideas receive comprehensive support, where Russian engineers and programmers work. \n*It is here that a new class of devices has been developed, powerful, stylish, multifunctional, and technological. \n*Mediaahb Siliger, the new multimedia center of your home. \n*A new word in Russian electronics, meet, one of my friends, well, he really needs mega-powers, and why? \n*Mega-powers will make your Internet unlimited, watch videos, listen to music, sit on social networks, as much as you want, for free, only for Megafon subscribers, Megafon, how to fulfill your dream, renovation, wedding, car, you are approved, find out your credit rating on compare, we will help you choose a loan taking into account your credit history, payment load, if a loan, then compare on the website in the application, the third column is ready, your fresh croissants and cocoa with you, welcome to the new international brand Teboil, here you will always find friendly service, a cozy cafe and quality fuel. \n*Teboil is good as home. \n\n**Ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place orders in the scooter, take part in the drawing of the apartment.**\n\n*I could become anyone, a musician, a restaurateur, a producer, a husband, a father, and I became, because I was always free, Alfa-Bank for smart free. \n\n**In the State Kremlin Palace, Vladimir Putin attended a festive concert dedicated to the centenary of Rasul Gamzatov.**\n\n*The President made a welcoming speech, noting that the people's poet of Dagestan remains the brightest star of Russian culture, and his work still carries the light of goodness, creation and love. \n*A feat, it was in 1999, when we, together with the whole country, repulsed the aggression of international terrorism, and I will never forget those days, months and weeks, the courage of people, their firm determination to defend their home, our entire отечество, the whole country will remember Dagestan of that time. \n*And Gamzatov's poems, as well as our entire culture, literature, great history inspire us today, when the fate of Russia is being decided, when we are defending everything that is dear to us, our future, truth, justice. \n*Behind the successes of the Russian nuclear industry, there is the painstaking work of many generations of scientists and engineers who brought our. \n*in the leaders. \n*Vladimir Putin recalled this, congratulating industry workers on their professional day. \n*He noted that from the very moment of its foundation, the nuclear industry has made an important contribution both to strengthening the country's defense and to ensuring economic security. \n*But you can learn about how these traditions developed at the thematic exhibition that opened at the Museum of Modern History of Russia. \n*Alyona Ragozina saw the exposition. \n*Rare pre-war photos, Soviet physics, and these are the only surviving crusts, the cover of the Stalin Prize to Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov for demagnetizing the military fleet during the Second World War, calculations on the atomic bomb, Kurchatov's manuscripts. \n*The general's group, as his colleagues nicknamed him back in the Leningrad Festhekh, for his extraordinary organizational skills, on the outskirts of Moscow, literally in the open air, begins the construction of the first physical reactor to obtain weapons-grade Plutonium, the future atomic institute. \n*The fateful decision to create the famous laboratory number two was made by the top leadership of the Soviet Union on very difficult and dramatic days and months of the Great Patriotic War. \n*Intelligence reports of the Soviet foreign intelligence service in those years spoke of the plans of the United States to create a new weapon of incredible destructive power. \n*Kurchatov and Alexandrov together with the thirties godivals. \n*In one year they went together through fate in science, without competition, associates, comrades. \n*Today, as in those days, our country faces very big challenges, big challenges, they are multifaceted and of course, scientists, the academy, all our researchers, they must answer, as in the past, to those challenges. \n*The launch of the first in the world As, the design of the underwater and icebreaking nuclear fleet, the first flight in. \n*Creation of new scientific installations for thermonuclear fusion, sun traps, development of genetics and new scientific and industrial sectors, Kurchatov Institute in the 21st century, one of the leading interdisciplinary scientific laboratories in the country and the world, thanks to academicians Kurchatov, Alexandrov, and many other representatives of science, thanks to the Kurchatov Institute, today we have a developed research infrastructure, this is a matter... makes us attractive to researchers from all over the world. \n*The importance of the atomic project is growing every year. \n*The Effect of Kurchatov Alexandrov exhibition is largely for those who will live and develop domestic science tomorrow, following the example of the fathers of the atomic project, researchers of the new time will also have to be разносторонне знающими. \n*Here is a challenge for you: you need to deal with biological safety, biology, it will turn the whole world upside down like nuclear technology, in order to be a specialist in biology, you need... to learn physics with mathematics, then to study biology, then you will be a full-fledged, sought-after person and become a Kurchat Alexandrov, the current generation of young physicists and mathematicians sincerely take an example from the friends of academicians Alexandrov and Kurchatov, the national treasure, the first physical reactor, here, where our atomic project was born, today is a museum, excursions are scheduled for a year in advance, many come not once, I think, the reactor itself will be... the reactor and how here in army tents. \n*Without 3D models of computers with only a logarithmic ruler in the forty-third year under the leadership of Kurchatov, they manually assembled the reactor, the guys seem to know everything. \n*His zeal, his understanding of physics in general, this process is fascinating. \n*They are passionate about science, these schoolchildren also have no problems with choosing a future profession. \n*Forward into science, forward, triple anniversary, and what is it for us behind these dates, of course history, science, selfless work, feat, still the ability to see goals, to explore them, goals that are certainly bigger than our life. \n*Alyona Ragozina Ivan Malyshev and Vladislav Dudar, lead. \n\n**The development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation is being discussed in Moscow.**\n\n*The seventh financial forum has started its work in the Manege. \n*The key event is the plenary session with the participation of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. \n*Anna Lazareva will tell you more. \n*Opening session. \n*In his speech, he said that the country managed to smoothly adapt to new challenges and quickly return to growth, already according to the results of this year, economic growth of more than 2.5% is expected, and the figure of 2% will be maintained in the next 3 years. \n*Such dynamics became possible thanks to the implementation of the president's instructions, flexible and prompt actions of the government in coordination with the Bank of Russia. \n*They made it possible to neutralize many challenges: to support basic industries, small and medium-sized businesses, system-forming enterprises, and of course, most importantly, our citizens. \n*The responsible approach to financial policy also played an important role. \n*One of the tasks for the government remains attracting foreign investment, and here they plan to use, among other things, digital assets. \n*The government, in coordination with the Bank of Russia, has prepared such a step-by-step plan. \n*to create such a system within which the legal and technical aspects will be analyzed. \n*This, I hope, will give new opportunities for attracting foreign investment, which in the current conditions can significantly facilitate the movement of capital, which is extremely important. \n*At the plenary session itself, they talked about the future of the ruble and the exchange rate policy, and the Central Bank once again confirmed its position, as Elvira Nabiullina said, the regulator is against additional prohibitions and restrictions, if we now had a rate of 7.5 or 8.5, the rate would be much weaker, there are proposals, how to make the rate more stable, including through the introduction of additional currency restrictions, we are having discussions, it seems to me, our experience, our personal experience, the experience of other countries shows that administrative measures are very quickly circumvented and do not give a significant effect. \n*Economic incentives are needed, the attractiveness of ruble savings is needed, here is another opinion of the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, he said that difficult times require radical measures, even if temporary, the multiplicity of exchange rates, destroying the free economy and the normal economy in general, means, but nevertheless, some restrictions that most countries of the world accept, in principle, it seems to me, we can count and we can, well, at least discuss, we need to build a more complex system, because even the central bank, Elvira's colleagues, admit that it is possible to restrict the movement of capital for a temporary period, so we are not talking about forever, let's just try some new instruments, otherwise, I agree with the assessment of Andrei Leonidovich, for openness we will have to constantly pay an increased rate, for the expansion of the arsenal of momentary actions, the head of VTB, Andrei Kostin, spoke out in favor of the authorities, according to him, if the rate reaches 20%, this will be a very serious blow to the Russian economy, purely traditional methods, which we traditionally used, they will be insufficient to achieve the goals that the central bank and the government set for themselves, hence there are several options, either to change the goals, and why, for example, inflation targeting at 4%, I proposed 6.5, especially since it is also changing in the West, or it is really necessary... \n*A transformation process is unfolding around the Russian economy, presidential aide Maxim Oreshkin called this process painful, but successful, now it is much more important that there is simply..." } ], "metadata": { "tokenMetadata": { "outputTokenCount": { "totalTokens": 5888, "totalBillableCharacters": 22656 }, "inputTokenCount": { "totalBillableCharacters": 21863, "totalTokens": 6307 } } } }