**New Regions of Russia Take Another Important Step Towards Integration Into the Country's Legal Framework** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the newly elected heads of several regions in Russia, who were elected in the recent regional elections. * **Summary:** Putin praised the work of the newly elected leaders and emphasized the importance of their role in integrating the new regions into Russia's legal framework. He also highlighted the importance of economic development and job creation in the regions. **Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment, Shoots Down Aircraft** * **Description:** The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian forces had shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed six Ukrainian drones. * **Summary:** The Russian military said that the Ukrainian aircraft was shot down in the Donetsk People's Republic, while the drones were destroyed in various parts of Ukraine. **Russian Troops Repel Ukrainian Attacks in Donetsk** * **Description:** The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian forces had repelled several Ukrainian attacks in the Donetsk region, destroying Ukrainian equipment and killing dozens of Ukrainian soldiers. * **Summary:** The Russian military said that the Ukrainian attacks were unsuccessful and that Russian forces had inflicted heavy losses on the Ukrainian military. **Leader of Unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Signs Decree to Dissolve Republic** * **Description:** The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Arayik Harutyunyan, signed a decree to dissolve the republic and integrate it into Azerbaijan. * **Summary:** The decree calls for the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations in Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrender of weapons by armed groups. The move comes after a recent agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia to reintegrate Nagorno-Karabakh into Azerbaijan. **U.S. House of Representatives Holds First Hearing on Impeaching Biden** * **Description:** The U.S. House of Representatives held its first hearing on impeaching President Joe Biden. * **Summary:** The hearing was led by the House Oversight Committee, which is controlled by the Republican Party. The Republicans accused Biden of abusing his power and engaging in corrupt activities, while the Democrats defended Biden and accused the Republicans of trying to score political points. **Russian Economy Adapting to Global Transformation** * **Description:** The 7th Financial Forum was held in Moscow, with a focus on the development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. * **Summary:** Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and other speakers discussed the challenges facing the Russian economy, including the impact of sanctions and the need to diversify the economy.