=========================================== ./RUN3EN/*.en.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_000000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- Title: Russia's Future and the West Description: The speaker discusses the future of Russia and its relationship with the West. He argues that Russia should strive to be self-sufficient, like China, and that it should not rely on the West. He also criticizes the West's global strategy and its policies towards Russia. Summary: The speaker believes that Russia should focus on its own development and not rely on the West. He criticizes the West's global strategy and its policies towards Russia. Title: The US Presidential Election and American Politics Description: The speaker discusses the US presidential election and American politics. He argues that there is a deep crisis in American politics and that the US is no longer a reliable partner. He also criticizes the US's foreign policy and its military alliances. Summary: The speaker believes that the US is in a deep crisis and that it is no longer a reliable partner. He criticizes the US's foreign policy and its military alliances. Title: China's Growing Power and Influence Description: The speaker discusses China's growing power and influence. He argues that China is not a threat to Russia and that Russia should cooperate with China. He also criticizes the US's attempts to contain China. Summary: The speaker believes that China is not a threat to Russia and that Russia should cooperate with China. He criticizes the US's attempts to contain China. Title: The Situation in Ukraine Description: The speaker discusses the situation in Ukraine. He argues that the West is responsible for the conflict in Ukraine and that Russia is justified in its actions. He also criticizes the West's sanctions against Russia. Summary: The speaker believes that the West is responsible for the conflict in Ukraine and that Russia is justified in its actions. He criticizes the West's sanctions against Russia. Title: The Future of the World Description: The speaker discusses the future of the world. He argues that the world is becoming more complex and that there will be a new balance of power. He also criticizes the US's attempts to maintain its dominance. Summary: The speaker believes that the world is becoming more complex and that there will be a new balance of power. He criticizes the US's attempts to maintain its dominance. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_003000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- Title: Ruben Vardanyan's Arrest and the Exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh Description: The news story reports on the arrest of Ruben Vardanyan, a prominent Armenian businessman and former minister, by Azerbaijani authorities. It also highlights the ongoing exodus of Armenians from the Nagorno-Karabakh region, with over 50,000 people already having left their homes. The story criticizes the inaction of the Armenian government and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in addressing the situation. Summary: Ruben Vardanyan, a wealthy Armenian businessman, was arrested by Azerbaijani authorities. He had previously served as a minister in the Nagorno-Karabakh government. The region has seen an exodus of Armenians, with more than 50,000 people leaving their homes. The news story criticizes the Armenian government and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for their inaction in the face of this crisis. Title: The Need for a New Nuclear Doctrine Description: The news story discusses the need for Russia to revise its nuclear doctrine in light of the changing global security environment. It argues that the current doctrine is outdated and does not adequately address the threats posed by non-nuclear weapons and the erosion of the international order. The story calls for a new doctrine that emphasizes deterrence and the prevention of nuclear war. Summary: Russia's nuclear doctrine needs to be revised to address the changing global security environment. The current doctrine is outdated and does not adequately address the threats posed by non-nuclear weapons and the erosion of the international order. A new doctrine should emphasize deterrence and the prevention of nuclear war. Title: The Transformation of the World Order Description: The news story discusses the transformation of the world order and the challenges facing Russia in this new era. It argues that the United States has lost its credibility and that the international institutions created after World War II are no longer effective. The story calls for Russia to play a leading role in shaping the new world order and to develop a new foreign policy that addresses the challenges of the 21st century. Summary: The world order is undergoing a transformation and Russia faces significant challenges in this new era. The United States has lost its credibility and the international institutions created after World War II are no longer effective. Russia should play a leading role in shaping the new world order and develop a new foreign policy that addresses the challenges of the 21st century. Title: The Role of the West in the Ukrainian Conflict Description: The news story discusses the role of the West in the Ukrainian conflict and argues that the West is seeking to weaken Russia by supporting Ukraine. It criticizes the West for its hypocrisy and double standards, and for its unwillingness to engage in serious negotiations to resolve the conflict. The story calls for Russia to stand firm against Western pressure and to continue to support its allies in the region. Summary: The West is seeking to weaken Russia by supporting Ukraine in the ongoing conflict. The West is hypocritical and has double standards, and is unwilling to engage in serious negotiations to resolve the conflict. Russia should stand firm against Western pressure and continue to support its allies in the region. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_010000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russia's Domestic Policies** Description: The speaker discusses the need for a "cleansing" of the comprador class in Russia, arguing that they are a product of the country's failed reforms of the 1990s. He also praises the current top government and officials, saying that they are of high quality and have reduced corruption. However, he believes that more needs to be done to improve the lives of ordinary Russians and that the country needs to move away from its comprador style of thinking. Summary: The speaker believes that Russia needs to undergo a significant change in its domestic policies, including a "cleansing" of the comprador class and a focus on improving the lives of ordinary Russians. **Story 2: The War in Ukraine** Description: The speaker discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine, arguing that it is a necessary step to prevent a larger conflict and to free the world from hegemonism. He also criticizes the Ukrainian government for its continued shelling of Russian territory and its attempts to drag other countries into the conflict. Summary: The speaker believes that the war in Ukraine is a necessary step to prevent a larger conflict and to free the world from hegemonism. He criticizes the Ukrainian government for its actions in the conflict. **Story 3: The Glorification of Nazism in Ukraine** Description: The speaker discusses the recent glorification of Nazism in Ukraine, including the honoring of a Nazi veteran by President Zelensky. He argues that this is a dangerous trend and that it is important to remember the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II. Summary: The speaker believes that the glorification of Nazism in Ukraine is a dangerous trend and that it is important to remember the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II. **Story 4: US Involvement in Ukraine** Description: The speaker discusses US involvement in Ukraine, arguing that the US is using the country as a proxy to fight its own battles. He also criticizes the US for its sanctions against Russia and its attempts to isolate the country from the rest of the world. Summary: The speaker believes that the US is using Ukraine as a proxy to fight its own battles and that the US is attempting to isolate Russia from the rest of the world. **Story 5: The Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings** Description: The speaker discusses the Nord Stream pipeline bombings, arguing that they were a deliberate act of sabotage by the United States. He also criticizes the US for its lack of transparency and accountability in the investigation of the bombings. Summary: The speaker believes that the Nord Stream pipeline bombings were a deliberate act of sabotage by the United States and that the US is not being transparent or accountable in the investigation of the bombings. **Story 6: The Future of Ukraine** Description: The speaker discusses the future of Ukraine, arguing that the country is on the wrong path and that it needs to change course. He also criticizes the Ukrainian government for its corruption and its lack of respect for human rights. Summary: The speaker believes that Ukraine is on the wrong path and that it needs to change course. He criticizes the Ukrainian government for its corruption and its lack of respect for human rights. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_013000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Corrupt Officials** Description: The transcript discusses the issue of corruption in Ukraine, particularly the involvement of American officials. The speaker alleges that the US is using Ukraine to launder money and that American officials are profiting from the conflict. Summary: The speaker claims that the US is using Ukraine to launder money and that American officials are profiting from the conflict. He provides examples of specific individuals and organizations involved in corruption, and he argues that the US is ultimately responsible for the problem. **Story 2: Historical Revisionism in Ukraine** Description: The transcript discusses the issue of historical revisionism in Ukraine, particularly the efforts of the Ukrainian government to downplay the country's ties to Russia. The speaker argues that this is a dangerous and harmful trend, and he accuses the Ukrainian government of trying to erase history. Summary: The speaker argues that the Ukrainian government is engaged in historical revisionism in an effort to downplay the country's ties to Russia. He provides examples of specific instances of historical revisionism, and he argues that this is a dangerous and harmful trend. **Story 3: The Conflict in Ukraine** Description: The transcript discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the speaker provides his analysis of the situation. He argues that the US and NATO are to blame for the conflict, and he accuses them of warmongering. He also criticizes the Ukrainian government for its handling of the conflict. Summary: The speaker provides his analysis of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, arguing that the US and NATO are to blame for the conflict. He accuses them of warmongering and criticizes the Ukrainian government for its handling of the conflict. **Story 4: The Ukrainian Economy** Description: The transcript discusses the state of the Ukrainian economy, and the speaker provides his assessment. He argues that the Ukrainian economy is in a dire state, and he blames the US and the Ukrainian government for the situation. He also discusses the issue of corruption in Ukraine. Summary: The speaker argues that the Ukrainian economy is in a dire state, and he blames the US and the Ukrainian government for the situation. He discusses the issue of corruption in Ukraine and provides examples of specific instances of corruption. **Story 5: The Future of Ukraine** Description: The transcript discusses the future of Ukraine, and the speaker provides his predictions. He argues that Ukraine is headed for a dark and uncertain future, and he blames the US and the Ukrainian government for the situation. He also discusses the possibility of a third world war. Summary: The speaker argues that Ukraine is headed for a dark and uncertain future, and he blames the US and the Ukrainian government for the situation. He discusses the possibility of a third world war and argues that the US is deliberately trying to start a conflict. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_020000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Government Measures to Stabilize Domestic Fuel Prices** * Description: The government has taken measures to stabilize domestic fuel prices, including temporary restrictions on the export of gasoline and diesel fuel. * Summary: In response to rising fuel prices, the government has implemented measures to stabilize the domestic market. These measures include temporary restrictions on the export of gasoline and diesel fuel. As a result, exchange prices for gasoline have decreased by an average of 20% and 16% for diesel fuel. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that the increase in wholesale prices in the last 2 days after the government limited export is normal. This is a correction that reflects the real situation on the market. To further stabilize prices, the government proposed increasing the duty on petroleum products for resellers from 20 to 50,000 rubles. **Story 2: Duma Deputy Alexei Nichaev Discusses the Work of the State Duma and Legislative Initiatives** * Description: Alexei Nichaev, head of the New People faction in the State Duma, discusses the work of the State Duma and legislative initiatives. * Summary: Aleksei Nichaev, head of the New People faction in the State Duma, discusses the work of the State Duma and legislative initiatives. Nichaev expresses his support for the recent elections and the renewal of the government. He notes that the party has strengthened its position, winning seats in eight regional parliaments. Nichaev also discusses the party's legislative initiatives, including expanding the role of parent committees in schools and increasing customs duties on imported goods. **Story 3: The New People Party's Initiatives for the Fall Session of the State Duma** * Description: The New People party has introduced several bills for the fall session of the State Duma, including measures to improve the quality of housing construction and the Unified State Exam. * Summary: The New People party has introduced several bills for the fall session of the State Duma. These include measures to improve the quality of housing construction and the Unified State Exam. The party has also proposed allowing private clinics to serve people with compulsory medical insurance policies. **Story 4: Experts Discuss the Exchange Rate Ruble and Inflation** * Description: Experts discuss the recent rise in the exchange rate ruble and inflation. * Summary: Experts discuss the recent rise in the exchange rate ruble and inflation. The main reason for the rise in the exchange rate is the decrease in export volume and the increase in import volume. The decrease in foreign currency inflows has also contributed to the rise in the exchange rate. Inflation is largely related to the increase in the exchange rate for imported goods, but there is also some inflation that is not related to the exchange rate. The government, the central bank, and other experts are all looking for mechanisms to contain inflation. **Story 5: Historical Events on September 28th** * Description: A review of historical events that occurred on September 28th. * Summary: A review of historical events that occurred on September 28th, including the Battle of Solomin, the invasion of England by the Duke of Normandy, the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev, the arrest of Sidney Reilly, and the testing of a unique seismic station by scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_023000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_030000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Fierce Battles Continue in Zaporozhye Region:** -Kiev is sending its last reserves into an assault in the Zaporozhye region. -The 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, one of the last combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Airborne Troops, has suffered huge losses. -Many soldiers in the SSU surrender, and they report that they were abandoned and that the morale is low. -Western equipment, including German armored vehicles and English tanks, has not helped the Ukrainian forces. **Russian Military Advances in the Krasnolimansk Direction:** -The Russian military struck militant positions in the Krasnolimansk direction using the Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system. -The system can penetrate fortifications and expose enemy manpower and military targets to fragments, high temperatures, and increased pressure. -The Russian military has successfully carried out several operations using the Solntsepek system, destroying enemy positions and equipment. **Political Rally in Support of Niger in Nigeria:** -A rally in support of neighboring Niger will be held in Nigeria. -Several political movements are calling for people to take to the streets to support African independence. -The French ambassador has left Niger, and the politician demands the withdrawal of French troops from the country. -Nigerians express their desire for independence and reject the continued presence of French troops. **Coup Attempt Fails in Burkina Faso:** -The Burkina Faso authorities have reported the failure of a coup attempt. -The plot was started by the military to attack the institutions of the Republic. -Citizens were called to take to the streets to supposedly restore justice in the country. -Security and intelligence forces stopped the action, arresting four of the instigators and searching for two more. **Fifth Nuclear Reactor Vessel Shipped to Turkey:** -The fifth nuclear reactor vessel for the Turkish nuclear power plant Akkuyu has been shipped to Ulgodonski. -The vessel was built at the Rusatom plant and weighs 320 tons with a length of almost 13 meters. -The reactor vessel will be transported to Turkey by specialized road transport and then by water journey. -The vessel will undergo a control assembly process before being installed in the third power unit under construction. **Russia's GDP Growth Accelerates:** -According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP has begun to grow at a faster pace. -In August, the growth rate was 5.2%, and for the first 8 months of the year, it added 2.5%. -Industrial production increased by almost 5.5% in August, with significant growth in the production of electronic optical products, furniture, antibiotics, and vehicles. -Plans are in place to increase funding for the state program for industrial development by almost 270 billion rubles next year. **Scam on JPEX Crypto Exchange in Hong Kong:** -The damage from the scam on the JPEX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has exceeded $192 million, affecting almost 2,500 people. -This is the largest fraud in the history of the region. -The exchange gave false information in advertising about having a license to operate in Hong Kong. -Approximately $179 million disappeared from users' wallets, and the police have sought the help of Interpol to freeze these assets. -15 people have been arrested in connection with the case, and the exchange has announced the suspension of operations in the region. **Mass Exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh:** -More than 50,000 residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have left their homes and moved to Armenia. -Former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan tried to leave the region along with other internally displaced persons but was detained. -There is an endless flow of cars through the Zlochin corridor from Yes in Armenia. -Registration of people is accepted day and night, but only 6,000 people have been resettled. -The region has almost run out of food, and many people are exhausted and under extreme stress. -Ambulances and sanitary aviation are being used to transport the most seriously ill patients to clinics in Armenia. **Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent, Uzbekistan:** -A powerful explosion followed by a fire occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. -The emergency occurred at a large warehouse in the area, where cars and batteries were stored. -The batteries detonated from a lightning strike, causing the fire to spread rapidly and cover about 3,000 km. -The fire has now been localized, and several dozen fire brigades are working on the spot to establish the exact causes. -There are victims, who have been taken to the Republican emergency medicine center. -The international airport, near which the fire occurred, is operating normally, and flights have not been canceled. **Two Small Missile Ships Launched at Amur Shipyard:** -Two small missile ships, Arzhev and Udomlya, have been launched at the Amur Shipyard. -The ships are equipped with artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, and cruise missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 2,000 km. -The ships will be transferred to the Pacific Fleet after final tests and outfitting in Vladivostok. -The construction of these ships is part of Russia's import substitution strategy, allowing for the timely update of the Russian Navy. **Protests and Strikes in the United States:** -The strike in the USA can reach even more auto factories, with hundreds of enterprises potentially paralyzed if employees do not begin negotiations. -An extension of the strike can be announced today, as Joe Biden's visit to Michigan did not help raise wages. -Protesters also met with Donald Trump, who criticized Biden's policies and questioned his mental state. -Shocking footage from Philadelphia shows looters sweeping away expensive equipment from stores. -The authorities have imposed restrictions on looting, allowing people to take items worth up to a thousand dollars. -The progressive prosecutors refuse to open criminal cases against the looters, leading to a rise in crime and the exodus of conservative people from big cities. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_033000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russian Football Cup**: Matches continue at the 1/32 stage of the regional finals. In Volgograd, Rotor and Alania faced off, with Rotor advancing after a 1-0 victory thanks to a goal by Rizvan Akhmetkhanov. 2. **KHL Hockey**: In the Continental Hockey League, Sibir Novosibirsk hosted SKA St. Petersburg. The match saw a record attendance of 10,489 fans, with SKA winning 3-0. 3. **Inter-Miami CF Wins US Open Cup**: Inter-Miami claimed their second trophy of the season by defeating the Houston Dynamo in the US Open Cup final. However, Lionel Messi, who recently joined the team, did not play due to a minor injury. 4. **Manchester City Knocked Out of English League Cup**: Manchester City suffered a shock exit from the English League Cup, losing 1-0 to Newcastle United in the 1/16 final stage. It is the first time in 11 years that City have been eliminated at this stage of the competition. 5. **Cold Snap in Russia**: A powerful cold snap is expected to cover the European part of Russia by the end of the week. Temperatures are expected to drop, and there is a possibility of rain in Moscow. 6. **Canadian Prime Minister Apologizes for Honoring Nazi Collaborator**: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for inviting a former Nazi collaborator, Yaroslav Hunka, to the Canadian Parliament. The incident sparked outrage, with opposition leaders calling Trudeau "foolish" and accusing him of not learning from history. 7. **Russian Salaries Increase**: Real wages in Russia increased by more than 9% in annual terms in July. The average monthly accruals for employees amounted to 71,419 rubles ($975). 8. **Rosseti Shares Rise**: Shares of Russian power company Rosseti rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange, closing at around 12 kopecks per paper. The increase was attributed to positive financial reporting, with net profit for the first half of the year being 6.5 times higher than the previous year. 9. **Donbass Dairy Plant Resumes Production**: The dairy plant in Makeevka, Donetsk, has resumed production and is now producing dozens of types of natural products, including kefir, desserts, and treats for children. The plant's production manager, Tatyana Kharina, oversees the quality control process to ensure that only high-quality products reach the tables of children in the region. 10. **3D Metal Printing Center Opens in Izhevsk**: The first center in Russia dedicated to studying 3D metal printing has opened in Izhevsk, Udmurtia. The educational project, implemented at the Udmurt State University, aims to teach modern metal printing technologies. The center is expected to train 50 people this year. 11. **Russian Political Crisis**: A discussion about the political crisis in Russia, with opinions on the causes and potential outcomes. 12. **Russian Cartoons and Children's Programs**: A recommendation to watch Russian cartoons and children's programs to spend time with children. 13. **Assault Groups in Krasno-Liman Direction**: A report on the activities of assault groups in the Krasno-Liman direction, including artillery strikes and advances by fighters from the contact line in the Lugansk People's Republic. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_040000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russian forces advance in eastern Ukraine** Description: Russian forces are advancing in eastern Ukraine, with assault groups and artillery working together to take fortified Ukrainian positions. The Russian military is using heavy weapons, including self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, to support the assault groups. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong defense, but the Russian forces are making progress. Summary: The Russian military is making progress in eastern Ukraine, with assault groups and artillery working together to take fortified Ukrainian positions. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong defense, but the Russian forces are making progress. **Story 2: Ukrainian soldiers surrender to Russian forces** Description: Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces in large numbers, citing low morale and a lack of support from their own government. The Ukrainian soldiers say that they are being thrown into battle without proper training or equipment, and that they are being used as cannon fodder. The Russian military is offering the Ukrainian soldiers food, water, and medical care, and is promising to treat them well. Summary: Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces in large numbers, citing low morale and a lack of support from their own government. The Russian military is offering the Ukrainian soldiers food, water, and medical care, and is promising to treat them well. **Story 3: Lavrov: West is destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity** Description: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity. Lavrov said that the West is using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine and to prepare for a war against Russia. He also said that the West is trying to use the issue of a possible truce to gain more time to pump up the Kiev regime with military equipment. Summary: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of destroying Ukraine's territorial integrity. He said that the West is using the Minsk agreements to arm Ukraine and to prepare for a war against Russia. **Story 4: Russia's GDP growth accelerates** Description: Russia's GDP growth has accelerated, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. The ministry said that GDP growth was 2.5% in annual terms in the first eight months of the year. This is higher than the forecast of 2.8% for the year. The ministry also said that industrial production increased by almost 5.5% in August. Summary: Russia's GDP growth has accelerated, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. The ministry said that GDP growth was 2.5% in annual terms in the first eight months of the year. This is higher than the forecast of 2.8% for the year. **Story 5: Hong Kong crypto exchange scam damages exceed $192 million** Description: The damage from the scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has exceeded $192 million. About 2,500 people were injured. The scam started on September 13, when the Securities and Futures Price Commission reported that the site was advertising false information about having a license to work in Hong Kong. Then approximately $179 million disappeared from users’ wallets. The police have sought the help of Interpol to seek the freezing of these assets. 15 people were arrested in the case. The exchange announced that it was suspending operations in the region. Summary: The damage from the scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has exceeded $192 million. About 2,500 people were injured. The police have sought the help of Interpol to seek the freezing of these assets. 15 people were arrested in the case. The exchange announced that it was suspending operations in the region. **Story 6: Canadian Prime Minister apologizes for honoring Nazi** Description: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for honoring a Nazi at a recent event in the Canadian Parliament. The Nazi, Yaroslav Hunka, was invited to the Parliament by a member of Trudeau's own party. Trudeau said that he was "deeply sorry" for the mistake and that he would be taking steps to ensure that it does not happen again. Summary: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for honoring a Nazi at a recent event in the Canadian Parliament. He said that he was "deeply sorry" for the mistake and that he would be taking steps to ensure that it does not happen again. **Story 7: US companies maintain interest in Russian market** Description: US companies are maintaining an interest in the Russian market, despite open pressure from Washington. The US ambassador to Russia, Anatoly Antonov, said that the White House is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for the collapse of commercial ties, blaming Moscow to everyone, although it was the American media that pushed them to leave the Russian market. Summary: US companies are maintaining an interest in the Russian market, despite open pressure from Washington. The US ambassador to Russia, Anatoly Antonov, said that the White House is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for the collapse of commercial ties, blaming Moscow to everyone, although it was the American media that pushed them to leave the Russian market. **Story 8: Strike threat looms over US auto industry** Description: A strike threat is looming over the US auto industry. The United Auto Workers union is threatening to strike if it cannot reach a new contract with the major automakers. The union is demanding higher wages and better benefits. The automakers are resisting the union's demands, saying that they would increase the cost of cars and trucks. Summary: A strike threat is looming over the US auto industry. The United Auto Workers union is threatening to strike if it cannot reach a new contract with the major automakers. The union is demanding higher wages and better benefits. The automakers are resisting the union's demands, saying that they would increase the cost of cars and trucks. **Story 9: Inter Miami loses US Open Cup final** Description: Inter Miami lost the US Open Cup final to Houston Dynamo. The game was played at Exploria Stadium in Orlando, Florida. Inter Miami was without its star player, Lionel Messi, who was injured. Houston Dynamo won the game 2-1. Summary: Inter Miami lost the US Open Cup final to Houston Dynamo. The game was played at Exploria Stadium in Orlando, Florida. Inter Miami was without its star player, Lionel Messi, who was injured. Houston Dynamo won the game 2-1. **Story 10: Manchester City knocked out of English League Cup** Description: Manchester City was knocked out of the English League Cup in the round of 16. The team lost to Newcastle United 1-0. The only goal of the game was scored by Newcastle's Swedish striker, Alexander Isak. Manchester City played with a mixed lineup in the game; in particular, Erlin Holland did not appear on the field. Summary: Manchester City was knocked out of the English League Cup in the round of 16. The team lost to Newcastle United 1-0. The only goal of the game was scored by Newcastle's Swedish striker, Alexander Isak. **Story 11: Government proposes ban on exports of purchased fuel** Description: The Russian government has proposed a ban on exports of purchased fuel. The measure is intended to stabilize the domestic fuel market. The government also plans to increase the duty on oil. Summary: The Russian government has proposed a ban on exports of purchased fuel. The measure is intended to stabilize the domestic fuel market. The government also plans to increase the duty on oil. **Story 12: Dairy plant in Makeyevka resumes production** Description: The dairy plant in Makeyevka, in the Donetsk People's Republic, has resumed production. The plant produces a variety of dairy products, including kefir, desserts, and baby food. The plant is working around the clock to meet the demand for its products. Summary: The dairy plant in Makeyevka, in the Donetsk People's Republic, has resumed production. The plant produces a variety of dairy products, including kefir, desserts, and baby food. The plant is working around the clock to meet the demand for its products. **Story 13: Powerful cold snap to hit European Russia** Description: A powerful cold snap is expected to hit the European part of Russia by the end of this week. The cold snap will bring with it heavy snow and freezing temperatures. The cold snap is expected to last for several days. Summary: A powerful cold snap is expected to hit the European part of Russia by the end of this week. The cold snap will bring with it heavy snow and freezing temperatures. The cold snap is expected to last for several days. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_043000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian news story: "The powerful cold snap will cover the European part of Russia by the end of this week."** * Description: A powerful cold snap is expected to cover the European part of Russia by the end of this week, bringing with it unseasonably cold temperatures and a risk of frost. * Summary: The cold snap is expected to last for several days, with temperatures dropping to as low as -5°C (23°F) in some areas. This is significantly colder than the average temperature for this time of year, which is typically around 15°C (59°F). The cold snap is also expected to bring with it a risk of frost, which could damage crops and vegetation. **2. Russian news story: "The salaries of Russian citizens are growing, as noted in Rosstat."** * Description: The average monthly salary in Russia increased by 9% in July compared to the same month last year, according to Rosstat, the country's statistics agency. * Summary: The average monthly salary in Russia is now 71,419 rubles ($970). This is up from 65,365 rubles ($880) in July 2021. The increase in salaries is being driven by strong economic growth, which is expected to continue in the coming months. **3. Russian news story: "The production of petroleum products in Russia is growing."** * Description: The production of petroleum products in Russia is growing, with output increasing by 3.5% in the first eight months of the year compared to the same period last year. * Summary: The increase in production is being driven by strong demand for petroleum products, both domestically and internationally. Domestic demand is being driven by the country's growing economy, while international demand is being driven by the recovery of the global economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. **4. Russian news story: "Lukoil may be banned from processing Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year."** * Description: The economic commission of the Bulgarian People's Assembly has proposed banning Lukoil from processing Russian oil in Bulgaria until October next year. * Summary: The proposal is in response to concerns that Lukoil is profiting from the war in Ukraine by processing Russian oil. Lukoil has warned that the ban would disrupt the work of its refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria, and could lead to a sharp increase in fuel prices in the country. **5. Russian news story: "The German chemical industry is in danger, as the Bild newspaper writes."** * Description: The German chemical industry is in danger, as the Bild newspaper writes, with companies from fourteen states asking Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to save them from massive layoffs. * Summary: The chemical industry is facing a number of challenges, including rising energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and the war in Ukraine. These challenges have led to a sharp decline in production and a loss of orders, which is threatening the jobs of millions of workers in the industry. **6. Russian news story: "Shares of Rosseti rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange."** * Description: Shares of Rosseti, the Russian power grid company, rose by more than 9% on the Moscow Exchange on Wednesday. * Summary: The rise in share price was driven by positive financial reporting. Rosseti reported a net profit of 202 billion rubles ($2.7 billion) for the first half of the year, which was 6.5 times higher than the same period last year. The strong financial results were attributed to increased electricity demand and higher tariffs. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_050000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ukrainian POWs Allege War Crimes** - Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) have alleged that the Kyiv regime was committing war crimes, including the shelling of civilian areas and the use of banned weapons. - The POWs also apologized for giving a standing ovation to a Nazi collaborator during a visit to the Canadian parliament. **Story 2: Canadian Prime Minister Apologizes for Scandal** - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for inviting a Nazi collaborator to the Canadian parliament and honoring him as a hero. - The incident has sparked outrage, with opposition media calling Trudeau a fool who has learned nothing from history. **Story 3: French Army Will Not Leave When Macron Decides** - The French army will not leave Niger when President Emmanuel Macron decides, but when the African people demand it, according to protesters in Niger. - The protests come amid growing anti-colonial sentiment in Africa. **Story 4: New Nuclear Reactor Vessel Sent to Akkuyu NPP** - A new nuclear reactor vessel has been sent to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Turkey. - The vessel is part of a project to build Turkey's first nuclear power plant, which is being constructed by Russia. **Story 5: Kyiv Throws Last Reserves into Zaporozhye Assault** - Kyiv is throwing its last reserves into an assault in the Zaporozhye region, but the Ukrainian forces are suffering heavy casualties. - Even Western equipment is not helping the Ukrainian troops, and many soldiers are surrendering to Russian forces. **Story 6: Fierce Battles Underway in Zaporozhye** - Fierce battles are underway in Zaporozhye, as Ukrainian troops abandon and throw their soldiers into meat assaults. - The last large-scale attempt by Ukraine to break through Russian defenses failed, and the battlefield is littered with corpses. **Story 7: Lavrov: West Seeking to Speculate on Truce** - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of seeking to speculate on the possibility of a truce in Ukraine. - Lavrov said that there are no real prerequisites for negotiations to begin this fall. **Story 8: Trudeau Apologizes for Scandal with Ukrainian Investigator** - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for the scandal involving a Ukrainian investigator who was invited to the Canadian parliament. - Trudeau said that he was personally responsible for inviting the investigator, and he apologized for the mistake. **Story 9: Stocking in the United States May Cover Even More Automobile Plants** - Stocking in the United States may cover even more automobile plants, according to reports. - Hundreds of enterprises in the country could be paralyzed if negotiations with employees are not started. **Story 10: American Business Remains Interested in Russian Market** - American business remains interested in the Russian market, despite open pressure from the US authorities, according to Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov. - Antonov said that the White House is trying to blame Moscow for the collapse of commercial ties, but Western companies were pushed to leave Russia by Washington. **Story 11: Powerful Explosion and Fire in Tashkent** - A powerful explosion followed by a fire occurred in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. - The accident occurred at a large warehouse near the airport, and the shock wave broke glass in nearby houses and buildings. **Story 12: Fire Engulfs Large Market in Indonesia** - A fire engulfed a large market in Indonesia, destroying many buildings. - The situation is complicated by the weather, as the country is experiencing record heat and frequent thunderstorms with lightning. **Story 13: Over 50,000 Residents Leave Nagorno-Karabakh** - More than 50,000 residents of Nagorno-Karabakh have left their homes and moved to Armenian territory. - The exodus comes after the region was blockaded for 9 months, leaving it almost without food. **Story 14: Karabakh State Minister Detained at Lochin Corridor** - Karabakh State Minister Ruben Vardanyan was detained at the Lochin corridor while trying to leave the region. - The Azerbaijani border service confirmed the information, adding that Vardanyan was taken to Baku. **Story 15: Rally in Support of Niger to Be Held in Nigeria** - A rally in support of neighboring Niger will be held in Nigeria, as Nigerians demand an end to French influence in Africa. - The protest is part of a growing movement for African independence from European powers. **Story 16: Coup Attempt Fails in Burkina Faso** - A coup attempt has failed in Burkina Faso, according to the authorities. - The conspirators were planning an attack on state institutions and called on citizens to take to the streets to restore justice. **Story 17: Russia's GDP Growth Accelerating** - Russia's GDP growth is accelerating, according to the Ministry of Economic Development. - The country's GDP grew by 2.5% in annual terms in the first 8 months of the year. **Story 18: Three Additional Railway Ports to Be Built for Kaliningrad Region** - The construction of three additional railway ports for the Kaliningrad region is being discussed by the Russian government. - The issue of financing the project was raised at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. **Story 19: Volkswagen Halts Production at Several Factories Due to IT Failure** - Volkswagen has halted production at several factories in Germany due to a failure in IT systems. - The problem has been declared a priority and all efforts are being made to resolve it. **Story 20: Damage from Scam on JPX Crypto Exchange Exceeds $192 Million** - The damage from a scam on the JPX crypto exchange in Hong Kong has exceeded $192 million. - About 2,500 people were affected by the fraud, which is the largest in the history of the region. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_053000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1.** **Title:** Russian advances in Ukraine **Description:** Russian forces continue to make advances in Ukraine, with the capture of several key towns and villages. The Ukrainian military is putting up a strong resistance, but the Russian army is slowly but surely gaining ground. **Summary:** The Russian army is making progress in Ukraine, but the Ukrainian military is putting up a strong resistance. **2.** **Title:** Cost of living crisis **Description:** The cost of living crisis is continuing to worsen, with food and energy prices rising rapidly. This is putting a strain on households and businesses, and there is no sign of the crisis ending anytime soon. **Summary:** The cost of living crisis is getting worse, with no end in sight. **3.** **Title:** Climate change **Description:** Climate change is causing more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, and floods. These events are causing widespread damage and loss of life, and they are only going to get worse in the future. **Summary:** Climate change is causing more extreme weather events, which are causing widespread damage and loss of life. **4.** **Title:** COVID-19 pandemic **Description:** The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, with new variants emerging all the time. The pandemic has caused a global recession and widespread disruption to everyday life. **Summary:** The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, with new variants emerging all the time. The pandemic has caused a global recession and widespread disruption to everyday life. **5.** **Title:** US midterm elections **Description:** The US midterm elections are coming up in November, and the stakes are high. The Democrats are hoping to hold onto their majorities in the House and Senate, while the Republicans are hoping to regain control. **Summary:** The US midterm elections are coming up in November, and the stakes are high. The Democrats are hoping to hold onto their majorities in the House and Senate, while the Republicans are hoping to regain control. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_060000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title:** Moscow Financial Forum to Discuss Russian Economy in Context of Global Transformation - **Description:** The Moscow Financial Forum will bring together experts to discuss the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. - **Summary:** The forum will feature discussions on topics such as the ruble exchange rate, inflation, and the development of the financial market. 2. **Title:** Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Lavrov Says West Trying to Speculate on Truce - **Description:** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accuses the West of trying to speculate on the possibility of a truce in Ukraine. - **Summary:** Lavrov says that the West is seeking to gain time and further arm the Ukrainian regime. 3. **Title:** US Still Wants to Work with Russia Despite Pressure, Says Ambassador - **Description:** Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says that the United States still wants to work with Russia, despite open pressure from the American authorities. - **Summary:** Antonov emphasizes that Moscow is open to mutually beneficial business cooperation. 4. **Title:** Large Warehouse Fire Near Tashkent Airport, Casualties Reported - **Description:** A large warehouse near Tashkent airport in Uzbekistan catches fire, resulting in casualties. - **Summary:** The fire is believed to have been caused by lightning striking the building, which stored electric vehicles and batteries. 5. **Title:** Joint Combat Work of Assault Groups and Artillerymen in the Lugansk People's Republic - **Description:** Joint combat work of assault groups and artillerymen of the central military district in the Lugansk People's Republic. - **Summary:** Russian forces are conducting operations to destroy Ukrainian fortifications and provide support for assault groups. 6. **Title:** Putin to Meet with Newly Elected Regional Heads via Video Link - **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with regional heads elected this year via video link. - **Summary:** The meeting will include discussions on the results of the recent elections and statements from the newly elected leaders. 7. **Title:** Canada Apologizes for Inviting Ukrainian SS Man to Parliament - **Description:** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for inviting a Ukrainian SS man to the Canadian parliament. - **Summary:** The incident sparks outrage and criticism, with calls for an apology from Ukraine. 8. **Title:** Russian Peacekeepers Evacuate Victims from Explosion of Fuel Tank in Nagorno-Karabakh - **Description:** Russian peacekeepers evacuate victims from the explosion of a fuel tank in Nagorno-Karabakh. - **Summary:** Thousands of residents have left their homes and moved to Armenia, with the former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan being detained while trying to leave. 9. **Title:** Government Measures to Stabilize Fuel Market in Russia - **Description:** The Russian government is taking measures to stabilize the fuel market in the country, including increasing exchange sales standards and implementing temporary export restrictions. - **Summary:** The aim is to balance the market and ensure long-term stability, with discussions on additional measures such as adjusting Damper parameters and restricting gray exports. 10. **Title:** Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to Cease to Exist on January 1, 2024 - **Description:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist on January 1, 2024, according to a decree by the head of the unrecognized republic. - **Summary:** The news is marked as urgent and will be discussed in more detail later. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_063000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Seventh financial forum opens** * The seventh financial forum opens in Moscow. * The business program includes more than a dozen thematic sessions. * Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. **2. Russian forces destroy loitering munition in Kupinsky direction** * The crew of the Russian Tor2 complex of the West group of troops destroyed the loitering horn munition in the Kupinsky direction of the special operation. * According to the Ministry of Defense, it was an American-made cab. * Our complexes scan the sky around the clock 24 hours a day; the most dangerous targets are recognized and captured automatically. **3. One person killed, 162 injured in fire near Tashkent airport** * As a result of a fire near Tashkent airport, one person died and another 162 were injured - reports nazdravliki. * The emergency occurred at night at a large electric vehicle warehouse. * According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. * By this moment, the fire has been localized, but helicopters and dozens of rescuers are now working on the site. **4. More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh are already in Armenia** * More than half of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh are already in Armenia, the country's authorities reported this , * Russian peacekeepers are helping to evacuate, according to information from our Ministry of Defense, 258 victims of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert were taken out by helicopter, more than 40 flights were made. **5. First snow falls in Russian north** * It started snowing again in the Russian north, meanwhile, the day before, heat records were recorded in the European part of the country. * Snow removal machines even had to be brought out on the street * In Varkuta, a temporary snow cover formed. * However, northerners prefer snow and cold rather than warmth and dampness, winter has come in Barkut, the first day of snow, the dampness has finally ended. **6. Oil prices rise** * Oil prices are rising, * Experts believe there are two main reasons. * Firstly, the supply of raw materials to the market remains limited ahead of the winter, * Secondly, investors are concerned about the declining volume of reserves at Cushing Hub, where largest oil storage facility in the USA. **7. Second debate of Republican presidential candidates begins in the United States** * The second debate of Republican presidential candidates has begun in the United States. * Seven candidates shared their views on the problems of American society. * Moreover, each of the participants openly admitted. there was not enough Trump in their company. **8. Criminal case against Biden begins** * A process that can be called mechanically. the equivalent of a criminal case against Biden begins today. * In the House Oversight Committee, the first impeachment hearing, three witnesses have been invited, including a former assistant to the US attorney general. * At this stage, congressmen, Republicans will try to reveal all the dark corruption schemes with the help of which Hunter Biden traded the influence of his father. **9. Head of Nagorno-Karabakh signs decree on termination of existence of unrecognized Republic** * The head of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Shahraman signed a decree on the termination of the existence of the unrecognized Republic from January 1 next year, the Armenian media reported this with reference to the head of the republic, I quote: lower all government agencies and organizations. * The signed decree contains a proposal to consider the possibility for the population to remain on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and accept the terms of reintegration proposed by Baku. **10. Russian Olga Mikheva wins World Sambo Cup stage without a fight** * At the World Sambo Cup stage , Russian Olga Mikheva won without a fight. * In order to defeat Olga Mikheeva, it was enough to simply show up. * The sambist did not spend time in In Serbian Novesad, not a single fight, because in her category over 80 kg, at the World Cup stage she was the only participant. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_070000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist** Description: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by its president. The decree instructs the dissolution of all government institutions and organizations, and the population is advised to familiarize themselves with the conditions of reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. Summary: - The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist. - A decree was signed by the president of the unrecognized Republic. - The decree instructs the dissolution of all government institutions and organizations. - The population, including everyone who left the region, should familiarize themselves with the conditions of reintegration proposed by Azerbaijan. **Story 2: Russian economy in the context of global transformation** Description: The seventh financial forum has opened in Moscow, where the Russian economy in the context of global transformation will be discussed. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. Summary: - The seventh financial forum has opened in Moscow. - The Russian economy in the context of global transformation will be discussed. - Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will speak at the plenary session. **Story 3: Fire at Tashkent airport** Description: A fire has broken out at a large warehouse near Tashkent airport, resulting in one death and over 160 injuries. The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. Helicopters have arrived to help firefighters. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. Summary: - A fire has broken out at a large warehouse near Tashkent airport. - One person has died and over 160 have been injured. - The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. - Helicopters have arrived to help firefighters. - According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. **Story 4: Republican debates in California** Description: Republican debates have been held in California, with candidates discussing the main problems facing the United States and challenging Trump. Trump did not attend the debate, for which he received criticism from his opponents. Summary: - Republican debates have been held in California. - Candidates discussed the main problems facing the United States and challenged Trump. - Trump did not attend the debate, for which he received criticism from his opponents. **Story 5: Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts** Description: The newspaper Lemont writes that Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts due to failures in Ukraine. The withdrawal of French troops from Niger two years after the Americans left Afghanistan, according to journalists, only indicates that the US and the EU are simply losing ground in the diplomatic field. The Ukrainian conflict is aggravating the situation, and the rejection of global politics forces the West to balance and always make concessions, the article states. Summary: - Western countries are fleeing political and military fronts due to failures in Ukraine. - The withdrawal of French troops from Niger two years after the Americans left Afghanistan indicates that the US and the EU are losing ground in the diplomatic field. - The Ukrainian conflict is aggravating the situation, and the rejection of global politics forces the West to balance and always make concessions. **Story 6: Businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia** Description: Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov states that businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia, despite open pressure from the American authorities. Antonov emphasizes that Moscow is persistently blamed for the destruction of commercial ties, although Western partners were called upon precisely from Washington. Summary: - Businessmen from the United States still want to work with Russia. - Interest in cooperation does not fade even under open pressure from the American authorities. - Moscow is persistently blamed for the destruction of commercial ties, although Western partners were called upon precisely from Washington. **Story 7: West destroyed territorial integrity of Ukraine** Description: Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with the Tas agency, states that it was the West that destroyed the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He recalls the situation with the Minsk agreements, which were cynically used against Russia in order to fill Ukraine’s arsenals with weapons. For the same purpose, the head of the Foreign Ministry emphasizes, the West is now trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce. Lavrov is confident that a temporary ceasefire is being sought only in order to gain time and further pump up the Kiev regime with military equipment. Lavrov notes that Moscow does not see any real prerequisites for real negotiations to begin in the fall. Summary: - The West destroyed the territorial integrity of Ukraine. - The Minsk agreements were cynically used against Russia in order to fill Ukraine’s arsenals with weapons. - The West is now trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce. - Moscow does not see any real prerequisites for real negotiations to begin in the fall. **Story 8: Large warehouse near Tashkent airport on fire** Description: A large warehouse near Tashkent airport is on fire. One person has died and over 160 have been injured. The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. Helicopters have arrived to help firefighters. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. Summary: - A large warehouse near Tashkent airport is on fire. - One person has died and over 160 have been injured. - The fire is visible from several kilometers away and has been localized but not yet extinguished. - Helicopters have arrived to help firefighters. - According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the building was struck by lightning. **Story 9: Seventh Moscow financial forum begins** Description: The seventh Moscow financial forum has begun its work in Manege. Participants will discuss options for balancing the economy in the context of global transformation, tax policy issues, and new trends in markets. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will traditionally speak at the plenary session. Summary: - The seventh Moscow financial forum has begun its work in Manege. - Participants will discuss options for balancing the economy in the context of global transformation, tax policy issues, and new trends in markets. - Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will traditionally speak at the plenary session. **Story 10: Russian who worked for military intelligence of Ukraine detained in Sevastopol** Description: The FSB reports that a Russian who worked for the military intelligence of Ukraine has been detained in Sevastopol. According to the department, in 2022, evading mobilization, the man went to one of the CIS countries and was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence. Carrying out an assignment from a foreign intelligence service, the Russian found a job in an organization that built fortified structures in Crimea, collected and transmitted the necessary information. He now faces up to life imprisonment. Summary: - A Russian who worked for the military intelligence of Ukraine has been detained in Sevastopol. - In 2022, evading mobilization, the man went to one of the CIS countries and was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence. - Carrying out an assignment from a foreign intelligence service, the Russian found a job in an organization that built fortified structures in Crimea, collected and transmitted the necessary information. - He now faces up to life imprisonment. **Story 11: Moscow Exchange index at the opening of trading** Description: At the opening of trading, the Moscow Exchange index was 3,080 points and the RTS was 100. Five points. Summary: - At the opening of trading, the Moscow Exchange index was 3,080 points and the RTS was 100. Five points. **Story 12: Digitalization has helped to significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia** Description: Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of the Government Staff Dmitry Grigorenko speaks about how digitalization has helped to significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia. He mentions that the number of documents required to obtain a license has been reduced by half, and the time frame for consideration and decision-making on the issuance of licenses has been reduced by three times. Summary: - Digitalization has helped to significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining licenses and permits for businesses in Russia. - The number of documents required to obtain a license has been reduced by half. - The time frame for consideration and decision-making on the issuance of licenses has been reduced by three times. **Story 13: Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the fuel export ban are futile** Description: The Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the fuel export ban are futile. The measure will remain in effect until fuel supply and prices stabilize. Energy Minister Nikolai Shurginov informed Tas about this. The agency also advocates a balance between the interests of consumers and producers. Summary: - The Ministry of Energy believes that expectations of a quick lifting of the fuel export ban are futile. - The measure will remain in effect until fuel supply and prices stabilize. - Energy Minister Nikolai Shurginov informed Tas about this. - The agency also advocates a balance between the interests of consumers and producers. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_073000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russia-Ukraine Conflict:** - Russian forces destroy Ukrainian ammunition depot in Kupinsky direction. - Russian delegation head at OSCE security conference accuses West of Russophobia and Nazism. - Konstantin Gavrilov warns of potential nuclear weapons use in Ukraine conflict. - Rand report suggests Russia fears Western arms deliveries to Ukraine could lead to nuclear escalation. - US and Western provocations will not deter Russia, says Gavrilov. - Hungary and Poland express national interests in supporting Ukraine, causing a rift among donors. - Poland's upcoming elections may influence their stance on Ukraine, but mutual hatred between Ukrainians and Poles remains a challenge. - US technical default could impact financial support for Ukraine, but non-congressional funds may be sought. **2. Nagorno-Karabakh:** - Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist as per decree by unrecognized state's president. - Unclear reactions in Armenia and events unfolding on the streets of Yerevan. **3. Russian Economy:** - Financial forum in Moscow discusses the Russian economy amidst global transformation. - Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to participate in the plenary session. **4. Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender:** - Ukrainian soldiers surrender with weapons raised in the Zaporozhye direction. **5. Tashkent Warehouse Fire:** - Fire continues to rage after an explosion in a warehouse in Tashkent. - Over 160 injured, including one teenage fatality. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_080000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Russian forces complete evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert** Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert, the capital of the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, following an explosion at a fuel tank. 258 people were taken out by helicopter, including patients from the republican medical center who needed resuscitation. **2. Death toll rises to 163 in Tashkent warehouse explosion** The death toll in the explosion at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan has risen to 163, with 24 people hospitalized. The blast, which occurred on November 29, caused extensive damage to several residential buildings. **3. Russian national detained in Sevastopol for alleged treason** A Russian national has been detained in Sevastopol, Crimea, for allegedly working for Ukrainian intelligence. The man, who was not named, is accused of collecting and transferring information about Russian military fortifications in Crimea. **4. Putin congratulates two aviation regiments on receiving honorary name Guards** President Vladimir Putin has congratulated two aviation regiments on being awarded the honorary name Guards. The 47th Bomber Aviation Regiment and the 159th Fighter Aviation Regiment received the awards on November 30. **5. Assault groups and artillery from the central district are working in the Krasnoliman direction** Assault groups and artillery from the central district are working in the Krasnoliman direction, in eastern Ukraine. The Russian forces are targeting Ukrainian artillery crews and strongholds. **6. Lavrov: West is trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused the West of trying to speculate on the topic of a possible truce in Ukraine. Lavrov said that the West is seeking a temporary ceasefire in order to gain time and further pump up the Kiev regime with military equipment. **7. US businessmen still want to work with Russia, says Russian ambassador** Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has said that US businessmen still want to work with Russia, despite open pressure from the American authorities. Antonov said that Moscow is persistently blamed for the destruction of commercial ties, although it was Washington that called for Western partners to leave the Russian market. **8. Gazprom Bank buys all Mega shopping centers in Russia from Swedish company** Gazprom Bank has bought all Mega shopping centers in Russia from the Swedish company Ingka Centres. The deal, which was announced on November 30, includes 14 shopping centers with a total area of more than 2 million square meters. **9. Share of ruble in Russia's trade with other countries reaches 25%** The share of the ruble in Russia's trade with other countries has reached 25%, according to data from the Ministry of Economic Development. This does not include trade with China. The ruble has become the currency of choice for settlements with Western countries, as well as with friendly countries. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_083000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Peaceful Atom** Description: The Peaceful Atom is a report on the Russian nuclear industry, which includes more than 400 enterprises and organizations employing almost 300,000 people. The report highlights the importance of the industry and the people who work in it, as well as the advanced technology and safety measures that are in place. Summary: The Russian nuclear industry is a vital part of the country's economy, and the people who work in it are highly skilled and dedicated. The industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies being developed all the time. Safety is a top priority, and the industry has a strong track record in this area. **2. Sergei Gurov: The hereditary miner** Description: Sergei Gurov is a third-generation miner who works at the Priorgun Industrial Mining and Chemical Association, one of the world's largest uranium mining enterprises. The report follows Gurov as he goes about his daily work, and he talks about his love for mining and his family's history in the industry. Summary: Sergei Gurov is a dedicated and experienced miner who is proud of his work. He comes from a long line of miners, and he is committed to continuing the family tradition. Gurov is also a strong advocate for the mining industry, and he believes that it is essential to the country's economy. **3. Sevil Kutlu: The first female operator of the turbine department of the nuclear power plant in Turkey** Description: Sevil Kutlu is the first female operator of the turbine department of the nuclear power plant in Turkey. The report follows Kutlu as she goes about her daily work, and she talks about her experiences as a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field. Summary: Sevil Kutlu is a trailblazer who is breaking down barriers in the nuclear industry. She is a highly skilled and experienced operator, and she is passionate about her work. Kutlu is also a role model for other women who are considering careers in the nuclear industry. **4. Anton Shumakov: The innovative materials scientist** Description: Anton Shumakov is a materials scientist who is developing new and innovative materials for use in the nuclear industry. The report follows Shumakov as he works on his latest project, and he talks about his passion for science and his hopes for the future. Summary: Anton Shumakov is a brilliant scientist who is making a real difference in the world. He is developing new materials that are essential for the safe and efficient operation of nuclear power plants. Shumakov is also a gifted communicator, and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others. **5. Russian business is restructuring and changing strategies in order to fill the niches of departed foreign companies** Description: The Russian government is taking steps to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the wake of the departure of many foreign companies from the Russian market. The report highlights some of the ways in which SMEs are adapting and thriving, such as by taking advantage of online platforms and government support. Summary: The Russian government is committed to supporting SMEs, and there are a number of resources available to help them succeed. SMEs are playing a vital role in filling the niches of departed foreign companies, and they are helping to drive the Russian economy forward. **6. The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh officially ceases to exist** Description: The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist, following a decree signed by the president of the unrecognized state. The report looks at the reaction in Armenia to the news, and it discusses the implications of the move. Summary: The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh is no more, and the implications of this move are still being felt. The people of Armenia are divided in their reaction to the news, and the future of the region is uncertain. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_090000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ceases to exist **Description:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has officially ceased to exist, according to a decree signed by the president of the unrecognized state. The region will now become part of Azerbaijan. The decision was made due to the difficult military and political situation in the region. **Summary:** The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, which has been a de facto independent state since the early 1990s, has officially ceased to exist. The region will now become part of Azerbaijan, according to a decree signed by the president of the unrecognized state. The decision was made due to the difficult military and political situation in the region. **Title:** Russian Economy in Transformation **Description:** The Moscow Financial Forum is discussing the future of the Russian economy in a period of transformation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and other top officials are taking part in the discussion. **Summary:** The Moscow Financial Forum is discussing the future of the Russian economy in a period of transformation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and other top officials are taking part in the discussion. The forum is focusing on how to ensure the stability and growth of the Russian economy in the face of sanctions and other challenges. **Title:** Ukrainian Military Surrenders **Description:** A group of Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces in the Zaporozhye region. The footage shows the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. **Summary:** A group of Ukrainian military personnel have surrendered to Russian forces in the Zaporozhye region. The footage shows the soldiers surrendering with their weapons raised. The surrender comes after a long and bloody battle between the two sides. **Title:** Fire at Industrial Warehouse in Tashkent **Description:** A fire has broken out at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The fire has been raging for twelve hours and has caused extensive damage. More than 160 people have been injured and one teenager has died. **Summary:** A fire has broken out at an industrial warehouse in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The fire has been raging for twelve hours and has caused extensive damage. More than 160 people have been injured and one teenager has died. The cause of the fire is still unknown. **Title:** Aeroflot Check-in System Restored **Description:** Aeroflot has announced that its check-in system has been restored after a brief outage. The outage caused delays and disruptions at airports across Russia. **Summary:** Aeroflot has announced that its check-in system has been restored after a brief outage. The outage caused delays and disruptions at airports across Russia. The airline is working to compensate passengers who were affected by the outage. **Title:** DDoS Attack on Moscow Airports **Description:** A powerful DDoS attack has been carried out on the check-in system for passengers from abroad at Moscow's Domodedovo airport. The attack has caused long queues and delays. **Summary:** A powerful DDoS attack has been carried out on the check-in system for passengers from abroad at Moscow's Domodedovo airport. The attack has caused long queues and delays. The airport is working to restore the system and prevent future attacks. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_093000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. Moscow's Role in the Russian Economy: The head of Moscow's financial department discusses the city's role in the Russian economy, emphasizing that Moscow contributes significantly to the federal budget and that the city's income has grown significantly over the past 12 years. He also highlights the importance of stable and predictable rules for businesses and individuals. 2. The Future of Globalization: The panel discusses the impact of globalization and the recent shift towards deglobalization. They note that countries are now more focused on protecting their own industries and technologies, and that this trend is likely to continue. 3. The Importance of Structural Reforms: The panel emphasizes the importance of structural reforms in the Russian economy, particularly in light of the current geopolitical and economic challenges. They discuss the need to reorient the economy towards more sustainable and healthy sectors, and to reduce reliance on imports. 4. The Role of the Central Bank: The head of the Central Bank discusses the bank's role in ensuring financial stability and supporting the economy. He emphasizes the importance of responsible financial policy and the need to adapt to changing economic conditions. 5. The Impact of Sanctions: The panel discusses the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and the importance of import substitution. They note that sanctions have created challenges, but have also led to opportunities for domestic producers. 6. The Outlook for the Russian Economy: The panel discusses the outlook for the Russian economy, noting that the country has weathered past crises and is likely to overcome the current challenges. They emphasize the need for continued structural reforms and investment in key sectors. 7. The Role of Forecasts in Budget Planning: The panel discusses the role of socio-economic forecasts in budget planning and the importance of realistic forecasts. They note that the budget is strong and includes parameters that take into account potential changes in the economy. 8. The Weakening of the Ruble: The panel discusses the reasons for the weakening of the ruble and the advantages and disadvantages of a weak ruble. They note that the ruble has been affected by a number of factors, including the global economic slowdown and the impact of sanctions. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_100000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: The impact of the weakening ruble on the Russian economy** * Description: The ruble has been weakening against other currencies, and this is having a number of effects on the Russian economy. * Summary: The weakening ruble is making imports more expensive, which is leading to inflation. It is also making it more difficult for Russian businesses to compete in the global marketplace. The government is considering a number of measures to address the situation, including increasing interest rates and imposing currency controls. **Story 2: The state of the Russian economy** * Description: The Russian economy is facing a number of challenges, including the impact of the weakening ruble, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the sanctions imposed by Western countries. * Summary: The Russian economy is expected to contract by 3.4% in 2023. Inflation is expected to reach 12%. The government is taking steps to address the situation, including increasing spending on infrastructure and social programs. **Story 3: The government's response to the economic crisis** * Description: The Russian government is taking a number of steps to address the economic crisis, including increasing interest rates, imposing currency controls, and increasing spending on infrastructure and social programs. * Summary: The government's response to the economic crisis is still evolving. It is unclear how effective these measures will be in addressing the underlying problems facing the Russian economy. **Story 4: The impact of the economic crisis on Russian citizens** * Description: The economic crisis is having a significant impact on Russian citizens. Inflation is making it more difficult for people to afford basic necessities, and the weakening ruble is making it more difficult for people to travel and purchase goods from abroad. * Summary: The economic crisis is having a significant impact on the lives of Russian citizens. The government is taking steps to address the situation, but it is unclear how long it will take for the economy to recover. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_103000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Budget Discussion** Description: Discussion about the upcoming federal budget for the next 3 years. Summary: The main focus of the budget is ensuring victory in the war, with a significant portion allocated to the military and defense. Other priorities include supporting domestic production and capacity, such as machine tool building and aircraft manufacturing, as well as new technologies like unmanned aerial vehicles. There will be no tax increases, and the government aims to keep interest rates high to maintain the value of the ruble. The National Welfare Fund will continue to be a source of investment, with a portion allocated to key priorities such as infrastructure. The budget is designed to be sustainable, with a focus on ensuring social obligations can be met. **Story 2: Financial System Restructuring** Description: Discussion about the financial system restructuring and its impact on the economy. Summary: The financial system has become more stable and is now able to finance economic growth and development. Banks have increased lending to the corporate sector, and the government is working to ensure the quality and sustainability of these loans. The financial system is undergoing significant structural changes, including a shift towards Asia as the main trading partner and a focus on domestic technology development. The restructuring process is ongoing and will continue for years to come, but progress is being made in various sectors. **Story 3: Nagorno-Karabakh Developments** Description: Discussion about the latest developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Summary: The unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist, with a decree signed to disband all state bodies and authorities by January 1, 2024. The former head of government, Ruben Vardanyan, has been arrested in Baku on charges of financing terrorism. The Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikolay Pasheniya, has called for the protection of Armenians detained at checkpoints during their displacement to Armenia. The situation in the region remains tense, with a mass exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh. Humanitarian aid and support are being provided by various organizations, including the Russian House in Armenia. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_110000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Elections in Russia** * Description: The elections in Russia were held openly, fairly and competitively. The turnout was also high, which shows the growing civic maturity of Russian society. * Summary: The results of the elections of regional heads are very convincing, such a level of trust means, first of all, even greater responsibility. **Story 2: Support for Soldiers and Their Families** * Description: The support of our soldiers, including those injured, and support for their families is a very important issue. * Summary: Caring for heroes, for those who have lost their loved ones, is not as much a service duty as a civil, human, moral duty, a duty of gratitude and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. **Story 3: Development of Infrastructure** * Description: Special attention should be paid to the development of infrastructure, transport, engineering, utilities, social, that is, those systemic issues on which economic growth and the quality of people’s daily lives directly depend. * Summary: The development of infrastructure is essential for the growth of the economy and the improvement of people's lives. **Story 4: Assistance to the Country** * Description: It is necessary to do everything to help the country, not only during a special military operation, but also for the economy, for the defense-industrial complex, for those guys who are fighting at the front today. * Summary: It is important to provide assistance to the country, not only during a special military operation, but also for the economy and the defense-industrial complex. **Story 5: Donetsk People's Republic** * Description: The Donetsk People's Republic is an integral part of Russia and its people are proud to be part of the great homeland. * Summary: The Donetsk People's Republic is grateful for the support of Russia and its people are committed to working hard to build a better future for their country. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_113000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russia-Africa Summit** Description: The Russia-Africa summit was held in Sochi in 2019. The summit was attended by leaders from all over Africa. The summit was a success and relations between Russia and Africa are developing very intensively. Summary: The Russia-Africa summit was a success and relations between Russia and Africa are developing very intensively. **Story 2: Trade and Economic Ties** Description: Trade turnover between Russia and South Sudan is growing. There are many good opportunities for cooperation in a variety of areas, including in the energy sector. Summary: Trade turnover between Russia and South Sudan is growing and there are many good opportunities for cooperation in a variety of areas. **Story 3: Humanitarian Cooperation** Description: Citizens of South Sudan are trained in educational institutions in Russia. Russia intends to expand this cooperation. Summary: Russia intends to expand cooperation in the humanitarian field with South Sudan. **Story 4: Security** Description: Russia will do everything to support South Sudan in ensuring security and resolving problems and difficulties inherited from previous times. Summary: Russia will support South Sudan in ensuring security and resolving problems and difficulties inherited from previous times. **Story 5: Regional Stability and Security** Description: Russia is interested in knowing South Sudan's opinion on issues of regional stability and security. Summary: Russia is interested in knowing South Sudan's opinion on issues of regional stability and security. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_120000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets With South Sudan's President** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with South Sudan's President Salva Kiir in Moscow to discuss regional stability and security issues. Summary: - Putin and Kiir discuss regional stability and security issues. - Putin says Russia and South Sudan have a long history of friendship and cooperation. - Kiir thanks Putin for Russia's support and says South Sudan is committed to strengthening ties with Russia. **Story 2: New Russian Regions Take Steps Towards Integration** Description: The new Russian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson take steps towards integration into Russia's legal space. Summary: - The new regions hold elections for the first time under Russian law. - Putin says the elections are a significant step towards the regions' full integration into Russia. - Putin emphasizes the need for the regions to work together with the Russian government to develop their economies and improve the lives of their citizens. **Story 3: Canada Apologizes for Inviting Nazi to Parliament** Description: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for inviting a Nazi sympathizer to Parliament. Summary: - Trudeau apologizes for inviting a Nazi sympathizer to Parliament. - The opposition criticizes Trudeau for not apologizing on behalf of the Canadian government. - The Russian ambassador to Canada demands that Trudeau apologize specifically to the Russian community in Canada. **Story 4: Training Loyalists and the Science of Winning** Description: A Russian military commander discusses the importance of training loyalists and the science of winning. Summary: - The commander emphasizes the importance of training loyalists and the science of winning. - He says that Russia is experiencing the most difficult political crisis in post-Soviet history, which will end in bloodshed. - He believes that Russia must take a tough stance against those who would seek to harm the country. **Story 5: Russia's Economy in the Context of Global Transformation** Description: The seventh financial forum in Moscow discusses the development of the Russian economy in the context of global transformation. Summary: - Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin says that the Russian economy has managed to smoothly adapt to new challenges and quickly return to growth. - The government plans to attract foreign investment, including through the use of digital assets. - Mishustin says that the government is working to create a system for the circulation of digital assets, which will be based on Russian law. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_123000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Gazprombank buys 14 Mega shopping centers in Russia** * Gazprombank has acquired 14 Mega shopping centers in Russia. * The deal includes 2.3 million square meters of retail space. * The purchase price has not been disclosed, but analysts estimate it to be between $2 and $3 billion. * The shopping centers were previously owned by Swedish company Ingka Centres, which also owns IKEA. * IKEA closed its stores in Russia in March 2022. * Gazprombank says it plans to continue operating the shopping centers under the Mega brand. **Russian government implements measures to support the economy** * The Russian government has implemented a number of measures to support the economy in the face of Western sanctions. * These measures include providing financial assistance to businesses, increasing government spending, and lowering taxes. * The government has also taken steps to stabilize the ruble and prevent inflation. * The measures have helped to stabilize the economy, but the long-term impact is still uncertain. **Russian animation studio creates new content to replace Western imports** * A Russian animation studio has created new content to replace Western imports. * The studio has developed new software to replace foreign tools that were cut off due to sanctions. * The studio is now producing new animated films and series for Russian audiences. * The new content is helping to fill the void left by Western imports. **Russian farmers get help from the government to sell their products** * The Russian government is helping farmers to sell their products by providing them with access to new markets. * The government has created a program called "Farm Island" which provides farmers with space to sell their products in shopping centers. * The government is also helping farmers to get loans and negotiate with retailers. * The program is helping farmers to increase their sales and improve their livelihoods. **Russian regions hold more fairs to support local businesses** * Russian regions are holding more fairs to support local businesses. * The fairs provide a place for farmers and other small businesses to sell their products. * The fairs are also a way for people to buy fresh, local products. * The fairs are helping to boost the local economy and support small businesses. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_130000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin signs law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for four regions** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Summary: The law, which has already entered into force, sets the date of reunification as September 30. The integration of these new regions into Russia was one of the main topics discussed during a meeting between Putin and the heads of elected subjects of the federation. **Story 2: High voter turnout in the new regions during elections** Description: During his meeting with the heads of elected subjects of the federation, Putin praised the high voter turnout in the new regions during the recent elections. Summary: He said that the high turnout and support for the elections in the new regions indicated the correctness of the course chosen by the residents of the DPR, LPR, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. **Story 3: Meeting with the head of Chechnya** Description: Putin also held a working meeting with the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, who reported to the president about the success of the special operation in Ukraine. Summary: Kadyrov reported that the Chechen fighters were in good spirits and had no problems with communications or equipment. He also said that the Chechen Republic had purchased over 1,100 vehicles to support the special operation. **Story 4: Meeting with the President of South Sudan** Description: Putin met with the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, in Moscow. Summary: During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the need to further develop cooperation between their countries, particularly in the area of economic development. **Story 5: Combat work in the Krasnoliman direction of the special operation** Description: In the Krasnoliman direction of the special operation, Russian forces carried out combat operations jointly with attack aircraft and artillery of the central military district. Summary: The Russian forces used Nona self-propelled guns to strike at Ukrainian Armed Forces' fortifications. The report also highlighted the importance of armored vehicles and the Akhmat armored all-terrain vehicles used by the Russian troops in the region. **Story 6: Situation around Nagorno-Karabakh** Description: The Kremlin commented on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in connection with the administration of the unrecognized republic. Summary: The Russian peacekeepers continue to assist people in the region, and many people are expressing a desire to cross into the territory of Armenia. The Russian Foreign Ministry called on the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh not to leave their place of residence and become part of the Azerbaijani community. **Story 7: Canada accused of inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament** Description: The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Canadian authorities of lying about their knowledge of the fact that Nazi collaborator Jaroslav Gunek was invited to parliament. Summary: The ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, emphasized that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the so-called Canadian Ukrainian Congress, which is sponsored by Gunka. **Story 8: German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest** Description: A video has surfaced on the internet showing German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest. Summary: The video, filmed in Saxony, shows drunken beer-goers listening to Eric's World War II march at maximum volume and raising their hands in a Nazi salute. The incident has sparked outrage and the Saxony Police have begun searching for the participants and organizers of the scandalous party. **Story 9: Russian Leonardo reservation system subjected to massive dedonation from abroad** Description: The Russian Leonardo reservation system was subjected to a massive dedonation attack from abroad. Summary: The failure was short-term, and specialists were able to quickly restore the system. However, the cyber attack caused delays in servicing passengers at Moscow airports. **Story 10: Russian military shoots down Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft** Description: The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. Summary: The Ukrainian military continues to almost deliberately surrender themselves into captivity, with the latest footage showing the Kiev command continuing to try to pull off costly and unsuccessful assaults. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_133000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment** * **Description:** The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, according to the Ministry of Defense. Additionally, 26 drones were destroyed in the SSU in one day. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making significant progress in the conflict, with the destruction of Ukrainian equipment and the surrender of Ukrainian soldiers. **Story 2: Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender** * **Description:** Ukrainian soldiers continue to surrender to Russian forces, with many stating that they are doing so because they are tired of the war and the poor conditions in the Ukrainian army. * **Summary:** The Ukrainian military is facing low morale and a lack of resources, leading to an increase in surrenders. **Story 3: Russian Artillery Prevents VSSU Attack** * **Description:** Russian artillerymen prevented a VSSU attack near Artyomovsk, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. This was the second failed attack in the area in one day. * **Summary:** The Russian military is successfully defending against VSSU attacks, inflicting heavy losses on the Ukrainian forces. **Story 4: Russian Advances in Donetsk** * **Description:** The Vostok group of Russian troops improved their position along the front line in the southern Donetsk direction, repelling two attacks by Ukrainian army assault groups. Enemy losses amounted to 105 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. * **Summary:** The Russian military is making steady progress in the Donetsk region, inflicting heavy losses on Ukrainian forces. **Story 5: Destruction of Foreign Equipment** * **Description:** Fresh footage has emerged showing the destruction of foreign equipment by Russian forces, including a Polish self-propelled gun Krab and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. * **Summary:** The Russian military is successfully targeting and destroying foreign equipment supplied to Ukraine, weakening the Ukrainian military's capabilities. **Story 6: Reduced Counter-Offensive Activity in Kupinsk** * **Description:** The militants in the Kupinsk direction have noticeably reduced their counter-offensive activity, with losses decreasing. The defense of Kupinsk rests on the Oskol River, and the Russian military is confidently pressing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the east. * **Summary:** The Russian military is successfully containing Ukrainian counter-offensive efforts in the Kupinsk direction, with the Ukrainian forces suffering heavy losses. **Story 7: Russian Rocket Scientists Destroy Ammunition Storage** * **Description:** Russian rocket scientists successfully destroyed a storage facility for ammunition belonging to the first special forces brigade in the Kharkov region. * **Summary:** The Russian military is effectively targeting and destroying Ukrainian ammunition stores, hampering the Ukrainian military's ability to conduct operations. **Story 8: Pilots Receive New Su-35 and Su-57 Fighters** * **Description:** The Russian military's fleet of military aircraft has been replenished with a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighters. These aircraft have undergone a full cycle of factory tests and are ready to perform tasks. * **Summary:** The Russian military is strengthening its air power with the addition of advanced Su-35 and Su-57 fighters, which will provide enhanced capabilities in the skies above the fronts. **Story 9: Nuclear Missile Shield Protects Russia** * **Description:** The nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia and makes dreams of a nuclear attack absurd, according to a statement made at the opening of an exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary of the Kurchatov Institute and the 120th anniversary of nuclear power in Russia. * **Summary:** Russia's nuclear missile shield ensures the country's security and deters potential adversaries from considering a nuclear attack. **Story 10: Rossotrudnichestvo Presents Report on Foreign Humanitarian Activities** * **Description:** Rossotrudnichestvo presented an overview of the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space. The study reveals trends in the political influence of Western countries on the states of the Caucasus, the Baltic states, and Central Asia. * **Summary:** The report provides insights into the humanitarian activities of foreign states in the post-Soviet space, highlighting the political influence of Western countries in the region. **Story 11: Development of the Russian Economy** * **Description:** The development of the Russian economy in a global transformation is being discussed in Moscow at the seventh financial forum. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin opened the plenary session and highlighted the country's ability to adapt to new challenges and achieve economic growth. * **Summary:** The Russian government is focused on discussing the development of the Russian economy in the context of global changes, with the aim of mitigating challenges and supporting key industries. **Story 12: The Future of the Ruble and Exchange Rate Policy** * **Description:** The Central Bank of Russia reiterated its position against additional bans and restrictions on the ruble and exchange rate policy. The government is working on a step-by-step plan to create a system that analyzes legal and technical aspects of attracting foreign investment. * **Summary:** The Central Bank of Russia maintains its stance against additional restrictions on the ruble and exchange rate policy, while the government explores measures to attract foreign investment. **Story 13: Transformation of the Russian Economy** * **Description:** Presidential aide Maxim Moreshkin described the transformation process of the Russian economy as painful but successful. The reorientation towards the healthy part of the global economy allows Russia to be more stable and solve the necessary tasks. * **Summary:** The Russian economy is undergoing a challenging transformation process, but it is moving in the right direction and enhancing the country's stability. **Story 14: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin's Speech** * **Description:** Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin emphasized the need to learn from the past and not rely on globalization. He stressed that eastern markets are tougher and have their own preferences, and that technology transfer is not easily granted. * **Summary:** Mayor Sobyanin urges Russia to become more self-sufficient and not rely on globalization, while recognizing the challenges and limitations of eastern markets. **Story 15: Investment Diamonds** * **Description:** The abolition of the mineral extraction tax on the purchase of investment diamonds by individuals from banks has led to a significant increase in demand. Measures are being considered to further facilitate investment in diamonds, such as publishing an index on the stock exchange and introducing digital financial assets. * **Summary:** The Russian government is exploring measures to promote investment in diamonds, including the abolition of the mineral extraction tax and the introduction of new financial instruments. **Story 16: Weather Forecast** * **Description:** September in Moscow is likely to become the driest and warmest in the history of meteorological observation. The weather will remain warm and sunny until the end of the month, with only the most northwestern regions experiencing a change in weather. * **Summary:** Moscow is experiencing an exceptionally warm and dry September, with the weather expected to remain pleasant until the end of the month. **Story 17: Presentation of the Games of the Future** * **Description:** The Games of the Future, an international multi-sport tournament combining physical and digital dimensions, was presented in Moscow. The first-ever competitions will start in Kazan on February 23, featuring 21 innovative disciplines and 2,000 athletes from over 100 countries. * **Summary:** The Games of the Future, a new multi-sport tournament blending physical and digital elements, was unveiled in Moscow, with the inaugural event scheduled for February 23 in Kazan. **Story 18: Interview with Yaroslav Kuzmechov** * **Description:** Yaroslav Kuzmechov, a participant in test competitions for the Games of the Future, expressed his excitement about the combination of classic hockey with video games. He believes that the new format brings together sports, digital, and scientific achievements. * **Summary:** Yaroslav Kuzmechov, a participant in the test competitions for the Games of the Future, shared his enthusiasm for the innovative format that merges classic sports with video games. **Story 19: Development of the Federation of Computer Sports** * **Description:** The Federation of Computer Sports has opened branches in 64 regions of Russia. The organization aims to promote physical and intellectual activities, offering a range of disciplines from team sports to drone racing and from human combat to robot battles. * **Summary:** The Federation of Computer Sports is expanding its presence across Russia, providing opportunities for individuals to engage in various physical and intellectual activities, including esports and robotics. **Story 20: Kazan to Host Major International Sports Festival** * **Description:** Kazan will host a major international sports festival, showcasing the city's expertise in organizing high-level competitions. The event will mark another significant chapter in the history of Russia and the world. * **Summary:** Kazan will host a major international sports festival, highlighting the city's capabilities in organizing world-class competitions and contributing to the development of sports in Russia and globally. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_140000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with Regional Leaders** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected heads of Russian regions, including those in the recently annexed regions of Donbas and Novorossiya. Summary: - Putin emphasizes the importance of developing the economies of the new regions and providing support to businesses and enterprises. - Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin stresses the need to help the country during the special military operation in Ukraine. - The elected heads of the regions express their commitment to working for the benefit of their people and the country. - Putin wishes them success, stating that the success of each region contributes to the success of the entire country. **Story 2: Kadyrov Meets with Putin** Description: Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov meets with President Putin and reports on the success of the special military operation in Ukraine. Summary: - Kadyrov praises the performance of Chechen fighters and expresses his support for Putin. - Putin commends the cooperation between Chechnya and other military units and conveys his best wishes to the families of the soldiers. - Kadyrov assures Putin that Chechnya will continue to support the special operation and will not let him down. **Story 3: Putin Meets with South Sudan President** Description: President Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir in Moscow to discuss cooperation between the two countries. Summary: - Putin notes that there is much potential for cooperation, particularly in the energy sector. - Kiir acknowledges the need to develop economic ties and expresses his appreciation for Russia's support. - Both leaders emphasize the importance of strong relations between their countries. **Story 4: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft** Description: The Russian military reports shooting down a Ukrainian Su-2 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic. Summary: - The Ukrainian military continues to suffer losses, with many soldiers surrendering to Russian forces. - Russian artillery groups prevent Ukrainian forces from advancing in the Donetsk region. - Russian forces destroy foreign equipment, including a Polish self-propelled gun and a stronghold in Seversk. - The Ukrainian Armed Forces' attempts to attack are attributed to the upcoming rainy season. **Story 5: Nuclear Missile Shield Protects Russia** Description: Russia's nuclear missile shield is highlighted as a reliable defense against potential threats. Summary: - The nuclear missile shield ensures Russia's security and prevents strategic defeat. - The shield is a result of historical achievements, brilliant discoveries, and technological developments. - The contributions of Soviet scientists Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov and Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov are acknowledged. **Story 6: Canada Accused of Lying About Nazi Collaborator** Description: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accuses Canadian authorities of lying about their knowledge of Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunko's invitation to parliament. Summary: - Zakharova claims that Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is a member of the Canadian-Ukrainian Congress, which sponsors Gunko. - She emphasizes that Canada accepted many former SS soldiers after World War II. - Zakharova asserts that members of the Ukrainian division of the SSS Galicia and the radical UNPA still have an influential lobby in Canada. - The presence of Gunko's granddaughter at the reception room indicates that his background was known to intelligence services. - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's apology is criticized for not being on behalf of the Canadian government. **Story 7: German Admirers of Hitler Celebrate Oktoberfest** Description: A video of German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest in Saxony causes outrage. Summary: - The video shows drunken visitors to a beer hall listening to Nazi songs and raising their hands in a Nazi salute. - Such behavior is a criminal offense in Germany and is punishable by law. - The Saxony police are searching for the participants and organizers of the party. **Story 8: Armenia Invited to Sign International Criminal Court Agreement** Description: Armenia is invited by Russia to sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of an International Criminal Court. Summary: - Russia emphasizes that Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute is unacceptable given the arrest warrants issued by the court against Russian leadership. - Moscow proposes a compromise option, but Armenia does not consider it. - The Armenian authorities make a political decision in favor of ratification, despite warnings from Russia about negative consequences for bilateral relations. - Russia hopes that sober-minded forces in the Armenian National Assembly will prevent a toxic solution. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_143000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Russian Economy Undergoing Large-Scale Transformation:** * The Russian economy is undergoing a large-scale transformation, with the most difficult period having passed, according to Mikhail Mishustin, speaking at the Moscow financial forum. * The government is placing special emphasis on the development of domestic production, with priority attention given to the electronics, radio, chemical, machine tool, transport, and power engineering industries. **Fierce Fighting for Work in Zaporozhye Region:** * Fierce fighting continues in the Zaporozhye region, with Ukrainian forces suffering heavy losses despite being equipped with Western armored vehicles and trained in Germany. * Many Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are surrendering, with one captured soldier stating that it was his first combat mission and that he had previously only evacuated the wounded. * The Ukrainian brigade involved in the fighting, the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, was one of the last combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Airborne Troops and had been kept in reserve until recently. **Nagorno-Karabakh Peacekeepers Complete Evacuation of Injured:** * Russian peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of those injured as a result of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanokert, with 258 people airlifted to safety. * The Russian contingent still has approximately 500 civilians in the region, more than half of them children. * The aviation group of the Russian peacekeeping contingent transported civilians from Stepanokert to medical institutions in Armenia. **Russian Opposition Announces Rally in Yerevan:** * The Armenian opposition has announced a rally for Saturday in the center of Yerevan, following protests that erupted on September 19 when the situation in Karabakh worsened. * Protesters are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. * There have been periodic skirmishes between protesters and the police, and in recent days the police have begun mass arrests of protest leaders and participants. **Russian Airlines Switch to Domestic Reservation System:** * Russian airlines have recently switched to the Leonardo Russian reservation system to avoid foreign services and the transfer of personal information of Russian tourists. * The system experienced a global failure on Thursday, causing delays in flights at Moscow airports. * The failure was short-term, and the system's functionality was restored by 12:00 Moscow time. **Moscow Weather Forecast: Warm and Dry September:** * September in Moscow is likely to become the driest and warmest in the city's meteorological history, with temperatures expected to remain high until the end of the month. * The warm weather is attributed to an anticyclone blocking a cyclone in the northern sea, resulting in an influx of warm air onto the Russian plain. * However, the warm weather also has a negative side, with natural fires flaring up in the Kuban region and plants being misled into blooming again. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_150000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Heads** *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the newly elected heads of several regions in Russia, including those in the recently annexed regions of Donbas and Novorossiya. *Summary:* Putin congratulated the newly elected leaders and emphasized the importance of their role in integrating the new regions into Russia's legal and economic systems. He also discussed the challenges they face, including the need to provide support to the people in these regions and to ensure their safety and well-being. **Story 2: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft, Destroys Drones** *Description:* The Russian military reported that it had shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 26 Ukrainian Armed Forces drones. *Summary:* The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian aircraft was shot down in the Donetsk People's Republic, while the drones were destroyed in various locations throughout the country. The ministry said that the downing of the aircraft and the destruction of the drones were part of Russia's ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. **Story 3: Russian Troops Advance in Donetsk Region, Destroy Ukrainian Equipment** *Description:* The Russian military reported that its troops had advanced in the Donetsk region, destroying Ukrainian equipment and killing dozens of Ukrainian soldiers. *Summary:* The Russian Defense Ministry said that its forces had destroyed two Ukrainian assault groups in the Donetsk region, killing up to 105 Ukrainian soldiers and destroying five vehicles. The ministry also said that its troops had destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Kharkov region. **Story 4: Russian Military Receives New Su-35 and Su-57 Fighter Jets** *Description:* The Russian military received a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets, which were added to the country's fleet of military aircraft. *Summary:* The Russian Defense Ministry said that the new fighter jets had undergone a full cycle of factory tests and were ready to perform tasks. The ministry said that the Su-57 fighter jets were fifth-generation aircraft and would be used for more complex tasks. **Story 5: Russian Foreign Ministry Criticizes Canada for Inviting Nazi Collaborator to Parliament** *Description:* The Russian Foreign Ministry criticized Canada for inviting Yaroslav Gunka, a Nazi collaborator, to parliament. *Summary:* The ministry said that Gunka was a member of the Ukrainian SS Galicia division and that he had been involved in war crimes during World War II. The ministry also said that Canada had accepted many former SS men after World War II and that these individuals still had an influential lobby in the country. **Story 6: Armenia Invited Russia to Sign Agreement on International Criminal Court** *Description:* Armenia invited Russia to sign a bilateral agreement on the Rome Statute of an International Criminal Court. *Summary:* The Russian Foreign Ministry said that it had conveyed its position of unacceptability of Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute to the Armenian partners. The ministry said that Russia had proposed a compromise option, but that Yerevan had not taken it into account. The ministry also said that Armenia's ratification of the statute would have negative consequences for bilateral relations. **Story 7: Ukraine Will Not Receive EU Funds Until Hungary Pays Its Dues** *Description:* The government of Hungary announced that Ukraine would not receive any funds from the EU budget until Hungary had paid its due funds from European funds. *Summary:* The Hungarian government said that it was withholding the funds because it was concerned about the lack of transparency in the use of EU funds by Ukraine. The government also said that it was concerned about the lack of progress in Ukraine's implementation of the Minsk agreements. **Story 8: US Miscalculated in Imposing Sanctions on Russia, Says Political Scientist** *Description:* Political scientist John Mearsheimer said that the United States had miscalculated in imposing sanctions on Russia and that this had turned too many people against the US. *Summary:* Mearsheimer said that the US had hoped that the sanctions would quickly put Russia in its place, but that this had not happened. He said that the sanctions had instead caused Russia to become more assertive and to seek closer ties with other countries. Mearsheimer also said that the US had lost its position throughout the world due to its failure in Ukraine and its rash policies. **Story 9: Russian Economy in Search of New Balance, Discusses at Moscow Financial Forum** *Description:* The Russian economy is in search of a new balance and how to find it is being discussed at the Moscow financial forum. *Summary:* The forum is being attended by government officials, business leaders, and economists. They are discussing the challenges facing the Russian economy, including the impact of sanctions, the need to diversify the economy, and the need to increase investment. The forum is also discussing the opportunities for the Russian economy, such as the development of new markets and the expansion of trade with other countries. **Story 10: Russian Military Destroys Ukrainian Equipment, Advances in Donetsk Region** *Description:* The Russian military reported that it had destroyed Ukrainian equipment and advanced in the Donetsk region. *Summary:* The Russian Defense Ministry said that its forces had destroyed two Ukrainian assault groups in the Donetsk region, killing up to 105 Ukrainian soldiers and destroying five vehicles. The ministry also said that its troops had destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Kharkov region. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_153000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Title**: All participants in the mass shootout in Dagestan were detained **Description**: All wanted persons involved in the shootout that occurred the night before in the village of Levashi, including the main suspect, a thirty-five-year-old resident of this village, were identified, delivered and transferred to the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan. **Summary**: The suspect fully admitted guilt in committing these crimes, spoke in detail about the circumstances of the incident, the issue of choosing punishment in the form of detention is being considered. 2. **Title**: A measure of restraint is being chosen for the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory **Description**: It is not known where the preventive measure will be chosen for the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory, Oleg Valunkin, in Krasnodar or in Moscow. **Summary**: Investigators do not disclose details of the criminal case to journalists. The official wording on suspicion of abuse of power, but it is unclear what specific episode he is charged with. It is only noted that the violation was committed two years earlier. 3. **Title**: The Yaroslavl police had a big catch **Description**: The Yaroslavl police had a big catch; they seized a motor boat full of roach pike perch, 10 fishing nets and two cars from a couple of poachers. **Summary**: The suspects mercilessly devastated the waters of the Sogazhi River, first a thousand caught fish were confiscated from them, and then during the search found three times more in their houses, this is only the catch that the poachers did not manage to sell. 4. **Title**: The case of a former employee of the traffic police, who may be involved in the murder of political scientist Daria Dugina, is being considered **Description**: In the corridors of the Nagatinsky court in Moscow, the attention of journalists is riveted on the high-profile case of a former police officer who, according to investigators, sold information about political scientist Daria Dugina from closed databases for money. **Summary**: The investigation considers Ribino to be a so-called burglar; the former police officer allegedly traded in the personal data of citizens, having access to the federal information system of the state traffic inspectorate. 5. **Title**: The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Alexander Kurenkov, assessed the readiness of Kuzbask fire rescuers to perform official tasks **Description**: The minister paid special attention to the mine rescue service, which specializes in the most complex work. Alexander Kurenkov visited a unique training center, went down into the training shaft and assessed the unit’s equipment. **Summary**: The material and technical equipment of vanized rescue units is being improved every year. Today, specialists have unique models of equipment in their arsenal. 6. **Title**: To understand the most complex crime bit by bit, to detain a suspect, the specialists of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are able to follow the trail of the villain if he , it would seem, has foreseen everything **Description**: Surrounded by monitors, surrounded by dictionaries from... An employee of the forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dasia Rostovskaya, identifies signs of a crime in a recording of a telephone conversation. **Summary**: Specialists in the field of linguistic expertise analyze such records every day. Finally It is not yet possible to defeat telephone scammers. 7. **Title**: The State Duma adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code, which provides for up to 5 years in prison for public justification and propaganda of extremism **Description**: According to parliamentarians, this is. chills the ardor of various radicals, for example, those who propagate the ideas of the Columbine terrorist movement among young people. **Summary**: The film tells about the criminal case of the former head of the Tyumen Region State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Alexander Silunin, who went to prison for accepting bribes. 8. **Title**: Shocking footage from Ufa, where two visiting illegal immigrants tried to burn the nightclub security guards alive because they were not allowed into the establishment **Description**: One of the pyromaniacs sneaks up on the bouncers and pours gasoline on the men, then makes a large puddle on the floor, one security guard manages to escape, and the second keeps slipping. on the wet tiles, and a moment later the room is drowning in fire , visitors rush to the exit in panic, the arsonists escaped and in the morning they booked a plane to Moscow with tickets, but for them now the weather is not suitable for flying for a long time. **Summary**: Employees of police department number three of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Ufa, In the shortest possible time, the identities of the suspects were established and a search report was issued. 9. **Title**: Three daring hooligans have been detained in a criminal case for jumping with knives in Moscow **Description**: Right on the road, they decided to deal with a married couple who did not allow them to squeeze in without waiting in line at the road service **Summary**: The spouses got scared and had to call the police. The police quickly found and detained the hooligans. 10. **Title**: A travel agent from Bashkiria risks getting a ticket to a pre-trial detention center **Description**: The lady is considered a fraud by dozens of tourists. Each of which he transferred to her hundreds of thousands of rubles for a vacation abroad. **Summary**: The travel agent, Ekaterina Khakimova, allegedly collected money from new tourists and used it to send previous tourists on vacation. This is a type of pyramid scheme. The police have opened a criminal case against Khakimova. 11. **Title**: Vladimir Putin signed a law that establishes the day of reunification with Russia, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions **Description**: The date is September 30. The document has already entered into force since it was published. **Summary**: Integration of new regions was one of the main topics at the meeting President with the heads of elected subjects of the federation, it was held via video conference. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_160000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin signs law on reunification with Russia** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law establishing the day of reunification with Russia for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The date is September 30. Summary: The document has already entered into force since it was published. The integration of new regions was one of the main topics at the meeting of the president with the heads of elected subjects of the federation. **Story 2: High turnout in elections in new Russian regions** Description: The head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the high turnout of voters in the elections in the republic. Summary: Pasechnik said that the results achieved indicate that a fairly reliable, effective and, to a certain extent, professional team has been formed in the Lugansk People's Republic that is capable of overcoming all the difficulties that will arise on its way and confronting the most difficult challenges of our time. **Story 3: Kadyrov reports on successes in Ukraine to Putin** Description: The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the successes of the Russian military in the special operation zone in Ukraine. Summary: Kadyrov said that the fighters have a good spirit and that they are destroying a lot of Ukrainian equipment. He also said that the Chechen units are working closely with other Russian units and that they are confident of victory. **Story 4: Putin meets with South Sudan President Salva Kiir** Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin met with South Sudan President Salva Kiir in Moscow. Summary: The two leaders discussed the development of cooperation between their countries, particularly in the energy sector. Putin noted that there is much that remains to be done in this area, but that there have been some good developments, such as the growth of trade turnover between the two countries. **Story 5: Russian military shoots down Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft** Description: The Russian military in the Donetsk People's Republic shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. Summary: The ministry also reported that Russian forces destroyed 26 Ukrainian drones in the past day. **Story 6: Russian forces repel Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk** Description: Russian artillery of the South group prevented Ukrainian forces from launching an attack in the Kleshcheevka area, destroying 30 militants and their equipment. Summary: In the southern Donetsk direction, Russian forces repelled two attacks by Ukrainian assault groups, inflicting heavy losses on the attackers. **Story 7: Russian military receives new Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets** Description: The Russian military has received a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets. Summary: The aircraft have gone through a full cycle of factory tests and are ready to perform tasks. The Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter jet and the most advanced aircraft in the Russian Air Force. **Story 8: Russian forces destroy foreign equipment in Ukraine** Description: Russian forces destroyed a Polish Krab self-propelled gun and a stronghold in Seversk. Summary: The Russian military also carried out a massive strike on Ukrainian fortifications in the Kharkov region, destroying an ammunition storage facility and an ammunition arsenal. **Story 9: Canada disingenuous about inviting Nazi collaborator to parliament** Description: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Canadian authorities of being disingenuous when they claimed they did not know about the fact that Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Gunka was invited to parliament. Summary: Zakharova emphasized that Gunka's biography was no secret and that his visit to Canada would have been impossible without a thorough check by the intelligence services of several countries. She also drew attention to the footage of Gunka waiting for a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which was posted on social media by Gunka's granddaughter. **Story 10: German admirers of Hitler celebrate Oktoberfest** Description: A video of German admirers of Hitler celebrating Oktoberfest has appeared on the Internet. Summary: The video shows drunken beer-goers listening to the march Erika from the Second World War and raising their hands in a Nazi salute. The latter is a criminal offense in Germany, punishable by a fine and up to 3 years in prison. **Story 11: Ukraine will not receive EU funds until Hungary pays its dues** Description: Ukraine will not receive any funds from the EU budget until Hungary has paid its due funds from European funds. Summary: The Hungarian government has stated that it will not pay its dues until the EU lifts its sanctions on Russia. **Story 12: US Army intelligence officer says White House is divorced from reality** Description: US Army intelligence officer Tony Shaffer has accused the White House of being divorced from reality and unwilling to admit that it is losing the war in Ukraine. Summary: Shaffer said that the White House is suffering from "John McCain syndrome," which is a reference to the late US senator who was known for his hawkish views on foreign policy. He also said that the US is sending Ukraine a ton of taxpayer money to blow up everything they can and then sending a ton more money to fix what they blew up. **Story 13: Nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia** Description: Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that the nuclear missile shield reliably protects Russia and makes the dreams of some politicians in the West about the strategic defeat of our country absurd. Summary: Rogozin made the statement at the opening of an exhibition in honor of the triple anniversary of the founding of the Kurchatov Institute and the birth of academicians Igor Kurchatov and Anatoly Alexandrova. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_163000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Gazprombank buys 14 Mega shopping centers in Russia** *Description:* Gazprombank has become the new owner of 14 mega shopping centers in Russia. The deal included 14 objects with a total area of ​​2.3 million km. *Summary:* The deal was closed with the Swedish company, Inca Centres, who continued to own the shopping centers after the closure of furniture hypermarkets in Russia. The total area of the shopping centers is 2.3 million km and the transaction amount has not been disclosed. However, experts have given their approximate assessment and call the acquisition profitable, with figures ranging from two to 3 billion US dollars. **Analysts estimate the purchase amount of Mega shopping centers** *Description:* Analysts are giving their estimates on the purchase amount of Mega shopping centers. *Summary:* The assumptions that analysts are making now are based either retrospectively on how much these objects could cost under normal conditions, or based on operational and financial indicators. The figures range from two to 3 billion US dollars. **First IKEA hypermarket appeared in Russia in 2000** *Description:* The first IKEA hypermarket appeared in Russia in 2000. *Summary:* The first IKEA hypermarket appeared in Russia in 2000, and 2 years later the first Mega shopping center opened. In 2022, the Inca company closed the IKEA store, and at the beginning of 2023 it became known that it was searching for a buyer for the retail space. **Experts share their expectations of what will change after the change of owner** *Description:* Experts share their expectations of what will change after the change of owner of Mega shopping centers. *Summary:* For tenants, often nothing may change, because the contracts are long-term and this is one of the key features since the conditions are clear, understandable, and forecasted for a long period. Gazprombank is buying this asset, including for obtaining clear and predictable profits in future results, then from its point of view, it is also beneficial to put everything together as is, because this asset generates a stable cash flow. **Atom Scientific Pavilion opens at the VDNKh** *Description:* The Atom Scientific Pavilion opens at the VDNKh. *Summary:* The Atom Scientific Pavilion at the Novkh Educational Center showcases the history of the Soviet and Russian nuclear industry. The exhibits include a twelve-meter panoramic glazing that connects the external space with the internal, an atomic symphony installation, and an art object that shows how the atom works. **Kremlin comments on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh** *Description:* The Kremlin comments on the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in connection with the administration of the unrecognized republic. *Summary:* The Kremlin stated that Russian peacekeepers continue to assist people in Nagorno-Karabakh and that many people are now expressing a desire to move to the territory of Armenia. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that their peacekeepers have completed the evacuation of victims as a result of the explosion of a fuel tank in Stepanakert. The helicopters transported 258 people, including patients at the Republican Medical Center who needed intensive care. 42 sanitary flights were carried out. **Yerevan accuses Baku of carrying out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh** *Description:* Yerevan accuses Baku of carrying out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh. *Summary:* Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has stated that he believes there will be no Armenian population left in Karabakh in the coming days. He claimed that this was a direct action of ethnic cleansing and deportation. The Armenian opposition has announced a rally for Saturday in the center of Yerevan in protest of the situation. **The complex history of Nagorno-Karabakh** *Description:* The complex history of Nagorno-Karabakh is detailed. *Summary:* Karabakh is a disputed region between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Both sides consider the region theirs, citing different periods of history. The conflict has been ongoing since the collapse of the Soviet Union and has resulted in several wars and ceasefires. In 2020, a 44-day war resulted in significant territorial gains for Azerbaijan. A peace treaty has not yet been signed and the situation remains tense. **More than 3,000 projects of the grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives were assessed by the expert council** *Description:* More than 3,000 projects of the grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives were assessed by the expert council. *Summary:* The competition received 3.97 applications from all over Russia, with 303 projects worth more than 1.6 billion rubles winning. The projects are associated with Russian traditions, heroes, and the integration of new regions into a common cultural space. **International parliamentary conference of Russia and Latin America opens in Moscow** *Description:* The international parliamentary conference of Russia and Latin America opens in Moscow. *Summary:* Representatives of more than half of the countries of Latin America will take part in the conference. The participants will discuss current issues on the international parliamentary agenda, including the situation in Ukraine and the global economic crisis. **Election campaign in the new regions ended with a stunning turnout with the victory of candidates from United Russia** *Description:* The election campaign in the new regions ended with a stunning turnout with the victory of candidates from United Russia. *Summary:* The election campaign in the new regions of Russia, which were annexed from Ukraine, has ended with a high turnout and a victory for candidates from the ruling United Russia party. The regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson held their first elections after reunification with Russia. The local parliaments have already held their first meetings, during which deputies elected chairmen of speakers. **Agroprodsh, Russia's largest international exhibition of equipment and ingredients for the food industry** *Description:* Agroprodsh, Russia's largest international exhibition of equipment and ingredients for the food industry, will take place from October 9 to October 13 at Moscow Expocentre. *Summary:* Agroprodsh is Russia's largest international exhibition of equipment and ingredients for the food industry. It will take place from October 9 to October 13 at Moscow Expocentre. The exhibition will bring together leading Russian and international companies from the food industry. **September in Moscow will most likely become the driest and warmest in the entire history of meteorological observation** *Description:* September in Moscow will most likely become the driest and warmest in the entire history of meteorological observation. *Summary:* The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Villefont, has stated that September in Moscow will most likely become the driest and warmest in the entire history of meteorological observation, which exceeds a century and a half. The weather will start to change only on Saturday, affecting only the most northwestern regions. In the rest of the Russian Plain, the last days of September will even become a little warmer. **Anomalous heat and drought increase the risk of fires and confuse plants** *Description:* Anomalous heat and drought increase the risk of fires and confuse plants. *Summary:* The anomalous heat and drought in Russia are increasing the risk of fires and confusing plants. In the Krasnodar region, natural fires are flaring up like summer. In Sochi National Park, sakura has bloomed again. Earlier, in the suburbs of Sochi, flowers appeared on magnolias, chestnuts, and sirens. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_170000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Ukrainian Armed Forces' Offensive Stalled Due to Heavy Losses and Autumn Thaw** * Description: The Ukrainian Armed Forces' counteroffensive has stalled due to heavy losses and the onset of the autumn thaw, which will make it difficult for heavy NATO tanks and other armored vehicles to advance in the soggy soil. * Summary: The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been unable to make significant gains in their counteroffensive, and their attacks are becoming increasingly costly. The onset of the autumn thaw will further hamper their efforts, as heavy NATO tanks and other armored vehicles will become bogged down in the soggy soil. **Story 2: Russian Forces Destroy Large Weapons Depot in Kherson Region** * Description: Russian forces have destroyed a large weapons depot inside an elevator in the Kherson region, dealing a significant blow to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. * Summary: The destruction of the weapons depot is a major setback for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as it will deprive them of much-needed supplies. The attack also highlights the vulnerability of Ukraine's grain infrastructure, which has been targeted by Russian forces in recent weeks. **Story 3: Ukrainian Nazi Gunka Glorified by Canadian Officials, Despite Apology** * Description: Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gonka was recently applauded by Canadian officials during a visit to the Canadian Parliament. Despite an apology from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, many are questioning the sincerity of the apology and the extent to which Nazism is tolerated in Canada. * Summary: The glorification of Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gonka by Canadian officials has sparked outrage and calls for a renewed investigation into Nazi criminals who have found safe haven in Canada. The incident highlights the growing problem of Nazism in Canada and the West's hypocrisy in condemning Nazism while tolerating it in Ukraine. **Story 4: Ukrainian Kulibins Compete in Handicrafts, Homemade Mobile Artillery** * Description: Ukrainian Kulibins, or folk craftsmen, are competing in the creation of homemade mobile artillery for use by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Old anti-aircraft guns from the forties are being installed on trucks, but these weapons often self-destruct due to poor maintenance and lack of spare parts. * Summary: The use of homemade mobile artillery by the Ukrainian Armed Forces is a sign of their desperation and lack of resources. These weapons are often unreliable and dangerous, and they pose a risk to the Ukrainian soldiers who use them. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_173000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Title:** Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin Signs with Casting Agency **Description:** Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors, musicians, and other performers. It is unclear what Marin's plans are, but she has said that she is interested in pursuing a career in show business. **Summary:** Sanna Marin is a former politician who served as Prime Minister of Finland from 2019 to 2022. She was the youngest person to ever hold the office. Marin resigned from her position in December 2022 after facing criticism for her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. **Title:** Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Leaders **Description:** Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the heads of regions who were elected on a single voting day on September 10. Putin emphasized the need for specific measures to improve the welfare of citizens, solve social problems, and improve demographic indicators. **Summary:** Putin stressed the importance of taking specific measures and solving assigned tasks at both the federal and local levels. He also noted the need to improve the welfare of citizens, solve social problems, and improve demographic indicators. **Title:** Ukrainian Forces Struggle to Repel Russian Advances **Description:** Ukrainian forces are struggling to repel Russian advances in the eastern part of the country. Russian forces have been shelling Ukrainian positions and advancing slowly. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for more international support to help his country defend itself. **Summary:** The situation in Ukraine remains fluid, with both sides claiming victories and setbacks. The war has caused significant damage to the country and has displaced millions of people. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_180000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **Russia's Regions Receive Support and Guidance from Vladimir Putin**: *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the heads of regions elected on a single voting day, emphasizing the importance of taking specific measures to improve the welfare of citizens and solve assigned tasks at both the federal and local levels. *Summary:* Putin acknowledged the challenges faced by the regions, particularly those in the Donbass and Novorossiya, and praised their efforts in overcoming difficulties. He emphasized the need for continued development and improvement in areas such as education, infrastructure, and the economy. 2. **Moscow's Development Programs Continue Under Sergei Sobyanin's Leadership**: *Description:* Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who was elected for a third term, highlighted the city's ongoing development programs, including those focused on key sectors such as microelectronics, photonics, pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, and military-industrial complex. *Summary:* Sobyanin emphasized the importance of investing in these sectors to strengthen Moscow's position as a leading metropolis and to ensure the city's continued growth and prosperity. 3. **Mikhail Katyukov Takes on the Role of Krasnoyarsk Governor**: *Description:* Mikhail Katyukov, previously working in the government, was elected as the new governor of Krasnoyarsk Territory, the second largest region in Russia in terms of area and economic potential. *Summary:* Katyukov expressed his commitment to focusing on the opinions and needs of the local residents and working towards improving their lives and developing the region's potential. 4. **Vladimir Putin Meets with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar**: *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar, discussing the situation in Libya and regional issues. *Summary:* The meeting aimed to address the ongoing conflict in Libya and explore potential solutions for achieving stability and peace in the region. 5. **Western Officials Visit Ukraine, but Support Wanes**: *Description:* NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, accompanied by defense ministers from France and Great Britain, visited Ukraine to discuss further support for the country. However, there are growing doubts among Western countries about the advisability of continued assistance due to its high cost and concerns over the effectiveness of Ukrainian forces. *Summary:* The report highlights the financial burden faced by Western countries in supporting Ukraine and questions the return on investment, as Ukrainian forces struggle to effectively utilize heavy NATO armored vehicles and face challenges in advancing against Russian fortifications. 6. **Baltic Fleet Conducts Coastal Missile System Exercise**: *Description:* The Baltic Fleet conducted an exercise with coastal missile systems, demonstrating their ability to strike at mock enemy ships and protect the Russian exclave in the Baltic Sea. *Summary:* The exercise showcased the capabilities of the Bastion coastal missile systems, which are equipped with supersonic Onyx missiles and can engage various naval targets. The systems provide reliable defense and contribute to the security of the Russian Baltic coast. 7. **US House of Representatives Initiates Impeachment Hearing Against Biden**: *Description:* The US House of Representatives commenced an impeachment hearing against President Joe Biden, leading to a nervous reaction from the White House. Republicans vowed to pursue the matter and secure victory for their candidate in the upcoming elections. However, the identity of this candidate remains uncertain, with former President Donald Trump notably absent from recent party debates. *Summary:* The report highlights the ongoing political divisions in the United States, with Republicans criticizing Biden's policies and Democrats seeking to defend him. The absence of Trump from the debates has sparked controversy, and the race for the Republican nomination remains competitive. 8. **Russia's Nuclear Industry Celebrates Achievements and Honors Pioneers**: *Description:* Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated industry workers on their professional day, acknowledging the significant contributions of the nuclear industry to both defense and economic security. *Summary:* The report emphasizes the historical and ongoing role of the nuclear industry in strengthening Russia's defense capabilities and ensuring its economic prosperity. It highlights the importance of scientific research and development in the field, as well as the expertise and dedication of scientists and engineers. 9. **Cultural Capital of Russia Competition Concludes in Moscow**: *Description:* The competition to determine the cultural capital of Russia concluded in Moscow, with eight finalist cities presenting their unique qualities and achievements to the jury. *Summary:* The honorary title of cultural capital provides an opportunity for cities to showcase their cultural heritage, creativity, and innovation. The report emphasizes the significance of this competition in promoting cultural diversity and fostering local pride. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_183000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_190000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Ukrainian Counteroffensive Stalled, Costing the West Dearly** The Ukrainian counteroffensive has stalled, with minimal gains and high costs for the West. The New York Times reports that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is too costly for the West, particularly for those who supplied equipment to the Ukrainian forces. The article notes that the offensive is being conducted on foot, without the support of armored vehicles, and that the Ukrainian military has suffered heavy losses. **Russian Forces Destroy Ukrainian Weapons Depot** Russian forces have destroyed a large weapons depot inside a grain elevator in the Kherson region. The Ukrainian military has been accused of storing weapons in civilian infrastructure, putting civilians at risk. **Ukrainian Tactics Ineffective** Ukrainian forces have been using ineffective tactics, such as small group attacks without equipment, which have led to heavy losses. Russian forces have been able to effectively counter these tactics, using artillery and anti-tank missiles to destroy Ukrainian positions. **Canada's Trudeau Apologizes for Glorifying Ukrainian Nazi** Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for glorifying Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunka. Trudeau's apology has been met with skepticism, as Gunka has a long history of supporting Nazi ideology. **Ukrainian Kulibins Compete in Handicrafts** Ukrainian Kulibins, or inventors, have been competing in handicrafts, creating homemade mobile artillery for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The homemade weapons are often made from old anti-aircraft guns mounted on trucks. **Former Finnish Prime Minister Signs Contract with Casting Agency** Former Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb has signed a contract with a casting agency. It is unclear whether Stubb will return to acting, but the move has raised eyebrows in Finland. **Kiev's Gains in the South Minimal** Kiev's gains in the south have been minimal and barely discernible, especially when compared with Russian territorial gains in the north. The New York Times has delivered a merciless verdict on the Ukrainian counteroffensive, stating that there can be no talk of progress in the current conditions of the autumn thaw. **Russian Offensive Stalls in the Winter** The Russian offensive in Ukraine has stalled in the winter, with heavy NATO tanks and other armored vehicles unable to advance in the soggy soil. The Ukrainian military has also taken advantage of Russian minefields and powerful defensive structures to slow the Russian advance. **Ukrainian Losses Mount** The Ukrainian military has suffered heavy losses in the fighting, with up to 190 people killed and wounded each day in the Donetsk sector alone. The Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed to achieve its objectives and has come at a high cost for the Ukrainian military. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_193000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Humanitarian Crisis in Karabakh** Description: The situation in Karabakh remains difficult, with a catastrophic shortage of fuel and transportation making it difficult for people to leave. Over 500 civilians, including almost 300 children, are being cared for by the Russian peacekeeping contingent, who have provided them with food and medicine. Humanitarian aid is being sent from all over the republic to the border, where refugees are now mostly located. Summary: The situation in Karabakh remains difficult, with a shortage of fuel and transportation making it difficult for people to leave. Humanitarian aid is being sent from all over the republic to the border, where refugees are now mostly located. **Story 2: Former Karabakh Leader Ruben Vardanyan Arrested** Description: Former head of the government of Karabakh Ruben Vardanyan was detained in the Lochen corridor and taken to Baku, where he was arrested. He is accused of financing terrorism and could spend 14 years behind bars. Advisor to the President of the Republic David Babayan made the difficult decision to surrender voluntarily to the Azerbaijani authorities. Summary: Former Karabakh leader Ruben Vardanyan was arrested and accused of financing terrorism. He could spend 14 years behind bars. Advisor to the President of the Republic David Babayan also surrendered to the Azerbaijani authorities. **Story 3: Ukrainian Military Using Homemade Weapons** Description: The Ukrainian military is using homemade weapons, including anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers, due to a shortage of Soviet weapons. The weapons are often unreliable and can malfunction, posing a risk to the soldiers using them. Summary: The Ukrainian military is using homemade weapons due to a shortage of Soviet weapons. The weapons are often unreliable and can malfunction, posing a risk to the soldiers using them. **Story 4: Western Support for Ukraine Waning** Description: Western support for Ukraine is waning, with some countries questioning the effectiveness of further aid. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are afraid to use heavy NATO armored vehicles, choosing instead to use foot attacks under the cover of armored vehicles. Analysts believe that the slowdown in the pace of progress creates new risks for the Ukrainian command, and that time is running out for a Ukrainian counteroffensive to achieve significant territorial gains. Summary: Western support for Ukraine is waning, with some countries questioning the effectiveness of further aid. The Ukrainian military is afraid to use heavy NATO armored vehicles, and analysts believe that time is running out for a Ukrainian counteroffensive to achieve significant territorial gains. **Story 5: Biden Impeachment Hearings Begin** Description: Impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden began today, with the White House accusing the Republicans of doing frivolous things. The Republicans promise to see the matter through to the end and ensure the victory of their candidate in the upcoming elections. However, who this candidate will be is still unclear, and the leader of opinion polls, Donald Trump, skipped the party debates altogether. Summary: Impeachment hearings against US President Joe Biden began today, with the White House accusing the Republicans of doing frivolous things. The Republicans promise to see the matter through to the end and ensure the victory of their candidate in the upcoming elections. **Story 6: Sanna Marin, Former Finnish Prime Minister, Signs with Casting Agency** Description: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed a contract with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors, musicians, and other entertainers. Marin's move to the entertainment industry has sparked interest in the media, with some speculating that she may be considering a career in show business. Summary: Former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has signed with a casting agency in Beverly Hills, California. The agency represents actors, musicians, and other entertainers. Marin's move to the entertainment industry has sparked interest in the media. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_200000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Putin Meets with Regional Leaders:** *Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the newly elected regional heads to discuss the integration of the new regions into Russia's legal space. *Putin emphasizes the importance of developing regional economies and creating new jobs. *The leaders express their support for Putin and their commitment to working together for the benefit of Russia. **2. Russian Military Successes:** *Russian forces shoot down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft and destroy 26 drones in 24 hours. *Russian artillery prevents Ukrainian forces from advancing in the Kleshcheevka area. *The Vostok group improves its position along the front line in the southern Donetsk direction. *Russian forces destroy a Polish self-propelled gun and a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft. **3. Shooting Incident in Rotterdam:** *A gunman opens fire in a residential building and a medical center at Erasmus University, killing three people. *The suspect is identified as a student at the university, but the motive for the crime is unknown. **4. Russian Nuclear Industry Day:** *Putin congratulates nuclear industry workers on their professional holiday and notes the merits of the staff of the Rosatom state corporation. *The Atom pavilion at the international exhibition Forum Russia showcases the latest developments in the nuclear industry. *The Russian nuclear industry is a unique and high-tech sector that plays a crucial role in making Russia a leading nuclear power. **5. Nizhny Novgorod Declared Cultural Capital of Russia:** *Nizhny Novgorod is declared the cultural capital of Russia for 2024. *The city was selected from among eight finalists based on its cultural and historical heritage. *The honorary title will provide Nizhny Novgorod with the opportunity to showcase its unique cultural identity and promote its development. **6. Vandalism in the UK:** *A tree is cut down from a British landmark in a deliberate act of vandalism. *The police are investigating the incident and have arrested a sixteen-year-old teenager in connection with the case. *The tree was several hundred years old and was considered a significant cultural and historical symbol. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_203000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **1. Nuclear Dynasty** * Description: A family of nuclear scientists, the Bagdatyevs, have all worked at the same nuclear plant for generations. * Summary: The Bagdatyev family is a nuclear dynasty, with all members working at the same nuclear plant for generations. They are passionate about their work and take pride in their contribution to the nuclear industry. **2. The Gurov Family** * Description: The Gurov family has a long history in the mining industry, with Sergei Gurov now serving as the director of the Priorgunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Association. * Summary: The Gurov family has been involved in the mining industry for generations, with Sergei Gurov now leading one of the world's largest uranium mining enterprises. They are dedicated to their work and take pride in their contribution to the nuclear industry. **3. Sivil Kutlu: The First Female Operator** * Description: Sivil Kutlu is the first female operator of the turbine department at the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. * Summary: Sivil Kutlu is a trailblazer as the first female operator of the turbine department at the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey. She is passionate about her work and hopes to inspire other women to pursue careers in the nuclear industry. **4. Anton Shumakov: The Composite Engineer** * Description: Anton Shumakov is a composite engineer who develops innovative materials for use in various industries, including the nuclear industry. * Summary: Anton Shumakov is a talented engineer who is passionate about developing innovative composite materials. He is dedicated to his work and takes pride in his contribution to the nuclear industry. **5. The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant** * Description: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is a major construction project in Turkey, with the first nuclear fuel delivered in April 2023. * Summary: The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is a significant project that will provide Turkey with a reliable and clean source of energy. It is a testament to the country's commitment to peaceful nuclear power and its growing role in the global nuclear industry. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_210000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. **New Russian regions take steps towards integration into Russian legal space.** - Vladimir Putin meets with elected regional heads who won recent elections. - Putin emphasizes the importance of these elections as a step towards the integration of new regions into Russia's legal space. - The head of state acknowledges the challenges faced by these regions but expresses confidence in their ability to overcome them with support from the rest of Russia. 2. **Importance of regional economies for the well-being of Russian families and solving social problems.** - Putin emphasizes the need for the development of regional economies to improve the well-being of Russian families and address social problems. - He highlights the importance of creating new jobs and supporting small and medium-sized businesses. - Putin stresses the need for close cooperation between regional and federal authorities to provide support to businesses and entrepreneurs. 3. **The role of the regions in supporting the special military operation in Ukraine.** - Putin emphasizes the importance of support from all regions for the special military operation in Ukraine. - He calls on regional authorities to provide humanitarian aid and support to the military and their families. - Putin highlights the need for unity and cohesion in society during this challenging time. 4. **The situation in the newly elected regions of Donbas and Novorossiya.** - Putin discusses the importance of the recent elections in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, which have now become part of Russia. - He praises the high voter turnout and expresses confidence in the legitimacy of the elected leaders. - Putin emphasizes the need to address the challenges faced by these regions and to provide them with the necessary resources to succeed. 5. **Vladimir Putin meets with Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Haftar.** - The meeting between Putin and Haftar is announced by Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. - The discussions focus on the situation in Libya and regional issues. - No further details about the meeting are provided. 6. **Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presents state awards to participants of the special operation in Ukraine.** - Shoigu presents medals for bravery and courage to six military personnel and 10 medical specialists. - The award recipients are recognized for their actions during a difficult mission, where they faced heavy enemy fire and saved the lives of their comrades. - Shoigu praises the courage and professionalism of the award recipients and expresses gratitude for their service. 7. **The unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic dissolves itself and surrenders to Azerbaijan.** - The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic signs a decree to dissolve the republic and surrender its armed forces. - More than 78,000 people have already left Karabakh for neighboring Armenia, despite Azerbaijan's calls for integration. - The situation in the region remains difficult, with a shortage of fuel and transportation options, leaving many people stranded. 8. **Russian peacekeeping forces provide assistance to civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh.** - Russian peacekeeping forces provide food and medicine to over 500 civilians, including almost 300 children, who are leaving Karabakh. - Russian helicopter crews transport the wounded to Stepanokert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh. - Humanitarian aid is being collected in Yerevan and sent to internally displaced persons in the region. 9. **The historical context of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.** - The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh is a long-standing issue with deep historical roots. - Both sides have claims to the region, citing different periods of history to support their positions. - The conflict has been exacerbated by the involvement of external actors and the rise of nationalism in the region. 10. **The role of the international community in resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.** - The international community has been involved in efforts to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through diplomatic negotiations and peacekeeping operations. - Russia, along with other countries, has played a role in mediating talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan. - The Minsk Group, co-chaired by France, Russia, and the United States, has been a key forum for negotiations. 11. **Vladimir Putin attends a gala concert dedicated to the centenary of Rasul Gamzatov.** - Putin delivers a welcoming speech at the concert, praising the work of the Dagestani poet Rasul Gamzatov. - He highlights Gamzatov's contributions to Russian culture and his role in inspiring people during challenging times. - Putin emphasizes the importance of unity and patriotism in the face of current challenges. 12. **Exhibition on the history of the Russian nuclear industry opens in Moscow.** - The exhibition showcases rare photos, documents, and artifacts related to the development of the Soviet and Russian nuclear industry. - It highlights the contributions of scientists and engineers to the advancement of nuclear technology. - The exhibition emphasizes the importance of the nuclear industry in strengthening the country's defense and ensuring economic security. 13. **The 7th Financial Forum opens in Moscow, discussing the transformation of the Russian economy in a global context.** - Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin delivers a speech at the opening session of the forum. - He highlights the resilience of the Russian economy in adapting to new challenges and achieving economic growth. - Mishustin emphasizes the importance of attracting foreign investment and using digital assets to facilitate capital movement. - The forum discusses various aspects of the transformation of the Russian economy, including monetary policy, exchange rate stability, and the role of regional economies. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_213000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- 1. Russian Economy: The head of VTB, Kostin, warns that if the interest rate reaches 20%, it will be a severe blow to the Russian economy. Traditional methods will not be enough to achieve the set goals. Multiple options are being considered, including changing the inflation targeting to 6.5% (as it is also changing in the West) or implementing additional administrative or sales-boosting measures, such as increasing the sale of currency. 2. Transformation of the Russian Economy: Assistant President, Maxim Moreshkin, describes the ongoing transformation of the Russian economy as painful but successful. The reorientation towards the healthy part of the global economy has made it more sustainable. Despite the challenges, such as shortages of basic goods and rising prices, the structural reforms are necessary to solve the current problems. 3. Lesson from Globalization: Moscow Mayor, Sobyanin, emphasizes the need to learn from the experience of globalization and not rely solely on Europe or Asia. Eastern markets are tougher, and Russia is facing their preferences, which often involve dumping for their producers. Technology transfer is also not forthcoming from these countries, and they openly state that if Russia wants certain technologies, it must buy the entire product. 4. Budget Allocation: Finance Minister, Anton Siluanov, assures that there is enough money for planned expenses in the budget, despite the impression that it is never enough. However, many feel that they receive less than they need. The development of the domestic financial market and the emergence of new tools for preserving and increasing capital for citizens are among the cross-cutting topics of the forum. 5. Investment Diamonds: The abolition of VAT on the purchase of investment diamonds has led to a 6.2-fold increase in demand. Further solutions are being explored, including publishing an index for diamonds on the stock exchange, allowing investors to monitor profitability, and introducing reverse sale of stones. The possibility of issuing digital financial assets for diamonds is also under consideration. 6. Short-Term Car Insurance: A new type of car insurance, called "short-term" or "short Osaga," will be available from the second quarter of next year. It allows drivers who rarely use their cars to take out insurance policies for periods ranging from one day to a quarter. This will make insurance more affordable for such drivers, including pensioners and young drivers who are hesitant to drive in adverse weather conditions. 7. Taxi Drivers and Short-Term Insurance: Short-term insurance policies are expected to benefit taxi drivers, as they can avoid purchasing expensive annual insurance and only pay for the time they spend on the road. Currently, many taxi drivers insure their cars as personal vehicles, leading to regressive claims from insurance companies in case of accidents. 8. Insurance Cost and Regulations: The exact cost of short-term insurance policies has not yet been determined, but it is expected to be more expensive than long-term policies. The Central Bank will issue guidelines on ratios for insurance companies by the end of the year, and each company will set its own coefficient for monthly and one-day policies. The new insurance format will not have any special features or mechanisms different from the current system. 9. Russian Industry and Innovation: Despite the departure of some foreign companies, the Russian industry has shown resilience and growth. The number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has increased, and domestic manufacturers have been able to occupy vacant niches in the market. For example, furniture production has increased by 8.3%, and one factory is producing over a thousand sofas per day. 10. Support for Russian Manufacturers: The Russian government has implemented various measures to support domestic manufacturers, such as reducing insurance premiums and providing moratoriums on inspections. Shopping centers have started dividing large premises into smaller ones to accommodate small enterprises, and multi-brand stores of Russian manufacturers are being opened. 11. Digital Platform for Small Businesses: The MSPR digital platform offers a range of services to support small and medium-sized businesses, including creating a digital profile, accessing government support information, learning about business management, and receiving advice. Since its launch, around 460,000 people have registered on the platform. 12. Online Marketplaces for Russian Clothing: The departure of foreign clothing companies has created opportunities for Russian manufacturers to expand their presence on online marketplaces. Some businesses have reported doubling their online sales as a result. The MSPR platform provides training on online trading and helps connect businesses with marketplaces. 13. Farm Island Project: To support farmers, the government has created "farm islands" in large shopping centers, where products from multiple local producers are showcased. This initiative aims to provide farmers with access to a wider customer base and reduce logistics costs. 14. Challenges for Small Businesses: Small businesses, especially those in the agricultural sector, face challenges in reaching mass buyers. The Farm Island project offers a solution by providing a physical presence in shopping centers and assisting with logistics. 15. Russian Animation Industry: The Russian animation industry is adapting to the changing landscape by developing domestic software and creating new content. The departure of foreign companies has prompted the industry to seek alternative solutions and become more self-sufficient. 16. New Regions Integration: President Vladimir Putin emphasizes the importance of integrating the new regions of Russia into the country's legal space. He met with the newly elected regional heads and outlined the tasks they need to focus on. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_220000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Putin Meets with Newly Elected Regional Heads** * Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with regional heads who were recently elected in elections held in September. * Summary: Putin praises the high voter turnout and level of trust shown by citizens in the elections. He emphasizes the importance of meeting citizens' expectations for positive changes in the social sphere and economy. **Story 2: New Regions Take Steps Towards Integration with Russia** * Description: The new regions of Russia, including Donbass and Novorossiya, take steps towards integration into the legal space of the country. * Summary: Putin states that elections were held under Russian law for the first time in these regions, confirming their choice to be part of Russia. He emphasizes the importance of supporting these regions and providing them with necessary resources. **Story 3: Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Head Expresses Gratitude** * Description: The head of the DPR expresses gratitude to Putin and the Russian people for their support. * Summary: The DPR head reaffirms the region's commitment to Russia and promises not to let the people down. He emphasizes the importance of solving problems and improving the lives of citizens. **Story 4: Russian Military Awards Ceremony** * Description: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presents state awards to military personnel and medical specialists who showed courage and professionalism during a special operation. * Summary: Shoigu praises the bravery and dedication of the award recipients, highlighting their contributions to the success of the operation. **Story 5: Russian Military Shoots Down Ukrainian Aircraft** * Description: The Russian military shoots down a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the Donetsk People's Republic. * Summary: The Russian Defense Ministry reports the downing of the aircraft, along with the destruction of 26 drones and the thwarting of several Ukrainian attacks. **Story 6: Russian Artillery Prevents Ukrainian Attack** * Description: Russian artillery prevents a Ukrainian attack in the Donetsk region, destroying military personnel and equipment. * Summary: The Russian artillery's actions disrupt a Ukrainian counter-offensive, resulting in significant losses for the Ukrainian forces. **Story 7: Russian Military Advances in Southern Donetsk Front** * Description: The Russian military improves its position along the southern Donetsk front, repelling Ukrainian attacks. * Summary: The Russian Vostok group successfully defends against Ukrainian assaults, inflicting heavy losses on the Ukrainian forces. **Story 8: Russian Missile Strike on Ukrainian Ammunition Depot** * Description: Russian missile strikes destroy an ammunition storage facility in the Kharkov region, as well as an ammunition arsenal in the Kirovgrad region. * Summary: The Russian military's strikes on Ukrainian ammunition depots disrupt their supply lines and weaken their capabilities. **Story 9: Russian Air Force Receives New Fighter Jets** * Description: The Russian Air Force receives a new batch of Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets, which have undergone factory tests and are ready for deployment. * Summary: The addition of these advanced fighter jets to the Russian Air Force enhances its capabilities and provides an advantage in air superiority. **Story 10: Unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to Dissolve** * Description: The leader of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic signs a decree to dissolve the republic and hand over weapons to Azerbaijan. * Summary: The decision to dissolve the republic comes after more than 78,000 people have fled to neighboring Armenia. The move is seen as a historical event with mixed reactions from the population. **Story 11: Russian Peacekeeping Contingent Assists Civilians** * Description: The Russian peacekeeping contingent provides assistance to civilians fleeing the Nagorno-Karabakh region to Armenia. * Summary: Russian peacekeepers provide food, medicine, and transportation to civilians, helping to ensure their safety and well-being during the difficult journey. **Story 12: Humanitarian Aid for Karabakh Refugees** * Description: Humanitarian aid is being collected and sent to Karabakh refugees in Armenia, with a focus on providing essential items like food, hygiene products, and warm clothing. * Summary: The aid efforts aim to support the refugees who have been forced to leave their homes and are in need of assistance. **Story 13: US House Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Biden Impeachment** * Description: The US House Oversight Committee holds a hearing to examine allegations of corruption involving President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. * Summary: Republicans present accusations against Biden, while Democrats defend him and blame former President Donald Trump for the alleged actions. The hearing is part of an ongoing investigation into Biden's conduct. **Story 14: Russian Economy Adapting to Global Transformation** * Description: The Russian economy is adapting to new challenges and is expected to return to growth in the coming years. * Summary: Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin highlights the role of the financial and economic bloc in supporting industries, small businesses, and citizens during difficult times. Discussions take place on ruble and exchange rate policy, with different perspectives on the need for additional currency restrictions or economic incentives. **Story 15: Transformation of the Russian Economy** * Description: The Russian economy is undergoing a process of transformation, with challenges and opportunities in the global economic landscape. * Summary: Presidential aide Maxim Oreshkin describes the transformation as painful but successful, while Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin emphasizes the need to adapt to tougher eastern markets and address issues such as dumping and technology transfer. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_223000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- Title: Nadezhda Durova: The Cavalry Maiden Description: The story of Nadezhda Durova, a Russian woman who disguised herself as a man to join the military in the early 19th century. Summary: Nadezhda Durova was a Russian woman who disguised herself as a man to join the military in the early 19th century. She fought in the Napoleonic Wars and was later discovered and promoted by Tsar Alexander I. She wrote her memoirs, which were published after her death. Title: John D. Rockefeller: The World's First Billionaire Description: The story of John D. Rockefeller, the American oil magnate who became the world's first billionaire. Summary: John D. Rockefeller was an American oil magnate who founded the Standard Oil Company. He became the world's first billionaire in 1916. He was a controversial figure, but he also donated large sums of money to charity. Title: The Munich Agreement Description: The story of the Munich Agreement, which was signed in 1938 and allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. Summary: The Munich Agreement was signed in 1938 by Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain. It allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. The agreement was widely criticized for appeasing Hitler and was seen as a major factor in the outbreak of World War II. Title: The Babi Yar Massacre Description: The story of the Babi Yar massacre, in which over 33,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis in 1941. Summary: The Babi Yar massacre took place in 1941, when over 33,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis in a ravine near Kiev. It was one of the largest single massacres of the Holocaust. Title: The Discovery of Two Asteroids by Lyudmila Karachkina Description: The story of Lyudmila Karachkina, a Soviet astronomer who discovered two asteroids in 1986. Summary: Lyudmila Karachkina was a Soviet astronomer who discovered two asteroids in 1986. She named one of the asteroids after a surgeon who saved her husband's life. Title: Gazprombank's Acquisition of 14 Mega Shopping Centers Description: The story of Gazprombank's acquisition of 14 mega shopping centers in Russia. Summary: Gazprombank, a Russian bank, acquired 14 mega shopping centers in Russia in 2023. The deal was worth an estimated $2-3 billion. The shopping centers were previously owned by the Swedish company Ingka Centres. Title: The Russian Social Fund's Prevention of Accidents and Industrial Diseases Description: The story of the Russian Social Fund's efforts to prevent accidents and industrial diseases. Summary: The Russian Social Fund provides financial support to businesses for the prevention of accidents and industrial diseases. The fund also operates rehabilitation centers for workers who have been injured or become ill due to their work. Title: Short-Term Auto Insurance Policies Description: The story of the introduction of short-term auto insurance policies in Russia. Summary: Short-term auto insurance policies will be available for purchase in Russia from the second quarter of 2023. The policies will be valid for periods of one day to three months. They are intended for drivers who rarely use their cars. Title: The Political Crisis in Russia in 1993 Description: The story of the political crisis in Russia in 1993, which culminated in the shelling of the Russian parliament building. Summary: The political crisis in Russia in 1993 was a major turning point in the country's history. The crisis began with a power struggle between President Boris Yeltsin and the Russian parliament. The parliament was eventually dissolved and Yeltsin was able to consolidate his power. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_230000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Tucker Carlson Interviews Bill O'Reilly** Description: Bill O'Reilly, a political commentator and journalist, is interviewed by Tucker Carlson on his show. Summary: Bill O'Reilly claims that the American elite is intellectually inferior and that this is causing chaos in the world. He also criticizes the Biden administration's handling of the Ukrainian conflict and accuses them of being corrupt and incompetent. **Story 2: The Downfall of America** Description: Dmitry Kulikov, a Russian political analyst, discusses the decline of the United States. Summary: Dmitry Kulikov argues that the United States is in decline and that this is due to the fact that the country is controlled by a political clan that is based on economic rhizomes, bandits, and the shadow economy. He also criticizes the Biden administration's foreign policy and accuses them of being reckless and irresponsible. **Story 3: The Future of the War in Ukraine** Description: Dmitry Kulikov and Vladimir Kornilov discuss the future of the war in Ukraine. Summary: Dmitry Kulikov and Vladimir Kornilov discuss the future of the war in Ukraine. They argue that the United States is trying to drag Russia into a big war in Europe, but that Russia should avoid this at all costs. They also discuss the need for Russia to strengthen its military and intelligence capabilities. =========================================== ./RUN3EN/RUSSIA24_20230928_233000_RIK_Rossiya_24.transcript.en.srt.run3.txt ------------------------------------------- **Story 1: Escalation of nuclear conflict** Description: The panelists discuss the possibility of escalating the conflict in Ukraine by using tactical nuclear weapons. They argue that Russia is not ready for such an escalation, but that the West is also not ready. They discuss the potential consequences of using nuclear weapons, including the risk of a nuclear war. Summary: The panelists conclude that using nuclear weapons would be a disaster and that all parties should avoid it. **Story 2: Support for Russian soldiers and their families** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of supporting Russian soldiers and their families. They talk about the need to provide financial assistance, medical care, and psychological support to those who have been affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Summary: The panelists agree that it is important to support Russian soldiers and their families, and that this is a duty of the state. **Story 3: The dangers of double loyalty** Description: The panelists discuss the dangers of people with double loyalty, who are citizens of Russia but have ties to other countries. They argue that these people can pose a threat to national security and that they should be dealt with accordingly. Summary: The panelists agree that people with double loyalty are a threat to national security and that they should be dealt with accordingly. **Story 4: The need to change the power in post-Soviet countries** Description: The panelists discuss the need to change the power in post-Soviet countries. They argue that the current regimes are not friendly to Russia and that they need to be replaced with regimes that are more favorable to Russian interests. Summary: The panelists agree that the current regimes in post-Soviet countries are not friendly to Russia and that they need to be replaced with regimes that are more favorable to Russian interests. **Story 5: The importance of migration policy** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of migration policy. They argue that Russia needs to control its migration policy more effectively and that it should not give out passports to everyone who wants them. Summary: The panelists agree that Russia needs to control its migration policy more effectively and that it should not give out passports to everyone who wants them. **Story 6: The need for a separate migration agency** Description: The panelists discuss the need for a separate migration agency. They argue that the current system is not effective and that a separate agency is needed to deal with migration issues. Summary: The panelists agree that the current migration system is not effective and that a separate agency is needed to deal with migration issues. **Story 7: The importance of social relationships regulated by law** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of social relationships regulated by law. They argue that corruption and other forms of social deviance can only be eliminated if social relationships are regulated by law. Summary: The panelists agree that social relationships must be regulated by law in order to eliminate corruption and other forms of social deviance. **Story 8: The importance of protecting those who come to the defense of the country** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of protecting those who come to the defense of the country. They argue that those who serve in the military should be protected from aggression and that the state has a duty to protect them. Summary: The panelists agree that it is important to protect those who come to the defense of the country and that the state has a duty to protect them. **Story 9: The reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia** Description: The panelists discuss the reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia. They argue that this is a historic event and that it is a sign of the will of the people living in those regions. Summary: The panelists agree that the reunification of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk, Zaporozhye regions and Kherson region with Russia is a historic event and that it is a sign of the will of the people living in those regions. **Story 10: The dangers of drug use in the military** Description: The panelists discuss the dangers of drug use in the military. They argue that drug use can lead to a loss of confidence in one's actions and that it can also lead to fatigue and other problems. Summary: The panelists agree that drug use in the military is a serious problem and that it can lead to a loss of confidence in one's actions and other problems. **Story 11: The importance of investment rating and economics** Description: The panelists discuss the importance of investment rating and economics. They argue that these factors are important for attracting investment and that they can help to improve the economy. Summary: The panelists agree that investment rating and economics are important factors for attracting investment and that they can help to improve the economy. **Story 12: The need for Russia to change and evolve** Description: The panelists discuss the need for Russia to change and evolve. They argue that Russia needs to adapt to the changing world and that it needs to be willing to change in order to survive. Summary: The panelists agree that Russia needs to change and evolve in order to adapt to the changing world and to survive.