1. **New Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies to Be Introduced in Russia** - Starting in Q2 of 2023, drivers in Russia will be able to purchase short-term auto insurance policies ranging from one day to three months. - This new type of policy is designed to benefit drivers who use their cars infrequently, such as retirees who only drive to their summer homes or young drivers who are hesitant to drive in inclement weather. - The cost of short-term policies will be calculated differently than annual policies and will likely be more expensive on a per-day or per-month basis. - The Central Bank of Russia will issue guidelines for insurance companies on how to set rates for short-term policies. 2. **Russian Economy Minister Warns of "Very Serious Blow" if Interest Rates Reach 20%** - Russian Economy Minister Maxim Reshetnikov warned that if interest rates in Russia reach 20%, it would be a "very serious blow" to the economy. - Reshetnikov argued that traditional methods of stimulating the economy would not be sufficient to achieve the goals set by the central bank and government. - He suggested that either the inflation target should be changed from 4% to 6.5%, or additional measures should be taken, such as limited administrative measures or policies to increase the sale of foreign currency. 3. **Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders** - Russian President Vladimir Putin met with newly elected regional leaders and praised their "worthy and convincing" victories in the recent elections. - Putin emphasized the importance of the regions' integration into Russia's legal framework and outlined key tasks for the new leaders, including improving the quality of life for citizens and developing the economy. - The meeting comes as Russia continues to face challenges from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Western sanctions. 4. **Russian Animation Studio Adapts to Changing Times** - A popular Russian animation studio has adapted to the changing times by developing new projects and replacing foreign software with domestic alternatives. - The studio is now working on a variety of content, from family films to animated series for teenagers, with the aim of eventually exporting its content to other countries. - The studio's new projects have been made possible with the support of the Russian government, which has provided funding and other assistance to the animation industry. 5. **Russian TV News Discusses Economic Transformation and Challenges** - Russian TV news discussed the ongoing economic transformation in Russia, with experts and officials providing their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities. - Some experts argued that the departure of foreign companies from Russia has created opportunities for domestic businesses to occupy vacant market niches. - The discussion also touched on the importance of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and creating conditions for their growth and development. - The digital platform MSP.RF was highlighted as a resource for SMEs to access support, including information on government assistance, training, and consultations. 6. **Russian TV News Highlights Success of Import Substitution in Various Industries** - Russian TV news highlighted the success of import substitution in various industries, such as furniture manufacturing and the production of metal structures. - Domestic companies have been able to increase production and replace foreign-made products with their own, benefiting from the departure of foreign companies from the Russian market. - The government's support for domestic producers, including measures such as reduced insurance premiums and a moratorium on inspections, was also mentioned as a factor contributing to the success of import substitution. 7. **Russian TV News Reports on the Development of the Agricultural Sector** - Russian TV news reported on the development of the agricultural sector in the country, highlighting the importance of supporting small farmers and providing them with access to markets. - The Farmer's Island project, a government initiative that provides small farmers with retail space in large shopping centers, was featured as a successful example of supporting local producers. - The project helps farmers connect with consumers and sell their products directly, reducing the reliance on large retail chains and improving the viability of small-scale farming operations. 8. **Russian TV News Showcases New Russian-Made Animated Characters** - Russian TV news showcased new Russian-made animated characters that are gaining popularity among audiences. - The characters, created by a domestic animation studio, are part of a larger effort to replace foreign-made content with locally produced alternatives. - The studio has received support from the Russian government, which has provided funding and other assistance to the animation industry.