=========================================== ./RUN1EN/*.en.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_000000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: The End of Modernity and the Rise of Postmodernity** Description: The speaker discusses the idea that modernity is ending and postmodernity is beginning. He argues that this is a global phenomenon and that it is characterized by the decline of traditional ideologies and the rise of new forms of social and political organization. Summary: The speaker argues that the world is moving away from modernity and towards postmodernity. This is characterized by the decline of traditional ideologies and the rise of new forms of social and political organization. **Story 2: The Future of International Relations** Description: The speaker discusses the future of international relations in a world that is moving away from modernity and towards postmodernity. He argues that the traditional nation-state is no longer the only actor in international relations and that new forms of transnational cooperation and governance are emerging. Summary: The speaker argues that the nation-state is no longer the only actor in international relations and that new forms of transnational cooperation and governance are emerging. **Story 3: The United States and Its Global Strategy** Description: The speaker discusses the United States' global strategy and argues that it is based on a desire to maintain its dominance in the world. He points to the US's military presence in various parts of the world, its economic sanctions against other countries, and its support for regime change as evidence of this. Summary: The speaker argues that the United States' global strategy is based on a desire to maintain its dominance in the world. He points to the US's military presence in various parts of the world, its economic sanctions against other countries, and its support for regime change as evidence of this. **Story 4: The Importance of Soft Power** Description: The speaker discusses the importance of soft power in international relations. He argues that soft power is essential for building relationships with other countries and for promoting one's own interests. He points to the example of China, which has been using soft power to increase its influence in the world. Summary: The speaker argues that soft power is essential for building relationships with other countries and for promoting one's own interests. He points to the example of China, which has been using soft power to increase its influence in the world. **Story 5: The Collapse of the Soviet Union** Description: The speaker discusses the collapse of the Soviet Union and argues that it was caused by a number of factors, including the failure of the Soviet economy, the rise of nationalism, and the weakness of the Soviet military. Summary: The speaker argues that the collapse of the Soviet Union was caused by a number of factors, including the failure of the Soviet economy, the rise of nationalism, and the weakness of the Soviet military. **Story 6: The Role of the Army in Russian History** Description: The speaker discusses the role of the army in Russian history and argues that it has often been a force for stability and order. He points to the example of the Soviet army, which played a key role in defeating the Nazis in World War II. Summary: The speaker argues that the army has often been a force for stability and order in Russian history. He points to the example of the Soviet army, which played a key role in defeating the Nazis in World War II. **Story 7: The Arrest of Ruben Vardanyan** Description: The speaker discusses the arrest of Ruben Vardanyan, a prominent Armenian businessman and philanthropist, by Azerbaijani authorities. He argues that this is a violation of international law and that it is a sign of Azerbaijan's increasingly authoritarian tendencies. Summary: The speaker argues that the arrest of Ruben Vardanyan is a violation of international law and that it is a sign of Azerbaijan's increasingly authoritarian tendencies. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_003000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- Title: Ruben Vardanyan's Arrest and the Exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh Description: The news story reports on the arrest of Ruben Vardanyan, a prominent Armenian businessman and former minister, by Azerbaijani authorities. It also highlights the ongoing exodus of Armenians from the Nagorno-Karabakh region, with over 50,000 people already having left their homes. The story criticizes the inaction of the Armenian government and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in addressing the situation. Summary: Ruben Vardanyan, a wealthy Armenian businessman, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities while the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh are experiencing an exodus. More than 50,000 Armenians have fled the region. The Armenian government and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan have been criticized for their inaction. Title: The Need for a New Nuclear Doctrine Description: The news story discusses the need for Russia to revise its nuclear doctrine in light of the changing global security environment. It argues that the current doctrine is outdated and does not adequately address the threats posed by non-nuclear weapons and the erosion of the international order. The story calls for a new doctrine that emphasizes deterrence and the prevention of nuclear war. Summary: The current nuclear doctrine of Russia is outdated and needs to be revised. A new doctrine should emphasize deterrence and the prevention of nuclear war. It should also address the threats posed by non-nuclear weapons and the erosion of the international order. Title: The Transformation of the World Order and the Role of Russia Description: The news story examines the transformation of the world order and the role of Russia in this process. It argues that the United States has lost its credibility and that the international institutions created after World War II are being undermined. The story suggests that Russia has a historical mission to save humanity and prevent a third world war. Summary: The United States has lost its credibility and the international institutions created after World War II are being undermined. Russia has a historical mission to save humanity and prevent a third world war. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_010000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russia's "Cleansing" of Compradors** Description: The speaker discusses the need for Russia to rid itself of the comprador class, which he sees as a threat to the country. He argues that this class has become accustomed to a life of luxury and privilege and has lost touch with the needs of the Russian people. He calls for a new class of managers, officials, and entrepreneurs who are patriotic and willing to work for the good of the country. Summary: The speaker believes that Russia needs to purge itself of the comprador class, which he sees as a threat to the country. He calls for a new class of leaders who are patriotic and willing to work for the good of the country. **Story 2: The Role of the Russian People** Description: The speaker discusses the role of the Russian people in the world. He argues that the Russian people are a chosen people with a mission to improve themselves and the world. He says that the Russian people are warriors and defenders, and that they have a duty to protect their homeland and their people. He also argues that the Russian people have a responsibility to fight against hegemonism and to promote peace. Summary: The speaker believes that the Russian people have a special role to play in the world. He argues that they are a chosen people with a mission to improve themselves and the world. He also believes that they have a duty to fight against hegemonism and to promote peace. **Story 3: The War in Ukraine** Description: The speaker discusses the war in Ukraine. He argues that the war is a necessary evil to prevent a larger war. He says that the West is trying to weaken Russia and that Russia must stand up to them. He also argues that the war is a fight against fascism and that Russia is fighting for the liberation of the Ukrainian people. Summary: The speaker believes that the war in Ukraine is a necessary evil to prevent a larger war. He argues that the West is trying to weaken Russia and that Russia must stand up to them. He also believes that the war is a fight against fascism and that Russia is fighting for the liberation of the Ukrainian people. **Story 4: The West's Hypocrisy** Description: The speaker discusses the hypocrisy of the West. He argues that the West claims to be fighting for democracy and human rights, but that it is actually supporting fascism and corruption in Ukraine. He also argues that the West is trying to undermine Russia and that it is responsible for the war in Ukraine. Summary: The speaker believes that the West is hypocritical. He argues that the West claims to be fighting for democracy and human rights, but that it is actually supporting fascism and corruption in Ukraine. He also argues that the West is trying to undermine Russia and that it is responsible for the war in Ukraine. **Story 5: The Future of Ukraine** Description: The speaker discusses the future of Ukraine. He argues that Ukraine is a failed state and that it will eventually collapse. He says that the only way to save Ukraine is to divide it into two parts, with the western part joining Poland and the eastern part joining Russia. He also argues that Ukraine should be demilitarized and that it should not be allowed to join NATO. Summary: The speaker believes that Ukraine is a failed state and that it will eventually collapse. He argues that the only way to save Ukraine is to divide it into two parts, with the western part joining Poland and the eastern part joining Russia. He also argues that Ukraine should be demilitarized and that it should not be allowed to join NATO. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_013000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Corrupt Officials** Description: The transcript discusses the issue of corruption in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the involvement of American officials. The speaker alleges that the US is using Ukraine as a means to launder money and enrich American billionaires. The speaker also criticizes the Ukrainian government for allowing this corruption to take place. Summary: The speaker believes that the US is using Ukraine to launder money and enrich American billionaires. The speaker also criticizes the Ukrainian government for allowing this corruption to take place. **Story 2: The Conflict in Ukraine** Description: The transcript discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The speaker provides an analysis of the situation, arguing that the US and NATO are using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia. The speaker also criticizes the Ukrainian government for its handling of the conflict. Summary: The speaker believes that the US and NATO are using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia. The speaker also criticizes the Ukrainian government for its handling of the conflict. **Story 3: The Ukrainian Education System** Description: The transcript discusses the state of the Ukrainian education system. The speaker criticizes the Ukrainian government for its efforts to rewrite history and promote a nationalist ideology. The speaker also highlights the appointment of a Satanist as the country's ambassador for children. Summary: The speaker believes that the Ukrainian government is attempting to rewrite history and promote a nationalist ideology. The speaker also criticizes the appointment of a Satanist as the country's ambassador for children. **Story 4: The Ukrainian Economy** Description: The transcript discusses the state of the Ukrainian economy. The speaker criticizes the Ukrainian government for its economic policies, arguing that they are leading the country to ruin. The speaker also highlights the issue of corruption in the Ukrainian government. Summary: The speaker believes that the Ukrainian government's economic policies are leading the country to ruin. The speaker also highlights the issue of corruption in the Ukrainian government. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_020000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Rising Fuel Prices and Government Measures** * Description: In response to rising fuel prices, the Russian government has implemented measures to stabilize the domestic market. * Summary: The government has introduced temporary restrictions on the export of gasoline and diesel fuel to stabilize the domestic market. As a result, exchange prices for gasoline decreased by an average of 20% and 16% for diesel fuel. The Deputy Prime Minister added that the increase in wholesale prices in the last 2 days after the government limited export is normal. This is a correction that reflects the real situation on the market. To further stabilize prices, the government proposed increasing the duty on petroleum products for resellers from 20 to 50,000 rubles. **Story 2: Duma Elections and Political Updates** * Description: The head of the New People faction, Alexei Nichaev, discusses the recent elections and the performance of his party. * Summary: The New People party had a strong showing in the recent elections, winning seats in eight regional parliaments. Nichaev believes that there is a request for updating and change in the country, and that his party is well-positioned to meet that demand. He also discusses the challenges of campaigning during a special military operation and the importance of legitimacy in the electoral process. **Story 3: Switch to Domestic Cars by State Duma** * Description: The State Duma has supported a ban on the use of foreign cars by deputies. * Summary: The New People party has been one of the pioneers in the switch to domestic cars, with their candidate Vladislav Davankov test-driving a Moskvich for a month. Nichaev believes that there is not much benefit in switching from imported cars to Chinese cars, but that Avtovas is actively moving towards localization. He also discusses the challenges of transitioning the State Duma's fleet of cars to domestic models. **Story 4: Summer Travel and Regional Development** * Description: Nichaev discusses his summer travels around the country and the insights he gained from talking to people in different regions. * Summary: Nichaev traveled to several regions of Russia this summer, including Kaliningrad, the Tver region, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Murmansk region. He met with local people and learned about their concerns and priorities. He was particularly impressed by the development of the transport infrastructure in Nizhny Novgorod and the construction of a gas liquefaction plant in the Murmansk region. **Story 5: Expanding the Role of Parents in Schools** * Description: The New People party has proposed expanding the role of parents in school governance. * Summary: The New People party believes that parents should play a more active role in their children's education. They have proposed expanding the powers of school councils to include decisions on additional education, nutrition, and other organizational matters. Nichaev argues that parents are often best placed to understand what their children need and how to improve the quality of education. **Story 6: Budget Priorities and Economic Challenges** * Description: Nichaev discusses the challenges of the upcoming budget and the priorities of the New People party. * Summary: The New People party believes that the budget should prioritize investment in human capital, including education and healthcare. They also believe that it is important to continue supporting the military and providing for the needs of the people in the North. Nichaev acknowledges the need to balance these priorities with the need to reduce the budget deficit. **Story 7: Legislative Initiatives and Central Bank Policies** * Description: Nichaev discusses some of the legislative initiatives that the New People party is working on and his assessment of the Central Bank's policies. * Summary: The New People party is working on several legislative initiatives, including a bill to require developers to provide infrastructure along with new housing, a bill to allow students to retake the Unified State Exam, and a bill to allow private clinics to participate in the compulsory medical insurance system. Nichaev believes that the Central Bank is doing a good job of managing the exchange rate and inflation, but that it is important to continue monitoring the situation and taking steps to mitigate any negative effects. **Story 8: Historical Events on September 28th** * Description: A review of historical events that occurred on September 28th. * Summary: On September 28, 480 BC, the Battle of Solomin took place, which is still considered one of the largest naval battles in history. On September 28, 1066, the invasion of England by the Duke of Normandy, the conqueror, began. On September 28, 1773, the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev began. On September 28, 1925, the King of Espionage, Sydney Reilly, was arrested. On September 28, 2017, scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology completed tests of a unique seismic station. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_023000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian Scientists Develop New Seismic Monitoring System** * A new seismic monitoring system developed by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology can be used to detect earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geological events. * The system consists of a network of miniature sensors that transmit seismic signals to a central station. * The system is more sensitive than existing systems and can be used in a variety of environments, including on the coast, in open waters, and in areas with difficult terrain. 2. **Former Drug Addict Describes His Experience in the Ukrainian Army** * A former drug addict who served in the Ukrainian army describes his experience as being chaotic and violent. * He says that he and other soldiers were given drugs to keep them going, and that they often shot at civilians without provocation. * He believes that the war in Ukraine is being fought for the benefit of NATO and the pharmaceutical industry. 3. **Russian TV Host Calls for Increased Military Spending** * A Russian TV host calls for increased military spending in order to protect the country from NATO aggression. * He says that Russia needs to be able to match the military capabilities of the United States and its allies. * He also calls for the development of new weapons systems, such as hypersonic missiles. 4. **Illegal Currency Exchange Network Busted in Moscow** * Russian police have arrested the organizers of an illegal currency exchange network that was operating in Moscow. * The network was allegedly laundering money for criminal organizations and had earned over 50 million rubles (about $680,000) in profits. * The police seized cash, mobile phones, and other evidence from the network's offices. 5. **Car Crash in Moscow Injures Two** * A car crash in Moscow injures two people. * A carsharing driver ran a red light and collided with a bus and a passenger car. * The driver of the carsharing car and a passenger in the passenger car were taken to the hospital with injuries. 6. **Russia and Mongolia Discuss Cooperation on Emergency Management** * Russian and Mongolian officials have discussed cooperation on emergency management. * The two countries agreed to combine efforts to prevent and respond to natural and man-made disasters. * They also agreed to hold joint exercises in 2025. 7. **Murder Case Solved After 14 Years** * Russian investigators have solved a murder case that was committed in 2009. * The victim, a businessman, was kidnapped and tortured before being killed. * The killers were convicted of murder and sentenced to prison. 8. **Novosibirsk Man Arrested for Beating Pregnant Girlfriend** * A man in Novosibirsk has been arrested for beating his pregnant girlfriend. * The man allegedly beat the woman with his fists, an umbrella, and a kitchen hatchet. * The woman was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. 9. **Construction Defects in Khakassia Radiology Building** * A criminal investigation has been launched into construction defects in a radiology building in Khakassia. * The building was built with numerous violations, which make it impossible to install modern medical equipment. * The director of the Capital Construction Department has been accused of abuse of power. 10. **American Man Exonerated After 30 Years in Prison** * An American man who was wrongfully convicted of rape has been exonerated after 30 years in prison. * The man was convicted based on a false confession that he made after being promised a lighter sentence. * He was released from prison after DNA evidence proved his innocence. 11. **Bookmakers and Businessmen Accuse Social Activist of Blackmail** * A social activist in Perm has been accused of blackmail and extortion by bookmakers and businessmen. * The activist claims that he was paid by the bookmakers to write negative articles about their competitors. * The police are investigating the allegations. 12. **Blogger Fined 124 Million Rubles for Non-Payment of Taxes** * A Russian blogger has been fined 124 million rubles (about $1.7 million) for non-payment of taxes. * The blogger's family has been unable to pay the fine because their accounts have been frozen as part of a criminal investigation. * The bloggers are accused of tax evasion and money laundering. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_030000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Fierce Battles Continue in Zaporozhye Region:** -Kiev is throwing its last reserves into an assault in the Zaporozhye region. -The 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, one of the last combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Airborne Troops, has suffered huge losses. -Many soldiers in the SSU surrender, and they report that the morale has fallen. -Western equipment, including German armored vehicles and English tanks, has not helped the Ukrainian forces. -The Russian military has been conducting fierce battles and making progress. **Russian Military Destroys Militant Positions in Krasnolimansk Direction:** -The Russian military used the Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system to strike militant positions in the Krasnolimansk direction. -The system employs thermobaric shells against manpower and military targets, causing destruction and high temperatures. -The Russian military carried out a quick and precise operation, successfully hitting the intended targets. **Rally in Support of Niger Held in Nigeria:** -A rally in support of neighboring Niger was held in Nigeria, with several political movements calling for people to take to the streets. -The aim of the rally was to express support for African independence and demand the withdrawal of French troops from Niger. -The protesters believe that France's continued presence in Niger is a form of colonialism and that the country should be governed by its own people. **Coup Attempt Fails in Burkina Faso:** -The Burkina Faso authorities reported that a coup attempt had been thwarted. -The plot was initiated by a group of military officers who sought to attack institutions of the Republic. -Security and intelligence forces intervened and stopped the action, arresting four of the instigators. -The investigation into the suspect officers is ongoing. **Fifth Nuclear Reactor Vessel Shipped to Turkey:** -The fifth nuclear reactor vessel for the Turkish nuclear power plant Akkuyu was shipped from the Rusatom plant in Volgodonsk. -The vessel, weighing 320 tons and measuring almost 13 meters in length, will be transported to Turkey by a combination of road and water. -The reactor vessel will be used in the construction of the third power unit at the Akkuyu nuclear power plant. -The project showcases Russia's technological prowess and export potential in the field of nuclear energy. **Russia's GDP Growth Accelerates:** -According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP growth has accelerated. -In August, the growth rate was 5.2%, slightly higher than the previous month. -The overall GDP growth for the first 8 months of the year reached 2.5%. -Industrial production also increased by almost 5.5% in August. -The government plans to increase funding for the state program for industrial development by 270 billion rubles next year. **Scam on JPEX Crypto Exchange in Hong Kong:** -The scam on the JPEX crypto exchange in Hong Kong resulted in losses exceeding $192 million, affecting nearly 2,500 people. -It is considered the largest fraud in the history of the region. -The exchange gave false information about having a license to operate in Hong Kong, leading to the disappearance of approximately $179 million from users' wallets. -The police have sought the assistance of Interpol to freeze the assets, and 15 individuals have been arrested. -The exchange has announced the suspension of its operations in the region. **Mass Exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh:** -More than 50,000 residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have left their homes and moved to Armenia due to the ongoing conflict. -Former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan attempted to leave the region with other internally displaced persons but was detained by Azerbaijani authorities. -The exodus has caused significant strain on resources, with thousands of people seeking refuge in Armenia. -The situation remains tense, with ongoing clashes and humanitarian concerns in the region. **Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent, Uzbekistan:** -A powerful explosion followed by a fire occurred at a large warehouse in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. -The cause of the explosion is believed to be a lightning strike that ignited cars and batteries stored in the warehouse. -The fire spread rapidly, covering an area of approximately 3,000 square kilometers. -Firefighting teams are working to extinguish the blaze, and the exact causes are being investigated. -There have been casualties, and those affected have been taken to medical facilities. -The international airport nearby remains operational, and flights have not been canceled. **Two Small Missile Ships Launched at Amur Shipyard:** -Two small missile ships, Arzhev and Udomlya, were launched at the Amur Shipyard. -The ships are equipped with advanced weapons systems, including artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, and cruise missiles. -The construction of the ships involved import substitution, ensuring timely updates to the Russian Navy's composition. -The ships will undergo final testing and outfitting before being transferred to the Pacific Fleet. -The project showcases the capabilities of Russian shipbuilders and the country's naval power. **Protests and Strikes in the United States:** -The strike at General Motors could spread to more auto factories, potentially paralyzing hundreds of enterprises in the country. -Negotiations between the company and the union have not been successful, and an extension of the strike is possible. -President Joe Biden's visit to Michigan did not result in any significant progress in raising wages for autoworkers. -Protests against the decision of a judge who dropped charges against a police officer involved in the murder of a Latino man have taken place in Philadelphia. -Looting and vandalism have occurred in some cities, with authorities struggling to maintain order. -The situation highlights ongoing racial tensions and concerns about crime and social justice in the United States. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_033000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian Football Cup**: Matches continue at the 1/32 stage of the regional finals. In the latest match, Rotor Volgograd defeated Alania Vladikavkaz with a score of 1-0. The only goal was scored by Rizvan Akhmetkhanov in the 70th minute. 2. **KHL Hockey**: In the Continental Hockey League, Sibir Novosibirsk hosted SKA St. Petersburg. The match updated the attendance record for the new Siberia Arena, with 10,489 fans in attendance. SKA won the match with a score of 3-0, with Alexander Barabanov scoring two goals. 3. **Inter-Miami CF Wins US Open Cup**: Inter-Miami CF defeated the Houston Dynamo in the final of the US Open Cup. The 1-2 loss marked the first time Inter-Miami has lost a match with Lionel Messi in the lineup. 4. **Manchester City Knocked Out of EFL Cup**: Manchester City was eliminated from the EFL Cup at the 1/16 final stage by Newcastle United. The only goal of the match was scored by Newcastle's Swedish striker, Alexander Isak. 5. **Cold Snap in Russia**: A powerful cold snap is expected to cover the European part of Russia by the end of the week. Temperatures are expected to drop significantly, with rain and snow possible in Moscow. 6. **Ukrainian Nazi Scandal**: The Prime Minister of Canada has apologized for inviting a former Nazi collaborator, Yaroslav Hunka, to the Canadian Parliament. The opposition has criticized the Prime Minister for his handling of the situation and for not immediately apologizing. 7. **Russian Salaries Increase**: Real wages in Russia increased by more than 9% in annual terms in July. The average monthly accruals for employees increased by almost 14% to 71,419 rubles. 8. **Rosseti Shares Rise**: Rosseti shares rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange, closing at around 12 kopecks per share. The reason for the jump was positive financial reporting, with net profit for the first half of the year 6.5 times higher than the previous year. 9. **Makeevka Dairy Plant**: The Makeevka dairy plant in the Donetsk region has resumed operations and is producing dozens of types of natural products. The plant has a strict quality control process to ensure that only high-quality products are produced. 10. **3D Metal Printing Center Opens in Izhevsk**: The first center in Russia for the study of 3D metal printing has opened in Izhevsk. The educational project is being implemented on the basis of the Udmurt State University and will teach modern metal printing technologies. 11. **Russia's Political Crisis**: Russia is going through the most difficult political crisis in post-Soviet history, which will end in bloodshed. The country is facing a tough election, with no need to shoot from tanks. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_040000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russian forces advance in eastern Ukraine** Description: Russian forces are advancing in eastern Ukraine, with assault groups and artillery working together to take fortified Ukrainian positions. The Russian military is using heavy weapons, including self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, to support the assault groups. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong defense, but the Russian forces are making progress. Summary: The Russian military is making progress in eastern Ukraine, with assault groups and artillery working together to take fortified Ukrainian positions. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong defense, but the Russian forces are making progress. **Story 2: Ukrainian soldiers surrender to Russian forces** Description: Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces in large numbers, citing low morale and a lack of support from their own government. The Ukrainian soldiers say that they are being thrown into battle without proper training or equipment, and that they are being used as cannon fodder. The Russian military is offering the Ukrainian soldiers food, water, and medical care, and is promising to treat them well. Summary: Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces in large numbers, citing low morale and a lack of support from their own government. The Russian military is offering the Ukrainian soldiers food, water, and medical care, and is promising to treat them well. **Story 3: Lavrov: West is destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity** Description: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity. Lavrov said that the West is using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine and to prepare for a war against Russia. He also said that the West is trying to use the issue of a possible truce to gain more time to pump up the Kiev regime with military equipment. Summary: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity. He said that the West is using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine and to prepare for a war against Russia. **Story 4: Russia's GDP growth accelerates** Description: Russia's GDP growth has accelerated, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. The ministry said that GDP growth was 2.5% in annual terms in the first eight months of the year. This is higher than the forecast of 2.8% for the year. The ministry also said that industrial production increased by almost 5.5% in August. Summary: Russia's GDP growth has accelerated, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. The ministry said that GDP growth was 2.5% in annual terms in the first eight months of the year. This is higher than the forecast of 2.8% for the year. **Story 5: Hong Kong crypto exchange scam損失超過 1.92 億美元** Description: The損失 from the scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong exceeded $192 million. About 2,500 people were injured. According to local media, this is the largest fraud in the history of the region. It all started on September 13, when the Securities and Futures Price Commission reported that the site was advertising false information about having a license to work in Hong Kong. Then approximately $179 million disappeared from users’ wallets. The police have sought the help of Interpol to seek the freezing of these assets. 15 people were arrested in the case. The exchange announced that it was suspending operations in the region. Summary: The損失 from the scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong exceeded $192 million. About 2,500 people were injured. According to local media, this is the largest fraud in the history of the region. **Story 6: Canadian Prime Minister apologizes for honoring Nazi** Description: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to speak in the Canadian Parliament. The Nazi collaborator, Yaroslav Hunka, was invited to speak by a member of Trudeau's own party. Trudeau said that he was "deeply sorry" for the mistake and that he would be taking steps to ensure that it does not happen again. Summary: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to speak in the Canadian Parliament. He said that he was "deeply sorry" for the mistake and that he would be taking steps to ensure that it does not happen again. **Story 7: US companies maintain interest in Russian market** Description: US companies are maintaining an interest in the Russian market, despite open pressure from Washington. The US ambassador to Russia, Anatoly Antonov, said that the White House is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for the collapse of commercial ties, blaming Moscow for everything. Antonov also said that US companies that continue to cooperate with Russia are being classified as malicious violators. Summary: US companies are maintaining an interest in the Russian market, despite open pressure from Washington. The US ambassador to Russia, Anatoly Antonov, said that the White House is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for the collapse of commercial ties, blaming Moscow for everything. **Story 8: Strike threat looms over US auto industry** Description: A strike threat is looming over the US auto industry. The United Auto Workers union is threatening to strike if it cannot reach a new contract with the automakers. The union is demanding higher wages and better benefits. The automakers are saying that they cannot afford to meet the union's demands. Summary: A strike threat is looming over the US auto industry. The United Auto Workers union is threatening to strike if it cannot reach a new contract with the automakers. The union is demanding higher wages and better benefits. The automakers are saying that they cannot afford to meet the union's demands. **Story 9: Inter Miami loses US Open Cup final** Description: Inter Miami lost the US Open Cup final to Houston Dynamo. The game was played at Exploria Stadium in Orlando, Florida. Inter Miami was without its star player, Lionel Messi, who was injured. Inter Miami took the lead in the first half, but Houston Dynamo scored two goals in the second half to win the game. Summary: Inter Miami lost the US Open Cup final to Houston Dynamo. The game was played at Exploria Stadium in Orlando, Florida. Inter Miami was without its star player, Lionel Messi, who was injured. Inter Miami took the lead in the first half, but Houston Dynamo scored two goals in the second half to win the game. **Story 10: Manchester City knocked out of English League Cup** Description: Manchester City was knocked out of the English League Cup in the round of 16. The team lost to Newcastle United 1-0. The only goal of the game was scored by Newcastle's Swedish striker, Alexander Isak. Manchester City played with a mixed lineup in the game, with several key players rested. Summary: Manchester City was knocked out of the English League Cup in the round of 16. The team lost to Newcastle United 1-0. The only goal of the game was scored by Newcastle's Swedish striker, Alexander Isak. **Story 11: Government proposes ban on exports of purchased fuel** Description: The Russian government has proposed a ban on exports of purchased fuel. The measure is intended to stabilize the domestic fuel market. The government also plans to increase the duty on oil. The Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Novak, said that the proposed measures will work and that the government will continue to work closely with companies in the industry. Summary: The Russian government has proposed a ban on exports of purchased fuel. The measure is intended to stabilize the domestic fuel market. The government also plans to increase the duty on oil. **Story 12: Dairy plant in Makeyevka resumes production** Description: The dairy plant in Makeyevka, in the Donetsk People's Republic, has resumed production. The plant is producing 30 different types of dairy products, including kefir, desserts, and baby food. The plant is working around the clock to meet the demand for its products. Summary: The dairy plant in Makeyevka, in the Donetsk People's Republic, has resumed production. The plant is producing 30 different types of dairy products, including kefir, desserts, and baby food. The plant is working around the clock to meet the demand for its products. **Story 13: Powerful cold snap to hit European Russia** Description: A powerful cold snap is expected to hit European Russia by the end of this week. The cold snap will bring with it heavy snow and freezing temperatures. The cold snap is expected to last for several days. Summary: A powerful cold snap is expected to hit European Russia by the end of this week. The cold snap will bring with it heavy snow and freezing temperatures. The cold snap is expected to last for several days. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_043000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** The Last Extreme Warming of the Season **Description:** The last extreme warming of the season reaches its peak in the European part of Russia. How long will it last, where to expect temperature records and when the weather will finally become autumn. **Summary:** The last extreme warming of the season reaches its peak in the European part of Russia. How long will it last, where to expect temperature records and when the weather will finally become autumn. Meteonews time on the Channel Russia 24. I am Evgeniy Teshkovets, leading specialist at the Phobos center. Hello, the European part of the country is enjoying the last warm days of this year. September was indeed a great month in the region. In Moscow, for example, for only 10 days in Sumi the temperature did not rise above +20°. And the precipitation was 6 mm. This is an anti-record for the capital's reference weather station. So, almost throughout the entire Russian plain, people admire fountains sparkling under the sun. September 27, fountains in Stavropol are still working. Beauty. And flowers blooming in the second circle. **Title:** Record High Temperatures in Moscow **Description:** Moscow will experience record high temperatures for the end of September, with highs of 23-24 degrees Celsius expected. However, rain and a sharp drop in temperature to 17 degrees Celsius are forecast for Sunday. **Summary:** Record high temperatures in Moscow will continue through the weekend, with highs of 23-24 degrees Celsius expected. However, rain and a sharp drop in temperature to 17 degrees Celsius are forecast for Sunday. **Title:** Russian Salaries Increasing **Description:** Real salaries in Russia increased by more than 9% in annual terms in July, while the average monthly accruals for employees of the organization increased by almost 14% and amounted to 71,419 rubles. **Summary:** Real salaries in Russia increased by more than 9% in annual terms in July, while the average monthly accruals for employees of the organization increased by almost 14% and amounted to 71,419 rubles. **Title:** German Chemical Industry in Danger **Description:** The German chemical industry is in danger, as the Bild newspaper writes, companies from fourteen states asked Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to save them from massive layoffs. **Summary:** The German chemical industry is in danger, as the Bild newspaper writes, companies from fourteen states asked Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to save them from massive layoffs. When Europe imposed sanctions against Russia, fuel prices in Germany rose sharply, which primarily affected chemical enterprises. We had to significantly slow down the pace of work, and now factories may even be moved abroad. Where it is cheaper to produce products, this industry provides almost 2.5 million jobs for Germans. **Title:** Rosseti Shares Rise **Description:** Shares of Rosseti rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange. Wednesday's trading closed at around 12 kopecks per security. The reason for this jump was positive financial reporting. Net profit according to Russian standards accounting for the first half of the year was almost 6 and a half times higher than last year’s figure. Rosseti earned more than 202 billion rubles. **Summary:** Shares of Rosseti rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange. Wednesday's trading closed at around 12 kopecks per security. The reason for this jump was positive financial reporting. Net profit according to Russian standards accounting for the first half of the year was almost 6 and a half times higher than last year’s figure. Rosseti earned more than 202 billion rubles. **Title:** New Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies **Description:** Starting from the second quarter of next year, short-term auto insurance policies will be available for purchase, with validity periods ranging from one day to three months. **Summary:** Starting from the second quarter of next year, short-term auto insurance policies will be available for purchase, with validity periods ranging from one day to three months. This new type of policy will benefit drivers who only use their cars occasionally, such as pensioners who only drive during the summer months or young drivers who are afraid to drive in bad weather. **Title:** Historical Events on September 28th **Description:** A selection of significant historical events that occurred on September 28th, including the Battle of Salamis, the Norman invasion of England, the Pugachev uprising, the arrest of Sidney Reilly, and the testing of a unique seismic station. **Summary:** A selection of significant historical events that occurred on September 28th, including the Battle of Salamis, the Norman invasion of England, the Pugachev uprising, the arrest of Sidney Reilly, and the testing of a unique seismic station. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_050000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ukrainian POWs Allege War Crimes by Ukrainian Army** - Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) have alleged that the Ukrainian regime has been committing war crimes, including the shelling of civilian areas and the use of banned weapons. - The POWs also apologized for giving a standing ovation to a Nazi collaborator during a visit to the Canadian parliament. - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has come under fire for inviting the Nazi collaborator to parliament and has since apologized for the incident. **Story 2: Fierce Battles in Zaporozhye Region as Ukrainian Army Suffers Heavy Losses** - Fierce battles are taking place in the Zaporozhye region of Ukraine, with the Ukrainian army suffering heavy losses. - The Ukrainian army has been using Western-supplied equipment, but it has not been enough to turn the tide of the battle. - Many Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces, citing low morale and poor leadership as reasons for their surrender. **Story 3: Russia Accuses West of Sabotaging Peace Talks** - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of sabotaging peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. - Lavrov claims that the West is using the conflict to its own advantage and is not interested in a genuine resolution. - He also dismissed the idea of a temporary ceasefire, saying that it would only give Ukraine time to rearm and continue fighting. **Story 4: Canadian Prime Minister Apologizes for Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament** - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to the Canadian parliament. - The collaborator, Yaroslav Hunka, was a member of the SS and was involved in the murder of Jews and Poles during World War II. - Trudeau has been criticized for his handling of the situation, with some calling for his resignation. **Story 5: Stocking in the United States May Cover Even More Automobile Plants** - A potential expansion of the strike by the United Auto Workers (UAW) could lead to even more automobile plants being shut down in the United States. - The UAW is seeking higher wages and better working conditions for its members. - President Joe Biden has visited Michigan to show his support for the strikers, but it is unclear if his efforts will be enough to resolve the dispute. **Story 6: American Business Remains Interested in Russian Market Despite Pressure from US Authorities** - American businesses remain interested in the Russian market, despite pressure from the US authorities to withdraw from the country. - Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says that American companies are being forced to leave Russia by the White House, but many are still eager to do business in the country. - Antonov emphasizes that Russia has always been open to mutually beneficial business cooperation. **Story 7: Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent, Uzbekistan** - A powerful explosion followed by a fire has occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. - The accident occurred at a large warehouse near the airport, and the shock wave broke glass in nearby houses and buildings. - The cause of the explosion is believed to be a lightning strike, and the fire has spread to over 3,000 square meters. - Firefighters are working to extinguish the fire, but it has not yet been completely put out. **Story 8: Indonesia Market Fire Engulfs Many Buildings** - A fire has engulfed a large market in Indonesia, destroying many buildings. - The fire is believed to have been caused by the hot weather and frequent thunderstorms in the area. - The authorities have issued a warning about the threat of fires in several regions of the country. **Story 9: Mass Exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh as People Flee to Armenia** - More than 50,000 people have fled their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh and moved to Armenia, fearing for their safety. - The exodus was triggered by the recent escalation of tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region. - The Armenian government is providing assistance to the refugees, but the situation remains tense. **Story 10: Protests in Support of Niger Held in Nigeria** - Protests in support of neighboring Niger are being held in Nigeria, with demonstrators calling for African independence from European influence. - The protests are being led by the Pan-African movement, which is calling for the French army to withdraw from Niger. - The French army has been present in Niger for several years, but the government has recently asked them to leave. **Story 11: Coup Attempt Fails in Burkina Faso** - A coup attempt has failed in Burkina Faso, with the authorities reporting that the conspirators have been arrested. - The coup plotters had planned to attack state institutions and disrupt the peace in the country. - The security and intelligence services were able to thwart the plot, and the situation is now under control. **Story 12: Russia's GDP Growth Accelerates** - Russia's GDP growth has accelerated, with the Ministry of Economic Development reporting a 2.5% increase in annual terms. - The growth is attributed to strong performances in the industrial and agricultural sectors. - The government is discussing the construction of three additional railway ports for the Kaliningrad region to further boost economic growth. **Story 13: Volkswagen Halts Production at Several Factories Due to IT Failure** - Volkswagen has halted production at several factories in Germany due to a failure in its IT systems. - The failure has affected all brands belonging to Volkswagen, including Porsche and Audi. - The company is investigating the source of the failure and has declared it a priority. **Story 14: Scam on JPX Crypto Exchange in Hong Kong Results in $192 Million Loss** - A scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has resulted in a loss of over $192 million. - Approximately 2,500 people were affected by the scam, which is the largest fraud in the history of the region. - The police have sought the help of Interpol to freeze the assets of those responsible for the scam. **Story 15: Two Small Missile Ships Launched at Amur Shipyard** - Two small missile ships have been launched at the Amur Shipyard and will join the military forces of the Pacific Fleet. - The ships, named Rzhev and Udomlya, are equipped with advanced weapons systems and will be used to protect Russia's maritime borders. - The ships will undergo final tests before being transferred to the Pacific Fleet. **Story 16: Sports News** - In the Russian Football Cup, matches are taking place at the stage 1.32 finals of the regional path. - In the Continental Hockey League, five matches of the regular season took place yesterday. - Inter Miami claimed their second trophy this season by winning the US Open Cup final against the Houston Dynamo. - Manchester City was knocked out of the English League Cup at the stage of the sixteenth final. - Russian Olga Mikheeva won the World Sambo Cup tournament in Serbia without a fight, as she was the only participant in her category. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_053000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **1.** **Title:** Russian advances in Ukraine **Description:** Russian forces are making progress in Ukraine, capturing several key towns and villages. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong resistance, but the Russians are slowly gaining ground. **Summary:** The Russian military is making significant progress in Ukraine, capturing several key towns and villages. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong resistance, but the Russians are slowly gaining ground. The fighting is likely to continue for some time, and it is unclear who will ultimately prevail. **2.** **Title:** Nord Stream 2 pipeline **Description:** The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a major natural gas pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany. The pipeline has been completed, but it has not yet been put into operation. The United States and its allies have opposed the pipeline, arguing that it will increase Europe's dependence on Russian energy. **Summary:** The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a major natural gas pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany. The pipeline has been completed, but it has not yet been put into operation. The United States and its allies have opposed the pipeline, arguing that it will increase Europe's dependence on Russian energy. The future of the pipeline is uncertain, and it is unclear whether it will ever be put into operation. **3.** **Title:** US-China trade war **Description:** The US-China trade war is an ongoing trade dispute between the United States and China. The trade war began in 2018, when the United States imposed tariffs on Chinese goods. China retaliated with tariffs on American goods. The trade war has had a significant impact on the global economy, and it is unclear when it will end. **Summary:** The US-China trade war is an ongoing trade dispute between the United States and China. The trade war began in 2018, when the United States imposed tariffs on Chinese goods. China retaliated with tariffs on American goods. The trade war has had a significant impact on the global economy, and it is unclear when it will end. The trade war has caused uncertainty in the global economy and has led to higher prices for consumers. **4.** **Title:** Brexit **Description:** Brexit is the process of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union. The UK voted to leave the EU in a referendum in 2016. The withdrawal process has been complex and difficult, and it is still unclear what the final outcome will be. **Summary:** Brexit is the process of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union. The UK voted to leave the EU in a referendum in 2016. The withdrawal process has been complex and difficult, and it is still unclear what the final outcome will be. The UK is scheduled to leave the EU on October 31, 2019, but it is possible that the deadline will be extended. The future relationship between the UK and the EU is uncertain, and it is likely that there will be a period of transition before a new relationship is established. **5.** **Title:** Climate change **Description:** Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place. Climate change could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole. Climate change may cause weather patterns to be less predictable. A region might experience lower or higher than average temperatures. Climate change may cause more frequent and severe weather events, such as storms, floods, and droughts. **Summary:** Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place. Climate change could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole. Climate change may cause weather patterns to be less predictable. A region might experience lower or higher than average temperatures. Climate change may cause more frequent and severe weather events, such as storms, floods, and droughts. The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world, and they are only going to get worse if we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_060000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title: Moscow Financial Forum to Discuss Russian Economy in Global Transformation** - Description: The Moscow Financial Forum will bring together experts to discuss the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. - Summary: The forum will feature discussions on inflation, exchange rates, and the development of the financial market. 2. **Title: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Lavrov Says West Trying to Speculate on Truce** - Description: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the West of trying to speculate on the possibility of a truce in Ukraine. - Summary: Lavrov says that the West is seeking to gain time and continue supplying weapons to Ukraine. 3. **Title: US Still Wants to Work with Russia Despite Pressure** - Description: Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says that the United States still wants to work with Russia despite open pressure from the American authorities. - Summary: Antonov emphasizes that Moscow is open to mutually beneficial business cooperation and blames Western partners for the destruction of commercial ties. 4. **Title: Large Warehouse Fire Near Tashkent Airport** - Description: A large warehouse near Tashkent airport catches fire, causing extensive damage and injuries. - Summary: The fire is believed to have been caused by lightning striking the building, which stored electric vehicles and batteries. 5. **Title: Joint Combat Work in the Krasnolimansk Direction** - Description: Russian and allied forces carry out joint combat operations in the Krasnolimansk direction, targeting Ukrainian Armed Forces' fortifications. - Summary: The report highlights the use of Nona self-propelled guns and armored vehicles in the operations. 6. **Title: Putin to Meet with Newly Elected Regional Heads** - Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet via video link with regional heads elected this year. - Summary: The meeting will include leaders of 26 Russian regions, including four new ones, who will discuss various issues and statements. 7. **Title: Canada Apologizes for Inviting Ukrainian SS Man to Parliament** - Description: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for inviting a Ukrainian SS man, Yaroslav Hunka, to the Canadian parliament. - Summary: The incident sparks outrage and criticism, with calls for an apology from Ukraine. 8. **Title: Russian Peacekeepers Evacuate Victims from Nagorno-Karabakh** - Description: Russian peacekeepers evacuate hundreds of victims from the explosion of a fuel tank in Nagorno-Karabakh. - Summary: The region has faced a blockade, food shortages, and extreme stress, leading to a mass exodus of residents. 9. **Title: Government Measures to Stabilize Fuel Market** - Description: The Russian government discusses additional measures to stabilize the fuel market, including adjustments to the Damper parameters and restrictions on gray exports. - Summary: The aim is to balance the market and ensure long-term stability, with discussions on subsidizing the cost of fuel oil for certain regions. 10. **Title: Nagorno-Karabakh to Cease to Exist on January 1, 2024** - Description: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh announces its cessation of existence on January 1, 2024, according to a decree by the head of the republic. - Summary: The news agency reports on this development, promising to return to the topic for further discussion. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_063000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title: Seventh financial forum opens in Russia** * Description: The seventh financial forum opens in Russia, with the business program including more than a dozen thematic sessions. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. * Summary: The seventh financial forum opens in Russia, bringing together business leaders and government officials to discuss a range of economic issues. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is expected to deliver a keynote address at the event. 2. **Title: Russian forces destroy loitering munition in Ukraine** * Description: The crew of the Russian Tor2 complex of the West group of troops destroyed a loitering munition in the Kupinsky direction of the special operation. According to the Ministry of Defense, it was an American-made kamikaze drone. * Summary: Russian forces in Ukraine have destroyed an American-made loitering munition, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. The munition was destroyed in the Kupinsky direction of the special operation. 3. **Title: One person killed, 162 injured in fire at Tashkent airport** * Description: As a result of a fire near Tashkent airport, one person died and another 162 were injured, according to nazdravliki. The emergency occurred at night at a large electric vehicle warehouse. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. By this moment, the fire has been localized, but helicopters and dozens of rescuers are now working on the site. * Summary: A fire at an electric vehicle warehouse near Tashkent airport has killed one person and injured 162 others. The fire broke out after the building was struck by lightning. 4. **Title: More than half of Nagorno-Karabakh residents already in Armenia** * Description: More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh are already in Armenia, the country's authorities reported. Russian peacekeepers are helping to evacuate. According to information from our Ministry of Defense, 258 victims of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert were taken out by helicopter, more than 40 flights were made. * Summary: More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have been evacuated to Armenia, with Russian peacekeepers assisting in the effort. 258 victims of a fuel tank explosion in Stepanokert were airlifted to safety. 5. **Title: First snow falls in Russia's north** * Description: It started snowing again in the Russian north, meanwhile, the day before, heat records were recorded in the European part of the country. * Summary: The first snow of the season has fallen in Russia's north, while the European part of the country experienced record-breaking heat. 6. **Title: Oil prices rise on supply concerns** * Description: Oil prices are rising on concerns about supply disruptions. Experts believe there are two main reasons. Firstly, the supply of raw materials to the market remains limited ahead of the winter, and secondly, investors are concerned about the declining volume of reserves at Cushing Hub, the largest oil storage facility in the USA. * Summary: Oil prices are rising on concerns about supply disruptions. The supply of raw materials to the market remains limited ahead of the winter, and investors are concerned about the declining volume of reserves at Cushing Hub, the largest oil storage facility in the USA. 7. **Title: Second Republican presidential debate takes place in the United States** * Description: The second debate of Republican presidential candidates has begun in the United States. Seven candidates shared their views on the problems of American society. * Summary: The second debate of Republican presidential candidates has taken place in the United States, with seven candidates sharing their views on the problems facing American society. 8. **Title: Democrats begin impeachment inquiry against Biden** * Description: A process that can be called the equivalent of a criminal case against Biden begins today. In the House Oversight Committee, the first impeachment hearing, three witnesses have been invited, including a former assistant to the US attorney general. * Summary: Democrats have begun an impeachment inquiry against President Biden. The first impeachment hearing was held in the House Oversight Committee, with three witnesses invited to testify. 9. **Title: Nagorno-Karabakh to cease to exist on January 1** * Description: The head of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Shahraman signed a decree on the termination of the existence of the unrecognized Republic from January 1 next year, the Armenian media reported with reference to the head of the republic. * Summary: The head of Nagorno-Karabakh, Samvel Shahraman, has signed a decree on the termination of the existence of the unrecognized Republic from January 1 next year. 10. **Title: Russian Football Cup matches continue** * Description: The next matches in the Russian Football Cup. * Summary: The next matches in the Russian Football Cup have taken place, with Rotor Volgograd defeating FC Alania Vladikavkaz 1-0. 11. **Title: Russian sambo wrestler wins World Cup without a fight** * Description: Russian Olga Mikheva won the World Sambo Cup stage in Serbia without a fight. * Summary: Russian sambo wrestler Olga Mikheva won the World Cup stage in Serbia without a fight, as she was the only participant in her weight category. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_070000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist** Description: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. Summary: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. The document instructs the dissolution of all government institutions and organizations, and the population is advised to familiarize themselves with the conditions of reintegration. **Story 2: Fire in Tashkent airport warehouse** Description: A fire has broken out in a large warehouse near Tashkent airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. Summary: A fire has broken out in a large warehouse near Tashkent airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. Helicopters have arrived to assist firefighters. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. **Story 3: Republican debates in California** Description: Republican presidential candidates have debated in California, discussing key issues facing the United States and criticizing President Trump. Summary: Republican presidential candidates have debated in California, discussing key issues facing the United States and criticizing President Trump. Trump did not attend the debate and was criticized by his opponents for this. **Story 4: Western countries fleeing political and military fronts** Description: Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts, according to an article in the Lemont newspaper. Summary: Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts, according to an article in the Lemont newspaper. The withdrawal of French troops from Niger two years after the Americans left Afghanistan, according to journalists, only indicates that the US and the EU are simply losing ground in the diplomatic field. The Ukrainian conflict is aggravating the situation, and the rejection of global political forces is forcing the West to balance and always make concessions. **Story 5: Businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia** Description: Businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia, despite pressure from the American authorities. Summary: Businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia, despite pressure from the American authorities. This was stated by Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, who emphasized that Moscow is persistently blamed for the destruction of commercial ties, although Western partners were called upon precisely from Washington. **Story 6: West destroyed territorial integrity of Ukraine, says Lavrov** Description: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Summary: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He recalled the situation with the Minsk agreements, which were cynically used against Russia in order to fill Ukraine’s arsenals with weapons. For the same purpose, the head of the Foreign Ministry emphasized, the West is now trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce. **Story 7: Seventh Moscow financial forum begins** Description: The Seventh Moscow Financial Forum has begun its work in Manege, with participants discussing options for balancing the economy in the context of global transformation. Summary: The Seventh Moscow Financial Forum has begun its work in Manege, with participants discussing options for balancing the economy in the context of global transformation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. **Story 8: Digitalization simplifies licensing procedures for businesses in Russia** Description: Digitalization has helped to significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia. Summary: Digitalization has helped to significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia. Entrepreneurs can now issue documents through a special service on the government services portal. **Story 9: Energy Ministry: Expectations of quick lifting of fuel export ban futile** Description: The Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the fuel export ban are futile. Summary: The Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the fuel export ban are futile. The measure will remain in effect until fuel supply and prices stabilize. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_073000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian Troops Destroy Enemy Ammunition in Ukraine**: Russian forces deployed the Tor M2 complex to destroy American-made kamikaze drones targeting Kupinsky in eastern Ukraine. The system can scan the sky within a 30km radius and intercept dangerous targets automatically. 2. **Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist**: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. The move comes amid a difficult military and political situation in the region. The population, including those who left the region, must familiarize themselves with the conditions for reintegration. 3. **Russian Economy in Transformation**: The 7th Financial Forum in Moscow, Manezh Hall, will address the challenges and opportunities facing the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will participate in the plenary session. 4. **Fire in Tashkent Warehouse**: A massive fire broke out at a large electric vehicle warehouse near Tashkent airport, covering an area of 10,000 square kilometers. One person died and 162 were injured. Helicopters and rescue teams are working to extinguish the fire. The cause is believed to be a lightning strike. 5. **Sberbank Loan with Cashback**: Sberbank is offering a loan with cashback, allowing customers to receive 2.5% of their interest rate back in Sber bonuses every month. The bank encourages customers to take advantage of the increased cashback offer. 6. **Pentalgin for Pain and Inflammation**: A medicine commercial highlights the effectiveness of Pentalgin in relieving pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. 7. **VTB Digital Accounting**: VTB bank offers digital accounting services to help businesses focus on their core activities. The bank's services include tax and interest management, legal issue handling, and over 30 other business services. 8. **Ecofarm Project**: A new project called Ecofarm aims to promote sustainable farming practices. The project encourages individuals to start their own eco-friendly farms and provides guidance on navigating the necessary paperwork and regulations. 9. **Scooter Delivery Service**: A scooter delivery service offers an opportunity to participate in an apartment raffle by placing orders on the platform. 10. **Alfabank for Smart Free People**: Alfabank positions itself as a bank for smart and free individuals, emphasizing lower fees and a commitment to customer freedom. 11. **Candy and Tofifi Cashback**: Pyaterochka, a retail chain, is offering cashback of 60 million rubles to customers who use their savings business card. The promotion provides 10% cashback on purchases made during the promotion period. 12. **Rosbank Credit Card**: Rosbank's credit card offers the opportunity to purchase desired items without interest payments. The bank emphasizes the convenience and accessibility of its credit card, encouraging customers to forget about interest charges. 13. **Bref for Clean Toilet**: Bref, a cleaning product, promotes its colored water tablets for maintaining a clean and fresh toilet with every flush. The product is positioned as the number one choice for keeping toilets clean and fresh in Russia. 14. **Kholva Installment Plan**: Kholva offers a 24-month installment plan for purchasing goods from partners or paying off credit card debts. The service allows customers to make purchases and refinance credit cards in installments. 15. **Sbermarket Profitable Purchases**: Sbermarket emphasizes the profitability of shopping through its platform. Customers can pay for up to 99% of their orders using Sberbank bonuses in any store or restaurant. The service highlights the convenience and affordability of its offerings. 16. **PSB Bank for the Present**: PSB bank positions itself as a bank for the present, offering discounts of up to 50% cashback on all purchases. The bank emphasizes its commitment to providing real services and experiences, such as real comfort without the need for renovations, real business without the need for an office, and real hobbies that don't fade over time. 17. **Megafon Mobile Operator**: Megafon promotes its mobile operator services, highlighting its speed and coverage. The advertisement encourages customers to download the Megafon app and take advantage of discounts on various products, such as a shoulder bag for only 450 rubles. 18. **Sberpay App for Easy Payments**: The Sberpay app allows users to pay with one touch and receive 3% cashback. The advertisement emphasizes the convenience and profitability of using the app, encouraging customers to download it and start benefiting from its features. 19. **Justin Trudeau's Offensive Speech**: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faces backlash for reading an offensive speech in parliament, which included derogatory remarks towards Jewish people, Poles, Romanians, sexual minorities, disabled people, and victims of racial persecution. The speaker of the parliament has resigned, and Trudeau has apologized for the incident. 20. **Konstantin Gavrilov's Response to Trudeau**: Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation on military security and arms control, criticizes Justin Trudeau's speech and accuses him of Russophobia and Nazism. Gavrilov highlights the sacrifices made by the Soviet Union during World War II and condemns the West's support for Ukraine. He warns that Russia will not tolerate any attempts to rewrite history or undermine its role in the war. 21. **Ukrainian President Zelensky's Controversial Behavior**: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's recent behavior in the UN Security Council has raised questions and concerns. Zelensky has been openly demanding assistance from the West, leading to irritation and fatigue among some Western countries. There are discussions about potentially replacing Zelensky with someone else, and tensions are rising between Ukraine and Poland due to historical conflicts. 22. **Elections and Political Maneuvers**: The upcoming elections in various countries, including the United States, Hungary, and Poland, are influencing political statements and strategies. The outcome of these elections could impact the approach towards Ukraine and the ongoing conflict. 23. **Nagorno-Karabakh's Integration into Azerbaijan**: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, and the region will now become part of Azerbaijan. The decision was made due to the difficult military and political situation. The population is expected to familiarize themselves with the conditions for reintegration. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_080000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian forces complete evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert** Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert, the capital of the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, following an explosion at a fuel tank. 258 people were taken out by helicopter, including patients from the republican medical center who needed resuscitation. 42 sanitary flights were carried out. The Russian contingent in the region still has approximately 500 civilians, more than half of them children. **2. Fire breaks out at industrial warehouse in Tashkent** A fire broke out at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The fire area was 10,000 km2. As a result of the shock wave, several residential buildings were damaged. A fifteen-year-old teenager died. The total number of victims was 163 people. 24 of them were hospitalized. A government commission has been created to eliminate the consequences of the incident. **3. Russian national detained in Sevastopol for working for Ukrainian intelligence** A Russian national was detained in Sevastopol for working for Ukrainian intelligence. The man was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence in 2022 while evading mobilization. He collected and transferred information about fortifications in Crimea. A criminal case of treason has been opened against the suspect. **4. Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist, becomes part of Azerbaijan** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist and become part of Azerbaijan, according to a decree signed by the president of the unrecognized republic. The decree states that all official bodies and authorities will be dissolved until January 1, 2024. The decision was made due to the difficult military and political situation. **5. Russian troops advance in Krasnoliman direction** Russian troops have advanced in the Krasnoliman direction, suppressing up to two dozen Ukrainian artillery crews and defeating a stronghold in the Grigorovka area in the Donetsk People's Republic. Drone operators help control the accuracy of strikes. **6. Gazprom Bank buys all Mega shopping centers in Russia** Gazprom Bank has bought all Mega shopping centers in Russia from the Swedish company Ingka Centres. There are 14 such centers in the country, with a total area of more than 2 million km2. The transaction amount was not disclosed, but analysts estimate that it is unlikely to exceed $2 billion. **7. Russian ruble becomes dominant currency in trade with other countries** The Russian ruble has become the dominant currency in trade with other countries, including Western countries. The currencies of friendly countries, together with the Russian ruble, accounted for 72% of exports and 69% of imports. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_083000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Peaceful Atom** Description: The peaceful atom is a term used to describe the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity, powering ships, and providing heat for homes and businesses. Summary: The peaceful atom is a colossal resource in the hands of people who live by their profession and carry it into the future. **2. Creative, Responsible and Confident** Description: The story is about the Russian nuclear industry and how it is a unique fusion of high science and the latest technologies. Summary: The Russian nuclear industry is a leading nuclear power and a key player in the global nuclear market. **3. Sivil Kutlu: The First Female Operator of the Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey** Description: The story is about Sivil Kutlu, the first female operator of the nuclear power plant in Turkey. Summary: Sivil Kutlu is a role model for women in Turkey and an inspiration to young people everywhere. **4. Anton Shumakov: Creating the Future with Innovative Composites** Description: The story is about Anton Shumakov, a young engineer who is developing innovative composites that are used in a variety of industries. Summary: Anton Shumakov is a talented engineer who is making a difference in the world by developing new materials that are used in a variety of industries. **5. Russian Business is Restructuring and Changing Strategies** Description: The story is about how Russian businesses are restructuring and changing strategies in order to fill the niches of departed foreign companies. Summary: Russian businesses are resilient and innovative, and they are finding new ways to succeed in the face of adversity. **6. The Island of Farmers** Description: The story is about how the Russian government is helping farmers to sell their products by creating "farm islands" in shopping centers. Summary: The Russian government is supporting small businesses by creating "farm islands" in shopping centers, which allow farmers to sell their products directly to consumers. **7. Russian Animation Goes Global** Description: The story is about how Russian animation studios are creating new content and exporting it to the world. Summary: Russian animation studios are creating high-quality content that is appealing to audiences around the world. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_090000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist **Description:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh officially ceases to exist. The decree was signed by the president of the unrecognized state. The region becomes part of Azerbaijan. **Summary:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist after the president of the unrecognized state signed a decree to that effect. The region will now become part of Azerbaijan. 2. **Title:** Firefighting continues after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent **Description:** A fire has been raging for twelve hours after an explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent. More than 160 people were injured and one teenager died. Firefighting efforts are ongoing. **Summary:** A massive fire broke out at a warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, leaving more than 160 people injured and one teenager dead. Firefighting efforts are still ongoing after twelve hours. 3. **Title:** Large queues and flight delays at Moscow airports due to cyberattack **Description:** Large queues, non-functioning check-in counters, and delayed flights are causing chaos at Moscow airports due to a powerful DDoS cyberattack on the passenger check-in system. Rostec, the company responsible for the system, has stated that they are working to repel the attack. Aeroflot has also reported difficulties with passenger check-in, but has since announced that the operation of the Leonard reservation system has been restored. **Summary:** Moscow airports are experiencing significant disruptions, including long queues, non-functioning check-in counters, and flight delays, due to a cyberattack on the passenger check-in system. Rostec, the company responsible for the system, is working to repel the attack. Aeroflot has also been affected, but has announced that its reservation system has been restored. 4. **Title:** Russian financial and economic system in a period of transformation **Description:** The Moscow Financial Forum is discussing the transformation of the Russian financial and economic system in the face of global challenges. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin emphasizes the importance of financial sovereignty and ensuring economic sustainability. The government is implementing measures to strengthen the technological and personnel sovereignty of the country, including the creation of a unified base of startups and the revitalization of venture funds. **Summary:** The Moscow Financial Forum is addressing the need to transform the Russian financial and economic system in response to global challenges. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stresses the significance of financial sovereignty and economic sustainability. The government is taking steps to bolster the country's technological and personnel sovereignty, such as establishing a unified database of startups and revitalizing venture funds. 5. **Title:** Ukrainian military personnel surrender near Zaporizhzhia **Description:** A group of Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces in the Zaporizhzhia region. The footage shows the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. **Summary:** Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces near Zaporizhzhia, as seen in footage showing the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. 6. **Title:** Russian businessman Ruben Vardanyan arrested in Baku **Description:** Well-known businessman and former head of the government of Nagorno-Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan, has been detained in Baku and charged with financing terrorism on the territory of Azerbaijan. **Summary:** Ruben Vardanyan, a prominent businessman and former head of the government of Nagorno-Karabakh, has been arrested in Baku and accused of financing terrorism in Azerbaijan. 7. **Title:** Former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh surrenders to Azerbaijan **Description:** The former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, David Babayan, has announced his decision to surrender to Azerbaijan. He claims that he was blacklisted and that the Azerbaijani side demanded his arrival in Baku. **Summary:** David Babayan, the former head of the Mit of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, has made the decision to surrender to Azerbaijan. He states that he was blacklisted and that the Azerbaijani side requested his presence in Baku. 8. **Title:** Criminal case opened after explosion at industrial warehouse in Tashkent **Description:** The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan has opened a criminal case regarding the explosion and fire at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent. The fire area was 10,000 km and the shock wave damaged several residential buildings. A fifteen-year-old teenager died and the total number of victims is 163, with 24 hospitalized. A government commission has been created to address the consequences of the incident. **Summary:** The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan has initiated a criminal investigation into the explosion and fire that occurred at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent. The incident resulted in extensive damage, affecting an area of 10,000 km and causing harm to nearby residential buildings. Tragically, a fifteen-year-old teenager lost their life, bringing the total number of victims to 163, with 24 individuals requiring hospitalization. To address the aftermath of this incident, a government commission has been established. 9. **Title:** Russian national charged with treason for providing information to Ukrainian intelligence **Description:** A Russian national has been charged with treason for allegedly providing information to Ukrainian intelligence. The man, who was working for Ukrainian intelligence, was recruited in 2022 and collected and transmitted sensitive information about Russian fortifications in Crimea. **Summary:** A Russian national has been accused of treason for allegedly supplying information to Ukrainian intelligence. The individual, who was employed by Ukrainian intelligence, was recruited in 2022 and engaged in gathering and transmitting sensitive data about Russian fortifications in Crimea. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_093000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. Moscow's Role in the Russian Economy: The head of Moscow's financial department discusses the city's role in the Russian economy, emphasizing that Moscow's budget is largely dependent on federal funding. He argues that Moscow's success is a result of the city's focus on structural reforms, such as reorienting the economy away from the "sick" parts of the global economy and towards the "healthy" parts. He also highlights the importance of diversifying trade and investment ties in the face of global fragmentation. 2. The Future of the Russian Economy: The head of the Central Bank of Russia discusses the challenges facing the Russian economy, including the impact of sanctions and the need for structural reforms. He argues that the Russian economy is undergoing a "reorientation" and that the country is refocusing on its domestic market and strengthening its ties with "friendly" countries. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining macroeconomic stability and pursuing responsible financial policies. 3. The Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Economy: The head of the Ministry of Finance discusses the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and argues that the country has been able to weather the storm. He highlights the importance of import substitution and the need to develop domestic industries. He also emphasizes the need for smart financial policies that support key sectors of the economy and attract investment. 4. The Role of Regions in the Russian Economy: The head of Moscow's financial department discusses the role of regions in the Russian economy and argues that the country's regions should learn from Moscow's success in implementing structural reforms. He emphasizes the importance of stable and predictable rules for businesses and the need for regions to focus on their own development rather than relying on federal funding. 5. The Forecast for Socio-Economic Development: The head of the Ministry of Finance discusses the importance of socio-economic development forecasts and argues that the government's forecasts are realistic. He highlights the strong oil and gas revenues and the government's commitment to fulfilling its obligations. He also emphasizes the need for flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. 6. The Weakening of the Ruble: The head of the Central Bank of Russia discusses the reasons for the weakening of the ruble and argues that the currency's value is determined by a number of factors, including the balance of payments, the demand for foreign currency, and the monetary policy of the central bank. He also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a weak ruble and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a stable exchange rate. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_100000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: The impact of the weakening ruble on the Russian economy** * Description: The ruble has been weakening against other currencies, and this is having a number of effects on the Russian economy. * Summary: The weakening ruble is making imports more expensive, which is leading to inflation. It is also making it more difficult for Russian businesses to compete in the global marketplace. The government is considering a number of measures to address the situation, including increasing interest rates and imposing currency controls. **Story 2: The state of the Russian economy** * Description: The Russian economy is facing a number of challenges, including the weakening ruble, sanctions, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. * Summary: The Russian economy is expected to contract by 3.4% this year, and inflation is expected to reach 12%. The government is taking steps to address the situation, including increasing spending on infrastructure and social programs. **Story 3: The government's budget priorities** * Description: The Russian government is facing a number of difficult choices as it prepares its budget for the next three years. * Summary: The government is prioritizing spending on defense, social programs, and infrastructure. It is also looking for ways to increase revenue, including through tax increases and privatization. **Story 4: The impact of the conflict in Ukraine on the Russian economy** * Description: The conflict in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the Russian economy. * Summary: The conflict has led to sanctions, which have made it difficult for Russian businesses to operate. It has also led to a decline in investment and a rise in inflation. The government is taking steps to address the situation, but it is unclear how long the conflict will last or what the long-term impact will be. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_103000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Budget Priorities and Spending:** The 2023-2025 federal budget draft will prioritize ensuring victory in the ongoing conflict, with significant allocations for the military and defense. The budget also emphasizes domestic production and capacity building, including in areas such as machine tool building and aircraft manufacturing. 2. **Taxes and Fiscal Policy:** Despite the challenging economic situation, the government is not planning to raise taxes in order to stimulate business activity and investment. The Central Bank will maintain relatively high interest rates to manage inflation. 3. **National Welfare Fund:** The National Welfare Fund will continue to be a source of investment in infrastructure and key breakthrough industries. The government plans to allocate more than 4 trillion rubles from the fund for these purposes. 4. **Budget Rule:** The budget rule, which determines the amount of oil and gas revenues that can be spent, has been revised. The new rule is based on a fixed oil price of $60 per barrel, with any additional revenues going to the National Welfare Fund. 5. **Tax System:** The government has implemented numerous amendments to the tax code in recent years to support businesses and simplify the tax system. However, further changes may be considered to ensure predictability and stability for businesses. 6. **Financial System Stability:** The financial system has become more stable and resilient, with banks now able to finance economic growth. The government aims to continue developing the financial sector and promote structural reforms. 7. **Structural Restructuring:** The Russian economy is undergoing significant structural changes, including a shift towards Asia as the main trading partner and a focus on technology and shipbuilding. This process is expected to continue in the coming years. 8. **Financial Sovereignty:** The financial sovereignty of the country has strengthened over the past year, with the government taking measures to reduce reliance on Western financial institutions. 9. **Challenges and Opportunities:** The coming year will be challenging, with the budget facing increased demands and uncertainties. However, the government remains optimistic and committed to overcoming these challenges and achieving further progress. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_110000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Elections in Russia** *Description:* The elections in Russia were held openly, fairly and competitively. The turnout was also high, which shows the growing civic maturity of Russian society. *Summary:* The results of the elections of regional heads are very convincing. Such a level of trust means, first of all, even greater responsibility. The key criterion is the effectiveness of your work, people’s opinion about this work, their assessment of what you do. **Story 2: Support for Soldiers and Their Families** *Description:* The support of our soldiers, including those injured, and support for their families is not as much a service duty as a civil, human, moral duty, a duty of gratitude and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. *Summary:* Caring for heroes, for those who have lost their loved ones, is a high responsibility and full efficiency. **Story 3: The Situation in the Donbass** *Description:* The situation in the Donbass is special, but the regional authorities, and most importantly, the people, our citizens, feel supported, which is given to them by all. *Summary:* Donbass does not stop surprising, and for us within the region, this is absolutely logical, and this became another confirmation , such activity, that correctness, that choice and reunification with the Russian Federation. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_113000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russia-Africa Summit** Description: The Russia-Africa summit was held in Sochi in 2019. The summit was attended by leaders from all over Africa. The summit was a success and relations between Russia and Africa are developing very intensively. Summary: The Russia-Africa summit was a success and relations between Russia and Africa are developing very intensively. **Story 2: Trade and Economic Ties** Description: Trade turnover between Russia and South Sudan is growing. There are many good opportunities for cooperation in a variety of areas, including in the energy sector. Summary: Trade turnover between Russia and South Sudan is growing and there are many good opportunities for cooperation in a variety of areas. **Story 3: Humanitarian Cooperation** Description: Citizens of South Sudan are trained in educational institutions in Russia. Russia intends to expand this cooperation. Summary: Russia intends to expand cooperation with South Sudan in the area of humanitarian cooperation. **Story 4: Regional Stability and Security** Description: Russia will do everything to support South Sudan in ensuring security and resolving problems and difficulties inherited from previous times. Summary: Russia will support South Sudan in ensuring security and resolving problems and difficulties inherited from previous times. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_120000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with South Sudan's President** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with South Sudan's President Salva Kiir in Moscow to discuss regional stability and security issues. * **Summary:** Putin and Kiir discuss issues of regional stability and security, as well as the importance of strong and influential friends. **Story 2: New Russian Regions Take Steps Towards Integration** * **Description:** The new Russian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson take steps towards integration into the legal space of Russia, including holding elections according to Russian laws. * **Summary:** The elections in the new regions are seen as an important step towards their full integration into Russia, with President Putin emphasizing the need for strong regional leaders to help the regions recover and develop. **Story 3: Canada Apologizes for Inviting Nazi to Parliament** * **Description:** The Canadian government apologizes for inviting a Nazi collaborator to Parliament, after facing backlash from the opposition and the public. * **Summary:** The incident sparks a debate about Canada's history of sheltering Nazi war criminals and the need to confront the country's Nazi problem. **Story 4: Russia-Ukraine Conflict** * **Description:** The Western countries of NATO are accused of setting up a training ground from Ukraine and dragging Russia into the war. * **Summary:** The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is seen as a major challenge for Russia, with the country's leaders emphasizing the need for ideological unity and a major overhaul of the system. **Story 5: Financial Forum in Moscow** * **Description:** The 7th Financial Forum begins in Moscow, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin discussing the development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. * **Summary:** The forum focuses on the resilience of the Russian economy and the government's efforts to attract foreign investment, including through the use of digital assets. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_123000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Gazprombank buys 14 Mega shopping centers in Russia** * Gazprombank has acquired 14 Mega shopping centers in Russia, with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. * The deal includes properties in Moscow, the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, Omsk, Ufa, Rostov, Nadon, Samara, Odege, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod. * The purchase price has not been disclosed, but analysts estimate it to be between 2 and 3 billion US dollars. * The deal is the largest on the Russian real estate market this year. **Russian animation studio replaces foreign software with domestic developments** * A popular Russian animation studio has replaced foreign software with domestic developments in response to the challenges of 2022. * The studio has created a new project to replace foreign software with Russian developments. * The studio is now producing more content, including family films and animated series for teenagers, and is looking to export its content. **New law establishes the day of reunification with Russia for Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as Kherson and Zaporozhye regions** * Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. * The date is September 30. * The document has already entered into force since it was published. * The integration of new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting of the president with the heads of elected subjects of the federation. * 26 people who won victories on a single voting day attended the meeting. * According to Vladimir Putin, the results were achieved and these victories are worthy. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_130000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin signs law establishing the reunification of Russia with 4 new regions** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with four new regions: the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Summary: The document has already entered into force since it was published. The integration of new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting of the president with the heads of elected subjects of the federation. **Story 2: High voter turnout and support for integration with Russia in new regions** Description: During a meeting with the heads of elected subjects of the federation, President Putin highlighted the high voter turnout and support for integration with Russia in the new regions. Summary: According to the head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, a reliable and effective team has been formed in the region that is capable of overcoming all difficulties and confronting the most difficult challenges. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, also reported to the president about the success in the special operation zone, emphasizing the high spirits and strong support from the people. **Story 3: Russia-South Sudan relations and cooperation** Description: During a meeting with the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, President Putin noted the good developments in bilateral relations, particularly in the energy sector. Summary: Putin expressed a desire to further develop cooperation in the economic sphere, acknowledging that there is still much to be done. **Story 4: Combat work in the Krasnoliman direction of the special operation** Description: In the Krasnoliman direction of the special operation, joint combat work is carried out by attack aircraft and artillery of the central military district. Summary: The Russian forces are utilizing armored vehicles, self-propelled guns, and other equipment to carry out strikes against Ukrainian Armed Forces' fortifications. The goal is to deliver massive strikes and support the advance of assault groups. **Story 5: Situation around Nagorno-Karabakh and the reintegration process** Description: The Kremlin commented on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in connection with the administration of the unrecognized republic. Summary: Russian peacekeepers continue to assist people, and many people express a desire to cross into the territory of Armenia. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that their peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those injured as a result of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert. The helicopters transported 258 people, including those from the Republican Medical Center, who needed intensive care. 42 sanitary flights were carried out. **Story 6: Canada accused of inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament** Description: The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Canadian authorities of lying about their knowledge of inviting Nazi collaborator Jaroslav Gunek to parliament. Summary: The ministry emphasized that Canada received many former SS men after World War II and that members of the Ukrainian division of the SSS Glicina, as well as the radical OUN. The UPA and their descendants still have a lobby in Canada. **Story 7: German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest** Description: A video has appeared on the Internet in which German admirers of Hitler are celebrating Oktoberfest. Summary: The footage shows drunken beer-goers not only listening to Eric's World War II march at maximum volume but raising their hands in a Nazi salute. This incident has sparked outrage and is being investigated by the Saxony Police. **Story 8: Russian Leonardo reservation system subjected to massive dedonation from abroad** Description: The Russian Leonardo reservation system has been subjected to massive dedonation from abroad. Summary: The failure was short-term, and specialists were able to quickly restore the system. However, due to hacker attacks, there were no delays or flights at Moscow airports. **Story 9: Cyber attacks on Russian IT infrastructure** Description: Russian surveillance recently stated that since the end of May of this year alone, more than 6,000 sites in Urunet have been subjected to massive cyber attacks. Summary: Experts note that almost every enterprise in the Russian military-industrial complex has faced hacker attacks since 2022. **Story 10: Russian military shoots down Ukrainian aircraft and destroys drones** Description: The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Sud-25 attack aircraft. Summary: Also during the day, Russian troops destroyed 26 drones in the SSU. **Story 11: Ukrainians continue to surrender to Russian forces** Description: The Ukrainians say they continue to almost deliberately surrender themselves into captivity. Summary: There is information that a considerable part of the Ukrainian military is just waiting for the next meat assault so that they can quietly surrender. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_133000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment** * **Description:** The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, according to the Ministry of Defense. Additionally, 26 drones were destroyed in the SSU. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making significant progress in the conflict, with the destruction of Ukrainian equipment and personnel. **Story 2: Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender** * **Description:** Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering en masse, with footage showing them emerging from the darkness with their hands raised. They complain of poor conditions and lack of support from their commanders. * **Summary:** The Ukrainian military is demoralized and increasingly unwilling to fight, with many soldiers choosing to surrender to Russian forces. **Story 3: Russian Artillery Destroys Militants** * **Description:** Russian artillerymen in the Donetsk front prevented VSSU soldiers from launching an attack in the Kleshcheevka area, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. Two failed attacks were also reported in the SSU, resulting in the loss of around 200 personnel. * **Summary:** The Russian military is effectively countering Ukrainian attacks, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. **Story 4: Russian Advances in the Donetsk Front** * **Description:** The Vostok group of troops improved their position along the front line in the southern Donetsk direction, repelling two attacks by Ukrainian army assault groups. Enemy losses amounted to 105 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making steady progress in the Donetsk front, pushing back Ukrainian forces and inflicting significant losses. **Story 5: Destruction of Foreign Equipment** * **Description:** Fresh footage has emerged showing the destruction of foreign equipment, including a Polish self-propelled gun Krab and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. * **Summary:** The Russian military is successfully targeting and destroying foreign equipment supplied to Ukraine, further weakening the Ukrainian military's capabilities. **Story 6: Reduced Counter-Offensive Activity in Kupinsk** * **Description:** The militants in the Kupinsk direction have noticeably reduced their counter-offensive activity, with the defense of Kupinsk resting on the Oskol River. Russian forces are confidently pressing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the east, while the counter-battery fight continues. * **Summary:** The Ukrainian military's counter-offensive in the Kupinsk direction has lost momentum, with Russian forces effectively containing their advances. **Story 7: Russian Rocket Scientists Destroy Ammunition Storage** * **Description:** Russian rocket scientists successfully destroyed a storage facility for ammunition belonging to the first special forces brigade in the Kharkov region. * **Summary:** The Russian military is effectively targeting and destroying Ukrainian military infrastructure, disrupting their supply lines and weakening their capabilities. **Story 8: Pilots Receive New Su-35 and Su-57 Fighters** * **Description:** The Russian Air Force has been replenished with a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters, which have passed a full cycle of factory tests and are ready for deployment. * **Summary:** The Russian military is modernizing and strengthening its air force, gaining an edge over its adversaries. **Story 9: Nuclear Missile Shield Protects Russia** * **Description:** The nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia, making dreams of a nuclear attack absurd. * **Summary:** Russia's nuclear deterrence capabilities are robust and effective, ensuring the country's security against potential threats. **Story 10: Rossotrudnichestvo Report on Foreign Humanitarian Activities** * **Description:** Rossotrudnichestvo presented an overview of the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The study reveals trends in the political influence of Western countries on the Caucasus, the Baltic states, and Central Asia. * **Summary:** Foreign powers, including China, the US, the UK, Japan, Turkey, and EU countries, are actively engaged in humanitarian activities in the post-Soviet space to exert political influence and promote their interests. **Story 11: Development of the Russian Economy** * **Description:** The development of the Russian economy in a global transformation is being discussed in Moscow at the seventh financial forum. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin emphasized the country's ability to adapt to new challenges and achieve economic growth. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is showing resilience and adapting to the changing global landscape, with the government implementing measures to support key industries and citizens. **Story 12: The Future of the Ruble and Exchange Rate Policy** * **Description:** The Central Bank of Russia reiterated its position against additional bans and restrictions on the ruble and exchange rate policy. The government is considering a step-by-step plan to create a system that analyzes legal and technical aspects of attracting foreign investment. * **Summary:** The Central Bank is focused on maintaining a stable ruble and exchange rate policy, while the government explores new tools to attract foreign investment and support the economy. **Story 13: Transformation of the Russian Economy** * **Description:** Presidential aide Maxim Moreshkin described the ongoing transformation of the Russian economy as painful but successful. The reorientation towards the healthy part of the global economy allows Russia to be more stable and address its challenges. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is undergoing a challenging but necessary transformation, with a focus on strengthening its resilience and competitiveness in the global market. **Story 14: Moscow Mayor's Speech on Globalization** * **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin emphasized the need to learn from the past and not rely solely on globalization. He highlighted the importance of developing domestic industries and technologies to achieve self-sufficiency. * **Summary:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called for a balanced approach to globalization, emphasizing the need for self-reliance and the development of domestic industries and technologies. **Story 15: Investment Diamonds** * **Description:** The abolition of the mineral extraction tax on the purchase of investment diamonds by individuals from banks has led to increased demand. Measures are being considered to further develop the market, such as publishing an index for diamonds on the stock exchange and introducing digital financial assets for diamonds. * **Summary:** The Russian government is taking steps to stimulate the market for investment diamonds, including the abolition of certain taxes and the introduction of new financial instruments. **Story 16: Humanitarian Policies of Foreign States** * **Description:** The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo project group, Alexander Sidorov, discussed the main goal and findings of the report on the humanitarian policies of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The report highlights trends, factors of influence, and the involvement of various stakeholders in humanitarian activities. * **Summary:** The report provides insights into the humanitarian policies and activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space, shedding light on their objectives, strategies, and impact. **Story 17: September Weather in Moscow** * **Description:** September in Moscow is likely to become the driest and warmest in over 150 years of meteorological observation. The weather will remain warm and sunny until the end of the month, with only the northwestern regions experiencing a change in weather conditions. * **Summary:** Moscow is experiencing an exceptionally warm and dry September, with temperatures reaching record highs. The warm weather is expected to continue for the remainder of the month. **Story 18: Games of the Future** * **Description:** The Games of the Future, an international multi-sport tournament combining physical and digital dimensions, was presented in Moscow. The first-ever competitions will take place in Kazan in February 2024, featuring 21 innovative disciplines and athletes from over 100 countries. * **Summary:** The Games of the Future represent a new era in sports, blending physical and digital elements to create a unique and innovative experience for athletes and spectators alike. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_140000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with Regional Leaders** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with regional leaders who were recently elected. Summary: - Putin commends the regional leaders for their work in integrating the new regions into Russia. - Putin emphasizes the importance of developing the regional economies and creating new jobs. - Putin calls on the regional leaders to support the special military operation in Ukraine. **Story 2: Kadyrov Meets with Putin** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov meets with Putin and reports on the success of the special military operation in Ukraine. Summary: - Kadyrov reports that the Chechen fighters are doing well and have no problems with equipment or supplies. - Kadyrov says that the Chechen people are united in their support for Putin and the special military operation. - Putin thanks Kadyrov for his support and praises the Chechen fighters for their bravery. **Story 3: Putin Meets with South Sudan President** Description: Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir and discusses ways to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries. Summary: - Putin and Kiir note the good relations between their two countries and express a desire to further develop economic ties. - Putin says that Russia is one of the first countries to recognize the sovereignty and independence of South Sudan. - Kiir says that South Sudan needs strong and influential friends like Russia and that there is no alternative to friendship with Russia. **Story 4: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft** Description: The Russian military shoots down a Ukrainian Su-2 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic. Summary: - The Russian Defense Ministry reports that the Ukrainian aircraft was shot down near the town of Kleshcheevka. - The Russian military also destroys 26 Ukrainian drones in the past 24 hours. - The Ukrainian military continues to suffer heavy losses in the Donbas region. **Story 5: Russian Nuclear Arsenal** Description: Russia's nuclear missile shield reliably protects the country and makes the dreams of some Western politicians about the strategic defeat of Russia absurd. Summary: - The Russian nuclear arsenal is a result of the country's historical path, brilliant fundamental discoveries, and technological developments. - The Soviet scientists Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov and Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov played a key role in the development of Russia's nuclear program. - Russia's nuclear arsenal is a deterrent to any potential aggression against the country. **Story 6: Canada Knew About Nazi Collaborator** Description: Canadian authorities are lying when they say that they did not know about the fact that Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gnok was invited to parliament. Summary: - The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says that Canada knew about Gnok's Nazi past and that his visit to parliament would have been impossible without a thorough check by intelligence services. - Zakharova says that Gnok's granddaughter posted photos of him waiting for a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on social media. - Trudeau has apologized for the incident, but he has been criticized for not apologizing on behalf of the Canadian government. **Story 7: German Oktoberfest Scandal** Description: A video has appeared on the Internet in which German admirers of Hitler are celebrating Oktoberfest. Summary: - The video shows drunken visitors to a beer hall listening to Eric's March of the Second World War at maximum volume and raising their hands in a Nazi salute. - The incident is being investigated by the German police. - Raising one's hand in a Nazi salute is a criminal offense in Germany and is punishable by a fine and up to 3 years in prison. **Story 8: Armenia and the Rome Statute** Description: Armenia has invited Russia to sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of an International Criminal Court. Summary: - Russia has emphasized that it is unacceptable for Armenia to ratify the Rome Statute, as this structure has issued arrest warrants for the top leadership of Russia. - Moscow has proposed a compromise option, but Yerevan has not taken it into account. - Moscow notes that Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute will have the most negative consequences for bilateral relations. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_143000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Russian Economy Undergoing Large-Scale Transformation:** * The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation, with the most difficult period having passed, according to Mikhail Mishustin, speaking at the Moscow financial forum. * The government is placing special emphasis on the development of domestic production, encouraging both development and deployment of advanced solutions on the territory of Russia. * Priority attention is being given to the electronics industry, radio industry, chemical industry, machine tool industry, transport, and power engineering, with the aim of strengthening the technological and personnel sovereignty of the country. **Fierce Fighting in Zaporozhye Region:** * Fierce fighting continues in the Zaporozhye region, with Ukrainian forces suffering heavy losses despite being equipped with Western armored vehicles and personnel trained in Germany. * Many Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are surrendering, citing low morale and heavy casualties. * Captured soldiers report that the Western armored vehicles are not a miracle weapon and are vulnerable to destruction like any other equipment. **Nagorno-Karabakh Peacekeepers Complete Evacuation:** * Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those injured as a result of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert, transporting 258 people, including patients in need of resuscitation, by helicopter. * The Russian contingent still has approximately 500 civilians in the region, more than half of them children. * The aviation group of the Russian peacekeeping contingent has transported civilians from Stepanokert to medical institutions in the Republic of Armenia. **Russian Airlines' Reservation System Suffers Cyberattack:** * The Russian reservation system Leonardo experienced a massive cyberattack from abroad, causing delays and disruptions at Moscow airports. * The system's functionality was restored by 12:00 Moscow time, with around eight airline flights delayed by no more than 2 hours. * Russian surveillance has reported that over 6,000 sites on the Runet have been subjected to massive cyberattacks since the end of May, with attackers targeting government, transport, banking, and other critical sectors. **International Parliamentary Conference Russia-Latin America:** * Representatives from more than half of the countries in Latin America will participate in the International Parliamentary Conference Russia-Latin America, which opens tomorrow in Moscow. * Parliamentarians, experts, public figures, and diplomats will discuss topical issues on the international parliamentary agenda. **New Regions' Political Integration Continues:** * The political integration of new regions into Russia continues, with the development of the concept of forming a people's program playing a big role. * The election campaign in new regions ended with a stunning turnout and the victory of candidates from United Russia. * Regional public chambers have been formed in the LPR and DPR, and local parliaments have held their first meetings. **September Weather in Moscow: Warm and Dry:** * September in Moscow is likely to become the driest and warmest season in the entire history of meteorological observation, exceeding a century and a half. * The warm weather is expected to continue until the end of the month, with temperatures even becoming a little warmer in the last days of September. * However, the abnormal heat and drought also have a negative side, with natural fires flaring up in the Kuban region and plants being misled into blooming again. **Games of the Future 2024 Presentation:** * The presentation of the Games of the Future 2024, an international multi-sport tournament combining competitions in physical and digital dimensions, took place in Moscow. * The first-ever international multi-sport competitions will start in Kazan on February 23, with 21 innovative disciplines and 2,000 athletes from over 100 countries participating. * The organizers are experimentally trying out different competitions to make it interesting for classical and e-sports athletes. **New Russian Regions Take Step Towards Integration:** * New Russian regions have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal space, according to Vladimir Putin. * The President spoke with those who won the last elections of regional heads, setting tasks for them to develop their regions and improve the lives of their citizens. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_150000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets With Newly Elected Regional Heads** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the newly elected heads of several regions in Russia, including those in the recently annexed regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Summary: Putin emphasized the importance of integrating the new regions into Russia's legal and economic systems and called on the newly elected leaders to work closely with the federal government to address the challenges facing their regions. **Story 2: Russian Military Claims Victories in Ukraine** Description: The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian forces had shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 26 Ukrainian Armed Forces drones. Summary: The Russian military also claimed to have made progress in several areas of Ukraine, including the Donetsk and Kupinsky fronts, and to have inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian forces. **Story 3: Ukrainian POWs Speak Out About Conditions in Russian Captivity** Description: In a video released by the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) spoke about their experiences in Russian captivity. Summary: The POWs described being treated well and said that they were given food and medical care. They also said that they were allowed to contact their families and that they were not subjected to any violence or abuse. **Story 4: Russian Foreign Ministry Criticizes Canada for Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament** Description: The Russian Foreign Ministry criticized Canada for inviting Yaroslav Gunka, a Nazi collaborator, to attend a meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Summary: The ministry said that Gunka's presence at the meeting was an insult to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and that it showed that Canada was not serious about fighting neo-Nazism. **Story 5: Armenia Rejects Russian Proposal on International Criminal Court** Description: Armenia rejected a Russian proposal for a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Summary: Russia said that Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute would have negative consequences for bilateral relations and that it would undermine the authority of the ICC. **Story 6: Ukraine Will Not Receive EU Funds Until Hungary Pays Its Dues** Description: The Hungarian government announced that Ukraine will not receive any funds from the European Union (EU) budget until Hungary has paid its due funds from European funds. Summary: Hungary's decision to withhold funds from Ukraine is likely to further strain relations between the two countries. **Story 7: US Miscalculated in Imposing Sanctions on Russia, Says Political Scientist** Description: Political scientist John Mearsheimer said that the United States miscalculated when it decided to impose sanctions on Russia and that this has turned many people against the US. Summary: Mearsheimer said that the US expected that the sanctions would quickly bring Russia to its knees, but that this has not happened. He also said that the US has been unable to provide effective support to Ukraine and that this has weakened Washington's support for Kiev. **Story 8: Russian Economy in Search of New Balance** Description: The Russian economy is undergoing a major transformation and is searching for a new balance. Summary: The government is focused on six priority issues to achieve this, including deepening foreign economic interaction, strengthening financial sovereignty, and improving transport and social infrastructure. **Story 9: Moscow Financial Forum Discusses Economic Challenges** Description: The Moscow Financial Forum brought together experts to discuss the challenges facing the Russian economy. Summary: The forum participants discussed the need to stabilize the ruble exchange rate, reduce the budget deficit, and expand settlements in national currencies with friendly countries. **Story 10: New Release of Besagon TV** Description: A new release of the author's program Besagon TV will be released soon. Summary: The program will discuss the challenges facing Russia and the need for a major overhaul of the system. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_153000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title: "Illegal Fishing in the Sogazhi River"** *Description: A major catch was made by the Yaroslavl police, who seized a motor boat full of roach pike perch, 10 fishing nets, and two cars from a couple of poachers. The suspects mercilessly devastated the waters of the Sogazhi River, and the damage caused amounted to more than 2,800,000 rubles. *Summary: The Yaroslavl police seized a motor boat full of roach pike perch, 10 fishing nets, and two cars from a couple of poachers. The suspects mercilessly devastated the waters of the Sogazhi River, and the damage caused amounted to more than 2,800,000 rubles. 2. **Title: "Former Police Officer Accused of Selling Information to Killers of Daria Dugina"** *Description: In the capital's Nagatinsky court, the case of a former police officer who allegedly sold information about political scientist Daria Dugina from closed databases for money is being considered. The investigation believes that the former officer acted as a so-called "burglar," trading in the personal data of citizens. *Summary: A former police officer, Ivan Rybin, is accused of selling information about political scientist Daria Dugina to her killers. Rybin allegedly accessed the information through a federal information system and sold it to a third party, who then passed it on to Dugina's killers. 3. **Title: "Head of Ministry of Emergency Situations Department Pleads Guilty to Abuse of Power"** *Description: During a hearing in the capital's Basmanny Court, the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Krasnodar Territory, Oleg Valynkin, pleaded guilty to exceeding his official powers, which he allegedly committed two years ago. *Summary: Oleg Valynkin, head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations department in Krasnodar, pleaded guilty to abuse of power. The details of the case are not yet known, as the investigation is ongoing. 4. **Title: "Travel Agent from Bashkiria Accused of Fraud"** *Description: A travel agent from Bashkiria is facing charges of fraud after dozens of tourists accused her of taking their money for vacations abroad and then not providing the services. The travel agent, Ekaterina Khakimova, allegedly lured travelers with last-minute tours and picturesque pictures, but then disappeared with their money. *Summary: A travel agent from Bashkiria, Ekaterina Khakimova, is accused of defrauding dozens of tourists by taking their money for vacations abroad and then not providing the services. The preliminary amount of damage is more than 6 million rubles. 5. **Title: "Vladimir Putin Signs Law Establishing Day of Reunification with Russia"** *Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The date is September 30, and the document has already entered into force. *Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The date is September 30, and the document has already entered into force. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_160000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin signs law on reunification with Russia** *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The date is September 30. *Summary:* The document has already entered into force since it was published. The integration of new regions was one of the main topics at the meeting of the president with the heads of elected subjects of the federation. It took place via video conference. 26 people are those who won victories on a single voting day, according to Vladimir Putin, the results with which these victories were won are worthy and convincing, including in new regions of the country. **Story 2: High turnout in elections in new Russian regions** *Description:* The head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, said that the turnout in the elections in the republic was 77%. According to him, this indicates that a fairly reliable, effective and, to a certain extent, professional team has been formed in the Lugansk People's Republic that is capable of overcoming all the difficulties that will arise on its way and confronting the most difficult challenges of our time. *Summary:* Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin noted that today we need to do everything possible to help the country during this period. Sobyanin stressed that it is necessary to do everything to help the country during a special military operation, and not only social support for our soldiers, their families, but also for the economy, for the defense industry complex, for those guys who are fighting at the front today, creating new industrial capacities, providing them with direct support by supplying the necessary things, food, humanitarian aid. **Story 3: Kadyrov reports on successes in Ukraine to Putin** *Description:* The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, reported to President Vladimir Putin about the successes in the special operation zone. *Summary:* According to Kadyrov, every day the fighters take something, every day the general situation is good, today the fighters have a good spirit. Kadyrov also said that they have created five regiments and three battalions during the special operation, and they are doing their job today. **Story 4: Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir** *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir, who is on an official visit to Moscow. *Summary:* Putin noted that there is still much to be done to develop cooperation in the economy, but there are already good developments, for example, in the energy sector. Kiir, in turn, stressed that South Sudan needs to have strong, influential friends, one of which is Russia. **Story 5: Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft** *Description:* The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, the Ministry of Defense reported. *Summary:* Also, during the day, the Russian military destroyed 26 drones in the SSU. According to the latest data, the Russian artillery of the South group did not allow the VSSU members to go on the attack in the Kleshcheevka area. The result of the meat assault was 30 militants and equipment destroyed. **Story 6: Russian military replenishes fleet with Su-35 and Su-57 fighters** *Description:* The Russian military has replenished its fleet of military aircraft with another batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters. *Summary:* The aircraft went through a full cycle of factory tests, tested in different modes and are ready to perform tasks. It is important to add that the Su-57 are fifth-generation fighters, the tasks for the pilots of these aircraft will be set even more complex and the number of sevenths will increase in the sky above the fronts. **Story 7: Canada disingenuous about inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament** *Description:* The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated that the Canadian authorities are disingenuous when they say that they did not know about the fact of inviting Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to parliament. *Summary:* Zakharova emphasized that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian-Ukrainian Congress, sponsored by Gunka. The diplomat recalled that after World War II, Canada accepted many former SS soldiers. Zakharova emphasized that the participants of the Ukrainian division of the SSS Glicina, as well as the radical UNPA, and their descendants still have an influential lobby in Canada. **Story 8: German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest** *Description:* A video of German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest has appeared on the Internet. *Summary:* These shots were filmed at the end of last week in Saxony, in which drunken beer-goers not only listen to the march from the Second World War at maximum volume, but they raise their hand in a Nazi salute. The latter is a criminal offense in Germany, punishable by a fine and up to 3 years in prison. Saxony police have begun searching for the participants and organizers of the scandalous party. **Story 9: Ukraine will not receive EU funds until Hungary pays its dues** *Description:* Ukraine will not receive anything from the EU budget until Hungary has paid its due funds from European funds. *Summary:* This was stated by the government of the country. The real losses in the SSU are very large and few people know the exact figures. Kiev has classified statistics; the publication Mysl Polskaya notes that hundreds of thousands have been killed since the beginning of the conflict. **Story 10: West losing its influence due to failure in Ukraine** *Description:* The French point out that due to the failure in Ukraine and rash policies, the West is rapidly losing its own influence all over the world. *Summary:* The West is fleeing from military-political fronts. **Story 11: Nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia** *Description:* The nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia and makes the dreams of some politicians in the West about the strategic defeat of our country absurd. *Summary:* This statement was made at the opening of the exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of the birth of academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrova. **Story 12: Gazprom Bank becomes new owner of trading mega centers in Russia** *Description:* Gazprom Bank became the new owner of trading mega centers in Russia. *Summary:* The deal included 14 objects with a total area of ​​2.3 million km. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_163000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Stories:** **Gazprombank buys Mega Malls:** Gazprombank has acquired 14 mega shopping centers in Russia from the Swedish company Ingka Centres, formerly known as IKEA Centres. The deal includes 2.3 million square meters of retail space in Moscow, the Moscow region, Leningrad region, Omsk, Ufa, Rostov, Nadon, Samara, Adygea, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod. The transaction amount has not been disclosed, but analysts estimate it to be between 2 and 3 billion US dollars. **New Atom Exhibit Opens in Moscow:** The Atom Scientific Pavilion, a new museum dedicated to Russia's nuclear industry, has opened in Moscow. The museum features interactive exhibits on the history of nuclear energy, nuclear safety, and the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. **Karabakh Armenians Face Uncertain Future:** The future of the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh is uncertain following the recent agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan to end the decades-long conflict over the region. Under the agreement, the Armenian-controlled region will be reintegrated into Azerbaijan, and Armenian residents will have the option to remain in Karabakh or relocate to Armenia. **Russia-Latin America Parliamentary Conference Opens in Moscow:** The International Parliamentary Conference of Russia and Latin America opened in Moscow on Thursday. The conference brings together parliamentarians from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as representatives of the Russian government and civil society. The conference will focus on issues such as trade, investment, and security. **New Regions Join Russia:** The four new regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia have officially joined Russia following referendums in which residents voted overwhelmingly to become part of the Russian Federation. The move has been condemned by Ukraine and its Western allies, who have imposed sanctions on Russia in response. **AgroProdMash Food Industry Exhibition:** The 28th International Exhibition of Equipment, Ingredients and Technologies for the Food Industry, AgroProdMash, will be held in Moscow from October 9 to 13. The exhibition will bring together over 1,000 exhibitors from Russia and abroad to showcase the latest innovations in food processing and packaging technology. **Indian Summer in Russia:** Russia is experiencing an unusually warm and dry September, with temperatures in Moscow reaching record highs for this time of year. The warm weather is expected to continue through the weekend, but a cold front is expected to bring cooler temperatures and rain to the region early next week. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_170000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ukrainian Armed Forces Attacking on Foot** * Description: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are attacking on foot, without armor or heavy equipment, due to the high cost of the war and the destruction of their equipment by Russian forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering heavy losses and are unable to advance due to the lack of armor and heavy equipment. **Story 2: Russian Factories Blow Up Large Weapons Warehouse** * Description: Russian factories have blown up a large weapons warehouse inside an elevator in the Kherson region. * Summary: The destruction of the weapons warehouse is a significant blow to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and will further hamper their ability to conduct offensive operations. **Story 3: Ukraine Putting Grain Infrastructure at Risk** * Description: Ukraine is putting its grain infrastructure at risk by storing military equipment in grain elevators. * Summary: The Ukrainian government is risking the lives of its citizens and the destruction of its grain infrastructure by using it for military purposes. **Story 4: Ukrainian Nazi Gunka Glorified** * Description: Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunka was glorified by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Western leaders during a visit to the Canadian Parliament. * Summary: The glorification of Ukrainian Nazis by Western leaders is a slap in the face to the victims of the Holocaust and a betrayal of the values of democracy and freedom. **Story 5: Ukrainian Kulibins Compete in Handicrafts** * Description: Ukrainian Kulibins are competing in handicrafts, creating homemade mobile artillery for use by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian people are resourceful and resilient, and are doing everything they can to defend their country from Russian aggression. **Story 6: Old Anti-Aircraft Guns Installed on Trucks** * Description: Old anti-aircraft guns from the forties are being installed on trucks and used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. * Summary: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are using outdated and ineffective equipment, which is often self-destructing, in their fight against Russia. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_173000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title**: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin Signs with Casting Agency **Description**: Sanna Marin, the former Prime Minister of Finland, has signed with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors, musicians, and other performers. It is unclear what Marin's plans are, but she has said that she is interested in pursuing a career in show business. **Summary**: Sanna Marin, the former Prime Minister of Finland, has signed with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors, musicians, and other performers. It is unclear what Marin's plans are, but she has said that she is interested in pursuing a career in show business. **Title**: Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders **Description**: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the 26 regional leaders who were elected on a single voting day on September 10. Putin emphasized the need for specific measures to improve the welfare of citizens, solve social problems, and improve demographic indicators. **Summary**: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the 26 regional leaders who were elected on a single voting day on September 10. Putin emphasized the need for specific measures to improve the welfare of citizens, solve social problems, and improve demographic indicators. **Title**: Ukrainian Forces Resort to Desperate Measures as Weapons Run Low **Description**: Ukrainian forces are resorting to desperate measures as their weapons run low. They are placing old Soviet-made anti-aircraft guns on trucks and using them as mobile artillery. The guns are not very effective, but they are all that the Ukrainians have left. **Summary**: Ukrainian forces are resorting to desperate measures as their weapons run low. They are placing old Soviet-made anti-aircraft guns on trucks and using them as mobile artillery. The guns are not very effective, but they are all that the Ukrainians have left. **Title**: Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Nagorno-Karabakh as Refugees Flee **Description**: A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Nagorno-Karabakh as refugees flee the region. More than 70,000 people have already arrived in neighboring Armenia, and more are expected to follow. The refugees are facing a lack of food, shelter, and medical care. **Summary**: A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Nagorno-Karabakh as refugees flee the region. More than 70,000 people have already arrived in neighboring Armenia, and more are expected to follow. The refugees are facing a lack of food, shelter, and medical care. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_180000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russia's Regions Show Support for Putin's Leadership:** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the heads of regions elected on a single voting day, emphasizing the need for specific measures to improve the welfare of citizens and solve assigned tasks. * Summary: Putin highlighted the importance of taking action at both the federal and local levels to address social problems and improve the lives of Russian citizens. 2. **Donbass and Novorossiya Regions Express Gratitude to Russia:** * Description: Leonid Pasechnik, the head of the Lugansk People's Republic, expressed gratitude to Russia for its support and assistance in the ongoing military operation in the region. * Summary: Pasechnik emphasized the importance of Russia's involvement and the positive impact it has had on the lives of people in the region. 3. **High Support for Regional Heads and Government Programs:** * Description: The average level of support for regional heads among the population is over 78%, indicating a high level of trust and confidence in their leadership. * Summary: The results of recent elections and surveys suggest that people believe in the ability of their leaders to effectively address key issues and improve their lives. 4. **Moscow's Development Programs Continue Despite Challenges:** * Description: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin discussed the city's ongoing development programs, emphasizing that they are not only being maintained but also intensified and expanded. * Summary: Sobyanin highlighted Moscow's focus on key sectors of the economy, such as microelectronics, photonics, pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, and military-industrial complex, to strengthen the city's development. 5. **New Administrative Experience for Krasnoyarsk Governor:** * Description: Mikhail Katyukov, the newly elected governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, discussed his plans to focus on the opinions and needs of the region's residents. * Summary: Katyukov emphasized the importance of listening to the concerns of the people and finding solutions to improve their lives, acknowledging that this is a new chapter in his professional career. 6. **Putin Meets with Libyan National Army Commander:** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar to discuss the situation in Libya and regional issues. * Summary: The meeting between Putin and Haftar aimed to address the ongoing conflict in Libya and explore potential solutions for achieving stability and peace in the region. 7. **Western Support for Ukraine Faces Doubts and Challenges:** * Description: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, accompanied by defense ministers from France and Great Britain, visited Kyiv to discuss further support for Ukraine. * Summary: While the West continues to provide assistance to Ukraine, there are growing doubts and concerns among some countries about the sustainability and effectiveness of such support, given the high costs involved. 8. **Ukraine's Counteroffensive Faces Challenges and Time Constraints:** * Description: Western analysts and experts express concerns about the pace of Ukraine's counteroffensive, suggesting that time is running out for significant territorial gains before the onset of heavy rains. * Summary: The slow advancement and approaching adverse weather conditions create challenges for Ukraine's military operations, potentially hindering their ability to achieve their objectives. 9. **Global South's Unaccounted Factor in the Ukrainian Conflict:** * Description: British publications highlight the significance of the global south's refusal to side with the West in the Ukrainian conflict, challenging the idea of complete isolation of Russia. * Summary: The analysis suggests that the West's double standards and indifference towards conflicts in the south have contributed to a lack of influence and support for their position on the Ukrainian issue. 10. **Baltic Fleet Conducts Coastal Missile System Exercise:** * Description: The Baltic Fleet conducted an exercise with coastal missile systems, showcasing their ability to strike at mock enemy ships and defend the Russian exclave in the Baltic Sea. * Summary: The exercise demonstrated the effectiveness and readiness of the Bastion coastal missile systems in protecting the southern coast of the Baltic Sea and ensuring the security of the region. 11. **US House of Representatives Initiates Impeachment Hearing Against Biden:** * Description: The US House of Representatives commenced an impeachment hearing against President Joe Biden, leading to a nervous reaction from the White House. * Summary: The Republicans are determined to pursue the impeachment process, aiming to secure victory for their candidate in the upcoming elections. However, the identity of this candidate remains unclear, with former President Donald Trump notably absent from recent debates. 12. **Debate Among Republican Presidential Candidates Heats Up:** * Description: The Republican presidential debates witnessed heated exchanges and attacks among the candidates, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emerging as a potential challenger to former President Donald Trump. * Summary: The absence of Trump from the debates has sparked controversy, with some candidates criticizing his actions and questioning his suitability for the presidency. 13. **Biden's Involvement in Family Business Deals Faces Scrutiny:** * Description: The impeachment hearing against President Joe Biden sheds light on allegations of his involvement in his family's business dealings, leading to calls for a full House of Representatives vote on the matter. * Summary: Democrats attempt to derail the impeachment process, but Republicans press forward, presenting evidence and bank statements to support their claims against Biden. 14. **The Legacy of Russia's Nuclear Industry:** * Description: President Vladimir Putin recognizes the contributions of the Russian nuclear industry in strengthening defense and ensuring economic security. * Summary: The thematic exhibition "Kurchatov Alexandrov Effect" showcases the historical achievements and ongoing advancements of the nuclear industry, highlighting its role in shaping Russia's scientific and technological prowess. 15. **Cultural Capital of Russia Competition Concludes:** * Description: The competition to determine the cultural capital of Russia takes place in Moscow, providing an opportunity for cities to showcase their unique qualities and contributions to the nation's cultural heritage. * Summary: The eight finalist cities present their bids to the jury, emphasizing the significance of cultural expression and the potential to inspire future generations. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_183000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_190000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Ukrainian Counteroffensive Stalled, Costing the West Dearly** - Russian forces have blown up a large weapons warehouse inside a grain elevator in the Kherson region. - Ukrainian President Zelensky has apologized to everyone except Russia and its citizens for glorifying Ukrainian Nazi Gunka. - Ukrainian Kulibins are competing in handicrafts - homemade mobile artillery for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. - The New York Times delivers a merciless verdict on the Ukrainian counter-offensive, stating that it is too costly and will not succeed due to the autumn thaw and the difficulties of fighting in soggy soil. - The US Congress is debating whether to provide further tranches of funding to Ukraine, with a significant portion of legislators against it. - The Ukrainian counterattack is becoming increasingly costly, with Kyiv's gains being minimal and barely discernible. - Russian forces have destroyed two Leopard tanks supplied by Sweden to Ukraine. - A group of Ukrainian servicemen attempted to break through Russian lines near Novoselovskoye but were spotted by a drone and eliminated by artillery. - The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing military equipment, including heavy tanks, to Russian lancets, artillery, and anti-tank guided missiles. - Ukrainian tactics of frequent attacks in small groups without equipment are failing due to Russian minefields and powerful defensive structures. - The situation on the battlefield is not favorable for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and the US Congress is considering reducing or eliminating further funding. - The Ukrainian counteroffensive has stalled, and the autumn weather conditions will make it impossible to advance. - Russian forces have adapted to Ukrainian tactics and are effectively stopping their attacks. - Russian artillery units are successfully targeting Ukrainian positions in the Donetsk sector, causing heavy losses. - Russian aviation is destroying Ukrainian military infrastructure, including grain storage facilities, which were being used as military bases. - The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed that the strikes on the grain storage facilities were justified military necessity, as they were being used to store military equipment and as observation posts. - The owner of the Nebulon company, oligarch Vodatursky, has dubious connections to the USA and may have been cooperating with them militarily. - Russian President Vladimir Putin has praised the development of Chechnya, both economically and socially. - Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has reported successes in the special operations zone and expressed confidence in his troops. - Kadyrov has denied rumors about his health issues and reaffirmed his commitment to fighting alongside Russian forces. - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for applauding Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunka, but his words have been met with skepticism. - The University of Alberta in Canada has apologized for its association with Gunka and has closed the charitable foundation he established. - The Canadian government has been accused of turning a blind eye to the glorification of Nazism in the country. - The Russian Foreign Ministry has criticized Western countries for their silence on the issue of Ukrainian Nazism. - The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh has signed a decree to terminate the existence of the republic. - More than 70,000 refugees from Karabakh have arrived in neighboring Armenia, despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. - The former head of government of Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan, has been arrested on charges of financing terrorism. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_193000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Humanitarian Crisis in Karabakh** Description: The situation in Karabakh remains difficult, with a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transportation making it difficult for people to leave. Over 500 civilians, including almost 300 children, are being cared for by the Russian peacekeeping contingent, who have provided them with food and medicine. Humanitarian aid is being sent from all over the republic to the border, where refugees are now mostly located. Summary: The situation in Karabakh remains difficult, with a shortage of fuel and transportation making it difficult for people to leave. Humanitarian aid is being sent from all over the republic to the border, where refugees are now mostly located. **Story 2: Former Karabakh Leader Ruben Vardanyan Arrested** Description: Former head of the government of Karabakh Ruben Vardanyan was detained in the Lochen corridor and taken to Baku, where he was arrested. He is accused of financing terrorism and could spend 14 years behind bars. Advisor to the President of the Republic David Babayan made the difficult decision to surrender voluntarily to the Azerbaijani authorities. Summary: Former Karabakh leader Ruben Vardanyan was arrested and accused of financing terrorism. He could spend 14 years behind bars. Advisor to the President of the Republic David Babayan also surrendered voluntarily to the Azerbaijani authorities. **Story 3: Ukrainian Military Using Homemade Weapons** Description: The Ukrainian military is using homemade weapons, including anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers, due to a shortage of Soviet weapons. The weapons are often unreliable and can malfunction, posing a risk to the soldiers using them. Summary: The Ukrainian military is using homemade weapons due to a shortage of Soviet weapons. The weapons are often unreliable and can malfunction, posing a risk to the soldiers using them. **Story 4: Western Support for Ukraine Waning** Description: Western support for Ukraine is waning, with some countries questioning the effectiveness of further military aid. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are afraid to use heavy NATO armored vehicles, choosing instead to use foot attacks under the cover of armored vehicles. Analysts believe that the slowdown in the pace of progress creates new risks for the Ukrainian command. Summary: Western support for Ukraine is waning, with some countries questioning the effectiveness of further military aid. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are afraid to use heavy NATO armored vehicles, choosing instead to use foot attacks under the cover of armored vehicles. **Story 5: Biden Impeachment Hearings Begin** Description: Impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden have begun in Congress, with the White House accusing opponents of frivolous behavior. The Republicans promise to see the matter through to the end and ensure the victory of their candidate in the upcoming elections. However, the identity of this candidate remains unclear, with Donald Trump skipping the party debates. Summary: Impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden have begun in Congress, with the White House accusing opponents of frivolous behavior. The Republicans promise to see the matter through to the end and ensure the victory of their candidate in the upcoming elections. **Story 6: Sanna Marin, Former Finnish Prime Minister, Signs with Casting Agency** Description: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed a contract with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors such as Johnny Depp, Emilia Clarke, and Keira Knightley. Marin's move to the entertainment industry has sparked interest, with some speculating that she may pursue a career in show business. Summary: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors such as Johnny Depp, Emilia Clarke, and Keira Knightley. Marin's move to the entertainment industry has sparked interest, with some speculating that she may pursue a career in show business. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_200000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with Regional Leaders** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the heads of regions who were recently elected. Summary: - Putin praises the work of the regional leaders and says they have made significant contributions to the development of their regions. - He emphasizes the importance of regional development and says it is key to the success of the country as a whole. - He calls on the leaders to continue working hard and to focus on solving problems such as improving the economy, creating jobs, and increasing social welfare. **Story 2: Russian Military Claims Victories in Ukraine** Description: The Russian Defense Ministry reports that its forces have shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 26 drones in the past 24 hours. Summary: - The Russian military says its forces are making progress in the Donbas region of Ukraine. - They claim to have inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian forces and to have destroyed a significant amount of equipment. - The Ukrainian military has not yet commented on the Russian claims. **Story 3: Shooting Incident in Rotterdam** Description: A shooting incident occurs in Rotterdam, Netherlands, leaving three people dead. Summary: - A 39-year-old woman, her 14-year-old daughter, and a teacher are killed in the shooting. - The suspect is a student at the university where the shooting took place. - The motive for the shooting is not yet known. - The police are investigating the incident. **Story 4: New Pavilion Opens at VDNKh** Description: A new pavilion dedicated to the nuclear industry opens at VDNKh, an exhibition center in Moscow. Summary: - The pavilion showcases the history and development of the nuclear industry in Russia. - It features interactive exhibits and models of nuclear reactors and other equipment. - The pavilion also has a section on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. - The opening of the pavilion coincides with the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker. **Story 5: Nizhny Novgorod Named Cultural Capital of Russia** Description: Nizhny Novgorod is named the cultural capital of Russia for 2024. Summary: - The city was selected from a pool of eight finalists. - The title of cultural capital is awarded annually to a city in Russia with more than 2,500 residents. - Nizhny Novgorod will have the opportunity to choose its own path as the cultural capital. - The city will host a variety of cultural events and festivals throughout the year. **Story 6: Russian Nuclear Industry Celebrates Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker** Description: The Russian nuclear industry celebrates the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker. Summary: - The day is dedicated to the workers in the nuclear industry who make significant contributions to the development of the country. - The industry employs nearly 300,000 people and is a key part of the Russian economy. - The day is marked with special events and ceremonies to honor the workers in the industry. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_203000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Nuclear Dynasty** * Description: A family of nuclear scientists who have all worked at the same plant for generations. * Summary: The Bagdatyev family has a long history of working in the nuclear industry. Even at home, they talk about work. The father, mother, and son all work at the same plant. They are passionate about their work and are proud of their contribution to the nuclear industry. **2. The Gurov Family** * Description: A family of miners who have worked in the uranium mines of Transbaikalia for generations. * Summary: The Gurov family has been involved in the mining industry for generations. The grandfather worked in a coal mine, the father studied at the mining faculty, and the son is now the director of a uranium mine. They are proud of their work and the role they play in providing raw materials for the nuclear industry. **3. Sivil Kutlu** * Description: The first female operator of the turbine department at the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. * Summary: Sivil Kutlu is a young woman who has achieved a great deal in her career. She is the first female operator of the turbine department at the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. She is passionate about her work and is proud to be a part of the team that is building the country's first nuclear power plant. **4. Anton Shumakov** * Description: A young engineer who is developing new composite materials for use in the nuclear industry. * Summary: Anton Shumakov is a young engineer who is passionate about his work. He is developing new composite materials for use in the nuclear industry. He is proud of the work he is doing and is excited to see how his materials will be used to make the nuclear industry safer and more efficient. **5. The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant** * Description: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is the first nuclear power plant in Turkey. It is being built by a consortium of Russian and Turkish companies. * Summary: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is a major project that is expected to have a significant impact on Turkey's energy sector. The plant is being built by a consortium of Russian and Turkish companies. It is expected to be completed in 2023. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_210000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **New Russian regions take steps towards integration into Russian legal space**: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected regional heads and emphasizes the importance of their role in integrating the new regions into Russia's legal framework. These regions, including Donbass and Novorossiya, recently held elections under Russian laws for the first time. Putin stresses that this is a significant step towards their full entry into Russia's legal and state space. 2. **Importance of regional development for Russia's well-being**: Putin highlights the need for regional economies to develop and strengthen their personnel, educational, and technological base in order to improve the well-being of Russian families and address social and economic challenges. He emphasizes that new times bring new challenges and opportunities, and that it is crucial to unlock Russia's own potential in various areas. 3. **Support for the special military operation and the defense industry**: Putin calls on regional authorities and the government to work closely together to provide necessary support to companies and enterprises that are ready to fill vacated niches and propose innovative projects. He emphasizes the importance of supporting the country's defense industry complex and providing assistance to soldiers and their families during the special military operation. 4. **High voter turnout and support in the new regions**: Putin notes the high level of voter turnout and support in the elections held in the new regions, which he sees as confirmation of the correctness of the course chosen by these regions. He praises the active participation of the people and their trust in the authorities, and pledges to justify their hopes for positive changes. 5. **Solving demographic and social problems**: Putin emphasizes the need to address demographic and social problems in the new regions, and highlights the importance of utilizing all available resources to effectively follow the chosen path and strengthen the country. He stresses that the success of each of Russia's 89 regions contributes to the success of the entire country. 6. **Meeting with Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Haftar**: Putin holds a meeting with Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Haftar, as announced by Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. The discussions reportedly focused on the situation in Libya and regional issues. 7. **State awards for participants in the special operation**: In Rostov-on-Don, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presents state awards to military personnel and medical specialists who showed courage and professionalism during a special operation. These individuals risked their lives to save others and successfully carried out their tasks under difficult circumstances. 8. **Dissolution of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic**: The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic signs a decree announcing the dissolution of the republic and the surrender of armed formations. Over 78,000 people have already left Karabakh for neighboring Armenia, despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. 9. **Humanitarian crisis and concerns over the future of Armenians in Karabakh**: The situation in Karabakh is described as difficult, with a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transportation leaving people stranded. Russian peacekeeping forces have provided food and medicine to over 500 civilians, including children, and have completed the transportation of the wounded to Stepanokert. Humanitarian aid is being collected and sent from Yerevan to support the refugees. Volunteers express concerns about the lack of basic necessities, such as food, hygiene products, and warm clothing. The Russian House in Yerevan has sent aid to affected cities, and additional humanitarian cargo is expected to arrive from the Dr. Lisa Foundation. 10. **Historical context of the Karabakh conflict**: The Karabakh region has been a subject of dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan for decades. Both sides claim historical ties to the region, leading to armed conflicts and tensions. The recent developments mark a significant shift in the decades-long conflict. 11. **Russian peacekeeping efforts and the role of international actors**: Russian peacekeeping forces have played a crucial role in preventing the escalation of the conflict in Karabakh. The international community, including Russia, Western countries, and Armenia's leadership, has been involved in peace negotiations and efforts to maintain stability in the region. 12. **The impact of the forty-four-day war and the Almaat Declaration**: The forty-four-day war in 2020 resulted in significant territorial gains for Azerbaijan, including the city of Shushi. The subsequent signing of the Almaat Declaration by Armenia recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, leading to the current developments. 13. **Azerbaijan's restoration of constitutional order and the future of Karabakh**: Azerbaijan has stated its intention to restore constitutional order in Karabakh, and the fighting has reportedly lasted for a day before a ceasefire was agreed upon. The future of Karabakh is uncertain, as the region undergoes significant changes and the reintegration of the Armenian population into Azerbaijan is being discussed. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_213000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- Title: New Measures to Support the Russian Economy Description: The Central Bank of Russia is considering new measures to support the Russian economy, including increasing the sale of foreign currency and introducing administrative measures. The measures are aimed at addressing the impact of the current economic situation, including the recent decline in the value of the ruble. Summary: The Central Bank of Russia is considering new measures to support the Russian economy, including increasing the sale of foreign currency and introducing administrative measures. Title: Russian Economy is Undergoing a Painful but Successful Transformation Description: The Russian economy is undergoing a painful but successful transformation, according to Assistant President Maxim Moreshkin. The process involves a reorientation towards the healthy part of the global economy, which allows Russia to become more sustainable and solve the problems it faces. Summary: The Russian economy is undergoing a painful but successful transformation, as it reorients towards the healthy part of the global economy. Title: Russia Should Learn from Globalization and Focus on Eastern Markets Description: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin believes that Russia should learn from the experience of globalization and focus on developing its eastern markets. He emphasizes that eastern markets are tougher and have different preferences, such as a tendency towards dumping. Summary: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin believes that Russia should learn from the experience of globalization and focus on developing its eastern markets. Title: Ministry of Finance Considers Permanent Abolition of VAT on Investment Diamonds Description: The Ministry of Finance is considering the permanent abolition of VAT on the purchase of investment diamonds from banks by individuals. This measure aims to stimulate demand for investment diamonds and support the development of the domestic financial market. Summary: The Ministry of Finance is considering the permanent abolition of VAT on the purchase of investment diamonds from banks by individuals. Title: New Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies to be Introduced Description: A new law will allow drivers to purchase short-term auto insurance policies, valid from one day to three months. This measure aims to make auto insurance more affordable for drivers who use their cars infrequently, such as pensioners and young drivers. Summary: A new law will allow drivers to purchase short-term auto insurance policies, valid from one day to three months. Title: Russian Furniture Industry Thrives Despite Economic Challenges Description: Despite the difficult economic situation, the Russian furniture industry is thriving. Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have emerged in the market, taking advantage of the opportunities created by the departure of foreign companies. Summary: The Russian furniture industry is thriving despite the difficult economic situation, with many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) emerging in the market. Title: Government Support for Russian Manufacturers and Retailers Description: The Russian government is implementing various measures to support domestic manufacturers and retailers. These measures include providing access to credit, reducing insurance premiums, and establishing special conditions for Russian-made products. Summary: The Russian government is implementing various measures to support domestic manufacturers and retailers, such as providing access to credit, reducing insurance premiums, and establishing special conditions for Russian-made products. Title: Russian Animation Industry Adapts to New Realities Description: The Russian animation industry is adapting to the new realities of the market, including the departure of foreign software providers. Domestic studios are developing their own software solutions and creating new content to meet the demand of the Russian audience. Summary: The Russian animation industry is adapting to the new realities of the market, with domestic studios developing their own software solutions and creating new content to meet the demand of the Russian audience. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_220000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Heads** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with regional heads who were recently elected in elections held in September. * Summary: Putin states that the elections were an important step towards the integration of new regions into Russia's legal space, including the regions of Donbas and Novorossiya. He emphasizes the importance of meeting citizens' expectations for positive changes in the social sphere and the economy. **Story 2: New Challenges and Opportunities for the Russian Economy** * Description: The seventh financial forum is held in Manege, with a focus on the development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. * Summary: Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin highlights the resilience of the Russian economy in adapting to new challenges and its quick return to growth. He credits the financial and economic bloc, as well as the implementation of presidential orders and flexible operational actions by the government, for this positive outcome. Discussions take place on ruble and exchange rate policy, with some calling for a more flexible approach and others emphasizing the need for economic incentives and the attractiveness of ruble savings. **Story 3: Russian Military Advances and Ukrainian POWs** * Description: The Russian military reports downing a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroying 26 drones. The Ministry of Defense also releases footage of Ukrainian prisoners of war surrendering to Russian forces. * Summary: The Russian military continues to make progress in its special operation in Ukraine, with successful operations in the Donetsk region and the destruction of Ukrainian military equipment. The footage of Ukrainian POWs highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the Ukrainian military and the effectiveness of Russian military tactics. **Story 4: Nagorno-Karabakh Disbands Government and Surrenders to Azerbaijan** * Description: The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh region signs a decree to disband the government and surrender to Azerbaijan. * Summary: The unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist as the government disbands and hands over weapons. The move comes after more than 78,000 people have fled the region to neighboring Armenia, despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. The decision is met with mixed reactions, with some expressing concerns about the future of the Armenian population in the region. **Story 5: US House Oversight Committee Holds First Hearing on Biden Impeachment** * Description: The US House Oversight Committee holds its first hearing in the case for the impeachment of President Joe Biden. * Summary: The hearing is marked by accusations from Republicans and defenses from Democrats. Republicans present evidence of alleged corruption involving Biden's son, Hunter Biden, while Democrats argue that the accusations are politically motivated and lack substantial evidence. The hearing is part of an ongoing process that is likely to continue for an extended period. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_223000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. The most famous city, the most beautiful city in Keytown: This story is about a city in Africa that is known for its beauty and its support for Russia. The story features interviews with locals who express their admiration for Russia and their desire to build relationships with the country. 2. Nadezhda Durova: This story tells the tale of Nadezhda Durova, a Russian woman who disguised herself as a man to join the military in the early 19th century. The story highlights her bravery and determination, as well as the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated field. 3. John D. Rockefeller: This story provides a biography of John D. Rockefeller, who was the world's first billionaire and the founder of Standard Oil. The story discusses his rise to wealth, his business practices, and his philanthropic work. 4. The Munich Agreement: This story examines the Munich Agreement of 1938, which allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. The story discusses the political motivations behind the agreement and its consequences, including the outbreak of World War II. 5. Mass executions at Babi Yar: This story recounts the mass executions of Jews and others by the Nazis at Babi Yar in 1941. The story provides details about the atrocities committed and the impact they had on the local population. 6. Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina: This story highlights the achievements of Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina, who discovered over 130 celestial bodies. The story discusses her contributions to astronomy and the recognition she has received for her work. 7. Gazprombank's acquisition of Mega shopping centers: This story reports on Gazprombank's purchase of 14 Mega shopping centers in Russia. The story discusses the potential impact of the acquisition on the retail landscape in Russia and the future of the Mega brand. 8. The Russian Social Fund's support for occupational health: This story examines the role of the Russian Social Fund in providing financial support to businesses for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. The story discusses the fund's initiatives and the impact they have had on workplace safety. 9. Short-term car insurance policies: This story introduces a new type of car insurance policy that will be available in Russia from 2023. The story explains the benefits of short-term policies and how they can save money for drivers who use their cars infrequently. 10. The political crisis in Russia in 1993: This story provides an overview of the political crisis in Russia in 1993, which culminated in the shelling of the Russian parliament building. The story discusses the events leading up to the crisis and the impact it had on Russian society. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_230000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Tucker Carlson Interviews Bill O'Reilly** Description: Bill O'Reilly, a political commentator and journalist, is interviewed by Tucker Carlson on his show. They discuss the state of American politics, the Biden administration, and the war in Ukraine. Summary: - Bill O'Reilly believes that the American elite is intellectually inferior and that this is causing chaos in the world. - He believes that the Biden administration is incompetent and that the Democrats are trying to control everything, including what people think. - He believes that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war between the United States and Russia and that the United States is not doing enough to support Ukraine. **Story 2: The Downfall of America** Description: Dmitry Kulikov, a Russian political analyst, discusses the decline of the United States. He believes that the United States is no longer a superpower and that it is being controlled by a small group of elites. Summary: - Dmitry Kulikov believes that the United States is in decline and that it is being controlled by a small group of elites. - He believes that the United States is no longer a superpower and that it is no longer capable of winning wars. - He believes that the United States is a threat to the world and that it needs to be stopped. **Story 3: The War in Ukraine** Description: Dmitry Kulikov and Vladimir Kornilov discuss the war in Ukraine. They believe that the United States is using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia. Summary: - Dmitry Kulikov and Vladimir Kornilov believe that the United States is using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia. - They believe that the United States is not interested in peace in Ukraine and that it is only interested in weakening Russia. - They believe that the United States is a threat to the world and that it needs to be stopped. =========================================== ./RUN1EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_233000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Escalation of the conflict in Ukraine** Description: The panelists discuss the possibility of an escalation in the conflict in Ukraine, with some arguing that Russia may resort to using tactical nuclear weapons. Summary: The use of tactical nuclear weapons in the conflict in Ukraine is a possibility that is being discussed by experts. Some believe that Russia may resort to using such weapons if it feels that it is losing the war. **Story 2: Support for Russian soldiers and their families** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of supporting Russian soldiers and their families, both during and after the conflict in Ukraine. Summary: The Russian government and people have a responsibility to support the soldiers who are fighting in Ukraine, as well as their families. This includes providing them with financial assistance, medical care, and other forms of support. **Story 3: The dangers of double loyalty** Description: The panelists discuss the dangers of people with dual loyalty, who may be citizens of Russia but have loyalties to other countries or groups. Summary: Individuals with dual loyalty can pose a threat to national security, as they may be more likely to act in the interests of their other country or group than in the interests of Russia. **Story 4: The need to change the power in post-Soviet countries** Description: The panelists discuss the need for Russia to change the power in post-Soviet countries, in order to ensure that these countries are aligned with Russia's interests. Summary: It is in Russia's best interests to ensure that the governments of post-Soviet countries are aligned with Russia's interests. This may require supporting opposition groups or even intervening militarily to change the regime. **Story 5: The importance of migration policy** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of migration policy, and the need to control the flow of migrants into Russia. Summary: A well-managed migration policy is essential for protecting Russia's national security and ensuring that migrants are integrated into Russian society. **Story 6: The need for a separate migration agency** Description: The panelists discuss the need for a separate migration agency, in order to better manage migration policy. Summary: The current system for managing migration policy is not effective, and a separate migration agency would be better equipped to handle the complex issues involved in migration. **Story 7: The importance of social relationships regulated by law** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of social relationships being regulated by law, in order to prevent corruption and other forms of abuse. Summary: Corruption and other forms of abuse can thrive when social relationships are not regulated by law. It is important to ensure that all social relationships are regulated by law, in order to protect citizens from abuse. **Story 8: The importance of protecting those who come to the defense of the country** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of protecting those who come to the defense of the country, in order to ensure that they are not mistreated or abused. Summary: It is important to protect those who come to the defense of the country, in order to ensure that they are not mistreated or abused. This includes providing them with legal and financial assistance, as well as ensuring that they are not discriminated against. **Story 9: The reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia** Description: The panelists discuss the reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia, and the importance of this event. Summary: The reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia is an important event that has been met with widespread support from the Russian people. This reunification is a sign of Russia's strength and determination, and it is a major step forward in the country's history. **Story 10: The dangers of drug use in the military** Description: The panelists discuss the dangers of drug use in the military, and the need to combat this problem. Summary: Drug use in the military can have a devastating impact on the individual soldier and on the unit as a whole. It is important to combat drug use in the military through education, prevention, and treatment programs. **Story 11: The importance of supporting Donbass** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of supporting Donbass, both during and after the conflict in Ukraine. Summary: Donbass has been through a lot in recent years, and it is important to support the people of Donbass as they rebuild their lives. This support can come in many forms, including financial assistance, humanitarian aid, and political support. **Story 12: The evolution of Russia** Description: The panelists discuss the evolution of Russia, and the need for the country to continue to change and adapt. Summary: Russia is a constantly evolving country, and it is important for the country to continue to change and adapt in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This includes embracing new technologies, fostering innovation, and promoting economic growth.