1. The most famous city, the most beautiful city in Cape Town, is our support for Russia, it says Moscow here, a lot of such T-shirts have been printed, Africa is always business through relationships, business through the eyes. We just sent a whole... Africa to Russia. We can understand each other on many issues. I had a dream, I am 34 years old, I am opening a small counter bar. Russia chose me, not me. There are a lot of opportunities for Africans in Russia. I came from South Africa. Russia is a very strong international leader who can lead the way. We have large deposits in our country. we need Russian companies as partners. What was memorable about this day in history, we will tell you right now, hello. On September 29, 1806, the military career of Nadezhda Durova, the famous cavalry maiden, began. At the age of 23, she, brought up in a male environment, left her husband's son, made a man's haircut from ... she joined the Cossack regiment under the name of Alexander Sokolov. Later, she had to leave the Cossacks, all the Cossacks wore beards and Durovo joined the Uhlans, participated in many battles. She was exposed, summoned to Petersburg, but Alexander the First was impressed by her and allowed her to remain in the army, personally promoted her to Cornet and handed her the St. George's Cross for saving a colleague. In the Patriotic War of 1812, Durova became a lieutenant, commanded a half-squadron, having retired, she wrote мимо. they were published in his journal Sovremennik, the cavalry maiden began to write stories and novels. She lived for 83 years and until the end of her life she wore only a man's suit. Episodes from her biography formed the basis of the film by Ildar Rizanov, The Hussar Ballad. My name is a beardless youth, I have this right, this right, all the same, but I am not called a coward, September 29, 1916, the world's first billionaire appeared, a man whose personal fortune exceeded a billion dollars, he became the American John Rockefeller, the son of a lumberjack, as a teenager, John learned to make money, sold turkeys, sued neighbors, having matured, he successfully engaged in trade, and then bought up dozens of oil fields in time and founded the Standard Oil company. and by the end of the 19th century, Rockefeller controlled 95% of oil production in the United States. He had many charitable projects, but all his life he transferred 10% of his income to the Baptist church. And today John Rockefeller remains the richest man in world history. At the time of his death in 1937, his fortune exceeded $1,400 million, in today's terms - it is about 425 billion. that is, almost twice as much as Elon Musk, the richest man alive today. On September 29, 1938, in Munich, Hitler met with the leaders of England, France and Italy, and a text was drawn up, on the night of the thirtieth, the so-called Munich Agreement was signed, which went down in history as the Munich conspiracy. Hitler and the prime ministers of the three countries, Neville Chamberlain, Eduardo Ladier and Benito Musalini agreed that within. will release, cede the Sudetenland to Germany, a border region inhabited by Sudeten Germans. Czechoslovakia was simply presented with a fact, its president Edward Benes immediately accepted the service. Over the stipulated 10 days, German troops quickly occupied the Sudetenland, and Poland and Hungary took away their pieces of Czechoslovakia. The Munich conspiracy was the culmination of the policy of the so-called appeasement of the aggressor, which was pursued by London and Paris, in an attempt to avoid a major war in Europe. But the concessions only emboldened Hitler, and less than a year later, the invasion of Poland by the Nazis began World War II. On September 29, 1941, mass executions began in Babi Yar. so the Germans who captured Kiev got rid of the Jewish population, the victims were brought to the place, forced to undress and enter the ravine, after which members of the so-called Sonderkommando 4A killed them, later from the reports sent to Berlin it became known the total number of those killed, in just 2 days 33,771 people were shot in Babi Yar, and then, for another 2 years, people were killed here, not only Jews, but also gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war and other objectionable ones. fascists and Ukrainian collaborators. The executions stopped only when the Red Army retook control of Kiev in 1943. In total, about 100,000 people were killed in Babi Yar. The tragedies of Babi Yar are dedicated to books, films and musical works. On September 29, 1986, Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina discovered two asteroids, which were named after her. A native of Rostov-on-Don, Karachkina graduated from Rostov State University with a degree in physics and astrophysics. She still works at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. She has more than 130 discovered celestial bodies to her credit. One of them is a minor planet called Filipenko, which the astronomer named in honor of the Bakhchisarai surgeon Alexander Filipenko, who saved her husband from death. There is an asteroid in the sky named. in honor of Karachkina herself, it was discovered in 1990 by two German astronomers, Lutz, Schmadel and Freimut Borngen, they proposed to name it in honor of the scientist from Crimea in gratitude for her support and cooperation. This was the day in history, have you been fighting for a long time, from the first days, what is included in the functions of the unit entrusted to you? information in the interests of the command, work, at what distance does it work for you now? 285, we are engaged in the training of drone operators and this is yours, of course, well done, hit, science since the time of Suvorov has proved its viability, the science of winning is still relevant today. Gazprombank has closed a deal to buy 14 Mega shopping centers from the Swedish Inca centers. The company continued to own them after the closure of furniture hypermarkets in Russia. In an exclusive interview with our TV channel, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Viktor Yevtoukhov, did not rule out that the vacant space could be occupied by the first tenants in the near future. Well, Ikea had only three furniture factories. We have much more furniture production, they competed well. including with Ikea. and these three factories were sold by Ikea, they were acquired by two Russian specialized companies, moreover, these productions were stopped, they quickly launched these productions, now they produce their own products on them, as for the big one, a deal has also taken place now for its sale, of course, there is a rental business, almost all the premises were rented out and those premises that were directly occupied by IKEA itself were vacated, I think that in the near future the new owner will fill them with new tenants, will offer some... special conditions, I think, and these complexes will also be filled. Creating new opportunities for Russian brands to get on the shelf, as well as improving the quality of services and meeting growing demand. Such priorities were outlined in an official commentary by Gazprombank's deputy head of the office, Tigran Khachituryan. We do not plan to rebrand the Mega shopping center chain. For us, this is a long-term strategic investment, our priority task will be to develop the brand, develop a professional team. and multiplying the traditions of the mega. In the near future, we will visit all 14 sites to get acquainted, communicate and discuss further development plans. As for the areas that are being freed up after the departure of a number of foreign brands, Mega will continue to work on filling the areas in accordance with the needs and expectations of consumers. The deal included 14 shopping centers in Moscow, Moscow region, as well as Leningrad, Omsk, Rostov, Nado, Samara, Adegeya, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod. The total area is 2.3 million km. The amount of the transaction is not disclosed, however, experts. have already given their approximate estimate, they call the acquisition profitable, those assumptions that analysts are now making, they are based either retrospectively on how much these objects could cost under normal conditions, or, accordingly, again based on operating, financial indicators, various calculations are made, now the figures sound from two to 3 billion US dollars, the value of these assets, this estimate is quite fair, according to the results of 2020, the first year, the Swedish Inco Cententers ranked fifth in the ranking of the largest Russian rentiers of the Forbes magazine. Rental income was estimated at $350 million. The first IKEA hypermarket appeared in Russia back in 2000, 2 years later the first mega opened. In 2022, the Inca company closed the IKEA store, in early 2023 it became known about the search for a buyer for the retail space as well. Now analysts share expectations that will change after the "change of owner, for tenants, often nothing may change, because the contracts are long-term and this is one of the key features and benefits of working with the Mega shopping center, since the conditions are clear, understandable, predictable for a long period, and accordingly, the change of owner will most likely not entail a change in financial conditions, and since Gazprombank is buying this asset, including for the purpose of obtaining understandable and predictable profits in future results, then from its point of view it is also profitable to leave everything as it is, because this asset generates a stable cash flow. Experts remind that Gazprombank has experience in investing in real estate. As for the deal with Inca Cententers, it has already been called the largest on the market this year. Sergei Alexander, the social fund compensates part of the costs of enterprises for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, I wonder what businesses spend this money on, and what measures are most popular? Indeed. The Russian Fund is an insurer for insurance against occupational diseases and accidents, and pays special attention to the prevention of diseases, because it is indeed much easier to detect a disease in the early stages than to treat it for a long time. And there is such a measure in the legislation, preventive measures, aimed precisely at prevention. And the fund allocates money that is financed from the funds of insurance contributions, to businesses, employers, and they use them for the benefit of their employees, for the benefit of our citizens. and the first, probably the most important, such a measure, you know, an event, where money is directed, is the acquisition of personal protective equipment, well, we say masks, it can be special clothing, shoes, everything that makes a person's life at the enterprise more convenient and, most importantly, safer, and this direction accounts for more than 30% of the total amount of funds, last year, for example, 6.7 billion rubles were spent and 2.7 million people received such protective equipment, the second important area is medical examinations, periodic examinations, what is precisely called prevention, during which some primary signs of an occupational disease are detected, this is also a very important area, it ranks second among the financing of these measures, we had 4.5 million rubles for these purposes last year, and 2.7 million people received such, respectively, and such an examination, here is the third - sanatorium treatment, sanatorium treatment... pre-retirees, working, working pensioners and working, who work in harmful, dangerous working conditions. Last year, 45,000 citizens and 2.3 million rubles were spent on these purposes, respectively, that is, in principle, all measures are in demand and we see their effectiveness, please tell us, what are the main professions that are, so to speak, the audience of the social fund, that is, who most often receive occupational injuries and occupational diseases? in general, I can say that, of course, we insure the entire circle of citizens who work at enterprises, and I cannot say that someone particularly stands out, for the simple reason that according to our data, according to our statistics, for recent times... professions, yes, that is, this is a fairly large number of professions, this can happen to anyone, but of course I would not want this, it is important to know what aspect, that if we analyze what is happening, then of course, there are professions where such cases occur more often, for example, over the past year - this is the transport industry and construction, yes, I can say that in general, the number of accidents is decreasing, and we are observing this dynamics, that is, the cases are not massive, last year in the country we had such cases... there were 34,000, respectively, if we talk to you about occupational diseases, then there is also a tendency for them to decrease, and there were 4,000 such cases last year. such industries as metallurgy, and the coal industry stand out there, where people more often get sick with diseases associated with their labor activity, here, just in time, prevention comes to the rescue, I repeat, such cases are becoming less frequent, we are very happy about this. And what, besides financing preventive measures, is in the arsenal of your fund to protect the health of workers? Yes, you said correctly, preventive measures are the main means now, what we are doing, but as it seems to me, this year there is a very important pilot project, based on a government decree, which is just aimed at prevention, at the early detection of cases of occupational diseases, well, what does it consist of, an employee, a worker, simply undergoes a medical examination, if, accordingly, early signs of any disease are detected in him, he is sent to our, respectively, rehabilitation centers, centers of the social fund, where he undergoes a full course of treatment and rehabilitation and, based on the results of this event, we already evaluate how much his health has improved, how much it was possible to cope with these primary signs, this is such a pilot project this year, and we invited all the largest insurers, employers, to join it, I can say that we found understanding of the whole... 33 large insurers participate in this project with us, I will name Russian Railways, and the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, I will also name Magnitka, for this huge thanks, they work with us together, you know, we can already sum up the first results, quite a lot of time has passed, yes, this year, and there are 9 months, they please us, and according to our data, about sixty 69%, of those who underwent such rehabilitation, let's say, yes, in the early stages, feel an improvement in their health and, accordingly, the signs of the disease are leveled out in them. with the reasons, to eliminate them, to identify them in the early stages, what is happening to a person, so that later it would be easier to help him, this is very important, therefore we pay great attention to the project, at the end of the year we will sum up its results and will offer the ministry, that is, this network, as I understand it, is supposed to be developed further, it is interesting how these rehabilitation centers differ, say, from ordinary sanatoriums? yes, the network of our rehabilitation centers is quite wide, we have 12 rehabilitation centers in Vedenie, these rehabilitation centers deal specifically with victims of occupational diseases and accidents, they are located in different regions of our country, we have such rehabilitation centers in Siberia, in Kemerovo, a very large rehabilitation center, since this is a coal industry. Yes, there are such rehabilitation centers, where the climate is good, this is the south of our country, for example, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Anapa, the middle lane is also represented, and how it differs from sanatoriums, well, it's quite simple, a simple answer, this is a center that is engaged in rehabilitation, both medical and social, of a person who was injured at work, and we have high-tech equipment there, which allows us to pay attention to those issues that волнуют человека, опорно двигательной системы, например, да или слух. this, of course, helps a person to feel better after that, we will develop these centers, now, together with the Ministry of Labor, we are preparing a concept for the development of centers until the thirtieth year, and I am sure that we will be able to make them very modern, such rehabilitation centers, which will allow people to feel much better after being there, this is also a priority task for us, thank you, thank you, I will soon be 18 years old, I want to participate in the life of my country, no, I have to go, I have to figure out what's going on, with these words he left, call an ambulance here, someone, mom, I'm not there, but he himself, together with the people, went to the station, unfasten yourself, you need to bury him, what kind of civil war is there, it was a mass execution, I was watching TV, and I saw Natalia near the White House in a jumpsuit, and what kind of conversation would it be, you would have kept her, I would have done everything so that she was not there, the most sincere and honest guys, well, where did they get this... to protect the weak, they protected, I was 13 then, ran away from home, got into the barricades, to see and remember everything myself. You rarely drive your own car, soon you will be able to save money on Asaga. From the second quarter of next year, short-term policies will appear on sale, with a validity period from one day to a quarter. In this issue of the instructions, we will tell you who will benefit from using such insurance. Now, according to the law, the CTP agreement is concluded for a year, within this period, the period of use is indicated from 3 months to a year. This general rule. there are two exceptions: when buying a car, you can buy insurance to get to the place of registration. It is issued for a maximum of 20 days. Or, if the car is registered in another country, then a temporary policy can be obtained for it, the period of stay in Russia. But drivers who simply rarely used their cars had to pay immediately, for at least 3 months, although in fact they were on the roads much less. The main goal of short-term CTP policies is to increase. availability of policies for car enthusiasts who use their car from time to time, and short-term policies, Asaga will be useful for pensioners who go to the dacha, for example, only in the summer or young drivers who are afraid to go on the road in bad weather, ice or heavy rain, thus the law, in no way will it limit car enthusiasts, depending on the purpose of using their... car, anyone can take out a policy from one day to 3 months. The new policy format is intended primarily for taxi drivers, they do not have to buy expensive annual insurance, you can pay only for the time that they are going to spend on the cab. Last year, only 170,000 cars were insured as taxis, while in fact in the country, according to the analytical center under the government, there are 400,000 of them. Many so. insure such cars as cars for personal use, and then, if they get into an accident, and this happens seven times more often than for ordinary drivers, then they receive a regressive claim from the insurance company, since they incorrectly issued the insurance, that is, the insurance company demands to return the money that it paid to the victims, taking into account all the risks, it will be more profitable for taxi drivers to buy a short-term policy, it is better than paying hundreds of thousands of rubles to the insurance company for repairs... cars, also a short-term policy will come in handy if you are going to sell your car soon, buying insurance for 3 months or more is a waste of money, however, it should be understood that short-term insurance in terms of a day or a month will be more expensive than long-term insurance, how much will the Central Bank establish, which by the end of this year will issue instructions on coefficients for insurance companies? Each insurance company will determine the coefficient for monthly policies independently, it is still very difficult to predict the exact figure, of course, it will be more expensive than buying an annual policy, for example, our current coefficients for a three-month policy are about 50% of the annual premium, well, accordingly, a monthly policy, it will not be equal to 1.2 from the year, it will probably be somewhere around 20, probably 30% of the annual premium. Therefore, it will be beneficial only for those clients who and do not use their car much, and not for those who buy 12 policies for one month, this, of course, will not be profitable. Another point, short-term insurance will work three days after the conclusion of the contract, that is, it will not be possible to get into an accident immediately and buy a valid policy for that ill-fated day from the phone. In this case, it must be said that some features.... the new law, the new edition, or rather the law on Asaga does not provide for this, this issue is generally ignored, that is, apparently, this will be the usual mechanism, the same one that is in effect now, it will simply be based not on an annual insurance policy, this short-term policy under a short-term contract, otherwise everything should remain as it was, that is, contacting your insurance company, well, and so on. Let's repeat the main thing, next year it will be possible to conclude a short-term CTP contract with a period from one day to 3 months, they will be useful for taxi drivers, those who rarely use a car, or in the case when you are going to sell a car. On the same day, it will not be possible to issue a valid short-term insurance. Have questions left, want to know more about how to грамотно use the services of insurance companies, write to us in telegram, send your suggestions, and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. Contract servicemen. regional support measures, veteran status of combat operations, exemption from land tax, compensation for payment of housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium. Leave twice a year and other benefits from the state. Everything is fair here. Serve under contract. I go into the shower, a shell hits the office, you and Rudskoy made some mistakes in the type, of course, they did, what would you have done differently, we could have won, those who went against a peaceful city and unleashed a bloody massacre, criminals, then there was such an option, it was not a parliamentary one, not a popular one, but a tough one, it was not necessary to shoot from tanks, the sight was, of course. to put it mildly, bad. It was from here that the very broadcast was conducted, which the whole world watched. The fact is that each side believed that the other side was the instigator. I myself took the oath in those days. Even after 30 years, I believe that I do not know the whole truth about the events of the ninety-third year. Russia is переживает the most severe political crisis in post-Soviet history. which will end in bloodshed, we will take on this case, it... will be an honest detective. The intellectual inferiority of the American elite is plunging the whole world into chaos, how highly my editors think of me, yes, it seems to them that I can pronounce these words and I will have such a face, like a candidate of Soviet economic sciences, so that it would be immediately видно, that graduate school, institutes of the world economy, international...