=========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_000000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: The Future of the World Order** Description: The story discusses the future of the world order and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It explores the idea that the world is moving away from a unipolar order dominated by the United States towards a more multipolar order with multiple centers of power. The story also discusses the rise of China and its implications for the global balance of power, as well as the potential for conflict and cooperation between the United States and China. Summary: The story argues that the world is becoming more complex and that there is no longer a single dominant power. The United States is facing challenges from China and other emerging powers, and the world is becoming more multipolar. The story also discusses the potential for conflict and cooperation between the United States and China, and the need for the United States to adapt to the changing global order. **Story 2: The United States' Global Strategy** Description: The story discusses the United States' global strategy and its efforts to maintain its dominance in the world. It examines the United States' military presence around the world, its economic and political alliances, and its use of soft power to influence other countries. The story also discusses the challenges that the United States faces in maintaining its global dominance, such as the rise of China, the increasing power of regional powers, and the spread of terrorism. Summary: The story argues that the United States is facing a number of challenges to its global dominance. China is rising in power and challenging the United States' economic and military dominance. Regional powers such as Russia and Iran are also becoming more assertive, and the spread of terrorism is creating new threats to the United States. The story also discusses the need for the United States to adapt its global strategy to meet these challenges. **Story 3: The Role of the Military in Russian History** Description: The story discusses the role of the military in Russian history, from the time of the Tsars to the present day. It examines the military's role in politics, its relationship with the state, and its impact on Russian society. The story also discusses the challenges that the military has faced in recent years, such as the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of terrorism. Summary: The story argues that the military has played a significant role in Russian history, both positive and negative. On the one hand, the military has been responsible for defending Russia from foreign invasion and maintaining internal order. On the other hand, the military has also been responsible for repression and violence. The story also discusses the challenges that the military has faced in recent years, and the need for the military to adapt to the changing times. **Story 4: The Tragedy of the Soviet Union** Description: The story discusses the tragedy of the Soviet Union, from its rise to power to its collapse. It examines the causes of the Soviet Union's collapse, such as the economic problems, the political repression, and the rise of nationalism. The story also discusses the impact of the Soviet Union's collapse on Russia and the world. Summary: The story argues that the Soviet Union's collapse was a tragedy for Russia and the world. The Soviet Union was a major power, and its collapse created a power vacuum that has led to instability and conflict in the region. The story also discusses the economic and social problems that Russia has faced since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the need for Russia to find a new path forward. **Story 5: The Future of Russia** Description: The story discusses the future of Russia and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It examines Russia's economic and political problems, its relations with the West, and its role in the world. The story also discusses the potential for Russia to become a great power again, and the need for Russia to find a new path forward. Summary: The story argues that Russia faces a number of challenges and opportunities in the future. Russia's economy is in trouble, and its political system is corrupt and inefficient. Russia's relations with the West are strained, and its role in the world is uncertain. However, Russia also has a number of strengths, such as its natural resources, its educated population, and its strong military. The story argues that Russia needs to find a new path forward, one that will allow it to overcome its challenges and realize its potential. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_003000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ruben Vardanyan's arrest and the exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh** Description: Ruben Vardanyan, a wealthy businessman and former government minister, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities. He had given up his Russian citizenship to become a citizen of Armenia and had worked to improve the lives of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. The region has seen an exodus of Armenians following the 44-day war in 2020, and Vardanyan's arrest has added to the sense of crisis. Summary: Ruben Vardanyan, a wealthy businessman and former government minister, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities. He had given up his Russian citizenship to become a citizen of Armenia and had worked to improve the lives of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. The region has seen an exodus of Armenians following the 44-day war in 2020, and Vardanyan's arrest has added to the sense of crisis. **Story 2: The need to update Russia's nuclear doctrine** Description: The war in Ukraine and the possibility of a wider conflict have raised concerns about the use of nuclear weapons. Dr. Sergei Karaganov argues that Russia's nuclear doctrine is outdated and needs to be revised. He believes that Russia should adopt a "no first use" policy and that the West should recognize that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if its vital interests are threatened. Summary: Dr. Sergei Karaganov argues that Russia's nuclear doctrine is outdated and needs to be revised. He believes that Russia should adopt a "no first use" policy and that the West should recognize that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if its vital interests are threatened. **Story 3: The need for a new Russian ideology** Description: Dr. Karaganov also argues that Russia needs a new ideology to replace the current one, which he believes is no longer effective. He believes that the new ideology should be based on traditional Russian values and should emphasize the importance of the state and the nation. Summary: Dr. Karaganov argues that Russia needs a new ideology to replace the current one, which he believes is no longer effective. He believes that the new ideology should be based on traditional Russian values and should emphasize the importance of the state and the nation. **Story 4: The need to purge the comprador bourgeoisie** Description: Dr. Karaganov believes that Russia needs to purge the "comprador bourgeoisie," a class of people who have become wealthy through their connections with the West. He believes that these people are not loyal to Russia and that they must be replaced by a new class of patriotic entrepreneurs. Summary: Dr. Karaganov believes that Russia needs to purge the "comprador bourgeoisie," a class of people who have become wealthy through their connections with the West. He believes that these people are not loyal to Russia and that they must be replaced by a new class of patriotic entrepreneurs. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_010000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title**: Russian State TV discusses recent news and events **Description**: The hosts discuss a range of topics including the war in Ukraine, the downing of a missile in Poland, and the recent scandal involving a Ukrainian veteran of the SS. **Summary**: 1. The hosts discuss the war in Ukraine and the recent Ukrainian counteroffensives, which they claim are futile and will not succeed. 2. They also discuss the downing of a missile in Poland and accuse Ukraine of being responsible for the attack. 3. The hosts then move on to discuss the recent scandal involving a Ukrainian veteran of the SS who was honored by President Zelensky. 4. They criticize Zelensky for not apologizing for the incident and call for him to be removed from power. 5. The hosts conclude by discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and their belief that Russia will ultimately prevail. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_013000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- null =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_020000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Putin orders to stabilize the fuel market in Russia.** - The government has taken measures to stabilize the fuel market in Russia. - The prices of gasoline and diesel have increased in recent months. - The government has introduced temporary restrictions on the export of gasoline and diesel fuel. - The measures have led to a decrease in the prices of gasoline and diesel. - The government is considering additional measures to stabilize the market, such as increasing the export duty on petroleum products. 2. **The State Duma discusses legislative initiatives of the New People's Party.** - The New People's Party has proposed several legislative initiatives, including expanding the role of the parental committee in schools. - The party believes that parents should be more involved in their children's education. - The party also believes that the government should invest more in education and healthcare. 3. **The New People's Party evaluates the situation with the ruble exchange rate and inflation.** - The New People's Party believes that the ruble exchange rate has risen because the volume of imports is growing while the volume of exports is decreasing. - The party also believes that inflation is partly due to the growth of the exchange rate and partly due to other factors. - The party supports the efforts of the Central Bank to contain inflation. 4. **On this day in history:** - 480 BC: The Battle of Salamis takes place, marking the beginning of the decline of the Persian Empire. - 1066: The Battle of Hastings takes place, marking the beginning of the Norman Conquest of England. - 1773: The Pugachev Rebellion begins, marking the beginning of the largest peasant uprising in Russian history. - 1925: Sidney Reilly, the "Ace of Spies," is arrested on the Soviet-Finnish border. - 2017: Scientists at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology complete testing of a unique seismic station that can locate deposits of hydrocarbons and other minerals. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_023000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Нелегальные пункты обмена валют в Москве** * Полиция задержала организаторов нелегальной сети пунктов обмена валют с доходом свыше 50 млн рублей. * У них не было лицензии на работу, но был список проверенных клиентов, которые пользовались услугами лжебанкиров. * Во время визита оперативников одна из сотрудниц попыталась съесть пачки денег. **2. Лихой заезд на востоке Москвы** * Водитель каршеринга протаранил рейсовый автобус и столкнулся с легковым автомобилем. * Тот от удара вылетел на трамвайные пути и пробил ограждение остановки. * В результате ДТП пострадали два человека. **3. Монголия заинтересовалась противопожарной техникой российского производства** * Глава МЧС России Александр Куренков обсудил перспективы сотрудничества между странами с президентом Монголии Ухнагиейном Хорелсухом. * Министр отметил, что большая протяженность границы и наличие схожих рисков природного и техногенного характера требуют объединения усилий по их профилактике. **4. В Мурманске нашли убийц, которые скрывались от правосудия 14 лет** * Следователи вместе с полицейскими довели до суда дело о жестокой расправе над бизнесменом. * Преступление было совершено в 2009 году. * Убийцы зачистили почти все следы, но следователи смогли найти их и изобличить. **5. Новосибирский Ромео, который избил до полусмерти беременную подругу, предстанет перед судом** * Мужчина избивал свою беременную подругу кулаками, сломанным зонтом, резиновыми тапками и кухонным топориком. * Когда спасать женщину прибыли правоохранители, садист вступил с ними в схватку, вооружившись кухонным топориком. * Экспертиза показала, что Губин устроил дебош под действием гремучего коктейля из алкоголя и запрещенных препаратов. **6. Начальник главного управления МЧС России по Краснодарскому краю задержан по подозрению в злоупотреблении полномочиями** * Все подробности дела пока тайна следствия. **7. За строительный брак придется отвечать в суде** * В Хакасии завершено расследование уголовного дела о превышении полномочий при возведении радиологического корпуса. * Это особо опасный объект, в котором проводятся исследования с использованием рентгеновских лучей и ультразвука. * Зная это, директор Управления капитального строительства изменил проектно-сметную документацию и возвел здание с нарушениями и без оборудования. **8. Почти треть века за решеткой, чтобы услышать "невиновен"** * В США американца Херарда Кабанилиса осудили за изнасилование, которое он не совершал. * В 1996 году в Калифорнии некий преступник напал на припаркованную машину, где сидела пара, мужчину он выгнал, а женщину отвез в дом, где над ней надругались. * Осудили в итоге невинного: признание выбили в обмен на обещание условного срока. * Кабанилиса, спустя три десятка лет оправдал ДНК-тест. * Окружной прокурор принес глубочайшие извинения, но за хоть какую-то более весомую компенсацию американцу придется еще посудиться. **9. Блок на негатив для букмекеров** * Коммерсанты обвинили общественного активиста в шантаже и вымогательстве. * Он в свою очередь заявил, что это месть, а под вывеской букмекерской конторы скрывается подпольное казино. **10. Блогера Валерию Чкалину оштрафовали на 124 млн руб за неуплату налогов** * У семейства блогеров есть месяц на его уплату. * Деньги у Чкалов вроде бы как есть, да только расплатиться не могут, все счета арестованы в рамках расследования уголовного дела. **11. Киев бросает последние резервы в Запорожской области** * Одна из бригад, которую украинское командование берегло до последнего, несет огромные потери. * Не помогает даже западная техника. * Многие солдаты в ССУ сдаются в плен. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_030000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- null =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_033000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Ротор vs. Алания:** Ротор из второй лиги обыграл Аланию из первой лиги в матче 1/32 финала Кубка России по футболу. Единственный гол забил Ризван Ахметханов на 70-й минуте. **2. Сибирь vs. СКА:** СКА победил Сибирь со счетом 3:0 в матче регулярного чемпионата Континентальной хоккейной лиги (КХЛ). Дубль оформил Алекс. У Сибири прервалась четырехматчевая победная серия, а у СКА продолжается самая дальняя выездная серия в сезоне. **3. Интер Майами vs. Хьюстон Динамо:** Интер Майами проиграл Хьюстон Динамо со счетом 1:2 в финале Открытого кубка США. Победа гарантировала бы Интеру Майами место в Лиге чемпионов КОНКАКАФ, но они уже обеспечили себе это право, выиграв Кубок лиги. Лионель Месси не играл в матче из-за небольшой травмы. **4. Манчестер Сити vs. Ньюкасл:** Ньюкасл выбил Манчестер Сити из Кубка английской лиги на стадии 1/16 финала. Единственный гол в матче забил шведский нападающий Ньюкасла Александр Исак. Главный тренер Манчестер Сити Пеп Гвардиола отшутился, что его команде не обязательно выигрывать все четыре турнира, в которых она участвует, достаточно и трех трофеев. **5. Осенняя погода в России:** В европейской части России установилась теплая осенняя погода. В Москве температура воздуха достигает +22°C, что является рекордом для сентября. Однако уже в воскресенье ожидается похолодание и дожди. **6. Канадский премьер-министр извинился за скандал с украинским эсэсовцем:** Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо извинился за приглашение в парламент бывшего эсэсовца Ярослава Хунки. Трюдо назвал это "чудовищной ошибкой" и оскорблением памяти жертв нацизма. Однако оппозиция и СМИ раскритиковали Трюдо за его извинения, назвав их недостаточными. **7. Зарплаты россиян растут:** Реальные зарплаты россиян в июле выросли более чем на 9% в годовом выражении. Среднемесячные начисления для работников организации увеличились практически на 14% и составили 71 419 руб. **8. Химическая промышленность Германии в опасности:** Химическая промышленность Германии находится в опасности из-за высоких цен на энергоносители. Компании из 14 земель попросили федерального канцлера Олафа Шольца спасти их от массовых сокращений. **9. Акции Россетей выросли на Московской бирже:** Акции компании Россети выросли на Московской бирже более чем на 9%. Причиной такого скачка стала позитивная финансовая отчетность. Чистая прибыль по российским стандартам бухгалтерского учета за первую половину года почти в 6,5 раз превысила прошлогодний показатель. **10. Предприятия Донбасса возвращаются к работе:** Предприятия Донбасса постепенно возвращаются к работе. Молокозавод в Макеевке выпускает десятки видов продукции, вся она натуральная. Особое внимание уделяется качеству продукции. **11. В Ижевске открылся первый в России центр 3D-печати металла:** В Ижевске открылся первый в России центр, где будут изучать 3D-печать металла. Такие технологии сейчас востребованы в военной промышленности и в авиастроении. Образовательный проект реализуется на базе Удмуртского государственного университета. **12. Россия переживает самый тяжелый политический кризис:** Россия переживает самый тяжелый в постсоветской истории политический кризис, который закончится кровопролитием. Фильм Александра Невзорова "Чистилище" - это честный детектив о событиях, которые привели к распаду СССР. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_040000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian Offensive in Lyman Direction** Russian forces, including assault groups and artillery of the Central Military District, are working in the Lyman direction. First, self-propelled artillery mounts deliver a massive strike, and then fighters from the line of contact in the Luhansk People's Republic rush to the Ukrainian Armed Forces' fortifications. **2. Ukrainian POWs Speak Out About Their Experiences** Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) who were captured by Russian forces in the Zaporozhye region have spoken out about their experiences. They claim that they were thrown into battle with little to no training and that the situation on the front lines is a "meat grinder." **3. Lavrov: West is Destroying Ukraine's Territorial Integrity** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity. He also said that the West is using the issue of a possible ceasefire to buy time and pump more military equipment into the Kyiv regime. **4. Russian GDP Growth Accelerates** According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP growth has accelerated. In August, the growth rate was 5.2%, up from 2.5% in July. For the first eight months of the year, GDP growth was 2.5% year-on-year. **5. Industrial Production Increases** Industrial production in Russia increased by 5.5% in August. The output of electronic and optical products, furniture, antibiotics, and motor vehicles increased significantly. In particular, the production of passenger cars doubled compared to the previous year. **6. Additional Funding for Industrial Development Program** The Russian government plans to increase funding for the state program on industrial development by almost 270 billion rubles ($3.6 billion) in the next year. The program aims to support the development of various industries in Russia. **7. Three New Railway Ferries for Kaliningrad Region** The Russian government has approved the construction of three additional railway ferries for the Kaliningrad region. The ferries will help to ensure that the region is independent from the decisions of third countries. **8. Inflation in Russia Accelerates** Annual inflation in Russia has accelerated to 5.7%, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. Food prices have increased the most, with tomatoes rising by more than 9%. However, some products have seen price decreases, such as carrots, cabbage, and apples. **9. Crypto Exchange Scam in Hong Kong** A crypto exchange scam in Hong Kong has resulted in losses of over $192 million. Around 2,500 people have been affected. The police have requested assistance from Interpol to freeze the assets of those involved in the scam. **10. Trudeau Apologizes for Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to the Canadian parliament. The incident has sparked outrage, with opposition parties and media outlets calling Trudeau a "moron" and accusing him of not learning from history. **11. Companies Retain Interest in Russian Market** Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, has said that American companies remain interested in the Russian market despite pressure from Washington. He noted that the White House is trying to blame Moscow for the collapse of commercial ties, but it was actually the American media that pushed companies to leave the Russian market. **12. Strike Threatens More Auto Plants in the US** A strike by autoworkers in the United States could spread to more plants, according to CNN. Hundreds of businesses across the country could be paralyzed if negotiations with the workers do not begin. **13. Messi Misses Out as Inter Miami Loses in US Open Cup Final** Lionel Messi did not play in Inter Miami's US Open Cup final match against Houston Dynamo. Inter Miami lost the match 1-2. **14. Government Proposes Banning Export of Purchased Fuel** The Russian government has proposed banning the export of purchased fuel and increasing duties on it. The aim is to stabilize the domestic fuel market and prevent speculative supplies for export. **15. Milk Plant in Makiivka Resumes Operation** A milk plant in Makiivka, Donetsk People's Republic, has resumed operation and is now producing dozens of types of natural dairy products. The plant has a strict quality control process to ensure that only high-quality products are delivered to children in the region. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_043000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian Offensive in Ukraine Continues: Artillary Destroys AFU Stronghold** Russian forces continue their offensive in Ukraine, with artillery units destroying a stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Avdiivka area. The attack was carried out using towed Msta-B howitzers, with the guns firing from concealed positions. The Russian forces used fragmentation and high-explosive shells to inflict maximum damage on the enemy's firing points, armored vehicles, and ammunition depots. The Russian military is working closely with Asian counterparts to plan future anti-terrorist exercises. **2. Real Wages in Russia Increase by 9%** Real wages in Russia increased by more than 9% year-on-year in July, according to Rosstat. The average monthly salary for employees of organizations increased by almost 14% to reach 71,419 rubles ($1,035). The share of loss-making enterprises decreased to 28% in the first seven months of the year, compared to 29% in the same period last year. The unemployment rate remained at a historic low of 3% in July and August. **3. Russian Oil Product Output Grows** The production of oil products in Russia is increasing, with data from Rosstat showing that gasoline output increased by almost 3.5% to nearly 30 million tons in the first eight months of the year. Diesel fuel output increased by almost 7% to around 60 million tons. Despite the increased output, demand remains high. On Wednesday, the volume of oil product trading on the St. Petersburg exchange set a new record of more than 200,000 tons. Since January, almost 22 million tons of oil products have been sold, which is 5% more than in the same period last year. **4. Lukoil May Be Allowed to Process Russian Oil in Bulgaria** Lukoil may be granted permission to process Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year. The proposal was made by the Economic Commission of the National Assembly. Earlier, the country's parliamentary majority wanted to ban the supply of Russian oil by November of this year, but Lukoil warned that this would disrupt the operations of its refinery in Burgas. As a result, the cost of fuel on the Bulgarian market could increase sharply, and it is now planned to allow the use of Russian oil for another year. **5. German Chemical Industry in Danger** The German chemical industry is in danger, according to the newspaper Bild. Companies from 14 states have asked Chancellor Olaf Scholz to save them from mass layoffs. When Europe imposed sanctions on Russia, fuel prices in Germany rose sharply, which hit chemical companies particularly hard. Production rates had to be significantly reduced, and now there is a risk that factories could be relocated abroad, where it is cheaper to produce chemicals. The industry provides nearly 2.5 million jobs in Germany. **6. Rosseti Shares Surge on Moscow Exchange** Shares of Russian energy company Rosseti surged by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange, with Wednesday's trading closing at around 12 kopecks per share. The reason for the sharp rise was a positive financial report. The company's net profit under Russian accounting standards for the first half of the year was almost 6.5 times higher than the previous year's figure. Rosseti earned more than 202 billion rubles ($2.9 billion). Under international standards, the net profit for the same period amounted to almost 124 billion rubles ($1.8 billion). **7. Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies to Be Introduced in Russia** A new type of auto insurance policy, called "short-term policies," will be introduced in Russia from the second quarter of next year. These policies will allow drivers to insure their vehicles for periods ranging from one day to three months. This will benefit drivers who use their cars infrequently, such as retirees who only drive to their dachas in the summer, or young drivers who are hesitant to drive in bad weather conditions. The new policies will also be useful for taxi drivers, who do not need to purchase expensive annual insurance policies and can instead pay only for the time they spend driving for hire. **8. Historian Details Events of September 28th Throughout History** Historian Ekaterina Burlakova provides a summary of significant events that occurred on September 28th throughout history. These include the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC, the Norman invasion of England in 1066, the start of the Pugachev Rebellion in Russia in 1773, the arrest of Sidney Reilly, known as the "Spy King," in 1925, and the testing of a unique seismic station by scientists at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2017. **9. Ukrainian POWs Reveal Atrocities Committed by Ukrainian Regime** Ukrainian prisoners of war have revealed the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian regime, including the use of civilians as human shields and the shelling of civilian areas. They also claim that Ukrainian forces have been using banned weapons, such as cluster munitions. **10. Canadian PM Trudeau Under Fire for Apologizing to Nazi** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has come under fire for apologizing to a Nazi. The incident occurred during a parliamentary session when Trudeau apologized to a Conservative MP who had been ejected from the chamber for making a Nazi salute. Trudeau has since apologized for his apology, but the incident has sparked a debate about the limits of free speech and the role of the government in regulating hate speech. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_050000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1.** **Title:** Kyiv Throws Last Reserves at Zaporozhye Front **Description:** The Ukrainian army is throwing its last reserves at the Zaporozhye front, but is suffering heavy losses. Many soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces, citing low morale and poor leadership. **Summary:** The Ukrainian army is struggling to hold its ground against Russian forces in the Zaporozhye region, and is being forced to throw its last reserves into the fight. Many soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces, citing low morale and poor leadership. This suggests that the Ukrainian army is struggling to maintain its fighting spirit, and that the Russian army is making significant gains in the region. **2.** **Title:** Canadian PM Trudeau Apologizes for Scandal Involving Ukrainian Nazi **Description:** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for a scandal involving a Ukrainian Nazi who was invited to speak in the Canadian parliament. Trudeau initially defended the invitation, but later apologized after facing widespread criticism. **Summary:** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for a scandal involving a Ukrainian Nazi who was invited to speak in the Canadian parliament. Trudeau initially defended the invitation, but later apologized after facing widespread criticism. This suggests that Trudeau is facing significant pressure to address the issue of Nazism in Ukraine, and that the Canadian government is taking steps to distance itself from far-right groups. **3.** **Title:** French Army Will Not Leave When Macron Decides, Says African Activist **Description:** An African activist has said that the French army will not leave Africa when French President Emmanuel Macron decides, but only when the African people demand it. The activist was speaking at a rally in support of the new political course in Niger, which is seeking to reduce French influence in the country. **Summary:** An African activist has said that the French army will not leave Africa when French President Emmanuel Macron decides, but only when the African people demand it. This suggests that there is growing anti-colonial sentiment in Africa, and that the French army is facing increasing pressure to withdraw from the continent. **4.** **Title:** Another Nuclear Reactor Casing Sent to Akkuyu NPP **Description:** Another nuclear reactor casing has been sent to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. The shipment is part of a larger project to build a nuclear power plant in the country, which is being carried out by Russian and Turkish companies. **Summary:** Another nuclear reactor casing has been sent to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. This suggests that the project to build a nuclear power plant in the country is progressing, and that the plant is on track to be completed. **5.** **Title:** Kyiv Launches Fresh Offensive in Zaporozhye Region **Description:** The Ukrainian army has launched a fresh offensive in the Zaporozhye region, but is facing heavy losses. Russian forces are holding their ground, and the Ukrainian army is being forced to retreat. **Summary:** The Ukrainian army has launched a fresh offensive in the Zaporozhye region, but is facing heavy losses. Russian forces are holding their ground, and the Ukrainian army is being forced to retreat. This suggests that the Ukrainian army is struggling to make significant gains in the region, and that the Russian army is maintaining its defensive positions. **6.** **Title:** Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Says West Destroyed Ukraine's Territorial Integrity **Description:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that the West destroyed Ukraine's territorial integrity by cynically using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine. He also said that the West is now trying to speculate on the possibility of a ceasefire in order to buy time and pump more military equipment into the Ukrainian regime. **Summary:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that the West destroyed Ukraine's territorial integrity by cynically using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine. He also said that the West is now trying to speculate on the possibility of a ceasefire in order to buy time and pump more military equipment into the Ukrainian regime. This suggests that Russia is blaming the West for the current conflict in Ukraine, and that it is skeptical of the West's intentions to resolve the conflict peacefully. **7.** **Title:** Strike Threat Looms Over More US Auto Plants **Description:** The threat of a strike is looming over more US auto plants, as workers at several companies are demanding higher wages. The strike could have a significant impact on the US auto industry, and could lead to production delays and shortages of vehicles. **Summary:** The threat of a strike is looming over more US auto plants, as workers at several companies are demanding higher wages. The strike could have a significant impact on the US auto industry, and could lead to production delays and shortages of vehicles. This suggests that the US auto industry is facing significant challenges, and that workers are demanding a greater share of the profits. **8.** **Title:** US Business Still Interested in Russian Market Despite Pressure from Washington **Description:** The Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, has said that American businesses are still interested in the Russian market, despite pressure from the US government to withdraw from the country. Antonov said that the White House is trying to blame Moscow for the collapse of commercial ties between the two countries, but that Western companies are being pushed out of Russia by Washington. **Summary:** The Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, has said that American businesses are still interested in the Russian market, despite pressure from the US government to withdraw from the country. Antonov said that the White House is trying to blame Moscow for the collapse of commercial ties between the two countries, but that Western companies are being pushed out of Russia by Washington. This suggests that the US government is putting pressure on American businesses to withdraw from Russia, but that some businesses are still interested in the Russian market. **9.** **Title:** Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent **Description:** A powerful explosion and fire has occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. The blast occurred at a large warehouse near the airport, and the shock wave shattered windows in nearby homes and buildings. According to the Uzbek Interior Ministry, the warehouse was struck by lightning, and the fire spread to nearby electric cars and batteries. **Summary:** A powerful explosion and fire has occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. The blast occurred at a large warehouse near the airport, and the shock wave shattered windows in nearby homes and buildings. According to the Uzbek Interior Ministry, the warehouse was struck by lightning, and the fire spread to nearby electric cars and batteries. This suggests that the fire was caused by an accident, and that there is no evidence of foul play. **10.** **Title:** More Than 50,000 People Flee Nagorno-Karabakh **Description:** More than 50,000 people have fled their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh and moved to Armenian territory. The exodus began after Azerbaijan launched a military offensive in the region, and has been exacerbated by the closure of the Lachin corridor, which is the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. **Summary:** More than 50,000 people have fled their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh and moved to Armenian territory. The exodus began after Azerbaijan launched a military offensive in the region, and has been exacerbated by the closure of the Lachin corridor, which is the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. This suggests that the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is having a devastating impact on the civilian population, and that there is an urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. **11.** **Title:** Protests in Support of New Political Course in Niger **Description:** Protests in support of the new political course in Niger are taking place across the country. The protests are being organized by several political movements, all of which are calling for independence from European influence. One of the most prominent figures in the protests is the leader of the Pan-African Movement, Kemi Seba. **Summary:** Protests in support of the new political course in Niger are taking place across the country. The protests are being organized by several political movements, all of which are calling for independence from European influence. This suggests that there is growing anti-colonial sentiment in Niger, and that the people are demanding a greater say in their own affairs. **12.** **Title:** Attempted Coup in Burkina Faso Fails **Description:** The authorities in Burkina Faso have announced that an attempted coup in the country has failed. The plotters had planned to attack state institutions and call on citizens to take to the streets to demand justice. However, the coup was thwarted by the security services, and four of the ringleaders have been arrested. **Summary:** The authorities in Burkina Faso have announced that an attempted coup in the country has failed. The plotters had planned to attack state institutions and call on citizens to take to the streets to demand justice. However, the coup was thwarted by the security services, and four of the ringleaders have been arrested. This suggests that the government of Burkina Faso is still in control of the country, and that the attempted coup was not supported by the majority of the population. **13.** **Title:** Russian GDP Growth Accelerates **Description:** The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has announced that Russia's GDP growth has accelerated in August. The ministry estimates that GDP growth in August was 5.2%, up from 5% in July. This suggests that the Russian economy is recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the government's economic policies are having a positive effect. **Summary:** The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has announced that Russia's GDP growth has accelerated in August. The ministry estimates that GDP growth in August was 5.2%, up from 5% in July. This suggests that the Russian economy is recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the government's economic policies are having a positive effect. **14.** **Title:** Volkswagen Halts Production at Several Plants Due to IT Glitch **Description:** Volkswagen has halted production at several of its plants in Germany due to an IT glitch. The glitch affected all of the company's brands, including Porsche and Audi. The company is currently investigating the source of the glitch, and has said that it is a priority. **Summary:** Volkswagen has halted production at several of its plants in Germany due to an IT glitch. The glitch affected all of the company's brands, including Porsche and Audi. The company is currently investigating the source of the glitch, and has said that it is a priority. This suggests that the glitch is having a significant impact on Volkswagen's production, and that the company is taking steps to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. **15.** **Title:** Crypto Exchange Scam in Hong Kong **Description:** A crypto exchange scam in Hong Kong has resulted in losses of over $192 million. Around 2,500 people were affected by the scam, which is the largest of its kind in the region's history. The scam began on September 13, when the Securities and Futures Commission announced that the exchange had been providing false information about its license to operate in Hong Kong. Subsequently, around $179 million was stolen from user wallets. The police have asked Interpol for help in freezing and recovering these assets. Fifteen people have been arrested in connection with the case. The exchange has announced that it is suspending operations in the region. **Summary:** A crypto exchange scam in Hong Kong has resulted in losses of over $192 million. Around 2,500 people were affected by the scam, which is the largest of its kind in the region's history. The scam began on September 13, when the Securities and Futures Commission announced that the exchange had been providing false information about its license to operate in Hong Kong. Subsequently, around $179 million was stolen from user wallets. The police have asked Interpol for help in freezing and recovering these assets. Fifteen people have been arrested in connection with the case. The exchange has announced that it is suspending operations in the region. This suggests that the crypto exchange scam is having a significant impact on the region's financial system, and that the authorities are taking steps to address the issue. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_053000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Flood in Greece** * Description: Greece is facing severe flooding after heavy rains caused rivers to overflow and streets to be submerged. The damage is still being assessed, but it is clear that it will be significant. * Summary: Greece has been hit by severe flooding after heavy rains caused rivers to overflow and streets to be submerged. The damage is still being assessed, but it is clear that it will be significant. **Russian Tankers Destroying Enemy in Ukraine** * Description: Russian tankers have been destroying enemy forces in Ukraine, using their advanced tactics to take out enemy positions. The tankers have been praised for their bravery and skill. * Summary: Russian tankers have been destroying enemy forces in Ukraine, using their advanced tactics to take out enemy positions. The tankers have been praised for their bravery and skill. **New Chemical Plant in Russia** * Description: A new chemical plant has been opened in Russia, which will produce a variety of chemicals for use in industry. The plant is expected to create jobs and boost the economy. * Summary: A new chemical plant has been opened in Russia, which will produce a variety of chemicals for use in industry. The plant is expected to create jobs and boost the economy. **Economic News** * Description: The average monthly salary in Russia has increased by 7% in the past year, to 71,419 rubles ($970). * Summary: The average monthly salary in Russia has increased by 7% in the past year, to 71,419 rubles ($970). **Lukoil May Be Allowed to Process Russian Oil in Bulgaria** * Description: Lukoil may be allowed to process Russian oil in Bulgaria for another year, despite a previous ban. This is due to concerns that a ban would disrupt the country's energy supply. * Summary: Lukoil may be allowed to process Russian oil in Bulgaria for another year, despite a previous ban. This is due to concerns that a ban would disrupt the country's energy supply. **Chemical Industry in Germany in Danger** * Description: The chemical industry in Germany is in danger, as rising energy costs have forced many companies to reduce production or even close down. This is having a negative impact on the economy and jobs. * Summary: The chemical industry in Germany is in danger, as rising energy costs have forced many companies to reduce production or even close down. This is having a negative impact on the economy and jobs. **Hong Kong Stock Exchange Suspends Trading of Evergrande** * Description: The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has suspended trading of Evergrande, one of China's largest property developers. This is due to concerns about the company's financial situation. * Summary: The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has suspended trading of Evergrande, one of China's largest property developers. This is due to concerns about the company's financial situation. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_060000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Moscow Financial Forum to Discuss Russian Economy in a Changing World** The Moscow Financial Forum will open today in the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall. The business program includes more than ten thematic sessions, and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. The forum will discuss the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. **2. Russian Tor-M2 Air Defense System Destroys U.S.-Made Drone in Ukraine** A Russian Tor-M2 air defense system of the Western Military District has destroyed a U.S.-made Switchblade loitering munition in the Kupyansk sector of the special operation. According to the Ministry of Defense, the drone was shot down automatically after being detected by the system's radar. **3. One Dead, 162 Injured in Fire at Tashkent Airport** A fire broke out at a large warehouse in the Tashkent airport area, resulting in one death and 162 injuries. According to the Uzbek Ministry of Internal Affairs, lightning struck the building. The fire has been localized, but helicopters and dozens of rescuers are still working at the scene. **4. More Than Half of Nagorno-Karabakh's Population Has Left the Region** More than half of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh has already left the region, with thousands of residents crossing into Armenia. The exodus began after a recent explosion at a fuel tank, and the situation has been further complicated by the detention of former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan by Azerbaijani border guards. **5. Russian Peacekeepers Evacuate 258 People from Nagorno-Karabakh** Russian peacekeepers have evacuated 258 people from Nagorno-Karabakh following the explosion at a fuel tank. The evacuees include 35 injured individuals who were airlifted to hospitals in Armenia. **6. Nagorno-Karabakh to Cease to Exist from January 1, 2024** According to a decree issued by the head of the unrecognized republic, Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist from January 1, 2024. The reasons for this decision and the implications for the region will be explored in future updates. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_063000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Seventh Financial Forum Opens in Russia** _Description:_ The Seventh Financial Forum has opened in Russia, with more than a dozen thematic sessions on the business program. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. _Summary:_ The Seventh Financial Forum has opened in Russia, bringing together experts and policymakers to discuss a range of economic issues. The forum will feature more than a dozen thematic sessions, as well as a plenary session with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. **2. Russian Tor-M2 Air Defense System Destroys Enemy Drone in Kupyansk** _Description:_ The Russian Tor-M2 air defense system has destroyed an enemy drone in the Kupyansk direction of the special military operation, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. The drone was identified as an American-made RQ-20. _Summary:_ The Russian military has announced that its Tor-M2 air defense system has successfully destroyed an enemy drone in the Kupyansk direction of the special military operation. The drone was identified as an American-made RQ-20. **3. Fire at Tashkent Airport Leaves One Dead, 162 Injured** _Description:_ A fire has broken out at a large warehouse of electric vehicles at Tashkent Airport, leaving one person dead and 162 injured, according to the Uzbek Ministry of Health. The fire is reported to have been caused by a lightning strike. _Summary:_ A fire at Tashkent Airport has left one person dead and 162 injured. The fire broke out at a large warehouse of electric vehicles and is reported to have been caused by a lightning strike. **4. More Than Half of Nagorno-Karabakh Residents Have Already Arrived in Armenia** _Description:_ More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have already arrived in Armenia, according to the country's authorities. Russian peacekeepers are assisting with the evacuation. The Russian Defense Ministry reports that 258 people injured in a fuel tank explosion in Stepanakert have been airlifted to safety, with more than 40 flights carried out. _Summary:_ More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have already arrived in Armenia, with Russian peacekeepers assisting in the evacuation. The Russian Defense Ministry has reported that 258 people injured in a fuel tank explosion in Stepanakert have been airlifted to safety, with more than 40 flights carried out. **5. First Snow Falls in Russia's Northernmost City** _Description:_ The first snow of the season has fallen in Varkuta, the easternmost city in Europe. Temporary snow cover has formed, and snow removal equipment has been deployed. However, temperatures in Varkuta were still above normal on Monday, breaking the record for maximum temperature. _Summary:_ The first snow of the season has fallen in Varkuta, the easternmost city in Europe. Although temperatures were still above normal on Monday, breaking the record for maximum temperature, snow removal equipment has been deployed to clear the streets. **6. Oil Prices Rise on Tight Supply and Shrinking US Inventories** _Description:_ Oil prices have risen to their highest level since November 14th of last year, due to tight supply and concerns about shrinking inventories at the Cushing hub, the largest oil storage facility in the United States. The OPEC+ deal has been extended until the end of 2024, with a voluntary additional reduction in supply to be in effect until December of this year. Russia is reducing its supply to the market by 300,000 barrels per day, while Saudi Arabia is cutting its supply by 1 million barrels per day. Experts believe that oil prices could reach triple digits by the end of the year. _Summary:_ Oil prices have risen to their highest level since November 14th of last year, due to tight supply and concerns about shrinking inventories at the Cushing hub, the largest oil storage facility in the United States. The OPEC+ deal has been extended until the end of 2024, with a voluntary additional reduction in supply to be in effect until December of this year. Russia is reducing its supply to the market by 300,000 barrels per day, while Saudi Arabia is cutting its supply by 1 million barrels per day. Experts believe that oil prices could reach triple digits by the end of the year. **7. US Presidential Candidates Debate Domestic Issues** _Description:_ Seven Republican presidential candidates participated in the second debate of the 2024 presidential race, with each candidate acknowledging the absence of former President Donald Trump. The candidates discussed a range of domestic issues, including healthcare, immigration, and the economy. _Summary:_ Seven Republican presidential candidates participated in the second debate of the 2024 presidential race, with each candidate acknowledging the absence of former President Donald Trump. The candidates discussed a range of domestic issues, including healthcare, immigration, and the economy. **8. Biden Administration Announces New Sanctions on Russia** _Description:_ The Biden administration has announced a new round of sanctions on Russia, targeting individuals and entities involved in the country's defense sector. The sanctions are aimed at weakening Russia's military-industrial complex and its ability to wage war in Ukraine. _Summary:_ The Biden administration has announced a new round of sanctions on Russia, targeting individuals and entities involved in the country's defense sector. The sanctions are aimed at weakening Russia's military-industrial complex and its ability to wage war in Ukraine. **9. Russia-Ukraine Conflict Continues** _Description:_ The Russia-Ukraine conflict continues, with both sides accusing each other of violating the ceasefire. The United States has announced that it will provide Ukraine with an additional $400 million in military aid, including artillery, armored vehicles, and ammunition. _Summary:_ The Russia-Ukraine conflict continues, with both sides accusing each other of violating the ceasefire. The United States has announced that it will provide Ukraine with an additional $400 million in military aid, including artillery, armored vehicles, and ammunition. **10. Winter Weather Hits Europe** _Description:_ Winter weather has hit Europe, with heavy snow and cold temperatures causing travel disruptions and power outages. The cold snap is expected to continue for several days, with more snow and ice forecast. _Summary:_ Winter weather has hit Europe, with heavy snow and cold temperatures causing travel disruptions and power outages. The cold snap is expected to continue for several days, with more snow and ice forecast. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_070000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** End of Nagorno-Karabakh **Description:** The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. The document orders the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations, and residents are advised to familiarize themselves with the terms of reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. **Summary:** The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. The document orders the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations, and residents are advised to familiarize themselves with the terms of reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. 2. **Title:** Republicans Debate in California **Description:** Republican presidential hopefuls debated in California, discussing key issues facing the United States and challenging former President Donald Trump, who did not attend the event. **Summary:** Republican presidential hopefuls debated in California, discussing key issues facing the United States and challenging former President Donald Trump, who did not attend the event. 3. **Title:** Tashkent Airport Fire **Description:** A fire broke out at a warehouse near Tashkent Airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. The cause of the fire is believed to be a lightning strike, and efforts are underway to extinguish the blaze. **Summary:** A fire broke out at a warehouse near Tashkent Airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. The cause of the fire is believed to be a lightning strike, and efforts are underway to extinguish the blaze. 4. **Title:** Western Retreat from Ukraine **Description:** The newspaper Le Monde argues that Western countries are retreating from political and military fronts due to their failures in Ukraine. The Ukrainian conflict is exacerbating the situation, and the West's rejection of global politics is forcing them to balance and constantly make concessions. **Summary:** The newspaper Le Monde argues that Western countries are retreating from political and military fronts due to their failures in Ukraine. The Ukrainian conflict is exacerbating the situation, and the West's rejection of global politics is forcing them to balance and constantly make concessions. 5. **Title:** US Business Interest in Russia **Description:** Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov states that American businesses continue to show interest in working with Russia, despite pressure from the US government. He emphasizes that the blame for the destruction of commercial ties lies with Moscow, as Western partners were encouraged to leave the Russian market by Washington. **Summary:** Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov states that American businesses continue to show interest in working with Russia, despite pressure from the US government. He emphasizes that the blame for the destruction of commercial ties lies with Moscow, as Western partners were encouraged to leave the Russian market by Washington. 6. **Title:** Lavrov on Ukraine Negotiations **Description:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the West of speculating on the possibility of a ceasefire in Ukraine. He believes that the West is seeking a temporary truce only to buy time and further arm the Kyiv regime. Lavrov also states that Moscow does not see any real prospects for genuine negotiations to begin this fall. **Summary:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the West of speculating on the possibility of a ceasefire in Ukraine. He believes that the West is seeking a temporary truce only to buy time and further arm the Kyiv regime. Lavrov also states that Moscow does not see any real prospects for genuine negotiations to begin this fall. 7. **Title:** Moscow Financial Forum **Description:** The Seventh Moscow Financial Forum has begun in Manezh, with participants discussing ways to balance the economy amid global transformation, tax policy issues, and new trends in the markets. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is expected to address the plenary session. **Summary:** The Seventh Moscow Financial Forum has begun in Manezh, with participants discussing ways to balance the economy amid global transformation, tax policy issues, and new trends in the markets. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is expected to address the plenary session. 8. **Title:** Arrests in Azerbaijan and Russia **Description:** Ruben Vardanyan has been arrested in Azerbaijan on charges including financing terrorism, according to the country's State Security Service. Separately, a Russian citizen who worked for Ukrainian military intelligence has been detained in Sevastopol. **Summary:** Ruben Vardanyan has been arrested in Azerbaijan on charges including financing terrorism, according to the country's State Security Service. Separately, a Russian citizen who worked for Ukrainian military intelligence has been detained in Sevastopol. 9. **Title:** Digitalization of Licensing Procedures **Description:** Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko discusses the government's efforts to simplify the process of obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia. Through digitalization and inter-agency cooperation, the number of required documents has been reduced, and the time required for processing applications has been significantly shortened. **Summary:** Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko discusses the government's efforts to simplify the process of obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia. Through digitalization and inter-agency cooperation, the number of required documents has been reduced, and the time required for processing applications has been significantly shortened. 10. **Title:** Energy Ministry on Fuel Export Ban **Description:** The Russian Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the ban on fuel exports are unrealistic. The measure will remain in place until fuel supply and prices stabilize. **Summary:** The Russian Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the ban on fuel exports are unrealistic. The measure will remain in place until fuel supply and prices stabilize. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_073000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Moscow's Perspective** Description: This is a collection of news stories related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, presented from the perspective of Russian state media. The stories cover a range of topics, including the alleged discovery of a Ukrainian bioweapons program, the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, and the West's response to the crisis. Summary: 1. Russia accuses Ukraine of running a secret bioweapons program with US support. 2. Moscow claims to have uncovered evidence of Ukrainian plans to use biological weapons against Russian forces. 3. The West dismisses Russia's claims as disinformation and propaganda. 4. The conflict in eastern Ukraine continues, with both sides accusing each other of ceasefire violations. 5. The West imposes sanctions on Russia in an effort to pressure Moscow to end the conflict. 6. Russia responds by expelling Western diplomats and warning of "serious consequences" if the sanctions continue. 7. The US and its allies announce plans to send more military aid to Ukraine. 8. Russia warns that the поставки вооружений could lead to a wider conflict in Europe. 9. The UN Security Council meets to discuss the crisis, but fails to reach a resolution. 10. The conflict shows no signs of abating, with both sides digging in for a long and bloody struggle. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_080000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian forces continue to advance in Ukraine** Russian forces have continued to advance in Ukraine, with the Russian Defense Ministry claiming that its troops have taken control of the village of Peski, located on the outskirts of the city of Donetsk. The Ukrainian military has denied the claim, saying that the village remains under its control. **2. Ukraine accuses Russia of shelling a nuclear power plant** Ukraine has accused Russia of shelling the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. The Ukrainian government said that the shelling caused a fire at the plant, but that the reactors were not damaged. Russia has denied responsibility for the shelling. **3. UN nuclear watchdog to visit Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant** The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has announced that it will send a team of experts to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to assess the safety of the facility. The IAEA said that the visit will take place "as soon as possible." **4. Russia and Ukraine agree to resume grain exports** Russia and Ukraine have agreed to resume grain exports from Ukrainian ports, following a deal brokered by the United Nations and Turkey. The deal is expected to allow the export of millions of tons of grain that has been stuck in Ukrainian ports since the start of the war. **5. US and UK announce new sanctions on Russia** The United States and the United Kingdom have announced new sanctions on Russia, targeting the country's energy sector and oligarchs. The sanctions are aimed at further isolating Russia from the global economy and increasing pressure on the country to end its war in Ukraine. **6. Russia's economy is in recession** Russia's economy is in recession, according to the country's central bank. The central bank said that the economy contracted by 4% in the second quarter of 2022, and that it expects the economy to contract by 4% to 6% for the full year. **7. Russian ruble falls to record low against the US dollar** The Russian ruble has fallen to a record low against the US dollar, as the country's economy continues to struggle. The ruble has lost more than 30% of its value against the dollar since the start of the year. **8. Russian stocks fall sharply** Russian stocks have fallen sharply, as investors continue to sell off Russian assets. The MOEX Russia Index has lost more than 40% of its value since the start of the year. **9. Russian companies default on their debts** Several Russian companies have defaulted on their debts, as the country's economy continues to struggle. The defaults have raised concerns about the stability of the Russian financial system. **10. Russia's credit rating is downgraded** Russia's credit rating has been downgraded by several major credit rating agencies, as the country's economy continues to struggle. The downgrades have made it more difficult for Russia to borrow money on the international markets. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_083000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Peaceful Atom** * **Description:** A report on the Russian nuclear industry, which is a major part of the country's economy. * **Summary:** The Russian nuclear industry is a major part of the country's economy, and it is constantly evolving. New technologies are being developed, and new projects are being launched. The industry is also facing some challenges, such as the need to improve safety and to reduce costs. * **Key words:** nuclear, industry, technology, safety, costs **2. New Composite Materials** * **Description:** A report on the development of new composite materials in Russia. * **Summary:** New composite materials are being developed in Russia, which are stronger and lighter than traditional materials. These materials are being used in a variety of applications, such as in the aerospace and automotive industries. The development of these new materials is helping to improve the competitiveness of Russian industry. * **Key words:** composite, materials, aerospace, automotive, competitiveness **3. Import Substitution** * **Description:** A report on the import substitution program in Russia, which aims to reduce the country's reliance on imported goods. * **Summary:** The import substitution program in Russia aims to reduce the country's reliance on imported goods. This is being done by providing financial support to domestic producers and by imposing tariffs on imported goods. The program is having some success, and the country's reliance on imported goods is decreasing. * **Key words:** import, substitution, tariffs, domestic, production **4. Animation Industry** * **Description:** A report on the Russian animation industry, which is growing rapidly. * **Summary:** The Russian animation industry is growing rapidly, and it is now one of the largest in the world. The industry is being supported by government funding and by the increasing demand for Russian animation. The industry is also facing some challenges, such as the need to improve the quality of its output and to compete with foreign animation. * **Key words:** animation, industry, growth, government, funding, demand, quality, competition **5. Financial Forum** * **Description:** A report on the Moscow Financial Forum, which is taking place today. * **Summary:** The Moscow Financial Forum is taking place today, and it is bringing together some of the world's leading economists and financiers. The forum is discussing the challenges facing the Russian economy and the global economy. The forum is also providing a platform for networking and for the exchange of ideas. * **Key words:** forum, Moscow, economy, economists, financiers, challenges, networking, ideas =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_090000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** Moscow Financial Forum **Description:** The Moscow Financial Forum is an annual event that brings together financial professionals from around the world to discuss key issues facing the financial system. **Summary:** The forum is seen as an important platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities facing the Russian financial system in the current economic climate. 2. **Title:** Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict **Description:** The Nagorno-Karabakh region has been a source of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan for decades. **Summary:** The region has now been declared part of Azerbaijan, and the Armenian government has agreed to withdraw its troops. 3. **Title:** Explosion at a Warehouse in Tashkent **Description:** An explosion at a warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan has killed at least 15 people and injured more than 160. **Summary:** The cause of the explosion is still being investigated, but it is believed to have been caused by a gas leak. 4. **Title:** DDoS Attack on Russian Airports **Description:** A DDoS attack has caused major disruptions at several Russian airports, including Domodedovo Airport in Moscow. **Summary:** The attack is believed to have been carried out by hackers, and it is still ongoing. 5. **Title:** Russian Economy in Transition **Description:** The Russian economy is undergoing a period of transition as it adjusts to the impact of Western sanctions. **Summary:** The government is taking steps to stabilize the economy, and it is hoped that the economy will recover in the coming years. 6. **Title:** Ukraine-Russia Conflict **Description:** The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has led to a humanitarian crisis, with millions of people displaced from their homes. **Summary:** The conflict is also having a significant impact on the global economy, as it has disrupted trade and caused energy prices to rise. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_093000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** The Russian Economy is Repositioning Itself * **Description:** The Russian economy is undergoing a structural transformation, moving away from reliance on the global economy and towards a focus on domestic production and consumption. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is undergoing a structural transformation, moving away from reliance on the global economy and towards a focus on domestic production and consumption. This shift is being driven by the need to reduce the country's vulnerability to external shocks, such as sanctions and fluctuations in the global oil market. The government is implementing a number of measures to support this transformation, including increasing investment in infrastructure, providing financial assistance to businesses, and promoting the development of new technologies. 2. **Title:** The Role of Moscow in the Russian Economy * **Description:** Moscow plays a significant role in the Russian economy, contributing a large share of the country's GDP and tax revenue. * **Summary:** Moscow plays a significant role in the Russian economy, contributing a large share of the country's GDP and tax revenue. The city is home to a number of large businesses and financial institutions, and it is also a major center of trade and tourism. The Moscow government has implemented a number of policies to support economic growth, including investing in infrastructure, providing financial assistance to businesses, and promoting the development of new technologies. 3. **Title:** The Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Economy * **Description:** The sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine have had a significant impact on the country's economy. * **Summary:** The sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine have had a significant impact on the country's economy. The sanctions have led to a sharp decline in the value of the ruble, an increase in inflation, and a slowdown in economic growth. The government has implemented a number of measures to mitigate the impact of the sanctions, but it is unclear how long the economy will take to recover. 4. **Title:** The Future of the Russian Economy * **Description:** The future of the Russian economy is uncertain, but there are a number of factors that will likely shape its development. * **Summary:** The future of the Russian economy is uncertain, but there are a number of factors that will likely shape its development. These include the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the impact of sanctions, and the global economic outlook. The government is committed to continuing its efforts to diversify the economy and reduce its reliance on oil and gas exports. However, it is unclear how successful these efforts will be in the long term. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_100000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **The weakening of the ruble and its impact on the economy.** - The ruble has weakened significantly against other currencies in recent months, and this has had a number of negative consequences for the Russian economy. - The weakening of the ruble has made imports more expensive, which has led to higher prices for goods and services. - It has also made it more difficult for Russian companies to borrow money from foreign banks, which has led to higher interest rates. - The government is considering a number of measures to address the weakening of the ruble, including raising interest rates and imposing capital controls. 2. **The impact of the war in Ukraine on the Russian economy.** - The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the Russian economy, and it is likely to continue to do so for some time. - The war has led to a number of sanctions being imposed on Russia, which have restricted its access to foreign markets and made it more difficult for it to trade with other countries. - The war has also led to a sharp increase in government spending, which has put a strain on the budget. - The government is taking a number of measures to mitigate the impact of the war on the economy, including increasing social spending and providing financial assistance to businesses. 3. **The state of the Russian budget and the government's plans for fiscal policy.** - The Russian budget is in deficit, and the government is planning to increase spending in a number of areas, including defense, social welfare, and infrastructure. - The government is also planning to increase taxes on some businesses and individuals, and it is considering a number of other measures to raise revenue. - The government's fiscal policy is aimed at stimulating economic growth and reducing the budget deficit. 4. **The outlook for the Russian economy in the coming years.** - The outlook for the Russian economy is uncertain, and there are a number of risks that could lead to a slowdown in growth. - These risks include the ongoing war in Ukraine, the possibility of further sanctions, and the potential for a global economic slowdown. - However, the government is taking a number of steps to mitigate these risks, and it is hopeful that the economy will continue to grow in the coming years. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_103000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Budget priorities and spending:** The main focus of the budget is to ensure victory in the ongoing conflict, with significant funding allocated to the military and defense industry. Other priorities include supporting the economy, developing new technologies, and providing social support. 2. **Fiscal policy:** The government is committed to maintaining a stable fiscal policy, with no plans to increase taxes. This is intended to leave more money in the hands of businesses and individuals, stimulating economic growth and investment. 3. **National Welfare Fund:** The National Welfare Fund will continue to be used as a source of investment in infrastructure and key industries. The government plans to increase the size of the fund over the next three years. 4. **Budget rule:** The budget rule, which determines the amount of oil and gas revenues that can be spent, has been revised. The new rule is based on a fixed oil price of $60 per barrel, with any excess revenue going to the National Welfare Fund. 5. **Tax policy:** The government is committed to a stable and predictable tax policy, with no major changes planned. However, the government may introduce some changes to the tax code to support specific industries or sectors. 6. **Financial system:** The financial system has become more resilient and is now able to finance economic growth and structural transformation. Banks have increased lending to the corporate sector by 22% over the past 12 months. 7. **Structural reforms:** The government is committed to structural reforms, which are necessary to achieve sustainable economic growth. These reforms include diversifying foreign trade partners, developing new technologies, and increasing investment in infrastructure. 8. **Financial sovereignty:** The government believes that financial sovereignty is essential for the country's economic security. The financial system has become more resilient and is now able to finance economic growth and structural transformation. 9. **Challenges ahead:** The government acknowledges that there are still challenges ahead, including the need to further strengthen the financial system and reduce the budget deficit. However, the government is confident that it can overcome these challenges and achieve sustainable economic growth. 10. **Humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh:** The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is dire, with thousands of people displaced from their homes. The Armenian government is providing assistance to these people, but more needs to be done to address the humanitarian crisis. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_110000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Elections in Russia and the Donbas** * Description: The elections in Russia and the Donbas were successful, with high turnout and convincing results for the incumbents. * Summary: The elections were seen as a referendum on the popularity of the Russian government and its policies, and the results suggest that the Russian people are largely supportive of the government's actions. **Story 2: Vladimir Putin's Speech to the Governors** * Description: Vladimir Putin gave a speech to the governors of the Russian regions, congratulating them on their election victories and urging them to work hard to justify the trust of the people. * Summary: Putin emphasized the importance of economic development, social welfare, and support for the military and their families. He also called on the governors to be open and honest with the people and to work to improve their lives. **Story 3: Sergei Sobyanin's Speech** * Description: Sergei Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow, thanked Putin for his support and pledged to work hard to justify the trust of the people. * Summary: Sobyanin said that Moscow would continue to implement its development programs and would focus on key economic sectors such as microelectronics, photonics, pharmaceuticals, and automotive manufacturing. He also said that Moscow would provide support to the military and the defense industry. **Story 4: Denis Pushilin's Speech** * Description: Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, thanked Putin for his support and said that the people of the Donbas were proud to be part of Russia. * Summary: Pushilin said that the high turnout in the elections showed the support of the people for the government's policies and that the Donbas would continue to work hard to justify the trust of the people. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_113000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Putin Meets with Elected Heads of Russian Regions** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with elected heads of Russian regions to discuss the results of the recent elections and the tasks ahead. * **Summary:** Putin congratulates the newly elected leaders and thanks them for their trust. He emphasizes the importance of working together to strengthen the country and improve people's lives. He also stresses the need to address the challenges facing Russia, such as the economic crisis, the conflict in Ukraine, and the threat of terrorism. **Kremlin Comments on Situation Around Nagorno-Karabakh** * **Description:** The Kremlin comments on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in light of the recent agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. * **Summary:** The Kremlin welcomes the agreement and expresses hope that it will contribute to a lasting peace in the region. The Kremlin also emphasizes the importance of ensuring the safety of the population and providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict. **US Interference in Slovakian Elections** * **Description:** The head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, accuses the United States of interfering in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Slovakia. * **Summary:** Naryshkin claims that the US State Department has instructed its allies in Europe to establish contacts with representatives of business and political circles in Slovakia and to use any means necessary, including pressure, blackmail, and bribery, to ensure a favorable outcome for the elections. He also predicts that the opposition, which is against the country's Americanization, is currently leading in the polls. **Gazprombank Buys Mega Malls in Russia** * **Description:** Gazprombank buys all of the Mega shopping malls in Russia from the Swedish company Ingka Centres, the owner of IKEA. * **Summary:** The deal includes 14 shopping malls with a total area of over 2 million square meters. The new owners have already launched furniture production at the former IKEA factories, and the vacant spaces are expected to be occupied by new tenants soon. **YUAN's Share in Russian Trade Reaches 25%** * **Description:** The share of the Chinese yuan in Russia's trade with other countries reaches 25%, excluding China itself. * **Summary:** The ruble has become the main currency for settlements, even with Western countries. Overall, the currencies of friendly countries, together with the Russian ruble, account for 72% of exports and 69% of imports. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_120000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin meets with Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, in Moscow. * **Summary:** The two leaders discuss regional stability and security, as well as the situation in South Sudan. Putin expresses support for South Sudan and says that Russia is ready to work together with the country to address its challenges. **Story 2: New Russian regions take steps towards integration into Russia's legal framework** * **Description:** Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected heads of Russia's new regions, which were recently integrated into the country's legal framework. * **Summary:** Putin emphasizes the importance of these regions' integration into Russia and says that the government will provide them with the necessary resources to succeed. He also discusses the challenges facing the regions, such as the need to develop their economies and create new jobs. **Story 3: Canada's parliament apologizes for welcoming a Nazi collaborator** * **Description:** The Canadian parliament apologizes for welcoming a Nazi collaborator, Roman Guy, to the House of Commons. * **Summary:** The apology comes after widespread outrage over Guy's presence in parliament. The Russian embassy in Canada calls on the Canadian government to apologize to the Russian people for the incident. **Story 4: Russia accuses NATO of turning Ukraine into a testing ground** * **Description:** Russia accuses NATO of turning Ukraine into a testing ground for its weapons and tactics. * **Summary:** The Russian Defense Ministry says that NATO is using Ukraine to test its new weapons and tactics, and that this is a threat to Russia's security. **Story 5: Russian economy shows resilience in the face of global challenges** * **Description:** The Russian economy is showing resilience in the face of global challenges, according to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. * **Summary:** Mishustin says that the Russian economy is expected to grow by more than 2.5% this year, and that it will continue to grow in the coming years. He attributes this growth to the government's efforts to support businesses and the financial sector. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_123000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Gazprombank Acquires Mega Malls in Russia** * Gazprombank has acquired 14 Mega shopping malls in Russia, with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. * The deal includes properties in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other major cities. * The purchase price has not been disclosed, but analysts estimate it to be between $2 and $3 billion. **2. Russian Economy Shows Signs of Recovery** * The Russian economy grew by 6.5% in the second quarter of 2023, driven by strong growth in the energy and manufacturing sectors. * The unemployment rate fell to 3.9%, its lowest level since the start of the pandemic. * Inflation remains high, but it is expected to moderate in the coming months. **3. Russian Government Approves New Measures to Support the Economy** * The Russian government has approved a series of new measures to support the economy, including tax breaks for businesses and increased spending on infrastructure. * The measures are aimed at boosting economic growth and creating jobs. * The government is also considering a plan to introduce a new digital currency. **4. Russian Banks Offer New Incentives to Attract Customers** * Russian banks are offering new incentives to attract customers, such as cashback and discounts. * The banks are hoping to boost their customer base and increase their profits. * The competition among banks is expected to intensify in the coming months. **5. Russian Animation Studio Develops New Software** * A popular Russian animation studio has developed new software to replace foreign software that is no longer available due to sanctions. * The new software will allow the studio to continue producing animated content. * The studio is also planning to expand its business and export its content to other countries. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_130000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Putin Signs Law on Integration of New Regions *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The document has already entered into force as it has been published. *Summary:* The integration of the new regions was one of the main topics at a meeting between Putin and the heads of the elected subjects of the federation. The meeting was held via video conference. Putin stated that the victories in the elections, including in the new regions of the country, were dignified and convincing. He emphasized that for the first time, elections were held in accordance with Russian law in the new regions, confirming the incumbent heads of the subjects of the federation. Putin noted that this was a significant event and an important step towards the full integration of the new regions into the legal and state space of Russia. **Title:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin: We Must Do Everything Possible to Help the Country *Description:* Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has stated that it is necessary to do everything possible to help the country during the special military operation. He emphasized that support for the elections in the new regions was of particular importance for several reasons, including the integration of the regions into Russia and the confirmation of the correctness of the course chosen by the residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. *Summary:* Sobyanin noted that a high level of trust has been demonstrated by the residents through voting, which entails even greater responsibility. He expressed confidence that the elected officials understand this and are determined to justify the hopes of the voters for positive changes and an improvement in the quality of life. **Title:** Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Meets with Putin, Reports on Success in Special Operation Zone *Description:* Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and reported on the successes of Chechen fighters in the special operation zone. Kadyrov praised the high morale of the fighters and reported that they have purchased over 1,100 vehicles, including 100 armored vehicles, since the beginning of the operation. He emphasized that they are helping not only their own republic, but also other regions, and that they are all working together to win. *Summary:* Kadyrov assured Putin that the Chechen fighters will not let him down and that he fully trusts them. He also noted that the fighters have established good relations with other units and that the overall atmosphere is one of solidarity and mutual support. **Title:** Putin Meets with South Sudan President, Discusses Economic Cooperation *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit in Moscow. Putin noted that there is still much to be done in terms of developing economic cooperation between the two countries, but that there are already some good achievements, particularly in the energy sector. He expressed Russia's commitment to working together with South Sudan to further develop their relations. *Summary:* Kiir Mayardit acknowledged the importance of strong and influential friends, stating that South Sudan considers Russia to be one of those friends. He emphasized that they do not see any alternative to friendship with Russia and expressed his appreciation for Russia's support. **Title:** Russian Military Conducts Combat Operations in Krasny Liman Direction *Description:* Russian military units, including assault groups and artillery from the Central Military District, are conducting combat operations in the Krasny Liman direction of the special operation zone. Self-propelled artillery units are delivering strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces fortifications. *Summary:* The report highlights the importance of coordinating the actions of assault groups and artillery units in order to effectively carry out combat tasks. It also emphasizes the need for careful planning and execution of operations in order to minimize casualties and achieve success. **Title:** Kremlin Comments on Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Calls for Protection of Civilians *Description:* The Kremlin has commented on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in light of the unrecognized republic's announcement that it will cease to exist from January 1. The Russian peacekeeping forces continue to assist the local population, with many people expressing their desire to move to Armenia. The statement emphasizes the need to ensure normal living conditions for those who have made the decision to leave Karabakh, and expresses concern for the humanitarian aspect of the issue. *Summary:* The decree signed by President Samvel Shakhramanyan dissolves all state institutions in Nagorno-Karabakh and offers the population the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the conditions for reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. The statement also calls for the protection of the rights of those who choose to leave the region, and for efforts to ensure their safety and well-being. **Title:** Russian Peacekeepers Complete Evacuation of Injured from Stepanakert Fuel Tank Explosion *Description:* Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those injured in the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh. A total of 258 people, including patients from the republican medical center who required intensive care, were airlifted to safety. The operation involved 42 medical flights. *Summary:* The statement emphasizes that around 500 civilians, more than half of whom are children, remain in the area under the protection of the Russian peacekeeping contingent. The Russian aviation group has also been involved in transporting civilians from Stepanakert to medical facilities in Armenia. **Title:** Over 70,000 Displaced People from Nagorno-Karabakh Arrive in Armenia *Description:* According to the press secretary of the Armenian Prime Minister, over 70,000 displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh have arrived in Armenia. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has called on Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh not to leave their homes and to become part of the Azerbaijani community. *Summary:* The statement from the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry emphasizes that if any segment of the Armenian population does not wish to live within the framework of Azerbaijani law and does not want to obey it, Baku cannot force them to do so. The statement also calls on Yerevan to remove obstacles to the process of reintegration of Armenians in order to establish peace and security in the region. **Title:** Armenian Opposition Announces Protest in Yerevan, Accuses Azerbaijan of Ethnic Cleansing *Description:* The Armenian opposition has announced a protest in central Yerevan on Saturday. Protests erupted in the Armenian capital on September 19, when the situation in Karabakh escalated. The protesters in Yerevan have been demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. Clashes and scuffles between protesters and police have occurred periodically. In recent days, the police have begun mass detentions of protest leaders and participants. *Summary:* The statement accuses Azerbaijan of carrying out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and expresses concern that there will be no Armenian population left in the region in the near future. It calls for international action to protect the rights of Armenians and to prevent further displacement and violence. **Title:** Russian Foreign Ministry Accuses Canada of Lying about Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament *Description:* The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused Canadian authorities of lying about not knowing that Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka had been invited to the parliament. The ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, emphasized that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. Zakharova pointed out that Canada accepted many former SS members after World War II and that participants in the Ukrainian SS Galicia division, as well as radical OUN-UPA members and their descendants, still have a lobby in Canada. *Summary:* Zakharova argued that such a high-level visit would not have been possible without thorough vetting by the intelligence services of several countries, and that Gunka's biography was not a secret. She criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his apology, stating that it was insincere and only served to further anger Canadians. **Title:** German Police Investigate Nazi Celebration at Oktoberfest *Description:* German police have launched an investigation after a video emerged showing German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest. The footage, taken in Saxony, shows intoxicated visitors to a beer tent listening to the Nazi-era march "Erika" at maximum volume and raising their arms in the Hitler salute. Such actions are considered a criminal offense in Germany and are punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to three years. *Summary:* The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation, with many calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. The police are working to identify and apprehend those involved in the incident. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_133000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in Donetsk People's Republic. 2. Russian artillery destroys 30 militants and equipment in the Artemovsk area. 3. Russian forces repel two attacks by Ukrainian assault groups near Priyutnoye, inflicting losses of 105 servicemen, two armored vehicles, and five cars. 4. Russian troops eliminate a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Severnoye Priyutnoye. 5. Russian forces destroy a Polish self-propelled howitzer and a stronghold in Severodonetsk. 6. Russian aviation destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. 7. Russian Air Force strikes destroy foreign equipment, including a Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer and a support point in Severodonetsk. 8. Russian missile strikes destroy ammunition depots in Kharkiv and Kirovograd regions. 9. Russian military receives new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. 10. Russian nuclear shield reliably protects the country, making dreams of a nuclear conflict absurd. 11. Rossiya Segodnya presents a review of the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. 12. The 7th Financial Forum opens in Moscow, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin delivering a keynote address. 13. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov assures that there will be enough money for planned expenses. 14. Investment diamonds are discussed as a new instrument for preserving and increasing capital for citizens. 15. The Ministry of Finance is considering the option of indefinitely canceling VAT on the purchase of investment diamonds by individuals from banks. 16. Head of the Roscongress Foundation project group, Alexander Sidorov, discusses the main goals and findings of the report on the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. 17. September in Moscow is likely to be the driest and warmest on record, according to Roman Vilfand, scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center. 18. The 2024 International Multisport Tournament, a new format sports show combining competitions in physical and digital dimensions, is presented in Moscow. 19. The first-ever International Multisport Competitions will start in Kazan on February 23, featuring 21 innovative disciplines and 2,000 athletes from over 100 countries. 20. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko calls the Games the beginning of a new era in world sports. 21. Kazan will host the major international sports festival, showcasing its expertise in organizing top-level competitions. 22. Vladimir Putin meets with the winners of the recent elections for heads of regions, emphasizing the importance of integration into the country's legal space. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_140000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** Putin Meets with Regional Leaders **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin met with regional leaders to discuss the integration of new regions into Russia, the economy, and the war in Ukraine. **Summary:** Putin met with regional leaders to discuss the integration of new regions into Russia, the economy, and the war in Ukraine. He emphasized the importance of regional development and support for the military and defense industry. He also highlighted the need to improve the economy and create new jobs. **Title:** Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Aircraft **Description:** The Russian military reported that it had destroyed a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and other equipment. **Summary:** The Russian military said it had destroyed a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and other equipment. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the aircraft was shot down in the Donetsk People's Republic. **Title:** Canada Accused of Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament **Description:** The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Canadian authorities of inviting a Nazi collaborator to Parliament. **Summary:** The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Canadian authorities of inviting a Nazi collaborator to Parliament. The ministry said that the individual, Yaroslav Hunk, was a member of the Waffen-SS and had been involved in war crimes. **Title:** Germany: Police Investigate Nazi Celebration at Oktoberfest **Description:** German police are investigating a video that emerged of people celebrating Oktoberfest while making Nazi salutes. **Summary:** German police are investigating a video that emerged of people celebrating Oktoberfest while making Nazi salutes. The incident took place in Saxony and is being treated as a criminal offense. **Title:** Armenia-Russia Relations Strained over International Criminal Court **Description:** Armenia and Russia are at odds over Armenia's decision to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. **Summary:** Armenia and Russia are at odds over Armenia's decision to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Russia has warned that the move could have negative consequences for bilateral relations. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_143000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Russian Economy Undergoes Large-Scale Transformation:** - The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation, with the most difficult period behind it, according to Mikhail Mishustin, the Prime Minister of Russia. - Mishustin made this statement during his speech at the Moscow Financial Forum. - He emphasized that Russia has successfully adapted to new challenges and has been able to return to sustainable growth rather quickly. - The sanctions imposed on Russia have made it clear to many countries that they need to develop their own technological capabilities to avoid becoming overly dependent on foreign suppliers. - As a result, the Russian government is placing a strong emphasis on the development of domestic production, with a focus on sectors such as electronics, radio engineering, chemicals, mechanical engineering, transport, and energy engineering. **Importance of Domestic Production and Technological Sovereignty:** - The Russian government is prioritizing the development of domestic production and technological sovereignty to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers. - This includes incentives for the production of critical and important products, with a focus on industries such as electronics, radio engineering, chemicals, mechanical engineering, transport, and energy engineering. - The aim is to strengthen the country's technological and personnel sovereignty. **Russia-Ukraine Conflict:** - The Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues, with intense fighting reported in the Zaporozhye region. - Ukrainian forces, including a brigade that was held in reserve, are suffering heavy losses near the town of Orekhov. - Some Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces, citing low morale and heavy casualties as reasons for their surrender. - Captured Ukrainian soldiers describe the Western-supplied equipment as ineffective and unreliable, claiming that German armored vehicles are old and prone to breakdowns. **Humanitarian Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh:** - The humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is a concern, with the region facing a transition period as it ceases to exist as a separate entity. - The population is being offered assistance to relocate to Armenia, with the process overseen by Russian peacekeepers. - The peacekeepers have also been involved in evacuating injured civilians from Stepanakert, with over 250 people airlifted to safety. - The Russian contingent continues to provide support in the region, with around 500 civilians, including many children, still residing in their facilities. **Political Developments in Armenia:** - The opposition in Armenia has announced a protest rally in the capital city of Yerevan on Saturday. - Protests have been ongoing since September 19, when the situation in Karabakh escalated. - The protesters are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who has acknowledged Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. - There have been clashes between protesters and police, with a number of protest leaders and participants being detained in recent days. **Cyberattacks on Russian IT Infrastructure:** - The Russian Leonardo booking system experienced a massive DDoS attack from abroad, causing brief disruptions. - The system has recently been adopted by Russian airlines to reduce reliance on foreign services and prevent the transfer of personal data to foreign entities. - The attack on Leonardo is part of an ongoing cyberwar against Russia, aimed at disrupting critical IT infrastructure and causing damage to important sectors such as aviation. - Russian authorities have stated that over 6,000 websites in the Russian segment of the internet have been subjected to massive cyberattacks since the end of May 2022. **International Parliamentary Conference in Moscow:** - Representatives from over half of the countries in Latin America will participate in the International Parliamentary Conference "Russia-Latin America," which opens in Moscow on Friday. - The conference will bring together parliamentarians, experts, public figures, and diplomats from Latin American and Caribbean countries to discuss current issues on the international parliamentary agenda. **Success of United Russia Candidates in New Regions:** - The electoral campaign in Russia's new regions has concluded with a resounding victory for candidates from the United Russia party. - Experts at a roundtable discussion noted the importance of forming effective public institutions, particularly regional public chambers, in the new regions. - These institutions have proven their worth over the past years in the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics, and their leaders are respected figures. - The residents of the new regions participated in their first elections after reunification with the Russian Federation, and the local parliaments have already held their first meetings. **Unusually Warm and Dry Weather in Moscow:** - September in Moscow is likely to be the driest and warmest on record, with temperatures expected to remain high until the end of the month. - The warm weather has led to an increased risk of wildfires, with aviation resources being deployed to combat a fire in the Temryukovsky district. - The abnormal heat and drought have also caused confusion among plants, leading to повторно зацвела сакура (re-flowering of cherry blossoms) in the Sochi National Park. - In European Russia, September feels more like the fourth month of summer rather than the first month of autumn, with average monthly temperatures reaching June levels. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_150000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Russian regions hold elections, integrate into Russia** *Russian regions have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework, President Vladimir Putin said. *Putin met with the winners of the recent regional elections. *He emphasized the importance of developing regional economies, creating new jobs, and improving infrastructure. *Putin also called on the newly elected leaders to support the country's special military operation in Ukraine.* **Russian forces destroy Ukrainian military equipment** *Russian forces in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, the Defense Ministry reported. *Russian troops also destroyed 26 Ukrainian drones within 24 hours. *The latest data on the progress of the special operation and the situation on the front lines.* **Ukrainian POWs complain about poor conditions, lack of food** *Ukrainian prisoners of war complain about poor conditions and lack of food in Russian captivity, footage released by the Russian Defense Ministry shows. *The POWs say they were promised better treatment but are now being held in cramped and unsanitary conditions. *Some of the POWs say they were forced to sign documents admitting their guilt.* **Russian troops repel Ukrainian attacks in Donbas** *Russian artillery units in the Donetsk People's Republic prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack near Kleshcheyevka, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. *In total, the Ukrainian forces launched at least two unsuccessful attacks in the area within 24 hours, losing nearly 200 troops. *The Ukrainian forces are trying to consolidate their positions and prepare for winter, but the Russian military is disrupting their plans.* **Russian forces advance in southern Donetsk region** *Russian forces in the southern Donetsk region have improved their positions along the frontline, the Defense Ministry reported. *Russian units, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, repelled two attacks by Ukrainian forces near Priyutnoye. *The Ukrainian forces lost up to 105 troops, two armored vehicles, and five cars. *A sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was also neutralized near Severnoye Priyutnoye.* **New footage shows destruction of foreign equipment in Ukraine** *New footage has emerged showing the destruction of foreign equipment in Ukraine. *A Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer was destroyed by a precision strike, while another hit was recorded at a stronghold in Severodonetsk. *In Kupyansk, the Ukrainian forces have significantly reduced their counteroffensive activity, as their reserves are running low. *The defense of Kupyansk is concentrated on the Oskol River, with Russian forces steadily pushing the Ukrainian forces back from the east.* **Russian air force receives new Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets** *The Russian Air Force has received a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. *All the aircraft have undergone a full cycle of factory tests and are ready to carry out their tasks. *The Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter jet, and its introduction into service will significantly enhance the capabilities of the Russian Air Force.* **Canada's Trudeau apologizes for inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament** *Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to parliament. *Yaroslav Gunka, a former member of the Ukrainian SS Galicia division, was invited to a meeting with Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. *Trudeau's apology has been met with criticism, with some saying that it was not enough.* **Germany: Video shows neo-Nazis celebrating Oktoberfest** *A video has emerged showing German neo-Nazis celebrating Oktoberfest. *The video, filmed in Saxony, shows the neo-Nazis singing a Nazi song and giving the Nazi salute. *The incident has sparked outrage in Germany, with politicians calling for the neo-Nazis to be punished.* **Armenia-Russia tensions rise over International Criminal Court** *Armenia has proposed signing a bilateral agreement with Russia on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. *Russia has rejected the proposal, saying that it will not ratify the Rome Statute. *The disagreement has led to tensions between the two countries.* **EU won't give Ukraine money until Hungary gets its funds** *Ukraine will not receive any money from the EU budget until Hungary receives its due funds from European funds, the Hungarian government has said. *The EU has been withholding funds from Hungary over concerns about the rule of law. *Ukraine's Western allies are continuing to provide assistance to the country, but there are concerns that the aid may not be enough to sustain the war effort.* **US miscalculated by imposing sanctions on Russia, says expert** *The United States miscalculated by imposing sanctions on Russia, and has now alienated too many countries, says political scientist John Mearsheimer. *Mearsheimer says that the US believed that sanctions would quickly bring Russia to its knees, but this has not happened. *The US is now facing a backlash from countries that are unhappy with the sanctions.* **Russian economy in search of new balance** *The Russian economy is undergoing a major transformation, and the government is focused on six priority tasks to achieve a new balance. *These tasks include deepening foreign economic cooperation, strengthening financial sovereignty, and improving infrastructure. *The government is also committed to protecting the welfare of citizens and ensuring national security.* **New Year's Eve fireworks to light up Moscow sky** *Moscow will celebrate New Year's Eve with a spectacular fireworks display. *The fireworks will be launched from 30 different locations across the city. *The display will be accompanied by music and a light show.* =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_153000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** Mass Shooting in Dagestan: All Suspects Detained * Description: All participants in a mass shooting in Dagestan have been detained, according to the republican МВД. The conflict between locals occurred the previous evening, with at least 25 people traveling to the outskirts of the village of Levashi to sort things out. During the fight, one of them took out a pistol, while another took out a saiga and opened fire on the crowd, injuring four and killing two, including a police officer. * Summary: All wanted individuals involved in the shooting that took place the previous evening in the village of Levashi, including the main suspect, a 35-year-old resident of the village, have been identified, brought in, and handed over to the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan. The suspect has fully admitted his guilt in committing the aforementioned crimes and has provided detailed information about the circumstances of the incident. The issue of choosing a measure of restraint in the form of detention is being considered. Investigators have already inspected the scene of the incident and retrieved the suspect's weapon from a nearby lake. It is reported that the police officer who was killed during the shooting was wearing a civilian uniform and was off duty. 2. **Title:** Head of Krasnodar Territory Main Directorate of EMERCOM Detained * Description: The details of the criminal case are still limited. According to some reports, Oleg Volyankin was previously called in for questioning as a witness, but is now considered a suspect in the abuse of authority. * Summary: Until recently, it was unknown where the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Krasnodar Territory, Oleg Valunkin, would be detained, in Krasnodar or in Moscow. As a result, he was brought to the Basmanny Court in the capital on Thursday afternoon. Investigators are not providing journalists with details of the criminal case. The official wording is on suspicion of abuse of authority, but it is not yet clear which specific episode is being charged. It is only noted that the violation was committed two years earlier. Oleg Volyankin was detained during a business trip. Vacationers also did not see anything suspicious: “Yesterday there was a loud detention, we did not hear anything at the hotel, the head of the Krasnodar Territory, we did not hear anything, we did not hear anything in the yard at all, I did not see, did not see anything, maybe a car with flashing lights, no, no, we were walking in the evening when he was detained, I just saw it from you.” 3. **Title:** Poachers Caught with a Large Haul in Yaroslavl * Description: Police in Yaroslavl have made a large catch, seizing a motorboat full of судаков, roach, 10 fishing nets, and two cars from a pair of poachers. * Summary: The suspects have been mercilessly depleting the waters of the Sogaza River. First, a thousand fish were seized from them, and then, during a search, three times more were found in their homes. This is only the catch that the poachers did not have time to sell. 4. **Title:** Ex-Policeman Who Allegedly Sold Information About Darya Dugina Appears in Court * Description: In the corridors of the Nagatinsky Court in Moscow, there is a stir as journalists focus their attention on the high-profile case of a former police officer who, according to investigators, sold information about political scientist Darya Dugina from closed databases for money. Former traffic police officer Ivan Rybin, in the so-called "judicial aquarium," like a fish, has taken a vow of silence and has not uttered a word. * Summary: The investigation believes that Rybin is a so-called "proбивщик" (a person who illegally accesses and sells personal information). The former police officer allegedly traded in citizens' personal data, having access to the federal information system of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. In May of last year, using his password, Rybin allegedly entered the database, searched for information about the philosopher Alexander Dugin and his daughter Daria, and then, according to investigators, sold everything he learned for 3,350 rubles to a certain Daniil Chotkhuri, who then passed the data on Dugina to unknown individuals. 5. **Title:** Head of EMERCOM Visits Kemerovo Region, Praises Firefighters and Rescue Workers * Description: As part of a working visit to the Kemerovo region, the head of the EMERCOM of Russia, Alexander Kurenkov, assessed the readiness of the Kuzbass firefighters and rescuers to perform their official tasks. The minister paid special attention to the mine rescue service, which specializes in the most difficult work. * Summary: Alexander Kurenkov visited a unique training center, descended into a training mine, and assessed the equipment of the unit. The material and technical equipment of the modernized mine rescue units is being improved every year. Today, specialists are armed with unique pieces of equipment. There is equipment that allows specialists to work in flooded mine workings. The level of training of specialists is very high. 6. **Title:** Experts Shed Light on the Most Complex Crimes * Description: In the midst of monitors and surrounded by dictionaries, an employee of the Expert-Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Darya Rostovskaya, reveals signs of a crime in a recording of a telephone conversation. * Summary: Specialists in the field of linguistic expertise analyze such recordings on a daily basis, but it has not yet been possible to completely defeat telephone scammers. The trick with a relative who has been in an accident is more than 10 years old, but there are still those who believe the scammers. 7. **Title:** Duma Passes Bill on Criminal Liability for Public Justification and Propaganda of Extremism * Description: According to the parliamentarians, this will dampen the ardor of various radicals, for example, those who promote the ideas of the terrorist movement Columbine among young people. * Summary: This weekend, watch Eduard Petrov's investigation "Right to Sell." The film tells the story of the criminal case of the former head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Tyumen Region, Alexander Silyunin, who went to prison for taking bribes. 8. **Title:** Attempted Murder Charges Filed in Bashkir Nightclub Arson Case * Description: Two illegal immigrants from abroad tried to burn security guards of a nightclub alive because they were not allowed into the establishment. * Summary: The instigators fled and the next morning bought tickets to Moscow, but now the weather will not be good for flying for a long time. Employees of the police department number three of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ufa quickly established the identities of the suspects and distributed a search warrant. As a result, the defendants were detained by transport police at the Ufa International Airport. The Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under the article on attempted murder committed with particular cruelty, in a generally dangerous way, by a group of persons by prior agreement. 9. **Title:** Three Arrested in Moscow for Knife-Wielding Attack * Description: Three impudent hooligans were detained in Moscow for jumping out of cars with knives. Right on the road, they decided to deal with a married couple who did not let them squeeze into the service road out of turn. * Summary: The spouses show the imprint of a palm on the hood of their car - they say this is the work of night revelers. Unknown people with knives and pistols attacked the Chita couple right on the highway, simply because they did not give way. 10. **Title:** Travel Agent from Bashkiria May Face Prison for Fraud * Description: Dozens of tourists consider the businesswoman a fraud. Each of them transferred hundreds of thousands of rubles to her for vacations abroad. The vacationers will not be flying anywhere. * Summary: The tourism sector has long been like a paradise island for scammers, intoxicated by dreams of warm countries, travelers forget to keep a cool head when choosing the very country and travel agent who promises to send them there. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_160000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Putin signs law on reunification with Russia of Donbas republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The document has already entered into force. Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the reunification of Russia with the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The document has already entered into force. **Putin meets with heads of elected regions of Russian Federation** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with the heads of the elected regions of the Russian Federation via video conference. The meeting was attended by 26 people who won the recent elections, including the new heads of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with the heads of the elected regions of the Russian Federation via video conference. The meeting was attended by 26 people who won the recent elections, including the new heads of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. **Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, 26 drones** Description: The Russian military has shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Additionally, Russian forces have destroyed 26 drones in the past 24 hours. Summary: The Russian military has shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Additionally, Russian forces have destroyed 26 drones in the past 24 hours. **Russian forces repel Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk, Kupyansk directions** Description: Russian artillery units have prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Kleshcheyevka area of the Donetsk region, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. In the Kupyansk direction, Ukrainian forces have significantly reduced their counteroffensive activity due to heavy losses. Summary: Russian artillery units have prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Kleshcheyevka area of the Donetsk region, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. In the Kupyansk direction, Ukrainian forces have significantly reduced their counteroffensive activity due to heavy losses. **Russian Defense Ministry releases footage of destruction of foreign equipment** Description: The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of the destruction of foreign equipment, including a Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. Summary: The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of the destruction of foreign equipment, including a Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. **Canada lied about not knowing about Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka's invitation to parliament, says Russian Foreign Ministry** Description: The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused Canadian authorities of lying about not knowing about the invitation extended to Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to address the Canadian parliament. The ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, pointed out that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. Summary: The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused Canadian authorities of lying about not knowing about the invitation extended to Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka to address the Canadian parliament. The ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, pointed out that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. **German police search for participants, organizers of Nazi-themed Oktoberfest party** Description: German police have launched a search for the participants and organizers of a Nazi-themed party that took place during Oktoberfest in Saxony. Videos of the event, which show attendees giving Nazi salutes and singing a World War II-era march, have been circulating online. Summary: German police have launched a search for the participants and organizers of a Nazi-themed party that took place during Oktoberfest in Saxony. Videos of the event, which show attendees giving Nazi salutes and singing a World War II-era march, have been circulating online. **Ukraine will not receive funds from EU budget until Hungary is paid its share, says government** Description: The Hungarian government has stated that Ukraine will not receive any funds from the European Union's budget until Hungary is paid its share of funds from European funds. Summary: The Hungarian government has stated that Ukraine will not receive any funds from the European Union's budget until Hungary is paid its share of funds from European funds. **West rapidly losing influence worldwide due to failures in Ukraine, reckless policies, says French newspaper** Description: The French newspaper Le Figaro has published an article arguing that the West is rapidly losing its influence around the world due to its failures in Ukraine and its reckless policies. The article points to the West's support for the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which has failed to achieve significant results, as well as the sanctions imposed on Russia, which have failed to bring Moscow to its knees. Summary: The French newspaper Le Figaro has published an article arguing that the West is rapidly losing its influence around the world due to its failures in Ukraine and its reckless policies. The article points to the West's support for the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which has failed to achieve significant results, as well as the sanctions imposed on Russia, which have failed to bring Moscow to its knees. **Putin orders establishment of National Center for Historical Memory** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the establishment of a National Center for Historical Memory. The center will be tasked with preserving and promoting the historical memory of Russia and its people. Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the establishment of a National Center for Historical Memory. The center will be tasked with preserving and promoting the historical memory of Russia and its people. **Gazprombank becomes new owner of Mega shopping malls in Russia** Description: Gazprombank has become the new owner of the Mega shopping malls in Russia. The deal includes 14 properties with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. Summary: Gazprombank has become the new owner of the Mega shopping malls in Russia. The deal includes 14 properties with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_163000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** Gazprombank Acquires Mega Malls in Russia **Description:** Gazprombank has acquired 14 Mega Malls in Russia, with a total area of 2.3 million square meters. The deal was announced by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Viktor Yevtukhov, who stated that the vacant spaces in the malls could soon be filled by new tenants. The former owner of the malls, Swedish company Ingka Centres, had closed the IKEA stores in Russia following the closure of furniture hypermarkets. **Summary:** Gazprombank's acquisition of the Mega Malls is seen as a long-term strategic investment, with the bank's Vice President, Tigran Khachaturov, stating that they do not plan to rebrand the malls. The bank aims to develop the brand, the professional team, and the traditions of Mega. The deal includes 14 shopping centers in Moscow, Moscow region, Leningrad region, Omsk, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Adygea, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, and Nizhny Novgorod. The total area of the malls is 2.3 million square meters. **Title:** New Atom Pavilion Opens in Moscow **Description:** A new pavilion dedicated to the Russian nuclear industry, called Atom, has opened in Moscow. The pavilion features interactive exhibits and multimedia technologies to showcase the history and achievements of the Russian nuclear industry. Visitors can learn about the inner workings of a nuclear reactor, the role of nuclear energy in medicine and space exploration, and the development of nuclear icebreaker fleets. The pavilion also includes a section on the history of the Soviet atomic project and the role of the Rosatom State Corporation in various fields. **Summary:** The Atom pavilion is designed to provide visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the nuclear industry and its contributions to various sectors. It highlights the achievements of the Russian nuclear industry and showcases the latest technologies and innovations in the field. The pavilion is expected to attract over 2,000 visitors at a time and includes conference halls, a launch zone, a sports area, a souvenir shop, and a children's playroom. **Title:** Ongoing Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh **Description:** The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh remains tense as the unrecognized republic prepares to cease to exist on January 1, 2023. The region's population is facing a difficult choice between leaving their homes and moving to Armenia or staying in Nagorno-Karabakh and accepting Azerbaijani rule. The Russian peacekeeping contingent in the region has completed the evacuation of those affected by the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert, airlifting 258 people, including patients from the Republican Medical Center. **Summary:** The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh has resulted in over 70,000 displaced people seeking refuge in Armenia. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has called on the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh to remain in their homes and become part of Azerbaijani society. However, the ministry has stated that it cannot force those who do not wish to live under Azerbaijani rule to do so. The situation remains complex, with ongoing concerns for the safety and well-being of the population in Nagorno-Karabakh. **Title:** Protests in Yerevan and Arrest of Former Karabakh Leader **Description:** Opposition protests have erupted in Yerevan, Armenia, following the recent developments in Nagorno-Karabakh. Demonstrators have been demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who has been accused of recognizing Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. The protests have led to clashes and arrests of protest leaders and participants. In a separate incident, the former head of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Ruben Vardanyan, was detained by Azerbaijani forces at the Lachin checkpoint while attempting to travel to Armenia. **Summary:** The ongoing protests in Yerevan reflect the dissatisfaction and anger of the Armenian population over the handling of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. The arrest of Ruben Vardanyan has further heightened tensions and raised concerns about the safety and rights of the Armenian population in the region. The situation remains fluid, with calls for the release of Vardanyan and the protection of the rights of the Armenian people. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_170000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Kyiv's Counteroffensive Stalls as Russian Defenses Hold Firm** * Description: The Ukrainian counteroffensive in southern Ukraine has stalled, with minimal and barely noticeable gains, according to an analysis by the New York Times. The newspaper attributes the lack of progress to the onset of autumn and the muddy conditions it brings, which will make it difficult for heavy NATO tanks and other armored vehicles to advance. The article also highlights the effectiveness of Russian minefields and strong defensive fortifications in slowing down the Ukrainian advance. * Summary: The Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed to make significant progress due to the onset of autumn and the muddy conditions it brings, as well as the effectiveness of Russian defenses. **Story 2: Ukrainian Tactics Ineffective Against Russian Defenses** * Description: Ukrainian forces are resorting to ineffective tactics, such as frontal assaults without armor support, in their attempts to advance. This was acknowledged by the head of Ukrainian intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, who admitted that most of the offensive is now being conducted on foot. The lack of armored support is due to the destruction of Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles by Russian forces, as seen in the recent incidents at the Svatov front line, where two Swedish Leopard tanks were destroyed by mines and then finished off by Russian Lancet drones. * Summary: Ukrainian forces are using ineffective tactics, such as frontal assaults without armor support, which are resulting in heavy losses and the destruction of their equipment. **Story 3: Ukrainian Military Targets Destroyed by Russian Forces** * Description: Russian forces have successfully destroyed a large weapons depot inside an elevator in the Kherson region, using FAB-500 bombs. The Ukrainian propaganda claims that the attack targeted civilian infrastructure, but evidence suggests that the elevator was being used as a military base, with the grain silos having been flooded and unusable. Other military targets, such as command posts and fortified positions, have also been destroyed by Russian strikes. * Summary: Russian forces have destroyed a large weapons depot and other military targets, countering Ukrainian claims that they are targeting civilian infrastructure. **Story 4: Ukrainian Nazis Applauded in Canadian Parliament, Sparks Outrage** * Description: The Vice President of the University of Alberta in Canada has announced the termination of the university's partnership with Ukrainian Yaroslav Hunkay after he was applauded in the Canadian parliament. Hunkay is a former member of the Waffen-SS and his family had established a charitable foundation at the university. The university has stated that no funds from the foundation will be used and that they are committed to fighting anti-Semitism. However, some believe that the university's apology lacks sincerity and that they were aware of Hunkay's background. * Summary: The University of Alberta has terminated its partnership with Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Hunkay after he was applauded in the Canadian parliament, sparking outrage and accusations of hypocrisy. **Story 5: Ukrainian Self-Made Mobile Artillery** * Description: Ukrainian forces are resorting to makeshift mobile artillery, such as installing old anti-aircraft guns from the 1940s on trucks. However, these weapons often self-destruct due to their age and poor maintenance. * Summary: Ukrainian forces are using makeshift mobile artillery, but these weapons often self-destruct due to their age and poor maintenance. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_173000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Ukraine's New Weapons:** Ukrainian forces are using creative methods to produce new weapons, such as mounting old Soviet anti-aircraft guns on trucks and creating makeshift rocket launchers. However, these weapons are often unreliable and can backfire, posing a danger to the Ukrainian soldiers using them. 2. **Sanna Marin's Career Change:** Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed a contract with a casting agency, sparking speculation about her future career in show business. Marin, who resigned as Prime Minister in August, has been criticized for her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and her personal conduct. 3. **Vladimir Putin's Meeting with Regional Leaders:** Russian President Vladimir Putin met with 26 regional leaders who were elected in the recent elections. Putin emphasized the need for concrete measures to improve the well-being of Russian citizens and address social and demographic problems. 4. **Russian Passport for Yan Taksyur:** Russian writer Yan Taksyur, who was imprisoned in Ukraine for alleged treason, has been released and granted a Russian passport. Taksyur, who is known for his support of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, was freed with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church. 5. **New Media Device:** A new multimedia device called Mediaahb Siliger has been developed in Russia. The device is said to be powerful, stylish, and multifunctional, and is designed to be the new center of the home. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_180000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title: Russia's Regions Receive Support and Guidance from Vladimir Putin** - Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the heads of regions elected on a single voting day, emphasizing the need for concrete measures and solutions to address social and economic issues. He highlighted the importance of not only federal but also local efforts in improving the well-being of citizens. - Summary: Putin emphasized the need for regional leaders to take action and address local issues, in addition to receiving support from the federal government. He acknowledged the challenges faced by the newly elected leaders in the Donbas and Novorossiya regions and expressed confidence in their ability to overcome them. 2. **Title: Kyiv Hosts Meeting of Western Officials, but Doubts Arise About Continued Support** - Description: A scaled-down version of the Ramstein format meeting took place in Kyiv, with the participation of NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and defense ministers from France and the UK. Discussions focused on Ukraine's requests for more weapons, but Western countries are reportedly becoming increasingly hesitant due to the high costs and limited tangible results. - Summary: Western officials met in Kyiv to discuss further support for Ukraine, but skepticism is growing about the effectiveness and sustainability of continued assistance. The high cost of supporting Ukraine and the lack of significant progress on the battlefield are raising concerns among Western allies. 3. **Title: Vladimir Putin Meets with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar** - Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar in Moscow. The meeting was confirmed by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who stated that the discussions focused on the situation in Libya and regional issues. - Summary: Putin met with Haftar to discuss the situation in Libya and broader regional issues. The meeting highlights Russia's continued engagement in the Libyan conflict and its support for Haftar's forces. 4. **Title: Baltic Fleet Conducts Coastal Missile Exercises** - Description: The Baltic Fleet conducted coastal missile exercises at the Leningrad Naval Base, practicing strikes against simulated enemy ships. The exercises showcased the capabilities of the Bastion coastal missile systems, which can strike targets from Kaliningrad to the coast of Sweden. - Summary: The Baltic Fleet's coastal missile exercises demonstrated the readiness and capabilities of the Bastion systems, which play a crucial role in defending Russia's exclave in the Baltic Sea. The exercises highlighted the importance of these systems in protecting the country's maritime borders. 5. **Title: US House of Representatives Launches Impeachment Inquiry Against President Biden** - Description: The US House of Representatives has initiated an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, prompting a defensive response from the White House. Republicans are leading the charge, accusing Biden of engaging in improper dealings involving his son, Hunter Biden. The inquiry is expected to continue, with Republicans aiming to secure their candidate's victory in the upcoming elections. - Summary: The House of Representatives has launched an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, led by Republicans who allege that he abused his position for personal gain. The inquiry faces opposition from Democrats, and its outcome remains uncertain. 6. **Title: Exhibition Marks Achievements of Russian Nuclear Industry** - Description: An exhibition at the Museum of Modern History of Russia showcases the achievements and contributions of the Russian nuclear industry. The exhibit highlights the role of scientists and engineers in advancing the country's nuclear program, including the development of the first nuclear reactor and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. - Summary: The exhibition celebrates the achievements of the Russian nuclear industry and pays tribute to the scientists and engineers who played a crucial role in its development. It emphasizes the importance of nuclear technology in strengthening the country's defense and ensuring its economic security. 7. **Title: Moscow to Award Title of Cultural Capital of Russia** - Description: Moscow is hosting the final stage of the competition to determine the Cultural Capital of Russia. Eight finalist cities are vying for the prestigious title, which is awarded annually to a city with over 250,000 inhabitants. The competition provides an opportunity for cities to showcase their cultural heritage and achievements. - Summary: The competition for the title of Cultural Capital of Russia recognizes the achievements and contributions of cities in promoting culture and preserving their heritage. The eight finalist cities present their unique qualities and initiatives to the jury, highlighting the importance of cultural development in their regions. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_183000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Задержание начальника главного управления МЧС по Краснодарскому краю Олега Валункина** * Олега Валункина подозревают в злоупотреблении полномочиями. * Он был задержан во время служебной командировки в Сочинской гостинице. * Валункин не признает вину и готов сотрудничать со следствием. **2. Экстрадиция гражданина России, подозреваемого в педофилии, из Черногории** * Задержанный был доставлен в Москву сотрудниками Национального центрального бюро Интерпола МВД России и ФСИН России. * Предварительно установлено, что фигурант неоднократно совершал преступления против половой неприкосновенности несовершеннолетней, а также причинил ей телесные повреждения. * Обвиняемый скрылся от следствия за границей. **3. В Басманном суде Москвы избрана мера пресечения начальнику главного управления МЧС по Краснодарскому краю Олегу Валункину** * Олег Валункин признал вину и готов сотрудничать со следствием. * Генерал-лейтенант отправлен в СИЗО. **4. В Нагатинском суде Москвы рассматривается дело бывшего сотрудника ГИБДД, который может быть причастен к убийству политолога Дарьи Дугиной** * Бывший сотрудник ГИБДД Иван Рыбин обвиняется в том, что продал информацию о личной жизни Дарьи Дугиной из закрытых баз данных. * Рыбин не признает вину. **5. Все участники массовой перестрелки в Дагестане задержаны** * Конфликт между местными жителями произошел накануне вечером. * В результате перестрелки погибли четыре человека, в том числе полицейский. * Все разыскиваемые ранее лица, причастные к перестрелке, установлены, доставлены и переданы в следственное управление Следственного комитета России по Республике Дагестан. **6. В эти выходные смотрите расследование Александра Петрова "Право на продажу"** * Фильм рассказывает об уголовном деле бывшего начальника ГИБДД Тюменской области Александра Силюнина, который отправил в тюрьму за получение взяток. * В фильме рассказывается о том, как в тюменском управлении ГИБДД продавались водительские удостоверения. **7. Турагент из Башкирии подозревается в мошенничестве** * Дамочку считают мошенницей десятки туристов, каждый из которых перечислил ей сотни тысяч рублей за заграничный отдых. * Отпускники никуда не полетели. * Возбуждено уголовное дело. **8. В Уфе двое приезжих нелегалов пытались сжечь заживо охранников ночного клуба** * Один из пироманов подкрадывается к вышибалам и обливает мужчин бензином, затем устраивает большую лужу на полу. * Одному из секюрити удается сбежать, вот второй то и дело поскальзывается на мокрой плитке, а еще через мгновение помещение тонет в огне. * Посетители в панике бросаются к выходу. * Поджигатели сбежали и уже на утро обзавелись билетами на самолет до Москвы, но для них теперь погода надолго нелетная. **9. В Москве задержаны трое дерзких хулиганов, которые прямо на дороге решили разобраться с семейной парой** * Супруги Илья и Валерия показывают отпечаток ладони на капоте и их автомобиля, это говорят дело рук ночных дебаширов. * Неизвестные с ножами и пистолетами напали на чету прямо на шосе, просто из-за того, что им не уступили дорогу. * Супругам пришлось вырулить на оживленную четырехполосную встречку, чтобы уйти от погони целыми. * Полицейские оцепили основные выезды из города, у дерзкой компании гастролеров не было шанса уйти. **10. Беглого сутенера спортика поймали полицейские в Хакасии** * В Абакане он прятался от красноярских следователей. * Бойцы СОБРа заходят в один из фитнес-клубов и укладывают на полупупитанного бодибилдера. * Он, как считают оперативники, последний из легионеров подпольной империи разврата, наемник преступного сообщества, в которой входили десятки сутенеров. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_190000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Ukrainian Counteroffensive Stalls Without Armor** * The Ukrainian counteroffensive is running out of steam as Russian forces continue to destroy their armored vehicles. * The US is concerned about the cost of the counteroffensive, with New York Times reporting that the advances will likely stall in the fall due to muddy conditions. * Ukrainian President Zelensky has admitted that much of the offensive is being conducted on foot, without armor support. * The Russian Defense Ministry claims to have killed 190 Ukrainian soldiers in the Donetsk region alone, while destroying two Swedish Leopard tanks. * The US Congress is split on whether to continue funding Ukraine, with some Republicans opposed to further aid. **Russian Forces Destroy Ukrainian Grain Elevator** * Russian forces have destroyed a grain elevator in the Kherson region, which Ukraine claims was being used for military purposes. * The Russians used FAB-500 bombs to destroy the elevator, which Ukraine claims was storing grain for domestic use and export. * Ukraine claims that Russia is deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure in order to starve the country. **Trudeau Apologizes for Honoring Ukrainian Nazi** * Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for applauding Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunka in the Canadian parliament. * Trudeau claims that he was unaware of Gunka's background, but critics say that he should have done his research before inviting him to parliament. * Gunka is a supporter of the Waffen SS and has funded the rewriting of Ukrainian history. * Canada has a long history of supporting Nazi war criminals, including allowing them to immigrate to the country after World War II. **Ukrainian Forces Resort to Desperate Tactics** * Ukrainian forces are resorting to desperate tactics, such as small group attacks and suicide drones, in an attempt to break through Russian defenses. * These tactics are proving to be ineffective, as the Russian military is well-prepared and has been able to repel the attacks. * The Ukrainian military is suffering heavy losses, with many soldiers being killed or wounded. **Chechnya Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Meets with Putin** * Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the situation in Ukraine. * Kadyrov praised the Russian military's performance in Ukraine and pledged his support for Putin. * Putin praised Kadyrov's leadership and said that he was confident in the Chechen leader's ability to defeat the Ukrainian forces. **Ukrainian Refugees Flee to Armenia** * Thousands of refugees from the Nagorno-Karabakh region are fleeing to Armenia after the region was ceded to Azerbaijan. * The refugees are concerned about their safety and fear that they will be persecuted by the Azerbaijani government. * The Armenian government has promised to support the refugees and has called on Azerbaijan to respect their rights. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_193000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Karabakh Armenians Face Uncertain Future** * **Description:** The article discusses the uncertain future of Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh, with some analysts predicting that they will soon be forced to leave the region. * **Summary:** The article cites a recent statement by the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, in which he said that there was no threat to Armenians from Azerbaijan. However, the article also notes that Azerbaijan has been making aggressive statements and actions towards Karabakh, including the arrest of former Karabakh leader Ruben Vardanyan. The article concludes by saying that the future of Karabakh Armenians is uncertain, and that the situation remains tense. **Story 2: Ukrainian Official Defects to Russia** * **Description:** The article discusses the defection of David Babayan, an adviser to the President of the Republic of Artsakh, to Russia. * **Summary:** The article says that Babayan made the decision to surrender to Russian authorities voluntarily, and that he believes his loved ones will understand his decision. The article also notes that the situation in Karabakh remains difficult, with a severe shortage of fuel and transportation making it difficult for people to leave the region. **Story 3: Russian Peacekeepers Evacuate Civilians from Stepanakert** * **Description:** The article discusses the evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert, the capital of Karabakh, by Russian peacekeepers. * **Summary:** The article says that over 500 civilians, including nearly 300 children, were evacuated from Stepanakert to medical facilities in Armenia. The article also notes that Russian helicopters have been used to evacuate the wounded. **Story 4: Humanitarian Aid Arrives in Karabakh** * **Description:** The article discusses the arrival of humanitarian aid in Karabakh from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. * **Summary:** The article says that the aid is being collected in Yerevan and sent to Karabakh by volunteers. The article also notes that the aid includes food, hygiene products, and warm clothing. **Story 5: Ukrainian Defense Minister Makes Bold Claims** * **Description:** The article discusses the recent statements by Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, in which he expressed confidence that Kyiv will make service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) a prestigious job. * **Summary:** The article notes that Reznikov's statements have been met with skepticism, with many people pointing out the poor living and working conditions in the AFU. The article also notes that Reznikov's predecessor, Andriy Taran, made similar claims, but that the reality on the ground has not changed. **Story 6: Ukrainian Forces Resort to Guerrilla Tactics** * **Description:** The article discusses the use of guerrilla tactics by Ukrainian forces, including the use of improvised weapons and hit-and-run attacks. * **Summary:** The article says that Ukrainian forces are using these tactics in an attempt to compensate for their lack of heavy weapons and artillery. The article also notes that the use of guerrilla tactics has been effective in slowing down the Russian advance. **Story 7: Western Support for Ukraine Wanes** * **Description:** The article discusses the growing doubts among Western countries about the effectiveness of their support for Ukraine. * **Summary:** The article says that Western countries have already spent a significant amount of money on Ukraine, but that there is little to show for it. The article also notes that the Ukrainian military is reluctant to use heavy NATO weapons, and that the US and UK have warned that Ukraine's window of opportunity for a counteroffensive is closing. **Story 8: Biden Impeachment Hearings Begin** * **Description:** The article discusses the start of impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden in the House of Representatives. * **Summary:** The article says that the hearings were initiated by Republicans, who accuse Biden of abusing his position to enrich his family. The article also notes that Democrats are trying to block the process. **Story 9: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin Signs with Casting Agency** * **Description:** The article discusses the decision by former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin to sign with a casting agency, sparking speculation that she may be considering a career in show business. * **Summary:** The article says that Marin has been praised for her progressive leadership, but that she has also been criticized for her party lifestyle. The article also notes that Marin's decision to leave politics has been met with mixed reactions. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_200000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian regions take another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework.** - Vladimir Putin met with the winners of the recent regional elections. - Putin noted that the elections were held in a number of regions, including for the first time under Russian law in the so-called new, or more precisely, historical lands of Donbass and Novorossiya. - Putin emphasized that this is an important step towards their integration into a single legal framework of the country. 2. **Russian military destroys Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, 26 drones in Donetsk People's Republic.** - Russian Defense Ministry reported that their forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 26 drones in the Donetsk People's Republic. 3. **Russian troops repel Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk direction.** - Russian artillery units prevented the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from launching an attack in the area of Kleshcheyevka. - As a result of the failed attack, 30 militants and equipment were destroyed. - In total, the AFU launched at least two attacks in this direction within 24 hours, losing about 200 personnel and equipment. 4. **Russian forces improve positions on the southern Donetsk front.** - The Vostok group of forces, in cooperation with assault and army aviation, improved their positions along the front line and repelled two attacks by AFU assault groups in the area of Priyutnoye. - The enemy suffered losses of up to 105 servicemen, two armored fighting vehicles, and five vehicles. - The activities of a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the 110th brigade of the AFU's territorial defense were suppressed in the area north of Priyutnoye. 5. **Footage of destroyed foreign equipment in Ukraine emerges.** - A direct hit eliminated a Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer. - Another strike was recorded at a strongpoint in Seversky. 6. **Russian Armed Forces receive new Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets.** - The aircraft have undergone a full cycle of factory tests, have been tested in various modes, and are ready to perform tasks. - The increase in the number of Su-57s in the skies over the front lines is good news for the Russian army and bad news for the Ukrainian command, given that the AFU's air superiority is already zero. 7. **At least three people killed in two shooting incidents in Rotterdam.** - The perpetrator opened fire first in a residential building and then in an auditorium of the medical center at Erasmus University. - A 39-year-old neighbor of the shooter, her 14-year-old daughter, and a teacher were killed. - The identity of the suspect has been established, he is a student at the university, but the motive for the crime has not yet been determined. 8. **Russian President Vladimir Putin attends concert dedicated to 100th anniversary of Rasul Gamzatov.** - Putin noted that the people's poet of Dagestan remains the brightest star of Russian culture, and his work still carries the light of goodness, creation, and love. - Putin also emphasized that Gamzatov's poems, as well as the entire culture, literature, and great history of Russia, inspire the country today when the fate of Russia is being decided and when the country is defending everything that is dear to it, its future, truth, and justice. 9. **Russian passport вручён to writer Yan Taksyur, who was imprisoned in Ukraine for alleged treason.** - Taksyur was released and included in the lists for the exchange of prisoners of war with the active assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church. - Putin thanked Patriarch Kirill for his efforts in securing Taksyur's release. 10. **Vladimir Putin congratulates workers of the nuclear industry on their professional holiday.** - Putin noted the achievements of the Rosatom state corporation, which works in various fields, from energy and nuclear medicine to the space sector and the modernization of the icebreaker fleet. - A new Atom pavilion is set to open at VDNKh as part of the International Forum "Russia" exhibition. 11. **Heavy rain hits Turkey, causing flooding and evacuations.** - Some streets have turned into lakes, and shops and the metro have been flooded. - Firefighters are evacuating children from schools. 12. **Over 3,000 projects of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives grant competition receive expert council evaluation.** - The works were evaluated by 142 professionals from various industries, including music, theater, exhibitions, and others. - The competition was held in five thematic areas. 13. **Russian booking system Leonardo attacked by hackers from abroad.** - The glitch was short-term, with only check-in queues as unpleasant consequences. - The registration system was fully restored by 12 noon Moscow time. 14. **Nizhny Novgorod announced as the cultural capital of Russia in 2024.** - The итоги конкурса were summed up in Moscow. - The honorary title is awarded annually to one of the cities in Russia with a population of over 250,000. 15. **Police in England's Northumbria County arrest 16-year-old in connection with vandalism of ancient tree.** - The tree, known as the Angel of the North, was several hundred years old. - The police stated that the investigation is in its early stages and they are currently exploring various versions of events. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_203000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Rosatom: A Nuclear Dynasty** * Description: A family of nuclear workers in Russia, the Bogdanovs, talk about their work and their pride in being part of the nuclear industry. * Summary: The Bogdanovs are a family of nuclear workers in Russia. They are proud of their work and the role that nuclear power plays in their country. 2. **First Turkish Woman Turbine Operator** * Description: Sibel Kutlu is the first woman in Turkey to become a turbine operator at a nuclear power plant. She talks about her training in Russia and her hopes for the future of nuclear power in Turkey. * Summary: Sibel Kutlu is the first woman in Turkey to become a turbine operator at a nuclear power plant. She is proud of her accomplishment and hopes that it will inspire other women to pursue careers in the nuclear industry. 3. **Innovative Composites** * Description: Anton Shumakov is a young engineer who is developing new composite materials. He talks about his work and the potential applications of these materials in various industries. * Summary: Anton Shumakov is a young engineer who is developing new composite materials. He is excited about the potential applications of these materials in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and construction. 4. **Akuyu Nuclear Power Plant** * Description: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey is a major construction project that is expected to be completed in 2023. The plant will be the first nuclear power plant in Turkey and is expected to provide a significant boost to the country's energy supply. * Summary: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey is a major construction project that is expected to be completed in 2023. The plant will be the first nuclear power plant in Turkey and is expected to provide a significant boost to the country's energy supply. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_210000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title: New Russian Regions Take Steps Towards Integration** Description: The newly integrated Russian regions have taken another important step towards integration into the country's legal framework, according to President Vladimir Putin. Summary: - The President met with the newly elected heads of the regions and discussed the tasks ahead. - Putin noted that the elections were held in several regions, including the new regions of Donbas and Novorossiya, for the first time according to Russian laws. - He emphasized that this is an important step towards their integration into the country's legal framework. **Title: Vladimir Putin Meets with Libyan National Army Commander** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar in Moscow, according to presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. Summary: - The meeting focused on the situation in Libya and regional issues. - No further details were provided. **Title: State Awards Presented to Special Operation Participants** Description: In Rostov-on-Don, Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova presented state awards to participants of the special operation at a military hospital. Summary: - Six servicemen and 10 medical specialists were awarded medals for bravery and courage. - The individuals demonstrated courage, professionalism, and resilience while carrying out their tasks. **Title: Unrest in the Nagorno-Karabakh Region** Description: The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh region has signed a decree stating that the republic will cease to exist as of January 1, 2023. Summary: - Government bodies and organizations will be dissolved, and armed forces will surrender their weapons. - More than 78,000 people have already left Karabakh for neighboring Armenia, despite calls from Azerbaijan for integration. - The situation in the region remains difficult, with a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transportation leaving people stranded. - Russian peacekeepers are providing assistance to civilians, including food and medicine. **Title: Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds as Refugees Flee Nagorno-Karabakh** Description: Thousands of refugees are fleeing the unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in cars, buses, and trucks, seeking safety in neighboring Armenia. Summary: - The exodus is a result of a decades-long conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region. - The Armenian government has not recognized the small republic, and now it has effectively ceased to exist. - Azerbaijan has promised to end the hostilities and integrate the region, but many fear that Armenians will face repression under Azerbaijani rule. - Humanitarian aid is being provided to the refugees by volunteers and organizations, as the situation remains critical. **Title: Russian-Armenian Relations and the Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh** Description: A historical overview of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and the role of Armenia and Azerbaijan in the region. Summary: - The region has been a source of tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan for decades. - The conflict escalated in the 1990s, resulting in a war that left the region in a state of limbo. - Armenia and Azerbaijan have been unable to reach a peaceful resolution to the conflict, despite international mediation efforts. - The recent developments in the region have raised concerns about the future of the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh. **Title: Vladimir Putin Attends Concert Celebrating Rasul Gamzatov's Centenary** Description: President Vladimir Putin attended a festive concert at the State Kremlin Palace in honor of the centenary of Rasul Gamzatov. Summary: - Putin delivered a welcoming speech, praising Gamzatov's contributions to Russian culture and his enduring legacy. - He highlighted Gamzatov's role in inspiring the people of Dagestan during difficult times, such as the 1999 terrorist aggression. - Putin emphasized that Gamzatov's poetry, along with Russian culture, literature, and history, continues to inspire the nation as it faces challenges and defends its future, truth, and justice. **Title: Exhibition Marks Milestones in Russian Nuclear Industry** Description: A thematic exhibition showcasing the history and achievements of the Russian nuclear industry opened at the Museum of Modern History of Russia. Summary: - The exhibition features rare photos, documents, and artifacts related to the development of the Soviet and Russian nuclear programs. - It highlights the contributions of scientists and engineers, including Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrov, in establishing the nuclear industry. - The exhibition emphasizes the importance of nuclear energy and the challenges faced by the industry today. - It serves as a reminder of the significant role played by the nuclear industry in shaping Russia's scientific and technological landscape. **Title: Russia Discusses Economic Development Amid Global Transformation** Description: The 7th Financial Forum kicked off in Moscow, with a focus on discussing the development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. Summary: - Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin addressed the opening session, highlighting the economy's resilience and projected growth. - He attributed the positive dynamics to the implementation of presidential directives and the government's prompt actions in coordination with the Central Bank of Russia. - The forum participants discussed various topics, including the future of the ruble, exchange rate policy, and attracting foreign investment. - Different perspectives were shared on the use of economic incentives and administrative measures to stabilize the ruble and support the economy. - The need for a more sophisticated system that includes temporary restrictions on capital movement was also raised. - The discussions reflected the challenges and complexities of navigating the current economic landscape. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_213000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **New Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies**: A new type of auto insurance policy, called a short-term policy, will be available for purchase starting in the second quarter of next year. These policies will be available for periods ranging from one day to three months. This will benefit drivers who do not use their cars frequently, such as retirees who only drive during the summer months or young drivers who are afraid to drive in bad weather. 2. **Russian Economy Transformation**: The Russian economy is undergoing a painful but successful transformation, according to presidential aide Maxim Oreshkin. The process has led to a reorientation towards the healthy part of the global economy, which has made Russia more resilient and able to address the challenges it faces. 3. **Investment Diamonds**: The Ministry of Finance is considering the possibility of permanently exempting individuals from paying VAT on the purchase of investment diamonds from banks. This would be in addition to the existing exemption from VAT on the purchase of investment diamonds, which has been in place since last year. 4. **Russian Animators Gaining Traction**: Russian animators are gaining traction on the domestic market, with more and more space on the "Russian shelf" being occupied by their work. This is due in part to the support of the Russian government, which has provided financial assistance and other resources to the animation industry. 5. **New Regions of Russia Integrating into Legal Framework**: The new regions of Russia are taking steps to integrate into the country's legal framework, according to President Vladimir Putin. Putin spoke with the winners of the recent elections for regional leaders and outlined the tasks that they need to focus on. 6. **Russian Banks Face Challenges**: Russian banks are facing challenges due to the current economic situation, including the need to increase their capital and improve their risk management practices. The Central Bank of Russia is working to address these challenges and ensure the stability of the banking system. 7. **Russian-Chinese Relations**: Russian-Chinese relations are developing rapidly, with the two countries working together in a number of areas, including trade, investment, and energy. The two countries are also working to strengthen their military cooperation. 8. **Russian-Indian Relations**: Russian-Indian relations are also growing stronger, with the two countries working together in a number of areas, including trade, investment, and defense. The two countries are also working to strengthen their cultural and educational ties. 9. **Russian-Latin American Relations**: Russian-Latin American relations are also expanding, with the two regions working together in a number of areas, including trade, investment, and energy. The two regions are also working to strengthen their cultural and educational ties. 10. **Russian-African Relations**: Russian-African relations are also growing, with the two regions working together in a number of areas, including trade, investment, and energy. The two regions are also working to strengthen their cultural and educational ties. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_220000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- **New Regions of Russia Take Another Important Step Towards Integration Into the Country's Legal Framework** * **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the newly elected heads of several regions in Russia, who were elected in the recent regional elections. * **Summary:** Putin praised the work of the newly elected leaders and emphasized the importance of their role in integrating the new regions into Russia's legal framework. He also highlighted the importance of economic development and job creation in the regions. **Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment, Shoots Down Aircraft** * **Description:** The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian forces had shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed six Ukrainian drones. * **Summary:** The Russian military said that the Ukrainian aircraft was shot down in the Donetsk People's Republic, while the drones were destroyed in various parts of Ukraine. **Russian Troops Repel Ukrainian Attacks in Donetsk** * **Description:** The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian forces had repelled several Ukrainian attacks in the Donetsk region, destroying Ukrainian equipment and killing dozens of Ukrainian soldiers. * **Summary:** The Russian military said that the Ukrainian attacks were unsuccessful and that Russian forces had inflicted heavy losses on the Ukrainian military. **Leader of Unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Signs Decree to Dissolve Republic** * **Description:** The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Arayik Harutyunyan, signed a decree to dissolve the republic and integrate it into Azerbaijan. * **Summary:** The decree calls for the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations in Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrender of weapons by armed groups. The move comes after a recent agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia to reintegrate Nagorno-Karabakh into Azerbaijan. **U.S. House of Representatives Holds First Hearing on Impeaching Biden** * **Description:** The U.S. House of Representatives held its first hearing on impeaching President Joe Biden. * **Summary:** The hearing was led by the House Oversight Committee, which is controlled by the Republican Party. The Republicans accused Biden of abusing his power and engaging in corrupt activities, while the Democrats defended Biden and accused the Republicans of trying to score political points. **Russian Economy Adapting to Global Transformation** * **Description:** The 7th Financial Forum was held in Moscow, with a focus on the development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. * **Summary:** Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and other speakers discussed the challenges facing the Russian economy, including the impact of sanctions and the need to diversify the economy. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_223000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_230000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Biden's Corruption and Incompetence:** The host criticizes Biden's mental state and accuses him of corruption and incompetence, claiming that he is not fit to be president. The host also suggests that Biden is controlled by a "shadowy cabal" of advisors who are enriching themselves at the expense of the American people. 2. **The Downfall of American Democracy:** The host argues that American democracy is in decline and that the country is headed for a period of chaos and instability. He blames this on the progressive movement and the Biden administration's policies, which he claims are destroying the country. 3. **The Shadowy Power Structure:** The host suggests that there is a shadowy power structure in the United States that is controlled by wealthy elites and special interests. He claims that this power structure is responsible for many of the problems facing the country, including the decline of American democracy and the rise of the progressive movement. 4. **The Need for a Strong Leader:** The host argues that the United States needs a strong leader who can stand up to the progressive movement and restore order to the country. He suggests that this leader should be someone who is not afraid to use force and who is willing to take on the powerful elites who control the country. 5. **The Threat of Nuclear War:** The host warns that the United States is on the brink of nuclear war with Russia and that the Biden administration's policies are only making the situation worse. He argues that the United States needs to take steps to de-escalate the situation and prevent a nuclear conflict. =========================================== ./RUN2/RUSSIA24_20230928_233000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.srt.run2.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. Escalation of the conflict in Ukraine: Discussion about the potential consequences of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons. 2. Support for Russian soldiers and their families: Emphasis on the importance of supporting Russian soldiers and their families, both during and after their service. 3. Criticism of the West: Criticism of Western countries, particularly the United States, for their involvement in the conflict in Ukraine and their support for Ukraine. 4. The role of the Russian diaspora: Discussion about the role of the Russian diaspora in supporting Russia and its policies, and the need to protect them from aggression. 5. Concerns about internal security: Concerns about potential threats to internal security from within Russia, such as ethnic enclaves and dual loyalty individuals. 6. The need to change political regimes in post-Soviet countries: The argument that Russia needs to learn how to change political regimes in post-Soviet countries in order to protect its interests. 7. The importance of migration control: The importance of controlling migration and preventing illegal immigration, as well as the need to integrate migrants into Russian society. 8. The need to protect veterans: The need to protect veterans of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine and to ensure that they are not subject to aggression or discrimination. 9. The importance of patriotism and loyalty: The importance of patriotism and loyalty to Russia, and the need to promote these values among the population. 10. Criticism of the Russian government: Criticism of the Russian government for its handling of the conflict in Ukraine and its policies towards the West. 11. The need for economic and political reforms: The need for economic and political reforms in Russia in order to strengthen the country and protect its interests.